View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you

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Budsters Mom
09-23-2013, 02:04 AM
Hi Trish,
Over all, a pretty good report.:p That mucousy poop doesn't sound good though. I hope whatever's causing it clears out soon. Drat, poor Flynny, still has the itches. I think fleas we're put on this earth to make everyone miserable. Pesky little buggers! ;) I am glad to hear that you're both doing well otherwise. Xxxxx

09-24-2013, 12:58 AM
Hi Trish,
Sorry Flynn still has the itchies..can you see for sure that it's fleas? Boy I hate when I see those mucus poops! Otherwise Flynn seems to be doing well. Funny how you're starting to get the warm days and when we're starting to cool down. Flynn's happy for the Spring and Trixie is loving the Fall here.
Hope Flynn continues to feel good! Lucky boy getting to go to the beach so often! :p


09-24-2013, 02:15 AM
Thanks girls for checking in on us :)

I rang the vets today to see when ours will be back at work and it was not until the end of next week. I did not want to make Flynny wait that long with the itchies so booked him in to see the 2nd in charge guy.

He was very nice too, I love a vet who greets Flynn by getting down to his level letting him sniff his hand in greeting and then he gave Flynn a good old pat!! So we were off to a great start!

He did the general check over, few spots around his tail a little reddened, one area with a bit of hair loss and red underneath where he has been scratching. He checked his anal glands much to Flynn's disgust! He agrees it is a likely allergy to fleas, or something environmental. Hard to tell really. He said we are in for a bad flea season with such a mild winter. He had obviously checked over his recent results and mentioned his liver tests which are high and did say sometimes strange liver tumours can manifest with skin problems :eek::eek: but then quickly said unlikely with Flynn.

He said use of antihistamines in dogs can be hit and miss and the loratidine had not done much to help. He said straight off I do not want to give him Prednisone orally with his history. But he has prescribed a topical spray called Cortivance which has to be applied daily for a week. Also try Phenergan to hopefully settle it down. He was not to worried about the occasional mucousy poop and hopefully that will continue to settle down, if not we could look at changing his protein from venison to something else maybe possum again. I am going to give him the hypoallergenic biscuits again. Last time we tried them he got sick, but we are not sure if that was due to the flare of IBD or the biscuits so worth another try. He agreed not to do the UPC until we get this under better control. The cortivance spray has a special warning on the leaflet for the vet to weigh up benefit/risk before prescribing for cushings dogs (which Flynn is not, but thought might be helpful for anyone cushing owners if considering that treatment?) the blurb also states that very little is absorbed systemically. He also suggested fish oil to help with his skin and we looked at his supplements and he thinks what he is getting is enough.

So hopefully this new treatment zaps the itch! Poor Flynny is a bit down in the dumps tonight, just laying about and cannot go outside except for pit stops as a storm is here :mad:


Budsters Mom
09-27-2013, 04:32 AM
Hi Trish,
Unfortunately with allergic dogs, you may never figure out what is causing the itchiness. It's trial and error while treating symptoms. :o Poor Flynny. The itchiness and a storm too! :eek: I hope it blows through quickly so Flynny can skip off to the beach happy once more.:p. xxxxx

09-27-2013, 04:46 PM
Hi Kathy! :D

We have maybe have seen an improvement the last couple of days with the spray! Fingers crossed :)

The storm is long gone that was days ago! Saturday morning here and we are heading out soon to walk for Prostate Cancer which is a charity close to my heart!! I set up our local support group a few years back and it does my heart good to see the men so active in promoting it now. Flynny is to be painted blue (well not all of him, maybe a couple of stripes!) it is along our beachfront up town and we have a few friends joining us to hopefully we will raise a few dollars for research etc into this insidious disease. xxxx

molly muffin
09-27-2013, 06:16 PM
What a great way to start the weekend with a jaunt for a good cause along the Beachway. Yay for itchiness being better.

Our fall seems to be moving in pretty steady, the nights are cooler and the days feel cooler, even when it is still warm in the sun.

Have a great weekend!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-28-2013, 12:31 AM
Hi Trish,
So glad to hear that the topical spray is starting to improve Flynn's itchiness! I love that the vet got down on Flynn's level to say hello!! Sounds like he's a nice guy :) Too bad poor Flynn had to put up with an anal gland check!! :eek: Don't blame him for being unhappy about that!
Wow...what about the end of the America's Cup?! I wasn't following all that closely but I did know that New Zealand was ahead throughout so when I heard on the news that USA had won I was so surprised, thought they must have had it wrong.
Did Flynn enjoy the charity walk? What a good boy to join in and help raise some money...I bet he got a lot of attention from everyone. Did he get his blue stripes painted on? ;)


Budsters Mom
09-28-2013, 05:01 PM
Hi Trish,
So glad the spray seems to be helping.:p

What a great cause! I bet Flynny was a super star walking with his blue stripes. I hope you have a photo to post??? Xxxxx

09-28-2013, 05:08 PM
Hi all

Yes the walk was lovely yesterday thanks, we all dressed in blue and raised a bit of money! Poor Flynn at the end though it was pretty sad, they had a sausage sizzle and he was not allowed any :( so me and my friends did not prolong the torture and walked back into town for brunch!!

Hmm don't get me started on the America's Cup Barbara :D It is hardly Team USA when the only American on Oracle was the youngest present, the skipper was Aussie, the tactician English and other Kiwis were also sailing. They cheated in the lead up races, were caught and docked points. Then once the finals got underway NZ was thrashing them 8:1 in the first to get to 9. Then they called "time out" postponed racing for the day and got these NZ boat builders in to tinker with the boat. Then out we go to resume racing and man could they fly, it was like an aeroplane zooming around the course. We could not keep up which is very strange don't you think when we had been doing so well. Plus 3 times the race was called off when NZ was in front because of "weather", not enough wind, too much wind, sea was too wet (OK that last one was a cartoon in the paper)!!! So to say eyebrows are being raised in NZ about the ethics of this competition is an understatement. :eek: It seems our little country cannot compete with the billions of Larry Ellison.

Anyway the rugby is on today so I am off out again for the match!

Flynn is good, he has already chased the next door cat! Still scratching at times :mad: xxxx

09-28-2013, 05:14 PM
Hi Kathy
We were posting at the same time, I took a couple on my phone but they suck! So I have changed his avator back to his pic from the walk last year, he looked pretty much exactly the same as this!! He was the star of the walk, the only dog there and he led the way :D:D

Budsters Mom
09-28-2013, 09:59 PM
Hi Trish,
I have no doubt that my Flynny boy was the star of the walk. He was leading mere mortals after all.:D:D He is definitely one of the stars of this forum!:) xxxx

09-29-2013, 01:28 AM
Hi Kathy!

Aww your sweet, they are all stars in our eyes aren't they :D:D:D

Just got in, been walking up the beach, chilly tonight but taking advantage of our first day of daylight savings, the clocks went forward last night!! He scampered down the beach and I could not make out what he was up to but I think possibly eating something :eek::eek: Time will tell on that one!

Took Dad to the rugby this arvo, was a lovely day and we won the game... Dad was a rugby player in his younger days, he always gets a tear in his eye when they score, is so nice. So we ate hotdogs and jaffas and had a lovely afternoon! Mum looked after Flynny so he was well due for a walk when I dropped Dad off and picked him up.

Have you had a good day?

Budsters Mom
09-29-2013, 01:36 AM
Hi Trish :)
Work has been unusually tough this year. So many needs and not enough of me to go around. I have been coming home exhausted. It seems like all I do is run around and put out little fires. I haven't been able to get much else done.:o

Today was one of those fun days with housecleaning, caring for seniors, and laundry. That's my typical Saturday. It does sound like you had a fun day though.:)

You know that Flynny holds a special place in my heart. Gotta love that boy! :D xxxxx

09-29-2013, 01:42 AM
Awww he is a little sweet pea and easy to love.... funny when I found him 12 years ago roaming the streets and took him home, he ate my new pair of shoes that very first night :D Never having owned a dog prior to that EVER I thought hmmmphhhhh your not as cute as you look little dog and handed him in to the SPCA. He was there a week till I rang to check if his owner have claimed him and found out no one had and he was on death row:eek::eek:! When I went and picked him up there he was in his cage barking himself hoarse with all the mean looking pitbulls next to him!! I still feel guilty for leaving him there now.

Budsters Mom
09-29-2013, 01:49 AM
The point is, you went back and got him.:) you have a sweet soul Trish. I am honored to call you my friend, even though we have never met. xxxxx

09-29-2013, 01:58 AM
Shame you have been so busy, it sucks getting home so tired and still having stuff to do at home! I am hanging out for the week off I have scheduled in 3 weeks time! I am not going anywhere, I so want to get in my garden and get it sorted out for summer and plant some veg and a few flowers for a bit of colour! My Saturday's are like yours, cleaning and laundry. It takes 3 loads to get all Flynns stuff done alone! I wash all his blankets and pads and there are a lot of them plus he has a soft sided bed and that gets washed too! But have been out quite a bit this weekend too, so now its Sunday night and still feel like I need a day of rest... I always say on the weekend, right... I am sleeping in till lunchtime but the problem is I get bored with that by 9ish and end up and about :D But here we are Sunday night, the laundry is done but not much housework!!

molly muffin
09-29-2013, 10:27 AM
Weekends go by much too fast. It's hard to get fun and relaxation into all the stuff that needs to be done.
Molly got a bath though yesterday! So now she is all fluffy and clean at least. Very fluffy. LOL

ohh, what do you plant in your garden for the summer?

Back to furniture moving! :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin (she is Not helping to move around furniture)

09-29-2013, 06:48 PM

that is a four letter word in my house:D:D:D:D:D

I cant believe how many loads of wash two adults and two dogs can make. I do a load every night and then the big stuff on the weekends.

I dont understand why we cant invent a machine that will automatically sort the clothes then put them in the washer, auto spit out detergent and then go into a dry cycle when done all in the same machine;);););)

Hope you all have a good week!!!!

10-01-2013, 02:33 PM
haha Addy--soon there'll be an APP for that!! :D

How did I miss your thread the last couple of days and the new photo of Flynn at the walk!!! MY he is a handsome boy!! I am sorry this good dog did not get any sizzling sausages but we don't want to tempt the bad poop gods do we??

I agree with everything you said about the America's Cup!! It is unfair in many ways. Looks like Larry Ellison's ego has ruined the race. Too bad...don't these billionaires have anything better to do????

Glad Flynn is doing well and out and about raising money for charity and looking so cute while doing it!! :D


Budsters Mom
10-04-2013, 03:21 PM
Hi Trish,
What's happening with you and my Flynny boy. This should be your Saturday.:D xxxx

10-04-2013, 05:29 PM
Morning! Yes it is Saturday here, no news from us. Still some itchies but seems better so I really should be getting his UPC done soon. Off out to get the hair touched up!! Can't be letting those silvers take control, might see you later this arvo Kathy xx

10-04-2013, 08:04 PM
Hey, stopped by to say Boo. Hope all going well and you are enjoying you pampering morning. Catch you soon.

molly muffin
10-04-2013, 11:48 PM
Hope it's a lovely Saturday. I need to get in for some ..um..touchups too. LOL
No match today?

Tomorrow I'm going to the garden center to pick up a bale of straw and some mums and pumpkins to do a front door display. Mother in law is arriving on Friday and then a bunch of people here next monday for the Thanksgiving dinner thing. So, figure I'd just do it up right. :)

Interesting the potion your guy makes up. Wonder if it'll do the soothing skin thing, If you can get it sprayed around the area that is. LOL Flynn not so impressed I guess with the spray bottle.

Have a good day
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-05-2013, 12:08 AM
Hi Sharlene! :)

No rugby today, our next big game is Thursday. This is like the national competition and we are doing pretty good! BUT tonight is a huge game NZ vs South Africa which are the world number 1 & 2 teams. It is on at 3.30 and I am probably stupid enough to get up cos I like watching it live :D It is being played in SA hence the ungodly hour. So time to get your All Black jersey's out team! Ohhh I must change Flynn's avatar :)

FLynny hated that spray bottle, he keeps giving it nasty looks as it is on the coffee table. I will hide it I think, I remember Leslie and also Kathy suggesting chamomile so hopefully it will help and I swear I have not seen him scratch since I put it on him. Well that is only a couple of hours though :)

I hope you will give your poor Mum a nice cup of tea and a biscuit while she is sitting outside with the pumpkins! I am guessing it is not literally a Mum or is it a dressed up straw one or something?? Ha, no idea... we do not do thanksgiving here :D xx

10-05-2013, 12:21 AM
Saying hello before I shut the computer down...been dozing on and off for the last hour, so probably time for bed now. Trixie's stretched out sleeping next to me...my husband just went in and called to her but she always waits for me to shut the computer and lights before she'll budge.

That was a great post you wrote for Tracy about Woody's condition...I'm so glad you found some positive words regarding treatment. You said all the right things and having gone through it your words will be helpful to her.

So does it seem the chamomile spray does work at controlling Flynn's itching? Well, that's a good tip to know about it.
So funny...when Sharlene mentioned getting Mums...she means Chrysanthemums..the flowers...which are extremely popular in North America for Fall gardens and displays.

Hope you and Flynn enjoy a nice weekend...only bad thing about the weekend is that it just goes by a bit too fast doesn't it!?


10-05-2013, 12:53 AM
Awww what a loyal little dog your Trixie is, waiting for her Mom! Love it :)

Thanks for your comment on Woody... I think cancer does not have to be an immediate death sentence these days, sure none of us want to hear the big "C" word but there are many things that can be done for it now. Maybe not cure it every time, but I think good care by vets, surgeons, oncologists and the owners can help improve quality of life and give the pet a longer life while keeping them comfortable. If there is one thing I have learned here, it is not all over until the fat lady sings and these babies surprise us all the time with their tenacity and zest for life! Look at Tracy's post about Woody, he was not feeling sorry for himself, he was tossing a bottle around having a fine old time! They live in the moment and we can learn a lot from them in that regard.

Flynn's prognosis, according to the experts, is 15 months mean survival time after adrenalectomy for pheo. Believe me, I am not going to sit here wringing my hands that we are at 10 months now, thinking oh gawd we only have another 5 months to go??? No, I read that as meaning at least half the dogs lived much longer and that hope is very important to me. If he does not have much time left (and there is nothing indicating that at the moment) he is going to enjoy his remaining days by living his life to the full... much like how Naomi treated Fraser and I have such respect for her for that.

Hmmm that is a bit of a spiel, but that is how I think we should approach cancer.... with our eyes open, knowing that they can often be cured, that we can make them comfortable if they cannot be cured and most importantly we can help them have a good quality of life. So at least for Woody we have a diagnosis now and they can look at putting the best possible plan in place for him.

Time for a walk here, I am rather annoyed that the empty section across the road from me which has been our access to the beach for years is now being built upon and has been blocked off, so now I have to get in the car and drive the long way around :mad: Minor problem though haha, Flynn needs walkies!! Bye for now xxx

ps glad you explained about the mums! :D I was nearly getting ready to report Sharlene for elder abuse :D:D:D:D:D

Budsters Mom
10-05-2013, 02:23 AM
Hi Trish,
Yes, Flynny has had cancer more than once. He is a miracle dog with a miracle mom. Quite the combination I would say! :):p

I am not sure about your spray concoction for the itchies. It sounds like witches brew to me, but hey, if it works.:D I used Chamomile tea for Buddy's allergy itchiness. I now use it for Rosie. I brew a cup of tea like you would to drink and let it cool. I then pour it over her after her bath and let it dry. That does help control her itchiness for several hours. I also us the tea in a spray bottle and store it in the frig. I spray itchy spots as needed. That is usually at the tail and under her chin and neck. The sprayed on tea usually helps for at least a few hours. Xxxxx

molly muffin
10-08-2013, 11:48 PM
I was rolling with laughter. Elder abuse! Yikes! I was trying to figure out for a moment there why my mums would want tea and a biscuit. Although I know my Mother in law would be thrilled to sit out there with her tea, biscuits and a good book. In fact, I know that will happen when she is here. LOL
Kinda glad I don't have to give the flowers tea. I'm sure I could manage that but the biscuits might be a bit tricky!

Looks like Woody will have a good doctor at the Vet Hospital. I'm so glad.

Hope you are having a lovely week. We've gotten a bit chilly here at night, but days are still nice. (so far) Molly is just jumping around and running all over the place with the temps being a bit cooler. Course she needs a hair cut too, that probably has been weighing her down a bit too. hmm, come to think of it, I need a hair cut! wow, the mind just sort of wanders around when you start typing doesn't it.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-09-2013, 05:32 AM
Hi all

We are still ticking over, still allergy season I think and we go up and down with the itchies and the mucousy poops. I bought low allergen wet food today, plus he has transitioned back to the anallergenic biscuits. I am trying to make sure his diet is not causing it, although fairly sure it is a flea dermatitis thing. I am going to flea bomb the house this weekend. I have not been bitten and I have not seen any fleas in the house, but quite often when I check him I spot one. I got a flea comb as well and he quite likes that!! He is good in himself, he has asked out to go on a cat chase 4 times tonight!! Door is now locked and he can sit there all he likes he not going out barking again or the neighbours will get cranky at us!!

Sharlene, that is one good thing about Flynny having short fur, he has never needed a haircut in his life. I just shower and brush him! Easy peasy :D But he does shed fur, black and white so every piece of my clothes end up with visible dog hair on them, thank goodness for my sticky roller thingy so I can leave the house for work not covered in dog hair:D I was conjuring up sweet old ladies sitting out on your porch haha.... Chilly here tonight too, having had the heat pump off the past week it is back on tonight. I heard there was snow down south again, so our winter is just shaking off its final blast hopefully.

Flynny's new spray is helping Kathy, it really does relieve the itch. He just hates me spraying him, but he is getting used to it now, he has a big shake straight after I do it like he has got totally wet :D

My vet is back from his holiday so I must catch up with him in the next week and discuss the kidney issue and checking UPC, I just do not really want to do it while he is upset with these allergies on and off.

Thursday tomorrow, so weekend is nearly here and then one more week to work until my little holiday! Have a good week all :) xxxx

Budsters Mom
10-12-2013, 01:19 AM
Hi Trish,
I am glad to hear that Flynny's spray is helping with his itchiness. :p Rosie is still scratching sporadically, but her itchies are better also. If my boy does have flea allergy dermatitis, that is a bugger to get rid of! Buddy used to pick up a flea or two after visiting the vet. As little as one flea bite would make him itch for weeks, sometimes months.:o:( I think Rosie might have it now. She arrived with fleas ticks and ear mites. Thankfully they are all gone now, but she continues to scratch.

I'm glad that Flynny's personal vet is back.;) they should not be allowed to take vacations! LOL I hope your weekend is going well. I miss chatting with you in real time. Xxxxx

10-12-2013, 09:31 AM
Flynn's prognosis, according to the experts, is 15 months mean survival time after adrenalectomy for pheo. Believe me, I am not going to sit here wringing my hands that we are at 10 months now, thinking oh gawd we only have another 5 months to go??? No, I read that as meaning at least half the dogs lived much longer and that hope is very important to me.

Isn't that a bit like saying dogs with cushings only live 2 years? We all know what bollocks that is! There are so many here as living proof that any dog has the capacity to beat the odds and so many do, living full healthy lives, after all, isn't Leslie's Squirt 17 or something now? There is no time limit, thats one thing I found, you cant know in advance so don't worry about it!

Anyway, glad to know Flynn's itchies are getting a little better. I've used cortivance on Ozzie for about 5 years now, on and off as needed, its great stuff. In fact I use it on myself pretty often too - so much for veterinary use only, it's good stuff! Just ride out the season, we are in for a really bad one this year too, I've got the spray ready and waiting. Oz hates it being sprayed on him too, but the result is worth it.

Squirt's Mom
10-12-2013, 09:41 AM
:) Squirt is 15 1/2 now. I hope your guess at 17 is a prediction of the future, Naomi! ;)

You have the right attitude, Trish. Don't listen to those prognoses....it is your love and exceptional care that make the difference. Most pets never get the kind of care that the babies here do. Keep loving that boy as always, and never let those thoughts bother you.

10-12-2013, 03:58 PM
Hi all and happy Sunny Sunday here!

I am starting to wring my hands a little :p while the spray does help settle down the itching it is not actually fixing it long term. Plus he is still having the poops which are mainly formed but with a covering of mucous. :confused:

He has been on the hills z/d antiallergenic food for 4 days now, he does not like and would like his venison back thanks very much. He only picks at it in the morning but usually eats it all over a couple of hours, he has more of an appetite later in the day. He is also having the royal canin anallergenic biccies. I just wondered about a food allergy causing these problems so worth a try. But not a good idea according to Flynn!

He has also been a bit sluggish, slower on his run lately and not zooming out the house this morning when I let him out... more of a sedate trot.

I still think it is a flea allergy, he has a small bald spot by his tail and that is his main itchy area. His skin is a little red around his bottom, under his belly but no raw spots. This is what we have tried so far without much success:

Neotopic cream
Cortovance spray - it settled down the main area of irritation around his tail but hard to get it all over him and through his fur and he scratches up his sides and side of neck and face too, plus nibbles his paws.
Loratidine - nothing
Phenergan - nothing except make him sleepy
Sebazole shampoo
Frontline every 4 weeks - but I still see the occasional flea on him
Flea comb, never caught one yet :) but he likes being combed
Washing bedding weekly, vacuuming regularly (might buy a flea bomb and blast the house today)
Now trying low allergy food
Health tonic spray

Sometimes he itches less and I think we have turned the corner but then back they come, so frustrating for him.

I have just emailed our vet so will see if he has any new ideas, prednisone just gives me the willies after reading all about it here and I get concerned with him only having one adrenal and don't want to upset anything there. But maybe its something we will have to do. I just hope the itch is not a sign of anything systemic going on. I cannot see any mouth ulcers which has been a bother for him in the past.

I feel so bad for him, I just gave him back his toys and he is laying on the floor having a good old chomp on them, so least he is having fun :D

Anyway everyone, have a lovely weekend with your babies and I will let you know if we come up with any new ideas and I would appreciate if you have anything to add!! xxxxxx

molly muffin
10-12-2013, 04:24 PM
Hi Trish,

Sorry to hear that Flynn is having troubles with the itchiness still.

Okay, so two websites, both of which have recipes for natural spray to repel fleas, one is a spray and one is actually dried.

One mentioned a great flea wash is dawn dishwash detergent. (not sure if you get Dawn there or not)

Anyway, here are the links, you can give them a read over and see what you think.



Lovely fall day here today. Good day for long walks. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
10-12-2013, 04:59 PM
I still think it is a flea allergy, he has a small bald spot by his tail and that is his main itchy area. His skin is a little red around his bottom, under his belly but no raw spots.

- it settled down the main area of irritation around his tail but hard to get it all over him and through his fur and he scratches up his sides and side of neck and face too, plus nibbles his paws.

Sometimes he itches less and I think we have turned the corner but then back they come, so frustrating for him.

Hi Trish,
You are describing Rosie's itchiness EXACTLY. Bottom, base of tail, face, neck, chin, sides. I am frustrated too! The Chamomile I was putting on her made her itch more. It always helped Buddy. I am now applying witch hazel to itchy ares with a cotton ball. It seems to help for a few hours. I've already changed her food. I do think it's flea allergy dermatitis also. She arrived with fleas ticks and ear mites. I haven't seen any fleas for quite some time and I am neurotically diligent about washing bedding and vacuuming. The poor things can continue to scratch for months after the fleas are gone. :o Buddy had it too, that's how I know. please let me know what you find out. Thanks.xxxx

10-12-2013, 05:23 PM
Hi Sharlene and Kathy

Thanks for the tips guys, I have not seen Dawn dishwash here.

He has perked up and eaten all his brekky now and is back running around outside. I think I am just going to have to be one hard Mum and stick with this new food for a while. So we can rule out food allergy.

Super frustrating eh Kathy, he has had the itches before, but I cannot remember it for this long. So hope it stops soon, maybe the flea bombing the house might help. Worth a try anyway. I need to go to the hardware store today so will pick some up when I go out.


molly muffin
10-12-2013, 10:21 PM
It might be worth it to try the one of the sprays that is suppose to repeals fleas. That one seemed fairly simple to try and make. Wouldn't smell bad either. Not sure how Flynn would feel about it. :) LOL

Ugh. Don't flea bombs always end up smelling?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-14-2013, 03:22 AM
Hi Trish,
So sorry to read that Flynny is still having trouble with itching. You know, over the past few weeks I have noticed that Jasper is scratching at his face a lot. I checked all around his face and whiskers and don't see anything, but something must be bothering him. I will have to keep an eye on that. I wonder if he is having sympathy itches for Flynn. :rolleyes: And what is going on with those poops? :( I hope that settles down for him, poor guy.

My Lab developed some sort of allergies later in her life. Sometimes when I would touch her, her skin would just crawl. The vet said that was due to itching. She started her on Atarax, which really helped. Have you ever tried that for Flynn? Also, when she had an itchy raw spot, we used Kenalog cream. It worked great, but I am pretty sure it has a corticosteroid in it. Just some ideas that maybe you haven't tried. I hope our boy is feeling better soon. Thanks for checking in on me and Jasper. :)

Tina and Jasper xo

10-14-2013, 04:08 AM
I don't know if this will help, but when Keesh came to us as a puppy the whole litter had some sort of skin infection. I had to bathe him every 2-3 days for a couple of weeks. His scratching drove me crazy. It wasn't fleas but some sort of bug caused skin irritation.

We used Johnson & Johnson baby wash (vet told us ) with oatmeal. I got told at the time that shampoos were too harsh for dogs as their skin is thinner then humans. It worked, and relieved his itching.

He still itches around every August, but for some reason this year it was delayed a couple of months. He's itching now. I use Benadryl and he gets relief. He's too big now for me to wash every couple of days. I think the itching is caused by an airborne allergy now though.

Sure hope he feels better soon.

Squirt's Mom
10-14-2013, 07:22 AM
ah HA! Itching worse with Chamomile could mean an allergy to plants in the Aster family like daisy, celery, ragweed, marigolds, sunflowers, dandelion, or chrysanthemums to name a very few. The Aster, or Asteraceae, family of plants is extremely huge, one of the largest plant families in the world. So if you know the common names of the plants, like Daisy, that Flynn, and Rosie, come in contact with you can google to see if they are part of this family and do your best to avoid them. ;)

Budsters Mom
10-16-2013, 09:26 PM
Hi Trish,
I am reluctant to say anything because the situation may be temporary. Rosie's scratching is down 90% since Sunday. She is hardly scratching at all and hasn't had any Benadryl the past few days.:D in fact, I haven't used any meds on her!

Here goes...... Judi (Judi/Keesh) mentioned a type of skin bug that Keesh had as a puppy. Her vet told her to bath Keesh every 2-3 days using "Johnson's Baby Wash Oatmeal" for a couple of weeks. I was reluctant to try it because it is not good to bathe dogs that often, but was at a loss of what else to try. I found "Johnson's Baby Wash Vanilla Oatmeal" at my local Walmart. It is hypoallergenic. I don't know if you have anything like that there. I have bathed Rosie with it twice now.

The other thing that I have been doing was found on-line. I read to dip a flea comb in a mixture of a few drops dishwashing liquid and water, then comb through itchy spots. Continuing to the dip the comb to wash off any residue, then leave damp. I have been doing that a couple of times a day when I see Rosie start to scratch a specific area.

I don't know if either thing is working, but something has so far. I hopefully Flynny's itching is doing better. Xxxxx

10-18-2013, 08:53 AM
There you are, found you on page two. Hope Flynn's itchies are subsiding and the mucus poo too. Always something but then we can look foward to our girlie drinks, chocolate and hot baths to helps us cope. Your weekend has already started.:):) If I dont strangle my boss today, I hope to enjoy the weekend as well, otherwise I might be in jail!:p

molly muffin
10-18-2013, 09:46 AM
We've had a very busy forum lately. :) So whats on for the weekend? Got that new hose all ready to go.
hmmm, maybe another trip over to the garden center, I mean there is always coffee to be had right. :) LOL

We went and ordered 3 new 6 foot emerald cedars, for where we are going to replace a pine tree that seems to be dying and make a mess of the roof shingles. ugh. Not sure if we'll get them in before winter or not, depends if the tree guy can make it out, if not we'll do it in the spring.

Hows the Flynn man? hope the itchiness is abating. Not a bad suggestion that Kathy had, and that worked for Zoe and Rosie both.

It's mother in law to the mall day here. Think I'm going to stop off at a restaurant supply store too. Need a new blender and I'm tired of those rinky dinky ones that seem to not last. I've replaced them a couple times, so maybe I can just get a good one that will last. Yea, found a coconut pie recipe that makes it's own crust, so need ze blender! LOL

ta, hugers
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-19-2013, 03:57 PM
Hi everyone

Thanks for popping in with your ideas, glad to hear Rosie's itch is better Kathy.

Still a little up and down here. I flea bombed the house on Friday, got home from work afterwards and thoroughly vacuumed, washed all his bedding and showered Flynn again. He shook and shook as hates getting showered and I do not have a bath so don't think I will be doing him every couple of days. He has not been itching as much since then, so hope that continues.

Tummy wise, he is on the z/d and anallergenic biscuits and does not like them much. He does not eat it all in the mornings but does later in the day. I have BBQ chicken in the fridge and he knows it and is willing me to give it to him. I wish I could just give him food he loves but will persevere for another week at least. He is still having normal poops but they are periodically covered in mucous, bit like a sausage casing which could indicate his small bowel is still somewhat inflamed and secreting mucous more than it should. At least it is not diarrhea.

His energy fluctuates too, not running quite as fast, bit more puffy when running. Yesterday on his walk he cocked his leg to pee and toppled over, he was on uneven ground in the middle of long grass so I think he just lost his balance :eek::eek:

I am taking him in this week for his checkup and UPC so will see what they show. He is due for his 6 monthly ultrasound at the vet hospital next month. I have given him his toys back and he is enjoying those again so will keep a close eye on his mouth to make sure no ulcers reappear.

Sharlene this weekend is even better than usual, as it is the start of 10 days off for me!! Hurray! It is a funny morning though, real foggy again but no problems as we are not due to go out for a few hours yet :D:D That damn hose is a pain in the butt, it does not fit the attachments I have as it has a bigger hole (who knew they came in different sizes:confused:) Went back yesterday to buy the right ones and they do not have them! :mad: So stupid, so I have put the blardy thing in the boot of the car but they want the packaging to return it and get a new hose BUT that is at the bottom of the bin so I have that little joy to look forward too later on today... dumpster diving :eek::D:eek: I have a ton of hose fittings from over the years, you would think one would fit but nooooooooooooooooo it is like the huge bag of electrical cords I have collected sitting in the bottom of the closet. When I need one they NEVER fit and I have to go buy another one ;):):confused::rolleyes::):eek: Honestly, I need Leslie here to sort them all out and FIX IT!!!

Addy, do I need to send a cake with a saw in it??? We will rescue you sweet!!

10-19-2013, 06:28 PM
Right I have just been outside hanging my washing on the line came back in and could feel a tickle on my leg... its a FLEA :eek::eek::eek: I am off this week so I am going to get pest exterminators in, it might be pointless doing it outside but if they are jumping on me then Flynn stands no chance!!

molly muffin
10-19-2013, 07:53 PM
Oh no!!! Fleas still after the bombing?! Well that was inside the house, do you think it jumped on you outside or inside? Ugh, I hate fleas with a passion, they are soooo hard to get rid of.

Oh, just saw you are having a picnic today. What a nice idea! It's rainy and cold here today.

hmm, molly seems to Want something. Is sitting at my feet making huffy noises looking up at me. So, looks like she is just dying for a treat of course. So, think I'll go find her a tooth treat.

Oh those blasted hose couplers. I use to have tons of hose stuff too. We've tried to whittle down all the junk we have in the garage that we don't seem to use and throw out things we should have thrown out long ago. So, much of that went off to the recycle bins in recent weeks. Good luck finding the right size you need!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-19-2013, 08:02 PM
It most definitely jumped on me outside the house :mad: But then inside when I felt it I swatted at it but don't think it died. I got the spray and gave it a good blast where I think it was so hope I got it, now I think that when he goes out, rolls in grass which he loves doing he will just be picking up more and it is a never ending cycle the frontline cannot keep up with.

Blardy things, hopefully the pest exterminator can deal to them but I guess they will hop over from next door :confused::eek::confused:

Right time for me to get going to our picnic at the park, gorgeous sunny day here and not too hot, love this spring weather! Chicken salad sandwiches, pineapple and watermelon for me (no sweets, diet continues :rolleyes:) z/d for Flynn! Still he will enjoy a romp around with his mate!!

Then BACK to the hardware store with the blardy hose :mad: ha I WILL be watering tonight with a fully functioning non leaking hose if it kills me :D

Hope Molly enjoys her treat and you have a nice night, keeping warm xxx

10-20-2013, 08:41 AM
Geez, fleas and ticks, bad stuff these dang varmints. Hopefully they can fog your yard and the fleas will move next door;) We had a good frost last nite so I am hoping that got rid of some of our ticks.

You know dogs, always something:):)

TEN DAYS OFF:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Sublime:):):):):) What a heavenly break for you and I know Flynn will be so happy to have mom home. I hope his monthly work up yields good results. I will repeat the mantra daily "Go Flynn, good news for you ";):):D

molly muffin
10-20-2013, 10:29 AM
10 days off *dreamy sigh* wouldn't that be lovely. As it is, I had 3 days off and having a hard time finding my enthusiasm to go back. LOL

I just saw that the winner of the Man Booker prize this year is the Canadian born, New Zealand writer, Eleanor Catton for The Luminaries. It sounds good, think I'll have to get it. It's the last year that the award is just for those from the Commonwealth Countries, Ireland and Zimbabwa. Next year it is open to anyone who has their English written book published in the UK. So, congratulation New Zealand!

Hope you are having a fun weekend and Flynn is doing okay. No other sign of weakness right? Just the fall over from uneven ground? That is one of those things that kind of makes you go ummmm, when they happen and then you watch for a bit to make sure it isn't a systematic problem, just a one off for some reason.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-20-2013, 04:08 PM
Hi Addy and Sharlene

I have not noticed any other neuro signs Sharlene, I think he just got a bit over balanced. Sometimes with his arthritis he struggles to get his leg as high as he would like, he was on a little slope at the time so I am not going to worry about that one :rolleyes:

He was good yesterday, enjoying his outings. I took him up the beach last night and it was very funny when a giant "Lassie" dog took a liking to him and kept trying to herd Flynn towards its owners like he wanted to take him with them :eek::eek: Flynn went quite happily even when I started walking in the other direction calling him.. little traitor! :D:D

Ate his z/d like a champion and seemed hungry, good poops. It is our habit when I go to bed I take him a snack and it is a handful of his biscuits, he promptly gobbled them down and then brought a few back up :eek::eek: then (close your eyes if squeamish) immediately ate them again so dunno what that was about :confused::confused: maybe he pigged them too quick and he is never usually keen on them. I have rung and booked him in tomorrow for his checkup bloods, UPC, BP etc so you keep saying his mantra Addy :D:D

Re The Luminaries Sharlene - we can share that prize, Canadian/NZ has to be a good combo :D:D I have not read it but a good friend is in the midst of all 800 odd pages at the moment... she said it is a real marathon and she is finding it a struggle to get into to be honest. She described it as a 'arty farty' style book :D:D Mum is an avid reader too and she is starting it soon, so I will see what she thinks. xx

molly muffin
10-20-2013, 07:00 PM
oh my god! 800 pages! good lord that is going to be a marathon to get through. Well, let me know what everyone thinks of the story, I'm definitely gearing up to read it but might need to do it while on vacation as I can see it taking a long time just trying to read at night after work. (during which I Always fall asleep even with the most engaging of books, plus if it's good, I hate to put it down)

Oh that traitor! Lassie dog must have been convincing. Funny herding Flynn. Flynn I think could only be herded if He decided it was a good idea and where he wanted to go anyway.

Oh good, a one off then for sure with the leg. Molly can get off balance in grass sometimes. I think it might be because she tries to jump it if it is higher than her liking. She never does on solid concrete or in the house though, so I don't worry about it either.

Oh joyful week of freedom! enjoy!
Sharlene and Molly muffin

10-21-2013, 05:26 AM
Hi Trish,
I just wanted to pop in real quick to wish the best for Flynn's checkup tomorrow, and especially the UPC, labs and BP. I realized and checked back in my thread to confirm, that I never posted Jasper's last UPC that he had done on 8/31 along with the follow up urine culture after his UTI in August. This was when the poor appetite and other issues were rearing their ugly heads, and with all of that going on I forgot to post the good news about those results.

The urine culture was negative of course, and his UPC was 0.6!! That was almost within the normal range! I remember I was thrilled, and shocked, and couldn't believe it had decreased so much; and my vet was pretty happy also that the treatment was working. Unfortunately we just had a few days of joy over that because then he went in to the Addison's crisis and ended up in the hospital a few days later. :eek: But I wanted to make sure I let you know about the UPC so hopefully Flynny will follow suit!! :) :p They have been so close with their results on past tests, I think it is only right that it should be that way now too!

Glorious that you have 10 days off Trish, you deserve it. Enjoy your time and just relax with your boy. I will be watching for the lab results. Go Flynn go!! :)

Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper

10-21-2013, 08:41 AM
Mantra still being said. Positive thoughts only. Come on Flynn, Jasper did it, we know you can too:):):):):)

Zoe goes in November, I have another month to wait.

Enjoy your day, Trish. When I am home with the pups, I just love being a stay at home mom.:D:D:D:D:D

10-21-2013, 05:07 PM
Hi everyone

Thanks for sending the happy thoughts and the mantra!!

Flynny is at the vets as we speak, he has lost weight from 13.6 to 12.8kg in the last two months :eek::eek: Must be this new z/d food he does not like. Still, he is meant to be in the 12 range so I am not too upset about that.

Our vet walked through the waiting room and spotted Flynn chatting up a little girlie dog and came over for a quick chat. Mainly fleas... he mentioned a product Prednil that is 5mg Prednisone + antihistamine and he thought we could use it for 10 days safely. His other thought is a product called Comfortis which is an organic chewable flea tablet, has anyone used this as I have not heard of it before? I was just googling and there are side effects associated with it as all drugs. It is given monthly. I will talk with our vet more when I go pick up Flynny at 3.30pm. Fingers crossed for good BP and test results... Come on boy, you can do it!!

10-21-2013, 05:10 PM
OH, and I have put some lavender stems and citrus leaves under his mattress :D:D

Squirt's Mom
10-21-2013, 05:11 PM
I've used Comfortis and found it to be highly effective. The first time I used it was with a Bichon I was fostering who came right out of the shelter, nasty, matted and covered in fleas. One pill and in minutes they were falling off that baby dead as a door knob. In 30 minutes I couldn't find another one on her and she didn't have to take another pill in the months she was with us. I have given Squirt one, Brick one and Trinket one - and one only. They do not have fleas. ;)

10-21-2013, 05:31 PM
That is good to hear Leslie, thanks for that feedback. :)

10-22-2013, 03:08 AM
Hi all - it turned into a busy day after my lounging around this morning! Loving these lazy days!

Flynn's report so far is good, office blood tests not showing anything different. ALP still off the charts, but has been like that all along as their machine only goes up to 1200.

UPC on office test also lower than last time, but we have to wait for the external lab tests results to come in.

BP was good, 130-150 range so we are very pleased with that as I had a sneaking suspicion it was going back up again. The vet nurse is lovely she gets down beside him and said she has it figured out how to keep him as calm as possible in quiet bit of the surgery and she rubs his tummy, she said one of them he was just about asleep!

We are giving the Comfortis a go, he was due his Frontline now anyway so will just give him the pill in the morning with food as instructed. Vet said he had no dogs exhibit any side effects so reckons it is safe with liver problems etc.

The exterminator guy is coming to see me Thursday morning to assess whether external spraying will do any good with the flea problem.

I have to give Flynn more food, so he will be pleased about that. Have not been giving him enough, hence the weight loss. Poor boy was telling me he was starving too! But at least he has got down into his "good" range!

So there we are, hopefully get the official results in the next day or two. xxx

10-22-2013, 04:05 AM
Hi Trish!
So happy to read about Flynn's results so far, the BP looks good! That is great that your vet's office can check an in house UPC to get an idea of a result. My vet's office doesn't have that capability, it always has to be sent out. I am so hoping that his UPC is much improved like Jasper's was last time, that would be such a relief.

I hope the Comfortis does the trick with those nasty fleas and Flynn gets some relief from the itching. I talked to my vet today (well technically yesterday now) because Jasper was sick over the weekend with bad poos again :( , and I talked to her about how he is scratching at his face so much. She said fleas are extremely bad here now also, and recommended that I Frontline him if I haven't recently.

I have been lax about the Frontline over the summer even though she has reassured me numerous times that it is safe to treat him even with all his issues. I meant to get that done before we went to bed, but will need to do it after work tomorrow now. I thought of you right away when she said that! I don't think he has fleas, but I am not sure I would know for sure unless he had a lot of them. Can you always see them on their body?

Well, back to bed we go after our pit stop. I will be watching for the official results and we are keeping all fingers and paws crossed here for all good results and lower UPC for our boy. :)

Tina and Jasper xo

10-22-2013, 05:11 AM
Hi Tina.. darn I missed you as I popped out to pick up some dinner!

Oh no, poor Jasper having a poopy weekend.. hope that has settled right back down again.

I told Flynny about Jasper's latest UPC result and told him he had to match it again :D wow I bet you were ecstatic with that result, that is amazing:D I want that!!

I can sometimes see a flea if I part his fur and run through it with a comb, or else I see an odd one or two wash off when I shower him. There are hardly any, but it seems he only needs one little bite to get the reaction and itch like mad. He also itches his face, rubs his nose up and down on the carpet as well :eek: Most of the time when I see one it is around his tail area, the two I spotted in the shower on the weekend washed off his neck area though. Tricky little buggers! I hope they all go tomorrow when he has this new pill!

Thanks for popping in to check on us Tina, hope the rest of your week goes ok and Jasper is all recovered. xx

10-22-2013, 08:18 AM
Well that sounds like a good report and I am so glad the weight lose is from food quantity. I sure hope the pill helps our little boy with those dang fleas. I wonder if it kills ticks, I'm going to look it up. Otherwise we both may have to get bubble wrap.:D:D

Enjoy your Tuesday night!!!:):):):)

Squirt's Mom
10-22-2013, 08:25 AM
Just in case ya'll didn't know - fleas leave a "dirt" on the body. You may not see the actual flea but the dirt is easily seen. Here are some pics of flea dirt on dogs -


10-22-2013, 04:24 PM
OMG Leslie, those photos made me itch just looking at them :eek::eek: those poor dogs. Luckily Flynny is nothing like that, he has no flea dirt on him thank goodness.

I have given him the Conformis 45 mins ago with his breakfast. It is meant to be chewable, but he did not want to chew it!! I put it in his breakfast and he managed to pick everything out apart from the pill, so then I just poked it in a bit of his z/d and he gulped it down. No reaction so far. He is asleep, I put him on the couch in his spot on and put a big white sheet over his blankies so I can spot any flea that drops off him. So finger's crossed. It's back to raining and cold today so he is quite happy to snooze for now - typical Spring weather it can't make up its mind what to do :p I have put a photo up of him undergoing this torturous flea treatment!!

I read the insert Addy, unfortunately no mention of controlling ticks on there


molly muffin
10-22-2013, 04:59 PM
That picture is just soooo adorable!! It might even be one of my all time favorites of Flynn.

Any signs of dropping fleas yet? Maybe he doesn't really have that many, even one can probably aggravate him really badly. (would me) LOL

Leslie, ick! I know that flea dirt though, from other animals I've had and flea infestations encountered. Not fun or easy to get rid of.

hugs, have a good day! rain = snuggle time
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-22-2013, 08:14 PM
yuck a muck on the flea dirt:eek::eek::eek::eek:

I know Flynn doesnt have that:):):):)

Thanks for checking, I looked it up online too. So far so good with Tick Boy though, must be his new furfume spray:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Or the fact that it is freezing out:p:p:p never a dull moment at Addy's house:D:D:D:D Someone asked me that once- do I ever have a dull moment I said not so much.;););)

Happy Wednesday for you!!!!:D:D:D:D

10-23-2013, 05:39 PM
Well Flynn slept on his white sheet a couple of hours after his Comfortis yesterday, two small fleas came off him! No side effects that I could see, he has scratched a couple of times but not badly, so fingers crossed this does the trick. He was very perky yesterday, we had a lunch and doggy play date with his friend Cooper and he wrestled that young pup good! No biting, just playing :D

Flea guy came this morning, he does not see any sign of flea infestation and does not think spraying outside will help. He said the flea bombs inside that I used only kill the adult fleas, not the larvae which could still be in carpet. He said if in another couple of weeks Flynn is still scratching he would spray inside and his stuff does kill them all. We also have to look at Mum and Dad's as he is there a good part of his day too. Most of them catch them from animals, like a cat coming through, or the cat sleeping outside somewhere and Flynny picks it up from there.

No results as yet... hopefully today!

Simba's Mom
10-24-2013, 12:57 PM
Oh goodness poor Flynn, sending hugs and prayers..

molly muffin
10-24-2013, 06:38 PM
So it seems that Flynn has a strong reaction to any flea bite, and while he isn't invested, even two on him is enough to get him going (itch mania - Sounds like a rock band..hmmm) anyway, hopefully it won't be a bad flea summer and this stuff you gave him does seem to work. How often can or do you give that?

Hope your week is quite enjoyable. I took a vacation today, my last use or lose of the fiscal year and enjoyed some retail therapy. :) LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-25-2013, 03:36 AM
Hey Trish, Glad there is signs of progress with Flynn's itches (if you can call seeing dead fleas signs of progress :o)

Hope everything else is going well and you are enjoying your time off!

10-25-2013, 04:37 PM
Hi Sharlene

I did the retail therapy thing too yesterday :D:D loads of sales on here with our anniversary weekend. I left Flynny at Mum and Dads while I went to the shops and he is itching more again arghhh it is doing my head in!! I really think I need to get the pest people around there now :confused: He went totally off the z/d and I could not get enough into him and he was losing weight so he is back on his venison although I think a trip to the pet store is in order today and I will put him onto a different protein as the itching has started together with the diet change as well so who knows!

I had to rush Devil Cat Elle to the vets a couple days ago, her little chin (and it is a pointy Siamese chin) was suddenly very swollen, then within another half hour her throat looked to be swelling. She looked like a FrankenCat :eek: No trouble breathing that I could see and she was running about, but there are a load of bees in their garden at the moment so I think she was stung, although I could not see a stinger. The vet gave her antihistamine, steroid, antibiotic and it settled down and was back to normal overnight. He thought it could be bee, spider bite or even maybe she had been in a fight and had cellulitis develop. The funny thing was when Flynn turned his nose up at his z/d lunch that day she had scoffed some down, I thought maybe she reacted to that but Vet thought it would be very unusual for her to have an allergic reaction to anti allergenic food!!!

Hi Naomi and Letti - so nice to see you popping in here!! Missed you x

Still no results, maybe he has the long weekend off :( xx

molly muffin
10-25-2013, 08:27 PM
Ohh, sales sound nice. My friend just emailed me that she is getting a bunch of girls together to go to Niagara Falls this weekend, because a really awesome outlet store is closing, and everything is 90% off.

Arggghh, what to do. I have a cocktail party on Sunday, which is when they are thinking of going and a memorial service tomorrow I have to attend. Maybe I can figure out something for Sunday, although might want to warn the hubster as he is flying home that day after being gone all week.
Gee the problems a girl has eh.

Oh my, poor Elle, that must have been uncomfortable to have a face like a balloon, well, chin part anyway. Betcha a bee, but who knows. At least no breathing problems. Take more than a bee or spider to keep her down eh. :)

Flynn, Flynn, Flynn. do you think he picked up some fleas from your mom and dads place? hmmm..maybe you've found the guilty parties.
Course, yea the food, did you Want him to lose weight? or are you now trying to put weight back on?
Always something going on with the gang around here.

Well, I bet it would have been tempting for your vet to take some holidays with the anniversary and Labour day all happening. Oh my, did I see you say 3 weeks at Christmas!? Divine! Go for it!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-25-2013, 08:43 PM
Hi Trish,
Thanks for you nice messages while I was off the site for awhile. Getting back on the usual schedule here and getting caught up with all the news on the board. It's taking me awhile to get going again. It's good to have a dog so I am getting myself up and out in the morning for our usual walk. It's gotten pretty cold which has been great for Trixie.
Sorry that Flynn has still got the itches. Hopefully more of the fleas will be be dying off. Poor Elle the cat...glad her swollen chin is back to normal!
It's always something with our furry friends!


10-25-2013, 10:49 PM
Hi all
Got the results.

UPC now 1.91. Which has dropped from 3.88 so that is good. I really need to google some more, the Cr level in his urine has dropped a lot, as well as Creatinine in his blood which is low at 51 (53-123), we have always thought this is good having low creatinine as with renal failure it goes high. :confused::confused: But I am not sure why his Cr is consistently low low, that is the part of the test that is putting UPC up. The protein level in his urine is the best it has ever been :D For first time his urine is dilute with specific gravity of 1.019 and it has usually been around the 1.040 mark :confused:

Anyway, ALP has shot up to 2097 (0-185)from 1367 seven weeks ago while ALT has gone down to 176 from 342 (0-75), so god knows what is going on in his liver. Well apart form the benign nodules and the past history of liver cancer!!! He is on no liver supplementation. Calcium also high at 3.15 (2.20-3.00). Chloride low at 101 (105-121), Albumin high 46 (26-44).

Anyway I have to shoot back out to parents... will do a bit more researching into these numbers tonight.

10-26-2013, 08:39 AM
Well, I guess I would have to research it as well but it is good the UPC is down

The calcium and albium are just a bit off, dont you think? The specific gravity can bounce around if it is not first catch of the day, they had a bunch of water, etc. I think maybe we wont worry about those things unless we see it next month. What do you think?

Im sure Tina will be by with her thoughts as well.:):)

Hope you are still enjoying your vacation:):)

10-26-2013, 06:51 PM
Hi Addy
Thanks for reply, I am not too worried about the albumin and calcium at this stage, his lab notes state that calcium is 40% bound to albumin and the mild increase seen may occur artefactually or with mild dehydration. Elevated calcium can also be seen with tumours though which does worry me.

The low creatinine could be due to liver disease, the liver metabolises creatine which we get in food and breaks it down for the kidneys to excrete. In some instances if the liver is not functioning properly there is not so much creatinine in blood and urine. It is a little weird if his liver is packing up with that high ALP then why is the ALT which indicateds actual liver cell damage so much improved?? But his creatinine level in his UPC has been trending down over the year. Normal urinary creatinine levels are difficult to interpret as the literature says that is because it fluctuates so much through the day with hydration levels.

Quite concerned about the rise in ALP over seven weeks, during that time his Benzapril was doubled and he also had the IBD flare, started the z/d antiallergy food. Gastrointestinal causes can put up ALP, so maybe???

Over this time span I have also noted a few non specific things like:

Whites of eyes a little red at times, definitely not yellow/jaundice
Less energy especially in mornings, better as day goes on but generally not as perky
Runs slower on walk, still beats me though!
He has always been a trembly terrier but noted he is twitching/jerking more, even at rest. I took this video at 3am this morning to show the vet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88pHIT60ieo&list=HL1382826455&feature=mh_lolz
Panting more with exercise/stress
Of course, his ongoing itch
Lost weight 800g, but that might be my fault and on yesterdays trip to get meds, his weight up 300g from Tuesday and since he has been back eating his normal food and stopping the z/d
So a few things going on, I have not spoken to the vet as he has got the long weekend off,I had to pick up his meds yesterday and asked the nurse to print me out the results. So I will put all this together and send him an email for when he is back next week and then we can organise a trip to the IMS and ultrasound hopefully next week or so.

My main questions for vet are:
Sudden deterioration in ALP. ?Cause
Recent IBD flare
Liver deterioration like increasing size benign nodules, tumour recurrence
Recent diet changes and weight loss
Need to start liver supplement
Need to do full liver screen include AST, GGT etc
How can ALP worsen but ALT improve by 50%??
Increased Benzapril ?effect on liver?
Low urinary and serum Creatinine
Relation to liver pathology
Impact on UPC

That's all I can think of for now! xx

10-26-2013, 06:56 PM
Sharlene, the coconut pie was yummo. I think I should have cooked it a little longer though as the base was soft. Got gobbled up though!

Hope you get to Niagara Falls, shopping is very therapeutic :D:D

Hi Barbara, lovely to see you posting :D Hope the weekend is gorgeous in NYC!


molly muffin
10-26-2013, 08:15 PM
Hi Trish, I think that is what happens with pies that make their own crust, it's different from if you have an actual pie crust. Softer, etc. yea, it went pretty fast in our house too. Since it's an easy one to make, I'd make it again, but it's definitely not like a regular pie.

That is a lot of twitching in that video! Although Flynn is still so adorable sleeping. Maybe the vet will have some ideas on that.

I know they say the ALP isn't as much to worry about as the ALT, but still there has to be a reason for it to jump that high, that fast.

I did some checking around and Gastrointestinal inflammation, gall bladder, kidney and some medications can lead to higher levels of ALP in the blood. I couldn't find a definite that listed Benzapril as a culprit but I think it might be a possibility. I ended up going through some human sites looking rather than canine as there was more information. Also interesting is the different types of ALP, 1, 2 and 3 from different parts of the body.

What I am thinking, is that you will feel better, over all, after you have his next ultrasound and can put your mind to rest about the liver nodules, see what the kidneys look like. It's the nature of the beast that we worry about the little buggers. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-27-2013, 12:17 AM
Thanks Sharlene, you are a gem looking that up :D

I had looked at Benzapril too, it can cause liver problems, rarely but it still can happen and like you I have been looking at the adult sites.

Could very well be GI issues causing it, or maybe just a mixture of a few things.

I am not too worried about the low Specific Gravity for now, it was not a first pee catch but he had brekky and drunk. So I will make sure the next one is first thing.

Yes, ultrasound will be good... most likely it will have the usual long list of things wrong with him but it will be good to know that nothing like tumours causing it. But then it is nearly November, that is Flynny's worst month when we have found out about both his cancers. It is always November :(

I have spent a day in the garden, doing all the things I had promised myself I would do over my week off, well here we are and tomorrow is my last day :eek: time to get busy today!! Out for dinner soon so better go get myself presentable! Thanks again, it is reassuring to hear a voice of reason when your mind starts thinking the worst! xx

10-28-2013, 01:39 PM
Just stopping by to say hi and give hugs. Not sure what to think about the liver values but still want to give you a hug.:):)

10-29-2013, 04:52 PM
Hello you

Sorry I have been a stranger work has been nuts, I have been following along mind so I haven't abandoned you completely. Any word back from your vet?

How you doing? Ok I hope

Big hug, bum scratches to the wee man


Boriss McCall
10-29-2013, 05:58 PM
I am going to hold my breath until November has come & gone for mr Flynn. He is such a strong guy! I hope he is feeling good today & you get some answers soon to get rid of some of the anxiety you must be feeling.

big hugs to you & Flynn!

Budsters Mom
10-29-2013, 10:28 PM
Okay Trish, No November for you! You are skipping it this year! I'm sorry I have been absent of late. Work has been crazy and I have been totally exhausted. I have been reading daily, but haven't gotten around to posting for the last few days.:o

The dog I grew up with that resembles Flynny, twitched like that when he slept also. It is probably nothing but a weird coincidence.

An ultra-sound is always the best bang for the buck. Please let us know as soon as you know anything.

Hugs to you my dear and a belly rub from my pal Flynny. Xxxxx

10-30-2013, 01:43 AM
Hello everyone!!

Yep, I think we should cancel November this year, lets jump straight to Christmas :D

Now, I have had a good talk to our vet, he said they had changed the external lab they use as they had a few issues. So he said that can cause a few discrepancies. Also a one-off rise like that coupled with his ALT going down he was not too concerned at this stage and we shall do another one to see what it is trending like. He has ordered me SAMe so we will be starting that when it arrives.

He agreed though to ring and book him in for his 6 monthly ultrasound and review by our IMS. So I did, she is off clinics at the moment doing some exams with the vet students :mad:. The receptionist said we could see someone else and that turned out to be a new resident who was having supervision, I asked to see the supervisor but no :mad: So I said OK am going to talk to my own vet again and the receptionist is going to find out exactly when our IMS will be back in the office.

Today my vet said that it should be ok to wait 3-4 weeks and I have suggested repeating his full liver panel to see how it is going. We both think just because Flynny is not an easy dog to treat that it would be best if we had our own IMS who is excellent and knows all the in's and out's of Flynn very well rather than inflict us on a newbie .

Flynn is much better the last few days since I took him off the z/d and also stopped the Tramadol. :D He is back to his perky self. Poops good, no mucous, itchies still there a little but much better.

Sooo... tomorrow I will hopefully hear from Pet Hospital about IMS and I will see what our local says about repeating liver tests now. If liver tests have come back down as I suspect/hope then I think we can wait, if they are shooting up higher then I will take him down now and at least get the scan done.

Thanks for checking in on us, nice to see you all and lovely to see you Mel!! xxx

10-30-2013, 02:15 AM
I'm good with skipping November, January, February, and March :)

10-30-2013, 02:20 AM
Awww but that's all of summer Valerie!! No can do :D:D you want to keep December though :)

Budsters Mom
10-30-2013, 03:26 AM
Stick with your own IMS Trish. No newbie for my Flynny boy. ;) how dare that doc taking off with vet students! :eek:

I am glad to hear that Flynny's itchiness are better.:D He must be thrilled to get his yummy food back.;)

You are such a wonderful fur mom Trish and yes, one of my angels. :) xxxxxx

10-30-2013, 03:39 AM
Your up late Kathy, hope your not having trouble sleeping as sounds like you need it with your busy days.

Definitely want our own IMS, just a little torn about wanting him seen yesterday haha, you know how it is. But with Flynn feeling better I am more relaxed about waiting, so hopefully we hear she will be back soon!

10-30-2013, 08:37 AM
Zoe can do fine on a low dose of Tramadol at night before bed, it really helps her legs but if I give it for too long every nite she develops balance problems. Her head tremors seemed to be after waking up but not sure if I am remembering correctly in my stress brain fog:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm for skipping all the way to the end of January because that is how long it will be before it is light out again when I get home from work:eek: Gimme light, she cried!!!!!:p:p:p:p

Your vet seems spot on as usual, Trish. I know Flynn is in good hands between you and your super vet. Have you figured out how to clone him and send the clone to me?


10-30-2013, 08:54 AM
What's November? :confused::confused: If today is October 30, that makes tomorrow October 31 and friday October 32, Saturday October 33 etc.

Doesn't everyone know the rhyme? 30 days have September, April and June, all the rest have 31 except february which has 28 and October which has 61? I'm sure that's what I was taught at school :p:p:D

And Trish, if you do end up seeing the intern IMS, just think of it as a bit of sport :D

molly muffin
10-30-2013, 01:50 PM
I totally agree that sticking with the IMS who knows Flynn already is the best bet. He's not an Easy case to just jump into without that pertinent historical knowledge. You can read it sure, but the regular IMS Knows it. Big dif.

hmm, well, new external lab eh. That can make things interesting. I'd repeat too. When are you going to do the repeat of the liver values?

You're going to want to repeat those in about 3 months probably anyhow, to see if the SamE is having any positive on that. Although with the liver support molly is on, it took quite a long while to see a change in the numbers, and it wasn't much, but every bit helps. Even if numbers don't drop so much, I'd think that the over all benefit would be good.

Well, we're heading into November and we're just going to have this one be a real good one this year.

Good luck on your trip (crossing fingers for smooth sailing this time!)

Sharlene and Molly muffin

10-31-2013, 03:33 AM
Hey you. We are online at the same time!!

How are you and the wee man?


10-31-2013, 03:39 AM
Well Naomi, your a teacher so I am going with your verse, yay November is off and its October 32nd tomorrow :)

I heard from our vet, he wants to redo liver tests after a week of no GI issues. So all going well that is early next week. Pet Hospital receptionist called again but only to say she had not heard from IMS about when she will be back. So after we get next week tests results we will make a decision on how fast we need him scanned and reviewed down there.

He is good again today, but it was fish n chip night tonight and he was itching a lot, so hope that is not a precursor to any deterioration in the tummy department as they seem to go together. But he does tend to get excited when everyone is together. He got in trouble as Mum had bought Elle a little tunnel to crawl through which she does with surprising speed and leaps out to scare Flynn.... he tried to crawl through only to get the whole thing stuck around his middle! It has a big yellow fluffy ball on a string on the front and when we weren't looking he towed it over to his bed and chomped the ball off :eek::eek:

Then we had trick and treaters arriving, Mum usually locks her gate haha but this year she had bought some GIANT licorice all sorts and gave one to each kid on a napkin, it was so funny to see their faces thinking what the heck is this!! Jade had to get dressed up for her job in retail and arrived with a knife sticking out her head and blood running down her face and scared all the little kids when they called in :eek::eek: plus Flynn had to say hello to each of them. So it was very entertaining watching all this while we were all sitting out on the patio on a lovely warm Spring evening. So no wonder Flynny was amped up! xx

10-31-2013, 03:43 AM
Hey Mel, how exciting, this does not happen very often!! Nice to see you, how are you and Boycie? Hopefully your work is a little better?? You work so hard and they are very lucky to have you!! :)

10-31-2013, 03:50 AM
We are good, he is doing well, he is sleeping by his radiator in the hall as its winter now and he doesn't like the cold.

Work is still brutal, going through the merger has tipped it over the scales. We have been on this rollercoaster for over a year now, I had hoped it would improve but it seems to have got worse. Only thing that keeps me is the remote working so I can spend the days with my wee man.

Have got to start getting organised for Xmas as we go away, so have to take it all with us, I cook dinner so it's lots to do!

Did I read you have a trip coming up? I dont recall the destination.

Have you ever heard from Patti again? I do think of her and the little fella often.


10-31-2013, 03:55 AM
Where you off to for Christmas? That sounds like hard work not a holiday!! Your work does sound brutal, but that sounds like a great benefit being at home with Boyce, don't think I would have the self control to keep my work up would find something else to do around the house for sure :)

No, I haven't heard from Patti in ages. I too, hope she has found some peace and little Romeo has fitted in :)

I am off to Northland, to a little place called Pahia. Up in the Bay of Islands. It is a part of NZ I have never been to so I am looking forward to it. I have to find a pirate costume for a fancy dress party out on a boat so it should be fun, even though I generally hate dress up do's.

10-31-2013, 04:07 AM
Near the coast again. Dorset this time. Just have to be organised. We go away quite a lot though for short breaks and trips so I have that down to a tee. Lots of lists. I like cooking when I have time so I start bits from the 23rd!

My neice and nephew will be coming for new year so it will be a packed holiday. I am trying to engineer it that way as we go to the same place and last year Tia started to get sick around Christmas so I don't want to think to much. Miss my little girl so much so want to stay busy

I wish she would nip in and let us know how she is but I know it became hard as she hated to see when we lost a pup and I think it got to her. I have been reading most days will try and post a bit more!

Love going places I havent been to explore! Sounds like fun, doing something you wouldnt normally. Do you have costume shops or are you gonna pull something together yourself? When you off and for how long?

Is Flynny happy to have his old food back? Did he get any fish tonight or are you still restricting his people food? How is his mouth since he got his toys back?

10-31-2013, 04:21 AM
You are still going through the firsts so Christmas is going to be a hard one for sure. What is the weather like in Dorset at Christmas, I guess pretty cold... hope you get some snow!! Be fun having the littlies there for New Year, they always make holidays more fun. Our family has no little kids, we are waiting for my sisters kids to produce some but they are not cooperating yet! We all still go home to Mum and Dad's, we have on the odd occasion had it at mine or my sister's but we all agree it is not the same as at our home, which is still the house we all grew up in, they have never moved. Mum is 79 next month and Dad 81 now, so we all muck in and share out the dishes and take them around there to tuck in!

Yep I know she did not like it when the pups got sick, especially the tumour ones, bit too close to home.

A friend has given me a pair of stripy pants with zig zag bottoms so I need to get something to wear on top! Yes we do have costume shops, might have a look on the weekend and get some inspiration! I fly up next Wednesday and home Saturday so not away too long. Will have a list of instructions for my parents to look after Flynny, hope he keeps good like he is now.

He does have a bit of fish, but it is raw.. sushi!! He and Elle both line up next to the bench when Dad cuts it up and crumbs it and they wait for him to throw them the offcuts which they race each other for (Flynn usually wins), so he is still not getting any people food.

You are most definitely missed around here Mel, but it is nice to know you are not far away and I especially appreciate when everything gets so busy, many a night I have popped in then dozed off without posting!! So we just do what we can and catch up when we can :D

10-31-2013, 04:40 AM
Cold! It's actually already colder than usual. I think we will probably get snow this year. It causes absolute chaos over here, the roads block up and the trains stop but it snowed the day I lost Tia so it makes me think she is with me when it snows so I hope it does. I love snow despite all the issues as is makes everything look magical and it so makes it more Christmassy :D

Shirt and a waistcoat come to mind with a coloured scarf around your head and a fake parrot :D

Bless them, I can picture that in my head, little monkeys know how to work your dad!

The madness of work has already started, I am really over it this week can't wait for the weekend!

10-31-2013, 04:50 AM
Aww Tia is close by but that is nice you have her memories to warm you up when the snow comes down! She was such a beauty :)

I will take a pirate pic to show you what I came up with, maybe I should dread my hair Johnny Depp style... and put a gold tooth in ... yeah, nah :D:D:D I have a necklace a friend gave me just recently and it has a little glass bottle with fake pearls in it so I will wear that!

Flynny has already taken himself off to bed, pooped from the evenings fun! I keep checking him and those shakes he was having seem to be settling back to just his normal tremours so pleased to see that. His mouth seems good and no return of ulcers that I can see.

I hope your day goes without any major hassles Mel, so nice to catch up with you! xxxxxx

11-01-2013, 03:29 PM
Hi all

Our vet contacted me again yesterday, he has had a bit more of a think about this liver situation and he wants to do bile acid testing along with a redo of the liver panel. So Flynny is going in Monday and has to be fasted for 12 hrs. Still it won't be so bad as it is overnight fasting, he gets a blood test, then has his breakfast then gets tested again to see the effect the food has on his numbers. But he does specifically want his tummy good for a week for these to minimise the effect GI issues have on his results.

AND YAY He is still doing good in the poops department, itching OK too (oh gawd hope that does not jinx us :rolleyes:) He has his energy back in the mornings, he just ripped up a toy after eating his brekky and then doing a normal poop... oh it does my heart good!! I cannot say for sure but that z/d food was not good for him although it did settle down his bowel. But he did not like it at all and he cannot live like that hating his food and only eating it when he really got starving.

He has also had no Tramdol for a week tomorrow and I have not noticed any difference in mobility so I have to wonder if that was affecting his liver too. Maybe it was treating me more than him, as with all of us we want them to be as comfortable as possible. But I had noticed with his latest bottle of Tramadol drops he did not tolerate it as well and was suspicious of the food and would sometimes refuse it if he could detect it and if I just squirted it in his mouth you would think I had put acid in there :eek::eek: So I am very pleased he is now off it with no apparent increase in discomfort.

Saturday morning already, the week has flown by! Have a good one everyone xxxx

molly muffin
11-01-2013, 04:48 PM
Awww, Flynn is pretty definite about that Tramadol, horrid, horrid stuff and how could You do this to him!

Well, never hurts to get the liver checked out more thoroughly, although I am not thinking liver disease, still better to know these things in case an action plan is required.

We do rather do well with action plans don't we. Seems to make the world seem more settled when we have them. Not that there isn't something to be said for spontaneity, it has no place in health care, including canine health care. LOL

This week has been a whirlwind and I think I need some recovery time from it.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-01-2013, 05:19 PM
Hi Sharlene

You sound like you are glad its the weekend too! Gorgeous sunny morning here, just ripping through the laundry and then have an appointment at 11.30 then out to a lovely garden café to meet a friend, she is housesitting and is in charge of a doggie who is a whippet called Belle. So Flynn and Belle are coming along and we will take them for a walk together afterwards!

I do think it is his liver playing up, hopefully not from any tumour recurrence. His last ultrasound showed "The right liver contains a 1.9 cm ovoid hypoechoic nodule. Additionally, within the right liver, 2, 0.8–1.5 cm ill-defined hyperechoic nodules are present. Similar the prior date, adjacent to the left caudal margin of the liver, a 1.4 cm irregularly ovoid echogenic nodule is present" They were biopsied during the ultrasound and results
Liver Nodule: Hepatocytes showing disorganisation. No overt signs of malignancy

Cranial Abdominal Mass: Epithelial cells with cytological features suggesting hepatocytes. No overt signs of malignancy

Comment: cells from both sites are not markedly abnormal in appearance. However, they are more variable in size and shape than usually seen in aspirates from normal liver, and they are arranged in disorganised patterns. The latter can be a collection and spreading artifact. The features noted in these aspirates can be seen in nodular hyperplasia, ectopic liver tissue, hepatomas and well differentiated carcinoma. Cytologically, we cannot differentiate these.

So hopefully, the next scan will show they are unchanged but smaller would be better but I doubt it :)

11-02-2013, 08:53 AM
I am always so impressed as to how detailed your ultra sound reports are, Zoe's never are that detailed.

We are not going to think bad thoughts about Flynn's liver or Zoe's, banish them from your mind, not allowed.

The tramadol can be weird. I stop and start it with Zoe. I take her off of it and it seems like there is no difference and then her legs will go through a really bad flare up and I put her back on it and then I can see the difference, though it takes awhile for me to notice. So I usually do 3 days on, three days off, etc, sometimes, stopping it for weeks and restarting it. I let her be my guide.

Have a wonderful weekend!:):):):):)

molly muffin
11-02-2013, 09:18 AM
I Hope that there hasn't been any real changes with the liver nodules. Eternally optimistic here you know. :)
If there is, then I know that you will put together a good plan with your vet and IMS.

Your Saturday sounds just perfect, garden cafe and doggy play date all rolled into one. :)

It's sort of bleary here. Looks like it could rain and I think get colder. Some days it feels like winter and then we'll have a nice cool fall day sneak in, which is good. We really need to clean up the yard for winter, but my motivation factor hasn't kicked in yet. Maybe it will show up later. LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-02-2013, 02:39 PM
Hi Addy and Sharlene

Yes we will have fingers crossed! He does not have quite as much spring in his step, a little itchier, slight mucous on poop this morning. Will see how the day pans out, he was super hungry and those jerky twitches are gone, have not seen them since early in the week.

Today is his 11th month anniversary from adrenalectomy!!! Keep going Flynny boy!! Love him lots :)

Lazy day planned today, getting ready for my trip on Wednesday. I got a pirate costume yesterday complete with eye patch, skull jewellery, ratty looking wig and knee high boots! xx

molly muffin
11-02-2013, 02:54 PM
Ohh, I did a pirate a couple years ago for Halloween. Okay, add on a belt that you can attach a sword too. Do you have a pirate hat or a scarf you can tie around the wig? I want pictures!!!

Enjoying lazy day, think I found my motivation though. Hubby is going to clean up the back yard and I am go to rearrange my pan drawer and clean out bathroom drawers of junk. Maybe clean up my closet even, unless I need a nap or a book reading break. Spent the morning on the phone with a friend playing catch up. (that take a bit of time you know and required 2 cups of coffee!!) I'm wired now. LOL oops, guess that is the motivational factor right there.

oh my, where did his pep go?! We need to get that back. Does he need to take a poop? Molly always finds her pep After the poop stop. It's pretty slow walking until that happens, then she is running down the sidewalk pulling me along afterwards. hehehe (just kidding you, I know his pep is a sign with Flynn of maybe not feeling 100%) Dogs, gawd, they are hilarious sometimes though.

Your trip is going to be fun! No crisis allowed, just good times and productive meetings.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-02-2013, 03:04 PM
Yep I got a belt, a red one to match the red pirate scarf to go on the wig... I have no sword though, told the lady at the shop I would most likely lose it!! Now Sharlene, there are no pockets, I can't take my usual bag as that would spoil the look, hmmm what to do.. maybe find a little sack to store all my bits like lippy etc

He seems OK resting on couch, quite still though so that is great. Only 8am here and I am only on 2nd cup of tea so will take him for walk soonish! He has pooped. I just want him really good for tomorrows testing.

molly muffin
11-02-2013, 03:13 PM
Have you see those little draw string bags, with the long cross body strap? That would work and fit right in with the outfit. Black or red or anything, could look like a small pirate booty bag. Maybe have something in your closet that would work? hmmm... even if you have a small bag without the long strap, but a way to tie onto the ends, some long string, I'd braid 3 strands to give it some strength, long enough to cross body, could work. Not too hard to make or do. Use that cooking string, it's real strong. I have a huge roll usually somewhere in the house that I use for everything from cooking to gardening and whatever else I can think of. Handy dandy.

hmm, no twitching, sleeping peacefully. Since the tramadol perhaps?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-02-2013, 03:21 PM
Hmmm I have one of those string bags, but it is pink.. not very pirateish!! Will dig deeper :)

I do think stopping the Tramadol has helped with his twitches. Today is the first day that I have thought he was a little slow but he might just be tired as he was pretty full on yesterday :)

Budsters Mom
11-02-2013, 10:23 PM
Hi Trish, I don't know much about all the technical stuff, but I'm not allowing my boy Flynny to have any difficulties that might interfere with his explorations or joy for life. ;)

I know that you're on top of things and are doing all that you can for our wonder boy.

Sending you both tons of love. Xxxxx

11-03-2013, 02:36 AM
Thanks Kathy, He has had a great day, perked up really well so think he was just a bit tired after a big day yesterday. Barking like a banshee tonight at a couple of dogs walking in the park and having a ball kicked for them. He had a big romp with a Staffy Terrier up the beach and was running fast! He has had his dinner and now NBM, not even water allowed. I even gave him a couple of whitebait that I was having as a treat :) His latest mix is chicken and vegie and they must grind up quite a lot of bone in it as his poops were rock hard today :eek: But other than that he has been perfect :D:D

11-03-2013, 05:21 AM
Hi Trish,
Darn, looks like I missed you tonight/morning. I haven't been able to be on the forum much lately unfortunately, and am trying desperately to get caught up on everyone. I have scanned all the latest info on Flynn, and I'm sure happy to see the improvement in his most recent UPC! Going in the right direction for sure. I don't think the fact that his urine was more dilute than usual is a problem because it's my understanding that the UPC is not affected by urine concentration. And I remember my vet saying that you can't look at the urine protein and creatine values separately as any indicator, I think maybe they fluctuate throughout the day. My lab reports don't give a normal range for them separately.

I'm so glad you are getting the liver values repeated sooner rather than later and am hoping for big improvement. I know Jasper's ALP fluctuates all over the place, and during that whole Addison's crisis in September it shot up to over 4000. :eek: But he takes dexamethasone which accounts for some of that, I know his issues are different than Flynn's. When his ALT went up, I know my vet was much more concerned, so glad to see that value has gone down for Flynn, and hope it is down even more tomorrow. Jasper had the bile acid test way back when we were doing all the diagnostic tests to rule out things before he was diagnosed with Cushings. I remember my vet saying it was a test that was more specific for liver function. Has Flynn had it done before? And has your vet said anything more about the calcium level or low serum creatinine? I know you mentioned you were concerned about those.

We have all fingers and paws crossed here and are hoping for improvement with tomorrow's tests. So happy to read that he had a great day and is overall feeling good. I hope to get an update posted on Jasper one of these days. I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day! :rolleyes:

Tina and Jasper

PS Your pirate costume sounds great! I'm with Sharlene, I expect some pics!! :D

molly muffin
11-03-2013, 09:28 AM
How funny. I just said molly was carrying on like a banshee on her thread, come over here and read that Flynn was carrying on like a banshee on his thread. Cracked me up! Banshee wailing dogs. Do the Irish proud!

LOL Sounds like Flynn had a pretty good day, out and about and running and having a great time. He probably needs some recovery time after that kind of day. Plus, stopping the tramadol, so he might feel it a bit morning after stiffening up over night while sleeping. Still if it is working itself out as the day goes on, then that is a good thing and he can do it without the tramadol. Save that for those times when he seems to need it more perhaps.

Hey Tina, great to see you popping in!

Sharlene and Molly

11-03-2013, 01:33 PM
Hi Tina and Sharlene

I have read heaps about the UPC test and agree that it is not meant to impact, but when I have more time tonight I will post you the results over the last year or so Tina and you can see the trends with the decreasing Creatinine. Protein level is best ever, Creatinine lowest ever so it does seem to make a difference.

I am quite keen to get these results, as he seems a lot better than before with that jerky twitching gone, eyes not looking pink at times, more energy, better poops and less itching!! So I have the fingers crossed too, he keeps looking hopeful every time I go to the kitchen wanting his breakfast to materialise! Least he won't have to wait long :)

Better get myself organised as nearly time to leave, bah humbug Monday mornings suck!

Budsters Mom
11-03-2013, 01:39 PM
Yes, Monday mornings do suck!:o i'm glad it's Sunday morning here!:D Rub Flynny's ears for me and try to have a good day.:p xxxx

molly muffin
11-03-2013, 02:50 PM
Uck, Mondays. I guess I'll have to pull myself out of bed and go to work, can't seem to find a good enough reason not to. LOL I forgot that we changed our clocks here in North America today. Wasn't till I was at a store and someone said it was 2:18pm and I'm looking at my watch wondering how come it was off, that it occurred to me. Duh.
I am going to try to get a start on my Xmas shopping I think. My hubby said his is almost done and my youngest step daughter said the same thing and I'm like, hello, haven't even started, who Are you people.

Molly has finally settled down with a tooth chewy bone and seems to be happy. She has been a bundle of energy all day. This morning though, she crawled into bed with me and said, nope, we aren't getting up Yet mom, just stay right where you are. LOL I did. Good thing she she has been on a rampage ever since she decided it was time to get up.

Well, I'll be interested to see those liver test results too. I am still hoping for good numbers. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-03-2013, 08:32 PM
Hi Trish, hope your Monday went well and Flynn did ok at the vets. I will check in later for the other UPC's and in the meantime I am going to hunt up all of Jasper's, (I think he has had just 3) and compare the protein vs creatinine values also and see what's what.

Tina and Jasper

11-04-2013, 12:53 AM
Man, I have had trouble posting this as a table, basically I couldn't and if I put them in a row the spacing went whacko!! Anyway, I have had to resort to listing it... Date first, then next row Total urinary protein g/L, then Urinary Creatinine umol/l, bottom row ratio

6 April 12
Protein 1.84
Creatinine 13521
Ratio 1.21

22 Nov 12

26 Jan 13
Ratio only 1.5

22 Feb 13

5 March 13

9 April 13 Started Benzapril 2.5mg daily

2 May 13
Ratio only 1.49

22 May 13

10 July 13

30 Aug 13 Benzapril increased to 5mg daily

22 Oct
1.71 lowest protein ever!
7955 but lowest creatinine ever too and if this was bit higher it would bring the ratio down according to the formula

He was fine today, perhaps little quiet tonight. Our vet emailed before and there are no results as yet. He said no need to do ammonia etc as as bile acids are the indicator of hepatic Nitrogen clearance.

11-04-2013, 06:54 AM
Hey Trish, if you know that Flynn's urine was dilute at the time of this testing, wouldn't that be explanation in and of itself for this lowest urinary creatinine? As far as there being a trend towards lower urinary creatinine levels, do you have any reason to believe his urine has been getting more dilute over time?

It seems to me that is a different question than the validity of the UPC testing. Since we're told the UPC automatically corrects for variations in urine volume and concentration, those results should remain trustworthy, regardless.


11-04-2013, 09:29 AM
Hey Trish,

I have absolutely no idea what is going on with UPC and associated tests, just wanted to let you know I am here riding along and hoping all goes well.

Hope you enjoy Pahia at Christmas too, it's a great spot (I've actually been there!) and if you're into boat trips, I thoroughly recommend a day on the bay for a relaxing cruise and possible swim with the dolphins. Take care, and just remember I wanna see the pics too! :p

11-04-2013, 01:20 PM
Thanks for comments Marianne. His urine is not usually dilute, up until this latest one his specific gravity has ranged between 1.036 - 1.055 with no trending down at all, apart from the latest one which was 1.019 but it was not a first catch and was after he had eaten and drunk.

My concern is just the downward trending of the urinary creatinine coupled with consistent low serum creatinine. It seems weird we are concerned about too low creatinine when too high is usually the concern with pups with renal problems!

But it never seems to be as simple as that with Flynn and his liver has also been a concern as you know and low creatinine values can be an indicator of worsening liver function which is where these numbers concern me. My vet is not too bothered by it at this stage and was very pleased with the low protein. Will see what these latest liver tests turn up. Thx :)

Naomi, glad you like Pahia, I am quite looking forward to it. The pirate dinner starts off with a harbour cruise and they drop us off at a restaurant for dinner. So that I what I will be doing Thursday night!!

11-04-2013, 11:37 PM
Hi Trish,
Catching up on posts here...just wanted to say hi to you and Flynn. Don't think I have a grasp on the tests involving the creatinine but I'll just say I hope Flynn is doing fine!! ;)


11-05-2013, 02:48 AM
Well it's Guy Fawkes night here... Nov 5th, it is in memory of Mr Fawkes trying to blow up the British Parliament a few centuries back! Fireworks are the go, it is just getting dark and it sounds like we are under a bomb attack with explosions every few seconds :eek::eek: Anyone can buy them for a short 3 day period but we are assured of plenty of bangs and crashes for the next few weeks in the back yards of the neighbourhood. I hate to think how much money is going up in smoke out there! Living close to the beach means there are a ton of people up there lighting bonfires and letting off their crackers.. it is bedlam!! Poor pets will be traumatised up and down the country so hope they are all inside with the TV up loud and the curtains drawn like we are :) They do not bother Flynn, he takes it in his stride and had a bit of a bark at them before but is now tucked up on the couch. Poor Emergency Services will be out in force and the ED will be seeing the results of burns etc. Every year there is talk of banning it, but they have just succeeding in shortening the time period they are allowed to be on sale. They are pretty though!

What has upset Flynny tonight is that I have just taken out my bag to pack for my trip, I always leave it to the last minute as he knows what that means! So now he is in a funk :( I have spent some time tonight going over his meds with Mum and I drop him off at 7am. So fingers crossed all goes well there! The weather is meant to be atrocious for the time I am up there which sucks, the pirate cruise might be a bit of a washout! Mum said she heard there might even be thunderstorms/tornados... I just thought "blardy typical conference time is here, so there is bound to be some sort of disaster!" We do not get severe tornados like those in US but get the occasional little one. Mum also said if my boat goes down, best I take off the pirate boots quick smart as they will suck me under... always full of good advice is my Mum!! :D

No results yet, taking my ipad so hopefully he will email me them tomorrow although I think he is coming up to days off... he works 10 then 4 off usually. Flynny is good though so maybe if there is bad news best to wait till I get back as nothing much I can do up there. xxxx

molly muffin
11-05-2013, 05:42 PM
ROFL Your mom cracks me up all the time with the things she comes up with to say. What a hoot!!

Well, drat, was hoping you'd get the results today from those tests.

Have a good trip, try not to get sucked under any water or sucked Up in any tornados while you are there. Sorry to say but your track record..... things just sort of happen. LOL Might need a quickee up date while you are there from the ipad, something like, feet still on the ground should do it.

Seriously, have fun, rain, thunderstorms, whatever, just have a blast.

sharlene and molly muffin

11-06-2013, 03:14 AM
Alp worse now 2224, bile acid test was normal

11-06-2013, 03:16 AM
Sorry on phone and at conference dinner! Waiting yo hear plan from vet

11-06-2013, 06:18 AM
Hope everything is ok and you get to enjoy your trip.

molly muffin
11-06-2013, 08:02 AM
I think the ultrasound needs to be done. Check the liver gall bladder and other organs.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
11-07-2013, 07:13 AM
Oh, Trish! I am looking at some photos of vanishing tribes from around the world and the Maori of New Zealand are pictured. They are beautiful!

Squirt's Mom
11-07-2013, 07:33 AM
The link to the vanishing tribes photos. I was in tears by the time I finished looking at them and totally understand the emotion depicted in the final photo.


11-10-2013, 04:01 AM
Hey Trish

Just wondering if you are back now and if you had a good break?

Did the vet get back to you? Hope you didn't get too much stink eye from Flynn for going away :D

Big hug


11-12-2013, 01:17 PM
Hi everyone

I am back! The conference was great fun, exhausting though burning the candle at both ends. The pirate party was the best conference dinner ever, they picked us up on a boat and everyone had made a great effort dressing up. We sailed around the bay of islands and large pod of dolphins with babies came over to check us out, it was magical :)

Flynny is doing OK, no problems while I was away so I may have broken the conference curse! We were pleased to see normal bile acid fasting tests. Although not so happy to see higher ALP as I briefly posted.

He is due his 6 monthly ultrasound so we are proceeding with that. The trouble is his IMS is not in the office until after Christmas. The pet hospital wants Flynn to see a resident who is supervised by a locum who is covering for IMS. I am not happy with that. My vet has been in touch with them and received an answer from original IMS and that is the why it is to be :mad: So, I have decided if Flynn has to be seen by someone new I want it to be an IMS. Mike, our vet is recommending a private practice that ONLY has highly qualified specialists and we think a new set of eyes is the way to go. I am disappointed that the pet hospital is not being too helpful, but there you go. Only problem is this new practice is up in Auckland which is a 6 hr drive away. So it looks like that is where we will be going next week, Mike is in the midst of referrals and getting his imaging from the pet hospital sent to them and I spent several hours typing it all out myself so I have all the info at my fingertips plus my trusty folder! I am hopeful by the end of today I will have a date and then I get you lot on board for the long road trip!! I have friends up there I can stay with as most likely need to stay a couple of nights.

Hope your all good, will get on tonight to check out all your threads but know I am sending big hugs to you all xxxxxx

11-12-2013, 01:24 PM
You know we all love road trips and certainly don't mind long ones.

Glad to hear the boat did not sink nor did you have to shed your boots:D:D

Party time can be energizing so burning the candle at both ends can be a good thing:D:D:D

Budsters Mom
11-12-2013, 03:39 PM
Hi Trish,

Ahoy their Matey!:D so glad you had a nice break and great time at your conference. I am jealous, Dolphin babies!!!;)

Regarding the road trip...That is a loooong way, but I wouldn't miss it! Of course, I'll be there! I'll cuddle Flynny on my lap while you drive.;) It stinks that your regular trusted vet is out until after the holidays. How dare him do that!:eek:

Give Flynny an ear and belly rub from Auntie Kathy and big hugs for you my dear.:p

molly muffin
11-12-2013, 08:52 PM
She survived and No calamities! shhhhhh shouldn't say that too loudly. Feet still dry too. hehehehe

6 hours! Bloody he** woman. That IMS at the hospital is going to have a lot to answer for being away this long!! Good to have friends though in the area. Flynn is going to love this I'm sure! All that new territory to be sniffed over and explored. More people to have fall in love with him and cater to his every whim. Oh the life of a dog. :) He'll need a new toy of course. Something he can destroy without causing sores.

The pirate dinner cruise sounds like a real blast. What fun!

Very sad news about Chey :(

hugs, welcome home!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-13-2013, 12:06 AM
Well it is sorted! We drive up on Monday, then our appointment with the specialist is Tuesday 9am. Thank goodness that is arranged. I am actually looking forward to this new guy reviewing Flynn's case.

Our vet said he is couriering up all of Flynn's notes as there are too many pages to fax. I will have to make sure he gets the actual scans sent up too so they can compare them.

Thanks for the support girls, I have taken 3 days off work to get this sorted out, so probably drive back Wednesday if its too late to get back on Tuesday after the appointment.

Poor Flynny does not like the long car trips so I will make sure we have plenty of stops for him to stretch his legs.

Leslie, I looked at those photos, they are sad. But I have to say there are absolutely no Maori living like that and there has not been for many years. Our conference was the place where the treaty was signed between the English and Maori when they arrived in the 1840s. We were meant to go over to the treaty house for our welcome, but unfortunately it was teeming with rain but the local Maori came to the conference centre and we had a show which was spine tingling.

11-15-2013, 01:33 PM
Hi Trish,
So Flynn has a high triglyceride and liver numbers too? I'll have to go back and look at your test posting...I don't think I've seen the numbers.
I will be interested to hear what your vet has to say about that and thanks for letting me know you're checking it out.
Trixie's last blood test was not taken on a fast as I was doing it the same time as the acth test...so a big no-no I guess especially if you are looking at the triglycerides.
Not only had she eaten 4 hours before the test she also ate the minute we walked into the vet because the big barrel of treats is right there and I felt badly for her waiting nervously to go in...so I gave her 3 biscuits!! :eek: She gobbled them up too!! I'm told digesting food can change the triglycerides so I'm hoping maybe the number is super high because of her having that snack right before the blood was drawn. The liver number was a surprise for me...was really hoping it would have come down more than it did.
Well, at least this dog seems in a good way! It's got to account for something...great energy, appetite and really good poops for weeks now. Hope I'm not jinxing it!!! Here I go knocking on wood again!
That is one long drive, I find that after driving 3 hours I'm ready for it to be over. I have done 4 hours a number of times but it feels long. You've got 6...that's a hike. Hope it goes well for you and Flynn!! :D


11-15-2013, 08:26 PM
Just popping in to say hi and Happy Weekend!

We will have to make it a good one since we have a long drive on Monday!:D:D:D

Can we rent a convertible? I love driving with the top down. So would Flynn:D:D:D:D

molly muffin
11-15-2013, 08:47 PM
Safe travels Trish and Flynn!

She's leaving tomorrow (Saturday) now instead of Monday.

I had to rush and get my bags packed in a hurry! :) Grab your stuff, we're hitting the road gang!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-16-2013, 02:37 AM
We are here! Drive was 5 1/2 hrs with pitstops for Flynn boy. He's a bit panty but loving exploring this house. Two days of rest before appointment on tuesday. They have bought him toys, spoilt thing. I am following him about nervously making sure he is not going to do anything naughty!! Just checking in for jasper and Zoe reports xxxx

11-16-2013, 02:44 AM
Caught up a bit on your thread tonight. Glad you made it safely. Good luck Tuesday. Flynn is a spoiled little man! Hope he doesn't get into trouble!

11-16-2013, 05:41 AM
Glad you made it safe and sound. I think it's great Flynn has a couple of days to get used to the new surroundings before they examine him.

Hope everything goes well for you.

11-16-2013, 06:13 AM
So glad to read you and Flynn made it safely. And so sweet of you to check on Jasper while you are out of town. I posted what I know so far, so now Flynn has his work cut out for him for his appt and scan. I will be expecting only good things now for him too!

I too think it is great that he will have a couple of days to adjust and relax before his appt. But you have your hands full to keep him out of trouble, no doubt. :D I will be monitoring for updates.

Hugs from me and Jasper xo

molly muffin
11-16-2013, 09:35 AM
Whoo hoooo Flynn! Spoiling is the best! LOL Relax, enjoy your couple days. :) Have fun!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-16-2013, 09:42 AM
Hey where's Mel??? Our game is on and we up 3.30am to watch it!! Good start for us! Hey everyone else!! Going good here

11-16-2013, 09:53 AM
Am here, doesn't look like we are doing so well :D

Glad you both got there safe, hope the boy hasn't embarrassed you xx

11-16-2013, 09:57 AM
Going our way at the moment, is those golden boots for dan carter making the difference :) he up with us watching, been a very good boy

11-16-2013, 10:00 AM
At least it makes it worth getting up if you win.

Bless him getting up to watch with you :D

11-16-2013, 10:05 AM
That was lucky!

11-16-2013, 10:06 AM
Your catching up now!!!! That was lucky!

11-16-2013, 01:11 PM
Party animal, she is, now we know where wee Flynn gets it from:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

LOL, Trish, you really crack me up!!!!!!

Budsters Mom
11-16-2013, 03:37 PM
Drat! You left without me! I was ready for Monday! ;)

Sharlene, you should have sent out an AAA (All Angels Alert) when you knew Trish was sneaking off early! :D:D LOL

Glad to hear you arrived safely and my boy got some surprise toys!!!! YAY!!! :D

At least Flynny's appointment isn't till Tuesday. I will have plenty of time to get there by then.:D Xxxxxx

molly muffin
11-16-2013, 05:52 PM
Eeeeekk Kathy!!! :o So sorry, I was trying to send the alert out and got sidetrack with finding my shoes :( I think Molly took them, she saw the bag by the door. :eek:

You got time! Go go go go go go!! We'll wait for you by the turn at the big tree stump. ;)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-16-2013, 09:47 PM
Hi all thx for yr messages, you'll never guess what Flynny's been up to!!! No really, you won't! But a hint is a new pic in his album!!

11-18-2013, 05:03 AM
Ok Trish, I have to wish you the best for Flynn's appt and scan now as I believe it is Monday night already for you. His appt is at 2pm my time tomorrow (well later today technically) if I have calculated correctly, and I will be at work at that time. But I will be thinking of you guys all afternoon. Tell him he needs to be like Jasper again, they need to stick together.

I hope you both have had a couple of relaxing days and he is all rested up and ready to go. I will be very interested to hear all that the new vet has to say.

Best of luck with the scan, and big hugs to you and Flynn from me and Jasper. All fingers and paws are crossed here. xo

PS I LOVE the new pic! :D :D

11-18-2013, 11:33 AM
Hey you

Just wanted you reiterate what Tina said, am thinking of you both

Lots of postive mojo coming your way from the uk.

Paws up Flynn


11-18-2013, 01:29 PM
everything crossed here as well:):):)

Paws up Flynny

Squirt's Mom
11-18-2013, 01:42 PM
Waiting with hope........

Budsters Mom
11-18-2013, 03:03 PM
Fingers, toes, and paws crossed! Paws up Flynny boy! xxxxx

11-18-2013, 04:06 PM
Thx guys! He is in there now getting his scan done just spent near an hr with specialist who looks about 20 but he has been specialist here more than 10 years so must just have very good skin! He picked up very minor heart murmer grade 1-2 but no signs heart failure, so he having the tests and back to get him after lunch. Going to visit an aunt and uncle if i can negotiate the vile traffic! Hopefully drive home this arvo xxx

11-18-2013, 04:53 PM
Everything crossed here for you and Flynn :)

molly muffin
11-18-2013, 05:01 PM
Popping in to see how the scan went. Blast work kept me so busy today I couldn't catch a moment to get on line and check to see how things were going. :)

oh man, that is some good genetics there. I bet he has to convince people he is really an IMS all the time. LOL Such a sad thing to have, youthful skin. hahahaha

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-18-2013, 07:24 PM
4cm tumour left side of liver, everything else good. IMS consulting surgeon now, we walking around outside in a daze. My poor boy, they do not think is pheo recurrence

11-18-2013, 07:34 PM
Oh Trish! :o :(

Waiting here, too, right alongside you.


11-18-2013, 07:40 PM
Ims said they do liver reaection every couple weeks and flynns is not by anything vital, no sign spread amywhere else. He would do it if his dog only concern kidneys. He said they could do biopsy amd biopsy kidney same time to get definite diagnosis, but that alone is not cheap and as this was not there on scan 6 mths ago then is obviously fairly fast growing and could be best to just go in and remove it. He said if i chosr not to operaye not much point doing biopsy sorry typos on phone

11-18-2013, 07:47 PM
Sitting in car outside pet hospital waiting news, also todays bloods not in yet, flynns like ok mum why u sitting in thr back with me, lets go! Blardy heck dunno if i can put him through this again... Blardy Novembers SUCK.!!!!!!!

11-18-2013, 07:48 PM
Oh my gosh, what a decision for you to have to make! Sounds as though the location is as good as it can be for the liver resection, but still a lot for you to consider. I know you were planning to head right home...can you stay a bit longer now, or will it be best for you to head home to mull things a bit?

11-18-2013, 07:54 PM
If home was closer i would but is such a long drive and he hates it. Will wait and hear rest of reaults and surgeons opinion then decide. I worry if i leave it he will not have long vs risky surgery

11-18-2013, 07:57 PM
Ahhh geez, Trish, dont drive anywhere right now unless it is close by.

Youd dont have to decide now, do you?

dang, Trish, I'm dazed too.


Budsters Mom
11-18-2013, 07:58 PM
(((((((HUGS))))))) Trish

So much to think about. I'm sorry.:o We'll be right here with you regardless of what you decide. If you decide to go ahead and drive home today, please take it slow and safe.

If you need to vent later and don't feel like posting, send me a PM. Slurpy kisses and belly rubs for my Flynny boy. Xxxxx

11-18-2013, 08:00 PM
I'm not going anywhere, i am always surprisingly calm in a crisis, i have txt my friends up here to say we probably staying bit longer

11-18-2013, 08:16 PM
Good on you! I always go numb and brain-dead in a crisis. Flynny is so lucky to have you there with him. And we'll be here for you -- to take on any research assignment or WHATEVER we can do to help in any way...

Budsters Mom
11-18-2013, 08:45 PM
I am relieved that you are staying a bit longer. I was worried about you driving home. I go numb and brain dead in a crisis also. Flynny hit the jackpot with you. Standing by you always. :p xxxxxx

molly muffin
11-18-2013, 08:55 PM
Crimey :-(

Not even sure what to say outher than November really sucks

Sending you big hugs and a belly rub for Flynn

11-18-2013, 08:59 PM
It really does suck Sharlene, the curse has not been broken!! ims has discussed with surgeon and looks like surgery tomorrow. But I am waiting to talk to surgeon myself, another 20 mins or so i think

11-18-2013, 09:11 PM
Let us know what the surgeon says if you can.

Trish, I am so sorry that you and Flynn are facing this.:(:(

11-18-2013, 09:54 PM
Well that just stinks. :mad: I'm sorry for what you're going through Trish. Sending the most positive thoughts for Flynn and for you. Just sucks!! :mad:


11-18-2013, 10:11 PM
Oh Trish, big hugs. I am stunned and just sick about this. And so sorry you and Flynn have to face this again. I belong with the numb and brain dead in a crisis group. I just don't even know what to say other than this completely sucks. :mad: :( I too will be waiting to hear what the surgeon has to say.


11-18-2013, 10:19 PM
I am so sorry Trish, not what you had hoped for at all. November's suck for you guys..

molly muffin
11-18-2013, 10:27 PM
What are the risks with the kidney's? They seem to sound like they can get the tumor off the liver with no issues? (other than normal risk of any surgery?)

Tomorrow? So soon. I guess that is good considering how aggressive this thing is.

I've had a moment to sort of take this in, and yep, it still sucks. I walked around the house swearing for a good 1/2 an hour on your behalf.

We're here with you. I'll log in from work tomorrow if this is a go. Can't do anything from here, but I'll be online.

Hugs Trish
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
11-18-2013, 10:29 PM

I'm still here waiting in support with the others. No more Novembers for you Missy! :(


11-18-2013, 11:08 PM
Just checking in again to see what the surgeon said.

love you and Flynny

11-18-2013, 11:41 PM
Just got home, surgeon very reassuring, i need to type more, will try get my lappy working so i can type easier as lots to say, tumour is right side not left which is trickier he also going to biopsy kidney, small bowel and adrenal nodule so we can get to the bottom of those problems. Flynn home with me for night, got to take him back at 10am for surgery tomorrow arvo. Xx

11-18-2013, 11:45 PM
Thx for all support, it tears me up. Just been speaking to my local vet mike (ims is a mike too so if we go by naomis theory that all mikes are good we onto a winner!) to make sure i am being objective and not emotional with wanring to keep him alive, he agrees with proceeding too xxxx

Budsters Mom
11-18-2013, 11:48 PM
Sending you tons of love and healing energy. I'll check in several times tomorrow to see how our boy is doing. I am glad that Flynny is there with you tonight. Paws up Flynny boy! ((((((HUGS))))))

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 12:00 AM
If Mike, your vet agrees and Mike the IMS agrees that this is the right thing to do, that if this was their dog, they would proceed, if they think that the risks are acceptable level for Flynn-man, then that is really all you can go on. They will give you their honest opinion.
I know that no matter how strong you are, this is still Flynn, our beloved wonderful guy, and your best bud and it is going to be scary. So, hold on tight to those reassurances from the professionals. Flynn has come through these surgeries before and he will do so again.
Now I like the sound of "getting to the bottom of this once and for all". Lets do just that and get that boy fixed up.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-19-2013, 12:36 AM
yay finally have the laptop working!

So problems identified are:
4 cm liver tumour right central liver. Does not appear to be encroaching on bile ducts but they will not know for sure till they go in.

Nodule on left adrenal, has grown in last 6 months, 1.5cm now. Previous sugeon did not think it looked nasty, new surgeon said they get a very good feeling when they actually see them. He has seen benign tumours over 3cm not cause any problems. the risk this is also a pheo? he has seen that twice in his career so rare but a possibility. IMS agreed with what the old IMS said that his BP would not be controlled if this was a pheo on his current BP regime. Usually requires phenoxybenzamine. He thinks this is unlikely but they are going to have a very good look at it tomorrow, and biopsy. They do not want to go for adrenalectomy tomorrow as it is too risky to combine, which is what I have read. Though he said should it be required in the future depending on biopsy tomorrow that he would go for it. We talked about Addisons, he made it all sound very easy to manage but all I could think about during that converstation was Jasper. :)

They all agree the immediate problem is the liver mass, it is new from last scan. So has grown 4 cm in 6 months, liver tests steeply rising last 6 weeks or so and I have noticed lethargy, panting, twitching worse in that time. So they want it out. It could be recurrence of the hepatocellular carcinoma removed two years ago, it is on other side of liver. Or it could be a new primary, he said it could also be benign, one of those benign nodules that we know he has exploding for example. OK I am going for benign!!

IMS concerned about his kidneys, he wants a definite renal diagnosis, he is not so sure it is just secondary to hypertension. so they will do a tru cut biopsy of kidney.

IBD issues, again we have no definite diagnosis so if Flynn is doing ok during surgery tomorrow they will biopsy that as well.

He also has a nodule that has been biopsied twice previously and showed liver cells, current surgeon wants it out if it is easy.

He also had lipoma behind one kidney that is also new, he will take that if it is easy too, like on a stalk?!?

His latest blood tests are OK, well not much worse than previously.

They have 24 hr care, I can visit afterwards and they will call me when surgery is finished.

I cannot believe I am sitting here typing this... poor Flynn. But I guess I have not had time to stew over it. I sent an sos text to Mike our local vet and bless him he was away at a seminar but got back to me, he has now spoken to IMS here and is fully supportive of proceeding. I asked him if I was just being emotional and I needed him to give objective view if I was going too far putting him through this again and he said No I wasn't, he would do the same... also his wife who was in the car listening to this converstation would also do it for their dogs :D:D so that made me feel better.

So there we are, decision made, a speedy one I admit. But it is done and he is going in tomorrow afternoon. Will let you know what time once I hear. I have confidence in this team, both IMS and surgeon have spent over an hour with me going over everything and all the risks so I am well informed. IMS said his life expectancy should be for another 4 years or more and he would proceed if it was his dog. The alternative is Flynn dying in a few months, also as I have said to others looking at surgery if he is going to pass I would rather it be fast and giving him a chance than a lingering death. Will see how I feel if the worst was to happen but that is my thinking now.

Phew, think that is all xxxxx

11-19-2013, 12:39 AM
At least this time I am with friends here, I have a plate of cheese n crackers to my left and a glass of wine to my right... Flynn is at my feet wondering what all the fuss is about.

11-19-2013, 12:48 AM
Wow was just readin all your posts, thanks so much everyone, my phone was not listing them all properly. Sharlene, they are not so worried about kidneys affecting this surgery just that IMS would like a definite diagnosis of what is causing proteinuria and subsequent UPC increase and a biopsy should show that and then they can plan optimal treatment.

11-19-2013, 01:07 AM
we'll be praying for Flynn to have a speedy recovery!

11-19-2013, 01:22 AM
Well, if this were me, even though it's all sudden and shocking I like the speed of getting it taken care of....waiting will just ramp up the worry. If it has to get done, the sooner the better. Found the problem and quickly going to get it out...I think it's a smart decision.
Hoping all goes well and that Flynn gets through with flying colors and a speedy recovery!! You sound like you are in good hands with this vet.
Sending prayers and positive energy across the miles to you and Flynn!! He's a trooper and so are you!!
Will be awaiting the good word and with you all the way!!!


11-19-2013, 01:32 AM
OMG Trish, my head is spinning! So much to think about, but as usual you are in top of everything. I don't know how you do it. What a lucky boy Flynn is, he has such a smart Mum. And how reassuring that you were able to talk to your own vet about everything to get his take on it. I am going to post this now real quick so you know I am here, and I need to go back and re-read everything and will post more in a bit.

Huge hugs for you and Flynn from me and Jasper. xo

11-19-2013, 01:47 AM
Thanks Barbara, my thoughts exactly, I asked them if they had space this afternoon!!

Hi Tina - one of my friends is home from work, the one plying me with cheese and wine.... the other one who I said.. nope, won't do anything rash is yet to get back, she will take some convincing we are doing the right thing .....

I just emailed work and said I need the rest of this week off, I was meant to be back there on Thursday and also said I am taking next week off too, they will be cursing me at such short notice but to tell the truth I don't care, Flynn is number 1! Will take more leave if I need to once I know how he is doing. You can bet your bottom dollar no swab will be left in this boy, they all knew about it and tut tutted. I also think they may have been talking about me and that's fine, they took ages to talk to me today so I appreciate that. It is not cheap that's for sure, lucky I have my visa paid off and its pay day tomorrow anyway :) but he is worth every last dollar in the bank to me :)

11-19-2013, 02:05 AM
Trish, please excuse me, but I am just bawling now after re-reading everything. I pray that I could be half as brave as you. I completely agree that you are doing the right thing, but I always let fear get the best of me. I am a big worrier and don't think I am very good at making speedy decisions under the gun. I admire you SO much. I am so impressed with your veterinary team now, just as I have been with the others in the past. I am not sure that I have access to that level of care and attention here. Again, that is so reassuring. I love the amount of time they have all taken with you.

Right away I was thinking about your work and would you be able to get the time off, as that would be a problem for me. But as you said, Flynn comes first always!! And yes, they are worth every last dollar, most definitely. Hard typing through this tear outburst. Jasper is looking at me like "what's wrong now Mom?". I am a such an emotional sap. I love Flynn, I can't help it. xo

11-19-2013, 02:31 AM
I forgot to say that I like the idea of getting a kidney biopsy while they are in there. It will be good to know exactly what is going on there. That was in the back of my mind when Jasper had his ultrasound, if it would be possible or indicated to get a kidney biopsy also. But I didn't think to ask anything about that, since the immediate problem seems to be liver or pancreas related. The liver biopsies that he had were trucut biopsies like you mention for Flynn. First I had heard of that.

Gosh, I feel like I need to take the day off work tomorrow so I can monitor everything here for Flynn. Well, I am just going to have to sneak on the forum while I am at work. I will be with you all the way. Tons of love and positive thoughts being sent across the miles Trish.

Big hugs to you and Flynn,
Tina and Jasper

11-19-2013, 02:32 AM
OK stop that crying right now Missy!! No time for tears, we need good thoughts and positivity only!!! He is going to be fine, that is the only outcome!! I feel myself getting teary when people get too sympathetic kind of if you know what I mean, he is a tough little cookie and we WILL get through this one way or another... I guess I have kind of have gone into professional work mode right now, when I am in bed later on thinking about it it might be a different story. But he will not be seeing me sad or crying, he needs strength and normalcy he will get it from me... afterwards I can fall apart.

11-19-2013, 02:33 AM
By the time it happens you will be home anyway, so there you go that's tomorrow night taken care of :)

11-19-2013, 02:46 AM
Well what a day you both had! I am with Barbara, the longer it's left the more you worry, you would have had to come back as well so this makes sense to me

They seem to be on top of it all and want to look at everything while he is under which is good, I like that they took the time to explain it all

Gutted that they found it but grateful you went for this scan and they can do something about it. I will be right beside you in spirit willing you both on


11-19-2013, 02:49 AM
Ok, the water works are under control now!! :) Sorry for the lapse, I think I have been keeping it all bottled up with Jasper's latest round of tests, and it was built up. And you are right, need to keep up a brave face for Flynn. He is definitely a tough cookie and this time will not be any different, I truly believe that. It sounds like you have the time of the procedure pinned down? I like to know so I can focus. :)

11-19-2013, 02:53 AM
Hi Mel :) yes I am grateful we found it before it gets too big too... one thing they said was good is that it is one mass, not spread throughout the liver, so yay a positive... I am collecting all those positives up right now :)

Awww Tina, why do these boys of ours have these crisis like this, least they do it in tandem sometimes so we can commiserate together. You are so sensible and kind, don't know what I would do without you :D:D Tell Jasper he better blardy not copy Flynn on this one! I do not have time other than "afternoon" yet, will let you know when I take him tomorrow so you can send all your positive vibes to him at the precise moment, I know they work too :)

11-19-2013, 03:00 AM
So it will all come out with clear margins then, that's what new mike better tell us tomorrow!

Mum and Dad doing ok, as this was probably a shock to them too?


11-19-2013, 03:13 AM
Awww Tina, why do these boys of ours have these crisis like this, least they do it in tandem sometimes so we can commiserate together. You are so sensible and kind, don't know what I would do without you :D:D Tell Jasper he better blardy not copy Flynn on this one! I do not have time other than "afternoon" yet, will let you know when I take him tomorrow so you can send all your positive vibes to him at the precise moment, I know they work too :)

Oh thanks Trish, I don't know about the sensible part, but kind, I'll take that. :) :) When I told Jasper about all that is going on with Flynn, I did say "and it is ok if you don't copy him this time". :rolleyes: I just thought I would let him know that since we are still waiting for histology results! Yes, will be watching for the surgery time so I can focus all the positive energy.

I agree with Mel, clear margins is what I want to hear also.

11-19-2013, 03:13 AM
Poor Mum is upset, she posted his photo on her facebook with this message :(
For Eleven years this little chap has been part of our lives, he came through a operation for cancer of the liver two years ago, unfortunately it's returned,wish I was with Tricia in Auckland while she confers with the vets..he is such a big part of our lives, it breaks your heart..xx

11-19-2013, 03:16 AM
Now don't cry again when you read that Tina because it nearly had me blubbing when I read it. I have rung and spoke to her a couple of times, but she is upset

Yes we will all be waiting for excellent histology results...

11-19-2013, 03:18 AM
Bless her, they both love him so much too as they are his grandparents :)

Thank goodness they can do it tomorrow so you guys can get back home quicker! And at least he can have his dinner tonight if they are do it in the afternoon, he wouldn't have been impressed if he got no tea tonight!

11-19-2013, 03:21 AM
Yes, I am telling myself that too Mel, as I just gave him his last supper! He is hungry because of missing his breakfast, even though I had given him food this afternoon

11-19-2013, 03:23 AM
See he don't have a clue, where is my tea mum?! People have been poking me least I deserve is some decent food for my efforts :D

11-19-2013, 03:25 AM
:) That's what I love about them, just live in the moment! They did his ultrasound and he lay nice and still so they did not need to use sedation and they did not shave him either, IMS commented on what a nice sweet dog he is. I have seen the ultrasound pictures pictures and they are super clear too for ultrasound.

11-19-2013, 03:35 AM
Awww, how sweet of your mom.
My father is quite attached to Daisy Mae, he calls her his girlfriend.

One mass that hasn't spread - this is the perfect time to get rid of it and they shall.


11-19-2013, 03:57 AM
Yep, pretty choked up reading that Trish. Yes, they are his grandparents. My Mom is the same way with my pups, so sweet.

Jasper was nice and still during his ultrasound also, my vet told me that the Dr doing it said "I love this dog". :) But he had to have sedation due to the biopsies.

Well, I just took Jasper out for his middle of the night pit stop. He gets his Denamarin now also since it needs to be given on an empty stomach. This time works perfectly. The only problem is, Mom hasn't been to bed yet this time!! :eek: :rolleyes:

I better hit the hay, have to be up in about 3 hours or so for work and have a meeting in the morning.

Trish, sending all my best to you and Flynn for tomorrow. You most certainly will be in my thoughts all day, and I will be monitoring the forum for updates and the surgery time.

Big hugs to you and smooches for Flynn. PAWS UP FLYNNY BOY!!!


11-19-2013, 04:03 AM
Mel, good to see you. I think it's been quite a while since we have both been on in real time. :) I hope your work is settling down for you, mine has been crazy also. Thank you for your sweet comments on our thread. Hugs to you and Boyce. xo

11-19-2013, 04:06 AM
Awww poor you Tina, hope those 3 hrs feel like 30! Thanks girls for your kind wishes, I won't have much else to do tomorrow but keep everyone up to date so I shall be popping in when I have news.. off to bed now ourselves, he is a tired little boy after his big day and I want him to have a real good sleep tonight so he is fighting fit for his surgery tomorrow, see you tomorrow xxxxxxxxxx

11-19-2013, 06:37 AM
OK, U.S. Morning Crew now aboard! Hope you and Flynnie are sleeping soundly at this moment. But whenever you're up and about, we are here. Tons of healing wishes being sent your way!

Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 07:22 AM
Well, you can fuss at me for crying all you want and it won't do you one whit of good! ;):D I started last nite when I peeked in and read your initial posts, and am still crying this morning, so there. AND I don't for one second believe you are as stoic as you want folks to believe. ;)

I am glad this is moving quickly - it gives you less time to worry about things and gives his insides less time to progress to worse states. I would want everything questionable checked out and removed if possible so the odds of having to go back in yet again are lessened. Three major surgeries in his short life and one to correct a goof. Bless his little heart and yours, too.

It's 6:20am here so I hope you are both resting comfortably, gathering strength for today's ordeal. Everyone in our house is sending you both hugs, prayers, healing energies, hope and faith in a bright future.

Hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 07:27 AM
Morning crew here too. Checking in before I leave for work because I just had to say.

Paws Up Flynn

We're with you here Trish. I think we would send a whole brigade to stand guard over Flynn if it were possible.
I like the sound of 4 more years. That makes it so worth the risk vs months. Now, like I said he before, he is a strong boy and he'll come through this just like he did all the others. Fine! Nothing else is acceptable. I'm glad you have friends with you this time. Especially with such short notice. No letting the mind get started running.
I'll pop in as soon as I can to check again.

hugs and love Trish to you and Flynn and your mum and dad
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-19-2013, 07:36 AM
All Paws Up Flynny

I think you are like me, the crisis starts we think we are being strong and holdin it together to see us throught the crisis but it causes post tramatic stress syndrome and we dont even know it.:rolleyes::o

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Flynn. We wont leave you alone, I'll pop in from work to keep tabs on you, along with everyone else.

It is the dang waiting that is so hard.

love ya

11-19-2013, 07:58 AM
God Bless you and Flynn, I will pray for you both.

11-19-2013, 09:01 AM
Trish, checking in real quick before work to wish our boy the best. Many thoughts and prayers heading your way. I will be popping in as I can from work today also but may not be able to post. I hope you are getting some sleep now. We are all here with you and I will be thinking about you guys all day.


Much love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 10:06 AM
Checking in before work this morning. Sending wellness thoughts and healing energy your way. Paws up Flynny boy! Xxxxx

11-19-2013, 10:16 AM
Hi Trish,
Hope you both got some sleep last night. Just came in from our morning walk and we thought about Flynn all along the way. We're sending all the good thoughts for a successful procedure and good results!! We know it's going to happen that way!!
Hoping you're hanging in there, we are all here thinking of you and Flynn!!

Barbara xo

11-19-2013, 10:52 AM
Hi, thx everyone, I been tossing and turning. Still dark here, 4.50am. I keep coming up with more questions so must get up and write them down before I forget

11-19-2013, 11:12 AM
It's a lot to get your head around.. Understandable you are tossing and turning.

Been thinking about you both all day

Supposed to be working but not in the mood xxxxx

11-19-2013, 11:25 AM
Topping up the PAWS UP FLYNN thoughts all the way from Bonnie Scotland :p

Harley PoMMom
11-19-2013, 11:46 AM
I'm here too, and sending tons of positive energy your way.

Love and hugs, Lori

11-19-2013, 12:01 PM
me too, Trish, I am keeping tabs from my I Phone

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 01:15 PM
me too! I'm keeping tabs from work. I'll check in again during my lunch break.xxxx

11-19-2013, 01:19 PM
I have thankfully finished work, it was rubbish but I am officially done for this day.

Nipping out to get some food to cook but I will be back again in a bit. Hope you can feel all this love and postive energy for you and Flynn.

Paws up wee man


11-19-2013, 01:41 PM
Feel the love :):):)

11-19-2013, 01:57 PM
I'm here too Trish, checking in on my lunch. Hugs to you and the Little Man. :)

Tina and Jasper xo

11-19-2013, 01:57 PM
HI, well we up! Beautiful sunny day here in Auckland. Flynn is mopey, just walking about and not trotting or anything.

I have to have him there by 10am, which is 2 hrs away. My friends have just left for work so I am going to take him in, with my new list of questions from night time thinking too much :)

So surgery is at least 6 hrs away so you all do not have to wait up for that!! But will get confirmed time when I drop him in. The vet hospital is about 20-30 mins away depending on traffic, at least today I know where I am going and won't be fighting rush hour traffic.

Thanks for all the love, we can feel it for sure xxx

11-19-2013, 02:01 PM
So still an hour or so to go till you can leave

Flynn has probably twigged something is going on!

11-19-2013, 02:12 PM
He is not happy that is for sure, itchy again too. The IMS talked about giving him Prednisone for that yesterday. Will see how he goes afterwards I guess. But two mornings in a row of not getting breakfast is a bit much for my Flynn!!

11-19-2013, 02:31 PM
That sucks. Not long now...

molly muffin
11-19-2013, 02:31 PM
I'm checking in and will be checking in more once I get home. I figure we all have a long night ahead of us, but not nearly as long as it will seem to you Trish.

We are here because we want to be. :) You know how we are. The rule is, no one waits alone. Ever! So, tada!

Poor guy. His schedule is out of wack, he hasn't had breakfast now for two days, what on earth is wrong with him mum! She drives him some where far far away, (6 hours if forever in dog land), then doesn't give him his breakies!!
But does provide new playmates. Crazy mums!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-19-2013, 02:36 PM
I did laugh when I read all your comments on his cow kissing photo, he was so funny with it. Not scared at all, I put the pic on facebook and Mum said Flynn must have been looking for any crumbs around his mouth or else checking to see how rare he would like his meat :eek::eek:

I am not on my own, well I am for a few hours while my friends are at work but they have told me if I need them to call and they will come home.

11-19-2013, 02:38 PM
Flynn is such a character, I couldn't believe he got so close!

11-19-2013, 03:15 PM
Right, we are ready. I just packed his little bag, 1 mat, 1 blankie, 1 toy... OK Leslie and Tina, that got me going :(. He is following me everywhere... I hope I am doing the right thing and I am not leading him to his death because he would follow me there too :( ... back in an hour or two xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 03:16 PM
Lunch break checkin.... I refused to leave my room for lunch. Must check in on my friends. :p

You are never alone Trish. you have all of us right by you side. Feel the love and healing energy. We are there!:)

On behalf of my boy Flynny, I wish to voice a formal complaint about skipping breakfast two days in a row. That is totally unacceptable! 6 hour car rides and now this! :eek: Okay Flynny, don't worry, Auntie Kathy is going to fix this!;)

We're all here for the duration Trish. You couldn't get rid of us if you tried. (((((HUGS)))))

Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 03:24 PM
Right beside you, Trish, all the way. Prayers rising for all, healing energies flying. All fingers, toes, and paws crossed. Candles lit.

Many hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

Paws ^^Up^^ Flynn!

11-19-2013, 03:27 PM
I'm here, too. Ohhhhhhh, I understand how that must have felt packing his things to take in. :o

Brave wee soul, and brave mom! As hard as it is, I would be making the same decision if I were you since you are giving your boy his best possible chance.

More healing energy flowing your way.

11-19-2013, 03:51 PM
I knew that feeling, packing Zoe up last February.

Deep breath, shoulders back, head up.

you never walk alone.

PAWS up Flynny

11-19-2013, 03:57 PM
There is nothing worse than having to leave them

Am here with you

Big tight hug for you xxxx

11-19-2013, 04:25 PM
It's the hard part now, dropping him off and waiting. Glad your friends are with you. Of course Flynn is totally aware something's going on, he's a smart boy, we all know that.
We're all here, sending out a lot of positive energy which is catching a current straight to Auckland!!

^^ Flynn^^ paws up!!

11-19-2013, 05:06 PM
He is all settled in, well as settled in as he can be in a cage! The nurses were lovely and told me to set up his bed just how he likes it and all his stuff was allowed including his toy. There is a row of two cages stacked on top of each other, he is on the top. There is a border collie underneath him and three other dogs were there, one carried in after his just completed surgery while we were there. I did not stay too long, just to get him in... he kept poking his head out the bit we had to close so we had to poke his ears in so they did not get jammed :eek: He got my secret little message and a quick goodbye before I lost it. The nurse looked after him yesterday while he was there for his scan and she said he settled really quickly and was a very good boy.

Still no definite time for surgery, she estimating early to mid afternoon depending on how long the surgeries before Flynn take, surgeon was operating and I could not speak to him but I did see Mike IMS and he answered my remaining questions. I said I need to know actual time so they will call.

Just forced myself to have some toast, as feeling bit yuck.

Thanks for all your messages, you all continue to astound me with your love and support. Marianne, that means a lot saying you would do the same thing so thank you x

Let the waiting begin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-19-2013, 05:15 PM
Least he got to keep his toy, something familiar as well as his blanket

You won't be by yourself waiting we will try and keep you occupied

Your mum and dad doing ok today?

Budsters Mom
11-19-2013, 05:19 PM
Yes, it is so hard to leave them in those cages, but at least Flynny got to keep his Blankey and toy. Small comforts from home always help us feel better.

I am glad you managed to eat a little toast Trish. As I recall, you were mama Trish, when I wasn't eating.

I will be checking in throughout the day and night until I hear how it all went. Hey, I gave up my lunch break, so this is nothing.;) We of course will all be with you during that time, but I'd love to be able sit there and wait with you in person.

PAWS UP FLYNNY BOY! We all love you and your mom! Xxxx

11-19-2013, 05:28 PM
Good thing I brought my cell phone charger. Did they say how long the actual surgery would be?
I get to go home in 40 minutes so at least I can type easier from there. I keep sneaking in to type.

Squirt's Mom
11-19-2013, 05:30 PM
I'll probably sign off as usual but will be peeking in to check on Flynn and will keep you both in my thoughts whether online or not.

11-19-2013, 05:32 PM
I rang them Mel after I dropped him in, they sound ok just worried for their little Flynnikin. I am keeping them posted as I hear things.

Haha yes Kathy, I was the food police... so good thing I am taking my own advice :) Least your only 3 hrs ahead of me, well and a day behind so time difference not too bad for you but Mel it is getting up to midnight where you are, probably be hearing when you wake up so you won't be missing much :)

Addy, the nurse said a few hours :eek::eek: I hope not, she quickly said but that includes clipping him, anaesthetic, recovery etc etc... I clean forgot to ask the surgeon that yesterday. So that's not much help.

11-19-2013, 05:33 PM
Aww, big hugs Trish, I know how incredibly hard it is to leave him. Checking in from work real quick, I will probably be here for a while yet but will check again as soon as I get home. Milk with carnation instant breakfast or something similar works really well to keep your stomach settled when you can't eat. :) Yes, that is so reassuring to read that Marianne would do the same thing. Lots of love and positive energy heading South. Gentle hugs Flynny boy. xo