View Full Version : Sophie just diagnosed....)-: (9 y/o schnauzer)

06-29-2012, 09:21 AM
Hi everyone,
We just found out yesterday that our beloved dog, Sophie, has cushings. She is a 9 year old schnauzer. We are devastated. What treatment has worked and what do we need to do? We are meeting with the vet next Thursday to discuss options.
Thanks so much for the support and advise......

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06-29-2012, 10:33 AM
Hi Margaret,

Welcome to you and Sophie! I'm sorry for the reason that has brought you to us, but so glad you found us! You have found a wonderful group of kind, helpful, knowledgeable people.

To help us better help you and Sophie, can you tell us more about her? Can you tell us what symptoms, if any, of Cushing's she is showing, what made your vet suspect it, or what tests were done to diagnose it, and what any abnormal results were? Cushing's is difficult to diagnose, and it is often misdiagnosed. The more information we have from you, the better people are able to help.

Also, assuming Sophie does indeed have Cushing's, you have time to think about how you are going to proceed, so there is no need to rush. I know when my dog was diagnosed I immediately got online and read all I could. I was a nervous wreck and worried that her time was limited. That is not the case with most dogs with Cushing's who are monitored closely; many end up living their regular life span. So don't panic if Sophie does have Cushing's.

We will be here to support you with whatever you need, so please don't hesitate to ask any questions you have. You are already doing the right thing!

We look forward to hearing more about Sophie!

Julie & Hannah

06-29-2012, 10:46 AM
Welcome Margaret, and to Sophie too.
I am sorry for the reason you found us but am pleased you have done so, this is a super group of people who will help and support you. There is lots of information on this site that will help you and you'll find help on hand for any questions you have. We also have some super knowledgeable experts here too who will help interpret your lab work so if you have test results please post them in detail too.
A Cushings diagnosis is a huge shock and worry. However there are treatments available and much you can do to support your pup. The key first step is to ensure you have a correct diagnosis so that you can follow the best possible treatment plan.
Best wishes,

06-29-2012, 11:32 AM
Margaret, I am new here too and only a week ahead of you on diagnosis. We start official treatment tonight. I can tell you that at first everything you read will scare the heck out of you. But stay with it, educate yourself, ask dog friends and you will also get stories of hope and success. It helps to have a vet you trust - I have lots of faith in mine.

Initially here is what was done for our 11 yo yorkie Gidget. An ACTH stim test. I'm in the Dallas area and it was $250. She presents with very classic Cushings symptoms (although not the hair loss - she's still gorgeous!). We start Lysodren (mitotane) tonight. The other common drug prescribed is trilostane (vetoryl). My vet referred to mitotane as the gold standard but I think they all have their opinions. He has cushings experience and has good results with it so I am going with him on this.

Bo's Mom
06-29-2012, 12:32 PM
Margaret and Sophie,
Welcome to one of the most knowledgeable and wonderful group of cush owners out there. Everyone is here to guide you through all the questions you are undoubtely going to have about Sophie's diagnosis and treatment options. They have defintely been there for me. Good luck on the upcoming vet visit and don't forget to gather all testing information/results so you can post them up.

06-29-2012, 01:10 PM
Thanks everyone!!! I feel better already.....I have asked the vet to send the test results and will share them with you later today. Sophie was starting to loose her hair on her back and had a huge increase in appetite. She had her gall bladder removed in January and had both rear knees corrected (luxating patellas) a few years ago. I just want to make sure we are doing all we can to keep her quality of life good. Will post more when I know something firm.....

Roxee's Dad
06-29-2012, 01:56 PM
Hi Margaret,
A big welcome to you and Sophie:) You will find plenty of help and hand holding here:)

I have approved your last post, Please when you get a chance, check your e-mail for a message from k9cushings. Follow the instructions to complete your membership. Once completed, you post will appear immediately without the need for approval. :) If you don't see it in your inbox, check your spam folder.

We are looking forward to hearing more about Sophie:D

06-30-2012, 02:31 PM
I just got the results of the cortisol serial 3 (dex)---- for Sophie 6/27
Cortisol sample 1--8:30 am. 8.8
Cortisol sample 2---12:30--- .07
Cortisol sample 3 ---4:30--- 8.1

What do these results mean?

06-30-2012, 03:38 PM
Hi Margaret, The diagnosis from those numbers would be pituitary cushings meaning Sophie has a pituitary tumor (they are benign) that is usually a tiny little thing that emits signals to the adrenal glands telling them to produce more cortisol when really Sophie's body doesn't need more cortisol... This is simplified of course ;)

Schnauzers are prone to cushings as well as hypothyroidism and diabetes. I have 3 relatives with diabetic schnauzers and I had one with cushings and one that had a FALSE positive for cushings. The test you had done is a good one but you cannot take just that test as 100% confirmation.

Did you have a blood panel done? If so it'd be helpful to see what the abnormal readings are. Typically cush dogs have elevated liver enzymes.

I'm asking all these questions so I have a better feel and we can help you more. Is Sophies' urine concentrated (yellow) or clear? Does she have a rounded tummy/pot belly?

Did you do any other testing yet? Tell us as much as you can and we'll help as best we can! There are wonderful people here! WElcome aboard and please know this is not a death sentence if it is cushings - my gal Haley was treated for 4 1/2 yrs and passed at 16 1/2 of old age. Kim

molly muffin
06-30-2012, 04:21 PM
Hi Margaret, I got my results on the 27th also, although they technically came in on the 26th (our wedding anniversary)
I'm trying to decide now at what point to start treatment. How long to wait is the biggest question for us.

Does Sophie have any of the symptoms of cushings? There must have been a reason that they thought a test was needed. For us it was the elevated liver results, along with a pot belly. (I guess she wasn't growing that belly just so we'd have more room to rub it eh)

It is comforting in a way to know the path we walk now is not solo, and that others have walked it before us and can share their knowledge and wisdom. Hopefully we can all learn together and make wise choices.

Hugs to you and tummy rubs to Sophie

06-30-2012, 06:56 PM
Hi everyone,
Sophie is losing her hair on her back, has a somewhat pot belly and her liver enzymes have been elevated for quite some time....we thought they were elevated due to her gall bladder illness then she has had and pancreatitis frequently. I feel much more encouraged after talking with all of you. She has blood work done about every 6 weeks due to high liver enzymes and she is on ursadal for bile since she doesn't have a g.bladder.
I wish I could give you all a big, big hug!!!!!

molly muffin
06-30-2012, 07:51 PM
Hi Margaret,

Okay so Sophie has some symptoms of cushings. Molly has the pot belly and high liver results too. No hair loss yet.

You are meeting with your vet on Thursdays to discuss options.? Now the initial shock has worn off a bit, you can step back and evaluate the situation better. I'm saying this from feeling like I've just come out of a fog myself. As I told the vet today, "I'm not freaking near as much as I was yesterday, so consider yourself lucky". :)

You can see what your vet says are your options, what they recommend, and see, how they feel about low dose treatments. Important since mine doesn't appear to be on that bandwagon at all. She's stuck at the 30mg option. But whatever, just make a list of things you want to know from your vet, just like you would from your doctor. Read the information files here, which I've found helpful. But basically know that as this is a slow progression disease, you Do have time to take to make any decisions.

It's Saturday, enjoy the weekend, do something fun and try not to over analyze. I am going to try to take my own advice. :) Try being the operative word there!


07-06-2012, 07:38 PM
We started Sophie on Vetoryl 10 mg today. Is there anywhere online that is reputable that we can purchase these meds? She has a ACTH test on July 17.

molly muffin
09-21-2012, 05:15 PM
It is so weird. It's like this entire thread disappeared on me and then showed up in my inbox today.

I hope that Sophie is doing well on the Vetoryl. There are some compounding pharmacies that people use to get Trilostane. Did you find one?

Let us know how things are going. I'm sorry to have missed your last question for so many months. Weird.
