View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you
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05-19-2012, 11:47 PM
Hi – I would like to introduce myself and my beautiful boy Flynn, he is a just turned 11 year old Foxie cross. I rescued him from wandering on a busy road when he was approx 6 mths old. No-one claimed him so he ended up mine and I love him to bits
Our problems started last November when he suddenly collapsed, he has doggie day care with my parents while I am at work so they rushed him to the vet. He perked up with IV fluids but an ultrasound scan showed a large liver mass. Bloods slowed very elevated liver tests with ALT and ALP off the scale. A biopsy was done which was benign and we rushed him to the specialist vets and he went on and had a 650g mass removed, histology showed a masive low grade hepatocellular cancer which we were upset about as the initial biopsy was negative but his surgeon said this tumour has a very low chance of recurrence. YAY. He hated the pet hospital and cried the whole two days he was there. Of note, a preop CT scan showed two nodules on the other side of his liver. They were biopsied, and are benign. The surgeon said if there had not been benign he would most likely not have operated.
Prior to this, Flynn had nondescript symptoms that included weight gain we thought because of his ravenous appetite so put him on a diet, less energy, panting when stressed ie if we were eating, lipomas removed a year prior but mainly all back again, pot belly, shaky like a lot of foxies and he has always done this but it is much more pronounced, not so good at jumping, occasional diarrhea. He seems in discomfort, hangs his head when in back of the car and no, its not my driving! He does have a history of arthritis in his hips (from all those years of pogo jumping I think) plus when he was about six he injured his back, just above shoulder area. I am unsure whether this discomfort is due to that or some other cause. Vet did get a positive pain result when stretching his legs back to test. Apart from the diarrhea which has settled these symptoms have not gone away with the surgery.
He recovered from his operation, but not as good as I thought he would. So we were back to the specialists vet (3 hr drive from us) in January after blood sample showed liver enzymes still elevated, protein in urine, high blood pressure plus all the other symptoms listed above. His vet suspected Cushing’s disease and did the LDDST, which was negative and apparently he suppressed nicely. She asked for cortisol/creatinine urine test to be done once we were home. Which we did but unfortunately the local vet wrote the wrong thing on the form! At this appointment Ultrasound was repeated, the nodules seen previously were rebiopsied and negative again, they mentioned adrenals on the large side of normal.
We went back last week for further review when we found out the wrong test had been done on his urine.. he had protein/creatinine instead! Blood shows liver tests still high but slightly less than January, still protein in urine. Now we have a new specialist vet, so yet another scan shows only very minimal change in liver nodules but enlarged adrenal glands on both sides. They still think he has cushing’s and they whisked him off for a cortisol/creatinine urine test (via stab into his bladder), BP was high but not surprisingly as he so stressed out being there!!
So we are still in limbo here… waiting for vet to call me this week with the cortisol/creatinine result, although I am kinda kicking myself for allowing them to do that to him while he was stressed AND did they have to stick him with a needle to get the urine? I have read that he should be calm when he has this test.
He does have a lot of symptoms of cushings but not the some of the common ones like hair loss and excessive drinking/urination. Sorry I do not have his lab results to type in, I will get copies. But if this cortisol/creat is positive do you think I need to ask for more testing before starting any treatment? Thank you for reading my novel
Trish and Flynn
Harley PoMMom
05-20-2012, 09:15 AM
Hi Trish,
Welcome to you and Flynn! Sorry for the reasons that brought you here but glad you found us.
You are correct that the UC:CR (Urinary Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio Test) should be done at home because of this being less stressful on the pet. Any kind of stress or illness can cause elevations in the UC:CR results. Also, any chronic health issue may cause the adrenals to be enlarged.
A confirmed diagnosis of Cushing's is not only based on test results but also on strong clinical symptoms displayed by one's pet. If Flynn is not showing obvious signs such as excessive water consumption, increased urination, and increased appetite, than I would not pursue any more tests for Cushing's Disease.
You mentioned that a UPC (Urine Protein-Creatinine Ratio) test was performed, could you post the results from this tests and all abnormalities listed from his senior wellness panel (CBC/Chemistry Blood Panel.)
Please know we are here to help in any way we can so do not hesitate to ask any and all questions.
Love and hugs,
05-20-2012, 09:49 AM
Hello and welcome from me, too!
I agree with Lori. Even if Flynn does have an elevated UC:CR (either in relation the current sample or on a repeat sample taken at home), I would not move forward with Cushing's treatment based only on that result and the ultrasound. (And yes, you are right that he should NOT have been stressed when that sample was taken!).
It does sound as though something is causing him discomfort, but it seems as if it could be something other than Cushing's. As Lori says, if you could post any abnormal results from previous blood/urine panels, that will give us a place to begin our detective work.
I'm so glad you and your sweet boy have joined us!
05-21-2012, 06:06 AM
Thanks so much for the replies, I did not hear from the vet today about his results and I certainly have a few questions to ask him when he calls. Working on getting Flynn's results to share with you and will post them soon... hope you and all the pups have a great day!
Wendy Tillotson
05-21-2012, 12:23 PM
The worst part of dealing with an illness is always waiting for the vet to call.
Hope everything is ok.
06-01-2012, 03:43 AM
Hi all
Thanks for comments to date: I still have not heard back from specialist... 2 weeks later! Despite emails and phone messages.
I did visit his local vet today (his cat sister Nala had to be put down) and got some of his latest results.
These were taken on 9th May.
Full blood count normal including haemoglobin, rbc, wbc, platelets. only slight deviation is lymphocytes 0.9 (1-4.8)
Comment from lab - erythrocytes show anisocytosis 1+, polychromatic cells occ, leukocytes morphology appears normal. There appear to be increased numbers of both large and giant platelets but numbers are normal. Lymphopenia suggests stress.
Other bloods:
CK 637 IU/l high (74-385)
AST 65 IU/l high (18-51)
ALT 357 IU/l high (23-88)
ALP 683 IU/l high (13-87)
CHOL 10.9 mmol/l high (13-87)
creatinine 40 umol/l low (48-109)
Bil, urea, S.TP, albumin, GLO, AGR, S.Ca, S.po4, amylase, na, K, NAK, S.chl, HAEMO all normal.
Comment from lab: moderate elevations in ALP, ALT are more pronounced that what they would expect for age-related changes. could be due to liver disease (tumour recurrence ruled out on US and biopsy of two nodules). this can also be seen with endocrine disease and recommend checking glucose (my comment, previous tests had been in high end of normal range) gut disease and with corticosteroid response endogenous and exogenous. Hypercholesterolemia is a fairly non specific change which can be seen in post prandial samples (my comment, he was fasted for this test) with endocrine disorders eg diabetes, cushings and glomerular disease.
I do not have copy of his January blood tests but these ALP and ALT results are improved since then, so I was heartened to see they had not worsened but still pretty high.
Protein/creatinine urine test
U.TPCAL 1.84 g/L
U.Cre 13521 umol/l
PRCR 1.21
Lab comments: recent studies demonstrate that proteinuria is prognostic and the severity of proteinuria significantly correlates with renal survival times (JVIM 2007;21:906-916)
Staging of renal disease as suggested by International Renal Interest Society for cats and dogs are as follows, with the provisos there should be no evidence of urinary tract inflammation or haemorrhage and that routine measurements of plasma proteins has ruled out any dysproteinemias. Staging should be done on at least 3 urine samples collected over a period of at least 2 weeks.
Protein:Creatinine substage
Dogs <0.2 non proteinuric
0.2-0.5 borderline proteinuric
>0.5 proteinuric
I have no idea what that protein test shows!
Assessment: (this bit was at bottom of same form... I think blood pressure?!)
SAP 145 178 163 142 152
MAP 110 121 112 107 101
DIA 91 90 84 81 74
His other tests:
Dexamethose supppresion test was negative for cushings... apparently he suppressed nicely. ( I do not have actual result here)
Costisol/Creat has been done but I have no result yet.
Ultrasound ; 2 liver nodules that vet told me are common in older dogs - they have been biopsided twice and not a recurrence of his liver tumour as mentioned in above post. Bilateral enlarged adrenals.
So that is where we are with Flynn, he is good mostly. Active, daily walks which he loves. I still think he has some minor discomfort better with small dose of previcox daily, hangs his head in car, panting has mostly settled though still does this if stressed, hunger remains, weight gain settling with diet, does have pot belly, itchy knees.. he is always nibbling at them and recent balanitis. But he is not drinking excessively, not peeing excessively and no fur thinning.
If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them!
06-01-2012, 04:35 AM
I have just been reading the other posts, one about leg trembling struck me. Flynn has always been a bit of a twitchy dog, but since his surgery I have really noticed his back legs both tremble much, much more. Even if he is standing still, sometimes at rest too.
06-01-2012, 10:41 AM
Hi Trish,
I can't imagine why the specialist has not gotten back with you after two weeks of inquiries! That is really inexcusable! :mad:
It is especially a shame because Flynn's situation does seem complex and confusing. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know, but aspects of his symptom profile are hard to "put together." Normally, you wouldn't expect the liver enzymes for a Cushpup to decrease without treatment. And there are certainly question marks about the evidence that he is leaking protein into his urine. I think protein in the urine can be due to primary kidney damage of some sort, or it can also be secondary to the effects of another condition including Cushing's. I know very little about the actual protocol for the renal testing that was done, but from the lab report it looks as though a series of urine samples are required to really validate the test results. So maybe some additional kidney evaluation is called for. Because even though it is an unsettled research question right now, some researchers think that excessive protein in the urine is not only an indicator of renal issues, it can also cause renal problems to worsen. Therefore, medication is recommended in some cases to try to decrease the amount of protein spillage. But I think Flynn would need more evaluation in that regard. And if it turns out that he does have Cushing's and any kidney involvement is secondary to the Cushing's, then the kidney issues may automatically be better controlled once he is treated for the high cortisol.
It sounds as though the low dose dex test was performed back in January -- is that true? If so, and if the current UC:CR comes back consistent with the possibility of Cushing's (even though it was drawn by needle at the vet's :(), I'm wondering about a repeat of the LDDS now that it is almost six months later. As Cushing's advances, those diagnostic test results can change over time and a "negative" can shift to a "positive." But the trade-off is that other, nonadrenal conditions can falsely skew the test results, too. So if Flynn does have some other issue flaring, that could give you a "false positive" on the LDDS.
For all these reasons, I agree that you really need the input of a specialist to sort out the next step in terms of diagnostics. And if this current specialist continues to be this unresponsive to your needs, perhaps you need to try to shift to somebody else...
06-01-2012, 06:27 PM
Hi Marianne
Thank you for your reply :D
Yes, his LDDS was done in January. I am going to get onto the phone again next week and stay there till I get to speak to the specialist :confused: It is so annoying, the surgeon who removed the liver tumour back in November was so good at calling me whenever results came through it is disappointing to have this trouble now. The specialist he saw is new to the country having come from California and his credentials are in the field of oncology so I think I will have to ask if there is another specialist we can see.
I agree, getting to the bottom of his problems is going to require more testing but I just have to make sure they do the correct ones! I will post any updates and thanks again for the input.
Trish :)
11-01-2012, 01:23 AM
Hi all
Just an update on Flynn, after 4 ultrasounds and a CT prior to his liver surgery last November he has been back to the specialists this week for his routine checkup. His latest ultrasound yesterday has shown a probable tumour in his adrenal gland. Most likely a pheochromocytoma, also looks like some clot into his vena cava and an enlarged lymph node. :( This would explain his hypertension and they have noted changes in his eyes and also proteinuria so he started on BP medication yesterday. One nodule in his liver that has been biopsied prior to his surgery and once after and has been benign both times has grown a little so that has been biopsied again and also the lymph node. I am waiting for them to call me with results. In himself he is pretty good, still very trembly in his back legs but no excessive drinking or urinating, boy is he hungry though. I have noticed increased panting. Thanks for your advice previously.
molly muffin
11-01-2012, 06:47 AM
Hi Trish and Flynn and welcome to the forum.
Well, he does have some mish mash results. My dog too has contrary results with the cushings testing and it's a very hard disease to diagnose. If Flynn Is suppressing fine on the LDDS then that isn't consistent with cushings. I've had two LDDS test on my dog in the last two years because some results seem to show cushings but she always suppresses on the LDDS. I'm thinking there could be other things going on with Flynn. Liver, Kidney, or something else. Hopefully the latest tests will give you some answers. It's very scary not knowing.
The good thing is that this forum has a lot of people with experience dealing with many of these items. At least you'll have others to bounce ideas off of who have been on the roller coaster too. :)
Don't hesitate to ask anything. Flynn has sure been through a lot already. He looks so happy in his picture. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-01-2012, 07:02 AM
Trish, My Annie was misdiagnosed with cushings - she had a pheochromocytoma. They are very rare and often not discovered til after death. If this ends up being the diagnosis feel free to ask questions and I will help any way I can. There isn't a ton of info out there. Kim
Where are you located at? I know of an outstanding surgeon (who performed my little ones adrenalectomy) amazing Internal Medicine doctor, good Nutritionist, and fairly impressive ophthalmologist. I do know folks come from all over the Nation to receive these doctors care and i can certainly understand why.
My little one had a tumor on her adrenal gland and thanks to the angels here.....we managed through it. You simply will not believe how amazing the support and knowledge is here.
I am almost wondering if there is also nerve type damage to the back......have back x-rays been taken? if he has back issues cosesquinn double strength sprinkle capsules are good, and so are the adequinn injections....have heard miracles about those. His posture is indicating discomfort.........but where all from is the big question.
Any chest x-rays of lungs and heart? combining with labs and such just wondering how the health of upper organs were doing.
what food are you feeding? any diet changes? treat changes? is he on a probiotic? (sorry not meaning to flood you with questions)
you are amongst the most amazing angels who will help offer their input every step of the way. Lots of experiences here and if i can help please let me know.
11-02-2012, 02:19 AM
HI all and thanks so much for your replies, it seems most people except those that really love Flynn think it might be time to pull the plug :eek: We think he can fight a bit more and he has not come this far to give up on him now. He is still a such a happy dog, enjoys his life, playing, running and ripping up his soft toys.
I live in New Zealand and we see the vets at our national veterinary university and they do have maybe the best in our country. Unfortunately, they are 2 1/2 hrs drive away and Flynn does not particularly like to travel!
I had a message on my phone tonight when I got home from work, his vet said with the benefit of hindsight they can now see on the previous CT back in Nov 2011 that there was a little enlargement on right adrenal. His liver blood tests which have never normalised following his liver resection last November is still very similar from his last test in July. His ALP especially is high. She did not give me the numbers in the message and she never mentioned the histology on the biopsy from his lymph node and the liver nodule.
She wants to repeat his LDDS which was normal back in January.
His surgeon has been away this week so she is going to discuss with him next week the need for further CT, and whether proceeding to surgery is the right option.
He still has none of the more common Cushings symptoms such as drinking and peeing too much, his fur is beautiful! He is hungry but not to the stage of rummaging in the bin and will often leave his biscuits in the morning choosing the chicken part of the meal, he eats the biscuits later on :p
I think the symptoms he has developed starting about 18 mths ago, mainly trembling, panting, occasional lethargy could have been from the adrenal mass. She said it arises from the medulla which is why she is thinking pheochromocytoma.
The liver problem came to a head last November when he suddenly collapsed, he was immediately seen by our local vet and was quite shocked, they did ultrasound and found the liver tumour which was then resected the week later. The surgeon was 95% he got it all plus it was a low grade tumour so all good there. It was big though, 650g which is a huge for a litte foxie. But now I am remembering when the surgeon rang me straight after surgery he mentioned they had trouble stabilising his blood pressure it was going way high then low. Now of course in my reading up on phae they have to be so very careful with anaesthetics to limit release of the catecholamines which can cause BP problems. So now in retrospect I am thinking it was probably his adrenal tumour causing the problems all along, when he collapsed, he had not had a bleed as they suspected from the liver and the vet told me at the time he was not sure of reason for collapse. So MAYBE the liver tumour just happened to be picked up and then all attention turned to that. Postop he was so stressed, shaky and whimpered pretty much for the two days he spent there despite having good pain relief. They were so concerned postop that they re scanned him to check he was not bleeding. I sat with him both days in a separate room trying to calm him down but the only time he was happy was when I took him out for a wee. I am thinking now it is only by the grace of god he did not have a stroke or worse!! Tough wee boy, I love him so :D
In the past year, they have tried to find the cause of his abnormal blood tests and continued trembling, panting, hunger etc and were focussed on Cushings, his ultrasound scans have shown adrenals on large side of normal but no lumps. But nothing positive has shown up and they have taken the watch and wait till something declares itself. Well now it has :(
His BP is high, 200 systolic, protein in his urine changes in his eyes... I am upset this has been going on so long that he is developing hypertensive complications. But he is on tablets now, an ace inhibitor which is not the drug I see mentioned in the literature. Plus I am upset this tumour has likely been present for 18 mths and spread goes knows where ie lymph nodes. :confused:
So as you most likely can tell from this novel, my mind is all over the place and I will be much better next week when we hopefully have a plan in place. I hope surgery is an option for Flynny he was so tough getting over his major surgery last year I just think he deserves a chance to get back to his normal happy self and enjoy his remaining time with us.
Thanks for your support, it is great to be able to tell people that know what I am talking about instead of those that possibly think I am a little crazy fighting so hard for a dog haha I will keep you updated
Trish xx
11-02-2012, 02:37 AM
Sorry Skye I meant to answer your questions before I went off on my ramble!! I am so pleased your furbaby got through it ok, it gives me hope :D
He has not had a chest xray, she said his heart sounded ok but that was just stethoscope testing. He is panting more with stress, but rests quite comfortably. No puffiness I can see anywhere to indicate any heart problems?!?
He has had long standing back pain, he was a typical foxie and would leap in the air time and time again like a pogo stick! He had xrays about 4 years ago that showed arthritis in both hips. Then maybe 3 yrs ago was acutely sore one night, in his back, half way down about T12 if that helps. An xray showed a disc was slightly protruding, he got over that with anti inflammatories but I have been able to tell over the years when it is a little sore. He is tender in this area now, the vets palpating were able to pinpoint the sore spot. He can run around outside like a pup, but goes up the step into the house real gingerly.
I took him to our local vet 2 weekends ago as he started vomiting, they thought due to something bad he ate. He had loose bowels as well, not real runny diarrhea though. He only vomited a few times on one day, but his bowel took a week to get back to normal.
Food: Here is where I feel like a bad dog Mummy! Before his liver surgery he was putting on weight, quite a lot... we started him on diet r/d dog biscuits - Hills brand and he did lose some weight, this was when he started with the increased hunger. Little did we know that he was not getting fat because of being a hungry porker but he had that massive liver tumour!! Ohhh the guilt... mine not his :confused: AFter his surgery when I guess we were spoiling him as he did looks so much skinnier with that mass gone, he overate and put on a kilo in a couple of months. So he has been on the R/D biscuits, but he has never really liked them so I recently took pity on him and changed him to a chicken mince frozen food that we get in our local pet food store, this is what the vet thought cause his recent stomach upset. So now I have changed his biscuits to a different version of hills science diet light plus I mix it with chicken which is his favourite. If you have any thoughts on his diet and how I can improve it I would appreciate it.
His current meds are half a Previcox to help with his aches, a supplement for bone health and benazopril hydrochloride his new BP med that he has been on for only two days.
Thanks again
11-02-2012, 02:42 AM
Also thanks to Sharlene and Kim for your replies, so nice to have your support and experience in dealing with these things! I love that pic too Sharlene, we were walking that day on a march to support prostate cancer fundraising hence his "blue" colouring :D I will sure be glad for the day when he can make sense of his mish mash results too! This waiting does your head in :eek: Oh to have a plan so we can start to move forward!
11-02-2012, 02:57 AM
One final question from me tonight, I was just outside with him playing... he loves tennis balls and playing fetch... then likes to peel all the green fluff off the ball. He gets so excited playing that game... is it safe??? I don't want to get him overexcited and put his BP up, how much exercise to you think is good for him at this stage. He came inside after our rather shortened game quite disgusted with me and he lay straight back down on his side only a little puffed. This is a dog that never knew walking existed, he never went slower than a quick trot... now he walks. If I take him for an off leash outing, he still runs like the wind... just for not as long.
11-02-2012, 08:05 AM
Exercise will do him good as his muscles will start wasting. It really depends on how active his tumor is. My Annie's pheo tumor at first was only active once a month but it gradually became more active. In later stages there were times when I feared she was in cardiac arrest but the episodes only lasted a few minutes. IT is my understanding that when pheos are active the blood rushes to the brain and it leaves them exhausted. (I read this on a human pheo forum) This did match what I saw with my girl.
She too had off and on cush symptoms but Pheo's are not cushing's so I wouldn't spend money on an ldds test. You might see some cushing's symptoms - more like atypical cushings (hair loss/skin issues) over time.
The risk of surgery is exactly what you mentioned - if the bp goes high during the operation. My girls' story is very long and it took us a good year to conclude it was a pheo (she had alot of false positive cushing tests) ... By the time we figured it out surgery wasn't an option. You can read her story if you'd like. You can also view the photos. I set Annie free late February of this year. It wasn't her heart that did her in - it was weight loss that resulted in muscle wasting. When the pheo is active the body loses weight. She became skeletal but just like you described she was always very happy and alert. In the end she lost the strength in her legs. It was the saddest day of my life. I know she had this thing before I noticed the symptoms but she lived 2 yrs after I did notice them. And they were good years.
Pls do keep an eye on Flynn's eyes. Annie ended up with ulcerated cornea - I'm sure from the pressure from the tumor.
I know that drive to the specialist is a long one but so worth it! I had to drive 5 hrs each way. I wish I would have gone that path sooner than I did - I would have saved so much time, money and stress.
Sending love your way. Kim
11-02-2012, 06:13 PM
Hi Kim
Thanks for the info on exercise, I will keep him playing but maybe just a little more gently than normal and on leash walks only. He will be disappointed.
I have noticed today he is not trembling as much, it is nice to see him resting without the shakes. He is lethargic though, I am hoping it is his body getting used to the BP meds. He needs to go and have his blood pressure checked early next week. Before that I need to talk to vet about why she wants repeat LDDS, I agree with you, seems little point?!?
You mentioned your dog had intermittent symptoms, I think Flynn is the same but not so pronounced... I had thought recently he was better but the trembling certainly never went fully away.
You mentioned to keep a check on his eyes as your pup had corneal ulcers. They looked in his eyes the other day, noted change likely due to his hypertension so I will keep that very much in mind thanks. A couple of months back he broke a tooth and the vet gave him an anaesthetic to remove it, she noted he had two areas of ulceration at the back of his mouth sort of at the bottoms of his gums under his tongue, she cut them out. I am wondering if this is somehow related. I am cringing now at him having that anaesthetic with the risks... he was very stressed that night, whimpering most of the night. Poor baby.
I am going to read Annie's story now. I hope we are not to late to operate but if my feelings are correct and he has had it for 18 mths it may be too late :(
11-02-2012, 06:29 PM
The reason the shaking is intermittent is because the tumor isn't always active - meaning emitting adrenaline. After the episodes dogs (and humans) are exhausted - just like we are after adrenaline rushes from exercising. Another symptom is nausea. My girl rejected all kinds of food and it was different every day. So if your guy is eating well do yourself a favor and try to add some lbs. Trust me, it'll help up the road. Kim
molly muffin
11-02-2012, 10:51 PM
It'll be good to get through next week. Right now you're all over the place because you are still looking for definitive answers. They are it seems, always hard to come by with our furbabies. They just can't tell you everything they feel, so it's like playing the 20 question game, but without the answers. :(
Hang in there!
Sharlene and molly muffin
11-02-2012, 10:59 PM
Trish, Don't assume it's too late. This is one tricky procedure though and it has to be done by specialist/surgeons that have done alot of these. No regular vet. Not sure where you are located but I drove to K State Univ Vet School. Highly recommend seeking advice of specialist (IMS) or going to a teaching institution as they tend to have the equipment and technology. Only they can tell you if it's operable or not.
That said - my girl lived a normal life. I suffered more than she did with this I think. Hope my thread helps a bit... sorry it is long.. it took so long to figure it all out. Hugs, Kim
11-03-2012, 07:15 AM
Thanks for the support :D:D
We have had a nice day, I am in New Zealand so its spring here and starting to warm up. I've been doing yard work today, Flynn likes to have me in his sight so he comes outside with me but pretty much straight away lies down to rest. I put his bed outside in the sun and he lay there most of the day getting up to have a wee walk every now and then and frequent snacks! His lethargy is worse since our trip to the vet, I am still putting it down to starting his BP medication as I have read on here that other dogs have had the same. I took him for a walk (on his leash) up at the beach, his favourite place to walk - he liked that and kept looking back as if to say "why are you not letting me free??" :cool:
After reading up here on diets I boiled up a chicken for him today, and put some beans and carrots in and have saved the broth. I think that was more for my benefit than his, as there is nothing wrong with his appetite :rolleyes: but he gobbled it down with a few of his biscuits mixed in. He has not been losing weight, puts it on too easily if anything which is why I have had him on light hills biscuits. I am going to the pet store tomorrow as I want to get him some snacks low in salt to help the BP situation and to have more treats on hand.
He is going to NZ's one and only vet university so I do believe he is in the best hands, its a 2 1/2 hr drive away. The surgeon that resected his liver tumour last year was excellent. Well I hope next week we get the answers we want, ie that it is operable. His liver tumour was on the left side which is the easiest to resect, but his adrenal is the right side which I have learnt is the more difficult to operate on.
I read your story Kim, what a roller coaster. I laughed, I cried at all the ups and downs and it was so helpful for me to read so thank you for having that there for newbies like me as it really does help. One section struck a chord, when Annie had the ulcers in her oesophagus, Flynn has had them in his mouth and I wonder if they go further down. Another question for me to ask the vet. I guess unlikely because he has not refused food at all, apart from preferring wet and soft food over his biscuits but he does eat them all by end of the day. He does smack his lips a lot, and rub his face along the carpet like he has an itch on his nose but he has always down that. He does not seem to have the real downs that Annie had either like not able to get up and go out. I cannot tell if the tumour is 'spewing' as you put it!
Do you think I need to be concerned about them doing a LDDS test with the adrenal tumour, I don't want to set anything off??
I am tired, I have read and read then worked and worked outside trying to get rid of my nervous energy. I made myself go out with friends tonight, but only a couple of hours as I had left Flynn with his Nana and Grandad and did not want to be too late (I have not produced any grandchildren for them so he is their granddog and they love him dearly :D:D) it was nice to get out and not be totally focused on reseraching doggy cancer and my feelings of impending doom ... I am so angry as well, at how unfair it is for such a sweet little dog to have to go through this cancer ordeal TWICE :mad::mad:
So on that note, we are off to bed.
Squirt's Mom
11-03-2012, 07:50 AM
Hi Trish,
One comment about the tennis balls. That green covering can really damage the teeth. It acts like sandpaper, wearing the enamel off, leaving the teeth exposed. I had a Pitty mix who had Pica and dearly loved tennis balls. When we had to go in because she ate some things, including a tennis ball, our vet told me about the harm they can do...other than not intended as food! :D I don't know if you have access to Kong toys in NZ, but they are great toys, almost indestructible and come in a variety of shapes for various games. Just FYI!
Leslie and the gang
11-03-2012, 08:51 AM
:D Well you get doggie mom of the year if you read that whole saga. Interesting that Flynn had mouth ulcers. Glynda helped me research and put pieces together - we felt it came from gas being produced as a result of the active tumor. Should you start to notice episodes of inappetance you might try giving pepcid ac (100% famotidine - not the other varieties of Pepcid) to ease the tummy.
Re the ldds test I don't think it would hurt Flynn but I don't understand why they would do one if they have a pheo dx. We did two of them and both came back positive. We did about 5 acth tests and all but one came back positive. Only the one sent to a university came back negative. We finally decided they were unreliable - Annie had cortisol because her body was fighting. I guess I would simply ask what they were looking for from that test.
The hospital we went to finally ruled out pituitary cushings by doing a brain cat scan. So this just left us with an adrenal tumor that they could tell from imaging was not cancerous at that time.
The inability to walk didn't occur until the end. She had inability to go down stairs earlier on - like landing hard on one of her hind legs caused her to fall.
Do keep us posted on what you end up doing and the results. I am glad you are going to the specialists at your university. I remember now you mentioned that before. Sending love across the pond. Give Flynn a hug! Kim
11-03-2012, 07:47 PM
Hi again, probably another lengthy post so prepare yourselves!! I took Flynn to his local vet this morning as I was concerned about his ongoing lethargy. He did not check his BP but said to stop the Benzapril until he has a chance to talk to his specialist vet tomorrow (it is Sunday here today). He said heart and lungs sound OK and checked out ok otherwise.
He had the results from specialist. So here goes:
They only listed abnormal bloods - ALP 957 (normal 0-185), ALT 396 (0-75), Cholesterol 11.7 (3-9).
Urine Protein:Creatinine ratio- 1.48 dogs with glomerular proteinuria >1.0
Ultrasound - compared with last scan on 16th May
The liver is similarily diffusely heterogenous, and contains multiple, varying size (0.5-1cm) ovoid ill defined hypoechoic nodules and a single ill defined hyperechoic nodule (2.4cm). Additionally, within the right liver a single 2.2cm irregularly ovoid heterogenously hypoechoic nodule is present - this was biopsied. The gallbladder contains a moderate volume of unorganised echogenic debris, and is located to the left of midline. Within the left cranial abdomen, caudal to the liver and cranial to the dorsal extremity (head) of the spleen a 1.2cm ovoid structure is present which is isoechoic to the spleen - this was biopsied. The spleen contains a single small (0.3cm) ill defined hypoechoic nodule. The renal cortices are hyperechoic bilaterally, being isoechoic to spleen. The renal cortices also contain multiple small hyperechoic foci. The left adrenal gland is enlarged at the caudal pole (0.89cm) with the impression of a 0.5cm hyperechoic nodule within. The right adrenal gland is also enlarged (1.1cm caudal pole, 1.5cm cranial pole). Confluent with the cranial pole of the right adrenal gland a 1.0cm echogenicity is present which protrudes into the lumen of the caudal vena cava. On doppler interrogation turbulent flow is present cranial to this structure. The mucosal layer of the duodenum contains a few, linear hyperechogenicities which are perpendicular to the luminal surface. The urinary bladder contains a few specular hyperechogenicites.
The jejunum, large intestines, abdominal lymph nodes and prostate are normal.
1. Hepatic heterogenicity and nodules. Given clinical history of hepatocellular carcinoma, recrudence of neoplasia is considered. Additional differentials include extra medullary hemotopoeisis, hyperplasia, vacuolar hepatopathy or haematomas.
2. Probably right adrenal nodule with cranial vena cava invasion. The primary differential is neoplasia such as carcinoma or pheochromocytoma based on invasion, invasive adenoma is also considered.
3. Left adrenal nodule. Differentials include neoplasia such as adenoma or hyperplasia.
4. Hypoechoic splenic nodule. Differentials include extramedullary hemotopoeisis or hyperplasia. Neoplasia or haematoma are considered less likely.
5. Left cranial abdominal nodule. Differentials include ectopic splenic tissue, atypical lymph node or mesenteric nodule.
6. Urinary Bladder debris is consistent with crystalluria
7. Bilateral non-specific nephropathy and nephrolithiasis.
8. Duodenal mucosal striations. Lymphangectasia is considered.
Liver nodule: highly cellular with excellent cell preservation and spread. They consist of multiple clusters of mildly to moderately pleomorphic hepatocytes that occasionally have a fluffly vacuolar appearance. Small to moderate numbers of very thin tapering spindle cells ?capillaries and slightly larger plumper mesenchymal cells surrounded by small quantities of pink matrix are noted. The remaining two smears contain no cells but small to moderate quantities of necrotic material.
Left cranial abdominal nodule: samples are heamodilute, containing small numbers of generally poorly preserved hepatocytes that also have associated mesenchymal cells present.
Interpretation: The hepatocytes show no cytological abnormalities other than mild vacuolation. Vascularisation or fibrosis? to account for the presence of the mesenchymal cells. Evidence of necrosis in liver nodule.
11-03-2012, 07:56 PM
So overall:
Problem List
Liver nodules
Bilateral adrenomegaly
Right adrenal mass with vascular invasion
Hepatic enzyme increas
Differential diagnosis
Hyperadrenocortism is still possible - either with pheochromocytoma or other adrenal tumour
Recommend a LDDS to rule out hyperadrenocortism. At the same time repeat blood pressure.
If the LDDS comes back normal then I would recommend changing medications to phenoxybenzamine as it is likely the hypertension is secondary to pheochromocytoma.
Further workup of the adrenal mass is recommended to decide if this is surgically resectable - this includes CT of the abdomen and most likely thorax.
So I guess on the good news front, the biopsies are not cancerous although his local vet today said the necrosis in the sample makes him suspicious. But I was pretty stunned to hear of the nodules in other adrenal, spleen and problems with bladder, duodenum etc. Crikey such a lot to take in.
Local vet going to call specialist vet tomorrow, check about the antihypertensive situation and he also wanted to clarify her thoughts on the ultrasound, as he was confused by some of the more in depth reporting... phew so was I! Plan for LDDS on Tuesday, then hopefully we can get booked into specialist vet later in week for CT.
So there we are, my news for the day.
molly muffin
11-03-2012, 08:23 PM
Oh my gosh. That is an awful lot of information to take in. I'm sure some of the more knowledgeable people here can read it and understand it. I'm not one of them!
I do hope though that the next week will bring some clarify of a path to follow to get Flynn bak on track.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-03-2012, 08:47 PM
Thx Sharlene, my head is sure in a spin trying to rationalise these results. Thx for the hug and same back to you and your gang! :)
11-03-2012, 08:48 PM
Hi Trish.
I have to agree with Sharlene, that's a lot to absorb at one time. I usually don't tilt on information overload but Flynn's data left me like a deer in headlights. :eek: I'll be anxiously awaiting your vet's report after he's talked to the specialist to get his take on the ultrasound results. I think that's what you need before you can more forward with a plan.
The one thing I wanted to mention is that if Flynn does have cancer, carbohydrates should be minimized as cancer cells seem to feed on carbs and use them to proliferate. Carbohydrates are also stored as fat which contributes to obesity. In my opinion, anything Hills makes is usually guaranteed to be crap. They are a huge conglomerate and one would think that with their resources they would use good quality ingredients in their foods. The light Hills bisquits you mention are anything but low calorie. They are more than 65% carbohydrates, with most of that coming from the main ingredient, corn. If you are going to include any grains in Flynn's diet, corn should not be one of them. You may want to consider getting rid of the Hills bisquits and buying treats that are grain free.
11-06-2012, 12:48 AM
Thanks for the dietary advice Glynda. I will cut out the Hills, when I'm at the specialists vets next I am going to try and see a nutritionist as there are so many things I need to take into account with his food, like the cancer, hypertension and liver problems so hopefully with their advice I can work out a healthy food plan for him.
I spoke to the local vet today, he had spoken to the specialist vet and said the scan did not sound as bad as we had interpreted it as! Also the surgeon who did his liver resection last year had been consulted and shown the ultrasound and in his opinion it is resectable. Yay good news! They wanted the LDDS as both his adrenals are enlarged and they would have expected only one side if it was just an adrenal based problem, so they have done it to rule out the very unlikely case of him also have a pituary based problem. He said so far Flynny has been a very unusual case. He has had the LDDS done today. Specialist vet also said that depending on result of LDDS they would swap his benzapril to phenyoxybenzamine or at least cut the dose. He has been pretty good yesterday and today, but first thing this morning when he got up he looked very green and I thought he was going to vomit, but he came right in a few minutes so I think when he got up his BP dropped. They were going to check it today but I do not know result, as my parents picked him up as I was at work.
So plan now is to get result of LDDS tomorrow, then book for CT and further consultation at specialist vet eg they need to rule out spread to lungs etc before planning for surgery. Fingers crossed that is clear.
Trish and Flynn
molly muffin
11-06-2012, 07:12 AM
Hoping for good results from the LDDS. Flynn certainly doesn't need anything more on top of what he already has going on!! Flynn manages to give us all the 'wide eyed blinking' look. LOLOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-07-2012, 12:40 AM
Hi all
Good news from me! He suppressed nicely on his LDDS test, the numbers I scribbled down when the vet rang me are:
Pre 184
I think 4 hrs post - 9
8hrs post - 5
So they doubt pituitary involvement. I hope I got those results right.
He is starting phenoxybenzamine today, they want him on it for 2 - 3 weeks to stablise his BP then he goes back to specialist vet for CT. Hopefully nothing nasty shows up on that and they will do surgery a day or two after that.
Trish xx
11-07-2012, 01:24 AM
Quick question! Flynn's phenoxybenzamine comes in a 10mg capsule. His dose is a third of each capsule twice a day. I work in a hospital so rang our pharmacist and he said there are pharmacies that will split it up for you but it costs a fortune, he suggested I mix the powder from the capsule into some chicken meat until it turns into a paste. Then split it into thirds. I have just done this and gave him his first drugged chicken dose and he gobbled it down quite happily :D:D I was a little nervous I might get a clumped bit and he would get more in one dose and less in another.
The local vet just said to tip out the powder onto paper and split it into thirds with a razor blade and tip it into his food? Imagine if someone saw me doing that... they would think I was doing cocaine :eek::eek: I was also worried about spillage and losing some of each dose.
I thought I would ask all your knowledgeable people if there is a better way to do it?
Thanks :)
Squirt's Mom
11-07-2012, 08:09 AM
Hi Trish,
Making a paste is how I've always divided capsules that needed to be given in portions. If I can get meds into food, I know it will all be taken without a battle. ;) And you can mix up the paste from time to time - use chicken, fish, liver, green tripe, even some veggies like sweet potatoes - which all my dearly love. Mine think they are getting a treat this way. :D
Leslie and the gang
11-07-2012, 09:29 AM
Quick question! Flynn's phenoxybenzamine comes in a 10mg capsule. His dose is a third of each capsule twice a day. I work in a hospital so rang our pharmacist and he said there are pharmacies that will split it up for you but it costs a fortune, he suggested I mix the powder from the capsule into some chicken meat until it turns into a paste. Then split it into thirds. I have just done this and gave him his first drugged chicken dose and he gobbled it down quite happily :D:D I was a little nervous I might get a clumped bit and he would get more in one dose and less in another.
The local vet just said to tip out the powder onto paper and split it into thirds with a razor blade and tip it into his food? Imagine if someone saw me doing that... they would think I was doing cocaine :eek::eek: I was also worried about spillage and losing some of each dose.
I thought I would ask all your knowledgeable people if there is a better way to do it?
Thanks :)
If both the hospital pharmacist and your vet told you that it's OK to open the capsules and split the powder, then it sounds as if this particular drug may not be one that is affected adversely by altering the form in which it's given. But generally, I just want to warn folks that altering the form of a capsule in this way may also alter its effectiveness and safety (for both the animal and also the human who is exposing him/herself to the contents). So I wouldn't personally tamper with a drug unless a pharmacist gave me the go-ahead. For instance, the absorption of some drugs ought not to begin until they've safely made it into the stomach. Mixing the contents with a moist paste beforehand may totally alter the effective action of the drug. For capsules containing time-released drugs, altering the contents can also totally alter the effectiveness. And in the case of the trilostane capsules that many of our dogs take, the manufacturer of brandname Vetoryl publishes a specific warning against opening capsules and dividing contents.
What the hospital pharmicist is talking about is a "compounding pharmacy" -- a drugstore where the pharmacist is able to repackage or manipulate existing medications into a form or a dose that is workable for an individual patient. If affordable, I would think this would definitely be a preferable alternative. It will indeed cost money, but perhaps not as much as you think. So if were me, I'd Google "compounding pharmacies" in your area and give them a call to see what they may be able to do for you. A number of our members here use Diamondback Drugs, an internet compounding pharmacy located in AZ that ships drugs throughout the country. You could always give them a call to see what their recommendation would be regarding phenoxybenzamine.
molly muffin
11-07-2012, 06:08 PM
Very glad to hear that the LDDS had good results and they don't think it's pituitary.
Any good news is a happy day.
11-08-2012, 02:23 AM
HI all - thanks for the tips on the capsules. Very good point to check it out with pharmacist first Marianne. All appears to be going well for my boy, he is very perky tonight so I am happy :) Thanks again for the pointers and support, just what we needed... I feel much calmer now and I'm catching up on some sleep :)
Trish and Flynn xx
molly muffin
11-09-2012, 08:42 PM
Hope you're getting lots of sleep and rest! Both of you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-09-2012, 11:45 PM
HI Sharlene
You are such a sweetie thinking of us all :D:D Flynn is doing pretty good, one worry is he seems to have one kinda formed but soft with a bit of mucous poop (TMI?!?) each night, normal and formed in the morning. His breath stinks. Energy goes up and down a bit, but still think he is getting used to his phenoxybenzamine. He has been on it 3 1/2 days now. But otherwise he is good, we are both sleeping.. him more than me :p
Hope all good with you too!
molly muffin
11-10-2012, 12:12 AM
Trish, let me just give you a big ole welcome to the Poop Patrol. Yep, we all do it. Heck I started this years journey on it. hahahaha
So, to go 'in depth' (pun definitely intended) because morning poop is solid and evenings is not, I'd look at something that is given morning or mid day that upsets the digestive tract just a bit. Not enough for full scale diarrhea, but not given at night, since the morning seems to be fine. As long as it doesn't get worse, over all, I'd think that the more Flynn gets use to whatever it is, then the likely hood that evening poop will get more solid. If you see it get more mucusy and runny, then you'll have to narrow it down.
Isn't poop patrol wonderful. ROFL!
We're good here. Thanks :)
11-10-2012, 12:39 AM
Not sure what it could be, he eats the same pretty much morning and night. I will keep an eye on it.
Glad I am not the only strange one checking out the poops lol... even I thought I was crossing a line going out at night with the torch to check them out :D:D He is shy too and does not like me watching, so I have to be pretty stealthy!
ahhhhh yes the pooh patrol. pooh is gold. lol. sometimes 100% pure pumpkin can actually help the digestive system. Its odd as it can help them go...but it can help them have more healthy poohs, and it can calm tummy. Another thing maybe adding a probiotic i use fortiflora 1/2 packet twice daily. Sometimes to much calcium in diet can cause soft poohs
11-10-2012, 03:15 PM
Thx Skye, do you just add mashed up boiled pumpkin to the food? He has always loved leftover pumpkin skins when we have had that for dinner. I will buy him one today. But apart from a little looser at night, they are normal now :D:D I put carrot in with his chicken this morning. His main food is chicken, which is by far his fave (apart from bacon which I have banned because of his BP). I really need to research more on what to feed him as it looks like I won't be at specialist vet for another couple of weeks at least till BP comes down.
Thanks for advice :)
Tundra's Mom
11-10-2012, 04:22 PM
Thx Skye, do you just add mashed up boiled pumpkin to the food? ...
Hi Trish,
Your question to Skye caught my eye. I began adding pumpkin to Tundra's food a month or two ago. He's always had messy loose stools, and this was like a miracle, his stools are "normal" now, at least not messy/loose.
I add 2 Tablespoons of "Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin" (it's a puree) to his meal. He's a big guy (106 - 108#), so you may not need as much for your little one. Whatever you give, just make certain it has no spices or additives. Good luck! :)
11-12-2012, 11:38 PM
Hi everyone
Good news from me! Flynn went for his BP check today to see what effect the Phenoxybenzamine is having. BP has gone from 200 systolic down to 160ish. Good result for six days of treatment, still high though but hopefully on the way down even further.
Plan is for local vet to inform specialist vet of his progress, then wait for their advice on when they want to see him for CT etc. YAY.
Thanks for the pumpkin advice, bowels are behaving themselves at the moment.... long may the good news continue :D
Trish and Flynn xx
molly muffin
11-13-2012, 07:06 AM
That is wonderful Trish! So glad that the med is working on Flynn's BP. :) woot woot! Pumpkin, natures miracle poop drug. :) *giggling
11-16-2012, 11:01 PM
Hi just a quick update from us
I've had a phone call from local vet today, he has been in touch with specialists they are all pleased his BP is coming down. Specialist vet wants him on the drug 2-3 weeks before surgery.
So the plan is to get through next week, schedule his CT scan at specialist vet early the following week and all going good hopefully surgery at the same time.
I think Flynny is OK, or maybe it is my Mummy paranoia imagining him panting a little more and a little more quiet. But as vet said to me on the phone today, his BP coming down to more acceptable limits can make him feel a bit yuck for a while. He wants to check his BP once more just before he goes down to see the specialist. Still he is eating OK, poops ok so fingers crossed he gets his op as I think that is his only chance.
Trish xx
11-17-2012, 11:41 AM
Good news! Praying for you and Flynn!
Ro and Chey
11-17-2012, 02:51 PM
This is good news - (wish we had a LIKE button here) :D
Keep us updated!
molly muffin
11-17-2012, 08:10 PM
I'm glad that one you have a plan in place that you are comfortable with and second that Flynn is responding so well and his BP is coming down.
Woot Woot! Keep it going Flynn! Trish you may now sleep. :)
molly muffin
11-20-2012, 09:16 PM
Hope Flynn is getting through this week A-Okay!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-21-2012, 12:25 AM
Hello Sharlene and Molly Muffin!
You are a sweetie for checking in on us :) Flynn now has a confirmed appt for next Tuesday with his surgeon. I rang to ask the receptionist today if he needs to be fasted for scan, she said at this stage surgeon just wanted to review his case and see what is needed. The the other specialist vet he saw last month was a physician vet so the surgeon has not seen him yet :rolleyes: I explained that we have to travel a long way, and if he does have surgery I need to sort out work committments here and get longer off. She did not know what to say, so she is going to ask the surgeon to ring me so hopefully all will be sorted soon. I had been expecting CT +/- surgery.
But Flynn is good, his Grandad took him for a walk at the beach today and he really loved it, (it is off leash area) he wanted to run and play :D:D and not go back on his leash.. naughty foxie
Hope all good with you and the baby!
Trish xx
glad to hear pooh patrol is going well. lol. Libbeys 100% is exactly what i use. My girl is 16 pounds and she gets 2-3 Tablespoons each evening. slightly warmed. :)
so you are having a CT scan and meeting with surgeron in regards to surgery...and this is adrenalectomy surgery correct? I will gladly share our experience with you if i followed thread correctly. What you can expect, how to help you prepare before, during and after. Shysie has facebook, and actually if you look for her page, you can go all the way to when it started prior to her surgery and read practically the entire journey and view photos and videos and stuff. LOTS of photos...i cant get albums regardless of how few pictures to post on forum, so i share lots from there on here. anything i can do to help i will gladly try and do so. i do know you are in the best forum ever, forever caring true loving friends surround you........we all just call them angels cause that is what they are. :)
11-21-2012, 08:59 PM
So glad to hear Flynn was playing on the beach. Sometimes you can't even tell these pups are sick. I am so happy you are getting good news. You and Flynn so deserve this:)
Please, please, keep us posted. Big prayers for you and Flynn.
11-22-2012, 03:04 AM
Hi Stormee - yes I am hoping he is fit for adrenalectomy. He has the appointment with his surgeon next Tuesday. We have not met with him for a year since he did Flynn's liver resection. I have already liked Shysie's facebook page and the updates on there and on here! So have picked up a lot of tips on what to look out for... but will definitely keep you up to date with our journey! Hi Ro - they are so tough aren't they, when I found out about Flynn's high BP I was worried like you are about stroke etc, but he still wanted to play... so I think that has to be good for them as long as they not tearing about like mad things :D:D
11-23-2012, 07:54 PM
Hi everyone
I just worked out how to put a few photo's in Flynny's album. We are ticking along here, Tuesday cannot come soon enough when we go visit the surgeon!
Flynn caught a bird this morning, nothing wrong with his reflexes :) Poor bird tho :( He also had a shower today, I am sure he thinks it was punishment for his wee baby bird murdering ways... but we have to him looking ship shape for the Vet :D
Hope everyone is doing good :)
Trish xx
11-23-2012, 08:37 PM
I hope this works, it is a video of Flynn at Christmas that my nephew took a few years back and put on youtube :D:D
molly muffin
11-23-2012, 09:07 PM
Loved the video, had the guys in the house here, singing along with the music. LOL
I saw you post on another thread and said to myself..."new pictures of Flynn!" must go see! LOL Love the avatar photo, it's adorable!
Glad Flynn is doing so well, sounds pretty sprite alright.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-23-2012, 11:43 PM
Haha thanks Sharlene, love the music too :D Hmmm wonder why it won't work for you Skye, I have just put the link on here again, maybe you can copy and paste it into your browser? I am not much good with tech things :D
11-25-2012, 09:43 AM
It said there was restricted content when I tried to open the U-Tube link.....hmmmm
Tuesday is quickly approaching. I will be anxiously awaiting the news.
Ro and Chey
Squirt's Mom
11-25-2012, 09:57 AM
This video contains content from The Harry Fox Agency, Inc. (HFA), UMPG Publishing and EMI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Sorry about that.
humph.... :p
11-25-2012, 08:37 PM
Hi all
I heard back from the surgeon today, he does want to do CT tomorrow at our appointment. Then if all well, surgery the following day. He said he has done this surgery a lot and even if tumour in vena cava he can fix that. He thinks the tumour/thrombus may be pressing on the vena cava but hopefully not invading it.
Meanwhile, Flynn has been at local vet today for BP check. I just rang to see what that result was and the nurse said it ranged between 210-220 what the hell!! Thats higher than it was before he started the treatment. I am so gutted and feel sick for Flynn.
Of course, the vet has gone home so I couldn't speak to him but the nurse said she would ring him and check if that was correct and get back to me.
11-25-2012, 08:42 PM
Whoa... be sure to follow up on that. The purpose of the meds is to lower the bp so he can handle the surgery. Don't be afraid to hold off if the numbers aren't where they need to be. Keep us posted so we can all double up on our thoughts and prayers during surgery ok? Kim
11-25-2012, 09:55 PM
Darn Blood pressure! Definitely, keep us posted. I like the surgeons confidence though.
I am thinking about you and Flynn.
Prayers sent your way.
Ro and Chey
11-26-2012, 12:20 AM
Well I did hear back from them and BP was that high, they said he was shaking an awful lot when they did it which made it hard to get an accurate recording. I have to increase his meds so I just gave him the higher dose, so I will be watching him like a hawk today.
I just picked him up from Mum and Dads, they look after Flynn while I am at work and have done so for his whole life so he is just about at much their dog as mine. My 80 yr old Dad and Mum said a lovely goodbye to him, telling him to be a good dog and come home soon all well, petting him... broke my heart. The university pet hospital is 2 1/2 hr drive away, so I will stay down there if he has surgery but don't have any other family there. They want him down there early, so a 6am start for us.
I am keeping it together with Flynn because he only needs happy vibes right now and I am going to continue to be positive!
Thanks for your good wishes, I will definitely keep you updated - taking my laptop.
Trish and the hopefully soon to be cured Flynn :)
i am wondering if the surgeron will do surgery if the bp is still high.....they may wait to get that stablized......i would think(??) maybe they are planning to do CT scan only?
keeping you close in thoughts
11-26-2012, 01:19 AM
Yes I agree about postponing surgery till he is right Kim and Skye, but I have a few doubts about local vets BP taking skills. He keeps him there a few hours and won't let me stay which I would think would help Flynn be calmer. He hates it there. Will see what the BP is tomorrow.
The local vet had apparently contacted specialists but spoke to the physician vet not the surgeon who I spoke with earlier in the day. I think the physician must be same as your IMS and she was the one he saw last month and had been instructing re BP meds.
I had been so hopeful as last BP about 10 days ago, had dropped to 160 so this is a real kick in the gut :(
I am sure the surgeon will be checking his BP at the time of the CT scan, especially since it has been elevated. My thoughts and prayers to you and Flynn. Hang in there and keep us posted.
Tina and Jasper
molly muffin
11-26-2012, 07:27 AM
Maybe the surgeon will let you stay with Flynn when he takes his BP, so it won't be so bad. You could calmly pet his head and get down to his level (if he is on the table) and just sync your breathing to his, calmly so that he knows that is what is happening and then gradually slow yours down. Not sure if that will work or not, but it might help his anxiety and give an accurate BP reading. (oh practice this a few times at home before going too)
Good luck!
Squirt's Mom
11-26-2012, 07:59 AM
Hi Trish,
Let us know what transpires today, especially if they decided to go ahead with the surgery. I hope the BP is down and this was just a bad reading from the vet yesterday.
That image of your mom and dad telling Flynn bye yesterday is so, so touching. It is just wonderful that your folks love him that much - what a lucky boy to have the whole family on his side!
Your K9C family is by your side all the way. We will be fluttering around you as you travel, sitting with you as you wait for word on what happens next, watching over the shoulders of the docs and techs working with him, and guarding you in your dreams. You are not alone today, Trish. Never alone.
Leslie and the gang
PS. I vote for a nice Sushi dinner tonite. Not sure what everyone else will want, but that's MY vote. :p
11-26-2012, 08:54 AM
I am thinking about you and Flynn. Hopefully, you are both sleeping well. It it 2:30 a.m. In NZ right now. You are 18 hours ahead of me. I will be on here waiting for your updates. I wish I could physically be with you, so you didn't have to go alone.
Your parents sweet talk with Flynn is very touching. He is one loved little boy:)
I just wonder how the vet gets an accurate reading on our dogs since they tremble with fear and pant heavily. Chey does the same thing and I can't even comfort her while at the vet. I suggested they take Chey's in the back of my SUV, but the vet wasn't going to be there and the assistant took her BP. I guess they give some lead way on the BP for the increased rate from fear. I think she said she could see 180 in the case of Chey's fear, but 244 was too high.
Like everyone else has said, I am right here with you and Chey gives Flynn a big paws up;)
Hugs and prayers,
Ro and Chey
11-26-2012, 11:43 AM
How lovely to read your posts of support, thank you so much for that. I did have friends who wanted to come with me, but me being me wanted to go on my own to process this and then deal with everyone else.
It is 5.40am here right now, have slept fitfully to say the least :mad: but just having a nice cup of tea, gathering my thoughts and will get ready to tackle what the day brings. Flynn, slept fine! He does not seem to be suffering from increased dose of BP meds.
He is not allowed to eat in preparation for his scan, I forgot to ask the vet about giving his meds on empty stomach. I am going to give the BP med with a bit of water and squirt it in his mouth, but will hold off on his Previcox and supplements... any thoughts on this?
Thanks again for being here with me today, what a fabulous lot of people I managed to fall across when searching the net for advice xxxxx
Boriss McCall
11-26-2012, 01:37 PM
Good luck today!! Hope everything runs smooth for you two.
11-26-2012, 03:58 PM
Thinking about you guys. I think it is about 10 a.m. there. Hoping for good news.
11-26-2012, 05:24 PM
Hi Ro, he is in having his scan now, so i have 3hrs to kill in this city before results in. Just in a cafe having late brekky as did not want to eat in front of Flynny. Fiddling with my phone and found this app and surprisingly can log in. He pretty good this morning, I saw surgeon and he is confident about surgery but clearly outlined risks involved, he has done alot and i even asked if any dogs died on him doing this, and relieved to hear none. Will keep in touch, looks like good stores around here but not in mood for retail therapy
molly muffin
11-26-2012, 05:27 PM
Just got home from work and checking in to see if any news yet about Flynn.
We're all with you Trish! You have tons of family and friends I am sure who are awaiting the news with bated breaths. Including us!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
11-26-2012, 05:28 PM
Oh and HOLY a CT scan is $1000.00!!! Cripes i spend more on his health than mine, but he worth every penny! He has specialist anaesthetist there to sedate him because of risks so was relieved to hear that
molly muffin
11-26-2012, 05:40 PM
WOW! That's a doozy and a half.
You still breathing? Hope the shock didn't do you in!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-26-2012, 05:41 PM
Did they check his blood pressure today? Does it take 3 hours to do a CT scan?
Thanks for posting, Trish:)
11-26-2012, 05:47 PM
Yep i still breathing... It was 5k for his liver op last year so I imagine will be similar if this op goes ahead. Oh well, holidays are overated anyway!! Surgeon said the anaesthetist going to check him thoroughly Ro, no bp done before i left. Have found a nice spot in a park in the sunshine, 11.45 as i type this so yr time conversion spot on!
11-26-2012, 05:53 PM
Oh and they said he going in midday for scan, so thats about now! Also doing his chest and a good going over to check fitness for surgery, i was walking him in the little shop they have with pet products while we waited for surgeon, he stretched up on his back legs and grabbed one of those chewy type bones off a reasonably high shelf and looked very sad when i took it off him. Poor hungry boy
11-26-2012, 05:58 PM
I know, not letting them eat is heart breaking. Was Flynn shaking there?
11-26-2012, 06:08 PM
He was a bit, not too bad though. I am off to have a bit of look around, this posting has chewed through half my battery! Can't have it running out when they ring me!! Will post later when i hear
Let us know when you can, we are all here for you.
Hi Trish,
I'm here too, and thinking about you and Flynn. Thanks for the updates so far. I hope all is going well for your sweet baby.
Hugs from me and Jasper
11-26-2012, 07:45 PM
Sending love and warm thoughts! Kim
Bo's Mom
11-26-2012, 07:52 PM
((((HUGS)))) to you guys.
11-26-2012, 08:43 PM
Good news! It is operable, surgeon just called and waiting to pick him up now, tiny bit in vena cava he described it as pimple sized so relatively easy to get out. Bad news BP still 200 so as we all expected they not operating till more stable. He consulting IMS re BP meds to get her recommendations on that, Will post motr after i pick up Flynn and get to speak to them, so long drive home coming up but with much more hope! Thanks for your prayers and good wishes everyone, they are working!! Xxx
11-26-2012, 08:53 PM
Great news that the tumor is operable!!! Yay!!!! Dang blood pressure though. What the heck???? I guess his blood pressure was accurate yesterday. Thanks for the updates!!!! I have been looking forward to them all day:)
Still many prayers sent your way. Drive safely.
Ro and Chey
11-26-2012, 09:24 PM
I am so glad to hear the good news and also that they did not proceed yet. Getting the bp under control can be difficult because it rises when the tumor is active and there's no way to control that. Glad it's a tiny thing and operable. Get the bp down and keep us posted.. we are all here. Good job mom! Kim
Great news Trish! Maybe the specialist will have some better BP med recommendations. Safe travels home with your little guy.
Tina and Jasper
molly muffin
11-26-2012, 10:00 PM
Oh Trish, this is truly wonderful news. Just think Flynn could be back to being a normal healthy dog, without all the issues. No more cushings stuff, the BP should be under control too once the tumor is gone, at least we hope so. I think it's all quite wonderful!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-27-2012, 01:52 AM
So nice to get home and read all your messages, what a bunch of awesome people you all are!!
New Plan: Phenoxybenzamine increased to 10mg twice a day (it was 3.5mg twice daily until last night when they went to 7.5mg twice day) then recheck BP Friday at local vet, then if all well down for surgery on Monday. I am very impressed with this university vet hospital, while I was there the surgeon had consulted with the anaesthetist, she had been researching and had new data that shows it may be best to stop the phenoxybenzamine a day or so before op, because what it does is blocks the receptors to get BP lower, but if a problem occurred during surgery ie BP starts to swing then it is more difficult to control with other drugs if the receptors are still blocked. So they are considering that data in relation to Flynn and will come up with a plan for intraoperative care. I also saw the IMS, who had recommended the increase phenyoxybenzamine. She said not to be surprised if he becomes more down and depressed with this increase. So it was great to see such good teamwork amongst all those specialists. I feel pretty good about it, but to be clear he really outlined all the risks of the surgery.
He also said how he is amazed when he sees a scan on a dog that he has done a liver resection on (he removed over 1/3 of Flynn's liver a year ago) and it has totally regenerated. No sign of any spread there, the two liver nodules that keep being reported on he is not concerned about. phew. He showed me the CT scan and went through it all, which was good to help my understanding. So he thinks all going to plan 2 - 3 days in hospital, I told him I am planning on staying down there a couple extra days in motel just in case anything goes wrong and then I am close to their expert care!
So while a little disappointed it is not happening tomorrow, I totally agree on the need to get BP lower so surgery is safer. Flynn travelled pretty well, hungry as a horse though so he was very pleased I had packed some cooked chicken into a cooler bag! You would think for $1000.00 they would give him some lunch :D:D
Thank you all for being there with me through the trip today.... roll on next week :) I need bed! xx
molly muffin
11-27-2012, 07:34 AM
What a great team you have working for Flynn. I'm always impressed when I see a team that comes together and works together. Glad you have good news and a plan of action. Now sleep!! :)
Squirt's Mom
11-27-2012, 09:26 AM
Hi Trish,
Sounds like a productive day and a wonderful team on Flynn's side! :)
I love the doc talking about his liver - further proof what an amazing organ the liver is, huh?
Leslie and the gang
11-27-2012, 10:16 AM
Hi Trish,
It sure does sound like you are doing everything right for Flynn and you have a great team working for you. My dog had her adrenalectomy to remove a very large corticol adrenal tumor which was pushing against and deviating the caudal vena cava but had not invaded. She had a very successful adrenalectomy and lived another 3.5 years with a great quality of life. I know it is a difficult process but I'm confident things will work out wonderfully for you and Flynn! Hang tough.
11-27-2012, 10:42 AM
It does seem like a team working together for Flynn:). Sending lots of prayers your way.
Ro and Chey
Boriss McCall
11-27-2012, 12:17 PM
yay! awesome news. Hope that the BP goes down soon.
11-27-2012, 01:19 PM
Hi everyone.... such a better nights sleep!
Flynn seems good after a couple of doses of the higher BP med, a little quieter, but a big day for him yesterday so I am sure he will need a lot of rest today. I am back to work today (need to pay his bills, how many of us pay a substantial amount of their pay on vet bills!) but I am lucky Mum and Dad care for him during the day, I think I will tell Dad not to walk him today. They also have a very cheeky Siamese Cat who keeps him on his toes stalking him :eek: I will take two weeks off work, if surgery goes ahead next week. so need to save anymore days off for then.
I am very lucky with the specialists, I agree with you all the teamwork was impressive, when I was leaving the surgeon was getting on the phone to call my local vet to make sure he was in the picture too.
Thank you again for all your posts, you don't know how much it means, or on 2nd thoughts you most likely do and that is why you are all so kind and supportive, hopefully I can pay it forward when we get through this! Also thanks Ken for your comments on your dog's successful surgery, just what we need right now :)
Right off to work I go!
Trish xx
molly muffin
11-27-2012, 04:52 PM
Well, it makes sense that as the BP comes down they would feel tired. My dad had low blood pressure and when it went low, he felt exhausted. I assume BP works the same way in animals.
Your parents sound really lovely Trish!
Yep, I Know I am working for Molly. LOL She tells me so with each vet bill. ROFL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Trish,
So glad to read all the good news! It does sound like there is a wonderful team taking care if Flynn, and that they are really on top of things. Fingers crossed that his blood pressure stabilizes. And I can totally relate to working to pay the vet bills, I suspect we are all in that boat!
Tina and Jasper
11-28-2012, 01:43 AM
Hi all
Pretty good day for Flynn, he always enjoys his time at his grandparents haha... sometimes I think he would rather live there as they spoil him so much :p he is still trembling a bit, but less I think... I am willing that BP down!
I have had a stink day at work though, I think I am still so tired and I have had a day or sorting out stupid stuff. You ever get so irritated by something like an email and furiously type out a reply? I did that today and thought to myself... hmmm perhaps do not send that until tomorrow to have a chance to edit when I have cooled down... but NO I pressed SEND anyway for that fleeting feeling of satisfaction, then immediately regretted it. Well I have done that not once but THREE times today. Dreading my inbox tomorrow :eek: What a grumpy pants I am.
Then I was in an office with a couple of girls, one knew about Flynn going for his appointment yesterday and asked me about it, I started telling her and the other girl butts in, asking how old Flynn was and perhaps it is time I made another decision.:mad: She does not even know about his case at all... I said I do not want to talk about that, it was upsetting for me but on she goes trying to tell me it was time to let him go.... :eek::mad: I couldn't even talk so just got up to walk out, she tried to stop me and I shook her arm off to get out before I started crying. Witch!! (her not me). They must think I am a psycho :cool:
So while I thought I was calm and in control seems I'm pretty stressed out but I so need an early night and a good sleep. Flynn boy is pestering me with his ball to play fetch, so I am going to take him for a gentle walk to chill out a bit, it always does good to see him have a bit of a romp with his happy little face. It's a lovely evening here, so a bit of exercise and fresh air will do us both good!
Trish and Flynn xx
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))
some people just love to talk to hear their voices and for some reason they also think they are intelligent in what they are speaking about.
warm bubble bath and bottle of moscato wine. that will help you out. :)
Trish, some people are just jerks, I think we have all run into a few. I know how it hurts to hear that crap. Try to let it go if you can. Yup and I can totally relate to the work stress.
You need a break sweetie and try to go do something you enjoy even for just an hour.
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))) )))))))))))))))))))
molly muffin
11-28-2012, 07:15 PM
OMG Trish! What a horrid day. :(
Just remember, jerks are a dime a dozen and nothing special at all. You on the other hand are a rariety of faith, determination and good will, not just to Flynn, your sweet little guy, but to all others that you offer comfort to when they are going through such trying times themselves. When you need someone there will be people lined up in a row to help you out, when that chickepoo needs someone she'll be begging. What comes around goes around you know.
Of course you are stressed, I agree with Addy, just try to let it go if possible. And darn it do something for yourself too! We all have to be reminded of that sometimes, when we are so consumed with our furbabies, we forget about ourselves.
Big ole bear hugs!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-28-2012, 07:59 PM
I am not fond of people that say, " it's just a dog or cat or bird." Grrrrr.....they urk me. I totally get where you are coming from. I have probably done or said some things while going through this process that I shouldn't have. It literally consumes you. I was talking to my husband one night about how sad and heartbreaking it is to see Chey shake so badly at the vet and he said, "we'll, quit taking her then." That just went through me like fire and knee jerk reaction was, "f you!":eek: He has been in trouble before for being insensitive during very sad and confusing times.
These are our babies. I, like you Trish, have not been blessed with a human child. My thirties were horrible years and Chey was with me through it all ( can't say the beginning of my forties have started off any better). I have only been with my husband for two years. Other than that I have lived alone and lost all of my family to death.
Don't make me call this chic:mad: lol. Like Sharlene said, what goes around, comes around.
I hope you get some unwind time tonight. Moscato is pretty good:D. I had some for the first time last week. It was an Italian Moscato by Movendo;)
Huge hugs,
Ro. Chey gives Flynn a high paw:D
11-29-2012, 02:33 AM
Hi all - thanks again for the comments... feeling a bit more normal today :)
Still lacking in sleep not helped by a friend txting me at 11.45pm last night! I always seem to wake at 5am too :mad: Oh well, tonights another night then its the weekend. I had three Christmas parties to attend this weekend, I have cancelled two to spend more time with Flynn, if surgery is to go ahead Monday then i will drive down Sunday so he is calmer on the day.
Flynn goes in for his BP check in 12hrs time, so we shall see the outcome of that re plans for surgery. I am in two minds really, if its still high maybe I get a bit more time with him at home :D if it is down then we are facing the adrenalectomy on Monday which scares the bejeezus out of me but seems to be the only way for a potential cure for Flynn.. but I feel so mean putting the little fella through that, he really hates the hospital now. Then all the talk of it in the vena cava.. might be only a little bit, but still its there and obviously increases risks. I do feel lucky with the surgeon, I thought of a question I forgot to ask last night, so I emailed him and he had replied by 7am this morning, so nice to have that support in calming my nerves.
I don't usually wish time away but I sure would like it to be this time next week, with surgery over and my sweet boy recovering nicely.
Have a good day tomorrow everyone, I will post his BP when I hear. Pats for all the pups :D
Trish xx
11-29-2012, 07:24 AM
Looking forward to Flynn's BP today. I should be able to shoot a BP back to you in about 30 hours;)
Have a great day.
Squirt's Mom
11-29-2012, 08:36 AM
Hey Trish,
I always look at those sort of folks like this - they are simply missing something that we have...and we are the lucky ones. I KNOW there is a soul in these fuzzy little bodies, a heart, a mind, a rich emotional life - a Being worthy of devotion and the deepest love. I also KNOW these little beings return our feelings in spades - they love us, adore us, protect us, and sometimes fight to stay with us in the face of insurmountable odds. Folks like your co-worker are lacking this ability to recognize the value in life other than human - they are lacking the thing that allows them to love and be loved as we all here are. THEY are the broken ones, the delusional ones, the empty ones.
Yes, we are the lucky ones, no question about it. So don't let them get to you and instead try to find some sympathy for these poor folks. Just look at all they miss! ;)
Leslie and the gang
11-29-2012, 08:39 PM
BP 100-120! So its down alright, awaiting confirmation surgery monday
molly muffin
11-29-2012, 08:40 PM
Whooo hooooo! Go Flynn! Excellent news Trish!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-29-2012, 08:42 PM
Great numbers! Way to go. Keep us posted. Sending prayers and love. Kim
that is awesome news. do they have all the technology available to monitor it carefully and be prepared for any lows and or highs?
and on the woman at your work place. I would have said....aweee, come here, i am sorry you would make such an ill uneducated uninformed decision on a life. Obviously you are making your opinion known, every one is entitled to their own, but my decision is not only opinion is being well informed, educated, decision and being the best advocate i can possibly be for something that has no voice and is often left vicitum to humans like yourself. My situation is stressful, but going forth together, your situation is just sad....
hope your day today was good, and hope your inbox didnt have to many icky emails.
11-29-2012, 10:14 PM
Wow! His BP came down fast. Great news!!!! So glad to hear this.
I am definitely thinking about you and Flynn. I can only imagine your excitement and fear mixed together right now.
I hope you had a good day and you didn't have any nasty e-mails waiting for you today.
I will be checking in throughout the weekend.
11-30-2012, 12:47 AM
Hi all
Home from work now, officially on two weeks leave to nurse this little Flynny back to good health :)
I was pretty surprised too Ro when local vet txt to let me know results! My parents took Flynn to vet today for his BP check so I have not seen him much today, but he is tired and resting a lot. He was still a little shaky last night, so I did not expect it to be this low. He is alert and hungry, but with a result like that and then take in his usual stress levels at the vet, I think his BP at rest is likely much lower!!
I phoned the university to see what time he has to there on Monday, 9.30am... and I also asked about fasting him. Receptionist went and asked the surgeon and she told me he is going to phone me back. I really want to ask him about continuing the drug at this dose as I don't want Flynn to start passing out!! His dose is now 2/3 higher than it was earlier in the week.
Skye - I asked about postop monitoring when I was there on Tuesday, surgeon told me he will be fully monitored and have an arterial line in so I am happy about that.
Ro, you got that feeling of hope an fear in a nutshell it is exactly how I am feeling. But I am going to read my signature a bit more often and focus on the positive :)
My nephew Luke is a journalist for a newspaper, he sent me a msg today to check how Flynn is doing. He said he was talking in his newsroom about Flynn and the lengths we are going to treat him. His chief said it sounded like a nice story to do a pictorial on and they want to send a reporter to speak with me and get photos of Flynn! I am not sure though, people already think I am a crazy dog lady haha so I think a story in the paper may just confirm it :eek::rolleyes:
Will keep you all informed, last weekend at home for furry Flynnykin before he returns all healthy!!
Trish xx
11-30-2012, 12:59 AM
Leslie and Skye
Your posts made me a bit teary... mind you everything does lately :p I am totally over that insenstive witch, I have not seen her since. I was meant to be at the Christmas dinner she arranged tonight... but I have cancelled. Not because of her, but because time with my boy is precious this weekend! Thanks so much for your kind thoughts, your all lovely xx
11-30-2012, 02:22 AM
I have heard back from surgeon, despite BP he is to have full tablet tonight and again in the morning then stop as he said receptors would be fully loaded. Nothing to eat from Sunday night but to have water available at all times.
OMG it is getting a little too real now! Stomach in full on fluttering mode :eek:
11-30-2012, 10:21 AM
Oh, Trish.... I can only imagine how you are feeling right now. Yes, it is getting all too real as Monday is approaching. Gosh, I wish I could be there with you.
Maybe I missed this part, but did the vet give an opinion as to what type of tumor he thinks Flynn has.... Pheo vs. cortisol secreting adrenal tumor? I know high BP is very common in pheo's, but from what I have read,it can also be present in Cushing's disease.
Thinking about you. Big hugs.
Ro and Chey
11-30-2012, 03:57 PM
Maybe I missed this part, but did the vet give an opinion as to what type of tumor he thinks Flynn has.... Pheo vs. cortisol secreting adrenal tumor? I know high BP is very common in pheo's, but from what I have read,it can also be present in Cushing's disease.
They think pheo, because of position it starts in adrenal, ie medulla, combined with hypertension, plus normal cushing tests. His left adrenal is also enlarged but with no sign of tumour that they can tell, I need to do some more research on possible meaning of this, if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them. He did mention that one thought would be concurrent pituitary cushings :eek::eek: but unlikely in his case as he has never had dilute urine, excessive urination, thirst and he fur is lovely, it grows back fast when he is shaved for scans plus his negative cush tests
Hope that helps!
11-30-2012, 04:00 PM
Here is an article about Flynn's surgeon. I like him!
molly muffin
11-30-2012, 06:27 PM
Deep breaths and a lot of rest and cuddle time between now and Monday :)
Your doctor sounds like a winner :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-30-2012, 07:54 PM
On Chey's radiology report it stated that the enlargement of the left adrenal gland may be a normal age related change or could represent co-existing PDH. Her right was 3.27 cm and the left was 1.48 a little over a month ago. That is my two cents about the left adrenal gland being enlarged also.
What are his adrenal measurements? Did Flynn ever have an ACTH test?
11-30-2012, 07:57 PM
You should do the news article. That is awesome!
11-30-2012, 08:05 PM
I read the doctors article. Nice!! I can't believe some people think dogs are disposable!!!
yes do the article!!!! more will relate to you than you know!!!!! AND to help make others realize and be aware how to be an advocate for what does not have a voice! The meaning of our furbabies in our lives is superior, what they offer us is so incredible that it cant be measured. Humans have ALOT to learn from our four legged blessings. I am going to pm you to offer you my cell phone number so you can text, call, whatever you need as the next couple of weeks pass. There is no hour to late or to early if you need someone please get in touch with me.
11-30-2012, 11:15 PM
Here are Flynn's adrenal measurements, he is a smaller dog than Chey is so I guess they differ?? Further consideration of the scan leads them to think the "impression of nodule" on left is in fact not a nodule but more of a plump gland.
Ultrasound: The left adrenal gland is enlarged at the caudal pole (0.89cm) with the impression of a 0.5cm hyperechoic nodule within. The right adrenal gland is also enlarged (1.1cm caudal pole, 1.5cm cranial pole).
I do not have formal CT report from Tuesday, but surgeon measured the right adrenal while he was showing me the scan and it was 1.8cm including the tumour. So I guess that is one thing in Flynn's favour, it is not a huge tumour.
I have been out to a department Christmas lunch at a winery, it was lovely. But a big lunch with a couple of glasses of wine and now I'm ready for a cup of tea and a lie down :rolleyes: and its only 5pm! Flynn has had a lovely afternoon pottering in the garden with his Nana.
Thanks for your comments everyone, and for your mobile number Stormee that is very kind of you :)
molly muffin
12-01-2012, 09:41 AM
I think a good weekend with Christmas parties at wineries is exactly what the doctor ordered for you! You needed a bit of a slow down too. I'm sure Flynn had a lovely time with his Nana. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-01-2012, 04:22 PM
Right, I am up and ready to face the day. We are leaving here in about 6hrs to drive down so he can be nice and settled and not have to get up too early tomorrow. I am usually pretty good in a crisis lol so I have my calm face on and feeling very positive today :)
12-01-2012, 05:36 PM
Love your positivity!!! I have been thinking about you and Flynn. Safe travels. Looking forward to updates. Sending positive vibes your way.
Paws up Flynn!
12-02-2012, 02:58 AM
Well we are here, Flynn thinks he is on holiday! Little does he know :eek: He has had a good run and sniff around outside, had his dinner now settling down for the night. He has to be there at 9.30am for his adrenalectomy, so will keep you posted how we go. Fingers and everything else crossed but I am feeling surprisingly calm right now, I am sure it will be a different story in the morning :o
Trish and Flynn xx
12-02-2012, 05:27 AM
You and Flynn are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. His tumor is on the small side, he is a strong, healthy boy and you have a great surgeon and facility. Still, you are very courageous. Keep your eye on the prize and hang tough.
I am keeping you and Flynn in my thoughts and prayers. Sending much strength to you, and I will be checking in later. All the best to you and your baby boy, I will be thinking about you all day.
Love and huge hugs,
Tina and Jasper
Squirt's Mom
12-02-2012, 08:30 AM
Hi Trish,
Sending many prayers, hugs, and much healing white light flying yours and Flynn's way. There will be a whole host of folks right beside you today, all day. Let us know how things are going when you can and know you are not alone.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
12-02-2012, 10:25 AM
Trish, I read the article about your doctor and he sounds quite awesome! I hope the surgery goes well and Flynn comes through better than ever. He is a great dog and has a fabulous mom who will go that extra mile for him. What a lucky boy. :)
We'll be right here with you and sending every positive good vibe I can find your way.
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-02-2012, 04:24 PM
HI all - here I am back from dropping Flynny in to the hospital. I had a good talk with the surgeon and went through it all again, especially the bit about vena cava removal. His plan seems solid to me, but what do I know!! He said he has done much more difficult vena cava removals than Flynnys. I asked him if he thinks adrenalectomy is the most difficult surgery, he said no! He said it is no more tricky than his liver resection last year and he is confident it is all going to go well, he said most likely the anaesthetist will have a trickier time than he will. So if he is confident, I am going to be too... till I hear anything otherwise Flynn is going to be fine!!
This morning, they check his bloods including coagulations etc so they have baseline then spend some time making sure all the monitoring lines are in place and working. They want the senior anaesthetist there so she apparently is free about 1.30ish, they said not to expect to hear anything till 4.30pm (it is close to 10.30am Monday as I type this)... so 6 hrs of waiting starting now... SO PAWS UP FLYNNY (I like that Ro :)) I am allowed to visit him later, he was so bright and perky this morning, loving his little one night vacation :D, he was just a bit peed off I did not give him some chicken that he knows is in the fridge.
12-02-2012, 05:33 PM
I just love the positivity of this surgeon!!!! He makes me feel confident!! I feel good about this, Trish. I will be anxiously awaiting updates. Fingers and paws crossed. Flynn is a brave boy.
12-02-2012, 06:02 PM
Me too Ro, I know its risks though.. he has been clear about that. 1 1/2 hrs of waiting down, 4 1/2 to go. Tick Tock....
Harley PoMMom
12-02-2012, 06:45 PM
Sending huge hugs and will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Will check back for updates.
Hi Trish,
Waiting along with you here, and keeping the positive thoughts and prayers going for your sweet boy. I will be checking back also. (((Hugs)))
molly muffin
12-02-2012, 07:29 PM
Hi Trish, Waiting here too!!! This guy is very confident and I'm going to take that to heart. :) He knows what he is doing. :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
12-02-2012, 07:32 PM
OK it's 1.30... time for surgery... GO FLYNN BOY YOU CAN DO IT!! Thx everyone for being here today... means a lot xx
12-02-2012, 07:41 PM
Paws up, Flynn!!! Are you doing ok, Trish?
12-02-2012, 07:43 PM
To be honest, a little less calm than I was earlier now imaging what is going on. PAWS UP FLYNNY!
12-02-2012, 07:59 PM
I know we don't know each other aside from this forum, but I wish I was there with you.
teary........aweeeeee Chey's sweet..............ohhhhh goodness how i remember.
Will check back in..................oh my.......forgot to hit post........sitting here staring at the computer screen thinking of hitting refresh to see if any new posts came in............just staring at the screen........guess had i not mentioned that no one would have known.........but yet i am still typing.......i must be nervous too. okay.......posting now. will be back. :)
molly muffin
12-02-2012, 08:17 PM
I know, it is going to be hard not to stay up all night hitting refresh, refresh, refresh
You and Flynn are near and dear to our hearts and we hold your well being close in our thoughts.
Big, deep breaths.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-02-2012, 08:17 PM
Hi all - hanging in here
Every time my phone rings I damn near jump out of my skin... my phone is work phone too... so I am ignoring the work calls and just answering personal ones! There is a nice message to redirect any work queries.
Your so sweet Ro, I am really well supported, loads of txts and calls coming in to check on me. I kinda like to do this here on my own, not real good at showing emotion to others when I am stressed, tend to bottle it up really. But don't worry about me, keep Flynny's paws up!!! :)
12-02-2012, 08:20 PM
Oh and Ro.... you are here with me sweet... I can feel the love all the way down here in the South Pacific!!
It must be getting late there Sharlene... please do not feel you have to wait up :eek::eek: can't have you all bleary eyed on a Monday morning especially you Ro, you need your wits about you for Chey's appt tomorrow.. so go to bed missy!
I have been hitting refresh also! :D It is now 7:30 pm central time here in North America, so not too late yet. I am a night owl Trish, so tend to stay up later than I should on work nights. So I will definitely be checking in later! Glad to hear you are hanging in there and have lots of support. Positive thoughts continue.... Hang tough little Flynn. ;) Hugs from me and Jasper
12-02-2012, 08:49 PM
Omg....I could not stand my phone ringing! It's not bedtime here yet......only 8:48 p.m.
12-02-2012, 08:55 PM
How long did they say the surgery would take?
12-02-2012, 08:59 PM
2 hrs, maybe more. He was waiting to see if there were any adhesions present from his liver op last year as that could slow things down. There were looking at starting at 1.30, but if the senior anaesthetist was free earlier they may have started before then. It is 3pm now. I said so you will ring me about 3.30, he said more likely 4.30... eeeek phone just rang again.. bloody work!
12-02-2012, 09:04 PM
Last year after his surgery, surgeon rang me and let me know he was ok. Then he asked me to wait a couple of hours before I was allowed to visit Flynn in ICU. What a sad place that was, poor pets. He was really nice the surgeon, sat with me while I was petting Flynn and told me all about the surgery but that day I was only allowed to stay 30mins or so. Then the next couple of days while he was there I was able to sit with him, I think the nurses were happy to have me as he did not stop crying.. gave them a break! So it will be good to see him later on, I hope he is not so sad this time. (Flynn not the surgeon)
in texas here...........its just after those of us on Central standard time that means hopefully by 9-9:30
positive thought positive thoughts
12-02-2012, 09:16 PM
Oh my, I just turned into a 'senior member' that makes me laugh when I am sitting here in such a nervous state... I do turn 50 in February lol that must be it. Or else maybe it was my 100th post! Yay me... think I am getting irrational lol
LOL i say Yay Me all the time!!! well.........not really.........cause i dont get to Yay Me to often but when a Yay is called for that is what I do. LOL
my birthday is in February too!
8:21 here. Maybe in the next hour you will hear he is in recovery!!!
12-02-2012, 09:26 PM
LOL Stormee, what day?... I am the 13th.
I am almost at the stage where if they do call I will not go into panic... thinking noooooooo it is too soon, it can't be alright. 3.25 here. So if nothing in another hour I am going to be thinking.. oh no, whats gone wrong, why they not called yet... never happy really!
12-02-2012, 09:28 PM
Ro, you need to do two more posts so you can be senior with me and be can pretend we are all clever like :)
Please excuse my raving everyone lol... I haven't been drinking, truly!
12-02-2012, 09:39 PM
OMG they just rang!!
He is out of surgery, well just having his skin closed.. ick. All went well, tumour came out nicely, vena cava resection went without a hitch, other adrenal looks good. No sign of any recurrence from liver tumour, he said the liver looks enlarged but no sign of anything wrong there that they can see. BP behaved itself, the only time it went a bit haywire was when they were doing the vena cava bit. I AM SO RELIEVED.... I am allowed to go visit at 5.30PM!!! Time for me to get off this bed which is strewn with tissues, chocolate wrappers and coke cans and have a shower to freshen myself up!!
12-02-2012, 09:42 PM
Are you sitting in your car with your phone on the charger?
12-02-2012, 09:44 PM
Omg, Trish!!!!!!!!!!! This is great news!!!!! I am so heart is racing for you!!!!!!! I heard you shouting!!!!:)))). Go see your boy!!!! Chey is giving a high paw ( high five). Way to go Flynn!
Oh Trish, what wonderful news!!!! YAY FLYNN!!!!!! :D :D :D
So happy here, just told Jasper, and he is doing a happy dance too. What a relief.
Hugs from me and Jasper
12-02-2012, 10:04 PM
Thx Ro and Tina.... Flynn sending back high paws to Chey and Jasper too... well he will when he is conscious!! Still here, just getting loads of calls and txts from everyone. I feel like I have won Lotto! I know it is not all over yet, but this first hurdle is done and dusted!
molly muffin
12-02-2012, 10:13 PM
Whooo HOOOO!!!! and Yays all around :) That is just wonderful Trish! And wonderful news too about the other adrenal gland and liver.
Big hugs,
12-02-2012, 10:17 PM
For sure.....the first hurdle is crossed!!! I am just so happy!!!! Ok, I am going to bed now. I will check for updates in the morning.
whoot!whoot!!! yayyyyyyyy babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee whootwhoot way to go!!!!! GET IT FLYNN!!!!!!! wigglewigglewiggle sexy and i know it!!!!! whootwhoot!!!!! wigglewiggle awesome!!!!
QUICK angels!!!!! SHE has chocolate in her room...............stealth mode for chocolate a go............(smiling)
12-02-2012, 10:20 PM
Oh and Ro, I have my laptop with me so posting from there, so no chance the phone was going to die!
12-02-2012, 10:27 PM
Night Ro, you are a treasure you really are xxxx have a good sleep and we are all on high alert for Chey's tests and results tomorrow. I hope to hear what they can do to get your little darling all better :) Sending a nice squirrel for Chey to chase, we do not have squirrels in NZ, lucky for them or I am sure Flynn would have them for breakfast!
Stormee... I will buy you boxes of the best choccies!! It will stop me ending up with diabetes! I am going to buy takeout thai or something similar after I see Flynny so at least my poor body will have some sustenance today! I am still doing the happy dance myself! Please let this postop period go just as smoothly :) But I bet I will be asking your advice as we go on.... thank you for being here xxxxx kisses for Shysie too xxxxxx Flynny is going to follow in her pawsteps!
Sharlene... you are such a comfort in times of stress and you always manage to say the right thing, I see it time and time again in your posts to people who are in panic mode, what would we do without you xxxxxx Snuggles for Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
12-02-2012, 11:36 PM
Trish, I am so happy things went well for Flynn and hope your visit is perfect for you both. Prayers and healing white light continue your way. Hoping for a swift and uneventful recovery.
Leslie and the gang
How is your baby? I am figuring you should be visiting him about now. I hope he is recovering well. Heading to bed here too, I will check in before work in the morning.
12-03-2012, 01:30 AM
Thanks so much Leslie, especially as you are going through such a sad time with Tasha. My thoughts will most definitely be with you tomorrow xxx
Hi Tina - he was pretty good, obviously feeling a bit sorry for himself and dozy but he knew I was there, he had one of the residents with him keeping her eagle eye that everything was ok. His BP never went over 210 during the operation and the surgeon came to speak to me and he was very happy with how it went. He had no arrythmias. He had some oxygen flowing and if his head wasn't kept up his breathing was a little obstructed but he had just had pain relief too. He had a central line in for monitoring and oxygen sat machine. I left him one of his toys, but he is not interested in that right now, but thought it might comfort him a little to have something familiar next to him.
The surgeon said that if all is ok tomorrow I could bring him back to the motel, then call back out there late afternoon so he can check all is well with Flynn. So we will see how things are when I go back at 10am tomorrow. I feel such relief and thanks for the medical team at the university, they will have a very nice thankyou/Christmas pressie coming.
Wheeeeee what a day, hope everything keeps going good for my boy... I love him so :)
Night all xx
12-03-2012, 07:19 AM
So glad to hear all of this!!! Just amazing. I can't believe they may release him today. Wow!!!! He is a stellar patient. I am just so elated that his surgery went so well. Continued prayers for his recovery. I definitely said a prayer for all of our babies last night. Flynn rocks!!! He is one tough lil guy like his Momma:D
When did they say the most critical time period was?
Fantastic news Trish!! So glad to read everything is going so well. I hope he had a restful night and continues to heal. I will check in later today. Prayers and positive thoughts continue! :) Hugs...
molly muffin
12-03-2012, 08:19 AM
That's really great Trish. I agree, he must be doing very good for them to consider letting him out so soon.
That's great news. Flynn is one determined doggie. :) He is determined to be just fine.
Boriss McCall
12-03-2012, 11:12 AM
That is such great news. I can't wait to hear the good report this morning. ;)
12-03-2012, 12:17 PM
Hi all, good 8hr sleep fo me! Hope Flynn had a good night, i just tried to ring but it clicked to answer phone for emergency call only, so will leave it another couple hrs till they open. My thoughts and prayers going out to Ro and also Leslie both facing stressful days xxxxxxxx thx for checking in on us Ro, Tina, Sharlene and Boriss what angels u all are xxxxx
molly muffin
12-03-2012, 01:19 PM
Let us know how he is after you get to talk to someone or even better see him!!
Glad you got a solid 8 hours of sleep.
Hoping for good news on Flynn
12-03-2012, 06:39 PM
Omg......I can't believe Flynn has already been released. That is uber fantastic. I think you made a good call to stick close by for a few days though. I am just so happy for you and Flynn. The surgeon told me today that the first two weeks are tricky, but after that all is usually well. Way to go, Flynn!!!!
12-03-2012, 06:52 PM
And good news it is Addy, thanks for posting :) I arrived to see him and a nurse arrived a few minutes later carrying him out to the waiting room. He was very pleased to see me awwwww. All his lines are out, dressing on his tummy and a little bandage on his paw only.
He had a good night but had been crying on and off. I laughed when they told me he has white coat sydrome, someone on here had said the same thing! His BP is good this morning, 150 and other monitoring was fine overnight. I am amazed his trembling seems to much more settled, he is still shaking a little when walking but at rest he is still :eek::eek: breathing nice and even too, no panting except a little when walking.
The nurse suggested I take him outside to pee, which I did. Man, he nearly ran out of there :D:D and peed a fountain! Pleased I had his short leash on him to keep him at walking pace! He most unhappy when we had to go back inside. He is very alert though and spied a bird he thought he might like to chase...
So when I saw the surgeon after our little venture outside, he said he was very pleased with his progrees so I could take him if I was happy to care for him as he would be more peaceful and hopefully rest easier back at the motel with me. He showed me how to give him pain relief... an injection in his ruff and I gave it under his supervision. He had also been given Previcox earlier. I have another injection to give him at 4pm, its Buprenorphine but he said not to give it if I think Flynn is comfortable. He is also on anticoagulant to prevent clots.
I have to take him back to the surgeon at 5.30pm for him to review, but hopefully I can bring him back for the night.
I cannot believe he was walking out of there 21hrs after his surgery, it's amazing. So far it seems a much easier recovery than his liver resection last year, I mentioned this to his surgeon and he said both ops gave him moments but both went relatively smoothly.
He has been OK since I have had him back here, initially kept wanting to go outside. He had a little poop, quite a bit of straining and not much action. I don't really want him straining, I was imagining his vena cava popping! Trouble was a fly was buzzing him and kept putting him off and boy does he hate flies, we will try again later. He is resting, but if I move he pops up ready to go. He ate a little chicken, the nurse said he had already had breakfast so I just gave him a small bite to eat.
I keep thinking, this is too easy... after all the horror stories I read about this surgery. I know it is only early days, but so far so good. I keep on waiting for something to bite us in the butt! Histology back in next couple of days.
Trish and Flynny, back with his Mum YAY!!!
I read your post and then reread your new motto (which I love) and I am smiling from ear to ear as I am sure we ALL are:D:D:D
We are just going to keep on the positive vibe for Flynn.:);)
We never did get that dancing mama icon we needed. Oh John------:D
12-03-2012, 07:31 PM
I just put a new photo in Flynn's album of him back here at the motel a little while ago :) he been sleeping the last hour while I have been typing away here on the bed! I need to go to the loo, but do not want to disturb him haha. **crosses legs**
I love your motto too Addy, I was actually talking to someone about the heartbeat at your feet last week, now I know where I saw it!
molly muffin
12-03-2012, 08:40 PM
Trish, this is excellent. I am so glad Flynn is with you in the motel. I'm sure he will rest and recuperate much better being with you.
It's just the best news. Gosh. LOL I might be speechless with happiness. (let me tell you that would be a first!)
Flynn looks pretty good in that picture too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I cant believe the picture of Flynn. I would never have guessed he just had surgery had I not known. Unbelievable!!!!!:):):):)
I sure hope you both have a restful, quiet night.
Keep us posted. I hope the motel is quiet. Zoe and Koko say woof woof to Flynn, they are rooting for him:D:D:D:D
12-03-2012, 09:25 PM
Hi all - thx for your comments on his photo!
He does not really know what he wants at the moment, he keeps wanting to go outside. I want him to rest! Maybe he wants to do more poop, but he has not even tried on his recent short walks. He is quite hungry too, I just given him some chicken and he is looking for more already. I do not want to give him too much though with pancreatitis lurking in my mind. He is crying a little, especially if he wants out, breathing a little croaky at times, but generally clear and calm and slow.
I think he would be much better at home than in this strange motel but I am not happy to do that for another couple of days so hope he gets used to it here. I have opened the motel door and he is resting in the doorway in the fresh air which he seems to like. He just wants to sniff around the garden though. He is very tired, if he would just lay down and sleep it would be better. I am not sure if I will give him his pain injection in 45mins.... I think that drug is probably making him feel a bit funny too. Will talk to the surgeon about it when I see him in 2 hrs.
so wonderful this is great great news
Hope today is a GOOD day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boriss McCall
12-04-2012, 10:39 AM
This is the best news. I just LOVE reading happy stories. I hope today just gets even better..
12-04-2012, 11:56 AM
How is that Sweet baby boy today???
molly muffin
12-04-2012, 03:39 PM
checking in here too. How is Flynn? How are you?
We're starting to get anxiety!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-04-2012, 04:26 PM
Aww thanks for checking in on us. His checkup with the vet last night was good, but pretty much straight after that he went off his food, not that I had been giving him a heck of a lot anyway. He slept fitfully, I gave him his shots as directed both for pain and to stop clotting. He had one good period where he slept close to 6hrs though, I only woke once in that time to hear him drinking water but he never touched his food overnight. He did a tiny loose poop when I took him out at 4am.
We have just been back for another checkup, his tummy is a bit more tense than it was last night. But he checked out good with temp, breath sounds, bowel sounds all good. His surgeon thinks he needs a good bowel motion, he is not overly tender in his abdomen but pancreatitis is at the back of his mind too.
Plus I think Flynn wants to go home... whenever i take him out he is reluctant to come back into the motel room.
So my instructions are:
continue pain management and I have more shots for him. No food till later today if he picks up, push fluids, he gave me a syringe and I have to get 60mls into him an hour (he probably only had 200mls at most since I had him home yesterday) but he just took 100mls via syringe much to his disgust! I have to call surgeon after lunch to let him know how he is doing and if no improvement in for more tests/IV. But we hope a good poop will clear it out!!!
So thats where we are,
molly muffin
12-04-2012, 05:10 PM
Well there you have it. Come on gang, lets push good poop vibes towards Flynn.:p:p:p
Molly Muffin (who wonders if her poop could count for Flynn)
Sharlene (who told Molly her poop only counts for her, much to her disgust)
*hope you got a good snicker out of that one!
Boriss McCall
12-04-2012, 05:17 PM,r:60,s:0,i:271&tx=94&ty=50
Boriss McCall
12-04-2012, 05:18 PM
Sending good poop vibes your way>>>>>>>>>
HOpe you get to take your baby home soon.
12-04-2012, 05:41 PM
We're all pulling for a good poop, Flynn. His body has been through so much and pain meds to boot.....hopefully that's all it is.
12-04-2012, 06:13 PM
Hi Amy, Sharlene and Ro
He (and me) have just had a good nap for nearly 2hrs, I gave him (forced) another drink... poor boy but he is kinda lapping it up nicely which is good. Took him for a little walk... and nothing, well a little pee but thats not counting right now!!
But, I just made myself a sandwich for lunch and he was looking at it, like give me some then went and sniffed around the kitchen floor so anything i may have dropped! So hopefully a good sign. I did not give him any food to follow surgeons instructions. He is back in his bed now, so hopefully another nap. I really think he is a little over tired which is not helping. I took his wound dressing off as he had peed on it, so that can't be good for wound healing. He squealed a little as it peeled off :eek: But in the past even if he has a had a minor cut on his paw and I cover it he thinks he has had a leg amputated, so he might be more comfy with the dressing off.
Will keep you posted :)
ps Amy, I cannot open that link you posted.. it said content blocked!! :)
Trish xx
12-04-2012, 08:33 PM
Eek, he just vomited and it contained food he had eaten last night. I just rang the surgeon, he thinks his tummy might settle now he has got rid of that.
But I have to keep giving him the fluids and ring back in 90mins, he wants to see him and give anti nausea injection and maybe keep him in for the night depending on how he is. But he would prefer he stays with me to keep him calmer so we are to continue with these supportive measures and it is most likely normal post op stuff. Stay away pancreatitis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Getting worried now :(:(
Maybe he will feel better now, dont worry about pancreatitis yet. You just have to get through tonight. Tell yourself that. It will be okay.
is he allowed any warmed pumpkin? though lately that hasnt even helped my little pooh.
Ugh pancreatitis........lets hope flynn stays away from that!!! maybe it is upset from all the surgery and such.
molly muffin
12-04-2012, 08:54 PM
nausea, not eating except for little bits, no good poops, it can certainly cause an upset tummy on it's own.
Just keep an eye out, keep in touch with the vet, and we'll hope its nothing serious.
12-04-2012, 09:15 PM
He seems ok, just trotting around outside. I have given him more water and it has stayed down so far. No poop yet. I am wondering if it is the pain relief causing it too. Have to ring him surgeon in an hour and let him know how he is and also he wants to see him later too. Gawd these dogs are such a worry :eek:
While I was just outside, a woman and her dog moved into the room next to ours. Her dog is a gorgeous big black one... ?? breed, like a black golden retriever, he does agility. They drove down this morning, about 6hrs so much further than us. He has just been into the university for a scan and it turns out our surgeon is doing a partial pancreas removal for a tumour on him tomorrow. She is on her own too, so maybe I can keep her company during those nervous hours. If we are still here of course, I think we might be though.
So now Flynn has company next door, for the night anyway... they sniffed noses and sat down next to each other. There is also a black lab, resident at the motel, Jessie is her name very friendly she is too. She comes right into the room if I leave the door open, she ate Flynn's food this morning :D. Least it didn't go to waste, because Flynny sure wasn't interested in it! This motel is lovely, the owner brought me over a beautiful big vase of roses and also invited me to share dinner with her, but I wanted to keep Flynn quiet last night and obviously to stay with him so I had to decline. But aren't some people are so very kind, kinda like all of you :)
12-04-2012, 09:20 PM
Just to clarify, he is not trotting about outside on his own!! That last post sounded like I just let him loose :eek: It is more a walk than a trot, he is on his leash!
Addy, Skye and Sharlene
I am not giving him anymore food till he see's the vet. It is funny his appetite looked like it was coming back this afternoon, I did give him a wee bit of chicken as surgeon said I should and he was hungry and ate it but about hour after that we vomited. It looked like old food from last night, not the chicken he just ate. That's weird. So hoping his is just normal tummy upset from having your gut pushed about during surgery.
molly muffin
12-04-2012, 09:20 PM
Oh good, so he probably just had an upset tummy. Oh yes, pain meds can definitely cause a person to bind up, probably a dog too. Ask the vet about that?
That is lovely Trish. It sounds like you are in a very nice hotel for your stay with good companions.
I can't think of anyone to keep company with while going through a doggie surgery than you who have just been there, done that. You've got a wonderful heart Trish. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-04-2012, 09:35 PM
Thx Sharlene - he is due his next pain injection at 4pm, thats when I have to ring the surgeon so I will ask him before I give it. xx
i think my little girl is having sympathy pains for your little one. she has not poohed all day.
she is obviously uncomfortable and looks like she wants to go but wont. She was off her probiotic for couple of days....have it auto shipped to me so i wont run was back ordered. (grrrrrrr) maybe that is part of it.....? and the evil cone.
so maybe she is holding out till flynn goes. lol
12-04-2012, 09:45 PM
Oh no, we can't have all their bowels going on strike at the same time!!! I think they should have a poopathon! But poor Shysie, cone off day tomorrow YAY!!
12-04-2012, 10:09 PM
Sounds like a great place to stay.
I sure hope Flynn is ok. I will be checking during my lunch hour tomorrow. Hopefully, he got it out of his system and his belly will be better now. Poor lil guy. I know you could use a sigh of relief too, Trish.
12-04-2012, 10:33 PM
Two more vomits, I am taking him back in. Will let you know how we go. :(
12-04-2012, 10:58 PM
Sending tons of prayers and positive vibes your way. Keep us posted and know we are with you holding your hand. Kim
Thinking of you and hoping he will be feeling better soon! Sending positive vibes and thoughts to you!
Julie & Hannah
Sending prayers here too Trish, hope things are going ok. Let us know when you can. Hang in there Flynn! Hugs....
12-05-2012, 03:02 AM
Thank you all for caring, so sweet to log in and see these messages xxx
Well I took him in, they are keeping him overnight and giving him IV fluids. Surgeon called not long ago, his bloods are good. Vital signs all normal. He said renal function fine, looks like the left adrenal has kicked in which if it wasn't doing its job could also be causing these symptoms, I asked how they judged that and he said because his potassium is normal. Test to check pancreatitis won't be finished till tomorrow morning. He suspects he has a mild case of that, and he said this is not unexpected and I am not to panic!! If pancreatitis was the problem it should right itself in 24-48hrs. Easy for him to say :eek:
He said this is why he wanted Flynn to stay close to the hospital in this postop period. He said it is a fine line with Flynn as he gets so anxious in hospital and he tried to manage this by letting him out to reduce his stress vs having him more stressed and keeping him in hospital longer. I'm a nurse practitioner so he thought with my experience that he would be ok. I am in urology though, if he had kidney stones or prostate cancer I would be the bomb!! It is so different trying to maintain professional reasoning when it is your own baby.
He is also thinking no/very small poop and combination of pain relief could be causing these problems too. I personally like that option better :D, if he does not settle they are going to rescan to look at operation site. Gawd hope it is not that :mad:
So there we are, I have to go back at 10am to see him. Hopefully with the fluids etc he will pick up overnight. Me, I am having wine!
molly muffin
12-05-2012, 08:53 AM
Hi Trish. Remember deep breaths! Of course when it is your own it is different. It is like that in all walks of life I think. The closer you are, the harder it is to separate your emotions from any given situation. You know it all in your head, but in your heart you are worrying.
I think the surgeon sounds Very positive of what is going on with Flynn. Cautious yet optimistic and that is a very reassuring attitude for him to have.
I'm glad he is stable and everything looks good right now. I hope that continues! I think it's a great sign that the doctor is so optimistic, but I know how hard it is to wait. I'm glad you had a glass of wine to relax. Remember that there are many of us thinking of you and Flynn and hoping for the best!
Julie & Hannah
Holding your hand and breathing with you. Flynn, get well soon.
12-05-2012, 03:16 PM
Good morning everyone... or evening!
Good news here, I got woken up with a phone call from the vet. Flynn has had a good night, no more vomiting. He did a big poop :D and seems a lot more comfortable. He ate his breakfast like he had been starved a month and is standing in his cage trying to force his head through his bars looking like a dog at the SPCA waiting for rescue :eek:
So the plan is still for me to go the hospital at 10am... (9.15 here now) if it is pancreatitis food can set it off again, so they want to make sure he has no recurrence of symptoms after eating. Still waiting for those blood results. I will be able to bring him back to motel and recheck again at 5pm at the hospital.
Such a roller coaster, but nobody said it was going to be easy! But at this stage it appears to be only a minor setback. I will post more once I have seen them and have my baby back!
Boriss McCall
12-05-2012, 03:49 PM
yay! The Lord knows this group needs some good news today. So, glad Flynn is doing better.
molly muffin
12-05-2012, 04:54 PM
Thanks god. So glad Flynn is doing better. Maybe the big poop did the trick. Hopefully things will continue to just perk along nicely. :)
Too true Amy, too true. We were/are all ready for some good news.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-05-2012, 05:18 PM
I have him home (motel), they are very pleased with how he perked up overnight. He just did another albeit small poop when I got him back here. He has been drinking already and he is definitely hungry. But they said to just give him small bits of chicken frequently today. I have to call them later this afternoon with progress report, they will see him if they need to but they definitely want to see him tomorrow morning. If he has a good 24hrs we can go home after his checkup tomorrow. :D:D:D:D I have anti nausea injection for him later today. He is off the pain relief injections too, as that could have been contributing and just on non steroidal now, but he seems fairly comfortable.
So after a little explore about here, he hopped back in his bed eyes tight shut probably catching up on his rest after a traumatic night in the hospital!
As always thx for your support, couldn't do this without you guys xx
12-05-2012, 05:22 PM
so nice to read this....i have been following your story.hope your baby is well soon....patty and milo:)
12-05-2012, 05:26 PM
So happy to hear this! Pain meds are needed, but can be evil too. I hope, hope, hope that is all it was. He is such a trooper and so are you, Trish! I am sure it will be nice to get home. Sill pulling for you, Flynn:D:D:D
molly muffin
12-05-2012, 05:46 PM
Yay! I know he feels better to be with you and you feel better to have him with you. :)
Keep up the good healing Flynn
hugs, Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
12-05-2012, 06:18 PM
If pancreatitis is confirmed, several small low-fat meals given throughout the day is best. Also, boiled rice, cooked to the consistency of a soupy-mushy mixture, can be added to the chicken for his meal.
So happy to read that Flynn is feeling better and is in the comfort of your loving arms.
After such a sad day we need some good news
Go Flynn we are all cheering you on to get better.
12-05-2012, 11:14 PM
Hi all
Flynny has slept the day away, just what he needed. He is still hungry which is good, I wish he would drink a little more but is doing OK there too. He is still a little shaky and slow but he has also gone off his pain relief too.
I just spoke to the vet and they are happy he does not need his 5pm visit to the pet hospital based on my report! Eek first time he has not been back all week! They have been so good with support, both seeing him so regularly and also availability on phone. The are not on call tonight either, but the resident who is a few years through her surgeon in training programme and works with my Dr is ringing back with a cellphone number so I can contact them in case I have concerns. I could not ask for more really, such a great team and my security blanket! I will miss them when we go home. (I better get her email :D)
His histology is back and it was definitely a pheochromocytoma so now that it is gone, hopefully everything will normalise, BP etc! I need to talk more to the surgeon tomorrow about this. But when I first discussed the surgery he was happy they got it all.
Back at 8am and if Flynn behaves himself overnight, home we go :D:D
Have a good sleep everyone xx
molly muffin
12-05-2012, 11:44 PM
I absolutely am amazed at how well Flynn has been during his recovery. It's just wonderful! That is an awesome group at that hospital. I wish that every hospital had that good of staff and dedication for follow up and experienced surgeons.
I hope this continues and he has an uneventful full recovery in no time at all.
12-06-2012, 01:40 AM
He has really been blessed with the care he has received Sharlene, I am so very thankful. This morning when I picked him up, we were talking about what to feed him today, the resident was with us and she suggested to give him small frequent chicken at this stage. I said, I will have to pop into the supermarket on the way back to motel and pick up more as I want it to be fresh. She said hang on there, disappeared and came back with a takeout container of fresh cooked chicken for him! She got a piece out for him, got him to sit, which he did beautifully, offered him a piece which he took so very gently out of her hand (phew, as he can be a bit quick if hungry :D) then she just held out her hand towards him, palm up, she did not say anything to him and he just lifted his paw and placed it on her palm and left it there. It was like he was saying thank you to her. I have never taught him to do that, well he does shake hands but not like that. I had a wee tear it was so sweet. xx
awwww, that is so sweet, I have a bit of a wee tear too!!!!!!!!
I am sure he will continue to do well, Trish, he has wonderful doctors and an AMAZING mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
I am hoping for a good Thursday report.
12-06-2012, 07:28 AM
Once again, I am so happy to hear this!!!! You did have an excellent team. Flynn is such a good boy.
Great news Trish!! What a sweet boy he is. Glad to hear he is doing so well, and hope you will be on your way home soon. Thinking about you guys!! Hugs from me and Jasper.
12-06-2012, 03:13 PM
WOOOOHOOOO we are going home... well if the heavens do not conspire against us, a torrential downpour, thunder and lightning, the whole nine yards just struck grrrrr. So will wait for that to pass before venturing out :eek::eek:
His vet is happy with him this morning, they checked his BP but unfortunately the machine kept malfunctioning so it took ages, he had to lay on the metal table and I had not taken in his blankie like I usually do. So he started shaking and got worse and worse crying, anyway it was 180 which is higher than postop but better than preop. but they said he's obviously stressed and they want his local vet to check it next week when he takes out the stitches.
As for the tumour, it is not differentiated either malignant or not, he said because in vena cava there is possibility but because Flynn has most likely had it for 18mths and it has not killed him yet it is obviously slow growing so not to worry about metastases. They described the tumour as looking like one of those russian dolls, with the body in the adrenal and the head popping through into the vena cava if that makes sense. They were happy there was no other local extension. So I am not going to worry about that and we have got it ALL until proven otherwise :D
He had a good night, no more nausea, no more pooping yet though, but he slept well without a peep so I feel we are ok to go... YAY!!!!! Thanks for your posts, they continue to sustain us and really mean such a lot. xxxxxxxxxx
Boriss McCall
12-06-2012, 03:42 PM
HOw excited!! Have a safe journey home & I look forward to more good reports.
WHOOTWHOOT!!!!! home sweet home bound!!!
12-06-2012, 06:09 PM
I am just amazed!!!! Speechless!!!! So happy!!! I hope the rain has subsided and you are almost home. Pulling for a good poo though;). I am really happy to hear that there weren't any signs of metastases. Ah, sigh of relief. I would venture to say his BP is a little lower given his anxiety today. I just can't believe this little gland can cause so much havoc. It pretty much regulates everything. I just continue to send good vibes your way. You both deserve a reprieve from all of this. Continue to get well, Mr. Flynn!!!!!
Btw: you could always ask your vet to check his BP in the car before taking him inside to remove his sutures. I believe that is much more accurate. I have both of Chey's vets on board for that;)
molly muffin
12-06-2012, 06:27 PM
Wow this is great news and already talking about the stitches coming out and all too. :) Very, very good that they don't think there is anything metastases to worry about too.
Sounds like a heck of a good day to me!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-07-2012, 12:31 AM
Hi all, we are home!
Poor Flynn is so tired, he is a bit shaky on his feet. He just did a small poop and I am sure that will help when his bowel gets back to normal. He hadn't been since he did one at the hospital two nights ago. Vet wants him low fat frequent protein meals over weekend, white fish and chicken. I think he needs his biscuits to give him some fibre but they just want to be careful re possible pancreatitis.
He has already had visitors, was a present waiting for him and a get well card in the mail from the girls at work, too cute.
We just had a snooze until my phone rang and woke me up... I was thinking grrr who ringing this early in the morning but it is 6pm at night haha. So a bit of recovery for us both i think!
12-07-2012, 01:48 PM
Hello all
Jeepers was just feeding Flynn and turning on the computer and a earthquake struck... scary! Flynn did not think it big enough to halt his breakfast though haha. It was 5.8, but a fair way from me but still felt pretty big and everything was swinging and the tv nearly fell over!
Last year I had the misfortune to be in Christchurch for a work conference when the big earthquake hit there, nearly 200 people died in that quake and I was left homeless for the night with no money, phone (hint: never leave your purse etc in the conference room when you for lunch as you never know what will happen) and had to stay at a refugee camp they set up for the night before the air force flew us out the next day. I have grown up with earthquakes on our shaky islands, but this was in another league altogether and gave me a whole new perspective on how devastating they can be. So now sitting here with my cup of tea, on high alert! I am right by a beach as well so tsunamis always worry me following quakes... but this one was inland so no worries there. phew
Other than that, we have had an uneventful night... hope everyone has a good day :)
Shaky Trish and Flynny xx
12-07-2012, 02:00 PM
Omg....that is scarey! I am glad you guys are ok. You guys don't need to deal with anything else at the moment. Your previous experience sounds awful.
Other than the earthquake, I am glad you and Flynn are doing well.
molly muffin
12-07-2012, 07:36 PM
Glad you and Flynn are doing alright. Enjoying some quiet time after the past weeks of hectic nonstop activity to get ready for the surgery.
Oh lord yes, I remember the Christchurch earthquake, reading about it anyway and watching the news. That was horrible! So much devastation and loss, was just heartbreaking. I can't even imagine being there at the time. My family in California just seems to take them with a grain of salt. It is what it is sort of attitude. It seems to work for them. They've had a few big ones. I can't say I'm sorry to have missed any of them personally. They scare the bejebees out of me.
Sounds like a feet up, glass of wine kind of evening.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-07-2012, 10:35 PM
Poor Flynn has not been too well today, shaky and tired. I am hoping it is just part of recovery. He is eating OK, but the poops remain a problem, with him only doing very small amounts of mucousy soft brown stuff about a teaspoon full each time. He has gone about 4x today. I just wish he could do a big one to clear everything out. His tummy seems soft but he seems nauseous, licking his lips often. Still drinking ok but not much energy poor boy.
Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow otherwise I will take him to be seen, now we are back in local vet care and I am thinking maybe I should have stayed longer down by university.
Mabye I am expecting too much, but I cannot see any improvement in him today.
molly muffin
12-07-2012, 11:27 PM
Just keep an eye on him and if anything looks too off, take him to see your vet. You can always go back to the university if you don't feel right about something. Surgeries do take time to heal up from. Not just the wound itself, but it hurts when you move. So moving around, pooping, that might just take a bit out of him and he doesn't want to do it.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-08-2012, 12:18 AM
I have just been out and bought pumpkin, so he is having some of that with his dinner and I am also going to cook some rice to go with that and chicken... hopefully that will do the trick. If you are still here can you advise on how much, he weighs approx 30 pounds. I am sure I can do a search on here and find it somewhere :)
I took him for a short walk and he did another little loose poop he is struggling to get it out so I think you are right Sharlene, it does hurt him to go. I guess it is better it is starting to move though. He has perked up after his walk, maybe he is bored and depressed not doing anything :confused: Twice I have been too slow to stop him jumping on the couch :eek: Glad I have this week off to keep an eye on him
Thanks xx
12-08-2012, 12:29 AM
Pets who weigh less than 15 pounds = 1 - 2 teaspoons
Pets who weigh 15 - 35 pounds = 1 - 2 tablespoons
Pets who weigh 35 pounds and up = 2 - 5 tablespoons depending on size
I am using fresh pumpkin, so no spices.
Found it, courtesy of Harley PoMMon... thanks Lori
Posting it here in case i need it again :)
Trish, the pumpkin can be tricky, start with a tablespoon and see how that goes first. I wonder if he has some harder stool stuck inside, if so the pumpkin will also help with that. Sometimes when they have stool stuck inside you can get small amounts of soft, watery mucus stuff too.
Hoping you both have a better day today.:):)
Dont forget party at my house tonight:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
12-08-2012, 09:45 AM
I can sure imagine he feels better once it comes out, he just hates to push right now to get it out. Heck, Molly who doesn't have any problems with the pooping right now, tends to walk really slow like she's feeling like an old lady, but once she gets that poop taken care of, she is off running and carrying on like you a little puppy.
Amazing how it really perks them up to take a poop. LOL
I once was telling my husband, that you know, gee, I could totally understand how it feels good to get things flushed out of the system, but I've never felt the need to run circles through the house and bounce off the couches and chairs afterwards. I think we could be missing something in our daily constitutionals as Molly seems to enjoy hers Much more than us humans do.
12-08-2012, 03:03 PM
Good mornig all,
Two poops already this morning, one slightly bigger and firmer but still soft and then another small loose one. Last night I gave him a little tummy massage to try to get things moving. I gave him 2 tablespoons pumpkin last night and another lot for breakfast plus the mushy rice and chicken. He likes it. Will see what happens today, I might go and see if there are any natural type laxatives in the pet store to gently help things along. He does not seem in too much pain, he has taken himself back to bed after breakfast. A little walk might be good for him too so we will go for that soon.
Thanks for your advice, I had a party to go this afternoon but not going so it looks like I am free for yours tonight Addy!!! That is funny about Molly enjoying her poops Sharlene, I am waiting for that happy face for Flynn!!
12-08-2012, 03:14 PM
Caution on the pumpkin... if you overdo it it could go the opposite direction so I think the walk is your best bet. I bet all is fine within 24 hrs. Wonderful news. Thought it was awesome that there was a hotel you could take Foxie to why you waited for release. Continued prayers sent, Kim
12-09-2012, 12:51 AM
Hi - thanks for that Kim. I won't give him anymore pumpkin tonight.
I took him to the vet this afternoon, he has gone about 5x today, small loose movements. He felt his bowel and put his little pinky in to check :eek::eek: no sign of constipation down low, he thinks it may just be slow bowel postop or a little colitis. So he prescribed metamucil for extra fibre and we will see how that goes. Temperature all good, hydrated too.
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