View Full Version : New here and newly diagnosed Dachshund, Holly

06-24-2012, 05:22 PM
Hi everyone,
I know from previous experience that these forums are great with our sick furry friends, I am just sad I need to come here once again. Our Holly, our 7 year old dachshund was diagnosed with Cushings Disease a few weeks ago. She has been med free from IMHA (Anemia) for 3 years now. She had the Anemia for 3 years and we pumped lots of medications into her to keep her going.

So this all started with a urinary tract infection on 5-21-12 and was put on cefpodoxime 100 mg. On Memorial Day 5-28-12 she had a grand mal seizure and we thought she died on us twice, at first we thought heart attack. Down to vet and they thought and we that maybe having a reaching to cefpodoxime, so started her on clavamox. The following Sunday she had another seizure (not as bad as that first one)so on Tuesday, they ran complete panel of blood work, tested for thyroid and also for Cushings. Thyroid was fine, Cushings was diagnosed with a Post Acth reading of 21.4. So she was started on 20 mg of vetoryl, 10 in the morning and 10 at night for 2 weeks. 30 was the protocal for her weight, but the Dr did not want to start that high for fear of creating Addisons disease. Following 2 Sunday's another seizure each week, which the Dr said was because of the Cushings Disease. June 19th back in for the ACTH Stimulation test and because the Post Acth reading had only come down to 10, the Dr upped the Vetoryl to 30 mg now. So this past week was on it for 3 days and yesterday she had 2 more seizures one in the morning and one in afternoon. So at this point we are just trying to keep her very calmas it seems as soon as she gets excited or runs just a short distance the seizures come on.

It is so heart wrenching to see her going through these seizures. I have been researching to I am blue in the face for the last few weeks on this, and I see some spots about a seizure is for sure from Cushings disease. But I have also found sites that say no really, but rather a brain tumor. She has all the classic signs of the brain tumor. Dr. said it was in her pituary gland in her brain, which is a pea sized tumor but I would think with the cortisol levels being reduced the seizures should not be as bad, especially to have 2 of them yesterday.

At this point I am just looking for anyone else who might be experiencing the same thing with dogs that I could talk with.
Thanks and sorry my first post is so long.

06-24-2012, 05:44 PM
Hi Linda,

I'm sorry for the reasons that brought you to us, but I am so glad you found us. You are right that this is a really helpful place, with knowledgeable, caring, and supportive people who will be here to do whatever we can for you and Holly.

Never apologize for a long post; the more information, the better! Can you start off by telling us what, if any, symptoms of Cushing's Holly is showing, as well as what tests the vet did along with the abnormal results? That will help people give you the best advice and information possible.

It sounds like it has been a scary and stressful time for you both, and I am sure others will be along to offer advice soon. Know that we are here to help you however we can, so please don't hesitate to ask questions.

Julie & Hannah

06-24-2012, 08:28 PM
Yes, Holly is experiencing excess water drinking and peeing, a ravenous appetite, excessive hair loss, 5 seizures since May 28, 2 yesterday alone. The vet claims these are all side effects of the Cushings Disease. Plus he did the ACTH stimulation test and her Post Acth Cortisol level on 6-4 was 21.4 which is when he started her on the vetoryl 20mg per day, on June 19 a second ACTH stimulation test was done and her Acth cortisol level was 10, so the Vetoryl was upped to 30mg, this was on June 19th. Yesterday, Holly experienced 2 seizures in one day.

I am fearful there is more going on besides the Cushings because of the seizures. Everything I have researched on line doesn't talk about Cushings and seizures to much, but I did find several sites that talk about brain tumors and the larger they grow the more the seizures come. She is very restless, sleeps now on the floor rather then the furniture, sleeps with her eyes open now all the time and the ravenous appetite, disorented lots of the time, rubs her head into the rug a couple of times a day and breathes very fast and hard most of the time.
Thanks for any help or advice anyone can give.
Linda & Holly

06-24-2012, 09:51 PM

I am not an expert and can't give you much advice or input, but I am wondering, only based on what I have read, if Holly might have a macrotumor causing her Cushing's. There is a link in the info. section about macrotumors with some information and symptoms. Most dogs with the pituitary form of Cushing's do not have macrotumors, but some do. I'm not sure if that is what is going on or not. I also know that other diseases can cause seizures as well. What does your vet think? Are you supposed to do anything to control the seizures?

I know others will be along to help you soon. Hang in there!

Julie & Hannah

06-24-2012, 10:27 PM
Most cush dogs do not suffer from seizures. Some do but most do not. So it may or may not be caused from cushings. As Julie mentioned there are different types of tumors that cause cushings. To know which type Holly has you would have had to have done more testing than the acth test you mentioned.

Was an ultrasound done (abdominal)? Was a low dose dex suppression test done (LDDS)?

I too would worry about either it being a macro tumor. Here is the link to info in our resource section. The other link is an overview of what cushings is and is really really easy to follow. IT is great for new members. I hope this helps. Please tell us more about Holly. Kim



06-25-2012, 10:19 PM
Hi Everyone,
Finding out over the weekend like you said Kim, most Cushing Dogs do not have seizures, I contacted Dr. Jean Dodds, Hemopet,a blood specialist from Calf. that helped us when Holly had the anemia and we went down to our local vet today and dropped off some paperwork from her to Holly's Dr. When Holly first had the Urinary tract infection, our vet did a ultrasound but not of the adrenal glands, it was of the kidneys and bladder, etc. looking for stones, tumors. So on Thursday she is going in for another ultrasound of the adrenal glands. Dr Dodds is not convinced that it is Cushings Disease until we see that one or both of the adrenal glands are enlarged. If they are not, I am afraid we are looking at a MRI/CT scan of her brain looking for a tumor that is growing. No, a low dose dex suppression test was not done, just the ACTH stimulation.
I will check out the links you all have sent and thank you.