View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you
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Just got caught up on Peg too. It sounds so much like what my Dakota girl experienced. It is so hard to see them struggle with mobility, and when they are big dogs and you can't carry them, even more distressing. Marianne, not sure I have any brilliant feedback but will post on Peg's thread later.
Thanks for asking about Jasper girls. I know I need to post an update on him and mean to. He always has so much going on, the thought if it is daunting. He is having lots of ups and downs, currently struggling with his eating again and low energy but other than that we are hanging in. Most of the time it is one day at a time and Addy, I practice the one good thing every day philosophy. :) I will post on his thread very soon. I really need to get that done, have to get his labwork in order.
Getting the chocolate together now. I have some fancy European chocolate that I will bring to the get together, it is really quite good. So glad I didn't eat it all myself so I can share! :D
06-11-2016, 08:32 PM
We toasted Flynn, think one was unsure whether we should talk about him in case it upset me. But I think I get more upset when we don't talk about him. She said I should change my phone screen saver to the kittens for now, but nope... he is staying. Have loved looking at all his photos and talking memories. I know I won't forget him, and now they know how I feel are very happy to talk about him with me too. So that was good to clear the air.
I emailed all his specialist vets, they were amazed he was still going and said how incredibly well he did. 4 1/2 years since getting liver cancer, how amazing is that. He blew all their stats out the water. So if any dogs come in with hepatocellular carcinoma well the massive kind, then they can do so very well. He had another surgery for a recurrence but that was 2 1/2 years ago. Plus the adrenalectomy in the middle at 3 1/2 years ago. Yep November was always his month to forget. But now June will be too. I often see ppl saying how their dog would not cope in hospital for surgery. Well Flynn hated it too, but the way I figure it is if you can potentially get years of good QOL following that difficult decision and a few days discomfort it always amazed me how well he bounced back. Well, except for the whole swab debacle, but all other times he was great!
06-11-2016, 08:43 PM
Thanks for the mini update Tina, gosh we have all lost touch over the last year or so. I so missed all our chats on here, with the various people that used to pass through. So many hours talking in the small hours when one of us were worried, or someones darling dog had passed. Be lovely to see Mel pop in again too, and Kathy and the others
But for now, will eat the chocolates, drink the tequila and happy to read everyones updates.
Its really weird, 5 nights since Flynn died. Every night I have woken in the wee hours thinking .. whats that sounds like Flynn squeaking. not crying or anything. Probably one of the kittens, but i remember the first night i actually looked over the side of my bed where he used to sleep in his own bed on the floor. As much as I wanted to cuddle that boy, he defo liked his own space. Now I don't believe in all that "sign" stuff, but heck it sure sounded like him. Probably Beaudy though, he meows like a grandfather cat
I think not only did Flynn have the ability to bounce back and how can we forget the swab, yikes, but I think your ability to cope with the post op also played a major role, dear friend. You handled it and handled it stellar, always.
06-11-2016, 08:51 PM
Me and Flynn were lucky, we had all you guys watching our backs and our ever patient vet Mike to contact at any time and advise/reassure me
Yeah, we all coveted Mike the vet. Wanted him cloned and passed around to all of us. All forces aligned to give Flynny a good life.
Didn't you find him on the side of the road and brought him home?
I think you will have lots of signs, just watch and be open.
Mel posted once a while back. I think about her often, every timeI see a new Christmas decoration, I think of that Christmas she bought her penguin that lit up, I wanted one so much.
06-11-2016, 09:06 PM
LOL I remember you had penguin envy.
Yes, I did find him on the road. Was going to this small shopping centre where my hairdresser was located. He was in the traffic. no collar, took him back to side of road. He looked well cared for, not skinny or many. Thought his careless owner must have wandered off and lost him. Or else he got away. Went and got my hair done, he poked his head in the door half way through and I asked the girls to give him a drink. When I came out 2 hours later he was still loitering about, was trying to follow a girl walking her rottweiler, she kept telling him to bugger off.
So I took him, was getting dark. Couldn't just leave him there he was 6-9 months old. Never had a dog before in my life. That first night he ate my brand new pair of shoes. :eek::eek: thought hmmmm your not as cute as you look little dog. Off to the SPCA with you. They will find your irresponsible owner. So I dropped him off there.
The following week I rang them to see if they found the owner, no they told me. Plus the little dog is being put down on Tuesday (2 days away) so his time running out.
Oh god, couldn't have that on my conscience even if he was a shoe chewer. SPCA had sent him to the pound, I went over there. He was in this row of cages with all the big nasty dogs barking with them till he was hoarse. Then I had to pass a test, they had to come inspect my house to make sure I was a suitable dog parent. Pay a fee to spring him out the pound and took him home. It was Mum's birthday, Dec 16th 2001. That is how I got my one and only Flynny!
Yes, I sure miss all those wee hour chats too. Sometimes they were just lighthearted chats, but lots were during difficult times, a crisis situation or a loss. I think about Mel often too.
Sounds like your night out with your friends was just what you needed. A toast to Flynn was perfect.
I have thought a lot the past few days about all the challenges he faced with you by his side, the awesome Mike, the times sitting up here worrying about how the little man was doing during or after one major procedure or another. Lots of times crucial things were occurring while I was at work due to the time difference, and that drove me crazy. Felt like I couldn't focus properly! :) He was so fortunate to have you for his Mum. Always level headed, logical, calm and so so strong. OMG, yes, that swab debacle. Gosh, that was so scary. Today I was also thinking about that time he got into some skewered chicken or something and ate it stick and all!! That was terrifying and could have been a disaster.
06-11-2016, 09:31 PM
OMG the chicken kebab skewer disaster. OMG that freaked me out, probably more than his surgery. Mum had cooked dinner but that day I decided I wasn't hungry just then and took it home. Stopped at shop on way home, and the little bugger got in the front seat while my back was turned, unwrapped my dinner and ate it.. chicken skewer including the pointy end!!
Got home frantically searched the car for the stick. No sign of it, txt Mike who for once wasn't at work. He said give him more to eat so his tummy is full, Flynny thought that a great idea and scoffed it down. Mike phoned in to his colleagues and said we were coming in and to make him sick! He did a puke and only half of the stick came out, I knew cos I measured the whole one and knew how long it was. We all sat there thinking OMG it not all out what we do now, but just then he puked again and out came the pointy bit. Phew... their afternoon receptionist always jokes how well she remembers it because that was her first day working there... she always had a special soft spot for the chicken skewer dog after that :)
My god, it is a true wonder this dog ever got to 15... lol loving the memories
Quite a good story, how Trish found Flynn. I did not remember or did not know the whole story. Made me smile.
Did he ever chew up another pair of shoes?
Meant to be, Trish, destined to be together. Like my Zoe and me, I was supposed to adopt Roz, but she was taken and there was Zoe.
Geese, I forgot about the skewer, Tina.
Ah Trish, and rooting for the All Blacks and you would put Flynn's tee shirt on him.
06-11-2016, 09:39 PM
He chewed up lots more shoes, clothes, my glasses, carried a camera out and left it on the lawn in the rain. Cushions, blankets, quilts, just the corners usually, my niece's phone charger and hair straightener when she dogsat him once, she never did quite forgive him for that! So yes, he was a crafty devil dog till he was about 3 and then settled down into hunting small furry things, or not so furry in the case of hedgehogs. Oh and digging holes in my lawn that he never grew out of. There are holes out there now that I am sure I will never have the heart to cover over
06-11-2016, 09:44 PM
OK girls, afraid I have to sign off for now. Need to take the furkids out for one last toilet break and then it's time to wind down for the humans in the house, too. It's been such a treat to honor Flynn and swap stories, and I hope the ballet is grand tonite, Trish. ;)
Love you all!
06-11-2016, 09:47 PM
Yes, I have to go get ready for the ballet. Thank you lovely ladies for letting me burble on and tell my stories and listening. I am glad I can remember my Fantastic Flynny with a smile on my face, it may be plastered on sometimes but it is there... have a good sleep. Much love to you all too xxxxxxxx
I'm grinning so hard at that list, Trish. LOL, he chewed all that?
And I thought Koko was bad chewing all the corners off every pillow in the house.
I have a memory of you pulling some kind of quills or something from Flynny. Was that a hedgehog run in?
Off you go, have a wonderful night at the ballet,
Love you all
06-11-2016, 09:54 PM
Yes was hedgehogs, he bit one till he all bleeding not long ago, never gave up that boy!
Yes better go, sharlene we left you some dip and I'm sure you won't mind doing the dishes :) x night
Yes, I am remembering a quill incident also Addy! That is quite the list. I am especially enjoying the camera being left out in the rain, lmao!!
Dakota chewed my glasses up when she was a pup. I was out of contacts for a week due to a viral eye infection, and they were the only pair I had. She chewed them up on Memorial Day weekend, so of course with a holiday no place was open. Lucky for me I had some old outdated prescription sunglasses that I could at least use to drive myself to the mall optical outlet. Funny now, was so not funny then!!
Have a wonderful time at the ballet Trish. Lovely spending time with you girls. Nite Marianne.
Love you all too! xo
06-12-2016, 09:26 AM
Hey Trish
Sorry I wasn't here for you... Pleased to read he went to doggie heaven the way he lived life.. My heart breaks for you and alongside you.
Hoping Flynn and Woody get to meet my pair.. Can imagine the havoc they would cause
Much love and a big hug
molly muffin
06-12-2016, 09:56 AM
I think they must all be having a grand time together Mel.
I see you all had a grand party here last night with girly drink and dip even. I was so happy to see this as I can count the number of time that over the past four years we where all here together posting silly things and just being friends. It really helped with the worry we all lived with daily to break loose now and then. It's a fitting send off for our boy Flynn and now Boyce too. I wish I'd been here too but what a smile this morning to read this thread. Just feels right.
Budsters Mom
06-12-2016, 11:07 AM
Oh DAMN!!!!! :( I missed all of you here together celebrating our wonder dog with chocolate and margaritas.! :( It has been toooo long since we're all hooked up for a little catch up. So sorry. Life's been busy. Many responsibilites. :o
Trish, I don't know if you remember, but Flynny reminded me of my childhood dog. He could have been a litter mate, they looked so similar. You have both touched my heart in a profound way that will always stay with me. Many of my doggie decisions were based on, What would Trish do?
So many favorite stories and photos. Cow kissing and rat staring topping my list. I also loved the one where Flynny was digging a hole with a little girl at the beach. I'm going to check your album and see if it's there.
So much love for you, the kitties and our wonder boy who brought us all together. xxxooo
Budsters Mom
06-12-2016, 11:44 AM
I just thought of another favorite....:)
Flynny and Devil cat asleep TOGETHER on the couch!:) Where is that one Trish????
Found the Flynny and Madi photo. I think they were digging to China!!!:)
06-12-2016, 03:38 PM
My head hurts, feels like I have a hangover from the margaritas. Fitful sleep, now waking up to read the sad news from Mel about Boycie, what a shit week it has been. Sorry shouldn't swear, but really Rainbow Bridge how many of our darlings do you need :( :( ((((((MEL)))))))
I have to go to work in an hour, first time since Flynn died and I am not ready for everyone to be sad for me there. Oh well, plaster that smile back on, shoulders back and life goes on even if I am not ready for it. But I will try fake it..... hopefully.
Hey Kathy, yes I remember that photo of Spot, he was a beauty for sure and strikingly resembled the Flynnster :)
Thanks everyone for all the memories, it did me good yesterday. Xxxxx
Budsters Mom
06-12-2016, 03:49 PM
In the interest of coming clean.... Okay, I admit it, I have been overwhelmed, but that's not why I didn't check in yesterday. Flynny hit me hard and didn't think I could handle another loss. Unfortunately, I missed you all. :o. Logging in this morning brought the news of Boyce.:( I feel the same way Trish. The rainbow bridge has way too many already. No need to be greedy.
My head hurts, feels like I have a hangover from the margaritas. Fitful sleep, now waking up to read the sad news from Mel about Boycie, what a shit week it has been. Sorry shouldn't swear, but really Rainbow Bridge how many of our darlings do you need :( :( ((((((MEL)))))))
Budsters Mom
06-12-2016, 03:54 PM
Wear a sign on your shirt for work.....
06-12-2016, 04:00 PM
Thank you girls.. I saw your lights so couldn't not write
My little guy went peacefully, we took him to the woods and sat out in the sun for a few hours as he loved the sun. Then gave him an ice cream on the way which he devoured like a true professional..! I have a video of that which is nice. We did it in the car like Tia, His daddy was stroking his face and I was holding him and his leg and he went in a minute, he was ready. I was not
I now have a job so need to find that face tomorrow too Trish, no idea how at this point. Hope you get through it ok xxxxxx
06-12-2016, 04:12 PM
I will lend you mine Mel, that plastered on one. We 12 hours apart so can just share it till our true smiles find our faces again :( :) see easy...NOT. But we will survive. So lovely the boy had you both there, and ice cream... Fantastic! It stunned me how peaceful it actually was, Mike came up here to do the deed. It was so gentle and loving and oops cannot think of it now, not going to work bawling before I even get there
06-12-2016, 04:18 PM
Game face is required for now but never on here. I will come back in the morning before I leave work and check in to see how you are
Pleased that Flynn went peacefully too..
06-12-2016, 04:22 PM
No never on here, my god I had such an angry day last week. I wasn't pleasant to be around, how Tracy and Sharlene didn't unfriend me in my torrent of hating the world I will never know. True friends there lol I even hated the supermarket when I went in and while passing the meat I spotted turkey which I had hunted for the week before to try with Flynn with no luck, how dare they have it now lol
06-12-2016, 04:26 PM
I think it will be a day at a time thing for a while... I am just going to try and feel it all but not show it in company. That's why I am so grateful for this site.. I knew I could come back and share things like the turkey safely. Typical they had it when you didn't need it!!!
06-12-2016, 04:51 PM
Yip you were Mrs angry but hay I have been there too so I understood why you were angry :)
Hi Mel so sorry to hear of boysie but glad he had ice cream before he left
Hey Trish and Mel, game face on for work, come back here after, let it out, stinks really, but no other way.
Anger normal,
Slow slimmer rage sometimes.
Wish we were all Peter Pan.
Budsters Mom
06-12-2016, 06:56 PM
I remember when I was desperately trying to find a cool mat locally for Buddy because he was miserable. About a week after her flew my local outlet store had dozens of them. I was FURIOUS!!! :mad::mad: I bought one anyway. Rosie won't touch it, so I use myself when it gets hot. Put it under a sheet. It does work..
Anger - normal stage of grief;)
06-13-2016, 01:49 AM
Hope you got on ok today
I am about to leave would rather not but have to pay bills. Will come back later xxxx
06-13-2016, 01:58 AM
Oh drats I missed you, just got in. Today was not too bad for first part. Was working in a clinic I only visit once a month so they didn't know and I didn't tell them. So all was fine till I got back to my main workplace about 2ish, then there were hugs and a few tears. One of the other girls had her elderly cat put down last week so she was a mess when she saw me. So sad. They had left me cards too, was lovely they cared. My boss rang me to see how I was, I took the 4 days off after Flynny died. She said that's not to be annual leave or sick leave, she gave me Special leave which is at managers discretion, so nice to have Flynny recognised as special because he sure as heck was! So all in all wasn't too traumatic. Called in to Mum and Dads for tea to keep some our routines going, they doing ok. Hope your day is not to hideous xx
06-13-2016, 08:26 AM
How wonderful your boss gave you Special leave. :)
Amanda's Mom
06-13-2016, 05:08 PM
Oh Trish I haven't been on the forum in ages and just saw you lost Flynn on the 6th. I lost Amanda the 7th. Similar situation, sudden but steady decline and she told me she was ready. She had developed fluid in her belly and. We were removing it every 10 days. Found medication to improve the right sided heart failure but it over loaded left side so fluid was building up in her lungs too. We could not balance the heart failure. Amanda always loved her Vetmedin chewable and she suddenly refused it. Kept spitting it out no matter what I did. We were at the vet for X-rays and to tap, her belly and she started licking and kissing me like crazy. X-rays were bad. I talked to her and we went outside and she was very wobbly and I knew she was telling me to let her go. She settled on my chest, her favorite spot and gave me some more kisses and then tucked her little face into my shoulder. In two seconds she was gone, peacefully slipped away. I think Amanda like Flynn, hung on for us, waiting until we could let them go away to fly away free and healthy again. It's very lonely and I miss her every moment as I know you do Flynn. I am so sorry for your loss. You did so much for him, gave him such a happy life for a very long time. What a beautiful love story! I will hold you close in my heart Trish! our kids are at peace and they were so so loved! Hugs always, Claire
06-14-2016, 05:59 AM
Hi all ... oh Claire doesn't it just suck. Amanda was such a gorgeous girl and a fighter too, I am glad it was fast for you all... i really think it is better that way with no suffering for them. People always said I would realise when the time came and I sure did and it sounds similar for you. Your dogs have all been lucky to have your as their Mama but I agree, the house is very silent right now.
I thought I was doing good today, then I got home and checked the letterbox. Only one letter today, Flynn's dog registration paperwork for the new year... telling me all the places I could walk him on or off leash around town :(:(:( god that was bad timing to receive on his one week anniversary today... stink! But life trundles on eh and we just have to deal with these nasty reminders when they pop up ... x
I hope today goes better, no surprises that are upsetting.
Mel, too, I hope you have an easier day.
It all just stinks, of course, trying to put the brave face on when you really just want to mourn.
Just wanted to send hugs and bump Flynn's thread up to the top.
Like seeing it there in honor of him.
Hi Trish,
Came to check in on you, so glad to see that your return to work went ok. How nice of your manager to allow that special leave and you were able to have a few days off. I only have a moment before heading to work, but wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and Flynn. Sending love and big hugs. xo
06-15-2016, 04:14 PM
Work is so busy after my week off which is good thing for me to keep busy, no more nasty surprises but expecting his final bill any day. Would keep paying vet bills for life if it meant he was here happy and healthy but he wasn't so he's in the best place ever now playing, eating everything he loved, bacon and chicken for breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks! Xx
Bacon, why I am getting such a kick picturing Flynny eating bacon, I don't know, bacon, who knew:D
Yeah, they are all probably enjoying not having to sit to say please and just running and playing and having fun.
I like to think that that K9 family pups all live together in their own special place, hanging out together.
Zoe will show Flynny the ropes though Apollo might get jealous. She will probably introduce Flynn to Mary Beth's Alivia. She's a looker with beautiful black brimmed eyes. Flynn will be instantly gaga over her.
molly muffin
06-15-2016, 08:49 PM
Well who doesn't love Bacon! Molly certainly stands up and takes notice when bacon is getting cooked. LOL I can see Flynn just going bonkers for it too.
What a wonderful picture you paint Addy. All the furkids from k9cushings playing together and having a grand time. Such personalities they are.
Budsters Mom
06-15-2016, 10:51 PM
Glad to hear that you are keeping busy. I miss him too
Trish. :o
PS - HOT YEAST MAPLE BAR DONUTS Sprinkled with crunchy bacon on top!! Heaven!!!!! Now that's talking bacon!!!:p
06-16-2016, 06:28 AM
Trish, thanks so much for stopping by my thread. It helps me so much to have you beckoning me onward, as it were. It was so sweet reading about about you wrapping up in Flynn's blanky. Maybe I can think of some sort of talisman that will help me, too. I have been so exhausted that I have fallen off to sleep OK, but then I keep awakening throughout the night and remembering and maybe it would help if I could find something to grab ahold of then.
Really, the craziest things can become very dear. On Saturday when Peg was still able to make it to the yard, she mainly just sat and lounged in one spot. But I picked out a couple of nice sticks for her to gnaw on, which she always loved to do. Of course, we just left them behind when we went back inside. Yesterday afternoon our lawn crew came to mow and I looked out the window and realized they were just going to plow right over her sticks and grind them up. I went flying out and flagged the guys down and grabbed the sticks, and I could tell they thought I was crazy. But those sticks are now precious to me. Who'da thought...! But I can't sleep with sticks, so maybe I can think of something else. :o
Anyway, thanks so much for sharing your journey with me. It really does help, so much.
Dear Sonja sent me a necklace, it had a spot to put a bit of ashes in. I wore it for a long time and would reach up and hold the pendant in my hand every time I would think of Zoe or have a hard time.
Later hubby bought me a tiny silver locket with Zoe's name engraved on it. I wear it every day but when it is a holiday or another hard time, I go back to Sonja's necklace.
I remember Susan slept with Palmers stuffed duck for a very long time.
06-16-2016, 07:57 AM
What a lovely gift about the locket. I always said that's what I would do with Lena's ashes...I haven't done it yet, I open the tin and then close it...too soon.
06-17-2016, 12:33 PM
Dear Trisha
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Flynn. He will always be in your heart and soul.
Love Sonja,Apollo
06-18-2016, 03:57 PM
Hey all, thanks for your lovely messages they really perk me up. Can't believe it's only 12 days since Flynn left us, feels like an eternity :( now we have Dad having more health issues, he is just like Flynny getting older and everything starting to catch up with him. Still last night we had a lovely family dinner with my brother and SIL staying with them. Be nice to have everyone well for a while eh, sometimes life just sucks :(
Budsters Mom
06-19-2016, 02:32 AM
So sorry to hear about your dad.:o It would be lovely if everyone stayed well for a while.
Thinking of you and our spunky Flynny boy. He captured my heart. I miss him.
Thinking about you and Flynny. I know it does feel like an eternity for you, that feeling is just the worst. :( I hope things aren't too serious with your Dad. It is so hard as they age, I am having some of that with my Mom as well. Heck, I am having it with myself!!
Well, I am missing your boy, but get a smile thinking about him eating bacon and chicken night and day. The vision of doggy heaven. :) xo
Thinking of you and Flynn. You know we all loved reading about him.
He holds a special place in our hearts.
What is the saying, getting old is not for the faint of heart?
I hope Dad's health issues get sorted out. All we can do is take all that is thrown at us the best we can. Sometimes it seems never ending.
Hoping your work week keeps you busy and the kittens entertain and make you smile.
06-19-2016, 03:27 PM
Thanks girls, dunno if you remember couple years back dad had that nasty infection in his hip joint replacement. Looks like it is back in his other hip :( but worse his leg has swollen up and there is a clot in vein in groin most likely caused by the pressure from the infection which measured 10 cm on CT scan on Thursday. So he started anticoagulants to deal with that. God knows how we going to deal with the infection as that would involve surgery of some kind which is obviously not good with bleeding risk on the blood thinners :( trying to tee up ortho consult this week. Poor Dad, so worried about him :( No Flynny to console us either :(
Amanda's Mom
06-19-2016, 11:43 PM
Oh Trish so sorry to hear about this. The infection is bad enough without complications from the necessary anticoagulants. And all this right on top of the loss of your precious boy. I'm praying for you. I know there is such a hole in your heart now. Flynn is watching over you, I know he is! Hugs!!
06-20-2016, 06:18 AM
Trish, sending tons of healing thoughts flying your dad's way. Such a load of worry on all your minds, and as you say, without the comfort of Flynn to help you all through. Not fair!! :( :(
Please let us know how things are going, and try to take good care of yourself, too, in the midst of so much stress. I know it's hard to do when you are the one needing to take charge and guide the action. Just remember we are always here whenever you may need us!
Hoping for some alternatives for your Dad. Embracing you and your family with lots of love and positive thoughts.
This is a hard time for you and I know your parents are mourning Flynn as well. We will all be there for you, Trish.
Budsters Mom
06-20-2016, 12:56 PM
Yes I do remember that nasty infection that your dad had before. It took a while, a long while, but finally cleared. Hoping this one will too.
Thinking of you and sending positive, healing thoughts your way. Please keep us posted. xxxxoooo
Oh Trish, I do remember that awful infection. I am so sorry he is having to deal with it again. I know how worried you must be. Were you able to get an ortho appt? I am praying that there are alternatives to treat the infection without surgery right now.
Sending lots of love and positive thoughts to you and your family. So much for you to deal with now. We are here for you. xo
06-21-2016, 03:16 PM
Thanks girls, yes I spoke to the ortho surgeon yesterday and will get an appointment for tomorrow. Dad feeling ok in himself, wants to go to his usual weekly snooker game with his buddies today :) I hope we get some good news tomorrow xx
Heres to hope of good news:):):)
Thinking of you and Dad,
Toast to our Flynn, too.
Just wanted him at the top:o
Budsters Mom
06-25-2016, 11:58 PM
Yes Addy, he should definitely be at the top.:D
Love and miss our beach loving, chat chasing, hole digging, muck rolling, man about town. Our "All Blacks" team mascot. Flynny boy!!!
I think the rainbow bridge needs a new system. It should be like a fabulous spa with all the pampering and amenities. They should be able to stay for a couple of days drinking the elixir of life and rejuvenating, then sent back to their families here on earth for many more joyous and healthy years together. It should be their choice to stay or return.
Big hugs Trish. Pleae let us know what's happening with your dad,
06-28-2016, 06:03 AM
Thanks girls, always cheers me up reading your notes. Well it is not infection, ortho specialist thinks that's a red herring. He thinks it was a bleed perhaps caused by changing his anticoagulants to clopidogrel. So that's good news,but it would be nice to know what is caused it worries me that if it was a bleed we have him on more heavy duty anticoagulants now because of the clot which perhaps could cause further bleeding, but we have appointment soon to see vascular surgeon where hopefully we will get more info and some answers but for now he seems stable. It was Mum and Das 58th wedding anniversary today, they took themselves out to a fancy lunch at a winery, so how lucky am I to have parents in their 80s still able to do that! Very lucky indeed :)
We are trucking along, life at work has been busy and I had to go out of town for a meeting last weekend and my niece came with me which was lovely. But everything still has a feeling of being all wrong, especially when I get home at night, you have left a big big hole Flynnikin, missing him heaps xx xxx
I would say having parents in their 80s dining at a winery for their 58th anniversary is a pretty awesome thing. It sounds like your dad has a bit better diagnosis and hopefully the vascular surgeon will help.
You have had so much thrown at you, Trish, losing Flynn and then going straight to worried sick about your dad with no Flynny boy for moral support.
I wish I could fly to visit you, we could spend the week, looking at pictures, downing girly drinks and remembering when.
Ah, big sigh
molly muffin
06-28-2016, 09:50 PM
It is totally awesome! I hope that means your dad is feeling better too.
I'd fly with you Addy. LOL Girly drinks and girl talk, sound like just the thing!
Budsters Mom
06-28-2016, 10:29 PM
Me too, me too, me too!!!!!!! :D
06-30-2016, 12:13 PM
Ah, sounds like a great party would be in store for us all! :) :)
Trish, very glad to hear that infection has been ruled out for your dad but I know you're still anxious to track down the actual cause. Hoping for the best for him, and for many more fancy lunches and anniversary celebrations for your parents.
Thank you for stopping off on my thread once again. Everything you said there was so true and so meaningful for me, too. We are kind of doing the same -- carrying on with life, but sort of at an odd tilt. As you said above, so much just feels wrong. I just gave Luna her first bath since we lost Peg, and things felt both the same and different all at the same time. Luna gets so excited jumping out of the tub and running down the stairs to head outside to shake off that we were having to be very careful about keeping Peg out of the way so that she wouldn't get knocked down and hurt in the process. Well, there was no worry about that happening today, but I certainly would have wished the worry back if only I could. :o :o
I know we'll all keep mucking along. But it helps so much to have everybody here right alongside us. Thinking of you and the kittens every day!
Squirt's Mom
07-01-2016, 10:50 AM
Dear Trish....just now learning about our oh-so-special Flynny Boy. :( What a trooper he was! Such an inspiration for so many over the years. He will be missed here by all who ever had the chance to meet him and I have no doubt that is true everywhere he ever went.
I hope your heart is starting to heal and the precious memories you hold are able to bring a smile to your face at times in spite of the tears. Flynn is in some great company these days and I am quite sure the Rainbow Fields have really come alive since he arrived. So many precious babies to welcome him and help keep him busy til your time here is done and you are together again. And we will all be with our babies again - of this I am positive! Til then, we live our lives, always honoring these precious ones who touched our Souls so very deeply.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, Fox, and all our angels
Dogs Never Die
Ernest Montague
"Some of you, particularly those who think they have recently lost a dog to ‘death’, don’t really understand this. I’ve had no desire to explain, but won’t be around forever and must.
Dogs never die. They don’t know how to. They get tired, and very old, and their bones hurt. Of course they don’t die. If they did they would not want to always go for a walk, even long after their old bones say: ‘No, no, not a good idea. Let’s not go for a walk.’ Nope, dogs always want to go for a walk. They might get one step before their aging tendons collapse them into a heap on the floor, but that’s what dogs are. They walk.
It’s not that they dislike your company. On the contrary, a walk with you is all there is. Their boss, and the cacophonic symphony of odor that the world is. Cat poop, another dog’s mark, a rotting chicken bone (exultation), and you. That’s what makes their world perfect, and in a perfect world death has no place.
However, dogs get very very sleepy. That’s the thing, you see. They don’t teach you that at the fancy university where they explain about quarks, gluons, and Keynesian economics. They know so much they forget that dogs never die. It’s a shame, really. Dogs have so much to offer and people just talk a lot.
When you think your dog has died, it has just fallen asleep in your heart. And by the way, it is wagging its tail madly, you see, and that’s why your chest hurts so much and you cry all the time. Who would not cry with a happy dog wagging its tail in their chest. Ouch! Wap wap wap wap wap, that hurts. But they only wag when they wake up. That’s when they say: ‘Thanks Boss! Thanks for a warm place to sleep and always next to your heart, the best place.’
When they first fall asleep, they wake up all the time, and that’s why, of course, you cry all the time. Wap, wap, wap. After a while they sleep more. (remember, a dog while is not a human while. You take your dog for walk, it’s a day full of adventure in an hour. Then you come home and it’s a week, well one of your days, but a week, really, before the dog gets another walk. No WONDER they love walks.)
Anyway, like I was saying, they fall asleep in your heart, and when they wake up, they wag their tail. After a few dog years, they sleep for longer naps, and you would too. They were a GOOD DOG all their life, and you both know it. It gets tiring being a good dog all the time, particularly when you get old and your bones hurt and you fall on your face and don’t want to go outside to pee when it is raining but do anyway, because you are a good dog. So understand, after they have been sleeping in your heart, they will sleep longer and longer.
But don’t get fooled. They are not ‘dead.’ There’s no such thing, really. They are sleeping in your heart, and they will wake up, usually when you’re not expecting it. It’s just who they are.
I feel sorry for people who don’t have dogs sleeping in their heart. You’ve missed so much. Excuse me, I have to go cry now.”
07-02-2016, 04:06 PM
Oh thank goodness, thought I was having palpitations! But is just Flynny's swippy tail brushing my heart :) I like that. Thanks Leslie, hope all good with you x
07-02-2016, 04:10 PM
You all don't want to come visit now, it's freezing! Middle of winter, frosty, snow on mountains but lovely sunny clear blue sky days this weekend. But I got good heating and spare rooms so come on down you all welcome! I'm doing ok, had a work party on Friday night so had a few girly drinks too many and got home feeling very sad Flynny was not here to greet me :( so mental note, no alcohol when feeling like this as makes it tons worse!
molly muffin
07-03-2016, 12:27 AM
i think that is the worst thing of all sometimes. The silence when you come home and they aren't there to greet you. To want their dinner or a walk. It's an empty hole that is just overwhelming to your emotions.
Hmm. I think the best time to visit you is during our winter and your summer! How jealous I am to hear of your lovely warm weather when here in Canada we are freezing our tushes off. Lol.
Coming home is the worst, I think the shock wears off and that awful feeling of, hey, this is permanent sinks in. So glad Beaudy and Lozz are able to keep you busy. Beaudy will keep you hopping. Lozz is a good girl.
Your winters can't be as bad as ours, lol, I would probably think it warm out:rolleyes:;)
Hey, I saw online about a small New Zealand town was looking for people to relocate there as they need people to fill jobs. Not sure what kind. I told hubby, if only I was 10 years younger!
Bailey's Mom
07-04-2016, 05:02 PM
Trish I am so very sorry to learn of your loss of Flynny. I have just spent a couple of hours reading back from October.......which is about my latest check in. I am so sorry for your loss but feel you made the appropriate loving choice. We all struggle with that. I kept wishing for my ageing doggies to go to sleep and just not wake up, but so far it has not worked out that way. The decision always seems to be gut wrenching....even when all signs point to that being the most loving choice.
You sound like you are doing really well, all things considered. I feel badly for your parents and hope you will be able to see them on a regular basis. Bob and I lost all four parents while we were in our thirties.....that was one hard decade. I am sure just as you did with Flynn, you will make the most of the moments they remain around and are mostly healthy.
Note: Yes, indeed, Addy is right-I slept with Palmer's bright yellow stuffed duck for a long time after he was gone. The duckie must be 18" long or so...with bright orange beek and feet. Once Bailey came along, I had to put it up high.....Bailey totally destroys any stuffed toy in record time. It's funny because I was thinking recently-there are nights where I wish I had something to hug hard.......and thought about Palmer's duck. I was thinking maybe I'd go to a toy store and see what I might find in the way of a stuffed animal.
And Leslie-what a wonderful "letter" you included. I have copied it and am keeping it with my other important K9C papers. Thank you for sharing.
Now-listen ladies-why was I not informed of the pahty with the girlie drinks??!! I would have flown over in a minute!! Someone could have "called!"
I think the two kittens sound marvelous and the timing was perfect. How great it is that Flynn got to meet them and become used to them and be big brother! And I had not heard the story of how you came to have Flynn. What a terrific story! It's so wonderful how things sometimes just fall into spite of our maybe bumbling around.
Sending a huge hug your way-please do keep us posted.
molly muffin
07-08-2016, 10:10 PM
I think and have always thought that Flynn just naturally was a guy with stories to be told . Maybe it is just the way Trish always has told them that makes them come alive for all of us. It is also, through the years been a constant that is now sadly missed. I'll never forget Flynn in his All Blacks outfit. Definitely should have been the poster dog for them. They missed out on that one.
Budsters Mom
07-13-2016, 01:13 AM
I miss hearing about him too.:o Flynny, our Energizer doggy.
Big hugs Trish. xxxooo
07-15-2016, 07:04 PM
Hey all :) we are doing OK here adjusting to the new normal, as with everyone it is the little things that catch you. I decided to have scrambled eggs for breakfast today, making them suddenly remembered the last time would have been for Flynny, trying to get him to eat. He loved those eggs so I ate them with a smile on my face remembering my boy! Gave a little to the kittens, they not like them much lol
Still not ready to write his story out, will be a novel I am sure. I am playing our song right now, this song seemed to come on the radio so many times after we left the vets... was quite strange, so now it is "our song" maybe a little strange to have a song with my dog, but I love it and it makes me smile too ;)
Thanks for your messages xxxxx
07-16-2016, 09:16 AM
I love that you have a song with him. I think it's perfect. <3
07-16-2016, 09:30 AM
Stairway to Heaven is my song for Lena. I had been wondering after she left me why there wasn't a song for us and then Stairway came on...and there it was! When I'm at my saddest driving to/from work it almost always comes on the radio and I know that Lee knows I need a sign...and I know she is with me.
I love that you have a song too. Firsts are hard, I dreaded all the firsts.
I think of our wonder boy all the time. The other day, Koko and I were out walking and saw a dog. I told Koko, that little girl reminds me of Flynny, about the same size and similar coloring with that awesome look on her face. It was nice to think she reminded me so much of Flynn, though truth be told Flynn was a very handsome boy, so she really could not hold a candle to him.
But now when I see her walking, I will think of your darling.
So that's a good smiley memory:)
07-16-2016, 07:08 PM
It sure is!
Budsters Mom
07-17-2016, 12:36 AM
There are tons of good smiley memories when it comes to our wonder boy. Snoozing on the couch, with(Elle)the devil cat, in front of the fire at your folks house. Both of them cozy and warm. Obviously Flynny was unaware that Elle was there. "A good smiley memory" :)
So that's a good smiley memory:)
Budsters Mom
07-19-2016, 01:08 AM
I was out shopping today and in the background I heard your and Flynny's song playing on the radio. "Your my Sweetheart". That was a smiley moment as I thought of you both. :p:p:):)
11-14-2016, 06:26 AM
Hey Trish, very worried about you and your family after this horrible New Zealand earthquake over the weekend!!!! Please check in when you can, OK?
Squirt's Mom
11-14-2016, 07:55 AM
Wondering the same here, Trish. I'll check on FB to see if there is word from you. Praying you and yours are all alright!
molly muffin
11-15-2016, 05:33 PM
I've spoken with Trish and she is okay. No damage and no one hurt.
She doesn't come to the forum very often any more since Flynn passed.
11-15-2016, 05:59 PM
Well, thanks for letting us know, Sharlene.
11-08-2019, 04:24 AM
Hello everyone! A few years have gone by since I last posted here, but I was thinking about my Flynny alot tonight and my thoughts turned to this page so thought I would pop in and say Hi :)
Not so many familiar faces here now by the look of things, but I well remember the support we all had and I am sure the newbies are still receiving that same great advice. I just read the last few pages of this thread and it brought back a lot of memories. I am sitting here wanting Addy's margarita and Marianne's cheese dip! :cool:
I never got another dog, but my neighbour who has been a committed cat person up until now lost her old boy a couple of months ago and out of the blue decided she was getting a dog! So now I have a wee black lab/collie cross rescue doggo living next door! We have a gate between us and Maggie seems to like spending a lot of time visiting me. Beaudy (oriental blue) and Lozz (seal point siamese) are none too thrilled with this development and seem to enjoy reminding her who is boss and it sure isn't the puppy!
We took Maggie for a walk to the beach tonight, it so reminded me of all the 1000s of times I did that with Flynn and I guess that is what got me thinking about him so much today. It's strange because I've always been the one who talked about getting another dog, but she never has until now and it has thrown me for a bit of a loop. I think I am a wee bit jealous while still being happy for her of course! But I am still working full-time so don't think it is right for me to get one now, plus my cats would have a coronary! They just turned 4 last week and are both quite dog like themselves anyway :o
Otherwise life ticks on, Mum and Dad are still doing fairly well and living in their own house, they are now 84 and 87 so I am lucky they are still mostly independent. My niece Jade had a baby (Indie) who is turning 3 next weekend and we all love her to bits and I have her quite a lot to stay which is great fun. Jade and her partner got married in June, they decided on Thailand for the wedding so 13 of us headed over including Indie who managed the trip like a little pro! Beautiful wedding and a fantastic trip and lots of memories made.
Miss all my besties from here, we sure did have a lot of fun between all the crisis and I think of you often xxx
11-08-2019, 07:44 AM
Oh Trish, my heart skipped a beat this morning when I logged on and saw Flynn’s avatar pop up — dear boy dressed in his All Blacks Jersey!!! I’m just that excited to see you back here once again :D:D:D:D
Sadly, you’re right that our activity has really slowed down around here. It seems as though Facebook has taken over the world and forums like this don’t generate the same interest or engagement that we once did. But there are a few stubborn ones of us here who refuse to let the fire die out ;-). So anytime the mood may strike you to stop back by for a chat, we’ll be here!!!! I’ve still got plenty of chocolate and also cheese recipes, and Addy’s still known to drop by from time to time with her shaker, especially around the holidays. I’ll bet Kathy will soon log on, and maybe even Sharlene, too, if we can drag her away from her work desk. And of course our other dear staffers, as well. So we can still muster a mini-party, I’m sure of it!
And now, down to business! Soooooooo glad to hear that your kittens are all grown up and doing well! And of course your parents, too (How about Elle, the devil cat????). Maggie sounds like a little love, and for sure, I’ll bet she’s stirring up a lot of doggy memories for you. Flynny and Peg will always be especially linked for me because we lost them together. You know, there’s still not one day that goes by that I don’t think about Peg. Partly because we still have Luna (thank goodness) and they were such a pair. In my mind’s eye, I still see them walking side-by-side whenever I head out the door with Luna. But partly, just because. Just because she was such a dear big black girl. And now I have a new loss — my mom passed away in January. In two weeks she would have been 100. She didn’t quite make it that far, though, and so now I’m trying to learn how to plow ahead without her, too.
Losses like that make it all the sweeter to see old friends popping back up once again! So here you are, and what a grand way to start the morning here in the northern hemisphere :-). Gotta run for now and get ready for Luna’s walk. She can’t go nearly as far these days, but she still gets just as excited to be going at all. And maybe by the time I get back, someone else will have joined in our chat. It’s just so darn good to see you!
Squirt's Mom
11-08-2019, 08:14 AM
Oh goodness, Trish! Like Marianne my heart sped up when I saw Flynn's thread at the top of the board this morning! (here is where we need a heart icon! so just imagine a whole line of bright red happy hearts!) It is so good to hear from you again and especially good to hear such good things happening in your life. You sound as if you are happy with your place in life for the moment and I am so very glad for that! Enjoy Maggie....seems like she is a bright beacon bringing back memories you cherish while leaving the majority of the care and worry to your neighbor! :D:D:D Perfect situation....kinda like being an aunt - you love 'em then pass them back to mom and dad for the daily routines and care! :D:D:D
The wedding sounds lovely! My oldest niece is getting married this summer and at first they planned to hold it in Mexico which would have been wonderful but they finally decided to do it at the lake where she and her family have spent most of their summers. More of us will be able to attend this way. ;) I am glad your folks are doing well and managing to continue on with their lives much as always. Getting older alone is tough so I am glad they have you as well as each other. Treasure every moment as I'm sure you do.
My heart breaks a little when I think of how our beloved home here has slowed. I so miss the days when we were all here, a family that shared so much more than Cushing's. But this place has given me so many friends that I believe will last a lifetime and memories I will hold dear til my last breath. I think I would have lost my wee little mind without this forum and the folk, and dogs!, that filled it, including you and our precious Flynn. His story is still used to help others facing adrenalectomies as is the invaluable list of questions you put together for us. You and Flynn imprinted on this place deeply and continue to help others.
All my babies are new since you were here last with the exception of Sophie who keeps on ticking thankfully tho she is mostly deaf now and suffers from her coyote attack more than before. My precious Trinket and Brick have joined their sister, Squirt, at The Bridge as have several others you didn't get to meet. These days I am owned by a big, healthy, male (ALLLLL the things I don't do in dogs! :D ) mutt named Bud who adopted me 3 1/2 years ago in spite of my intense efforts to find him another home. HE decided this was his new home and that was that! :D I think he is part Golden Retriever, part Carolina Dog, and part Wet Noodle - if it looks like you might pet him he goes limp and falls onto his back for easy access. :rolleyes::D Tilly is the newest addition - another foster fail. LOL She looks a bit like Squirt with wild yellow hair but is smaller and her personality is nothing like Squirt's. Squirt was fiercely independent but Tilly loves to be close at all times. She's been with us since April but it feels as if she has been here always - she is a perfect fit.
Drop in when you can and let us know how things are going! It has been such a delight to chat with you a bit this morning....I think my day will be muchly brightened now!
Budsters Mom
11-08-2019, 10:20 PM
Yay!!!!! The night crew has returned!!!! I have missed you Trish!!!! I so long for the way the forum used to be. 24/7, there was always someone here to chat and keep others company. You and Mel covered the night shift oh so well. Chatting about everything and nothing at all. Just being together. Then bright and early the following morning the (US) east coast would awaken and take over, followed by the west coast a few hours later. I especially loved it when we would rally around a member and many of us would join in together for hours at a time. Those were the days! Tina would even be up with potty runs with Jasper and log on to join us for a chat. It seems like those days are gone, but they will always be cherished in my heart. Newbies still get help, but it is different.
So glad to hear that your folks are doing well. Mine are both still with me. They are in their late 80's now. They have numerous health challenges. Each day is a new adventure.
Buddy has been gone almost 6 1/2 years now. I will never get over his loss. Such a large, loving presence in that little body. He was not a dog. He was a mindful family member and is missed greatly.
So happy to hear that your kitties are doing well. It must be wonderful to have a new puppy next door. You get to be an auntie without all the responsibility. You little neice sounds adorable. Having a little one around, especially at the holidays, makes everything so much better!
Is Elle - alias devil cat, still around???
Please continue to return to us and post updates when you can. Thanks so much for dropping by!!
11-09-2019, 08:24 AM
Yay!!!!! The night crew has returned!!!! I have missed you Trish!!!! I so long for the way the forum used to be. 24/7, there was always someone here to chat and keep others company. You and Mel covered the night shift oh so well. Chatting about everything and nothing at all. Just being together. Then bright and early the following morning the (US) east coast would awaken and take over, followed by the west coast a few hours later. I especially loved it when we would rally around a member and many of us would join in together for hours at a time. Those were the days! Tina would even be up with potty runs with Jasper and log on to join us for a chat. It seems like those days are gone, but they will always be cherished in my heart.
Ain’t that the truth!!!! And it’s so great to be talking together again, even if just for a little while :D. OK, so now we have four of us, and I’m sending up some flares for others to join us, too. Ah yes, Tina! And does anybody have a way to contact Mel? It would be so lovely to see those girls again, too...
Anyway, Trish, we know you can’t stay forever. But you can’t leave us in suspense just yet. By popular demand, we want to hear what’s happened to Elle. And some more stories of your own would sure be welcome. Can you tell you’ve been missed? :rolleyes:
Patiently awaiting further word,
11-09-2019, 03:57 PM
Good morning.. hi to Marianne, Leslie and Kathie! So sorry to hear about your Mum Marianne, that would leave a huge gap in your life and I don't think it matters what age they are when they go they are irreplaceable :( your amazing Leslie taking in all the pups you have over the years, makes me laugh how Bud decided well this is home for me now and I staying!! Wet noodle indeed lol Yes Kathy it was fun wasn't it and I do often think of all the good friends who have come in and out of my life by visiting K9C x
Yes Elle is still with us. She is 9 now and still my parents faithful little companion. I'm not sure how long ago it was and if I was still posting here but at least 2 or 3 years back some a***hole shot her with a slug gun. It shattered her front elbow and she needed surgery and was in a cast for several weeks while it healed. She was struggling a bit with arthritis over winter and had a few visits to see lovely Mike who is still our vet, he has recently put her on cartrophen and told Mum who took her in.. oh Trish can give her these injections she used to do it with Flynny. So I am still doing that weekly for another couple of weeks then he will review and we can go out to monthly if all good. Now spring is here we are also hoping the warmer weather will help her. She is to have a dose of metacam if she looks obviously sore but Mum hasn't needed to give her much. The kittens (or cats now) are very healthy, they only have a yearly visit to Mike for a checkup and their vaccinations and long may it stay like that!
Budsters Mom
11-09-2019, 07:33 PM
Hi Trish, (Waving wildly)!!!
So glad you returned to tell us about our beloved devil cat, Elle. I often think of the photo you shared with us with both Elle and Flynny snoozing on opposite end of the couch, in front of the fire at your folks house. So sorry to hear that Elle had been shot, but also relieved to hear that she is still around and recovering. You have the gift for story telling and do it so well. I could always see Flyinny digging up treasures in the sand, or Elle taking a swipe at Flynny. I loved to hear about Fresh catch Friday fish for dinner. So many moments shared together.
Thank you so much for updating us. You are truly missed. xxxooo
Bo's Mom
11-10-2019, 06:05 PM
Oh how I miss everyone here. The years have passed, but our beautiful souls will always be connected through our Angels. We have since added a new poodle to our troop. He is a black toy named Toby. He plays with Latte, who has aged gracefully. Latte now is 13 going on 14. I know deep down, Latte still remembers his old Angel Bo and the times they shared. Toby has been a beautiful blessing and adds so much laughter to our lives.
Keeping the spirit alive, Always,
Belinda Creel
Angel Bo, Latte (13) and Toby (3)
molly muffin
12-23-2019, 09:08 PM
Trish, how nice to see you on K9 again. Flynn and you were both larger than life to so many of us. I do miss Flynn in his All Blacks coat, off to mascot the games with you and your dad. What great adventures you shared and shared with us. Thank you for that Trish. You brought great joy to K9.
12-30-2020, 02:49 PM
Thought it time for a post to Flynnys thread! There has to be one post from me in 2020, the year to forget. Covid pandemic though we have not had it as bad as many other countries. Mum and dad in and out of hospital doing their best to scare the shite out of us multiple times, not totally unexpected at 86 & 88 but stressful none the less. Breast cancer for me but doing ok from that. Ohhh and the big flood couple months back that brought a landslide down in my back yard that is still to be fixed. Hmmmm is that all? 2020 can feck off!!!
Flynny was a positive dog and I always remember Addy saying to just focus on one good thing so I do having a plus to all this! After all the pestilence, flood, cancers of 2020 the fact that we are still standing and have got through it shows how strong we really are! So I hope all of are still standing strong with your pups and may 2021 be a better year for Us all! Happy New Year lovelies :cool::p
PS plus if anyone has margaritas, chocolate, chips and dip on hand I could sure use some! x
PPS I thought if something else positive I lost 10kg probably because of none of the above like chocolate etc combined with stress, has to be a silver lining eh!
Squirt's Mom
12-30-2020, 05:54 PM
Oh it is so good to hear from you, Trish! Tho I am sorry to hear about the trials and tribulations you have had to face this year I am very glad you are doing ok in spite of them. I've been watching a show that is supposed to be filmed in New Zealand, "Brokenwood Mysteries", and I can't help but think of you and Flynn so often. The country is gorgeous and I can just see the two of you walking along the beach enjoying every moment. I am sure those are some of your most treasured memories.
Three babies share my world - Bud, Sophie and the new foster fail as of last April, Tilly - a Yorkie, LH Chi, ???? mix. And I dog sit so I often have several others in the house tho that has slowed down this year with limited traveling happening. Hopefully over the next year or so things will get back to some semblance of normal. How are your kitties doing?
I miss the good old days here a great deal and know I am not alone in that. I work for a huge Facebook Cushing's group but with over 12,000 members developing relationships is almost impossible. Those years here when our family was thriving saved my life and sanity over and over and over, bringing much laughter, hope, and joy into my little world. So hearing from those from that past is always such a blessing. Thank you for dropping in and sharing with us again. You will always be so cherished here, you and Flynny both.
I hope 2021 brings you health, joy, peace, and love enough to last the rest of your days. Please let us know how you are doing!
Great big hugs,
01-01-2021, 04:38 PM
YAY Trish, so good to see you back here!!!! Yikes, even without COVID, it sounds like you’ve had your hands full with medical stress this past year. Thank goodness you and your family are all OK now as the new year dawns. We are soooooooooooooooo ready for it, aren’t we all???
If you’ve been reading our COVID thread here, you know that my life right now is totally self-contained and boring. But sometimes “boring” is just fine because it means no crisis, and I think 2020 has been one of those times when boring is actually very good. As Leslie said, I sure do miss all the conversation around here, though, and that’s why it’s grand to see you stopping by. And yes, ma’am, I’ve got plenty of chips and chocolate on hand to share if we could just put together another party! Margaritas would be lovely, of course, and a nice change from the “candy cane martinis” I’ve been putting together over the holiday (little candy canes dangling on the side of the martini glass to add some pink and peppermint flavor into the mix...). Sounds a bit sweetly disgusting, I know, kind of like Peppermint Schnapps. But it does add a bit of festivity to our shut-in winter evenings ;-)))).
Anyway, so good to see you, and to savor memories of Flynn and Peg. And oh, is Elle still with us in this world? I’d love to know.
In the meantime, best wishes to you and the kitties, and to all whom you hold near and dear!
06-14-2021, 09:29 AM
Waving to you this morning, Trish. I dunno whether you still get notifications of postings here, but I’ve been thinking of you and Flynn and just wanted to reach out. Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of Peg leaving us, and Flynny was on my mind as well since he had gone ahead of her just one week earlier. It’s so hard to believe it’s been this long when sometimes it seems as though it was only a short while ago that we were all together. Time and memories can surely play tricks on us all. Anyway, I hope that things have settled down for you during this new year.
And here’s to Flynn and Peg, forever loved and treasured by their families near and far.
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