View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you
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11-23-2013, 06:04 PM
Good idea, sometimes you just can't drag yourself out at that time!
Will be nice for you both just to do normal stuff, he will probably be relieved when you get to your mum and dads as that's part of his routine
I browsed today, couldn't find anything I really liked!!
Look forward to hearing about his antics at the beach later xxxxx
11-23-2013, 06:15 PM
YAY KATHY Post 2000!!!!!!
Your prize is an extra special cuddle with the Flynn boy and he says he can't wait to meet you when you come to visit :D:D
Budsters Mom
11-23-2013, 06:25 PM
What a great prize that is too!:D I can't think of anything better! You tell Flynny that I'm going to collect, so he better stay healthy.:D xxxx
I figured you would crash for a while, I am glad you got a good sleep in, Flynn too.:):):):)
Love it that Elle was happy to see Flynny. And now the big question remains------
is Flynn getting a cow for Christmas????:p:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
11-23-2013, 09:39 PM
Oh my gosh, 10 hours of sleep sounds wonderful! I haven't had that since I started back to work. Even on weekends and holidays, Molly seems to want to get up and go go go. I do try, and maybe this winter one day that can be a goal, a whole 10 hours of sleep!
You guys were just plain knackered.
I have to go finish folding laundry (took a break to go out to dinner with hubs) and then take molly out and maybe we can get that long sleep in tonight. hmmm.
Loved the video, it's wild to watch those guys do their thing.
Ohhh yea, I second Addy's question? Cow under the tree for Christmas????
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-24-2013, 02:04 AM
Ohhh and I just had another two hours snooze on the couch in the sun, started reading but that did not last long till I dozed off!! Think I must be all caught up now :)
Haha Addy and Sharlene I am going to do my best to find him a cow for Christmas and take a photo for you, he got a new mallard duck today and has had a chomp on it already. He is fine, I had to tell him to stop running around the yard before and his bark tonight at the schnauzer was a lot stronger!!
There was a nice black and white puss in the pet store today when we went in to pick up Flynn's food, my sister spotted her and liked her. She went home and thought about it and finally went back and picked her up late this afternoon! :D She is 2-3yrs old and has been in the SPCA since July after being found wandering on a highway all skinny and unloved, they have neutered her and she is all up to date with vaccinations and came with some food. So we have welcomed Minstrel or Minnie for short to our family today :) I have recommended pet insurance :D:D
11-24-2013, 02:10 AM
Ohhh I should have added that I was talking to my brother and SIL in Wellington just now and their cat Timmy who was diagnosed with lymphoma which was affecting his bowel has just had his two year anniversary since starting chemo treatment to keep it in check! I just thought that was amazing, Timmy is a senior cat about 14ish and they have done so well taking care of him all this time. Just thought it might give some hope if anyone out there looking at lymphoma treatment for a pet, that the chemo drugs they use these days are really good and he has had minimal side effects from them. Go Timmy! x
Budsters Mom
11-24-2013, 03:33 AM
Thrilled to hear that Flynn continues to do well and a new toy to boot!:D Go Flynny!! Go luck keeping Flynny doing too much!
Welcome to the family Minnie. I'll be anxious to hear more about you. Watch out for Elle the devil cat and you'll be fine.;)
That is amazing to hear about Timmy. There is so many more advances in veterinary medicine. Go Timmy!!:D xxxx
11-24-2013, 07:13 PM
Hi everyone
Another good night here, YAY!
We have been in to see Local Mike and what a fuss they all made of him, I was talking to the receptionist and one of the nurses was sitting with Flynn on the floor scratching his sweet spot on his back, he was cuddling up to her and wagging his tail 10 to the dozen!!
Mike is happy with him, I had not given him Temgesic this morning and he said I should continue it for a bit longer, as he was watching him and thought he looked a little sore. Hmmmm I think it was because Flynn not that keen at being in the vets again but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and gave him some when we got home. He was happy to leave the nibbled suture as is and his temp, and physical exam all fine. Mike is so impressed with Auckland, he said he got emails every day, phone call, discharge summaries and our other pet hospital could learn a bit about communication from the Auckland vets. We go back Friday morning to get the sutures out.
No histology results have arrived and I am turning into a bit of an OCD email checker today, I hope they arrive soon and I get to talk to IMS tomorrow about them. x
11-24-2013, 10:38 PM
Just catching up on posts, (been busy out at the house all weekend) and I'm thrilled to read you and Flynn are home and doing great!! Yay!! :D
I still can't get over how well Flynn has done in only a few days post-op! Amazing!!
I bet you both needed that 10 hours of good sleep in your own home, nothing like getting back in your own bed, especially after what you and Flynn had going on these last days.
I'm so happy things have been going so well!! Ole Flynny boy is such a hero dog!! Hope he has his bark back and will soon be up to his usual antics!! Hoping for good results on all the histology! :)
As for that box of chocolate...we all needed it while waiting for the good news about Flynn!! What a nice story about Minnie, your sister's new kitty. It warms my heart whenever I hear of a sweet animal whose been waiting for a chance and gets a new home. I'm sure that's one happy cat!!
molly muffin
11-24-2013, 10:52 PM
Welcome to the family Minstrel. Isn't that so sweet. I'm glad your sister went back and brought home the newest member of the family.
And Timmy, wow, now that is some good inspiration!! Go Timmy!!!
Flynn, well, he just keeps on being amazing. :) I don't know how long you are going to be able to keep him calm and settled. He has found his voice again and has much to say about everything. LOL
Things just happened in such a whirl wind, it's probably really good to be able to just be home, relax and catch your breath (a few well needed winks too!)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-25-2013, 05:02 AM
Hey Trish
Just checking in to see how you are tonight?
Sounds like you got on well at the vets earlier, nice they make such a fuss of him, such a better experience for you both
Work has already started, really really not in the mood for this today so roll on 17:30
Work, oh dear what a four letter word but necesary:p:p:p
I have to run, just wanted to check in on you and Flynn, make sure you are both ok.;);)
molly muffin
11-25-2013, 05:44 PM
Quick check in too as I should be working, but haven't found my motivation to jump back in now that I'm home. LOL
Maybe later. Or not. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-25-2013, 06:26 PM
Hi everyone!!
I am turning into such a slob this week!! Here it is lunchtime and I am still not dressed, so pleased I took this week off work so we can both recover without rushing anything!! :eek::eek:
Flynny is getting annoyed at what he thinks is my laziness :rolleyes: He looks hopeful everytime I move that we are going to get out of this boring house and go have some fun. Alas, poor dog... you need to rest and they only way he will do that is if I do it too (well that's my excuse anyway!) :D I have taken him to the beach on a short leash and he looked ready to go running!!
No results yet, they did say they would hopefully get back to me by today and were going to email them but I guess they have not arrived back from lab. There were quite a few samples so maybe it is taking a while to process them all. I sent the IMS an email this morning, just updating on how well he is doing. Hopefully I will hear soon.
Thanks for checking on us! Sorry you have had to work Mel, Addy, Sharlene would be great if you would pop over here and be lazy and chill with Flynny and me!! xx
11-25-2013, 06:56 PM
Good to hear that you and Flynn are having lazy days, its just what you both need to get your strength back up. As you say it was quite a few samples so may just take a little longer to get back to you. Fingers crossed this end that all goes well :D
if any two deserved some lazy days- it is you and Flynn.:):):):)
As if the 4 letter word work is not bad enough on a Monday we got the worse four letter word (SNOW) besides:eek::eek::eek:
Awew- just kidding, it is not so bad:D:D:D:D hope you get the biopsy results soon, I have to go see if Tina got hers yet too. Dont you hate the dang waiting game?
molly muffin
11-25-2013, 07:24 PM
I say you both deserve some lazy days, so enjoy it for all of us! :)
I must have been thinking of you and Flynn when I didn't want to get out of bed this morning :) :)
Hopefully the results will be back soon. Waiting for results is the worst part of it.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-25-2013, 07:49 PM
Hi Tracy, Addy and Sharlene
I got a few choice 4-letter words I could use myself about now. The boys in the school over my back fence are having a cricket competition over the past couple of days... every time a ball whacks into our fence Flynny starts barking, I just went out and nicely asked them to stop using the fence as a backstop :rolleyes: sounds peaceful so far! Honestly, can't have that racket interrupting our laziness!!
We are going to Mum and Dad's for dinner tonight so at least he will get an outing and I will stop by the beach for a quick potter.
I have checked email so many times I think it the results do pop in there I will get such a fright and be too scared to read them!!
molly muffin
11-25-2013, 08:29 PM
Anticipation! It's make meeee crazy (okay that's not really how it goes, but then I'm no Carly Simon either. LOL)
You let those whipper snappers know there is a recuperating puppy in that yard and a woman on mental health week that they best not be disturbing. :)
Have fun at mum and dads!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-25-2013, 09:06 PM
IMS Mike just called with results that he received this afternoon.
I am trying to make sense of all he has just told me! In a nutshell this mass is all out which is great. The histology is a hepatocellular tumour which includes carcinomas and adenomas. It is well differentiated which means it is slow growing. It was such a bad phone connection and I was struggling to hear him so hopefully I can make more sense out of it when he emails the results. I think he said that it looks more like an adenoma but the other 3cm mass has the same characteristics which makes them think it is more likely carcinoma as an adenoma would usually just have one mass. Keeping in mind these were present before he had his original liver resection two years ago but at least 3 biopsies have been benign.
The so called node, might not be a node but a small deposit on his mesentery and again that has been biopsied twice and benign.
Ohhh the written report has just arrived, I will copy and paste so you can help me make head or tail of it!
11-25-2013, 09:08 PM
Patient: Flynn.
Gross Examination: The submission consisted of a 90 x 60 x 50 mm poorly defined mass within a liver lobe, a 25 x 18 x 12 mm
irregular sample of liver margin without obvious anatomic orientation, a 12 x 7 mm diameter core sample of the right medial liver
lobe, a 7 x 3 mm diameter sample of duodenum, a 5 x 2 x 1 mm sample of distal jejunum, a 20 x 20 x 15 mm mesenteric mass
within fatty tissue, and a 12 x 1 mm diameter left renal needle core biopsy. The presumed surgical margins of the liver lobe
mass were inked and multiple sections taken from this tissue, along with the other submitted samples.
Histopathology: The intestinal samples were assessed according to the criteria for duodenum described by the WSAVA
Gastrointestinal Standardisation Group.
Liver mass: The mass is an expansile non-encapsulated neoplasm composed of variably sized lobules of epithelial cells.
These form thick anastomosing cords that are separated by sinusoidal spaces and fine fibrous stromal tissue. The cords
resemble normal hepatocyte plates and occasionally surround large vessels resembling central veins, but are irregularly
arranged with large vaguely reticular areas of hepatocyte vacuolation, occasional individual cell necrosis and a focus of fibrosis.
Portal tracts are only seen close to the tumour margin (presumed entrapped normal structures), and there are foci of
extramedullary haematopoiesis (EMH) and lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages with yellow/green/golden pigment
(bile/lipofuscin and haemosiderin) scattered throughout the tumour. The neoplastic cells are cuboidal with moderate amounts of
eosinophilic cytoplasm. Their nuclei have mild variation in size and shape (round to irregular) with stippled chromatin and
occasionally distinct nucleoli; some bi- or multi-nucleated cells are seen. Mitotic figures are uncommon (2 per 10 400x fields).
The adjacent liver is compressed with multifocal vascular dilation, multifocal hepatocyte vacuolation or atrophy, some areas of
nodular hyperplasia, portal fibrosis and biliary/vascular proliferation, focal thrombosis, multifocal inflammatory cells and EMH as
described above, and neutrophils in sinusoids. Sections from the inked margin contain only areas of nodular hyperplasia.
Liver margin: Sections from this sample contain vaguely defined areas of widely and irregularly spaced portal tracts and central
veins, separated by irregular and sometimes thick cords of hepatocytes that may be vacuolated. There are no mitotic figures.
There are similar foci of inflammation and EMH as described above.
Right medial liver lobe: Sections from this sample contain similar areas of neoplastic hepatocyte cords as described for the liver
mass. There is a small area of thrombosis in one section.
Duodenum: The sample is well preserved, and all layers except the serosa are distinct. Long slender uniform villi are present in
variably well-oriented sections. These have a normal layer of columnar epithelium with approximately 2-12 goblet cells per 100
enterocytes and 7-20 intraepithelial lymphocytes per 400x stretch of epithelium. Central lacteals are not seen in longitudinal
section, but do not appear to represent more than 25% of the width of the villous lamina propria.
The crypts are aligned perpendicularly to the surface, with narrow luminal area and columnar epithelial lining containing
occasional goblet cells. They rarely contain a neutrophil or eosinophil. The mucosa has a narrow band of stroma, with 1-2
stromal cells separating crypts.
In the villous lamina propria, approximately 25% of the area of one 400x field is occupied by lymphocytes and plasma cells.
Between the crypts there are 1-2 lymphocytes or plasma cells. There are about 4-20 eosinophils and 0-1 neutrophils per 400x
field. The other intestinal layers seen are within normal histological limits.
Distal jejunum: The sample is well preserved and all layers except the serosa are distinct. Long slender uniform villi are present
in variably well-oriented sections. These have a normal layer of columnar epithelium with approximately 10-50 goblet cells per
100 enterocytes and 15-20 intraepithelial lymphocytes per 400x stretch of epithelium. Central lacteals are rarely seen, and
occupy 25-50% of the width of the villous lamina propria.
The crypts are aligned perpendicularly to the surface, with narrow luminal area and columnar epithelial lining containing
occasional goblet cells. The mucosa has a narrow band of stroma, with 1-2 stromal cells separating crypts.
In the villous lamina propria, approximately 25% of the area of one 400x field is occupied by lymphocytes and plasma cells.
Between the crypts there are 1-2 lymphocytes or plasma cells. There are about 15-20 eosinophils and 0-14 neutrophils per 400x
field. The other intestinal layers seen are within normal histological limits.
Mesenteric mass: This is a nodule composed of areas of neoplastic hepatocyte cords similar to those described for the liver
mass. The cells are a little more pleomorphic and less well organised, with a slightly higher mitotic index (6 per 10 400x fields).
This is bounded by a layer of fibrous tissue, separating it from adjacent mesenteric adipose tissue. No recognisable lymphoid
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tissue or other tissue architecture is seen.
Left kidney: Sections from the sample are generally well preserved, and consist of renal cortex with vessels, tubules and 13-16
glomeruli. The glomeruli have mild segmental glomerular tuft (probably mesangial) and capsular thickening by bright
eosinophilic material, synechiae, and rare glomerular sclerosis with absence of Bowman's space. The eosinophilic material is
PAS-positive and positive for collagen with Verhoeff's Van Gieson.
Tubular basement membranes and the interstitium are mildly multifocally thickened by eosinophilic material as described
above. The interstitium also contains a few scattered lymphocytes, plasma cells and neutrophils, and a few macrophages
containing yellow/green granules. Arterioles are within normal histological limits, and vascular disease is not identified.
Liver mass: Well-differentiated hepatocellular tumour.
Liver margin: Multifocal nodular hyperplasia.
Right medial liver lobe: Well-differentiated hepatocellular tumour.
Duodenum: Very mild to moderate eosinophilic enteritis.
Distal jejunum: Moderate eosinophilic and mild to moderate neutrophilic enteritis.
Mesenteric mass: Well-differentiated hepatocellular tumour.
Left kidney: Glomerulopathy with mild lymphoplasmacytic interstitial nephritis.
Comment: Mike, the hepatocellular tumours are well-differentiated and hard to call. As individual masses I would be comfortable
with calling them adenomas, and multiple hepatocellular adenomas have been reported; however the existence of a mesenteric
mass suggests that they could in fact be very well-differentiated metastatic carcinomas. The only scenarios I can imagine that
would allow the mesenteric mass to be benign would be if it was originally an island of ectopic liver (which presumably would
have been found at one of the previous surgeries), or a slowly growing island of neoplastic tissue detached from an adenoma.
With regard to the intestine, there is definite enteritis according to the WSAVA criteria; as you know this could be consistent with
inflammatory bowel disease, if other causes of intestinal inflammation are ruled out.
With regard to the kidney, as you know light microscopic diagnosis of glomerulopathies is limited because the nature and
location of glomerular changes (e.g. eosinophilic deposits, cellularity) are very difficult to determine without further testing. As
you are aware, the WSAVA currently has a working group attempting to better characterise small animal renal disease using
electron microscopy and immunofluorescence. This is the standard of care in human medicine for investigation of glomerular
disease. As a further complication, tubulointerstitial disease can result in secondary glomerular damage, making it difficult to
determine which was the primary lesion, especially in "end-stage" kidneys.
In this case the glomerular and interstitial lesions are both mild. I do not see amyloid deposition or a vasculopathy. The
glomerular deposits seem to be an increase in mesangial matrix with some fibrous tissue, and no recognisable inflammatory
cells; therefore this could be membranous glomerulonephritis, or perhaps simply glomerulosclerosis as part of generalised
renal disease. Collagenofibrotic glomerulonephropathy is another, ostensibly rare idiopathic differential diagnosis.
Leptospirosis generally causes more interstitial inflammation and fibrosis than seen here, but can cause glomerular damage in
chronic infection.
Ref. Cullen JM and Popp JA, In: Tumours in Domestic Animals, 4th edn, Meuten DJ ed., p. 491.
Ref: Histopathological Standards for the Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Inflammation in Endoscopic Biopsy Samples from the
Dog and the Cat: A Report from the World Small Animal Veterinary Association Gastrointestinal Standardization Group. J. Comp.
Path. 2008,Vol.138, S1-S43.
Vet Communication
I am pleased to hear that Flynn is recovering well. His histology report is back and is attached. As you can see it is very
thorough. The good news is that the liver tumours appear benign and surgical removal of the larger mass before it caused
problems was a good decision. The 3 cm right liver lobe mass was biopsied only, not removed, so there is still heptocellular
tumour in Flynn's abdomen. Hopefully this will be slow growing. I have recommended repeat ultrasound imaging in 2-3
months to assess this. Metronomic chemotherapy +/- palladia are possible medical treatment options. These are unlikely to
be all that helpful though.
The gut biopsies show evidence of IBD. I have briefly discussed further management of this with diet and perhaps a 2 month
course of prednisone once his surgery wound has healed. Trish will talk to you further about this. Monitoring urine protein loss
is recommended if prednisone is started - hopefully the glomerulonephritis will settle at the same time.
Please contact me with any further questions, I am currently working Tuesdays and Wednesdays in medicine.
11-25-2013, 09:21 PM
Blardy hell, that is long. Sorry about that.
I think I am generally OK with it all, slow growing is good, mention of benign is good, but question if there are these different areas that it could be carcinoma not so good.. Still even if it is, it is slow growing as they have been there so long already.
Prednisone for two months is a bit scary though!! He thought it could fix the bowel and help kidneys at the same time.
Sorry if I made anyone's head hurt... mine is and I have text Local Mike to read it and call when he has time. x
Budsters Mom
11-25-2013, 09:25 PM
I'm sorry Trish, but I don't have a clue about what any of that meant and have I read every word TWICE!!! From what I gathered, the mass definitely needed to come out, so that was a good call. Possible chemotherapy was mentioned, although it didn't seem to think it would do much good. Does that mean that some of the biopsies were Malignant? They mentioned slow growing?? I wish I could be of some help.:confused:
So, I'll just send tons more love instead and belly rubs for our wonder boy. Xxxxx
11-25-2013, 10:16 PM
Wow Kathy, I think you are fab for reading it once let alone twice :)
From what I understand it is not obviously malignant, that mesenteric mass he talks about is the one thing that is confusing everything. That had popped up on the scan from one year ago at the other pet hospital and before adrenalectomy. So I think if it was the malignant kind it would have caused further trouble but there was no sign of any other spread in his abdomen at this latest surgery. So maybe it is just an "island" that has appeared and is surrounded by fibrotic tissue and it has not spread.
Local Mike, bless his cotton socks just txt and he has received the report also and wants to talk to me to discuss and decipher tonight :)
So at this stage I am going to go with multiple adenomas with an island of tissue... oh plus the glomerulonephritis and IBD :eek: Oh IMS Mike did say the liver troubles could have sparked the renal and bowel problems too. I said to him that I was anxious about Prednisone especially with Flynn having only one adrenal but he is not concerned about that and thinks the higher potential benefits outweigh the risk of the side effects from the Pred. He said he is not a fan of long term steroid use in any dog but this will help him. :eek:
11-25-2013, 10:19 PM
Good thing for local Mike because that stuff is over my head for sure!
11-25-2013, 11:19 PM
That's a lot of information, but the summary is easy to understand. Sounds like for the most part it is good! He mentioned that inflammatory bowel disease? Has Flynn had symptoms of this in the past? Is that what necessitates possible use of prednisone?
They sure were very thorough..seems like he covered everything.
The larger mass benign..excellent news..and also says it was a good thing it was removed before it caused trouble. The 3cm which was biopsied and it says it could be well-differentiated slow growing and slow spreading. Though this finding was not definitive. All in all it seems like a good outcome.
How is Flynn doing today? Is his bark back yet? :p
Wow Trish, that is a lot to wrap your head around. I read it all but need to re-read before I post my comments/questions. But my preliminary take is that it seems good overall. I need to go back over the glomerulonephritis and IBD findings again also. I love how detailed it all is. Your report makes Jasper's histology report look pretty simple and remedial :o.
So glad to see that Flynn is feeling good and continuing to recover well, what a strong boy he is. More later Trish, I need to see if I can get a few more winks before work! Thanks for your comments and support on Jasper's thread, so sweet of you to take the time with all you have going on!
Tina and Jasper xo
Squirt's Mom
11-26-2013, 07:56 AM
Trish, that all sounds pretty good to me....what I understand of it anyway! :D
I sure am hoping all this means the Protein Pup Band has a few more gigs to play!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
11-26-2013, 11:13 AM
Gosh Trish that,s a lot of information, but I did understand some of it as it reads a bit like Woodys which you helped me understand. I think it all sounds pretty good especially if slow growing is mentioned. My last JRT had IBD for 3 years so I,m pretty clued up on that subject if you need any help with it (probably the only thing I,m clued up on lol). I hope Mike can talk you through all this in laymans terms please let us know how you get on.:D
The gut biopsies show evidence of IBD. I have briefly discussed further management of this with diet and perhaps a 2 month
course of prednisone once his surgery wound has healed. Trish will talk to you further about this. Monitoring urine protein loss
is recommended if prednisone is started - hopefully the glomerulonephritis will settle at the same time.
Please contact me with any further questions, I am currently working Tuesdays and Wednesdays in medicine.
You can ask their opinion of using budesonide rather than prednisone.
I think I gave you the link a while back about it, I can try to find it again.:):)
11-26-2013, 02:40 PM
Thanks to you all for reading it! Trixie - IBD is Irritable Bowel Disease. Thanks for reposting that link Addy, I do have that other article saved in my favourites so will have to dig it out and have another read. The funny thing is since his surgery his poops have never been better!! Nice colour, firm, barely a scrape of mucous, so that has been good. They have generally been good since we did that month of hypoallergenic food, he absolutely hated it and lost weight but it seemed to do the trick.
Local Mike txt last night quite late and he had a really busy evening clinic and had just got home and wanted a bit longer to digest the report. He just rang and wants to meet me for coffee at 11.30 this morning at a café once his surgery finishes so we can discuss it in person. Yikes I hope this is not bad news and he doesn't want me in a mess at the practice :eek:
11-26-2013, 06:26 PM
Just popping in to say good luck with Mike as if I,ve timed it correctly you should be there with him by now. Off to bed will pop in, in the morning see how it all went.
Tracy x
molly muffin
11-26-2013, 08:37 PM
Yowser! A face to face over coffee with the vet. Hey, my vet doesn't do that. I'm going to tell her that yours does! :) Maybe IMS mike sent information about going forward treatment for him to do that he wants to talk about.
I thought the report sounded really good over all. The one that was slow growing before, is expected to remain slow growing, so other than just doing checks to keep an eye on it, hopefully nothing further on that front.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-26-2013, 11:42 PM
Well that was a very productive Flynn day!
Met with Mike and we went through the whole report and clarified it in both our heads. I had written him a list of my questions that we went through and the ones he did not know plus a couple of his own, he emailed to IMS Mike who replied within the hour! Wow, I am seriously impressed with them.
So we have come up with a plan going forward as you know how much I love a good plan!
Flynn's New Plan
Continue Samilyn
Recheck LFT in 1/12 22nd December
Rescan in 2 - 3/12 (2 months is 22nd Jan)
Continue Benzapril and Amlodipine
Fish Oil
Hopefully Prednisone will help kidneys too
Recheck UPC, BP December
Start Prednisone 22nd Dec (one month postop)
Diet - keep as is? He said to assess response, how do we do that as he is not symptomatic at the moment?
?add Azothiaprine later on
Continue probiotic and metamucil
Not convinced about continuing Pentosan, esp after Alastair told me the mass was full of blood, that drained out when he removed it. Maybe we just see how he goes without it?
Continue bone and joint supplement
11-26-2013, 11:57 PM
Lots of info but you have a plan! I'll have to read it again. Just stopped in to say hi and check on you both. Lazy days are good. I get one tomorrow Sick day! Ugh. I'm so tired of being sick. Darn grade 1s and their germs ;). At least I get to cuddle poodles all day.
11-27-2013, 05:19 AM
Trish that sounds like a good plan you,ve got there. How is Flynn doing today ?
Sounds like a good plan, Trish. We all love plans. I am not sure how you will know if it work without symptoms. That was why I did not want to do the full treatment for Zoe's helicobacter well, that and I read it often just comes back.:confused: I guess you just do the treatment and see if his stools are firm, a good color with no tail or mucus.
Have a great day with Flynn and emjoy relaxing!!!
11-27-2013, 03:58 PM
Hi all
Tracy, Flynny is doing OK. He is a little quieter if anything today and was not in a rush to get out of bed. He has been off his Temgesic 24 hrs so that might just be messing with him. He is so bored too, we have had absolutely yuck weather last two days, unseasonably rainy and cold I have had had to put the heater back on and even a couple of thunderstorms, not that they bother this boy though. I took him for a little walk up the beach last night between showers and that perked him up.
I think you are right Addy, just watch and see. Hopefully it knocks it on the head but the prednisone dose is worrying me. 1mg/kg twice a day for 3 weeks, then weaning it down for 3 weeks at a time. Mike said he always has a hard time with nurses and prednisone doses for their dogs as we think it is too much, but he had a long explanation of how certain receptors in dogs are lower than humans so they need higher doses of pred. Still a worry, but he has checked the pred protocol with IMS and he agrees. He is thinking the scratching is possibly tied in with this problem and we hope to see an improvement there too.
Sorry you are feeling unwell Nikki, darn kids and her boogers :) Hope the poodle cuddling is just the remedy you need!
I have been researching liver adenomas vs well differentiated hepatocellular carcinomas and sending the articles to Mike. He will be sick of me before too long!! I guess the thing is even though adeonams are benign and carcinoma's not, the outcome is similar as they are both slow growing, both can get very big and have to come out. The question is what do we do if we find another that grows big like this one has. He still has one that is smaller than a golf ball in him now, this was tested and showed the same tumour of the big one that was resected. he was unable to take that at same time as it would have been to much liver loss at once and he had already taken 25%. Again it is not obviously cancerous but it is growing so do we put him through surgery again? I do not know the answer to that and IMS wants to talk to the surgeon about whether further surgical options in the future would be viable if Flynn runs into trouble, the surgeon is away this week, so the IMS wants to have that chat before he comments on the other smaller nodules seen. Surgeon told me in Auckland he did not think they looked particularly nasty.
So who knows, I work in a surgical field so perhaps do not have the fear of it in my boy. He has done so well this time he has totally amazed me, you would think he had an appendicectomy or something minor. The only time I have really felt bad for him was those two days in hospital as he absolutely hates that, but my thoughts were that discomfort for him was majorly outweighed by the benefits. I would consider doing it again if it would help him later on.
Today is the 2 year anniversary from his first liver resection!! So the fact he is still here with us tells his vets that this tumour is not that invasive.
My gawd I can blather, sorry about that! Anyway, my days of laziness are over, I have hair appointment this morning which like Sharlene is well overdue, then a friend to visit who has had her fair share of troubles lately and tonight is fish n chip night with the family at my parents. Tomorrow, I have to drive down to Palmerston North (where old pet hospital located) for a funeral. A colleague died unexpectedly earlier in the week, such a shock as my last memory of her is from only a couple of weeks back at our conference and we were sipping a glass of pinot gris admiring the view at a most gorgeous winery for a conference dinner. So I want to go and pay my respects at the celebration of her life. About a 2 1/2 hr drive there and back and funeral is at 10.30 so an early start and a day for Flynn with his grandparents. I really think I should stop here :D xx
11-27-2013, 05:12 PM
Yay for 2 years for flynny I hope one day I can post the same:D sorry to hear of your colleague,s passing. I'm glad you and Flynn are doing well x
molly muffin
11-27-2013, 07:01 PM
oh dear what a shock at your colleagues passing :( That is so sad. I'm glad though that your last memory with her is a fun one. A perfect setting for a memory.
Well maybe the big difference between the adenoma and the carcinoma is whether it would metastasize into surrounding organs or just via size be invasive. If it is a size issue only then another surgery if it grows the same way as this one did would be in another year. If it is even slower, then probably a couple years if at all. You'd have to see how Flynn is at that point in his life.
But it is down the road at least.
I have a love hate relationship with prednisone. I know it's necessary in some cases, but it is so hard to get off of and the side effects can be pretty bad when on high doses long term. (my golden was). 1 mg though doesn't sound too bad, with a plan in place at the beginning for how long to be on the dose and how and when the weaning off will start. It's the open ended, lets see how it goes, and we'll judge it as time goes on, that is really scary I think.
A plan is just down right smart and good. We love plans!!
Have a good night. Get some rest. Hope Flynn isn't feeling too ucky from not having the Temgesic.
Oh and I manage to get an "emergency" hair appointment today, took off work during the main part of the day to get it done. Then had to work late tonight to make up for it. LOL Still, I'd say it's worth it. Now at least I can show my head out the front door now without the neighbors screeching and running inside their homes in horror!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-28-2013, 03:32 AM
Thanks Tracy and Sharlene
Yes I agree about the spreading to other areas Sharlene, what has added to the confusion is the small mass that was found on his mesentery. But I have to wonder whether that has been sitting there since his original liver resection two years ago. It was definitely seen and biopsied and declared benign before adrenalectomy one year ago and it has not grown in the past year. :eek::eek: You would think if it was metastatic it would have done something in that time and the rest of his omentum, mesentery are clear according to his surgeon. At original liver surgery he did have a spot of direct spread from liver to omentum. Old surgeon had clear margins then. :confused::confused: So I think that mesentery mass is from original tumour and now its gone for good!
I found this excerpt in a book about adenomas I thought interesting and could apply to Flynn. I have wondered about the androgens, IMS Mike mentioned it at our initial consultation, I think I might press to get them checked. Will talk to local Mike about it when I see him next.
Hepatocellular Adenomas
These tumors are more common than hepatocellular carcinomas in dogs and are uncommon in cats. They may be associated with increased liver enzyme activity, particularly AP. Dogs with atypical adrenal hyperplasia associated with high androgens or progesterone may be predisposed to hepatocellular adenomas. Rather than single mass lesions, some dogs develop multiple adenomas in different liver lobes. Hepatocellular adenomas may achieve massive size and encroach on normal structures by outgrowing their central blood supply and developing a necrotic core that may serve as a nidus for abscess formation. They may rupture, causing critical abdominal hemorrhage. Differentiating adenoma from hepatic adenocarcinoma in a patient may be controversial; this may be pedantic because wide resection is curable in either case. Tumor margins should be demarcated for the pathologist on submitted specimens to judge adequacy of mass resection (tumor free margin). (
I think I have found out why he was a bit sluggish this morning, poops looser and look like a bit of blood and mucous in it today. So I think we are heading towards that Prednisone whether I like it or not. :(
Happy thanksgiving to those that celebrate it :) xxxx
molly muffin
11-28-2013, 06:47 PM
hmmm, that means that any dog that has cushings, increased cortisol with liver enzymes increased could be susceptible to developing adenomas in liver nodes.
A good reason to get ultrasounds whenever possible I'd think.
If it was associated with the main liver mass that was removed that may be why it hasn't grown in the last year. Makes sense. Supply wouldn't be there to feed it any longer.
Oh fooey, mucus and blood, sounds like you are going to go down that road after all. Hopefully it will help.
So, you can see now and I won't scare the neighbors. Sounds like we should be good for awhile at least! LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-29-2013, 06:14 PM
Awww Flynny had been doing so well. We had appointment with Mike this morning for suture removal. When I have a shower Flynn goes and waits for me on the bed in the spare bedroom which is right next to the bathroom. I was drying my hair then he comes in looking awful, all shaking, hang dog, leaning up against my bed, back a bit hunched when he walks. I could immediately tell something was wrong, lucky we were on our way out the door to the vets. Mike said as soon as he spotted him in the waiting room he could tell something was amiss by the way he was standing. He thinks he has tweaked his back possibly jumping off the bed. His tummy checks out fine, nice and soft so he does not think it is anything to do with surgery. he took out the sutures.
He has had a shot of Temgesic and home to rest up and I have to call him in a couple of hours to let him know how he is. He said he would usually give anti inflammatory but does not want to with Flynn so soon after surgery. He said this can happen following surgery as even though they are feeling better if they jump while still splinting their tummies they can have musculo skeletal problems. :(:(
I was due to go to a friends birthday this arvo and Flynny was going to his Nan and G'dads. but I have him cuddled up on the floor in the longue, he is still shaking heaps. Poor boy, so we are most definitely staying home :(
molly muffin
11-29-2013, 06:28 PM
Oh no. Poor Flynn, and poor Trish. So darn scary when they do something and tweak themselves like that. Hopefully this is something that will sort itself out with some time. A muscle pull or something. Just as long as it is nothing inside.
Not more bed jumping Mr. Flynn!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-29-2013, 06:31 PM
He is crying a little, might be the shot of temgesic making him feel funny. But he is lying there with his eyes wide open :( he hasn't cried since he got out of the hospital so he must be really sore.
molly muffin
11-29-2013, 06:37 PM
He couldn't have pulled anything inside of him or torn anything right? That is all healed up nicely? Local Mike confirmed.
That would probably be one of my biggest worries. That and I disc I suppose. Backs can be so painful.
It's so hard to see them in pain, when all you want is to fix it for them.
Hang in there. I'm here with you. Getting ready to take the muffin out for a walk but will be back.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-29-2013, 06:44 PM
Hey you
I am here lottering and just read your post. Bless him, rubbish when they have a set back.
Hopefully the Temgestic will kick in for him soon. Sucks to see them so upset. Good that you can check in with local Mike later
Sending you a big hug and scratches to the wee man
11-29-2013, 06:44 PM
No, he doesn't think there is anything torn inside of him because tummy is soft. He does not think it is a disc because he cannot palpate any particular sore spot. His back was slightly tilted to the left. I just went outside to hang a load of washing and he must have tried to follow. He got out there but then just stood there and I carried him back in. Just sitting with him beside me now. Day 10 today, thought it was all going a bit too smoothly!
molly muffin
11-29-2013, 06:59 PM
Well it was going smoothly and I'm sure it will go smoothly again, once we are over this hurdle.
If he wasn't such a rambunctious, I can conquer the world sort of guy......
He is neutered right, because that sure seems like the typical male response to anything. ROFL! I kid, the guy just doesn't like hanging about being all sick and stuff. Actually I've found it evenly split between male conquer the world, nothing keeps me down and all out whiney, can't get off the couch, take care of me modes. hahahahaha
On the other hand, women can be so smart, since I abhor Both responses.
On the other hand, the laundry did get done and hung out. :) Guess what you don't have to do tomorrow now!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-29-2013, 07:19 PM
He just decided he wanted to get up and have a walk, bit wobbly on his feet and still crying intermittently and panting. I just wish he would doze off, I have the house quiet and sitting by him but now he is off his bed laying in middle of room! He is panting a bit too. He keeps looking at the fridge! Maybe he is hungry but don't want to feed him right now.
11-29-2013, 07:23 PM
Poor little guy, hate it when they won't settle.
How long does the Temgestic take to work?
11-29-2013, 07:42 PM
I just txt Mike to see if he gave him enough temgesic that would make him wobbly and he said, yes he did.
He is neutered Sharlene.
I did just give him a bit of food and he gobbled it down and I have him back on his blanket reluctantly on his part, prefers to sit where he wants to which was just under the a/c which is on as it is a hot day. Now hopefully he will go to sleep, but he is still giving little squeaks. When he went to his bowl he stretched like they do, go down at front and stretch out their back... you would think if it was his back it would be too sore to do that?
molly muffin
11-29-2013, 07:45 PM
No that doesn't sound like his back then, although a good stretch can feel pretty nice when you are sore. Muscular perhaps, or maybe not even that much, just that he jumped down, he had just had surgery and he forgot that it can really hurt to do too much too soon.
So maybe not damage actually, just very sore.
11-29-2013, 07:56 PM
Maybe he had a jolting pain when he landed that hurt and scared him.
Hoping he settles now xxxx
11-29-2013, 08:01 PM
Aw come on Flynny get better little man, your our super dog remember we need you up and about :D
11-29-2013, 08:04 PM
Yes, starting to think it might be muscular. He won't lie down now, keeps wanting outside and when I opened the door out he trotted a little wobbly, I would sit with him out there but it is real hot and blowing a gale! I did not leave him out there much to his disgust and he is back in but won't like in his bed and keeps crying a bit :confused: Maybe he has had enough of the tem to make him feel weird, like spaced out but not enough to make him sleep.
11-29-2013, 08:16 PM
Poor guy! I hope he feels better soon.
11-29-2013, 08:27 PM
Thanks Nikki
I really think the girls are right that when he has jumped he has pulled something, the pain seems to have settled judging by his desire to go outside. The drugs making him feel funky now I think. Stubborn little bugger will not go to sleep though, like he is fighting it. He was standing up before and I saw his eyes close.. so lay him on his bed and nope back wide awake and crying. I remember he has done this before on injectable temgesic and he certainly does it in hospital. The oral one they gave me in syringes to squirt in his mouth does not really seem to do this.
Budsters Mom
11-29-2013, 09:04 PM
That helpless crying thing is almost too much to bear. :o I so wish I could be there to sit with you Trish. Hopefully he'll be able to settle soon. Xxxxxx
molly muffin
11-29-2013, 09:10 PM
Too much directly into him with an injection. Not too much as in dose is wrong, but too much as in, it hits him fast and makes him feel weird. That is true sometimes with people too.
Hopefully he will settle down and get some rest, that would be the best thing for him, but I know, he's got a stubborn streak. See how he does in the morning after a good nights rest. (if he will rest) It might make a world of difference.
Sharlene and molly muffin
11-29-2013, 09:13 PM
You are sitting with me Kathy, just through a screen! Now I think he is just reacting to the drug. He is hungry and moving much easier.
I am meant to be at a good friends daughters 4th birthday party.... ohhh little Madi, you have seen pics and video of her in our beach holiday album from earlier in the year. I am sure they will understand why I cannot come. If he is better tomorrow I will pop over with her pressie. Mum said she would watch him but I do not want to leave him while he is so unsettled. I have just txt Mike the latest update, lucky for us he is the vet on over this weekend!
11-29-2013, 09:15 PM
Yes I think your right Sharlene, physically he is much better. Just this intermittent crying worries me. I have laid beside him scratching his back and he moves about so I get the right spot, crying at the same time! He keeps wanting food too, he has had more than I usually give him by this time of day and he keeps going and sitting by the fridge! Poor boy is all muddled
molly muffin
11-29-2013, 09:24 PM
Well, he isn't feeling nausous from the pain then. I wonder if he feels like he is hungry to try and get himself right from the medication. Yet crying because nothing is helping. (sleep Flynn That will help) too bad you can't "logic" to a dog. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-29-2013, 09:29 PM
Maybe I should try hypnotise him!
Budsters Mom
11-29-2013, 10:17 PM
I'm still here With this dang screen between us.:o
I do remember the video of Flynn in that cute little girl digging on the beach.:p They will understand the you're not there. Your folks will understand why you need to be home with Flynny. I didn't leave Buddy either when he was acting like that. Even going to work and leaving him was very difficult. I never can tell what day it is there, but I think you have one more day before you need to return to work. I hope Flynny is all settled down by then. ((((Hugs)))))
I'll check in with you later.;)
11-30-2013, 12:40 AM
Hi - he finally seems to have settled down. Mike called and was pleased to hear he was feeling better. He said to take him for a short walk to get his muscles working and also to help clear his head which seems to have helped. He wants me to txt before bed to let him know how he is. He does not seem all that sore now, but I guess if he jumped and pulled his wound that could have done it, but it was pretty acute and he felt miserable most of the afternoon. He is considering whether we should give him a previcox before bed so will see how he goes over the next few hours, its only 6.30pm now and I feel nearly ready for bed now :eek::eek:.
11-30-2013, 01:14 AM
Awwww. I can't stand it when they cry!
I'm glad that he's settling down so that you can both rest.
Daisy had a reaction after her luxating patella surgery and she cried unless I was laying down right next to her.
Budsters Mom
11-30-2013, 02:56 AM
I am relieved to hear that he is settling down. :p Try to get some rest When Flynny rests Trish. It is midnight here so I'm off to bed, but I will check on you both first thing in the morning. Xxxx
11-30-2013, 06:20 AM
Hoping you have both settled down now for the night.
Will come back later to see how you are both doing.
11-30-2013, 06:48 AM
No he's not settled down, keeps wanting to go outside and crying intermittently, last in touch with mike 10pm, have given previcox. He tries to run and sniffed out a cat on our last outing 10mins ago. This temgesic inj has really played havoc with him. He did a tiny soft poop last time too, not much compared with what he has eaten today which was heaps. Hopefully get some sleep soon
11-30-2013, 07:17 AM
Hey Trish, I'm here now and all caught up on things. :o
Surely hoping that you two are finally asleep by now...
11-30-2013, 07:21 AM
So sorry I missed you posting, have to avoid that injection in future then as this must be stressful for you both.
Hope it will wear off soon and you both get some rest xxxxx
11-30-2013, 08:12 AM
I hope that you and Flynn are fast asleep. Sending big hugs to you and Flynn hopefully he,ll be feeling better soon x
Oh Trish, I just got caught up on everything with Flynn. It does sound like he may have pulled a muscle or tweaked something in his back. So glad your vet is on and doesn't think it is something internal related to the surgery. Jasper got an injection of Buprenex after his liver biopsies, I think that is the same drug as Temgesic. And I remember him being restless even though he was sedated and out of it. He did some quiet whimpering under his breath, and most certainly was sleeping while standing up and wobbly on his feet. So a lot of that with Flynn could be related to the medication.
I hate it when they won't settle and are doing that crying, it is nerve racking. This probably does not apply to Flynn right now, but there have been a couple of occasions where Jasper was unsettled and whimpering and I think it may have been due to having gas. (My vet said that when I described what he was doing). You mentioned that Flynn had eaten a bit more than usual, so just thought I would throw that out there in case it might be helpful.
I hope he has settled down a bit and both of you are getting some sleep now. I will check in again later when I can. Gentle hugs and a belly rub for our boy.
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo
Squirt's Mom
11-30-2013, 08:39 AM
Goodness, Flynny Boy! I hope you are feeling so much better now, resting easily and deeply, so you can be up and causing havoc in the morning. It's good to keep Mom on her toes but this may have been a tad too much. ;)
Let us know how he is when you can, Trish. I hope you, too, are sound asleep, dreaming pleasant dreams along with Flynn.
Leslie and the gang
Oh Dang, I am just reading all this now. I'm so sorry Flynn is have trouble. Dang post op anyway, sometimes it is more unnerving than the actual surgery for me. That crying is always so hard to take.:(
Oh Trish, I hope that today brings a better day for you both.
molly muffin
11-30-2013, 09:19 AM
Checking in this morning on Flynn and you. I hope he is much better when you wake up this morning and that you both got to rest through the night.
I have to get motivated today as I need to do a run to the store to check out some gifts for family, then get ready for a bday party tonight. Hopefully no snow today as we are going north this evening and they seem to get snow even when we don't.
Crossing fingers for a good day today for both of you.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Budsters Mom
11-30-2013, 10:51 AM
Aw Trish,
I was so hoping that Flynn was back to his usual, perky self this morning. Poor little dude.:o It seems to be one thing after another with these pups. How is he going to keep that sly neighbor's cat out of his yard, after all? There are priorities, you know. Okay Flynny boy, it's nap time. Ask your mom to tell you a bedtime story, something about an adventure at the beach, then both of you crash for a while. ;) Big hugs sweet girl. I know how hard this is and how exhausted you must be. Xxxxxxx
Budsters Mom
11-30-2013, 03:01 PM
What is happening? We are worried!! I hope you are both sound asleep right now.;) Please update when you can. Xxxxx
11-30-2013, 03:11 PM
Awww look at all you keeping watch overnight! Thank you so much. It is just 9am Sunday morning here and I have surfaced. Flynn is sound asleep in his bed :eek::eek:
Overnight he remained unsettled and crying on and off, I would just about doze off then hear a little cry, poor boy. Often it would be because he had an itch or he wanted to go outside. When he moved he seemed fine, perhaps a little pain in his left hip???? I saw him stepping it up and down a few times. He has eaten this morning with his usual vigour so now he is sleeping which I am very pleased to see, hopefully he sleeps most of the day.
I think I will take him to see Mike later, just to give him the once over to check nothing sinister happening in his tummy but I don't think so. :confused:
I think I might have dozed between 2-5am but otherwise not much sleep so I think it might be a nana nap this arvo.
Thank you lovelies for popping in, we sure appreciate it! x
11-30-2013, 03:21 PM
Sounds like he might be getting a bit more comfortable. Happy that he ate. Naps are good! Hugs to you both.
11-30-2013, 03:27 PM
Glad to hear he seems a bit better, I would take him back to mike just for peace of mind if he was unsettled in the night
It's like you go on hyper alert and pick up every sound which makes for a long night! xxxx
11-30-2013, 03:35 PM
It sure does, a couple of times he was over by the front door wanting out and let out a tiny squeak and I am bolt upright! Lucky it was a warm night, wandering around outside in my nightie at all hours :eek:
Yes, I think peace of mind is what is needed today! Have just txt him update.
11-30-2013, 03:58 PM
So you have been flashing the neighbours again :eek: the things you do for the wee man!
Is so good mike will see you on a Sunday, he is an awesome vet x
11-30-2013, 04:11 PM
It sounds like he's on the mend. Maybe he just strained something?
Hope Flynny is getting better each hour today. Seems we all need to catch up on our rest. Hope you can !!
11-30-2013, 04:25 PM
Haha Mel, the house at the front of me is empty and has been put on the market, so do any of you want to move to NZ and become my neighbour?? Least you would understand the late night nightie wanderings with torch in hand!! We are just lucky Mike was rostered on this weekend, they always have a vet on the weekends but there are 4 of them so they take turns.
I really hope this was just a simple strain too, I am leaning towards that but you know how the mind wanders with our babies, I have ranged from liver wound bursting, nodule bursting, heart attack, clot etc etc :eek::confused:
11-30-2013, 04:34 PM
I bet all of your neighbours have seen you one time or another, I hear a noise and I look out :eek: emigrating would be nice, not sure I could take the heat though am a delicate English rose, who burns in a second, is factor 50 all the way :)
What time you got to take him? It's hard not to think the worst, especially when he is vocal like that xxx
11-30-2013, 04:38 PM
That's the good thing about NZ Mel, it does not get too hot, not like Australia. We would all be dying if it hits 30 C here!!
Don't have a time yet, he has not answered my text yet so probably busy in clinic. I will ring now and make appointment I think.
11-30-2013, 05:17 PM
It becomes stifling that heat, we can get the odd day like that but it doesn't typically last. I think we have had less rain so far this year and they are predicting snow for 3 months this year :eek:
Hope he just said come right in so you don't have to hang around xxx
11-30-2013, 05:18 PM
They are busy, booked in for 3.45pm. Just took him for a short walk, he was fine. Pooped a big one, bit soft though and he had to do it twice to finish off little bits?!?! TMI sorry. I'm going back to bed for a while. See you all later xxxx
11-30-2013, 05:21 PM
Is ok we share on here :D least he got it out ;)
Ages then, that's like 2:45 am my time so will probably catch you for an update in the morning
Have a good nap, hopefully you will both feel better later xxxxx
11-30-2013, 06:28 PM
I hope you had a good nap, resting is good. Sending lots of good thoughts to you and Flynn for your vet visit, will check in, in the morning see how you got on ;)
Budsters Mom
12-01-2013, 12:08 AM
Hi Sweetie,
I am off to bed in a few minutes. I'm really exhausted tonight. I think I'm coming down with something.:o That figures since I return to work on Monday.:o
I was hoping you would have posted the details of Flynny's visit with Local Mike. I guess it's too soon for that. I hope our boy is doing much better and I will check back in a little later. Xxxxx
12-01-2013, 12:16 AM
Hi Kathy and all
I went and had a quick dinner at Mum and Dad's.
He is good, seems to have pretty much totally recovered especially now the temgesic is out of his system. Vet Mike was very happy with him, soon as he came to get us in waiting room he was sniffing around with another dog that was there and wagging his tail and Mike was like Phewwwwwwwwwwww he is way better! He examined well and we really do not know what it was, put down to musculoskeletal from the jumping off bed as it was so acute. I did ask about heart attack ... no, he would be sicker, clot... unlikely but could be as often if a little clot breaks off somewhere then it does not cause too much shortness of breath but Mike doubts that.
We went to the pet store where he terrorised the rats again, had to pull him away as he did put his paws up on the glass!! Then he said hello to the two pups in there and I got him a new mix, novel protein is lamb. It comes in a lamb/tripe/garlic mix and I got him lamb and potato biscuits to go with it. Will keep him on this and see if he tummy settles back down.
Caught up on sleep with a good 2 hrs this arvo and he and me are feeling much better! :D Yay thanks for checking in on us lovelies
Awww Kathy, that's no good your under the weather. Hopefully the early night does you good xxx
molly muffin
12-01-2013, 12:29 AM
*yawn* it is after midnight here and just got home. I'm heading to bed, but wanted to check in and see how you and Flynn are doing. Looks like he has recovered and the medicine did him in. Glad the root problem though is better. Yep, musculoskeletal from the bed jumping sounds like the culprit. Nice to have some confirmation of that from local Mike.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
12-01-2013, 12:36 AM
Now I can go to bed because you checked in and I won't have to worry. I can go off to sleep with a smile on my face knowing that you got some rest and our boy is doing well. He even felt well enough to terrorize the rats! Go Flynn!:D I love it! :D xxxx
12-01-2013, 12:43 AM
Nighty nite girls, hope you had fun at your party Sharlene and feel better the pair of you :D I think it will be an early night here too, but another short walk is on the cards for the boy and perhaps a bit of lying on the couch watching TV.... xxxx
12-01-2013, 05:14 AM
Pleased to see he is feeling better enough to terrorise the rats, am sure that trip probably perked him up!
I forgot to ask you if you are back to work this week, hoping you have some more time off, is hard to go back after something like this so it's good you have mum and dad for babysitting, so he can't get himself into too much trouble without you :D
12-01-2013, 06:16 AM
Glad to hear Flynn is better and that you both caught up with sleep. New food sounds tasty hope the boy enjoys x
Oh Good!!! Our boy is feeling better, terrorizing rats is a good thing:D
Hope you both got a good night's sleep and are having a good Monday! We will all be waiting for an update.
Hugs and love to you both Trish. I hope you will have a worry free week. Flynny, you get better real soon and no more worrying mum.:):):):)
12-01-2013, 09:35 PM
Hi Trish-
Poor Flynn!! I am sorry to hear he is having a rough time, but seems he is getting better if he's terrorizing the rats. Poor lil guy having a couple of serious surgeries in the last year. I hope he is on the upswing now. I whimpered a lot when my gut was cut open too. Lol. I will check back in on him. Paws up, Flynny and hugs to you Trish.
12-01-2013, 09:41 PM
Trish how,s Flynn today, I hope he continues to get stronger :)
12-02-2013, 06:14 AM
Just wondering how you both are? Figured you have gone back to work and are exhausted. Hope all is ok
molly muffin
12-02-2013, 04:56 PM
So what do you think Trish? Has Flynn made a complete recovery?
Hope your work week isn't too busy, but I know after being away for even a couple days, that mine seems to be very hectic.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hey there, how is sweet pea Flynny? How are you?
Popping in to say hi
12-02-2013, 08:47 PM
Hope Flynn is feeling better every day! Are you back to work now? I took Kaibo for a therapy dog visit tonight! He was happy to be back at work :)
Budsters Mom
12-02-2013, 09:50 PM
Any more rat patrol outings? Those darn rats!! Especially the ones behind the GLASS, are a menace that needs to be erased from the face of the earth!! :D:D LOL
How is our main man doing today? Did you return to work and how are you holding up? You've got to be exhausted! Xxxxxx
12-02-2013, 11:13 PM
Flynn's already out and about...visiting the rats too!! Sounds like he's doing very well. So happy he's made a great recovery.
12-03-2013, 12:50 AM
Hi everyone
Thanks for your notes! :D
Flynn is doing well the past couple of days, enjoying being back at his Nana and Grandads through the day. He is still tired which is to be expected, it will be two weeks tomorrow. I think his tum is still a bit sore, laying on his side a lot. But he is enjoying his short walks, door is shut to spare bedroom and he is not getting on that bed anymore. I have put a pile of blankies in the lounge room so he is not tempted to jump on the couch and so far it is working.
It's another anniversary today, one year exactly since his adrenalectomy!!! Go Flynn boy!! :D:D:D:D
I have been back at work, but I am bit under the weather with an infection. I had to go to urgent medical centre last night and get antibiotics. I still have a temp tonight so hopefully the drugs will kick in soon. Trouble is I cannot just cancel work and take time off sick after these last couple of weeks off and of course work has all piled up in my absence :mad: Anyway, I will hopefully be better soon. If not I will make appointment with my own GP tomorrow. So early nights here, not hungry tonight. Mum had made dinner for me but could not face it so have snuck home and will just make scrambled eggs I think.
So that's us, still hanging in there!! Roll on the weekend! xxx
Budsters Mom
12-03-2013, 01:24 AM
Awww Trish, you don't sound good at all! I know that awful feeling of pushing through at work when your sick. It sucks! I am so sorry. :o Flynny sounds much better, so it's time to take care of yourself. I'm glad you went to the doctor. Hopefully the meds will kick in and zap that nasty infection. I know you are working, but rest as much as you can, okay. I'll check on you again tomorrow. Xxxxx
12-03-2013, 02:04 AM
What a great milestone! I hope you start feeling better soon! Give Flynn a hug from Kaibo and I!
molly muffin
12-03-2013, 07:19 AM
Well crud that you have joined the sick, not feeling well gang on the forum. :( Hope you get this infection knocked back soon.
Glad to hear that Flynn man is still doing well. No more acrobatics for a while. :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
12-03-2013, 07:48 AM
Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Flynn!
How wonderful especially in light of all he has gone through since that operation. He's a real trooper, our Flynny boy! :cool::cool::cool:
I hope the ABs kick in and you are feeling better very soon. It's so hard to work when our babies are sick and doubly so when we are sick ourselves on top of worrying about them. Take good care of yourself at every opportunity.
Leslie and the gang
A whole year, wow:D:D:D:D Seems like only yesterday:)
Happy One Year Flynny.
We already took November off the 2014 calendar so now worries next year;););)
Feel better Trish!
molly muffin
12-03-2013, 07:41 PM
A year. Wow. That's our Flynn though, going through a major ordeal and just flying along in no time, like it was nothing. Got to love that little guy. He's got the mojo!
I hope you are feeling better too Trish
Sharlene and molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
12-03-2013, 08:06 PM
Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Flynn!
We are so very proud of you and your mum...sending hugs, Lori
12-03-2013, 11:29 PM
Flynn the wonder dog is recovering from surgery while having a first anniversary of another operation!! He's amazing!!
Hope you will be feeling better soon Trish. You went through a lot yourself and probably all that stress made it easy for an infection to sneak up on you! Take good care and try to get some rest since you have work on top of it all!! ;)
12-04-2013, 04:23 AM
Wheeeee it's a party!! Yay, he is a tough little cookie!! I am so lucky and thankful he continues to do well. Thanks for all the well wishes on yet another anniversary of Flynn boy - Nov/Dec 2014 is going to be busy now I have another surgery to add to the calendar :D.
I have really noticed an improvement in him today, he has been real perky and dying to get off his leash but I am keeping him on his extendable for another week. They said 10 days, but I am paranoid now after that little weekend episode and that was actually Day 10 :eek:... so he can just keep it zipped in for another week. :D What a mean mother I am!
I am feeling heaps better so the ABs are doing their job. More on the good news front, Dad had his followup scan to check if there had been any progression in his renal tumour and AAA on Monday and I had my Urologist colleague check it with me this arvo. The renal tumour has shrunk slightly :) so we were right not to rush into surgery for him. The aneurysm is only just ever so slightly bigger and we do not think anything to worry about but he has a review coming up with vascular surgeon. Dad was delighted when I told him this news tonight :D
So could this day be any better? Well only I guess if it was payday :eek::D:) or the weekend :eek::D:) xxxxx
Payday on the weekend!!! And scoring a grapevine lit penguin Christmas decoration with a giant poodle for 75% off:D
Ho, ho,ho, it is a good day at Flynn and Trish's house:D:D
12-04-2013, 11:16 AM
Trish sorry I missed Flynn,s one year anniversary so
I,m glad he continues to do well and agree about the on lead for a few more days, these little dogs think they are invinsible and if feeling better should be off the lead and playing normally :D
12-04-2013, 05:47 PM
Can't believe it has been a whole year, he went in the day I joined on here
Glad to hear he is perking up and raring to go, is hard to stop them after a while :D
Sorry you have been poorly, typical when you went back to work, speaking of mines been shocking this week which is why I have been a bit mia!
Great news for dad, that's a relief to hear for you all I am sure :)
Got your secret Santa presses and mum and dads yet? I have been using amazon for the kids and the other half :D
Big hug to you and scratches for the wee man
12-05-2013, 03:50 AM
Thanks girls :D:D Another fairly good day, he destroyed two of Elle's toys and got told off by his Nana so things are getting back to normal :D:D
I never knew you arrived the day Flynn went to theatre, that was an uncanny coincidence!! What a year it has been with all it's ups and downs especially with Tia passing. But what would be do without you here, you have become one of the boards special treasures Mel and we will always remember Tia too xxxxx ps no presents bought yet :(
12-05-2013, 06:39 AM
So glad to hear Flynny Boy is doing so well!!! He's an amazing lil guy:)
Wonderful to hear Flynn is doing so well. Seems the humans are all sick though. Quite a few of us on the forum seem to have something or other.
It's even better to hear your Dad has gotten good news.
12-05-2013, 06:23 PM
Popping to see how you and Flynn are doing, also to ask you a question. On one of your posts (that I can,t find now) you mentioned a drug beginning with a N that can be used to treat MDR bacteria I wondered if you could remember it can you let me know, as I want to look into for Woody :)
molly muffin
12-05-2013, 06:32 PM
Wow Mel a year. So much has happened in that year, with the loss of Tia and just stuff.
Great news about your dad Trish. Just what he needed to hear, how cool that you got to deliver it too.
Flynn is so funny, I was laughing at him doing the bum nip. That cracked me up completely.
Snowman vs Penguin. I imagine it is the talk of the office as everyone tries to figure it out.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-05-2013, 07:48 PM
Hey you
Happy Friday :D
What a cheeky little rotter nipping your bum, defo must be feeling more like himself. Is his belly doing ok? No more issues since the bed incident I hope?
You better get your bottom into gear on the present front as its not long now. I have boxes and stuff coming out of my ears here. My neice and nephew sure are spoilt!!
Should really try and sleep but am wide awake, hate when that happens, maybe will catch you later
molly muffin
12-05-2013, 09:25 PM
Isn't that the joy of online shopping Mel! Boxes coming in constantly. I'm doing the same thing, and the upstairs bedroom is a real mess. What fun though. :)
Isn't Flynn a hoot! He constantly cracks me up.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-06-2013, 04:30 AM
Hi everyone!! Well we got through the week and time to relax on the weekend. But all your talk of shopping is making me feel very nervous. Tomorrow I will start!! Ack, it will probably be frantic in town. :eek: Serves me right for leaving it so late! Maybe I should get shopping on the internet instead :D
Flynny seems to be doing OK. I was a little worried when he first got up this morning, as he came over to the front door but did not go out but just sat there with his head lowered. I walked out and he followed but slowly, I am thinking maybe his BP is a little low :confused: I remember this happening before when we put him on his antihypertensives. Maybe with this mass gone it has helped his BP?? When he was in hospital and during surgery they said it was on the low side at times. He is not due to have it checked for two weeks but will keep an eye on it and get him in next week if I am still concerned. He has been perky enough the rest of the day, resting up as he should be.
I have to drop him at 7am to Mum and Dad's on Friday as I have an early meeting, no one was up this morning and when Mum did get up after 8, Flynny was lying asleep on the carpet next to Dad's bed. Honestly, he has 5 beds in various rooms in their house he could have gone and slept on one of them but he must have wanted to be next to Dad. When he was younger he would just jump up there but he cannot manage that now. Mum was horrified to see him just on the floor like that :rolleyes:... I said well he is a dog, they do like sleeping on the floor but she is like "ohhh poor boy, so cold, so hard, just recovering from his surgery, he needs another bed!!" :D:D:D I will just move one of the other beds into Dad's room if he is still asleep in bed when I drop Flynn in the morning, but don't really want to wake Dad up moving beds into his room at the crack of dawn :eek:.
Hi Ro... I see you popped in, lovely to see you hope that little darling Ella is doing well and not keeping you up too much at night, wonder if Chey is keeping an eye on her as well as you :) I bet she is as she was such a sweet girl! Big hugs for you xxx
12-06-2013, 07:16 AM
Don,t you just love grand doggie parents. My mum is exactly the same, Woody has a toy box, 2 beds and dishes at my mums for when he visits, and I,ve even caught her covering him up in a blanket just incase he is cold :D
I,m glad Flynn has perked up, it is a worry when they act out of character. Keeping an eye on his BP is a good idea, maybe the surgery has helped with that. Christmas shopping is a nightmare I hate doing it, and like you haven,t even started, need to get my act in gear.:)
We always have our doggie radar up when they act a bit off. I am hoping Flynn and Zoe have no more" hangovers" from anything for awhile:):):);)
Have a good weekend. I am will have to shop to. We have a secret Santa in our family- ha, ha ME:rolleyes::rolleyes: I have two grand kids to buy for and as they get olders, their letters to santa have more expensive "toys":rolleyes::rolleyes:
Happy, happy
Hey Mel go read my thread for the link I posted;);) I LOVE your penquin.
12-06-2013, 05:23 PM
I know Addy, I am actually quite pleased our Christmas is going to be relatively quiet so not to stir Flynn up too much! Plus I always get concerned over the holidays with the vets being shut, although mine is only closed Christmas Day so lucky there. I must check with Mike what his schedule is..... ohhh I definitely need to add them to my Christmas Present list for all they have done for us over the year.
Tracy, I think I am like your Mum as I am always putting a blanket over him when it is cool and even a little pillow under his head... but he does have his own personalised pillow his Nana gave him. It must be done like the cups Judi is having made with Keesh's photo printed on it. I just took his photo for an update in his recovery and have added it to his album, he is just lazing about but you can see his tummy and his fur is already growing back in! He is usually allowed on the couch but I do not want him jumping and he seems quite happy in his new possie on the floor.
Did someone mention procrastinating!! :D
12-06-2013, 07:53 PM
Trish he,s looking really good in the pictures, really comfy. I was the same with Woody I was so paranoid that he would hurt himself after his surgery that I didn,t allow him to jump on the sofa. :)
Budsters Mom
12-10-2013, 11:24 PM
Hi Trish,
Just wanted to drop in and check on both of you. I hope the antibiotics kicked that infection's butt and you're all better. :D
How's our wee man doing? Has he been terrorizing the rats this week? Nothing like rats behind glass to perk a guy up! Please update when you have a chance.
Big hugs my dear and cuddles for Flynny boy. :p xxxx
12-11-2013, 08:04 PM
I am glad our boy is doing well:). He is one tough pup.
Ella is a really good baby. She has consistently slept through the night since 8 weeks old. Yay!!
I really miss Chey, but I know she is looking down on us. I try not to think about her being gone too much as it still upsets me. She had a good life. She went and did more than some humans.
I hope everyone is staying warm. It's supposed to get down to 1 degree tonight in Indianapolis:eek: yikes!!!
I'm still checking in from time to time:)
12-12-2013, 03:06 AM
HI Tracy, Kathy and Ro!
Thanks for popping in to check on us, I hardly seem to have a night at home lately with Christmas parties etc. We are chugging along ok, Flynny seems to fluctuate a bit. Perky some days, like today then some mornings quite sluggish. Will get BP check next week to see what is happening there. Would be nice if we could get him off some of his BP meds if that was the case! We are due to start the Prednisone trial next week too, hopefully to settle the inflammatory cells in his bowel and also to help the kidneys. His wound is all healed nicely and his appetite is great.
He is itching like crazy today though, we had held his flea treatment off a little but I gave that this morning. But really scratching hard and he had a little warty thing on his snout he has made bleed. I want him tested to see what his actual allergies are, Local Mike is onto it and txt me today that he will send the details though on allergy testing so we can get that in the pipeline, so that will be interesting. He has been on lamb/tripe/garlic meat the last 3 weeks, + grain free biscuits. But his poops are good at the moment. I found a new probiotic today specifically for IBS in humans, giving him a half dose of that. Worth a try.
So that's our update, not very much to report really... just the way I like it :D:D xx
Good report all in all so that is good. :):):)
This time of year is crazy busy but that can be a good thing.:):)
I dont know why but the new Kelly Clarkson Christmas song just has me tapping my feet and dancing and smiling albeit with one arm. I even downloaded it from I Tunes. The beat is just fast and happy to me and the dogs seem to like it when I play it and sing along and dance.
Enjoy your parties and festivities. Give our Flynn BIG belly rubs from me. I am pretty partial to that pup;) I just love his spunk and am rooting he gets a cow for Christmas even if it is a stuffed one. :D I dont think I will ever forget that picture of him. I just love it.
12-12-2013, 08:59 AM
Not having much to report is great! Glad to hear that! I chuckled a little when reading Cheydogger's comment. I'd take that kind of cold over mine...check the temps in Saskatoon if you'd like. It's been extra chilly with the windchill lately. Have a great weekend!
molly muffin
12-12-2013, 04:30 PM
Hey Trish, it sounds pretty good to me too (the report).
Yep, things are crazy busy here too and I won't be around till Monday as we're heading over to British Columbia. Good time, a winery with tons of christmas light display up and wine, in the snow, it sounds magical and I'm ready to go.
Okay got to run, I've got a million things to do for molly and me before we had out. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-13-2013, 03:40 AM
I quite like crazy busy too, but it is very nice to be home tonight and relaxing!! Friends want to do breakfast in the morning so I have to get up early... :p
Addy, I have changed his avatar just for you!! That pic is taken two days before his latest surgery. I did look for a cow toy at the pet store but alas there are none!! I am sure this boy will not be deprived at Christmas :D:D spoilt little darling he is! I don't think I have heard that song, will go youtube it!! IT'S FRIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! Don't they come around quickly! xxxx
I LOVE the new avatar:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I have not done to well on the holiday shopping, I have never been this late , I guess everyone is getting gift cards becuase I usally fuss wrapping presetnd and it takes me a good 30 minutes per present. That wont be happening this year with only one arm to use. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Flynn deprived of presents? NEVER in a million years would that happen!!!
I am being good and having my arm checked Saturday unless we have the snow storm the predict is coming:(:(
my typing is getting worse with one hand:rolleyes::rolleyes: bear with me:D:D:o:o
12-14-2013, 05:04 PM
Blardy earthquakes, just had a little one a wee while ago. But it is 35km directly off the coast from me, does not give much time to get out of here if a tsuanami comes if we get a big shake :eek::eek: This one was only 3.5km but I felt it alright! Flynn did not worry though.
NZDT: Sunday, December 15 2013 at 10:19:03 am
Maximum intensity ?: weak
Depth: 53 km
Magnitude: 3.5
Location: 35 km east of Napier
It is hot and still, perfect earthquake weather. Too hot to walk him already, he sat beside me while I dead headed the roses before and we have to go out soon anyway. Will take him up the beach later tonight and might even try to get a new video of him! Have a good day everyone :)
12-14-2013, 05:12 PM
Blinking earthquakes, thankfully we don,t get them phew. Woody has a cow squeaky toy, it only has one ear now as he chewed the other one off.
Hope Flynn is continuing to do well on his road to recovery I can,t believe how much he is like Woody. Enjoy your breakfast. :p
12-14-2013, 07:39 PM
Trish glad it wasn't a big one, that must be so scary! Happy you and Flynn are safe.
I have a question about the pheo, I believe you said Flynn's was benign, did it grow at all that you know of?
Okay, no tsunamis allowed for you and Flynny and mom and dad.:eek:
So odd to think of you writing about heat and sun while I am waiting for the snow plow:):):) I am having a hard time picturing it, the hot weather. I think Zoe and I would feel better if we could go to Bermuda or the Bahamas. I think our aching bones would feel really good floating in some salt water:D:D:D:D
No more earthquakes, YIKES!!!!
Budsters Mom
12-14-2013, 08:28 PM
Earthquakes are bad enough here. OMG! You are surrounded by water! :eek::eek: Whoa, No Tsunami thoughts or vibes there lady!! We had already crossed November off your list. This tsunami is the next thing to go! So none for you and yours!!! :o
Poor Flynny boy. :o What's with all the itching again? Still those dang fleas and flea allergy dermatitis? Is the warty thing on his snout new? You said it was bleeding. Does that mean it's itchy too? You're going to have to cover it up with make up, or a big bow for Flynny's Christmas pictures! LOL:D
Take care if yourself my dear. I know our boy is in good hands. Xxxx
12-15-2013, 12:27 AM
No more earthquakes yay!
Went for a walk this arvo and he was pretty perky considering he is still recovering at just over three weeks. I took a video and I'm downloading it now, it's taking its sweet time though! I made him stand still to show you his nose Kathy, so hope it comes out!
Thunderstorms brewing and there was the most spectacular lightning just as we finished our walk but no rain yet, thundery though... very weird. So hot here still so have got out of the gardening for the afternoon :eek:
12-15-2013, 12:47 AM
Earthquakes, thunder and lightning Flynn taking this all in stride?! :)
Glad he was out having a nice walk..I'll be watching for the video!
Sounds like the recovery has gone really well...he's been doing great, a few mornings with less energy sound normal after what he's been through.
Trixie was out enjoying the snowfall's been coming down all day but now has changed to rain. :( It will most likely be a slushy mess in the morning which means we may not get our morning walk in. :(
I suppose staying in bed a bit longer tomorrow morning doesn't sound so bad. :D
Hope you and Flynn are enjoying the weekend!
12-15-2013, 01:19 AM
Here comes Flynny... Up the Beach this afternoon :D
Ohhh its a bit scratchy, going to have to practice my videoing!!
12-15-2013, 01:25 AM
Hi Barbara! That was the weirdest thunderstorm as it never actually rained and is back to being sunny outside :confused:
I agree with you staying in bed for a bit of a snuggle with your baby (I mean Trixie!) would be just the go for a rainy Sunday morning :D Well it is already Sunday evening here and I am cooking dinner and getting ready for the week, the weekends go way to fast don't they :p Nice to see you popping in and I hope Miss Trixie is still doing real well :D x
Budsters Mom
12-15-2013, 02:31 AM
The video is fine Trish.:) The spot on Flynny's snout looks like some sort of raised irritation, not really wart like. Of course, you can see it much better.;) Flynny is getting around really well! He didn't move as if he was in any pain. YAAAAAAAY! You go Flynny boy. He looks wonderful Trish, wart or no wart! xxxxxx
12-15-2013, 02:40 AM
It was wart like till he has scratched the top of it!!
Youtube tipped it up the right way and also got rid of some of the shakiness when I was walking and filming him, that is the first time I have let him off the leash up there too... he loved it :D
12-15-2013, 05:04 AM
I have had broadband issues since last week, had to work via my phone for a few days :eek:
He looks so well Trish, love how he kinda hops when he runs, you could see he loved being off, him following the other dog made me smile, seemed like he didn't have a care, would never know he had surgery 3 weeks ago.
Hope your doing ok
12-15-2013, 05:27 AM
Goddess Trish he is looking great, I love they way he instantly follows the other dog to say hello, he has a waggy tail, lots of smells to sniff all is good in Flynns world. Love it you rock flynn:D
12-15-2013, 12:37 PM
He looks so happy! He's getting around really well! Amazing. What a good boy off leash too!
I cant believe how great Flynny looks and moves, Trish
Unbelievably Awesome:D:D:D:D:D:D
Squirt's Mom
12-15-2013, 01:06 PM
How wonderful, Trish! He looks so good and is obviously happy as can be! :cool::cool::cool:
12-15-2013, 09:35 PM
I loved the video! Flynn looks absolutely wonderful! So happy! God Bless.
Budsters Mom
12-15-2013, 09:59 PM
I want some of whatever you are giving our wonder boy! xxxx
molly muffin
12-15-2013, 11:57 PM
Flynn looks to be doing so well! What a good boy he is too, paying attention when you call him. He has a good gait for a dog that just went through a major surgery.
That is a really great area that you live in, so close to the path for some nice walks. Not a real fan of that who tsunami thing though. We should just cross that off the list of things to be experienced. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-16-2013, 03:41 AM
Awww thanks everyone, I think he is doing good too. He has been pretty perky the last few days which I am happy to see!
It is time to book him in for his monthly checkup's, bloods - I am very keen to see what his liver tests are like now, plus UPC and BP. I have been kinda putting it off as poor Flynn has had enough of vets to last a lifetime and he is going to be put on the Prednisone. If it does awful things to him I am going to be so upset but I have been looking at pro's and con's
Hopefully settle down IBD inflammatory/allergy responses
Help kidneys
Stop the itching if due to allergy
It is only temporary and Mike already has his plan to wean down dosage
Side effects from drugs like Cushings :eek: which he can do without.
I need to have another good talk with Mike and ask about the Bedenoside that Addy mentioned. Plus look into allergy testing.
So that's where we are, between a rock and a hard place, still others have it worse than us but no one likes to see their doggie suffer and hopefully it will make him loads happier!!!! xxxxx
12-16-2013, 05:47 AM
Trish - My bridge baby Bruno (JRT cross) took Bednoside for his chronic IBD, he did really well on it, to be honest it was the only thing that help and I tried everything and I mean everything. From memory he didn,t have too many side effects, he did start to drink a little more but not excessive and it was better on his tummy than the Pred was. By the sounds of it Flynn won,t need to be on it long so I would ask Mike about it, it also helped Bruno,s skin he was allergic to so many things when tested the specialist called him and "environmental dog" as in allergic to the environment lol.
It will be interesting to read his blood results after the surgery in the hope that the surgery has helped with his BP.
I loved the video. My but he's gentle. Keesh would have ripped right into them in seconds. Loved it.
12-17-2013, 03:02 AM
Mum told me tonight that Christmas Dinner this year is going to be lamb, as that is what Flynny is allowed to eat at the moment on his novel protein diet and she wants him to be able to share in the feast :) Brought a tear to my eye (I am very pleased we have not progressed to anything like kangaroo!) What a lovely Mum I have, it was her birthday yesterday and I spoiled her because she deserves it :) 79 and still going strong!
Flynn is all booked in at the vet's for his checkup on Thursday. xxxx
12-17-2013, 03:47 AM
That's so sweet of your mum to include Flynn Woody always gets his own Christmas dinner too all cooked by mum.
Fingers crossed all blood work is good x
12-17-2013, 03:56 AM
Their GrandDogs are very special to them both eh Tracy, aren't we lucky to have them in our lives still :):)
That brought a tear to my eye as well, how sweet and touching of your mom.:):):)
Grand pups are special;) and we all knoiw how special our boy is anyway:D:D:D:D
Happy Ho ho ho
12-17-2013, 01:40 PM
Hi Trish,
I just loved watching the much fun to see Flynn and where you guys walk. He looks so good!! It's almost impossible to believe that just a couple weeks ago he was having surgery!! It's truly amazing!
I also love his new photo...all ready for Christmas he is!! I posted a cute video on my may have already seen it, a Jack Russell waiting for Santa...pretty cute!! sweet that your mum is cooking something for Christmas that Flynn can share..I'm sure he will enjoy every bite!! :D
Snowing here like crazy today...Trixie could not wait to get out in it. Many dogs in the park even though the temps are frigid and the snow was coming down. Dogs really seem to love snow!! :p
Glad Flynn is doing so well!!
Budsters Mom
12-17-2013, 03:31 PM
Hi Trish,
What a great fur baby grandma! :D Happy Birthday!!! :DImagine a special holiday dinner that our Flynny boy can eat. That touched my heart so.:p
Love Flynny's holiday avatar! He looks so cozy and happy.:)
Fingers and paws crossed for a great checkup on Thursday. Go Flynny boy, stay happy! xxxxx
molly muffin
12-17-2013, 06:12 PM
You just give your mum a great big hug from us here at K9! What a special lady she is, serving lamb so all including Flynn can share in the festivities. Isn't she just the best!! She brought a tear to my eye for sure!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
12-18-2013, 02:29 AM
Hi Trish,
I'm up sick tonight with a nasty cold/ sinus infection or ?. Anyway, both my ears are plugged and are hurting and my sinuses are on fire. I have to push through and make it the rest of the week. After that, I have two weeks off for Winter break. These things never seem to hit when I'm able to be home. :o
Anyway, I'm up for now, so I thought you might be around. I wanted to check on the main man and the sweetest fur baby grandma in the world! I still can't believe that lamb is on the menu for Christmas dinner just to include Flynny. Is Flynny still itchy?
What has been happening with the earthquakes? Has everything settled down now? I'll check back in a bit later if I'm still unable to sleep. It's 11:30 PM here now. xxxxxx
12-18-2013, 02:54 AM
I'm here, just been doing a bit of housework as it was getting a bit out of hand :eek:
Oh no you poor thing, that sounds very miserable! Have you got some good meds for it? You should have time off work Kathy, surely they cannot have you like that at work with the kids. They will all be getting colds for Christmas too!! They must have some sort of contingency plan for staff sickness.
Flynn's itching is worse today, he was backing up against my foot to get me to scratch his back. He is going in tomorrow so no doubt will go over it with Mike. He has taken himself to bed already... ate a good dinner and poops are good. I hope we get some good results this time!
Just going to hang out some washing, weird I know... it is nearly dark here haha but least it will dry tomorrow!
Budsters Mom
12-18-2013, 08:51 AM
Poor Flynny, so sorry about the itching.:o Local Mike will get it figured out, I'm sure.;)
I have tons of accumulated sick leave accrued, but need to be there if possible. A big ole sore throat has joined my extensive list of symptoms. Don't worry about me exposing the little buggers. Where do you think I got it from? It's been ripping through my classroom for a few weeks now. Most have already had it and are back. Others are still out. I didn't think I was going to be lucky enough to escape this one. I ache all over today, but I'll make it. Thanks for your concern. Today is Wednesday. I only have to hang thru Friday. I can do it!
I can picture you hanging wash in the dark. :D xxxxx
12-18-2013, 01:30 PM
Grrrr get to your bed girl! That is terrible you feel so bad and are at work. I am wagging my finger at you Kathy!!!! Look after yourself!
Flynn just killed a bird :eek: I let him outside but on his his leash as I had to collect a urine specimen for his vet appointment this morning. I had not seen the baby bird on the path, but he sure did. At least he dispatched it quickly the little bugger. I better not tell his Nana about this little escapade as she loves birds and both Elle and Flynn are in the dogbox if they hurt them and his lamb roast may be off the menu!!!
12-18-2013, 02:00 PM
That made me laugh, and boy do I need it, in the dogbox. Hope all goes well at the vets today. Is it today you will get the Pred ?
Let us know what happens at the vets. Don't you love Kathy's avatar and Flynn's too.
Holiday pups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to take Koko to get his pix with Santa but don't think I can manage it now. Cant take Zoe as she would bit poor Santa:eek::eek:Maybe next year.
12-18-2013, 08:51 PM
Kathy I love buddy's new photo too, little smiler and Flynns all xmassy. Tia would have pitched a fit if I had tried to dress her in Christmas gear :)
Trish - hope you and Flynn got on ok today, saw he had a trip your heart must have gone in your gob thinking not something else!
Your mum is awesome for cooking lamb, I love that, best not share about the bird as that will defo be off the menu!
Hope your ok and not to hassled with all the xmas prep, I can't sleep which is why I am posting so late! Will check after my meeting to see how the vets went...
molly muffin
12-18-2013, 09:36 PM
Checking in to see how things went at the vets today! Hope all is well.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Budsters Mom
12-18-2013, 10:04 PM
Me too! Waiting for a vet update.
I tried to make it the last two days, but I'm just too sick to be there. :o My plugged ears have screwed up my balance, so I have been having periods of dizziness and nausea. My sinuses and ears are inflamed. It feels like someone has jammed a hot poker through my face. Whatever this is, hit during the weekend. I have been trying to ignore it and finish out the week, then go to break. That is no longer possible.:o I am staying home tomorrow and hoping to return on Friday, sick or not. Friday is my class's Christmas Party. My kids are tough enough without pumping them full of sugar. They will be bouncing off the walls and I can't do that to a poor sub. They will eat him/her alive! :eek: We'll see how it goes tomorrow.
I'll check back in a little later. You probably aren't home from work yet. I can only process good news at the moment, so Flynny's report better be great! xxxxx
molly muffin
12-18-2013, 10:38 PM
Sounds like a sinus infection Kathy. They have a 3 day course of antibiotics now that knocks it out of you. Well worth it. I came back from France with a horrid sinus infection and that really helped me. Worth popping into a doc and getting prescription so you can enjoy the holidays. Time off! You don't want to be sick for that!
Just twiddling my thumbs and thinking about doing some online xmas shopping. LOL Waiting on the Flynn-man.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
12-18-2013, 11:16 PM
I'll wait for Flynny with you Sharlene. :D xxxx
molly muffin
12-19-2013, 12:08 AM
Sounds like a plan Kathy. :) :)
I did end up doing some emergency online shopping as I've had a disaster with my sisters package and FedEx. Essentially that package is currently "location unknown". Ugh First the shipping was messed up by the person who shipped it (missing paperwork for customs), then the return was messed up by FedEx.
So they would have gifts, I went to and did an emergency quick shop, and had things shipped directly to her home in California. If and when FedEx finds my package, she'll get that too. :) :) In the meantime though, at least I know they'll have something from us. I send the nieces and nephews amazon gift cards anyway, so it wasn't too hard to add in a couple more items.
hmmm, wonder if Trish is off shopping or having a nice dinner out with friends. I hope so! oops, she might have gone back to work after Flynn's vet visit in which case, I might be in bed by the time she shows up. These time differences can really throw me sometimes. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
12-19-2013, 12:32 AM
Sharlene, if I have my calculations correct, Trish is one day ahead of me and 4 hours behind.If that makes any sense. That would make it Thursday at 5:30 PM. Well, Maybe:confused: Trish did say she was dropping Flynny off at the vet, then going to work. We should be hearing from her soon, unless she went to her folks for dinner after picking up Flynn. I am wearing out, so I'm not going to be able to wait for her much longer myself.
I'm glad you were able to get some shopping in. It's too bad about your sister's packages. Thankfully, that rarely happens anymore. Xxxxx
Budsters Mom
12-19-2013, 01:53 AM
Well, It's almost 11 PM and I need to try to get some rest because I feel like crap.:) I was hoping there would be some news before I headed to bed. I'm not able to rest or breathe very well, so I will check back in the little later when I'm up. I hope you have good news to report and a plan to tackle those dreaded itchies. xxxxxx
12-19-2013, 01:55 AM
Hi girls, aww I missed you all and you know how much I love a good chat!! Thanks for waiting up for me though, your both very sweet!!
Now for future reference I am 6hrs behind you Sharlene and 3hrs behind Kathy... PLUS ONE DAY!! so your right Kathy it is Thursday evening 8pm here and I just got home. I did not pick Flynn up till 6pm and then it is fish n chip night with the family.
I see you are online Kathy so wanted to let you know I am here... will go do his vet report now :)
Budsters Mom
12-19-2013, 02:12 AM
Hi Trish. I am so glad you're home. We have been waiting for you. You know mother hens and all. We can't help it! ;)I thought I'd check in one more time before I turned out my light and there you were. Fish and chips night sounds yummy. I hope you have good news to report. xxxxx
12-19-2013, 02:36 AM
Bloods - LFT, renal, FBC - not back till tomorrow.
UPC - same, not back till tomorrow. But in house testing showed only 1+ protein down from 3+ so that has to be good!! YAY :D
BP - averages 141 over several readings throughout the day YAY :D continue on current antihypertensive regime of Amlodipine plus the ace inhibitor Benzapril to help kidneys
Nose lump which he had scratched up - Removed YAY :D he only needed local anaesthetic and Flynn handled it well, no stitches as he snipped off the warty bit then cauterised it.
Allergy Testing - blood test to be done and it gets sent to US. It covers all the potential environmental and food allergens and it is set up to cover the common ones we see in the Asia/Pacific region. If he tests positive they make up a vaccine to desensitise him and send it back to us here in NZ. It is a course of injections that you have to give in increasing doses over a few months so Mike figures I can do that part myself which I am happy to do. Cost approx. $750 for the testing and vaccine :eek::eek: Leaving this testing till New Year once he has had his short course of Prednisone
IBD - because his bowel is so good right now, we are both a little hesitant to go right onto the heavy duty Prednisone as the course would be 4-5 months. So we have that on hold at the moment, although we still want to do it to help kidneys as well. But right now we do not want to fix what ain't broke. But.....
Itchiness - flaring badly right now so we are going with a low dose Pred/antihistamine I think called Prednil, just a short course to try and get on top of it. He wants to hold off a week or so though until the nose lump heals up so the Prednisone does not interfere with wound healing there.
Arthritis - also good at the moment, he thinks the warm weather is helping but we will reassess when the colder months arrive and maybe give Pentosan then, he has dogs that only need it in winter. No need for other pain killers right now
Stumble Flynny did this morning - no sign of any neuro problems, he tested him and they walked him about and saw nothing so we just monitor for now, he thinks he could have stepped on something painful as he jumped up so fast afterwards so I am happy to go with that. He is also not too concerned about his tremours/twitches at this stage.. common in Flynnys foxy breed
Lipomas - there are a couple that have increased in size quite a lot, he is not worried about them but the size they are and position ie near joints he thinks they should come off before they interfere with Flynn's mobility. So we will look at doing that in New Year sometime.
Noticed eyes a little pink in the evenings - I have noticed this off and on for a couple of months prior to liver surgery it had disappeared but now last few nights I have noticed it again. Mike thinks likely due to allergies flaring and he is rubbing his face a lot, also considering his BP is good we can rule out hypertension causing it. Hopefully it will settle with the Pred.
We discussed supplements again - he likes the IBD support probiotic I got Flynn. He said he used it himself travelling overseas when he ate spicy food and got upset stomach, he thinks it works well and is fine for Flynn. I have to email him the exact ingredients in the fish oil I am using to make sure I am giving correct dose he wanted to check the amounts of omega 3 and 6 he said salmon oil is good but unfortunately that is not what I have!
He had emailed the IMS the report I had sent on multiple liver adenomas and the connection with adrenal hyperplasia. He is forwarding me email reply from IMS, but apparently he was not convinced and has sent some research findings back so I need to read that when it arrives. IMS had not emailed about the impressions of the surgeon on the other small liver nodules. The surgeon said to me he thought they were just "old dog" nodules and was not too concerned but we wanted his thoughts on them now we have histology report. So Mike is going to send a reminder email about that.
Mike has drawn the short straw and is on now until about 10th Jan I think he said, he said if he has a quiet day then I can bring Flynn in so we can do a lipoma map (like mole mapping) and note down exact position of them all and decide which ones need to come off. Poor Flynn another little op for him in the next couple of months. I am very glad Mike is around over the holidays, yay for us!! I am pretty happy with all of this, hopefully the lab results will be good too. Mike was happy with how he has progressed postop too. :)
Think that's it, crikey what a novel... sorry :D xx
12-19-2013, 02:57 AM
Hi Trish. I am so glad you're home. We have been waiting for you. You know mother hens and all. We can't help it! ;)I thought I'd check in one more time before I turned out my light and there you were. Fish and chips night sounds yummy. I hope you have good news to report. xxxxx
I love having the mother hens checking up on us!! So nice you all have our backs!!! Hope your feeling a bit better Kathy, you need some prochlorperazine (stemetil) good for the nausea and dizziness from middle ear problems, I have some in my cupboard if you want to pop over :D:D xxxxxxxxxxx
12-19-2013, 04:00 AM
That all sounds pretty good Trish especially the BP. It's good that mike will be around over the holidays should you need him, but I'm sure you won't. Again Flynn seizes to amaze me with all hes been through :)
12-19-2013, 04:12 AM
Thanks Tracy, we have been lucky so far that surgery has been an option for Flynn and he continues to amaze me with how he has bounced back. I am gutted that it is not so for Woody so I'm drowning my sorrows in a box of chocolates that I have brought as a Christmas present for someone else!
12-19-2013, 04:21 AM
Oh hee hee you,ll have to replace them. I had mint aero at 4am this morning not your average breakfast. Yes sadly surgery isn't for the boy but I will make sure he does well without out.
There is an old saying here - "we,re here for a good time not a long time" so I will stand by many more good times with him xx
12-19-2013, 04:32 AM
Have you seen Naomi's thread aka SoggyDoggy. Her boy Fraser was diagnosed with cushings, then a large liver tumour was found. Surgery was not an option for them either. But he did well for many months before passing a couple of months back. She is such a lovely person and it is always great to see her pop in. Her approach was to give Fraser an excellent quality of life and he had it in spades and had a lot of fun with her and his brother Oz. You might find some tips in her thread to help you and Woody.
Squirt's Mom
12-19-2013, 08:15 AM
Trish, I am so glad to see this report on Flynn. It does sound quite positive so far and I see no reason to expect the other reports to show any different - I refuse to accept that!
I did the same thing with a box of Whitman's chocolates last night! :eek: They were supposed to be for my SIL - oh well. I apparently needed to abuse myself instead! :o:rolleyes: Thing is, that box of chocolates sure didn't help much and they got a tad bit soggy from tears, making swallowing all that goodness tough.
Kathy, I hope you feel better soon! I have been battling a sore throat off and on for most of the month, going to bed with a low grade fever, aches and burning eyes. But thankfully it hasn't progressed beyond that.
Glad you are holding off on the pred.:):)
Sounds solid, Trish.
Budsters Mom
12-19-2013, 11:13 AM
I'm drowning my sorrows in a box of chocolates that I have brought as a Christmas present for someone else!
Yes Trish, that's how to deal with sorrow and disappointment. Love it! LOL
All in all a good report for our main man and it's a good thing too! ;) I wasn't going to accept anything less today! xxxxxx
molly muffin
12-19-2013, 01:46 PM
Glad to hear a good report on Flynn. We need all the good reports we can get it seems.
I was suppose to run up to the office today to pick up something, but really can't go out, as my face and eyes are all puffy from the crying.
Chocolates seem like the perfect something that is needed right now.
Are you taking that time off over the holidays?
Sharlene and Molly muffin
12-20-2013, 05:23 AM
Hey you
How you doing?
12-20-2013, 05:33 AM
Mike emailed me half of Flynny's results today, I knew it was going to be good news by the smiley face in the subject line.
His UPC is near normal... 0.63 so Tina Flynny has copied your Jasper!! I cannot believe it and feel so guilty posting good news with our Wonderful Woody crossing the bridge today. But I am crossing the kidney problems off the worry list for the time being. It has come down from a high of 3.88 in August... gotta love the ace inhibitors. Normal is <0.5
ALP has also dropped from 2224 pre liver resection to 1783 (0-185) but ALT has risen from 358 preop to 388 (0-75). Mike has said if we did not see good liver values we are not to panic as they could still be settling postop so we are just to wait and see what they are next month. But hooray for the ALP drop! All other liver tests within normal range. Renal and FBC not back yet.
Flynny is not home, I miss him. I knew I was out late tonight so he is having a sleepover with his Nana and Grandad. I will pick him up in the morning and give him a big old hug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
12-20-2013, 05:58 AM
Fantastic news Trish. :) I am so please to hear some good news for a change. You still Rock Flynn. I,m sure he will be getting spoilt from his grandparents.
12-20-2013, 06:04 AM
Thanks Tracy, your a sweetheart :)
Squirt's Mom
12-20-2013, 06:17 AM
Glad to get more good news for Flynn! :):)
woooo hooo Happy Dance-:D:D:D:D
The protein Pup Band made need a new branding;)
Let us all hope they stay this way, Zoe's was normal too.
Go Flynn:D:D:D:D
12-20-2013, 11:59 AM
SO happy to hear good new about Flynn!
Budsters Mom
12-20-2013, 02:06 PM
Flynny boy astounds me! Go Flynny, go Flynny!! Love it!!:D:D:D
It's hard when they aren't home to greet us, but he'll be in your arms soon. Xxxxx
12-20-2013, 02:25 PM
Awww thank's everyone.... that UPC has never been that low over the past two years so I was stunned to read that!! I have mentioned the creatinine level part of this test previously, it had gone up in this latest test. This was the first pee of the morning so most concentrated and that I believe has made the difference. But the actual protein part was the lowest ever too. :D:D I am interested to see his renal tests when they come through. His serum creatinine has always been low, sometimes even under the lowest normal range.
Addy, with this good result I am wondering more about the benefit of the Prednisone. If bowel good and kidneys better then maybe we should hold off for time being. I am going to go ahead with the short course to help his itchies. So our plan is to get the allergy testing done in the New Year, see if he is allergic to anything... manage that and desensitise him. Then if that does not work or he relapses then consider it again. Sound good?
12-20-2013, 04:05 PM
That report is a nice Christmas present for you Trish!! So happy to hear such good news about Flynn!! :D
molly muffin
12-20-2013, 05:50 PM
What an awesome report for Flynn!! YIPPEEE! I'll take all the good news we can get on the forum these days. :) It's been a rough patch for sure, but things like this remind us all that we DO have successes too and it always comes down to the owners and vet teams that make it happen, working together. So wow, really wow!
Now on to recovery from your night out. Sounds like it was a real blast. I was laughing at your mention of the moon and woody. What a real tribute that moon was to our little guy. It reminded me of the time we were up in Quebec at some friends place, and had these long wooden steps to traverse from the beach back up to the top. (their house was below on the beach, so the trip back was a bit of a trial) and hubs sat down and was calculating distance to the moon or some such based on beauty of the moon (me) What is it about a big moon that makes us all stop and contemplate, especially if three sheets to the wind as they say. LOL
Have a good one, hope the shops weren't too crowded and dad was able to get some new shorts! :) your mum made me laugh too. Thanks for the chuckles
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-20-2013, 11:10 PM
Don't feel badly, we all need to hear when things are going well. It helps to keep everything in perspective.
Merry Christmas!
12-21-2013, 04:51 AM
The boy is home, just in time for a boring afternoon of me snoozing!! But he has had a walk this evening and is back in his bed now.
I have just made my final shopping list, gawd it is never ending isn't it. Baking day tomorrow to make my triple choc biscuits and truffles to take to work and also for our feast on Christmas Day! I am working the Monday and Tuesdays only for the next two weeks, so plenty of time off for me YAY!!
Flynny has a play date tomorrow afternoon so I have to be organised!! Yeah Right :D
12-21-2013, 04:59 AM
Evening :)
Glad he is back where he belongs, did you get stink eye or was he pleased to see you?
Yes it is never ending, I am off this morning to the farm shop to get the veg could use the online store for most things but couldn't trust them with me veg!!
Glad Dad has a posh new pair of shorts to go out in :D
Baking day sounds like fun, I will be packing and organising tomorrow, you never realise how much stuff is needed till you have to take it with you!
12-21-2013, 05:12 AM
He was pleased to see me, but I got around there and picked up Dad to go to town. So he was miffed I left again so fast!
Yes, I quite like Christmas baking too... ohhh packing does not quite sound so much fun, hope it is not so busy. We have a lot of farm shops around here too, usually on Christmas Eve you cannot move down there!! It is berry season here right now, I grow raspberry and boysenberries which I have been feasting on if I can beat the birds to them, we usually have a pavlova with berries for Christmas pud! My sister makes it, I hope she still is now she has turned vegan and not eating eggs!!
It will be awesome getting away Mel, you sound so well orgnaised great!
12-21-2013, 05:20 AM
Bless him, I can imagine he thought, right home we go and then you buggered off again, expect some naughtiness for that :D
We have gone away every Christmas since I had the pups, so I have it down to a tee now! Tia was my helpful helper, I would put clean washing on the bed to pack and she would always without fail lay on it. She would also follow me everywhere in case she was forgotten I think. Boyce has actually starting doing that this year and he jumped on the clothes so he is channelling his inner Tia
I have a real tree delivered to the place from the local farm there as I love to have a real one. Don't think my princess penguin will be going outside this year if the weather stays like this as she may blow away, it's absolutely pouring and blowing gales so no white Christmas for me :(
Better call and ask her to make it if you are looking forward to it :D
Have you got all the presents you need?
We get blackberries on the bushes here autumn/winter and Boyce is partial to those, have to watch him otherwise he will munch them off the hedge!
12-21-2013, 06:00 AM
I just need a couple of little gifts for a couple of friends that we are calling on tomorrow arvo. I went to the pet store today and brought Elle and Flynny matching collars, toys for them both. He cannot really have any treats with his diet but he will be getting roast lamb and some vegies for his Christmas lunch!
I brought Christmas dog cookies for my friends dogs, hope Flynn is not jealous! Got our Mike a bottle of wine and will take the staff some of the cookies and truffles I bake tomorrow. I just have to go online and buy Dolly Parton tickets for Mum and me, that's her present sorted but might buy her the Dolly CD so we can listen on way to the concert :D That is up in Auckland and have timed it for when Flynn is due his next ultrasound so he will be coming with us and we are all staying at my friends we stayed with during his surgery. Grocery shopping and that's it!!! Phew, am tired thinking about tomorrow :D I have no tree Mel, you are good getting one delivered... such an organised girl you are :D:D
OH my, I can just imagine Boyce picking blackberries himself, hope he does not get any thorns in his lips OUCH!! Flynn could not care less about our berries. He pee's around the base of the bushes so they get a VERY thorough washing :)
12-21-2013, 06:30 AM
Am sure he will be just fine with roast lamb :D
I love Dolly Parton, country music is great to sing along and lift the spirits. I can just picture you all now on your road trip singing with Flynny in the back looking at you like you are nuts :D
Me and Google are best friends, that why I am so organised, anything I can do to avoid hassle I am in, I do like to support the local businesses though and typically order our groceries for summer from a local farm shop.
We'll if I don't catch you now, have a good nights rest all that activity you have planned tomorrow, will check in later to see how you got on :D
Good luck out there xxxx
12-21-2013, 03:43 PM
Actually Mel, Flynny likes my singing!!! Noone else does mind you, but I often sing in the car and he comes and gives me a lick on the cheek, maybe he is trying to shut me up :D:D:D
Did you get all the vegies in that driving rain?
molly muffin
12-21-2013, 04:41 PM
Oh you are both way more organized then me! Actually, it's not that bad. I just need to wrap, which I seem to not be that enthusiastic to do. LOL
I might actually have found some enthusiasm though, called escaping the living room, hubs bought himself Rocksmith. You can google and that will tell you something of what our house is like at the moment. How molly is sleeping through it is beyond me!
Trish I bet that Flynn's ALP will come down now that the liver mass has been removed, the question is that ALT to keep an eye on. Everything else seems to be clearing up so well, that I wonder if after a couple months of his body recovering inside, if that might not come down too. Or if it is because of the one adenoma that is just being monitored still.
Well sounds like you are having a lovely weekend. We have rain here that we are all watching intently to see if it changes over to freezing rain. In fact, I should go take the muffinhead out for a walk just in case. It did switch over to freezing last night, so we slid (on our feet) to a dinner party last night. Sadly Molly did not Take us, as she was belly up on the couch after her walk and not interested at all, so we left her home to snooze.
hugs all
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-21-2013, 05:08 PM
Yes he does still have that one in him, plus a few other liver lumps an bumps... so hope they do not progress at his next scan in early Feb.
Right, I really have to get organised now, have to be in town in an hour for lunch. This is how these things start, eat, then shop! YAY! See you later when I will be belly up on the couch myself :) xx
12-21-2013, 06:29 PM
Phew Trish I,m shattered just reading your list. I like the idea of Flynn being able to go with you, the singing if its anything like mine in the car Woody would always look out the other window with his back to me as if saying "I,m not with her" lol :)
Well you are almost on holiday and I figured I better stop by now as I dont want Christmas Eve sneaking up on me with the time change and then we miss wishing you a Merry Christmas and A Very Merry Christmas to our Flynn.
Eat a few of those truffles you make for me ok?:D:D:D
Enjoy Christmas Day and your lamb feast with Mom and Dad and Flynn and company. We have our big to do Christmas Eve and thankfully I dont have to work that day. WHEW!:):):)
Enjoy the festivities and the holiday preperations. Let the count down to Santa Claus begin! Hey- wait do you call him Santa or St Nicholas?
12-22-2013, 07:46 PM
Merry Christmas Trish!
molly muffin
12-22-2013, 08:57 PM
Christmas will be here in no time at all. Got all Flynn's stuff wrapped and the family's presents ready to go?
Not me! But I'm working on it. :) fa la la la la ... la la la la Tis the season to be jolly .... Walking in a winter wonderland (that would be me not you) fa la la la la la la la ... oh jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock ---- on a one horse open sleigh...!
That should get us going and in the mood. Yep, going to go wrap another one!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Trish and Flynn (in case the power goes wonky)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-23-2013, 12:14 AM
I bet Santa is bringing ole Flynny some very special gifts this Christmas, he deserves them after being such an excellent dog this year!!!
Trixie is getting a new...(drum roll) hot pink sweater!! Awww poor girl it's not the present she would want,and she won't end up wearing it much unless the temps drop super low!
She'll get some good treats under the tree so no worries. Her favorite gift of all is tearing up all the paper wrapping that comes off the girl's gifts! It is her most perfect day if she gets her long morning walk and then a few brown paper bags to shake and tear apart. You can imagine when she hears all that paper getting torn off the boxes...she goes bananas! :D
Merry Christmas to you, Flynn and your family!!
12-23-2013, 04:08 AM
Thanks Trixie, Addy, Valerie, Sharlene and Tracy! One more day of work, Christmas Eve tomorrow!! We are having a shared lunch tomorrow so not sure how much work is going to be done :D I do have everything wrapped, I cannot find Flynn's stocking but he won't mind, he has more presents than any of us!
Hope you are all safe in that nasty weather, we have just had a very pleasant evening walk and watered the garden, dang birds are getting all my tomatoes and berries fast than I can pick them!
Addy, sorry to say the truffles were a disaster and tossed in the rubbish! Christmas Cookies are devine though :) I took some into the team at the vets on the way to work this morning plus some choccies.
Flynn sends you a lick for your lovely Christmas Carols Sharlene!! :eek:
Haha I am sure Trixie will look super stylish in her new pink sweater, we are going to need a pic of that :o:o
12-23-2013, 01:57 PM
Hey there
Just wanted to let you know am here safely, didnt forget to much. It's still blowing a gale so the penguin is staying inside!
Hope you have a great lunch tomorrow and that the wee man is doing ok?
Barbara, I can just imagine Trixies face, she won't be impressed!
Speak soon
Big hug
12-23-2013, 06:53 PM
Merry Christmas Trish, I hope you and Flynn have a happy and healthy safe holiday!
molly muffin
12-23-2013, 07:11 PM
Oh my gosh! Christmas eve at your place!!! merry christmas eve!
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-23-2013, 10:44 PM
I hope you are managing to keep Flynn away from the presents until tomorrow! How is Christmas Eve going for you? Whatever you are doing I wish you and Flynn well and hope you are enjoying everything the holiday has to offer!
Nikki and Kaibo.
12-24-2013, 02:52 AM
Thanks everyone for your well wishes! We are READY!! Let the festivities commence!! :D
I hope you are managing to keep Flynn away from the presents until tomorrow! .
Ha, well we tried Nikki... I gave him one of his presents tonight and he ripped it open with gusto, it was a green monkey... then he kept going back to the tree and carrying off another and another... not his ones either, but now he thinks they all belong to him :D!! So a wee bit of re-wrapping and/or resellotaping and I am sure Jade won't notice those little toothy marks in the corner of her's :D Mum and Dad were laughing away so I could not tell him off!! He was having the best time! :D:D
We had dinner around there and now home, just took him for a Christmas Eve run and again he was fast as! Chasing birds, but did not catch any thank goodness.
All I have to do is choc dip the cherries and make a salad in the morning. I also have to do the snacks platter but I have taken all the ingredients around there and will do it in the morning!!
Mel, pleased you got there in one piece as Tracy said the weather was dreadful with flooding in some areas. Don't want the penguin floating down the road!
To all of you that celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a lovely time with your families and pups!!
12-24-2013, 05:08 AM
Yay for opening presents, even though there not his, Go Flynn :D
Merry Christmas Trish and the gorgeous Flynn
12-24-2013, 06:00 AM
Awwww thanks Tracy, he is snoozing in his bed right now but I will give him a big kiss from you when he wakes up. He does not like kisses or snuggles too much... what he likes is back scratches down by his tail!
Well it is officially Christmas in NZ, my clock just ticked past midnight... no sign of Santa yet!!! But you can be the first friend I say Merry Christmas too, have a good one!! xxxxxx
molly muffin
12-24-2013, 07:45 AM
Merry Christmas Trish and Flynn! :)
What a guy the Flynn-Man is, going for those presents with gusto indeed!
Well, I'm not quite ready and it's Christmas Eve morning. :) I have to work 1/2 a day today. pffftt on that, but at least it's only a half and not a full.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-24-2013, 02:30 PM
Merry Christmas Trish!
Daisy did that one year; she helped us open all of our presents.
12-24-2013, 07:56 PM
Hey Trish,
Merry Christmas to you and Flynny! Happy to read that he is in such fine spirits and having fun, who cares about a few teeth marks in presents if you get entertainment like that! More than worth it!
Hope the day brings lots more good surprises for you both and 2014 is the year that everything goes right!
Take care and have a wonderful day. Hugs and kisses to you and the family, butt scratches for the Flynnmeister!
12-25-2013, 01:01 AM
Ohhhhhh I feel sick :o:p Far too much to eat and think I have had a dodgy oyster :o our pavlova had to be seen to be believed, my sister outdid herself!
But overall a fantastic day, out niece and nephew who were not coming both made it on the day and it was lovely to see them :D
Flynny had such a good time in the morning, ripped into all his presents and played with them all and then tried to steal Elle's too :D But I think all the excitement and people was a bit much for him as he took himself down to his bed in Mum's room away from everyone. I was getting quite worried, he did not even come down when we were eating lunch... most unusual. But he seems fine tonight so not sure what was going on there.
Most of you are gearing up for the big day, so I hope it is as good for you as ours was. Merry Christmas!!!
Lovely to see you all popping in and Naomi, what fantastic news you have, I am off to see if you have posted a pic! xxxxxxxxx
12-25-2013, 02:00 AM
I'm glad you had a fantastic day!
Glad it was a great day. Christmas Eve wore Zoe out too but then out of nowhere she was heading for the tree looking for her presents.:):mad: I finally put her to bed in the bedroom and hubby stayed with her for 10 minutes and then she fell asleep. Sometimes it is like taking care of a two year old;):rolleyes:
Now it is the count down to the New Year!!!!!!!!
molly muffin
12-25-2013, 01:14 PM
Oh sounds like a really good day Trish.
We're in the midst of Christmas day here. Christmas eve was a blast and I was quite ready to sleep in this morning, but Molly was having none of that. :) We've had two walkies so far and Molly seems to like her new fur coat. LOL Go figure. Pretty light weight she pranced in it. :)
Back to gift stuff here. (I am sneaking a break while the guys talk computers. :) )
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-25-2013, 02:21 PM
Hi Trish - Sound like you had a good day and ate too much yippee. I hope Flynny is still feeling well, poor boy all tuckered out after the excitement.
It should be Boxing Day where you are, so I hope you manage to eat your lunch.
I managed to get through the day, it was hard but I,ve done it :D Thank you for lighting a candle for Woody
12-25-2013, 04:12 PM
HAPPY BOXING DAY!!! It never ends this holiday season :D:D:D
Flynny is still a bit under the weather, just a bit slow on it and I have not seen a poop in 24hrs but he might have been in the bushes yesterday at Mum and Dads. He has gone back to bed after his breakfast. I took him for a run last night and he went down to the little creek, which is near dry and just kinda muddy up to his knees but he sloshed through it looking for rats I think :eek::eek: Thank god he found none :D:D He got his legs hosed off when we got home, little rotter it was to pay me back for showering him yesterday morning so he was all sweet smelling for Christmas!
I knew you would get through the day Tracy, such a sad day when we have faced such a recent loss as you have. Hard for everyone remember loved pets but I hope the days get easier for you x
Haha about Zoe and the presents, they are so funny. Before we opened all our presents we gave Elle and Flynn one, they were both delightful and started playing with them immediately. Then we were handing them out one by one but Flynn wasn't having any of that and kept going back to his sack and poking his head in and grabbing the next one!
Sharlene I would love to be a fly on the wall at your place as I bet it is decorated just perfectly and the food would be delicious!! We had our fair share of computer talk too..... boring!!!!!!! :D:D
My brother and I have not produced any kids but my sister has 3, so they are our babies even though they are in late 20's/early 30's now!! Only the middle one Jade was going to be here but the other two Luke and Lauren both arrived unexpectedly so we were so pleased to have the family together on the day!! Lauren the little sneak had been posting from her "home" which is 4 hrs drive away, all the while driving down here!! Boy, was there some quick present finding so they had gifts to open!! We are having a Boxing Day lunch today (oh no, more food!) and Luke has to head back to Wellington as he is a journalist and the news has to go out!! So that was our major blessing yesterday :D:D Only my brother was missing and he is coming next Tuesday for New Year as he had to work over Xmas :mad:
molly muffin
12-25-2013, 05:05 PM
It sounds wonderful Trish. Yep, the food never stops. I think we have been eating since we woke up this morning! Now the gang is in the kitchen cooking up dinner. Not sure I'll survive, I know my waist line won't. rofl!
hugs, back into the fray!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-25-2013, 05:10 PM
Sharlene, all I could manage last night was a bit of scrambled egg and toast! I have just taken the boy for a walk and he did a big mucousy poop so that must be the problem.. when he gets an attack it does affect him by making him all quiet. I think he may have been slipped some Christmas treats :eek: Anyway, hope it comes right quick smart. I am off again for lunch so will check in later tonight :) xx
Budsters Mom
12-25-2013, 05:17 PM
Hey Trish, What is Boxing Day? I never heard of it. Is it a free day to punch out everyone who was mean to you during the year? :D Not that would be an entertaining holiday!
It sounds like Flynny might have had a wee too much holiday cheer. I hope he's feeling better soon. It sounds like he loved opening his presents and everyone elses.:) That's my boy!
The rest if your Christmas sounds lovely, except for the poor brother who had to work. That sucks! xxxxxx
molly muffin
12-25-2013, 06:08 PM
There is a history to boxing day, and it's celebrated here in Canada too. It's a statutory holiday, which is nice. Many think of it as a shopping day. You can do check out the Wiki for it here:
hmm, box the ears of a few people eh. :) Now there is a thought.
In our house, we eat some more, play games watch movies and the younger ones go out to check out the mall sales.
A light meal sounds kind of nice after all that food. That is probably what we'll do tomorrow.
Oh poor Flynn, bet he Did get some treats on the side. Hopefully it'll pass soon. Molly has been a bit quite today too at times, and grumpy.
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-26-2013, 07:04 AM
Hi Trish - How is the wonder dog today, bright and breezy I hope :) How was your Boxing Day. I ate loads yesterday and brought some cake home and had it for supper not ideal but it was winking at me so no need to send the food police to me:)
12-26-2013, 04:23 PM
Hey you
Happy Boxing Day (just for me!). How's the wee man today? feeling brighter I hope.. So hard not to give them bits or someone could have dropped something, they are never far away when there are all those smells
Hope you are having a relaxing Friday and that we catch up soon.
It hailed for about 15 mins on Christmas morning out if on where so I had my white Xmas :D
Big hug, scratches to the wee man
Happy Boxing Day-:D:D:D:D
In the U.S. we just have the day after Christmas:rolleyes: Ahaaa:D
and I even had to work:eek:
12-26-2013, 05:25 PM
Hi all
Another shopping day for me today!! Sales galore :)
Flynny seemed a bit brighter yesterday, but still not pooping much, have not seen one since yesterday morning so think his tummy not quite right. I have swapped him to Ziwipeak food, canned and biscuits so he is getting a more balanced diet, it is still lamb so hopefully the swap which I have done gradually last couple of days does not affect him.
Mum just called and she said she came out her bedroom this morning to the sight of Elle the devil Siamese tormenting a little field mouse in the hallway, Mum said she had never seen anything like it. This wee mouse was standing up on its back legs with its little paws out defending itself and boxing Elle like a man!! She said she has never seen anything as brave in her life as this little mouse fighting for its life like a prize boxer!, while Elle was trying to swat it. Elle was swiftly scooped up and shoved in the bedroom, Mum and Dad rescued the mouse which was trying to get away from them by climbing the walls. Mum said it was such a pretty little mouse and they put it outside in the garden... Born freeeeeeeeeeeee, the whole story cracked me up!! Dunno what the cat is going to have with her spuds and vegies for dinner now! :D:D
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