View Full Version : does adrenal tumor = cushings ?

06-02-2012, 03:26 PM
Our 12yo boxer/dalmatian mix was diagnosed with diabetes in March and I'm not convinced its diabetes...and I'll explain why.

She had all the usual symptoms of diabetes/cushings ie. panting a lot, drinking and urinating a lot.

She was diagnosed and in a very short time got hospitalized due to a hypo on the 2nd night and almost didn't make it.

For the past 2 months we've been nursing her back to health and with the help of home cooked meals + regular vet checkups + phosphate binders + regular blood-glucose monitoring (every 2 hours for the past 2 months) he blood results are almost back to normal only the urea and creatinine were slightly elevated on last check but I expect them to be within the normal range in a week or 2.

Anyway, when she was hospitalized she was overweight (about 85-90lb) and now weighs about 68-70lb (about 3-5lb underweight) as she lost a lot of weight during her 10 day hospital ordeal.

The reason I believe it may not be "just" diabetes is because she's currently on 3.5-4units morning and 5.5-6units of insulin at night. This keeps her in the 'good range' for most of the day. However as you probably guessed it, this is an extremely small dose for a dog her size. Her insulin requirements have not increased in 2 months.

The vet did an ultrasound back 2 months ago during her hospitalization and said that one of her adrenal glands had a growth on it and the other was adrenal gland was smaller than it should be.

She is still not regulated and needs constant adjustments in insulin on an almost daily basis - very minute adjustments can make a huge difference eg. morning dose between 3.5 and 4 and evening dose between 5.5 and 6.

Even so we often have to do emergency honey/karo gum rubs when on some days even these types of small doses send her BG too low (<100) at the wrong time of day ie. when we expect them to drop further..

Now the vet seems convinced it's not cushing's because a) she's not drinking a lot (only a glass that we mix in with her food) and b) she's not losing hair on her belly and c) her blood pressure is normal (there may be other reasons I can't recall at the moment).

But isn't the fact that she HAS a confirmed growth on her adrenal gland (a tumor of some sort most likely) proof it's cushings? To us it seems like the adrenal gland is excreting excess cortisol which is what leads to the extra insulin requirement and which led to the (mis)diagnosis of diabetes ..

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06-02-2012, 05:07 PM
Welcome! Nope - adrenal tumor does not mean cushings. My Annie had an adrenal tumor called pheochromocytoma that emitted adrenaline and she lost weight (she was misdiagnosed as having cushings). The confirmation that it was a pheo was that she had high blood pressure. Understand it was only high when the pheo was active and they can go for weeks and not be active. That is what caused her weight loss. It took a while to diagnose because her BP was normal at the vets as the episodes tended to be at night (trembling, breathing real fast, sweating) You can rule out a pheo if you've never seen this.

There are different types of adrenal tumors and I"m no expert - but a tumor can certainly upset the body's apple cart! I can see how it could upset regulating diabetes.

I hope someone with more knowledge of diabetes checks in.

Are you going to a regular vet or have you seen a specialist? I ended up going to a teaching school where their specialist at long last figured out my mystery.


06-03-2012, 11:22 AM
Hello!!!! welcome to the most amazing place ever. LOADS and TONS of experiences and knowledge here. You wont be taking any steps alone from this time forward!!!!! Friends here stay right beside you and the angels......well.....you will see.......from all over the world, these angels unite and it is amazing the knowledge and support they give. many tears shed, many smiles shared, many leaps up from the computer with arms out stretched leaping up and down going whootwhoot! Amazing people here.
If you have any labs you can post the elevations, and what test have been done. Which type of diabetes is it? if there is a tumor on the adrenal, is the vena cava affected? how were the kidneys and liver size? My little one had an adrenalectomy in November of 2011. If you are able to get to Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialist I can recommend IMS, surgeon there.
really encourage you if you havent already, get to specialist, general practice vets can be helpful, but at this point it is time to get to specialist.

06-06-2012, 03:01 AM
Hello... I'm just the forum "flee" so to speak. I show up unexpectedly and say worthless stuff. But I guess every forum needs a pest... :p
I hope you come back and tell the Angels more.