View Full Version : Molly, 13 yr, shih tzu - lhasa aspo - Molly has passed
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11-11-2015, 10:09 PM
Sure wish Molly had a better response to the latest increase! I know it is frustrating that you have to wait for the next increase but it definitely sounds like the best choice.
molly muffin
11-11-2015, 11:08 PM
Her coat still looks thin to me. She still isn't an easy eater or drinker although maybe drinks a bit more than she use to. Again that could be my imagination. Actually. I think everything is the same as normal. She does have a thing about begging at night now but it isn't food related. It's treat motivated cause she always has food left in her bowl.
Yea I'm not enjoying the work thing at all right now. I have to start usually around 6:30 am. Stop at 7, get ready for work, walk and feed Molly. Drive to the office about 20 minutes to be there for 8:30 and work all day. Plus cover anything evening or weekends that comes up. It's exhausting and I think mostly I just sleep when not working. This goes till January so rough schedule.
I have a gala dinner thing tomorrow. Ought and that is going to be tricky as I will need to work from home and take a long lunch maybe get ready and then finish working and leave right afterwards.
Plus somehow planning a baby shower too. Lol. My life is crazy.
I did manage to get one day off in mid December. Don't even want to know how I have to manage that day! Something like do some work at 5 am before heading to the airport on the Friday and then fly home on Sunday to be there for Monday.
Okay now I'm just whining and this is about Molly. Rofl. I'm puzzled about the cortisol level. Wondering about the compounder if that is the issue. Looked into pricing name be
Rand vetroyl and it is way expensive here. My IMS had told me that cost wise they seldom use vetroyl because it isn't affordable and many people won't treat when faced with the cost they go straight to trilostane.
Budsters Mom
11-12-2015, 12:24 AM
Whine away anytime. We are multipurpose listeners! I managed to get five weeks off, but had to end up having emergency surgery to do it. I don't think you want to go that route!:eek:
Molly is in the best hands ever. You'll figure it out!;)
You can complain about work as we all can sympathize and appreciate the complaints as we feel the same way:)
I think if Molly is feeling normal, you made the right decision.
Everything seemed to push up Zoe's numbers, the eyes, then the ruptured growth on her back, finally the tumor. We never really know what else might be in play.
You need a girly drink:D
molly muffin
11-12-2015, 09:20 AM
You need a girly drink:D
Make that several!!
My fear was that the adrenal tumor had grown but they said it hasn't. Couldn't find anything else tumor wise that might be causing it to go up.
I'm going to do,a comparison read between last two ultrasounds and blood work to see if I see anything. When I get the chance. She is just bizarre sometimes.
Yea she acts the same to me. Hope I'm not too close and not noticing something that I should. Pretty sure I have become a chronic worrier. Lol.
Hugs you guys. You are the best. Not sure I wouldn't be I. The insane asylum without you all.
Nope Kathy. Not going the surgery route to get time off doesn't sound fun to me. I hope you are on the road to recovery!! Besides work would probably hand me a laptop and say get to it right now. Lol.
11-12-2015, 09:40 AM
Sharlene, have you ever returned to your original compounder at the vet school/hospital, or have you stayed with the second pharmacy? You know I always get a bit suspicious when there are unpredictable results with compounded meds, and I know you are wondering about this yourself, too.
I hate it that Vetoryl is so darn expensive everywhere, and especially there in Canada. I keep trying to research more about the possibility of a generic finally coming out since I think Vetoryl's exclusive rights must surely be set to expire soon. You are finally now in reach of a brandname dosage of 20 mg., but two 10 mg. capsules daily would probably be pretty darn expensive for you. Still, the expense of all these ACTH retests mount up, as well. In January, maybe it would be worth it to bite the bullet for at least two weeks of the Vetoryl just to see whether or not that has any effect on Molly's results. Just a thought...
11-14-2015, 05:59 PM
Stink!! Miss Molly never seems to give what we expect... I agree with Marianne... try the brand name... or else and I know I keep harping back to this. Adrenal tumours are notoriously hard to control cortisol... even though that nodule has not shown much growth she has had high cortisol as long as it has been there... how do they know its not that causing the problem? I know its different with Flynn's being a pheo, but his was only 1cm too and secreted enough catecholamines to stuff up his BP, eyes, kidneys.... so from what I can tell it does not have to be big to be secreting, its a hard call eh x
molly muffin
11-15-2015, 09:15 PM
yea there is a big difference here in Canada between cost of the vetroyl and trilostane.
We'll see what her next test shows of how she has done over a period of time on this dose. I did test her at 3 weeks and it might have come down a bit.
I don't know, Trish, it could be that adrenal nodule, which is why I did the ultrasound to see if any change in it. They didn't think it was secreting because secreting adrenal tumors usually show growth (or so I was told) so they didn't think that was it.
Remember she never tested positive on an LDDS test either, even when her cortisol levels was very high, so I'm not entirely sure of if it is the nodule (which wasn't there during her first ultrasounds even though her cortisol was up) So we where thinking either, something else in her body made the cortisol go up, or pituitary tumor that was in an area that didn't necessarily respond to the LDDS test. (that tricky 5% who don't test positive on an LDDS).
She seems to be doing okay. Her worst problems are her back luxating patella and her eyesight that just gets worse (cataracts have increased in size over the past year). That makes her skittish and jumpy at shadows. She can still run around the house like a bat outta hell when it's time for eye drops though. (she hates any kind of drops, eye or ear)
11-16-2015, 07:28 PM
my [glaucoma] eyedrops do sting a bit, so maybe molly's too?
or she is just a stubborn old lady who doesn't want eyedrops................
at least she still can be a feisty girl!
molly muffin
11-17-2015, 09:26 PM
She is just stubborn, and they probably sting a bit. She doesn't like ear drops either, even more so than the eye drops and she has a lot of feisty left in her it seems. LOL
Hiya Sharlene... I was just reading about Molly's back leg giving out once in awhile and the same thing happened to Keesh long before the so called cushings problems. They did an xray on his spine and found out the myelin was being interrupted in the spinal column which caused his same problem. One day he saw a squirrel and took off, both his back legs gave out and he was looking like a frog, but he kept on going dragging with his back legs and pulling with his front ones, needless to say he didn't get the squirrel. It didn't hurt him a bit, which it doesn't and he was up and prancing around within seconds. Scared the bejeebers out of me though when I saw it. Could this possibly be the same with Molly? It did start in one leg, that was the only time I saw both affected, and it would rotate the weakness from one leg to the other. I didn't pursue it further as there was no cure and the only recommendation was to take him to a neurologist. If I remember correctly it was about 3-4 yrs before alll this cushings stuff came up. Hope you are doing well, I'm sure your are busy getting ready for the holidays. It's just me and this tazmanian devil of a cat here, so I'm not putting up any decorations. Business is terrible, so selling it off and will be moving again soon. I missed my calling, should have been a professional mover, but I thought the last one was going to kill me, I'm sure this one will.
molly muffin
12-07-2015, 08:27 PM
I am pretty sure that it is the luxating patella that causes molly to sometimes go sideways and lose her balance. It's only the one side that has the highest grade on the patella.
She seems to be fine otherwise and still in great spirits. She is just a joy, sometimes an aggravating nagging on, but a joy nether the less. LOL
12-13-2015, 11:44 PM
Yeah for feisty dogs!!
Are you able to massage the knee with the luxating patella? That's what we used to do for Hamish when his back knee seemed to "pop" - the vet showed us what to do, and OH was much better than me, but it did seem to help. Alternatively is there some sort of knee support / elastic bandage you could use to help? (like the neoprene sleeves you can get for human joints)
12-17-2015, 04:33 PM
I know someone who looped a stocking around the middle of their dog to help support them for a while. This allowed the stretched tendons (when the knee pops out, tendons stretch and the knee will pop out more frequently) to tighten back up. Their dog didn't need surgery and had no more problems from the luxating patella.
molly muffin
12-20-2015, 01:22 AM
Molly's luxating patella on the left side is a grade 4. It won't come back even with exercise and surgery might get it to a grade 2 or not. The problem with the right side, while there is a grade 2 luxating patella on that side, is more due to the deformity from birth of not a deep enough grove and it just goes out from under her now. That is a very painful, long surgery and none of the vets want to put molly under for it, as the risk for blood clots they think will be high for her. So we are just going along doing what we can. She doesn't seem to be overly uncomfortable, other than being wobbly in the back legs and falling over sometimes when she is moving fast or steps wrong. Poor baby, she has such a good attitude and disposition through all of this.
The eyesight continues to get worse, and now I have to sometimes touch her nose with a treat for her to know it is in front of her. But once she knows she is happy as can be.
I feel bad as I am not able right now to spend as much quality time with her as I'd like due to the work issue. I work, and sleep then work, then sleep, then work then sleep and that is just in one day. Crazy! January can't come soon enough for me!!!
We put the tree up today finally as our daughter was making noises like you are Never this late. *(she forgets the year it went up on christmas eve hahahaha) kids. Still it is finally up, and i'm playing catch up on the forum.
so many new members. :( Hate to see so much cushings out there.
Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season
12-20-2015, 04:56 PM
Sharlene, one thing I noticed with both Hamish and Henry is that their near sight is not as good as their far sight. If there is a treat on the floor right in front of them they don't always see if, but if it's several feet away they would always spot it, and as for things moving in the very far distance.... they never missed that! How does Molly cope with distance things?
I do wonder if some kind of knee support would help Molly as it might stop the knee popping?
Sorry to hear that work is so busy at the moment. Will you definitely get some respite in the new year?
All work and no play is a bad, bad thing;)
I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season and a very Merry Christmas! Hard to believe it is fast approaching we have had no snow since Thanksgiving and almost balmy temperatures.:)
I hope things settle down and work. Miss Molly wants to play with her MaMa:)
12-23-2015, 12:07 AM
Wishing you a blessed Christmas also to lady Molly. Thank you for being there for me so often.
Love Sonja,Apollo, Karma
molly muffin
12-25-2015, 06:54 PM
Merry Christmas everyone. Hope all is well with everyone and all are enjoying some special time with their families, friends and furbabies.
I will be back tomorrow to pop into threads and say hello.
Hugs, happy holidays and all our best. From the muffins family
12-25-2015, 11:07 PM
Merry Christmas to you all from Henry & me
12-27-2015, 10:44 PM
Merry Christmas and a blessed year, Sharlene and Molly.
molly muffin
12-30-2015, 08:50 PM
Gosh, can you guys believe another year has passed already!!!! Where does the time go. sheezzzz
We got snow! bah humbug, guess winter is going to show it's ugly face after all.
Molly was not nearly as impressed as she was when she was younger. Probably because I pulled out the red booties to give her some stability. She hates booties!!
Hopefully there won't be too many fireworks around tomorrow night, as they do freak her out. I'm going for the melatonin before we go out to dinner and then coming back home to let her out, check on her before heading to a friends house (just up the street from ours) to bring in the New Year.
I hope that this finds you all safe and happy and your furbabies doing well.
Cheers gang!
12-30-2015, 10:00 PM
Cheers to you too, Sharlene! Stay safe and tell Molly that Abbie says those mean 'ole fireworks won't hurt her! :D
molly muffin
12-30-2015, 10:08 PM
I will try and say Abbie says. LOL I do tell her that every year, but she looks at me with that "liar, liar, pants on fire" look of hers that leaves no doubt that she doesn't believe a word of it!
Budsters Mom
01-26-2016, 11:07 PM
What happening with our little red bootie hating diva? Haven't heard much lately?:confused:
molly muffin
01-26-2016, 11:43 PM
Hi Kathy, there hasn't been much to tell lately. :) I guess I spend so much time answering posts, that I haven't thought about posting ourselves. :)
Molly continues to have really good days and some, now and then off days.
Her eye sight sucks frankly. She basically sees shapes, but between the cataracts for which she can't have surgery and the scarring, any detailed vision is gone. I use voice and smell, sounds to keep her oriented as to where I am. Since I don't move furniture or rugs or anything ever in the house now, she still can take off like a crazy thing. The only thing she ever seems to run into is my legs. Maybe it's not such a bad thing they got some cushion on them. ROFL!
She is definitely still a finicky eater, and has lot 2 lbs since this started. I'm trying to get about a pound back on her, but she some days she is less interested than others in food. Treats, are not food, since she is Always interested in those. hahahha
She still hates wearing her booties and will take off if she thinks I'm going to put them on her. You'd think she would be happy to not have wet feet. LOL
So the latest thing is something my hubby has started. He comes home, greets us both, then has a little talk with molly about how he is going to go upstairs and change out of work clothes, then come back and they will have treat time and for her to stay right there at the foot of the stairs in the foyer and wait for him. (she does it!!!) He says it gives him the illusion that she listens to him even a little bit. hahahahhaah She still knows how to rule us both.
01-27-2016, 06:46 PM
smart girl!
01-29-2016, 04:45 PM
Ohhhh look at you with your new Administrator tag!! Couldn't think of a better person to take on those demands... that old saying if you want something done ask a busy person!! Congrats Sharlene :):D
Flynn would like to send Molly some kittens :D xx
molly muffin
01-29-2016, 07:40 PM
I think Flynn should keep the kittens :) lol
Thank you Trish! Whats a bit more busy in this life. LOL
molly muffin
02-17-2016, 07:26 PM
So we had some test done and I was waiting to get the actual copy of the tests before posting as you know, over the phone they tend to just give you a sort of basic run down. So, here we are and I'm writing a book tonight:
pre 34
post 221
on 15mg
pre 52
post 403
increase to 19mg
pre 60
post 270
increase to 21mg
pre 214
post 361
increasing to 24mg
Her one good thing is that her UPC is now 1.4 it's decreased from 3.1 in july to 2.2 to 1.4
However, her SDMA which was good in October in normal range is now not in range and went from 13 up to 21 range 0 - 14
Her BUN is 14.5 still range 3.2 - 11.
Creatinine had gone up 78, 114, now 148 range 44 - 133
Her calicium is out of range just a little at 3 range 2.2 - 2.8
her chloride is low at 105 range 108 - 119 (this was 10 in july also but had gone up to 109, now back down again)
ALT went from 199 up to 220 between july and jan range 18 - 121
ALKP went down a tiny bit 1769 in july now 1716 range 5 - 160
Cholesterol is up at 9.7 range 3.4 - 8.9
lymphocytes is down at .7 range 1.1 - 5.0
specific gravity has been dropping steadily from 1.035, 1.025, 1.012 now
Here is what the vet wrote and then I'll write out about the SDMA.
Molly presented to the internal medicine service for a recheck. On presentation, molly was bright and the physical examiniation demonstrated weight loss. Serum biochemical profile demonstrated azotaemia, elevated SDMA concentration, hypercalcemia, elevated hepatic enzyme activity and hypercholesterolaemia. Complete blood count demonstrated lymphopaenia. ACTH stimulation test indicated inadequate disese control. An increase in trolistane, the addition of an antioxidant to the treatment regime, and continuation of other medications as prescribed was recommended. Recheck ACTH stimulation test recommended in 10 to 14 days.
This is what IDEXX write about the SDMA and probably something that all of us with furbabies who have kidney issues and the new test should be aware of.
If SDMA is increased and CREA is within the reference interval, early kidney disease is likely. Unlike CREA, SDMA is not impacted by lean body mass. Therefore, SDMA is a more sensitive indicator of kidney function in poorly muscled animals. Most animals with early kidney disease have an SDMA between 14 – 20ug. Since SDMA increase as kidney function decreases, SDMA results >20 are typically seen in more advanced disease along with an increased CREA. If both SDMA and CREA are increased, kidney function is likely impaired.
So, we're increasing the trilostane again, she'll start this week, retest in a couple weeks. Maybe, if we can get the cortisol back down, her kidneys will do better. I asked how they felt about the pharmacist I'm using and they said they are working well with them, so I guess this is a molly specific issue with the trilostane that she just adjusts to whatever dose we give her and then over compensates or something. I really don't know and tonight I'm probably not in the best frame of mind to figure it out.
The other thought is that her kidneys are deteriorating and therefore her cortisol is responding by rising, which i wouldn't have thought it would be able to but then again, molly's cortisol has always had more of a mind of it's own, more so than I like. Every time I think we're heading down into the right direction, it goes up and we increase the dose.
She's not eating well and has lost about 2 lbs over all since the UPC went up, her eyes went bad and her BP went up. That all happened within that 3 month window back in what was it April of 2015? Her fur is thinning now, but yet, she is pretty happy. Her quality of life is good, even with all of this. She runs, she plays, she interacts.
I just want to sit down cry (actually already did that, because sometimes it just gets to you and seeing those results did me in today) and say WTH! (I might have said a bit more than that)
Then we went for a walk and molly had a great time even in the cold and snow.
I'm going to have a quiet night and just chill out with molly on the couch because I'm at the end of my rope today as they say and need some down time. Tomorrow we will regroup and go again.
BTW, adding in vitamin E in support of liver function, 100 iu every couple days but molly will be getting hers in a treat form of 50iu per day since she now refuses all gel caps no matter what i try to hide them in.
hugs to all
02-17-2016, 07:43 PM
Hey Sharlene, I have to head out for the evening but I just now read your post and I can't leave without sending some big hugs your way. You are such a great, loving mom. I know there is a lot for us to chew over here, but when all is said and done, I think this is the most important part of your whole reply.
Then we went for a walk and molly had a great time even in the cold and snow.
You're stuck with having to decipher the test results, but thank goodness Molly gets to just be Molly! Our Diva! ;)
We'll figure this out together,
02-17-2016, 08:26 PM
Sharlene -- big hugs from me, too! I know all the results are not what you were hoping for but Molly doesn't pay any attention to them -- she just keeps being Miss Diva Molly! :D Enjoy your chill out and give Molly hugs from me.
Harley PoMMom
02-17-2016, 09:04 PM
(((Huge loving hugs from me as well)))
Well now, Molly is here now so just love her and hold her and enjoy her and worry about all of that tomorrow.
Big hugs, sweetie. Deep breaths and lots of love. That darn cortisol, you just never know what the h is going on, dang it.
Give our diva kisses on the head from me, ok?
My sweet Ginger
02-17-2016, 10:09 PM
Big hugs, Sharlene.
02-17-2016, 10:10 PM
Positive thoughts Sharlene. Thinking of you and sweet Molly. Hugs to both. Brianna
Budsters Mom
02-17-2016, 10:36 PM
Aw Sharlene, you are suffering from information overload. I know it all too well!:o
Our sweet little diva is happy. That's the bottom line. She is happily doing her Molly thing oblivious to anything else. Snacks with Daddy, window seat supervision and tons of love and attention. All is right in her world, as it should be.
Now that you've had your good cry, try to remember what your focus has been from the very beginning. Quality of life. That's all that really matters.
Enjoy our little muffin and soak up every single minute you have together. None of this is easy. Frankly, it sucks, but each day together is truly a blessing nevertheless.
Big hugs my dear,
Sharlene, you have been such a great help and support for so many on here, especially me, know that I am thinking about you and sweet Molly. These test results when they come back certainly can rock your world and upset you. The good thing is that Molly is acting fairly normal which is good to hear. They are oblivious to how we are taking things at times, and that is a good thing. I don't need to tell you, to take each day at a time and each challenge one at a time. We know she is getting the best care that is humanly possible and that goes without saying. You know we are here for you too...... I'll be thinking about you especially today.
02-18-2016, 10:10 AM
Oh Sharlene,
I'm sorry...everything can change so fast, it's overwhelming!
02-18-2016, 06:42 PM
Hi Sharlene, how are you and sweet Molly doing today. . Thinking about both of you. Brianna
02-18-2016, 06:44 PM
hugs from us too, but as long as molly is happy, we are happy. she is a medical wondergirl.
02-18-2016, 07:05 PM
hey Sharlene - just caught up on the past few pages on Molly's thread. I am sorry this seem to be progressing. If she's happy and hanging on, then things are still good. Try and shake off the negatives. I feel like I get so wrapped up in the technical, and it all seems so grim, it's easy to lose sight of how happy these babies can be, no matter how their bodies may be betraying them.
molly muffin
02-18-2016, 07:29 PM
I'm feeling better. I just don't want her to feel bad.
After some reading it seems the lack of appetite is related to the kidney issue. We know it isn't cortisol. Based on that her appetite really took a dive in the last couple weeks and tonight I can't get her to eat any of her food. Got the bp and benazepril into her with salmon cream cheese but she walked away from her chicken and veggies that she loves. Even treats she was crazy for last week she won't eat this week. I mean literally just walks away from after a sniff. Last week she was begging for them. She has to eat. She is already losing weight too fast.
I know Molly doesn't know but I am very concerned. She had those tests 2 weeks ago when she still loved her food. So my worry is that her kidneys are deteriorating faster than I can keep up. She just started the new dose of trilostane today. She wouldn't have come down 300 Nmol in a few hours so that leaves only the kidneys. Poops are fine except she doesn't go much. Smaller ones due to her not eating I think. How do I get things back into sync?
Aggressively trying to get the cortisol back down. She is already on kidney food. Won't eat it. Trying tripe. I just am at wits end. I don't know if she will be happy diva Molly if this goes on much longer.
02-18-2016, 07:37 PM
Is it possible she needs some fluid therapy to jump start the kidneys a bit?
How about an appetite stimulant?
molly muffin
02-18-2016, 07:37 PM
And got her to eat some of her soft omega 3 treats. They do smell. Blech. Still refused her food. But she took off running with her dental bone. Go figure. Maybe if I can get that appetite triggered she will eat her dinner. She has always been a bad eater but some things you could count on even when she wouldn't eat her food. You would think if it was smell she would want the tripe. Normally she does. Sigh.
molly muffin
02-18-2016, 07:41 PM
She is drinking and peeing. Sodium and potassium are okay. So I don't think it is fluids she needs but I might be wrong. She ate this morning with her trilostane at least.
I might try taking her for a walk again. See if she has a poop if that is the issue. This snow is not helping things T all. She can't go unless she finds the perfect spot. I have knocked snow off her favorite areas to encourage her. But it is hit and miss sometimes.
Cross fingers that the bone gets her hunger going.
Budsters Mom
02-18-2016, 07:53 PM
I don't like the sound of any of this. It is worrisome when they turn down meals. Even with Rosie, she'll often skip a meal or two. It makes it hard to give meds when they need to be given with food and they won't eat. Poor Molly.:o She's on heavy duty meds and MUST eat! Do you have any special games that you play using food? Rosie can often be urged to start eating if we play a chasing and poncing game with her kibble. Once started, she'll often finish it on her own. Other times, she'll sniff her dinner and walk away disgusted, as if it's not worth her time. LOL
molly muffin
02-18-2016, 07:54 PM
The bone did it!!!!!
She just went over. Ate her chicken and now is munching a little bit on the kidney food. Whew. I hope every day isn't going to be this hard to get her to eat.
Now how do we get creatinine down. Phosphate looked okay on the labs so don't think she needs a binder. I will need to read up on that unless someone knows. Oka she left the bowl only a little of the kidney food is gone. But she ate the chicken and veggies. That is something at least
molly muffin
02-18-2016, 07:57 PM
We use to play chase the kibble. She can't do that any more really as she can't see well enough. Sometimes if she is feeling particularly perky she will try to do it and I tap where the food lands then she sniffs it out. She wasn't interested in doing that tonight. Maybe tomorrow. I always try everything to keep her engaged and feisty.
molly muffin
02-18-2016, 07:59 PM
Good does make her feel better as she went over and attacked my shoe. Another favorite thing. Obviously she needs to eat to feel at her best. And now barking at me. It's like she did a 180 in like the last 5 minutes after she finally ate something.
molly muffin
02-18-2016, 08:06 PM
It took one hour to get her to eat anything. I know I was panicing.
Budsters Mom
02-18-2016, 08:06 PM
Now that's our feisty girl! :p Attacking shoes like they were alien invaders. Go Molly!!!
molly muffin
02-18-2016, 08:56 PM
I just took a picture of her laying in the kitchen after the shoe attack. She Looks perfectly fine to me. Engaged and interested. I gave her bangs a trim and put detangler on her ears with a good brushing. Seriously wish I'd taken a before picture when she was being mopey and refusing any food even treats earlier. You wouldn't know inward the same dog. Bizarre. She drags her whole face through her food when she does want to eat picking out what she wants vs what she doesn't. She now spits anything she doesn't want out on the ground beside her bowl so food time has become a real mess. I will deal with that as long as she eats though.
molly muffin
02-19-2016, 08:14 PM
So this morning was touch and go on if she would eat anything before I had to leave for work, finally she did.
Tonight she was ready to eat with only a bit of temptation thrown in. So that is good.
I guess we will just take it day by day.
I sure hope my IMS gets back to working soon. I'm hoping she'll be back in March as I'd really like to discuss all of this with her.
02-19-2016, 08:17 PM
It's so hard to leave them and go to work...I know I couldn't concentrate on anything but how slow the clock was ticking.
molly muffin
02-19-2016, 08:26 PM
I do hate to leave her. I'd work from home every day if I could. Luckily I did have that option when she hurt her back a couple years ago.
I'm really going to not get as down as I was the other day or as panicing as I was yesterday and try to get the creatinine lower.
My plan is to get that cortisol lower darn it and see if that helps anything else.
Thanks for popping in Joan on what I know is a tough time for you and many others. You are all just wonderful
02-19-2016, 08:58 PM
Just catching up on Molly's thread. I'm glad that she's eaten something but it must be hard wondering if she'll eat the next meal so BIG HUGS from Henry and me.
I've never had a dog who refused food, but wondered if it was possible to get the equivalent of those special meal replacements you can get for humans? but then I'm not sure how that would work with her kidneys?
molly muffin
02-19-2016, 09:14 PM
They do have nutrient supplement meals for dogs. I don't know how it would be for kidney problems though.
Thanks for checking on us. Belly rubs to Henry and hugs to you!
molly muffin
02-19-2016, 09:15 PM
Kathy. LOL You know molly never could resist a smelly shoe. Best loved if you have worn them all day. LOL
Harley PoMMom
02-19-2016, 10:04 PM
Over at the K9kidney forum they claim that CoQ10 may help lower creatinine, just something to keep in mind. ;)
Sending huge hugs to you and Molly.
02-19-2016, 10:07 PM
I do hate to leave her. I'd work from home every day if I could. Luckily I did have that option when she hurt her back a couple years ago.
I'm really going to not get as down as I was the other day or as panicing as I was yesterday and try to get the creatinine lower.
My plan is to get that cortisol lower darn it and see if that helps anything else.
Thanks for popping in Joan on what I know is a tough time for you and many others. You are all just wonderful
You're always there for us, Sharlene.
molly muffin
02-20-2016, 12:22 AM
I think I am going to look into that Lori. CoQ10. I'm trying to find out the correct dosage and how often to give. And then to source it in a way that she will take. Gel caps are out. She won't take those any longer.
02-20-2016, 04:43 PM
How is she doing today, Sharlene?
molly muffin
02-20-2016, 04:49 PM
Appetite was better this morning. Was perky on her walkies so that good.
We shall see how tonight goes. Over all I think she was doing better today than she has for the last week or 2. Just hoping it holds for the good. Maybe the increased dose of trilostane making a difference. Crossing fingers.
02-20-2016, 04:54 PM
A good day for Molly is a good day for all of us.
Love Sonja, Apollo, Karma and Ariel and Kristin.
02-20-2016, 04:55 PM
Is her appetite better in the mornings generally? Could you give her more food then?
Also have you tried different bowls, or putting the food on the floor? Just wondering if it might seem more appetising if it was somewhere different to normal? What about a piece of carpet / a rug? Both Hamish and Henry have preferred to eat treats on carpet.
02-20-2016, 05:01 PM
Mine are crossed as well!
molly muffin
02-20-2016, 09:51 PM
No her appetite is usually worse in the mornings, but she would always take her pills wrapped in her wet food. Now she seldom will take it from my hand. 50/50 if she will take it flat from her the floor. I just have to keep trying. Them give her something to get her appetite going. Once you get her started she will usually eat. It's getting her started.
Tonight was the same, didn't want anything at first. Wouldn't take from my hand. Wouldn't on the floor finally got her to take her meds in some beef in her bowl. It's just a crap shoot. This morning it was egg whites that got her going.
Still this is considered a success. A couple days I had to leave for work and came home and the wet and dry food was all still in her bowl and she hadn't eaten all day. I know the trilostane wasn't absorbed well on those days. I'd dump it and start over for the evening meal so this is good today.
I've got some treats that she will eat now that have the omega3 and the vitamin e oil that the IMS wanted her to have in it. They think the vitamin e Might help with the liver. We shall see. I hope so as those too have increased.
Just now I tried giving her a treat she really likes normally and she just sniffed it and walked away. I just never know with her.
02-20-2016, 10:03 PM
Have you checked her mouth? Is it possible that she has a sore tooth or something which is making her reluctant to eat, but once she has eaten something she realises it's not a problem?
molly muffin
02-20-2016, 10:39 PM
I did think of her mouth because we know she has some dental issues, but the one thing that she has always wanted and never turned down is her dental bone treats. She wants those every night and never cringes at biting down on them and chewing away and I watched closely tonight after reading your post and see her doing it on both sides of her mouth. That makes me think that isn't the issue or shouldn't be? but I will when I take her in next time ask them to take a good look in there. Thanks for that thought, it's a good one and it might still be true.
Harley PoMMom
02-20-2016, 11:57 PM
I think I am going to look into that Lori. CoQ10. I'm trying to find out the correct dosage and how often to give. And then to source it in a way that she will take. Gel caps are out. She won't take those any longer.
On Monica Segal's web site she recommends 30 mg per 20 pounds of your dog's bodyweight, she only sells this in capsules. I did find CoQ10 in a liquid suspension and a spray pump: Pump
02-21-2016, 01:30 AM
I did think of her mouth because we know she has some dental issues, but the one thing that she has always wanted and never turned down is her dental bone treats. She wants those every night and never cringes at biting down on them and chewing away and I watched closely tonight after reading your post and see her doing it on both sides of her mouth. That makes me think that isn't the issue or shouldn't be? but I will when I take her in next time ask them to take a good look in there. Thanks for that thought, it's a good one and it might still be true.
It could be her teeth. Lena stopped eating her greenies shortly after we put her on the Vetoryl. She used to enjoy them so much. She had just had dental work done before Thanksgiving, so I never thought of her teeth, but on the report from the Emergency Clinic the first night, it did mention heavy dental tartar. I only read that tonight and thought it was strange considering the work done just 3 months ago, plus I had asked them to look at her teeth a few weeks ago and they said her teeth looked fine.
molly muffin
02-21-2016, 10:01 AM
Joan one of he things that Molly always and will beg till she get is the dental bones. That and her hip joint tabs. Weird huh it's what makes me think maybe not her teeth but will have them look at her mouth next trip to IMS
Thanks Lori. The 30 mg per 20 lbs is exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks for finding the spray. I also found a treat form on Amazon.
I was just readin another thread where her dogs creatinine came down. Brownie I think it is. So it's all worth a shot.
I will also,start her on a transition to a different kibble starting next week. We will take it slow but what she gets now has been discontinued so we are going to,a,different brand of kidney food. Both dry and wet. Not great timing but not a choice either.
molly muffin
02-21-2016, 01:32 PM
Order both the liquid and the treat form of coq10.
Might be teeth. I added water into food this morning. Not a lot as I wanted to see what she would do and she ate all of it. Eventually. She went back a few times. So definitely having teeth looked at by IMS group. They have told me repeatedly that anesthesia and Molly are not a good combinTion so will have to see what our options are if that is the problem.
02-21-2016, 02:49 PM
Order both the liquid and the treat form of coq10.
Might be teeth. I added water into food this morning. Not a lot as I wanted to see what she would do and she ate all of it. Eventually. She went back a few times. So definitely having teeth looked at by IMS group. They have told me repeatedly that anesthesia and Molly are not a good combinTion so will have to see what our options are if that is the problem.
No, I wouldn't put her under either. I was freaked out enough when Lena had the dental work done before all of this started.
Budsters Mom
02-21-2016, 03:01 PM
Will she let you check her teeth???? Toothbrushes, of any kind are not tolerated by Rosie. She reluctantly will let me do her teeth with a little toothpaste and small dampened square of gauze wrapped around my finger. A finger brush doesn't work either, but she tolerates the gauze. She does growl a little.;) :D Anyway, I am able to inspect her teeth and feel for any tender areas. She will jerk back if I find a tender spot. Usually after a few more cleanings, it heals right up.
Molly is much older. Teeth can be a real bugger, especially in small dogs.
Keep us posted sweetie,
molly muffin
02-22-2016, 05:38 PM
I used a cotton swab and checked her teeth last night. She didn't cringe at any area, although she did have a sneezing fit at one point.
It took me 2 hours to get her to eat dinner last night. But she did eventually.
This morning she turned down salmon cream cheese (trilostane wrapped in it) and I had to really work to get her to take it. She has never turned down salmon cream cheese for any reason.
I gave her breakfast but then had to go to work. I just got home this evening and breakfast is still there, she hasn't touched it all day.
I have to get some food in her tonight, but I'm sure the trilostane this morning wasn't properly absorbed since she didn't eat any of her breakfast.
damn damn damn sigh I'll keep trying though. Even if I need to run to the store and trying buying a bucket load of different food to cook for her. I'm thinking maybe I'll try some chicken and rice and see if she'll take that, maybe her tummy is upset or something.
02-22-2016, 05:42 PM
Sharlene -- what about trying kitten food? You may recall that, when Abbie was refusing even the cheese wrapped pills, our vet's office manager suggested putting a bit of kitten food on the tip of the cheese ball. I use Purina Pro Plan Focus Kitten Chicken & Liver Entree. Abbie hasn't refused it yet!
molly muffin
02-22-2016, 05:44 PM
Thanks Judi, I had forgotten about that. I'll look for it at the store.
02-22-2016, 05:44 PM
Sharlene, I am so sorry Molly's appetite is not good.
A few ideas to stimulate appetite: baby food, liver pate, hotdogs, sardines. Or try making some bone broth.
Nothing more discouraging than a pup that doesn't want to eat. Food is such a barometer for judging how they're feeling.
02-22-2016, 05:47 PM
I think they start to figure out that the pills are in there and get very suspicious of anything you try to feed them, Sharlene. The last few meals Lena had, she managed to spit them all out, whereas before she never noticed.
My friend uses ice cream to give her dogs pills. She says it's so cold that they just swallow without thinking. Have you tried that?
molly muffin
02-22-2016, 06:11 PM
I just got her to take her amoldipine and benazepril with some hard sliced salami cut into tiny pieces. Then I put a couple bits I her bowl on some dry food and she ate the salami. So today she likes salami amd I'll cut up some chicken for her later too.
I made notes of all suggestions to pick up at store. Doesn't hurt to have a variety in hand as who knows what tomorrow will bring. She is drinking a lot I noticed this evening.
02-22-2016, 06:21 PM
Sharlene -- extra drinking may be a result of eating salami. It is pretty salty.
My sweet Ginger
02-22-2016, 06:48 PM
Sharlene, I've mentioned this on several different threads but have you tried plain (vanilla ) cheese cake? I tried almost everything under the sun with Ginger's long standing inappetence as you probably knew. The one thing consistently worked for us throughout our battle with her inappetence was plain cheese cakes. It doesn't melt so quickly like ice cream and still sweet enough for them as I found out that she still went for sweets when she had absolutely no appetite. I used to stockpile our freezer door with those individually cased mini cheese cakes like 15-20 of them on any given day. Oh boy, don't I miss those days.
You just have to make sure to use a decoy first to let her taste the cake to let her guard down. Coat pills individually rather generously unless they are tiny so she swallows it before she detects the pills. Ginger took all her pills this way till the very end. :(
Hope something works for Molly and you. Hugs, Song.
With the decoy, she won't voluntarily take it since she doesn't want anything. You have to rub it right on her tongue with your fingertip then she won't resist the second one so much once she knows it tastes sweet. At least it worked with Ginger for the longest time.
02-22-2016, 06:49 PM
Dang, Sharlene!! I don't have any brilliant suggestions to offer, but I'm right here reading along with every post. I've got my fingers crossed that Molly will start eating for you again ASAP. Been there, done that with dogs who don't want to eat, and it really is one of the toughest things to soldier through. I really hope you can hit on something she'll really like again!
Keesh the pill detective had me going crazy trying everything to get his meds into him.... finally, I had to bite the bullet and go out and get some hard cheese, of course it had to be the white cheddar cheese block. I then cut 4 square pieces and hid the pill in only one. The trick was to wash my hands immediately after putting the pill in cause he could smell it on the outside of the cheese if I picked it up--- LOL- then I put all 4 pieces down on the floor at once. It confused him- and finally by the time he picked up the piece with the pill... too late.... he ate it. I know Molly is much smaller and I don't know the size of what you are trying to give her, but after just about every trick in the book, this worked.
I also swear by bone marrow broth. When he wouldn't eat, he would drink the broth. Don't know if you've ever made it before, the smell isn't pleasant, but it is sooo good for them. I got the bones from the butcher... not the grocery store. It was worth the little bit of extra money.
02-22-2016, 07:39 PM
ian was very hard to pill too, and he really needed his vetoryl. the only thing that worked- after lots of trial and error -was indeed a tiny can of tuna kitty food. very expensive, but the strong fishy smell did it i guess.
enya can be fooled with peanut butter.
flynn ate everything, even plain pills.......................
molly muffin
02-22-2016, 08:02 PM
Be never seen th cheesecakes here plain, but I will look. She wants something as she is begging currently but turning her nose up to everything I try to give her.
Yea the salami is salty so maybe that was the cause. She also drank alot before the salami. Maybe she hadn't gone to the kitchen today. Though that would be weird.
Also picked up some liver treats. She normally likes that. At least it is protein if nothing else. It's dried liver. Makes her fart something horrible but right now I'd take stinky dog farts over not eating.
molly muffin
02-22-2016, 08:06 PM
And she wanted her dental bone. So is now happy knawing away.
Could she really just be that finicky?
I have baby food. No onion or anything just chicken chicken broth and rice starch in it. Hot dog, dog lasagna, dog bacon and eggs, sardines. A whole cupboard of stuff.
Moving on to tripe if I have to. Gag!!
02-22-2016, 08:18 PM
Try liver pate. The canned stuff. Smells disgusting, but the stinkier the better.
And, Tobey has gotten quite finicky about food in her old age too. She turns down a lot of things she would previously go nuts over. Don't get me wrong, she still likes food for the most part, but she's much more selective about it.
molly muffin
02-22-2016, 09:59 PM
Molly had some cut up chicken breast and a dab of mash potatoes. Seems That she really liked and ate it all. I didn't give her enough to make her tummy upset just enough to give her a bit of something in her stomach.
Maybe she has just gotten fincky in her old age and this has nothing to do with kidney values and health. Nice if they could talk.
02-22-2016, 10:29 PM
Mashed potatoes are good and filling...good for Molly!
02-23-2016, 07:04 PM
Well I'm pleased to hear she ate something yesterday. How's she doing today?
It's good that she let you examine her mouth / teeth - sounds like there isn't a problem there, but maybe worth getting the IMS to check too.
If she likes the dental bones would giving her more than one be an option? Maybe to stimulate her appetite?
molly muffin
02-24-2016, 07:56 PM
Well yesterday was a real winner for molly. I tried topping her dry food with little ceasar (not my first choice by far) and she just picked around the dry food but ate the canned both morning and night no problem and then was full of energy last night. Even playing, barking to play in fact. Got fiesty with hubby when he tried to take away a plant leave for her and she tried to bite his toe. That isn't a molly we have seen for awhile that's for sure.
Today she ate breakfast fine, but we're having horrible weather here, freezing rain, snow, pouring rain, all day and switching back and forth within hours of each other so she wasn't keen on walkies, can't find her favorite potty spots and only wants certain treats. But at least she does want some so that is a plus. I'm hoping the weather gives us enough of a break that we can get out later tonight for a bit.
Shes not playful tonight but I'm happy she at least ate the canned food for dinner, so that is good.
Harley PoMMom
02-24-2016, 08:58 PM
Glad she's feeling a little better and that she is eating more. When Harley got picky with this food I tried everything and anything to get him to eat, I even bought him McDonald's cheeseburgers!
02-24-2016, 09:17 PM
I'm so happy she's feeling a little better, Sharlene!
02-24-2016, 10:11 PM
Sharlene--if little caesar's does it for now, so be it! I can definitely relate to how good her eating and playing must have made you feel.
Popping in to see how Molly is doing and to let you know we are thinking of you, we being me and Koko.
03-03-2016, 02:22 PM
Hoping you and Molly are doing good. Love Sonja , Apollo and little Ariel
molly muffin
03-06-2016, 10:55 PM
Hi all. Just ant t give a quick update so no one worries. Mollys appetite has improve although she hates and refuses her new kidney food both canned and dry. Argh!!! But at least she is eating a bit moe willingly find give her things like littl Caesars. Totally not what we would prefer to feed her.
We get a new ACTH txt this week. I fully expect to increase her dosage as I am determined t get her cortisol down far enough that is she loses control on a dose it won't set us back and will hopefully be better for her kidneys.
I am a bit sporadic on he forum just for the a bit but no worries it's all good. We are expecting a new grand baby any day, hour.
03-08-2016, 11:46 AM
Happy to hear you are both doing ok. Good that Molly is eating a little better. A new baby, Sharlene that is wonderful. Brianna
Budsters Mom
03-08-2016, 07:26 PM
So glad that you and our diva are hanging in there. A new baby! So exciting! :p it's not till they get to be around 12 or 13, that you want to give them back. Oops!, did I actually post that! LOL;)
Regarding the pool boy on Addy's thread.... We have NEVER Had a pool boy who has mixed blender drinks., although I do get a grunt now and then. We definitely have the wrong pool boy! I'm going to have to re-think my list of requirements. LOL
molly muffin
03-09-2016, 11:35 PM
Took molly for a follow up ACTH today, after we increased trilostane to 24mg.
We should have results tomorrow sometime and will see how she is doing.
Her hair has gotten so thin in the last month. Is very sad.
A good note is that her regular IMS is back 2 days a week at least from maternity leave. So next time she will see her regular one. The one who filled in has been great, but molly does have that bond thing with her regular IMS that I like and she is very familiar with me and molly. So yay.
03-10-2016, 11:09 AM
I hope the results are good, Sharlene.
03-10-2016, 02:14 PM
I second Joan's sentiments. Thinking positive thoughts!
molly muffin
03-10-2016, 06:13 PM
Well beat me up with a feather duster.
I didn't get to talk to the IMS, but her assistant called (the IMS will call tomorrow)
Molly's post is perfect. 125nmol or 4.5ug
We're leaving the dosage the same. How weird is that! I wasn't expecting it to be so good and was all ready for the "I want to get aggressive and get her down to under 5ug. Hoping it will help her kidneys, which seems to be our biggest battle now.
Beats me why her hair is getting thinner and so much worse, maybe kidneys cause that too. sigh
Well, lets see what the next step will be when I talk to the IMS, in the meantime they are calling in refill.
Harley PoMMom
03-10-2016, 07:19 PM
Oh Sharlene, that is a great post number!! Congrats and Good Job!!!!!
03-10-2016, 07:29 PM
Whoo Hoooooo!!! Our Diva comes through! :)
Dunno why her coat is looking so thin, though, either. Probably just to keep you on your toes, Mom...:o
03-10-2016, 08:16 PM
SO-o-o-o happy to hear about Molly's perfect post number!! :D I haven't seen any coat issues with Abbie and you know her kidney issues are still not controlled but will do some reading on that.
03-11-2016, 10:34 AM
Great news, Sharlene~
Budsters Mom
03-11-2016, 11:29 AM
Just got news I needed to hear to start my day!!!! Soooo happy!:D
molly muffin
03-14-2016, 06:43 PM
So a question, since now molly has a low specific gravity, where she didn't previously, is this due to the kidney's?
Will the specific gravity get better now that her cortisol is where it should be or if this is kidneys will that rectify? or remain dilute?
This is more a question for those of you who have gone through the kidney problems with your dogs. (Lori! LOL)
I started the cq10 so hopefully that will help bring the creatinine back down. I'm crossing fingers there.
She is still drinking well, so doesn't look like we are at a point of needing intravenous fluids with her, but what should I be looking out for and what can I expect? I'm also wondering if those kidneys can rebound with a more normal cortisol or if this is just our reality now?
She had had several accidents which normally she will only have one now and then, particularly if she is being ignored where now it seems to be more, i have to go Now! (thank god for the little green bissel machine)
When we go on our walks she will have several pees (that is completely normal for her) but they last for a really long time, each pee, that is not normal but has been that way for the last couple months, since maybe mid january.
Just looking for some thoughts on the kidney stuff.
03-16-2016, 06:30 PM
my kidney patient was on ipakitine- a fosfor binder. it really helped her feeling better.
maybe it can help molly too.
Harley PoMMom
03-16-2016, 09:32 PM
I am sorry that I am just now replying, somehow I missed your post :eek::o
Since this is the first time Molly's USG is low it may be a one time thing. However it is concerning that the creatinine is trending upward and the SDMA test results were higher BUT kidney problems are manageable. If this were me, since her cortisol is now controlled I would wait until at least another month or so to have her USG and kidney values checked.
Hugs, Lori
I can't offer any advice but I can give hugs.
Maybe it is just a one time thing and if her cortisol is lower, maybe it will be as Lori said and wait to retest.
How is her skin, any bumps or pimples, little rusty flecks? Is her coat dry, skin thinning out? Maybe ow that she is under 5, her coat will get better.
Thinking of you both.
molly muffin
03-17-2016, 09:06 PM
Her coat has gotten very thin in the last couple months. Drinking, peeing, like with cushings. So weird.
Yes the plan is to check her in 8 weeks for retesting, kidneys etc.
molly muffin
03-21-2016, 07:21 PM
Just a quick note gang. I know I've been missing in action lately, and it's not molly that's keeping me busy for once.
I'm a new grandma as of Saturday. Yep, new grandson has arrived, only a couple weeks late. :) and just late enough to keep us all on pins and needles waiting for the arrival. :)
03-21-2016, 07:32 PM
congratulations on your new grandson!
03-21-2016, 07:54 PM
Ohh, Sharlene, a precious grandson. How wonderful. Brianna
03-21-2016, 11:45 PM
What lovely news, Sharlene!
Budsters Mom
03-21-2016, 11:57 PM
Congrats Grammy!!!!:D There's nothing like that after bath baby smell!:) spoil him rotten, then send them home!;)
03-22-2016, 12:04 PM
My sweet Ginger
03-22-2016, 01:26 PM
Ohhh, how sweet! Congratulations, Sharlene!
Bailey's Mom
04-09-2016, 06:02 AM
Congratulations, Grandma!! :D I'm glad everyone is well....I've not had that experience (yet, I hope) but it must have been very worrisome when it was two weeks after the due date. Sometimes those little ones are just so comfortable in there they don't want to come out.
I am sorry to read of Molly's symptoms/problems. She has fought quite a battle and is a very strong little girl. AND SO CUTE!!!:cool:
Keep posting....I'm still reading.
molly muffin
04-09-2016, 09:34 PM
Molly is still doing okay. Appetite just needs to be stimulated a lot of the time, especially mornings. (I feel the same way sometimes) But I do usually get her meds into her and entice her enough to eat breakfast. It might take awhile before she decides she is going to do any of this but once she gets something in her mouth she is fine.
And she is still playful. Even with the bad eyesight. I tap where her treats are now and I play attack in the general area and she play attacks right back. So, forget that she can't actually See it, she still is game to play. That does my heart good and now I make it part of our evening very day.
Yesterday I had good baby time. We had a girls night after I got off work with his mom and the baby and me. I brought pizza and ice cream to make root beer floats and we watched her recorded American Idol show. I haven't watched that in years, but it was something we use to do back in the day when she lived at home still and we would have family tv nights. So it was a lot of fun, and the baby was wonderful and it was all good. I came home around midnight to a snoring husband and dog. :) :)
Now that is a perfect world. :)
hugs all
04-09-2016, 10:06 PM
That does sound perfect. :)
Glad to hear that Molly is doing okay. Visuddha was never much for playing, but he would play attack with me sometimes. My other dog Jackson loves it. That, wrestling and ball chasing are heaven for him.
Budsters Mom
04-09-2016, 10:37 PM
Hi Sharlene, your post made me smile all around!:):p
So thrilled to hear that our little diva is still playful. As long as she's up and still wants to play, then she's feeling OK, and yes, that is a blessing indeed! :p
I think you'd make the perfect grandma. Do you want to adopt me?;):D
04-10-2016, 08:33 AM
I think you'd make the perfect grandma. Do you want to adopt me?;):D
Me three???? :p ;) :D :D :D :D :D
molly muffin
04-11-2016, 10:03 PM
Awww, you guys. :) I'd adopt each and every one of you. :)
Well, we are finally getting I hope some warmer weather so molly can go get groomed. Lord, that girl is going to be bare when the long hair is cut down and you'll be able to see all that skin. I just got a sweater for her today to help with that. It's going to be a shocker I bet for her and us. (my groomer is going to flip I'm sure)
I plan to try and get her an appt maybe later this week or next week.
Budsters Mom
04-12-2016, 12:11 AM
How about baby onesies? You can cut off the snaps. They make very comfy doggy shirts. Rosie wears one all the time to protect her skin from chewing and scratching. I tuck it in like a shirt during the day. At night, I snap it around her tail, so I don't have to worry about her chewing on herself. Rosie is used to them. They don't bother her at all. Molly might be more comfortable in a baby shirt, than a sweater. I buy mine at the used baby store for $.99 each. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter. They are like new and Rosie will never grow out of them!
Rosie weighs 12 pounds. She wears A 12 to 18 month size in Carters, First Moments or Old Navy. The other brands don't fit comfortably around her tail because the snaps our placed too close together.;) The farther apart the snaps are the better! You snap the first and third snap and leave the middle one open to go around the tail.;) I don't know how much Molly weighs. The 24 month size might fit her if she's bigger than Rosie. Just a thought.:confused
I'll send you those adoption papers! LOL:o
04-12-2016, 09:23 AM
I second the baby clothes idea! I used baby shirts for Visuddha when he had surgery to remove a benign lump a year ago. That was on his shoulder so the t-shirt was perfect! A onesie worked as well, though I just made it into a tee by cutting off the bottom. The 12 month tee fit my 11 pound boy great.
I ordered beautiful sweaters from the shop on Etsy, I can check the label and get back to you. They hand knit made to measure beautiful sweaters in various yarns, Zoe had a very light weight knit for
Zoe loved wearing them and I loved seeing her in them and you just measure Molly and send them off and oh, my, the sweaters are perfect. They also make them for male or female dogs so the female dog sweaters covers their tummy well.
Baby time is the best time. I remember being so excited, imagining hearing the little footsteps and voice calling nana. AND the shopping, that is even better!
04-12-2016, 10:16 AM
Please do post the information for the Etsy sweaters. I might just have to get one for my boy. He hasn't worn sweaters or coats until this year, but I think he would like them. He hates to be cold.
04-12-2016, 07:41 PM
Aw Sharlene, I know the feeling. Great ideas from the members here. I went the weekend and found some things for Dennis at a dog boutique. It is getting quite warm here, so I could not get him any sweaters. Found some long t-shirts with wild prints and a cape. Even picked up a one piece t with bluejeans. He does not like that it has back legs. I only dress him when we visit or go to the city park. Human nature, but people always want to know why he does not have hair. Or is he the hairless type of dog. Does Molly like dresses or little t - shirts ? They make really cute things for girls. Rhonda
On Etsy the shop is fifime and then Chantel also has her regular website which is Royal Fifi. I purchased from both websites and adore Chantel:)
Our Glynda originally told me about the Etsy shop. I have the most beautiful sweaters even for Koko. He has a golf sweater that everyone just can't believe the work on it. I'll have to take a picture of him in it. Then we have thick warm alpaca sweaters for winter.
Have fun shopping:)
molly muffin
04-13-2016, 08:01 PM
I will definitely check out the shops on Etsy. OMG, I just looked at the Chantels Etsy shop and her web page. Love them.
Molly doesn't Like to wear coats and sweaters at all. She is better about her coats now in winter though, as she shivers is she doesn't have one on. It comes from losing so much of that under coat she had naturally for years. Now she does have the thick hair on her legs and while the rest of her hair is long, it is thin, so thinking that it might be a bit chilly for her when it is cool days and need something very light so she doesn't sunburn on hot days. The Tshirts might work well for that situation.
I'll know more about what she needs after we get her groomed and see how thin it is going to be with the long hair trimmed down. My poor little muffin.
And I think her skin has gotten very sensitive. Anyone else notice that in their dogs? She absolutely does not want the brush to touch her skin.
She still has the Zoe sweater she designed for and named after Zoe as a surprise. It is very light weight, soft yarn that Zoe loved to wear. It is under hand knit sweaters under classic with flowers I think. I get all tears whenever I see it on Royal Fifi.
Their skin gets very thin, maybe the brush hurts Molly.
molly muffin
04-14-2016, 08:41 PM
I try to be gentle with the brushing and don't use any sort of wire bristles on her, but she still flinches. :(
We'll know how she looks after her grooming monday evening.
I'll take a peek for the Zoe sweater. :) :)
molly muffin
04-18-2016, 09:35 PM
I posted a picture of molly after her hair cut today. It's pretty short, and she has very fair skin, so you almost can't tell how very thin it is, but if you zoom in you can see. sigh My poor baby.
However, she had a good time at the groomer, tried to bite her every time she clipped a nail. (so still spunky)
I love my groomer, I really do. She use to have a couple shih tzu, who got old and passed on, then she got her irish setter, whose muzzle is now showing some white of it's own. One of her clients was in a nursing home and had a little shih tzu (with heart problems and other health issues) and that client passed away and the kids didn't want her dog and so my groomer said, she will live with me for the rest of her days and she took her home with her. Now she has a little shitzu named...wait for it.... Zoe.
Zoe is having the time of life. All she has known is the nursing home really and an elderly lady who couldn't do much with her. Now she has a big dog that loves her, is enjoying belly rubs (seems she didn't get those before?), has walks and is also getting great medical care. She will be seeing the cardiologist in another week to check everything out. She is only 10 but with her health conditions probably a year or two more maybe, but I guarantee, however long it is, she will be loved and taken care of and her life with be exciting. :)
Molly hasn't made up her mind about Zoe yet, although the Irish setter big dog, is her buddy. :)
Budsters Mom
04-19-2016, 12:56 AM
Love the story about little Zoe! :)
Glad to hear that our gal is still spunky! :D
molly muffin
04-24-2016, 11:35 PM
Molly was doing the shaking, shivering thing so much this morning I thought she was going to vibrate herself right off the floor. Never seen it that much in her before. She seem to be fine later in the morning and I haven't seen any more shivering today.
Admitedly she has a short hair cut right now, so could have been cold after first getting up and then even with a coat on, going out for a chilly walk, but would it be that much? I don't know. She seems fine otherwise, but when she shakes (and it's never been like this morning) she can't eat at all until she slows down or stops. It Is usually much better after she eats. hmm..
I'll be honest, I don't like it one bit.
On the other hand, she has done well with having the baby here and the house full of people all weekend.
Budsters Mom
04-25-2016, 12:53 AM
Since she's better after she eats, could it be hypoglycemia? You could rub a small amount of Karo syrup on her gums when the shaking starts and see if it helps.
molly muffin
04-25-2016, 06:40 PM
Syrup didn't make a difference so I don't think that is it. My biggest worry is probably if it is pain.
She falls over a lot, so I worry about pain in her back legs. I just worry period probably, but I think it is either, she is cold and not regulating temparture well or it is pain.
I also think that her left eye she isn't seeing much out of now. And only a bit out of her right, but think the left is worse.
My baby is getting older and it is sad for me to see it. I still think she acts okay though and enjoys her life, so that is a good thing.
I just was looking at my original post when we joined. She was 9 years old I now need to change the thread title to reflect that is 13. Crazy eh. :) Time flies.
I also am amazed that she weighed 19.2 lbs when we joined here. She is probably going to be luck if she weighs 16 at our next weigh in and with her hair cut short she looks smaller.
04-25-2016, 07:05 PM
It is sad when it hits that they are aging...Lena was never old to me until the last few months...looking back at her pictures you can see it, but day to day, she always looked like my little girl. That's how I am trying to remember her, as my baby girl...young and healthy.
04-25-2016, 10:04 PM
Dear Sharlene ,yes it hard to know how our babies are feeling. Keeps us guessing. And yes it is hard to see them age and the problems age brings. But Molly is still enjoying her life. And such a spunky little girl. Nipping at the groomer. There still quality of life there. Love it. Enjoy her. Hugs and thoughts, Brianna
Budsters Mom
04-25-2016, 10:44 PM
It is probably not hypoglycemia. The Karo syrup worked almost instantly with Buddy.
Yes, pain can make them shake. But then again, so can cold. She did just get a haircut after all and her hair was thin to begin with.;)
I do agree with you though. It is really heartbreaking to watch them decline. :o Still thrilled that she's still a happy pup.
04-26-2016, 03:50 PM
Sharlene -- does Molly tolerate tramadol? I am wondering if it might be worth trying a daily dose to see if the shivering/shaking lessens. Abbie had stopped wanting to go on walks so I scheduled another appointment with the chiropractor but also started giving her 25 mg. once a day, thinking that pain may be the reason for her reluctance to walk. Our pups are so stoic that it is very difficult to discern if they are in pain. Abbie has been walking more since I started the tramadol so who knows ...
I can certainly relate to the difficulties of seeing our pups age. Abbie will also be turning 13 (in two weeks). I took her on Sunday to my friend's home for Passover dinner -- there were 10 of us including a toddler. We were a noisy group. The toddler was very good with Abbie -- his family has a basset puppy so he is familiar with dogs. We went out for a couple of short walks and Abbie enjoyed sniffing new territory. Abbie did not sleep until late in the afternoon when she basically passed out. Since then she has done little except sleep. I literally have to push her off the bed to get her to go out to pee or eat. I think the day was just too much for her. She enjoyed it so I think it was worth it to bring her (and she would not have liked being home along all day) but it is hard to see her have difficulty rebounding.
Harley PoMMom
04-26-2016, 04:34 PM
I just posted a question on Dr Peterson's blog asking "Tremors, shaking, and shivering are listed as side effects of Trilostane. Could you explain why this happens and what can be done to eliminate or at least decrease those ill effects." it's awaiting approval by the blog moderator and if/when it's answered I'll post his reply.
Dr Peterson's response: "Those all generally reflect low cortisol levels. If that occurs, you need to lower the dose or stop the drug, at least temporarily. Talk to your vet about this."
My next reply: I belong to a canine cushing's forum and we have seen many dogs have that tremor/shivering, shaking thing going on and an ACTH stim test shows that their cortisol level is not low. Some dogs experience that tremor/shaky episodes after only a couple of doses of Trilostane, and this is with starting the dog at the 1mg per pound dosage of Trilostane. So if low cortisol is not the reason for the tremor/shakes/shivering, what else can it be?
Dr Peterson's response: "I don't know what the exact mechanism would be, but if serum cortisol levels are very normal, then it is likely a direct drug side effect."
Thanks, Lori
My sweet Ginger
04-27-2016, 07:59 AM
Sharlene, I'm sad to read that our diva is going through some tough times these days but glad that it's you who is there to help her knowing that you will do everything possible to make her get better and comfortable. Hope you will get this shivering problem under control very soon.
I like Judy's idea of trying a daily dose of tramadol to see if it makes any difference. If it does great but if it doesn't you will at least know that they are probably not from pain. Take care and give Molly extra hugs and kisses from me too. Song.
molly muffin
04-27-2016, 07:56 PM
Okay so, she isn't shivering in the mornings when she first wakes up and is rolling around on my pillow on the bed. As soon as I pick her up to come downstairs the shivering starts. So, our bedroom and beds are warmer, no doubt so maybe.
Not shivering that I have noticed on our walks unless we stop and talk to someone, so that looks like cold.
She wasn't shivering earlier today but is now. I'm going to put a sweater on her and turn up the heat, see if that alleviates it.
If not, will be discussing with vet at next appt, if it is pain. She isn't due back at the vet until around 16 May.
My thought on the pain, is the back leg luxating patella. That is why she often falls down or over. She still will run, but that back leg is not steady and I think this is what has lead to her being more frail looking through the rear end, rather than pure muscle wasting. When we clipped her nails we notice that there is a pattern of excess wear on the outside nails as opposed to the inside, so I know she is walking differently.
I won't be home from work with her till the weekend, but may not give any trilostane on sat/sun and see if that makes a difference.
She is eating better, but definitely picky. So I wonder if she wasn't going through something when we had that really awful time that I couldn't get her to eat.
Hiya stranger. I haven't posted on your thread for awhile. I do keep in touch though I hope on Facebook. I was just wondering with Molly's shivering if it could be some kind of seizure. I know Keesh had mild seizures, his body would quiver as if cold, but..... the only difference was he chattered too? Not hard but I knew from a distance he was having one as that was the first thing I heard. It was just a thought. Today is a sad day for Lesley..... my stomach gets sick literally when I hear of another passing, that's why I can't read much on here at all.
Give wee Molly a huge kiss and belly rub for me.
molly muffin
04-28-2016, 03:57 PM
Hi Judi! Yes I keep up with you on facebook :)
I think it is cold. I put the sweater on her yesterday and she stopped shivering. No teeth chattering, thank goodness, don't want to have that "just one more thing" to try and balance.
Plus once she was warmer, she grabbed her cow toy and was attacking it, playing by herself in the living room, having a grand time.
So, don't you think that seems to mean more cold than pain or low cortisol?
That thin hair, a close hair cut and thinner skin is making a difference for her is what I'm now leaning towards.
I know, my heart just breaks when we lose one of our dear ones.
Well I used to be the hottest one in the house, but the last couple of years I get colder, easier. Must have something to do with getting older and thinner skinned. Glad to hear she's attacking her animals, that's such a good sign.
05-01-2016, 11:34 PM
I've not posted, but have been following your thread and giving it some thought. It really does sound like she's feeling the cold and one thing I've noticed recently is that even if I move to a warmer place that I can feel colder for a period until my body accumulates to the new temperature, so it could be the same for Molly when she gets up in the morning.
It's good that she obviously feels better when you put a sweater on her, so I'd be leaning towards the thinner hair and haircut.
molly muffin
05-03-2016, 07:04 PM
Well I rather do hope it is the cold as that is better than some alternatives that my rather vivid imagination can come up with.
I've booked her in for ACTH testing, full blood panel, UPC and urinalysis on Thursday the 12th. If something is going on hopefully we can get to the bottom of it. She will be seeing her regular IMS who is back at twice a week from maternity leave. I'll mention the shaking/shivering episodes, which continue.
However, shaking or not, in the evenings she is very playful, she loves her walks, so I think quality of life is good for her. If only the eyesight thing didn't cause her moments of freaking out. She recovers quickly but you can tell it disconcerts her sometimes as she will walk sideways practically around something that she doesn't seem to recognize fully.
On my side of things, I love that summer is here. Molly and I can take walks much longer and without doggie coats (she doesn't like to put the sweater on really but is fine once it's there).
We have started a walking group in the neighborhood of 6 of us, including me and my hubby. We go 3 times a week and it's wonderful. (I'm not nearly as sore now as I was when we started) (it's too long for poor molly to go :( ) and last night we had our first of the monthly girls night out with a group of us. We did a movie and then over to a coffee place which was so very civilized and much needed that I thought I'd cry tears of joy. LOL Sometimes you just need that girl time ya know. Hence, the we will try to do this once a month. It's a bugger to try to match up schedules but so worth it when it comes together.
My MIL arrives on Thursday of this week, so I'm planning a girls night at our house for her, with wine and maggie smith movies. Then there are birthday celebrations for the next couple weeks for my hubby. It seems that with the warmer weather, that life is once again full. I am happy and molly is happy and hubby is happy. Not sure if it gets much better than that. :) :)
Hope this finds you all well and healthy and happy too. Remember what Addy always said, find One good thing a day.
05-03-2016, 08:31 PM
Hooray for summer, long walks and Molly being playful! :D
Budsters Mom
05-03-2016, 11:47 PM
I am happy and molly is happy and hubby is happy. Not sure if it gets much better than that :) :) .
YAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!! Best update yet Sharlene. Everyone is happy!!!! :p:p:):):D:D
05-14-2016, 02:26 AM
Thank goodness summer finally found its way to Canada, I thought it had stalled over us and we were going to skip winter altogether :) Molly loving her walks in the warmer weather, awesome to read!
Yes, I often think of Addy's saying.. the "one good thing" a good thing to live by eh! Or put it in the drawer, another goodie. I can always do with reminding to take one day at a time and savour what you have now as I know you do too xxxxxxxx
molly muffin
05-15-2016, 04:02 PM
Hi all, so took molly to the IMS on 12 May, 2016. I just realized they never sent me the lab paperwork from March, so I've emailed to get both the March and May results from Internal Medicine.
My IMS did call me though and told me that the pre was high 103nmol and the post very low 41nmol. Almost feels like a mixup at the lab, although they said not. (I've asked about that again in my email to them)
They think she might be exhibiting some pain too.
I wonder if (and is this feasible) that if she is having pain she might have already secreted and be secreting a large of amount of the reserve into her system, regularly.
We stopped the trilostane for the last 2 days and I've noticed a decrease in the shivering (so maybe Dr. Peterson was right and it's low cortisol Lori). We'll go back to a lower dose of trilostane and see if that helps with pain (rear legs), can't stay it stops her running around. If not maybe get a script for tramadol.
Her liver values are actually a bit better,
ALT 185 down from 220 range 18 - 121
ALKP 1062 down from 1716 range 5 - 160
Calcium is 3.1 range 2.2 - 2.8
Kidneys are worse
BUN Urea 21.3 up from 14.5 range 3.2 - 11
Creatinine 183 upfrom 148 range 44 - 133
UPC is better at 1.0 down from 1.4
Specific gravity remains at 1.012 as before.
We also think she is displaying some stomach upset, so I need to get some pepcid and give her 2.5mg a day (this is due to the acid build up in the stomach due to the kidney problems)
They said lymphs are now within range.
So I'll have to get the actual lab results in hand before I know any more, but that was what I wrote down and considering I was outside, with a pen and paper and my cell it is a bit of a messy note taking.
So there are some things to think about here.
Well we all know that there is nobody that can look after the Diva better then you. Sure hoping you can get most things back to normal for her. Give her a belly rub for me, and I'm wishing only the best for the wee girl.
Budsters Mom
05-16-2016, 05:49 AM
Wow Sharlene, You now officially know more than most vets!! ;)
Since Molly's shivering has stopped since stopping the Trilo, that could certainly indicate a side effect of the Trilo itself, or her cortisol dropping a little too low. Both have been noted previously. So maybe the shivering isn't a sign or pain. It's so hard to know.
Stomach upset is common with Trilo. It used to irritate Buddy's stomach something awful. So bad that he couldn't settle to sleep at night. Pepcid did nothing. SEB was the only thing that I found that helped.
Happy to hear that Molly is still happily running around enjoying life. As long as she is able to do that, she can't be hurting too much.;)
Big hugs,
05-16-2016, 09:13 AM
Hmmmmm...I totally agree with you, Sharlene, those ACTH results surely do seem backwards. I don't know exactly what to make of them, either, or whether your musing may be right (about her cortisol running higher all the time due to pain).
I know you'd rather not see the creatinine increasing. It occurs to me that if her renal filtering function is becoming more impaired, the trilostane may not be exiting her body as efficiently. I think that's why Dechra warns about giving trilo alongside kydney dysfunction. So I guess that's a question I would want to ask your IMS: at what point would Dechra advise stopping the trilo altogether in the face of rising creatinine?
Aside from the stomach issues, though, I'm so glad that outwardly she is still a happy girl. I think we reach a stage where that's the most important barometer of all. I know, though, that it's awfully hard to keep the dang numbers out of our heads. :o
molly muffin
05-16-2016, 06:38 PM
I certainly will ask her that. I did make a mention of what Glynda found as far as when impairment is involved along side cushings, that cushings meds should be stopped if the animals appetite is being adversely affected by the lower cortisol and the kidney issue. Higher cortisol increases their appetite. We didn't come to any consensus on that during our discussion that this is the time to move away from treatment, but I will bring up the issue of whether or not the trilostane is being filtered out enough.
I know Lori mentioned on our thread that they stopped the cushing treatment and focused on the kidneys.
I've ordered one of the new forumula for dry and wet renal today so hopefully will have those by end of week and I'm going to move her onto it slowly and even though I know it isn't HER preference, will try to keep her solely on renal food and see if that makes a difference.
She really does appear to be okay. No increase in drinking without the trilostane and her appetite seems to be okay for her. We haven't had any more of those really horrible, refusing to eat episodes since she drove us all crazy that time 2 months ago. Maybe she had some serious gastro issues at that point.
She does keep me on my toes and I guess I'm adding kidney issues to the cushings issues that I'm learning about. (no my choice at all)
molly muffin
05-16-2016, 06:40 PM
oh I was going to say too, Marianne, that since we are rechecking in 2 weeks I'm not concerned about letting the cortisol levels come up for her and I am guessing that the next test will tell us what is going on. (I'm still betting on an switch of the pre/post results) We have seen enough cushing tests on this forum to know that is the most obvious answer as to why so high a pre and often times, the obvious is the right answer. But since molly has been known to be her own dictionary with cushings, I can't say positively. The repeated negative ldds comes to mind, never over drinking water, no ravenous appetite, perfect coat until recently and only after she was on medication for over a year did it go bonkers. argghhh
molly muffin
05-20-2016, 12:41 AM
Marianne, I had sent that email to the internal medicine department asking about the possibility of the vials being mislabeled or the lab switching the results.
Today even though my specialist isn't into the office till tomorrow she emailed me and this is what she had to say about the high pre and low post:
I saw your email about Molly and just wanted to touch base. I think it’s unlikely that the tubes were mixed up but we can’t completely rule that out. I have seen that before in other cases. One theory that I’ve read to explain it is that more trilostane has been absorbed from the intestinal tract since the pre so there is greater inhibition of cortisol production at the time the second sample is pulled. I am back in the clinic tomorrow if you want to call me to discuss further.
That is an interesting possibility that I hadn't seen mentioned before so I wanted it on here as something to consider. I am going to mention your thoughts on renal filtration too and see what she thinks.
Have I mentioned how much I adore my specialist and love how much she loves molly. :)
Bailey's Mom
05-23-2016, 12:55 AM
Hang on to that specialist! You've got a real winner!
molly muffin
05-23-2016, 11:13 AM
Yes I do love her. I didn't get a chance to get back to her on Friday as it's the May long weekend in Canada and we have been away.
I took molly off all trilostane for 4 days and started back in at the lower dose on last Wednesday. At this point, all shaking has stopped. That makes me wonder if that post number wasn't the main factor after all. Of course it is also warmer, but it didn't stop until I took her off trilostane for a few days.
We've been transitioning to complete kidney specific diet and today is her first day with this without any mix of the old food in there. Cross my fingers that she doesn't get tummy upset or diarrhea from the switch over.
Hey Sharlene.... just wondering how our Diva is doing and of course you too.
molly muffin
06-05-2016, 10:50 AM
Hi Judi. Great to hear from you. Just been working and more working.
Molly goes back Wednesday for her follow up ACTH. I expect it will be higher. No more shaking episodes forma couple weeks now! She seems to be walking better. Not as many episodes of her leg giving out. Eyes worse. You can tell because she uses her hearing to tell where in the house someone is. You can tell she will be looking one way and unless you make a sound that you are I. A different direction she doesnt know. Even if yiunar waving your arms madly in the air. She needs that sound. So another area we are working on to get her more comfortable.
Big hugs. Hope things are going well for you.
Near the end as Keesh's eyes and mostly his hearing went... I started to clap loudly to get his attention. Only needed to do it once. He responded well and I was glad it worked. Of course I used hand signals all his life, but the single clap was new. Seems that sound wave traveled much differently then my voice. 2 claps meant "no" meaning he could not trot across the street.. LOL
06-05-2016, 10:16 PM
Just dropped by to say hi. Molly is lucky to have you. You are doing the best you can for your little Molly, and she knows that.
Love Sonja, Apollo
06-06-2016, 10:35 PM
Hi Sharlene...had to catch up with your posts on Molly while I'm here.. Hope she's been doing okay. Glad to hear that while off Trilo for awhile the shaking has stopped. Either it's the drug..or could be the lower cortisol is bringing out something that had been masked..joint pain or some other inflammation?
That was an odd ACTH result you had last will be really interesting to see what the next one looks like. Hoping Molly is happy and feeling good. :)
molly muffin
06-08-2016, 07:22 PM
Took molly for follow up ACTH today so should have those results tomorrow. We also did a mini renal profile (IDEXX), added on a urinalysis and checked the BP. BP was very high, 240. Which isn't good. (this was on the second test, the first wasn't as high as that)
Anyway, will post more once we know what the values are from today.
06-08-2016, 10:26 PM
Darn that BP! I can't remember--is the vet who is doing the BP using a doppler or a cuff? My vet uses a cuff and usually takes 5 or 6 readings and takes an average. When at the hospital they use a doppler and do one or two readings. Just wondering if Molly's numbers would be different using the averaging.
Thinking good thoughts for the rest of the results!
molly muffin
06-09-2016, 07:50 PM
I think they use the doppler judy. They took a couple readings all where over 200, so we are increasing the amoldipine to 1.25mg twice a day instead of once and will recheck in about a week.
Also she has a UTI. The urinalysis showed some white blood cells and would explain the licking and increased peeing. So tomorrow I am taking her to the local vet for a cysto draw (clean) which will be cultured and we'll start her on antibiotics tomorrow to get a start on the weekend and adjust if we need to when the culture comes back with what type of bacteria it is.
Her ACTH was
79nmol pre 2.86ug
149 post 5.4ug
Since the shaking has stopped so we are thinking that she will do better at this range perhaps and in 8 weeks we will retest and maybe talk about going to a twice a day dosing or something. Dependent upon molly She will stay at 20mg till next test, down from the 24mg.
Her Creatinine was 185 just a small increase from 183 last time
BUN was 16.9, down from 21.3 I think it was last time.
SDMA 26, think that is up a bit. I'd have to look at spreadsheet to know for sure.
So, she is holding steady for the moment and things might be improved once we get rid of the UTI but all will be rechecked in 8 weeks.
I feel better knowing how she is doing and that things aren't getting worse right now. Just will need to see what things are like minus a UTI.
Thanks for hanging with me while I freak out. :) Molly is still doing the 48 hr ACTH spazz.
I thought molly was looking better but my IMS said, no she looks the same to her, but her hair is growing out a bit, still thin though and her weight isn't going back up. sigh.
06-09-2016, 09:14 PM
Whew, so relieved to read your report, Sharlene! I've been thinking about you guys all day. Sorry about the UTI, but out of all the things that could be wrong, I'll take the UTI. ;)
Many belly rubs to our girl (that's Molly, of course, even though you're our girl, too :p).
06-09-2016, 09:44 PM
No belly rubs for Sharlene? But ... what if she wants them, too? ;)
I too am grateful that you've got an answer to what's been going on, and that is "just" a UTI. Funny how perspective changes your outlook on these things.
Hugs to you! :)
06-09-2016, 10:06 PM
Sharlene--aside from the BP, the stable lab results are a big relief, I'm sure. The UTI can be dealt with and I bet Molly will be more comfortable when the meds kick in.
Hugs to Molly!
molly muffin
06-09-2016, 10:13 PM
Yea, I'm glad she is stable, that is a plus. I'm sure that with some antibiotics in her she will do much better too. And hopefully we can get the BP down. :)
I'm rather partial to back and neck rubs. LOL So I'll let molly have the belly rubs. Shes a hog about them anyway. rofl :)
molly muffin
06-09-2016, 10:17 PM
How was Abbies BP?
Abbies creatinine is okay right? I haven't seen that you mentioned it as being high on the last test so her kidneys are actually doing okay other than the dratted UPC.
06-09-2016, 11:04 PM
Sharlene--Abbie's BP is in the 140-150 range. The neurologist took it yesterday and it was 146 so at least the telmisartan and amlodipine are helping in that regard even though not helping with UPC. Yes, creatinine is normal. Only abnormal kidney marker is the ridicuously high UPC!
molly muffin
06-09-2016, 11:14 PM
yea molly was doing good on just the amoldipine and was at 140 but when her creatinine went up and the UPC actually came down (how WERID was that!) her BP has sky rocketed.
So guessing it might be kidney related.
That is good that Abbies kidneys are doing okay other than the UPC and that BP is fantastic.
06-10-2016, 12:50 AM
Bahaha... Back and neck rubs for you, then. ;)
Thinking of you and hoping you are heading out the door to spend some time with your grandson, it will be just the tonic you need.
molly muffin
06-11-2016, 11:16 AM
Got Molly amoxicillin yesterday and a culture sent off.
She is acting fine A bit more trips out but that is tha nature of UTIs.
Yes am going to see grandson this afternoon and with friends later this afternoon.
I have my freak moments over Molly. I think that is the way of it with pets in your life. But eventually I do adjust just as she does.
Like it is so comical the expressions she uses now that she uses her hearing so much. She looks at your voice and cocks her head this way and that. Just too cute. Or when she is attacking either her treat or toy and misses by a mile but goes right back at it till she finds it and throws it in the air like ah ha!! Got you!! Lol
06-11-2016, 06:44 PM
As if a little lack of hearing going to hold our Molly back. Hope the antibiotics sort that UTI quick smart, our hearts cannot stand any more bad news this week. So Miss Molly, drink lots of water to flush it out and get back on track you hear!
Your Mama and us do not need any more freak moments :eek:
Sharlene, thank you for all that you do... you know what I mean xx
07-16-2016, 05:30 PM
Just dropped by to see how you and Molly are doing. You do so much for other's on this site.
Thank you
Love Sonja, Apollo, Karma and little Ariel
Budsters Mom
07-17-2016, 01:28 AM
Good Golly, we need an update on Miss Molly.;) I hope our diva is holding her own and continues to enjoy life for a very long time. They adjust to their new normals much easier than we do.
molly muffin
07-18-2016, 11:12 PM
Molly continues in her diva ways. Lol. I'll know something is wrong if that ever stops. :).
She can be standing right near me and looking for me in a different direction and sometimes not even get the direction right when I talk to her. Takes a bit to figure out where I am.
I tap the step up to the front door now so she knows where it is and she will wait for that tap if she is unsure. Sometimes she can gauge it but not often.
She got groomed on Saturday and that step down is a bit bigger than hers at home and she misjudged it. Luckily I had a good grip on the harness and pulled her up from a face plant. She has had a few of those in the past month so not fun and she gets a bit iffy of things afterwards. I like to keep the confidence high.
We have had contractors in the house the past two weeks getting estimates for various jobs. She seems to be hamdleing thT okay.
I interviewed for a different position at the company I work for today. I just feel the need for a change as the last two years have been a bit stressful. I don't know if this is jumping from the pan into the fire or not. It might be as you are essentially needing to be available all hours while still maintaining full time work days but it would allow me to be home with Molly even more than I am now and as she is getting older and the issues more with her health it is important to me to be with her as needed and not on my jobs schedule. If I get the job I would still maintain a space at the office but can work from home every day if I need to. Molly first. :).
The fire part is that it is more hours probably but a complete change from the more technical that I do now. More responsibility but not the same exact thing every day. Hopefully no more working at midnight although I do have a week of that coming up in August. Ugh. That schedule is worse than ,monitoring for some problem that might come up at any hour I think.
Anyway we shall see if I get it. Others are applying too of course as this position doesn't come available very often. So I m not going to hold my breath. It's a possibility is all at this point.
We have family coming. My sister who hasn't been to,Canada since I got married. If things work out with my BIL who is back in hospital and likely heading to a rehab hospital after another fall. Nothing is simple eh. If my sister comes then my niece will come too and Daniels mom will be in and out before and after her trip to Budapest All in August. It's going to be a crazy month I think.
Whiskey's Mom
07-19-2016, 12:05 AM
I love it-Molly the Diva! What a sweetie. Hope you get that job, working from home sounds wonderful.
07-19-2016, 04:56 PM
Sharlene -- Fingers crossed that you get the new job! Your life is so busy that I bet any small change for the better would help.
Hugs to Molly from us!
Harley PoMMom
07-19-2016, 10:12 PM
Sharlene -- Fingers crossed that you get the new job!
Me too!! :D
07-21-2016, 12:44 PM
I've not posted for a while but have been keeping up to date with Miss Molly and others. Fingers crossed that you get the job as it will make things easier for you if you can be home, even if you do have to work, and the company will be better ;)
Budsters Mom
07-21-2016, 03:04 PM
Fingers and paws crossed that you get the job, if you really want it.;)
molly muffin
08-20-2016, 03:51 PM
I didn't get the job, so oh well. Nothing to be done about that.
Molly didn't have her ACTH as they where low on the agent used for the test and so we'll get it when more is in stock at the vet hospital.
Really cushings is like the least of my current worries with molly. Her Creatinine has increased again, putting her at an early Stage III Kidney disease.
BUN 24.7 range 3.2 - 11 june 2016 - 16.9
Creatinine 240 range 44 - 133 june 2016 - 185
SDMA 29 range 0 - 14 june 2016 - 26
Calcium 3 range 2.2 - 2.8 june 2016 wasn't tested but has been ranging in the 3 range for this entire year
ALT and ALKP while both still elevated have come down from previous test
ALT 163 range 18 - 121 may 2016 - 185
ALKP 975 range 5 - 160 may 2016 - 1062
So her kidneys are more of a priority right now.
She still has the 2 small kidney stones but now also has 2 small bladder stones. We will likely try a hydroexpulsion of the bladder to get them out, as surgery isn't really an option. We need to try this so as after 3ml size it isn't an option to use.
An ultrasound shows both adrenal glands are larger in size with nodules.
She hurt her back about 2 weeks ago now and today we put her on Gabapentin which is better for nerve type pain, although not thrilled with it being expelled through the kidneys, but can't have her in pain either. So, 8 days of this and reevaluate the situation.
Her back legs are much worse, so we have some exercises to try to build the muscle on those.
She isn't vomiting or completly refusing food yet and we just hope she keeps drinking enough and can stay hydrated.
There is a Lot going on with molly and although none of it is particularly good or positive, she still has a great attitude and when she is feeling good (back not hurting her) she is playful even, but I don't like seeing her in pain, so that is a priority.
One positive is that her UPC is now .7 Protein loss with the advancing kidney disease is less of a concern.
Near sight is completely gone, only some distance sight remains which has her jumpy as can be.
So, kids bought a house that is going to require a lot of work and they will be moving in with the baby for a week while their place sells and then hope they can get one floor livable to move into as they come with 2 cats, that have never been around dogs and have to stay in the bedroom. Molly also is not a cat fan and especially without sight, isn't to be trusted near them.
It is all very stressful for my husband and myself these days. I really am just focused as much as possible on molly and doing what is best for her to keep her quality of life up. I'm hoping that with the meds for her back and the exercises for her legs, that at least until the kidney disease progresses too much that we can keep her happy and playful and pain free.
08-20-2016, 04:02 PM
Sharlene -- sure do wish the kidney disease would stabilize. Hopefully, the Gabapentin will help with her back pain and not influence her appetite negatively.
Fingers crossed that another opportunity will come along job-wise.
Abbie sends a big ar-o-o-o to sweet Molly!
Squirt's Mom
08-20-2016, 04:59 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I know how worried you must be but I also know our sweet girl is in the best of hands with her mom. If I knew anything to share about kidney disease I would be happy to but I know next to nothings and am sure you have all the bases covered anyway. Just know I am here if you ever need a shoulder to lean on.
Leslie and the gang
Whiskey's Mom
08-20-2016, 06:00 PM
So sorry for all your troubles. But happy that Molly has such a great attitude. I'm sure she'll do fine thru these stressful times with you by her side caring for her.
08-20-2016, 06:16 PM
Sharlene - sending good thoughts and strength. This will pass. Keep your chin up!
Harley PoMMom
08-20-2016, 10:47 PM
(((Hugs))) are first. Those kidney/bladder stones and the Gabapentin could be contributing to the rise in the creatinine so just maybe her kidneys haven't really gotten any worse.
You both are in my thoughts and prayers.
More hugs, Lori
Budsters Mom
08-20-2016, 11:20 PM
Good golly, Miss Molly. :o So glad that her attitude is good and you are managing any pain. It's all so hard. We are right here with you Sharlene.
Big hugs my dear,
08-20-2016, 11:22 PM
Massive Hugs from Henry and me too.
I just wish I was able to help in some way, but I don't have any experience with the kidneys. It sounds like Molly is coping well, and has the best support team ever.
Bailey's Mom
08-21-2016, 03:41 AM
Hi Sharlene-
Looks like you in the middle of a very rough road. I am so sorry. How old is Molly now? I think the loss of vision is a hard one to deal with.....more so for us Moms-the fur babies seem to adjust somehow.
I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and hope you get some good news soon. I'm sending a BIG hug north. Should be there by the time you get up on Sunday.
Take care.
molly muffin
08-23-2016, 05:16 PM
She wasn't on any pain meds when the test was done, but maybe the bladder stones are contributing to her creatinine and BUN going up?
I'm going to be emailing the specialist to see when we can try to get the bladder stones out of her.
Cross fingers.
My current manager is thrilled I'm not leaving. I wasn't actually looking for a new job, when they started calling me last year to see if I'd be interested in the one I finally agreed to apply for, so I won't be actively looking for a different position. I'm hoping that some automation processes coming soon will make a difference. Also we just hired on a new team member, so hopefully the crazy stuff at work will stop or lessen.
Now we are into crazy with the kids and them getting a place that has to be renovated down to the studs, likely moving in with us, cats, dogs and arrrgghhh.
Seems like when one thing gets less crazy, the something else steps in to get more crazy. I can't remember when last my hubby and I actually had couple time, or an evening that wasn't somehow bouncing around from one place to another and dealing with multiple situations. It's been awhile thats for sure.
My daughter said last night, she wishes the next 6 months where over with and I practically yelled "6 MONTHS!!!!" good lord, I'll never survive 6 months, you'll find me clutching molly in some padded cell by that time!!!!
Mother in law arrives this thursday!!! Having fun yet? :) :) :) LOL At least her and molly are good together. LOL She just has to leave before the kids arrive on the 6th.
Okay, let me get that email off to internal medicine. Then have to go stage house for photos for listing.
Molly gave me hell last night for coming home, feeding and walking her and then leaving and not coming back till late and when it was time for her last walk. She was yaking like crazy at me when I came in the door. Not barking, but serious grumble sounds. Hopefully tonight will be better or I'll be in the dog house, no her! (like she has a dog house, she owns our house) LOL
08-23-2016, 05:22 PM
Poor Sharlene,
My daughter, son-in-law, grandson and cat (who our vet said was the meanest cat he had ever met) moved in with us for one whole year when Josh was a year'll get used to it.
After a while you just get numb and count down the days in your head...never out loud!
molly muffin
08-23-2016, 05:47 PM
oh no, never out loud! LOL
If it wasn't for the cats, it wouldn't be an issue. Well not much of one anyhow.
Molly and cats though is Not a happy mix. Our house and cats is not a particularly happy mix either come to think of it.
You've got this!!!!!. I think I know you well enough that you'll breeze through the confusion better then most of us would. I could tell when we met you have a calm attitude so I'm sure that will help in this unusual time.
Glad Molly is feeling well enough to tell you off- LOL- she knows how to rule.:D
You will need five pitchers a night of girls night out.
I agree with Lori, I really think those increases are from the stones so don't get too worried yet and her UPC is down so that's good news.
The kids won't want to leave if you cook for them, lol. They will be anxious to have their house done so pray contractor keeps all renovations on schedule.
I don't know how you keep it all going but you always do and you do it well.
Big hugs
molly muffin
08-31-2016, 09:04 PM
Well I feel like I'm going in a million different directions right now.
Molly, has good days and not so good days but usually perks up even on a not good day in the evening.
Bladder stones. Well, they have to come out one way or another, the risk of a blockage is too great to just leave them.
We are going to try urohydropropulsion. I've asked for either next Wed or the following week. If we can do it under heavy sedation that would be best, as with the high blood pressure, general anethesia is a higher risk, however, if they don't all come out or if there is a bladder rupture, she would immediately go into surgery. I'm freaking terrified and a real wreck.
Poor girl, she is blind as a bat but smart. Does get a bit confused when she thinks I'm in one room only to have me walk in when she is looking where she thinks I am, then I'm behind her or something.
Her back leg gives out quite a bit. Most of the time if she feels good, she jumps right up and keeps going, but sometimes a really loud thump when she falls over, means she waits it out for a bit till she feels confident to get back up. She really is a trooper.
I think her back is getting better but she is still on the pain meds for it and not allowed to jump.
On the home front, my MIL left this morning and we are waiting to see if the kids are moving in next week or what is happening with their home plans, selling, buying, renovating, etc. It's just very busy around her with people coming and going all the time and just when you think you have some time to yourself, something else comes up.
I declared myself ready to run away and join the circus the other day. Really had our daughter rolling with laughter as I think she is feeling the same way.
I said, come on, lets just go, get in the car and we'll find us a circus and do a two man juggling act to support ourselves. We'll come back when the guys have all the house stuff sorted out and completed. :) :) :)
Even now, we expect to have people here later for this and that. So once again I have to go.
I apologize for not being around but I haven't forgotten any of you!
09-01-2016, 08:11 AM
Oh, poor Molly...I would be freaking out, too Sharlene. When things got hectic with everyone living here, I would take my grandson and Lena and we would take off for the beach at night and he would play in the sand and me and Lee would just sit and enjoy the sound of the waves and Josh talking to himself. Just an hour or two and we'd be ready to go back.
Sometimes I would go across the street to one of my neighbors and swim in her pool for an hour or so. I loved having Josh here, but his parents just got on my nerves. At that time our Andee was still alive and Lee and Ann just loved Josh...he kept them entertained for hours! Take some time for yourself, Sharlene, it helps.
Budsters Mom
09-01-2016, 08:44 PM
Awwww Sharlene. I'm so sorry. So thankful that our little diva has you.
Oddly enough, the CIRCUS has very high standards. They turned me down. ;)
Bailey's Mom
09-01-2016, 10:10 PM
Hi Sharlene and woof, woof Molly!
I'm not @ home, but I am checking in on my best buds.....I am so sorry to hear of Molly's woes. I've had to deal with my dog's loss of eyesight. It's so sad. They are such troopers. They are even more loving if that can even be possible.
Sounds crazy at your house. You and Molly should sneak away for a nap.
My thoughts are with you and Molly. Please keep us posted as you can.
BIG hug,
09-05-2016, 12:51 AM
Just stopped by to see how things were going, and sorry to read about Miss Molly's bladder stones. We'll be thinking of her on Wed and sending masses of good vibes that the procedure is a success and there's no need for any op.
Things sound really hectic for you at the moment so take time to look after yourself.
Hugs x
09-06-2016, 02:32 PM
Hey Sharlene, just checking in to see whether Miss Molly's procedure is a "go" for tomorrow. If so, sending tons of healing thoughts and well wishes her way (and yours, too!). I know you and hubby will be on pins and needles, and we'll be right there alongside you. Update us as you can, and our thoughts will definitely remain with you throughout.
molly muffin
09-06-2016, 03:07 PM
no we won't be doing it tomorrow. I'd pushed it to next week now so I can be home with her (we are having some power outages here due to work in the area)
However, that being said, molly hasn't been well lately, not eating, now worried not drinking enough, lethargic. Just she hasn't been good at all since Sunday I think. Her appetite went off then.
She had her kennel cough and distemper shots on Saturday, seemed okay. Then sunday no. We got her to eat a bit of steak last night (no meds because I can't get any food in her really) and she won't take treats either. Threw up the steak over night.
We are going to the vet today at 3:30pm and I'm hoping maybe some fluids will help her or something. We're seeing the local vet just across the park from us.
At the moment, I don't think she is well enough to schedule the procedure. :(
Over all unless she makes a turn around soon, this is not good. :( I can't even get her up in the mornings to go outside. She just sleeps, won't interact, won't take treats, food for the past 3 days.
09-06-2016, 03:18 PM
Oh Shar, no this is not good at all...:( :( :(
I am worried right along with you. :o
Fingers crossed that the vet visit today will really help. Please do let us know.
molly muffin
09-06-2016, 03:25 PM
I'll let you know what the vet says.
Today is my birthday too and I'm just so worried that I can't concentrate on anything. Just trying to hold it together you know. I've been crying for days because it feels like it's not good, and each day feels worse. Little tail wags make me glow with happiness, but they don't last longer than moments, and she is so weak that she can't even diva like she does normally.
09-06-2016, 03:30 PM
Oh I totally understand and will be staying right here. Sending much love and comfort to you both!
Squirt's Mom
09-06-2016, 03:33 PM
I'm here, too, Sharlene. Please let us know how she is when you can. Prayers rising, healing and strengthening energies flying our sweet girl's way.
Hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang
Harley PoMMom
09-06-2016, 03:37 PM
Oh Sharlene I am sorry to hear our girl is not feeling well and I hope that she starts to feel much better, that would be such a great birthday present for you...Happy Birthday, Sharlene!
09-06-2016, 04:52 PM
Sharlene -- just catching up and I am so sorry to learn that Molly is feeling poorly. Hopefully, fluids will help. Wondering if you could get some nutri-cal into her. Putting some on your finger and then on the roof of her mouth is one way to get it in if she won't lick it off your finger. Definitely not time for a birthday celebration --
Big hugs sent your way and prayers that Molly will perk up!
09-06-2016, 05:41 PM
So sorry to hear that little Molly isn't feeling too good at the moment. :(
I hope the vet was able to help. Do they think it could be a reaction to the vaccinations - I know some can cause our pups to feel a bit under the weather for a few days.
Big but gentle hugs from Henry and me xx
& Happy Birthday, even though you may not feel like celebrating
molly muffin
09-06-2016, 06:09 PM
They gave her fluids which helped I think.
Took bloods. Gave her an anti nauseous shot.
Sent her home with some GI can food, which she promptly turned her nose up at. So, she still won't eat or even take treats but at least not dehydrated right now.
Her tummy showed some tenderness, so could be pancreatis, there was mention of possible kidney infection, but not as high on the list. We'll know more once bloods come back. IMS to be consulted. So hopefully tomorrow we'll have the bloods back and know more, although I never seem to get the bloods back as fast through the regular vets as through the specialist.
So, lets hope she perks up and eats a bit tonight. I feel better after having these sort of frank, technical discussions than when things are just emotional.
Oh!!! I just heard a noise in the kitchen, turned around and I'd left a liver crunchy treat beside her food bowl to try to entice her in that direction. She is crunching on the liver treat now that is what I heard Hopefully she will also eat a bit of the gi food. The vet said dogs normally love it but with a kidney problem dog, you never know. I'll pick up chicken to cook later and maybe do some chicken rice mush if she doesn't eat this. I'll try anything!!!
So this is a positive! whew hope it holds up. Even when she is finicky she never turns down treats, so that was a definite tell for us that she wasn't right and the vet agreed, definitely something not right but they have to figure out what.
Usually for a vaccine reaction, they'd give steroids but can't with molly.
09-06-2016, 06:16 PM
Yay for liver crunchy treats! OK then, here's hoping this will start her eating again, at least a bit. Thanks so much for the update and now we'll have to try to stay patient for the hard to do! :o
molly muffin
09-06-2016, 06:17 PM
she ate some of the GI food too!
This is good. I'm going to treat it like pancreatis which it could be and give her small amounts throughout the day.
molly muffin
09-06-2016, 06:18 PM
Hopefully she will drink enough too. She is now having a nap on her bear skin rug, which is where she has been all day. I blocked behind the couch as I'll never get her out if something is wrong.
09-06-2016, 06:20 PM
Oh that is so good!! :) :)
Now maybe you can go ahead and pour yourself a tall glass of wine and actually give some thought to your birthday, Sharlene. Although Molly eating is probably the best present of all! ;) ;)
Squirt's Mom
09-06-2016, 06:22 PM
Oh, I am so so glad she ate the treat and then some food! I hope she continues to perk up as the night progresses! Go, Molly, go!!!!!
09-06-2016, 06:41 PM
Whew! Thank goodness Molly has eaten something, even if just a little bit. Abbie loves her gi low fat food and will eat it even if she won't eat anything else so, hopefully, Molly will do the same.
I totally agree with Marianne -- definitely time for a big birthday glass of wine and time to get your blood pressure back down to normal!
Budsters Mom
09-06-2016, 08:01 PM
OMG!!!!!! Sooooo this is what happens when I'm at work!! :o
So glad she ate some. What a bummer birthday, but you certainly can have a redo, when things are more settled. Tell hubby that I said so!;)
Yes, we remain with you. You are stuck with us!!!
Sending you much love and birthday wishes and healing energy to our little diva.
Thanks for keeping us posted. xxxooo
09-06-2016, 08:50 PM
Just checking back and so pleased to see that she has eaten something :D
Harley PoMMom
09-06-2016, 10:40 PM
YAAA!!! So happy Molly ate!!!!!
molly muffin
09-07-2016, 12:09 AM
She hasn't eaten since I last wrote. Sigh. I hoped she would perk up a bit as the night went on.
I took her out but she fairly weak from not eating and drinking and do wobbly on those back legs. She refused treats and water when she came back in.
Guess we will see what tomorrow brings.
I had a nice big Bellini frozen and a massage tonight at a spa so I'm relaxed at least till tomorrow. Then start this all over again watching to see what she does.
Budsters Mom
09-07-2016, 12:33 AM
I was hoping for better news, but so glad you came back to fill us in.
Poor Molly and poor you. This is so, so, hard.:o
The massage sounds wonderful! I'm so glad you were able to do it, especially on your birthday.
It's somehow seems wrong to wish you a happy birthday in the midst of all of this turmoil, but happy birthday anyway. Know that you are loved.
Bailey's Mom
09-07-2016, 02:59 AM
Wow Sharlene.....Molly sounds like she's having a very rough time. Near the end of Palmer's illness he went through needing fluids intravenously and was not eating. Nothing. None of the standbys. Nothing. I did have some sliced turkey from the deli on hand and tried that, after nothing else worked. He was able to get some of that down. He lost 6 lbs in one week and he only started out with 14.
I'm so sorry this is happening.
I'll keep an eye out for your updates and will be thinking of you and Molly.
09-07-2016, 07:14 AM
Hmmmm...well, I'm up again and ready to start today's watch alongside you, Sharlene. Hoping very much that today will be a better day!!!
Yup... I'm up too keeping a close eye on your updates for today. Know you and Molly are loved. You are all special on here to me, but Sharlene held my hand literally while my turmoil with Keesh was going on, so hoping in some small way I can return the favor. C'mon Molly- we need our little diva back to normal.
09-07-2016, 08:37 AM
Hi Sharlene, sorry , I had written an answer but then I realized that I had missed a part of the thread!. You can try to give her Phosphatydilserin, that lows cortysol and gives e energy, reduces thirst and pain. I know that the o e by Jarrow is good. Milk thistle pills low the liver values. They are incredibly good and even my doctors uses them for Cushing patients. Here they are to be found even in the drugstore.
Did you try to prepare some liver meat for her (but no pig)? I use it whenever scooter does not want to eat. He can't resist it. I would anyway try to feed her meat with some creamy vegetables. If you haven't got an herbs mix I would start it, to improve her immunsystem and appetite. I use one with . Dandelion, linseed, hawthorn, brewer's yeast, birch leaf, nettle herbs, gingko. It is for older dogs but also for Cushing patients. It is by cd vet. Please consider that if your dog is sick he needs to keep his system up and in animals this happens through the food. Do you give her extra minerals? Omega 3 and 6? Where does she usually get her vitamins and minerals? This is very important. There are herbs which improve appetite in dogs. Check the web and there are books too about i
Hi Sharlene,
The Cushing causes internal damages and it is in my opinion not good to left it untreated. It might causes a lot of future pain. If the Cushing is at the beginning stadium, you can try to start with very low dosis. We started with half of the recommended starting dosis and after 10 days we realized that that was too much. Now we will probably switch to 10 or 5 mg for a 55ibs dog.
Lignans and melatonin do work too if the values are not to bad but they will influence the blood results, therefore I would not start them at the same time but may later or before. I am checking out a Chinese traditional medicine therapy for Cushing in Dogs with, above all, Rehmannia 14. Those who used it said that they could stop the conventional treatments. It is not very spreaded in the western world yet as many of us do not know Chinese medicine art all. But is getting important here in Germany.
Wish you both Luck!
09-07-2016, 08:40 AM
Happy belated birthday, Sharlene...I hope Molly feels better as the day goes on. Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts.
09-07-2016, 09:03 AM
Hi Sharlene,
The Cushing causes internal damages and it is in my opinion not good to left it untreated. It might causes a lot of future pain. If the Cushing is at the beginning stadium, you can try to start with very low dosis. We started with half of the recommended starting dosis and after 10 days we realized that that was too much. Now we will probably switch to 10 or 5 mg for a 55ibs dog...
Hi Valentina! I know Sharlene has a busy day ahead of her so I am going to stop by here and add a reply on her behalf. ;)
I am so glad to see you posting to our members and sharing very helpful information. I want to let you know, though, that Molly has actually been treated for Cushing's for quite some time now. It is only because she is not feeling well right now that her medication is not being given at the moment. Whenever dogs are acting ill -- and especially if they are not eating -- we usually recommend that trilostane not be given until the cause can be figured out. Sometimes low cortisol can be the problem, and sometimes it is something totally different. But it is usually a good idea to hold the trilostane while things are sorted out, especially since medication may not be absorbed properly or may even cause GI upset when given on an empty stomach.
We are all hoping very much that Molly will be better today. Both she and her mom are precious to us! They have been through many, many challenges. But through it all, just like you are doing today, Sharlene has always been here to offer help and encouragement to others. This is what makes us a family, and what makes our home here so special.
P.S. I see you were already adding to your reply at the same time I was writing this note. ;)
09-07-2016, 10:24 AM
Hi there, yes, maybe I should not write as I do not know the all story yet. Actually this thread is lo ger than I thought! I do not know how to use it yet! So sorry!
Maybe I could give some helpful hints anyway, at least my support.
09-07-2016, 06:33 PM
Absolutely, support is always welcomed and very much appreciated by us all!
So here's some more support flowing to you, Sharlene. I know it may be a while before you are able to give another update. But Miss Molly has been on my mind all day, and I continue to send loving thoughts your way.
Squirt's Mom
09-07-2016, 06:50 PM
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
molly muffin
09-07-2016, 08:13 PM
Molly is at the ver ER hospital. She will have IV fluids pain med and antibiotics overnight. Evaluate in morning. Check bloods in afternoon. Assess
Her bloods today came back awful. Creatinine doubled since August 4. So Creatine 553. Up from 240. Bun 58 up from 24. SDMA 39 up from 29 I think it was. Phosphorus 6.1 up fro 1.7 pancrease558. Norm 0-200. Pancrease they think secondary to kidney.
Left kidney tender possible infection suspected as no blockage shown on ultrasound. Stones all small still. Some passed from bladder only 2 small ones left.
So we hopeful this is acute and can treat.
My friend drove me to ER as I was a mess. Only option than this was to let her go. I want her to have a fair chance if possible.
She turned on the diva in her in back room and frowned at girl she didn't know befor my IMS said you know know Better miss Molly come to your aunt Dinaz at which Molly jumped into her arms. And the room swooned with awwwws.
I hope she makes it. Just love that little munchikin
09-07-2016, 08:18 PM
Sending huge prayers and hugs your way! We also want this to be a treatable acute episode. Hang in there, Sharleen!
09-07-2016, 08:19 PM
Well you sure giving her the very best chance of making it Sharlene... Your a primo Mum and Molly loves you for it, as do all of us. It's not all over till the Diva says so and it sounds like she is making her feelings pretty clear, love it! xxxx
09-07-2016, 08:24 PM
i hope molly will feel better soon. hugs for the both of you.
Budsters Mom
09-07-2016, 09:19 PM
Now this is what we want to hear!:p You go Molly!!!
We all want Molly to come through this. She is our little diva too!
She turned on the diva in her in back room and frowned at girl she didn't know befor my IMS said you know know Better miss Molly come to your aunt Dinaz at which Molly jumped into her arms. And the room swooned with awwwws
09-07-2016, 10:01 PM
Just wanted to let you know that we're thinking and praying for Molly and you.
Hugs xx
09-07-2016, 10:47 PM
I'm just now home again, and yes, I was wondering if her kidneys were acting up more. But she's getting the best care possible, Sharlene, and I've got all my fingers crossed that tomorrow will be a better day all the way around. Ginormous hugs flowing to you and our Molly girl!!
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