View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you

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11-19-2013, 05:33 PM
Thanks Leslie, your a darling xx

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 05:36 PM
Okay guys, who brought the chocolate? :D

11-19-2013, 05:39 PM
Eaten it all last night Kathy.... bummer. Probably a good thing.

Hi Tina, hope your coping alright today on little sleep you must be dead on your feet... see you when you get home later. x

11-19-2013, 05:40 PM
So I wonder if he is 3 or 4 in the surgery schedule. Hoping he is fast asleep right now while he waits

I wake up quite a few times still, throwback to needing to take Tia out so no matter what the time is here, I will be refreshing the page when I wake to check for the latest xxxx

I just finished my last bit, caburys popping candy one is tasty

11-19-2013, 05:44 PM
Okay guys, who brought the chocolate? :D

Oh me, me, me, me <waving WILDLY!!!!!!>

I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, west coast crew -- you've got the time advantage on us easterners. So just keep poking us (and feeding us more chocolate, OK???) :cool: :)

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 05:51 PM
Will do Marianne. I will use my pointer stick from work to poke all of you sleepyheads. It certainly doesn't help me all that much at work. ;)
I just went on and emergency chocolate run since most of you were out and that just wouldn't do. We now have white, dark and milk chocolate. Take your pick ladies! :D

11-19-2013, 05:52 PM
He is last, whatever number he is in the queue. I guess I should thank my lucky stars the surgeon was able to squeeze him in at such short notice.

Mel, I Love that popping candy Cadbury chocolate... is that the one with jubes in it too?? Kind of in funny shapes??

What sort have you got Marianne?

Hmm I remember when I was in California eating butterfingers, I liked those plus a white box of chocolates... hmmmm think it might have been called See's Chocolate? Pretty darn tasty there were too :)

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 05:56 PM
Yes, got to love See's Candy. I like the nuts and chews the best! :D

11-19-2013, 05:59 PM
Yes, best to get it out sooner rather than later

Yep, it hasn't been out here long and is rather tasty. I am also partial to dark chocolate :D

11-19-2013, 06:02 PM
Oh See's Candy is the best!! (I'll bet you got some of that for us, Kathy!). You can only get it here in Atlanta at Christmas (special holiday pushcarts in the mall). But you lucky California Girls can get in anytime!

Truth be told, I just have leftover Halloween candy :o. But it's still pretty tasty: Baby Ruth bars, Milky Ways, and Snickers. Mel, Cadbury's is really good, too, though. Do they still do those caramel-filled Rolos, or did they maybe sell those off to somebody else here in the States...? Yum, caramel and chocolate -- now that is a perfect marriage. :)

11-19-2013, 06:02 PM
dang I don't have any chocolate at home-:eek:

it will be a long nite for sure-

well, my mom was last in line for her surgery so it will be ok for Flynny going last too:)

11-19-2013, 06:05 PM
I have chocolate, mint aero bars yum yum :D I,m up with Woody at least twice during the night so will be hitting the refresh button for any news ;)

11-19-2013, 06:08 PM
OK, I've gotta go cook some dinner or else I shall be ill from all the chocolate :rolleyes:.

But I'll be back again a bit later on...

11-19-2013, 06:09 PM
Nestlé produce rolos over here. Quite like them too, it's fair to say I have a sweet tooth.

I do love Christmas and all the goodies you can get, I think you guys go all out if the movies are anything to go by and I would love that.
We do take decorations for outside our holiday place as I love to light it up. Gonna get a penguin this year to put outside hopefully. I always get a real tree too as I love that smell

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 06:12 PM
Lovr the rolo's, but like dark chocolate with almonds!

Laura Secord is excellent chocolate here in Canada. See's is definitely yummy too.

Oh man, chocolate! I'm going to need some espresso to go with that and keep the motor running tonight.

Lucky I am working from home tomorrow at least.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-19-2013, 06:14 PM
Yum we have and I love mint aero, rolos, milky way and snickers.. no idea what a baby ruth bar is though :) I like crunchies best! It is a bar of hokey pokey covered in chocolate... I might have to walk up the shop up the road and buy some soon if this convo keeps going along these lines :D:D

11-19-2013, 06:14 PM
I just now got the newest See's candy catalogue in the mail. Shall I place a 10 pound order for immediate delivery?!! Oh...you all say 20pounds...no problem!! I think I shall!!! (yum actually wish I did have a box on hand!)

Ok...so Flynn is last one on the operating room list...that's ok, docs will not feel rushed to get to the next dog then. So, he goes in approx. 3-4 hours from now,around 10pm est, is that right? I'm usually still up at midinght-1am so I'll be checking in..


11-19-2013, 06:15 PM
Dark chocolate = yuck :rolleyes:

11-19-2013, 06:19 PM
Dark chocolate = yuck :rolleyes:

So with you on that Trish yuck to dark chocolate, I just don,t get it :confused:

Are you 9hrs or still 12 hours time difference from me (Scotland)

11-19-2013, 06:23 PM
Ohhh Sharlene, our surgeon did his training in Ontario, then went to Florida and is board certified there... here is his bio

Dr. Alastair Coomer, Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons Alastair Coomer graduated from Massey University (New Zealand) in 2003 and practiced in New Zealand as a general practitioner for 18 months before pursuing surgical specialization. He completed a rotating internship at the Ontario Veterinary College (Canada), before being accepted into the Small Animal Surgery Residency Program at the University of Florida. Dr. Alastair Coomer is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. During his surgical residency, Alastair also completed his Master of Science (Veterinary Science), receiving collegiate, national and international awards for his research and research presentations. His clinical interests include wound healing, reconstructive surgery, musculoskeletal surgical oncology, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary surgery. Outside of veterinary medicine, Alastair enjoys cycling (road, mountain, cyclocross), endurance multisport, rugby and Gator Football. Alastair and his wife Erin (also a veterinarian) love to travel locally and internationally.
VSCD Library (http://www.vscdsurgerycenters.com/newsroom/announcements/vscd_announce_7-1-10_alastairDip.html)
www.vscdsurgerycenters.com, 13 Feb 2011 [cached] (http://cache.zoominfo.com/CachedPage/?archive_id=0&page_id=5267360459&page_url=//www.vscdsurgerycenters.com/newsroom/announcements/vscd_announce_7-1-10_alastairDip.html&page_last_updated=2012-12-13T06:20:32&firstName=Alastair&lastName=Coomer) Detail: Hearty applause to Dr. Alastair R. Coomer for passing his board examinations for Veterinary Surgery. Alastair R. Coomer, BVSc MS is now a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons.

He is also cute..... and smart..... see attached!

11-19-2013, 06:26 PM
They did mention early afternoon.. like 1pm.. so that is in half an hour. Tracy it is 12.24pm here right now :)

Heck Barbara... do the 20kg!! :eek::eek:

11-19-2013, 06:32 PM
So its about 11 hrs as its 11.30 pm here at nights

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 06:40 PM
ROFL! Dark chocolate is one of those acquired tastes I think. I didn't use to like it and was milk choco all the way. I'll bring butterfingers and some Laura Secord though to the party. :)
I'll be up late too, and checking in. Gosh might has well do some online shopping if I'm going to be at the computer tonight. hmmmm Should feed hubby too when he comes home. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

11-19-2013, 06:42 PM
Get him to feed you :D

11-19-2013, 06:47 PM
Girls, I am going to lay on the couch and rest my eyes for half an hr or so... rest assured I will leap up and update you all if my phone rings xxxx

11-19-2013, 06:48 PM
Good idea, hopefully you can get a decent nap in. I will be back later

Paws up Flynn xx

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 06:51 PM
hehehe Mel! He worked later than I did tonight. :) I had to leave work early to get over to the passport office. Can't escape from the winter if I don't have my passport in order. (oh the horror!!) :)

Good idea to get some shut eye while you can Trish. Never fear, if your phone rings, we'll all jump! hahahaa

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 06:58 PM
Okay, keep it down ladies. Trish is trying to rest.

11-19-2013, 07:07 PM
figures, I get home from work and you all go to bed:D;):rolleyes:

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 07:09 PM
Not me Addy. I'm here!:D

11-19-2013, 07:15 PM
Back off the couch, the home phone rang and it was just my friends checking up on me....

So, I just rang pet hospital. I have never been the patient type :) they are still waiting to get the call from theatre, he is ready to go has IV fluids running and the nurse said while Flynn would much rather be home laying in the sun, all things considered he is doing just fine. She estimates maybe in an hour or so and they will ring me when they get the definite call.

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 07:21 PM
So you have time to catch a nap before he goes in probably. Try again!!

I'm here too. Ready smutty gossip columns and blinds. hahahaha

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 07:21 PM
Monty Python is reuniting! Ohhhh, like them, hilarious.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-19-2013, 07:23 PM
That story was just on our news too Sharlene, I like them too... ministry of funny walks..

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 07:31 PM
I tried to keep everyone quiet Trish.:o Oh well, you tried to rest. You do realize that it's almost impossible to keep Addy and Sharlene quiet because it's not in their nature. LOL

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 07:41 PM
Marianne so kindly volunteered to cook dinner for all of us. I hope it's something that goes with chocolate! Then again, EVERYTHING goes with chocolate. :D

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 07:48 PM
perk! *whisper mode - Marianne is cooking... hmmm...sorry love, heading to Mariannes for dinner tonight. ta!

Love Monty Python and the Holy Grail. :)

sharlene and molly muffin

11-19-2013, 07:53 PM
Well I'm glad someone is cooking because all I cooked was a TV dinner:p That's ok, I'm saving it up for turkey day.;)

Trish, do you mean that is when surgery will start?

Do any of you watch The Voice? I watched it last year so ended up watching it again this year. I think I liked it better last year.

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 08:12 PM
From what I understand. The next call that Trish will be getting is the one for surgery to start, but he is ready to go. If I have it wrong angels, speak up!;)

11-19-2013, 08:14 PM
Gawd, I went back to couch, mobile has rung 3 times in last half hour. All work calls which I have let go to voicemail. So not getting any rest at all really, so tired but don't think I could sleep even in a dark quiet room today.

Yes Addy, I am still waiting for the call to tell me they are about to start.

11-19-2013, 08:24 PM
Ok, Auckland time is 2:23pm, weird to think you are already in Wednesday.

The surgeon sounds good Trish, I read the bio you posted.

Maybe can you take some Advil? Maybe it will make your eyes feel better.

Try to sleep, we will shut up;)

Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 08:25 PM
Dang! Thought I was gonna be able to sneak the Brandy in while Trish was napping. I'll go see what Marianne is doing in the kitchen. :D

11-19-2013, 08:28 PM
Dang Leslie, I thought you went to bed;):D

11-19-2013, 08:29 PM
OK Gang, dinner is served! :)

Grilled pork tenderloin, roasted acorn squash and green beans, side Caesar salad...

It looks really good (if I do say so myself), but I'm really not very hungry after all that chocolate... :o

Oh well, it'll make good left-overs (anything that you all don't eat, that is!) ;)

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 08:30 PM
It's a good thing Leslie. If Marianne doesn't ring that dinner bell soon, I'm going to have to go rustle something up myself. Whatever I find, will probably make Addy's TV dinner look scrumptious. :D

11-19-2013, 08:31 PM
Nurse just rang and looks like he is going in at 3pm. She was taking him through to get anaesthetic started and shaving him.... I am having second thoughts now... their staff go home at 6pm. Overnight they act as a 24hr emergency clinic and their is nurses and they will be checking him and there is a vet there. She said if they were worried about him they call in the surgeon or IMS. I guess it is good there are staff there but they run emergencies like if pets get injured out of hours so could get busy with that. I am used to the pet hospital where he was in ICU and had a nurse with him 24/7 initially. 6pm he will only just be coming out of anaesthetic.... my blood is starting to run cold :( She is going to ring me back to confirm they are starting at 3pm

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 08:32 PM
I was just wondering what was keeping you. Marianne. It smells delicious! There isn't going to be any leftovers. Too bad so sad. ;)

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 08:35 PM
Trish, what time is it there now? Is it about 2:30 PM there? If so, that would mean surgery should be starting in about a half an hour or so?

11-19-2013, 08:36 PM
Yes, its 2.36pm

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 08:38 PM
That sounds delicious Marianne!

I see what you mean Trish. What do you think though? Would the surgeon and IMS just leave before he comes out of anesthesia? Can you be there if need be? curl up in a chair, anything. I know having that ICU was wonderful, you didn't have to worry more than usual.

big hugs,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-19-2013, 08:44 PM
They said they stay until they are happy he is OK, I told her I want to visit and she said that is probably alright they will just have to tee it up with the staff to let me in... weird I thought if emergency 24hr service then you could just walk in

I don't know what Advil is, we do not have that. Have taken Paracetamol

Thanks for dinner, sounds yum... but starting to feel sick, just had a coughing fit and nearly puked... gawd no I am sounding like a drama queen and I hate that

11-19-2013, 08:47 PM
They would not do that would they? Operate on Flynn and then go home? The surgeon would not leave before he wakes up would he?

Can you go there and stay with him? Would they let you? Maybe they would let you.

Call back and ask them to clarify for you.

11-19-2013, 08:51 PM
You dont sound like a drama queen and geeze it is not like you arent entitled to sound like one if you wanted to, ;);)

They have to clear it for you to go in the back. They did for me to go get Zoe. They wanted me to walk into the back and take her out of the cage and leave with her so it all had to be cleared that I could go into the back where she was recouperating in her cage. They did not want the staff to handle her, I dont know why.

So that is what they meant I think.

11-19-2013, 08:53 PM
Yes, under the circumstances and with your training and all, I wonder if they'd let you stay with him. I do hope so!

Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 08:55 PM
Squirt had her spleen surgery and went back for four days due to a pancreas flare in a hospital like that. During the day it was a specialty vet clinic; at night it was an ER only clinic. BUT the staff took excellent care of her and a nurse or vet checked on her constantly - I know because I called all the time and read her chart when they let me see her. :o:p And my copies of her surgical files note every time someone saw her or did anything - and it was every few minutes at times, especially just after surgery and when she first had to go back. Her surgeon and IMS wandered through frequently as well - I decided they had no lives! :D

I felt like you at first but after calling so much and being able to talk to someone who could tell me minute details, I felt much better. And seriously - I called SO much, they finally gave me a schedule as to when they would call me with a report. :o There were 3 land lines and 2 cell phones in that house and I couldn't see one and not call!...and I saw them all the time because I paced and roamed constantly. :D They were almost as glad as I was to see her come home. ;)

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 08:56 PM
Advil is ibprophen. I bet that Addy is right and that is what they meant, cleared to go into the back. well as long as they stay till they are sure. IMS on duty as plenty of experience too?
Drama queen nah Nervous mum yep and I would prob be much worse :-)
Now rest!
sharlene and molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 08:57 PM
At this hospital you couldn't walk in - you had to either call ahead and have them meet you or go to the back door and use the speaker system. Their focus was on the animals in the clinic - both the ER cases and surgical cases from the day time. Walk-ins would be a distraction they didn't need. ;)

11-19-2013, 09:02 PM
Hi all. Well I am finally home from work, and it looks like just in time for dinner! Sounds yummy Marianne!! :) Trish you are absolutely not a drama queen, nerves can get the best of all of us and this is stressful. I agree with the others, ask if they would let you just sit with him in between them doing their checks. I think it is 3 there now.....

11-19-2013, 09:06 PM
They just started surgery... come on Flynn boy I love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-19-2013, 09:08 PM

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 09:21 PM
PAWS UP FLYNNY BOY! You did it before. You can do it again.:)

We're right here Trish, waiting along with you. We love him too! :)

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 09:23 PM
Okay East Coast angels. It's time to poke you with my pointer stick. Surgery has begun.

11-19-2013, 09:31 PM
PAWS UP from me too. Focusing all the positive energy your way. Waiting with you Trish.

11-19-2013, 09:57 PM
Keep those paws up Flynn

you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-19-2013, 10:03 PM
No news, one hour down. The last nurse I spoke to said they take around 2 hrs, sometimes less sometimes more. Back to the couch with a blanket over my head hoping my sweetie boy is handling it all well... thanks for being here guys. xxxx

11-19-2013, 10:07 PM
we are still here, sweetie, I crawled up next to you and pulled the blanket over my head too, we will share;)

Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 10:07 PM
Holding down the fort in Central US! Now where did Marianne hide that Brandy....

11-19-2013, 10:10 PM
Me too, still here. Is there room under that blanket? :) There are angels all around our boy. xo

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 10:12 PM
That better be a big blanket cuz a few more of us are crawling in.:p

11-19-2013, 10:16 PM
Had to go out and just got back...glad things are underway. C'mon Flynny!!! We're all here pulling for you!!


11-19-2013, 10:17 PM
Time to crack open the chocolate box?

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 10:39 PM
We've been eating chocolate for the last four or five hours.:eek: :eek: Marianne's delicious dinner helped to balance a little bit of it out. Thank goodness! But by all means get started. Then you can catch up to the rest of us. :p

We're still here Trish. It's getting pretty tight on that couch under the blanket. I think we need to find a bigger couch.;):D it could be all that chocolate! Xxxxx

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 10:49 PM
Paws up Flynn!!!
I'm here too!!
Come on Flynn

sharlene and molly muffin

11-19-2013, 10:56 PM
Thanks for poking me, Kathy. I dosed off for a minute there :o, but here I am!

Stay strong, Flynnie, stay strong!!!

11-19-2013, 11:01 PM
No news, two hour mark now. I guess that is a good thing, it means they did not just have to open and close him because anything had spread and hopefully nothing dire has happened with bleeding or BP. But after two hours of willing my phone not to ring now I want it to so I can hear all is well. Not that my phone has not been ringing, with family friends getting in from work and wanting an update! But now when it rings my heart won't leap into my throat, well it probably will but hopefully not in terror something has gone wrong.

I can sure feel that couch is crowded, has been nice with the sun coming out the window... I need a little snack to take away this sick, headachy feeling. Thanks for sticking around everyone, hopefully I will have news soon xxxx

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 11:04 PM
I dosed off too Marianne. :) Had the tablet open on my lap and was watching Pawn Stars on tv, next thing I know, my husband and mother in law are skyping and I woke up in a daze and startled of "oh my god, Flynn" and had to check in. :) :) :)

Hope we have good news soon.
sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 11:06 PM
Hang in their Flynny boy. You can do it! In the meantime we'll keep your mama company. Thanks for the two hour update Trish. Yes! Try to eat a little something. Xxxx

11-19-2013, 11:11 PM
Trish, I think it's good, too that they must be progressing with the surgery. But now we're all ready for some word.

(BTW, Sharlene, I love Pawn Stars -- maybe if we leave it turned on under the blanket we can both stay awake now...!)

11-19-2013, 11:11 PM
I did, a carrot .... most unlike me. Just felt like something fresh. My friends here said not to worry about prepping anything for dinner as we will get thai takeaways or something later. Sandi not home till 6.30... well that's only bit over an hour away now.

Something funny happening with the website, posts from Sharlene and Kathy showing up on my phone app but not on my laptop on the actual website, it shows they have posted on the front page but when I come in here they nowhere to be seen :confused: DId it earlier too, maybe the Flynn saga is going over our daily quota of posts!

11-19-2013, 11:13 PM
Oops they all there now!! Just bit of delay... you can put the telly up loud now I am out from under my blanket, starting to feel much more positive! This house a bit creepy though, it is over three levels and I am on level two and the wind has picked up and things are banging, I just swore I heard a door slam downstairs and crept down the stairs but nothing there :eek:

11-19-2013, 11:14 PM
Hmmmm...I've been experiencing some weirdnesses with the site, too, over the last couple of days. Thought it was just me, but apparently not. I'll take it up with the other Admins tomorrow!

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 11:22 PM
Sorry Trish, some of us have gotten hungry once we came out from under the blanket and have been tiptoeing downstairs looking for more snacks. ;) xxxxx

Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 11:24 PM
Does Nutella count as chocolate? I love that stuff! My oldest grandson turned me on to it and it has become a secret vice. :o

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 11:26 PM
yea a few weird things here too on the site, but I just figured it was my computer being funky for some reason.

Oh yea, you'd think I could stay awake to pawn stars! I love that show. They get some cool stuff in there. I think I'd want to go check out that store if I'm ever in Vegas.

hmmm, I see they have a new Bonnie and Clyde movie is going to be on Dec 8 - 9 on the History channel. Might have to watch that. Looks good.

ohh, that would be spooky Trish. It's always kind of weird in a different house that you don't know ever little creak and sound of. A bang with nerves on edge, might do me in. I'll be under the blanket thank you very much! :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-19-2013, 11:27 PM
Oh Nutella -- Counts as chocolate at my house! I'd forgotten all about that open jar at the side of the cupboard! :) :) :)

11-19-2013, 11:28 PM
That stuff with posts not appearing happened to me today too when I was checking at work. I could see that someone posted on the list of threads, but then the post was not there when I went to read. Weird. I thought maybe it was our internet Gestapo messing with me! :rolleyes:

Still here with you Trish. It is super windy here too, I was just talking to a friend and told her it sounds like something is banging against the house outside. :eek:

You guys, I had to stop to pick up some chocolate on the way home from work so I would have some in the house tonight after all that talking everyone did earlier!

Hang in there Flynn, will be watching for an update. You hang in there too Mum. xo

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 11:32 PM
I'm still here too Trish. I'm not going anywhere. It is cozy and warm under that blanket. Xxxx

11-19-2013, 11:36 PM
Uh oh, my eyes are getting kind of heavy again. I'm just gonna rest them for a minute but Kathy, you poke me as soon as there's more news, OK?

Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 11:38 PM
The house in Mississippi my mom grew up in was built by her dad, my Papa, in the early 1900's. After the last aunt who was living there passed it fell to me to clean the house out. One night I was asleep when I heard racket from the kitchen downstairs - glass was breaking! :eek: The house sat on 34 acres with no one around. The houses closest to the sides were empty and the folks across the street were gone for the weekend. It was me and Squirt in an old house in the middle of nowhere. I grabbed a heavy crystal lamp by the bed and crept downstairs holding that thing over my head prepared to whack anything that moved! I snuck through a dark, old house to the back where the kitchen was to find a squirrel wrecking havoc. I had been going through all the dishes, glasses, etc. and they were stacked here and there in the kitchen. That squirrel must have come down one of the chimneys and was scared to pieces! By that time Squirt was raising cain from the bed upstairs so I let her down. She chased that squirrel through the house barking and growling with me behind them still holding the lamp. Squirt finally chased it out one of the open doors then looked at me as if asking where another one was! :p She enjoyed that immensely! :D

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 11:41 PM
Will do Marianne. At least my pointer stick is good for something.:D

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 11:44 PM
Oh my gosh I can just picture you and Squirt on squirrel patrol with a crystal lamp in hand! hahahahahaa

Any squirrels in the house Trish? hehehe

When my husband is away over night, Molly goes on house patrol. She use to be freaky about the stairs to the basement and would sit and watch them to make sure nothing came up while he was away. She'd hear a noise, like the furnace or pipes and run to the stairs and look down them, give a bark and lay down, watching for anything to just try and get up to us.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 11:47 PM
Hey Angels,
Are you all hanging in there okay? It's getting very late for some of you.

11-19-2013, 11:49 PM
11:47 here on the East Coast....5:47 in Auckland. My eyes closed for awhile...but I'm back with a 2nd wind.
Hoping to hear good news soon!

11-19-2013, 11:52 PM
Before Zoe and Koko ( hubby works in the evening), I was sometimes afraid to go in our basement, we have two crawl spaces and they always freaked me out. Now with the pups here, I never even think twice about it.

We should be hearing something pretty soon. I think the phone will ring pretty soon.

Dang, I wish I had any kind of chocolate. Hubby just finished roasting the dog' turkey breast. He cuts it up for their treats. Guess turkey will have to do. Dont tell Zoe and Koko I'm eating their turkey;)

11-19-2013, 11:52 PM
Yay news, he is out but still unconscious with tube down and they waiting for him to wake up. It was IMS Mike that just called and he said surgeon is going to call soon with the details but sounds like it went well, IMS said he knew I was anxious so he wanted to call first to reassure me. They got the kidney and bowel biopsies plus a biopsy of another liver nodule but I am hoping that is the ones he has always had and biopsied a few times previously. His BP was good, which makes the whole pheo thing less likely, he said it went a little low if anything. Did not bleed too much.

I asked again about care overnight, he reassured me there are several nurses and he will be well watched. He is telling them I want to visit but he said he tends to keep them pretty well sedated as he does not like them to alert initially so I am not to be shocked if he is still real sleepy.

Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 11:52 PM
10:52 in Arkansas

11-19-2013, 11:53 PM
Please all you lovelies go to bed, you will be knackered staying up so late. You have all been a tower of strength to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)

11-19-2013, 11:54 PM
Are you going to see him?

When will they call again?

11-19-2013, 11:58 PM
Fabulous news Trish!! Yes, are you going to see him?

11-19-2013, 11:58 PM
I will be going to see him... he said surgeon would call soon. He said to leave it an hour or so and to call the after hours number to speak to the nurses before going.

11-19-2013, 11:58 PM
WHEW!!! Good news so far!! (Thanks for giving me that poke, K!) :) :) :)

I'll still want to hear the surgeon's report, though, so just whack me again when it's time (and also if I start snoring because I don't want to embarrass myself in front of y'all! :eek:)

11-20-2013, 12:01 AM
Soooooo happy it's over and sounds like things went very well!! Me too...got to hear what the surgeon has to say. Now on to a speedy recovery Flynn!

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 12:02 AM
Oh thank god! so glad surgery seems to have gone well. Will be anxiously awaiting news from the surgeon too.
So, they will keep him pretty groggy over night it sounds like?
Oh Flynn, such a good boy.

hugs Trish! good news indeed
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Harley PoMMom
11-20-2013, 12:03 AM
So glad that the surgery went well! Sending more loving hugs to you both.

11-20-2013, 12:06 AM
Yes, must hear the surgeon's report! Lol Marianne, I likely may be snoring right along with you. I trust that Kathy will not let that happen! :p

11-20-2013, 12:07 AM
Whew, but I'll still feel better when Flynny is awake.

Not leaving you yet, girlfriend.

Thank you God:):):):)

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 12:09 AM
Great news so far! :D I'm glad that you're going to see him Trish. Even if he is sedated, I would want to be there too.

I am happy to poke you anytime Marianne! :D

Give our boy our love. He probably feels it already. We have been surrounding both of you for the past 24 hours or so.

I am also anxious to hear about the surgeons report. Xxxxx

Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 12:09 AM
Oh, praise be! Sounds really good, Trish! :):):) I hope you get to see him a minute or three and he is soon home where he belongs.

Hugs, prayers, and healing energies continue!

11-20-2013, 12:18 AM
Nothing from surgeon yet, wish he would hurry and call... hope he is waking up ok

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 12:28 AM
Yes, we are all waiting for him to wake up too! You have had such a long day! I am still here with you. :p. xxxx

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 12:28 AM
yes I agree, hope recovery is going well. Maybe since it's the last surgery, the surgeon is just taking some time to clean up and write up days notes, go over to see how the patients are all doing and then will make calls to the families.
Flynn is probably snoozing away, pain free and groggy as all get out.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-20-2013, 12:40 AM
Yes I hope so, if he has not rung by 7, I am ringing them. It is not the first time a vets view of "soon" has been quite different to mine!

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 12:44 AM
I'm sorry that you're having to wait so long Trish. I know that it's nerve racking. We can feel it too! :o. Xxxxxx

11-20-2013, 12:46 AM
well seven is not too far away, they never run on the time we hope for.

we will just keep the positive thoughts and vibes going:)

11-20-2013, 12:49 AM
yes, almost 7pm there. Anxious to hear what he has to say. Addy's right we've got the positive rays beaming to Auckland.

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 12:49 AM
I love Zoe's avatar. She is so hairy!:D

11-20-2013, 12:50 AM
Drat, I had hoped to hear the surgeon's report before turning in. But I'm afraid I need to head off or else I'll be good for nothing tomorrow. I'll be back again in about five hours, though, and until then I will be holding Flynnie safe in my dreams!

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 12:55 AM
I told hubby we could go to bed as soon as we hear from Flynn's surgeon. LOL I think he is currently konked out on the couch. That nap earlier helped a lot.

Maybe I'll just run upstairs and throw some pj's on while we are waiting.

Sharlene and molly muffin

11-20-2013, 01:00 AM
:D Sharlene..I just did that myself. My husband went in without me. Trixie and I holding out for the surgeons report with Jimmy Fallon's show.

11-20-2013, 01:05 AM
OK report is in from surgeon, just wanted to let you know... pretty good too :D But its going to be my usual novel so doing this short one first to put you out of waiting limbo

Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 01:06 AM
I'm sitting in bed with an electric blanket over my legs watching Craig Ferguson. Everyone has been out to potty, Grace's bedding changed, crates wrapped, and the pups are all asleep now. Between Sophie's snoring and snorting, Squirt and Brick's dream sounds, and Grace's honking, it's never quiet in here! :D

Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 01:06 AM
Oh, goodie! I'm so happy to hear that short report is GOOD! :cool::):cool::):cool:

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 01:06 AM
Well, I am a step ahead of you gals. I am in bed with my iPad waiting for the report. :D I'll need to crash soon or I will be useless dealing with the kids tomorrow. It is hard enough when I am rested.:o

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 01:08 AM
Back! I'm going with the pink and grey tonight, flannel's, perfect for up on a long winters evening. hmmm... I think I'm feeling Christmasy! Now if there was a fire going and a cup of hot chocolate in my hand... with mint and marshmallows. LOL I'd be set.

I'm getting my christmas wish list going. I have a really long list for our k9cushing forum.
Flynn having a good, easy, complete recovery is right up there at the top too.

Now on come on surgeon!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-20-2013, 01:11 AM
Still waiting here too, pj's on, wrapped in a blanket. :) I can wait for the long version, I need details!!

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 01:11 AM
I'm so glad to hear that the short report is good. Way to go Flynny! :) Way to go mom! :)I'm off to bed now knowing that you and our boy are okay. :p I am anxious to read the full report in the morning. Continuing to send positive energy and wellness thoughts your way.:p


11-20-2013, 01:16 AM
my laptop just froze up. dang, I think I have to go bed now.

ok, sounds like prelim is good, hope you are off to see Flynn

i think i will try to snooze for a few hours and check back.

love ya and better turn this thing off for a bit, my green light has to go out for a few hours but I am with you in thought

11-20-2013, 01:16 AM
yay!! Pretty good is great! :p

Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 01:23 AM
Sweetie, the old bod is screaming to lay down so I'm off for the night. I'm looking forward to the full report in the morning and hope it's all good news for our Flynn when I get back here tomorrow....or rather later today. :D

When you get to talk to the surgeon, tell him thanks for taking good care of our boy from Flynn's K9C family.

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 01:39 AM
Hubs said we really need to go to bed as it's 1:30am and we both have to work tomorrow.

I'll check back in a few hours when I wake up. Hope things remain good and Flynn is waking up after having a restful night. Trish I hope you can grab a few winks too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-20-2013, 01:39 AM
First, his breathing tube is out and he is doing good.

Liver Mass - the confusion in the his scan was the gall bladder is on wrong side due to previous liver lobectomy. So this mass was in quadrate lobe, not right central as they thought. Removed fine, size of fist, looks cystic. he thinks might be adenoma and it definitely needed to come out. Maybe low grade tumour but he described it as definitely NOT a nasty gnarly tumour (his words). Smaller nodule seen as per previuos pet hospital scans, less than golf ball size and biopsied. He has bled little, but he is having plasma to help with clotting as livers can be oozy, but post op albumin and packed cell volumes show he is doing good.

Adrenal - no sign of pheo recurrence anywhere. remaining adrenal has nodule, he thinks it is calcium deposit, does not look cancerous so he did not even biopsy as he did not want to upset BP.

Kidney and bowel biopsied and they look fine, he said bowel looked normal.

Abdominal node seen on previuos scans not grown, previous biopsy had shown liver tissue. he has removed it. no other lymph node enlargement.

He has a drain as he went through diaphragm for easy resection.

BP stable throughout around 100ish.

Food from tomorrow.

Lipoma they thought on ultrasound behind kidney not visible, he thinks it was a fat pad in that area.

think that is it, posting this fast as I have lost it TWICE, sorry for delay

I am VERY happy with this news, going to see him in an hour or so. My friend is home, she has just gone out to get thai so I will go straight after dinner as I need to eat and unsurprisingly feel like eating now!!

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 01:43 AM
So glad I saw this before heading to bed. This is all VERY VERY good!! Trish! I'm so happy!!! HUGS

Great that the bowel looked normal, that is a good sign too.

So, can you ask him if he thinks we are done with surgeries now? Flynn is setting a bit of a record here with all the ones he's had! Him and you both ready to live out a normal life without these November issues. :)

Go, enjoy dinner! Visit Flynn-man.
Catch up with ya laters
Hugs and Love! We're happy!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-20-2013, 01:45 AM
Trish!! I'm still here!! This all sounds like such good news!! Yay Flynn!! You really did the right thing!! Everything sounds so positive. I am so happy for you and Flynn!! Your parents must be so happy to hear this great report!
Will be looking forward to hearing about how Flynn is tomorrow. Wishing you a good night...you must feel so relieved!! Have a nice supper and a glass of wine too!!


Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 01:49 AM
So glad to see this report. I am off to bed now. Have a nice dinner and give Flynny boy our love. I'll check on both of you in the morning before work. Xxxxx

11-20-2013, 02:18 AM
Awesome news Trish! Get some rest now.

11-20-2013, 02:30 AM
I am feeling SO much better! A bit of dinner and that good news has really helped! Wouldn't it just be fantastic if this was not cancer after all, we get a handle on his bowel and kidney issues with the biopsies and get him on optimum treatment.

His surgeon said that his insides were pretty pristine, only a couple of small adhesions which he said considering his past history shows what an excellent surgeon he had previously. To get to the liver he puts a hole in the diaphragm for easier access, he looked to see where they did this last time and there is no scar so he presumes that his last surgeon did not do that which goes to show how good he was. This hole has been sewn up and they put a drain in for a day or so, they xray them postop to make sure there is no air or any lung problems and all good... he also said for this xray they made sure to get his tummy and he said he is absolutely 100% sure there is no swab or instrument left inside of Flynny this time, he also just about quadruple counted everything. :D I like this guy

I have rung the nurses and can go visit him at 9pm, they said he is doing great right now, but want to see him with my own eyes. I hope he forgives me for leaving him there. Will post again after I see him, going soon.


11-20-2013, 02:59 AM
Oh Trish, what a wonderful report!! I am so happy and relieved! Good boy Flynn, good boy!! Nice that they were extra careful with the swab count. :)

You should be there visiting your boy about now, I will be looking forward to that report. I had a bit of a snooze on the couch and off to bed I go now. I will check in when I get up for work. Again, I am so happy with this positive news. I can't wait to hear how he is doing. Now we can focus on recovery. ;)

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

11-20-2013, 04:37 AM
So pleased for you both. Am here waiting for the latest news xxxx

11-20-2013, 05:00 AM
Fantastic news I like that surgeon. By now you should be at the hospital seeing the lovely Flynn give him gentle cuddles from me and I,ll await your update x

11-20-2013, 05:05 AM
Hoping you ain't getting stink eye. Boyce would never talk to me when he came home from surgeries, he would ignore me for at least a day!

You must be so relieved as must Mum and Dad. Was encouraging to hear his insides look so good xxx

11-20-2013, 05:07 AM
Hi, just got back. He looks good all things considering. Has a bandage right around his belly, drain in but not much blood in it,IV line with two tubes one giving fluids and one pain relief. Big hard collar on. All vital signs good, nurse very pleased with him. He was out of cage they put him in this morning and laing on a pile of blankies in a bed on the floor in a big room with his own nurse who was lovely. He quite upset though, sat with him for an hour but he whimpering away, could quiet him by changing his position and in the end I put him right on my lap and he quieted then but nurse came not 5 mins later and said time to go. Was so noisy and bright in there, cats yowling and big black lab that had larynx surgery right next to Flynny very restless and harrumphing away. He had not peed either, but he could not stand up safely yet to go outside. All in all very pleased with him.

Have I told u how fab you all are! Mel and Tracy stooped on way home and in bed with popping candy chic and mint aero!!!!

11-20-2013, 05:25 AM
Great news Trish all sounding positive he will be sore poor boy. How long he staying in for? You eat as much chocolate as you want you deserve it. Now get some rest you will need it for when Flynn comes home x

11-20-2013, 05:35 AM
When is he coming home? Hoping tomorrow?

You doing alright?

11-20-2013, 06:28 AM
I am so happy to read this, go Flynny our wonder dog.:D:D:D:D

Hope you are sleeping now yourself.

Bo's Mom
11-20-2013, 06:39 AM
Prayers for a quick bounce back for Flynn. Sure looks like that will be happening soon. Glad to hear things went well.

11-20-2013, 06:41 AM
Oh, what great news to wake up to!!! :) :) :) :)

Thank goodness!!! :D

And now that the surgery is behind us, might I add that I did take a gander at the surgeon's photo in that link you gave us and he sure looks like a Doctor McDreamy to me...what a cutie-pie! You may need several additional face-to-face consults before you head back home again...;) ;) ;)

Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 08:04 AM
Oh, this is good news to wake up to, Trish! :cool::):cool::) Now it's time for you to try to rest a bit so you're refreshed and ready when this sweet boy comes home.

We are still by your side, still sending prayers, positive thoughts, and healing energy.
Leslie and the gang

11-20-2013, 08:12 AM
Hope you are sound asleep getting some much needed rest. I will be checking as I am able throughout the day for any updates. Continuing to send prayers and positive energy your way. So proud of our boy! :)

Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 10:18 AM
I hope you and our boy were able to get some much-needed rest.:p

So thrilled our wonder dog came soaring through once more. :DWe should get him some little tights and a cape to wear when he explores the beach!;) I am off to work with a smile on my face. Xxxx

11-20-2013, 11:56 AM
Awwww...Flynn!! I bet when you get there today his condition will be even more improved. Can't believe the mass was fist size...wow. Good thing that came out! He really is a wonder dog! I hope it is benign, but best news is that it's out!!
I am so impressed by this animal hospital and the surgeon/vets. It sounds like a very good place with people who care.
You should feel great Trish...you made the right choice doing this and doing it now.
Hope to hear word that Flynn is doing well in his recovery today. It will be so nice when he's up and ready to go home!! Did they estimate about when that can happen??


11-20-2013, 11:58 AM
Hi all, I just rang them and he is doing good. Been outside for a wee, back in his cage. Stopped his crying and rested, blood test showing packed cell volume bit low and nurse retesting at 6am, i guess that not too surprising. she said he is nice and pink and BP good so not too alarming. But overall a good night. Phew, going to try get another couple hrs sleep and will ring again before going in to sit with him. You all rock! Xxxxxx

11-20-2013, 12:12 PM
We don't rock. FLYNN ROCKS !!!!!!!

11-20-2013, 12:15 PM
:D:D:D:D:D YAY FLYNN!! Another great report. Can't believe he's been up and outside already!! That is great! Will check in later for more good news!!! :p


11-20-2013, 12:17 PM
So glad to hear the good news:). Poor Flynn having to go through yet another surgery. He's a trooper (and so are you, Trish). Paws up buddy, Flynn. Chey is looking over him.

11-20-2013, 12:36 PM
Reach for the sky with those paws up Flynny!!!!!

11-20-2013, 01:27 PM
Am so pleased he had a good night, also great news he has been out for a wee.

Look forward to hearing all about your visit later xxxx

11-20-2013, 01:28 PM
I cant wait to hear about the visit either. Trish I am still sending hugs, love and prayers.

Roxee's Dad
11-20-2013, 01:39 PM
Oh I am so sorry I missed all this. I am just catching up now. I am so happy you received a good report.

Flynn is a fighter !!!!! Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers for continued great reports!

11-20-2013, 01:45 PM
Yay and a huge hug for you and Flynn:p:p:p. What a trooper. So glad to hear the surgery went well. Every day now he'll be feeling better and before long back to his old self. Praying for good reports.

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 03:06 PM
Checking in. Great news. Go Flynn!!!

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 03:14 PM
He's up and about and his squirter is working. The boys are nothing without their squirters.;) Good news indeed!

I don't know about you guys, but I definitely ROCK! :D

Sending tons more love, hugs and healing energy your way. xxxxx

11-20-2013, 03:25 PM
Gooood morning!! 9am here. I just rang to see how he is again, Leslie I think I am taking after you with the phone calls.

Only got to speak with the receptionist, she rang through and they are doing rounds now. She was told to tell me "he had a good stable night, all things considered" hmmmm dunno what that last bit means. But they are going to call me back after rounds and let me know when I can go over.

Ro, I know Chey is watching over Flynny that was so sweet of you to pop in with a message for him, that means so much as I know how hard it is for you coming here right now... Flynn has Buddy and Tia and lots of our doggies at the bridge barring the way as it was not his time to pass through yet... they are all doing a fab job keeping a watch over him the little darlings.

To all of you, for all my stoicness (is that a word?) I felt so scared yesterday and I will never, ever forget the love you all shared, not to mention all the chocolates from you all and Barbara ordering in more, Mariannes pork tenderloin dinner (and brandy!), Kathy poking everyone and checking I was eating, you all sharing ghost stores Leslies one cracked me up with the squirrel, Addy's made me think of that guy who buried his victims in the crawl space :eek:, everyone climbing under the blanket with me when all the stress made me want to hibernate, Tina, Kathy, Addy, Sharlene all checking in from work and chatting about shopping, tv shows omg if anyone got in trouble for that I would be mortified, Mel and Tracy checking in the middle of the night from UK and EVERYONE putting a positive spin on any snippet of news... I LOVE YOU ALL AND ALL YOUR DARLING DOGGIES LIVING OR PLAYING OVER THE BRIDGE, PLEASE DO NOT EVER FORGET THAT, so many have popped in to wish us well and am so thankful for you all.

By CRIKEY you angels in full flight are a blardy awesome sight... I have never in my life felt so supported... oh ahhh maybe for his adrenalectomy because you all did it then too ... OK I am getting all teary thinking of it again. Just a plain thank you does not seem enough, I want to throw you and the dogs a huge party to thank you for your kindness to a stranger in a little land at the bottom of the world... My Mum said to tell you all thank you as well as I was telling her this morning how fantastic you all are xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :D:D:D:D:Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 03:38 PM
You are not a stranger. You are family Trish and we love both of you very much! xxxxx

11-20-2013, 03:41 PM
The nurse just called back! He is doing fine, still on hefty IV pain relief (morpine and fentanyl) and they are going to start weaning that off and transitioning to orals. He has been up and done another wee so kidneys doing ok. PCV is 28 (35-45) it had been lower and is coming up so they think the IV fluids has caused some dilution there. She said no signs of bleeding, tummy looks soft so that's good. Surgeon has not seen him yet so drain is still in but not much in it so she thinks it will probably come out later. She thinks he will be in another 1-2 days. She said they are real busy getting all their patients sorted out and it would be best if I go over after 12, so that is fine with me.

I am just chilling drinking tea right now, think I will get myself organised in a bit and pop to supermarket and get dinner organised for my friends here, they have been super supportive and is so nice being here rather than the motel I had to stay in at the other pet hospital.

Local Mike, sent texts last night after 11pm :eek: he had been out and left his phone behind accidentally and was so relieved to hear the news. He is visiting with his family up north but heading back home today and back to work tomorrow and will be on over weekend and all next week so very pleased about that to know he will be handy if we need him when we get back.

11-20-2013, 03:49 PM
Morning :D

So pleased to read your reports, seems like they are on top of his care, nice they called you back to give you some more news!

It's been a stressful week so far to say the least for you, so am glad you can go back in a bit and check up on him, nothing like seeing their little faces.

I love local Mike, I wish you could bottle him and send him over, he really does care about Flynn to be contacting you that late.

Big hug to you and gentle scratches to the big strong man Flynn xxxxxx

11-20-2013, 03:54 PM
GEEZ LOUISE, I am reading your post and getting all misty and teary eyed. I’m at work- so this is short-
Dang, girl, stranger? NO WAY – the rule is- no one waits alone, we are family. It is what we do, It is what you have done for others too 

love ya

11-20-2013, 04:22 PM
Oh what great news to come home to! I had to run out during the day and didn't have web access (I only have a dumbphone :()

Will anxiously await the next update, Trish! Please tell Flynn how beloved he is -- by so many! -- when you see him. :) :)

(By the way, doing lamb shank tonight for anybody who is still a bit peckish...;)).

Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 04:38 PM
Trish this all sounds just wonderful! Up walking, peed twice, vocalizing stopped, meds to be decreased...YAY! :cool::cool::cool:

Ya know....I wouldn't recognize you if you were to walk in my front door but you're no stranger. ;) Your post brought back so many memories and feelings from our own experiences and there is nothing like our family here - it just can't be beat.

Aaaand then I read Marianne's comment, thought I understood, then did a double-take, really DID understand, and started howling! "dumbphone" :p:D:p:D:p

11-20-2013, 05:18 PM
Yah Flynn up and about for wee wee,s well done you. You helped me so much with Woody,s surgery last month even down to what to ask the surgeon so we,re just repaying the debt to Flynn :D

Marianne - can I share your dinner I,ve just burned mine too busy catching up on Flynn :D

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 05:33 PM
I have a migraine hovering, so I'm going to try to rest after I get home and take care of my folk's needs. They usually have a list for me. I'll try to check in a little later. I'm thrilled that Flynny continues to improve.

Yes Trish, our fur angels were blocking the gate to the rainbow bridge. I can just see my chilled out dude saying, " It's not your time dude. It's awesome here and we'll save a place for you, but you must return to you Mum for now. You have many more places to explore on earth. Go on Flynn, go back to your mum. She is waiting for you." :) xxxxx

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 05:39 PM
Ahhh, Trish, I got all misty eyed reading that too. Off work now! LOL But I did peek in during the day. Couldn't help myself. :)

You know, we are all different personalities on here, different lives, different countries, but we are bound by a bond of caring for our furry ones and worrying and needing and giving support to each other. It's one of the many things that makes this forum great, that so many from all different walks of life, will unconditionally support others as they go through some of the hardest ordeals ever and feel so helpless to control and fix things in their furry ones lives.

In some places, here, we do call that family, because we actually do care. Now enough of that.

Marianne is making lamb! Wow! Pretty sure I don't even know how to cook a lamb shank. LOL

Flynn is doing great it sounds like. Can't wait to see what you think after your visit with him.

Tell your mum, we got your back! No worries! :) and give her a hug, she was probably just worried sick, as only a mum can be.

Your vet, local mike, love calling him that, is pretty darn good guy and obviously adores Flynn. That makes him a keeper vet. LOL

I too am impressed with this facility. Way to go, they have a fan club now, as long as they do right by our Flynn-Man. :)

okay, prattled long enough. I tend to write books too. ROFL!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Boriss McCall
11-20-2013, 05:42 PM
Trish… I am so sorry I haven't been here to show my support for you & Flynn. :(
It is so good to hear that once again he is a tuff pup! He isa strong fighter & you are the best mama.
big hugs to you both.

11-20-2013, 07:32 PM
I am with Flynn sitting outside pet hospital under a tree, drain still in, but he looks good. Not spoken to surgeon yet. I just added couple pics xx

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 07:51 PM
He looks good Trish! So glad you are getting to sit out a bit. I know he loves that more than being cooped up, even if it is for recuperative purposes. :)
Wonderful Flynn, wonderful Trish. :) :) :)

Sharlene and Molly muffin

11-20-2013, 08:39 PM
slurpy kisses to Flynn and hugs to you. Off to see you photos.

Dang Trish, what a wild ride but so happy at the outcome.:D

11-20-2013, 10:10 PM
I am just amazed by Flynn sitting outside looking so good!! Being out in the fresh air is probably just what he needs and he looks comfortable resting on his blankie!! What a good boy! :p
Keep up the good recovery Flynn!! :p


11-20-2013, 10:15 PM
More hugs to you and Flynn! I am so happy to hear he is doing well.

11-20-2013, 10:17 PM
I hope you are all getting an early night after yesterday :)

Just in from my visit with Flynny, he was good. Yes he does look a bit sleepy in those pictures. They brought him out to me in waiting room and I asked if we could go outside and they were happy for that, he honestly tried to run when I took him towards the door. His IV morph/fentanyl mix was gone as was IV fluids, he has eaten already. Little bugger just wanted to lay on the lawn and objected if I put him on his blanket. What he really wanted was to totally leave, like in the car outta there. I sat outside with him for close to 2 hours. He was crying on and off but the meds make him a bit sleepy, then he jerk awake and grumble a bit more. then wanted little walks, then back to lawn ... was exhausting.

Ohhh you will like this bit Marianne, Dr McDreamy found us outside and came and sat with us on the lawn under the trees for a chat. Made a pleasant change from sterile exam rooms. He is very pleased with him, also happy he is up and around he said it makes a big difference in recovery and cutting potential complications if you can get the dog active asap he was also pleased he could sit happily on his belly not just laying on his sides as this shows good pain control and that his belly is not too painful. He said he examined well earlier, nice and soft tummy. The drain is actually a chest drained necessary after the diaphragm incision. He said he does that as he can put air in there, kinda like laparoscopy so the space expands giving easier access and a really good view of proceedings while they operate on the liver.

He said all going well drain out later today, then he likes them to stay 24hrs post drain removal to make sure no problems so earliest he will be released is tomorrow arvo.

So that's about it, when it time to go back inside, Flynn sat down and refused to move, then he lay down tying to make it as hard as possible for me to pick him up... poor little chap. I will go see him again after dinner. xxx

11-20-2013, 10:20 PM
Forgot to say he took 25% of his liver. He already had 30% taken two years ago, but that that part had completely grown back!! He could not take the other nodule because it was in middle of the lobe, if he took that would disrupt blood supply to rest of that lobe... he would have to take the whole lobe and he could not justify that for the size of it. He said imagine a tree, with a tumour in the middle of the branches half way up.. if you went in with a chainsaw and hacked it out then the top of the tree would also die so that is why they cannot just take out that nodule. Stink, I would rather it was gone, but he has biopsied it and presumes it benign.

Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 10:36 PM
Wow! What a ride! You are amazing! :)

Flynny boy looks good in the photos. Definitely sleepy and drugged. That's exactly the way I want to feel after any kind of surgery. Who am I kidding, I would love some of that stuff when the migraines hit. ;)
Tough week, tough year, always exhausted! :o but, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I only have to make it through two more days and then I have a week off for Thanksgiving. You don't celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand. It's a time to be thankful for all the family members that you don't really like and only have to see once or twice a year.;) See what you're missing out on!:D. Xxxxxx

molly muffin
11-20-2013, 10:38 PM
The liver is an amazing organ isn't it. :)

Flynn sounds like he is doing just wonderful. Grumpy and happy to be with his mum, who is going to have to make this up to him, I'm sure. LOL

It is best to make sure no complications and then he'll be on the road home and full recovery. I suppose local mike will have touched base, and be on top of his after care as usual?

yes, I'm heading to bed early tonight. I think. :) never know, but that Is the plan.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-20-2013, 11:44 PM
Wow Trish..how lucky to have found Dr. McDreamy!! To come outside with you and sit and talk is so nice!! He just sounds great, not to mention that he was very reassuring that everything is going well with Flynn. I noticed Flynn was lying on his tummy in the photos...isn't it great that he was comfortable enough to do that.
I agree with Sharlene...the liver is an amazing organ with it's regenerating capabilities.
Awwww.. I feel badly for the little guy giving some whimpers...awww Flynn!! Can't wait til you can take him home! How funny that when you took him outside he was thinking "good, I'm getting outta here!". Well it won't be too much longer...so happy everything has gone so well! :D


11-21-2013, 01:54 AM
Just stopped in but I should be sleeping! I wasn't able to read everything but I can tell Flynn has had surgery! Ack! What the..? Will catch up tomorrow night to see what happened. Sorry I didn't stop in earlier. My Molly had an anal gland abscess that ruptured this week. So some long nights for me with her not sleeping. She hates the cone so whimpered all night. Sigh. Last night I made her some panties to wear. We both had a better night :). Glad to hear your boy is recovering and that you spent time outside with him. Such special moments! Hugs to you both from Kaibo and I. The support you have provided me is amazing. I just wanted to send some love back your way!

11-21-2013, 04:27 AM

How you both going? Did you have a good visit tonight?

Hope your doing ok?

Bug hug

11-21-2013, 04:39 AM
Hi, my friend Sandi and I went to visit. He was grumbling till we took him outside and he peed a lake. Drain is out! Eating well, couple spit ups of saliva but keeping his food down. His IV fluids reconnected, just to make sure he getting enough fluid tonight and he is on temgesic and cerenia. He looks good, wanting out of there, I am so knackered, need a good sleep in preparation for him being hopefully discharged tomorrow . thx for checkin on us everyone i feel slack not catching up with everyones posts but i will soonxxxx

11-21-2013, 04:49 AM
Don't be daft, everyone knows you got your hands full, both Tracy and Nikki posted to say how great you were helping with their surgeries so you have paid it back many times over babe. Everyone loves you and Flynn! so we want to be here and to know how you are doing.

All in all sounds like a good report, pleased the drain has gone! Hoping when you check in tomorrow am they say you can bring him home in the afternoon

Have a good rest and I will see you later


11-21-2013, 06:24 AM
Hi Trish,
So happy to read all of this good news about Flynn!! :D I followed along reading all day yesterday while I was at work and then ended up with a busy night last night. I got all choked up with your post yesterday also, sitting at my desk all teary eyed. We most certainly are all family, that is how I feel about everyone here for sure.

Everything sounds like it is going just great and Flynn is progressing well. I love his sleepy face in the pics. He looks so good! I can't wait to hear the next report. And I'm with Marianne, I checked out the pic of Dr McDreamy and he certainly is just that! ;)

Up way early with the intent of going in early to work. The wind is howling outside and we are supposed to get our first measurable snow later today, not sure how much we are expecting yet, they keep changing the forecast. Hmmm, think I might curl up on the couch with my babies for just a few more minutes. :)

I will be watching for the next update. So relieved he is doing so well Trish. Hope you are getting some good sleep.

Much love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper

11-21-2013, 06:27 AM
Ohhh you will like this bit Marianne, Dr McDreamy found us outside and came and sat with us on the lawn under the trees for a chat.


I think you need to request another consult before discharge today! You still must have so many questions left to ask. ;) ;) ;)

SOOOOOO glad things are looking so good!

Squirt's Mom
11-21-2013, 07:31 AM
Yes! I did crash and burn last nite! It is very nice to see this morning, over 24 hours later, that Flynn is doing so well. :cool::):cool::):cool::):cool: What a trooper he is and his mom, too! Now it's your turn to get some rest so you are ready when he comes home. Don't worry about "catching up" with threads, just take good care of that sweet boy and his mom. ;)

hmmmmm....the scene with Dr. McDreamy made an old kids ditty come to mind with a mild variation

"Trish and McDreamy sitting under the tree,
K. I. S. S. I. N. G.
Along comes love, along comes marriage,
Along comes Trish with a baby carriage!"

:p Well, one can dream, huh? :D

11-21-2013, 09:30 AM
Hoping this morning brings discharge maybe for Flynn

Still thinking of you and have everything crossed, :)

11-21-2013, 10:06 AM
Here's hoping today you get to bring Flynn home. What a boy!!

11-21-2013, 11:02 AM
Well its the middle of the night where you are so I hope that you are fast asleep dreaming of Flynn and off course the Dr McDreamy, checked out his pic and he is easy on the eye :D Flynn looking good in the pictures all things considered. I hope today brings Flynn home to you for some spoiling :p

11-21-2013, 01:26 PM
Just nipping in before taking Boyce out (late tonight, work over ran) to see how you both are doing?

Hopefully you will get the best news today that he is coming home, fingers crossed for that


11-21-2013, 03:28 PM
Hi all, thanks so much for your comments and encouragement, I love them all! I just had the best phone call, Flynny is being discharged today as he had a great night and the nurses say he is definitely ready to go!!

I have to pick him up at 11am and IMS wants to see me to go over everything, not histology yet as those results won't be in till next week.

I will staying in Auckland at least until tomorrow to see how he does before the long drive home. Plus I am feeling a bit icky... I think it is just everything in the last week or so catching up with me so another day or two here will not hurt to make sure we are right.

Doing the happy dance :) and I will post more after I get my boy back where he belongs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Harley PoMMom
11-21-2013, 03:39 PM
YEA!!! Doing the happy dance with you!!! :D Great news that Flynn is coming home!!!

11-21-2013, 03:43 PM
Hi Trish,
Wow...great news!!! I think we are all doing the happy dance...and having chocolate too!! :D
Flynn is going to be so happy to get out of there isn't he?? I hope you can get some good rest before the long ride home. You have been through a lot in a short time and you need a little time to recoop some of the energy that was probably zapped by all the stress of this experience. You'll be much more relaxed having Flynn out of the hospital and by your side now!!
Soooooo happy that everything has worked out so well. I am still awed by this dogs amazing ability to have gone through surgery again but still able to have such a successful and quick recovery! Super Flynny!! :p :p :p
He will probably still be a bit tired so perhaps he will do a lot of sleeping in the car when you do drive back.
Hope all continues to go so well for Flynn..and you too!! ;)


molly muffin
11-21-2013, 03:46 PM
Trish, so great to hear that Flynn can come home. I agree, this week has been absolutely horrendous, plus you just got back from the conference, this this whirlwind. I'm sure your body is stressed out and needing some recoup time of it's own.

Flynn is just amazing when it comes to his recuperative powers. That guy has had so many surgeries and just flies through this and right into recovery mode. I love it!

Will check in later
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
11-21-2013, 03:53 PM
Woohoo, Flynn!!

This is great news, Trish! I'm sure he will feel even better when he's able to see, hear and smell his mom any time he wants, not to mention feel her loving touch. Best medicine ever!

Take care of yourself, too, Mom, so you can both go home soon.
Leslie and the gang

11-21-2013, 04:07 PM
What awesome news that is, I am so pleased he is coming out today.

Sorry to hear your feeling a bit run down, I think that's understandable considering, it's good you can stay at your friends till your feeling ready to make that drive

He is a wonder boy, I am smiling from ear to ear for you both as I can imagine he will be so chuffed to get out of there!



11-21-2013, 05:08 PM
now that is the best news all day.
we are doing the beyond happy dance

except for the part about you being sick:(

11-21-2013, 05:29 PM
Joining in with the happy dance for you and Flynn way to go :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Budsters Mom
11-21-2013, 06:30 PM
With so many happy dances going on, we'll appear a bit more unbalanced. ;):D thrilled that Flynny is being discharged today!! :D if my calculations are correct and they usually arent, he should be back with you about now. Soooooo happy! Be prepared for the stink eye!

Yes, stay out and try to get some rest before heading back. You have been through so much, while Flynny slept through it all!;) xxxxxxx

11-21-2013, 07:48 PM
HI all

I'VE GOT HIM!! 42 hours post surgery he is well enough to come home, the little darling. He is much happier, but following me about if I move and he is obviously tired as his eyes droop as soon as he sits for any length of time. He has given a couple squeaks but nowhere near the crying he was doing. Dressings are all off, they like it left open to the air. I will have to watch him though as I don't want him to bother it. only one small dressing on paw where IV just came out and I can take that off soon. Wound looks nice and clean, tummy soft. Eating well.

I saw IMS Mark as IMS Mike is out of town for a clinic, he went through all his meds and is aftercare, he is available to me via phone if I need him. He said he would email me results when they come in, he said it could be this afternoon then I can discuss more fully when IMS Mike calls me from his clinic on Tuesday. They have biopsied:

Liver Mass
Margin of liver to check its clear
Piece of normal liver to see if there is any separate disease in there too
Another liver nodule in separate lobe - previously biopsied and benign
Node by spleen, that had not grown over last year, previously biopsied and showed liver cells
Duodenum and Jejunual small bowel biopsies

Also saw Dr McD! He is wonderful and he drew me detailed pics of what they found and all the ins and outs of the liver.

I came home with drugs, temgesic in syringes to squirt in his mouth as he needs it, cerenia, clavumox, and even a sedative to give him for the drive home to make it easier on him. Printed instructions on postop care... last night I even got an email from them with all that had happened through the day, including his operation record, apparently they email a daily update on their pets in the hospital to the owner and referring vet to keep everyone in the loop.

I gave them a huge carrot cake and box of chocs as I am so grateful for their care! They also gave me the bill :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I guess you get what you pay for and I think we have just experienced the best!!!!

Local Mike has put Flynny's picture of him kissing the cow on his vet clinics facebook page, so cute!!

I cannot believe this is done, what a whirlwind... from coming up for consultation to major surgery in the blink of an eye. It has all worked out the best for Flynn as it went so well, he would have hated to have to go all the way home then back again at later date.

Right back to the couch for me to sit by my boy while he snoozes the afternoon away, will see how he is in the morning before deciding when we will drive home. I am feeling surprisingly better now I have him back :D:D xxxxx

11-21-2013, 07:53 PM
Yay he,s home, comfortable and where he should be next to his mama. I'm glad you have all the updates and are feeling better. Give Flynn gentle cuddles from me and Woody x

Roxee's Dad
11-21-2013, 08:13 PM
Awww, this is great news :) Rest well you two.

molly muffin
11-21-2013, 08:49 PM
Yay Trish! This place sounds wonderful. :) I'm sure they were worth every penny too. LOL

That is great that Flynn-man is home with you and doing so well. Isn't he the best little guy ever :)

Wow, I'm so impressed with the whole team and how they came together to treat Flynn so quickly and so thoroughly.

So, when do you plan to drive home? Tomorrow or next day?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-21-2013, 09:26 PM
You will sleep tonight in bewteen watching him, your other half is home now.:):):)

Dont be in a hurry to head home, slow and easy for the two of you and take time to stop and kiss the cows:D:D

Budsters Mom
11-21-2013, 09:29 PM
YAY! He's back in your loving arms where he belongs! I am so proud of your Trish. You are such a wonderful example to all of us. Xxxxxx

11-21-2013, 09:48 PM
SO happy to hear Flynn is back with you Trish!! He will recover even faster now that is back by your side!! :D

It is amazing how this all transpired...just a whirlwind, but it could not have worked out better. What a fantastic hospital and staff!
Expensive but at least WORTH IT! What a great job they did! Flynn the wonder dog does it again!! Happy for you Trish, you made all the right choices!! ;)


11-21-2013, 10:02 PM
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Bo's Mom
11-21-2013, 10:08 PM
Such happy news!!!

11-21-2013, 10:20 PM
Wonderful news!!!! Take your time going home. Think of this as a mini respite for both of you. Make sure that Flynn will be comfortable enough for the ride home.

Squirt's Mom
11-22-2013, 07:38 AM
YAY!!! :cool::):cool::):cool::):cool::):cool: I am so glad he is back with his mom!

Isn't it funny how both pup and parent feel so much better right away when they get to leave the hospital? Something magic about this connection we have. ;)

11-22-2013, 02:07 PM
Hey you

Just checking in to see how you are both doing? Resting up I hope?


11-22-2013, 02:10 PM
Good morning! And a gorgeous one it is too :)

Flynny has had a good night, never heard a peep out of him. I gave him Temgesic at 5am and he went outside and did a big normal poop, so pleased to see that after he has such trouble in that department following adrenalectomy.

He is hungry and eating, wish he would drink a little more but I am adding water to his food to get it into him.

We will drive home later this morning once we get organised but no rush, enjoying sitting in the lovely sunshine with my friends :)

Life is good :D xx

11-22-2013, 02:15 PM
So pleased to read your update, I figured you had zonked out last night but was starting to worry a little!

Do you think you will use the sedative or do you think he will be ok?

Good news re the poop :D

11-22-2013, 02:37 PM
Hi Mel

I will use it. It is called Acezine and is an injection I can give into his scruff. He has given me two, he said if he is still unsettled in the car I can give the other one half way home. He has had Temgesic so don't want him to drugged up either so hopefully we can get away with just the one shot.

I couldn't believe how good he was overnight, I was fully expecting him to be whimpering at times but I think he was so exhausted he just slept and slept. He is snoozing now in the sun, but I really think he is good enough to go home.

Budsters Mom
11-22-2013, 02:48 PM
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!:p:p:p:p:p:p Very happy to read your report. Please take it slow and easy going home and let us know when you get there. xxxx

11-22-2013, 03:07 PM
What a good boy.:D:D:D:D:D

Let us know when you are home at last safe and sound.

You know all of us worry warts:D:D:

11-22-2013, 03:29 PM
Seems like the new team did think of everything, the planets definitely aligned for Flynn this time and you were owed that after the swab incident!

He is such a tough cookie not whimpering in the night, he was probably just pleased to be back with you.

Are you going to do less stops this time if he is knocked out? I will check first thing to see you got home alright xxxx

molly muffin
11-22-2013, 03:52 PM
So glad to hear that Flynn had a good night and you too!

Do let us know when you get home and how the drive went. Hopefully he'll just settle and that will be that. He'll sleep most the way hopefully.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-22-2013, 10:45 PM

We are home, it was a good trip and Flynn did really well. I did not give him the sedative after all. I stopped a few times for him and he was all happy thinking he was off for a walk. I cannot believe how good he is compared with the adrenalectomy!

When we got home, I lifted him out the car, soon as he got down he trotted around the house to check everything out, did a pee, came in had a drink then went to his toy box, picked out his fave and had a chew! :D

I think it is going to be hard to keep him quiet for his 10 days of no running, jumping or stairs as per our instructions. He has nibbled the knot off one of his sutures the little bugger. I had actually noticed one of had long ends on it when he first got home, it must have poked him a bit so he has got rid of the knot and is leaving it alone now - he must have done it overnight as I have been watching him like a hawk. Might have to take him in to see Local Mike tomorrow to get it retied, he does not need to be resutured as it is still going under the skin properlyand the wound is sealed but it is only Day 3 so I would like it to be secure. If I had a pair of forceps I could probably fix it myself. He has never bothered his tummy wounds before so now that annoying bit is gone he is fine!

I am so pooped, will be an early night I think. Thanks for checking on us guys.... I am not going to get all sappy again but you know how much I thank you for your support xxxxxx

Budsters Mom
11-22-2013, 10:53 PM
So glad it all went well and with no sedation. I would need one for a 6 Hour drive!:eek: You'll probably both rest so much better being home in your own beds.

We will always be here to support you and our boy and I don't mind sappy.;) get some rest sweetie. You deserve it. Xxxxx

11-22-2013, 10:56 PM
Yes you probably would need a sedative with my driving :D:D:D

molly muffin
11-23-2013, 12:14 AM
Yay! Glad to hear that you are home and that Flynn is doing good. Wow, no sedation, that is great. What a good boy!
Well, that little stinker, taking the knot off. Yes I can see where you would want it to be tight so as not to come apart. If he's going to be chomping at the bit to do his regular things, then it's going to be hard on the wound I think. (might want to hold on to that sedation, either Flynn or you might end up needing it if he decides he wants to run around. ROFL! (sorry just teasing, he'll be good, really) :)

Get some rest and have a lovely Sunday. Mum and dad been over yet? or are they popping by tomorrow?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-23-2013, 02:07 AM
Yes, they have seen him already. They did dinner for us and they were a little teary eyed when they saw him. Obviously they had not expected or prepared for his surgery and I think they thought if he had not made it they never got to say goodbye to him. So they were delighted to see him looking so good and made a huge fuss of him :)

I was just outside watering the garden which has grown heaps in just a week! Lovely Dad had popped in and done my lawns and watered through the week so at least it was not too parched. Flynny came out and pottered too. He just seems to have more energy and I notice the whites of his eyes are not pink in the evenings anymore. A man and his two dogs walk past every night on their way to the park and if Flynn spots them he usually gives them a curry up! Tonight when he saw them he went to bark and it came out like "arr arrr arrr" :eek: he is hoarse, man I cracked up it sounded so funny. Be all that crying in the hospital and no doubt his endotracheal tube during surgery will have caused it. I am sure his WOOF will be back soon though :D

11-23-2013, 03:42 AM
Morning :D

Glad to read you are both home safe.

Good that mum and dad have already been over to see him, they must have been so relieved to have you both home safe :D

So pleased he seems to be looking and feeling good, makes all the stress you went through this week worthwhile. Must be nice just to be both back in your house where you belong :D

Bless him with his bark, he must have thought what the heck, where is it? He must have worn his little voice out!



11-23-2013, 03:58 AM
Hi Mel, he did look a little shocked at the funny noise that came out :D was cute though.

He is curled up on the floor on a pile of blankies, looking quite comfortable. I have given him temgesic again tonight. Will see how he is in the morning and if he looks good I might just give it to him at night so that he gets a good sleep for another couple of nights. Ror sure, I am looking forward to my own bed tonight just making a cup of tea to have then will be hitting the hay.

Well we had rugby last weekend Mel, now this weekend NZ play England at league! Won't be getting up for that one though :) What's on your plan for today?

11-23-2013, 04:06 AM
I am sure it felt like you were holding your breath the whole time so it must be a great feeling both being home, seeing the little man al snuggled up where he belongs

Am sure in a few days he will find his voice, poor little fella must have let them know he wasn't impressed at being there. Am wondering if he actually feels better, he must do with that thing gone!

I can hear my boy dreaming, he is in the hall on his blanket by the radiator as its too cold for him, chatting away he is, I always wonder what they dream about!

Lazy day today!! Remote Christmas shopping/ planning as its also too cold out for me. Will be seeing the kids tomorrow.

You taking some more time next week or is it back to work on Monday?

11-23-2013, 04:11 AM
So glad to come on here in the wee hours and read that you are home safe and Flynn is doing so well.

Seems he's almost settled right back in where he knows he belongs.

Goes without saying that I'll bet you're glad this is all behind you now, and in a couple of weeks, Flynn will be totally normal.

You've been through a lot and so glad you had the support of family and of course members on here.

Nothing but good things ahead.... YOU SHOWED EM FLYNN!!!!

11-23-2013, 04:17 AM
Hoooray for lazy days!!! I am almost hoping for rain tomorrow so I would have an excuse to laze about all day... heck I might just do it anyway :D I need to get out to the shops though, will take him around to Mum and Dads while I pop out.

Last week I emailed work and said I wanted next week off too. I really feel he would be fine at Mum and Dads but I will take it as have spare leave up my sleeve. I want to spend time with him now and just get him back in relaxed Flynn mode.

I think they dream about other animals, judging by the noises they make and the leg pedalling I see! Or else, maybe roast chicken! OR BACON!! :D:D

11-23-2013, 04:21 AM
Aww thanks Judi, I am hoping for some normalcy too! Just have to get past the histology results next week so fingers crossed we get good news there! I can tell he is better though, only 3 days post op and I can see some of those niggly symptoms I had been noticing have settled already. :rolleyes: It will be interesting to see what his next liver blood tests are like.

11-23-2013, 04:25 AM
I vote for a lazy day for you both you defo deserve it. Mum and Dad will probably fuss over him rotten which I am sure will help him feel better

Can you order groceries over there? I plan to get all my Xmas shopping delivered to our holiday place this year. Apart from the meat as I want to see that myself! I have started that list already as there is always so much to take

I need to order the boy some food as well to last as his is not in most shops!

That's good you can have next week too and no reason not to if you have leave to use up. It will be nice just you and him.

I am sure I shared Tia would wag her tail so am guessing she was always dreaming of food, he gets really vocal but it never fails to make me smile as I think they must be happy and relaxed!

He will make his way here soon no doubt as it will soon be time to go out, so cold, will have to put two coats on and his coat.

11-23-2013, 04:36 AM
Yep we can order, but I have never done that. :D Actually no one I know has ever done it!! Might have to investigate!

That's a good idea with the holidays food delivery though, save packing it up and lugging it there! Oh yep, I need to go to the pet store tomorrow for Flynn food too. He so loves to go there and gaze at the rats but think it a bit much for him so he can wait till next weekend and I will get him a new toy!

That's so sweet Tia wagged her tail, in that case she was probably dreaming of having fun with you, her favourite thing!!

What does Boycie eat?

11-23-2013, 04:38 AM
Thank you for lighting a candle, I just went to do it and found the one you did xxxx

11-23-2013, 04:40 AM
Your welcome! That was to thank you for just being you :)

11-23-2013, 04:46 AM
You should as it is handy, over here you can add notes to each item, so I add a bunch, like longest date possible etc.

The food takes up so much room in the car so it makes sense. I have a Xmas tree delivered too. I am buying a penguin this year to stick outside, in my head its a light for my little girl. Won't share that with anyone else as i know it will make me cry

She was a lazy mare at times so I don't think it was exercise she dreamt of :D

Boyce eats a food called Lily's kitchen, it's all natural organic and human grade ingredients, bit more expensive but he has been thriving since I changed to it. It was created by a pet mom who's dog had lots of allergies so she started to look into food and the rest is history. She does treats as well, there are bedtime ones which Boyce loves, the story is that she made them to give to lily to thank her for being a good girl before she went to bed. Which was so sweet, so every night we go out wee then he come back by his jar to get his treat.

11-23-2013, 04:55 AM
Awww Mel, Tia doesn't need a penguin to light her path she's got a heavenly GPS zeroed in on you mate!!! It won't matter where you go she's got you in her sights!! But a Christamassy penguin will be just gorgeous at your doorway :)

That sounds a good product and so sweet about the treat. I take a few of his biccies when we go to bed, if he has gone before me he sits straight up looking for his little bedtime snack.

Jeepers, he is so sound asleep just on the lounge room floor in front of me. He didn't even open his eyes when I just walked past him. He is also resting perfectly comfortably with no jerky movements! He is breathing though, I just checked :D

11-23-2013, 05:13 AM
I like that she has good variety, Boyce gets stinky breath on chicken so we don't really use that one, she has lamb, duck and goose and venison so it's good variety, meat content is always around 60% in the tins.

We never did the night thing with T as we discovered Lily's after. Bless Flynn sitting up if he is sparko to get his treat

Flynn is probably so grateful to be home, I think we all relax more in our own place. I am so pleased it worked out so well for you and that you got that thing out of him xxxx

11-23-2013, 05:19 AM
So do they think you will get results next week? Mcdreamy didnt think it was a nasty nastie did he if I recall from your post?

Either way it must have been interfering with the wee mans equilibrium from some of the issues you were seeing.

I wonder if it was taking his nutrients..

11-23-2013, 05:43 AM
He thought it might be an adenoma, but they have the potential to get nasty so we will have to wait and see. Hopefully he was right!!

He hadn't really lost any weight but it could have, he looks skinnier now. I will weigh him if I have to take him in tomorrow to get the suture sorted.

My bed is calling me Mel, so I better head off. Just took him outside for his last pee.. he is sore still you can see it hurts when he tries to cock his leg. But then he trotted off over to the gate to check the next door cat had not been through.. they are so tough aren't they. Might see you in the morning.. happy shopping!! xx

11-23-2013, 05:48 AM
Either way the size of a fist it had to come out so you made the right call

Yes they are very tough. Sweet dreams to you both.

I will be about later to see how you both are xxxx

11-23-2013, 06:54 AM
I am so happy to be back settled in myself this morning so as to catch up on the latest chapter of "The Adventures of Flynn!" I just noticed we've started page 200 of Flynny's thread :eek: :p :)

If ever there was a little boy who deserved his own book, it's our Flynn!!!! ;)

I'm so pleased he's doing so well, and I hope you all have a lovely week together just to relax and unwind. Well-deserved R&R, I should say!

11-23-2013, 07:07 AM
Welcome home Trish and Flynn, I know you both had a solid night sleep and Trish please give that boy and extra hugs and kisses from Auntie Addy:D:D:D:D:D:D

Squirt's Mom
11-23-2013, 07:46 AM
All this sounds so wonderful, Trish! :cool::cool::cool: I know being home in familiar surroundings is going to do you both a world of good. The image of your folks seeing Flynn for the first time after his surgery is precious - what love they have for him. And Flynn getting his favorite toy out right away - how cute! :) He'll be begging for a romp on the beach in no time!

molly muffin
11-23-2013, 10:03 AM
Well and here we are in the morning in Canada and Flynn-Man is having a wonderful time reclaiming his home territory I'd say. Checking the cat gate, trying to give what for to the dog walking by. Yea, poor little guy, he might need to save up his talking for a bit, sounds like the throat is a bit raspy. hmm, of course, the girl dogs might think the raspy voice is a bit sexy. Not sure how that really plays out in the dog world. Humans seem to like it though, so who knows. Course dogs seem to think a good sniff of the butt is a good thing to, so their judgement might be a bit warped.

Gosh sorry, I do sort of wander down some strange pathway of thoughts when I get started typing. ROFL!!

A lazy weekend sounds divine after what you two have been through. Adventures galore!!

I was channel flipping the other night/day and saw The Blacks were playing, so flipped over real quick and drat I don't get that channel. I thought for sure I was going to finally catch one. One day I will. I love how ferocious they are when they enter the field and do their "I'm going to kick your &^%$ thing".

Okay, I really am procrastinating.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-23-2013, 04:01 PM
Good morning and thanks for your posts Mel, Marianne, Addy, Sharlene and Leslie so nice to wake up to :D:D

Wow I cannot believe I have just slept 10 hrs straight :D So did Flynn, or if he didn't I did not hear him in the night. I woke in a panic thinking OMG his wound@! But it is looking beautifully clean and he has not bothered that suture anymore, phew!! He is going to have a day of rest today and not go into the vets, I have rung and Local Mike is going to check things out tomorrow morning. The nurse I spoke to wanted to hear all about it, Mike had shared the pics I had sent of him with his drains etc she said she has missed their Flynn :D

IMS Mark rang from Auckland this morning to check his progress. They have not received any histology results yet. He said they will email them when they arrive, plus he will call so we can work out our plan for Flynn going forward.

I have given him more temgesic as he does still look a bit sore, and he just ate all his brekky and is back in his bed. At our friends he was resting but not really sleeping as he was always on the alert when people were moving about so it is good he is home and he can truly rest and catch up on his sleep.

All I need to do today is groceries, pop into town for a quick errand and go to the pet store for his food. So that should only take an hour or so and I will take Flynny to Mum and Dads while I do that. I might just take him to the beach so he can smell the sea air and have a little potter, not walk him of course but I want him to know that things are getting back to normal :D

Marianne - it is a book isn't it... wow the 2000th post will happen today!! Incredible, he is the little dog that keeps on going.. Go Flynn!!

Sharlene - Yes, I think Flynny must sound like a doggie Sean Connery to the lady dogs right about now :D:D The All Blacks are a sight to behold during a haka, it always makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck! For anyone interested here is the clip of it from last weeks game in London against Mel's team England!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbF4NG9_x7w
We play Ireland tonight, it is the last game of the season. I will be able to get up and watch now I don't have to worry about work tomorrow, rugby is our national sport and a NZ passion and if we win tonight we will have an unbeaten season which is the first time ever. OK enough about sport :D:D

Addy - consider him kissed and he is sending big slurps back to you, Zoe and Koko! x

Leslie - he is almost as much Mum and Dad's dog as mine, as he spends so much time there when I am working. It really was precious when they saw him... Elle the demon cat meanwhile gave him a sniff then danced around in front of him so she seemed pleased to see him too, least she did not try swipe him!

Hmmm think that is a another page for the book, sorry everyone... I never seem to be able to write in 10 words but I can do in 100 :p


11-23-2013, 05:18 PM
Evening :D

10 hours straight, you both must have needed that :). Glad he hasn't got at at his wound again, good boy, that bit must have been driving him nuts!!

Is so good that new mike has already called to check in, at least you are getting your money's worth and it does actually seem like they care!

I think it would be really nice for you both to go get some air at the beach, I do think the water is so good for your soul, he will probably want to wander though knowing your boy :eek:

Is the rugby on tomorrow afternoon our time? Stupid o'clock yours?

11-23-2013, 05:49 PM
It is on at 3am I think, :eek::eek: maybe I should tape it and watch in the morning, will see how I feel when the alarm goes off :eek:

Yes we are lucky with the support we have from all of them, local and specialists, I wish everyone here could have that. I have spent some time this morning making a list of what I would like to discuss with them when they call for followup/results chat, I might email it to them so they can be prepared in advance :D:D

I am starving and there is nothing decent to eat here so I am off out soon, hopefully see you later tonight, have a good sleep Mel and hope your day has gone well and all your online shopping is done!! x

Budsters Mom
11-23-2013, 06:02 PM
I am so glad that you both had a long restful sleep. As for Flynny, if he was able to the rest that long he must be feeling pretty well. :p I am so glad it's all working out because selfishly I wasn't ready to lose our boy either. ;) when we all come to visit, Flynny a big part of that package. We need him to guide us to the best parts on the beach. :D
Big hugs my dear. xxxxxx