View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you
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molly muffin
07-21-2013, 10:06 AM
Oh yea, Love the Flynn video. :) He is sooo cute. Very precise in his tearing up of the packaging. Tear, spit, tear, spit, pull out the prize! He should be great with those puzzles Trish! He is a born solver.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend too. It's great here so lots of outdoor time Finally!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
07-21-2013, 02:24 PM
Good for you FLynny boy! Keep snatching that devil cat's toys. That will teach them to deprive my boy! :D:D
07-21-2013, 11:08 PM
Hey Trish--Checking in on you...heard there was an earthquake in NZ today 6.2 or so...pretty big I would think...I believe they said centered near Wellington. Hope you are all ok!
Simba's Mom
07-22-2013, 12:47 AM
So glad to hear that Flynn is doing well, sending hugs to you!
07-22-2013, 07:18 AM
I also heard about the earthquake, hoping you and your family are all safe with Flynn. Blessings
07-22-2013, 05:03 PM
I didn't know about an earthquake been totally out of the loop. Really hope you and the wee man are ok??
Post us soon. Big hug
Budsters Mom
07-23-2013, 01:49 AM
Hi Trish,
Please let us know what's happening with the earthquakes. We all worry, you know. Just can't help it!:o Just a quick word to let us know that you and Flynny boy haven't washed out to sea! :eek: See, our imaginations are running wild. Please post SOON! ;)
07-23-2013, 01:55 AM
Is this soon enough? I just got home from work. I had posted on here you guys!!
The quake was a good 4 hrs drive south of here. I did not even feel it, I think Flynn did though. Others here did, but it was pretty bad down in Wellington where quite a few family members live, stuff strewn about and some masonry off buildings, windows broken that type of thing.
So we are all fine here, Wellington is still getting rocked with aftershocks but nothing big.
Budsters Mom
07-23-2013, 02:00 AM
Yes, soon enough my dear;) You did post earlier, but said that aftershocks were still coming in, so we needed an update, because we are worry warts.:o I don't want you washing out to sea before Flynny gets his TOYS! There are priorities, you know!:D Thanks for posting. Now I can sleep tonight!:)
07-23-2013, 02:10 AM
Well no toys arrived today! But he did get one present from his Nana who had ordered a pillow with his picture on it!! I will post it for you :)
Hi Mel!! Lovely to have you back! Hope that first day back was not too sucky xx
Hi Trish,
Just popping in real quick to say hey, and glad to read the aftershocks haven't been too bad. I had to check in and post for Kaibo, I will be a wreck today until we hear something there. Praying so hard for that little guy.
Well back to bed for an hour or so I hope. Jasper is looking at me like he thinks its time for breakfast or something. The pit stop is a bit later than usual but no breakfast yet! Oy, this sleep pattern is going to be the death of me! One of my friends did say once "you know that lack of sleep is shortening your life?" Well, what exactly am I supposed to do, I say. I am just so thankful that he wakes me rather than having accidents. ;)
Hugs, and a belly rub for Flynny.
Tina and Jasper xo
07-23-2013, 07:47 AM
Glad to hear you are all ok. I am sure Flynn the wonder dog sensed what was happening. Hope all those people affected are going to be ok. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-23-2013, 08:54 AM
I love Flynny's pillow! What a special nana he has! What a great photo!:) The toys are on the way Flynny!:D Big hugs for you and a belly rub for my boy!:)
07-23-2013, 08:59 PM
Glad you had no earthquake problems by you! Not surprised Flynn sensed it...dogs have that kind of awareness.
We had a very mild earthquake here in NYC a few years ago...I think 2010 and it was the strangest sensation!! Trixie acted weird right before I felt it.:eek:
molly muffin
07-23-2013, 11:13 PM
Well don't you just continue to have the adventures. :) Now you have mother nature sticking her hand in the pot. LOL Flynn's a smart cookie, he knows whats going on, no matter if it is 4 hours away. LOL
Glad it wasn't anywhere near you. I think we all remember the big one from a few years ago and it makes us all nervous to hear of an earthquake and not know how close it was to you.
Yay for a good report on your dad. Those polyps can be scary but it's great to find out that they are benign. Just bothersome buggers.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-24-2013, 03:05 AM
Well a toy has arrived, it is his dog casino!! The idea of his casino is he is meant to gently take the little bone off the top which acts as a stopper to opening the drawer underneath. Once bone is off, he can then open the drawer and get his prize, biscuits in this case :D But he must take the bone off first for it too work. He saw me put the biscuits in the little drawers. I tried to show him how to take the wee bone off but NOPE he had other ideas... claw at it like a maniac and try get that drawer to open and when it wouldn't he got fed up and tipped the whole thing upside down and all the bones fell off and then he shoved it around so much all the drawers came open so he did get his prize, just not in a very nice manner. So much for the puzzle keeping him entertained, he just used brute force!!
I have put a pic up of him with his new toy!
He just had a mucousy poop, it was fairly well formed, so he better cut that right out!! Will keep an eye on that.
Thanks for all your earthquake concern, I am still quite scared of them after being in that massive Christchurch one in 2011 that killed so many. Nothing like the earth throwing you to the ground a couple of times to give you a healthy respect for them :eek::eek:
Budsters Mom
07-24-2013, 03:16 AM
Thank you Trish. I needed a laugh tonight and you came through. I really love Flynny. He is a character! :D We would get along great! I can just see him attacking that puzzle box. ROFL :D
What's up with the mucousy poop? What has that little rascal got himself into? There's always something to keep you on your toes. Big hugs and thanks again for the laugh.:D xxxx
07-24-2013, 05:06 AM
Well I am pleased we were able to give you a laugh Kathy, I have been cracking up at him all night. I read the instructions and it said to start the game off at a simple level ie do not put the bones on top but let him be able to open the drawers easily.
Well we tried that but he still goes at it like a devil possessed, it already has a few gouges out the side :eek: He knows the biccies are in there and he attacks it with his paws and his teeth, bash bash bash... flips it over at will. I have put it up on the table and he knows it is up there and keeps dancing around standing up full height on his back legs to try and see it, I have created a monster :eek::eek:
Budsters Mom
07-24-2013, 05:16 AM
I wish I could be there to see that Trish. It sounds like such fun! Xxxx
07-24-2013, 05:25 AM
Well he asleep on the couch now, not much action at the moment. There was a courier card in the letter box that they came to drop off something else but no one home so I have to go pick it up tomorrow... maybe its the babble... oh what a week of fun he is having!!
I am flying up to Auckland on Friday for a work meeting, I was going to come straight back but have decided to stay the night with friends, out to dinner, shopping the next day and fly home Saturday so working on making the instructions VERY clear for his meds Fri night and Sat morning! Hope there are no problems this time.
Why are you still up, must be late there?
Budsters Mom
07-24-2013, 05:31 AM
It is 2:30 AM here. I am pretty worked up about Buddy today. It has been three weeks. I have another migraine tonight. I take migraine blockers every night at bedtime for a chemical imbalance. They work pretty well when I sleep. Not so well when I don't.
I hope you have a fun night out after your meeting. Is Flynny staying with your folks?
Budsters Mom
07-24-2013, 05:40 AM
Staying up late is no big deal when I'm not working. I have another month off, then back to the munchkins. Then I really need my sleep because I have to be up and semi-alert. Otherwise, it makes for a really tough day. I enjoy them so much, but a class full of special needs kids can be exhausting even when I am rested. I still wouldn't want to do anything else. It is a perfect fit for my need to nurture.:)
07-24-2013, 05:42 AM
Have you got something you can take to help you sleep? Maybe a nice hot chocolate! I am pretty sure looking at a bright computer screen with a migraine is not good Kathy!! Hope it passes soon, you must have caught it off Tina :rolleyes:
Yes, he will stay with Mum and Dad, I think after his last sleepover they will make very sure he gets the right thing! As long as he gets his BP meds I will be happy.
I had stopped his Losec about 3 weeks ago, so that is one less to worry about, but might have to restart it if he has any more mucousy poops.
Budsters Mom
07-24-2013, 05:51 AM
I am on my IPad and I turn the screen down, so there's practically no glare at all. My migraines are caused by a chemical imbalance in my brain. I took meds, but they have caffeine which makes me WIDE awake. This gives me something to do and I miss chatting with you anyway. I have learned to function very well with them.
I'm sure your folks will get it right this time. Have fun and try not to worry. You deserve a break my dear.:)
07-24-2013, 05:56 AM
I hate typing on my ipad, love surfing on it. So when I am posting I am usually on the lappy in the lounge. Are you still in bed then? Where is Rosie, in her pen? These anniversaries are never fun... especially all the firsts. As much as it is horrible to happen at any time at least with Buddy passing while you are on holidays it gives you some time to collect yourself before going back to your darling kids... you won't be quite so fragile I mean.
Budsters Mom
07-24-2013, 06:06 AM
Yes, I am in bed in the dark. I usually dictate on my IPad, but don't want to wake Rosie by talking, so I'm typing.
Yes, Rosie is asleep in her crate. She is so easy and agreeable ALL the time. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. The monkey thing is her only flaw.:)
Yes, I know what you mean about losing Buddy while I'm on break. It does give me a chance to process a little more before returning to work. I am not offended. You are right. Hopefully I will be a little less fragile then.
Isn't it about bedtime for you?
Budsters Mom
07-24-2013, 06:10 AM
I noticed that Naomi is on-line. I have been wondering about Frasier and Oscar. I hope she posts an update to let us know how they all are.
07-24-2013, 06:12 AM
Nah not yet, is only 10.10pm, usually up till 11ish. I was so taken with my suggestion of hot chocolate I have made one for myself :)
That's pretty fancy tech skills you are set up to dictate... stupid Siri never understands my accent so I have given up on him :D
Yep, I hope we get an update from Naomi too!
Budsters Mom
07-24-2013, 06:18 AM
Your Siri is a guy? I guess you would say bloke:D Yes, I am lazy. I usually dictate, but have to preview before I submit, because sometimes it ends up really, really, wrong.:D It is pretty accurate though.
07-24-2013, 06:26 AM
Yep, he is a guy! I never say bloke, that is more Aussie!
Budsters Mom
07-24-2013, 06:27 AM
It is almost 3:30 AM here now. I'm going to try to rest. My IPad doesn't aggravate my migraine, but SUN definitely does, so I need to rest before the sun rises. It is almost always bright and sunny in the morning here. Thanks for chatting with me. I love talking with you over something or nothing. It makes no difference. Please update us on Flynny's next toy. It is too fun! Big hugsxxxxx
07-24-2013, 06:32 AM
Yes, get some sleep! Mel must be busy catching up on her work too... have not seen her pop in yet. Yes it is nice to catchup with you, has been quiet in here lately in the evenings! Tina must be due up for a pitstop :D:D You know I am usually on here most nights, so do pop in for a chat if you can't sleep!!
07-24-2013, 02:19 PM
Photo of Flynn's new toy is making me laugh! It's all about the biscuit for Flynn!! :D That biscuit was coming out of that puzzle...Flynn found a way! He's saying bring on the next new toy...make sure to put the biscuit in again!! :D
Barbara :p
07-25-2013, 01:47 PM
Hey Trish
I see your online, you ok? Where are you going?
Love the wee mans new photo and his pillow...
Budsters Mom
07-25-2013, 02:55 PM
Hi Mel,
Trish is fine. She has some kind of meeting/training or ? In Auckland. Then she's going to dinner with some friends and spending the night. Shopping follows the next day, then home to Flynny. I didn't want you to worry, so I hijacked trish's thread. :D xxxx
07-25-2013, 03:04 PM
Hey Kathy
Thanks for letting me know :D
Big hug
07-25-2013, 04:13 PM
Hi Mel, Hi Kathy and all - yep am in Auckland, in airport waiting for my colleagues to arrive, it meeting for committee I am on, then fly home tomorrow, in McDonald's oh yeah hash brown and hot chic for brekky and to catch up on Kaibo!
07-26-2013, 05:36 AM
How typical. I stop in to say boo and you're away. What excellent timing I have. :rolleyes: Just checked out Flynny's vids, thinking I need another one now of him dancing around the coffe table after his casino, with a time jump then to him going at it hell for leather getting those drawers open! So glad to see and hear is doing well. He's is definitely a handsome little devil.
Oh well, will check back again later and hope to actually catch up with you soon. I won't go awol again this time, I swear! :D
07-27-2013, 04:36 AM
Awwww stink, I missed Naomi! Yay your back :)
I had a nice little trip to Auckland, meeting went well then out to very tasty Italian dinner last night... Up for brunch today and great shopping with loads of sales on. Bought Flynn a new snuggly doggy blanket so he is all set with his personalised pillow as well!!
He was so funny when I went to Mum and Dads, he leapt up on to the chair and wanted lots of cuddles which is unlike him!! Then he kept putting his whole head in my bag, and pulled out receipt, receipt, couple of things I had bought for me, tried to chew through the plastic shopping bag as he thought it was for him... nosy boy, I think he must have smelt the tasty cakes I had brought back for Mum and Dad!!
He was good apart from the devil cat kept trying to steal his bed, Mum put her photo up on facebook last night in his bed I will put it in Elle's photo album along with Mum's comments... it made me laugh. But he had all his meds correctly this time, I think Mum triple read the instructions, plus I rang when they were due to make sure they were done right. I forgot to take the darn Tramadol there, my house was all locked and alarmed and keys with me so they could not get in here to get it. But I txt our vet and luckily he had ordered two bottles of the Tramadol drops, so he sorted it out and gave Dad the spare.. phew!
So I have done enough eating Fri/Sat to last me the weekend :D:D But it was nice to get away and catch up with friends and I was so pleased all went well back here! xxx
07-27-2013, 06:07 AM
Hey Trish
Sorry I missed you this morning, I woke up early but went back to sleep as its Saturday and not long woke up. I am just going out to see my niece and nephew as I haven't since before hols and they go away themselves soon.
Your trip sounds like fun, glad that everything went ok for Flynn at your mum and dads. Nice that he wanted cuddles instead of giving you his bum! I need to check out his video so will do that later.
Big hug and kisses for Flynn
07-27-2013, 07:12 PM
Hope you had a nice day with the kids Mel! What a good Aunty you are :D Glad you slept in, I did too and did not get up to 10am this morning :eek::eek:
Flynny is going to have a trip to the dog park down by the river later today just for a change from his usual beach walk!
All his toys have arrived, the babble ball is a hit Leslie, not only with Flynn but also Elle the puss bats it around too! It cracks me up, they only have to walk past it for it to start babbling and it gives them a surprise every time :D:D I have video of him trying to kill his casino but its too long Naomi so I will try to edit it... that might be tricky as I have no idea how to do it :D:D
Budsters Mom
07-27-2013, 07:42 PM
Ug, you just answered all of the questions that I asked you on my thread. Must have been reading my mind woman!:D I'm glad that you had a nice visit in Auckland.
So glad to hear that the toys have arrived. That babble ball sounds fun! I bet Rosie would love it! I gave her an ice cube today. She slid it all over the floor, batted it around and tried to pick it up. It frustrated the heck out of her, but I had a good laugh. It is amazing what we will do to amuse ourselves!:D
Enjoy your lazy day off! Xxxx
Budsters Mom
07-27-2013, 11:07 PM
Ah Trish,
I just noticed that you changed Flynny's's avatar to the pillow picture. Love it!:):D
07-28-2013, 05:36 AM
Hey Trish
How are you? Trip sounded like fun..
I took the kids to paint pottery, we all did plates, fish, heart and I did a butterfly. I collect them on Friday, I always date the pieces as I will bust all this stuff out when they are older at their birthday parties :D
So Flynn has new toys? I havent had chance to read what's been happening while I was away. So his old toys were causing the issues with his mouth?
Big hug
07-28-2013, 05:41 AM
Hi Mel
Yay first time we have been online same time in ages!! Yep, soft fluffy toys are out... his mouth seems much better without them so I am giving him new "educational" toys haha... he seems to like them, especially the ones that you can put food inside :D:D
Good ideas with the pottery, they are fun things... I always used to take mine to the fairs and dip candles and crafty things like that, they love stuff they can take home :D
07-28-2013, 05:51 AM
I know has been too long!
I think it is good to mix things up for them as they do get bored, pleased you managed to figure it out as sore mouth is no fun for us, must be worse for our puppies as they can't say, what a good mum you are for figuring it out!
So what you up to tonight, did Flynn like his trip to the dog park? Has he got up to anything recently?
I have so much stuff they have made over the years, their mum doesn't keep things which to me is disappointing. It's memories so I do keep it, I always take lots of photos. I will make up scrap books for them at some point.
I usually always take them away too once a year, we didn't last year as we spent all our time with Tia but I think I will this year in aug just trying to find somewhere!
07-28-2013, 06:05 AM
Mel, August is like 3 days away!!! Haha not long till your next holiday YAY!
I did not make it to dog park, took him to the pet store and picked up his meat and did his weekly stare at the rats!! Shopping then called into see Mum and Dad for a wee bit. Then up the beach and he loved his run today, he ran like the wind, he was chasing birds and rolling in something I could not see then he leaps up and comes sprinting at me with I swear a smile on his face... then he went and had a romp with a couple of small dogs we met along the way, he was really having a great time and it always makes me so thankful I made the decisions I have for him so far. To see him having fun and enjoying his doggy life make's my day! I was thinking of Kaibo's Mum Nikki, while I was walking along and hoping that she will be soon walking Kaibo again and thanking her lucky stars it worked out as well for them too :D Lots to be thankful for!
07-28-2013, 06:40 AM
Moments like that make all the stress and worry worthwhile. So heartwarming to hear
Budsters Mom
07-28-2013, 04:24 PM
Hi Trish,
I'm glad you had such a great Sunday with Flynny.:p:) Yesterday was Sunday there, right? I get so mixed up!:confused: How could you possibly forget Flynny's rat fix. Have to stare at those varmints! Yes, we all have much to be thankful for. After they are gone, you realize just how blessed you have been all along. Xxxx
07-28-2013, 05:53 PM
The romp on the beach sounds fun! Kaibo would love that! It will be awhile yet but I can't wait to see him run and play again soon. Baby steps. We are thankful that he is here and back home! Once we get his knee fixed he will be a brand new dog! I tried getting the college to give me the next surgery free. I think fourth surgery free seems logical ;) anyway. Time for his pain meds. I'll be back soon.
Budsters Mom
07-30-2013, 02:41 AM
Hey Trish,
I stayed up to chat with you. It's almost midnight here? It should be almost 7:00 PM there. At least, that's what Siri says!:D Maybe if I can't sleep, I'll try again later. I only have about three weeks and then I have to start going to bed like normal people, as I will be returning to work. I miss the kids, but I hate getting up early!:( I'm not an early morning person! I have to set everything up for work the night before including my clothes because my brain doesn't work in the morning. It starts to wake up around 10 AM, thank goodness the kids don't know that.:D I'll catch up with you soon. Take care.xxxxx
07-30-2013, 03:09 AM
Are you a teacher Budster's mom? Sorry for the life of me I can't recall your name! I am too! I teach grade one! I'm up too. Well just getting to bed. Icing Kaibo's poor belly. I've decided I really don't like the looks of his incisions and I'm taking him in tomorrow morning.
Budsters Mom
07-30-2013, 03:24 AM
Hi Nikki,
I just posted on Kaibo's thread. My name is Kathy. I lost Buddy four weeks ago today. He had Pituitary dependent Cushing's with a macro tumor that was growing.
I work in a Special day class. I have a 4th, 5th and 6th grade combination class. I spent 12 years in first grade. I absolutely loved it!
I have been praying for you and Kaibo Nikki.
Trish - Sorry about the thread hijack. That's what happens when you're not there to talk to me!:D;)
07-30-2013, 08:10 AM
I am praying that the incisions heal properly and do not cause Kaibo any problems. I think you are on top of things by taking him in to have them looked at. Hope he continues to get healthier every day. Blessings
07-30-2013, 03:16 PM
Hi all
Kathy, Sorry I was out last night, got home late and too knackered to log in! Might see you tonight, the boy is good :) xx
Budsters Mom
07-30-2013, 03:44 PM
You asked about Addy's mom. She posted the quote below on Sonja's (Angel Apollo's) thread. That's probably why you missed it.
"my mom is in the hospital, she fell and has fracture ribs and a back fracture. "
07-30-2013, 03:54 PM
:eek: That's no good, hoping for a quick recovery, thanks for letting me know Kathy. Best get off here and out to work. There is a really thick fog here this morning, quite creepy. Was just outside with Flynn and can hear the eery noise of foghorns on the boats blaring. Best I put my fog lights on while driving :) Have a good day!
molly muffin
07-30-2013, 06:35 PM
Yuk I hate driving in fog. Things just seem to show up right in front of you! I lived in Washington state for awhile and deer use to a real hazard during foggy days. Drive safe!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
08-01-2013, 01:25 AM
Hi Trish,
Give my pal Flynny boy a hug for me and tell him that I hope he's enjoying his new toys. :) I hope you're doing we'll also. Be careful driving in that fog. It sounds dangerous. :eek: Flynny needs you around and so do we. Come to think of it, who else would put up with that devil cat?:D
How is your friend's pup doing since he lost his jewels? Is he all healed up and back to normal now? Hope to chat soon. Xxxxx
I had to come over here to tell you, I dont have all of Zoe's kidney labs yet but the tech called to just give me her UPC.
It was 1.542 in April
Today it is .802
celebrate with me:D:D:D:D:D
I invited you to a party and then fell asleep:o
Zoe's urea nitrogen is 37 normal 8-30mg/dl. Do you know if fasting or non fasting affects their BUN? I cant seem to find any info.
Did Flynn get his puzzle? Did I miss the video? I feel like I have been gone forever, missing everything.:(:(
I had to put mom in rehab for a few weeks with the understanding that if she starts giving up, she can go back to her Frail and Elderly wing in her assisted living apartment. I agreed to rehab only with that condition. It stinks but she is so confused I was afraid she would forget she could not get up unaided and fall again.
Hope your weekend is going well, mine will just be starting.
Harley PoMMom
08-02-2013, 02:07 PM
Zoe's urea nitrogen is 37 normal 8-30mg/dl. Do you know if fasting or non fasting affects their BUN? I cant seem to find any info.
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen, also sometimes just called Urea) is also commonly used to diagnose kidney problems, although it is not kidney specific, and values may be elevated for other reasons, particularly if you did not fast your dog for 12 hours before the test was done.
Tests used to Diagnose Kidney Disease in Dogs (
It seems that not fasting can cause elevations in the BUN.
08-02-2013, 08:07 PM
Yes, well I had a great time at your party Addy..... hope you managed to clean up all the confetti and ooops sorry about that red wine spill.... hope the neighbours are not too pissed about the noise :D:D:D But I could not help singing :D:D:D
Thanks Lori, how come I did not see that? Geez, I am blind, I guess:o
Not to fear, Trish, the neighbors are cool:p:p:p
Did our Flynn get his puzzle? I am so wanting to see him solve it. I'll bet he is good at it and wont try to trash it like Zoe did. She figured she would beat it to death until it spit out something:p:p
I picture Flynn, studying it, very studious endeavor, I picture him doning a pair of glasses and so systematically saying
HA! That is how you DO IT:D:D
08-02-2013, 08:26 PM
Hmmmm well you imagined that WRONG!!! :D:D:D He trashed it too, takes after Miss Zoe in that regard!! There is a pic in his album of him looking at it studiously but that is not how he usually approaches it, he bashes it, claws at it frantically, tips it over so its little drawers open to claim his prize. It already has scratch marks and gouges out the side of it.
I have got a video of him playing with it but I just have to figure out how to edit it and post on photobucket
08-02-2013, 08:38 PM
I put a new pic of him up from yesterday, he is getting strangely close to the devil cat Elle!! It was a cold day and Mum and Dad had lit the fire so apparently there was a bit of jostling to get the prime position, that is his bed around at their house... I never knew a dog with so many beds!!
Dang, and I had our Flynn pegged as Einstein pup, though he is still is Einsten, just more forceful about problem solving:D:D:D:D
We will call him Einstein on steriods with his puzzle, which is a pretty impressive looking puzzle.:):):):):):)
LOL, Trish, I laughed so hard when you told me what he did.
Budsters Mom
08-03-2013, 09:34 PM
I think that Flynny when he might actually like devil cat Elle, But he has to remain aloof and cool!;) I got your back Flynny.:D xxxxx
08-04-2013, 05:38 AM
How you both doing? Have you had a good day?
08-04-2013, 05:47 AM
Hi Mel! :D
Pretty relaxing which has been nice!! Rainy, misty old day here so I put Flynny's raincoat on and took him for a walk up the beach this arvo, was brisk to say the least and blew the cobwebs away :D:D His fur is all nice and soft after being in the rain on and off on his ventures outside!! He did roll in a dead bird wing up the beach but not too much damage because of the coat :D
What you got planned for today? Had a bit of a sleep in?
08-04-2013, 05:51 AM
Hey Trish
That sounds like fun, he can't help himself but get in trouble can he, thank goodness you had his coat on! He is such a boy :D
Yes I did have a bit of a lie in, not sure what to do today. Need some bits for next week but can't be bothered to go shopping. It's overcast here too despite it being summer! We have had a heat wave of sorts the last few weeks though so I prefer it like this!
You both settled down for the night now? Watching anything good on the telly?
08-04-2013, 06:07 AM
I hate doing the shopping too, dash in and out if possible! Nah nothing too exciting, was up late last night so think it might be a reasonably early night. My latest addiction at night is "candy crush saga" and it is doing my head in :D:D a few of my family and friends are playing and it is all very competitive :D But I got no lives left now :mad: :eek:
It's 10pm at night and he keeps wanting to go check outside, god knows how he can tell that cat is lurking out there. If I let him out, I have to run out in front of him and get to the gate first or he barks his head off dashing out there and I really do not think the neighbours appreciate that at any time of the day but especially on a wintery evening!! Then he does a couple of circuits of the house to check everything and back in by which time he is wet again so I have the towel on the door to dry him haha. I can smell wet dog from here! He always seems to have more energy in the evenings! Roll on summer when it is light later than 6pm!
Hi Trish,
Enjoying myself reading about Flynn and his new toys! I need to to check out your pics, forgot to do that. I can just see him trashing his toys. Nothing will keep our boy from his treats!
I had a puzzle toy for my Angel Dakota years ago. It was hard plastic and in the shape of a cube. Well, she batted it around for a while to get the treats out and then apparently decided that it would be better to treat it as a chew toy. She knawed away at it until she had it broken open and could get at all the treats. Anything similar after that, she treated the same way, just chew it up until she could get it all apart. I finally gave up with the "interactive" toys! :p
Well, I think we might try to get a little bit more of a snooze in before starting the chores. I used to try to do most of my housework on Saturday so that I could just relax on Sunday, but lately I have been too tired to do that. Well, I will have to get that straightened out before the NFL football season starts again, which is soon. I have to keep Sunday open for football! :D
Thanks again for checking on us Trish, I appreciate it so much.
Hugs to you and Flynn. xo
08-04-2013, 07:06 AM
I know all about candy crush :D
I love it when they scamp around all wet, nightmare to get hold of them. Tia used to dash for anywhere as she hated water!
Well I hope you have sweet dreams and a good day at work tomorrow and hopefully I will catch you again soon, going to do that shopping now!
Hi Trish, I see your light on now. Just had our pit stop and heading back to bed but wanted to pop in real quick. I am making an effort to try and get a bit more sleep. I finally posted an update on my little man. Should have some lab results back later today. Hope your Monday was good. Smooches for Flynn. xo
Almost forgot - what is candy crush?
08-05-2013, 04:52 AM
Monday sucked!!!! But then it is always my least favourite day of the week... :D Onwards towards the weekend now :D Candy crush is one of the facebook games, very frustrating it is too :) BUT I keep playing, I think I am addicted :D:D
molly muffin
08-05-2013, 08:50 PM
awww, hate sucky Mondays. :( Hope the rest of the week is better. I agree, I never like Mondays either.
Love the fireplace picture by the way. Miracle of miracles the two of them there together all peaceful.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
08-08-2013, 01:07 AM
Hi Trish,
How are you and what's up with my Flynny boy? I haven't heard from you in ages. There was som sort of glitch and I wasn't able to log on for a few days. It affected both my IPad and PC. It was bizarre. All the other websites came in, but the forum. Thankfully, it seems to have been fixed now.:)
I hope all is well with you, Flynny, devil cat Elle, and little Cooper. Yes, I still think about him losing his jewels.:D xxxxx
Kathy, I had that same glitch but luckily my wireless proiver was able to fit it Sunday night. Weird, huh?
Hey Trish, looks like you will be starting you Friday. TGIF
08-09-2013, 12:35 AM
Trish I'm candy crushing too!! Haha so addictive but you know when I get worried and stressed somehow that game calms me down.
Just hate running out of lives! :D
Love the image of Flynn walking on the beach with his raincoat...humid and sticky mist on the beach sounds nice!
08-10-2013, 06:59 PM
Hi everyone!
Thanks for the posts my lovelies!! We are ticking along, waiting impatiently for spring to arrive, although there are a ton of lambs in the paddocks and daffodils everywhere so it is on its way... HURRAY!! :D:D
Flynny is OK, lovely days during the week but now it's the weekend and it poured all day long yesterday AND still going today :mad::mad: time for the raincoats and to get out I think! Flynn is just a bit slower than usual, walking a lot instead of trotting about. I have been trying to cut down his tramadol drops, he is down to 7.5mg now twice a day which is a tiny dose for his size. I cannot remember who's thread it was on about getting them into their dog, I just put the drops on his meat, mix it in and he seems to gobble it down no problem. Just make sure you give it when you know he will eat it all so he gets the whole dose. So maybe his arthritic aches and pains are bothering him. He is due his Pentosan injection so much ring the vet now and go pick it up and give it to try keep on top of that. Otherwise all good in the eating, pooping, mouth ulcer departments :D:D
Thanks for checking in on us! xxxxx
Budsters Mom
08-10-2013, 10:40 PM
Hi Trish,
Belly rubs for my boy's achy little body. It's been a long time since we had a chance to chat. Too much Candy Crushing, I Suppose!:D
Seriously Trish,
Thank you so much for talking me through many sad, sleepless nights. You will always hold a special place in my heart and Flynny is naturally charismatic.:):D xxxxx
08-11-2013, 02:51 AM
Here is Flynn in all his dirty glory on our walk this afternoon, I was trying to get him running but failed miserably :D so here he is grubby and pretty much standing still!
I think his slowness was due to boredom of staying inside in the rain, once we were up the beach he perked up and has been good since :D:D He rolled in something, I could not see what as he was too far away! Picked up his Pentosan injection and gave it this afternoon so hopefully by giving that regularly each month we can get his aches and pains under control and get him off the Tramadol.
Budsters Mom
08-11-2013, 03:05 AM
Shame on you for for embarrassing that angel Flynny boy! He was doing what tough guys do. Rolling in the muck!! LOL:D I'm glad that he's not hurting.;):) LOL
Great to see that video. What a sweetie. It could have been me that said I was having difficulty getting meds into Keesh. He won't take anything from my hand anymore and he's so bad that he won't take even treats from me in the kitchen as he figures that's the roome where the bad stuff comes from. They are too funny sometimes.
Flynn looks great and I fell in love as soon as I saw his face.
Side note about Candy Crush. I couldn't get past level 4 and wouldn't pay to play the game. I deleted my accounts - LOL
08-11-2013, 04:58 AM
Hey Trish
Sorry I missed you this weekend.
Just checked out his video. Love him looking at you when you are talking to him. He knows exactly what you are saying!
Hope you have a great Monday and hopefully we will catch up soon
Big hugs
08-11-2013, 05:44 AM
Hi guys! Awwww sorry I missed you all. I was watching the movie Django, pretty good, bit (actually a LOT!) bloodthirsty though!
He did not need a shower, it was just a bit of dirt that brushed off when he was dry thank goodness. He was wet though, lucky I took his raincoat to keep him partially dry and clean!
I think I have been lucky with him and meds, I just wrap the pills in a piece of his venison and he swallows it whole I think! Then mix the Metamucil in bit of water add that to the meat, pop his tramadol drops on top mix it in... I put it in about a half serve of his meat it is a bit soupy with the water but he gobbles/drinks his venison soup mix then I give him the rest of the meat and some biscuits. Seems to work for him.
He did not like Django with all the gunshots and took himself to bed about an hour ago, I can hear him in there having a doggy dream... little yip yip yips!! I love it when I hear that and always wonder what he is dreaming about!
08-11-2013, 06:02 AM
Hey Trish
We are online together woo hoo!
Love he took himself to bed, Boyce does that too, I always wonder what the doggie dreams are about. Tia would wag her tail so I always assumed food :D
08-11-2013, 06:31 AM
Gawd, I am not on the ball tonight.. thought everyone gone to bed so was on facebook! YAY so nice to see you Mel, how was your week?
08-11-2013, 06:32 AM
I agree, it is either chasing things, or a nice big fat red juicy steak!
08-11-2013, 06:47 AM
Week was hellish but that seems to be the norm these days!
How about yours?
08-11-2013, 06:48 AM
Same, weekend has been lovely though! You getting up to anything fun? Sunday night already .... went to darn fast!
08-11-2013, 06:51 AM
Everyone is away at the minute but it's been nice to have a bit of time to myself. Especially as work takes so much in the week
Going to mooch to the shops soon to see what to cook for dinner, was supposed to be hot so was gonna barbie but the weather might have other ideas. Great British summer and all that
I know what you mean about going too quick!
Did you get up to anything exciting over the weekend?
08-11-2013, 06:55 AM
Just the usual shopping and cleaning! Been out visiting and catching up with friends this arvo, walking the boy. Nothing exciting, but I like it like that after a busy week too!! We have a family reunion coming up in couple of weeks, my uncles 80th, so that will be fun. My cousin in London is even home for it, he keeps asking me to come visit. I might just do that one day. Not sure what part he is in now, he used to live in Wimbledon and I stayed there a while during my OE. Late 80's and have not made it back since!
08-11-2013, 07:00 AM
The reunion should be great fun, getting everyone together and catching up with their lives. It never ceases to amaze me how quick the time does go and how much actually changes!
We are going away again in a few weeks back to the beach we went to in may. I can't wait to get away from work again!
London is a great place for sights and architecture and shopping but for me I will always see it as work. I think it's better at night than by day as all the bridges lit up makes it look better. Very expensive these days too!
08-11-2013, 07:06 AM
I loved London!! So enjoyed my year there, shouldn't have met that Australian bloke who dragged me off to India then to Sydney... might have stayed a bit longer :D:D
Are you taking the kids to the beach?
08-11-2013, 07:13 AM
Men! :D
Yes we will be taking the kids for a few days. They love it there so I feel guilty when we go without them. They cost me a small fortune mind!
Right I am just gonna nip to the shops, hopefully I will catch you in a bit or later in the week, shouldn't be too long need something for breakfast as its 12:15 and I haven't had a thing :eek:
Big hug to you and bum scratches to the wee man
08-11-2013, 07:20 AM
Yes bedtime for me, nearly 11.30 here so least I am going before midnight!! Have fun shopping, BBQ sounds yum so hope your weather sorts itself out! Go out for brunch, I love doing that on Sunday but didn't today, too rainy here too! Nice to catch up with you Mel, hope your week is not too yuck!! See you soon :D:D xxx
Okay, I am eavesdropping and so intrigued about the bloke dragging you off to India:D:D:D:D I have made up quite a story in my head about it.:):):):):)
I came over here to answer your question about the probiotics. :) My personal opinion is to keep them on it but then remember you may have to change it up after a while and switch to a new one. I have Koko on a probiotic as well and he does not have poo issues.
I think with a few mucus stools here and there, I would keep up the probiotics for our Flynn.
Sorry your weekend is over, I still have Sunday, though the clock is ticking away.
I watched House Hunters International last night and it was about a couple shopping for a flat in London. They ended up renting in a suburb though, quite the fancy digs too compared to the flat in London, but then they missed the city vibes.:):)
Hey Mel- have a great week!!!!:D:D:D
molly muffin
08-11-2013, 09:29 PM
Love the Flynn video. :) Boy he sure did have fun getting into something it looks like. I was thinking, oh, bath time for you little man. hehehee
I'm with Addy, the bloke story sounds very intriguing! Bet Addy has got a good one going in her head! hahaha
Ugh, work, I don't even want to think about how busy it is right now. I am hoping that we can get away somewhere just for a little bit in Sept maybe once this month is over with.
A family reunion sounds like fun!! It's always so interesting to see what people have been up to and what they look like after long periods of time. Key phrase "I bet you don't remember me..." LOL I always want to follow that one up with, "well, if you would tell me your name I might..." :D
Hope you get over the cold thing, nasty deal that vertigo dizziness.
Have a good week
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-13-2013, 04:32 AM
Hi all
Thanks Addy, I am going to get more probiotic! I guess if its not broken don't fix it!! He is so good on this mixture I shall keep it going, I just was thinking it would be good to get him off anything that was not needed. I have got him off the Losec with no deterioration so guess that is something, he is now down to half his Tramadol dose too. :)
When I arrived to pick him up tonight, he was destroying a tennis ball he had found somewhere at Mum and Dad's. I took away all his soft toys and balls there, so he has been very industrious and hunted a lost one out! Smart little dog, so I let him chew it a while. He still has not figured it out his puzzle and just gives it the bash!
Nothing exciting about the Ozzie bloke, overseas romance is all :D
Squirt's Mom
08-13-2013, 10:08 AM
Ok, Trish.....I've always wanted to go to Australia but their bug population makes me rethink things. Then today, I saw this and know New Zealand is also on the iffy list. Geez, what do you folks feed the bugs across the pond!? :p
Budsters Mom
08-13-2013, 02:59 PM
OMG That critter is definitely on steroids! LOL I can just see Buddy going after that thing, such a mighty hunter. :)
I hope you are having a good day and that devil cat leaves my pal Flynny alone.:D xxxxx
molly muffin
08-13-2013, 05:41 PM
YOWSER! That baby is huge! Little Barrier Island eh. Well, won't put that on my bucket list. I'm still game for the mainland though! :) Flynn will protect us all I'm sure and then roll in it. (see the faith FlynnMan) hahahaha
Sharlene and the muffin
08-13-2013, 09:39 PM
Ummm....I'm staying in the states where the bugs are small:-)
Budsters Mom
08-13-2013, 10:30 PM
I don't know about that! I'd still like to visit NZ and check out Flynny's beach, bugs and all!:D;):cool:
08-14-2013, 12:25 AM
Oh MY! Is it possible that huge cricket really exists?? Maybe that picture was tinkered with"photoshop" That thing is super huge!! Yikes!
Barbara :)
08-14-2013, 07:01 AM
Haha that is no cricket, it is a giant weta!! Never fear, I have never seen one like that! Imagine a carrot eating bug :eek: That was in the press here quite a few months back and we were all horrified :D:D I have seen small wetas out in the bush (like your forests).
We don't have any snakes whatsoever... we are very strict checking any ships etc arriving to make sure none sneak into our country! We have no bears, coyotes or anything worse than wild pigs so I would have to say the US would be way higher on the "animals that can kill you scale" than little NZ!! Only one slightly poisonous spider... so I would have to say our creepy crawly population is amongst the least scary in the world!! I would never walk in bare feet outside in Australia, tons of things there to kill you :D:D But I would quite happily run about with no shoes on here.
Now, if only we could get rid of the earthquakes which are our main natural disasters!! So come on down all of you, I promise you will not run into a giant carrot eating weta at my house!! xx
08-14-2013, 07:23 AM
That bug is too funny, and I have to agree we probably have more deadly things here in the states!. Hope Flynn is continuing to do well. Blessings
08-15-2013, 12:32 AM
I'll visit if you promise to keep the Degas away :-)
08-15-2013, 03:45 AM
What is a Degas, other than an impressionist :confused:
Budsters Mom
08-15-2013, 12:45 PM
Edgar Degas was a French artist. Other than that I don't know what it is?;):confused:
Its not a sandwich?
Just kidding:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Squirt's Mom
08-15-2013, 01:34 PM
:p:D:p I'll take my snakes, Black Bears, Coyotes, and Bobcats any day over that Weta...even a baby Weta! :D:p:D I don't do well with things that have long legs and move fast!
08-15-2013, 03:11 PM
I come from very humble beginnings and I wouldn't have had anything to play with if there hadn't been bugs with long legs that moved fast. I used to tie a string to the leg of a Japanese beetle and call it an airplane. I'm ashamed to say that I used to get really pissed off when the leg fell off and my plane got away. :o
Budsters Mom
08-15-2013, 03:22 PM
I had two older brothers. They taught me how to use a a magnifying glass to burn bugs on the sidewalk and listen to them snap, crackle and pop. They sounded like rice crispies.:o Yes, I am ashamed of it now, but didn't think twice about it then.:o I just wanted to do whatever the big boys did.
Squirt's Mom
08-15-2013, 03:36 PM
Mark taught his kids to torment me with Granddaddy Longlegs! :eek: They pick them up and either throw them at me or chase me with them. It's great fun 'til someone has to clean me up! :p
Budsters Mom
08-15-2013, 04:07 PM
True confessions…… I also used to salt snails in the garden and watch them foam up out of their shells....:o Whew! Glad to get that off my chest!:D
Squirt's Mom
08-15-2013, 04:12 PM
I used to pull my bunnies tail so I could see his teeth when he hollered. :o
Budsters Mom
08-15-2013, 04:20 PM
ROFL- Thanks for that one Leslie! That is so not funny,but also truly hysterical! I needed a good laugh today.:D
08-16-2013, 01:28 AM
We played with bugs all the time when I was growing up!! Small bugs gigantic weta types!!! :eek: I cannot believe the size of that thing. I think it needs a leash! ;)
Japanese beetles were a favorite. My mother would have us pull them off her rose bushes and we would put them in small buckets of water and watch them swim around!! You can tell there were no Ipads back then!! :D We liked catching bees too...would set them free after observing them buzz around the jar for a few minutes.
I had no idea New Zealand was snake free! That's my kind of country. I have a big fear of snakes. There are none in Hawaii either! Another snake free place!
Is Flynn working on anymore puzzles lately?? :D
08-16-2013, 02:27 AM
How did autocorrect get Dega from Weta I wonder? LOL
08-16-2013, 03:06 AM
Hmmmm I am a bit worried about a few of you, doing mean things to bugs in your youth!! Mind you, I am pretty happy to squish any that cross my path!
LOL Valerie, wondered what the Degas was!! He is still playing with his puzzles Barbara... he is doing really good still but I am hoping for fine weather this weekend to get him showered as he is scratching a bit, his nose is really itchy and he is rubbing it on the carpet a lot but I think it is the change of season and there is a lot of yellow pine pollen in the air at the moment.
Another swarm of earthquakes today, even bigger than the ones last month. All down around Wellington and top of South Island, but there was a big one of 6.5 that had everyone streaming out the buildings down there. My brother was caught in gridlock trying to get out the city :eek::eek: No injuries so far thank goodness. I was at work and we all felt the big one all the way up here, I thought my dizziness attacks were back as it was a real swaying long one with a few sharper jolts :eek::eek: Was big enough to get me under a doorway!! Hope all my family are OK and keep safe tonight in the expected aftershocks. We are all just hoping they are not building up to a real big one. xx
Link from the quake, the video on the page is taken by my nephew Luke... he has progressed from taking Flynn's Christmas present video to doing national news.. very proud of him getting out in the middle of all the quakes to get the news :)
Squirt's Mom
08-16-2013, 08:28 AM
I just heard on the morning news about this quake and hoped you and yours were ok. If ya'll can muster up some wild fires and mud slides we can dub NZ California Junior! :p Or maybe Senior as I don't know which is older...probably NZ, huh? ;)
I am really glad to see a post from you and hope to see many more in the days to come.
Please take care, honey.
Leslie and the gang
Well I sure dont like the sound of that- earthquakes:eek::eek::eek:
So much for me picturing you and Flynn spending the weekend strolling along a beautiful beach with the sun shining down.:o:o
I sure hope the after shocks are now over. Stay safe sweetie.
molly muffin
08-16-2013, 09:22 AM
I heard this late last night, they said that internet, phone service in some areas had been disrupted too.
Glad there aren't any injuries and serious damage. Gads, hope it isn't building up to a big one.
Nice video by your nephew, obviously filming Flynn was good practice. :)
Hope you have a nice sunny weekend and no shaking. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-16-2013, 11:32 AM
Saw the report on the earthquake there on the morning news. Glad there were no injuries and that you had no problems up your way. :D
Budsters Mom
08-16-2013, 12:37 PM
Yes Leslie, We have all those disasters in California! They still don't seem to keep the tourists away!:D LOL
Trish, I hope you family is okay. Stay safe sweet, we worry about you and our boy Flynny. Xxxxx
08-16-2013, 04:19 PM
Good morning, I did not feel any shakes overnight but there were quite a few aftershocks in the Wellington area and top of the South. My family have all checked in and are fine. A lot of them are coming up next weekend for my Uncle's big 80th party so it will be good to see them all then. I wonder how Flynn was yesterday in the shake, Mum and Dad were not home when I rang to check on them after the big one they were driving home from an appointment and did not feel it in the car. I bet Flynn did and he was on his own, well with Elle but she is flighty at best :D:D but he is happy as a lark today so good for him!
Leslie, we have had fires and mudslides on occasion. Not to the extent of California thankfully. We are both on the Pacific "ring of fire" so we have to expect these natural disasters on occasion. Really do not remember to the extent we have seen in the past couple of years though, it has been definitely acting up. We get the odd volcanic eruption too just to make things real exciting!!! The mountains have had a few rumbles of late, they were in the news a few weeks back with a series of small quakes under them but nothing more. Those mountains are about 2 hrs drive from me, when they have blown in the past we get ash blowing over if the wind goes in the right direction!
Addy, not so sure about walking on the beach in the sunshine today, woke at 6 to a torrential downpour but it lasted only half an hour and the sun is trying to peek through now, so you never know we might get up there. Our local team's first rugby game is this afternoon and we are season ticket holders so we are off to that. Dunno about sitting in a grandstand with the possibility of earthquakes :eek: but us Kiwi's will "Keep Calm and Carry On" so we will go and enjoy the game! :D:D
Thanks for checking in on us :D xxx
Budsters Mom
08-16-2013, 07:00 PM
Oh Trish,
What's up with my tough guy. How has he been handling the earthquakes? He must feel them.:confused:
I'm glad to hear that you and your family are safe and well. You are surrounded by water. That's so scary.:o
We have had some very terrifying wildfires here in California. School had to be canceled for a week on three occasions as the air was unbreathable. That means I was paid! Fire (burning out of control)did come at us from three sides. We were all packed to evacuate, but didn't have to at the last minute. The fires scare me more than the mudslides and earthquakes. We do periodic earthquakes drills at school just to be prepared.
Please keep us posted, so we know you are safe. ;) xxxxx
08-18-2013, 02:48 AM
We are all good Kathy! Couple of video's of my boy :) - running!! - short one, when I spotted him chomping on something had to go take it off him!
Budsters Mom
08-18-2013, 03:08 AM
It is soooooooo beautiful there!!!!:) Flynny looks like he's in heaven! Thanks for sharing the videos. They were awesome! They are going to make us all want to come to NZ. You'll have to open a bed-and-breakfast! :D
I hope you are feeling better. I read that you were having some vertigo. That is horrible feeling. Xxxx
molly muffin
08-18-2013, 09:00 AM
Love the videos :) Flynn is such a darlin. It's amazing how far he has come and how well he has done.
How was the match this weekend? The first one of the season?
Sure you had fun.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Love the videos, he looks so happy and healthy. It's good to see him enjoying himself to the point where he forgets all about you and wanders off as you're filming. It's great !!
There is our boy Flynn, love the videos:D:D:D It is so good to see him run and play!!!!
I was looking at the study abroad options my Kate has at her college and one is in New Zealand but I think it is is Auckland which is where House Hunters International was checking for houses last night:):):)
Sorry you have Monday, hope the week goes by quickly!!!
08-19-2013, 03:30 AM
Hi all
My vet emailed me this article today, he had received it via an online journal they subscribe too and thought I would be interested. It was just recently published at the beginning of August on the latest in the medical management of proteinuria so thought I would share it with you, especially Addy, Tina and Stormee who I know have the same concerns about kidney issues as I do with Flynn. But I am sure others will be interested as well.
Thanks for the comments on Flynny's videos... my new phone is taking better videos and now I have figured out it is pretty easy to download them to photobucket. Questions... yep I am feeling better now, thanks Kathy :) We certainly did win the rugby, thanks Sharlene it was a great match! :) And Addy, Kate would have a blast down here!! Long way for me to keep an eye on her though all the way up in Auckland! Monday was pretty good, so hope yours is too xxx
Roxee's Dad
08-19-2013, 04:20 PM
Great video's, Love to see him up and running around and so happy :)
molly muffin
08-19-2013, 04:40 PM
hmm, I'm going to read over that report in a bit too.
Thanks for posting it
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I briefly scanned it as Zoe is panting to go out and I sure want to read it in more detail. Thanks for the link:):)
Simba's Mom
08-19-2013, 10:27 PM
Loved the video and the happy tail is a wagging!
08-20-2013, 04:20 AM
Thanks everyone, Flynn is super good. I have him totally off the Tramadol and he seems very perky. I picked up his new biscuits today and they were doing a promotion with the dog food and he got a free yellow blanket. I gave it to him tonight, he thought it was a nice soft snuggly toy and promptly bit a hole in it :D
That's our boy:D:D:D:D: I love his spunk:):):):)
Zoe is perkier off the tramadol. I was giving it to her at night and it was such a low dose:confused:
From what I briefly surmised from the article is that the author is suggesting an ACE inhibitor is the way to go even with a consistent UPC of .5. I have argued about putting Zoe on one because I worry about using that with Vetoryl and her blood pressure is borderline. I think it is lower than they read it as she gets really upset when they make her lay down and they refuse to take it standing. Her blood pressure was 158 but she was so stressed out from the car ride, she cried half way there, she never did that before.
Maybe I have to rethink it.
08-20-2013, 11:54 AM
Great videos of Flynn! What a great beach he has to frolic on. I grew up on the beach--(Long Island) and I wish Trixie could check out the ocean but there are no beaches that allow dogs around here!
I think in the winter you can take your chances and hope you won't get caught and given a fine but we've haven't tried.
With all the beaches we have around here you'd think one of them would let dogs in at least for a few hours in the early morning.
Love seeing Flynn running around and sniffing stuff out. It just looks beautiful where you are! :)
08-20-2013, 02:57 PM
Trish, I guess that Flynn had to make it truly his own:)
molly muffin
08-20-2013, 03:28 PM
That is funny about the blanket. Still missing his toys I bet. :)
*sigh* I miss a good ocean beach. :(
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
08-21-2013, 12:02 AM
Ah, Flynny misses his stuffy toys. :oPoor thing hasn't been able to bite any heads off or pull out stuffing for a while. He is suffering from withdrawals! The blanket just had to do! I love it!:D If you don't watch out,Flynny is going to need a support group.:D xxxxx
wow that article is written for very educated persons, lol
will need to break some of the words down so i can understand it. that is really nice of the doctor to send that to you. thank you for sharing that. do you think it would be okay to send that link to our IMS? on the off chance he has not read that or see his input if any? Shysies UPC isnt 2 but sure dont want it to get higher......
Hope your weekend is off to a good start:)
I read the article wrong with my quick scan so feel better about not having to worry about .5 UPC so much:o:o
I hope the sun is shining and you and Flynn get in a good walk at the beach.
Am late for work so have to run just sending hugs and love to you and our Flynn
Hi Trish,
Just checking in on you and Flynn. I have not posted much for the past couple of weeks due to being so busy and my Mom being in town last week, but have been trying to keep up with everyone by reading. :)
I saw on our thread that you had not been feeling the best. That was a while ago, so certainly hope you are all better now. That vertigo is awful.
I loved Flynn's most recent videos. He sure enjoys his walks on the beach. Glad to read he is feeling so well, always love to hear that! :D
Thank you so much for posting the link to that proteinuria article, it was very informative. Lots of good information I thought. I need to post an update on Jasper, he has had a lot going on. Labs from 8/3 weren't too bad, still need to post the abnormals. But he has been fighting a nasty UTI since about 8/14. He is quite a bit better now, but only a couple more days of the antibiotic left. Hopefully it will be enough to kick it.
I hope you guys are having a good weekend Trish. Maybe I will see you here over the next day or so!
Tina and Jasper xo
Squirt's Mom
08-25-2013, 08:25 AM
Hi Trish,
Hope all is well with you and Flynn and the rest of your bunch! We miss hearing from you and hope to see you soon!
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
08-25-2013, 05:06 PM
Hey Trish! Whatsa happening out your way? Hope you had good weather for the weekend and you and Flynn were able to get out and about. No rolling in stinky stuffs! LOL
We went a wedding up in Ottawa this weekend. Bloody hot if I do say so. I think it was hotter here though when we got home. Molly is lazing around enjoy the AC now.
Let us know whats up when you get the time.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-26-2013, 06:54 AM
Hi all
Had such a busy week/weekend with family celebrations, Dad turned 81 on Saturday and it was also his brothers big 80th party... Lots of rellies visiting and catching up, it was great! I went back to work today for a bit of a rest :D:D
Flynny is doing good, he had a fine time playing with a load of kids yesterday, they took turns taking him for runs up and down the street and even made him go in races with each of them! Flynn won them all :D:D then they nearly hugged him to death! He is such a good boy with the littlies :)
I have spent some time tonight having a good read of that article I posted. It is discussing medication used for protein in the urine. It does not go into dietary or any other treatments. So with that in mind, the author Dr Pressler from Ohio State University writes that medication is not needed until UPC hits 2.0
Initial treatment starts with ace inhibitors like enalopril which is his go to drug. Dosage depends on whether or not BUN and blood creatinine are normal, if they are high you need to start on a lower dose and recheck blood creatinine 4-7 days after drug commencement. Because if their kidneys are that damaged starting at the higher dose could be dangerous. If blood Cr is normal, you only need to recheck UPC in one month. At that stage if UPC is still above 0.5 you should increase enalopril in increments to a maximum of 1mg/kg twice a day. Checking UPC monthly until at desired level. ACE inhibition in people with chronic proteinuric nephropathies slows the decline in glomerular filtration rate, delays progression to end-stage renal disease, and prolongs overall survival time, independent of the severity of initial proteinuria.
Hopefully by the time your dog is at 1mg/kg twice daily the dogs UPC will be at correct level of <0.5, if not then add in an ARB such as Losartan to gain better control. He mentions that before starting ARBs a vet should contact an IMS to make sure it is appropriate.
So that is my understanding! So now applying this knowledge to Flynn, we have never got his UPC down that low, his best was 1.49 and I was pretty ecstatic with that considering it had got up to 3.59. While his UPC has dropped >50% we are not down in that good range that Zoe nearly is!! :) It appears the aim of treatment should be to go for it until it is <0.5.
We have never increased his ace as he is also on amlodipine for BP so it is a bit of a fine line and we do not want to drop his BP too low. But he is due his recheck UPC this week so I have just written to our vet thanking him for sending the article and suggesting we need to be a little more aggressive in managing Flynn's proteinuria and depending on his result this week I am fully expecting we will be increasing his dosage and probably changing him from benzapril to enalopril.
I have probably made that as clear as mud, but hopefully it might help our protein pups when dealing with treatment options!! For sure I will let you know how we go :D
Have a good week everyone, Monday is done and dusted here and it was not too bad :D xxx
Thanks Trish for summing it up.:):):) If a pup's BP is not elevated, what happens? When I reread it I was not clear on that.
I hope the reunion was wonderful and glad Flynn had a good time as well. Hope Monday is good, yuck start of the work week:( Mine is short though, I hope to have off Friday but will be hangin out with our youngest granddaughter, hopefully in the pool!!!!
Hugs and love and thanks for reading the article and posting. I feel better knowing I can wait until Zoe's UPC is 2.:):):):)
08-26-2013, 04:29 PM
Hi Trish,
I just recently found a blood pressure report when they did Trixie's initial testing back in April and I see she has high blood pressure--her reading taken with doppler was 230. I right away googled this and see this is high! The vet never mentioned it to me at all...and she hasn't had a pressure reading since so I didn't even know to ask or check about it. Then I just read your post about all this...ok...I'm freaking out! Would Trixie be showing any other symptoms that are noticeable??
I am about to call the vet because I am pretty worried about this. She is acting completely normal...long walks, running up the hill at the park even...but she does have this rapid breathing that I am concerned with, and her urinalysis from last week has a 2+ for protein.
Only other abnormal numbers on the blood work were liver numbers which actually are down, cholesterol and triglycerides. I'm feeling really nervous about this now and I feel like I better get her over there for a blood pressure test.
08-27-2013, 06:39 AM
Hi Addy
I am not too sure what the effect of these drugs would be on a dog with normal BP, the ace inhibitors do drop it somewhat and they would have to keep a close eye on the BP to make sure it does not go too low. So glad Zoe's proteinuria is not at a level that you need to go there!! Long may it last and I am sure it will!! Finger's crossed for nice swimming weather and no dead mice in the pool :D:D
Barbara, I posted on your thread about your BP concerns with Trixie, so pleased you picked it up and are going to get it checked, hopefully it is all back to normal now and nothing to worry about :)
Budsters Mom
08-28-2013, 03:27 AM
Hi Trish,
Rosie has been having some ear problems. They started out as ear mites. They are finally gone, but a double ear infection remains. It's not getting better. Please read Rosie's thread when you have time and let me know what you are thinking. I am taking her back to the vet in the morning. Thanks.
Big hugs to you and my special boy.:)
08-28-2013, 06:11 AM
Done, I posted in Rosie's thread so you can keep track of things. Flynn sends a big hug back!! xx
Boriss McCall
08-28-2013, 12:13 PM
Hi Trish,
Sounds like Flynn is loving life. I love how he immediately tore a hole in his new blanket. That sounds just like Boriss.
Your dads birthday sounds like it was a blast for everyone. I don't even know what my dogs would do with that many kiddos around. Probably have nervous breakdowns trying to decide which one to chase first.
Glad things are going good your way.
molly muffin
08-28-2013, 08:22 PM
Oh bet the party was grand! All those people showing up. I love reunions. lol Flynn sounds like he was the star with the kidlets. I can only imagine how much fun the races must have been to watch.
Glad you had a good weekend!
catchya laters
sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
08-28-2013, 08:57 PM
Hi Trish,
Thanks so much for your help with monkey girl. She was spayed today. Not at all what I expected when I took her in to have her ears checked again. :o It's a long story. You can catch up on it on Rosie's thread if you like. Rosie will be able to come home tomorrow if there's no complications tonight. I am once again without a fur baby.:o
08-30-2013, 04:35 PM
Hi my lovelies!
Flynn spent the day at the vets yesterday for his checkup: BP/UPC/bloods etc. I don't have results yet as his vet had to leave before I got there after work to collect him, but he has scheduled us a 45 min appointment this afternoon as he wants to have a discussion about that article I posted on proteinuria and decide what we should do with Flynny taking his latest results into account.
He has been great lately, although a mucousy covering on his poop last night, but that could be due to the stress of spending day in a pen at the vets, poor boy!! I took his lunch and blanket to the vets so he would be as comfy as possible! Bit quiet this morning but it is rainy and he missed his walk yesterday and he doesn't like that :p
AND in further good news, today is the last day of winter here!! HOORAY!!! Soon be on daylight savings again and not so dark in the evenings and I can get back to taking him for a little walk at night after work. But he is lucky he never usually misses a walk as his Grandad takes him daily, but he likes two better :D... he is one lucky boy! xxxx
molly muffin
08-30-2013, 05:16 PM
Hope that yesterdays results come back good and then it will be so much less of a worry for todays meeting.
It seems so strange to hear you say the end of winter. It feels like you didn't even have a winter. LOL Still nice days and walking on the beach, that is my kind of winter for sure!
We were watching one of the national geographic programs the other night on tv and it was about the tectonic plates, and the movement in New Zealand. Truly some beautiful landscapes. We agreed it's on our bucket list to go to. Maybe one day when we have more time. LOL With that long of a flight, I definitely want to be able to spend some time on the ground before having to head back. :)
Enjoy the weekend!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-30-2013, 05:25 PM
HI Sharlene~! It gets cold alright, I had to put a coat on yesterday :D:D:D:eek:
It is funny now when I hear things on the news and it relate it to people on here... this week there were news and footage from Canada as our young 16yo golfer girl won the Woman's Canadian Open and I thought of you!! Then the US Open tennis was on from New York, I looked to see what the weather was like to see if Trixie would be having her walk in Central Park :D
molly muffin
08-30-2013, 05:34 PM
Isn't it funny how we relate things now to the people and dogs we know from the forum?! At the specialist yesterday I kept seeing forum dogs in all the different dog pictures and dogs that were in the waiting area. I'd say there is a scoop or there is a trixie. Saw a Tipper and a Flynn in the wall pictures too! LOL
Oh my a coat! That just won't do at all! Course it is good that the coat doesn't have to be a Down coat, boot length and rated to -30C. Uggs are our friends too, when it comes to warm comfy boots. (and I just found a pair in a runner style, nice fur inside, you know I had to grab them up. ROFL!
Okay, I'm so very procrastinating, sitting here at the computer and rubbing my toes on molly's back. LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-30-2013, 05:41 PM
Me too, except for the part about rubbing my Flynn's back... he is snuggled on the couch! I have a hair appointment in an hour and a half so that is the plan for today, then visit the vet and a quiet one tonight! YAY after such a busy week I am looking forward to relaxing! Maybe a curry! Ohhhh nooooooooooo not ugg boots, I think they were invented in NZ.... not sure though but they are most definitely not a fashion statement in this neck of the woods but I guess at -30 I would be tempted to wear them :D:D:D
LOL- Kate loves the Ugg boots. Funny, I snagged a pair of Coach tennis shoes on sale, super, dirt cheap, like $22 and I bought them to wear to walk the dogs because my old tennis shoes have holes in the sides and winter will be here soon. LOL Kate had a heart attack I was going to wear Coach tennis shoes to walk the dogs so she begged me for them, of course I gave them to here since they seemed more important to her than to me, I just wanted shoes to walk the dogs:D:D Of course now she has her fashion statement tennis shoes and I still have tennis shoes with holes in them:rolleyes:
Let us know what happens at the vets I am so wanting to hear.
Happy weekend!!!!
molly muffin
08-30-2013, 07:34 PM
Hehehe, yep, Uggs are definitely "in" here, or anything that resembles them, in the winter at least. Toasty toes, works for me. LOL
Oh yea, I know the coach tennis shoes you mean, we call tennis shoes, runners here in Canada. :) I have a couple pair too. No way I'd pay full price either but if you go to like a Ross in the states or Marshals, you can usually find stuff like that at a very good discount. Love them, coach is one of the ones that actually fit my feet well, so I tend to go for them if I find them at a decent price.
I have the coach boots for winter too, but they have these little pom poms on them that drive me up the wall. My daughter was horrified that I wanted to cut them off! hahahaha
I think that is so funny that Kate ended up with the shoes. So, what did you find for walking the dogs now??
Ahh, a hair cut, vet chat and a curry. Sounds good to me too.
I'm thinking of making nachos and watching a movie or two tonight. We're thinking about watching Hunger Games. I haven't seen it yet and hubby would like to see it.
Have a good evening all
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I'm still wearing my old pair with holes in them:p:p Kids, and I cant say no to her when she bats those brown eyes at me;)
Ahhhhh friday night, long weekend, day in the pool, doesnt get any better than this unless hubby decides to fire up the grill.
Trish, you are looking forward to daylight saving time and I am dreading it being dark when I get home from work in a few months. Last night it was dark out and it wasnt even eight pm:eek::eek::eek:
At least Zoe has been sleeping in lately. Nice change of pace from those 4:30 am mornings a while back:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolle yes:
08-30-2013, 09:15 PM
Oh poor Flynn..another day at the vet and then a distressed tummy. Those mucous poops...ugh..hate when that happens. Sounds like a few forum dogs had some bad poops this week like we did.
You're so lucky to have that chat time with your vet, my guy is nice but I never get the feeling that there's any time for more than a few moments of questions.
Trish we are at opposite ends for'll stay lighter later, we are already getting darker earlier. :(
My kids are always rolling their eyes at me...but never so badly as when I put on the dreaded fanny pack!! HAAAAAA. Something I never thought I would wear!! But hey- Trixie comes first..I need things for her when we head out to the park. In the cool weather I have jacket pockets so I don't use it but in the summer I don't have enough pockets for her treats, bags, small water dish etc...
I have super old beat up UGG boots for the fall and I am finally at a stage in my life that I don't care what I look like when I am doing the park thing with Trixie. I mean my hair is neat :D but clothes, shoes, whatever works and is comfortable. Not all is lost...if I need to look decent I definitely will do my best, but walking the's all about staying comfortable in the weather.
Sharlene..I do the exact same thing in the park when I see different dogs!! I see one that looks like your photo of Molly, or one that resembles Keesh...and today I saw a Tipper look alike!! So funny I think the forum pups are often on my mind.
Looking forward to good results from Flynn's tests today! :p
08-30-2013, 10:01 PM
I have the black signature Coach sneaker and wear them for most of the year :)
Budsters Mom
08-31-2013, 12:29 AM
Hi Trish,
Poor Flynny, he just can't escape those vets! :o I hope his poor little tummy has settled and his poops are good now. No one likes to spend the day at the doctor. What a great idea taking his food and Blankie. Fingers, toes and paws crossed for great test results. Xxxxx
08-31-2013, 01:09 AM
Yes well, its never good when they start the chat with "Well we have good news and bad news" :mad:
So I asked for the bad news first. His UPC has shot up and is the highest ever at 3.88. STINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said it could be one of three things:
An anomaly, as it has been up and down before.
I said his tummy was a bit off last couple days and the last time the UPC went high, his tummy was bad also. So he thought that could be the reason also (backed up by another two mucousy poops on his walk just now after our vet visit)
Renal deterioration
He said Flynn is a mystery to him, he has not seen a dog with proteinuria like his that has been there for at least 18 mths, maybe longer without deterioration in symptoms/renal function but that is how long we have been monitoring it. His bloods tests for renal function are great, His blood creatinine is low end normal :), albumin high end normal :) and he would be expecting to see worsening of those numbers specifically if Flynn's kidneys were packing up. So we are hoping this is an anomaly or due to the tummy troubles. The lab staff had also written something along those lines about how unexpected the proteinuria is with his other tests.
He likened the glomeruli in the kidneys as acting like a sieve, which is where he thinks Flynn's renal problems are. The glomeruli are not meant to let protein through, but if they are damaged in the filtering area the protein molecules can escape through the "sieve" holes into the urine. They continue to deteriorate until they get to the stage where the protein is flowing through freely so much that the protein (albumin) levels in the blood start dropping hence the close monitoring of those levels. The kidneys can lose up to 75% or thereabouts function sometimes before it starts affecting blood results. So at this stage Flynn has not reached that level YAY!! :rolleyes::) We would only truly know what his exact renal problem is by doing a biopsy of the kidneys and treatment would be pretty much the same so we are not going there.
So we have to stop this happening so are doubling his ace inhibitor, Benzapril to 5mg daily. He is still at low end of that drug dose as he can go up to 14mg as per his weight. So we are going to go with the recommendations of the article and retest UPC in a week or two and hopefully we will see improvement.
So to the good news.... well apart from the normal blood renal tests, his LFTS had dropped a little but still ALP in 1400 range. He is emailing me the actual numbers.
Oh and BP had its up's and downs. 168 first thing but he said that the pattern for Flynn is first one is usually a bit higher. 2nd one after lunch 148 but the third one was 230 :eek::eek::eek: but that one he has discarded as outlier as he said it was really busy in the surgery at that particular time and there was a dog next to Flynn coming out of anaesthesia that was crying and whining and Flynn was upset. So he is going with the 148 as the best actual reading when he was less stressed.
So plan:
Repeat UPC in 1-2 weeks. I will make sure his tummy is fine and he is good before I do it again.
Continue to increase his Ace Inhibitor until we get good control (and we will!)
Get his tummy symptoms back on track
Damnit I just remembered, I forgot to ask him about fish oil too.
Complicating our plan is he is off to London next week for 3 weeks, but he is having the result sent to him and we will take it from there, I told him not to be ridiculous and go and enjoy his holiday and they will also email me UPC so I can check progress.
Oh oh oh I did not forget you Addy!! I specifically asked him about the effects of an ace in a dog with normal BP. I tell you what... he launched into this most excellent description of the pathway of ace inhibitors - even drawing me diagrams on the white board!! :D But the outcome is that they can most definitely be used in a dog with normal BP, he said there will be an effect on BP but the sympathetic nervous system will regulate it so it does not affect the dog but of course careful monitoring would be needed! I reckon your question added about 15mins onto our consultation Addy :D:D:D But you are worth it my friend :D
Hmmm I think that is it, sorry about the novel everyone... it can be your bedtime story as your all probably snoozing about now! It is an epic post but I did want to pass on all that renal stuff. I did have a laugh with the vet nurse, she said that in all the time she has been working there, only one other dog has a special folder in his inbox to store all the emails... so isn't Flynn a privileged pup!! I so appreciate their care xxxxx
Hi Trish... isn't it wonderful to have a "mystery dog."
If we could just pinpoint directly what is going on, both our pups and our lives would have far less worry and chaos not to mention a healthier bank account.
I certainly hope you can get his tummy settled. Man I wish they could talk to us.
Wishing you the best with everything and I'm sure Flynn will be feeling better very soon.
We were all hangin out on your thread waiting for you to get back and then I think we ended up going to bed:o:o
First, I think I would tend to throw out the UPC as well. I remember our surgeon telling me they can throw protein from anywhere and then stop so something could have been bothering our Flynn and tummy troubles can do it, look at Zoe.:) I think increasing the BP meds is a smart move and your vet seems to be really on top of things. I wish I could clone him and have him here.:)
Thank you dear friend for asking my question:):):) BIG HUGS because I sure do trust his answer over any answer I would get from my group;)
I'm sorry that it was a stressful vet visit for you both. I have a good feeling that Flynn will respond well to his BP meds. Positive thinking only here:):):):):) I love to picture you and Flynn walking on the beach and I know there are many more walks to take!!!
molly muffin
08-31-2013, 10:32 AM
You really do end up having the most interesting conversations with your vet. Got to love that. :)
So, unless the UPC was consistently up, it could be a flux right, like Addy said, several things Could cause it to go up and I'd be interesting in knowing what the UPC is on a day when he hasn't had any tummy troubles, just as a comparison.
Renal issues are one of the new areas that I am learning about on this forum. :)
How did the hair cut turn out?
Didn't watch Hunger Games, we got sidetracked till around 10pm and I wasn't up for a 2.5 hour movie at that point. Watched LockOut, sci-fi, sort of cheesy, they had some awesome crazy prison characters though. Maybe will try again tonight. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-31-2013, 03:40 PM
Hi everyone!
Well here I am up at 7am on a Sunday morning :eek: It was me awake early, not Flynny having any problems although when I did let him out he had another mucousy poop. So I am going to definitely chalk this UPC blip to his bowel problems :rolleyes: maybe wishful thinking but I do not like the alternatives so I am not going there! I also wanted to check the increase in his Benzapril last night had not made him feel funky, but so far so good. He ran out the house so that has to be good :D:D
My other thought in my early morning wonderings is what could have caused his IBD to flare when it had been good for at least a couple of months. Like stress.... I had stopped his Tramadol so maybe he is in more pain from arthritis and that has contributed to stress levels and upsetting his bowel. He is still running on his walks or if he thinks a cat has entered our property but at other times is a bit slower, not limping though. So it could due to pain, our pups can be so stoic can't they but he is going back on the Tramadol. I talked about that with the vet yesterday, he thought the Tramadol had not affected his blood results like LFTs so will be safe. Because he has been good, he has been getting the odd treat he probably shouldn't so they are out the window too. Plus we had stopped probiotic, but he is back on that now. He had put on half a kilo in the last month so the extra weight probably not helping either. So getting all these things back on track is my strategy to get his tummy sorted and hopefully fix his mucousy poops. Plus a good reminder for me not to fiddle about with things too much!!!
I asked the vet if he sees many doggie UPC results higher than Flynn's, he said not very often. But the difference is that his bloods have been so good throughout, not even showing any evidence of creatinine trending upwards.... or downwards in the case of albumin. Most other dogs in this situation will be in full blown renal failure which Flynn obviously isn't which also makes him think it is an anomaly. He went further with the "sieve" analogy, describing it as the disease process worsens it is like an old sieve that rusts out at the bottom and so the kidneys can just stop working probably once it gives and if that happens they are lucky to get 3 months. :eek::eek: But he does not think that is happening with Flynn boy yet. Phew! He really has been pretty good apart from these last couple of days of icky poops.
He has been itchy though and I have seen a flea or two on him lately, vet said he has seen a few with problems and puts it down to our mild winter. I do flea him with frontline and wash all his bedding and blankets weekly, so going to be super vigilant with that too. But again itchiness could be causing him more stress.
Right, I am going to start fish oil. Salmon, if I can find it today at the store. I need to google and find out dosage, I know it is on here somewhere so will search the posts as well.
I see all the chat about shoes :D, I have not heard of Coach before... can't have made it all the way down here or else they have never been on my radar!! I need new walking shoes too, might have to put them on the list for today! Flynn recognises the walking shoes as soon as I take them out the closet and knows a walk is coming and starts yodelling in excitement :D The hair appointment when fine Sharlene, got to keep up with covering the silvers in the 50s you know :D:D
Thanks for your positive thinking girls, that is what I am going to do too!!! xxxxx
Harley PoMMom
08-31-2013, 04:31 PM
Right, I am going to start fish oil. Salmon, if I can find it today at the store. I need to google and find out dosage, I know it is on here somewhere so will search the posts as well.
My boy, Bear, is on wild salmon oil which was recommended by his cardiologist. The dosage that's suggested for his weight of 13.5 pounds is DHA 200mg and EPA 300mg.
From what I am told it is important to buy the oil that is from wild salmon and not from farm raised salmon because the wild salmon's primary diet is krill.
I purchase Bear's wild salmon oil from Monica Segal, here's a link to her website:
I, too, think that Flynn's recent UPC results are a fluke and am sure his next UPC check will be better.
Love and hugs, Lori
08-31-2013, 05:10 PM
Thanks Lori
Hmmmm now you have got me wondering, I have just bought some Red Krill oil for ME to take as a supplement :) Going to look at the bottle for the dosage - be good if I could give him that!!
I have emailed the vet about dosage for Flynn, he does have vitamins and minerals in his bone and joint supplement and I have worked out he is getting approx 250mg omega 3 and 550mg omega 6 a day from that. He weighs 30 pound.
Okay but start slow with the fish oil and work your way up to the require dose ..... mucus stools+ fish oil+ baby doses to start:D:D:D:D:D:D
Simba's Mom
08-31-2013, 09:05 PM
Poor Flynn, hate the tummy trouble for our pups, sending hugs...could he have a bug or something? wondering if they have checked it out....
Budsters Mom
08-31-2013, 10:18 PM
Hi Trish,
I think mucousy poop is going around. All the way to New Zealand!:D
Flynny has the best mom EVER advocating for him. He is still the same sweet boy continuing on because of you! Thanks for being such a great inspiration to us all. I hope Flynny's tummy settles quickly. Poor guy.:o
I gave up trying to cover the silvers and let it go! 50's too!;) I also cut it all off and went short. It is so much easier!:D
I hope you had a pleasant weekend! Hugs to you my dear and a belly rub for the tough guy.:)
09-01-2013, 06:37 AM
Well I went on the fish oil hunt! The Krill was just in capsule format with weird doses so did not get those, plus they cost an absolute fortune. Could not find salmon oil at all :mad: So I settled on Nordic Naturals Omega-3 purified fish oil. Had quite a chat in the store with a naturopath, she has me convinced I should take it as well! It is made from anchovies and sardines.
Haven't heard back from the vet yet about dosage, so I just gave him a wee tiny bit on his dinner. Unfortunately it is has a lemon flavour :p But it did not seem to put him off.
The dosage that's suggested for his weight of 13.5 pounds is DHA 200mg and EPA 300mg.
Flynn is just over double Bear's weight, but I need to find out from my vet the dose he should be having as unsure whether I should double that for him or not, so best to be safe, hence I gave him only a few drops, not even an 1/8 tsp.
This oil has EPA 825mg and DHA 550mg in 5mls - so bit tricky to work out to get even close to the dose Lori's cardiologist has recommended.
I hope it helps Flynn. I know Leslie said you have to start out with a small dose and work your way up when it comes to oil. I remember reading a long, long time ago about feeding Zoe sardines, they were suppose to be so good for her but with her touchy system, I bought a can but never was able to give it to her.
I wonder if it accomplishes the same thing? Though we prorbably would not not how may sardines to give them. I dont remember where I read the article, it was probably four years ago.
Happy Sunday!!!!
09-02-2013, 07:53 PM
Hi :D I have not seen any loose poops since yesterday morning which was still mucousy, but hard to tell really as we have stayed at Dads to keep an eye on him after minor surgery yesterday. They have a lot of native bush in their yard so Flynn has the perfect hidey holes to go where he likes where I cannot follow :D He has slept all night though and not wanted out so that is good and seems fine otherwise.
I have only been giving a tiny little dribble of the oil Addy, plus upped his probiotic to twice daily again. I only give him a 1/4 tsp of the powder at a time. I would think the sardines would do much the same, you wouldn't want to feed him those every day though... he does like them when I have given them on the odd occasion. They have bones in them though, teeny tiny ones but I know with renal dogs we have to be careful about phosphorous which is high in bones, Flynn does not get them anymore.
No snacks, he seems real hungry though. This morning Elle did not eat all her breakfast and it was red meat, I had it up on a bench so Flynn would not steal it but he knew it was there and was crying for it!
Hopefully by next week his tummy will have settled back down and with the increase in the benzapril we will see a decrease in proteinuria. I hope so anyway :D xx
molly muffin
09-02-2013, 08:43 PM
Flynn knows where the good stuff is. :)
Hope your dad is making a full recovery too.
Hopefully Flynn's next test will be right where it should be.
Hopefully this will be a nice easy week at work.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Trish,
Thank you so much for posting on our thread and for all of your feedback and support. You are always so reassuring. I am not happy to see Flynn's latest UPC, and after getting fully caught up on your thread, I am hoping it is a fluke also. He has been doing so well, and the UPC had been going down, just like Jasper's. I am so hoping that it is falsely elevated since Flynn's tummy and poops have been off. Come on Flynny, lets get things settled and stop scaring your Mum. I guess we will have to see how Jasper's turns out since he and Flynn have been mirror images of each other the last two times. And Jasper has had other issues going on now too, go figure. :rolleyes:
As far as the fish oil, I agree with Addy, go very slow since his poops aren't normal right now. The fish oil that Jasper gets is Welactin. I am not sure if it is salmon oil for sure, the label says cold water fish, so that makes me suspicious that it isn't. The website doesn't say specifically, so I think I will call the drug company and ask when I get a chance. It is what my vet prescribes and she said she has had good results with this brand. The dose that Jasper gets for his weight of 25 lbs is EPA 750 mg and DHA 500 mg per day (which is one spoonful), split in half and given twice a day mixed with his food. This dose is a little bit more but very close to the dose that Lori mentioned for her dog by his weight. The Welactin bottle recommends this dose for dogs weighing 20-44 lbs, so this would be the dose for Flynn also.
How's your Dad feeling? I hope he is doing ok after his procedure. How nice that you are close so you can look after him.
I too think about everyone's pups on the forum. There are a couple of Boston's in my neighborhood and when I see them I always think of Boriss. So many times I see a pooch and I think "there's a Molly dog" or "that dog looks like Flynn". We saw a dog at the vet Saturday that I thought looked like Zoe. And my baby Shelby resembles Barbara's Trixie quite a bit. :)
How is Flynn doing with the increase in the Benzapril? After reading that article, I think Jasper is on a lower than recommended dose of Enalapril. He gets 5 mg daily, split in 2 doses. I will need to look at that more closely if his UPC comes back higher this time, and consider mentioning it to my vet. And even though his last result was much better than the previous one, it was still way above 0.5, which in and of itself would justify increasing the med according to that article. I just feel nervous about that since he has done ok on the current dose, and the med itself can cause the BUN and creatine to go up. I guess I will see what the result is this time.
He likened the glomeruli in the kidneys as acting like a sieve, which is where he thinks Flynn's renal problems are. The glomeruli are not meant to let protein through, but if they are damaged in the filtering area the protein molecules can escape through the "sieve" holes into the urine. They continue to deteriorate until they get to the stage where the protein is flowing through freely so much that the protein (albumin) levels in the blood start dropping hence the close monitoring of those levels. The kidneys can lose up to 75% or thereabouts function sometimes before it starts affecting blood results. So at this stage Flynn has not reached that level YAY!! :rolleyes::) We would only truly know what his exact renal problem is by doing a biopsy of the kidneys and treatment would be pretty much the same so we are not going there.
This is pretty much exactly how my vet described it. She calls Jasper's diagnosis PLN - protein losing nephropathy. She mentioned that she has a couple of dogs that she is treating with this whose kidney blood values have continued to stay WNL, one dog for over 2 yrs. So I feel that is encouraging!!
Glad to read that the poops are improving, hope it continues.
Big hugs to you and Flynn xo
Budsters Mom
09-03-2013, 12:12 AM
Hi Trish,
Glad to hear that Flynny's poops seem to be much better. To think I almost missed out on a poop discussion!:D
You are such a sweet daughter taking the day off to watch out for your dad. I hope he's up and around walking the beach with Flynny real soon.
Now that I am back to work, our late nights visits are over for now.:( By the time you connect on in the evening there, it's midnight here the day before. I have to start going to bed with the workings stiffs.;):D
Take care of yourself and my very special pal. Xxxxxxxx
Budsters Mom
09-03-2013, 03:24 AM
Hey Trish,
It's 12:15 AM here, so it's about time for you to be emerging there! :D Such is my plan to sleep like normal working folk. A migraine hit, so I'm up anyway.:o Too many things rushing through my mind with a new school year starting tomorrow. New kids, new needs, no Buddy. I over think at times.:o The first few weeks back is always crazy busy. After that, we usually settle into a semi smooth working rhythm.
I just wanted to say hi and that I'm thinking of you and my pal Flynny boy. I love Flynny's energy and zest for life despite his health issues. Gotta love that boy! Take care my dear. Xxxxx
09-03-2013, 03:26 AM
Ha, I just posted on your thread as I spotted you online! Ack not a headache tonight of all nights when you need a good sleep for tomorrow.. that sucks :mad:
09-03-2013, 05:42 AM
Dad is doing good thanks, he had a colonoscopy and polypectomy. He had one about 2 months ago and they found a ton of polyps and were only able to take half of them as he had been under sedation for quite some time and they did not want to push it too much at his age. So he had to go back for Part 2 yesterday! They took out another 12! But he came through it with flying colours and we will wait for histology but they did not think any looked suspicious so that was good to hear.
Re his raised UPC, I received the formal report from the vet and he did have some sediment in his urine: "Small numbers of triple phosphate (struvite) crystals seen, No casts present, No bacteria seen, Moderate amount of amorphous debris", the rest of the analysis was normal though. Maybe that has contributed to the high result this time plus the tummy troubles.
He does seem a bit quiet, I took him up the beach today and he ran, but not as fast and by the end he was walking beside me and he hardly ever does that unless he is a bit under the weather. I guess he has reason to be, with getting used to increase in benzapril also have reintroduced Tramadol. So I will give him time to settle down before worrying too much :p Apart from a bit quiet Tina he seems to be tolerating the higher Benzapril dose. We are going to be more aggressive with the UPC, we will raise the dose higher depending on his next result. It certainly makes sense to me to try and get the UPC as close to normal as we can. When I spoke to our vet about it we were both initially so pleased to see the big drop that we just left it at that, so it was good to see him doing further research on proteinuria and now we can apply that new knowledge to Flynn and try and get it as low as we can. We are also keeping in mind the side effect of putting up the BUN/Cr with ace inhibitors, hopefully as it is only a small number we will not have that problem. I guess what your vet said about dogs with PLN and keeping blood levels WNL also applies to Flynn, his proteinuria has been present 18 months now. Only started ace treatment once it got >2.0 back in April.
Haven't seen a poop since yesterday morning, so not sure if they are better or not Kathy, but we have only got back home tonight so I can keep a better eye on that here.
Thanks for that info on fish oil Tina, that dose is close to a 5 ml dose of our brand, ours slightly more but then Flynn is 5 pound heavier than Jasper so think I will work up to that dose too. Will see what his bowel is like in the morning and go from there.
Nervous times again for our boys Tina, but keeping positive is the only way to go :D:D:D
09-03-2013, 03:22 PM
Hi Trish,
This is surely a poopy time on the board isn't it!!?? A number of dogs with not so good pooping....maybe it's the change of seasons?? Trixie woke up at 4am and wanted to go out!! I expected the worst poops but luckily it was soft but not watery or bloody!! It's all relative isn't it!!?? She seems just fine...maybe she just had a little too much food with her night time dose last night.
Good that Flynn has not pooped now because I always take it as a good sign that no poop after bad poop is great...the system is rebooting and getting back to normal..hopefully!
We have to explore fish oil too. I am still a little gun shy introducing yet another something into Trixie's body. If our next acth is good I'll see what the vet thinks re fish oil. I asked last week and he wasn't too enthusiastic to do anything right I'll wait.
I did start to take some myself a few months ago but came up on me all day...a fishy taste in my mouth. yuck. Was awful...I hear the krill oil does not do perhaps when I see it I'll get a small bottle and try it out.
I hope it's good for Flynn and that he continues to feel better and hopefully the next poops are good poops!! :D
molly muffin
09-03-2013, 08:18 PM
Poop Patrol! :) Now if only they would cooperate and not go into hiding at the mere thought of us poor humans going over their poops. I'm sure we freak them out and they wonder what on earth we are doing. I mean, sure they will go back and smell their own, but I don't think we are suppose to in their minds.
ROFL! Yea, totally cracking myself up, but hey, I've seen so much of it this past week that you just Have to make a joke out of it.
Hope your week is going well Trish
sharlene and molly muffin
As long as we dont start examining our own poo, we should be okay:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
molly muffin
09-03-2013, 09:41 PM
As long as we dont start examining our own poo, we should be okay:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
Sputter alert Addy!!!!
sharlene and molly muffin
Well, it sure sounds like the sediment in Flynn's urine could affect the results of his UPC. Thats what I'm going with. I know my vet said they always spin down the sample to check for sediment. On Saturday when I asked about the results being skewed since Jasper just had an infection, I think she said what they look for is any blood or wbc's in the sample. I guess that makes up the sediment?
Yes, definitely nervous times again for us both Trish. No results yet for Jasper, so we still have fingers and paws crossed. :)
How's your Dad today? I hope he is continuing to recover well. And also hoping Flynn's tummy is settling and his poops have continued to improve.
LMAO Addy!!!! :D:D:D
Tina and Jasper xo
09-04-2013, 06:03 AM
Hi all - TMI on the poop talk girls :eek::eek::eek::D:D:D sputtering indeed!!
Tina, the sediment would be the debri's also seen.
His tummy is still playing up, bit stinky to when he passes wind. Two mucousy ones I have seen today, smallish. I have added Losec tonight to see if that helps settle him plus just waiting two hours after his night meds to give him a dose of SEB.
I think he is have a bit of an allergy attack, nose is itching him, sneezing, gums look a bit red, whites of eyes a little red, front paws bothering him, two spots around his neck he has scratched the skin off. I also gave him Loratidine again tonight, plus washed all his itchy bits and applied neotopic cream. He hates all that fussing over him. He lies there looking scared as if I am about to do open heart surgery on him not just wash his paws!!! :eek:
I had talked about possible allergy with vet the other day and he said to give him Loratidine if he is itchy, think it might be a flea allergy type of scenario. Vet said he did not want to give him Prednisone at all which I totally agree with. So hopefully the Loratidine will settle him down.
He is real hungry too, not to the scavenging stage but he was starving tonight as he had missed his snack during the day as Dad went out and did not give it before he went! Poor boy! I have held the fish oil until tummy settles after your advice Addy. Dad is good thanks Tina, he went and played snooker today at his club
Crikey we are paying for it now after me saying how good he had been, I just read what I have written and he sounds like a wreck!!
I am thinking if it is allergy, then it has set off his inflammatory reaction which could also have upset his bowel and the IBD which has in turn upset the UPC as well?!?! Who knows, but I just need to get back on top of it and get him better again :D xx
I wonder if a bath might help with the itchiness? Or a Betadine iodine soak for his paws might help and you can also dab it on the sore spots. No need to rinse. Just mix it with water until the color of tea.
There is also a tea Leslie knows of that you could rinse him with.
we'll get him back on track, dont you worry:):):):)
Squirt's Mom
09-04-2013, 09:00 AM
Chamomile tea can help with itchies. Just make the tea as you would to drink it, let it cool, then pour over him after shampooing and rinsing - but leave the Chamomile on to dry; don't rinse it off. You can use it to spot treat as well but keep in mind that water based infusions (no alcohol added), like teas, don't last long - about 24 hours if kept in the fridge.
09-04-2013, 01:41 PM
I hope Flynn's tummy is settling down. I suppose allergies can be blamed for almost all the things bothering him.
He's still eager for his beach walks though, right?? Poor Flynn..doesn't like all the fussing! :( Trixie is the same!! If I come toward her with anything--sometimes I use a flashlight to look at her teeth or something...well she sees me coming with that and she makes herself scarce.
She wants me to stay away from her if I am going to give her a once over. These dogs are pretty smart, aren't they? :rolleyes:
molly muffin
09-04-2013, 09:35 PM
Oh poor Flynn. Sneezing, running nose, who doesn't hate allergy seasons. We all sympathize with the little guy.
It sounds like a possible cascading affect of allergies doesn't it. Definitely a possibility. I really do think that so many things are just triggers to a whole host of other things, both with us humans and our furry ones.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
09-05-2013, 01:03 AM
Hi Trish,
Yes, allergies can wreck havoc on the system. Buddy was allergic to almost everything. He had itching, ear problems, stomach upsets, inflammation etc. due to allergies. Yes! Allergy issues could definitely cause many of Flynny's symptoms. Buddy acted liked a tough guy. He didn't like to be messed with either. Now it appears, that Rosie has allergies too!:eek::eek: Yes, chamomile tea does help with the itchiness at least temporarily. As Leslie said, brew a cup of tea and pour it all over Flynny after his bath and rinse. Leave it on, do not rinse it out. I always kept a small spray bottle (of Chamomile tea) in the fridge to spray Buddy's itchy spots when he started scratching. You mentioned that you have seen a few fleas on Flynny. He could have flea allergy dermatitis. It is caused by flea saliva. It just takes one bite to make them feel intensely itchy for weeks after that dreaded flea is gone. I hope the Loratidine helps. Xxxxx
Boriss McCall
09-05-2013, 06:15 PM
We have itchy spells with Pearl sometimes. I always end up giving Benedryl. but, i never thought about the Loratidine. Might have to try that next time.
I hope Flynn is starting to get some relief.
Poor Flynn. Has he ever had allergies before?
An old friend of mine used to say "You know dogs, always something!"
Simba's Mom
09-05-2013, 11:23 PM
Hope Flynn gets rid of the itches soon, poor thing, hugs
09-06-2013, 05:19 PM
Hi my lovelies and happy weekend! Well it is 9am on a gorgeous Saturday morning here so you will soon be finishing your weeks as well :D Thanks for all your advice it is very much appreciated :)
He appears to not be pooping as much, unless he has done them all at Mum and Dads :confused: Nothing here the last two nights or this morning yet. He was eating grass this morning.
The plan today is to walk up the beach soon, shower after that. I will try the chamomile tea rinse Leslie, thanks for that tip.
Itches seem to have subsided a little, still nibbling his paws though. I picked up some more Loratidine yesterday and will keep that going until everything settles down.
He is prone to flea allergy, a few short courses of prednisone for that when he was younger. He has also been prone to getting the itchies on his skin we think from new grasses. Now it is spring both of those things could be responsible. He only really gets showers if he rolls in something or is getting a bit whiffy or he is itchy and I use sebazole shampoo in that case.
When I went to pick him up at my parents yesterday him and Elle the cat were both on the "naughty little shite's list" :eek: It appears Elle had caught a blackbird, a big one too despite wearing a collar with a bell on it. She caught it a few houses down the road, Mum received a phone call from a neighbour as they spotted her running along the tops of the fences down the back of their property with the bird clutched in her jaws and apparently it was shrieking :eek::eek: She flew in through her cat door and streaked down to their living room and let it go, Flynn couldn't believe his eyes, but he got to it first and quickly dispatched it :eek::eek: I wonder if she brought it to Flynn as a gift. Anyway, they were both locked in the house when I got there and I swear that cat was parading herself around as the Queen she thinks she is!! Mum loves birds and her little darling catching one is the only thing that precious puss can do that will get her in trouble. xx
Squirt's Mom
09-06-2013, 05:46 PM
LOL That's funny! I can just see all that happening and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Elle did bring that bird to Flynn! :p
09-06-2013, 05:52 PM
Shame on them for tag teaming that poor bird :-)
I have a visual of her running along the fence top.
Too bad no one recorded it!
molly muffin
09-06-2013, 07:15 PM
Uh oh. Someone is in trouble with mum!!! Remember when you had one in your house!!! Lol. Flynn to the rescue. How did mum handle that?? Hehehe
Oh gee read about your friend needing rabies shots after the dog attack in Turkey. Yikes. I hear they can be quite painful.
Okay off to enjoy more good times. :)
Have a good weekend
Sharlene and Molly poopy bum muffin
Boriss McCall
09-06-2013, 07:20 PM
That is funny.. they had that one all planned out perfectly.
Budsters Mom
09-07-2013, 12:22 AM
Hi Trish
Loved the bird story! :D LOL I continued to play that video over in my head! Flynny boy to the rescue! Ha!
I hope his itchiness settles down soon. It makes them feel so uncomfortable. Buddy brought a flea or two home after a trip to the vet's one time. That started weeks of intense itching due to flea allergy dermatitis. I had to wrap him up like a mummy all over the neck and chest to protect his skin, because he would scratch it raw. It was in the middle of the summer and very hot. I remember how miserable he was. Poor Flynny, allergies suck!:o. Xxxxx
09-07-2013, 10:07 AM
Hey Trish,
Quick stop by to say boo, sorry haven't been around for ages, but will do a full catch up when on holidays in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, from reading just the last two pages of posts it seems most is status quo? Still on poop patrol I see, and welcome to spring itchy season as well. As an fyi, if the loratidine doesn't work, Zyrtec is good with dogs too (I give it to Oz 2x a day in spring) and also Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with water can also work for hot spots apparently.
In the meantime, hope you are doing well and look forward to a chance to catch up porpoerly in a few weeks.
Take care and give Flynn a huge belly scratch for me - then add a big kiss too :D Catch you soon!
Hey girlfriend,
Hope your weekend is continuing on a positive note and Flynn is less itchy and the bird incident did not have repercussions!!!
LOL what these guys dont get in to.:):):) Did I ever tell you about the New Years Eve when Zoe and Koko decided they could get Koko's belly band off and the two of them ate the Kotex pad inside?
(he was not yet house trained) OMG I pulled kotex pad out of Zoe's butt for a week:eek::eek::eek:
At least they keep us on our toes and make up with it with total adoration:D:D:D:D:D
09-07-2013, 03:51 PM
Hi all
He finally had a good formed poop this morning with just a little mucous on the outside of it. Much less mucous so hopefully he is coming right. Itching subsiding. He is not at the stage where he needs mummy wrapping thank goodness Kathy, poor Buddy having to deal with that during a hot summer.
I do remember when he got the bird inside a few months back Sharlene, funny because when he got that bird he took it outside to pluck it and vomited and he has an upset tummy this time too! Although we cannot blame it on the birds, it's just a weird coincidence! So I don't want to see any more birds!! Elle the cat had an upset tummy yesterday too :confused: Haha they did tagteam in Valerie, nasty critters that poor bird never had a chance and I think you are right Leslie, it was a little pressie for Flynn from the cat... her being nice didn't last long though as she gave him a couple of swipes after that :D
YAY so nice to see you pop in Naomi! Be looking forward to seeing you a bit more during the holidays :)
OMG Addy, that is a mental picture I could have done without early on a Sunday morning... kotex poopy butts take it to a whole new level :D:D:D:D
09-07-2013, 05:09 PM
Good boy Flynn!! Itchies going away and poops looking good. Trixie's were good so far today too! Now hopefully the other dogs with poop problems will jump on the bandwagon and firm up too!!
Hope you're having a nice weekend. We're still loving this perfect weather and breezy. What a difference it makes for Trixie! 2 hours in the park and not even panting!! Bring on the Fall!! :D
Trish, so good to read that Flynn's poops are improving and his itching is stabilizing! Allergies are such buggers. I hope that things stay going in the right direction now. I did have to laugh about the bird, however, I would have had a fit if it was brought in the house. Birds can be a little scary to me. In his day Jasper has caught his share of birds. He would try to pluck them too if I didn't get there fast enough, ewwwww! A couple of times he picked them off right out of the air, mid flight as they were taking off from the ground. Poor things.
A poop bandwagon, too funny. Yes Barbara, Jasper needs to get on it and needs to stay there! :rolleyes:
Tina and Jasper xo
I think it has to be a pretty big wagon to hold them:):):):)
I do remember reading once, a long time, ago, that Spring and Fall can bring on issues for dogs and that some people automatically deworm their pups every Spring and Fall.
So maybe Trish, you are on to something with the change of seasons contributing to our pup's issues.
OMG, Trish you already are on Sunday!!!! I cant get used to that.:o
Sure is nice to hear from Naomi:):):):)
09-07-2013, 06:00 PM
We need more of a bus than a wagon right now Addy!
I have a bit of a phobia about birds flapping about too Tina, :eek::eek: "The Birds", scarred me for life I think :D Jasper has quick reflexes snapping them out the air like that!
I have a busy day ahead and won't be home till later, BUT I will be here tonight Tina so will be looking out for updates and hopefully all we get is good news from your vet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Budsters Mom
09-07-2013, 11:57 PM
Good report my Flynny boy.:) Better poop and less itching. Who can ask for more than that?;):D
Flynny is such a character. You can't help but love him.:) xxxxx
09-08-2013, 02:36 AM
Flynn has had a fantastic afternoon, bit slow on his walk but a normal poop with no mucous HOORAY!! A trip to a café in town, then a visit to his little doggy friend Cooper :D
So now it's Puzzle Time :)....
Looking at that video, you'd never know he was feeling off at all.
He's really cute, and loves that puzzle. I've never seen anything like that before, so do treats come out of it?
Hope the poop continues to improve and itching is less. I usually give Keesh Benadryl, but for whatever reason this year no allergies. Could be because we had such a lousy summer.
09-08-2013, 04:14 AM
Hi Judi
He does look good :).. they battle on don't they!! Hopefully his kidney tests will be improved when we check them next!!
The idea with the puzzle is that he is meant to remove the little bones off the top, they come off easily. But he has not seemed to get that part :D:D Once the bone is off, it unlocks the little drawer underneath which holds the bikkies, he can open the drawers fine but so far I have to help him with the bone removal or he will claw at it till he tips it over then they fall off anyway and he is happy! :D:D
My vet has never suggested Benadryl, we do have that for humans here in New Zealand but not heard of it used in dogs here? Loratidine seems to be doing the trick, he is on a half tablet twice a day. I want him totally good for a few days before retesting his urine. I could tell he is not back 100% yet as slow on his walk and not running, still he is doing pretty good for a 12 year old!! Shame your summer has been sucky, waiting for it to arrive here but spring is pretty good so far :D How is Keesh doing tonight, eating ok?
Love the video Trish. He sure knows exactly where the biscuits are and tries his darnedest to get the drawers open. I can just see him tipping the whole thing over and all the bones falling off, then jackpot!! He is so cute!
So glad you had a nice day, and yay for a normal poop!! Did your Dad enjoy himself at his lunch?
09-08-2013, 05:06 AM
Yes, he has a one track mind with the puzzle, claw claw claw.... at least tonight he watched as I removed the bone, usually he does not stop clawing long enough to learn how to do it! Yes he is my cute boy, he sure is no fancy pedigree but to me he is the best dog in the world as all our babies are! :)
Dad had a lovely lunch, he finished everything and had sticky date pudding to finish! I took them all for a Sunday afternoon drive through the countryside and it was lovely with all the spring blossoms out, so he had a fine belated Father's Day!
That sounds like a lovely day. And in your countryside, that would've a most beautiful drive!
I know what you mean, our babies are the best dogs in the world. I remember being at a big dog expo type of event here a few years back. There were booths representing many breeds set up by the AKC. I remember visiting the miniature schnauzer booth and one of the ladies there commenting on Jasper and how big he was, and even asked me if I was "sure" that he was really a miniature schnauzer. Her tone was not nice. I told her yes, that he was just big for the breed. She said something about him being pet quality rather than show quality. I said that I really didn't care because he was the most wonderful dog, and more importantly he was mine. How snooty!! She acted surprised that I put her in her place. What I really wanted to say was that I questioned her breeding based on how she was behaving, but decided against it. :rolleyes: :mad: Don't mess with my baby!
09-08-2013, 05:47 AM
That just cracked me up Tina!! Hahahaha love your reply to Ms Snooty, what a cheek doubting our sweet Jasper's heritage :mad: Some of those dog show people take the cake don't they!! I am sure they must be lovely people there, but I remember watching a documentary about show's and wow some of the people were certifiable, the poor dogs all looked glum :(
That's funny Tina. I would have questioned her breeding too!! :)
Trish, I've never see that toy before. I'd like to get one as all Keesh has is a treat ball. I'll check out the big pet store.
Any vet that I've had has said use Benadryl, and it is the over the counter kind. I actually thought that was the safest, however I take Loratidine myself. Takes away hives, itches and whatever other allergy symptom I have.
Keesh is on again, off again with his food. I don't know what to make of it. Peeing and drinking still the same even with the "Leaks No More."
Yes, I have seen a documentary or two about dog shows and all the behind the scenes stuff, and was appalled at some of the things. I sure enjoy watching the shows, and know there are many good people involved at all levels. But just like anything else, there are a few (maybe more than a few in this case) that are somewhat extreme.
I can't imagine commenting to someone about the "quality" of their precious dog, no matter the breeding. They are all special in my book!!! :)
Ok dear, I better hit the hay for sure now. I hope your Monday goes well and quick. I will post an update on Jasper as soon as I know something. Fingers and paws crossed that he is well enough to come home today rather than my Monday!
Big hugs. xo
09-08-2013, 06:52 AM
Judi - it's called the Dog Casino... hope Flynny does not get addicted to gambling :D:D I bought it online from a NZ website, they are not listing it now. Back in Addy's thread a month or so back we were talking about puzzle games and she listed a whole lot, or it might have been Leslie? I know Leslie put me onto the babble ball, which he chases around too. I have left that around at my parents for him to play with there, the cat loves it too!
Keesh sure is a mystery pup, I wish I had some advice on continence medications in dogs, but I cannot help. I would just be wary of some of the products like desmopressin as they can really mess with electrolytes especially if the dog is unwell to start with. Hope the leak no more kicks in soon!
Hey Trish,
Checking in on you and Flynn!!!
Lots of puzzle games on Amazon -just google interactive games dog for those of you looking for them. Zoe solved hers by smashing it against the cupboard and then throwing it in the air repeatedly so ii would crash on the floor:rolleyes::rolleyes: That's my girl:D:D
A lovely Sunday drive through the countryside, what a perfect afternoon. I hope your Monday is a good start to the week. Why do they have to come so dang fast?
molly muffin
09-08-2013, 03:31 PM
Yay, glad Flynn is having good poops now. Whew, it's a relief every time I get to say that for one of more contrary pups. LOL
He is such a hoot with that puzzle toy. I laughed at how he just kept going for it. Got to give it to Flynn for determination. :)
Ahhh, a lunch and drive in the country side. How lovely that sounds. Usually if there is food, then there should be a nap in there somewhere close in time. hahahahaha
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Budsters Mom
09-08-2013, 07:48 PM
Yay for good poops! Hopefully everyone is getting a handle on this epidemic that has been running wild. I am almost afraid to log on with the mucousy poop explosion!;):D:D:D
Loved the video Trish! It is obvious that my boy Flynny has a far superior intellect than the creators of that toy. To heck with all those stupid little bones. Just get the dang treat the fastest way possible. LOL :D:D That's my boy! Smack it around until the treats fall out. Makes perfect sense to me! ;)
I miss our late night chats, but must go to bed to keep up with all the kidlets. I am not getting any younger after all. ;) xxxx
09-09-2013, 11:59 AM
That's a boy Flynn--you know how to outsmart the doggie casino and hit the jackpot,,just get Mom to pull off the danged little bone so the drawer will open! And not just smarts on the puzzle toy but good poops too!! :D That's what we like to hear. I think Trixie is going okay with that too..this morning all seemed pretty normal. about the wind during the US Open women's final!? That dress of Serena's was really blowing around. Our commentators mentioned that her dress blowing like that cost her a couple of faults...they felt it got in her way on a couple serves.
Well, we are lucky to have yet another cool and breezy day today. The kind of weather where you feel like getting up and out! Trixie had a great time outside this morning and that's good because starting tomorrow we are back to hot, humid summertime conditions! :mad: Hopefully that will be short lived and Fall will creep back in.
Off to try and accomplish something around here...Monday morning chores await. Hope Flynn continues to do fine! :)
09-10-2013, 08:23 AM
Trish, what a cute vid! Flynn may not get the bones part, but he sure knows what's in those drawers!
(Have to admit, got a chuckle with the kiwi accent in the news in the background too)
Hope things keep going well, nice to hear Flynn is maintaining a relatively good run - scratchies and poop aside.
Okay, I have to go find the video as I so missed something good:o:o
Hi Trish,
I see your little green light on! Just posted a short update on Jasper, hopefully I can get everything organized to post his treatment and plan after work tonight.
Have to go in to work early today, ugh! But maybe that means I won't have to stay so late!
How is Flynn? Hope he is continuing to do well and the poop issue is stable now.
Tina and Jasper xo
09-11-2013, 05:59 AM Here you are Addy, just for you :D
Flynn is doing pretty good, still itching a lot though. Showered him last night and he a bit better today, rubbed in neotopic tonight sparingly so maybe that has helped as I have not seen him scratch tonight since I put it on.
He is due UPC after his benzapril increase 12 days ago. No drug side effects that I have noticed. Tummy seems settled, normal poop at 3am this morning but I wanted the tummy AND itching settled before redoing UPC, it only costs $45 for the test though. Maybe we will wait a few more days, will reassess and decide in the morning. I have to pop into vets in the morning anyway and pick up his Pentosan which is due now and I do not want his pain from arthritis getting bad again so I am keeping that up monthly.
Thanks for checking in on Flynnikin :D:D
09-11-2013, 12:28 PM
Hi Trish,
It is funny to think of the opposite seasons on each side of the planet. The days are getting shorter already but today you would not know that summer is coming to an end. It is crazy hot with a side of sticky, muggy and humid!! Not a good walking day for Trixie, but after tomorrow we'll get back to some nice cool days. We did a short walk and she didn't seem to mind getting back into the a/c. This is always such a sad day in NYC...but of course people were out and about, the city in motion as usual. We were glad to get back into a cool place.
So poops all cleared up for the itchies must go!! Sounds like whatever you put on him may be doing the trick though? I hope so. Maybe a walk on the beach for him...I always think the salt air can cure anything! I grew up on an island too...never too far from the ocean air. Wish there was a beach I could take dogs allowed at beaches around here! Got to find someone with a private shore, poor Trixie lives so close to the beach but has never gone to one! Just want to see her on the sand at least once! :mad:
Hope you can figure a good time for the UPC test and that the results will be good!! :D
molly muffin
09-11-2013, 06:57 PM
Awww Flynn still itchy. Maybe that neotopic did the trick.
So are you waiting or did you schedule a test?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
09-11-2013, 08:56 PM
Hi Trish,
Sorry to hear that the itching has continued. Have you changed any of his food or have him on a new med. Those can cause allergic reactions also. If he has flea allergy dermatitis, that is a bugger to get rid of! Poor Flynny. I hope his itchiness gets under control soon. Hugs to you and smoochies for my boy. Xxxx
09-13-2013, 05:52 PM
Good morning everyone!! Grey, rainy old Saturday here :mad: I held off on the UPC Sharlene. Want to get him totally right before repeating it. Poops seem to be good *touch wood* but I did spot him eating grass this morning which can be an indication of upset tum but they are firm with sometimes only a touch of mucous!
Still the itching goes on periodically. I think it is coming right, then he starts itching for Africa!
No change in food Kathy, we are being stricter with the latest tummy upset. He is up to date with flea treatment, anti itch shampoo, blankets washed weekly, regular vacuuming, chamomile tea spray, loratidine for allergies, neotopic cream. I don't know what else we can do. He is quite itchy around his snout, rubbing it on the carpet. There are only a couple of very minor skin irritations. As I type this he is lying like a little lamb sleeping peacefully on the couch!! So maybe today is the day it totally settles, he is just about driving us mad with his constant backing into us to scratch his back! But I do think it is due to some sort of allergy, flea or environmental of some sort... likely causing an inflammatory cascade that affects IBD and in turn kidneys. Prednisone would be good to settle that down but both vet and I think that could be tricky for Flynn, we do not want to give it if we can get away without it, with just one adrenal gland and there is a little steroid in in the cream already.
Barbara, he gets a ton of sea air :D:D We are only about 200m from the waves, so he only has to step outside to get the benefits of that!! He does not swim in it though, water hating dog that he is :D
He has been extra hungry last few weeks, sometimes crying for food. :eek: But no increase in water or peeing, fur is good but cushings does cross my mind sometimes!
Anyway a bit of an itch is not too much to worry about compared with some on here so we are very lucky he is doing so well, he is now over 9 months post surgery! I think we will have a party when we get to the one year anniversary!! xx
09-13-2013, 10:22 PM
Hi Trish,
9 months since surgery for Flynn! He really came through with flying colors didn't he? It's great how it worked out so well!
What a great location to be so close to the beach, I can tell from your photos that it's just beautiful where you are.
Trixie is like Flynn and does not like the water either.
In the area where we walk in Central Park there is what's known as the Turtle Pond. (it is loaded with turtles). In the summer they "plant" a natural water cover on it because the sun and heat will produce too much algae and kill the turtles. So they plant/place water plants which cover the pond and keep the sunlight out. It's actually little green leaves which float/live on the surface, not slimy at all just the tiniest little leaves...from afar it almost looks like a can barely see any of the water.
Well, Trixie did think it was something she could walk on because last year she trotted right in!! She looked at us in shock and all of a sudden began to swim...her first time ever submerged in water!! We could not believe it, I'm sure she thought she was on solid ground! She got out as fast as she went in and was definitely a bit scared while she was shaking out...all soaked and the tiny green leaves on her back. Luckily it was a super hot day so it probably felt good, but she stays so far away from that pond now. Too funny!
It's all cooled off here thank goodness! Hope your rainy grey day clears off for Sunday and that you have a nice day!! Glad Flynn has good poops, time for the itch to go away!! :)
Simba's Mom
09-13-2013, 10:33 PM
Sending hugs and prayers for Flynn, such a sweet boy, take care!
Budsters Mom
09-14-2013, 12:30 AM
Poor Flynny boy, still has the itchies. Rosie has them too. I seem to attract little allergic pups.:o
WOW! 9 months post surgery. It is all due to your care Trish and an amazing dog. Flynny keeps going and going and going. Just like the Energizer Bunny.:D Yes! A blow out party at his 1 year anniversary is definitely a must! I hope we are all invited! ;):D
Give Flynny a nice massage for me and hugs for you. Xxxxx
09-14-2013, 09:50 AM
Yay to 9 months! For sure do the one year party!
Boriss McCall
09-18-2013, 09:12 PM
9 months!! Time flies & yay Flynn.
Pearl is extremely itchy right now. The vet just started having me give her Zyrtec. I hope it does the trick for her.
Hope all the itches go away for mr Flynn. I know it makes them so miserable.
Budsters Mom
09-21-2013, 05:00 PM
Where the heck are you and what's going on with my Flynny boy? Xxxxx
I am suppose to ask that you tell Flynn hello from shysie.
09-22-2013, 01:40 AM
Hi all
We are still about, just not on here much as work has been full on and lately nights are spent with Dad as Mum is away for another trip then when I do get home I spend the time recovering on the couch!!
But we are good, Flynn is doing well. He still has a bit of the itch but I hope I am getting on top of it. It is a combination flea + environmental allergy of some sort, I showered him again yesterday and another frontline. I have been doing him regularly every 4 weeks as recommended, I think maybe the fleas have developed some resistance to the frontline as I saw one wash off him in the shower yesterday. I don't think the Loratidine helped much at all. Occasional mucousy poops only so I will not repeat UPC yet until that settles down. His vet is back in town later this week so I will catch up with him. But on the whole Flynny is very happy it is Spring!
We have just been up the beach for a walk, boy the weather is turning fast... positively hot today!! Well mid 70s, so not boiling but it is definitely warming up here. YAY!
Will try and pop in more often xx
molly muffin
09-22-2013, 10:18 AM
Hi Trish,
Busy and tired, sounds about like our house these days. Long hours at work and all I want to do is fall asleep at the end. Molly is definitely doing some acting out (like that isn't her speciality anyway) due to less play time this past week.
Those dratted fleas can be a real bugger to get rid of for good once they get a foot in the door so to speak.
So mum is off on another trip. :) My MIL is always off and about somewhere. She is just back from Budapest and planning on joining us here in October for a couple weeks. She's in her 80's. :) :) I want to be able to travel like that when I'm in my 80's too!!
Glad that Flynn is doing well, have to get those mucus poops over and done with though. I'm of the same mind, not a lot of point in doing some tests when things still need to be cleared up, I think it just throws the results off and not be trusted over all.
Hope you have a good week!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
09-22-2013, 11:27 PM
Just checking in on you and Flynn
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