View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you
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Hope Flynn's tummy settles down. Zoe was a grass eater for awhile now she eats snow:D:D:D:D:D
I hope you have a great weekend and I think the Ziwipeak is great food. I hope Flynn settles into it.
Yesterday someone came to our office to show us wood from New Zealand. He said they dig it out of peat and it is really, really old. I thought to myself "ha! I have an inside source who can tell me if this is true or not!!!":):):):):):):)
Hi Trish! Well, I can absolutely NOT make any comments on any of the exotic food that you and Naomi have been posting about, as it is all new to me! But I wonder if Flynn got sick from the grass. Jasper is a big grass and dirt (!) eater unfortunately, and doesn't usually throw up, but it seems if he eats long blades of grass, that will trigger it. I saw that you mentioned that, and it sounded a bit familiar. I have to go outside with Jasper to keep him from eating dirt most of the time, I don't know why he does it. He has always been fed nutritious food, I don't think it is hunger related. Although now that he is on the prescription kidney formula (ick), who knows. I hope Flynn's tummy is feeling better.
We heard about the tsunami warning here also, and thought about you right away. Glad to hear it was cancelled. :)
Tina and Jasper
02-10-2013, 08:44 AM
huh, maybe they caught something from each other over the cyber waves? Hope Flynny settled down pretty quick, Fraser's seems to have been a 1 or 2 chuck wonder. He's fine now thankfully - maybe it was all the talk of the rich foods :D
I thought about trying to track some Ziwi down for the boys today, but it was 41 degrees (105F for the rest of you) and I didn't want to leave my air-conditioning. :eek: Then I saw it was $40 for a kilo, which if I used as directed and fed according the their schedule, would last 5 days. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: (just as well I don't feed them straight kibble!)
Oh well, just a quick hi tonight, haven't checked in for 2 days and lots to read. Apparently it was a pretty bad two days though :(
Take care Trish, catch up with you tomorrow hopefully.
02-10-2013, 01:36 PM
Hi Sharlene, Addy, Tina and Naomi
No more vomiting from Flynn either, I really think it was the amount of grass he had eaten. He gave me a fright on our walk though last night, trotting along happily one second then MAJOR limping, could not put his front paw down to weight bear, run to him and did an examination on my knees up the beach (as you do!) phew, just a thorn in his paw. It has been so dry here, the grass is all burned off and brown up there so easy to get a real hard bit stuck in him. Vet emailed and forwarded email from IMS on Saturday, they want to scan him 6 monthly, she was happy with UPCR, advised keep close check on BP but no meds at this stage, SAMe would not hurt and may need liver biopsy at some stage, Cartrophen for arthritis good idea. He was going to phone me yesterday to discuss further but I was out most of day with Dad so did not get to talk to him.
Yesterday got off to a bad start, phone call from Mum to say they thought Dad's hip had dislocated!! :D:D She rang an ambulance while I raced around to their house. He had a hip replacement a few years back. So a few hrs spent in ED, xrays showed it wasn't dislocated phew... probably just twisted a ligament, so he got shots of steroids and pain relief and we were able to bring him home in the afternoon.
But on the good news front, got my first birthday pressie, an ipad... YAY so spent last night setting it up.
Naomi, his ziwi cost $38 for the 1kg, but only feeding half and half so hopefully he will not go through too much. He loves it. Jeez 41 degrees would not have me poking my nose out the door let alone shopping so can appreciate your sense at staying inside. That is awful temps, humidity is such a killer. I went to Darwin last April, only there 5 days and swore I would not be back because of the humidity, it was hideous. Plus I was not too keen on seeing snakes with some guy slithering about the streets as some sort of tourist attaction :eek::eek:
Addy, that wood is Kauri. A native, very old and huge tree that has been cut down so much we hardly have any left. Our early pioneers (circa 1840's) made it into quite an industry. In like forever ago, the trees would fall and over time get swallowed up by the ground so yes... I can confirm that is true, they do dig it up :D:D
Better get ready for work, will post more on other threads tonight.
I'm so glad your dad is okay, what a scare and then Flynn limping:eek Koko manages to get thorns in his paw. I can never find them though so I'm glad you found Flynn's thorn.
But did I miss your birthday? It sounds like I did:(:(
You will love your Ipad:D:D:D:D:D:D:D My iphone totally changed my live. I know that sounds like an extreme statement, but since I could not even remember my old cell phone number previously, it really did:D:p;)
Thanks for the input on Zoe. If I could have a nice conversation with the surgeon I would feel confident again.
molly muffin
02-10-2013, 10:05 PM
Oh gee, Dad and Flynn scares all in one day! Aren't they suppose to be on at least an alternate day rotation?
So glad that both are okay. Molly's paw issue came from her getting a pine needle stuck and it breaking off, without my knowing that a piece had been left in there, which of course got infected. Now she is really good, if anything sticks to her paw, she stops and holds it up for me to take care of and I immediately pick her up and remove it. Got to love these smart pups of ours.
Birthday Ipads! oooh nice. That is going to be fun!
Have a good week
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-11-2013, 05:53 AM
Hi all
No Addy, you have not missed it, Wed 13th is the big day :D Just getting spoilt with early pressies :D:D Loving the ipad, it comes to bed with me at the moment so I can keep on playing with all the apps :D
Those thorns in the paw are awful, hard to tell if a bit snaps off, I think his is all out as he is not limping tonight. Poor Molly Sharlene, if she is anything like Flynn he does not like me looking at his feet especially if I have nail clippers in my hand. He never nips at me but he sure squirms :D:D
Night all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
02-15-2013, 09:45 PM
Hi all
All good here! I have my monitoring plan in place for Flynn so I am very happy about that.
Monitoring and Plan for Flynn:
1) Six monthly US studies at Pet Hospital. Also a medical examination by IMS. Due May/June 2013
2) Monthly urinalysis including USG and UPCR
3) Monthly liver screen
4) Monthly BP measurements. Admitted for a day with 2 hourly checks to verify that it stays similar throughout the day. I would only anticipate this being necessary on perhaps 2 occasions if all is OK.
5) Commencing Pentosan injections at weekly intervals and assess 2 weeks after the last if they have been effective.
6) Use Previcox at therapeutic dose rate of 1 x 57mg when required.
If anything is progressing or found to be out of the ordinary then we should bring the US date forwards.
There are 2 brands of SAMe available one a little lass costly than the other. Denosyl comes as a box of 30 sachets and he would need one sachet daily in food. Cost is $168.60 incl GST per month!!!!!!
I picked up his Pentosan injections this morning and gave his first shot in his scruff. It is a weekly shot for four weeks then reassess. He is booked in for his first BP assessment this Thursday, I don't like it but he will have to stay for the day and have it checked two hourly. The vet has told me depending on these results he may show me how to do it myself and I could take the equipment home and do some readings here. Not sure how that would go, as Flynn hardly cooperates with me clipping his nails let alone doing a BP!! But I would sure give it a try. He is going to recheck bloods also, we will see what his current liver tests are (these will be the first ones since he is well) then consider the liver supplements as he noted above. I am also to continue his spreadsheet and current diet.
Phew, I am so relieved to have the vets and me on the same page and a plan to work with. I am a definite type A and love a good list!! :D:D I am pretty sure the vets will be happy too, without me hassling them all the time.
Hope all the pups have a happy weekend, lots of hugs from me to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
02-16-2013, 12:45 AM
Hope you had a great day and got lots of pressies (though its hard to beat an iPad as a bday pressie :D)
Glad you now have a workable plan in place for Flynny and good luck with the cartrophen/pantosan. Replied in my thread too, check that for the bit about being tired (sorry too lazy to re type it today :p)
Have fun at the big concert bash this weekend!
Squirt's Mom
02-16-2013, 08:25 AM
Hey Trish,
Glad someone finally listened to you and things are falling into place for you and Flynn finally. You done good, Mom!
Leslie and the gang
Dang, I did miss your birthday:(:(:(:(:o:o
Oh Trish, I wanted so much to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY so I am wishing you one even though I am a few days late.
I think your plan for Flynn sounds perfect and I am glad that it was able to come about. Hope you birthday celebration continues into the weekend though I just realized you are almost into Sunday:o
Squirt's Mom
02-16-2013, 09:47 AM
??? What birthday???
Happy Birthday!!!
02-16-2013, 01:38 PM
Aw Happy Belated Bday from me too!!!!
02-16-2013, 05:22 PM
Aww thanks everyone! I have been well and truly spoiled, with lots of lovely gifts, but even better spending time with Family, Friends and Flynn - the three most important F's in my life :D:D:D
Boriss McCall
02-16-2013, 06:51 PM
Glad you are getting spoiled.. Happy Birthday!!!!:D
Harley PoMMom
02-16-2013, 07:52 PM
Happy Birthday!!
02-16-2013, 08:47 PM
Thanks everyone, I feel so old now I am 50 :( Oh well, moving along it could be worse :D:D
I was playing on the ipad and just put a couple of new pics up of Flynn playing with his ratty old toys this afternoon, I am so procrastinating today... I have a big project to get finished for work and the folders are sitting staring at me on the table and I just cannot get started :mad::mad: hmmmm those dishes need doing then a walk I think :D:D:D
Oh Trish, Happy belated Birthday from me too!!! It sounds like it was a good one, I love your three F's, nothing better than that. And you sure can't beat an iPad for a birthday gift. I absolutely love mine, bet you will too. Don't sweat being 50. Trust me, it's not as bad as it sounds! ;)
Your plan for Flynn sounds excellent, it looks like all bases are covered. I am type A also, and feel most comfortable with everything outlined and addressed, no wondering. :D
Tina and Jasper
02-16-2013, 09:57 PM
2 genuine reasons not to work: It's your birthday weekend, and it's Sunday.
No work allowed! That's what mondays are for :D Enjoy your walk!
02-16-2013, 10:34 PM
Ok, just saw where you wrote Flynn was a little wobbly in my thread after his pentosan jab yesterday. Am wondering now how he is going this morning?
I'm not surprised that the vet may not know about the reaction, I never bothered to mention it to my vet, but it does happen. Ozzie has had 5 doses since October last year (the original 4 plus one 3 monthly booster), both my sisters have had dogs that have had it in the past (now both are watching over our angels) and both Molly (shitzu Westie cross) and Sally (Lab Kelpie cross) also had the tiredness and soreness/stiffness in the first 12 hours. My Dad also has seen it in his collection of poodles (4 of 7 have had cartrophen so far). But in every case, they get considerably better afterwards, so we found it worth it. As we all know, sometimes the short term bad is worth the long term gain.
I guess people may not notice it so much or put it together if they aren't comparing notes over a group of dogs, also many aren't as super vigilant as we have learnt to be. For some it can be mild, others can increase stiffness and soreness in painful joints, all I have seen have become sleepy, but until I started discussing it with my sister, I put it down to nervous reaction after the vet. So that would be my guess as to why many don't notice or report it to their vet, hence the vets potentially not knowing. In each case I have seen, it's always passed by the next day after a good sleep, so hopefully Flynny is ready to hit the beach again today!
Keep us posted. :D:D
02-17-2013, 07:19 AM
Trish, I've just been to your album to see Flynn with his toy collection -- those poor toys but what a sly devilish grin your boy is sporting!! ;) :p :)
It's as though he's saying, "Bring 'em on, Mom!! I'll kill the next batch, too!!!!!" :D :D :D
Dogs are just so funny and all so different. Our Peg just LOVED soft squeaky toys when she was younger and she was so gentle with them it was incredible. When she got excited, she'd immediately run to get one and squeak and squeak and squeak. And she'd softly "gum" them, but never hurt them. We finally had to tell family and friends to stop giving her more as gifts because there were never any to throw out or replace -- she had a bushel basket full of them.
But then baby Luna hove on the scene. And sadly, from the time she walked in the house, she would calmly sit and shred Peg's toys. :( :( :( And Peg would just sit and watch her do it. WE COULDN'T STAND TO WATCH THE CARNAGE! So we put all the toys away, and only brought them out for Peg when Luna was in the yard or off on a walk. But it never seemed as though Peg really cared for them again. On a pessimistic note, maybe it's because they had been ruined in her eyes. But on an optimistic note, maybe it's because she now had a baby sister to play with and didn't need the toys anymore.
Anyway, the pics of Flynn are wonderful. He's a rascal, that one!
02-18-2013, 04:07 AM
Hi Naomi
I think he is OK, just every now and then he is just ever so slightly off balance like his foot skidding occasionally or when getting up slightly unsteady and I have noticed instead of catching a biscuit if I throw him one and his aim has always been spot on, he flinches sometimes (he snapped at and caught a low flying sparrow that was silly enough to get to close to him not too long ago :eek:). Mind you these biccies are a lot bigger than his old treats, so maybe he thinks they are going to clonk him on the head. Hard to put a finger on it really, he still has the trembles which he has always had but a couple of times I have even noted his head trembling slightly, when it has only ever been his legs. He is going in Thursday for his first review as per our plan :D so I will get the vet to check his eyes. Vision seems ok though he can spot me through a window from outside, he hears me ok. He was walking across the lounge room floor and a pair of jandals made him start. Maybe I am imagining things but I sure hope it is nothing neurological and just his arthritis playing up!! But that first night of injection was when he had the wobblies, just quite unsteady on his feet, he went outside and he came straight back inside, not done it again. But these other things were happening before Pentosan. Fine on walks, runs along. Sometimes you just know when somethings not quite right though eh, I have not mentioned it to anyone else as they think I am paranoid enough already :D:D I have put him up to a whole Previcox (57mg) each day while he gets used to Pentosan as per vets instructions. He and IMS assure me this is a safe dose for him. The hope is we can get him off it when the Pentosan kicks in. Be interesting to see what his blood/urine/BP results are this week.
Marianne - they are so funny aren't they, my Mum's cat the Siamese Elle loves to play with toys. She will actually fetch things and bring them back, but if Flynn's around when you play with her he gets all jealous and will rush in and steal her toys and sit and shred them, even her wee catnip mice! She sits and watches with her steely blue eyes plotting revenge which she gets when he has his back turned and gives him a swipe on his butt!! A friend came over the night before we went to the pet hospital for his adrenalectomy and brought him one of those duck toys to take to the hospital with him, he ripped it open, pulled all the stuffing out and turned it inside out in about 10 mins flat as you said it was carnage!! :eek::eek: She was horrified! Another friend here the other day was telling me about her dog, a beautiful golden retriever, he gums them too and if they get a hole it goes to the doll hospital to get repaired... I laughed out loud at that imagining dropping in Flynn's sorry lot to get fixed up :D:D I guess it is their breed coming through, he is a terrier and would love to catch some real live little animals and the retriever is bred to well retrieve and not maim the birds or whatever. Yes he is a rascal, always has been. Once when he was a pup, he jumped up on a chair, onto the dining table, picked up my camera and carried it outside and left it on the lawn in the rain... little shite, ate my glasses once, the insurance company did not believe me when I said "the dog ate my glasses" but paid for a new pair in the end :D:D:D Gotta love them though :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
molly muffin
02-18-2013, 09:35 AM
oh gads!! Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!
Sounds like it was a good day, triple F's! LOL
I love the Flynn toy pictures. He sure is a little rascal. I must say, he makes rascal look adorable. Those facial expressions are just toooooo cute!
Got to love a plan. Once there is one in place that you feel good about, it can make everything else more bearable. I hope that this "side affect" isn't going to continue with the shots though. :( You're right, you just know when things are off with them. Little things can tell a big story!
We're off work here today and I'm so glad. I don't think I could face going back to work just yet. Good vacations require recuperation time. lol
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-21-2013, 02:12 AM
Hi everyone
Flynny went in for his checkup today. Bit of a mixed bag really.
They did 2 hrly BP recordings (they take a few recordings each time and average them out) so he got 165, 165, in the morning, then after lunch 180 and 200. He is not too concerned about the after lunch ones as they were doing his urine and blood tests then, aspirated a lump and also clipped his nails. All of which he hates and likely to put his BP up, vet said that they know he has 'white coat syndrome' and what he would like to do is have him for another day in 10 days time and not do any testing that day other than his BP to see if it is better when he is under less stress. If they are still high, he is going to show me how to do his BP and let me take the equipment home for the weekend and do a few recordings here.
Eyes - no sign of any problems there, blood vessels in eyes look good which also makes him think BP is not consistently high. Preop they were enlarged. So thats good news YAY. He tested his vision as much as they can in a dog, and he reacted appropriately which makes him think his eyesight is fine. Thought I would mention a couple of the tests he told me about in case it helps anyone here. Even though Flynn is smart we have not worked out how to get him to read an eye chart :p :p Apparently they throw a cotton ball in front of dog in line of vision, as it makes no sound to alert them, they should follow it with their eyes if their sight is good. Also, move hand quickly towads eyes in front of face, obviously do not hit him and make sure not too much air is displaced which could alert them, they should react if they can see the hand coming. He said to watch if he is reluctant to go outside at night, as going from bright house into dark if their eyesight is poor unsettles them.
Kidneys - urine in house testing did showed 4+protein, BOO unable to read creatinine BOO. He said they had 3 dogs that showed this today, only one of which has renal problems. So he is not sure of accuracy of this test. His specific gravity was very good. Better than it had been previously, he was happy with that as dogs with dilute urine can be because of kidney problems. YAY. Blood BUN high end normal, Creatinine normal YAY
Liver - in house testing ALP>1200 which is as far as their machine goes, Bilirubin normal, ALT elevated, cannot remember number.
Both urine and blood has also been sent to external lab which gives more reliable testing but have to wait for those results tomorrow, he is going to call me and email results, so will update then.
He could find nothing wrong neurologically. YAY. Aspirated a lump I was concerned about and its just a lipoma. YAY. The other one of concern on his back he said is a sebaceuos cyst. YAY.
Weight steady. YAY.
Naomi - we discussed the Pentosan and the wobblies he had the night of injection, he again told me not usual to see that. But I told him of other dogs I had heard that effects them like Flynn. He has given me the product insert from the injections to read.
Overall, he was happy said Flynn was looking great and much more happy visiting them. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope your all doing good and the pups are happy!!
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
02-21-2013, 02:56 AM
One other thing, you know how I go on about Flynn trembling? He was doing it a bit tonight at the vets, while we watched him he stopped. Vet mentioned something called 'white dog shaker' syndrome. Terriers can be shakers/tremblers anyway, but those with white in them, which Flynn has can get this shaker problem. He said it is usually nothing to worry about if it is not to annoying for the dog, which I don't think it is for Flynn. I must google it to learn more :)
02-23-2013, 07:14 AM
HI all
External lab results show improvement in liver tests, ALP had dropped 500 points to 1135. So happy about that, not so happy about UPCR which has nearly doubled in three weeks. BUN and Creatinine still normal. So they want to receheck next week. :(
FLYNN USG 1.055 -
FLYNN UGLU Negative -
FLYNN UKET Negative -
FLYNN UBIL Negative -
FLYNN UBLD Negative -
White blood cells < 1/h.p.f.
Red blood cells < 1/h.p.f.
Epithelial cells < 1/h.p.f.
No crystals present
No casts present
No bacteria seen
** Thanks for letting us know your sample was collected by "free catch" :-) ** VETERINARY INTERPRETATION: Marked proteinuria notd on dipstick without any other abnormalities or evidence of active sediment.
-Consider urine culture to more fully rule out underlying UTI contributing to UPC, but this would be unlikely given inactive sediment and concentration of the urine (although not impossible). The degree of elevation of the UPC is signficant & could indicate glomerular or tubular damage if pre-renal and post-renal causes are ruled out. If no underlying UTI, sample contamination may have occured -as it is unusual to have a UPC elevation of this degree without hypoalbuminemia. Occasionally seen transient tubular protienurias w/ little other clinical signs besides PU/PD and mild changes on blood work that have resolved with fluid therapy (possible transient effect of unknown toxin?), but these dogs did not have elevated liver enzymes.
Protein:creatinine ratios in urine of <0.5 are normal, 0.5-1 are suspect and >1 indicate glomerular disease in the absence of pyuria, haematuria and tubular dysfunction (casts).
-It is important to rule out prerenal and postrenal causes of proteinuria before proceeding to UPC, especially as albumin/TP is not low in this case. Recommend full UA with sediment exam from sterile or mid-stream free catch sample in order to best interpret this result. It would be odd to have a UPC this high without seeing albumin decrease on the clin chem. Please call to consult further if desired
FLYNN TP 68 G/L (54 - 74)
FLYNN ALB 45 G/L H (33 - 44)
FLYNN GLO 23 G/L (19 - 35)
FLYNN AGR 1.96 RATIO (0.52 - 1.7)
FLYNN ALP 1135 IU/L H (13 - 87)
FLYNN ALT 369 IU/L H (23 - 88)
FLYNN URE 12.6 MMOL/L H (2.5 - 9)
FLYNN CHOL 17.1 MMOL/L H (3.27 - 9.82)
FLYNN CRE 53 UMOL/L (48 - 109)
-Mild hyperalbuminemia - this is due almost exclusively to dehydration.
-Moderate ALP & ALT elevation. This result indicates cholestasis or enzyme induction and hepatocellular damage. The change is moderate and has potential to be significant. The finding is otherwise non-specific and imaging of the liver/abdomen may be the next best step, depending on clinical signs. Differentials may include: steroid/druge administration, endocrinopathy (i.e. hyperadrenocorticism), metabolic disease, inflammation/infection (potentially including pancreatitis) or neoplasia.
ADD ON: Azotemia compatible with prerenal azotemia given the USG. Hypercholesterolemia - D.dx: hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis or protein loosing nephropathy, but usually there is a decrease in serum albumin with resultant hypercholesterolemia (as the theory goes!).
molly muffin
02-23-2013, 09:39 AM
Any chance that the cause might have been due to the free catch?
Flynn seems to be doing well over right right? Lets just see what next week shows. You know we are all such worry warts. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hmmmm, I'm looking at Zoe's urinalysis too and it shows protein at abnormal levels but her UC ratio is normal, she had white blood cells in her urine, it was dilute, it was a free catch and had peed and marked I don't know how many times before they decided to grab some urine ( she was marking outside)and she still had the vulva growth. Her albumin was normal but her urea n was 1 over the high limit of normal, her turb was1+. We tried antibiotics and the growth removal. I'll retest in a month by needle draw and see where I am at. Just trying to share what we have been through so far in case any of it helps you.
From what I read so far proteinuria can be caused by a high protein diet and can be transient. I readily admit I am just starting to look into it so don't know much. If it does not stay transient then it is an issue. The diet was the first thing my vet asked about.
Sorry, I cant help more. Sounds like you had a great weekend though, so far!!!!!! I love Carol King's Tapestry album:):)
love ya girlfriend
02-23-2013, 07:24 PM
Beyond me, I have no idea in this area at all, so I'll just give you both a hug and hang back waiting. :p
On a separate note though, any progress since the Pentosan injection though? Hoping his wobblies have stopped and he is moving around ok.
Hi Trish,
I just got done looking at all of Flynn's labwork that you posted. I want to find Jasper's latest chem panel to just compare a few things, and I will be back.
Your vet's comments about it being unusual for the UPCR to be this elevated without hypoalbuminemia being present are interesting. I am pretty sure that Jasper's serum albumin and serum protein have all been WNL, and his UPCR was much higher than Flynn's. My vet did not mention anything about that being unusual and/or possible sample contamination. :(
I need to look at Jazzy's labwork, get some dinner and will be back on later.
Hugs from me and Jasper :)
02-24-2013, 06:54 AM
HI Sharlene - yes maybe contamination according to report, we are repeating his UPCR in a few days time, we stopped his Previcox and will see if that helps bring the level down. He is doing good overall in fact great tonight! He had the wobblies last week which thought might be the new arthritis injection Pentosan, but it also says on report the raised level could be due to unidentified toxin and I wonder when he was a bit off colour it may have been something like that, especially as they mention the other things like blood albumin ok when they would have expected it altered?!?! Who knows, will wait with fingers crossed for the repeat test.
HI Addy - I wonder about doing a needle draw too, would cut out the contamination risk I guess, but hate having him stabbed in the bladder, I guess with all his other parts of test not showing contamination it probably unlikely. Might be time to look at diet if it stays high.
HI Naomi - yes the wobbles have stopped now, he had his 2nd injection on Saturday after I checked with vet it was ok to give it with his proteinuria. So pleased it has settled down, he does not seem in pain today that I have noted so hopefully this is one good thing for Flynnikin!!
HI Tina - the comments on my post with the results are from the vet/pathologist lab doing the testing , not my vet. But he told me he rang her and they had quite a conversation about his results so I guess that is what those comments are all about. His vet asked me to measure how much he drinks, he is hardly having a cup of water each day in the two days since I started taking note. I wonder if that is not enough for him as his specific gravity is quite high. But that is all he normally drinks, I have not noted him having less than usual. I have spent quite some time adding all his lab results into his spreadsheet tonight, took ages and complicated by the labs using different reference ranges! But you know me, I love it all in one place. I just emailed it to his vet :D Will keep you posted on any new developments. Hugs for Jasper!!
Thanks for your comments everyone, most appreciated. With all my partying with friends visiting this weekend and then spreadsheeting tonight I have not had a chance to post in everyone's threads, but I will get to it in the next few days :D:D
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Trish and Flynn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
molly muffin
02-24-2013, 09:25 AM
I think this sounds like a solid plan Trish, wait for the next test and consider that it could be a number of things causing it. Flynn has been through quite a bit lately. :) (another understatement!)
He was a bit wobbly after the last injection too if I remember correctly. Seemed to setting down in about 48 hours, was this time only 24 hours of wobbles?
You need recoup time gf! Such an active lifestyle! LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Trish, I'm so glad you are repeating the UPCR in a few days. I am not sure if a sterile sample has an impact on that test, but of course is necessary if a culture is going to be done.
Sorry I didn't get back on to post again last night like I said. I was so tired from shoveling snow, I pooped out! Well I looked at Jasper's chem profile and his serum protein and albumin have been in the normal range like I thought, so I would definitely be more interested to know more about the lab's or your vet's thoughts related to that. I figured those comments were from the vet at the lab, like you said. The units of measure on Flynn's bloodwork are different than Jasper's of course, so I can't compare. I can just compare what is in the normal range for him versus what is in the normal range for Jasper.
For Flynn's UPCR - it looks like the protein value and the creatinine value are in different units of measure? I wonder how they figured the ratio, maybe did some type of conversion? For Jasper's, both the urine protein and urine creatinine were measured in mg/dL.
We will be keeping all fingers and paws crossed here that the repeat UPCR is lower. Gosh Trish, neither of us should have to be dealing with this after everything else our boys have been through. I am hoping for the best for Flynn!
Tina and Jasper
02-25-2013, 03:02 AM
Hi all
Just had a rather depressing talk with my vet on the phone. He has consulted with IMS at pet hospital and Flynn has been started on Amlodipine tonight to try and get BP down to a better level and hopefully then proteinuria will decrease. No need to change diet or do anything else just yet.
A certain percentage of dogs (not sure how many) after surgery for the pheo will have continued BP problems. Not too much of a worry if we get it under control. Primary hypertension is apparently unusual in dogs.
The other cause of BP still being high (keeping in mind we got it down to 100-120 with the use of meds preop) could be recurrence of his pheo. His current BP is not as high as it was before his surgery but it is still 160+. He had been told as I was that they thought they got it all at surgery. But he was just reading me the histology report which did mention some mitotic cells in blood vessels outside adrenal which were not vena cava, these were in surrounding fat. I did not know about that and I do not have a copy of that report. Surgeon has said he thought he had clear margins and more of these tumours are benign in his experience. But local vet thinks could be chance that some could have already spread and that could be why BP still up and now these kidney problems flaring??! :(:( He has just emailed surgeon and IMS to get clarification on that and further advice. He will get back to me when he hears from them.
He wants to wait until early next week to recheck BP and urine test. I feel sick, but Flynn actually looks great! So who knows, I hope it is just his BP still causing a problem and we can treat that.
Trish looking :( but Flynn looking :D
02-25-2013, 03:09 AM
Hi Trish
You guys deserve a break given everything you have been through!
When have any of our Cush pups been usual!
More waiting I think sometimes that's the hardest part. Hoping for excellent news next week
Mel and Tia
Well, having to worry about that sure stinks. I am hoping that the BP med will work out and I am not even going to go there about the other possibility.
I'm sorry you have a new worry, Trish.
molly muffin
02-25-2013, 08:20 AM
Hi, I agree with Addy, not even going to go with with the other possibility. That dratted BP med better kick in. He came down before and he can do so again. He might be one of the rare ones (we all know Flynn dances to his own tune) whose BP remains an issue even after the surgery.
Hugs Trish and we'll be waiting for next weeks testing right along with you
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Oh Trish, I'm sorry you have to worry about this too! It slipped my mind that Flynn's BP had been running a bit high as of late. I am hoping that is all it is, and that the medication brings it down. Not going to think about anything else. Hang in there Trish.
Lots of hugs from me and Jasper
Boriss McCall
02-25-2013, 08:58 AM
oh no.. I wish you did not have to worry about another thing. :( At this point you two deserve free sailing. I am hoping that it is just the meds that have not kicked in yet. Try not too worry to much. I know it is easier said than done. hugs..
02-25-2013, 10:05 AM
I just got caught up on Flynn. Geez, the lil guy can't catch a break. I sure hope his BP issue isn't from spread of the pheo. You sure don't need anything else to worry about. Sorry, Trish;((
Happy Belated B-day!!! Don't you just love the iPad??? I fought getting one, but don't know what I did without it now.
Take care. I will keep checking back on Flynn.
02-27-2013, 05:50 AM
HI everyone
Thanks so much for your well wishes, try as I might I cannot push the nagging feeling he is not right out my head. He is not doing anything differently than he was last week, or the week before that etc etc. He is pretty good, running about, but sometimes bit slow, eating, drinking, pooping good etc. So maybe I am making more of this than is warranted. He is on no pain relief now as I stopped the Previcox because of his proteinuria.
Vet has told me not to panic, easy for him to say :eek: Flynn has been on the Amlodipine for two days now. I have not noticed any difference in him, no side effects which is good. IMS said that it is better to try that drug first as she still suspects his BP is due to older dog issues and not recurrence of pheo and in that case Amlodipine works better. They hope to see decrease in UPC if it is working and obviously a lower BP. His last scan was only two months ago and showed no pheo recurrence (at swab removal) but that was only three weeks post adrenalectomy, so I would have been pretty upset if it showed anything that fast!! If we do not get good control on this drug, we will swap to phenoxybenzamine again or maybe an ace.
I have just flooded the forum with posts as I felt I have been neglecting my new forum host duties with Flynny's worries and hadn't caught up on everyone's posts so sorry about that:D:eek::D:eek:
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sweetie, Flynn comes first, before any forum duties, Flynn ALWAYS comes first:):)
I have that same nagging feeling about Zoe's proteinuria. I cant get rid of it.:o:o:o
We are buried in snow, not sure how I am getting in to work.:o:o
I'll be mia myself from the forum trying to deal with all this snow:(
molly muffin
02-27-2013, 12:28 PM
Our babies always come first, we all know that and understand. :) And we worry, we worry about every little sign and what does it mean or not mean. Experience has taught us that it is just something we have to do and that as soon as we aren't looking, something else will try to sneak in on us.
Oh Addy, hope you are able to dig out without too many problems. Be careful though, it's that wet heavy snow, I call it heart attack snow. We're dug out except for the part where the snow plows pushed it all up at the end of the driveway again. We'll wait till it hopefully dries up enough to use the snow blower on it. Luckily we have 4 wheel drive to get over and through it, but no cars will be turning into our drive till it's cleared. UCK
I hope that Flynn's next test shows a reduction in the protein levels. Isn't that weird how it seems to come in cycles that now, we have 4 worrying about protein in urine. (at least could be more) :(
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-27-2013, 07:21 PM
Look at you, Trish....Forum Host!!! Yay!!! You will be an awesome host;))))
Chey took the Amlodipine. I don't know if it worked, the Vetoryl decreasing her cortisol levels, or a combination. Chey's BP dropped fast and furious. I hope the Amlodipine works for Mr. Flynn;))
02-28-2013, 02:17 AM
I'm not really a good host Ro... considering this is a Cushings website and my dog does not even have it :D:D So I am not much good on those threads, but we do get the odd adreanal tumour in a pup coming through so hope my experience is helpful there! Still I am doing pretty good for an imposter and haven't been given the boot yet. Probably because it is hard to shut me up and I never write in 10 words what I can in 50!! :D:D Can't imagine my day without checking in on all the lovelies and pups now!
I hope the amlodipine works too, what dose was Chey on? Flynn is on 1.25mg twice a day, he weighs roughly 30 pounds (13.8kg for us metric ones). Taking him back next Tuesday for his BP and UPC check so fingers crossed for that. I have started adding a 1/4 cup of water to his food as I really think a total of one cup a day is not enough especially in this hot weather, but that is all he has ever drunk.
He is really good tonight, so I am going to stop over reacting and chill the heck out!! Maybe that should be my new signature. :D
Thanks for the support Addy and Sharlene, don't know what I would do without you two as well :):)
Hi Trish!! Yep, up for our 2 am (or so) potty break! Kind of a restless night here as it is very windy and Jasper gets a bit anxious with the high wind. I have been trying to keep up with reading on the forum, and I so understand the nagging feeling that you and also Addy have about the protein in the urine. It seems like there are several others that have been posting about that over the past few days also. What is going on with that?? :( I haven't had a chance to comment on their threads yet, but will when I get a chance. Little Scoop is coming to mind at the moment.
I am happy to read that Flynn is feeling well right now, but I completely understand that nagging in the back of your mind. I am just praying that for him, all it is a BP issue, and once that is controlled with meds, the protein issue will go away. I am still very scared about Jasper's issues, and some days down right terrified, but am just trying to hang in there and hope that what we are doing is the right thing and will slow down whatever is happening in his little body. It is just so much to think about all the time for our babes, and I just can't ever let my guard down.
You are doing a grand job as a forum host Trish. Don't even give it a second thought. Jasper technically doesn't have Cushings anymore either, he has Addison's, and now kidney issues, and they have let us stay!! :D:D. And thank goodness for that. I remember asking about that a while back when we were trying to get the Addison's under control. I was looking for an Addison's forum like this, but didn't see one. I think there was an Addison's yahoo group like the one for kidney issues, but thankfully everyone has let Jasper and I stay here in our home away from home!
I can't imagine what I would do without all my friends here. And that is what you all are, my friends. Nobody else understands what we go through and how we feel about our precious pups. Fingers and paws crossed here also for Flynn's tests on Tues.
Tina and Jasper
02-28-2013, 04:14 AM
Yep off the top of my head there is Flynn, Jasper, Zoe, Shysie and Scoop... I think we should call them the "Protein Pups" and they can start a band!! (sorry if I forgot anyone!) Flynn can play a wind instrument as he seems to be passing a lot of it tonight!!! :D:D I hope we all get this figured out soon too... lovely evening here, I have the air con on and the windows open!! Hope you have a good sleep when you get back there, I was in bed so late last night I ended up dragging myself about till lunchtime when I finally felt awake so should have an early night, but it is just past 10pm so an hour or so yet!!
Lol! You know, Jasper passed a lot of "wind" when he was eating the chicken and rice, and it did not smell pretty!! :eek: Yes, I think you covered all the protein pups, at least that I remember reading about so far. Sheesh, what is going on all of a sudden?!
Ok, from the time you mentioned, it looks like you are in the same time zone as Auckland. I have had your time zone set on my world clock app on my iPad so glad to know that I have had the correct setting! :D. I kept meaning to ask you to be sure. It is showing that it is 66 degrees F there now, nice!
Well probably should head back to bed for a while. I will have to get caught up on the other threads tomorrow. My sleep is so messed up, I don't think I will ever be the same again. I am destined to walk around like a zombie in my waking hours! :rolleyes:
Have a good sleep.
02-28-2013, 05:11 AM
What a good idea! About the app I mean, I just added Omaha, Nebraska on mine... it is 4.09am and -1deg... NOT NICE... with a high today of 1deg. OMG that is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing! I am in a city called Napier, but it is the same time zone as Auckland. Now I know you are right in the middle of the country, I am going to add a few of the others! Night, I am off to bed too.
Zoe can be a back up singer/dancer in the Protein Pup band, she has hop, hop, bark down really well and puts on a pretty good show:D
Our news keeps talking about the shark attack of your coastline, though they do say it is unusual for New Zealand to have shark problems.
I hope the bp med works just fine for Flynnie. I printed out a vet study on protein in the urine, now just need time to sit down and digest it;)
03-01-2013, 10:14 AM
Chey was on 2.5 mg of Amlodipine daily plus 15 mg of Enalapril at the time. She weighs a tad more than Flynn at 53 pounds. Once the BP dropped low, we quit the Amlodipine and went back to 10mg of Enalapril. She still takes 10 mg of Enalapril for her heart enlargement/murmur.
03-01-2013, 03:12 PM
Thanks for that Ro, Flynny is on the same dose as Chey was then. Just halved and twice a day. Seems a lot for their size difference. I have googled it though and it is high end of dose range. He does not seem to be going too low, he is quiet alert, perhaps a little slower, but that could also be his arthritis bothering him now he is off the NSAID. I will take him in Tues or Weds for his BP check and see where we are.
Trish and Flynn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ok so I set my iphone to give me the time in Auckland. It says it is 12:47 Saturday and your green light is on:):):) irst I thought it was 1 in the morning:o:o:o
How's the project coming along? I have the wagon ready if you need a break.:D:D:D:D:D
I didnt even have to fight with anyone at the DMV but they mail the license now, they just give you a receipt. I got the new one with the federal stamp so I dont have to go back there in two years:D
shoot, hubby has dinner ready, i;ll be back
03-02-2013, 02:22 AM
Hmmm Addy, at this late stage the project is still in my head... I am mind mapping, yeah thats what I'm doing. While doing that, I took Flynn for his walk, then to pet essentials to get his food and some toys, (he has already eaten the eyes and gutted one!) he took a look at the kittens and rabbits for sale and scared them with his ahhh enthusiasm so I had to pull him away quick smart. But he loved the puppies. Maybe I should get him one!! Then called in to the vet to get some of his special non allergenic snacks, pay their bill argggggggggggh and he is all booked in for BP/urine check on Tuesday. Then the groceries, then out to dinner. So here we are Saturday night and its still not done but tomorrow is another day and I will not leave the house till its finished!! Hope you had a good night and dinner was yum! xxxx
03-02-2013, 08:38 AM
Hi Trish!! Yep, up for our 2 am (or so) potty break! Kind of a restless night here as it is very windy and Jasper gets a bit anxious with the high wind. I have been trying to keep up with reading on the forum, and I so understand the nagging feeling that you and also Addy have about the protein in the urine. It seems like there are several others that have been posting about that over the past few days also. What is going on with that?? :( I haven't had a chance to comment on their threads yet, but will when I get a chance. Little Scoop is coming to mind at the moment.
I am happy to read that Flynn is feeling well right now, but I completely understand that nagging in the back of your mind. I am just praying that for him, all it is a BP issue, and once that is controlled with meds, the protein issue will go away. I am still very scared about Jasper's issues, and some days down right terrified, but am just trying to hang in there and hope that what we are doing is the right thing and will slow down whatever is happening in his little body. It is just so much to think about all the time for our babes, and I just can't ever let my guard down.
You are doing a grand job as a forum host Trish. Don't even give it a second thought. Jasper technically doesn't have Cushings anymore either, he has Addison's, and now kidney issues, and they have let us stay!! :D:D. And thank goodness for that. I remember asking about that a while back when we were trying to get the Addison's under control. I was looking for an Addison's forum like this, but didn't see one. I think there was an Addison's yahoo group like the one for kidney issues, but thankfully everyone has let Jasper and I stay here in our home away from home!
I can't imagine what I would do without all my friends here. And that is what you all are, my friends. Nobody else understands what we go through and how we feel about our precious pups. Fingers and paws crossed here also for Flynn's tests on Tues.
Tina and Jasper
I agree with Tina, I can't imagine what I would do, or where Norman would be right now, without all of the love and support for my friends on here. Nobody does understand what we go through ...
Very similar to what it is like having this neurological condition, one just can't imagine how it effects every aspect of ones life...It has taken so much from me...BUT I will never give up to gain more functioning and livihood back...for myself, Norman, Millie, my grandson, other family and friends.
You all will never know how much this site means to me.
Love and Blessings Abound to all of you.
03-02-2013, 04:14 PM
Three months today you were all sitting here keeping me company while Flynny had his adrenalectomy. Cannot believe how time is flying! Hope we get another three, and another :D:D
He is having a good weekend!
Harley PoMMom
03-02-2013, 05:35 PM
Three months today!! Whew, that did go by fast and I am so very happy for you and Flynn. Flynn has such a devoted and loving mum.
Love you both,
Really, it has been 3 months? I still remember how calm you seemed, you are one strong "pet mama" as Skye would say;);)
Wow, 3 more months will be the start of our summer. I honestly dont know where the time flies to, Trish.
Happy Three Months Flynnie and Trish, with many more to come
03-04-2013, 02:42 AM
Good luck with Flynn's trip to the vets today, hoping for good numbers for you
molly muffin
03-04-2013, 07:15 AM
Good grief! 3 months! Where does the time go? Seems like it was just a couple weeks ago.
Okay, hoping for good results today!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Wow Trish, 3 months! Best of luck with Flynn's vet appt today, fingers and paws crossed here for good results!
Tina and Jasper
03-04-2013, 10:39 PM
Hi everyone
Hopefully good news from us, just picked up the boy and had a good chat with vet.
His BP has dropped to 148 on average with testing throughout the day. Just to clarify the protocol he uses for BP measurement as there has been a bit of discussion on the forum about this the past few days. He takes 7 recordings one after the other, the machine does one about a minute apart. It is surprising the amount of fluctuation between them. Then he drops the lowest and highest recordings and averages the other 5. He does this process four times through the day. Flynn started out at 170's across the board for the first lot this morning not long after I dropped him off. He was pretty shaky when I took him in and did not want to stay so not surprised they were highish. But they dropped through the day to the low of 148 on the last set.
Last week, they rose through the day to a high of 200. The vet said after the first lot, he actually crawled into the pen with Flynn and did his BP there and he was a lot more relaxed than when they take him out of his cage to do it.
Urine result, still shows high protein, perhaps better than last week as creatinine had come down on in house testing to a recordable level which it wasn't last week. They have also sent the sample to external lab so we will get the formal UPC result tomorrow but on the result today we are expecting it to be lower. YAY!! Will let you know after I hear tomorrow.
While UPC may be lower it will likely still be too high, so we think he should also start on an ace inhibitor to protect his kidneys, so he is going to liase with IMS at pet hospital about that once we get the result tomorrow. Meanwhile continue Amlodipine at current dose. He thinks with his 'white coat syndrome' (even though vet in shorts and top!) that BP will be at lower level so we were pretty pleased.
Thanks for the support everyone it is so so so much appreciated, you all rock!! :D
Trish and a tired Flynny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-05-2013, 03:14 AM
Dear Flynny
I know you had a stink day at the vets today, BP recordings are not your favourite way to spend the day. But I left work early to come pick you up and then when we got home gave you your favourite meal + treats!! You were mad keen for a run having missed your daily walk with Grandad, so off we went up the beach.
I know your hearing is fine, you can hear the fridge door open from outside and come at a run. So why when I warn you to stay away from that manky unidentifiable thing you ate (twice!) you continued to gobble it down before I caught up with you to get it out your mouth. I hope you do not pay for that with a stomach upset later tonight. Whatever it was, it was long since dead.
Much like that nasty seagull you found, again you did not listen to me, at least you did not eat it. BUT did you HAVE to ROLL in it... repeatedely???????????? Oh gawd, you stunk to high heaven. I could smell you 10 steps away, you were rank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't like water remember, you hate the shower... but you are not coming into the house with that stench lingering. So much to your disgust a shower you had, it is no use trying to hide in the garden when you hear the shower running and realise it is for you, we have a small section... I WILL FIND YOU! Then... straight after your all dried and brushed and looking so clean and fluffy did you have to go roll on the lawn, you little shite you were smiling at me :eek::eek:
And finally, if you want to play with a dog up the beach, pick a little one. That big black girl was lovely and she actually seemed to like your dead seagull aroma, but you are not as young as you used to be and she skittled you pretty easily, but you popped up wanting more till I feared for your safety and had to lead you away :eek::eek:
Honestly... I need an early night haha. But really I am just so so pleased you are all frisky and playing like you used to do! I love you Flynnikin and I am so thankful you are still with us... seagull perfume or not.
Love from your tired Mum xxxxx
Hi Trish!
Awesome news from the vet, the BP looks great!!! Interesting to read how many times they check it throughout the day, I like that, and I also love it that your vet got in the cage with Flynn to check it. Any time Jasper has had a BP check, they do only 3 readings and then average those, but he has never been there all day to have it checked.
I am so hoping that the UPC will be lower like you anticipate, especially since the BP has been better. I will be checking in tomorrow waiting to hear the results. :)
Now on to your next post, LOL :D :D
Did he eat the nasty dead unidentified critter AND roll in the dead seagull all tonight on the same walk down the beach??? And then also the row with the big black dog???? Well if so, Flynny sure knows how to get the most bang for his buck. Poor Mum. But yes, so happy to see him playing like his old self, makes it more bearable even through the stench!! :D :D :eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D I hope he doesn't end up with an upset tummy.
Well I am laughing now, but wait till our spring, if it ever gets here. After every drenching spring rain, the earthworms come out of the ground in force. And guess who likes to roll on those, dead or alive?? While it is nowhere near the stink of rolling in a dead animal or fish, it does have its own aroma, which also requires an immediate bath! And it has the potential to happen every time he goes out. :eek: :eek: I imagine that Shelby will do this wonderful behavior also when given the chance. Oh, the little darlings. :)
Looking forward to Flynn's results tomorrow.
Tina and Jasper
03-05-2013, 03:54 AM
Yes its me again, our vet just emailed the UPC result and it is much better as below:
This is last result on 18th Feb :mad::mad:
FLYNN UPRCR 2.92 RATIO (on 26th January it was 1.5 ratio, hence my panic at it nearly doubling in less than one month)
Here is today's result :):)
Much better, YAY!! Still too high though but at least its going in the right direction. I am wondering what has made it lower so much... it could either be:
1. Stopped Previcox 10 days ago
2. Started Amlodipine one week ago and better BP control
3. Started giving him extra water as thought he might be a bit dry, so I started giving him up to half a cup with meals, but he lowered his usual drinking during rest of day and probably still only totalling 1 1/2 cups, so that was only half a cup extra past 4-5 days.
Hmmmmm, whatever it was I will take it!! Our vet sounded so pleased in the email to finally be giving me some good news, nice of him to be checking late at night and forwarding it on to me asap. We did not recheck bloods today as vet wanted him to be as stress free as possible for BP recordings.
See team, the benefits of a good plan uh huh ;):p;):p :rolleyes::rolleyes::D
It's nearly 10pm and Flynn is outside barking and I don't care if he is being annoying, I feel like going out and barking with him woooohoooo!
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-05-2013, 04:31 AM
Hi Tina
I nearly missed your post, having slipped it in between my constant posting!
Glad I made you laugh, truly you would have cried if you smelt him though :D:D:D Yes, he did all of those things on the walk tonight, I tell ya he was busy, he didn't row with Miss Big Black Dog they were just romping and having fun... till she bowled him :D I get those worms here too, esp after some rain. He has never rolled in them though so have not come across that smell yet :eek: I am not going to give him any ideas about that one!
With the beach so close and our usual haunt for walks, he has come across many smelly things over the years... the dead penguin was the worst, it was disgusting, he rolled in it twice so I buried it under stones but the smell was so alluring other dogs had dug it back up again!! I had to go pick it up (with a plastic poop bag over my hand!) and deposit it in the rubbish bin. Once we even had a dead whale up there, it was huge... Flynny was mesmerised by it lol but actually did not roll in it. He picked a fight with a seal once, jeepers got him out of there quick smart! Never a dull moment!
I have had to get used to this BP regime, I used to protest that Flynn had to stay so long. But once vet explained it to me I relented and let him stay the day. I think he is being extra careful with his known BP problems, so I appreciate that now. I asked today what Flynn does in his cage all day, he told me that he sleeps some of it now which makes vet think he is more relaxed there and he gets more reliable readings.
Yes these doggies can do disgusting things and get into trouble, but I firmly believe I have to let him be a dog and mingle with his own kind... he loves that sort of stuff so it would be mean of me to restrict him too much (within reason of course!) there is no point having saved him to now put him in bubble wrap!
I am going to pop over to Jasper's thread now and see what he has been up to!
Nighty nite, hope you have a good sleep and the babies are behaving :)
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-05-2013, 06:59 AM
Wow, sounds like you have been a busy girl! And certainly Flynny has been a busy boy :p
Very glad things are heading in the right direction again, it is so nice to see the cheeky naughtiness come out when they feel good, you can't help but let them get away with some things. I know what you mean about the dead bird smell though, Oscar used to have a thing for duck poop at the park, also a pleasant aroma (NOT!) but especially good when spread all over mum! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Take care, hugs to Flynn for us and cheers to a good plan! <clink>
03-05-2013, 07:06 AM
Trish, I'm so glad to read Flynnie's good news, and howling, too, over all his exploits!! :p :) :D :rolleyes:
What a wonderful and very thorough report! ;)
With my two Lab girls, I have a pair of stinkpies, too, when it comes to wallowing in the muck (and Tina, my Peg is an addicted worm-roller like Jasper -- whenever I see her stop and cock her head on a rainy walk, I know she's headed DOWN AND AROUND :eek: :eek:).
Anyway, many smiles for a great report!
Awesome, Trish, all of it, every last word:D:D:D:D:D:D
I am so impressed with your clinic and their procedures, WOW:):)
They rock and so do you, girlfriend!!!!
I'll join you in late night barking, we can all even howl at the moon together, neighbors ?? WHO CARES !!!!!
03-05-2013, 08:58 AM
Flynnies naughtiness made me smile, thanks for sharing. All pups are such characters and I do love to hear about their antics and quirks.
You just had to mention bath to Tia and she was gone so I smiled about that too
Also pleased for your family to see better results and impressed by your clinic
Oh Trish, I am thrilled with these results!!! Yes, definitely going in the right direction! Way to go Flynn!! :D :D
I just updated Jasper's thread. I was working on it during my middle of the night potty break/posting session, and something happened and I lost connection with the site. It said "unable to connect to the server". My internet connection was ok, so it maybe the server to the site went down for a while. I couldn't get back on, fortunately I quickly saved my post to notes when I saw it starting to stall, so didn't lose it and finished it this morning. I was still logged in this morning. Weird....
In the meantime Flynn's results came in. Again, I am so happy to read this good news! I am hoping that he will set an example for Jasper. :) ;)
Well, better head to work. I will check in tonight after we get back from the vet's.
Tina and Jasper
so happy to hear such great news. sounds like your on the right path together to get this all under control!
LOLOLOLOLOLOL oh goodness i loved the letter you wrote. i can clearly see all this happening. LOL
it is amazing isnt it how their hearing picks up on certain things and not others.....LOL
Boriss McCall
03-05-2013, 03:56 PM
Yay Trish.. so happy to see all the :):):):):):) coming from your way. Glad things are going good with sweet Flynn.
molly muffin
03-05-2013, 06:53 PM
Oh that Flynn! He's a hoot!!! What an adventurous little guy he is. You must have a very aromatic :) yea, we'll go with life. hahahaha
Results sound good too. hahahaha
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Your green light is on. Zoe is up early so I am making her wait to eat. I looked at pictures of your city the other night, it was so beautiful. I could picture you and Flynn walking along the coast. I laughed so hard at Flynn rolling in dead stuff. Our sea gulls fly away from Lake Michigan and sometimes you will see them sitting in cornfields, its weird because I always associate them with water. Then at night they fly back to Lake Michigan. I remember one time we were in the South of England in Falmouth waiting to take the ferry and a seagull pooed and it landed on hubby's raincoat. The woman standing next to us, said" On now, dont you know, it will bring you good luck!" I thought it funny getting pooed on by a bird was a lucky thing:D:D:D:D
03-06-2013, 02:06 PM
Awww thank you all for celebrating with me, it is so nice to have a good news day for Flynny for once! :D:D
Addy, I had been in bed when you posted. Laptop was off, but I had ipad in bed (as you do haha) and maybe it takes a while to log me off the site once I put its little cover on and go to sleep. It IS good luck to get pooped on by a bird, my Mum tells me that :)
Yes it is lovely here, because of the earthquake back in the 30's the whole city was rebuilt in Art Deco style so its very pretty!!
I am not usually on this time of day, just having a cup of green tea getting ready for work, start an hour later on Thursday so its nice not to rush because I am the world's worst morning person.. takes me ages to wake up!! Just watching the Flynn, I got a lovely throw for the couch for my birthday. It is now 'his', he has burrowed into it and seems to think all the blankies belong to him! I don't mind, he can have them all if it makes him happy and he smells like a coconut after his shower the other night so at least no stink dog smell going on it.... :D:D:D
Have a good day everyone, especially those with appointments!
flynn is a nester huh!? lol! i love it when the babies nest. how they root about and spin and get it all just so, and then stick their little snout out. how sweet!!!! Shysie is a huge nester, i just love it. Shaddix likes to steal the doggy bed to nest sometimes, and she is a bit to large for it, yet she insists that it isnt to small. cracks me up.
03-07-2013, 07:41 PM
I am so happy to hear Flynn's results are better and BP is getting lower. Is it possible to check Flynn's BP in your vehicle? Chey still knew something was going on just being close to the vet, but she shook less than when in office.
Wow, it sounds like Flynn had one heck of an outing to the beach the other night. Lol. I can only imagine how badly he stunk. Little stinker....literally:)). I am happy that you are still able to have these moments with him too. I must say I am envious hearing of your walks on the beach:p. I could really use a walk on the beach about right now. I am so sick of winter!!!
I hope you continue to get good results for Flynn;)))
03-09-2013, 09:07 AM
Well I do hope the bit about getting pooped on by a bird being good luck is true. Happens to me quite a bit unfortunately :cool:. I'm also wondeing if that's why dogs like rolling in it? May be they are hoping some of the good luck will rub off, or "on" so to speak? :D
And thumbs up for the iPad! Don't know how I lived without mine, and yet my macbook lives on my bedside table too, so I really have no excuse, other than I can lie on my other side with the iPad, don't have to face the same way all the time :D Whoever thought of ebooks though is a genius in my opinion!
Hope Flynn continues to be doing great and that you are enjoying a beautiful weekend!
i went outside several times today and would try and try to run to get under birds as they flew over.....thought about running with shysie in my arms even so we could both get bird pooh on us. No luck. well........if it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will be in yard trying to run to get under the birds as they fly by. lol.....i will set my pee catching ladle down, and put on good running shoes, though they often do not match my jammies i wear. Hair is already pinned on top of head, so that wont get in way, normally have tad bit of night cream still left on face in mornings........hmmmm, you dont suppose i am scaring the birds away do you???? (lol)
03-10-2013, 05:06 AM
Hmmmm highly likely, go look for a 4 leaf clover instead... a lot less messy!! They are funny how they nest, he is not quite as delicate sounding as Shysie, kicks it up and messes it right up after I make it so nicely for him, with a little pillow haha... He is such a boy!
I've had such a busy day, at work for quite a few hrs and it's Sunday grrrrrr! Just got home from supermarket and cooking dinner now haha, it is already 9.30pm Sunday night!
Flynny been a little slow over weekend, just a bit quiet. I guess it could be his BP med. Stumbled a couple of times too. I am ignoring it (unless he passes out!!) Our plan at moment is waiting to hear what IMS says about his decreased UPC and BP last week, whether he needs anymore treatment or just stay as we are on the Amlodipine. So holding pattern here for now.
Naomi, poop rolling is disgusting! Duck poop ick, Flynn will roll in any poop but not cat or dog :) He especially likes horse poop which he will eat, makes me nearly hurl! Little darlings... NOT! So loving the ipad, I don't read books anymore... I just read K9 cushings haha! My new favourite app is "night sky" you point it up at the sky and it shows all the stars and satellites zooming over, very cool :cool:
HI Ro, I see you popped in :D:D I don't think he will do it in the car, vet seems to not want me there as he thinks he is calmer without me :rolleyes: I wish you could come for a walk with me up the beach, we would have such a good chat!! Maybe one day :)
How are things in sunny New Zealand:):)
Stopping by to give Flynnie belly rubs and hugs to you.
Missed ya!
making me laugh...seriously out loud...Shysie and word delicate in same sentence...LOL!!!!! i read it to her and she tooted. LOL
How is Shysies sweet heart flynny feeling this evening? and your waiting on the IMS too? isnt that weird........all of us on such a similar journey and suddenly all of us waiting on IMS.
The blood pressure hasnt gotten to low though right? so far Shysie is not being placed on any, and you got me thinking of searching for bp cuff and stuff to have as well for shysie and learning to do that accurately. have they related the stumbling to anything? It still weighs in my mind how couple of us have encounter near identical journeys or encounters with our clinical findings....know what i mean?
shysie likes to roll in deceased insects. like worms. EWEEEEE
when flynny plays does his tongue change in color at all?
thinking of you and your beautiful walks and flynn runs up ahead and finds such an amazing find....his seagull. lol and you me smile. lol. not in a mean way though........he is just soooooo cute, and i see this beautiful sunset, little paw prints in sand, you maybe barefoot with pants cuffed, walking along thinking how beautiful to share this moment with your flynn and
03-16-2013, 12:50 AM
HI everyone
I am back, even sorted the internet issues myself without having to drag my younger relatives who are more technologically advanced than me around to sort it out :D Wireless was much easier to install than last time, the nice young guy in the shop was quite right it was 1, 2, 3 steps :D:D
Home now packing for our beach holiday tomorrow, only 3 days but it is going to be so nice to get away for a relaxing time, I will take some pics of Flynny running on the beach, heck I might even take a video :D:D
Hope everyone is doing well, we are good here, not testing this week of any description so nothing to report :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-16-2013, 03:05 AM
have a wonderful time trish and your litl flynny !!! don't forget the sunblock :)...patty(milo)meka xoxox
03-16-2013, 03:36 AM
Beach trips are the best. Good that you have had a break from testing and vets as you guys have had more than your fair share
Hope you have a great time and Flynn keeps out of the poop :eek:
03-18-2013, 04:39 PM
Love the beach, Flynn having a fab time with his little mate Madi, home tonight darn it, could stay another week. Have put couple pics up! Hope everyone doing ok will catch up later :) xxxx
Ill check out the pixes after I SHOVEL:mad::mad:
Beach, sigh, heaven, warm, sunshine, warm, water, WOW:p:p
03-19-2013, 03:52 AM
We are home, what a fabulous time we had :) Flynny loved the beach, he was running about like a puppy! Digging, chasing, romping..... think he overdid it on some of his walks, yesterday was so hot up to 35deg, poor boy was pretty lethargic but perked up in the evening, there was no air con in the house so we all suffered :rolleyes:he also had a touch of upset tummy but it seems to have come right. He got a few things out of the ordinary to eat, like a sausage roll from his wee 3 yo buddy Madi. She was so gorgeous with him, petting, brushing, kissing and hugging and feeding him if I did not keep an eagle eye on her she would sneak him her food. She even dug holes in the sand with him haha. Last night I got up in middle of night and he was not in his bed :eek: Found him lying on the floor beside Madi's bed, so cute :)
Today was downright cold, could not believe the weather change but it was still ok to have a play up the beach before we left. I have made an album if you want to take a look... I got them all out of order so go to the last pic first and go backwards :D:D:D Wish I could put a video on here, but not sure how to do that. It was so relaxing and just what we needed, I might even go back later in autumn. :D:D Missed you all and must go catch up on your threads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
awww that is so cute he was lying next to his new friend's bed. Your beach break sounds dreamy, sorry it had to end so soon. I am glad you and Flynn had a great time.
Im off to look at the pictures:D:D:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
03-19-2013, 05:55 PM
Pictures are wonderful. Lets pack up and go Addy. Fooey on this snow stuff!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-19-2013, 07:29 PM
can't agree with you more sharlene...come on spring !!! so over winter here in new york... i want to play in the dirt and get my flowers and garden going .....patty (milo)meka xoxox
I'm with both of you. I'm thinking of putting down some sand in the kiln at work and put a blanket on it and have them crank up the heat and pour me a girlie drink. Think my boss would mind?:D:D:D
molly muffin
03-19-2013, 09:06 PM
Hahaha, sounds like we are All tired of winter this year. Last year spoiled me, it felt like summer at this time. Of course they kindly reminded us of that fact today on the radio as I was driving with the snow coming down on the way to work. (I turned the radio off)
Sharlene (snow bunny) Molly Muffin (white dog, white snow, I'll never find her!)
03-20-2013, 07:52 AM
Oh Trish, I love the beach pix!!! They are wonderful. Everybody looks so happy! :) :) :)
03-20-2013, 03:09 PM
Hi Addy, Sharlene, Pattie, Leslie and Marianne! Your summer is definitely coming as it is noticeably cooler here :p Thx for all the comments on his pics, he does look happy doesn't he :D and when he is happy I am happy!! :D:D
It's Thursday, so that is fisn n chip night here (homemade for the whole family) so we are going to have the lobsters we were given in Mahia. Flynn will have a little bit as he always has some of the fresh fish with us, he loves it (so does Elle the cat!) it seems kinda naughty feeding them lobster, but it is fish night so lobster they will have! :D:D
Have a good day everyone! xxxxx
Boriss McCall
03-21-2013, 11:33 AM
awe sweet.. I can just picture him with his little buddy. :)
03-22-2013, 06:27 AM
If it's not one thing it's another... or another pet in this case.
Mum and Dad's cheeky Siamese Elle has had an urgent vet visit today. She was off colour last night, not eating... I did not think too much amiss when I checked her over. But this morning she cried in pain when Mum picked her up and was retching but not vomiting. Off to vet she went, bloods showed elevated liver enzymes, ALP, ALT, Bilirubin, some protein, blood, bilirubin and urobilinogen in urine although BUN, creatinine ok :eek::eek: But I am keeping in mind those in house tests have been wrong with Flynn before. They think she may have eaten something toxic or else its a virus. She had a temperature and was given antibiotic and subcut fluids and home she came with antibiotics to continue. They hope it will right itself, but any deterioration back she goes. Will not be good if she come into contact with anything poisonous. They do not know what caused it. Mum and Dad have pulled all the lilies out from their garden today in case it is that.
I went and picked her up from vets after work, she did eat a little tonight, but I thought she looked a bit wobbly and last time I phoned she is curled up in bed with Mum - she is their little buddy along with Flynn so they are very upset. So praying she perks up overnight and does not get any worse as vet said that would not be a good sign. I washed her down in case she had got something poisonous on her fur and licked it off... she was not happy with being cleaned! I will go visit first thing and take her back if I think she is not responding to treatment. Poor wee thing, she is only 3.
Flynn on the other hand is great this week :D:D The office girls and vet nurses saw me and were like oh no... whats up with our Flynny! Oops wrong pet!
Night everyone
Squirt's Mom
03-22-2013, 08:56 AM
Oh, I hope Elle is ok today and no further issues!
Oh no, Trish, hope kitten is better soon. That sounds really scary.
Boriss McCall
03-22-2013, 05:50 PM
How is the kitty doing today? Hope all is well.
molly muffin
03-22-2013, 06:21 PM
Oh no I hope Elle responds to treatment. Would they put her on IV fluids if she doesn't seem better? I'm sure your parents are very upset. Poor wee thing.
Funny about then thinking it was something was up with Flynn just by seeing you. You're going to have to start doing drop-ins for no reason. :)
Let us know whats up with Elle okay. We'll all worry for her.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-23-2013, 03:23 AM
Hi Leslie, Addy, Amy and Sharlene - thanks for your good wishes for Elle.
She was a little better today, we got some chicken and a few biscuits into her. She was not having any of the low fat GI food they wanted her to have thanks very much. Struggling to get her to drink though so I squirted some water in the side of her mouth with an eye dropper and showed Mum how to do it. Mum and Dad stuggle to get pills into her so I did the honours tonight with her antibiotic so that will be a twice a day job for a week! I swear her fangs are like a sabre tooth tiger, really long AND sharp!! :eek::eek:
She is on house arrest and wants to go outside so is pacing about a bit, a little wobbly on her feet. She has not pooped, and hard to tell if she peed or not. She has not vomited or had diarrhea which would be expected with poisoning so maybe its not that. I think she is sore in her tummy though, but not crying just looking very sorry for herself. For an hour or so this morning her eyes were streaming, not sure what that was about. We can do without another mystery pet in the family!! :eek::eek:
I put a couple of photos of her up in Flynny's album. He is not being very sympathetic, I have tried so many little snacks to tempt her to eat and drink and I have to hold him back from stealing her food, little rotter! When he was sick, she gently went up behind him and put her paw on his back. She really would like to snuggle with him but he won't have a bar of any cat canoodling!!
Hope she is much better tomorrow or I will take her back to vet as do not think we getting enough fluids in her, though she does not seem too dry at this stage.
03-23-2013, 04:08 AM
Our Daisy and Gracie act the same way:-)
Gracie (cat) meets Dixie Daisy at the door after we're outside. She rests her arm around Daisy as if to hug her. Daisy shrugs her off. Poor rejected Kitty.
Hope she feels better soon!
Same situation with food too. Aren't our furlets a trip:-)
molly muffin
03-23-2013, 07:12 PM
Oh do hope Elle is better today. You're right, she might need some fluids. If her tummy hurts, I wonder if she didn't eat something, or what about kidneys? etc. do they do ultrasounds on cats? :) You can tell our minds all go in the same direction on here.
Oh that Flynny. Sure and doesn't he know what he is missing with cat canoodles?!! I had a cat and dog that grew up together and were best buddies and even passed in the same year. I think sometimes though that the dog liked the cat better than the cat like the dog, except (there is always an exception with the cats) when the cat decided that he wanted to like the dog more. LOL It was crazy.
Crossing fingers and paws for Elle!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-24-2013, 12:04 AM
She is better, thanks Val and Sharlene! I was so worried that her kidneys were packing up but today she is mad keen to get outside and is running around with her loud RAAAAWORLL let me out cry!! She has been seen eating of her own accord, but not drinking much yet so still getting Mum and Dad to give her extra fluids via eye dropper but we all feel much more relaxed about her recovery now. Don't know what caused it and I will have to ask vet whether we should recheck her bloods to see if LFTs have stabilised.
I have had such a lazy day, snoozed on the couch in the sun with Flynn this afternoon, he is bored out his brain so must get him up the beach soon for a decent walk. We had got Elle some fresh chicken and he ate some yesterday. He is never up in the night (I know all the cush parents probably hating me right now!) but he woke me 2ish to go outside and had quite a loose BM, I really do think he is sensitive to chicken these days. Back to the possum for him!!
I too wish they would have a bit of cuddle time Sharlene, but no go. On Friday we were out at a friends house for dinner, another girl had brought her 15 yo Jack Russel Digby. He is a very sedate old man! Flynny immediately installed himself as "boss dog" and started herding poor Digby about and even tried to hump him!! Crikey, that was lovely dinner party entertainment... NOT!! Bad Dog!!
Hope everyone is having a chilled out time with their pups this weekend and enjoying the moment :) so hard when you are so worried about your babies.
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Trish!!
Oh, your beach trip sounds like it was absolutely wonderful, and it looks like Flynn enjoyed himself. I love your pics. What a sweet boy. I look in his eyes and just want to hug him!!! And how sweet that he slept by his little friend, these pups have such precious ways. Jasper has been known to go in and sleep with his Grandma when my Mom visits, so sweet. So glad you both had a great time. Also very relieved to read that your parents kitty is feeling better. What a scare. I wonder what it was, she is pretty young. I have very limited experience with cats, but gosh, it is hard to give them pills, and I would imagine also hard to give water by an eye dropper. How lucky that you are there to help your folks.
I have been such a slacker with posting lately and I feel so bad. I try to read some every night but am far from caught up with everyone, I am going to work on that some more tomorrow. I haven't updated on Jasper for a while, everyone is probably wondering what the heck is going on. I have just been so tired, abnormally so. Yes, I have been quite busy, but way tired every night. If it wasn't winter, I would be worried about West Nile virus or something!
Speaking of winter, guess who is in another winter storm warning? You guessed it! Hopefully will stay less than 4 inches, I DO NOT want to shovel again!! Snowing and blowing now, was just out with Jasper.
I have to say that I loved hearing about your dinner entertainment. :D Flynny is such a character, so happy to see him feeling good. Hope you are having a good weekend. I see that you were on when I started typing this. I have missed our late night chats also! :)
Tina and Jasper
03-24-2013, 04:01 AM
OH YAY there you are!!! I have now finished spamming the board. I was feeling guilty for not posting much this week to so have had a bit of a catchup :D But don't feel bad Tina, we do what we can and that is always enough!! Wonder why you are feeling so tired, are you sleeping OK... obviously not as you are up now!! Maybe its catching up with you, all the stress of late plus broken sleep. So you keep on that couch in the evenings to have a catch up. I slept most of the afternoon today, probably will be awake till 3am now!!
Have been so pleased with Flynn this week and then last night loose poop and after his walk this afternoon where he was a little slow he puked up. Was still hungry for his dinner afterwards so hopefully it is just due to the chicken he ate (stole) yesterday, which does seem to upset him now or maybe he ate something manky up the beach. So back to basics with his diet again.
Oh gawd, another storm. I hope that is the last of them. Don't shovel, surely it will melt away if you leave it :D:D Hmmm maybe you need to shovel to get out your driveway?? In that case you might have too... it's cooler here too but still getting the odd hot day, I love this time of year when it is still warm but not boiling hot. We could do with the rain though, so very dry still. But it is sooo much darker in the morning, I hate it especially noticed it on Friday morning when I have to be at work by 7.30 :eek: it was positively dark when the alarm went off. Soon daylight savings will end and BANG its winter :( i really will not have to much to complain about after hearing all the stories on here of snow storms and freezing temps! I just looked you up on my weather app, exactly 3am, snow (think you know that!:D) and -2 deg, sorry not sure what that is in farenheit... darn cold I say, below freezing! But I am pleased to tell you the sun comes out on Tuesday and by Thursday it is 14deg :D:D:D that's better!!
Trish xxx
Yes, I just saw that you have been quite "active" on the board, Lol. :D You know, my sleep is disrupted, but not near like it was when Jazzy had to go out every couple of hours during the night, or even 2-3 times a night. Most of the time now, we are good with only one middle of the night pit stop, so things are better. I have adjusted to that quite a bit. But I am a night owl by nature, so on the weekends, I tend to stay up quite late! :eek: Crazy, I know. I have always been the night owl type, and have never really needed 8 hrs of sleep, but 5 hrs uninterrupted would be divine! :D
Gosh, I hope Flynn's tummy settles down. It sure doesn't take much for their system to get upset. Jasper is very sensitive also. I don't think he tolerates chicken well either for some reason. I was so sad, no treats or anything special for him on his birthday, I didn't want to chance things getting upset since he was still on the antibiotic to treat the last bout of colitis. I didn't give him a crumb out of the ordinary. :( But I took the day off to spend with him so we had some quality time.
I always check to see how your weather is also! :) It shows 9:35 pm and 66 degrees F. That is nice. Here it is 28 degrees F, so that must be -2 Celsius. Yes, below freezing by 4 deg here. :) I shouldn't have to shovel thankfully, maybe just the sidewalks. Things are looking better later in the week, just like you said! Our DST started a couple of weeks ago. I think I am still adjusting to that little one hour shift.
Well, I guess I better head to bed, otherwise I won't get much sleep in before Jasper has to go out again. Or Shelby might try to get in on the act. She always acts so neglected when I don't take her out in the middle of the night! Poor little thing. :) Nite Trish. Give Flynn a belly rub for me.
03-24-2013, 08:41 AM
So glad the kitty is doing better. CoCo does not do well on chicken either or the pumpkin that we are supposed to give for the diarrhea or constipation. Maybe I just do not have enough patience to wait for it to help. My vet said give him Pepto or Imodium and that is usually what I do and feed him less. I think the Vetoryl or the Cushings just causes the diarrhea. We do poop patrol every time he goes out, trying to catch the diarrhea before it gets too bad. He had it so bad once, I had to take him to the vet wrapped in a big towel. Yikes. Oh well, what we do for these furbabies is amazing and I really don't mind it, except the nighttime wakeups, which are very seldom, but he usually gets up at 3:00 a.m. for food, but my husband usually gets up by 4:00 so we just go to bed early when we can. Hope Flynn has no more poop problems. Beach sounds wonderful. Cold and raining in Nashville, TN. Just waiting for Spring to get here. Love, JoAnne.
Glad to hear Elle is up and about.:) I wonder what it was all about? we almost considered getting Zoe a kitten, a friend of mine babysat for her a long time ago and she had a blind cat. Well, Zoe loved that cat and shared her bed with him the whole week. The blind cat loved Zoe too. Was weird how they both bonded for a week.
Your beach vacation was incredible, I loved the coast line and everyone looked so happy. Ther perfect adventure.:) Your pictures were awesome.
Lazy nap days can do wonders for us:):):) I had a bit of a nap yesterday afternoon myself after a lot of running around in the morning and trying to figure out mom's taxes:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I hope you have a great week.
03-29-2013, 03:50 AM
Hey Trish
Thanks for checking in, still really tough but that's to be expected. 5 weeks today since I lost her.
How are you and Flynn, any more rolling in poop tales? Hope everything is great with you
Big hug
Hey girlfriend, can you believe it, our snow is melting:D:D:D:D
I hope you and Flynnie have a long weekend planned. Luckily, I had the day off:):) Pups are happy and so am I so I am hoping you had a great day as well, maybe a walk along the beach:)
Wishing Flynn good luck on the ninth, Zoe goes in not that long after that. Our vet took off for vacation next week, did not matter for us though.;) :rolleyes: Cant talk to her anyway:mad:
love ya and thanks for checking on us
03-29-2013, 06:04 PM
Hi everyone!!
Thanks for popping in, I swear I posted on here yesterday. Ever since I turned 50 I seem to be having WAY MORE senior moments :D:D
Not much news really this week, apart from a little loose poops. Don't know what causes them he was good in this department for a few weeks and is not real bad now, but his toots yesterday were foul and sure enough on his walk last night out it came, like a cow pat! Appetite fine though. His poops have been a bit off since our beach trip when I know he got a fair bit of food he shouldn't have.
Back pain a bit of an issue, I need to talk to vet about this as well. He finished his introductory course of Pentosan. I have him off the Previcox now which is good for kidneys and he is not as bad as he used to be but still stiff and slow walking up the step into house.
But these are little things, he is perky, and enjoying life so that is the main thing :D:D
We do have a long weekend for Easter, four days off for everyone YAY!!! Except I will go in a few hours today for a catchup on some paperwork. Think I will have the family around for an Easter Feast tomorrow. We are not particularly religious, but we do like chocolate easter eggs and hot x buns!! :eek::eek::eek::D:D:D
Hope you all have a nice weekend with whatever you are doing and any pups under the weather are feeling better xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-29-2013, 09:16 PM
Glad Flynn is doing well:)). Hopefully, the belly is better now.
Bo's Mom
03-29-2013, 10:36 PM
Glad Flynn is enjoying life and doing well. Keep it up, Flynn!!!
Hi Trish!
Happy to hear Flynn is feeling well and enjoying himself. Just wanted to pop in and wish you Happy Easter. I hope the Easter Bunny was good to Flynn! :D
Tina and Jasper
molly muffin
04-01-2013, 07:25 PM
Hope you enjoyed the long weekend. We had 3 days off here and I loved it! Today was very hard to get back into the grind of things again. ugh.
Flynn is such a funny guy. He's just sticking to the plan. What a good boy. :) :) :)
Have a good week!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
04-01-2013, 08:33 PM
Hope Flynn's tummy is getting better! Sending healing hugs!
04-09-2013, 05:01 AM
Hi all
Apologies for not being around much lately, lots going on here with one thing and another.
Thought it was about time I did an update on Mr Flynn for you all though :) His tummy has been giving trouble on and off for since we went on our little beach holiday. He has had loose poops, some cow pat consistency :eek: not watery, normal colour, bit mucousy. He has now vomited x4 over that time frame, once eating too much grass, I have been putting extra water with his meals to up his fluids and he vomited twice after drinking about a cupful plus his dry food floating in it. But on the weekend he had normal poops and I thought he had come right. With all that going on he has not lost his appetite and been pretty perky.
He was scheduled to go in today for his monthly checkup, BP, UPC, Bloods and clipping his nails. He woke me at 4am this morning (I am not used to this cush Mom's, I don't know how you do it!) he wanted out, did a big soft but formed poop. Then up till 6am he wanted out another 3x till the poops were cow pat again :confused::confused: He had to fast for his bloods today (cholesterol plus others) so had no breakfast, just as we were leaving he vomited, partially digested food. My brother is up visiting my parents at the moment, so Mum had cooked a big lamb roast with all the trimmings for dinner last night and he had a fair few table scraps including pumpkin which i though would help! So dunno if that is what set him off. They said he has been good at the vets today, hungry, no more pooping so hopefully it will settle down again. Vet thought he looked good, no weight loss. He said if it has not come right in next two days he is going on Metronidazole in case he has picked something up. I took in a poop sample for testing :eek: plus a pee sample :eek:
Soooo onto testing today, one problem was when he puked he probably brought up his BP pill. Hard to tell really, but did not want to give it again in case he hadn't and his BP was up, 170-180. One at 215 :eek::eek: which vet discounted. Vet thought most likely due to him being unwell earlier in day plus possibly no Amlodipine on board. He had his toenails clipped and I checked and he had a bit of dried blood on one so they must have gone wee bit short, so bet that put his BP up too!!! So vet wants to recheck BP in couple of weeks. Plus he is emailing IMS again for feedback.
Urine similar to last time on their in house testing, 3+ protein (actually was 4+ last time so maybe bit better) UPC has been sent to external lab so awaiting that result.
These bloods are all inhouse too and have been sent to external lab too. I never really trust the in house ones.
Renal function good, BUN 5.12 (3.6-10.4), Cr 73 (53-141)
Liver high still ALP >1200, ALT 433 (10-120) highest its been, choleseterol >10.3 which is high as their machine goes. Protein, albumin, glucose all normal.
So mixed bag really, he is contacting me tomorrow with confirmed lab results and ongoing plans. Wish his tummy would settle down. Wish his BP would settle more, that worries me pheo is back.
It's all complicated by me flying to Australia for a conference in two days time, not back till the 22nd April. Flynn is off to Mum and Dads, so hope he will be ok. Vet happy for them to take him in any time if they are worried and I will be on the phone every day. Plus poor Dad has just been diagnoised with a probable renal tumour and abdominal aneurysm so awaiting CT for him to look at what can be done. I was going to cancel my trip but they all said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo so I am going, least it is only a 3 hr flight back if anything turns to custard with Dad or Flynny.
So will keep you posted with any updates, hope your all doing well and if not I am sending loads of hugs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
molly muffin
04-09-2013, 07:23 AM
Oh Trish, you have definitely had your hands full lately and lots of worries too. That's rough.
Hopefully Flynn's tummy will settle down. I think the +3 from a +4 protein is good. Always better to go down with that. Yea, those in house ones, while nice for a quickee picture just don't give you as much of a definite idea of what is going on it seems. Hard to tell with the BP though with everything from the pill coming up to getting a clip of the nails done. I'd say to definitely redo that at a later point.
Gosh I do hope something can be done to fix your dad up. Him and Flynn are a pair.
Have a good trip, hoping for no worries while you are away.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-10-2013, 05:59 AM
Hi Sharlene
Well UPC was up to 3.57 :eek: last one in early March 1.9. So that is quite a jump.
Happily his ALP dropped from 1137 to 817 (13-87) and ALT dropped from 369 to 308 (23-88), Bilirubin normal, first results here were two months ago. I think maybe stopping the Previcox has helped his liver, he has not had any liver supplements, we were going to consider starting SAMe but with this improvement we won't. These results are in a dog with a history of having a good third of his liver resected 17 months ago for liver cancer. He also has two liver nodules that have stayed around, biopsied twice but just benign that could be the cause of continued elevations.
Vet just called me, he thinks the fact Flynn was sick yesterday could have skewed UPC, plus it has been up and down a bit the last few months and also the fact his blood renal tests (BUN and Creatinine) are all normal and albumin has not dropped at all but is high end normal is confusing and not the typical picture they see with renal failure. He said if he was consistently losing all that protein in his urine then the blood albumin level drops which Flynn's has not done. So he is not convinced by this UPC and we will repeat it soon. He is contacting IMS again as he thinks it is time for an ace inhibitor ie Enalopril. Which would also help the BP situation.
I am off to Australia tomorrow, he is going to contact me before I fly out with feedback from IMS, I am a little hesitant starting a new drug with Mum and Dad watching him and me away for 10 days!!! :eek::eek: Will see what he says in the morning.
Flynn is due his 6 monthly ultrasound next month so we will be heading down to see IMS ourselves then.
Hope everyone had a good day.
Nighty nite xx
ps tummy on the mend, normal poop this morning and no vomiting YAY
Squirt's Mom
04-10-2013, 08:08 AM
Goodness, Trish! You suddenly have a lot on your plate, sweetie! I so hope your dad is ok, that this is not a tumor or anything nasty, and he is soon back on his feet strong as ever. I'm a Daddy's Girl and it was so incredibly hard to watch my dad be sick...I wouldn't wish that on anyone. My dad was a tough old coot and if your dad is like you seem to be, he is the same and that character trait can take him very far.
And Flynn not well on top of that! :( Hopefully some of those lab results are like the vet thinks and off because he just wasn't feeling well at the time. It must be comforting to know that your folks and his vet work well together. I hope both your men are soon feeling fine again.
Safe travels!
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
04-10-2013, 01:19 PM
Good point, the UPC could be off because of Flynn having an unwell day. Can this all wait for the med changes until you get back?
Have a good trip btw. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Boriss McCall
04-10-2013, 06:13 PM
I hope you have a good trip. I know you are worried with so much going on. :(
I will send out the good vibes & prayers for Flynn.
Oh Trish, (((hugs)))). I am just getting caught up on Flynn, and am sorry to read that he has been having tummy troubles and also about the latest UPC. I need to go back and look, but I think that is exactly what Jasper's UPC was the last time!! :eek: Now, I realize that he and Jasper want to be best friends, but tell Flynny that this is going a bit too far. :rolleyes:
I am also sorry to read the latest about your Dad and hope he is doing ok. With the time difference, I imagine you are already in Australia. I have to go in early to work, but will post more after I get home from work tonight. I just wanted to pop in and let you know I am thinking about you and Flynn.
Tina and Jasper
Thinking of you and Flynn and Dad and sending love and hugs.
04-11-2013, 06:36 PM
Just wanted to pop in to say hi, hoping everything is going ok at home and on your trip
Sending prayers and positive vibes for Flynn and your Pops
Big hug
04-12-2013, 06:20 AM
Hey Trish, just doing a cursory check up and so sorry to hear that you have had your hands so full! I do hope your Dad's ok and Flynn gets his act together again. He's had his turn! Only smooth sailing allowed. Maybe you need to buy him the big print book, apparently he can't cope with reading the rules in small print anymore.
Anyway, I'll be waving across the Nullabor at you, hope the flights were smooth and if you do take a detour on the way home, be sure to drop in for that cuppa.
Take care, and try not to worry too much while you are away.
04-12-2013, 06:36 AM
Oh Trish, I am just catching up. I am so sorry to hear about your Dad - thoughts and prayers coming his way!!!
And little Flynn - you have your hands full for sure. Thinking of you both.
Safe travels and fingers crossed nothing happens while you are away.
stopping by checking in on you and your baby and your dad. hope your doing okay on your trip
04-16-2013, 06:21 PM
Hi all, just a quick checkin, Melbourne has been great, conference went well, did my presentation bit nerve wracking but it went ok. Flying to Sydney this arvo to stay with friends till Monday. Sounds like all going well at home. Dad having CT today so we will know more when I get back next week. Flynny is behaving, I am getting daily photo! Not got time to answer all the threads but know I am sending my love to you all and loads of cuddles for the pups xxxx
04-16-2013, 06:24 PM
Fingers crossed for Pops' CT
Love the daily photo, glad he is ok and behaving!
Good you have the presentation out of the way, hope you enjoy the rest of your trip
molly muffin
04-16-2013, 06:51 PM
Yay Trish, happy to hear from you. Have fun with your friends. Glad Flynn is doing okay.
Hoping for the best from Dad's CT.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-16-2013, 07:10 PM
Hi Sharlene and Mel :) just posted a photo of me in our Melbourne apartment, pretty cool view! Gotta fly, talk soon xx
Suicidal Mojita,
Girlfriend, you are in Melbourne, with a to die for city view drinking Suicdal Mojitas? LOL, I thought it was a business trip:D:D:D:D:D
At this point I need bushy black eyebrows and a mustache, smoking a cigar so I can tap on it and say "what kind of business, I'll never know"!!! (think Marx brothers):p:p:p:p:p:p
and I'm at the factory trying to explain to the guys that a pair of beds is a total of 4 beds, 2 beds in a pair means two pair equal 4 beds and they just look at me like 'Huh'? meanwhile my client is asking where the h---- is my other pair of beds:p:p:p:p:p
Pass me about ten of those Suicdal Mojitas
molly muffin
04-16-2013, 09:33 PM
ROFL Addy!!
I'll have a suicidal mojitas. It sounds adventurous. Our newest leader in decadence. Gee and we wonder where Flynn gets it flair from. Don't have to look too far.
A pair = two ROFL you're killing me!
04-16-2013, 09:48 PM
Hi Trish, Happy Flynn is managing while your away, Sounds like a little bit of fun mixed in not that your presentation is done. Sending prayers for you dad.
Take care, Sharon, Norman and Millie
good to hear from you!!!!! guess its good to have the drinks after presentation if i had drinks prior folks might get presentation they would never forget. lol
makes me think of that Big Bang Theory Episode where Sheldon has drinks and gets up and speaks. lol
molly muffin
04-16-2013, 10:44 PM
Oh that was a funny episode! Now I'm having all kinds of funny thoughts of what Trish Could have done and said. ROFL
Love Big Bang Theory
04-17-2013, 02:05 AM
Blardy he'll I am at Melbourne airport waiting for urgent flight home in 3 hrs. Mum the healthy one has gone to hospital in ambulance with little collapse ? Heart attack!!!! I cannot believe it everyone is falling apart at same time!! iI was at airport anyway all checked in about to get on plane to go to Sydney when Dad called. So have had a marathon amazing race sort of run around the airport to change my flight to Auckland. They couldn't offload my bag so that's gone to Sydney, but hopefully will be back before I leave. My dear travel agent friend has sorted it all out. Get to Auckland at midnight so have to sleepover there with friends and home in morning by 9.30am. I spoke to dr in ED and mum she doing ok but I gotta get HOME! Have mobilised my brother to get up there as he lives 4hrs away so least he be there tonight to look after Dad, heck I going to bar for another suicidal Mojita!!! Mum told Dad not to call me as she knew I would drop everything and come home, too bloody right I would. Jeez drama I can do without, poor Mum.
04-17-2013, 02:28 AM
Trish, when it rains it pours it seems!
Having seen my mother battle with Parkinsons for seven years, and my father undergoing treatment for stage 3B cancer - I fully understand your freaking out and wanting to be with them.
I'm so glad that your brother is near enough to assist!
Prayers all around and safe travels!
04-17-2013, 06:30 AM
Sorry to hear this news. Thinking of you all
Big hug
Squirt's Mom
04-17-2013, 07:22 AM
I pray your mom is ok, Trish, and you are home safe and sound very soon.
thoughts and prayers with you Trish
molly muffin
04-17-2013, 08:40 AM
Sending positive thoughts your way Trish. Hope mum is okay. Did your brother make it over to take care of your dad? Hope so. I'm sure that your nerves are shot.
Hugs, Sharlene
04-18-2013, 05:40 PM
Just checking in, hope everything is ok
Big hug
04-18-2013, 06:52 PM
Hi everyone
Thanks for your well wishes, I am home now. Phew what a trip. Just slept for 12 hrs :eek::eek: Mum is still in hospital, stable, they do not think she has had heart attack but she is having an echocardiogram this morning, has been on telemetry which has been fine. They think maybe arrythmia caused collapse, but no sign of anything like since she has been in hosptial thank goodness. She maybe allowed home this afternoon if all well. My brother did get up here Sharlene, so it has been good to have the whole family here as we are also still awaiting Dad's CT results. My brother and I literally ran into Dad's physician at the hospital yesterday, first thing he said was "Why aren't you in Australia??" haha so we filled him in on Mum, crikey. He said he had seen Dad's CT and could see kidney mass but did not have formal radiologists report yet and will get back to me soon with it. Then he proceeded to tell me all about a patient he wanted to refer to me and when would I be back at work!! No rest for the wicked :)
Anyway, onto Mr Flynn. Mum and Dad said he has been good, but I thought he a little puffed yesterday, maybe all of the excitement seeing me again as he was jumping for joy!! He seems alright today, apart form a little slightly wheezy and sneezing a lot. No word from our vet yet as to IMS recommendations for increased proteinuria so I have emailed him again but have a sneaking suspicion he is off till next week.
So now problem number 1524... haha, the airline has lost my bag!! It went to Sydney the other day, but that airline rang me to say it had got back to Melbourne before I left and would be on my Air New Zealand flight... yay I thought. But it never popped out in Auckland :mad::mad: they rang yesterday to say it was still not there and they looking into it. The worst tihng is my chargers for my phone and ipad both in there and they have both died now, I feel so cut off. I am so not going to any more conferences, 3 years ago it was in Perth, I had to cancel the whole trip the week before when Dad had a little CVA after routine hip surgery. 2 years ago it was in Christchurch, that was the blardy massive earthquake when I ended up a refugee and had to get airlifted out in the army plane and my bags were stuck there for 3 months. Last year relatively uneventful in Darwin, now this year all of this happens and Mum in hospital and bag lost again. Honestly, someone has hexed me and I am not going again!!!
So I am still off work till next Wednesday, so hopefully some normalcy will return by then. Will have to catch up with everyone over next couple of days but wishing you all the best and loads of snuggles for all the pups!!
Trish and Flynn xxxxxx
molly muffin
04-18-2013, 07:03 PM
Trish, you do have the most interesting and sometimes inconvenient vacations (errrr working vacations). :)
I'm so glad that it wasn't a heart attack and that your mum is doing well. Hope that the radiologist report is a good one. Various degrees I know, but good is still good. :)
Oh Flynn I am sure was very excited to see you home again! Give him a day or so to settle down from that.
Hope they find your luggage soon! Need those chargers pronto! Got a friend with an extra?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-18-2013, 07:11 PM
Haha Sharlene, yes very inconvenient but as long as everyone is alive and relatively well I can live with a little inconvenience!!
Since I posted I rang my work helpdesk as it is a work phone and they have a spare so I will pick it up when I go back to hospital to hopefully see Mum and bring her home. Stupid Apple though has changed the plug and my ipad is the new version so the charger is different to my iphone which is not the 5... I so nearly bought one duty free too. doh!
molly muffin
04-18-2013, 07:42 PM
On my phone so crappy typing. There is an adapter you can get for the old plug to new plug for apple. Not sure how much they would be there or if easy to find :(.
04-19-2013, 04:32 AM
Good news tonight, Mum is home, feeling tired after a couple of restless nights in hospital but doing great. Bag arrived this afternoon YAY!
Flynny seems better today too, breathing good and I have not noticed him panting too much. He has a couple of hot spots around his tail so is scratching quite a bit. I don't have a flea treatment so will call into the vet tomorrow and pick one up. I have put neotopic cream on it to calm them down. I cannot see any fleas but something must have bit him to cause that reaction, he has had this before.
I took him for a run up the beach which he enjoyed and did a pretty good poop, I was a little worried his tummy was upset again but thinks he just needs to get back in his normal routine. Nothing from vet so my suspicion he is on days off appears to be right. He is the owner of the vet practice and works 10 days on 4 days off. So guess I will not hear anything till Monday. He seems stable at moment, so I will not worry about the protenuria until next week!
I am actually pleased to be back here with my boy and family! Not even missing my holiday in Sydney a bit :D
04-19-2013, 06:49 AM
Happy that everyone is doing better!
Squirt's Mom
04-19-2013, 07:33 AM
Oh, I'm so glad to hear your mom is home! :cool: I hope she remains strong and well for a long time to come.
And good to hear that Flynn is better, too. He just wanted his mommy home with him. ;) He's telling you that from now on he goes on vacation with you! :D
Leslie and the gang
Boriss McCall
04-19-2013, 12:36 PM
Glad your mom is home! You have been going thru some rough stuff lately. I hope things will start smoothing out for you soon.
I am glad you are getting to enjoy time with Flynn & your family.;)
Trish, I am soooo glad your mom is home. Maybe just all the stress for Flynnie and his tummy will be just fine now that you are home, mum is home and things are not so stressful. They pick up on all of it.
molly muffin
04-19-2013, 05:38 PM
hi Trish, so glad to hear that your mum is home and recovering.
Wow and they found your bag, this is a good day for you. Ah, Flynn, he just keeps finding things to keep your attention engaged. :)
Have a good weekend.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-20-2013, 10:54 AM
Shit a brick! Never rains but pours hey? Well I'm glad it's relatively good news on the Mum front at least. But please, warn me if they hold the conference in Perth and you come over for it hey? I'll need just enough time to get out of town :D
Well, enjoy your days off at home, I'm sure Flynn will love having you to himself for a bit. I've got two weeks now with my boys too, really looking forward to that!
Take care, give your family our best and good luck with Dad's CT results!
04-20-2013, 08:35 PM
Hi all
Thanks for your messages! I am going to post a good thing today as I always seem to be posting doom and gloom of late :(
I am watching Flynny play on the floor with his toys on this rainy Sunday morning, I just took a photo for you and posted it!
He is not a player with toys, he is a destroyer... in seconds. His main aim is to get the squeaker out as soon as possible! He is so happy when he gets it, but unfortunately they are plastic and I don't let him chew them much to his disgust. I had just taken the squeaker off him in that pic and got one of his treats and stuffed it back inside with the wooly stuff... what a great game for him ripping it up again to search for his prize!! I have restuffed that toy three times already, he finds his treats then brings the stuffed toy back for me to fill it up again!! Thinks he is on to something the little fox!
I looked in the pet store yesterday for the puzzle game Addy, they do not have it so I will have a hunt online and see if I can find one for him one. There was a young teenage couple in there trying doggy clothes on a wee dog that looks a bit like Zoe, they were laughing and enjoying themselves with their pet, was so sweet. Later on the young guy was standing being funny with a big bone about 10 times the size of their dog who he was holding in his arms, Flynn was watching and the kid looked straight at Flynn and said "Sit Boy", Flynn sat down like a rocket (thought he was going to get the bone I think!) The teen crouched down beside Flynn and gave him a big kiss and told him what a good boy he was, Flynn took the opportunity of jumping up and giving the wee Zoe lookalike a quick kiss hahaha I cracked up, was so cute.
Love to all xxxxx
awwwww, Zoe likes to try to remove the squeaker too. I am sad you cannot find a puzzle toy. I would send you one, I could parcel post it I bet. I have an extra one in a box I would love Flynnie to have:D:D:D:D I can picture him banging it on the floor like Zoe:D:D
Probably, he will solve it without throwing it around.:D:D
He is a good boy, our Flynn.:):):):):)
sometimes it sure does rain and pour though, literally. We finally saw the sun today, at least I think it was the sun, hard to remember wha it looks like:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I hope your mum and dad are okay. How is Flynn's tummy?
04-20-2013, 09:11 PM
HI Addy
Mum and Dad doing OK, I went around yesterday and spent a bit of time with them. Mum has to have a holter monitor at some stage to check her heart rates, we will probably get Dad's CT results this week. I am debating whether to go into work tomorrow, I am not officially due back until Wednesday, but seems a waste to take the extra two days leave when I won't be doing anything. We have a public holiday on Thursday anyway for ANZAC day, it is a holiday I guess like your remembrance day for Australia and New Zealand troops. So it will be a short week anyway. So think I will go in.
Flynny's tummy not too bad, soft poop yesterday. He is doing the lip smacking a bit, bows his head sometimes. I have given him a losec this morning as they seem to help. It is kinda weird, he will be fine for a few weeks then it seems to bother him for a couple of weeks. He has not vomited since before I went away so a good couple of weeks. Eating and drinking fine. I had put him back on GI biscuits before I went away but it has not totally settled yet.
He caught a mouse yesterday, well I think it must have been him. I found a dead one in the rain! He has been hunting about in the bushes a lot lately, as we have been in drought I had heard mice were getting closer to houses looking for water :eek::eek::eek: I need to get a cat!!! But Flynn seems to be up for the job :D:D:D Hopefully this rain will make them move back away from the house back to the fields that are close by. Certainly do not want to put any mouse killing bait about as that lethal for pets.
Hope Zoe's skin problems settle pronto... has she had any antibiotics lately that could set it off? I was wondering about the metronidazole causing it?
She's been on metronidazole for 2.5 years and it never caused yeast before but who knows. ;);) She has been so out of whack the last few months. She gets a probiotic every day.
The iodine did take alot of it off, so I'll do it again tomorrow and give her a bath.
Mouse catcher Flynn, ha I bet he would give a kitty a run for the money catching mice. We get them in the winter, the cold drives them inside. Right now we must have a lot of bunnies even though I dont seem them much because I am forever seeing bunny poo and the dogs think they are cocktail peanuts:rolleyes::rolleyes:
04-20-2013, 10:32 PM
Hey Trish,
Glad Mum and Dad are doing ok at least and than Flynn is getting some walks up the beach still. Weather here is cooling down finally, we've even had rain in the last week for the first time in what seems like months! So I'm guessing the beaches over there will start to get a bit wild and woolly before too long.
As for the squeaky toys, you'll have to time him for me :D Fraser gave up his destructive days years ago (thank god) so now has an overflowing laundry basket full of toys, but my sister's dog, a Lhagotto can kill a squeaky in under 5 seconds flat! A new tennis ball might last 2-3 minutes before splitting in two, and a stuffed toy will become snow in about the same amount of time :eek: Needless to say, she has beautifully strong teeth though. little terror! She's two! Some long expensive years of dog toys ahead there! I'd forgotten how easy my boys were until she came along :D
04-20-2013, 10:34 PM
Dear God, thats disgusting.. cocktail peanuts :D:D!! Flynn has never been a poop eater, unless he gets some horse poop, he liked that, he gobbled it, nearly made me throw up. But he sure is a poop roller.... ugh!
04-20-2013, 10:43 PM
HI Naomi
I had never heard of your sister's dog breed before, so I googled them. Is that what they look like, how cute!!! I want one :D
I am going to force myself to get dressed soon and take him for a walk up the beach, the surf is high as I can hear it from here. Has been for the past few days. It is flooding up north, actually I just thought it is where Angela lives, so hope her and Flynn are ok and not getting soggy!
04-21-2013, 01:42 AM
Yep that's them! Super cute. They are Italian Truffle Dogs - noses on them like someone just got a blob of clay and threw it. They are huge, but super cute. They have wool, so no shedding, no known susceptibility to particular diseases or defects either and way to smart for their own good. And as you may guess, not particularly common over here. Though fairly well known in Europe apparently.
Trish, I am just getting caught up on things, and am so sorry to read about your Mom, having to cut your trip short, your lost bag, etc. How stressful!!! :eek: But I am very relieved to read that your Mom is home and that both your parents and Flynn are doing ok for the time being. Gosh, I feel like we are kindred spirits or something, as both my Mom and Grandmother ended up in the hospital in the past couple of weeks! That is why I haven't been on the forum as much lately. My Mom lives out of state so that was pretty stressful, but thankfully my brother lives near her. And I was not away on a conference like you were so didn't have to deal with all of that!!
Ok, I have to mention that Jasper thinks that rabbit poo is a delicacy. :eek: :eek: :eek: So incredibly disgusting. I have the yard barricaded to the hilt, so it keeps the critters out for the most part, but occasionally a little one will squeeze through and of course has to leave some pellets. He can zero in on them at 100 yards, I swear!! I have had to be pretty creative with my barricading to keep the bunnies out. Jasper has ended up with a parasite twice in the past due to this little snack. I worry about it lots more now that he has all these other issues, so will need to inspect all my barricades soon.
Just trying to get caught up on everyone, sheesh, there is a lot to read! I will need to update on Jasper's thread in the morning, gonna head to bed now. Thanks for checking in on my boy.
Tina and Jasper
molly muffin
04-21-2013, 09:38 AM
Molly thinks rabbit poop is a pretty good thing too and I have to double check the yard before I let her near it if I know the rabbits have been out and about. At least in winter you can see the little buggers and I can get to them before she does, but when they are hidden in the grass, ugh, it's a time of it. The race is between me and her as to who will find them first! A funny sight for the neighbors I'm sure, as her and both go around searching through grass and dirt. :D:D
I am enternally thankful that there isn't any horse poop in my back yard. Molly would either roll in it or eat it I'm sure. :eek:
They do keep us on our toes don't they!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-22-2013, 06:34 AM
Hey there nice to see you too :D
How is everyone at home? Flynny behaving himself?
Big hug
04-22-2013, 06:50 AM
Hi Tina and Sharlene - that whole rabbit poop thing cracks me up... are they just hopping about the suburbs on the loose?? We have them out in the country but not in town. BUT I live next to a school, which is handy for taking Flynn for walks on the weekend and one weekend I swear it was close to Easter, and hopping about was one of those big fluffy white bunnies. It was the Easter bunny for sure! Flynn took off after him at a great rate of knots and I had to catch Flynn and tie him up and then went and caught the bunny and took it to SPCA, Flynn was miffed as he thought he had dinner in his sights. Alas, there were NO chocolate eggs to be seen!!
Hi Mel
Things ticking along here, I have heard from our vet today via email, he is still chasing the IMS about her recommendations for proteinuria (2 weeks this has taken :mad:), but he got an email from her today, but all he said was he had written back to her with more questions and will be in touch with me soon. So waiting again. Flynn is pretty good, bit slower, few tummy issues... hard to tell really. But I would really like to either repeat the BP and UPC tests as he was sick when done last a couple of weeks ago, vomited that morning and had diarrhea through the night which could have skewed results. OR if we need to get him started on some treatment lets get going! So hopefully we will get definite answer tomorrow. Hope your Monday is going well... nearly bedtime here but I am a night owl and a grumpy morning type person :D Hugs for you, pat for Boyce and a wink for Tia who is one of the shiniest stars up there! :) xx
04-22-2013, 06:58 AM
The vets drive me wild. I think they forget they have us parents waiting for updates. We pay so much for it all you think it would be better!
Do you think any of the meds he is already on could be giving him the tummy troubles? I know it's money but I would be inclined to repeat the tests cause when they are sick like you said, could skew results
Supposed to be working! Joys of having an iPad, can nip in here without work knowing ;)
I am also night owl grumpy morning person :D
04-22-2013, 07:11 AM
He is only on Amlodipine for his BP and he was having occasional tummy trouble before that started. He was on joint supplement, so stopped that. Put him on natural food too. It just crops up every now and then, I notice poop covered in mucous on occasion. I think he may have an ulcer or something like that. I have started him back on Losec to see if that settles down the lip smacking/swallowing that I think is nausea. When it flares, he also has bad breath. I did take a poop specimento vet a couple of weeks back but do not have result, I asked again in the email I sent back to vet tonight. he is not losing weight, he has had these symptoms on and off for coming up two years so if it was anything really nasty I guess it would have declared itself by now!
He must have heard me typing about him as he has come out to the lounge from his bed for a back scratch. He is such a little shite, he is not a snuggler like Tia, the thing he does is back his butt into the most ideal scratching position and if I go to pet him up by his head he moves forward so that the butt/tail area is back under my hand :D:D Wish he would cuddle, but nope thats not his thing :cool:
I love my new ipad too, don't know how I lived without one haha
04-22-2013, 07:45 AM
I wonder sometimes if there bellies get more sensitive to things as they get older. Boyce doesn't do well with chicken anymore yet as a pup he was fine
I have started him on an overall supplement which includes a probiotics and omegas amongst other things, maybe something all round might help. It so difficult with the food as you can sometimes cause them problems!
Must be a boy thing as Boyce gives you his bum too. Not on at all
04-22-2013, 07:59 AM
Haha, typical men... wanting the good hard scratch but not into the snuggles :D:D
Nice to chat Mel, but I better get to bed or else I will be a super grump in the morning! Have a good day and hope your working day causes NO STRESS!! :)
Talk soon xx
04-22-2013, 08:00 AM
Dunno bout the boy thing. Fraser is a real snuggle bug, especially likes his chest and tummy rubbed, but 9 times out of 10 must be touching you at night. Especially likes to snuggle into the curve of your stomache or back. My sister's dog Gracie (the lagotto) is a reall butt-scratcher though. If you sit at the park, she will back straight up to you and present her butt for a scratch! Base of the tail is the right spot apparently :D I tend to think that it's the spunky dogs that like the butt scratch and the flowers that like the tummy rubs. Fraser sure is a flower, thats for sure!
04-22-2013, 08:01 AM
Sweet dreams. Catch you later :D
Boriss McCall
04-22-2013, 10:59 AM
ha.. I can just imagine you & Flynn catching the Easter Bunny. :p
You are such a good person for taking the bunny to the SPCA.
Simba's Mom
04-22-2013, 07:09 PM
Just checking in on you and Flynn, such funny stories about all the bums !
04-23-2013, 07:26 AM
HI all - love reading all your stories too!
I heard back from my vet today about his email to IMS.... re BP/UPC
"I have asked whether we should try phenoxybenzamine again as if pheo is back that would control BP better whereas amlodepine is more directed at primary HT"
He thinks most likely pheo that is putting up his BP... made my blood run cold when I read that little gem at work today. So back to googling again tonight, I read that 20% of humans that have adrenalectomy for pheo can still have high BP which is not due to recurrence, so hoping Flynn is in a similar doggy group! I almost do not want to take him for a scan next month, be too scared of what they will find this time.... 2011... liver tumour 2012.... adrenal tumour.... 2013.... ?????? eek!!
04-23-2013, 05:21 PM
So, Flynn is having another scan next month... Ugh, I would be scared too. Hopefully, his BP is still elevated from having a previous pheo and not recurrence. Man, you guys have been through so much. So sorry!!
Boriss McCall
04-23-2013, 05:48 PM
oh no.. try not to worry & think bad things. I know that is easier said than done.
04-23-2013, 05:51 PM
They could at least have spoken to you. I am hoping it doesn't mean that, 2013 needs to be your little mans lucky year, no more nasties
Don't google too much! Will be around in the morning to check in on you. Hope this hasn't freaked you out too much
Big hug, bum scratch to Flynny
molly muffin
04-23-2013, 06:54 PM
No, absolutely Not coming back. Left over from the previous one is the only acceptable answer. :)
Flynn and you just don't need another year of this kind of thing. 2013 is his year of recovery. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Yup, I agree with Sharlene, 2013 is for rest and recovery and lots of fun;)
We will banish all evil spirits of illnesses away:D:D:D
04-24-2013, 04:41 AM
Yay I am glad all my friends are here, standing guard at the gate warding off the evilness!!
I had a phone call from the vet nurse today, as my vet has gone away till next Monday but it is a public holiday tomorrow so I guess he has taken Friday off to as has most of the rest of NZ so they have a nice 4 day weekend! He had rung and got her to check his email for any news from the IMS and yes there was. I did not get a copy of it, but she said that he has told her Flynn is to start Benzapril at a half dose and continue on with Amlodipine and then we check his BP in one week to see effect. I also have to ring the pet hospital and book him in for his scan next month as we planned.
He has been on Benzapril before, I was reading back through my thread and he went started it before we swapped to Phenoxybenzamine before his adrenalectomy. He was only on it 4 days and he was quite lethargic so we took him off. Hard to tell if it was the drug causing his lethargy as he was quite unwell before his surgery and I kept commenting he was still lethargic even when we stopped it. So I will watch him like a hawk for any problems. He has left a prescription for me but I found the leftover Benzpril from six months ago so I just gave him half a dose. I will go pick up the proper prescription tomorrow, did not make it in time today as work was busy with tomorrow holiday.
So that's my news for the day, this drug is going to work!! I was quietly happy about that, I guess IMS does not think it is the pheo back or she would have recommended the phenoxybenzamine instead! Maybe, hopefully!! I guess the scan will tell.
our house has all paws and fingers crossed for Flynny
molly muffin
04-24-2013, 08:47 AM
I think that is good that the IMS doesn't think the pheo is back. Of course that was never one of our okay options anyway, so good thing she agrees with us. :) :) :)
Hopefully the drug will help without making Flynn all lethargic. He just doesn't seem to do his best when he feels like crap. Much like the rest of us. :)
Enjoy your day off!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-24-2013, 10:23 AM
Hoping you are having sweet dreams. Glad you are thinking positive.
Enjoy you day off. Love free holiday they are the best
Big hug, bum scratch to Flynn
04-24-2013, 09:23 PM
Thanks everyone
I went and picked up the new prescription, the Benzapril is only 2.5mg daily. That is a quarter of what he was on before, so hopefully no bad side effects will appear.
He is still itching and scratching. Started a week ago, fleaed him with frontline, though I never saw any fleas on him. But it has not really settled at all. The last couple of days, he has given the occasional little cry. Like it is annoying him, but he's not able to get the right spot. Gawd, I hope he is not crying for any other reason!! He is scratching mainly on his sides, but he did have a hot spot around tail base. I have not seen any other skin irritation on him. Perhaps a little pinkish under his legs. Spoke to the vet nurse this morning when I picked up his pills, he has had this problem before quite bad in his younger years when it had to get treated with a short course Prednisone a few times. We have used sebazole shampoo in the past, but it had run out, so I picked up some more and just treated him. You have to lather him up then wrap him in a towel and sit with him for 10 mins, then rinse. He hates it. But he lies very quietly in my arms, so he had to suffer an enforced cuddle for 10 mins :D:D Nice! Hope it works.
He is shedding a lot of fur, getting his winter coat in I guess. He has been hunting about in the garden a lot looking for mice :eek: wonder if he has rubbed up against something that is bothering him. My other thought was I had changed his biscuits back to Hills GI when he had the loose poop problem, which is now sorted and his BMs are normal again. So I also wonder if the biscuits are givng him this itch problem. If it doesn't settle with the shampoo I might stop them. He only gets them for 1/4 of his daily intake, he has venison for the rest.
I am in the midst of washing all his bedding and blankies and will give the place a thorough vacuum this afternoon.
Gawd, you fix one thing and another rears its ugly head!
He is maybe drinking a little more so I am going to measure it to find out for certain. He had put on half a kilo when I weighed him at the vet this morning, last weighin was three weeks back. He does tend to fluctuate a bit though, a bit like his Mum! Plus he had a week with his Nana and Grandad probably spoiling him rotten while I was on holiday, he usually puts on weight with their tender loving care plus he steals Elle the cat's food given half the chance :D
In saying all this, he destroyed a toy this morning is looking at me hopefully for his walk up the beach which I will take him on later.
He is booked in for next UPC/BP next Thursday.
Simba's Mom
04-24-2013, 11:01 PM
Sending hugs and prayers to you and Flynn...
molly muffin
04-24-2013, 11:12 PM
Hi Trish, you always seem to be juggling several different things at once with Flynn. I think that boy keeps you on your toes just fine. :)
Hopefully the shampoo will help. I kind of like the forced 10 minute cuddling though. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-25-2013, 04:39 AM
Morning or evening to you ;)
Always something it seems!
Bless him, I imagine you both in a chair with him looking at you like, what the hell are we doing this for, water is not good mom
1/2 kilo made me smile, spoilt by nanny and pops! They are crafty little buggers cause they know they can get away with it when we aren't about
Hope you had a relaxing day off.
i am working with a new customer, gave me a wonderful order, her last name is------Flynn:D
So everytime I have to check on her order or talk to her, I smile because I think of you and Flynn:D:D:D:D
Funny how that works.
What do you know about cysts on kidneys? Zoe has cysts on her left kidney. I find polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease and multicystic dysplastic kidney disease but she only has cysts on her left kidney. I found a lot of info for humans and cats. The info I found for dogs did not seem to fit as the cysts are not bilateral.
Just thought you might know something;)
04-26-2013, 04:05 AM
How are you? Mom and Pops ok? Anymore adventures by Flynn?
I will put some pictures of Tia up so you can see what her sweet little face looks like. Will include her brother too!
Big hug, bum scratch for Flynny
04-26-2013, 04:38 AM
Hi Addy, answered your question on Zoe's thread. That's cute you thinking of my boy at work!! Just don't call your client Flynnikin :D:D
Hi Mel
I just about dozed off on the couch and its only nearly 8.30 Friday night!! Was awake at 4am this morning and did not go back to sleep grrrrrr, big full moon shining in the window last night plus I went to bed early haha. So now I will try keep awake another couple of hours at least so I can sleep better tonight! He is good at the moment, still scratching a wee bit but think it is getting better. Tummy is much better, normal poops last few nights. Seems to be tolerating the Benzapril with no problems. Maybe shaking a little less, can tell when he is good as when I open the door he tears out like a mad thing barking like a crazy dog!! He still keen on his mouse hunting. Dropped him off early at Mum and Dad's today as I have to start 7.30 on a Friday :eek: Dad said they were up the beach for their daily walk by 8am!! Early birds :) so pleased Dad is still able to walk him each day. They love their time together :D Both parents behaving themselves, Mum has convinced herself the turn she had was due to either her back or a middle ear problem ;) I am happy with that, but not so convinced! Dad will have appt with urologist coming up for his renal tumour.
The pet hospital called me today, the instructions I had were to increased his meds which we have done, BP check with local vet in a week then schedule his ultrasound at pet hospital and see IMS. So they were on the ball, wanting to book him in next week. Need a bit more time to get day off plus I am a little scared about scanning him, would rather stay in state of ignorance haha. But in the end we agreed on 22nd May for the scan and see IMS. The receptionist started off trying to tell me it may not be possible to see the IMS we have been dealing with, no way I say! I will wait until she is available as she knows him well. Do not want to deal with another as last time we did that, the IMS guy looked at his scan and came in and told me his liver cancer was back and frightened the pants off me! This was without checking his history properly. He has benign nodular hyperplasia which was what he was seeing. A vet student had spent ages going through Flynn's history but did not get it right when he reported to the IMS. :eek::eek: So I am prepared to dig my toes in to make sure we get our regular IMS. I think they are scared of Flynn as he has caused so much trouble down there :eek::rolleyes:
Hope your day has started well, glad mine is nearly over and get a sleep in tomorrow, then out to lunch with the girls for a friends birthday! xx
04-26-2013, 05:26 AM
I had a stinker of a nights sleep too!
Glad to hear Flynn seems better. Sounds like him and your dad have fun times. That wander Is probably good for both of them :)
Also pleased to hear your Mum is feeling better, let's hope it was that.
Fingers crossed its all good at his appointment
I agree it's important to see the same IMS especially in light of what you mention happened before. Continuity of care is so important!
Day has started the same as all the others but no work tomorrow and I started early so will finish early today.
Sweet dreams
04-26-2013, 05:47 AM
I love my job, but like today sometimes it feels like I am surrounded by stupid people :eek::eek: sometimes it would be nice not to be here especially when your mind is on something much more important, like our fur babies or family in general. Maybe today was sucky because I was so tired and headachey. Still, something has to pay the bills. Hope your day is not to tedious! I know you hate Fridays, so will be wishing it to speedy by for you and you can enter the weekend of relaxation!
04-27-2013, 05:46 AM
Hey Trish, just a quickie, but while doing some research on veggies for dogs, I came across dome info that apparently celery can help to lower BP in dogs. Wondered if you had heard this before?
04-27-2013, 03:59 PM
Hi Naomi
No I have not heard that before, I likes vegies if they are cooked in his dinner. He not so keen on them raw and he hates fruit, never likes apple or banana snacks. Hmmmm I might try some celery in his dinner. Thanks for the tip! x
04-27-2013, 04:07 PM
I just uploaded a new pic of the boy, he is lying on the couch next to my chair having just eaten his breakfast, what is he trying to tell me?
04-27-2013, 06:11 PM
OMG there has been a massacre in my house! I was sitting here on Sunday morning relaxing with a cup of tea, sun is shining and I have the doors open and a thrush flew in the house. Quite a big one. I HATE birds flying around so I screamed and ran out the house. Flynn went into action, chased it around the house... there is bird poop everywhere. I was looking through the windows and it was sitting on top of the couch where I took that photo of Flynny this morning. He stalked it and jumped up on the couch and caught it. He ran outside with his prize, but too late for me to save it. He took it to his lawn and started plucking it. Had feathers everywhere, then he got up and threw up. OMG it is so disgusting. I had grabbed the phone to call Mum and Dad when I ran out to get Dad to come get it out my house, but Flynn killed it while I on the phone and Mum hung up on me she is so annoyed as she loves birds and thinks I am very feeble for not doing more!!! OMG what a start to the day.
There is an old proverb in NZ that if a fantail bird comes in your house it means someone is going to die..... hope that does not apply to thrush birds. EEK! Off to clean up feathers and bird poop, well that makes a change!
04-27-2013, 07:04 PM
Bird poop is the worst! What an adventure and so much for a relaxing Sunday:)
My father had Daisy out on a leash when she was a pup and she caught a baby squirrel by the tail. Luckily, Daisy let go when grandpa told her to.
04-27-2013, 07:29 PM
Yes, bird poop is very nasty Valerie, especially when it is all over my carpet!!!
My Mum is still angry at me... this is what she just posted on a fb thread about me and the bird drama this morning.....
"If Flynn inadvertantly wandered into a lions den, she wouldn't of waffled around, that Thrush could have been saved..Im very fond of Thrushes..."
molly muffin
04-27-2013, 07:33 PM
Jimmy crickets! You do manage to have some excitement around there. Lololol
What a way to spend a Sunday. I bet Flynn thought it was all great fun. :)
Has mum forgiven you yet. Hehe.
Flynn looked so relaxed earlier on the couch. I can imagine a whole conversation of what are we doing today mum. You smell good in the mornings. I might need to burp after that breakfast. Lolol.
Good luck with the poop.
04-27-2013, 07:40 PM
Figured you needed a big hug!
Parents have a special way of making you feel rubbish!
It's not your fault your scared of birds, am sure you would never have intentionally let flynn hurt it. Boyce would be exactly the same, he hates anything that moves.
Hope that s**t comes out of the carpet ;)
Tomorrow can only be better :)
No bum scratches for Flynny tonight as he has been a naughty boy and got you in trouble!
Yes, bird poop is very nasty Valerie, especially when it is all over my carpet!!!
My Mum is still angry at me... this is what she just posted on a fb thread about me and the bird drama this morning.....
"If Flynn inadvertantly wandered into a lions den, she wouldn't of waffled around, that Thrush could have been saved..Im very fond of Thrushes..."
04-27-2013, 08:33 PM
Wow! That fb posting would upset me too. The bird was in Flynn's territory. He did what naturally came to him and it wasn't meant to be malicious.
Did she expect you to become Mary Poppins and fly about the room protecting the bird?
Let it roll off sweetie, she'll get over it.
I will admit that the vision of Mary Poppins chasing a bird did make me laugh :)
Boriss McCall
04-28-2013, 08:17 PM
wow! what an event filled day you have had. :D Hope all the bird poop is all clean now.
molly muffin
04-28-2013, 08:39 PM
So how Did the clean up go? Is mom better now? Wow, she does like her birds. LOL
Hope you have a clean house again. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-28-2013, 09:10 PM
Well, they say that if a bird poops on you it is good luck. Does that me if a bird poops in your house that the whole family will have good luck? :p
04-29-2013, 05:49 AM
Naomi... I am going for a houseful of good luck, had not thought of that :D:D That's good news for the evening! :) Mum was not being mean to me, well perhaps just a little bit as she does love birds. But I am very lucky with my parents, they do so much for me especially looking after Flynn every day while I am at work. Some (my brother and sister) would say I am spoilt :D:D but hey I am not complaining!
Things went downhill for Flynn after the whole bird episode yesterday, I took him out to the dog park for a walk to make a change from the usual beach walk. He was slow, panting, then had two episodes diarrhea. Poor boy, he had vomited in the morning but I thought that was too do with having a mouthful of feathers at the time :eek::eek: He settled down over rest of day, ate well. Quiet today, but no poops that I have seen.
As luck would have it, my vet rang me tonight to check in as he has been off a few days. He wanted to run over the news from the IMS at pet hospital with me, to make sure we all on same page. I like that :) as you know how I am with plans!
He said as we had appeared to have BP control initially with Amlodipine, IMS still thinks it is most likely primary hypertension and not recurrence of his pheo. It went up last BP check to 180ish, but maybe because he was sick that day with vomiting and diarrhea. So that is why they decided to add small dose Benzapril and not the phenoxybenzamine which is used especially to control hypertension associated with pheo. He still planning to do BP on Thursday but only if Flynn is well. IF it was still up, then they will consider phenoxybenzamine and scan him to check for recurrence. BOO HISS!! :mad: STAY AWAY PHEO!! :mad:
He does not think this upset bowel/vomiting is due to renal failure as his blood are good and according to him Flynn is not officially in renal failure until BUN/creatinine/albumin start going off - which of course they will not do... power of positive thinking. He has now had proteinuria since at least January 2012 and here he is 16 months later with no rise in blood renal function. He thinks it is colitis because of the mucous that covers the stool, but if there are no flecks of blood in the mucous and as it is so episodic he does not think antibiotics are needed right now. But I need to take in sample if it is real runny for testing.
Umm what else, oh the scratching. He is going to have a good look at him on Thursday. Seems to come and go too, maybe diet related.
Honestly, I do not know what to feed him anymore
chicken - upset tummy
red meats - same
Ziwi - same
GI biscuits - good for bowel, but maybe causing itching.
I am mainly giving him the possum or venison with just a few GI biscuits, I threw out all the left over ziwi, that was an expensive little experiment but it did seem to work well for a couple of months.
I have to email vet tomorrow to give him a poop patrol update! Flynn a little quiet tonight, taken himself to bed already which is early for him. Perk up Flynn Boy!!
Sorry I write such long posts, good on you if your still reading, I do not seem to be able to keep my updates short no matter how hard I try!! Hope your all good :)
Trish and Flynn xxxx
Sorry to hear about the bird incident. What a nightmare:eek: I hope Fynn's tummy settles down, it is always so hard. I just switched Zoe's probiotic. She had been on it for two years (where does the time go) so I am hoping this news strain helps with her yeast problem and IBD. Supposedly the GP said it also helps the kidneys, not sure if that is true but, but I paid a bloody fortune for it from the vet so will try it for awhile and then I found once similar which had good reviews on line so if this works, will switch to that one, I paid $88 for a six weeks supply and I can get non prescription for $24 for like 4 months:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Have you tried a probiotic for Flynn? Zoe has never had the vomiting problems, only the stool issues.
Boriss McCall
04-29-2013, 11:08 AM
I hope Flynn's tummy is feeling better today. ;)
04-29-2013, 11:54 AM
Well here's hoping that the upset tummy is some leftover present from the bird (as in maybe he swallowed some feathers? not the poop) The probiotic idea is probably a good one though.
But I can't believe you threw out the Ziwi! Nooooooo! I just went and bought some for the first time yesterday, my god, the only thing I have ever seen the boys eat that fast was ham! They don't even eat chicken like that! But at $37.00 for a 1 kilo bag :eek:!!! Still, if they like it and it doesn't upset them....... :)
Wondering though, can you get kangaroo over there? I know when a lot of the elimination diets and things are done here, it is suggested to give kangaroo and sweet potato. (Yes I know, what other country eats the animal on their national crest :D) Personally I think it stinks (as in the smell) to high hell, but the boys love it and it has always been good on their tummy's, it's also unbelievably low in fat! Another suggestions is all.
As for the BP, there is no such thing as a recurrence of Pheo Flynn, so get that out of your option book RIGHT NOW! It's not even in the realm of possible so I don't want to hear any more about it. Get it? Got it? Good!
And as for long posts Trish? Pfffftt. Mine regularly involve multiple paragraphs. It's just the way I roll. :D:D
04-29-2013, 02:48 PM
Eww poor Flynny. Birds can carry lots of germs so hopefully it was just that.
Good news re the BP long may that continue... Has he perked up?
How you doing?
molly muffin
04-29-2013, 05:55 PM
Poor Flynn! Upset tummy, running around chasing a bird, plucking bird. Sounds impossible to NOT have an upset tummy after all that.
I am rather a fan of reading the (as Namoi put it) multi paragraph posts. LOL (could be because mine always end up a bit longish too? :) )
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-29-2013, 09:01 PM
Blame the bird. Daisy has eaten goose poop in the past and it does not act nicely with her stomach:(
I'm glad that the vet is working with the IMS for Flynn's sake :)
Zoe too with the goose poop, it is how she had her first case of colitis.
Feel better soon Flynny
04-30-2013, 03:12 PM
No update? How are you both doing?
Hope everything is ok and Flynn is feeling better
05-01-2013, 06:39 AM
He has been up and down a bit this week, itchy still. Tummy has settled somewhat but he is not back to his usual self yet.
Vet emailed me last night to ask if I thought it was stress as he thinks it unusual it comes and goes like this. He said fine to get probiotic and putting him back on Losec.
I think he has ulcers at back of his mouth, but so hard to see with him shaking his head trying to stop me looking, he is such a good boy and never nips to stop me doing anything to him.
Anyway, he is in for his BP and UPC checkup tomorrow so will update more after his visit.
Thanks for the messages lovely people :) xx
05-01-2013, 10:06 AM
Good luck tomorrow Trish! Hope it all goes smoothly and that BP is coming back on down again. I think we could all do with a little less stress between us. Take it easy, don't work too hard. :cool:
Not sure if you can get Culturelle (human probiotic)- our holistic vet some years ago had me give it to Zoe. I just bought a prescription probiotic from GP vet- bloody fortune - supposed to help kidneys, ha, not sure of that claim- it seems to be helping her poo though the first two days, it was strange, we are not yet on full dose. I always start at half dose for five days to see how Zoe reacts to it. You have to give it a few weeks to see if the bacteria will colonize or not.
05-01-2013, 03:48 PM
That blinking bird has a lot to answer for! Hope he is starting to perk up. Also hope all the family are well...
Good luck for tomorrow
Big hug, bum scratches for Flynny
05-01-2013, 09:35 PM
Hi Trish!
I just said that I have been so selfish these past few weeks!I'm only just beginning to be able to read others threads.Here you are going thru such a hard time with Flynny and yet you have been so kind to me!:).I'm so sorry that he has not been feeling well.I hope he gets good news tomorrow.I miss speaking with you in the early am but I've been sleeping later the past few days.Hope to catch you this am so you can update us about Flynny.Lots of love to you and Flynny tomorrow and "paws up"!:D:D.
05-02-2013, 06:08 AM
Hi everyone... thanks for the good wishes, they must have worked.
BP is really good, Flynny stayed the day there. I packed his blankie and snacks. Got up real early and took him for a good walk before I dropped him in. The vet did his BP four times through the day (he does 7 recordings each time, drops the highest and lowest and averages the rest) So they came out at 135, 133, 127, 131!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee so pleased :D:D:D So he is to stay on amlodine and benzapril. Vet was so delighted he gave me a hug when I got there to pick him up today :) He now thinks it is much less likely to be pheo recurrence with the BP going down without using the phenoxybenzamine. Plus, he knew how worried I was and was sending me texts through the day for progress reports. Nice guy.
I do not have UPC result yet, but he said his in house testing looked better than last time but it is not as accurate as external lab so hopefully that will show improvement too.
We talked about the scatching, no lesions except small hot spot on tail. He thinks it is allergies from plant material with all the mouse hunting he has been doing. He thought maybe very low dose prednisone and antihistamine would be worth a try. After being in this group I am reluctant to give him prednisone if we can get away without it, so we are trying plain antihistamine first. But tonight is the best he has been since the tummy issues/bird drama on Sunday, I nearly did not give it as have not seen him scratching too much but will decided to give him a couple of days worth to really knock it on the head. It is Loratadine. I also got more Losec for his tummy, he can have it daily. But seems to do ok on it once every 2/3 days.
He could not see any mouth ulcers, I had a look with him and he thinks what I was looking at in his mouth was a normal skin fold.
Lastly, pain from arthritis. We both agree to keep him off NSAIDs. So he has given me a low dose of Tramadol to try. Unfortunately it is a capsule, 50mg. I have to give him a quarter of it twice a day. (please if anyone reads this you must never split cushings capsules as that is dangerous and it can be bad for both your dog and you coming into contact with those drugs) but with Tramadol he said it is ok to split. If it works and we do it long term I will get it compounded.
Thursday night is our homemade fish n chip night and the whole family congregates at Mum and Dad's. He was so perky, lately he has just wanted to lay about getting over his tummy problems. But tonight he was dashing about seeing everyone and even gave Elle the Siamese a push :D:D. Mum has bought her a pussy harness lead and I had put it on her to try it out and she did not like it one bit. Flynn was keeping a close eye on proceedings and thought if she had a leash on he should have his on too and we should all go for a walk and he starting barking the house down :eek::eek: the cat would not budge from lying down poor thing so took it back off her.
I still have to pick up probiotic too, missed the shops again today. Probably get it on weekend. Jeepers his pills going to be a nightmare.
Tramadol twice a day
Loratadine twice a day
Amlodipine twice a day
Benzapril once a day
Losec every 2/3 days
Probiotics - not sure on dose for that yet.
It is amazing how much my day improved from when the vet txt me at lunchtime to give first BP result! When he is good, I am a whole lot better!! Hope the UPC will show improvement too then it will be a really good week! xx
05-02-2013, 07:31 AM
Hi Trish
Great news about your boy Flynny!!!What a relief that he is not even thinking its a reoccurrence of the pheo tumor!.Sounds like you had a great night with your family.It's awful how much we worry about our babies.The second we hear good news,everything in our world seems right again.:).What a great guy your vet is!I love that he text you and even hugged you!!They all could learn a little from him,some of them I've encountered in my years have just been awful!!
Anyhow,so glad Flynny is doing well and love the BP readings.Poor boy has been through enough,doesn't need anything more going on.
I just woke up and its a beautiful sunny day today-gonna get Grace out on the beach again.Hope we find some more balls-she gets so excited!!Its as if the green tennis balls that we find are so different from the green tennis balls we have at home!:D.Have a good day and hugs to you and Flynny.
05-02-2013, 07:53 AM
HI Patty, you have just got up and I am just going to bed!! Yes it has been a good day today. So nice to get together with the family to have a good catch up!
I do have a good relationship with the vet now, but it has been a work in progress. I had a lot of trouble coordinating things after this last surgery, communication was proving difficult and I nearly fired him at one stage. But since it all came to a head and I had a mini hissy fit we worked it all out, now we have our written down plan and he now knows I like to kept in the loop and I had to realise I am not his only patient :eek: He is honest, lets me know if he is not sure on anything and consults with specialists at pet hospital when needed. Now I get phone calls regularly, email contact frequently and even txts! So I am very happy and I think he is happy too. He was genuinely happy to see his BP down today.
Hope you have a good stroll down the beach and Gracie finds some balls! I bought Flynn some new balls last week, they are the Kong brand. They look like normal albeit colourful tennis balls but they got a squeaker inside them. Plus they are covered in non toxic fluff, someone on here told me when I had mentioned Flynny loved ripping the green stuff off the balls that it is quite abrasive on their teeth. He has not managed so far to bite right though these new balls so I dunno how that squeaker thing is built in, but he has happily gone back to his tennis ball peeling ways!
05-02-2013, 07:59 AM
RIGHT bed for me!! Or I will be a bigger grumpy pants than usual in the morning... say Hi to Mel for me when she pops in, yay Friday tomorrow, my favourite day at work!! See ya on the weekend :) xx
05-02-2013, 08:27 AM
Goodnight and sweet dreams!My day is just beginning.We truly are on opposite ends of the world.Well,you've prob solved the mystery of Gracie's teeth.She just got them cleaned last month and had to have 2 extractions!-she has been fascinated with tennis balls since she was a baby!She can smell them a mile away.She has dived under parked cars when walking and I've said "what are you doing Gracie?" and sure enough,up comes a tennis ball in her mouth!!I'm sure they have not been kind to her teeth however!I may try to get another type of ball for her.Knowing her,she will spit it out because she wants the "green" one!:).
Sounds like you just had to "train" your vet!:D.I'm sure you will sleep alot easier knowing that Flynny got great news!All that worrying makes us so sick!Hugs to you and Flynny.
05-02-2013, 12:52 PM
Woo hoo doing the happy dance :D arent those numbers in the near normal range if I am not mistaken?
And he is back to raging around too with the family. That is so awesome
These are the best kind of updates and long may it continue. Maybe I will catch you at stupid o'clock your time early doors mine. I am so pleased to hear this news for you all
2013 is going to be his lucky year
Squirt's Mom
05-02-2013, 01:17 PM
I'm so glad you got such a good report for Flynn! YAY! :)
molly muffin
05-02-2013, 07:11 PM
Good report indeed! Rock on Flynn!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-03-2013, 01:01 AM
And the good news keeps on coming!
UPC has gone down too.... (normal is <0.5)
26 Jan 1.5
22 Feb 2.92
5 March 1.9
9 April 3.57 :eek:
2 May 1.49
Vet said today when he got in touch it is obviously related to his BP control. But that is the best it has been since Jan 2012! YAY!!! So while it is still up, I will take it :D:D
05-03-2013, 01:10 AM
HI again
How rude of me, I did not thank you all for your kind messages of support!! So thank you thank you thank you :D:)
I just thought anyone reading that last message who is not a regular reader of Flynn's saga might wonder what test I am talking about!! UPC or sometimes UP:CR is urinary protein creatinine ratio. When it is high it means there is excessive protein in the urine which is usually an indicator or kidney problems and can be a sign of renal failure so I was getting pretty concerned about it shooting up like it had done.
Mel - that BP result is good, Dog BPs are meant to be pretty simlar to human ones. So normal is 120 range. Before his operation Flynnys was up to 200 and over, so this is an excellent result for him!
YAY its the weekend!! Love it! xx
we are so happy for you and your flynny!!! we go back i think next month.
05-03-2013, 05:33 AM
Double happy dance
What a great way to start the weekend with good news
Am hoping you get some good beach walks in before it gets too cold over there
Hope you had an awesome day and I look forward to the next installment of "adventures by Flynn" non bird edition :eek:
05-03-2013, 05:45 AM
Aww thanks for your good wishes for Flynn and celebrating with me. Haha, I am sure there will be some new adventure on the weekend, never a dull moment around here!
It never really gets too cold for walking in NZ, I kinda like the beach walks in the winter weather, I can wrap up warm and watch the waves crashing in while strolling along. There is a walking path up the beach that our council put in a few years back which is perfect. Only trouble is cyclists are allowed to use it too, so they come speeding along silently in their lycra suits and a couple of times Flynn or I have been nearly bowled! Need eyes in the back of my head!
The worst we get in winter is cold rainy days, but it only gets below zero during the night. So we can have frosty mornings but never snow, so pretty lucky here in that regard. I am still in short sleeve tops during the day as it is still over 20, but heater is on tonight!
05-03-2013, 07:03 AM
So thrilled for all the good news. I know how nerve wracking all this is.. poor boy been thru alot but hanging tough. Go Flynn!
Re weather... it is very strange here in the US.. winter wasn't all that bad until spring hit. What's up with that? It hits 80 and two days later it snows! Highs back down in 40's all this week. It froze overnight here - broke an all time record for weather this time of year. Ugh.
Take care! Kim
05-03-2013, 08:06 AM
Hi Kim, thanks for your good wishes for Mr Flynn, he is hanging tough isn't he! Kinda surprised the UPC could reverse that quick with BP control, but there ya go! I am not complaining! :D
Still waiting for our first frost here, the weekend is meant to be warmish, so autumn is not looking too bad here, plus I kinda like it cooler at night, least I can sleep under the blankets! Flynn seems to move from his bed to his padded mat that I have next to his bed, but I drape my quilt over the side and each time I wake I make sure he is covered. I tell myself he has fur for a reason hahaha.. but can't have him getting cold.
If he got cold at night when he was younger he would jump onto my bed and burrow under the blankets. Awww nice, but he not coming up for a snuggle, oh no... he just wants my body warmth the little rotter!
molly muffin
05-03-2013, 08:49 AM
Yay for good news. Isn't that interesting about the BP having an effect on the UPC. I wouldn't have thought of that as a side result of higher BP levels.
Have a wonderful weekend! Lets see what new adventures Flynn will have. :) LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-03-2013, 08:07 PM
Hey Trish
Decided to break out and visit you and Mel on your page!Not so great navigating around on computers.Your breakfast sounds delicious-Flynny def deserved some bacon!:).Enjoy your weekend and hope Flynny has fun at the pet store with all the animals!
I had a blah day today but it is Friday,just 2wks today since he has been gone.Plus the weather didn't help since it was cold,windy,dark and depressing.I'm looking for those signs from Fella a little too hard.I had just taken a plant out of my car and when I returned I saw the most perfect ball just sitting beside my car.I got so excited-it was as if Fella just placed it in the perfect position for Grace to find it!Then I realized it was the foolish new ball I had bought for Grace on vacation that must have rolled out of the car while I was taking out the plant!:D.Have a great wknd and nice seeing you on here during these hours!
05-03-2013, 09:35 PM
Hey Trish, great news on the bloods and BP! Yay! Bought time something went right again hey? All that worry with Flynn's tummy didnt help the cause either :p (stoopid birds)
And you know what? I just realised those good results came back on his 5th month anniversary! Even more cause for a bacon celebration! Get your party hats on!!!!! :D:D:D:D
(Wow, 5 months, how times flies!........ and yet drags too) :D
05-04-2013, 04:12 AM
Hi Sharlene, Patty and Naomi
Yes it was the big 5 month anniversay! Whoop whoop, Flynny is still in the house! Not without its hiccups, but so worth it for us!
We went visiting this afternoon, to see my friend who has just got herself a new puppy, Cooper is a Silky Tzu?!? Who knew! haha never heard of them before. But he is very cute and very energetic! Flynn is now his idol, he followed him everywhere they romped and wrestled, chased balls and had a jolly good time. Cooper's Mum was a little concerned at one stage when Flynn had his whole throat in his mouth, after all she had just watched Flynn decapitate a stuffed bunny and was scared for her baby :eek::eek: but he was really gentle on the whole, except for a bit of attempted humping... dear lord how embarrasing was that haha. I put up a few pics where Flynn took young Cooper under his wing showing him how to shred his toys!
05-04-2013, 04:20 AM
Thanks for your note on Tias thread, I hope with time Fridays will be better it's just a rolling number of weeks which will turn into months since I lost her so it's tough.
Wow 5 months has flown, I am so chuffed for you guys, you defo deserved a good break still can't get over the swab incident god knows how you dealt with that I would have FREAKED!
Chapter one, how to embarass yourself and your mum by Flynn! take him on a nice play date and he gets all frisky! Must be feeling more like himself though to do that :D
What you upto now? Settling down for the night?
Big hug
05-04-2013, 04:26 AM
Eating caramel corn and watching Masterchef! You?
05-04-2013, 04:29 AM
About to have a bath and meet a mate for breakfast. Got to get out for a bit change of scene!
05-04-2013, 04:36 AM
Go You!! Pleased to hear you are getting out for brekky, I am impressed considering I barely surfaced before 10am today. Bet I will be up till 2am now!
I will have French Toast with berries, cream and maple syrup please mmmmmmmm... no really, you better bring me back take out haha
Hi Trish!
Remember me?! I have been sooo busy with work and other things the past couple of weeks, so tired of it. :mad: I feel so bad I haven't been been on the forum much, but have been reading along as much as I can. But I have to say I am SO pleased to read all of Flynn's wonderful lab results!! You must be so relieved. I am especially happy to see how much the UPC has gone down. ;) I was kind of suspecting that the elevations were BP related for Flynn, and it looks like that is the case. Way to go Flynny!! How weird that the 3.57 result that he had previously is exactly what Jasper's was the last time, which prompted us to start treatment.
I hope you are having a quiet weekend and no more bird incidents. I would have ran out of the house too with a frantic bird flying around. Hope you got all the poop cleaned up ok, what a job that must have been! I have a couple of bird stories for you also, will need to post about that later. Lets just say that Flynn and Jasper could be related! :eek:
It sounds like your Mom and Dad are feeling ok? Are there any further results with your Dad's tests? Sorry if you posted and I missed that.
Jasper's follow up appt is this morning. He will have his yearly "physical" , heartworm check, etc. He will also get all his bloodwork rechecked, liver and kidney profile, chem profile, electrolytes. Not sure if we will recheck the cholesterol/triglycerides yet, or get another baseline cortisol, I will have to see what the vet says about those. And of course we will be rechecking the dreaded UPC. So I am feeling a bit anxious. This is the first check of everything since we started the prescription food and meds. But I am so encouraged by Flynn's results, I am hoping Jasper will follow his lead!
I need to make a quick post on Jasper's thread to ask for everyone's prayers for good results for my boy today, and will be back on later. My goal today is to get caught up on everyone and do some posting. Geez, I hate to feel so out of touch, I miss everyone around here! Thanks for checking in on us, we appreciate it! And congrats on Flynn's anniversary, he is a trooper.
Huge hugs from me and Jasper, and give Flynn a scratch from me. :)
05-04-2013, 06:00 AM
YAY IT'S TINA!! I always get a smile on my face when I see a post from you!!
Ohhhh I am going to have butterfly's in my tummy until we get Jasper's results in. So nerve wracking waiting for them too. GO JASPER, GO JASPER.... we are the cheerleading squad that will be with you at the vets today (being ever so quiet, NOT!). I was pretty stunned in a good kind of way to get Flynn's results this week so fingers, paws, toes, legs, tails all crossed for the same good report for Jasper!
So nice to see your post Tina, I hope things are going ok in your life at the moment with your family. My parents are behaving just now! I have spoken with the Urologist who will see Dad soon, it is a tumour in his kidney but we do not know how long it has been there. So the plan is to watch and wait for another six months, rescan and see what is happening. He is 80 and had a small stroke after his last surgery for hip replacement so we do not want to rush in if it can be avoided. It could have been sitting there for years not causing any problem. My initial thoughts were GET IT OUT! But after speaking with urologist and going through the CT scan with him, the tumour is on the small side, nowhere near vessels and no sign of lymph node involvement so for now I agree with this plan of action. I told Dad, he is just copying Flynny! They are still going for their daily walks and he was off at bowls today, so still pretty fit and long may it continue!!
OK, I am on tenterhooks with you now, I will be checking in first thing in the morning (about 8 hrs from now) so I will be hoping to see some news... no pressure though! :D:D:D xx
Boriss McCall
05-05-2013, 12:10 AM
Yay Flynn! what great news. Keep on keeping on!!
Now take some time to breath & enjoy life. :D
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