View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you

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06-10-2013, 03:45 PM
We had a good night thanks everyone! He never let out a peep! He ran out of our room this morning straight to his toys so he must be feeling pretty good :D:D:D then gobbled his breakfast :D:D:D

Work day for me but feeling comfortable leaving him with Mum and Dad today, no walk for them as it is still pouring rain.

Addy, thanks for that tip on the drug. I will investigate further :)

Sharlene and Patty, thanks for your well wishes, sure does show Mum knows when something is off and I am glad I pushed for this mouth exam under sedation so we could get a better look and now I will have to keep fingers crossed they got it all if it is nasty. No poops I have seen since night before his surgery but he does not like going in the rain!

Mel - you just made Flynny's 1000th post on his thread!!! :eek::eek::eek: Wow what a wild ride it has been the last 18 months! Thanks to you all we keep on getting through things one day at a time and where would Flynn and me be without all your support!?! So thanks a bunch you are all a group of darlings :D:D:D Now off to work.... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-10-2013, 04:03 PM
Great news you both got a good night!

1000th I should win something :D

Have a great day. Catch you tomorrow morning


06-10-2013, 04:07 PM
You win a great big hug ((((((((((((((((((((MEL))))))))))))))))))))) :D

06-10-2013, 04:08 PM
Thanks. Made me smile...

Sending one straight back.

Hope he is a good boy for your mum and dad today xx

molly muffin
06-10-2013, 05:44 PM
wow, what a journey!! Congratulations Mel!!! Distinguished position indeed `1000th!

Oh I'm sure they got it all Trish. Didn't you hear. No partials allowed. :) Lovely, clean edges only. :)

Raining here today too still. Bah humbug. I kept trying to leave the office early and come home and work. (it didn't happen of course) Pffttt I don't like to even get out of bed when it's raining and btw, neither does the muffin. LOL

hope you all had a good day

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-10-2013, 07:29 PM
Glad to hear Flynn was in good spirits this morning and I'm sure your parents spoiled him all day while you were at work.Gee,1000th visitor huh?-shows just how much you and Flynn are loved and how wonderful this forum is!:).Have a great day.

06-11-2013, 03:02 AM
How wonderful that he had such a good night last night, GO FLYNNY!! :D :D Now we just have to wait for the path report results - all fingers, paws and tails (well, in our case, stubs) crossed for great results there. :) How did he do at your parents during the day?

Wow Mel, congratulations on the 1000th post. Should have heard bells and whistles go off like at the supermarket line!!

Tina and Jasper

06-11-2013, 04:56 AM
Hi everyone

Pretty good post op day for Flynnykin. HIs Grandad did take him for a little walk in between showers of rain and he enjoyed that. He was spoilt Patty, he had the fire lit especially for him and it is not even that cold today, he loves to stretch out by it and Mum said it is soothing for him and reminds him of his wolf heritage being able to stare into the flames?!?! Not sure there is much wolf heritage in a fox terrier :D:D!! But he does love the fire :D:D

He has given a couple of little cries tonight, but maybe he was hungry and he is understandably a little grizzly. So he has had his dinner now and is snuggled up on the couch getting lots of cuddles. Not playing with his toys tonight though. I tried to have a wee look in his mouth to check all was well but he wasn't having that, I did not see the wound area at all and the bits I could see looked a little swollen but I guess that is to be expected. He had an IV antibiotic yesterday that is a long acting one so he will be covered for infection. His mouth does not look red or infected looking so hopefully all is ok in there. I gave him a wee bit extra Tramadol to cover any pain tonight as his 24hr shot of Temgesic will have worn off by now.

Sharlene I could have stayed in bed today too, so tempting when it is raining. Might have an early night as the boy likes to go to bed at 9-10 and he usually happily goes on his own but when he is a bit under the weather he likes to be close to me so better for him if I go early too so he can settle in his own bed which is on the floor right next to mine and he won't get up and down to check where I am. Your right, no positive margins allowed!!!

I hope we are here to get Flynn's 2000th post!! It took 1 year to get to 1000, but we had a few months break from my first posts in June until we ended up back here for adrenalectomy in Dec! Thanks to all of you that have posted to his thread in encouragement :D:D We love you all :D xxxxx

06-11-2013, 09:36 AM
Trish, Hope the path report comes back as great news!
You said Flynn had a GA. May I ask what the stands for?

06-11-2013, 10:21 AM
at work, sneaking this link in for you

06-11-2013, 10:29 AM
I see you sneaking in, so sending you a clandestine hello via Trish's thread

I am lurking, on my pad though so no one at work knows....

Hope you are both resting well Trish as i type this and I will catch you later


Budsters Mom
06-11-2013, 11:30 AM
Hope the big man's report comes back all clear!:)Here's to the next 1000 posts! Thanks for all of your support Trish :D


06-12-2013, 01:47 AM
Hey everyone!

Good news tonight, no SCC in mouth!! Woooo hoooooo :D:D:D

Vet away but he txt me to say it was non specific ulcerative glossitis, probably trauma induced originally and just not healing.

So goodness knows what caused that, probably some manky old fish head he chomped up the beach. Don't know why it is non healing, maybe it got infected or something?? But will talk further with vet when he is back from trip.

But Flynnikin if you have caused this by eating something nasty that cut your mouth then got infected and delayed healing you can pay for the GA (btw thats general anaesthetic Vicki), dental, xrays, gastroscopy, excisional biopsy, histology, antibiotics, pain killers and hospital day stay which I cannot imagine is going to be cheap so its coming out of your toy allowance young man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They did not give me the bill the other day as they just wanted him to get home and get comfortable. So thats going to be a little nasty surprise soon :eek::eek::eek: Oh well, I would pay anything for my little Flynn boy especially when it involves getting good news! :D:D:D

Phew what a relief, thanks so much for all your good wishes everyone, they worked again!!!! Mel, you must hold some power up there with the pet gods!! :D:D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (maybe Tia and Fella put a good word in for Flynn :D:D)

06-12-2013, 02:16 AM
Oh Trish, that is fantastic news!!!! Yay Flynn!!!!! Whew, what a relief. :) That little guy was on my mind all day, so happy to get this good news during Jasper's pit stop. But I must admit that I am a little worried that the poor boy will never see a new toy again if the vet bill comes out of his allowance, Lol. :D :rolleyes: :D How is his tummy doing? Hope that is still going ok.

Just saw a late night preview for the Stanley Cup Finals, game 1 is tomorrow night, so I will be glued to the tube during prime time. Hope I can get back to sleep after seeing that! So excited!!

Big hugs Trish, and lots of smooches for Flynn. Tell him his family up North is so happy with his results. That is the best news ever. :D :D

Tina and Jasper

06-12-2013, 02:32 AM
Isn't it the best news! I am so happy tonight, he just took his two newest toys up on the couch and is have a good old rip up with fluff flying every which way! I just told him he better ration them!!! :p

His tummy is really good, I was getting a little worried about that but I think he was hesitant because of the rain and then first thing this morning he did a huge totally formed normal one. So that's a relief, I am going to keep him on his current grain free venison bicuits and venison mince until we go for his checkup next week and hopefully his mouth will be all healed and we might look at restarting the hydrolysed food again for the trial.

Tell Jasper and Shelby they did a good job keeping their stubby's crossed!! :D:D How they doing? Is testing coming up for Jasper?

Hmmm I am not even sure what the Stanley Cup is? Hockey? I will have to google :D Go Tina's team though :D:D:D

06-12-2013, 02:43 AM
I am so pleased for you. That's the best news. The stress of the last few days must have been intense so it's so good that's the end of it.

Your vets are so great, he actually seems like he cares about Flynn the fact they let you leave without paying is surprising! Flynn clearly doesn't appreciate he is on toy rationing if he's ripping up two tonight :D

It's early here so going back to bed for a snooze before the madness starts

Have a great evening


06-12-2013, 03:15 AM
Thanks Mel, back to bed for a snooze sounds like a good idea to me! You are up early!

I think I am very lucky with our vet, he is great and really does care for Flynn he is so kind to him as are all staff in the practice. He also seems to be one of those that knows that dealing with a much loved pet also involves dealing with the owner and I am pretty sure I am high maintenance :eek: but he takes all my preciousness in his stride and what I really really like is that if he does not know something he is more than happy to tell me that and he then goes and researches it and/or consults with IMS and gets back to me.... quickly. Bottom line is I trust him and he knows what I am like with needing a good plan and works with me on that. I wish everyone here could have someone like Mike in their corner. I will bake them a cake when we go for our checkup next week (plus pay the bill!)!

Yes, I am still smiling :D:D:D:D

06-12-2013, 03:17 AM
Now Flynny, go easy on those toys, it might be a while before you see any new ones!! Lol. Happy he is feeling good and wreaking havoc on his toys! I love it when Jasper and Shelby get all radical and shake them like mad. Such ferocious little pups. So funny.

Yes, the Stanley Cup is the Hockey finals. I am torn this year because I love both teams that made it to the finals. So I guess I will just be able to watch for the sheer enjoyment of the game rather than stressing over who I want to win. Well, that's what I say now at least. :D Football (American football) and hockey are my favorites, so the Stanley Cup Finals are quite exciting!! :cool:

Jasper and Shelby are doing pretty well. I need to update Jasper's thread, I saw your post there. Thanks for checking in on us!

He is not scheduled for any testing currently. He had a couple of weeks where he seemed to be not feeling so well, just low energy, not wanting to play, lethargic. It was worrisome. We upped his dexamethasone to a daily dose for about a week and a half. Not sure that really made a big difference. At any rate, he seems to have snapped out of it now for the most part, so I am grateful. Dex back down to every other day, and we are watching him. He is scheduled for his next Percorten injection on 6/18.

Well, better get back to bed for sure this time, the alarm will be going off before I know it. Again, so pleased with Flynn's results. Have a good night Trish!

Tina and Jasper

06-12-2013, 03:20 AM
Awww glad he is doing good Tina, wonder if his next UPC is going to be the same as Flynn's again, that was hsyterical!!

Yep back to bed for you, I am off out as just ordered takeout Thai to celebrate, so I'm going to pick it up.. wish they did delivery, gawd I am lazy :D:D

06-12-2013, 04:09 AM
Glad you had some good news today Trish.

06-12-2013, 05:14 AM
Phew! Good news there thats for sure! How unexpectedly novel to hear good news for a change hey :p then again, Flynny has kind of been on a roll for a while now. Things might crop up, but at least they are not horrible things. That alone has to deserve a new toy or two :D

So great that you have a good vet. Fits right into my name theory. I have a theory that people's personalities are reflected in names quite a lot. Every Michael/Mike I have ever met (at least 30 of them, 1 being my Dad) has been an amazing bloke. Good value, straightforward and worth knowing (actually, they are all pretty smart too :rolleyes:). Seems your vet just adds to that list. I know it's coincidence, but it usually proves true. Weird. Still point is, you're lucky you and Flynn have such a good relationship with him.

Think it must be time for a celebratory champas over there or something! Go Flynn!

06-12-2013, 12:34 PM

Did you enjoy that Thai?

I should have stayed up as I have so much work to do!

Hoping you both had a restful night, have a good day


Budsters Mom
06-12-2013, 01:10 PM
Okay Flinny, hide those toys now, so mom doesn't ration them!:D
Great news! I'm thrilled it all worked out so well and Flynn's back to his old self again. We worry so when they don't act quite right.


06-12-2013, 01:22 PM
What a relief:D:D:D That and a good poo, life cant get much better than that, especially with Thai take out;);) Now I am sitting here craving some for dinner, boneless skinless chicken breasts are not thrilling me.

Now, that Flynn needs a new toy in spite of the vet bills to celebrate so I will lobby for him:D:D

Do you think there will ever be a month we don't have to spend money at the vets or freak out? Me think not.:rolleyes::rolleyes::D

molly muffin
06-12-2013, 03:59 PM
Collection box for Flynn toys!!! ROFL! :D:D

ohhh, suddenly thinking of lemongrass chicken curry. I know a Thai place that makes an Excellent one. *sigh* :p

Really a month without vet bills???!!!! Love it, Dream Big!!!:D:D

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Boriss McCall
06-12-2013, 04:41 PM
Yay.. Good news. Glad he is having a good ole time with his toys.

06-12-2013, 10:28 PM
Woohoo!!! So glad it wasn't SSC. Flynn certainly is the million dollar dog. He is so lucky to have such a caring mum like you.

Simba's Mom
06-12-2013, 11:51 PM
Yes, yay for good news, glad Flynn is doing well!!!

06-13-2013, 05:37 AM
Awww look at all your lovely messages for Flynn! Thank you all very much :D:D Another good day for the boy, he had the whole family around him tonight for dinner and he had a nice meal of fresh snapper :) He seems to be eating fine, poops are fine too so we are happy campers and long may it continue :D:D Today, I am counting my lucky stars and hoping we have a good run for a while, the same as I hope for all of you :):D:):D:)

I just watched a new show on TV here, it is a documentary type show filmed at Flynn's pet hospital! His IMS was on tonight, she was looking after a sick farm dog that had a tumour on its spine. Wonder if his surgeon will be on it at some stage, its a weekly show so I will keep watching. I guess Flynny did not get picked to be a TV star, I don't know why as he has star written all over him :eek::D:eek: no sign of any cameras while we were there anyway.

Have a good day everyone! xxxxxx

06-13-2013, 08:55 AM
so happy to read this trish !!! woohoo you go there flynn !!! just wanted to pop in and say hi and am thinking of you guys...stay well :) patty(milo)meka xoxox

06-13-2013, 08:56 AM
Maybe they have to keep the drama ratings low, either that or they deal with animals with far less case history to get into in a 40 minute show. I think Flynn's case would be more along the lines of a thesis presentation for a panel of experts, or conference. Lets go for quality audience here, not the light fluff :D

Meanwhile, what show is it? We might get it here too? (We get highway patrol so I'm sure we'd get vets :))

Budsters Mom
06-13-2013, 12:03 PM
No wonder he ate the fresh snapper! He's. smart one you know!:D
So glad he's eating and his report keeps getting better and better!:D
You need to keep Spot's brother going strong as ASAP! ;) Where do we send the toys for Flynny's toy drive? LOL:D:D


molly muffin
06-13-2013, 06:56 PM
Snapper! That boy does eat well. :) Got to love that, just no curries! hahahaha

How cool about the vet show. I love shows like that. There is one on here too but I admit that I can't watch it, because I hate it if the pets don't make it and I bawl all over the couch and molly and well everything. It's not all happy endings. I'd probably do much better if they only showed happy ending segments, but then that's not reality or life right.
Oh yea, Naomi is right. Flynn is definitely more the doc or round table sort. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-14-2013, 05:09 AM
I get fresh fish though a special work deal every Thursday and we cook it up for homemade fish n chips! Flynn and Elle always stations themselves next to the kitchen bench when he chop it up to get all the offcuts. They eat it raw, I think it is good for him to have that one fish meal a week!

He is running around like a pup tonight, so good to see :D:D. A cat must have walked through the yard as he he keeps wanting out and goes zooming around the house on the hunt!! I just convinced him to give me a wee look in his mouth, its looks kinda OK, a couple of whitish areas so I hope it heals ok and no more ulcers. Wish I could give him a warm salty mouthwash to clean it out but I don't think he would tolerate that. His breath is so much better, I have always tied his periodic bad breath in with his tummy problems but maybe it was this mouth thing?? Who knows. He is a hungry and eating biscuits so I am taking that as it is not so sore.

Yay its Friday night and the working week is over! Naomi - the pet hospital show is called "The Animal Files" http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/theanimalfiles?hc_location=stream

Have a good Friday if yours is still going!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Budsters Mom
06-14-2013, 12:13 PM
Keep on zooming Flynny boy! :D Fresh fish every week! Flynn eats better than I do! ;) Fish and Chips on Thurday. Do you have room for a few hundred guests? ;) LOL. You've already started your weekend. I hope it's smooth sailing!:)


06-14-2013, 12:22 PM
Tipper said she wants to come over to your house and eat as the fish sounded mighty tasty to her!

molly muffin
06-14-2013, 06:55 PM
I agree with the others. Lets all head to Trish's house! LOL Flynn, boy, you sure do have it made!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-14-2013, 10:13 PM
The Animal Files huh? Sounds like a play on the X Files :D Maybe they're saving Flynn up for a final cliff hanger episode or something :D Will search our guides here, see if it is on or coming.

Meanwhile, so glad to hear Flynn is doing so well, sounds like Fraser has competition for the title of Spunky Bum!

06-15-2013, 07:27 PM
You are all most welcome to come and share our fish n chips!! It is cheap as here, where we live is a port so the boats go out and bring it straight back for our dinner so it is lovely and fresh :D:D:D I will buy extra this week for all of you and the doggies :D:D

He looked a bit sore eating his breakfast and I tried to have a look and it does look a bit red and sloughy in places, but not overly infected, I hope it is OK. It is a week tomorrow since his surgery and we have checkup on Tueday when I can get a bit look with vet helping me.

Anyway other than that all good here so we just need his little mouth to heal up :D Vet told me he had tied the sutures upside down ?!?! I guess so they do not poke up and irritate so I presume the knots will be dissolving underneath, not sure how he does that?!? So that would cause some tissue irritation while it heals.

Be back later this arvo to post a bit more on everyone else xxxx

Budsters Mom
06-15-2013, 09:15 PM
Hi Trish,
I hope your brunch was yummy and Flynn had fun with your folks.;):)
You were wondering how the vet ties the stitches upside down. The answer is obvious, of course! He must hang upside down from the ceiling while he ties them! Now that's a visual!LOL:D I hope Flynn's mouth isn't too sore and checks out okay on Tues. Poor little guy.
Hugs to you both,

06-16-2013, 01:48 AM
Haha now theres a visual Kathy!!

He seems good this arvo, I picked him up and thought I really must take him for a walk as he did not have one yesterday other than a romp in the garden with my friends pup that we visit most weekends. But I was still in my "going out for Sunday brunch nice clothes (a dress)" but had my jacket and brolly in the car so thought I would brave it up the beach, what a bad idea that was... soon as we got about 5 mins from the car the heavens opened and the wind whipped up, it turned my umbrella inside out so I skuttled back to the car quick smart soaked, serve me right for leaving it so late! Flynn had his jacket on so he was alright and funnily enough he ran straight back to the car when I called him... phew, well least it was refreshing and I walked/ran off the lunch :D :D

Budsters Mom
06-16-2013, 02:25 AM
Hey Trish,
Now I have another visual popping in my brain. You as a soaked rat and Flynn racing you to the car. LOL:DYou do have some adventures! I'm glad that Flynn felt well enough to romp and play, even if it was a very quick trip.;)

06-16-2013, 02:41 AM
Yes it was a race, he never lets me win either! :D

Budsters Mom
06-17-2013, 12:10 AM
Hi Trish,
Please update us after Flynn's appointment on Tuesday. I'm anxious to hear how his sore little mouth is healing. I hope he is continuing to eat well. After all, he can't have fresh fish every day! Poor little thing has to wait for Thursday. ;):D What a lucky little bugger he is! I get fresh fish maybe once or twice a year.;)

06-17-2013, 01:23 PM
Just nipping into to say hello and to wish you luck for your appointment later. Hope the wee mans mouth is healing nicely

Been busy with lots of work. Nothing exciting!

Catch you later


molly muffin
06-17-2013, 05:40 PM
Hope all goes well with the appointment!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-17-2013, 06:00 PM
Hi Trish!
Just catching up with you guys.You're probably getting ready for your appt since I think its morning there.I hope Flynn's mouth is healing well and he continues to have a great appetite.Good luck with his appt today,keep us posted.Sounds like you had a great weekend.:).

06-18-2013, 03:53 AM
Hello everyone!

It is late night at the vets so just got home from our appointment.

All is looking good in Flynn's mouth, he said it is still a little swollen but he was very happy with how it is healing! No signs of infection. He has no idea why it had not healed, but he thinks with all Flynn has been through he is not suprised he had an ulcer and it could have happened not that long ago as well. So now we just keep an eye on it and hopefully that is the end of it :D:D

RE tummy issues: we both very happy that in the last month he has only had a few mucousy poops. He does not think he needs to go back on the allergenic diet for now.

When he was off colour with his sore mouth and not eating well he dropped from his usual 13.8kg to 13.6kg.. so I got worried it was his gut playing up and started feeding him extra and today he is 14kg :eek::eek: so I am going to cut back a little on his midday snack!!

He said BP was the best it has ever been while he was under anaesthetic, gastroscopy looked perfect with no sign of ulcers or any other problems in his stomach or throat.

Hmmm think that is it. He had not heard from me since he txt the results last Wednesday, he said he had been checking his emails each morning expecting to hear from me. I had been so pleased I did not have to bother him while he was away :D:D I jokingly said that I should have sent a "he's good" message and he agreed that would have been nice of me! ;) I was trying not to be the crazy pet parent I am, who hassles him too much!! Honestly, I wish I could bottle him and send him to all of you that need a good vet!

We are now 19 months post op liver resection for liver cancer and also 6 1/2 months post op adrenalectomy!! So our plan going forward:

Continue current meds and supplements: probiotic, vitamin/joint supplement, metamucil, tramadol, benzapril, amlodipine, losec capsule every few days
Continue current food (venison meat, venison and potato grain free biscuits), keep allergenic biscuits as back up if IBD flares again
Continue monthly BP checks, if it goes up it can be sign the pheo has returned, but we are hoping that now it is controlled with the Amlodipine and Benzapril the BP problem is one of primary hypertension.
Monthly UP:CR urine checks to monitor kidneys
Repeat ultrasound at pet hospital early December which will be the one year mark and he seems to think if the pheo has not come back by then it likely won't! Hurray!!


So we do not have to go back for one month!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee Flynn is such a good boy! He did have a little fun at the vets, as we were leaving one of my friends who we walk with came in with her dog Dougal a huge golden retriever and they had a fine time bouncing around greeting each other, tangling their leashes and generally disrupting all the whole waiting room :D:D (the cats sitting with their owners were not impressed :eek:) I gave them each a biscuit :D:D (the dogs, not the cats :D:D)

Thanks for all your good wishes for me and the boy!! My boy is happy, so I am happy!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-18-2013, 08:25 AM
Oh Trish,that's great news!!I'm so happy-what a relief and so nice when you feels satisfied and the news is good.Keep up the good work!!You're vet sounds wonderful!!Too funny that he was checking and rechecking for a response from the very diligent mom.:).Sounds like you have a good plan for Flynn.Grace too has put on weight and is now on a diet-all those gourmet treats after Fella died caught up with her.

Well,glad to hear good news.Hope you can take a deep breath and ease the worry and as you said,JUST enjoy your boy!!

Budsters Mom
06-18-2013, 12:10 PM
Hi Trish,
Your report was awesome! Love it!!!:D Flynn is quite the trooper! He has been through so much! I don't think you can possibly stay away from that honey of a vet for for a whole month!! ;)What in the heck is he thinking!LOL :D Mouth starting to heal, tummy settling, Fresh fish on Thursday, what else is there?? Yes, enjoy that little man. Now that's an order!;)

06-18-2013, 01:28 PM
Yes, please clone your vet and send to me pronto:):):)

Happy as can be about the good report, Trish. You deserve some good times now with Flynn, no worries for awhile.

Key lime pies for everyone:D:D:D:D:D:D

molly muffin
06-18-2013, 04:57 PM
Every awesome good news. The mouth just might take a bit longer to heal as it is inside where anything and everything seems to travel through. LOL Can't say Flynn is not adventurous :)

Oh you know that is funny, the vet having anxiety that you hadn't texted him. Usually it is the other way around. We wait and wait to hear from them!!
What a hoot!

Have a good week!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Simba's Mom
06-19-2013, 12:22 AM
So glad to hear that Flynn is doing better with his mouth sores, how painful for the little man...and also glad to hear he's happy, what better news could there be? Sendings hugs!!!

06-19-2013, 04:43 AM
Yippeee another good day!! We are on a roll here :D Thanks for your good messages, we all deserve a good day with our doggies and I am going to take them while we can!! I just took Flynny's photo and put it in our album, its a wee bit small but it is him in his winter evening position, right next to me, snuggled under his blankies, he even has a toy with him but its too hard to spot, but I wanted you to see I am not depriving the poor boy :D Thanks for your well wishes my lovelies!! :D:D

06-19-2013, 08:47 AM
that litl man of yours never ceases to amaze me !!! woohoo flynn !!! so happy to read this :) patty(milo)meka xoxox

Budsters Mom
06-19-2013, 11:59 AM
Oh what a life our Flynny boy has! Loved the photo! :D It's winter there. That is so odd to me! ;) Love those good days. Soak them up, breathe them in, and roll in them if you get the urge! LOL.
Love and hugs to you both.XXXXXXOOOOO

06-20-2013, 05:26 AM
Hi all

I just watched the latest episode on Flynn's pet hospital show on TV. Flynny's surgeon was on tonight!! It was a bit weird watching him in the operating theatre that Flynn has been in 3 times now :eek::eek: I did think of Tipper though, it was a 12 year old lab with laryngeal paralysis and it was having trouble breathing and he operated to strengthen the airway. I think a bit different to Tipper though as this dog had trouble breathing all the time and not just at night. But the surgery went well and the doggie went home a happy boy!

A so so day for Flynn, he woke me up at 4am to go out for a poop which was normal. then he did not finish his brekky, leaving meat which was surprising. It might have been because I have run out of his Tramadol drops and I had to sprinkle the capsule Tramadol on his food. He left it and went and jumped on the couch, I took it over and he kinda grudgingly ate it all, but then when I offered him a treat he gobbled that down which made me think it was the taste on the meat that put him off. Anyway he ate fine tonight (it's Thursday, so fresh fish day!!) and it was swordfish tonight! We have never had that kind before, the fish of the day changes each week depending on what they catch. Anyway, we all liked the swordfish. Then tonight he had the first loosish poop for a while, I knew something was up as he went and hid in the bushes to do it. But hopefully it is just a one off. He's perky enough so I will just monitor for now, I know he did get some table scraps last night so that might have set it off. We will have to go back to being super vigilant with no non-dog food!

Have a good day all, Friday tomorrow... boy these weeks roll around fast! xxxxx

06-20-2013, 08:24 AM
I think it so endearing that Flynn hides in the bushes to poo bad poos.:)

The weeks are flying by, it goes too fast. For us Wisconsites, summer goes really fast as it is such a short season for us and this year, we have had such a cold, wet spring, we will be lucky to have two months of good weather.

Fresh fish night sounds yummy good. We have it Friday nights as that is the only week night hubby and I are both home for dinner.

Have a wonderful weekend. Zoe's keeping Flynn company in the poo department, hers were not great the last few days. She probably found bunny poo again:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Squirt's Mom
06-20-2013, 09:22 AM
In the bushes! :p Reminds me of a friend's young son who was potty training. He had learned the diaper wasn't where he was supposed to go but at times he just couldn't help it...so, he would go behind the couch and you would hear this sweet little voice, "Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no." :p:D:p

molly muffin
06-20-2013, 09:56 PM
At least you know what he is up to when he heads for the bushes. :)
I wonder if Flynn is in the bushes saying "oh no, oh no" LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
06-20-2013, 10:15 PM
Maybe Flynny just wants a little privacy. That's why he runs for the bushes!;) Buddy is exactly like that. He won't poop if anyone is watching. He looks around and makes sure nobody's looking his way first, then he finds the perfect spot to take care of his business. However, he will whiz on anything and not care who's looking!:D
I hope Flynns tummy settle really quickly. No more table scraps for Flynny boy!;)

06-20-2013, 10:57 PM
Aww...I think Flynn is quite the gentleman doing the bad kind of poops in the bushes! He doesn't want anyone to see that mess...poor boy. ;) Hope his tummy is settled by now and that he's back to pooping in plain sight. :D


06-21-2013, 03:52 AM
Haha Leslie.... no, it is me saying "oh no, oh no" every time he has a bad poop :eek: up again at 4am but it was a normal one. Maybe he puts it off it is because it is so cold here at the moment so he won't go in the evening and then can't wait till morning :confused: but little problems compared with others on here! He is itchy again though, so shower time for the boy on the weekend, oh such fun!

06-22-2013, 08:28 AM
Hey Trish

Nipping in to give you a big hug back.

Table scraps and loose poop so our suspicions earlier on this year seem to be on the mark then! At least his 4am poop was a good so you didn't have to get in the bushes!

Its supposed to be summer here and it's pouring so we have the heater on as well, me and Boyce don't do cold, I have to fight him for it!

Hope you are both having a great weekend


06-22-2013, 06:27 PM
Hi Mel
Yuck that is nasty summer weather for sure! Poor Boycie will not be liking the rain cutting short his walks!!

Speaking of walks we had a shocker last night, up the beach and it was quite stormy and the waves were exceptionally high shoving driftwood up close to our path. This beach is very unsafe for swimming unfortunately I have had never more than paddled there on calm days as it has a dangeous undertow. Stupid dog (aka Flynn) decided he had to go look in the drifting in driftwood for anything tasty that might have washed in with pounding waves coming up behind him :eek::eek: I was screaming at him to come back, if he got washed out he would have gone to Peru and it would have been curtains. I finally got him back to the path, clipped him on his leash and this HUGE brown lab/nasty dog came charging towards us barking. Stupid owner on a bike pedals past saying ohhh he's just a big softie. I THINK NOT YOU FOOL, he is charging us with a nasty bark!! Swooped Flynn up in my arms and gave a scream and then said quite a few bad words at the stupid boy. Gawd my heart was racing. Never a dull moment!

I watched the Lions play Australia last night, wondered if you liked rugby and were watching!

06-22-2013, 06:52 PM
That is a bit scary, both the waves and the mean dog. I'm terrified of undertows.:o:o:o:o:o mean dogs, I show my teeth and growl back:p:p:p

I'll snuggle up with the heater too Mel with you and Boyce, we were having the same kind of summer but tomorrow it is to be 90 and today was pretty nice. Last week we were switching back and florth from air conditioning to heat, it was crazy weather.

Trish how long do you have winter? Do you just have summer and winter? I stopped at Sur la Table yesterday, they were having a 60% off sale and I saw beautiful placemats made in New Zealand, of course, they were not 60% off:(:(:(:(

But Kate bought a really cute apron for $1.00 could not even believe that and I bought cute ice cream dishes for 99 cents. Better than a yard sale:D:D:D

Have a great Sunday!!!

06-22-2013, 07:02 PM
I just looked at my weather app, you are 20 celcuis and the coldest of all of you North Americans programmed in, Sharlene 2nd coldest at 23 :) but still not too bad at 6pm! Tina is the hottest at 33 in Omaha! I am 10 deg, it is 11am here. Yes we certainly do have winter, we have had a real cold snap this week lots of snow down South Island and also up here in the North, I can see it on the mountains but no snow here. Cold though, have had a few frosts but that is as bad as it gets. I have a visitor here from Australia this week so hope it is nice while she is in town!

Yes I should have growled at mean dog, not squealed like I did :o:p

Budsters Mom
06-22-2013, 09:45 PM
I am a Southern California girl, born and raised. I have never been in weather as cold as 10° before!:eek: I think all of my fingers and toes would just snap off!;) Anything below 60° is parka weather for me!:D No wonder Flynny boy doesn't want to go out to pee! It probably freezes on the way out! Now that's a visual!:D
Buddy and I have been charged like that by a big dog too. We were walking leashed when a large Husky came out of nowhere and jumped up at me grabbing Buddy's leg. I had already snatched him up to my arms when I saw the dog running toward us. It was terrifying! :eek:The owner came jogging behind shortly after,and said, "oh he wouldn't hurt a fly". I became unglued big time!:mad: It was not a pretty sight to behold, or one of my best moments. How the main man today, other than freezing to death!

06-22-2013, 10:43 PM
Flynn's walk on the beach sounded pretty scary! :eek: Glad both you and Flynn stayed safe!

molly muffin
06-22-2013, 11:08 PM
I'm with Addy, undertows scare me to death. I always worry because hubby seems to think he is fearless when he is out in the water.

Gads, what is it with these people who have big dogs that want to go charging at other dogs and owners thinking that is okay? It's not okay. It's scary and many a dog has been hurt because of those owners. grrrrrrr

It's 11pm and 23 C here right now, but very humid. It has rained off and on (mostly on) all day long. Looks like our whole week might end up being rainy and humid. Blech! They said probably cooler and wetter this year than the last 2 summers have been.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-22-2013, 11:24 PM
Well just to chime in on the weather, we are in winter here too, and yet it is 20C today (with rain) and was 22 and sunny yesterday! Yet last week it was 15 during the day with overnights or 3 and 4C so go figure. Apparently Perth is described as a "Mediterranean" climate, all I know it is get dang hot in summer!

And I know what you mean about charging dogs! I was just out for a walk with my sister (too long and fast for pensioner boys) and her dog the Aussie Shepherd was just charged by a HUGE Alsation! I love dogs, but I don't like Alsations, especially not when they are charging at me. Gave me a bit of a fright I must say, and yet thankfully it was ok. Still, nothing like a morning heart in the throat to get the blood pressure going.

Glad Flynny is going so well, even if the odd poop is not the best.

Take care and enjoy your sunday:D

06-23-2013, 02:24 AM
Hi everyone!!

NIce to hear from you Naomi, glad things are going well... hang in there you are nearly at the holiday part oh annnnnnnnnnd Singapore!

We have had a lovely day, we went walking and visiting friends for a doggy play afternoon and we also went to the Flynn's favourite store, to get his venison and of course to visit the rats (pics of our outing in his album :D:D)

I think I might have confused you with the celcius Kathy, it never gets below freezing here! His pee will never freeze haha. Gosh we all got big charging dog stories, they are scary!! Grrrrrrr big bullies :eek:

06-23-2013, 02:38 AM
Oh Trish, what a scary day at the beach. I am scared of undertows too, and also scared of charging big dogs. Glad everything ended up being ok. There have been couple of times that type of thing happened to Jasper and I also, not recently thankfully. I picked him up real fast too, but it wouldn't have taken much for us to have been knocked down by a jumping big dog. Easy to get off balance while holding him, plus being terrified. A few choice words flew out of my mouth for sure. :mad:

Yep, it is hot here now, it is still 81F at this hour. Not sure what that is in Celsius. Oh wait, I just converted it on my app, it is 27C. It shows you are 50F now. For us that wouldn't be too bad for winter, but sounds like it is cold for you?

How has Flynn's tummy been, still staying pretty settled? Thank you so much for checking in on me and Jasper on our thread, you are a doll. I really need to update his thread, but have so many others that I want to post on. I have been so busy for the past week or two. I have been reading along on everyone, but just haven't had much time to post. Way too much going with work, and drama with my real life family. Sometimes I just wish I could have a break from it all, as I am sure we all do!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Well, maybe I will see you on here it a bit!

Hugs from me and Jasper

06-23-2013, 02:39 AM
Ok, I see your little green light on, I must have been typing when you last posted!! :D :D

06-23-2013, 02:44 AM
I'm here now, we must have been posting on my thread at same time :) Think I would rather have my temp now than yours, thats way hot at this time of night!! Air con would be doing overtime :) Yep this is as cold as it gets here, apart from middle of the night when it gets to just freezing and leaves a frost, so pretty lucky here too. Not as warm as the temps Naomi is getting, that sounds lovely for this time of year.

Tummy pretty good, the odd loose poop, he nearly choked on a biscuit today that gave me bit of fright but just whacked him on the back and he came right! He has been really good overall the last few weeks so we are very lucky :D yes I have been looking for updates on you guys! But it has been very busy here and hard to keep up with everyone :)

06-23-2013, 03:10 AM
Yep, the A/C is working hard!! It is quite humid also, and I think some storms might fire up around dawn. Your seasonal weather sounds lovely Trish, makes me wonder why I live here sometimes! :)

Gosh, that is scary when they choke. Jasper and Shelby both do that from time to time, I think they eat too fast and it goes down the wrong pipe. They seem ok afterwards, so that is always a relief. So glad Flynn is feeling well. Jasper has been doing pretty well for the most part too, so we have been lucky also. So thankful. He has been drinking a bit more over the past 2-3 weeks, but now it is probably due to the heat. I am keeping an eye on it, because its not like his drinking has ever gotten back down to normal. And so of course he pees more too, the other night he got me up for 2 pit stops, which hasn't happened for a while. But I remember that night he drank quite a bit. Hope this is not going to be a trend! :rolleyes:

06-23-2013, 03:14 AM
Gosh I hope your work and family stuff settles down, you sound like you need a holiday. Have you got any coming up?

You are right, we are lucky with our boys, I always try and remember that when I start in imagining little things are big things. Hard to keep perspective sometimes and keep the fears in check. But then we have such good days and he has such fun as per his pics in the album from today and I just appreciate he is still here with me enjoying his doggy life :D

06-23-2013, 03:37 AM
Yes, I could sure use a holiday, which we call vacation! :D I had some time off tentatively scheduled for mid July, but now I am scheduled for 2 days of training during that week. :eek: I work for a social service agency that provides outpatient mental health and substance abuse treatment. The training is related to new state regulations that are going into effect, so I really can't miss it. So will now probably take some vacation time beginning to mid August. My Mom will be planning a visit if she doesn't have any more health problems crop up.

Yes, it is so hard to keep the fears in check. I have to consciously work on that on a daily basis. I just took a look at your pics again, I hadn't seen the one with the rats. Flynn was mesmerized, just as Jasper would have been. :) He is so cute Trish. I laughed all over again at the disemboweled toys and the fluff everywhere. And I love the one where he is tuckered and crashed out amongst all the fluff. Too funny. :D :D

06-23-2013, 03:47 AM
What a challenging job that would be Tina, I admire all who work in mental health. Still August is not too far away so time will fly as it always does :) Be lovely to have your Mom visit, I am lucky having mine so close by! I bet Jasper and Shelby will enjoy having their Nan visit for a bit of spoiling :D:D

The rat photo is hot off the press, it was just taken this afternoon :D Only one rat left now, some people obviously like them as pets :eek:

06-23-2013, 04:12 AM
Yes, I wish my Mom was closer, especially when there are any concerns going on. Fortunately my youngest brother lives in the same city as her, otherwise I would be in a bind. How are things with your Mum and Dad? Have they both been feeling ok?

Thanks Trish, my job can be challenging, but I really do like it most of the time. I am a nurse also, I worked on an inpatient acute care psych unit for many years. At our agency I work more in an administrative capacity, reviewing the charts and medical records to make sure all the clinical documentation, etc is in compliance with state and federal regulations, and other clinical QA type of things. I admire what you do as well, working with patients is very challenging also.

Ok, here is a rat story. When I was in high school, both of my brothers talked my parents into letting them each have a rat as pets. :eek::eek::eek::eek: They stayed in a glass aquarium type of enclosure, with a lid. You know where this is going. Yes, one morning there was only one rat in the enclosure. Everyone looked high and low for days. We never found the darned thing. I couldn't sleep for weeks thinking that the critter was going to somehow show up in my bed!!!! :eek:

06-23-2013, 04:36 AM
Well Trish, it is getting late here so I better let the little man out one more time and then head to bed. I'll need to update our thread tomorrow. It has been lovely chatting and getting caught up! Enjoy the rest of your evening. Nighty night! Hugs, and smooches for Flynny! :)

06-23-2013, 04:48 AM
OMG rats make me cringe, mice not much better just smaller. Wonder how your one got loose, brothers playing with it probably :D I had a cat that used to go hunting and bring them home. He would eat them, I remember in the middle of the night he brought one inside through his cat door only trouble was it was not dead. Flynn heard the ruckus of Simba announcing he was home with a present and leapt out of his bed to investigate, well the cat dropped the rat, then they both chased it around and round the lounge. Flynn caught the rat, Simba was highly pee'ed off he had lost his prize and started on at Flynn. I opened the door and shooed the whole lot of them outside! Thank goodness he caught it again or I would have had nightmares if it got loose in my house.

My parents are OK, they are doing more tests on Dad to find out why he is anaemic. The renal mass and AAA are both small enough to watch and wait for rescan in 6 months. He is quite good though, still walking Flynn daily and keeping himself busy. Mum has had her Holter and waiting for results. Busy couple of months with them so hopefully they both continue to tick along with nothing else cropping up! Glad your brother is close by to keep an eye on your Mom, doesn't stop you worrying though does it.

I could not do psych, I do not have the patience for it! Love my job now though :) I have a nurse coming from Australia to work with me this week, so that will be interesting! She wanted some experience with the type of work I do so I am looking forward to showing her around! Nice you have an office job, least the hours are usually better, often the stress isn't though. Yes it has been nice to catch up, has been a while and I will be looking for Jasper's update tomorrow night!! Have a good sleep you guys! xxxxx

Simba's Mom
06-23-2013, 05:25 AM
Can't sleep so looking at photos and catching up on posts, your Flynn makes me smile, the rat stories are hilarious, we are so blessed to have our fur babies! Take care!

molly muffin
06-23-2013, 10:15 AM
Really loved the photos Trish. Zoo visit comment of yours cracked me up! It is sooo true. Wonder what the critters in the cages think of this face starting at them so intently. LOL

Glad to hear your parents are doing okay for now. Hope there isn't anything wacky off on the Holter results. My husband had to wear one of those, quite a few years back now, and we actually worked on setting posts for the deck that weekend. He said, well if it's going to be something wonky on it, they might as well get the full picture. Only thing is that there is a bit of an electrical issue with the heart, and nothing to be really concerned about. No spikes or dips or anything like that, so figure if that Weekend didn't show anything alarming, then he's doing pretty good. (there were jack hammers involved in drilling through rock) I hope your moms is good and they can figure out what's going on with your dad.
Walks with Flynn though are a good thing! Long as he can do that, I bet he is feeling pretty okay with things.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
06-24-2013, 02:30 PM
Hi Trish,
I love the rat story!LOL It reminds me of some of Buddy's lizard adventures! Never a dull moment!:;):D Both of my parents live with me. They are in their 80s. I can sympathize with the difficulties that your parents are having. Sending healing energy your way.:)I'm happy to hear that Flynn continues to do well so he can continue to go and terrorize the rats. :D They are not my favorite animal. Yes Trish, thank you for clearing up the weather question. I did get confused with the Celsius. I am a Southern California girl after all!:D
Big hugs,

06-29-2013, 12:07 AM
Hi everyone
Sorry have not been in much, had a very busy week.

Flynny had two nights sleepover with his Nana and Grandad, picked him up this morning. Few issues with him not getting his meds at the right time, I think it might be a might too much for Mum and Dad to look after him overnight now which makes me sad, plus I will never be able to go away again :(. I wrote out very clear instructions but even so when I got him today he had not had his morning BP meds or Tramadol. He was a bit panty so I was not too happy. I have had a friend here this afternoon and she helped me look in his mouth and I am sure there are ulcers in there still. :( Pretty sure it is not just normal tissue folds, it is 3 weeks since his surgery so it should be healed by now. I will speak to vet next week, he left his biscuits before too.

He is rather quiet choosing to stay inside and snooze while I was just outside pruning my roses back and pricking my arms in the process, so not a great day overall!! God knows what has been happening with his poops as they had not seen any but he does tend to go in the garden at their house.

I am going to take him for a walk up the beach see if he perks up. Will catch up with everyones threads tonight, hope you and the pups are doing ok this week! xxxxx

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 12:37 AM
Hi Trish,
I am so sorry about your folks. I know how you're feeling right now and it sucks. My folks are always dropping pills on the floor, then can't seem to find them. It freaks me out big time! :eek: I can't be gone overnight either. :( Poor Flynn, his mouth must still be sore. :( Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.:) Big hugs to you and that precious boy.

06-29-2013, 06:34 AM
Well he has been OK today, I do see him shaking a little more, sometimes I see his head trembling a little too. Not seizure like, he has always been a shaky dog since he was little and I have showed his vet and he does not seem to worry about it. He is sore, when he ate his dinner tonight the first few mouthfuls he would shake his head a bit. He ate it all though, biscuits and all.

I worry about these ulcers, they noticed them mid 2012 when he had a dental, teeth were ok then as they are this year so it is not dodgy teeth bothering his mouth. Must be something causing them so I will have to ask his vet to look into it further. He does rub his face along the carpet a lot, but then again he has always done that too :confused::confused::confused: I even asked the vet whether the fluff from the innards of all the toys he destroys could be causing it, he thought not!

Anyway, he loved his walk this arvo and was really energetic and ran like the wind which always does my heart good :D:D

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 07:06 AM
Well, As long as he's running like the wind, he's okay.:D I'm glad!

06-29-2013, 07:38 AM
Hey You

Thanks for your note on miss t's thread. I have to go out now to get the last few bits for out hols but I read the little guy was still having mouth trouble.

I was doing a bit of reading about slippery elm and it is also good for mouth ulcers! Might be worth seeing if you can pick some up

Be back later to catch up

Big hug


06-29-2013, 08:49 AM
Mel beat me to it, I was going to say the same thing about the magical Slippery Elm:) Though if you are like me, it may be hard for you to fit it in 3 x day two hours before or after other meds.

I get canker sores a lot and I think it is from my Gerd. The acid will sometimes go all the way up into my nasal passages and floods my mouth.

Sorry about mom and dad not being able to do overnights but maybe you can find a qualified sitter. One of the employees at our groomers takes dogs into her home for a very reasonable fee. You would just have to make sure they are qualified to give meds. I have not been away overnight for five years:(:( I have encouraged hubby to go away but he is not quite as generous:rolleyes: Though he did watch the pups for a whole day so I could go to Chicago on the train and I am greatful for that.

We are having a gloomy weekend as well. We still have not made it into the pool. I'm peeved about that:(:(:(

Hope for better day tomorrow.

06-29-2013, 09:32 AM
Hey Trish, just trying to do a quick catch up. Glad to hear Flynn is still perky enough for a run up the beach, but sorry to hear those mouth ulcers might still be bothering him. That sucks, those things can HURT!

Oh well, just a fly by visit tonight, hope you are well and will stop by again soon. Hugs to you and a virtual new toy for Flynn :D

molly muffin
06-29-2013, 04:47 PM
Hey Trish, does sound like it's been hectic. Wasn't this the week you had the lady from Australia over?

Sorry about mom and dad thing. I wonder if they were just a bit slow to get going in the mornings? Do you use one of those days of the week am/pm pill dispensers for them? I found that helps alot. Then on the am, write 8am or whatever and same for the pm.

It would be worth it if you could fit the slipper elm bark in between med times. At least for a bit to see if it helps.

Maybe he was just tired after being with your parents and a different schedule, shaking his head because the ulcers are still there because it sounds like he isn't feeling particularly bad if he is up running and playing on the beach walk.

Hope you have had a good weekend.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-29-2013, 06:10 PM
HI everyone

Good thinking about the SEB Mel and Addy, thanks for that tip I had not thought of it. I need to go back and look up the recipe, I think it is on my thread somewhere or on Kathy's too. I have some in the cupboard too, but it has been there since December, it does not have expiry date on it. It is just a bag of powder. Do you think it would go off?? I can always go to town and buy some more fresh stuff if I have to. It was packed on 5th November 2012.

I just wonder why he keeps getting the ulcers, of course I googled it and there is mention of renal failure, I do not think that is problem as they talk about uremia and his bloods are good. Also immune problems and I guess it would not be a surprise if his system was compromised after all his surgeries etc. Will email vet today so he has time to consider it and get back to me. I don't think it is a teeth problem, some dogs get them on gumline where the inside of mouth touches teeth but his are on the inside of back teeth part of mouth, kind of under tongue but not actually on the tongue if you know what I mean :eek: Think it is called the fauces! :D

He ate his soft meat, not the biscuits and has done a big normal poop so least I do not have to worry about that! :D

I put his pills in a pill container Sharlene, with times and days written on them. Plus wrote it all out for her. I really think Mum just missed the tiny Amlodipine as it is a quarter of a very small pill. I will go around there today and see how she is as I think she was upset I thought she was going dooolally, she made it quite clear she is not loosing her marbles and I am not too think that!! :D


molly muffin
06-29-2013, 06:54 PM
ROFL! You best get over there soon and reassure her that you still think she is the quickest mom around and not off her rocker. LOL

I think Leslie mentioning her SEB having lasted well over a year, so don't think you are in any danger of it being off.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-29-2013, 07:30 PM
Running on the beach is a great sign that Flynn can rise to the occasion which is always a good sign!
We all seem to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how our pups are feeling don't we? These dogs should just start talking already so we don't have to worry so much!!! :D
Hope Flynn's mouth sores heal up soon..and that you find a reason he gets them.

06-29-2013, 07:40 PM
Thanks guys!

I just spoke to her on the phone Sharlene and she seems ok!! I offered to take her out to lunch but she is busy researching something in the family history :)

I found the recipe and just mixed up one tsp in half a cup of water and simmered it as per instructions. It said it should taste sweet and not bitter and to try it each time you give it and if it is bitter to discard. According to his size he should have 3tsp of this mixture before meals, it went quite thick when I cooked it. I will give it a couple of hrs after so not to interfere with his meds. Will let you know how we go, it is just cooling now. :D

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 07:55 PM
I use the long brew recipe on this page under slippery soup. It is fine to give it with food. It is tastier that way. Yes, the powder you have is fresh enough.;) I hope it helps Flynny boy.



molly muffin
06-29-2013, 07:57 PM
Oh well she is fine then if she is turning down lunch and busy researching. :) Perhaps a miff for effect more than a reality. :D

whoo hoo, cooking up elm bark. LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 07:57 PM
FYI...SEB must be given at least two hours before after other medications because it can interfere with the absorption of those medications.

06-29-2013, 08:14 PM
Ha that went well.... NOT!! I offered him his 3 tsps of SEB, he said... no thank you very much Mum!

I tried to put it in his mouth with tsp, ungrateful boy spat it back at me :eek:. I mixed some of his meat in with it and he ate it grudgingly. But I wanted some directly on the ulcers so got a syringe and squirted a little between his clenched teeth on both sides and got it in but he then shook his head and the gloop went on the carpet!! But I think a bit is in there on the ulcers :D:D Trish 1: Flynn 0!!! I am sure it will go better tonight :D

06-29-2013, 08:19 PM
Hi Kathy
Yep I know about the timing with meds, thanks for that though :D I used this recipe that Lori gave me ages back

It ended up thick and gloopy and can keep in fridge for a week :D It was not bitter when I tasted it so pretty sure it is fine still. Syringe worked pretty well in getting a little directly on the sore bits so hope it does its magic :D

molly muffin
06-29-2013, 08:30 PM

I tried to put it in his mouth with tsp, ungrateful boy spat it back at me . I mixed some of his meat in with it and he ate it grudgingly. But I wanted some directly on the ulcers so got a syringe and squirted a little between his clenched teeth on both sides and got it in but he then shook his head and the gloop went on the carpet!! But I think a bit is in there on the ulcers Trish 1: Flynn 0!!! I am sure it will go better tonight

I'm rolling!!!! This is hilarious!! Way to go Trish!! She opens, she syringes, she SCORES!!

Sharlene (in the midst of a giggle fit and husband definitely thinking NUTS)

06-29-2013, 08:44 PM
Haha...it does sound like Flynn is making the decisions for now and showing his spunk too. :p On to round 2! Good luck getting him to have some later. :D

06-29-2013, 08:55 PM
:D Poor boy, I hate forcing him to do things he does not want to... but its all for his own good!! He is giving me the stink eye though!

Now don't think bad of me, but the other night when I was out to dinner this particular restaurant has a specialty of deep fried doughnuts covered in cinnamon sugar, oh they are delish!! But they come served with x3 syringes each filled with jelly, vanilla custard and chocolate sauce so you can inject your doughnut with the filling of our choice!!! OMG I want another one now! Soon as I saw those syringes I thought hmmm they would come in handy for Flynn as I had run out of them after I had some following his surgery! I swiped one :p:o:p Bad I know, but boy did that come in handy!!! :eek:

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 08:56 PM
Buddy won't touch the SEB unless it is stirred into some soft canned food that he likes, then it's a huge treat! I mix it 50/50. I did the syringe thing the first time. Thankfully, Buddy didn't shower me with it.:eek::D The syringe probably work best to get it on the ulcers. My money's on Flynn, sorry Trish! LOL I don't think there's much that we won't do for our babes!;)

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 09:02 PM
Okay Trish that's not fair, Unless you have enough donuts for all of us!;) It's hilarious that you took that syringe! ROFL :eek::D Thanks Trish. I really needed a laugh today!!!

molly muffin
06-29-2013, 09:08 PM
Hahahahhaa, a girl has to do what a girl has to do. LOL It's all for Flynn after all.

Oh man, those sound totally decadent!!! I want one!!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-29-2013, 09:37 PM
we go to a place that has the same type of doughnuts...they are so delicious! Now I want one too...maybe more than one...at our place they are kind of small! :D
Great idea to swipe the syringe and see, you did need it so good thing you took one! I'm sure the restaurant just figured someone needed a shot of chocolate for the way home:D

06-29-2013, 09:45 PM
Haha OK takeout for all (syringes included)... I will go get them!!! Ours our huge Barbara and they serve them hot, we honestly considered booking ourselves in for an angioplasty straight after eating them!! I could not even finish mine but we had also had a big dinner! Haha I just found a webpage for them, on the front page they flick through some pics of meals and sure enough there are the doughnuts and syringes! So you can go salivate there, just don't email them and tell them about me hahahaha

Yes, we do what we have to for our furbabies eh Sharlene!!!

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 10:07 PM
OMG Trish! I'm going to be drooling over those donuts all night! I think I would've started with dessert!:;):D I am never going to look at a syringe the same way again.:D

molly muffin
06-29-2013, 10:10 PM
Oh my, look at that! *drool *drool


06-29-2013, 10:25 PM
yum. I like the look of yours better than our place...yours have more sugar coating. I want one now! Hot doughnuts. The best! :p

06-29-2013, 10:52 PM
Yes, but we are being good today people, no doughnuts allowed :D:D... that is until I go out to my friends for dinner tonight :D:D It's pot luck dinner and i am taking pork roast :D

High excitement here in the last 10mins, a cat just dared to enter our section and Flynn spotted it before me and went flying to chase it, I do not want him to hurt a cat, I love them so went in hot pursuit, it got through the gate before he caught up thank goodness. He was running so fast that he slipped on a wet bit of concrete by the fence that does not fully dry out on these wintry days despite the sun we have today... he went sprawling on his side with legs twisting :eek::eek: he popped back up still on the hunt, jeepers ACL ruptures just went through my head, fool dog not remembering he is older than he thinks he is :eek: he is fine though.

molly muffin
06-29-2013, 11:04 PM
Can't say life is boring around your place with Flynn around and cats on the loose.

oh pork roast. You know what would go great with that after dinner............. hahahahahahhaa Doughnuts and syringes full of yummy, gooey stuffs!!!!

Have a great time!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 11:53 PM
That cat has the nerve to enter your property! Flynny boy was just taking care of business!;) Thank goodness he's okay! It's just like Buddy and the birds. Those birds have no right to enter his airspace!;):D You can't take that kind of assault lying down! You have to take action!:D
Big hugs,

06-30-2013, 04:05 AM
Bet the wee man wasn't impressed with his adopted aunt from the uk! I just hope it helps, must be horrible for him eating biscuits and catching on it, mouth ulcers for us are painful.

Why haven't you taken any syringes from work? Do they count them?

Hope you have had a great Sunday, its warm here today so off to see my niece and nephew before we go away next week. I can't wait to go on holiday and not do work!

Speak to you soon


06-30-2013, 05:21 AM
Hi Mel

Yes I could nearly hear Flynn cursing you and Aunt Addy too :D:D

Well I have just been out to dinner and home early, my friends cute wee pup that is in the recent pics of Flynn suddenly got sick. He had been running around having a fine old time with Flynny then while we were eating dinner he just kinda went flat, not wanting to play, drink or do anything except lay by his Mum. Very weird, panting a bit, it was hot inside with the fire on and we had nearly set fire to the stove and had a lot of smoke in the house at one stage so we took him outside and he just lay straight down on the lawn. No vomiting, poops or anything. His tummy maybe slightly tight, his Mum was not real sure but I thought it felt a little hard. Refused to drink. Did not want to play with Flynn, just really flat. :eek:

We rang the on call vet who was not much help at all, we have no 24hr ER here. He just said Cooper does not sound urgent and just to take him to his own vet in the morning :eek:

His poor Mum is so upset and crying, she has lost both parents and her identical twin sister this year and is sick herself so this little pup has brought a little ray of sunshine into her life and she just lives for him. Me, my friend and Flynn left, as they did not need Flynn ripping up the poor sick dogs toys on the floor! Her best friend is still there with her and I am waiting for a text to hear how little Cooper is, if he had not perked up in another hour they were going to ring back urgent vet and demand to be seen. He is a little devil at picking up stones and things so hope he has not swallowed something he shouldn't have. Hope he has not got carbon monoxide poisoning from the smoke :eek: :(

06-30-2013, 05:42 AM
How could I forget his other aunt Addy :eek: It was early x

Poor little Cooper, it's so scary when we don't know what's going on, not good you don't have 24 hr care, what's that all about!

Sending some positive mojo for Cooper, hope you get the text soon as we become so attached to all our people's dogs :)

Big hug


06-30-2013, 07:13 AM
Oh Trish, feeling so worried about little Cooper and hoping for a good update. When you mentioned a tight tummy after active play, the fear of bloat crept into my head...but I will surely hope that cannot be the issue for the wee one.

Let us know just as soon as you hear, OK?


Squirt's Mom
06-30-2013, 09:12 AM
I hope little Cooper is ok. I know just how your friend feels to find such comfort in her babies in the face of such sorrow. Please let her know we are thinking of and praying for her and Cooper.

Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 09:46 AM
Hi Trish,
Thanks for babysitting me last night. :) How is Cooper doing this morning? Big hugs,

molly muffin
06-30-2013, 10:09 AM
oh dear. How is Cooper this morning? I hope things sorted out and he didn't have to go to the vet over night. That is so scary :(


06-30-2013, 01:45 PM
Just checking in to see how Flynn and Cooper are and you too.

Hope everything is ok

06-30-2013, 04:06 PM
Me and Flynny good, he still sore in mouth but ate his meat, declined his biscuits. I woke early so gave him some SEB directly onto ulcers via syringe. He does not like it. Best I can do with that is one early dose and then will do it again tonight couple of hours after evening pills. I have emailed vet so will see what he says.

I have txt Coopers Mum, she said he seems much better just very tired and sleeping a lot. He has done a poop, she was waiting for him to wake again to give him food. She is taking him to her vet this morning for a checkup. It was very weird how fast he went from good to feeling absolutely yuck so hope there is nothing more than a puppy overdoing it with excitement playing with his idol Flynn!! :D Will let you know what the vet says.

Righto off to work I go... xxxx

06-30-2013, 04:18 PM
They never like what's good for them hopefully you have got enough in to give him a bit of help while you wait on your vet which won't be long cause he's better than most ;)

Awesome to hear Cooper is doing better.

I got sunburnt today even with factor 50 not cool! Couldn't have put enough on!

Have a great day at work.

Bug hug, bum scratches to Flynn


Budsters Mom
06-30-2013, 09:53 PM
Yuck!!! :eek: Flinny has taste. That's why he doesn't like the SEB. Buddy doesn't like it either. That's why I have to mix it in a little canned food.You pretty much need the syringe for the mouthful ulcers though. Squirting it in through clamped dog teeth is just par for the course, I guess. It isn't even one of the strangest things to we've had to do! Checking poops at night with flashlights to look for worms is fun too.:D I hope your vet has some ideas to help with Flynny's sore mouth. Poor little guy.:o
Has Cooper had all of his puppy shots? It sounds like he could've picked up one of those nasty bugs. I am so glad that his mom is taking him into the vet today. Please keep us posted on how he's doing. XXXXXXX

PS... Are you stopping by the restaurant to pick up a few more syringes on your way home? LOL

07-01-2013, 02:52 AM
Hi everyone

Cooper has had a checkup at his vet, nothing out of the ordinary today. I was just talking to his Mum and she said he has been tired but back to playing with his toys with no ill effects, eating, peeing and pooping fine. So its a bit of a mystery what happened last night. He went all funny after he had been outside for a little while and came running in flat out, sat by his Mum and would not move. Almost like something gave him a big fright?!? Anyway he is all good today, I read her all your messages and she was very touched and said to say thank you for all your good wishes and prayers. Cooper is booked in for his neutering this Friday :eek::eek: and his vet is happy for that to proceed.

Now on to Flynny! Vet emailed back today and wants to see him, the ulcers are a bit of a mystery to him, he said:

"Re the ulcers. Can you describe where they are? What does the surgery site look like? We could not ascertain a cause from the histo. Bloods to date show no evidence of immuno-suppression but yes it must be a while since we have done a CBC.

DDx of oral ulcers = uraemia, diabetes mellitus, trauma. None of these apply with labs to date!!! Also most systemic diseases will produce multiple ulcers rather than these isolated ones. We must be due to check his BP soon so that would be a good opportunity to check his mouth and also run liver bloods (which also checks renal function and glucose) and CBC."

So there we are, he is booked in for Thursday for the checkup. But he has had another good day apart from putting off eating his biscuits till he gets real hungry. I told him I was using the SEB and he did not actually mention that so I will keep it going directly onto the ulcers for now.

Thanks for all your concern about wee Cooper and Flynn, you are all so very special to us :D :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-01-2013, 04:46 AM
Hmmm I have a new theory on these ulcers, I just emailed our vet as below, what do you think??

Thanks for your email Mike.

I will bring him Thursday, good day for me too.

I have been thinking about these ulcers and I have a new theory!! He is allergic to his toys or maybe something else environmental, kind of like a latex allergy in people..... he rips his toys apart with great enthusiasm, gnaws them in this molars where the toy would come into contact with area that is ulcerated, rips out all the fluff and spits it around. If he had an allergy to his toys it could cause contact ulcers in that area especially if some of that fluff got stuck back there? Other symptoms that makes me think it might be allergy:

Itchy snout which he rubs on floor ALL the time
Skin itchy he is driving us crazy always wanting his back scratched at the moment and backing into us so we will do it! His skin seems ok other than itchy. I have showered him in Sebazole a couple times over the last month. He does not have fleas, not that I can see anyway. He is up to date with frontline.
If he had an allergy like that which has quite possibly been very long term, could it would cause the gut problems/IBD??
Hanging his head alot, lip licking like something is bothering him in there - I don't think those last two are nausea as he always eats well and has not lost weight. He has done it for years.
Occasional wheezy cough (sounds a bit like a stridour or kennel cough which he had a mild case of once years ago, sort of choking kind of sound) very infrequent, maybe days apart

These mouth ulcers are not new having been there at least a year when Rebecca saw them and in the same place at the back of his mouth, between his teeth and tongue. I suspect they could have been there longer now thinking about these symptoms. I would think if the cause was something systemic it would have declared itself by now, like renal failure, diabetes as you mentioned. So I am going to trial banning his toys and see if that helps. Flynn is not going to be happy with this new development!!

His tummy is so good now, almost cannot remember the last real mucousy poop (touch wood). Seems to have settled a lot since we gave him Drontal, how often do we give that??

Remember you gave him that Loratidine a month or two back as he was scratching a lot then. It settled down with that. I have 3 days worth left so I will give him those till we see you Thursday.


Loratidine for 3 days till review by you Thursday - can you do allergy testing for toy fluff??
Ban toys
Pick up Benzapril and Amlodipine Thurs, have just enough till then (have 16 losec left, so thats enough for month, he having one every 2-3 days). He is still having 12.5mg Tramadol BD
BP check
Urine UPC check
Bloods: renal, liver, glucose, CBC
Toenail clip please
He is due his Pentosan
Review chest for cough, check if Massey did CXR
Continue putting slippery elm bark paste on the ulcers twice a day

Gawd, I hope you do not have too many patients like us!!! Thanks so much for all your help!


molly muffin
07-01-2013, 10:26 AM
Hi Trish,

So glad to hear that Cooper is back to normal and the vet has cleared him of anything physically wrong. His mum just doesn't need anything to be wrong with Cooper that's for sure. So, yea, he could have gotten scared. Puppies can even freak themselves out sometimes. LOL Good to know his safe place is right beside his mum though.

Interesting theory regarding Flynn's ulcers and in light of nothing being systematicly wrong, a very good possibility. Now the key will be to figuring out what it is that he might be having a reaction to. The outside or the inside of the toys. You could try removing anything plastic latex and sticking to different materials for a time and see which ones seem to be bothering him. Well, at least it's nothing serious like renal, etc if it's an allergy. Allergies can be controlled, not easily maybe but better than the other options.

Hope your presentation goes well today!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
07-01-2013, 02:12 PM
Hi Trish,
Great job on the vet's email, very thorough! There is definitely some interesting theory going on there.:) I am somewhat concerned about number two on your plan. BAN TOYS! What are you thinking woman? LOL;):D It's bad enough that you're squirting gruel in through a clenched teeth, now no toys!!! I hope you're putting a little extra aside for the doggie shrink! :D. All kidding aside, I really hope that you're able to get a handle on Flynny's mouth ulcers.

So thrilled that Cooper is back to his playful, puppy self! He'd better rest up if he's going to be losing his jewels this week!:eek::eek: I can think of a few young men that could use that procedure too!LOL :D

I hope all that technical jargon went without a hitch today!xxxxxx

07-01-2013, 07:04 PM
Just popping in to say i hope you are having a great day and that you get a response to your mail.

Harsh on Flynn sloppy gloopy stuff and now no toys, you may have a revolt on your hands!

Never heard of a dog being allergic to toys but I never knew they could have as many allergies till Kathy mentioned poor buddy's list!

Am sure your awesome vet will help you get to the bottom of it, you sorted out his belly so keep the faith :D

Hope your meeting and presentation went well, catch you in the morning, off to town tomorrow but will check in first thing


07-02-2013, 01:37 PM
I think your thoughts on possible allergic reaction make a lot of sense and maybe taking the toys away would give you an answer though Flynn may revolt!
Have you tried just doing a baking soda/water rinse in Flynns's mouth?
I know dogs can get sick from hydrogen peroxide if they ingest it, but all the human treatments for mouth sores have it as the main ingredient and it definitely soothes canker sores...maybe a q-tip with a bit of hydrogen peroxide diluted with some water would be another thing you could try on the sores, if you can get into his mouth that is.
Is there a possibility that the mouth sores could be a bacterial infection of some sort?
Have you already tried an antibiotic already? Would it be worth a try if they don't go away soon?
Just trying to come up with some ideas.

07-03-2013, 01:27 PM
Off topic- do you have penguins in New Zealand? The morning news I watch off and on while I put Zoe's eye drops in- I have to wait a minimum of five minutes between drops- always shows a commercial for a heart drug and the "patient" is feeling so great on his new heart medicine he takes his wife to New Zealand. It then shows the couple walking in "New Zealand" and the next shots show penguins. I could google it, I guess, but thought it more fun to come directly to the source.:)

How is Flynn's mouth doing? Poor boy, mouth sores, no toys but HAPPY 7th month anniversary Flynn:):):)

We are having a rain day. It does not want to stop and the big fireworks display is scheduled at our Lakefront tonight to celebrate the Fourth of July. Looks like a wash out:(:(:( My week off and I only got in one pool day:(:rolleyes: Summer in Wisconsin:rolleyes::rolleyes:

07-03-2013, 04:00 PM
HI Addy, we do have penguins... mainly the little ones though. We occasionally get one wash up that has been blown off course in the Southern Ocean. There was a dead one here on the beach many years back, boy Flynn rolled and rolled in it. Dead penguin is not a very nice smell. I buried it, darn dogs dug it up. I finally put one of his empty poop bags over my hand picked up the carcass and put it in a bin. What a stench. So there you, while they are not trotting along the beaches they are about :D:D There is a documentary show running at the moment on penguins, they are pretty cute!

Flynn is doing OK, still sore mouth but a bit better, maybe that SEB is working! His vet appointment has been put off until next Tuesday now, so will post results when I get them! Thanks for the tips Barbara, it is so hard to even get a good view of these ulcers that I doubt I would get anything in there directly on them, persevering with the SEB for now as that is not toxic if I miss with the syringe!! Will see what vet says about topical applications when I see him next week :) He has walked past his toy box a couple of times sadly looking at its emptiness :( Poor boy, thinks someone stole them all!

Boriss McCall
07-03-2013, 04:11 PM
Poor Flynn.. we had to take all of Pearl's toys away too. She won't stop trying to go nuts with her ACL all messed up.
They just don't understand... In fact Boriss has been getting in trouble trying to make her play. Sad times at our house.. :D:(:p

I hope Flynn gets relief soon. I know it can't feel good.

molly muffin
07-03-2013, 04:45 PM
Awww poor Flynn, no toys. :(
Hope the mouth starts heal though. That would be worth it. :)
ugh, carcass petrol too! That just sound yucky, but better than Flynn rolling in it I'm sure LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
07-04-2013, 01:41 AM
Happy seven month anniversary Flynny boy!! Great job mom! Love ya Trish XXXXXXX

07-04-2013, 01:51 AM
No toys? Well, I hope that Flynn recovers quickly so that he can have them back. Daisy would run away from home if I took away her toys.

Hopefully you'll get some answers soon. Allergies are tough to pinpoint.

Feel better Flynn!

molly muffin
07-04-2013, 07:39 AM
7 Months! My how time flies. Congratulations on a fantastic recovery. :)

sharlene and molly muffin

07-04-2013, 12:16 PM
Trish, a BIG congratulations on the 7 month anniversary of Flynn's surgery. What a milestone for our boy!!! I sure hope his mouth is healing since he has to suffer through no toys. I was chuckling at the story of trying to pill your Mum's cat, I could just picture it all, but so glad you didn't get scratched or bit. Cat bites can be awful. And glad that Flynn stole her fish, serves her right for taking a swipe at him!! :D :D.

Hugs from me and Jasper, and an extra smooch and belly rub for Flynn.

Budsters Mom
07-04-2013, 02:14 PM
The cat pill story was hilarious! I needed a laugh!:D I could just see you battling with that cat.;) Have you tried one of those pills shooters? It's like a syringe, but doesn't have a needle at the end. You stick it far back in their throat and then you shoot the pill in. Choking is still a possibility if the pill is large I suppose. Do they have any kind of "pill pockets" for cats. Buddy loved taking his pills with those. He thought he was getting a treat. Thank you for being there last night.xxxxx

07-04-2013, 04:03 PM

Missed you last night(your time) I woke later this morning and work is becoming very difficult, I have too much on my to do list!

How you both doing today? Happy Friday :D


Ps congratulations on 7 mth surgery anniversary. Amazing how quick time flies

07-04-2013, 04:12 PM
Congrats on Flynn's 7 month anniversary!!!Big hug to you both

07-05-2013, 05:02 PM
What's this about a trip to New Zealand to visit you and Flynn??I want in!!!!.Can you hold the curry though?:D:D.Hope all is well and you are enjoying your weekend.I just woke up from the night shift a bit groggy and am enjoying my "morning" coffee!Hugs to you and Flynn.

07-05-2013, 05:43 PM
Haha Patty, Yep, your in for the visit!! Come along, I would so LOVE to meet you :D Ohhhhh everyone, you can all come!! Wooooo K9C reunion in NZ!!!! Wouldn't that be fantastic, Flynn would be so spoiled by all his Aunties and Uncles :D:D:D

Why do you do night duty all the time, that messes with my system and I have not done it for 15years and was very glad to see the back of it!!

I am up having my morning green tea but probably a very different time of the day, 9.30am Saturday morning here!! I am furiously doing the laundry as it is a nice sunny windy day so it will dry very quickly on the line. I want Flynn's blankies all done and he has 3 couch blankets including my throws which he has claimed! 2 bed blankets, 2 red pads, 1 bed cushiony thing plus his actual bed... that will take about 3 loads!!

He is still a bit itchy and I have found a hot spot on his flank that I have put Neotopic on (that's a steroid, anti inflammatory, anti itch cream). When I showered him a couple of nights back I saw a flea wash off him :eek::eek: So he has been Frontlined and I want to get the whole house vacuumed and hopefully no more of the little blighters will survive. :eek::eek:Eek fleas in the house, that might put Kathy off coming to visit me hahahaha :D:D Truly, it was just one Kathy!!

But he is still itchy despite being on the antihistamine for 5 days now so it must be due to the flea bite. He does tend towards a small allergic reaction with them so hopefully it will settle down now!! I wish everyones problems on here were so small.

Otherwise he is good, he crunched up his biscuits this morning so that makes me think his mouth is better. His one remaining toy in his toy box is a Kong that you can fill, so put more biccies in there and he had a little game with it. I will call into the pet store today I would like to get some more safer toys for him as I feel like I am depriving him but he has not really gone looking for his toys too much surprisingly. He loves rolling that Kong around and getting his prize so something that makes him think would be a good thing for Flynnikin :D:D

Addy - if you read this can you or anyone else for that matter give me some advice on continuing his probiotic. Do you leave Zoe on it all the time. I now only give him 1/4 tsp each night, together with 1/4 tsp of Metamucil for a bit of added fibre. His poops have been good for about a month!! It's a miracle!! I wonder if I should keep the probiotic going or stop it and see how he does. I kinda think if its not broke don't fix it, but maybe I should keep it on hold while he is good? What do you think?

His vet appointment is now next Tuesday so I can run that past his vet as well. I love WEEKENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all for checking in on us!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Budsters Mom
07-05-2013, 05:59 PM
Hi Trish,
It sounds like Flynny has flea allergy dermatitis. Buddy picked up a couple of fleas at the vet one time. He scratched his skin raw for weeks and weeks! It is something about the flea saliva that irritates them. No, a few fleas here and there are not going to scare me off. I did check into more flights today and there are flights going out of San Diego also. They cost more, but I'd have to pay more anyway if I had to fly to LA first. Booking one out of San Diego would be much better. Still dreaming. I might look into seeing what's involved to get a passport and see how long it takes to process. I'm glad to hear that Flynny's mouth seems to be doing better.:) Are you going to continue to give him the SEB? We'll chat later Xxxxxxxxxx

07-05-2013, 06:42 PM
I think your right about the flea allergy dermatitis, it is only in one spot so hopefully will clear up quickly. In his younger years he had Prednisone when these flared up, but really trying to avoid that even though the cream has a small amount in it. I am still putting the SEB on his ulcer area twice a day will have to cook some more fresh today. When I see my friend later this arvo I am going to have another good look in there with the torch so I can see what is going on, it is too hard on my own and I hate distressing him trying to hold him while I have a look.

That's good flights go direct from San Diego :D when you got here it would be another 1 hr flight from Auckland to where I am in Napier as well. You would love it here today, clear blue skies, warm, fresh breeze though. Perfect for a walk later on! HAVE YOU FOUND YOUR PURSE??

07-05-2013, 07:09 PM
hi there trish just a pass thru to say hi and to let you know how delighted i am to see flynn is still well besides.the bites,just a miracle.i am giggling at all the fun posts you ladies have posted =such a nice refreshing fun filled page to read.sending all here many xoxox....we are up the mountains trying to stay cool for a few days with our meka.......always patty(milo)meka xoxox :) <3

07-05-2013, 07:43 PM
No such thing as just one:D(fleas that is).Both Grace and Fella were infested last year-don't know how since they were on Frontline but what a job to get rid of them!!Grace is prone to hotspots and they can get out of control very quckly.They were weepy and the only thing that used to dry them out was salt water.I used to scoop up a bucket of ocean water and pour it on the spot.It seemed to dry it out and heal it quicker.

Actually,I don't mind the night shift.I left the floors for awhile to do the mon to fri thing in case mgmt for a few years but it ended up to be a 2hr commute in rush hour each way just to get to work.I just recently went back to the floors since I missed doing the 3 12hr shifts.Its a nice break to be away from all the top brass on days as they can be a little uptight.The night shift crew tends to be a little more laid back.

And btw,I just got my new passport in the mail.:)I had renewed it because I was to go to the virgin islands in may but cancelled when Fella got sick.Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a K9 Cushings trip one day!!We could travel around the world since we have members all throughout US,Canada,UK and NZ/Australia!

Enjoy your weekend-we are going into our 3rd week of temps in the 90's and humid...uggggghhh!!And we just lost power in my town so no AC!We are all dying here.I think Romeo is the only one who prob doesn't mind since he is a Georgia baby who is used to this heat!:).

Have a great weekend and hope you find some good toys for Flynn!

07-05-2013, 07:53 PM
Hello Patty1 and Patty2!!! Haha we have lots of Patty's here. I could be a Patty as I am really a Patricia, but have had Trish for a long time now... I get Tricia from Mum and Dad!!

Nice of you both to pop in, I am in the midst of housework and keeping an eye on the forum.

Yes Patty2 I do think there are usually more than one flea! Hopefully I washed them all off in his shower, unless they all ran up to his head as I do not wash his little head :D OK your good to go with your passport!! So come on over, I make it sound like a hop skip and a jump, but it is actually a 12 hr flight just from California!! Wouldn't it be fun though to get together some day, might be easier for me to come up to you guys though!! I agree the stress levels are usually less on night duty, unless something goes wrong and then there are not so many about to get help. I do like the idea of x3 12 hr shifts though, then 4 days off! Glad you like the nights :)

Patty1 - sure like the sound of a break in the mountains, sounds nice and cool and more comfortable than where Patty2 is with no a/c!!!! Have lovely weekend with hubby and Meka!! :)

07-05-2013, 08:07 PM
Am not all packed. Just finished work :eek:

I had a site go down last night worst thing that can happen didn't get resolved till this afternoon and it created a lot of work

I have just sent my last email (I think!) and I have a bath run.

Am a bit peeved as its been such a shocker and Boycie daddy is not helping, there was a pile of washing up and he did his plate and went to bed. You couldn't make it up!

I will defo take pictures, will check in if I can


07-05-2013, 08:10 PM
Cutting in on Trish's page but saw you were up and about posting.Since we all seem to be in the travelling mode,maybe Boyce's daddy can stay home and we will all join you!!:eek::eek:.Have a great vacation and I will miss you so much!!

07-05-2013, 08:11 PM
Go tip the plates on him in bed, that might make him see the error of his ways!!! Honestly sometimes people do not notice mess do they!!

07-05-2013, 08:16 PM
I am tempted to leave him behind! Patty, nice to see you real time feels like ages since we three have been on together :D

I could have battered him, it's 1 here he went to bed about 11 and left me working and knowing packing needed doing. I have finished work but no packing

07-05-2013, 08:24 PM
Yes it is nice to have us all on at the same time, these things go in cycles don't they!! Especially with all of us in such different time zones :D

Don't you dare pack anything for him!! Yes we should all go haha although I just had my leftover curry for lunch and I don't think anyone would want to be in a confined space travelling with me for a day or so :D:D

07-05-2013, 08:27 PM
Defo not me. I don't do smells. That is why I keep him around to pick up accidents :eek:

07-05-2013, 08:33 PM
Pleased to hear he has his uses!!!!!

07-05-2013, 09:01 PM
7 months post surgery for Flynn and he is doing great! Hurray for the fantastic recovery!! What a happy outcome!!
I read you're tempting Kathy with a trip to NZ and sweetening the deal with curry!! Yum...love curry...I love to make shrimp curry with all the trimmings...raita, chutney and now my gourmet market (just steps from my front door!) is selling naan bread in a package and turns out that it's really pretty good! I got a great curry powder mix at a spice store..rather on the sweet side, which I like and just nicely spicy, it's really good. Pretty authentic Indian right at home though we have a many favorite Indian restaurants in the city. Now I just may have to have some tomorrow...writing about it has gotten me in the mood!! :p
Hope Flynns' mouth is healing up...sounds like it's much better.
Have a great weekend!

07-06-2013, 01:46 AM
New photo alert, one especially for you Kathy :D

07-06-2013, 01:52 AM
Evening, had a nice day? I fell asleep!

Woke up at 6 though to get cracking!

Budsters Mom
07-06-2013, 02:18 AM
The photos are. Beautiful Trish. I love the one with Flynny on the couch. He looks so much like my little brother. Your beach is gorgeous! :) I am having a really hard night. Thank you so much for the photos, they really help. Love ya babe! How are we going to survive without Mel?

07-06-2013, 02:23 AM
Just fine, cause you all have each other :) I am a newbie in comparison to some xxx

07-06-2013, 06:06 PM
I know Kathy, I miss her already... but I bet she is sitting in some lovely garden at an English pub with Boycie at her feet having a lovely dinner and a nice long cool drink unwinding from her hellish last day!! I hope so anyway, she is a treasure our Mel and deserves this break!!!

Flynn found a toy last night, it was a bunny stuffed behind the couch. He was so pleased with himself, carried it out and started chewing straight away!! :eek: Felt so mean taking it off him. One of my guests mentioned this app on the ipad it is meant to be for cats to play with (who knew there are apps for cats!!) Anyway we downloaded it, the idea is this little mouse runs around the screen and when the pet touches the screen it paints!!! Showed it to Flynn and he went crazy, the mouse squeaks while it runs around and Flynn took to the ipad :eek::eek: scrabbling to get that damn mouse, he tipped it upside down to try and find it.... it was hysterical we were rolling around laughing. He loved it but I feared for my ipad :eek::D:eek::D:eek:

You can save the pic he paints with his paw so I have just posted it to his photo album so you can go see how talented he is, Picasso he ain't... we don't think we are going to make any money from my painting dog!!! I don't think he is going to be allowed to play with it again as he was so rough but it might be a bit of fun for some of our more gentler dogs!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

molly muffin
07-06-2013, 06:43 PM
Oh my gosh, I had never heard of an app for a cat or dog, as it seems that Flynn is just as enamored with it.
Well, now I don't know. I heard of a horse that paints and he seems to do pretty well. Who is to say that Flynn isn't just as good. :)

Hope you are having a lovely, day, evening, tomorrow? Oh gosh I do get confused, is it morning there? Sunday?

LOL just call me baffled as usual
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-06-2013, 06:45 PM
10.45 Sunday morning!!

I will have to get Flynny to work on his autograph :D

Simba's Mom
07-06-2013, 09:20 PM
What a talented little man you have there Trish, and a painter at that, love to hear the stories, and the ipad thing was hilarious, thanks really needed that today!!!

07-07-2013, 05:10 AM
Hey Trish!
Was up for the pit stop and decided to stay up for a bit, hadn't been on the site all day Friday or Saturday, so busy. I have to say I love Flynn's painting!!! It looks really cool I think. Weren't you afraid he would scratch your iPad? Yikes, I am pretty sure that Jasper or Shelby would. I love the pic of Flynn on the couch. It is so cute how they always try to find something soft to snuggle with.

So it sounds like you got all your housework done, good for you. I unfortunately will be spending most of my Sunday doing chores. I have had a headache since Friday and was so busy so I didn't get much done. :rolleyes:

How is Flynn's mouth doing?

Tina and Jasper

07-07-2013, 05:44 AM
Hi Tina, sorry I was just in the kitchen cleaning up!! Yes I was worried he would scratch it! it does have a protective film over the glass though!! Still, I don't think he will be playing it again :)

His mouth is better thanks, had a good look in their tonight. He is good at the moment, back to crunching his biscuits in the morning so that's a good sign! Bit itchy still but that seems to be improving :) Hope your two are doing well and the drinking has not increased xxx

Budsters Mom
07-07-2013, 05:53 AM
Thrilled to hear that Flynny's mouth is finally healing. YAY? When is he going to get his toys back?:D

07-07-2013, 05:57 AM
Oh good, glad the mouth looks better. Maybe it actually is the toys irritating things, you think? I have a protective film on my iPad too, but I would still be a bit worried I think. I sure love the painting though, I really think the little man might have some talent!

Well, I am going to try to get a couple of hours of sleep before I start tackling the chores. Probably about time for you to go to bed I'm thinking. Have a good night! Extra belly rub for Flynn please. :D

07-07-2013, 05:59 AM
Thanks Tina, I think it may be the toys! If not allergy, maybe he chews them too hard causing trauma which is what his histology suggested rather than allergy. Yes I am getting to bed soon... early night tonight! have a nice Sunday! Hope its not too hot for Jasper and Shelby xxxxx

07-07-2013, 12:28 PM
Hey girlfriend, I hope Monday is not too awful. I'm back to work tomorrow:mad: I could have used another week.:p:p

Maybe the material the toys are made of bother Flynn's mouth. Gosh, I wish they could just tell us.

I am off to check out your album of Flynn's paintings. Funny, I am reading a book about the private lives of the impressionists. Maybe one day I will read a book about Flynn.:D:D:D

Budsters Mom
07-08-2013, 03:23 PM
Hi Trish,
Please update us on Flynny's vet visit. Did the vet get the demon cat to take her pill? LOL:D xxxxxxxx

07-09-2013, 02:38 AM
Home from the vet, Flynn has spent the day there. He is so much better now he is used to the place and I think he almost likes them now. The vet nurse wanted to keep him :)

Mouth ulcers much better, so he thinks it is due to trauma and we will stay off the toys for now. Specifically the ones he can rip up. He does not think it is an allergy.

He had a chest xray, no problems with lungs apart from slight changes in bronchioles that he commonly sees in older dogs. Nothing to worry about there. He took me out the back and showed me the films on the monitor, you can see the staples from his adrenalectomy. He has a digital xray setup and it gives such clear pictures. Can see arthritic changes in lower back. Vet said Flynn lay beautifully still on his back for the xrays and mouth check and did not need sedation, such a good boy.

His urine test showed lower proteinuria but it is not as specific as the one sent to external lab so will wait and see what that result shows.

Renal tests and electrolytes good, full blood count also good no anaemia or raised/low white cells. Liver tests, ALP/ALT still high but appear stable, again wait for external lab results. Calcium high end of normal, so keeping an eye on that.

BP was perfect at 130/140! So again YAY!! He is fairly sure his proteinuria was due to his hypertension and now we have BP under good control we are seeing stable kidneys. Double YAY!

He finished up with a manicure :D and Pentosan injection for his arthritis.

So good report for Flynnikin and hopefully the labs when they come in will also show improvement. So we continue as we are with his medications as he is doing so good on them. Keep him going on grain-free biscuits and venison diet as no diarrhea/mucous for ages!

Thanks for checking in on us, I am so pleased with this good report xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-09-2013, 02:40 AM
PS demon cat got the pill, she sat there like a little lamb swallowed and it was gone in a flash :mad::mad: I said, watch out she will spit it out and he said NOPE she won't!!! As apparently after she swallowed it, she licked her nose with the tip of her tongue and he said that is a surefire way of knowing it is gone!! Who knew!! :D

Budsters Mom
07-09-2013, 02:47 AM
Hi Trish,
Glad to hear that Flynny checked out so well with the docs. That is great news! It is a bummer about the toys though.:( Poor Flynny, he may never get them back. I think Elle, the demon cat is playing you! That is hilarious! LOL :D

07-09-2013, 03:12 AM
Trish, this is a great report, so happy to read this! You know, I was wondering about the toys and if the stuffing or fabric was causing physical irritation to his mouth, especially with how "enthusiastically" he tears them up. :D Jasper will chew on a nylabone obsessively sometimes to the point where his mouth will bleed, and I have to take it away from him. Shelby really goes to town on them also, yesterday I had to confiscate all nylabone toys, they just wouldn't stop!

It sounds like all the labwork is great as well, way to go Flynn!! This is a big relief for me also because we know that Flynn has been setting the example for Jasper to follow. ;) Is it another UPC that was sent out to the external lab?

Too funny about the kitty, LOL.

Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper

07-09-2013, 03:25 AM
Thanks Kathy and Tina :D:D

Yes we do think physical irritation from toys, he said I could try getting a childs toys and cutting off any eyes or loose bits as they could be gentler. But I could still see Flynn shredding them and the same thing would happen. I have only noticed a few times where he has gone to look in his toybox. On Sunday night, I gave him a venison brisket bone because I thought he needed something to chew but last night he pooped little hard bits of bone, like finger nail size so that can't be good for him, he just does not chew them up properly. He did a normal poop this morning, but ??little bit of blood on it so I packed it up and took the whole poop to the vet :confused: but he did not think it was blood and even if it was he put it down to the bones passing out the other end :eek::eek: normal one tonight and looks fine to me so will keep an eye on it! Anyway, that was my long winded explanation of giving him something tasty to chew so not going to get any more bones@!! :rolleyes:

The vet tests his blood and urine on his own in house equipment which are these results today, but he also sends to external laboratory for more accurate results... so that is what we are waiting for. Oops just realised I did not get a copy :eek: very unlike me haha.. but rest assured that will be remedied so I can update my spreadsheet!

07-09-2013, 03:59 AM
Ever since Jasper got colitis a few times years ago (way before Cushings), I don't give any real bones, rawhide, etc. He doesn't chew them up properly either and swallows big chunks which of course cause intestinal irritation. So we use nylabones for chewing, they are hard and only little shavings come off, so if he swallows them they go right through with no problems.

My vet does those in house labs also to get quick results, and then sends it out too. The external lab results are always more accurate here too. And they can't do a UPC in the office, that is always sent out.

I told Jasper about Flynn's good report. He is snoozing on the couch and didn't seem too impressed. I told him he better pay attention because we know that Flynn sets the example!

Gosh, I better get back to bed. I had to check in on Kathy and the pup that is having surgery in the morning. Sending so many prayers and positive vibes to that little guy. I have to go in to work an hour early in the morning so not much more time for sleep now. Ugh, I am so not a morning person! A quick thunderstorm just rolled through, but it is over now. Jasper and Shelby are already fast asleep again. :) Belly rubs for the little man. Hopefully see you tomorrow in the wee hours. Nite.

molly muffin
07-09-2013, 01:52 PM
Yay such good news for Flynn! He is such a great guy for the vet now. Guess he knows them all by name. LOL
It does sound good. Maybe there is Something that he can shred the heck out of to play with. gads, these guys are tough sometimes.

Elle, *sigh* Yep, you have been played! She rules! hahahaa

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Boriss McCall
07-09-2013, 05:56 PM
yay.. happy 7 months to you & Flynn. It is so nice to pop on here & see good news. Glad his mouth is feeling better. I know sometimes those toys can hurt. Boriss & Pearl are full of determination to win when they play with each other. I always have to take the tug things away or they bloody up their mouths trying to hold on. :eek:

07-09-2013, 07:20 PM
Hi Trish
I missed your message last night somehow.I was off but Grace started vomiting about 11pm.She vomited HUGE amounts of undigested food.My poor baby was so sick!Poor thing was just retching and vomiting throughout the night-mostly undigested food then just bile looking material.(just wanted to give you a visual:)),She is never sick so I was getting worried.It was so nice and cool out so I was taking her out every hour or so since she seemed to be better when she was out in the fresh air and sitting out on the cool floor of the outside deck.I was just debating on whether I was going have to bring her into the 24hr ER Vet when she began to settle down and than thankfully fell into a deep sleep.She must have gotton into something though I don't recall her lunging after anything on our walk.Anyhow,she is much better today and completely back to her piggy self!I wish I could say the same for the nice rug I just bought.Unfortunately,that is rolled up and all set for trash day.But,anything is disposable when we have our little babies and that's fine by me.Sorry I missed you last night-I miss our late night chats!

I was reading Flynn's great report-you must be very pleased.I wish I had a vet like yours-I am so impressed with him-he sounds absolutely wonderful.I'm sure you had to "train" him a bit,but nevertheless,he still sounds fantastic and really seems to take a lot of time explaining things and checking in with you.That's one thing I need to find here.The two very best here are Tufts and Angell.Bad experience at Angell and lets just say I wont be returning to Tufts anytime soon.It's like pulling teeth to get any info from them.Good call on the toys causing the irritation but poor Flynn!For the most part,I stopped buying toys for Grace because she literally has them torn apart in 5 minutes!She's a huge fan of tennis balls which I'm not so sure are great either.Perhaps you can find a toy that may be more gentle on his teeth somewhere online.I was so used to Kelsey who had her toys her whole life!She would kiss them,give them a bath and greet me at the door with the same one for 10years!She was nothing like this savage!:D.

Well,sorry I missed the all night party last night.I do have a new cell so if work is slow this week,I may sneak on and say hello.Romeo is doing fantastic-he is a cutie pie!He has the squeakiest bark ever and Grace is teaching him all her bad habits!He hates when I leave him and he starts to cry.Each time I took Grace out last night,Romeo would frantically jump up to the window ledge to look out and start wimpering and barking-poor baby!.Hugs to you and Flynn and so pleased at his good report card!

Simba's Mom
07-10-2013, 01:04 AM
Hey Trish, so glad to hear that Flynn had a good report, sending hugs and prayers for good news yay!

07-10-2013, 03:37 AM
Hi Trish, just popping in while we are up for a pit stop, and also checking in on little Rudy. Whew, what a day on the forum! How is Flynn today? I fell asleep on the couch after I got home late from work, and now need to finish cleaning up the kitchen. Ugh! Be back in a bit.

07-10-2013, 03:53 AM
Ha, I am chasing you around thread to thread! I have only been home an hour or so... went to Rudy's thread to check for any news too... fingers crossed the little pup is sleeping and gaining strength overnight.

Man we are in the midst of a huge rain storm, it is pelting down.... Flynn is too scared to go outside. He had a look out the door and I could read his little mind.. it said "NO WAY JOSE AM I GOING OUT IN THAT!!" :D:D He better have a good bladder tonight, or else I will put his raincoat on him and push him out the door :D:D and bugger poop patrol tonight :eek: :) I am such a mean mother :D

But he is great thanks, snoozing on the couch under his blankies as I type. I have not received any results yet today... sometimes he emails them late so will keep an eye on my inbox.

Eek, it's not housework night is it?? I seem to have a mad clean a couple of times a week, but with just me here it never gets real bad. I often get a meal with Mum and Dad when I pick Flynn up as it is usually conveniently for me dinner time when I arrive :D So my kitchen does not get too messed up during the week, apart from all Flynn's plates!

07-10-2013, 04:41 AM
I see on my weather app that you are having thunderstorms, and 50F. :) How did we survive without all these apps? Jasper and Shelby are not too keen on going out in the pouring rain either. But with Jasper anymore he usually has to go urgently and can't really hold it, so he has become more brave about dashing out, and then back in. But before he had all these issues, forget about it, he would not go out and would just hold it!

Both are currently snoring next to me on the couch also. Don't you just love it when they are so peaceful? Nope, not cleaning night, just had to get dishes finished. You know, it is just me here too and I don't know how things get so messed up all the time. It seems like something always needs to be cleaned around here.

I have to go in early to work again as my manager is on vacation this week. So that means I have to be up in about 2 hrs, so I better get to bed. I don't know how I function on this crazy sleep pattern, but I seem to manage somehow.

I will be watching for Flynn's lab results, and also monitoring Rudy's thread. Praying so hard for that little guy. Nite Trish. Smooches for Flynn. xo

07-10-2013, 04:58 AM
Night Tina, yes we should cherish these peaceful nights with our little mates!! We had a break in the rain, so I sent him out to do his business unsupervised!! Such a brave boy, had the towels all ready when he came sliding back in the door!! Haven't heard any thunder yet, maybe on its way.

Love my weather app, you are 24Celcius... dunno what that is in farenheit but it pretty warm for 4am!! Have a good last couple of hours Tina, talk soon!! Nighty nite to the Jasper and Shelby too, xxxxxx

molly muffin
07-10-2013, 02:38 PM
You two are so cute Tina. You and Trish chasing around on the forum. Now that makes me laugh!

24C is pretty warm for 4am. Welcome to the US midwest! Bloody cold in the winters and hot in the summers. Oh yea, we are like that too. Fooey.

Lordy Tina, I don't know how you manage on that kind of sleep. I get 5 hours of sleep and I'm a grump! Since I went back to work I know I need at minimum 6 uninterrupted and prefer 7-8. Yea that really works with cush pups doesn't it. NOT. They seem to have some weird hours too. Molly at least is decent and loves her sleep unless we have storms.
(I sent our storm Trish's way it seems) LOL

Okay, you two both have good days!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Budsters Mom
07-10-2013, 10:20 PM
Poor Flynny, I wouldn't want to go out in those torrential rainstorms either!:eek: First the toys, then the blankets, and now rainstorms! Flynny boy is going to be looking for an another place to live! LOL:D xxxxx

07-12-2013, 05:11 AM
Hi Trish, I see you are on now! Gosh, I just wanted to pop on the forum real quick because it is so late here, and I see that we have lost Murphy. So sad. :( And it seems like every day there is someone else whose pup is having Addison's issues. :( :( I feel like I need to try to keep track of those pups after all that Jasper went through.

Have you received Flynn's lab report? Looking forward to those results.

Sharlene, I don't know how I manage on this lack of sleep either!! I need to stop checking on the forum when I am up for Jasper's pit stops, but I can't help myself. And now I see a few threads that I want to post on, so it will be a bit before I go back to bed. :rolleyes:
I haven't had a full night sleep since last May or June I think. :eek: And by that I mean 5-6 hours consecutive. But I really can't full on complain, I am just glad my little sweet wakes me up when he needs to go. He is such a good little boy.

Tina and Jasper

07-12-2013, 05:29 AM
Hi Tina
I am still here, just watching a rugby game... YAY it's Friday night, sleep in for me tomorrow and I need it after such a busy week at work.

No I have not got the results yet, my vet has forgotten us!! No doubt just busy so I have not hassled him as the other ones were OK. I have to pop into the surgery to pick up supplement they ordered for me over the weekend so I will ask then if he is on. I kinda feel I should give him a break especially as Flynn is so good now! No recurrence of mouth issues, so really do think it was trauma from his toys!

How does Jasper wake you up? If Flynn wants out during the night, he goes and sits by the front door which is just outside my bedroom and does a quiet little "eeeeahyah" kinda squeak which is just enough to wake me up. Sometimes if he hears something outside he suddenly barks like a banshee which scares the bejeezus out of me :eek::eek: and certainly gets me leaping out of bed!!

07-12-2013, 06:27 AM
Yay, Friday night for you!! And I will just be starting my Friday. And then the weekend!! My plan is to try to leave work a bit early if I can after this busy week. And yay, no more mouth issues for Flynn!! I will be watching for the labs when you get them.

Jasper wakes me up by jumping down off the bed. That will usually do the trick, and then I hear him kind of pacing a bit, so know he is restless because he has to go. If I don't wake up right away when he jumps down, then he will stand up with his front paws on the bed near my face and bump my face with his nose, and sometimes quietly whimper. If I ignore that and don't get up fast enough, he will let out a quick yip to let me know "Mom, this is urgent here!" And then I get up in a flash!

Well, I think I am going to lay back down for few minutes since my alarm will be going off in about a half hour. :eek: :rolleyes: Yikes, I should probably just stay up, but need to rest my eyes for just a few minutes! Glad it's Friday so I will be able to make it through in my zombie state. I talked to my vet yesterday so need to post a bit of a update on Jasper, but that will have to wait. See ya tomorrow night!

Hugs from me and Jasper, and smooches for Flynn.

07-12-2013, 06:35 AM
Well hope you get at least 40 winks in that half hr!! I have to start early at 7.30 every Friday and I was sleep walking this morning when the alarm went off, Flynn did not want to get up either, he stayed in bed while I showered etc and only got up when he heard the fridge door!! I only just run into the meeting on time today :eek::eek: I am so not a morning person, usually dying for a sleep in by Saturday morning but then wake up same time anyway, lay in bed a while... then I get bored and get up anyway :D

Jasper is very considerate waking you up in that gentle way, so cute! But he gets his point across escalating the urgency if required :D:D I love these boys of ours and their sweet ways... hope your Friday at work goes fast and no drama!! See you on the weekend sometime xx

Budsters Mom
07-13-2013, 11:40 PM
Hi Trish,
I am so glad that Flynny's little mouth is better and the SEB has seemed to help. It looks like it might be a while before he gets any toys back. I have missed our night visits with Mel. Xxxxx

07-14-2013, 12:12 AM

Flynn's vet has emailed me his results today,

UPC is up to 1.93 from 1.84 in May. It is weird as the total protein in the sample is the lowest it has been since April 2012 so I was very happy to read that, but creatinine is also low in the urine so that means the ratio increases. I cannot get my head around that test properly!! I "think" it means that the protein level may be down but the urine may be more dilute or concentrated and the ratio takes those fluctuations into account.

Renal blood tests good, protein, albumin in blood fine. But liver tests up again..
ALP 817 in April.... now 1419 (13-87)
ALT 308 in April.... now 357 (23-88)

He has been so good, I do not understand it. My one thought is the time stamp on results show it was not processed by the lab till over 30 hrs after the samples were (blood and UPC) taken, not sure how that would affect the results. I have emailed the vet back to ask that, also maybe it is time to go onto liver support meds. STINK!!!!

Budsters Mom
07-14-2013, 01:02 AM
You just said that he's been doing so well! Remember that my dear!;) I wish I could interpret the tests for you, but I'm no good with that stuff.:o But I'm here to listen if you need to talk.:p There are so many tests and so many numbers, it can drive a person insane! :eek:Big hugs to you and a belly rub for Flynny. Tell him that Auntie Kathy is working on the toy issue.;)

molly muffin
07-14-2013, 01:03 AM
Oh Trish, what a pooper that is.

Well, nothing wrong with using some liver supplements maybe? To see if they will help, but they do take time to work. Months from what I can tell with molly.

30 hours!! hmmm, I do hope that it is kept on ice during that time but it seems a bit long. Course I'm comparing that to what they like to see with people, which is sooner into the lab the better.

Hang in there. I hope you are having a good sunday!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-14-2013, 03:28 AM
:pHi and thanks Kathy and Sharlene

I think what I will do is get them repeated in one month, make sure they get to the lab in a timely manner and see what is happening.

It just seems weird, that he is the best he has been in ages... no IBD flaring, mouth finally good, full of energy and we see these deteriorate.

I can interpret them Kathy! It means his liver is not improving like we saw on his last tests, he does have a history of liver cancer. I do not think it is that as no sign of recurrence on last scan only two months ago. The liver tests that measure if anything major in the liver is getting blocked up are normal so not worried about that. These tests measure the general state of liver. We know he has benign liver nodules so that is most likely the reason they have never normalised following his liver resection for a low grade cancer which was done 21 months ago.

So I am not going to panic just yet :D:D I will wait and hear what vet says, he just forwarded results but has not commented on them.

Renal wise not too concerned as he has fluctuated up and down before, blood wise the numbers are good so that is positive.

I would just feel better if they had stayed the same or lowered!! Oh well, we take what we are given

07-14-2013, 03:39 AM
God I am such a dunce sometimes!! I was just replying to a thread and for the first time EVER I realised I can scoll down on the "reply to thread" page to see all the comments to date in the thread!! I have ALWAYS opened another window so I can see the thread I am replying to as I need to refer to it to get all the questions hahaha DOH!!

Harley PoMMom
07-14-2013, 08:38 PM
My one thought is the time stamp on results show it was not processed by the lab till over 30 hrs after the samples were (blood and UPC) taken, not sure how that would affect the results. I have emailed the vet back to ask that, also maybe it is time to go onto liver support meds. STINK!!!!

At room temperature, the UPC ratio did not significantly increase after 2 and 4 hours. After 12 hours at room temperature and at 4°C, the UPC ratio significantly increased. The UPC ratio did not significantly change during 3 months of storage at −20°C.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance

The UPC ratio must be measured as soon as samples are collected. Alternatively, samples should be immediately frozen to increase their stability and minimize the risk of misclassification of proteinuria.

Found this info at: http://avmajournals.avma.org/doi/abs/10.2460/ajvr.73.6.779?journalCode=ajvr

07-15-2013, 04:40 AM
Thanks for that Lori, when I next speak to the vet I will definitely be asking how they transport it. :D Flynn does not know I am worried about his tests, all he is worried about is when his next snack is coming :D:D

molly muffin
07-15-2013, 10:47 PM
LOL Flynn is smart, he knows that treats are important!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-15-2013, 11:45 PM
Hi Trish,
I was taking a look at Flynn's lab results and wondering if you have had a chance to talk to the vet to get his explanation and insight? I understand why the liver value increases would be worrisome. I hope he has something reassuring to offer about that, and maybe it is not as significant as it appears.

Are you concerned about the UPC being up a smidge? I wonder if what Lori posted about the delay in running the test could have caused that? I didn't know about that of course, now I have questions about how my vets office handles them. I'm pretty sure they don't freeze the sample. I know they are sent to an outside lab. And you are right about the UPC, it is a quantitative test for urinary protein loss and is not affected by urine volume or concentration.

So glad to read that Flynn continues to feel so good. I am just hoping your vet has some reassuring feedback about the liver enzymes. I missed chatting over the weekend, I ended up having a lot going on. I don't like it when that happens! :rolleyes:

Tina and Jasper

07-16-2013, 12:04 AM
Hi Trish-I'm no judge of the numbers but Flynn has been feeling good hasn't he? That's a good thing to keep in your head when you're thinking the numbers are not perfect.
How about a liver supplement as Sharlene mentioned...we use Denamarin which you can get online, there are probably others as well.
Trixie's liver numbers were through the roof last time we tested. She' s been on denamarin for awhile now...can only do her good. No harm in it. Hope Flynn continues to do well! :D

Harley PoMMom
07-16-2013, 12:21 AM
UPC is up to 1.93 from 1.84 in May. It is weird as the total protein in the sample is the lowest it has been since April 2012 so I was very happy to read that, but creatinine is also low in the urine so that means the ratio increases. I cannot get my head around that test properly!! I "think" it means that the protein level may be down but the urine may be more dilute or concentrated and the ratio takes those fluctuations into account.

The UPC ratio test is based on that the excretion of creatinine is constant for healthy animals. Over a period of time when several UPC tests are performed on a pet fluctuations of the creatinine can be seen and these flucuations can produce high or low UPC results.

Differences in urine creatinine create confusion in clinically evaluating a single UPC result. Article found here: http://www.2ndchance.info/atopica-urineparameteres.pdf

07-16-2013, 06:43 AM
Hi guys, thanks for the link Lori. It is strange that his creatinine has varied so much in the urine. It remains very stable in blood. Here are his UPC results over last year or so. As you can see this latest Protein is lowest since April last year, so that has to be good!! Tina have not spoken to vet yet about liver tests, I am not going to worry too much till we check them again in a month! Thanks for the posts everyone, I am just pleased my Flynn boy is feeling so good :D So I really think (hope) these results are a little off base, we shall see in a few weeks. xxx

6-Apr 2-Nov 22-Feb 5-Mar 2-May 22-May 10-Jul
U.TPCAL g/L 1.84 3.1 6 3 5 2.45 2.27
U.CRE umol/l 13521 18566 18194 13954 12411 11781 10380
PRCR 1.21 1.48 2.92 1.9 3.57 1.84 1.93

Hmmmm I dunno how to edit those numbers so they are readable!! It looks perfect in the preview post? but does not seem to save properly. I copied it from an excel spreadsheet so that may be the problem.

07-16-2013, 07:36 AM
Glad to hear some good news for once. It is nice to have a day off from worry. Hope Flynn continues to do well. Blessings

Budsters Mom
07-17-2013, 12:29 AM
Hi Trish,
I miss you! I am thrilled that Flynny boy is feeling well, especially without TOYS!;):p He is so lucky to have you on his side. He is truly a blessed little man. Big hugs,

07-17-2013, 02:23 AM
Good news Trish!

With Daisy's recent Trilo adjustment, the subject of numbers came up for us too and Dr. Morgan (IMS) said that she's more concerned with how she's actually feeling than the numbers.

Glad that Flynn is doing better!!!

Squirt's Mom
07-17-2013, 08:07 AM
Good news Trish!

With Daisy's recent Trilo adjustment, the subject of numbers came up for us too and Dr. Morgan (IMS) said that she's more concerned with how she's actually feeling than the numbers.

Glad that Flynn is doing better!!!

Valerie, Flynn isn't on cushing's treatment - he had a Pheo. :confused: The numbers for Flynn are vastly important...as are those for Daisy even tho you are talking about two different "numbers". ;)

07-17-2013, 08:23 AM
Hey Trish,

I'm not sure what Flynn's numbers all mean either but I am sure glad about the discussion on how to keep the urine for a UPC.:)

I know Lori mentioned she always has a urinalysis done with a UPC, do you do so as well? I'm trying to plan my strategy for Zoe in August and have a pit in my tummy about her possible kidney values.

I'm so happy Flynn is feeling good and the mouth issues have resolved. Good Boy Flynn.:):) I hope the two of you have many walks on the beach this week and if you happen across a penguin, think of me;)

07-17-2013, 08:54 AM
Hi Trish:
Thanks for all the help on the kidney stone. Yes the meds are to help me pass the stone. I think Flovent if I am not mistaken. Glad you told me about the laser I can't imagine a normal surgery. The stone is too small to do Lithotripsy, so I am on these meds for a week. May have to use meds to dissolve it if that does not work. Getting an xray and blood work after a week on the meds. They gave me a strainer and container to go in on the potty. I have been straining my urine, I saw what looked like 2 small tiny crystals, so tiny I could not get them into a specimen bottle. Either they were others in there or maybe pieces of the other one. It is hard to believe something this small can cause so much misery. It has been 15 years since my last one so I am lucky. He said he will find out, but is guessing uric acid crystals. Worried about taking this drug when it comes as he said it can affect your heart. Do you know anything about that?? Thank you for your help and I hope Flynn continues to do well. We are suffering in the heat and humidity we are in the mid to upper 90's. Blessings

Squirt's Mom
07-17-2013, 09:14 AM
When I was in high school, my mom took my brothers out of state to visit her family, leaving Daddy and me at home. Dad woke up Sat. morning in pain, bad pain. He called his doc who came to the house (they still did that in those days! :p) and told him he had a kidney stone...all he could do was try to pass it. Hour after hour after hour I watched my strong dad with tears flowing down his face going in and out of the bathroom. Later I heard an awful sound from his bedroom and found him standing by their bed with a pine ball about 8" in diameter in his hand. This was a ball that was part of a solid poster and he had twisted it off as the stone passed! :eek::eek::eek: This was the first of many for him to come and one of the biggest he had to face - he showed it to me; it looked like something alien with all these little spikes on it! In later years, he had the underwater busting procedure as well as surgeries to remove them. I feel for anyone who has to deal with these and hope you are back on your feet very soon!

07-18-2013, 01:59 AM
That cheeky monkey of mine just took on a Doberman!!! Every evening a man down the road walks his dogs in the school fields next to my house.. one mini schnauzer (very fat with a pot belly I might add!) and the Doberman, he kicks a ball for the doby and every time Flynn hears that ball getting kicked he barks his head off and wants to get over there to the school! Well as fate would have it I went to take him for a quick walk when I got home and they all met up. Flynn is NEVER aggressive to dogs, he has been bitten three times all by big black dogs and is a bit leery of them but I have never seen him growl at others, but he did tonight he positively snarled!! Crikey - I was embarrassed, the guys said to leave them alone and they would sort it out... the Doberman was scared of Flynny and cowered and slunk around, then off they went running around together chasing the ball. OMG! BAD DOG!!!!

07-18-2013, 02:13 AM

I still have so much to learn. I thought that a pheo was something related to Cushings.

I'm so sorry.

07-18-2013, 02:32 AM
HI Valerie

Flynn had a few symptoms of cushings, but not the most typical ones like excessive drinking and peeing, his LDDS testing was negative but the ultrasound found the tumour in his adrenal gland. The pheochromocytoma which is the type of adrenal tumour he had does not usually interfere with cortisol production, but they do release catecholamines like adrenaline (the one that gives the fight or flight reaction when we get a fright or stressed) so his poor little body was forever in a state of stress, it is often characterised by high BP that we saw with Flynn. Other adrenal tumours do give cushings symptoms and can raise cortisol, so it is all a bit confusing!! So the numbers we are looking at for Flynn are left over from his prolonged hypertension that affected his kidneys, that is the urine test protein:creatinine ratio or UPC or UP:CR!!

His high liver tests are most likely due to benign liver nodules that we know he has. He has also had liver cancer prior to the adrenal tumour being found and had a good third of his liver resected back in Nov 2011 (now 21months!) and that has been clear since when they have checked for any spread on ultrasound!! So we monitor that as well :) So with two cancers and both big surgeries he has had his share and so it is lovely to see him doing so well now!!!

07-18-2013, 02:35 AM
Flynn is SUPER DOG.

That's amazing!

Thank you for explaining, I see how it can be confusing.

07-18-2013, 09:01 AM
Your Flynn has been through so much. He has to have super powers to have endured all he has. God Bless him, and you for getting your baby through all of this. Blessings

07-19-2013, 05:05 PM
awww...Flynn has been through quite a bit..not just his adrenal stuff but liver as well! Wow, he has come through everything like a champ!
I guess if he gets a little annoyed by a Doberman then we have to forgive him! :D
Sometimes there is just something about another dog that sets them off. We encounter so many dogs when we're out walking...our neighborhood is loaded. Once in awhile Trixie will pass a dog and just start growling....we always wonder what was that all about!? My husband will say Trixie just didn't like that dogs face! :D (or scent I think more likely!)
Maybe Flynn doesn't appreciate the noise from all that ball kicking ;)


Squirt's Mom
07-19-2013, 05:15 PM
Here's an idea for a toy for Flynn. I got the cat size that a friend who has JRT ended up with and it was the perfect size for them. They LOVED their babble ball!


07-19-2013, 05:30 PM
HI Barbara and Leslie!! I just looked at that babble ball Leslie, it is only available in USA from that website but just went to our NZ auction site and they have them there so have just ordered one :) YAY, Flynny loves getting presents in the mail, he opens them himself! Thx xx

07-19-2013, 05:32 PM
Trish, if you have a Bed, Bath and Beyond store near you, we've gotten something very similar from there.

Wait until you hear the things that it says :) I smile every time Daisy knocks it around.

Squirt's Mom
07-19-2013, 05:56 PM
I got it for Trinket and Brick hoping they would play with it via sounds. Nah...After she inspected it a time or two, Trink just "looked" at it like, "Move, sucker, I dare you" while Brick stomped around barking. :p But Ernie and Reggie just loved it, especially Reggie. He whined for days when the battery died and was so happy when they got a new one!

07-19-2013, 06:39 PM
Trish, reading about Flynn makes me more optimistic about Kaibo. Flynn has made it through a lot. I have often questioned why poor, sweet Kaibo must go through one thing after another. It just isn't fair. None of our furbabies should have to go through any of this. It's so terrible. I can only hope that Kaibo's outcome is as successful as Flynn's. This certainly isn't an easy decision. Does anyone have a crystal ball I could borrow? :p

07-19-2013, 06:44 PM
Ha, if we had one of those we would be rich!!!! I am glad Flynny's story can give others hope, he has certainly been through the wringer but seems to have come out the other side!! Kaibo is much younger than Flynn going through the surgery so that has to be good in that he will be tough!!

I need to step away from online shopping! I have just bought him the babble ball, a puzzle game that I think is like Addy's one for Zoe, a tough little non toxic chew bone, wheat free treats and was tossing up on the new blankie!! Eeek on my credit card but he is going to be one happy doggie when all his packages arrive and he deserves some new toys!! :D:D

Budsters Mom
07-19-2013, 07:37 PM
YAY!!!!!! TOYS!!!!!!!!! You're such a great mom Trish. I knew you'd cave. I'm sure glad you did. It will be like Christmas when the toys arrive! It will be a happy, happy, day for FLynny boy.:D xxxxx

07-19-2013, 07:45 PM
We want videos of Flynn opening up all his presents.:):):)

I love it when the pups get all excited and run around, ripping open presents. It is soooo much fun.

07-19-2013, 07:45 PM
:D:D Your post made me smile Kathy, as that is exactly what Flynn Boy will be thinking when he opens his treats, can't wait for them to arrive, it is much more exciting that just going to the pet store to get them!! I have purposefully picked treats that will not hurt his mouth... you can imagine him right now... he is curled up on that spot on the couch in that photo we did for you... with all his blankets gone into the wash.. sun is coming in so he is warm!!

07-19-2013, 07:46 PM
Ok Addy, I will video him :D, he will be doing his happy doggy dance!!

Budsters Mom
07-19-2013, 07:59 PM
I still would love to visit you Trish. I am thinking about going ahead and getting a passport. How does next Summer look? I have a friend who would love to Rosie sit. Is the offer still open? Give Flynny a belly rub for me. Poor guy, no toys and no blankie either. Xxxxxx

07-19-2013, 08:09 PM
My summer or your summer? Either fine with me! Shame you cannot smuggle Rosie in too, would love to play with her! xx

Budsters Mom
07-19-2013, 08:27 PM
My Summer. I do get a week off in November, two weeks Dec/Jan, and two weeks in Mar/April. I really want to meet Flynny and check out the toy situation. :Dxxxxx

07-19-2013, 08:32 PM
That will be my winter... like as in now :D:D Might be nice for you to have a bit cooler weather in the middle of your heat waves... :D I can take you up the mountains to the snow if you would to see some, Flynn has never seen snow now that would be funny to see!

07-19-2013, 08:38 PM
You can post videos on here!!?? If so, I should put one up of Kaibo opening his Bark Box! Happy days for him that is for sure!

07-19-2013, 08:53 PM
No you can't unfortunately, but link it to youtube or hmmm I forget what it is called now... I put one up of Flynn... I will go look for it and you can see him ;)

07-19-2013, 08:57 PM

Hope this works, it's Flynn digging a hole with his wee friend Madi when we were on our beach holiday in March!

Plus, are you in Canada? USA people cannot see this one on youtube as it has a song on it and got copyrighted!! But Sharlene could see it in Canada :)


Budsters Mom
07-19-2013, 10:30 PM
Trish I had no problem viewing your photo bucket video. The little girl with the blond hair is absolutely adorable! Not as cute as my pal Flynny, but pretty darn cute!:D xxxxxxxx

07-20-2013, 12:32 AM
I can see the YouTube video and even hear the Sinatra song!! Heehee...love watching Flynn open his gifts! :D
Trixie's favorite part of Christmas is tearing up the wrapping! She loves tearing and shredding up paper bags too...I save them for her and on rainy days when she's not out much I let her attack them to get out the excess energy!
Flynn is so cute! :p


07-20-2013, 01:31 AM
I saw it too Trish <3

Daisy opens presents too! She's like a kid and is antsy until it's her turn. We open presents one at a time and go around the room :)

07-20-2013, 10:26 AM
I watched them both how darn cute is that Flynn??? What a sweetheart!!. Loved the opening of the gifts. He is a true treasure for your family. Blessings

07-20-2013, 04:29 PM
Awww so pleased you can see them and the youtube one as well!! Maybe Flynn has been released from US copyright laws :D:D He is a lovely dog, so sweet natured if your not a cat, or a rat, or a bird, or a Doberman :D:D Apart from that he loves everyone!!

Budsters Mom
07-20-2013, 10:35 PM
Hi Trish,
Flynny sounds like Buddy. Not real crazy about having critters around. I am thrilled that he is doing so well and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Toys! I hope he got his Blankie back. Big hugs my dear,

07-21-2013, 02:21 AM
Hi all - well productive day here till Mum just rang in a panic!! I was outside gardening and we had an earthquake but I did not feel it, wondered why Flynny barked!! Doh!!

There has been a swarm of earthquakes out to sea in Cook Straight since Friday and we thought these were all aftershocks till the latest 6.8 hit an hour ago which is the one we felt all the way up here, these quakes are close to Wellington our capitol which is 4 hrs drive south of me, I have quite a lot of family and friends down there. EEK!! Not big enough for a tsunami, but a bit of damage being shown on the news. Hope it is not the big one coming!! :eek::eek:

07-21-2013, 02:48 AM
Love the videos! Flynn is so sweet. Sorry to hear about the earthquakes! Yikes. I hope that's the last of them. Stay safe!

07-21-2013, 04:03 AM
Hi Trish,
I see you are on now so thought I would pop in real quick. OMG, 6.8 is a significant earthquake! They scare the bejesus out of me. :eek: We typically don't get them in the part of the US where I live, but they are always quick to say that it is possible. I hope it all settles down and you, your family and friends all stay safe.

I was able to see both videos also. Flynn is such a doll!! I especially loved seeing him open his Christmas presents. Jasper is not too keen on that for whatever reason, but my Angel Lab Dakota LOVED Christmas and so looked forward to her gifts. She knew exactly which ones were hers. She also had to go around and help everyone else open their individual presents, and at times would take over and open everything! She would get quite intense about it, there was no stopping her. My family always enjoyed it so much, we would laugh our butts off because she was so serious about it. She was definitely on a mission! Christmas will never be the same without her, I really feel her absence then. Everyone does, and someone always mentions how much joy she got out of opening everyone's presents.

I can't wait for Flynn to get his toys also! I will be ordering a couple of those puzzle toys from Amazon soon, I have been looking at them for quit a while. The behavior specialist that has been working with Shelby has the green one that looks like a star and brings it when he comes. She really seems to like that one. You will have to let me know about that babble ball. It looks interesting, but I am afraid that it might be a bit noisy and drive me nuts!

I read about your Dad's latest good report on another thread. So happy and relieved to read that news Trish. Always happy to hear about benign polyps and that he is feeling good.

Well, so far so good with the typing. The blasted headache is much much better but has been just under the surface all day, and reading seemed to make its presence felt more. I am hoping that with doing just a little bit now, it will not flare. So annoying! I need to post an update on Jasper, gosh, hope I can do that tomorrow as well as checking in on others. Thanks for checking on us. I've missed our chats. ;)

Tina and Jasper

07-21-2013, 04:17 AM
Hi Tina

Glad you are feeling better but will be hoping your headache is totally gone by tomorrow, do you usually get migraines that last this long? Wonder if you have a bit of a virus as well?? No good whatever it is!!

Flynn is our little star at Christmas like your Dakota! My nephew Luke did that video and connected it all together and put the music on, he is a journalist so is very talented like that! Mum has even bought Flynn his own special doggy stocking that gets filled up with this gifts!

The earthquakes a still going around Wellington but we cannot feel them here, I just rang my niece Lauren down there, told her to make sure she has her emergency kit handy, mobile fully charged and her cat case ready to go!! Lauren, Luke and my brother Greg and his wife are all down there, they are all OK. So we will be hoping they have no more shakes overnight, but I think these aftershocks will carry on for a while after one so big. :eek:

Yes, that babble ball better not babble too much or it will be out the window :D:D Hope he likes them though, one comes with a free soft toy so don't think he will be allowed that. I went to pet store yesterday and got his venison etc for the week, also got him a little chewy bone and Elle the cat got a kitty toy too. When we got to Mum and Dads he did not want a bar of his bone, all he wanted was her little toy, she was sitting on Mum's lap with her toy and he jumped up there right beside her, she got the fright of her life :D;):D (he would NEVER do that) and snatched the toy LOL, cracked me up!! Poor deprived dog!!

Be looking out for Jasper's update, hope the heat is not to bad tonight... I am sure being that hot would give me a headache! Maybe you have heatstroke ?!?! Sleep well xx

07-21-2013, 04:35 AM
LOL, Flynn snatched the kitty's toy. Poor boy, he can't help himself with the soft toys! :D :p :D

I was wondering how you did the Christmas video, I don't even know how to put something on YouTube much less add music to it! Yes, your nephew is quite talented! I have Christmas stockings for each of the dogs too. And of course we still always hang Dakota's. :o

No, I don't usually have a migraine for this long, I think this is honestly the worst one I have ever had. :( :mad: I don't usually have to miss work, I can typically muddle through. I was wondering about maybe a virus in addition also since the nausea was so bad. I was still kind of scared to eat a whole lot today. I feel like my vision is still a bit off, but hopefully that will settle. I wonder if the heat contributed too, although I really limit my time out in it and keep the house cool for Jasper! :) Well, better get back to bed. I have quite the housework to do tomorrow since the last 2 days have been useless. Hugs, and belly rubs for Flynn. Nite. xo

07-21-2013, 07:44 AM
I hope no more shakes for you. That is scary, and a good thing you and your family are well prepared. Stay safe. Blessings

07-21-2013, 09:36 AM
I could watch the videos and hear the music too, made my day. I love the way Flynn rips off a piece of paper, spits it to the side and then goes for another, mine try to eat the paper too:o

I hope all the tremors stop. I think we all heard about the quake on the news and thought of you right away, worried.