View Full Version : Jasmine - Trilostane and spasms?

06-20-2012, 11:26 PM
My dog was diagnosed with cushing disease 5 months ago. I started her on 30mg. trilostane daily after the bloodwork matched the vet's
dx. At first it seemed to be so good for Jasmine. It seemed she was relaxed for the first time in a long time. I forgot how laid back and relaxed my shiz tu use to be. Now, for the last month Jasmine has developed a strange spasm which I thought was a seizure but told a spasm. her body tightens up and her head is pulled back and she shakes and moans terribly for about 30 seconds than seems to wake up lethargic and is unsteady on her feet. Her Doc seems to think it is a side effect of cushing's but i'm afraid it his from the medication. I want to stop her trilostane.... can anyone help?
Thanks so much....

06-21-2012, 06:50 PM
Welcome to you and Jasmine, although I am so sorry about her current problems. I see that you had posted this reply on another member's thread last night, but your own membership was not yet approved so your reply was not visible at that time. I have now approved your membership and also moved your reply so as to create a brand new thread for you and Jasmine alone.

Spasms like those you are describing are not typical of trilostane. And having a dog with epilepsy myself, I have to say that Jasmine's episodes sound a lot like seizures to me. Has your vet explained why he is is saying that they are "spasms" and not seizures?

Also, can you tell us more about Jasmine's overall health history, including the symptoms and testing that led to her Cushing's diagnosis. How much does she weigh, and what dose of trilostane is she taking? And last but not least, has she had any monitoring ACTH tests performed since starting the trilostane five months ago?

I'm sorry to answer your question with so many more. But this additional information will help us sort out what may be going on with Jasmine.

Thanks so much in advance!