View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you
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molly muffin
12-09-2012, 09:21 AM
Good idea to have the vet check him out. Always better to be on the safe side and have things checked out. So, he should in a couple days become more regular. Yay! :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-09-2012, 11:31 AM
So glad he is doing so well despite the irregularity. He certainly is a trooper!!! I can imagine going through such a tough surgery would back him up a little. It sounds like things are starting to move along now:). I used to give Chey those Metamucil wafers. It was a treat to her:D. Still pulling for a normal dump!
12-09-2012, 04:06 PM
He is not well again today. Still no decent pooping, lethargic and not so keen on his food or water but has had some of both. I was just in touch with his surgeon and he has told me to take him to local vet for bloods and they are to ring him if concerns. I am wondering if he needs abdo xray to check for any blockage higher up.
Poor receptionist as local vet when I just rang, she said my vet is busy and Flynn can see a vet that does not even know his complicated history and not till later thish afternoon, grrr so I asked her nicely to go talk to my vet... and he is in surgery but he will get the blood taken and then phone surgeon if any problems. They wanted me to just drop him off but I said, nope he is not sitting there in a cage waiting for hours. I so wish I was closer to the pet hospital.
It is a week today since his surgery, time has flown but I just wish my baby was doing better.
worried Trish xx
I'm so sorry to hear that he isn't feeling well today. I'm glad you pushed for the receptionist to talk to the vet. Sometimes I just don't think they think before they talk! I'm also glad you are not going to leave him there. I am the same way. I certainly hope things will be okay and that this is just another bump in the road on the way to recovery. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way!
Julie & Hannah
Positive thoughts and prayers here also. No way would I drop him off at the vet either! The receptionist obviously didn't know all that he has been through. :mad: You mentioned colitis in an earlier post. I know Jasper can get to feeling pretty poor when he has colitis, and that is with no surgery involved. He has gotten backed up before also. I would ask for an abdominal X-ray like you mentioned. It is simple to do, and not very expensive. How does Flynns tummy look, does it seem distended at all? Might be hard to tell since he has an incision. Keep us posted Trish.
Tina and Jasper
12-09-2012, 05:06 PM
Oh no...... poor Flynn. I sure hope it is something fairly easy to overcome. He has done so well thus far. Have you asked Skye how Shysie's first couple of weeks in recovery went?? I know I read her thread, but I can't remember specifics.
Hang in there Trish. Gosh darn it! Still sending prayers!!
Ro and Chey
12-09-2012, 05:24 PM
Good lord...sometimes the front desk is the most disruptive/difficult part of the journey. So glad you stood your ground - that's the last thing your poor baby needs is to sit in a strange cage nervously waiting attention. Way to go - keep it up... we'll be anxiously awaiting an update on the blood test.
molly muffin
12-09-2012, 06:20 PM
Isn't that the truth, front desks can drive a pet owner up the wall sometimes.
Hoping for good news from the blood tests today.
Hang in there Trish! You're doing an excellent job staying on top of Flynn's recovery.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-09-2012, 09:28 PM
Hi all
No results yet, 4 hrs since his blood test. I just rang to find out what's going on... could not speak to vet. Receptionist is leaving him a note to call me. I am just to used to the excellent service I had at the university, not used to all this waiting :confused:
Flynn has picked up a little over the day, eating again and I have got water into him by putting his chicken in a bowl of water so he has to drink it all to get to the chicken at the bottom. He does not seem in pain, so I have not given him the previcox today which is the only drug he is on, just in case it is upsetting his bowel. Just very lethargic, resting at every opportunity.
Ro - I had read Shysies thread, but went back on your suggestion to reread and she did have a few poop issues post op too. I still think it is his bowel that are the problem. Or maybe adrenal insufficiency?? If I do not get any satisfaction from local vet today I will pack him up and take him back to university tomorrow.
Thank heavens I took this week off too! Thanks for your posts everyone :)
molly muffin
12-09-2012, 11:26 PM
It does sound better than it did earlier at least. Isn't that just awful to have to wait on a vet to call you when you are trying to get their attention and say, "hello, need you Now not 5 hours from now" geezzzz
Hang in there. Maybe amuse yourself while waiting by imagining warts on your vets nose for every hour that he puts you off. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-10-2012, 02:37 AM
Flynn started vomiting this afternoon, still had trouble getting hold of local vet so I rang university and spoke to them. Managed to get him into local vet before the practice closed for antinausea injection and also repeat bloods as sample had haemolysed. The results they had were ok, but bilirubin and potassium elevated but that is probably due to bad sample, pancreatitis test did not work beacuse of poor sample. They were repeating amylase so did another blood test.
University is still suspecting probably pancreatitis flaring and they prescribed low fat royal canin gastrointestinal food for Flynn and pancreatic supplement and a gin and tonic for me!! The registrar Kat is awesome and spent a lot of time talking to me and said this is not unexpected with such a big operation. I feel like I have munchausen by proxy via dog :eek:. I told her I was about to bundle flynn in the car and race down there, but she said no no no, that is not necessary! She told me she is happy for me to call her any time for advice.
Since his antinausea injection he has drunk about 500ml, eaten some chicken and has just taken himself off to bed. A friend of mine came over and we have polished off most of a bottle of wine, so hopefully both of us will be feeling a bit better in the morning.
The local vet when he called me back said if any problems overnight, I am to call him even though he is not on call as he would rather see Flynn himself and start IV, than have whoever is on call in the city deal with him. We do not have 24hr ER service here, you have to call and the local vet practices take turns on call. So that is reassuring.
Argggh I just want him well
12-10-2012, 03:07 AM
Local vet just called me again now 9pm at night with updated amylase and it is twice normal, so likely mild pancreatitis. But Flynn stable at the moment, kept latest fluds down. He said not to push food. They have a supply of the university recommended food so I have to go pick that up first thing. Hopefully he behaves overnight. xx
12-10-2012, 03:08 AM
On the good news front, his ALT and ALP have gone down heaps. Last ALP was in the 900's now it is 350ish. YAY
12-10-2012, 09:19 AM
Well, darn. I don't know anything about pancreatitis. Is it something that will eventually settle down with diet and or meds?
12-10-2012, 02:47 PM
Hi Trish,
I've been following Flynn's progress. I'm glad the gal told you that what Flynn is going through is not unexpected after an adrenalectomy. As you know, it is perhaps the most difficult surgery a dog can have. It's normal to have some "bumps" in the recovery process after such a major, major surgery.
My surgeon explained to me that the pancreas gets jossled around some during the surgery, and it is a fairly old pancreas. Shiloh didn't have any problems in that regard but some dogs do. I have no idea if Flynn's pancreas is acting up but if it is, it's something the professionals know how to handle.
I know it's tough for you right now but I totally expect Flynn to get better and better as the days and weeks progress. But remember, he endured a serious surgery and it's going to take some time. Shi stayed in the hospital for 3+ days after her adrenalectomy. After I brought her home, she rested and slept alot and I encouraged her to do so. She'd go out in the yard, do her business and come right back in and rest. But she just methodically got better and better, stronger and stronger. Two months post-surgery, she was an exceptionally strong, healthy and happy 12 year old girl.
molly muffin
12-10-2012, 03:02 PM
Whew I'm very glad that the University is cool with you calling them if concerned and the vet (yours that was in surgery) sounds like he is back in the game and Flynn will come through this hopefully fine and dandy. You might be a bit worse for wear, keep the wine bottles handy. :)
What Ken said, I think is very reassuring, and he has been down the road before.
Take care, hugs,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-10-2012, 04:10 PM
Hi Ro, yes they think it will settle down. Hopefully just inflammed pancreas due to moving it in surgery, it does not like to be moved! But it needs to rest to heal.
Ken - thanks for your words of wisdom, is it very reassuring to hear form someone who has been there and done that. :)
Sharlene - I am regretting the wine now :cool: feeling a little under the weather.
Flynn slept fine, but this morning I could not coax him to drink anything. He ate a few bites of chicken. He asked to go outside about 4am for a wee and poop, but I had got a lot water into him last night he was pretty good when he went outside then heh had energy and trotted out. But he was quite lethargic this morinng though, I opened the front door, he walked out about 10 paces and lay straight back down.
I have just dropped him into the vet as I think he needs IV fluids, I do not want him getting dry and if he has some through the day I can bring him home later this afternoon. Vet was in a meeting so did not speak to him, waiting for him to call back. I think Flynn needs pain relief too, he is not really sore like he was immediately postop but I did hear a couple of squeaks overnight that might indicate he is tender. I had stopped his previcox so he has not had any pain relief for two days. Will discuss with vet when I get the chance.
molly muffin
12-10-2012, 05:17 PM
ugh, wine head, not good. :(
Hope you hear something positive from the vet today.
I hope he will be feeling better soon! It sounds like you have a wonderful vet and it's great that they are so helpful!
Julie & Hannah
12-11-2012, 12:30 AM
I have got him home, he still seems a bit nauseous and has had another anti nausea injection just before he left. Bowels moved and a little firmer, he just ate some of his new food and about 5 mins later was hanging his head and I thought he might be sick but he hasn't yet.
I got a copy of his bloods and I do not know what the vet was looking at last night when he told me ALP was down because its not. It has gone up to 1566 iu/l (13-87), how disappointing when I thought we had something going Flynn's way. His amylase on the bloods sent to the lab is normal 1013 iu/l (329-1074) compared to the in house one done on same sample which was 2590 (300-1100) which i guess makes pancreatitis less likely??
Other abnormals:
Potassium mmol/l 5.8 (4-5.4)
NAKR 25.2 ratio (27-36)
CHOL 10.8 mmol/l (3.27-9.82)
ALT 243 iu/l (23-88)
AST 65 iu/l (18-51)
CK 930 iu/l (74-385) but that is probably due to surgery.
CL 101 mmol/l (106-117) probably due to vomiting
WBC 5.3 (6-15)
LYMPHAB 0.7 (1-4.8)
WBCRAW 5.4 (6-17)
I am wondering if it could be gastritis, will see how he is in the morning.
Harley PoMMom
12-11-2012, 01:16 AM
His amylase on the bloods sent to the lab is normal 1013 iu/l (329-1074) compared to the in house one done on same sample which was 2590 (300-1100) which i guess makes pancreatitis less likely??
Dogs can still be suffering from pancreatitis and have normal levels in the amylase and/or lipase.
My angel boy, Harley, had chronic pancreatitis, one time I had his amylase and lipase checked along with a spec PL test and those enzymes did come back within the normal limits but his spec PL test came back with an elevated number confirming the pancreatitis.
The best way to diagnose and monitor pancreatitis is with the spec PL test.
Hoping Flynn is feeling much better real soon.
12-11-2012, 01:49 AM
Hi Lori
Thanks for that, I was just googling to get a better understanding of pancreatitis tests and read that, i wonder why they did not do those tests as well.
They have given me oral liquid temgesic for pain, I gave him a dose when we got home and he has perked up quite a bit, even took himself to his toybox to select a toy to destroy :D I hope he is still feeling good in the morning.
Has Flynn's cortisol level been checked? I am wondering if it might be low. Is his remaining adrenal gland functioning normally?
I have learned with everything that Jasper has been through that the electrolytes get affected also when the cortisol goes low. A low Na:K ratio can be indicative of Addison's, and from the results you posted, it looks like this is low for Flynn. I don't see the Na level posted, is it normal? I hope he feels better soon.
12-11-2012, 04:32 AM
No his cortisol hasn't been checked, his sodium is normal at 146 (141-153) I will check this out with his vet in the morning.
Thx for the tip
Trish xx
12-11-2012, 05:59 AM
Tina - I got quite worried when you wrote about the addisons and started searching the medicine cabinet for prednisone! I only found one 20mg tablet from 2004!! :eek::eek:
So I emailed Flynn's surgeon... it is now just before midnight and bless his cotton socks he must have been at his computer and replied straight away as below....
The potassium is only just up, and probably consistent with a mild dehydration etc. All other blood works are OK, so although it can be difficult to completely rule out addisons I don't he has it. Also, there is no real reason for him to develop it. I mentioned the possibility that Flynn could develop it post-op when we didn't know for sure what type of adrenal mass he had. Now that the mass has been confirmed as a phaeo, there is no reason for him to develop addison's postop so the other adrenal doesn't need to 'kick in' - it should be working just fine!!
Kate wasn't in today, but will run things past her tomorrow.
For the moment, hold tight, keep Flynn hydrated and comfy and try not to get too anxious. Pancreatitis is most likely and can take a while to settle fully.
Kate is the IMS... so we will see what she has to say tomorrow, poor Flynn I keep poking him to make sure he is OK, he has had the temgesic so all he wants to do is sleep!
Well he is right about the anxious part :o
Crikey, what a saga this surgery has turned into... hope your not getting too sick of Flynn updates :rolleyes:
12-11-2012, 09:27 AM
We will never get sick of Flynn updates!!! We are all pulling for him and want to know how he is during this post-op period. As if the actual surgery wasn't stressful enough, then add all of his ups and downs post-op. ugh!!! I am sorry you guys are going through all of this. The surgeon told me that the first two weeks after the surgery are rough. I guess he was right. I hope he gets better...continued prayers sent your way.
here thinking of you and Flynn
12-11-2012, 03:40 PM
Heard back from they university, they want ACTH stim test done. So I have just dropped Flynn off for more bloods. I also asked them to repeat electrolytes and also the spec PL test. They want me to keep him off the previcox, continue antinausea so I will get a shot of that to give him tonight when it is due and continue low fat diet.
Flynn seems better again this morning, he ate, did the best poop since surgery :D:D much more formed - still not normal, but I will take it!! Less lethargic, he came face to face with a HUGE bulldog in the vet waiting room and gave him a woof :D so he must be feeling a bit better!
I am wondering about gastritis, I remember in Kim's thread her dog Annie with the pheo had trouble with ulcers. A few months back Flynn had a dental and they found ulcers at the back of his mouth. Quite often when I take him in the car to drop him off on my way to work, he hangs his head in the back seat and this is always after eating. I have asked surgeon about that and is there something we could try?
Phew, another day another potential problem :confused:
molly muffin
12-11-2012, 06:46 PM
We Love the Flynn updates. Don't stop, we'd all go into major panic attacks!
*tap tap tap, anxiously awaiting the spec PL and ACTH test results. tap tap tap
Patience is soooo over rated
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-11-2012, 07:25 PM
Good memory on my Annie's ulcers... keep in mind that the guy that did the endoscopy had been doing them there for 25+ years and never seen anything like it. That said I do think gases were formed as a result of the pheo.
Not sure if you can get it but in the US we use Slippery Elm Bark (SEB) in powdered form for gastric issues including pancreatitus. Many vets use it as their secret weapon. It's cheap and easy. Worth a shot but I would be sure to talk to your vets about it since you have so much going on. IT is all natural but you want to use it 2 hrs before or after giving other meds if I'm not mistaken.
Hope this helps. YOu can google and read about it. Kim
12-11-2012, 09:22 PM
Thanks Kim, I will check out that slippery elm bark. Not sure I have ever seen it here, but then I have never gone looking for it either!!
He really seems a lot happier today, isn't that typical when I convinced them he needed these extra tests :D:D Still it will be good to know the results, wonder if I will get them today as the external lab is in another city about 4hrs drive away. Time will tell I guess.
Trish xx
Hi Trish,
So glad to hear that Flynn is feeling better! I am also glad to see that you are having a stim test done. I was relieved to read what the surgeon wrote about not being worried about his labs. But if it were me, I would want to make sure his cortisol was ok to verify that his other adrenal gland was working normally. It is all such a tricky balance, and I would much rather be safe than sorry. Hopefully the cortisol and electrolytes will all be normal, as well as the spec PL. And I will never get sick of hearing updates on your baby!!
Hugs from me and Jasper
12-12-2012, 02:58 AM
Aww thanks Tina, I am sure my posting frequency will go down next week when I have to go back to work! Not many are about when I come on at night, as with the time difference you have all gone to bed :)
No blood results yet, won't be through until tomorrow morning. The local vet has day off - (funnily enough he told me he is taking his own dog down to the university to see our surgeon) - so he said they should arrive on his phone while he is down there, they will discuss and then let me know.
Flynny has had his best day yet! Two decent poops, hungry, drinking, a bit tired but just what I would expect as in post op tiredness not the lethargy of the last few days! I took him for a short walk on his leash and he wanted to run, I did not let him as a bit too early for that. So I am much happier he is feeling better, I don't want to jinx us but maybe he is turning the corner!!
I need to get out and get my christmas shopping done... hopefully he is good again tomorrow so I can drop him at my parents and hit the stores... not that there is much money left in the savings after all these vet bills!!! So I will have to be inventive :D
12-12-2012, 12:16 PM
So, so glad to hear he is feeling better!!! It's time for you guys to get a break. I hope his labs come back good.
I need to get out and get my christmas shopping done... hopefully he is good again tomorrow so I can drop him at my parents and hit the stores... not that there is much money left in the savings after all these vet bills!!! So I will have to be inventive
Girlfriend, boy will I second that. Old photos and my printer have become a great present maker:););) Tuck some in with some goodies from Trader Joes (I broke up a set of cute bath salts, tied some festive ribbon around them, added a bar of chocolate and beautiful old photos of family members and I have some cute gift bags for under six bucks!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
12-12-2012, 10:36 PM
ACTH stim results
Pre 71 PMOL/L
1 hr 382 PMOL/L
Comment: based on published reference levels, this result is considered a high normal response. Post ACTH-stimulation cortisol levels <470nmol/L are typically seen in normal, non-cushingoid dogs. Low numbers of dogs with pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism can have this result while up to 50% of dogs with functional adrenocortical neoplasia may have normal acth stimulation results.
Lipase 227 IU/L (22-126) high
Amylase 925 IU/L (329-1074
Comment: Lipase can be increased with pancreatitis, GI disease or decreased GFR (renal disease, dehydration), Canine specific Lipase is pending.
Grrr they have not repeated the electrolytes as I requested. I am just googling to find out about those reference ranges for the stim as they are different to the usual ones posted here, I presume the pre is not too low or they would have commented on it to rule out addisons?
12-12-2012, 11:03 PM
I think I have done the conversion ok divide by 27.59
Pre 2.5
Post 13.8
So normal according the reference chart on here. Phew.
12-12-2012, 11:13 PM
OK, now go have some wine. Time for me to go to bed. I'll go with a smile on my face. Great news. Kim
12-12-2012, 11:31 PM
Thanks Kim - I was very pleased to hear his one little adrenal gland is working and doing the job!!
When I was in town I went to the health shop and picked up some slippery elm, it comes in a powder, no instructions on how much to give so that will be my next googling quest :) Thanks for your advice on that!
He has had another good day, with diet and poops. Still a bit tireder than I would have thought at this stage. But today is the first day he has not had to go and see a vet! So I guess it is fair enough he feels like resting up. His stitches are due out, his normal vet has next four days off so I will take them out myself to spare him another trip to a strange vet, hope he doesn't wriggle too much as he HATES me clipping his nails and if I come at him with any sort of implement he runs and hides :D
Harley PoMMom
12-13-2012, 12:08 AM
When I was in town I went to the health shop and picked up some slippery elm, it comes in a powder, no instructions on how much to give so that will be my next googling quest :) Thanks for your advice on that!
Here's a link to an article that has info on slippery elm:
An excerpt form that article:
To give internally, mix about 1/4 teaspoon of Slippery Elm bark powder with cold water for every 10 pounds of body weight. For very small dogs, it is fine to use the same 1/4 teaspoon dose.
Author Anitra Frazier gives the following recipe for Slippery Elm Bark syrup in her book, The New Natural Cat, which applies equally well to our canine companions when adjusted for weight: Into a small saucepan place 1/2 cup cold water and 1 teaspoon powdered slippery elm bark. Whip with a fork. Bring to simmer over low flame, stirring constantly. Simmer 1 or 2 minutes or until slightly thickened. Cool and refrigerate. Keeps 7 or 8 days. Give a teaspoon of syrup (5 cc) for an average-size cat (again, about 10 pounds) 5 minutes before a meal to minimize diarrhea, or to soothe and heal mouth ulcers.
Hope the SEB helps Flynn.
12-13-2012, 03:57 AM
Hi Lori - thanks for that info, I have worked out how much to give Flynn now. I have just sent an email to the vet to check it's ok, I read up on contraindications and it mentioned caution with any bowel obstruction. His bowel has only been working properly last two days so don't want to push it without the vet's agreement. It looks like it could help him though.
Addy! I picked up quite a few little pressies today, the girls at work are getting a nice natural lavendar soap and a wee lavendar votive candle and I will put in a choccie santa... and can nearly match your $6 per gift... so was very pleased with myself :D:D
Boriss McCall
12-13-2012, 10:07 AM
sounds like things are going good. yay Flynn!!!!! I am so happy for you two. Boriss & Pearl bolt when I pull out the nail clippers too. I gave up. I take them to the dog wash to get them done. They act better for strangers.:rolleyes:
12-13-2012, 01:49 PM
I took his stitches out this morning, he lay there like a little lamb! Probably thought he better stay still with such a sharp tool in my hand, hopefully it will make him a little more comfortable. They came out really easily and his wound looks great.
I usually get his nails done at the vets and they did them just before he had his surgery so he does not have to face that for a while :) He has never forgiven me for cutting one a little too short when he was young, poor boy.
I would like to give him a shower too, he has a bit of a smell about him, it might be the smell of the new food. It is nice and sunny so I might do that later this morning and wash all his bedding. He hates the shower too, well the washing part but he likes the rolling about on the towels afterwards getting dried off and he LOVES getting blow dried haha.
He seems good again this morning, yay! Have a good day all xx
12-13-2012, 09:32 PM
Phew....I am so glad he is turning the positive corner and his labs are good. He just had a rough surgery and it took a bit to get back on his paws. I am glad he let you remove the sutures. I hope he gets a break from vets now for awhile. I am sure your pocketbook could use a reprieve as well. Treating these babies gets expensive.
Enjoy the nice weather. I must say, spring is my favorite season:D.
12-14-2012, 03:42 PM
Yes, the weather is lovely. It is more temperate here so we never get too boiling hot in summer, or any snow in winter. Suits us :)
Flynn continues to truck along, bowel ok, I have noticed a couple of softer/ little muscous stools. So I do wonder if he has a little upset bowel still, but they are all formed now. I have not heard back from local vet about his results from earlier in week (I went in and got a printout anyway for stim etc) or his thoughts on the SEB so I made an executive decision and decided to start it anyway!
He is close to 30lb so that is 3/4 teaspoon SEB, I mixed it with water and it thickened up but he does not like it and would not touch it! So I added it to his food and he ate most of it, but its the first time he has left a little food on his plate the last few days. I realised I had not been giving him enough of the royal canin GI food, so this morning he got a lot more than usual which might be why he left a bit. Will see how he goes and will give him another dose tonight. He is not on any other meds at the moment, so no risk of interactions.
Have a good day with your pups everyone :)
Trish xx
12-14-2012, 05:58 PM
I think our boy has turned the corner! Yay!!!! So glad he is getting better every day. He must be feeling better if he wants to play. I bet he is ready for the beach;)
Enjoy your time off from work! I deal with patients too and it is nice to be away for awhile;)
12-15-2012, 03:00 PM
It is 11 years today that Flynn came permanently into my life. I had never been a "dog" person, I had two cats and was perfectly happy with them. I was in my late 30's and had never had a dog, even as a kid.. we were a cat family! I first met him a week earlier, running in the traffic on a busy road. He looked healthy, but had no collar on. I was going to get my hair done that afternoon, I picked him up from the road thinking his (irresponsible) owner must have just popped into a store, but noone claimed him. He popped his head into the hairdresser and I asked them to give him a drink, he was still hanging around when I finished a couple of hours later. It was getting late, so I could not just leave him there on his own. So I took him home. That first night he destroyed a brand new pair or my shoes!
Hmmm I thought your not as cute as you look Lil Dog, which is what I called him back then :) I took him to the SPCA and handed him in. I called a week later to ask if his owner had claimed him. No, they hadn't... and worse.... he was on death row, getting put to sleep on Tuesday they said :eek: Oh gawd, I could not have that on my conscience so I said I would take him, boy was he happy to see me when I went to collect him. We had to dog proof the section as he was an escape artist and any opportunity he would be off running like the wind with me in hot pursuit! The cats moved out, I felt so bad for them having their comfy life disturbed, I had to feed them on the other side of fence for a few weeks until they accepted their new housemate and established a new pecking order - male cat at the top, Flynn next, female cat at the bottom poor girl.
The little monkey proceeded to nibble every cushion corner, blanket, my glasses, shoes, he even hopped onto the table picked up my camera carried it outside and left it in the rain. The vet estimated he was 6-9 months old at the time so we do not know his actual birthday. We celebrate it today, it is also my mothers birthday so we are having a BBQ this evening with the family.
I am so glad Flynn came into my life, it is like he picked me to live with and he has loved us unconditionally ever since as we love him. I will do whatever I can to keep him comfortable in his later years, he deserves it for all the love and fun and comfort he has given us over the years. I am most definitely a "dog person" now, he is a treasure xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Harley PoMMom
12-15-2012, 06:39 PM
Happy Birthday, sweet Flynn!!
12-16-2012, 08:33 AM
Happy Birthday Flynn!!!!! That's a nice story about how you and Flynn came to be:D
12-16-2012, 09:00 AM
we agree,what a great story...the happiest of birthdays to your flynn,enjoy the bbq !!! xoxox patty and milo:D
Boriss McCall
12-16-2012, 09:29 AM
sweet story! Happy Birthday Flynn!!
12-16-2012, 01:07 PM
Thanks for your good wishes :)
I have to go to work in an hour. Flynn is not well :( He did not want to get out of bed this morning and I had to coax him out to have a pee. He only ate half his breakfast. He is such a worry, at least he is going to Mum and Dad's for the day. He vomited yesterday morning too, he looked pretty good then and had just eaten his breakfast with SEB added, he did not like it and only ate a little. So I stopped giving him the SEB thinking it made him sick. He felt hungry immediately after and perked right up. I took him for a walk up the beach last night, he picked something up and ate it so wondering if whatever it was upset him.
Will see what today brings, hope he is feeling better later. xx
Happy birthday to Flynn! I sure hope he will be feeling better later today. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way!
Julie & Hannah
12-16-2012, 09:02 PM
Hopefully, whatever he grabbed on the beach upset his tummy and nothing else. Get better Flynn!!!!
molly muffin
12-16-2012, 09:55 PM
Fiddle sticks I missed Flynn's birthday. I love the story of his bday by the way. How sweet. Flynn and you were meant to be together. Destiny!
Happy Belated birthday Flynn.
Hope that was just a beach pickup! Flynn, stop scaring your mum!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-17-2012, 12:52 AM
Hi all
Yay your back Sharlene, sounds like you had a fabulous time with your grandbaby :) I missed you though!
Well it seems like Flynn does have pancreatitis, vet rang me with results today
LIP 227 IU/L H (22 - 126)
AMY 925 IU/L (329 - 1074)
Spec cPL 865 ug/L
Spec – cPL Interpretation
Serum spec cPL concentration >=400 ug/L is consistent with pancreatitis. Serum spec cPL concentration between 201 and 399 ug/L is questionable. The patient may have pancreatitis and serum spec cPL concentration should be re-evaluated. If clinical signs are present, treat appropriately and perform additional diagnostics to rule out other differential diagnoses. Repeat the spec cPL in 1-2 weeks. If asymptomatic recommend retesting in 3-4 weeks. Normal range for cPL is <= 200ug/L.
So that seems pretty high to me, he has picked up over the day. Hungry again, but I am a little worried about giving him too much food in case we set it off again. He is quite shaky and panting too. The vet mentioned today about giving him pain relief like a Fentanyl patch, as he does not want to give him non steroidal if his intake is variable. Mum and Dad got quite a bit of fluids into him today so I don't think he is too dry. He has just been out barking at the boys kicking a ball around next door, so he can't be feeling too bad.
He has a vet appt tomorrow that we had made to check his BP, I so hope it is down but I don't think it is at the moment, if his trembling is anything to go by.
Vet said we just keep treating conservatively, low fat diet, push fluids, pain relief if needed and if sick IV fluids. I hope tihs settles down soon. I keep thinking we have turned the corner only to have another roadblock put int he way!!
Thanks for checking in on us xx
molly muffin
12-17-2012, 01:22 AM
ugh poor Flynn, try smaller meals during the day, like 4 small meals, very bland, rice and boiled chicken kind of thing, till he can beat this thing.
Missed you all too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-17-2012, 02:05 AM
He was on rice and boiled chicken for a week or so postop, was not helping the poop situation at all.
The vets told me to put him on Royal Canin gastrointestinal low fat which has given him formed stools. So hard to know what to do re diet. He seems to like it.
I tried him on SEB for two days, but yesterday morning he would not eat it and vomited, then was hungry and eating well rest of day. He also had one episode of loose BM. That has come right too.
He seems sore, pulling his back leg up while laying on his side resting. So I have just given him oral temgesic so hope that helps.
OH and he had eaten 3 hrs before the S pec Cpl test, now I read he should have fasted 12hrs?!?!
12-17-2012, 04:08 AM
Jeepers it didn't help, the temgesic I mean. About a half hour after that he started crying and didn't stop for an hour or so and didn't know what he wanted to do, he went outside, cried, I took him for wee walk and he did a good normal poop. Lay with him on the floor on a soft blankie, cried, scratched his sweet spot on his back, cried, I might add while shifting about so I could get the spot better!! I contacted vet and he said that it can make them spacey. Well he has finally agreed to go to his bed and is asleep now. His tummy is soft, no vomiting and he just ate a small bite to eat that I offered him. So hopefully it was just drug reaction. These babies frighten the bejeezus out of me sometimes!!!!!!!! He is due to see vet tomorrow so will discuss pain relief further then. Hope we get a good sleep and he better in the morning. Night.
Hi Trish,
I hope Flynn has settled and is feeling a bit better. Holding my breath with you for Flynn. We have all gotten mighty attached to him. I think another pup had problems with the SEB, so could be it just did not agree with him. I am hoping the new food helps and whatever he ate on the beach has worked through his system. Dang, Zoe used to do that to me ALL the time:rolleyes::rolleyes: I would just get her better and she would go find something else outside to munch on:eek:
((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))) )))
Boriss McCall
12-17-2012, 06:03 PM
Trish.. I hope you & Flynn were able to rest. :(
molly muffin
12-17-2012, 07:13 PM
Hoping for a good night for you both.
Want us to sing twinkle twinkle little star to you? :)
What did the vet say today?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
12-17-2012, 09:26 PM
Medication for pain is a must, pancreatitis is very painful. If it were me, I would start the chicken and rice again, using 99% fat free skin-less and boneless chicken breasts and boiling the rice until it becomes really mushy.
Wishing you both a good nights sleep and sending tons of healing light, hugs, and love.
12-18-2012, 02:54 AM
Thanks everyone, he had a reasonable night but wanted out a few times, sometimes just to bark at invisible burglars! He was not keen to eat this morning, but he did have some food. I took him straight to vet on my way to work.
He redid bloods, electrolytes were good. Amylase high but we know that test was high last week and when checked at external lab was low. Did not do the spec cpl again. He had 500ml IV fluids, he is hungry as anything tonight but not going to give him too much in case we overstimulate his pancreas. He is lying by his plate hoping more food will materialise! Very perky tonight. But have seen this pattern before and he goes back down again over a few days. Local vet thought he could feel an orange size mass which he thought was faeces. He could not xray him (didn't I ask for that days agoooooooo!) as there was a 3hr bloody power cut!!!!!!! Excuse my language, but jeez, could not do BP for same reason.
I told him his bowels have been moving well last few days, but he gave him an enema and he had two more soft poops but he had not been this morning before we left home.
I worry about his breathing, he is fine when still but mouth breathes when he walks about and he has done that to some extent preop too, but I feel it is worse. He also trembles a lot when standing, pretty good when lying down.
Sooooooooo I had kind of stopped emailing his surgeon as I was starting to feel a bit of a pest. But I had sent them a Christmas cake and it arrived there this morning so he sent me an email to say thank you and asked after Flynn, so I replied straight away with this latest problem and told him local vet could feel this mass... I had felt a much smaller area when his bowels were not moving properly and you could dent it and it felt like full bowel to me too. I cannot feel it tonight though and there is nothing there remotely orange sized to me!! So long story short, surgeon suggested he should see him again and he wants him there tomorrow morning first thing. Eeek I am back at work only two days and cannot cancel again at short notice, so tomorrow morning I am getting up real early taking him down, then coming back to work and will check on things later in day and go back and get him or maybe he has to stay a night or two in the university hospital. I hate leaving him overnight, but that would almost be a relief in some ways so they can keep an eye on him.
Here he is running about wanting back rubs, food, a walk. Gawd I am going to look such a drama queen which I think they suspect already :D:D But he should be better than he is right now, he is 15 days postop.
Will let you know how we go xxxxxxxxxxxx neeeeeeeed sleeeeeeeeeeeeep, oh and he is not to have Temgesic again! He has had Cernia though which surgeon said does have some pain relief properties too.
12-18-2012, 10:59 AM
Geez, Trish. You and Flynn have been through so much. Both of you need a break. I am sorry there have been so many ups and downs. I sure hope they can get him on the right track and keep him there.
Big, big hugs!
molly muffin
12-18-2012, 11:34 AM
Wow, definitely ups and downs with this adrenal surgery stuff. I'd be a drama queen too! LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-18-2012, 10:00 PM
Your not going to believe this, scan at university today showed they left a swab in my poor Flynn. He is going into surgery this afternoon to have it removed. Poor little boy :(
12-18-2012, 10:11 PM
Oh my gosh, are you kidding me? That's absolutely horrible and I hope Flynn does well with the surgery. I can only imagine how stunned and upset you are. Thank goodness they found it before it caused some really serious problems. Saying prayers for your boy and sending positive thoughts and big cyber hugs.
12-18-2012, 10:11 PM
Holy crap! :eek::eek::eek: Poor Flynn. I cannot believe it. No wonder his tummy is messed up. Bless his heart and thank GOD you took him in. Please keep us posted. Love and hugs, Kim
molly muffin
12-18-2012, 11:44 PM
Good Grief! You hear about stuff like this but how horrible! Poor Flynn. :( It sure does explain a few things though. Hopefully he'll come through just fine and then will be able to heal just fine.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
12-19-2012, 12:25 AM
Yep, pays to be a drama queen!! This morning when we left at 5.30am to drive down, Flynn was the best he has been. He positively leapt out of his bed, ran around the house barking so I really was feeling like he was better and I was being a drama queen for insisting on their assessment/scan. So I was waiting for him to ring me to say.. yep, as we expected is pancreatitis. I was very shocked to hear about the swab
He called to tell me Flynn has come through the surgery fine, it was slightly adhered to his bowel, but no holes in it or anything awful like that. Tolerated anaesthetic well, so was happy to hear that because if any pheo was still lurking it could have affected his BP.
I am at home, so a long way from my boy tonight. I had to come back to work as things had been cancelled with my two weeks away that I just cannot cancel again. He said he might be ready to go home tomorrow, so surgeon said if I have trouble getting down there he would drive Flynn to me or meet me halfway at least. But he will call in the morning to give me an update on his condition. I actually felt sorry for the surgeon, he was so gutted and cannot believe they did that.
Oh my gosh Trish, I am just getting caught up on your thread and cannot believe this!!! SO happy to read that he did fine with the surgery. I am so shocked I don't even know what to say. That poor little boy. I am so glad you took him in, and you are absolutely not a drama queen. On the contrary, I think you have been quite calm and reasonable considering everything. Prayers for Flynn and you. Hang in there Trish.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper
12-19-2012, 04:55 AM
Thanks so much, it sure was a shock. I know even with the best of intentions mistakes can happen, even when you try your hardest to prevent them so I am going to focus on the positives and I'm very hopeful we will see continued improvement for Flynny.
Surgeon has been keeping in touch with me tonight, he just emailed that he had gone back in to check on Flynn. He has recovered well, looks comfy and had eaten his dinner. No pesky retained swab is going to put that boy off his food :) He said the swab was not touching pancreas, so he still thinks he had mild post op pancreatitis but these latest episodes are most likely related to the swab.
I hate being so far away but but he reassured me that someone will be with him all night and he is not alone.
Right I am off to bed, will sleep so much better tonight. xx
12-19-2012, 05:46 AM
sweet dreams trish.....patty
OMG, I dont belive what I read. :eek::eek: Good for you for looking at it in a positive way, I think I would lost it at the surgeon:p:p
Well, it is over now and we all hope Flynn comes homes well and no more swabs and your boy can fully recover now.
(Though I think I am mad at the vets on your behalf :rolleyes::D:o)
Dont lose the drama queen bit, it serves you well:D:D:D:D
Boriss McCall
12-19-2012, 08:40 AM
wow! Poor little Flynn & YOU! I just can't see how things like that happen.
I hope he is feeling better quick.. I am so GLAD you were a "drama queen". You are the best mama!!
Keep us posted. I am so sorry you are having to go thru another "surgery".
Big Hugs!!
molly muffin
12-19-2012, 09:04 AM
Whew, what a relief that Flynn came through surgery fine and is finally going to be able to get back on the road to full recovery. Just shocking though. I am sure the surgeon was just devastated to find out this had happened to. From everything you have said about him and the article we read, he seems like a good guy and a good surgeon.
You are a good person Trish. Drama all you want, whatever it takes. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-20-2012, 12:27 PM
Omg, Trish!!!! I am just seeing this for the first time. I am just in shock!!!!! Complete shock!!!! Poooooor Flynn. I only had a minute to see that he made it through surgery, but have to get back to work. I am going to read the rest of this tonight. I am so upset. I hope they have made things right with you for all you two have been through. I am so sorry you had to go through this. Just in shock.
Ro and Chey
12-20-2012, 07:31 PM
I finished reading this. I can only say, they should compensate you for all of the extra tests, work missed, gas, etc. Matter in fact, they should pay you back for the surgery! I understand mistakes happen too...... You are a much better person than I is all I can say. I am glad you are looking at the positives, but my gosh, Flynn could have died from this. I just feel so bad for you and Flynn. I am so sorry you have been through so much. I hope Flynn is home now and healing properly this time. No wonder the little guy couldn't maintain. Wow, just wow!!!
You deserve an extra big hug for this!
Ro and Chey
12-21-2012, 01:33 AM
He is home, I went down and picked him up this afternoon, he was so happy to leave there. They were all saying .. bye Flynny and he did not look back and was strainging at his leash to get out of there!
He is on Losec and antibiotics. He travelled very well. I am just cooking him up a chicken and rice dinner. I lifted him out the car and he went and did two circuits of the house to check everything was as he left it.
He did a poop soon as we left the pet hospital, soft one, but formed. So I am glad I don't have to worry about his bowel so much now. They rescanned him today just to check all is well and it was. He is sore so I will give him the Previcox to keep him comfortable.
I so hope it is plain sailing from here!
Trish and Flynn xx
12-21-2012, 07:12 AM
Yay, he is home!!!! It should be uphill from here. Still, poor Flynn having to endure two surgeries. He is a tough little guy. I am so glad you were a "drama queen." It certainly paid off. You are a good Momma, Trish.
Have a great weekend. Keep us posted.
Boriss McCall
12-21-2012, 11:59 AM
I am glad he is feeling better... Ya'll deserve a big ole BREAK!
12-21-2012, 12:14 PM
so good to read this ro.sending healing energy to you two !!! patty and meka xoxox:)
molly muffin
12-21-2012, 06:15 PM
Yay Flynn! This should be the beginning of a full recovery. Time has just flown by it seems with everything going on with Flynn. Hope you can both get some much needed relaxation time now
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-22-2012, 02:56 AM
Thanks Ro, Patty, Amy and Sharlene
It is so hot here today, have kept inside in the air conditioning! I guess under the circumstances Flynn is doing fine. He is hungry and eating, but he is pretty tired, pants easily and has the twitches even when resting. I have given him pain relief as prescribed. Tummy seems soft and did a small poop this morning but formed. It is going to take him a while to get over this and I am so upset and sad he has to go through it.
Sounds like they did spoil him, they had him in their office instead of in a cage. He is a little hoarse, been barking with the other dogs I think.
He apologised profusely, told me what they think happened and discussed with me how their surgical protocol has been changed so this can never happen to another pet. While it does not alter their monumental stuff up I appreciated their honesty and the surgeons actions since in what is a terrible situation especially for Flynny.
I have just been and done the Christmas grocery shopping as it has finally cooled down, 8.30pm Saturday night - such an exciting social life I have! Flynn's stocking is suitably filled with goodies (not edible as keeping him low fat). Will do the baking tomorrow :)
Night all and thanks for checking in xx
So thankful Flynn is recovering from his latest go round. I am hoping and praying things settle down for the two of you.
I think we are all behind in our holiday chores and celebrations this year. I'll think of you baking if I smell anything homemade:D:D:D
I did not even get as far as slicing up a roll of Pillsbury cookie mix:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Pretty sad:D:D:D:D:o:o:o
Bo's Mom
12-22-2012, 08:27 AM
So glad that Flynn is recovering well. Keep us updated.
Decorating a cactus sure does count and I think you should take a picture of your star on a cactus:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Yummmmm, what is that smell? Home made cookies, maybe? I think the wind is bringing a delicious aroma my way. Must be from your house:D:D:D
you amaze handled that so very well, and gracefully and with class. I am grateful your baby is okay, i am equally impressed at your listening abilities with your go pawmom!!!! way to be intune with your baby. you rock, Flynn rocks. Each of you see the other through.
blessing shower upon both of you
12-23-2012, 02:25 AM
Thanks Belinda, Addy and Skye! I decided early on there was no point losing my temper with them, only once did I get a little snippy on the phone, they obviously felt terrible and were doing their very best to look after Flynn and undo the damage so it was best to let them get on with it without having to deal with a furious me. So I kept the lid on my anger, disappointment, sadness all those emotions were swirling for sure because I felt so bad for Flynn. Doubting myself too, wishing I had forced the issue sooner... but it was always pointed out that pancreatitis waxes and wanes and that was what it was put down as.. lab tests supported that diagnosis too. So it was just a whole complicated situation and that thank god he has got through it.
We have had such a great day, he is much better. I can see it in his eyes :eek: ! But his are finally happy eyes :)
We have been out most of the day, I had to go pick up my niece for the Christmas festivities, I left Flynn at Mum and Dad's as had to go in the direction of the pet hospital and he could do without that! He is so much happier, trembling and panting much less. YAY! I spent some time there helping them in the yard and he was trotting around happily with Elle their Siamese. She is happy he is getting his health back and has resumed her usual stalking of him, leaping out at him from behind bushes to give him a fright and a swipe if she gets half the chance.... cheeky bloody cat! She really wants to be his friend, him... not so keen :D:D He has sunbathed, eaten, drunk, pooped, explored outside, played with his toys and done everything right! Only blip was he has scratched his chest and it was a little raw, I am wondering if the antibiotic is making him a little itchy. But we can deal with that :)
Hope everyone else has had a lovely day.. and no Addy, no home cooking smells coming from my house yet, might do some truffles tonight, the no bake ones! :D:D
Night all, sleep tight, wishing happy dreams for all the pups, two more sleeps and Santa is here xx
molly muffin
12-23-2012, 11:49 AM
Hi Trish, wonderful news about Flynn.. It is wonderful to hear of him playing and the cat stalking, I assume they have a unique relationship and that Flynn might not be adverse to doing a bit of jumping for the cat. :)
We do what we can with what we are told. You were told to watch for pancreatic signs and you did. That is pretty good that you were able to keep your emotions tamped down so that Flynn could get the best care possible. There it is again, we do what we have to do for out furbabies.
Happy Holidays,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-24-2012, 12:31 PM
So glad to hear Flynn is doing well. He is such a trooper!!!
Merry Christmas, Trish and Flynn. Thanks for coming into my cyber world;)
Ro and Chey
Boriss McCall
12-24-2012, 02:22 PM
Merry Christmas to you & Flynn!!
12-24-2012, 04:08 PM
Yay it's Christmas morning in New Zealand and I have the best present EVER... a relatively healthy Flynn sitting next to me having enjoyed his Christmas brekky of chicken! I am so thankful he is finally getting better, I don't need any other gifts as it just makes my day having him with me :D:D:D:D:D He has his Santa hat ready, plus his Christmassy ruff to wear to the party! I will post a photo of him in his finery later in the day :D:D
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my K9 friends, I really do not know what I would have done without your support over the last couple of months of problems, diagnosis, BP issues, surgery, recovery, more surgery and now finally I am getting my old doggie back :D:D:D You were with us every step of the way and I love you all :D:D You are all such very special people and I wish you all a fantastic day and for all the pups stockings full of treats, they already have an abundance of love from their Mum's and Dad's and are such lucky doggies to have you all in their lives. Enjoy your day everyone!!
molly muffin
12-24-2012, 09:49 PM
Merry Christmas Trish, Flynn and your mom and dad who adore Flynn so much. (as we ALL do I might add)
Greatest update every for a Christmas morning Trish!! We love you both! woot woot!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-25-2012, 12:21 AM
Awww thanks Sharlene... I am sure you are going to have a lovely day too with your family and babies :D:D
I have put up a couple of pics from today, Flynn has enjoyed his Christmas and we are about to go out for dinner... need a bit more room in my tummy to fit in all the yumminess!!
Trish, so happy to read that Flynn is feeling so well, what a Christmas gift indeed! That was my only wish this year also, that Jasper would feel better, and so far he seems to be. So I am grateful as well. I hope you both had a blessed day. It is Christmas morning here, and while I know it has passed in NZ, I want to wish you and dear Flynn a very Merry Christmas and much health and happiness in the New Year.
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper
12-25-2012, 02:50 PM
And just when I think it is safe to start breathing again he gets sick. Yesterday he was a bit quiet, not that interested in what was going on but eating, slow on his walk etc. Now today he is off his food again. I have been feeding him strictly low fat, not even any treats for Christmas poor boy. He has pooped but small soft but formed. Do not think what is coming out is equalling what is going in. I just took him for a short walk which he enjoyed, but bit slow. Came back and not interested in his half eaten breakfast and taken himself back to bed. His vet is here today, so taking him in one hour. Then he is away until 7th Jan. His surgeon is going/gone to beach now, lovely for them while I still have a sick dog and after today noone who knows him available.
I cannot stand that something else is going wrong for us, so sad. Will let you know how we go at vet.
I am so sorry to hear that Flynn is not feeling well today. I was so excited to read your post about how good your Christmas was. I hope they will be able to figure it out at the vet today so you don't have to worry while they are out of town. I know how frustrating it is when the regular vets aren't around. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way. Keep us posted on how he's doing.
Julie & Hannah
molly muffin
12-25-2012, 06:11 PM
Oh Trish, I hope it isn't anything serious. Do you think it could be a flare up of his pancreas?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-25-2012, 06:52 PM
Thanks Julie and Sharlene
Might be flare of pancreas, he also thinks could be due to antibiotics. It was his last dose today, he said not to give it. He has had Cerenia and taken bloods, so I have him back home and await results.
Oh my gosh Trish! That poor baby. Is he eating now? And did the vet recommend any diet changes? It is so stressful when they won't eat. I sure hope it isn't anything more than the antibiotics.
Tina and Jasper
12-25-2012, 07:59 PM
Oh Trish,
Even though I have not been writing to you, I have followed every step of Flynn's journey. I am heartsick to hear of this new setback, and will be hoping that there is nothing seriously wrong. I am keeping you in my thoughts, and will be so anxious to hear better news soon.
Sending healing thoughts across the miles to you and your brave boy,
12-25-2012, 08:05 PM
Sending love from across the pond where it is 12 degrees before the wind factor...:D
Hoping it's the meds but do keep us posted as we are vested in Flynn and you. Don't hesitate to call on the specialists as I know you won't. Praying it's just the meds. Give our guy a hug. Kim
12-25-2012, 08:20 PM
He has eaten some food, but still listless and not keen on drinking. It is very hot here, but I have kept him inside in the air conditioning. Maybe it is just all the hustle and bustle of Christmas and him still recovering. I don't like giving him the Previcox when he is not drinking well.
I have txt vet to tell him he has eaten, still waiting for blood results. I emailed the surgeon this morning and he has replied and wants local vet to let him know what happening. Arggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok thats better....
Oh Trish, ((((hugs)))). I am glad you heard back from the surgeon so he knows what is happening. Maybe he will be more readily available by email or phone even though he will be on vacation, now that he knows what is going on.
12-25-2012, 09:23 PM
Vet phoned, blood results are ok, apart from LFTs which have been high all along. No formal spec cpl test done, but amylase which had been high on his in house testing previously is down. Renal function fine, white cells etc good. He will email me results so I can scrutinise them more fully :eek::eek: Gosh vets must pull their hair out over people like us!!!
He recommended I try half a cup of milk with a beaten egg and Flynny lapped it up like it was his last meal, polishing the bowl with his tongue to finish! So that was a winner, he said if the dog is not used to drinking milk not to give too much as it can give them diarrhea.
He still thinks likely due to antibiotics which should be out of his system later tonight, tomorrow so hopefully we will see improvement then.
He has emailed his clinical findings from today to surgeon, who is now driving to his remote beach with intermittent internet/phone access... just great :mad: Local vet on his way out of town tomorrow I think, but he wants me to contact him if any problems and between them they will manage Flynn from afar in consultation with his colleague in the practice, I do not know this new vet. So I guess that is reassuring to still have their support, poor guys cannot even go on holiday without me pestering them and yes Kim if I need to... pester them I will! :eek: I must say it is very good of them, not to just hand me over to the covering vet and offering to keep in touch.
I am back at work tomorrow...stink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My parents while being lovely and loving Flynn dearly, think I overtreat things, if he was sleeping all day they would not think to go check he is actually conscious and drinking etc... they would be like.. awwww look he catching up on his sleep, he's so cute!! :eek::eek:
12-26-2012, 10:35 AM
Hi Trish,
I'm sorry Flynn is feeling a little punky. As you mentioned, it could be his pancreas acting up, the antibiotics, or something else, a little bug. Who knows with these pups?
I remember clearly, it took Shiloh a long time to fully recover from her surgery. She was better 2 months post-op than she was at 1 month. And she was definitely stronger and healthier 3 months after her surgery than she was at 6 weeks. Fortunately, we didn't have to deal with any pancreas issues. Also, after two weeks Shiloh was on absolutely no medication, which I appreciated.
I certainly think you are right to stay right on top of things but I hope you don't worry yourself too much. I'll bet one month from now, Flynn is going to be a consistently happy and healthy boy!
I sure hope Flynn is just a bit under the weather from the antibiotics.
Maybe it is some good days and bad days until he gets all his strength back. We are all here praying and cheering you both on.
Will keep checking in on you both.
molly muffin
12-26-2012, 11:08 AM
Loved your pictures of Flynn. You and he look pretty happy. Hope he is feeling better today.
I know it is never wrecking to have to be at work when you want to just stay home with Flynn. I'm sure your parents will keep an eye on him.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-26-2012, 01:55 PM
Thanks Tina, Kim, Marianne, Ken, Addy and Sharlene
It is lovely waking up to your messages of support, he slept well, I didn't. Ate a little but did not finish his breakfast and I am getting some fluids into him by mixing water with milk he is not real keen though. It's raining today, so a bit cooler for him.
I am off to work now, hope he has a good day
Trish and Flynn xxxx
12-27-2012, 12:55 AM
He has perked up today, phew. Appetite back. So maybe it was just the antibiotic affecting him. I hope so!
Hope you all have had a nice day recovering from the Christmas festivities... xxx
So happy to read this post Trish. I sure hope things settle down for Flynn and you.
You must have been bonkers yesterday at work. I would have been anxious all day, waiting to go home.
I hope you enjoy lots of cuddles.
So happy to hear that Flynn has perked up and is feeling better! I certainly hope it continues!
Julie & Hannah
molly muffin
12-27-2012, 01:35 PM
Yay Flynn! Whew. That was a scare. Glad it appears to be over. Must have been the antibiotic after all.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-27-2012, 02:29 PM
He is much better, HOORAY!! Eating, trotting about and enjoying his life again. Such relief, and such a good night sleep!
Please Flynny, keep well and stop scaring me! If he is not going to be the death of himself, he is going to be the death of me!!!!
Surgeon has emailed to check up on him, so was pleased to give him good news.
Right, off to work for me. Liking these short weeks, Friday already bring on the weekend!
Have a godo day all xx
Boriss McCall
12-27-2012, 02:44 PM
I am so glad Flynn is feeling better. The ups & downs can be so scary. Hang in there. I bet better days are on the way. :)
12-28-2012, 04:29 AM
Thanks Amy
You are sure right about getting through the ups and downs, my heart just plummets whenever he is unwell.
I guess we have had such dramatic problems over the last year, first the liver cancer that was meant to kill him but he made a full recovery from, then the pheo and the adrenalectomy and finally the bleeping swab! I find it hard to trust he is going to remain well as nothing seems to be easy for poor Flynnykin!!
During this latest blip I had convinced myself his bowel was going necrotic from the swab being adhered to it :eek::eek:... it seemed that it was too simple it was just the antibiotic making him sick so I could not believe it when the vet told me that was the most likely scenario. I am always thinking the worst and it is a habit I must break, for my own sanity!!! So happily, the vet was right and I was wrong :rolleyes:
Onwards and upwards now though :) He has had another good day, I am going to take him to the dog park tomorrow. He loves it there, winds alongside a lovely river with lots of his doggie pals to greet. I will take his sutures out over the weekend... again, he will be getting used to that!
His surgeon emailed today and said he can just have food he likes as he now turns his nose up at the GI/low fat tinned meat he has been having with chicken, he said that I don't have to be so strict with the low fat anymore. I have asked if they have a nutritionist to give me advice on what to feed him to cover:
lowering cancer risk ie low grain
BP/proteinuria issues(although hopefully they will have settled now he is recovering, I will get them tested againt to see what is happening there)
tendency to put on weight
high liver tests.
Jeepers, what a list. His local vet nurse called me today to ask how he is doing and I talked diet with her saying I would prefer to feed him home cooked meals, but she thought we should get further advice when the vets are back from holidays as it can be tricky to ensure he is getting the right nutrients. Fair enough. I will just not give him anything really high fat for the time being. So confused about what to feed him, but now he is hungry and wants to eat more (as long as its not the low fat/GI!). He has lost some weight from 14.5kg preop to 12.8kg a couple of days ago. The 12's are his ideal weight range, so now he is down there I don't want him to go back up too much.
Trish and Flynn xx
I am hoping 2012 ends the illness streak for Flynn and that 2013 brings him better health. What a year you both have had, Trish.
Enjoy your weekend, which I hope is a long one. I cant help with the food, maybe a fish based diet?
Happy New Year!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Boriss McCall
12-29-2012, 06:25 PM
You two have had a really hard go at it. hOpefully 2013 will be a calm & happy year. ;)
I finally switched Boriss over to a lower fat 100% grain free diet. We are using Blue Buffalo. Blue Wilderness high protein grain free. He likes it so. So far so good!
I know what you mean about waiting for the next thing to happen. We have had a rough go with our babies for the last couple of years.
Our 4 year old bull dog got meningitis & pass away two years ago. That was really hard!! Talk about a sick pup... :(
Then our almost 12 year old min pin Cleo died this last July & I kid you not about 3 weeks later we found out Boriss was sick.
So, needless to say it has taken me a while to get to the point were I can breath easy. But, I am trying to live each day for what it is. Things are going really good (i hold my breath) at the moment. :D
I know you have been in the midst of a trying time. I just want things to start running smooth for you & Flynn. I think you are past the worst part. ;)
This next year will be good!!! Happy New Year!!!
12-30-2012, 03:35 AM
Hi Addy and Amy... boy Amy you have been through it too, as have you Addy, I remember reading your story.
I guess none of us are here because we have healthy dogs! So I have to expect the ups and downs and learn to go with the flow a bit more instead of into panic mode :eek::eek:
But, we have had a great weekend! Visiting friends, first time we have done that in a long time! They had a toy for Flynn, he proceeded to chew it into tiny pieces and left them all over her newly laid carpet :eek: so I did a cleanup before we left. She is a dog lover too, so did not mind :) I have pottered in the garden tonight, and he has pottered with me, instead of just laying there on the path :)
Today, I took his sutures out, wound healed nicely except for one small spot overgranulated but not too bad. So, when I took him for his walk tonight I let him off leash for the first time. My gawd, he ran like the wind :D:D he loved it! It did my heart good to see him so happy! Right down the end of our walking circuit is a corn field, he never usually goes over there as it is bordered by a kind of deep drain with a small stream in it and he hates getting his feet wet. But he took a running jump and leapt right over it then disappeared into the corn but came right back out when I called him and he sailed over it again.... yikes, clipped him back on his leash for the rest of the walk, don't think he is ready for those kind of gymnastics and did not want him to overdo it on his first run!! :eek::eek: Never seen him do that before so he must be feeling better :)
Someone suggested fish and he used to get that once a week, but I might give him more of it. I cooked him up a pot of trim steak, rice, carrots and beans tonight, he loved it. There is enough for a few meals so I can freeze some.
Hope I get to keep on giving good reports!!
Trish and Flynny xx
Squirt's Mom
12-30-2012, 07:40 AM
Hi Trish,
I have been keeping up with you and Flynn and cannot begin to tell you how worried I was for a bit there. A SWAB?!? :eek::eek: It was SOOO good to read the subsequent posts, tho, to know that he is recouping in spite of incredible set-backs. I hope this trend continues and ya'll have no more upsets.
Leslie and the gang
run like the wind, Flynn:D:D:D:D:D:D
I am smiling from ear to ear though glad you leashed him back up so he did not over do it.:D:D:D:D
We all have been through a lot, yes that is true, but Trish, I do admire you in your handling of all of your roller coaster rides. You are truly an inspiration. You can let that go to your head if you like;);):D
Happy New Year Trish and Flynn
Boriss McCall
12-30-2012, 09:28 PM
What a rascal.. He must just be feeling so good he had to do a little sprint to show his mama. ;)
12-31-2012, 03:01 AM
how wonderful to read this trish..happy and healthy new year to flynn and yourself !!! patty and meka xoxox :)
12-31-2012, 04:40 PM
Hi Leslie, Addy, Amy and Patty... thanks for your messages! We love getting them :D:D
We were invited out to dinner at friends last night, Flynny too! Had a lovely evening, but was home in bed by 11pm :rolleyes::rolleyes: So missed the clock ticking over midnight, still it was lovely to celebrate the end of 2012 and welcome 2013! Which will hopefully bring good things for all of us :):)
Today, is Flynny's 6th day in a row of feeling good!! That is a record for him... long may it continue :D I am not going to say he has turned the corner this time, because everytime I say that something comes along to bite us in the butt!! :eek::eek: (but I am quietly thinking it!)
We are getting back to normal, he went up the beach with his Grandad yesterday, a morning walk is part of their usual routine while I am at work. Dad turned 80 in August and the walk does both of them good and he has missed it since Flynn has been sick. :D:D There seems to be a little dog walking community that Dad has met over the years, he chats to them all, the dogs that see each other regularly play and Flynn has sussed out which of the dog walkers has treats in their pockets so he pays special attention to them to get a wee snack!
Have a fun night everyone, I wish Ro would reappear, I miss her and hope everything is OK with her and Chey :( Hopefully some of you will make a better effort than me and actually see the New Year in! :D
Trish and Flynn xx
A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to you Trish and Flynn and I hope Flynn and his granddad have many more walks with their friends.:D:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
01-01-2013, 09:35 AM
Happy New Year Trish and Flynn!! Sounds like it's been a wonderful few days and yes, long may they continue. WHOO HOOO
Cheers to a very good 2013.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-01-2013, 03:56 PM
Again, sorry to disappear, Trish!!!! Wow, Flynn had another swing. Poor lil guy. I am glad to hear he is feeling good again. He sounds like one spoiled and loved pup;). You are right, the worry that goes into these pups is all so consuming. It is hard not to fear the worse case scenario. Poor Flynn has been through the ringer.
Glad you and Flynn had good holidays.
Ro and Chey
Hi Trish, Happy New Year to you and Flynn! So glad to read that he is doing so well and feeling good, and that you enjoyed your holidays. There is no better gift than having your baby feeling well, especially for the holidays. Thanks so much for checking in on me and Jasper, will post an update in a bit after I check in on a few others. Here's to a happy and healthy 2013!!
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper
01-04-2013, 02:50 AM
Hi everyone
We are doing OK, back at work last couple of days. Flynny is goodish! He has had loose BMs last couple of days, yesterday quite yellowy, today back to brown but loose. So back on poop patrol. I have put him back on the low fat GI, I changed him to home cooked meals including chicken rice vegies or a bit of finely chopped trim steak and veges. But his weight has gone from 12.8kg two weeks ago to 13.6 yesterday! :eek: He seems to go up and down quite a bit, I do weigh him on the vet scales each time. He always seems to get quite loose bowels on home cooked meals. The other thing that has changed is his Losec stopped, I asked about keeping it going but they said to try him off it, maybe he needs it a bit longer. I really need to talk to someone about his diet, his vets are back at work next week so I will schedule an appointment. Yay we made it through their time away without having to go see anyone, we have not been to a vet in 9 days!!!
Im a couple of weeks I have to go do some work in the city where the pet hospital is located. I might try and see if I can schedue him an appt then for checkup and he can come with me. I would like them to check his heart too, as he does pant quite a bit and it worries me and I wonder if the weight fluctuation is fluid??!?
But overall, holding our own.. he is loving his walks and getting back into his normal routine. He is starting to run outside when I open the door and barking... I used to shush him but now I LOVE to hear he has the energy to get back to his usual job of protecting us!
So sad reading the posts on here about the doggies passing, feel so bad for their Mum's and Dad's who take such good care of them so more hugs for any of them reading this xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
01-07-2013, 01:33 AM
Hmm that is strange, I am sure I did a lengthy post a couple of days back. It is showing up on my phone app but not on here?!?
Anyway, all going well and not much to report really. Flynn is doing well, had a couple of days of loose bowel motions, but I have put him back on some GI/low fat rather just home cooked and that seems to have done the trick. Not sure why my cooking did not go down well!
He has been a little slow to lie down, like a bit stiff. I had stopped his previcox when he had loose poops, but gave it this morning and he is a new dog tonight, much more energy. So I think he still needs something, he has arthritis as well in hips/back, but I would like him off that drug at some time.
He is still trembling which worries me and panting a little more than I would like. But as I keep telling myself he is still recovering, after all he has had two surgeries in only a month poor boy! Ken said it took Shiloh up to 3 months to fully recover, so taking that on board Flynn is still really early days although it feels like forever since the adrenalectomy.
He he is loving his walks, I am letting him run loose regularly now. He is outside right now barking at the people playing ball with their dogs in the field next door to us. I was out there before and he was bringing me his tennis ball to throw for him and he always gives a few woofs for that game! I have new neighbours, they must be wondering where this barking thing has come from after all has been quiet the past few weeks! :D
I must get his BP checked sometime this week, now his vet is back from holiday. Did not want to harrass him the first day back on the job :D
Can you believe we have not been to a vet in 12 days!!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!! :D:D
Love to you all
Trish and Flynn xx
01-07-2013, 01:34 AM
Hmmm now that is even stranger, as soon as I posted my update the old one appeared?~? :)
gremlins, must be posting gremlins:):):)
Hi Trish and Flynn,
12 days with no vet visits???? Totally cool:D:D:D:D:D:D
Zoe had minor surgery and it took her awhile to recover so I can only imagaine after two surgeries, it may take Flynn some time to be 100%. I watched a program the other night about hospital errors and leaving swabs in was right up there with the top 10 mistakes. They explained how everything is full of blood and sometimes the swab gets tucked under another orgran and they just cant see it. So this happens to humans alot:eek::eek: Maybe his insides will take awhile to heal from all of that. Glad to hear he is running, that is so positive.
Will keep thinking positive.:D:D:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
01-07-2013, 02:22 PM
Yay, long time between vet visits. That is awesome. Hope his BP is okay too.
Yep, it took awhile according to Ken for things to be back to normal. So, patience! :)
Hope you are having some perfect weather, not too hot, to enjoy
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-10-2013, 09:30 PM
love to hear Flynn hasn't been to a vet for 12days. It gets exhausting. I hope he continues to regain his strength. He has certainly been through a lot in a short amount of time.
12 days!!! Yeah! That's awesome! I'm sure he is still recovering. He certainly sounds happy playing ball! I hope the no-vet streak continues!
Julie & Hannah
01-10-2013, 10:48 PM
happy to read this trish !!! please give flynn extra hugs and kisses from us and maybe an extra treat....over the moon to read this!!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
01-11-2013, 03:13 PM
Hi everyone, just checking in. All going fairly well here... no new vet visits :D It has been very hot so I think that slows Flynn down as he still seems very tired. Very keen to go on walks, plus playing with his toys at time so I am not letting myself worry too much over that. He is eating and pooping well. We stopped the Losec and I do see some signs of tummy irritation, hanging head, smacking his lips so I might ring and ask the vet if we can continue it a bit longer as he did seem better taking it. He has not had BP check as I rang to schedule and his vet is off again until next week.
Thanks for checking in on us, we love to read your messages :D:D:D
Boriss McCall
01-11-2013, 04:11 PM
HI! Glad things are still on the up swing for Mr. Flynn..
That is awesome. It is so nice to take a little break from being a worried mom.
Have a great weekend. Hope it doesn't get too hot.
molly muffin
01-11-2013, 05:13 PM
Yay, glad to hear that Flynn is doing A-Okay. That means his mom is doing much better too. :) LOL Now you did get in for your appointments right? As long as we are taking a break from Flynn going to the vet all the time, might as well get you into the see your doctor. Otherwise you might start to think the world is all normal again. hahahahahah (bad joke, sorry) LOL
Really though, do hope you are taking care of yourself and that Flynn continues to do well too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Glad to hear Flynn is doing better with no vet visits!!!!! You are both off to a good start.
We are having a flu epidemic here in the States:eek::eek: We will all have to come to visit you so we can stay healthy.:D:D:D:D
I would love to hear more about New Zealand!!!!!!!
01-12-2013, 05:04 PM
Hi Amy, Sharlene and Addy
Very hot here again today and it is only 11am. I am off to the beach today to celebrate a friends 50th birthday today!! She is camping up there so I am popping into town soon to find one of those helium balloons to tie to top of her tent :D
Flynny seems sluggish this morning, I fed him and he goes straight out and lies in the driveway... but it is toooo hot, silly dog. Poor boy, probably just wants to sunbathe but I drag him back inside to the air con. I am not going to take him to the beach, he hates water and will not go in, so it will be hard to keep him cool and he pants in the heat and I really am trying to keep him as stress free as possible. So he can have a nice day at his Nan and G'Dads! I will take him for a walk up our beach tonight when it cools down.
Yes Sharlene, I was good and went to Dr last Friday. Got a wee bit of a lecture on taking care of myself and have promised to go back in 3 months :) BUT I did nearly have a heart attack yesterday, opening my mail and there was a very sizeable bill from the pet hospital for the surgery to remove Flynn's swab!!! :mad::mad::mad: They even charged for the swab, as I could see it in the itemised list!!! Before I rang to have it out with them I emailed his surgeon and said "please tell me this is an administrative error"... and yes, yes it was! :eek: He said the clerical people are still on holidays and his email to stop it being sent to me, obviously did not end up at the right person! We had never spoken about money as I had been too concerned about Flynn's health. So very happy that is sorted!
Addy, there is a spare room for you here anytime! You should go watch the Hobbit to see our beautiful scenery :D:D I am by the beach, no snow ever, smack bang in the middle of a wine growing region. We are very lucky here in our lovely country but you should come visit and see for yourself :D:D
Hope Molly Muffin, Zoe and Boriss are behaving this weekend and your all having a lovely day! Crikey, I starting typing a short post and end up writing a novel... sorry about that haha xxxxx
molly muffin
01-12-2013, 05:38 PM
I'm sorry did you just say, by the beach, no snow ever, in the midst of wine region!!!! Paradise!! I think there might be a bit of drool running down my chin even.
Hope it is just the heat making Flynny feel sluggish. Probably slow. I'm complaining about the winter, but the heat makes me feel like napping all the time. LOL
Glad you went to the doctor too! Good girl! Regular checkups is what we tell our furbabies they need, so Us too!!
Oh can you imagine! I bet you about had heart failure when you saw that swab charge. Glad they acknowledged it as an error. hmmmmph...and a "I never!" to that one
Have fun today! Sounds like a good time!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-13-2013, 07:39 PM
I would have had to shake my head multiple times getting a bill for a surgery Flynn shouldn't have had. wow!!! Glad that was a clerical error!!! Geez.
I'm with sounds like paradise where you live;)
Good to hear all is going much better than a month ago.
Take care,
Drool, Sharlene? I am out and out salivating:p:p:p No snow, beach, hot, sun, think of all that great vitamin D
I would have hit the roof seeing that bill with the swab listed. I probably would have had to count to a million before making a call or writing an email. Talk about adding insult to injury.
I hope Flynn had a good day with his nan and papa and I hope you had a perfect day at the beach.
Hi Trish, I agree with Sharlene and Addy, no snow ever and near a beach sounds just wonderful. And New Zealand is so beautiful. Weren't all of The Lord of the Rings movies filmed there also?
I would have had a heart attack about that bill also. :eek: So glad you got it straightened out. I hope Flynn had a nice day at his grandparents and is feeling good.
Thanks for checking in on Jasper, I had a pretty rough week and hadn't posted in a while. We have a vet appt tomorrow 1/14 for his Percorten injection. He has had some intermittent decreased appetite, so she is going to check him over also.
Hugs from me and Jasper
01-15-2013, 04:31 AM
Hi everyone... thanks for the messages Sharlene, Addy, Tina and Ro :D:D:D
I have been away a couple of days for work and had to stay there overnight. Flynn stayed with Mum and Dad and had a fine time by the sound of it :D:D It was funny though, Mum called me last night to give me a report on his day, I was in the middle of dinner out with colleagues at the time. I don't like to take calls while out in restaurants (don't you hate those people), but they had all heard the Flynn saga so I answered it. Mum proceeded to tell me how much Flynn had been ahhhh 'tooting' and they had placed the fan on him in the opposite direction of where they were sitting to blow the apparently nasty smell away hahahaha, we worked out he had eaten something different which had obviously affected his tummy. But I quickly stepped away so my friends did not have to hear the in's and out's of poop patrol at the dinner table!!
He was great when I collected him tonight, quite perky! Sometimes I think he likes it better there than at my house :D:D When I have been away he gets very excited when I return and gives me a wee nip on the nose in between a lot of kisses to protest me leaving him!! Mind you, he gets excited when I get back from walking out to gate to put the rubbish out, silly boy!
Yes Tina, Lord of the Rings was also filmed here in NZ. One good thing to come out the movies is the boost to our tourism. The Hobbit premiere last month had loads of people from around the world having parties to celebrate it with many dressed up as hobbits, elves, dwarves etc... a little odd haha
Have my fingers crossed for good results for those having tests this week xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Squirt's Mom
01-15-2013, 09:11 AM
ahhhhh....seeing NZ is at the TOP of my bucket list thanks to the earlier LotR! The Shire is just gorgeous as are all the other lands. And LotR has long been one of my favorite stories; I read them the first time in 1974 and re-read them at least once every few years still today. One of my most cherished gifts is a leather-bound set of the Trilogy that my mom got for me.
Soooo, if my ship ever comes in, I will be headed to NZ to see the most accurate depiction of my favorite fantasy land ever known!
(PS. Is there anything in this post about Cushing's?!? :p)
molly muffin
01-15-2013, 02:18 PM
Isn't it wonderful Leslie! Not a darn cushings thing! Love it!
sharlene and molly muffin
01-15-2013, 07:01 PM
happy to read flynn is doing well and enjoyed his time with his grandparents :)... hope you are having a quiet nights sleep !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
01-15-2013, 08:56 PM
OMG! As is my habbit with longer threads I haven't looked at before, I tend to read the last couple of pages to catch up with what is going on. There was mention of multiple surgeries and swab? I've now just finished reading the last 25 pages and OMG! WTH?? What you and poor Flynn have gone through! But I am very glad to hear that things are now going well and the metaphorical sun is now shining!
As for the real sun, I get that! Heat and more heat is what we seem to have here, with a predicted 39.5C again by the end of the week (that's 103F to most of you). And strange as it may seem to many, I've never even seen snow!
I went to NZ a couple of years ago, North island from Bay of Islands only down as far as Taupo, but what beautiful country! Very green and so different to the bushland here (though I hear Tasmania is similar) Anyone planning a visit, I highly recommend it! Yummy Ice-cream too! (Just watch out for the smell of Rotorua! You get used to it after a couple of days though :p)
01-16-2013, 02:38 AM
Your all welcome, come on down... I will put up a tent in the back yard and take you on a tour to the lotr places Leslie! Not that there are any near me :D:D
Thx for your post Soggydoggy and your crikey your temps would kill me. We get Australia temps regularly on our news and of course updates on the awful bush fires. Just so horrible for those that happen to be in their path. Yuck. I am coming over to Melbourne in April so looking forward to that. Yes we do have good ice cream, I would like one right now but noooo back on healthy eating, so maybe a yoghurt haha. Yes, poor Flynn has been through it, but fingers crossed he is starting to come right :)
Flynn is pretty good, still hard to get him settled on a diet. He had another episode of loose poop tonight, associated with the smelly toots, I think it is the mince he has had recently. I will swap him to chicken again for a while, I mix it with the GI food that he really does not like. But other than that, pretty good! But he is due a vet visit so I must book him in... he is so enjoying the break from visiting them that I hesitate to rock the boat :rolleyes:
Love to all
Trish xx
01-16-2013, 03:00 AM
Haha my new avatar a bit small on it! But it is a pic of Flynn walking up the beach the night before we went down for adrenalectomy, I was taking photos of him and bawling that they may be his last. But nope... he still here YAY!!
Flynn said "no way am I giving up my walks on the beach".
Trish, you have done an amazing job and I know Flynn is taking his cues from you, so keep that positive half full glasss attitude you have going, it truly helps Flynnie. My IMS said Zoe "feeds" off me which is why she waited until after the Zoe's stim was complete to discuss her vulva owie. Her statement hit home like no other. We have to utilize every tool we can:D:D:D:D:D:D
You go girl:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Boriss McCall
01-16-2013, 09:27 AM
yay Flynn... Of course he is still here. What a tough cookie he has proven to be.
you know Shysie had issues as well with diet. Would go angry potties to puke alternating. I gave up on ALL processed foods. Soft, kibble, all of it. and cookies too. I home cook her meals, make 2-4 weeks at a time and then add supplements to each serving. We consulted with Nutritionist during all this, and I am thrilled with all results with home cook meals. She does so much better (knock on wood) and has for a good year now.
I am glad he is getting back more and more to perfect health. sweet sweet little guy. :)
molly muffin
01-16-2013, 06:48 PM
Flynn is the little that just keeps on going. I can't imagine anything else for him. You are the brave soul who always is looking at the positive with a heart of gold. That's how I always think of you two. :)
arggh, maybe he was having sympathy poops with molly the other day, cause she started to get loose and I gave her some carrot, that seemed to do the trick. I never know what is going on with those poops.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Trish,
Just checking in on you and Flynn. I hope he is continuing to do well and is getting stronger every day. I love the new avatar, brave little Flynny! Thanks so much for your encouraging words about Jasper. I tend to get really down on myself, your post really helped cheer me up a bit. :)
Love and hugs from me and Jasper
01-20-2013, 02:32 AM
Hi everyone, thanks for all your lovely messages! Flynn stayed at Mum and Dad's last night as I went out to a party for my friends birthday and was home late. I think he is doing good, but it is definitely time for a trip to vet. I rang to make appt yesterday but he needs BP done and he wants him to stay for a while to calm down, but only my vet was in yesterday and he was booked solid so it will have to be later this week now.
I am trying to get him off the Previcox, especially with his high ALP. So he has not had it since yesterday will see how he goes till we see vet later this week. Not sure what else to give him, he is not in real bad pain with his arthritis but he has been better taking it, hope there is something else not to strong he can have. Panting still, trembling still.. those symptoms have not gone with the surgery unfortunately.
Bowels still tricky. But our problems seem pretty minor to others on here, I feel silly reporting them :rolleyes: I am not calm Tina, I worry just as much as you and just hoping to have a calm patch for a while as we all are but I get down when I see some of the things in Flynn I thought would have disappeared by now and my mind keeps thinking there is still something else wrong with him that we have not managed to discover yet :( But we do have more good days now and we all keep trucking along hoping for the best :o
We have just been for a lovely walk up the beach this evening, just a beautiful night, blue skies, warm but not too hot :D
Have a good week everyone... xx
01-20-2013, 04:05 AM
Hi Trish,
Just wondering if you have considered Cartophen (not carprophen) for Jasper's arthritis at all instead of the previcox? I know it is available in NZ as it is for us in Aus, but only in Canada, not US so it's not mentioned on here much. (though it is in the UK and most of Europe too, so don't know what's up with the US)
From the Cartrophen website: (
For Dogs
Cartrophen Vet (100mg sodium pentosan polysulfate / mL) is a leading treatment for arthritis (also known as degenerative joint disease or DJD) and related musculoskeletal disorders which acts on the underlying disease processes that result in pain and lameness.
Cartrophen Vet is a disease modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) and importantly, it helps maintain joint health, including preserving joint cartilage that is damaged by the arthritic process.
With 20% of dogs over one year of age suffering from arthritis (specifically osteoarthritis or OA) this is a common cause of pain and lameness (Hegemann et al., 2002).
With Cartrophen Vet showing effective treatment in over 80% of cases (Francis and Read, 1993; Cullis-Hill and Ghosh, 1994; Bouck et al, 1995; Read et al, 1996; Smith et al 2001) by way of disease modification, Cartrophen Vet represents the logical approach to the treatment of arthritis.
I honestly don't know how it goes with Cushing's meds, but I have seen people talking on the DogzOnline forum about Trilo and Cartrophen without issue. I do have an appointment to see my vet tomorrow if you would like me to ask about it - Will probably do this anyway as Oscar is due for his update cartrophen jab and it will be good to find out for future reference for Fraser. The good thing is, it is not another pill, but a jab. The way we usually have it is an initial dose regime of 3 jabs 2 weeks apart, then one every 4 months or so. Oscar got it with his ACL surgery a few months back and we are due for our first update dose. It's actually overdue, but he got flu so we didn't give it. When he does get it, his joints get a little sore and he gets sleepy for the afternoon, but the next day is like nothing ever happened. I think because it increases blood flow to the joints or something, they just feel it a little more for a short while. Every old dog in our family over the past 8 or so years has had it with no adverse problems, so it is something to investigate if you wish.
Anyway, a thought for you to consider. Will let you know what my vet thinks and then you can speak to your vet later in the week when you have the appt.
01-20-2013, 05:29 AM
That's interesting, I will ask my vet about it too when I see him later this week. I would really like him off the nsaid (previcox in his case) with the high liver tests. He has had arthritis for a while, especially in his hips which was diagnosed on xray. He has been on a supplement called Mobilize which is shark cartilage, green mussel and deer velvet for years. He also injured his back (probably from jumping) too, that was years ago though. He has been taking the previcox a few months now.
As a foxy he was always been a dog that loves to jump! He used to greet me at the door and would boing boing for ages. He still does it now, just not so energetically and if I get the leash out he boings all the way out the gate, I try stop him but he is pretty determined :D:D plus I do love to see the joy he has in life, we should all jump for joy a little more often :D:D
Thanks for that info, I will follow it up and would love to hear what your vet has to say. I think you know in his case he is not on any cushings drugs.
Trish xx
01-20-2013, 06:29 AM
Oops, yes, that part slipped my mind! :o
The other thing that just jumped into my head as I've just fed the boys is a supplement called Sachas Blend. Just checked online and it is also available to you in NZ:
I have had my boys on it for a couple of years now, and it can still be taken with the cartrophen as well. It is just a powder you sprinkle on their food, they seem to love it. (stinks like mussels) It gets rave reviews over here, seems to be a lot better than most glucosamine supplements people say. I buy it online from a vet supply place - $45 a 500g tub, in shops here it retails at $98 a tub, same size :eek: but one tub lasts both my boys 3-4 months as they only have 1/2 a teaspoon on their dinner.
I must say, though Fraser did limp with arthritis a few years ago, I haven't seen any sign of it since starting this. Now I realise that could have had something to do with the previously unknown rising cortisol, but even with that now under control, there has been no sign of arthritis. The ultimate test will be when the weather cools down obviously, but that's some months off yet.
Anyway, another option to explore, and can be taken in conjunction - even with nsaids.
Popping in with a good morning, happy Sunday:D:D:D:D
I sure got a lot of chores done yesterday including cleaning the carpet in our den. I forgot what color it was:eek::eek::eek:
Have a wonderful day.
molly muffin
01-20-2013, 10:32 AM
Glad you are having some fun again Trish!
I wonder if these symptoms you are seeing will eventually go away. Interested to see what the vet says about that.
Have a good week,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-21-2013, 02:55 AM
Hi Trish,
Just back from seeing my vet and asked about the Cartrophen with cushings dogs, she said it is a very safe medication with very few interactions, so it would be worth asking your vet about it from the point of the adrenalectomy. Usually a 3 dose course to start, followed by maintenance doses. Apparently they can be 3, 6 or 12 monthly as needed, which is even better than I thought!
Hope that helps you some.
01-21-2013, 03:15 AM
Hi Naomi, Addy and Sharlene! Nice to hear from you all
I did some googling about the Cartophen Naomi, the only thing that worried me was the warning below:
"This medication is not recommended for use in dogs that have clotting defects, traumatic hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia, infection or abdominal cancer"
With Flynn having had liver cancer and now the pheo (hopefully not malignant but we don't know and it was in abdomen) i think it might be best for him not to have it. It is very similar to Adequan which I have seen used by some of the US members.
Thanks for the tip! Nearly time for the spring cleaning for you Addy, carpet done so thats a start! I bought a carpet shampooer last year, used it once and in the garage it sits! Luckily for me, Flynn does not have the peeing problem so many of our pups have and I spill more things on the carpet than he does :D. I noticed tonight his fur is nearly fully regrown from his two surgeries... just a wee line to show where they shaved still to grow out, he is so gorgeous! Hope he does not need to be shaved again for a long long time :)
01-21-2013, 03:27 AM
AAhhhh, missed that bit. Oh well it was worth the try. In that case, I'm fresh out of ideas. Sorry.:o
Hi Trish, just popping in to see how Flynn is doing. I bet he is so handsome with his newly grown coat!! It is so nice once that fur grows back in. It seemed like it took forever for Jasper's two front legs to grow back in after being shaved for the IV's when he was in the hospital. But the fur on his legs is long, so that is why it took so long to catch up.
I saw where you posted on Fraser's thread about liver support. Denamarin is one that I see a lot of pups here get. I just talked to my vet about it on Friday. She thought it might be a good idea, so we are going to talk about it once we figure out the kidney stuff. I found a lot of good information when I googled. Hope it is available in NZ.
I hope you are enjoying your warm weather, it is 5 degrees F here today with wind chills in the negative teens. Jasper and Shelby are curled up in a blanket on the couch and I think I will join them. I am off work for MLK day, and they are happy campers!! :D
Tina and Jasper
Harley PoMMom
01-21-2013, 03:15 PM
Some members here use Adequan for their dog's arthritis.
01-22-2013, 04:40 AM
Thanks everyone for the tips on the drugs. Flynn is going in for his BP check tomorrow morning. The vet insists of having him there a while to 'calm' down before testing him so I will drop him on way to work and then Mum can pick him up when he is ready. Trouble is I won't get to see the vet to discuss my list and the receptionist said he is away again after tomorrow until next Tuesday! Will see if I can at least speak to him on phone later tomorrow. Fingers crossed for good result!
Our fingers and paws are totally crossed, even some legs are crossed:D:D:D
molly muffin
01-22-2013, 02:41 PM
Everything crossed here! Go Flynn!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-22-2013, 02:46 PM
Good luck, hope it goes well.
01-22-2013, 07:45 PM
Looking forward to a good BP reading;)
Our fingers and toes are crossed too! :)
Julie & Hannah
01-23-2013, 01:47 AM
Hi all - thanks for your good luck wishes!
BP 160-170 so still up a bit higher than where I would like it to be. I asked them to check his proteinuria as well but no result from that. I have no plan of action as apparently vet was too busy to talk to me today even though I had asked for appointment. I dropped Flynn off at 8.30 and told them to ring me when he was ready so I could go in, pick him up and speak to vet. I had not heard anything by 11.15 so I rang them and was told he was ready to go home, receptionist told me BP result but that vet not able to see me.
The receptionist told me he is writing me a long email that should answer all my questions I said that was not good enough when I had been trying to see him since the weekend and I need to talk to him. I am cranky :mad: and now I think they are too, as there is no email for me. He is away now until next week. If I hear nothing from him by tomorrow I will write to the IMS at the pet hospital and hopefully I can take him down there and actually get to speak to someone. Even though I hate the thought of taking poor Flynny back to that place again. I am going to look into the cost of buying a BP machine so I can do it myself, this is so frustrating.
My fuse is short these days and I don't want to expode but I was close today :(
01-23-2013, 03:56 AM
Understandably so! Geez, if he cant make an appointment then at least give you a call, surely it is faster the writing a "big email". Especially for a patient with valid issues, not just needing vaccinations or having anal glands cleared! Hmmmppff, now I'm annoyed for you! :mad:
Oh Trish, ((((hugs))). I so understand how you feel. Had to work late but was thinking about Flynn all day. I agree, that is so frustrating, especially since your vet will now be gone for a bit. Were there any recommendations at all regarding his BP? I can't remember, was it quite a bit higher than this before the surgery?
I can't imagine your vet not letting you know what the plan was moving forward, especially since he is going to be gone. Maybe there is a communication mix up in his office? Regarding the protein in Flynn's urine, was that checked by a dipstick, or another more accurate test? I know that with Jasper, my vet mentioned that increased BP can contribute to protein in the urine, but I am not sure that Flynn's BP would be considered high enough to actually cause that. I hope you hear something by tomorrow. So sorry you have to worry about all of this. :( Hang in there Trish....
Tina and Jasper
01-23-2013, 04:20 AM
Hi Naomi and Tina - isn't it past your bedtime Tina or are you up for a toilet run?!
No miscommunication, she went and spoke to him while I was on phone. She said there was no guarantee he could speak to me when I came to get Flynn, I said well I will have to leave work and drive there (1hr round trip incl. dropping off Flynny which I would have taken as my lunch break) so I need to be sure he can talk to me or else I will just ask my parents to go collect him... she goes asks him again and the answer was no :mad::mad: So Dad went in the end.
Tina, his BP was up to 220 before his surgery. So it has improved. But he has had the protein for a year, he has had dipstick and the formal ones done in the past but not sure what they did today. The IMS did think the protein was due to his BP, so I want to make sure it is really under good control to limit any further damage to his kidneys and also his eyes as they saw changes in them too most likely from BP.
Naomi - I wrote him an email on the weekend after I couldn't get in to see him then, but I have more questions now ie the arthritis drug one and also the liver support! So I guess he is replying to that email, but I have not received anything tonight.
God knows how people get on that are not a persistant as me or with the knowledge I get from you guys... I wonder if they just give up??? Not that I will ever to that... :D:D
Yep, up for a potty break. :rolleyes: He didn't stay out long, it is so darn cold! Flynn's BP has improved quite a bit since the surgery, glad to see that. But I don't blame you for wanting it under better control, for sure. And I know what you mean, I often wonder how the "average" pet owner gets along. I am very detail oriented and persistent also, and a lot of times I feel this is the only way I get answers. Although overall I can't complain, but there have been a couple of times I was about ready to lose it. My vet now only works Mon, Wed, Fri, and an occasional Sat morning, down from full time. With all that has been going on with Jasper over the past 8 or 9 months, it has been difficult to coordinate things at times with her schedule. I am not good at waiting.
Well, back to bed we go for a bit, it is 3:30 am here, oy!! I am going to have to post on Jasper's thread before I go to work, if I have time. Keep your chin up Trish, I know it is not easy. Hugs....
molly muffin
01-23-2013, 02:41 PM
Hope you get that email today Trish. Especially since he didn't talk to you in person. You have to just dig your heels in with these vets sometimes. I know you are dug in and holding on tight!!
That is good that the bp has come down some. Just want it down more. I wonder if the vet hosptial where the surgery was done can tell you if that is a progressive downward trend that should continue now the surgery has been done. hmmm..
hang in there!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-23-2013, 08:57 PM
Geez, Trish. So sorry you are yet going through more stuff. You have had enough!!!
01-24-2013, 03:19 AM
Nothing from local vet, I have just emailed the surgeon and IMS for advice. Will let you know if I hear anything. Otherwise I might have to fly Flynny to Australia :D:D:D we could do with a holiday :D:D:D
01-24-2013, 03:30 AM
STINK!!! Got auto replies, they are both out of the office, surgeon till tomorrow and IMS till Feb 4th :( So will wait and see if I hear from surgeon. Bet they would all be happy if I just went away!!
01-24-2013, 09:05 AM
Bet they would all be happy if I just went away!!
Trust me, no they don't! I had a great vet once (unfortunately now retired) who actually told us that when vets see people like us coming they rub their hands in glee. Long term clients willing to spend lots. He was great though, only charged us one out of every 3-4 consults, was always on the lookout to save us money etc. Damn shame he hurt his back and had to retire, he was also a full bottle on cushing's! (mentioned it about Fraser a good 5 years ago - said to watch for it - and he was right!)
So basically, feel free to kick up a stink. :p He's only going to kick himself in the guts if you give up and go elsewhere. :D:D
Naomi, I love your answer and you are right, they dont want to lose their guaranteed income with us:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I sure hope you get some answers for Flynn, sweetie. Just remember the squeaky wheel gets the oil;)
molly muffin
01-24-2013, 05:11 PM
checking for squeaky wheels!
Naomi that may just be the best answer EVER!!
Give'em _____ , you know. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-25-2013, 05:03 AM
Squeaky reporting in haha....
I had a call from the vet nurse at local practice this afternoon requesting another urine sample from Flynn. Dipstick showed 3+ protein and they want to repeat protein:creatinine ratio. This has been high for last year. Vet emailed me tonight, he said probably nothing to worry about at this stage but we need to check. He had been waiting to email me when he got that result but just found out today they had chucked out the rest of the sample and had not done the ratio test.
Also said how pleased he was to see Flynn looking so much better since he last saw him. Recommendations for diet include giving him venison mince and rabbit mince or cooked chicken and hills i/d diet. Avoid red meat. Bowels still occasionally loose but today really formed :D:D Plus he wants me to do a spreadsheet on food he eats and bowel motions.
So I will get that underway and send him my new questions. Flynn seems good today, but tonight I have noticed him drawing his back leg up a little when he is lying on his side. I think his hips are hurting him, probably because I have stopped the previcox... last time I saw that behaviour is when he had the swab problem. Nothing from pet hospital, but then they are away for now.
OK I am going to stop whining about his seemingly minor problems when the last two posts I have opened had one dog in emergency surgery and the other going to ICU for the night :eek::eek: Jeepers my thoughts are with those doggies and their anxious families, so hoping everything goes well for Bug and Frida tonight
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
01-25-2013, 08:33 AM
It's a worry isn't it? I think I just opened those same two posts myself! I feel really stupid obsessing over a liver supplement with my marathon post you saw earlier, but the point is, they are still our babies and we love them, so on that note "Flynn! Put your leg down! Stop freaking your mother out!"
But do keep on at the vet, make them earn that money we shovel their way!
Night Squeaky :D:D
Boriss McCall
01-25-2013, 10:35 AM
who knew one day we would be making poop spreadsheets for our dogs. :p
molly muffin
01-25-2013, 01:08 PM
We have poop spreadhseets?!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
last time I saw that behaviour is when he had the swab problem
Squeaky, dont even go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nighty night!!!!
01-25-2013, 05:03 PM
Nice to get up to your funny posts :D:D:D Truly, I wasn't kidding about the spreadsheet, see quote below for my instructions!
"Would it be too much trouble to ask you to spread sheet his diet/food type and time fed and what his faeces Grade is like ( Grade 1 = Watery; Grade 2 = soft cow pat; Grade 3 = some form but sloppy around; Grade 4 = Normal; Grade 5 = Hard) so I can look for a pattern. Certainly sounds dietary if you find that he is fine on the GI diet and that his appetite is good"
So Flynn are I will be off to the pet store today to buy him some Bambi and Thumper to eat.... ugh :eek:, hope he likes it :):)
Have a good day everyone, thoughts still with the sick dogs and hope they are feeling better today
Hi Trish,
Just wondering how the poop spreadsheet is going? Lol. You know, I have been recording Jasper's poops since he had that horrible hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in September. I have just been writing it in a journal, but a spreadsheet is a good idea. I guess it serves the same purpose, but I certainly have not been using the sophisticated grading system that you mention, my vet did not provide me with that! :D :D
How is the little guy doing, and were you able to find what you were looking for at the pet store? I am not sure I have heard of venison or rabbit mince. Is it intended to help settle his tummy and firm up his poops?
Keep me posted on the results of his urine protein:creatinine ratio, I am hoping it shows better results than Jasper's did. Jasper's chem panel is back and the BUN and creatinine are in the normal range! There are still concerns, but I am VERY relieved about these results. I will be posting the latest on his thread in a bit.
I hope Flynn is doing well.
Hugs from me and Jasper :)
Hi from me too!!!!! Our Monday is fast approaching, hope you made it through yours!!!
molly muffin
01-27-2013, 08:19 PM
Hi from me!! Looks like everyone is gearing up for a busy week with our furbabies and vet visits.
Man, it's hard to want to jump back into the week.
Did you and Flynn have a good weekend???
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-28-2013, 04:21 AM
Hi everyone
After a few emails back and forth, increasingly frustrated on my part I finally just got off the phone to our vet and a hour long conversation.
I feel better now we have a plan :) Gawd it always sucks when you are in that limbo state doesn't it.
Diet/bowel issues: stay on the venison and gastro biscuits, he is having formed motions on this mix and he gets the green tripe twice a week. Excel spreadsheet continuing! He said to add probiotic and fish oil.
BP: he is happy with the 160 range, he said it would be lower at home. Does not think he needs treatment for that. He is going to check it with IMS though.
Proteinuria: still 3+ on dipstick.
UPCR results:
Jan 2012 1.21
Nov 2012 1.48
Saturday 1.50
He said no need for treatment unless over 2.0. But also check it out with IMS. No need for kidney diet at this stage.
Arthritis: has been off Previcox nearly a week, I have noticed him kind of lifting his back leg up on his walks and not so keen to jump on couch. But not limping. I was also thinking the Previcox was affecting his bowel. But because I stopped all his other meds (moblise supplement and losec) at same time it is hard to tell. He wants him to stay off the Previcox another week so we can see if BMs stay ok and then restart it, then we will know if the Previcox is culprit of loose BMs. He is not in real bad pain at moment so I will do that. Naomi, I had mentioned the Cartrophen in an email and he had researched it, he said it is not to be given with haemorrhagic tumours or clotting problems so not contraindicated in Flynn's case, so that is an option too. He said he see's marked improvement in approx 70% of dogs that he uses it with and he finds it very safe and he said he would have a dog in the practice each day for an injection so they use it a lot. I am kind of leaning towards that instead of previcox but he did not think Previcox was contraindicated for Flynn even with the protein and elevated LTS's.
High LFT's: we need to do another test, now he is more recovered from surgery. He said LFTs could have been more elevated during the postop period and he wants to compare them with last year when they had shown decline. Then we can decide on liver support. We know he has two benign nodules in his liver, they have been biopsied three times now, so he was thinking that these could be causing the elevation and liver support may not be needed as Bilirubin was normal which is showing no blockages or anything bad like that. But again he will include that in questions to IMS.
Panting/Tremours: he thought they were much improved. Especially noted less shaking when he did his BP. Reassured me he had xray/CT in prep for surgery and no heart enlargement was found. ECG monitoring during/after surgery also OK. So no reason to suspect heart trouble at this stage. Also, it has been very hot, plus recovering from surgery. So be patient. Yeah right!
Lip smacking: Comes and goes, he is off Losec but I can give it if I need too.
I think that is about it, he is going to get back to me after discussion with IMS. I stressed that I need to have a confirmed plan of how we will proceed, how often we need to monitor everything to make sure nothing gets missed and how I need to be involved and communicated with. Probably recheck bloods in couple of weeks. It was all very civil and I feel much happier now.
Another novel from me! Sorry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ps Sharlene, weekend was good thanks, pretty quiet, nothing like the shenanigans you were up to at 4am!!!! GO YOU!! :D:D
01-28-2013, 07:18 AM
Hey Trish, sounds like things are starting to come under control finally. Always great to have a plan in place, strangely reassuring isn't it? Good news re the cartrophen, at least it gives you the option if you don't want to go with the Previcox, especially if that ends up being the cause of the rear end slops.
I also know what you mean about the panting! Fraser has been panting, and his water intake has increased. I have to keep reminding myself that is is damn hot outside and that increase in water intake is not only normal, but healthy. :rolleyes: I'm about to start looking for a cool mat for him, no air con during the day as of next week as I am back at work, so alternatives must be found.
anyway, take care and let us know how things progress, but as you have now seen, it pays to be squeaky! :D:D:D
That sounds like a productive run of emails, Squeaky!!! If you do the fish oil, it can cause a bit of loose stools sometimes. Our IMS has mentioned it to me for Zoe but I am too worried it will set her into an IBD flare.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
You are like me, I always feel better when I have a plan. I hate not having a plan:(:(:(:(:(
Dang, Zoe is at the dog puzzle, shoot, I have to run, that girl has no idea what is all wrong with her:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: If she had hair, people would think she was a normal dog:D:D
molly muffin
01-28-2013, 09:24 PM
Nothing like a plan to make one feel like screaming to the world "top of the morning" to everyone in sight! hahahaha
pffttt... I bet you could get up to some sheenanigans if you felt like it! LOL
I think our Flynny is in good hands. His momma can whip any old vet into tip top shape!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Trish, yep, up to let the little man out so thought I would check the forum real quick. Worked a bit late so didn't have the energy to post when I got home, then snoozed on the couch. :rolleyes:
I think all of the updates for Flynn sound great! Especially the UPCR results. So glad to see that was essentially the same as in November. I believe my vet said that they look at treatment when it is over 2 also, that's why we just watched it for Jasper after his October result. Of course now it is pretty high for him. :(
Jasper was on fish oil supplement that I mixed with his food for the longest time and tolerated it well. He was getting it then because his triglycerides were running high. We stopped it after he got toxic on the Lysodren because he had a bit of a colitis flare around that time, and things kind of went downhill from there so we never restarted it. It is part of the treatment plan for the kidney issues though, so I imagine we will be restarting it at some point.
As far as the turning 50, I have a couple of years on you and Sharlene! It was no big deal, I'm sure it won't be for you either. I like the idea of a party halfway in Hawaii. I didn't really celebrate my 50th (long story), so maybe I could meet you guys there!! :D :D
Great job with the plan for Flynn, you must feel so relieved.
Tina and Jasper
01-29-2013, 04:57 AM
Hi Naomi, Addy, Sharlene and Tina
Yes plans are good, I am the type that needs it all written down. Every morning at work I write out my list of what I want to achieve during the day. Last night I even emailed the vet again listing all the points we had discussed and how we are going to proceed :rolleyes: Think I am definitely a type A haha.
Tina, I think I might have read from Lori on your thread about salmon oil so think I will look at getting that for him. His bowel really seems to have settled and I think it is the Hills biscuits that have done it, he is on the gastro ones now. As much as I wanted to give him home cooked he kept on having loose poops and I think all the chicken did not help. He seems to like the new venison mince, mixed with the biscuits. I have also noted that now he is not having chicken all the time his breath is much better. Tonight was "Tripe Night" haha, it looks so gross but I am to give it to him frozen. He carries it outside to the lawn and sits there crunching it up like it is the tastiest treat. So a nice tripe iceblock is sure a hit with Flynn, especially in this warm weather :) Apparently full of all sorts of nutritious goodness :rolleyes:
Hope you get back to sleep ok Tina, I think we should all dream of Hawaii! xxxxx
molly muffin
01-29-2013, 07:17 AM
This might be the first time I've heard that tripe was good for dogs. I'm glad Flynn is enjoying it, frozen in hot weather sounds doggy perfect.
I was wondering about fish oil for molly too. Maybe I'll look into that.
hugs, have a great day all,
01-29-2013, 08:08 AM
It's official, we are missing an emoticon. You know the one where he starts smiling, then turns green and throws up everywhere. That's what I think of when I hear the word "Tripe" Blech! And as a frozen treat, scuse me, have to go hurl! :(:(:(:rolleyes::rolleyes: Sorry, just can't do that, my mum used to boil it up for the old Daschunds we had many years ago, just revolting! Then again, they seemed to love it. Eeeewwww!
Anyway, re the "chicken breath" My boys get that too, and the really sloppy bowels that go with it. It's basically a food allergy and they are actually allergic to chicken! I was told that apparently a lot of dogs are, and I've even tested it over the years, but every single time they get a bit of chicken, we get halitosis, what my sister calls "doona busters" (or "quilt busters" for some - basically botty halitosis) and the slops that go with it. Now, If given the choice, boys don't get chicken. And yet weirdly, turkey is fine. Go figure :confused:
I will be interested to see how Flynn goes on the fish oil. I tried some sardines a few years ago too, but couldn't get past the fish breath that went with! I'm not a fishy person at the best of times, but on a dogs breath, that's just too much! But do let us know! :D:D:D
From past readings of mine, nutritionists said tripe is supposed to be really good for dogs. I considered it for Zoe way back when I was running out of food ideas because she could not tolerate anything so hope Flynnie enjoys his tripe:D:D:D:D:D:D Have to admit though, never saw it or smelled it.
I love fish so cant go by me. Zoe's fish and sweet potato food smells good to me. Of course I cant breathe out of my nose half the time so who knows what it really smells like:D:D:rolleyes:
Squirt's Mom
01-29-2013, 09:08 AM
Green tripe! A sure hit every time in my house! Tho I don't cook it myself, we used canned. ;) I was warned about the smell but I don't find it to be offensive - it looks GROSS but the smell is ok to me and drives the gang batty begging for it! :D It is the only thing that still works with Squirt when she has to have meds apart from her feeding times. I can put the med in the tripe and she will take it. ;)
And it is very good for our babies! Not something you would want to feed on a regular basis I wouldn't think but really good for them on occasion.
01-30-2013, 03:06 AM
I have been googling tripe and have attached a couple of articles, it appears to have lots of probiotic properties so I won't have to buy any of those, plus omega oils too. It is good for renal pups to Tina, with safe amounts of phosphorous and proteins. So sounds like a win win situation :D:D He sure seems to love it, some of the articles I read people go out to farms and get them from fresh killed animals, then cart it home and chop it up on the lawn! :D:D I will stick with my nice little frozen blocks, which are a serving size. They did warn me about the smell, but I don't notice it frozen and they said they recommended to give it like that. They said it is kind of an 'earthy' smell and is definitely an outside food. He said to give it twice a week. I just saw Flynn out of the lawn digging up the spot where he had eaten it last night, hoping he might find some leftovers no doubt :D I am getting soft on that dog, I would have told him off for digging up the lawn in the past, but not these days he can do what he likes if it makes him happy :D:D
Naomi - we used to have to eat it as kids. Mum used to make tripe and onions in a milky sauce, gawd I remember it to this day **gag**. They still have it very occasionally but boy it does stink, that emoticon would have come in handy as we pushed it around our plates, wish I had a dog back then so I could have fed him under the table :D
I like to give him fish too Addy. We have a family get together for fish n chip night each Thursday, my work has a deal with a local fish supplier and we get it cheap once a week. So we all have a lovely dinner and Flynn sits by his Grandad as he cuts up and prepares the fish and races Elle the cat to any off cuts he throws them. No pesky Siamese is going to beat him to these tasty raw fishy treats! I don't notice fish breath either!
No other news today from me, other than my boy really has turned the corner (there I said it!). :D:D :D
Hope you all have a good day tomorrow
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
01-30-2013, 03:48 AM
So glad he has turned the corner, it's a relief when that happens, you don't worry anywhere near as much, but you still watch like a hawk!
I can't believe you had to eat tripe as a kid though! **gag** is right! Mum used to stick in a pot to boil it up, and then she would make me cut it up and feed the dogs. Oh it was so gross! that and boiled laying hens. She would buy old laying chooks at the supermarket and boil them too, then as usual I would get to cut them up and feed the dogs. One time, I remember cutting into it, like I. half and found a 3/4 formed egg. needless to say, it took me about a year to eat eggs again, and about 6 months before I'd look at a chock again too! Don't remember having to feed the dogs for a while after that, I think she realized how grossed out I was! I was about 9 if memory serves. And of course, that olfactory memory is strong!
Wow, these days my boys eat better than I do! fresh cooked chuck steak or blade steak, beef roasts, lean lamb roast, roast pork even! (but I cut all the fat off, don't worry). that and fresh steamed and mashed veggies. Needless to say, they won't eat pre-prepared dog food! buy that's all because they are allergic to preservatives used in tin foods. it's pretty ugly if they get some! The one thing I have never done though is feed them from my plate, so they never beg for food. Even at his worst, Fraser would watch you eat, but never asked for it, he's such a good boy :D
anyway, time for a walk, so I'm off, enough dribble for one post :D. take care, chat soon!
01-30-2013, 03:56 AM
Haha.. our mother's were mean, mine for making me eat it and yours for making you chop it! Have a nice walk, it is lovely in the evenings when it gets a bit cooler :D
molly muffin
01-30-2013, 07:27 PM
I think congratulations are in order. :) We have a new forum host!
Congratulations Trish
Oh Trish, super congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01-31-2013, 04:35 AM
:D:D The mean tripe mother clan!! :D:D
Hi Trish,
First off, congratulations on becoming a Forum Host!! How wonderful for you! It sounds like Flynn is feeling well, also. It's all good!
You guys are killing me with the stories about tripe. Good Lord, I'm not sure I even know what it is, but I decided I am going to wait for the weekend to take a look at the links you posted, scared, lol. It is sounding quite scary :eek: , but if it is something that might be good for Jasper, I will take a look. Anything for my little man!
Well, we got up about an hour ago for our pit stop. It is 0 degrees F, with a minus 18 wind chill, so needless to say, he was speedy. Sound asleep and snoring wrapped up in a blanket next to me on the couch now. So precious. He got his first dose of Enalapril last night, so I am watching him close. Back to bed for us for a short bit and then finally Friday!
I hope Flynn is continuing to feel well. Congratulations again Trish!
Tina and Jasper
02-01-2013, 03:31 PM
Haha Naomi - that can be the title of the night shift Forum Hosts!! Thanks for the congrats Addy and Sharlene, I was very surprised to be asked.. when is our inauguration?? Do we have to swear on the doggy bible to do our best for our little buddies :D:D
Tina - I am impressed with the tripe, to be sure it is not pretty!! Flynn loves it though, I was looking at him this morning thinking something was different and it is his teeth. They are much whiter! I read that the gastric juices in the tripe can do this and he has only had three meals of it. Maybe worth a try with Jasper, it you can bear handling it, mind you I just grab a portion out the freezer put it in his bowl, he carries it outside and does the rest! Hmmm not sure how that would go in your frozen backyard!! I do not think I would like it so much if he was eating it inside :D:D I am only giving it twice a week.
Well Saturday morning is here, the doggie blankets are in the wash, vacuumed already, it is sunny again. Actually we are getting close to drought conditions, farmers are having to sell their stock BUT the wineries are very happy with all this sun, apparently it is going to be a bumper vintage this year so that's good news :D:D I am off to one of the wineries for dinner tonight so I will check out their claim :D:D
Boriss McCall
02-01-2013, 03:36 PM
Yay! new forum host. They picked the right person indeed. Thanks for all your support.
Have a happy weekend!
molly muffin
02-01-2013, 05:29 PM
Oh fun going to the wineries. Love to do that. I wonder which New Zealand brands I can buy in our LCBO.
Hmmm, tripe huh. Well, molly does need something that helps her teeth, but gads, the thought of tripe, sort of does me in. It's too cold for her to have it outside. She's freeze herself silly and not come in or let it go. Do they come in small pieces. (trying to think of that on my kitchen floor) What if it isn't frozen, do you cook it for them? boil it maybe?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-01-2013, 05:40 PM
No I don't think you do cook it, I saw some that was freeze dried though. So maybe that would be more tolerable. I remember Mum cooking it when we were kids, it stunk. So I would not want to do that!
I have cancelled the winery dinner, they are all coming here now. Mum and Dad are out tonight and I do not want to leave Flynny home alone, even though he is good. Over protective much?!?! My friends are dog lovers so they understand :) I am going to make roasted sage pork belly, salad and veges. Just trawling my recipe books for a yummy dessert!
Our local wineries for you Sharlene :D,winery,134
molly muffin
02-01-2013, 05:52 PM
Thanks Trish! We do have some wines from your local vineyard. How cool is that. We have 189 different New Zealand wines and just on the first page I saw, Te Mata Estate, Te Awa Winery, Lincoln and I'm only about 10 down the list. (jumping up and down with excitement!!!) I'm going to go pick a couple up this weekend!
Thanks again!!
02-01-2013, 06:49 PM
Woah! Let me check the flight schedules and get back to you Trish - Roasted Sage Pork Bellies with salad and Veg! Got room for one more? Now I'm going to have to think about something gourmet for dinner too, and I've only just woken up!
Must admit though, only ever tried a NZ wine when in Auckland. Here I am too enamoured with our Margaret River varieties on the few occasions I drink anything. (Worlds cheapest drunk here, don't drink often at all).
As for the tripe, you even got me thinking about trying to source some :eek: the choice comes down to my revulsion or white doggy teeth (seeing as how the teeth cleaning was the start of our troubles! - not that it caused anything, just the bloods indicated something amiss). Just don't know that I can handle it - we might have to stick to pigs ears treats and home made jerky. That and there is no way they will eat it outside, so I would end up with frozen tripe on my lounge room carpet. <shudder> By the way Sharlene, I will vouch for the smell/odour. IT STINKS! and my olfactory memory of that smell is almost 30 years old now. and consistency of rubber. blech! <shudders again> Nup, just can't go there.
I'm out of here, with trip on the menu again I will come back when it's gone. <shudders and walks away>
02-02-2013, 04:49 AM
It's safe to come back Naomi, tripe's not on menu today... it's bambi! :eek: Deer are farmed around here and I have heard they are also farming Llama/alpacas :eek::eek: I think I would draw the line at that. I tried Kangaroo once when I was in Australia, not doing that again it was so tough.
My dog is eating strange things lately, but he seem's to be doing well on it, he is not so keen on his biscuits though and has taken to not eating them all in the morning but goes back later in the day to finish them off.
My friends came over tonight and brought him a can of "My Dog", we said thank you very much of course, but I thought he's not eating that!! We have turned into such dog food snobs!
Glad to hear you sourced the gel pads, looking forward to hear how they go. Apart from drinking it, Flynn hates water, he hates to swim, waves at the beach and won't go near the tide line, hates to be showered, he hates it if I get the hose out like I would squirt him, does not like a cool towel on him on a hot day, does not like rain.. lord knows what he would make of snow if he ever saw it.. he would probably think someone was throwing things at him haha so I am thinking he would hate a gel pad :D:D so good luck with yours!
Squirt's Mom
02-02-2013, 08:22 AM
"Dog food snob".... Not me, no way, that's not me, huh uh, nope, not a snob about dog food, nope.... soooo, I wonder why folks will no longer tell me what they are feeding? Dog food NAZI maybe? :o As in, "OMG! I wouldn't throw that out in the woods for the worms to eat! Gag a maggot, that is awful crap! Why in the world would you submit your baby to this garbage?!?" orrrr, stopping folks in the store and telling them they could do sooo much better for just a little more money, that they are feeding peanut hulls and fat, asking for serious health issues over time. ooorrrrr sharing home made dog treats with the neighbor's dogs just so I know they actually DO get some real nutrients once in a while at least...and being kind enough to tell the owner just that. :o
But, no, I am not a dog food snob.
Wine, dinner, dessert, can I come?:D:D:D:D:D:D Sounds yummy good except for the tripe. Now you have me rethinking the tripe;););)
Shoot, hubby wants me to shovel snow, yikes, he thinks I am having too much fun while he is out shoveling the driveway:rolleyes::rolleyes:
02-02-2013, 09:28 AM
Oh, I love it! The Dog Food Nazi! Well Leslie, you will be pleased to know that this evening my boys ate a helping of Shoulder Roast Beef (very lean cut) and fresh cooked mashed veggies. They are snobs too, in fact, if they don't like something, they will leave it and prefer to throw up in hunger before eating whatever is in their bowls! Costs a fortune to feed these two!
Trish, I know what you mean about the My Dog too! Oscar is so horrendously allergic to that he breaks out in the most amazing skin rashes and itchies within 30 minutes of consuming! It is so chock full of preservatives it's just gross! And I myself have never tried Kangaroo. i feed it to the boys because it is so low in fat, they love it but boy howdy does it stink to high heaven! It is a pet version they get so is usually minced tail, I cook it in the microwave for a few minutes and it just reeks! But as I said, they love it, so they get it at least once a week. :rolleyes: I've never tried them on bambi, but I've tried goat which they love and have been trying to source Thumper, but at $30kg, it's just a little ridiculous. Oh well, guess we'll stick with the beef, lamb, turkey, pork and roo. (The don't tolerate chicken either :rolleyes:)
I have to say though, thank heavens Tripe is off the menu tonight. :D
(Quick Addy, duck and hide! Pretend your asleep - anything to get out of snow shovelling duty!)
molly muffin
02-02-2013, 09:36 AM
:D:D:D:D That is so funny!! It's true isn't it. We become very picky about food and treats now that we Know more about them. Food snobs, LOL
I was walking molly the other day and someone wanted to run into their house and get a treat, I was like oh, thanks that is very sweet, but she has had an upset tummy so maybe not right now.
Another one I had her go over what was in her treats before she could give her treats to molly. Her dog has allergies and all kind of things going on so his stuff is pretty good.
I am loving Molly's new treats that I was thrilled to find! cranberry, chia, cinnamon, they smell so good I would eat them. No corn, no wheat, no sugar, no preservatives and made here local. Love it! Wish I could find an alternate to the S/O dog food, but it's the only one that encourages her to drink enough water. :(
Leslie, I'd be terrified if I saw you coming and had a cheap filler type food in my hand!!! Put that way and grab a blue buffalo or something. hahahahaahaha
Wow, I'm not sure that I've ever seen a dog that really didn't like water at all. Flynny is certainly unique.
Okay, everyone have a good weekend, try not to terrorize any neighbors!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
molly muffin
02-02-2013, 10:30 AM
Oh no Addy, once they get that shovel in your hands, your doomed!!! Doomed I say!!!! Don't go there!!! we we still have another couple months to get through...brrrrr..shiver!
Sharlene <cracking up laughing>
02-02-2013, 05:10 PM
:D :D Look at all the dog food snobs on the forum!! I am lucky I have been able to source this food, it is preservative and additive free and he really likes the venison and tripe so far. The vet had also recommended rabbit, but the store said it was not a good seller so they stopped making it. He suggested I find someone with a gun to go out and shoot me some and then I could make my own :eek::eek::eek: I don't think so buddy!! :eek::eek::eek:
They had possum too Naomi, that always horrifies my Australian friends that us Kiwi's have such disregard for them, but they are a terrible pest here wreaking havoc in our natural bush, so now I see they have ended up in the pet food too :eek::eek: I might get some for Flynn to try next time!
Aww you were all welcome for dinner, the pork belly was delish but I don't think nibbling on the leftover crackling for breakfast meets the requirements of my new healthy eating plan :D:D Hope you got out of the shovelling Addy, that does not sound fun at all!
Sabre's Mum
02-02-2013, 05:29 PM
Possum is great for dogs. With the exception of Flynn's chicken wings and necks we source our food through Pet Essentials here in Tauranga. Flynn loves the possum and "something" (I can't remember what it is) mince and he thinks the rabbit is delicious. Tripe is also there but both Sabre and Flynn turned their noses up at that .... "Mum we draw the line there!". Vension was high up on the menu when he was a pup and Sabre was around but I guess he overdosed on that and is not so partial to his diced venison or venison bones as he used to be.
Angela and Flynn
02-02-2013, 05:58 PM
Hi Angela
I get my Flynn's (great name!) venison and tripe from Pet Essentials here in Napier, I just read their website and it seems it is made centrally but some stores do their own. Wonder if that is why there is no rabbit in mine?? Good to hear of your pup eating the same food and doing good. Anyway, I'm going to go in this arvo and get him some possum, hopefully some variety will stop him going off a particular one, might get him a bone too. He has not had one of those in ages.
Angela, do you give your Flynn any other dietary supplements? My Flynn is also having about 1/2 cup of Hills gastro biscuits. I was reading about the tripe and it has probiotics and omega oils in it so I guess that is covered, but was wondering if he would need other vitamins? Keeping in mind history of high lfts, proteinuria??
Any advice gratefully received, but so far I am very impressed in the changes with my Flynn on the Pet Essential food, more formed poop although I guess that could be the biscuits but he has been on it a couple of weeks now and no loose poops at all. YAY!
PS I am coming up to Tauranga on Friday for a meeting, hope the weather stays nice!
02-02-2013, 07:48 PM
Sabre! A doggy with discerning taste! Good boy, reject that tripe! :D
So I'm really curious about this food that you two are getting, (and I have no objections to possum either, I know they are a pest over there, quite frankly I think they are a pest down south here too! And they stink when they get in the roof space!) Anyway, the food. Is it a raw food or something you cook up? I'm always on the lookout for something preprepared to use as a back up on the occasions when I need something quick. So come on, details please.
Also, wondering if you guys have tried the kiwi peak dry food? The boys love the treats that they do, but I've never tried the biscuits. They are so expensive here and I'm afraid they will turn their noses up and I will be left with a whole bag! They hate the canidae dry, and the only bikkies I can ever get them to eat consistently is Advance - which aren't that wonderful :rolleyes: In the past we've tried Holistic (no go with that), Eukanuba (as puppies, Fraser starved himself in preference to eating that) Pro Plan (ok for a while but then they turned noses up) Hills (would touch it, ended up returning 3 bags at different times) Natural Balance (which they do like - this is a locally made one) Nutro (Fraser will eat it if there's nothing else, Oscar won't touch it) and Advance - which they both eat consistently. So they are not kibble dogs for primary food source, that was just too hard, but I'm ever hopeful to find something else they will like.
02-02-2013, 11:37 PM
Hi Naomi - here is the website of the store, not a lot of info on it... but it shows the freezer where I get his meat from :D You don't have to cook it, its raw. Just defrost and eat.
I have not seen the Kiwi Peak dry food, will keep my eyes open. I have been giving Flynn the Hill hypoallergenic treats lately, he likes them. I picked up some of the 'possum and veal' meat so will see how that goes.
I have been at the vets again this afternoon, with Mum and Dad's cat, she had somehow managed to totally rip out a claw. I had noticed it yesterday when I called in for a visit and cleaned it up and put some antiseptic (pet) cream on it, but today it looked more swollen and tender so I drove Mum and puss to the vets for a checkup. She got an antibiotic shot and checked out ok otherwise.
We took Flynn with us for therapy, so he could go to the vet and see they can really be nice people and not hurt him all the time! It was not our usual vet on today, but the one there recognised him by sight and he knew all about him. He made such a fuss of Flynny petting him, giving him a biscuit etc and said it was good to bring him in so he would not be so scared of them hopefully!! But Elle the Siamese did not help, she sqawked and squealed like she was being slowly murdered, crikey what a fusspot :eek::eek:
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sabre's Mum
02-03-2013, 12:24 AM
Hi Trish,
We haven't been in to Pet Essentials for a wee while ... last December sometime, but I know at that time the owner said there was a shortage of rabbit at the time. They use hunters in Canterbury from recollection.
We give everything raw and base it loosely on the BARF diet, I add in kelp powder, used to give brewers yeast to Sabre (but Flynn I decided not to after he came out in a rash after I added it to a meal), yoghurt, egg yolks, flax seed oil, cottage cheese and yoghurt. He gets left over salmon skin and salmon leftovers (from the kids). We generally give him chicken necks in the evening (to bring the cost down) then the morning meal can be chicken nibbles, mince, venison, rabbit, possum pieces or possum mince. I am a no grain Mum ..... purely because Sabre used to have terrible ear infections at certain times of the year but we found that grains would make it worse. So, because Flynn is the same breed with nice big floppy ears we have stuck to this. We did use to feed Flynn Orijen Biscuits in the morning but he got totally bored, had gas with a pleasant aroma from his rear end - NOT (ie really stinky farts) and the price went up so we decided to go back to totally raw. We do however find that it is quite hard for Flynn to keep weight on with a raw diet so we are adding a lunchtime snack for him as well!
As for the weather .... we have been having absolutely stunning weather so here's to crossing fingers that it will be fabulous on Friday. I haven't seen the forecast for tomorrow but I hope it will warm as I have to go to the beach with 70-80 kids and probably will get coaxed to help in the water. Beach Education Day .... and lucky me volunteered to help :)
Angela and Flynn
Sabre's Mum
02-03-2013, 12:30 AM
Sabre! A doggy with discerning taste! Good boy, reject that tripe! :D
So I'm really curious about this food that you two are getting, (and I have no objections to possum either, I know they are a pest over there, quite frankly I think they are a pest down south here too! And they stink when they get in the roof space!) Anyway, the food. Is it a raw food or something you cook up? I'm always on the lookout for something preprepared to use as a back up on the occasions when I need something quick. So come on, details please.
Also, wondering if you guys have tried the kiwi peak dry food? The boys love the treats that they do, but I've never tried the biscuits. They are so expensive here and I'm afraid they will turn their noses up and I will be left with a whole bag! They hate the canidae dry, and the only bikkies I can ever get them to eat consistently is Advance - which aren't that wonderful :rolleyes: In the past we've tried Holistic (no go with that), Eukanuba (as puppies, Fraser starved himself in preference to eating that) Pro Plan (ok for a while but then they turned noses up) Hills (would touch it, ended up returning 3 bags at different times) Natural Balance (which they do like - this is a locally made one) Nutro (Fraser will eat it if there's nothing else, Oscar won't touch it) and Advance - which they both eat consistently. So they are not kibble dogs for primary food source, that was just too hard, but I'm ever hopeful to find something else they will like.
Sabre was a rather snobby boy ... only the best for him :).
We haven't tried the Ziwi Peak dog food but like you have tried to treats. From what I see the treats are pretty much the same as the food but yes they are VERY expensive ... but they do justify this by saying that you need to feed less than you would normally.
Angela and Flynn
02-03-2013, 01:02 AM
Thanks so much Angela - I am going to look at your additives and give it further thought about what he needs. I weighed him today, he went up 1/2 a kilo in the past couple of weeks. :eek: But his weight has been up and down like a yoyo, 13.8kg now. I am cutting back to half a cup of biscuits and only one cube of the meat each day. He is hungry though, I know Mum and Dad give him snacks through the day as well. Mainly healthy ones :D
I tried those Orijen biscuits last month, OMG he STUNK too. He liked them though, but it was gagging stuff! So out they went. I googled the ziwipeak food just now, it is supposed to be in our pet essentials store so will have a closer look next time I am in. Might try him on those treats too and maybe the biscuits to supplement the venison/possum. He does need some carbs I think to help his bowels.
Uh oh, weather is on news while i am typing this, hate to say but it looks like rain tomorrow up your way :eek::eek: will cross fingers they are wrong!
I just realised today it two months since Flynn's adrenalectomy, wow look how far he has come!! It feels like months haha
molly muffin
02-03-2013, 10:15 AM
2 months!!! my gosh how time does fly. Less vet visits, more time just enjoying life. It all sounds good to me.
I have to say that I am reading this food stuff in your thread and not even sure how to react to possum on the menu, and all these other things. Sort of having an ugh moment.
We definitely can't just walk into our Pet Essentials store (is that like a Pet Mart?) and pick up some possum and rabbit for the nights doggie dinner that I know of.
It's like a whole different world. Wow! I'm just sitting back and learning a whole new culture of dog feeding. :) :) :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-04-2013, 04:29 AM
Believe me Sharlene, I have had a few ugh moments too with this new food! I did not know it existed either until a couple of weeks ago. But I swear he has got an extra spring in his step, teeth are whiter, both loose poop and lip smacking appears to have disappeared since he started this new wild food! I buy it frozen, it has about 8 meal size cubes in each pack, so just defrost and eat. I will keep it going while he continues to do so well on it. He had possum and veal for breakfast and tripe for dinner! Plus half a cup of gastro Hills biscuits, but I think I might try him off those when I get some of the natural ziwi food this weekend.
I met a reflexologist guy up the beach tonight on our walk, we had quite a chat about our dogs. He recommended I give a Magnesium supplement a try for his tremours, so a bit of googling for me to check that out.
I guess Pet Essentials is like your Pet Mart but we do not have that here so I am not sure. It is a store with everything you need for pets, accessories and food etc. Flynn is allowed in this store, he loves to visit there, he just about wiggles his nose right off with all the delicious doggy smells in there!
02-04-2013, 07:24 AM
Hey Trish,
The pet essentials food sounds very like a version of BARF (would this be right?). I've tried one brand with the boys, but being the fussy bums that they are, wouldn't eat it again after 3 meals. :confused: I think though you get more variation in what meats they use. The ones I have seen have something like 12 different options, including rabbit, roo, chicken, lamb, beef etc, but not possum or venison. I tried a rabbit one, but it was really fatty I found, in fact I think the fat content of the ones I have seen is just too high anyway! The other thing is, when I heated it up a bit (they don't like anything cold) all this fat started draining out of it! Just gross! Don't know, may look at another brand one day, there are a couple of different types available here, but will be doing a bit of research first. ;) Unfortunately, they don't sell a variety mix pack though, you have to buy 12 of the same ones when you get a box. No point if they won't eat it more than once! (Tonight they got roast beef and turkey. :o)
As for pet places, our options are City Farmers, My Pet Warehouse, Pet Stock, Better Pets and Gardens. There are obviously lots of little places around, but these seem to be the big 4 that have pretty much everything. It's great, with loyalty cards at each, there's usually a sale on somewhere :D and what one doesn't stock, another one will so we are getting more variety around these days. Also, dogs are welcome in all of them. In fact most even have hydrobaths so on weekends it's like a dog club with everyone lining up for a bath. :D:D:D
Ohh, heck, fat content and pancreatitis. I had Zoe on commercial raw turkey patties and then I found out the fat content was sky high- there is a formula to figure it out- cant go by the bag so now I cut her down from six ounces a day to about 3 ounces and add in Honest Kitchen Zeal (dehyrdated fish and sweet potaots, etc). I read really good things about Ziwi Peak food back when I was researching for Zoe. Only thing I would be worried about is if you use up all the exotic proteins and run into any kind of food allergy, you dont want to use up all your protein sources. Save one or two just in case.:D:D:D:D:D
Trish, I cant believe it is two months, where did the time go?
Give Flynie a two month hug for me!!!!:D:D:D:D
Sabre's Mum
02-04-2013, 02:47 PM
Hi Trish
I was busy yesterday and didn't get time to post. I forgot to add the other day that Dr Billinghurst, who supports the BARF diet (Bones and Raw Food), also recommends a "vege mix" which will add those carbs. Flynn is not a fan of this so if we do it we have to mix it in with the mince. We use celery, carrots, brocolli (not too much ... only 1 head in the bulk mixture) and spinach ... he also recommends to add egg yolks and garlic. You could also add the brewers yeast and kelp to this. I make it in bulk and freeze it down to portion sizes. We use the juicer and then mix the juice and pulp back together ... we have also used a food processor in the past.
Naomi .... we don't have the pre-made BARF products here in NZ but Pet Essentials basically stock frozen raw meat in bags - some I don't go near ... like the horse or the tripe!
Angela and Flynn
molly muffin
02-04-2013, 05:53 PM
I read about the nice guy that is your dads reflexologist over on Tina's thread. That was a walk that turned out to be really good even if you didn't Think you wanted to go.
Flynn obviously has quite the social life while you are at work. hahaha Poor dad though with gout and the kitty with the claw.
Have a good day all! I'm going to relax tonight, then I hear maybe some snow tomorrow.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-05-2013, 04:12 AM
Hi Angela, let me commend you on your decision to stay away from horse meat! I don't know if horse or tripe stinks worse, but they are both beyond disgusting, though completely different. And talk about urgh moments!
We actually have branded Dr Billinghurst BARF here, so maybe I should try that with my boys one day- I've tried anotherbrand but not too impressed as said before. the good thing is, if they won't eat it I can always give it to my sister for her Aussie Shepherd. That dog eats pretty much anything - if I give it to her that is :cool:
02-05-2013, 05:05 AM
Hi everyone, lots of comments on the food! Thx Angela for the tips on the vegie mix, I do give him vegies that we have for dinner but will look at adding a few more. He has never liked fruit of any description. Not sure if I will go totally raw, he seems to be doing so well at the moment on the half and half we are doing.
He gets a bit bunged up on bones, although I did give him one of the smallish venison bones the other night, he loved it and no problems that I have seen. I worry about those chicken necks, he gives them one or two crunches and they are gone! It's weird because he crunches on a single biscuit about 10 times, I wish he would chew the chicken necks a bit more carefully! So I don't give him those anymore, I imagine them going through his gut practically whole :eek:. I have not seen any horse, would not buy that if I did see it.
Hey Trish,
Our news just said a tsunami warning was issued which includes New Zealand:eek::eek::eek:
Stay safe!!! I sure hope Angela is not heading towards the beach with the little ones:eek::eek::eek:
02-06-2013, 02:36 AM
Aww Addy, thanks for thinking of us but the alert is now cancelled so all feet and paws have remained dry! Angela's city is on the coast as well and they are certainly are a worry when they announce these warnings, but all safe here!
Bo's Mom
02-06-2013, 07:05 AM
Keep those furry little paws dry....glad to hear everyone is safe.
Whew, relief!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
gotta run Zoe overslept again, whats with that girl?
02-06-2013, 08:04 AM
:eek::eek::eek::eek: Didn't hear that one! Wow, glad it is cancelled though, very scary with that possibility hanging over your head, and lets face it NZ has been through enough earthquake activity in last few years, especially south!
Take care on those beach walks with Flynn!
molly muffin
02-06-2013, 01:27 PM
Goodness! I saw Addy's update first and had a panic attack over a tsunami! Then what a relief to see you say it had been cancelled. No one needs that kind of water heading their way. I think New Zealand is due for a break with earthquakes and warnings of one kind or another.
Stay safe! Paws up!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-08-2013, 08:57 PM
Hi all
After talking about Flynny chundering in Naomi's thread, he actually did really just do it!!
I got him some of the ziwipeak food this week, they said to gradually introduce it which I have been doing. The pet essentials guy said to give it in the morning, then the raw meat (venison/possum etc) at night and he would not need any additives espcially if he had the tripe twice a week.
So this morning he just had a 1/2 scoop ziwi, some gastro biscuits but no meat like he is used too. I think he was still a bit hungry, he loves the ziwi but did not eat all the hills gastro biscuits. But he has taken to leaving a few for the past couple of weeks.
I have been busy writing up a project so not keeping such an eagle eye on him today, just had visitors and he was fine, playing with them. Said goodbye at the gate and he went and threw up on the lawn :( It had a lot of long bits of grass and bile in it. No sign of his breakfast. He has been acting fine, energetic, hungry, normal poop this morning... wanting something to eat every time I go to the bridge but I have not given him anything. Fine again straight after vomiting too, running about.
So I think he was wanting food and because I did not give him any he had to go eat the grass... but he always has been a grass eater. I just gave him half a serve of venison and he has settled down and gone to sleep. Hope he is just adjusting to diet and nothing else.
Saturday going good here otherwise :)
molly muffin
02-08-2013, 09:16 PM
Awww Flynny, maybe he didn't like this switch up in the diet. Just see how he does the next couple days. You know the drill better than most anyone when it comes to watching the Flynnster. :)
Our snowstorm seems to have tapered off. The snow is deeper than Molly is tall. She is not happy. (can't say I blame her) :)
Have a good weekend.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
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