View Full Version : Shadow - newly diagnosed - 10 year Retriever - Severe vomitting

06-24-2012, 02:04 PM

A few weeks ago, we took Shadow, my 10 year old Flat Coated Retriever to the vet for a checkup. On an off chance, my Dad (who Shadow lives with) had a blood test done. Liver enzyme was high. The Vet suspected Cushings and we monitored water intake, ran more tests, did an ultrasound, and got a diagnosis of Pituitary based Cushings.

We had a couple indicators that we mistook for general age. We used to joke about the bladder of steel that he had, and he's had a couple accidents. He had trouble getting in/out of my car (Toyota Rav4, high off the ground). Coat was a little lackluster but not bad. Nothing made us suspect anything serious was wrong, given the breed's general lifespan and health issues we had with his predecessor (passed from Cancer at 7) we felt we were living on borrowed time anyways.

About a week to 1.5 weeks ago we started mitotane (Lysodren). We are still locating his correct dosage, we went with 3 pills a week right now. He moped a bit the first day but generally seemed fine. Last night, at the Vet's behest, we started him on a very small dose of prednisone at 4pm. I was very worried about that drug as I've read nasty stuff, but I don't know enough to refute the vet.

At 10pm, he had diarrhea in the house. He was let out and had no desire to come back in (weird for him), even when we made a little pen with the back door open. He vomited several times last night and dry heaved as well. He's been drinking a lot of water, at least. Of course it's Sunday so we can't get ahold of his actual vet, though I called an emergency clinic and spoke with a tech who didn't seem to think it was related to the prednisone. He got into the garbage for a couple minutes on Tuesday before he was stopped. He's also very lethargic right now. I'm a wreck, especially as I don't live with him (going to drive there shortly) and I'm getting all this information secondhand. Any suggestions on what to do? Thanks in advance.

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Squirt's Mom
06-24-2012, 02:39 PM

Shadow needs to get to the ER vet asap and have the electrolytes and cortisol levels checked. This is not a wait-and-see situation. If Shadow is more lethargic or unresponsive when you get there do your utmost to get some prednisone down him immediately then get him to the ER. Shadow may be in crisis but with proper care, he will rally so be calm, but move... ;)

Please let us hear from you. Our thoughts and prayers go with you all.

Leslie and the gang

06-24-2012, 04:23 PM
I agree with Leslie - he should be at the ER vet.

We can talk about diagnostic, dosage etc when he is home, but I would not give anymore Lysodren.

Please keep us posted

06-24-2012, 05:03 PM
Right after I posted this, I got a call from my Dad. Shadow pooped blood and basically crawled into a space to die. Really scary shit, I haven't cried like this since Kaos died 10 years ago (to the month). I wish I had been there last night (I had been telling my friend how Shadow was still going strong as he was suffering horribly, didn't even know) because when I saw him this morning I was terrified. He was so weak and I've never seen him not explode in happiness upon seeing me. He could barely make it to the car... We rushed him to an emergency care facility.

We suspected Addison's disease but the Vet just called me to say that the blood test came back with solid electrolyte and potassium levels. I was a lot happier thinking it was Addison's because (despite a 1,700 bill, there goes that trip to Thailand) we at least knew what it was. Now we're not sure, maybe a gastro-intestinal problem or something. That pit in my stomach is back.

06-24-2012, 05:03 PM
(Also, Mod, sorry but I can't find that e-mail. Looked in my junk folder and stuff. I even did it before posting because I saw that comment on another post. Can it be re-sent? Thanks)

06-24-2012, 05:46 PM
Hi there,
I am so sorry to hear about Shadow. I hope you saw the posts and were able to get him to the vet. Please let us know how he is doing.

Julie & Hannah

06-24-2012, 07:22 PM
Got another call from the vet. Shadow is deteriorating. Had another bloody diarrhea episode. Can't imagine him getting worse than he was when we brought him in, honestly. His blood pressure is very low and he has a bit of a fever (temp was fine when we brought him in) so they are treating that. Vet says he is still optimistic and that most dogs with these symptoms pull through, but I am preparing for the worst.

Just kills me that he is going through this alone and without his people.

06-24-2012, 07:36 PM
I am so sorry to hear Shadow is not doing well, and that you aren't there with him. Will they let you visit when you want to? I hope he is getting the care he needs and that he is able to pull through whatever it is that is causing a problem. I'm glad you got him to the vet.

Julie & Hannah

Bo's Mom
06-24-2012, 10:04 PM
Prayers sent to Shadow for a quick recovery.

06-24-2012, 10:20 PM
Prayers from me as well. Like Terri said - no more lysodren please. Now is not the time to introduce it as something besides cushings is going on. Please check in when you can and update us - we are here and sending love. Kim

06-24-2012, 11:04 PM
Thanks for the thoughts all.

Just heard back from the Vet. Shadow is doing a little better. They got his blood pressure under control and he's now walking, albeit unsteadily. Urinated so that's good. Vet thinks the worst is behind us.

Definitely no Lysodren for now, we're going to have a long chat with our vet tomorrow about what we can do to avoid this - looking at ~2,000 bucks at the moment. Worth it, but damn, considering we were already looking at 2,000 for the Cushings + teeth cleaning + lump removal going into the day, there's some hurt going on.

Has anyone had a similar experience with Lysodren and Prednisone? What a headache. Finally able to eat some food myself, at least.

06-25-2012, 06:18 AM
I am so very glad he is doing better!!!!!

IMO these types of things do not happen with Lysodren and prednisone with these exceptions - a dog is misdiagnosed and does not have Cushing's at all or the dose is way too high and this one (although rare) the meds have caused a major allergic reaction and the dog is very sensitive to Lysodren.

Please keep us posted

PS - when you are able, gather up the tests and results used to diagnose Cushing's and I see from your post you were giving 3 pill (500 mg each?) although not every day and you were not going through the traditional the "loading" or "induction" period, right?

06-25-2012, 06:46 AM
I too have to wonder about the diagnosis. Since you came here under emergency situation we didn't have the normal "meet and greet" . :D Can you please start at the beginning and tell us more about Shadow, his symptoms, and how the cushings was diagnosed. Also results from blood work and any testing is much appreciated. Hang in there - we are here to help as best as we can. Kim

06-25-2012, 08:02 AM
I don't know if this will help or not but the first time I took Sugar to the vet for excessive panting during the night, she was diagnosed with a heart problem and given Furosemide 40 mg. Sugar was a 14 pound female spayed Pekingese. Sugar had the same results, severe vomiting and blood in her stool. I stopped giving her the Furosemide 40 mg and a couple of days later took her back to the same vet who gave her Fortekor 5 mg and this medication produced the same terrible results. I then took her to a different vet who said that it was Cushings Disease. She lived about another year and a half on veteroyl.

Jenny & Judi in MN
06-25-2012, 08:42 AM
I'm glad Shadow is doing a little better. I gave my Jenny too much Lysodren. During the loading phase she vomited water and had runny diarrhea but no blood.

Because her cortisol got too low she now takes prednisone every day to stimulate her appetite and take the place of her own cortisol production.

Jenny was already diabetic when we started all of this but some dogs have become diabetic after taking prednisone for awhile so it is definitely something to talk to your vet about.

please keep us updated on Shadow. Judi

06-25-2012, 09:17 AM
I am so glad to hear Shadow is doing a little better. I hope that will continue to be the case. Like others have mentioned, please let us know more about Shadow, including test results with abnormal results and any symptoms of Cushing's. Keep us updated on how he is doing!

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
06-25-2012, 10:45 AM
What great news this morning! :) I so hope Shadow continues to improve and is back on his feet strong soon. Hopefully this was the result of something he ate or a good flare up of Colitis - which can scare the crap outta you, I know! :eek:

Please do gather all the testing done to diagnose the Cushing's and let's just start at the beginning. Tell us all about his recent medical history, what caused you to check into Cushing's in the first place, the dose of Lyso he was on, his weight, any other meds, supplements or herbs he is taking. Don't worry about the length of the post - we LOVE details! :D

Our thoughts remain with you.
Leslie and the gang

PS. Your account it now fully active! :)

Bo's Mom
06-25-2012, 01:00 PM
Continued healing prayers for Shadow.