View Full Version : New - 6 y/o Sheltie (Sandal) - Trilostane

05-24-2012, 01:15 PM
Hi Everyone, my best friend is Sandal. She is a 6 year old Sheltie and has been on triostand since being diagonised 4 years ago. We live in SC so it is very warm in the summer but lately she seems to be really slowing down, breathing very heavy, sleeping all day and after a short walk begins to limp. Her last ACTH (sp) test was 2 months ago and it has not changed in over 1 1/2 years. She has also begun to snort and sometimes when I pet her she growns. Do you think she is trying to tell me that she is in pain? Help

Harley PoMMom
05-24-2012, 02:23 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Sandal!

Sorry for the reasons that brought you here but glad you found us as we will help in any way we can.

It would help us to provide you with better feedback if you could get copies of the test/s that were done on Sandal and post those results here. We are interested in any abnormalities that are listed plus any Cushing test results.

Does Sandal cough at all? Has any ultrasounds or x-rays been done on Sandal lately?

Please remember we are here for you both so do not hesitate to ask any and all questions.

Love and hugs,

05-24-2012, 02:41 PM
No test lately. Sandal is not coughing or anything like that. I can just see changes in her energy andthe heavy breathing even while resting. My niece is a vet up in VA so I will talk to her too and if no improvement I guess a trip to the Vets. At this point I will not take any measures that will cause her additional pain or suffering. I think one of the biggest problems that it causes me is that i think she is sad and maybe in pain. When I first took Sandal to the doctors it was because of the usual things with cushings like thirst, eating and problems holding her urine but also a big clue was the change in her personality. I hope she feels better soon. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Maybe the cushings has just ran it's course?

marie adams
05-24-2012, 04:16 PM
Welcome to Sandal and you!!! :)

Everyone here will help you along further in your Cushing's journey.

My Maddie snorted like a pig, but many sites on Cushing's didn't mention this as a symptom. I did find one that did---of course you research and research till you cannot any longer--then you research some more. :D You have a wealth of knowledge here waiting for you to ask all your questions and I can see Lori has already started to help. The rest will be along shortly.

This forum is a life saver when it comes to this disease. You are now part of our family.

Take care!! :)

05-28-2012, 10:15 AM
Welcome to Sandal and you!!! :)

Everyone here will help you along further in your Cushing's journey.

My Maddie snorted like a pig, but many sites on Cushing's didn't mention this as a symptom. I did find one that did---of course you research and research till you cannot any longer--then you research some more. :D You have a wealth of knowledge here waiting for you to ask all your questions and I can see Lori has already started to help. The rest will be along shortly.

This forum is a life saver when it comes to this disease. You are now part of our family.

Take care!! :)
Thank you, Yes Sandal began snorting about 6 months ago. That combined with her heavy panting and unable to walk very far is really hard to watch. She also seems like her legs are stiff, has anyone elses had this symptom?

05-28-2012, 10:50 AM
Hi and a belated welcome to you and Sandal.

I'm sorry for the circumstances that caused you to look for us but I'm really glad you found us. It sounds like you've been dealing with cushing's for a lot longer than most members. What form of cushing's does Sandal have (pituitary or adrenal tumor)? How much does she weigh and if she is receiving treatment, which drug and what is the doseage? If treated, aside from exercise intolerance and panting, have all of Sandal's other symptoms resolved?

It would help us greatly if you could please round up the acth stim tests that have been done and post the results here. I would be particularly interested in seeing the last acth that was done two months ago. If at all possible, can you get copies of the actual testing that was done to diagnose Sandal?

It takes a very long time for cushing's to run it's course and when it does, the effects of excess cortisol will have pretty much shut down the immune system, leaving the dog open to infection and internal organ damage. With treatment, the effects of excess cortisol is halted and a dog can live out their normal life expectancy with a pretty good quality of life.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about Sandal and her medical history so that we can provide more meaningful feedback.


P.S. With respect to the muscle stiffness, dogs with cushing's can experience severe muscle wasting from the catabolic effects of excess cortisol. There is also a rare condition called pseudomyotonia that some dogs experience. My dog has a mild form of it and even after four+ years of treatment, he walks with a really stiff gait and wide stance. Some members have reported much more severe conditions. If it from muscle wasting, this condition should improve with treatment. It isn't instantaneous and is one of the symptoms that is the last to resolve. My guy's weakness took four to six months to improve. If Sandal has been treated for four years, with adequate control of cortisol, you should not be seeing a deterioration, unless Sandal has arthritis. Has your vet ruled this out?