View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you
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12-27-2014, 10:47 PM
Haha at the flip flops... they called jandals here!! Can't handle the jandal!
Budsters Mom
12-27-2014, 10:56 PM
You'd definitely see flip flops and shorts here at Chrismas. It was 80° F on Christmas. That's 26.7 degrees Celcius. Plenty warm in Southern CA. :cool: Then again, it usually is.
Oops, sorry Kathy, I guess you would there and in the warmer areas, for sure. Guess I should have said "up North" here in North America! Lol
I have never lived anywhere where it is warm at Christmas. :)
12-27-2014, 11:09 PM
Hey Kathy, I had one Christmas in California many years ago, was very pleasant!! It was 1999 as was there for the millennium celebrations!! Was great fun :) I think if I was going to live in the USA it would have to be California for the weather :D:D
molly muffin
12-28-2014, 12:09 AM
Hawaii we always went to the beach Christmas Day. Was a bit different. Went to aloha football game one year too. Flip flops all over the place. Not in Canada though. More like boots with fur in them normally. Lol.
12-28-2014, 05:47 AM
Hey Trish, I've just been catching up on your notes on Tina's thread, and want to tell you that I feel your pain!!! Both my mom and I have been sick for almost two weeks now (we think we caught the same bug at a Christmas party we attended :( :(). And I've been doing the same thing as you -- one day I think I'm better, next day I'm sick again. The worst part has been my ear!!! Only one side is clogged, but it is driving me absolutely crazy. Can't even chew without it sounding like an echo chamber up there :eek:. I feel like I am probably yelling at everybody I talk to becuz my hearing is so messed up. Poor hubby must be very tired of hearing "Huh, whadyasay????" by now :o. I told him my best Christmas present would be to have my hearing back, but so far so bad. Maybe it'll clear up for the New Year's fireworks... I hope, I hope, I hope.
Anyway, sending my well wishes to you and Flynnie, regardless. And it is a very good thing that I am typing my notes to everybody here so that I can't be sending these nasty germs through the mail!!!!!!
Fireworks for New Years.
Aww, I guess I have to move . We have a pathetic five minutes of tiny bugger fireworks if we are lucky.
I hope you feel better soon both of you. Love the Santa suit, Koko would have matched.
Flynn is so good to pose.
12-28-2014, 05:11 PM
Oh yeah Sharlene, I could definitely do Hawaii!!! Loved it there too during stopover on the way home!!
Koko would have definitely matched the photo shoot Addy, maybe he could have kept Elle in line too!! :D:D
Marianne, it sucks being sick and this one has sure hung around. So funny what you said about the echo, I can hear that too.. watching tv is weird right now with it having a slight delay in the echo haha and also if I am walking on the tiled floor it echos too! Gee hope you and your Mom are all better soon, I am a bit better today after a day of rest yesterday, hopefully it will continue this time!! x
12-28-2014, 05:16 PM
OMG I missed a milestone... post 4000!!
You win a big sloppy kiss from Flynn TINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-28-2014, 07:00 PM
It's 43 degrees here in CT and I'm still seeing flip flops on adults in the mall.
Happy 2015
Have the best year Flynny and Trish
12-31-2014, 04:43 PM
Hey Addy!! Happy New Year to you too!!!
I had some friends over for dinner last night, only just made it to midnight...!! 2015 has dawned bright and sunny, already hot outside. Wishing everyone and their pups a happy and healthy 2015!!!!xxx
Squirt's Mom
12-31-2014, 04:45 PM
How does 2015 look so far? :D
All the best to you and Flynn in the coming year!
12-31-2014, 05:07 PM
So far so good, but it is only 11am haha... starting off healthy, just made a berry smoothie and ate a peach for breakfast!! Will see how long this lasts!! Flynny had a date last night for NYE, will post a pic of them!
Budsters Mom
12-31-2014, 05:23 PM
It certainly looks like that date was prearranged by the parents.LOL:D
I've got your back Fynny boy. Your home, your treasures, your turf!;):D
Happy New Year Trish and Flynny! Here's to keeping that devil cat in line! :D:D:D
holy moly, I'm stuck in last year:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
We are having a small party tonight, I hope I make it until midnight:rolleyes:
Doesn't that seem weird, you are in 2015 and I am still in 2014????
You are having Summer and we are having wind chills of minus who knows what-:eek::eek::eek:BUT, we had a green Christmas. I could so get used to that.
Love that Flynn had a date and she is quite good looking too;):) At least he allowed her in his house, not so sure Kokomo the Koko Puff would.
Enjoy the rest of New Years Day!!!
12-31-2014, 07:16 PM
haha Addy, you won't be stuck there for long!!! We barely made it to midnight last night too.. well my guests did leave before midnight ... think I fed them too much :D My new favourite dessert is pannacotta, never realised it is so easy to make. Just made some more now as family dinner tonight and I am on dessert! Sprinkled a few berries around they it was delish!! Hope your party goes well and this New Year dawns sunny and bright!
HNY Kathy Leslie and everyone else!!!
Omg I actually made it past midnight:D:p
Happy New Year
molly muffin
01-01-2015, 02:00 AM
Made it!! Happy new year everyone!
Big hugs
aha!!! The first Monday of 2015:eek::(
Well, if there has to be a first Monday, I hope yours and Flynn's is filled with sunshine, a warm breeze and no worries.:):):):):):):)
I hope you have an easy week!!!!!!!!
I am counting down the days until January 21st when it will be light out when I leave work!!! AHHHHHHHHH, such a happy thought:D:D:D:D:D
01-04-2015, 08:52 PM
The picture of Flynn and his date is adorable! You go Flynn!
01-10-2015, 05:04 PM
Hi all
Up and down week for us.... back to work was a shock to the system! Hot as heck here with no rain, so unlike all the storms many of you are facing we are looking at drought soon.
Poor Flynn has upset gut AGAIN!!:mad: So annoying for him, but it was the worst I have even seen with watery poops. So back on the metronidazole and probiotics. Changing his diet to turkey, cannot find any good quality canned food here with just turkey, most of them have added chicken in some form which he cannot tolerate. So I am embarking on home cooking. After seeing the watery ones yesterday I got turkey mince and did the mushy rice thing. No poop so far this morning. Been googling home cooking and joined groups on FB so have a couple of recipes up my sleeve. Man he hovered the turkey/rice combo up so think he might like this new diet change!!! If any of you have any advice on what supplements to add I would be grateful. He is on a multivitamin for joint health already.
Hope your all doing well for the start of 2015! xxxx :)
Budsters Mom
01-10-2015, 06:14 PM
Oh poor Flynny, tummy trouble again.:o I hope it settled right back down soon. So glad he likes the turkey, rice mush. Home cooking , yum!! :p
I hope you're feeling better too, Trish. It seems that you've had that creeping crud for sometime now!:o
Sending healing energy to you both,
Well phoey that poor Flynny is feeling icky. I thought of home cooking for Zoe since she needed such a limited diet but then the raw and honest kitchen worked out for her. I thought Leslie mentioned a few times a Monica Segual (maybe wrong last name) and I thought she formulated diets. Anyway I know Leslie has some contacts for people who do that.
Hopefully the metronidazole will set our boy right. Good to hear he liked the turkey. I like it myself. I told hubby I'm going to start gobbling pretty soon, I eat so much turkey breast!
Hope you are feeling better. I treated Kate and myself to high tea on the 23rd floor of our Hotel Pfister. Lovely afternoon and views were amazing. You could see all of the city from that height.
Let us know how Flynn is.
Squirt's Mom
01-11-2015, 08:46 AM
Yes, Monica Segal would a good one to contact. That's who we will use next time, too. If raw is the way you want to go, talk to Lou Olsen. They both have Yahoo groups, too.
I hope you and Flynny both are feeling much better soon!
01-11-2015, 09:45 AM
Awwww, I'm so sorry about Flynn. I just hate it when poop patrol turns out to be a nightmare! You have high hopes each time you head out the door, but then you end with disappointment and you anxiously await the next go-round. :o
I hope you can arrive at a solution fast. I ended up switching Peg off her Clavamox Friday evening because I saw the beginnings of soft-serve/mucous and I was not wanting to see that worsen over the weekend. I guess Clavamox is supposed to be generally well tolerated and it may have been unrelated. But she had never had it before and it turned out that her e. coli is sensitive to just about everything. So I called the vet before closing and we switched her over to simplicef which she's done fine with in the past. But I still hold my breath every time we head to the yard, regardless. :rolleyes:
Are you feeling better yourself? My ear is still clogged up which initially freaked me out but I now read it can take weeks to resolve. :(
01-11-2015, 02:20 PM
Hey Trish - if you plan to homecook for an extended period of time, you'll definitely want to make sure you understand the supplement side of things and how to keep everything balanced. Like Leslie suggested, Lew Olson is a great resource. Her book Raw & Natural Nutrition is the like the bible of raw feeding, but it also has an excellent few chapters on homecooking, so don't think she's only about raw.
I have off and on homecooked for my pugs for years. I homecooked for Tobey for a solid 8 months before transitioning her back onto The Honest Kitchen.
Hey Trish,
Just checking in real quick here, and I am so sorry to read that Flynn is not feeling well again. Yes, I know that disappointed feeling well when on poop patrol. It sounds like you are pretty sure his diet has caused the issue this time rather than an "indiscretion"? I'm wondering about just trying the bland mushy rice and turkey diet along with the metronidazole and probiotics to get him stabilized and then transitioning him back to what he was eating. If I remember right he was eating a lamb based diet, is that right? You must be thinking that he can't tolerate that now? I know nothing about home cooking Trish, I hope you can find the information you need and it isn't too difficult.
I'm wondering how you are feeling as well. Did you finally kick that nasty cold?
And tell Flynn thanks for the sloppy dog smooch for my post 4000, I loved it! :D :p
I will be watching for an update.
Tina and Jasper xo
01-12-2015, 03:44 AM
Hi all
Thanks for all your comments, I do think this might be due to a "dietary indiscretion"! He is a typical terrier with his nose constantly to the ground on our walks, I have him strictly on leash walks now... well extendable leash so he gets a bit of freedom. But if he comes across something even remotely edible, he will grab it up. So frustrating when I want to give him freedom, but he is not to be trusted and these episodes really knock him. But his poop was yellow and watery a couple of days, but only a couple per day then he did a soft-serve (I like that description Marianne!:)) small one yesterday and that was it! Nothing this morning and I am thinking he must be getting a bit bunged up. But I guess it is like that in humans when you have had a bug, then tonight he has had two almost constipated yellowish poops. So hopefully he will get going normally again now.
Not much turkey about here, all I can find in the supermarkets is either shaved turkey meat and it was smoked or frozen rolled roasts with stuffing inside. Neither really appropriate for a dog. I did luck upon some turkey mince on Saturday which he had over the weekend with mushy rice. But that supermarket does not have it regularly when I enquired.
I had ordered his usual food but swapped to venison/fish mixture as he seemed to go off the lamb a bit at the end of last week, tried to cancel it but courier delivered it today. So I have given him that tonight and he gobbled it down like a dog starved. I think the metronidazole has got rid of the bug, whatever it was. So if it carries on I am still considering home cooking, not raw. Thanks for the contacts Addy, Leslie and Renee I will definitely contact one of them to get advice on supplements etc if I go down that path. I can order turkey to get shipped to me from the other end of the country, but boy is it expensive!! I came across a company called Mauri via Sharlene's googling skills, that does a turkey grain free canned product with no added chicken that sounded perfect. It was marketed as a NZ product, using a Maori name... but I had never heard of it. But on searching their website stockists cannot even buy it here!! LOL they only sell in North America. I emailed them and he wanted to know how I heard about them, then next email said he would help me and send samples. Then he wanted me to get my pet store to contact them LOL... all too hard!!! Was just weird that is sounded very New Zealand, but it wasn't and is manufactured in the US!!
I am feeling better thank you all, took 3 weeks to kick it and finally my ear is clear!! :D So hope yours will come right soon Marianne. xx
01-22-2015, 04:08 PM
Hi Trish!! Can you believe I've finally gotten back on the forum. I hope Flynn's tummy trouble cleared up by now. We go through much the same. Since my vet gave me a bottle of metronidazole tablets it has been much easier to control these episodes. I think Trixie has a touch of irritable bowel or something similar and I did some reading about the use of metrod. for this...apparently it helps though they don't really know why. When I asked the vet could I give a half tab for a couple of days when her poops start to act up..or did it have to be a full course of treatment. She told me popping a few is just that's what I do. For instance Trixie woke up at 3am and wanted out...when my husband got in with her he reported poops were not terrible but a little soft..that's all I need to hear...soft poops combined with the unusual need to go out at that hour and I know she needs a half tab! It does the trick every time. It did not escalate into a full out attack of the bad poops or vomiting. If I hear a lot of gurgling from her belly over the course of the course of the evening I will give her one. It seems to really help us to stave off the real bad stuff.
I have to say after our bout of whatever it was last year when we winded up in the e/r , I get paranoid about her digestive tract. Nothing was ever conclusive last year...they suspected pancreatitis but the tests didn't fully support it. Meanwhile metrod. for now is helping so much and (knocking wood) it's been awhile since we even needed one!!
Hope all is well with Flynn...I've got to click on to the photos and see his newest pics!! :D:D:D:D:D See you on Facebook!! ;)
01-22-2015, 07:58 PM
Hi Trish! I hope Flynn is feeling better and so glad you are. I have missed you all! HUGS to Flynn and you!
Hey there, stopping by to bump you to page one and send love and hugs to you and Flynn.
I hope all is well, no worries about our little man.
I'm hoping poop patrol is only finding good poop:D
01-28-2015, 05:35 AM
Aww thanks for checking in on Flynny!! Poop patrol is excellent right now!!! YAY, *fingers and paws crossed**!! :D:D
We are off tomorrow for his checkup scan, Tina if you are reading appointment is 11.30am :):) so we will be leaving first thing to get up there on time. This is for that stomach nodule, hope it has not grown. I do not think it has, only one vomit last week but it had a pile of grass in it so think he had a munch then puked it back up. Otherwise eating fine, walking heaps as I am on a get fit regime so walking nearly an hour twice a day and he loving it! He snapped up a sparrow the other day, boy is he fast when he wants to be! Plus Dad is walking him during the day if it is not too hot.
I am going to take a urine spec for UPC, now six weeks since he has been on the increased enalopril dose so will see if IMS wants to test it now to see if it has come down. Last one was 1.4
Will let you know how we get one xxxxxxx
01-28-2015, 06:28 AM
Good luck Trish and Flynnie!!!
(Save some space in the waiting room for all of us! ;))
Paws up, Flynn, I think everything will go well, Trish.
Wish we could walk again, walking for us has been so limited with the bad weather. An hour a day is quite good for you both. Walking is so good. Every day on my drive to walk, I see a women waling a very, very,old Golden Retriever; the dog's back legs are stiff and thin, they walk very, very slowly, but every day they are out there walking.
I think it is wonderful Flynn can walk for an hour. :):):):):)
I don'think I could:rolleyes::rolleyes: My brother hurt is knee in December and it is getting worse, he has to start PT and he said since he has not been able to walk for 5 weeks, he has gained 10 pounds:eek:
Hope UPC is good and no nodule growth. Have a safe trip.
01-28-2015, 09:10 AM
Catching birds at age 14(?)...that is impressive!
Good luck Flynn and Trish.
Trish, I am reading, and I will be there with nothing but positive thoughts and energy! Clocks synchronized, 4:30 pm my time. :D ;) Wishing you all the best for his scan and the UPC. Paws up Flynny! Safe travels and I will be watching for the report.
Hugs from me and Jasper xo
01-28-2015, 12:48 PM
Popping in with some good thoughts for Flynny not that he will need them as I am sure he will sail through it all.
Now Flynny leave them birds alone they are not to be caught and eaten :D
Budsters Mom
01-28-2015, 02:22 PM
Joining Tina in the virtual waiting room.;) GO FLYNNY!! xxxxoooo
01-28-2015, 03:34 PM
Best of luck today!
Squirt's Mom
01-28-2015, 03:49 PM
Ya'll back yet? :D
01-28-2015, 06:18 PM
I am im the carpark waiting :)
Waiting for the tests to be over?
01-28-2015, 07:53 PM
E erything stable! Yay, will do more more when i get home, thanks girls!
My sweet Ginger
01-28-2015, 08:13 PM
So good to hear that. Good boy Flynny boy. Drive safely. :)
drive home very safely:):):):):)
Budsters Mom
01-28-2015, 08:48 PM
That's our FLYNNY BOY! Yay!!! Please take it slow and easy driving home. Flynny needs his mom and so do we! So happy!:):p:):p
01-28-2015, 08:51 PM
E erything stable! Yay, will do more more when i get home, thanks girls!
and guys! Good for y'all :)
01-29-2015, 12:39 AM
Phew, home!! Least is not as far as Auckland so I should not complain!! Great visit, scan showed no change in the stomach nodule, adrenal gland fine. Liver no sign of any of the nodules in there taking off! So stable!!
Have sent UPC off for testing. No bloods this time as they were only done six weeks ago.
He had a good look at his front legs, to see if anything causing that limp when he gets up. He felt his elbows were wee bit thickend so thinks it arthritis. Considering retrying pentosan but to be honest I did not think it did a heck of a lot, so not sure I want to give him more drugs right now. He walks it off in a few steps so not causing too much trouble, he is continuing his NSAID.
BP was great... 130!! Hurray!!!
Heart and lungs sound fine, no change in his low grade murmur. He had a few sneezing attacks, he thinks it likely dust. Would be more worried if he had nasal drip, blood etc which he has none of. I wanted a chest xray, but he said there was nothing indicating the need for one. OK, well a vet that turns done money when a client is suggesting a test based on his clinical judgement I think is a good man!
His samilyn for his liver has just got too expensive $150 per month, so IMS said to give him adult Sam-e 200mg and add milk thistle so have to get onto ordering some as our local health shop did not have any. Staying on same meds otherwise.
So we await UPC but otherwise all good news... next scan in 3 months but he said to get in touch with him earlier if I am worried.
Sorry Lindsay, did not pick up on the guy thing!!
Thanks everyone!! I am most pleased with how it went today!! xxx
01-29-2015, 01:40 AM
YAY! Go Flynn you handsome devil!
01-29-2015, 03:40 AM
Thanks Suzie!! He is handsome isn't he :D:D thought it was about time I took down his Christmas pic, here he is with his best friend Elle, well it is a bit of a love/hate relationship at times lol I need an early night, work in the morning but at least its Fridaaaaaaaaaaaaay! xxx
Squirt's Mom
01-29-2015, 06:25 AM
Good news! WOOHOO!
Friiiiiiiday for me:D
Did you get the UPC results?
Enjoy your weekend and walks with our superb, super, sassy Flynn,
Love the new avatar too
01-30-2015, 03:14 PM
Hey Addy!! No UPC yet, Saturday now so doubt it will be till next week. Hope it has gone done some! Went on a walk last night, had Flynn on his leash and run out the door, soon as it slammed behind me realised I had locked myself out DOH!!! had to break the door to get back in!! YIkes lucky I have a lockable security screen I can use to keep us safe, but there sure is a big hole... lots of extra ventilation overnight so lucky is warm :D:D have sent a message to the builder to please come fix it! :eek:
Harley PoMMom
01-30-2015, 05:26 PM
Sounds like a really good report overall, YYYAAA!!!!!
01-30-2015, 07:18 PM
arooooooooooooooooooo! Great report, you Go Flynn! HUGS!
I used to lock myself out once a year. I kept hiding an extra key in the garage but because I only used it once a year, I never could remember where I hid it:rolleyes::o
Thank goodness my daughter moved five minutes away.
Hope they fix the hole!
01-30-2015, 07:32 PM
I usually have a spare set of keys left at my parents, but couple of weeks back I took them back as huge pile of keys they had and the plan was for me to look at what keys were mine and give them back... hmmmm they were still sitting on the table waiting for that job to be done lol... Yep builder has got back to me and coming by early Monday morning to see what needs to be done. Surprising how much damage I can do when I swung the axe at it :eek::eek::eek:
Budsters Mom
01-30-2015, 09:15 PM
I have locked the keys in my car so many times that I now carry a car key on my lanyard with my work keys and wear it all day. ;):eek:;)
When we meet you in Vegas Trish, don't bring your ax! LOL :eek::D
LOL, Kathy, what a visual that is, Trish swinging a big ole ax:D:D:D:D
I can picture the determination on her face!!!! Rather like when I attached the gutter I tripped over!!!!!
Trish- did Flynn watch you? Koko would have run and hid.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I can just imagine Flynny Boy laying a few feet back, watching with interest, one ear sideways, like saying "Go Mom!":D:D:D:D
01-31-2015, 12:56 PM
Hi girls, I promise I don't usually go about with an axe! I have put a photo up of Flynns new dog door! :)
I love the redecorating of the door:D
Lol Trish, does Flynn look out the hole?
Budsters Mom
01-31-2015, 03:41 PM
LOL I saw your photo! If they don't have a locksmith in New Zealand, you could start a new side business. It would be called Door Busters by Trish. Have ax will travel! lol ;):D:D:D:D:D
Squirt's Mom
01-31-2015, 03:48 PM
Just who else have you told this "not an axe" story to? Did they believe you?! :p
02-03-2015, 04:27 AM
Haha now I feel like an internet axe murderer!!! Builder has been, shook his head and said why the heck you did you do that for LOL... he measured it up and coming back tomorrow to fix it!! It was 32 here today, still hot now sothe extra ventilation is not a problem :D
Yes Addy, Flynny does look out the hole, I think he will quite miss it when it is gone lol.
Still no UPC result, our IMS works at two places and is currently at the other one so I am trying not to hassle the poor man!! If nothing by Thursday I will ring though as Friday is a holiday here, NZ anniversary day.. yay short week! Flynn doing great this week, enjoying our evening hour long walks... gets a tad limpy by the end. Not bad, but still does limp when he gets up after laying for a while, front legs. Have cut him back to half a previcox, and give him a whole one if he looks sore. xxxxxx
02-05-2015, 04:17 AM
UPC result is in... 1.02 dropping from 1.41 six weeks ago. That is after the increase of enalopril to 5mg twice a day. So a drop of 28%, I'm happy with that and it could go down some more yet :) xxxxx
ps: door is fixed! I've sorted out the keys so I don't do it again! :)
Great news, good boy Flynn:D
I would be happy with those results too. Hoping it drops even more.
Glad the door is fixed though Flynn probably misses his handy dandy homemade doggie door.
Hey the weekend is almost here!
02-05-2015, 03:36 PM
Thanks Addy!! Yes very pleased, that was until he puked this morning. I got him a new grain free venison treat. He loved it last night, then woke to the sound of him puking it up, undigested!! Yucky. Anyway think he did not crunch it up enough and just sat in his tummy all night. Fine now, ate his brekky with gusto and just been for our morning walk despite the cold day. Brrrrrr.
Cold? A www wait are you approaching your Fall season? It is still so very much winter here in Wisconsin, it feels like our Spring is months and months away.
Throwing up , awww, poor boy, but glad to hear he is feeling better.
I'm home today, the city water crew was here to inspect and tell us the cost of converting from well to city water. Koko thought it was quite the treat having six men running all over the basement and yard, the snow is so deep I don't know how the little wheel measuring thing can work:rolleyes:
So I hope you can relax now and not worry anytime soon about scans and such. Hoping Flynn will not find some tasty dietary indescretion treat to munch on so his poos stay on track as well.
We had about sixteen inches of snow since last Sunday.:eek:
I can't throw the snow with the shovel, the piles are so high.
Happy Friday
02-05-2015, 05:21 PM
Yep autumn is 3 short weeks away! Still usually stays warm first couple of months. Unseasonably cold today we have had high 20's/30 lately. Storm blew over but sun is out again already. It is a long weekend here, so Friday is definitely a good one today because I am not at work!!! Planning a family BBQ tomorrow, so better get it out the back of the garage and give it a good clean!
His tummy seems OK, did a good poop on our walk so hopefully it was just that treat not digesting properly, probably because he did not crunch it up enough!! Ohhh Koko has some excitement in the house today, Flynn keeps a close eye on tradies too, builder was here fixing the door and he gave him a good sniffing over!
Oh yeah, shovelling and throwing snow with your shoulder.. what are you thinking!!!!!!! x
Oh boy, a family barbecue, it sounds divine!
Our neighbor has a gas grill on their back deck and some nights when I take Koko out when I get home from work, we stand in our yard in the dark, wistfully smelling steak grilling away:D Hubby won't give up his charcoal, so no barbecue in the snow for us!
Have a great time, I am sure Flynn must love a picnic.
Ha, ha, with my shoulder, it has been a bit over a year and I can finally unhook my bra from the back:D
Maybe shoveling will loosen it more, ha ha ha:D:p
02-05-2015, 07:54 PM
Nice! a family BBQ the temps are frigid here brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and we are expecting more snow and ice. It's the ice I fear.
Glad to hear Flynn's tummy is ok fingers crossed it continues.
02-06-2015, 12:35 AM
I hope you had a nice day off and a lovely picnic!
molly muffin
02-10-2015, 08:40 PM
Hey Trish! Popping in to say howdy to you and Flynnman.
What diet do you have him on now? That IBD sure can be a royal pain to keep in control. Maybe he can settle in and have a nice autumn and winter with no issues. Wouldn't that be lovely. :)
02-11-2015, 07:03 PM
Copying Sharlene and saying "hi!"
02-12-2015, 07:27 PM
Here again catching happy to read the great report from the trip to the vet!! Yay Flynn...he's such a star!! Continues on as a total super dog!! Glad to hear!! :D:D Getting locked's the split second when you realize you just did that..:eek::eek::eek:
Hey Trish, happy weekend, I saw your green light on and wanted to say hi to you and Flynny. I'm stuck in bed with the flu, what next right? Can't seem to get out of this bad health rut.
I think a trip to Vegas could help:D
02-13-2015, 05:29 PM
Hi everyone
We have had a nice week with no health worries YAY for those :D, no more vomiting and his appetite is good so really have to pin that episode of puking on that new treat last week, even though it fit right in for his food intolerances it obviously did not agree with him!! Sharlene, I am feeding him venison and fish ziwipeak. Seems to be suiting him for now, I do love this food as it is high quality, grain free and meets all his requirements and he usually does so well on it. Lucky there are a few flavours I can rotate between. They also have dog treats, and dry dog food.. well not exactly kibble consistency he loves them. It is more like a dry softish jerky type of thing.
I have a weekend away next week, he is going to stay with Dad... so will have fingers crossed that goes well. Mum is coming with me, I am sure they will be fine. Dad is doing a lot better lately and that infected hip of his has finally stopped leaking after one year of me doing the dressings!! Ortho specialists said they have a nasty habit of regressing but for now it is good so we will take it!
It is Valentines Day here, so Flynn and me are sending roses, flowers, chocolates oh yeah and bubbles to all our buddies here and lots of hugs and kisses for everyone to have a special day!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww we were typing at the same time.:D
Thanks for the Valentine wishes
Budsters Mom
02-20-2015, 09:47 PM
Okay Trish, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING? I'm sure you and your mom are home by now.;) Please check in and let us know how you and our main man are doing. xxxxoooo
02-22-2015, 03:26 AM
I haven't been hiding Kathy, I have had a few days away and only got home tonight!! Never fear, I will let you know if there is anything to worry about and touch wood all OK at that moment!! :D
02-22-2015, 09:04 AM
That a boy Flynn you keeping going as you are, your doing well and we know you will continue
Budsters Mom
03-01-2015, 02:06 AM
happy birthday trish!!!! :D:D:D
Squirt's Mom
03-01-2015, 07:26 AM
There's a birthday?!
Happy Birthday, Trish!
molly muffin
03-01-2015, 07:22 PM
There was definitely a birthday or two, Trish has one.
I think that a birthday must be celebrated for at least a month!!
So, Happy Birthday Trish!!!!
03-13-2015, 04:32 PM
Hi everyone
Gosh, down on page 4 so time for an update!!
On the whole Flynny doing pretty good. He is not due to see IMS for check ultrasound till end of April. Just a couple of issues really, still has that limp on front legs occasionally. Can feel a lipoma under there, but also think arthriticy component. Started him back on Cartrophen couple of weeks back and had noticed improvement so cut down his previcox to a half dose and then stopped it today. Then of course he just came limping out the bedroom :eek: will see how we go, the previcox not had time to even get out his system yet! He is very mobile and our summer of walking has continued!! Up to an hour each night, I have lost 10kg and he has loved all the walking so good for both of us.
Only other concern is mouth lesion, vets think is benign epulis. Hmmm watching it though as think it has grown abit.
But apart from that he is a box of birds!! We do have a cyclone Pam on the horizon but hoping it misses us!! :eek::eek::eek: not due till tomorrow night if it comes this way. Hope all well xxxxx
03-13-2015, 06:50 PM
Thanks so much for the update and yes, I've been tracking Cyclone Pam and feeling worried about you all :(. OMG all those poor villages in Vanuatu!! :eek: I guess it will be a while before all the damage can be assessed. Please keep in touch with us and let us know you are OK, OK?
molly muffin
03-13-2015, 06:54 PM
I've been tracking that cyclone too. Nasty buggers when they hit.
Hope it misses you guys.
I know how worrying that limp is, maybe when you have the ultrasound done, have them take a feel at it and see if it needs to come out? Not sure how feasible that is if it is super deep.
Take care and stay safe!
03-14-2015, 01:13 AM
Hope all is well and the cyclone misses you! Take care.
Squirt's Mom
03-14-2015, 08:28 AM
Hope Pam passes by but hunker down just in case!
Hey Trish and Flynn, stopping by to say thinking of you and hope you are happy and dry.
I have been under the weather again but thinking of you both.
Zoe's friend had her spleen removed because of a tumor. She recovered so quickly and so well but now they say she has cancer and needs chemo. I feel sad.
But I could not help think of how Flynn always bounced back after his surgeries and I was just amazed at how well Bella has done.
We are thinking Spring and you are thinking about old man winter.
Luv ya
03-17-2015, 04:23 AM
Hi all
Thanks for the well wishes, Cyclone Pam did mainly miss us thank goodness. Went down the East Coast where I am but far enough out to sea not to do any real damage. Rainy, windy couple of days and the sea's are still massive. Very impressive when I drove past today, so beach walks with Flynny are definitely out!! He remains good, but real limpy the weekend, so no big walks. Better now, maybe it was the air pressure going low with the cyclone. But he is a happy little fellow!! We sure are in autumn, I have been nearly tempted to put the heating on last couple of nights, but noooooo not ready for it yet lol I am sure it will warm back up for the weekend!
Sorry have not been about much, busy here too. Looking at houses, one I quite like but of course they want more than I want to pay so will see where that goes. I went to the open home on Sunday, took Flynn for a little walk as it is not far from here. I had him out in the back garden and the estate agent was telling me how nicely the deck was designed as it was "floating"... hmmm well Flynn took one look, went down on his haunches and crawled fast as and disappeared underneath :eek::eek:. Lucky he still had his leash on which I grabbed and pulled him back out, so told her the fancy deck might not be such a good thing with a little dog!
Addy, sorry to hear about you being under the weather again, gosh it has been one thing after another healthwise for you. Hope your on top of it in time to enjoy Spring, I hope your spring bulbs will be popping their heads up soon with a bit of colour for you!! Koko will be well and truly ready for romping on some nice soft grass :) Aww sucks about Bella needing the chemo, mind you with pets I always think of my brothers cat Timmy that was on chemo for his lymphoma and lasted 2 1/2 years, they give much smaller doses and from what I have heard can tolerate it quite well so I hope it works for her.
Well that's about it from me, sorry have not been around all your threads but know I am thinking of you all and sending big hugs to all the pups!! xxxxxx
Bailey's Mom
04-13-2015, 06:37 PM
Howdy Trish!
I'm just checking in and looking to find how you and Flynny are getting along.
What's this about house hunting? Did anything turn positive re: the little house you liked a lot?
How is Flynny doing? Is there anything he has to contend with now? Bailey is doing very well. Bob tells me she is four and I've been telling anyone who asked that she was 3. Where does the time go?
We go back north in two weeks. Ryan's wedding is 4 weeks later. Should be a very busy May. :eek:
04-25-2015, 05:50 PM
No news is good news :) We are doing pretty well, not too happy about the colder weather and darker earlier nights. Flynny keeps trucking along, he must be turning 14 next month or two, not sure when as he was a rescue pup at approx. 6-9 months of age in December 2001 :) Anyway his life is a birthday party every day so he sure isn't missing out :D:D Sorry not been about much, but thinking of all you with much love xxxxx
Hi Trish!
Happy to see this good update on Flynn. He will be 14 soon, that is just amazing! Yes, know what you mean, sometimes no news is good news! I haven't been able to be around here much, which I am not too happy about. Thanks for the Easter message on our thread, hope you had a good one with your family. How are your Mum and Dad doing?
Need to post on Jasper again one of these days, fortunately not much news for him either. :) But I am pretty sure I never got his kidney values posted from his last labwork. I am so bad. Lots going on at my work and none of it good. Just trying to hang in.
I think about you guys all the time and hope everyone is doing well. Smooches and belly rubs for Flynn. :D
Hugs from me, Jasper and Shelby xo
05-10-2015, 09:21 AM
Hey Trish! Looooooooooong time no talk, it's been 14 months since I last logged in apparently but been thinking about you every now and then wondering how the Flynnmeister has been going. So glad to hear things are chugging on well and that he is still up to his tricks (haven't been back through the thread, just saw the bit about deck diving)
It's coming up 18 months now that I lost Fraser, but Ozzie is still going strong, 15.5yrs and healthy as a horse thankfully, arthritis and cataracts to be expected but otherwise well.
Im sure there have probably been ups and downs for you since I last checked in but I'm glad to see things are good for the moment anyway. Take care, still think of you and do make sure you pick a date for Flynns birthday party!
05-22-2015, 04:47 PM
Naomi!!!! Well what a nice blast from the past to read your news!! Will pop over to your thread to read the latest as see a post there from you :D
We are still doing pretty good, decided earlier in the year to seriously cut down on his vet visits, bloods etc, he has not had a blood test since December and what do ya know, he is doing fine and a lot less stress for him and me! Haven't been to his IMS since January, he will go in the next month or two for a scan to check his liver and stomach lumps, but we hope to hear the same news... no change! Physically, perhaps a little slower but his limping is not too bad, he is back on monthly cartrophen and that seems to be holding him in these colder months. Plus half a previcox does wonders and we believe for him, it is worth the risk when we balance up quality of life issues.
He is still loving his walks, he can go for an hour on my continued get fit programme, have managed to lose 12kg so far! (me not him :D) So if he can walk that far it's telling me he is still the super dog he always has been!
But boy has the weather turned, but there are ways for a doggie to keep warm eh :) :D
I will try visit a bit more often, I always manage to hear if an adrenal pup pops in :) xx
05-22-2015, 06:05 PM
Trish, you're here!! How lovely to see you!!! :) :) :)
Absolutely great to hear that Flynn is doing well and I totally support you spacing out the pokes and prods. He has been such a brave boy and totally deserved a vacation from vet visits and worry (you both have!).
Love the new picture of the snuggle- bunny. He is just too fetching for his own good. ;)
So good to see you, and please give the boy a scritch from his Auntie Marianne. :p
molly muffin
05-22-2015, 06:38 PM
He is a cutie isn't he. Amazing how the years fly by.
Now it is winter in New Zealand and summer finally coming our way. (if we can get past tonights, brrrr weather)
Elle still terrorizing flynnman?
05-22-2015, 06:45 PM
They mostly have a bit of a truce, unless.... food is involved and then it is every cat/dog for himself. As he will always eat hers if he gets there first. So she is fed up high, but she has been eating 'temptations" cat treats, but we found out there is something bad in them so they are banned. Man, she is like a crack addict deprived of her latest hit. One cranky puddy! Now she decided she likes his venison treats and races him to get them, he wins though :D that's my boy! But if she is frisky and wants to play, she will stalk him and sneak up and give him a whack on his rump... he never retaliates to her. She's a Siamese bully!
molly muffin
05-22-2015, 06:50 PM
I love Elle, that girl has personality by the bucket.
I didn't know temptations was on the banned list. hmm not that we have any cats here but still I use to give them to my tipsy.
05-22-2015, 06:54 PM
Oh I saw something on FB about the temptations, will go and try find it hmmm I not so sure if they are actually temptations... looks similar lol... anyway she not allowed anymore, its crack for cats!
Hi Trish and Flynn, I have alot of catching up to do but want to stop by and see how you are both doing.
It must be almost winter since it is almost summer here. My lilacs just started blooming. We were to have photography of our house today but it was raining so our realtor cancelled. I cleaned for days:mad:
Now the sun is out:rolleyes:
Belly rubs to our boy Flynn
05-28-2015, 07:27 PM
Hey Addy, how lovely to see you popping in! Sounds like you are in the thick of it with the house sale.. I gave up... was too hard :) plus I had not found anywhere better to live, so will stay put for the winter anyway.
We do have the sun out today, but frosty mornings :) Flynny doing pretty good, he caught a cat this morning and there was a ruckus behind the garage before the cat bolted out of there unharmed from what I could see when it sprinted past!
Long weekend here, Monday is a holiday and I decided at last minute to take the Friday too, so enjoying a morning of lazing at home and appreciating not being at work :D:D we will have to synch a time when we all online to have a real time catchup! x
05-30-2015, 12:40 AM
Trish! Just stopping by to say hello! Your thread is way too long for me to catch up on, lol, but I do hope you are the Flynny-man are doing well!
05-30-2015, 03:51 PM
Hey Renee! Yes we doing good thanks, can see him slowing down a bit but guess that to be expected in winter and he is 14 now, but he can still walk for an hour around the neighbourhood! Going to see his IMS sometime in the next month. Our local vet Mike has gone to Europe for three months! Dunno how he could do that and leave us unsupervised haha but he deserves a nice break! But our IMS knows Flynn just as well but a shame he is a 3 1/2 hr drive away! So fingers crossed no problems over winter! X
07-11-2015, 08:58 PM
Hi all
Popping in for a quick catchup, boy time flies! Flynny is doing well, getting through winter without too much trouble, bit sore in his bones but still going for his nice long walks. Couple of odd vomits, which always worries me but never seems to amount to much. IBD has been settled for months... **cross fingers** don't want to jinx us! No blood tests, urine tests or any poking or prodding for six months now. Really is time for a check up for him, but my mantra of recent times if its not broke don't go looking for trouble, because you surely will find it!
Anyway, busy couple of months here. Work trip/holiday to Australia for 10 days last month, before I left I decided to put my house on the market and suggested to the agent she do the open homes and sell it while I was away and bugger me she did!! So bit of panic stations but I have found a new house I love and won the auction last week. So we are moving.... in 26 days! I really think this is meant to be, everything just fell into place without me trying too hard. Been talking about selling this place for years, so I have finally taken the plunge and done it.
Its going to be great for Flynny, part of my house hunting must haves, were a fenced yard and some grass for him to run on. We have that, so I hope he is not going to be too upset leaving his home for the last 11 years. I have promised him there will surely be cats for him to chase at the new place! He will still be getting dropped off and picked up at his Nan and Grandad's house each day while I go to work, so no change for him there. The only problem is the floors in the new house are polished wood, absolutely gorgeous but I will have to buy a hall runner before we move or he might not come out of our room!!
So that's us, getting stuck into packing today, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cannot wait for moving day :)
Hope all my buddies here are doing well, I keep meaning to check in more but before I know it a couple of months are gone.
Love xxx Trish and Flynny xxx
Budsters Mom
07-12-2015, 11:55 AM
So good to hear from you Trish!:p I have missed you.
Great news regarding our Flynny boy and a new house to boot! You certainly have been busy traipsing around Australia.;)
It's summer here now and I miss our late-night chats with everyone so very much. Most of us have moved on, but there are still a few of us diehards hanging around.
Thanks for checking in. Take care of yourself and please keep us updated on our wonder boy. xxxxoooo
Well, girlfriend, we are packing together :D:D
I'm sure Flynny and Koko will both adjust just fine to their new digs. We can compare notes when the madness of moving is over:)
Love you and our boy
Take care
08-19-2015, 03:46 PM
Hi all
Well we have been in our new home two weeks tomorrow, had a week off to get it all sorted. Loving it, poor Flynn has not been so well. I thought it was a bit of IBD flare, but we went to IMS last week for his planned checkup. Blood test showed Lipase quite elevated, I know the spec Cpl is more specific but think he might have a touch of pancreatitis. He was refusing meals which is most unlike him, not running very much and just generally feeling off. So I have put him on chicken/mushy rice and he has perked up last couple of days. Just waiting for call back from IMS about what else we can do. Needless to say with this tummy off his UPC had shot up to 4.1 from the 1.0 it was six months ago :mad: I should have known better than to get it tested when tummy not right as he has consistently thrown protein into his urine when that happens. BP was up over 200 too but it was checked after his bloods, nails clipped, ultrasound so no wonder. I will let everything settle down and get BP and UPC rechecked in couple of weeks.
Ultrasound showed no increase in size in his stomach mass or adrenal mass, yay... but his poor old liver is not in good shape. not that is has ever been but IMS said he struggled to find any normal looking liver, he could not see any large distinct masses which I guess is OK, ALP had actually dropped a little still in the 1400 range, AST in the 300s. Bilirubin normal so at least he is not blocking up!!! We know his liver has a ton of benign nodular hyperplasia but we also know there is residual tumour in there, luckily for us a very slow growing one but I guess it is going to catch up with him at some stage. I am giving him milk thistle. So not the best report, I have decided no more operations for the boy, he is 14 now after all. Blardy lipomas are growing back at a rate of knots plus he also has a mouth lesion that bothers him, it has not been biopsied but both local vet and IMS have said it looks benign. Honestly with all his lumps and bumps on his skin he is one little lumpy dog, inside and out!!
Still last couple of days he is feeling better, still on previcox so keeping him comfortable which is our main aim and he is loving his diet change to the chicken/rice combo!! Feeding him little and often and his tummy bloating has decreased. Loving his walks, trots along for a good few kms, so you know Flynny he just keeps on trucking on, IMS was amazed how good he looks with all he has going on :D
So that's us for now, hope you are all doing good and the pups!! xxxx
Budsters Mom
08-19-2015, 09:19 PM
Hi Trish, so happy you got all moved in OK, sorry to hear that our boy isn't feeling too well. That dang tummy!:o At least he's loving the chicken and rice and getting a little extra TLC, which he never lacks!;
I totally understand the no more surgery thing and would have made the same decision. Our Wonderboy has been through so much and it's time to stop and just let him enjoy doing what he loves. Hanging with devil cat (Elle), grandma and granddad and of course you.
It was wonderful to hear from you. Please keep us posted on how you both are doing. xxxxx
Squirt's Mom
08-20-2015, 07:15 AM
Hey Trish,
It's been obvious that you are enjoying your new home and that you seem to be creating your space there happily for the most part. As I read your post so many memories came back for me. We got to move into our current home and Squirt was so happy about it. I had promised her a real home again and she got to have that for a couple of years here. We both had time to create our new space here, to establish *our* home. She quickly learned to make this place her very own and ruled over every inch with her typical style. Today it is filled with her spirit and memories we created together. It would be almost impossible for me to leave this place now.
And when you said you had made the decision to have no more surgeries, the tears started. I also remember the day I made that decision for my Queen. She had to go to the vet and the experience was horrible for her. She was so stressed out she got sick. I promised her then no more. She had always given more than I asked for but I could ask no more of her. The time had come to let her be and let her have as much peace as she possibly could from then on. Peace, comfort, pleasure became the only goals for us. No more scary rides, pokes or prods or sticks, no more nasty medicines if we could do without - just no more anything other than peace, comfort and pleasure.
The time that followed was more than special and keeps me upright and functioning many days today. Knowing we were in our true final days made everything more real, more alive, of greater import - and we grabbed it all together. Oh there were many times when I lost it and could barely raise my head knowing what the near future held but then I would see that light in her eyes and know we were on the right path. That as long as we walked together, the path didn't matter. Her light shone bright for a little over a year and it is a time I will treasure for as long as I breath.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
08-20-2015, 09:53 PM
I'm hoping that Flynns tummy troubles clear up soon.
I think Flynn looks great for all he's had going on with his liver and his lumps and bumps.
Hopefully he is enjoying his new home and this too shall pass.
That dratted UPC. I know what you mean, every time something is going on with their tummy's the UPC goes up. Tina had that happen with Jasper too remember.
Bailey's Mom
08-25-2015, 05:15 PM
Hi Trish! :)
I just read the latest on Flynn and I'm sorry he's having a hard time. I think your decision is a very wise one. We try so very hard to "make them well" and it's often hard to see that line of-enough is enough- and cross over it trying to hang onto our friends.
I didn't realize you were moving. I've not been on here much. I'm glad the move went well. I'm glad Flynny is once again in charge! :D
Thanks for the update.
Amanda's Mom
08-29-2015, 12:05 PM
Oh Trish I hope Flynn is coming around and feeling better. Here you are moving and getting settled but your baby comes first and being the wonderful Mum you are Flynny is getting the best of care! I hope his tummy settles and he comes around quickly!
Amanda spent three days in an oxygen cage at the hospital as her heart disease had progressed to congestive heart failure. I rushed her in last Saturday. It resolved and she is doing well now on Vetmedin and added spironolactone to her meds. It is so difficult when our fur babies just aren't feeling well! My heart and prayers are with you and Flynn! Hugs!!
Well now, not was I was hoping exactly for but I did find good news in that he is still trotting and our Flynny Boy is loving his chicken and mushy rice.
Lumps, bumps and all, we love our Flynn. Tummy off UPC goes up, I remember that well. Koko has had a bit off off time here and there since we moved, tummy upset and a bit of vomiting his food. His groomer moved and told me her dog has been vomiting since the move.
I hope you are settled in and that things even out. That drafted November is around the corner and I wanted to put in a special request that we skip the month all together!
Love you both
09-04-2015, 05:54 PM
Hey everyone, thanks for your notes! :)
Flynny went to local vet yesterday for his BP check, and all good in the 140-150 region. So thankfully we do not have to alter his meds at all. I think the last few days his tummy settling down. Had to take him off the chicken, while he loved it, his tummy didn't so now he is on white fish and and six fish orijen biscuits which he is loving and seems to agree with him. Last few days he is feeling more perky too. This IBD flare has lasted nearly two months, I am sure the stress of moving to our new house has not helped! Mike and I have decided not to retest that UPC until at least a month after the IBD flare has settled. Our IMS did write met his about that "Glomerulonephritis secondary to IBD is a well recognised syndrome so could well be playing a role in Flynn’s urine protein spike. We do have a bit of scope to increase the enalapril dose if needed - could trial 7.5 mg twice daily – this could help with both urine protein and blood pressure if it is still high" so with BP not high we do not have to alter drugs
The decision re surgery is not a new one, we decided that at the end of last year. I am talking big surgery like liver resections, adrenalectomy that kind of thing. If he needed anything small doing we would consider it. Don't worry he is not at death's door yet!! He walked for 40 mins last night, bit limpy at the end but really enjoyed it. Anticipatory grief is nasty, I do not want to go there hence the decision not to take him to vet so often, it really has been good for Flynn and my mental health haha... as I tend to worry more with results! Don't get me wrong, I will take him if he really needs it!
Addy, we broke the November curse last year :D:D so this year will be a breeze! The only thing we will be doing in November is celebrating the fact it will be 4 years since his original liver cancer resection and three years post adrenalectomy!! My little super dog :):)
Claire, so pleased Amanda recovered so quicky, you are doing a fantastic job with her, lovely to see you!
Sus, yes all moved, been meaning to take a few pics so you can see the new place! Pretty much settled in now, though just sent a txt to my builder with a few things I want smartened up about the place :D
Yes Leslie, peace comfort and pleasure are high on our list too.... :)
Hey Kathy, devil cat Elle had to go to the vet yesterday with Flynn, she is a witch to try and pill and she needed worming... I tried but she can spit them an amazing distance so now we just take her in!!! But they ended up just giving her a combined flea/worm paste thing so she got off lightly!
Sharlene, yes he does look good the little darling! right going to take a pic or two for the album and you can all see how good he is :)
Ah, we did break the curse, no good stirring it up for sure.
You must be loving your new digs, Trish, we are slowly settling in, not all the pictures are hung, that is a work in process.
Glad the BP is down and Flynny!s tummy is getting better. Our miracle boy will have a huge celebration in November.
We are off for the weekend, yes believe iit or not my boutique hotel weekend is here, only waitied 18 months but better late than never
Koko has his bag packed. I will let you know how it turns out.
Enjoy your week
09-05-2015, 04:23 PM
Cool, this is the hotel with the menu for Koko to choose from?? That is so awesome, hope you guys have a fantastic time!
I have most of the pictures up, took a while though I took a week off after moving to settle in. Much nicer neighbourhood to walk in, bit snobby though. I got told off for Flynn having the cheek to pee on someone's fence... never in his 14 years of walking has anyone told him off for a little pee LOL... really!! I always have bags to pick up his poops, but it's a bit hard to stop him leaving messages for all his doggy friends!! He told me if he looks like doing that again I am to pull him along pfffft
Tell him Flynny is just giving the fence a wash down:p
Maybe that is just the fussy pot of the neighborhood!
This is a different hotel outside the city in Lake Country. Abou a 40 minute drive from our townhouse. Reminds me of an old Williamsburg VA
Hotel. Koko was great, they allowed him in the bar area and gave us our own little dining room last night , the night before we had room service.
Koko's first hotel vacation, he was so well behaved, slept in the middle of the huge bed each night. Of course everyone loved him and he wanted to say hi to everyone. He loved it when room service would bring us food.
Wish I could fit Koko on a plane!
molly muffin
09-08-2015, 08:11 PM
So do tell, how is Flynn doing now? Has his tummy settled down any?
I am sure you are both enjoying the heck out of your new place.
Budsters Mom
09-08-2015, 11:45 PM
OKAY, this is your homework. Are you ready and up for the challenge?
Next time, wait for that guy to wash his car, then give Flynny boy a big drink of water and take him for a short stroll! To heck with the fence. Aim for the car, then report back!!! LOL :D:D:D:D:D
I vote for go for the pant's leg:p
Had to stop by to tell you about the great article in our newspaper today regarding the game between the All Blacks and France.
Go Team:):):)
We have a new cable provider, I will be hunting through the sports channels!
Hope you and Flynny are well and your mom and Dad as well.
Even Ella cat!
molly muffin
10-18-2015, 12:55 PM
The Haka was good for that game. I am addicted to the All Blacks Hakas, Addy. LOL
I looked for it but didn't see the game on. I hear South Africa team is next up and they might be tougher (according to the news reports)
I found nbc will cover the semi final game two but not game one so I am not sure which game is South Africa, Sharlene.
I did find pay for view but I think it was $28 charge. And nbc will cover the final game which of course we are positive the All Blacks will be in:):):)
Don't you love it?
molly muffin
10-18-2015, 04:39 PM
Yea I kind of do love it :) LOL Trish has got us addicted to rugby! or maybe it was Flynn in his All Blacks outfit. LOL
I wouldn't do pay per view, but would tune in if I see it on. South Africa I think is the next one after France. That is about the extent of my knowledge LOL
I think the part that is super cool is that we had never even thought about the game and because of Trish and Flynn and our ability to connect here exposed us to something we may never had even thought to be interested in.
Flynn in his All Blacks - super cute.:):)
So even though this darn disease gives us many hard times and much heartbreak, it also allowed us to connect with dear people we would have never known and that is just plain awesome!
Hijacked your thread for a bit, Trish!:D:D:D
molly muffin
10-18-2015, 07:11 PM
You're completely right Addy. This forum allows for more than just the angst of trying to figure out cushings. It allows those going through the same things both technical and emotional to share and connect about a number of different things in their lives.
Cheers Trish and Flynn, thanks.
10-19-2015, 05:19 AM
Hey girls, here you are chatting about one of my favourite topics while I am at work haha... OK Flynny is back in his All Blacks jersey!
It sure was a fantastic game against France... rugby is our national sport in our little country of 4 million, so the World Cup is huge here! :D:) Sharlene, you are right next up is the semi-final against South Africa... it is on 4am Sunday morning... damn the time difference!! It is the first semi-final Addy, so darn NBC not showing it for you, but hopefully we will make it to the final and you can watch that. :D The other semi-final is Australia vs Argentina. Oh yeah that haka was a sight haha... can't find the link to put it up for you
In other news... I fell over and thought had broken my arm, so did the Dr's I first saw who put me in plaster! I went and saw Orthopaedic team and they said not broken just nasty ligament strain, boy oh boy it hurt good. Don't feel too sorry for me, was dancing when I did it! Had two weeks off work. But been back acouple of weeks, Melbourne last week for a few days for work thing. Flynny stayed with Mum and Dad, he was good just little bit upset tummy on day after I got back, think stress colitis this time. Cleared up the next day. Otherwise he pretty good considering! It's warming up here, and he not handling the heat too well but we can manage that. He is used to the new house and has started checking out his yard like its his now and barking at the birds, he has even had to see a couple of cats off the premises :D
Well that's about it for us for now xxxx
Glad you did not break your arm and I'm afraid to ask what kind of dancing:p
I totally messed up, I could have gone for breakfast Saturday morning and then watched the semi final game at an Irish pub downtown but I booked a wheel chair transport for my mom to bring her to see the townhouse at the same time of the game and can't change it to afternoon
Give Flynny kisses, mighty fine looking in his all black duds:)
Omg I found the game on tv this afternoon, don't tell me w. Ho wins because I can't even believe the last ten minutes, I thought we were done
What a game, Koko is running around to each window cause I keep
yelling and cheering
10-24-2015, 08:19 PM
Oh Addy, I love you cheering on my team! What a close one, man I had no fingernails left! Now we have to wait and see who wins the other semi tomorrow Australia vs Argentina to see who we play in the final next weekend! Think Flynn is used to us screaming at the TV during the rugby, I will post a pic of him... Poor guy it did start at 4am here so we had to go back to bed afterwards to catch up on sleep and just got up now at lunchtime! Lucky it's a long weekend here! xxxx :)
It really was a great game, I love the sport because there is so much happening all the time and it so fast moving, no dull moments yesterday lol:D
My boss is originally from Argentina, he is usually a soccer fan, if it ends up Argentina, I will have to make a friendly wager with him, maybe an extra day off!
Commentators seemed to think safe bet is Australia but who knows.
I really enjoyed the game and we have our dvr set to record the World Cup since I won't be home.
Great time, Trish
10-26-2015, 01:00 PM
I watched it too :D Good game. So its Australia v All Black that should be some final. Must tune into that if its on TV.
molly muffin
10-26-2015, 06:41 PM
Yep, I watched it too!! Had to get some pointers to figure out what what going on or what the object was at certain times, but boy was it every exciting. I plan to watch the Aussie/NZ game this weekend if it's on. I think it will be!
Molly was less than impressed with the jumping around, but seeing as she survived us all watching and yelling during the Blue Jay's game, she probably thinks this is the new norm in the house!!! LOL
Hey girls, I caught some of the game last weekend as well, just didn't have time to post. That was sure nerve wracking. Was thinking of you Trish! The game is on right now here on the NBC affiliate, and it says it is live rather than same day tape!!! Trish I am showing it going on 5:30 am for you. Maybe we are watching at the same time. :D I have to go out in a bit for an appt but I am recording it so I can catch up later. And need to do a formal catch up on the forum later as well.
And smooches to Flynn in his jersey. :)
10-31-2015, 01:03 PM
I'm tuned in very exciting first half. Dan Carter kicking so well
You have got this trish
Just finished watching the whole game, I think it is safe now to write
All Blacks-Champions
molly muffin
11-02-2015, 08:46 PM
Funny how we are now All Black fans here. :) I never even watched rugby before and had to have trish and tracy give me pointers on what they where doing and why.
Exhilarating stuff!
11-14-2015, 04:51 PM
Wooot well I think all your support pushed them over the line.... it was so exciting and winning for some of our guys who are retiring was the icing on the cake :D:D:D
We halfway through evil November and so far *fingers crossed* nothing too much to report on Flynn... he has been pretty spritely in fact!! Every day after work I pick him up from Mum and Dads and bring him home... he goes does his circuit of the yard, finds his tennis ball then sits there with it between his paws and BARKS till I come play with him :D:D Neighbours must hate him :eek::cool: but he not here all day so they can't complain too much. The other night he went outside at about 9, heard a racket like someone being murdered, raced outside and he had picked a fight with a hedgehog... well it was not much of a fight, hedgie was rolled into a tight ball and Flynn was going to town biting it... did not care the quills were shredding his mouth... dragged him off and took him inside and cleaned him up... no major damage.. txt Mike and gave him antibiotic and she seems to have no lasting damage there... just was limping a little bit more on that front leg. By crikey theres life in the old dog yet!! He forgets he is a geriatric and should be going at a slower pace these days!!
Still liking his walks... bit shorter these days.
We are increasing the family :D:rolleyes::p I have my name down for two kittens... I know, don't worry he won't eat them... he likes his house cats! They are like Elle, Siamese but one is a grey oriental boy. They were born on the 1st November (day we won the world cup) so one will be getting some sort of rugby name :D they have to stay with their Mum for three months to get a good start in life so they won't be coming home till end of January. Can't wait... it has been too long without a cat! I have always had cats, moggies. My Simba and Nala died when Flynny first got sick, they were 17. I didn't get kittens there as I was on a busy road... but this new place is much more quiet and perfect for cats. Now to convince Flynny.....
Anyway, that's our news!! All good here xxxxxx
Kittens!:D:D. WOW, and TWO, :D:D:D:D
Oh how Flynny will love that. I cannot wait for pixes.
Lol the picture I had of our boy taking on a hedgehog. Kissing cows, fighting hedgehogs, our Flynn is very special. Are you sure about his age, he is a young whipper snapper, I think.
I'm pretty sure the dreaded November curse was banished last year.
As long as he doesn't decide to take on other critters we should be good. Quills in his mouth, omg, that boy!
Budsters Mom
11-14-2015, 09:09 PM
Such a great report!!! :D:D
Love that Flynny Boy!!!:p
Video the kittens's arrival and post it for all of us to enjoy!! I hope Flynny doesn't think he has to chase the kittens out of the house/yard!!! :eek:lol
molly muffin
11-15-2015, 08:08 PM
Awww, kittens are the best, but boy do they ever get into trouble. LOL
My Tipsy would get stuck at the top of curtains and couldn't get down, jump on tables and knock stuff over and break it. He was a total terror. Man I loved that little guy!
I'm sure you are going to be having many adventures coming your way with 2 of them!
12-24-2015, 10:33 PM
Merry Christmas everyone... just popping in to say Hi... Flynn boy has had a fine day, opening his presents... he got one nice tasty dog biscuit, a new collar, tennis balls and a cuddly toy. Hot weather here so he hates that and likes sitting in the cool, but otherwise he has had a fantastic day playing out on the lawn with the kids. So I wish you and yours have the same... I put a photo of him opening his pressie in the album!
Trish and Flynn xxxxx
molly muffin
12-26-2015, 05:17 PM
Love the photo of Flynn! (as always) Wishing you and Flynn and the Family a very merry holiday season. :)
01-15-2016, 03:16 PM
Hi and HAPPY NEW YEAR! OMG its half way through January and the easter eggs are out boohoo, just when i am going on a diet.
Anyway, time for Flynn news.... he is pretty good. Main problem is limp front leg that has been there for couple of years on and off. He also has this fluid full lump in that same area. We have had it drained a couple of times, over 100mL but it recurs over a few days. When it is flat you can feel a little lump at the base. Our vet thinks it is a blocked sweat gland. It has been there coming up 18months, so he doesn't think it is anything too nasty. Just annoying for the poor boy. I don't want a GA for him to remove, Mike thinks he can get it with a little local and sedation as it is quite superficial once the fluid is drained from the cyst. Still pondering that one.
He is drinking more, but boy has it been hot on occasion plus he has fish biscuits in his diet at moment and they always make him drink more. Don't want to think about kidney problem worsening, otherwise he is still fairly perky, can walk for 20 mins around the neighbourhood before i see him getting limpy. So all in all, pretty good for a nearly 15 year old superpup! Love him
One week today, the kittens arrive! I went and visited the breeder a couple of weeks ago, omg they are so beautiful, I will pop a pic in the album. I have named one Lozza, a wee seal point girl, that is after my niece who does great things with animal charities and the little blue oriental is Beaudy... after an All Black! They were born the day we won the World Cup so had to have a rugby name in there somewhere! I keep showing Flynny their pics, he not too interested :eek:
Love to all xxx
molly muffin
01-18-2016, 05:13 PM
I cannot wait to see how the kittens and Flynny get on. I just have almost a movie of what I think it will be in going through my head.
Something like, eh she brought these things in the house.
Crap, are they ever going to leave! I know they are in here somewhere, I hear them, I smell them. They are tiny Elle's!!!! omg, kill me. Mom what have you done!!!!
Kittens and Flynny, life doesn't get much better than that, Trish.
I love that one is named after "our team":D:D:D
Kudos to our super pup, energizer puppy, boy Flynn! Pretty good update for our cow kissing Romeo!
Gosh, Trish, the time is flying by. How are your mom and dad? How are the new digs? Are you all settled in?
It has been so cold here, I have to carry Koko out, put him down, he quickly does his business and then I pick him up and run home. Soon it will be light when I leave work, so I hold on to that thought;)
Don't forget the kitten videos, we will all be waiting. Do they make teeny weeny All Black t shirts?
01-20-2016, 07:37 AM
Two more days until the kitties are home!!! :) :) :) :)
So great to get your updates, Trish. Please give Flynn a big pat for me, and you'd best post some pics of all three furred ones just as soon as the family is complete! ;)
molly muffin
01-22-2016, 07:00 PM
Kittens are home! We'll be wanting an update and a kitten album Trish!!
Budsters Mom
01-26-2016, 10:03 PM
Okay Trish, times up!!!!!! Where are the kitten pics starring our wonder boy Flynny???
01-29-2016, 12:21 AM
Hi all
I am finally back, what a week it has been. Had my niece staying to help the kittens settle in :) Never had so many visitors I don't think it is me and Flynn the attraction but the new bundles of kitten cuddliness!
They are so adorable and such different little personalities, just loving getting to know them. I have put a few pics in the their album. They snuggle up together, but when they playing they kick the living daylights out of each other, I am assured this is "normal" kitten play lol but the wee blue boy Beaudy gets a bit rough with his more dainty sister. I caught him with his paws around her throat, said don't strangle your sister you little bully!
I am introducing them slowly to Flynny, first few days when they up high on their kitten tree I would let him walk in the room, once the hissing and spitting from snake cats died down I took him out, to this morning I had all 3 on the bed together, with Lozz chasing his wagging tail and Beaudy going up nose to nose. Flynn does have rather an unnerving stare he gives them. So while we are making progress nowhere near the stage of leaving them unsupervised.
Plus poor Flynn went and had that cyst on his shoulder sorted out yesterday. He had a local and sedation, then Mike called and said he needed him slightly deeper as the cyst was so big and it needed to be deroofed then lots of subcuticular stitches so there was no dead space for it to refill. Turned out there was 3 bits of fatty tissue and a nodule in there, nothing looked suspicious thank goodness. He didn't need to be intubated and came through it like a champ. Although I did have a very vocal boy when he got home, telling me all about it and demanding his missed lunch then his dinner. That temgesic does it to him every time. The seroma was refilling with 150mL of fluid each time, it would only take 3 days to reform after we drained it and it was right on his shoulder and affecting his walking. So I had to get something done for the poor boy and Mike was very happy with how effective the light sedation worked for him, phew! For any new ppl reading, Flynny is now 14 and over 3 years since his adrenalectomy! Super dog :) :)
So thats about our news, I have another 2 weeks on meowternity leave :D:D so will try pop in more often!
Love Trish, woof from Flynn, meows from Loz and Beaudy xxxxxx
01-29-2016, 05:34 PM
Hi Trish!!! <Waving Wildly!!!> :) :) :)
OMG the kittens are so cute -- I want them! I love the pic of Flynn's stare-down :p. Oh, that boy does have a way about him! So intense...
So glad to hear that his procedure is behind him and that things went so well. He really is such a trooper, and such a relief that he didn't need deep anesthesia.
He really is our wonder boy. Ya know, while you're on maternity leave you most certainly can keep popping in with more updates ;). It is always so great to hear from you!
molly muffin
01-29-2016, 06:25 PM
They are pretty darn cute!!
Flynn really has been down a dozen different roads and they all seem to end with him bouncing around doing fine. He's pretty amazing. :)
Budsters Mom
01-29-2016, 08:31 PM
So happy to hear that our Wonderboy is bouncing back once again. :D
You'd better watch those kitties closely Trish! Flynny was giving them a very intense stink eye. Grrrrr. Don't be surprised if you see him setting up a little FREE KITTEN STAND, out in your yard. They certainly are cute though.
Budsters Mom
01-30-2016, 03:41 PM
I just noticed this!!!! CLEVER!!! ROFL!!! :D:D:D:D
on meowternity leave
01-30-2016, 04:51 PM
Haha well wish it was paid for Kathy! I have had kittens out their room last couple of days for supervised explorations of the house. Flynn just saw one go under the bed and he on stakeout beside it, the funny thing is the kitten popped out the other side and is off playing well Flynny still waiting patiently for it to come out :roll eyes:
His wound is healing nicely, so pleased about that and other than the temgesic messing with his head initially it has gone super well. And touch wood so sign of the seroma reforming, now 3 days post op
01-30-2016, 04:54 PM
Oh Flynn you do make me laugh. Well done on the recovery
Well, I missed all the welcome kitten news, sorry about that but I have a good excuse.
Glad to hear our wonder boy is on the mend, Trish, and is adjusting to his new roomies! How precious the three must be and I laughed so hard to read Flynny waiting for the kitten to come out from under the bed,
Lucky you have meowternity leave,:)
Off to see the pictures. I've been Mia, we put an offer in on a condo down the street:eek::rolleyes:
02-11-2016, 04:49 PM
So much for popping in more often, my 3 weeks off have flown by and back to work on Monday. Has been a fun time, the kittens are on free range through the house now, gosh they are a handful but loads of entertainment especially for Flynn. Flynny has accepted them and while he keeps an eye on them he is not stalking them with his death eye stare anymore. One of the kittens, Beaudy is a real livewire, I am in the midst of bathroom renovations and I was showing my sister the progress and he dived straight through a hole in the floor and disappeared under the house :eek::eek: panic stations but we got him out thank goodness. That boy is Trouble! Once they are bigger they will be allowed outside when I am home, but they too small so they are just having supervised time outside for now, but they breaking their necks to get out into the sunshine:)
Flynn has had his staples out of his wound and it is healing really well with no sign of recurrence, so pleased about that. Good to know he can have the sedation and local anaesthetic with minimal affect to him if we have any other small things that need addressing. The kittens have given him some excitement back in his life to and he has been real perky since their arrival and getting that big lump removed. So pleased to see it in him :)
So all good here xxxx
molly muffin
02-11-2016, 07:06 PM
So good to hear about Flynn recovering well from the surgery and being all perky with the kitties. What a time you will have with those two little ones in the house!
I remember when Tipsy got stuck at the top of the curtains and he'd meow and meow till someone came to get him down. Funny little guy he was and knocked everything of tables, and any where else he could get to. Loved him bunches!
All Blacks are playing Russia here in the US, I think Las Vegas.
The stands are packed with people. Ah, Our team just scored again.
Did you get the kittens iitsy bitsy All Black tee Shirts!
And the big question, did you vote for the new flag?
Baker scored again. Funny, how hubby is all excited about Rugby:D
Hope you are having a good weekend.
05-14-2016, 12:05 AM
Holy Cow, page 9!! Man I am bad and been away to0 long. So time for an update :)
First Flynny boy.... he is still doing what a Flynn dog does best, enjoying his days, going for walks, hanging out with his Nan and Grandad when I go to work, eating and snoozing :D Slowing up of course, but so would I if I was his age... he was meant to go get another blardy lipoma off yesterday, just with the local and sedation. It is affecting his walking. BUT my car decided to blow its transmission this week and I need all available funds to get it out the shop so his procedure is on hold for a month. He is happy about that :D He likes the kittens, especially Beaudy the little blue love bug. Beaudy just won't take any notice of Flynny when he says push off you little furry shite, he just goes in for the big snuggle up and walks under Flynns legs. Flynn has surprisingly been super good with them, I have just added a funny picture of him telling them off when they rolling around the bed wrestling. :) Also another couple of the kittens in there.
They have actually given Flynny a new lease on life, they are 6 months old already and have fitted in our little household like they been here forever, love them!
Loving the new house too, moving was good been doing reno's and the bathroom is finished now. The outside is perfect for Flynn and perfect for kittens. So I am a happy camper and hope you are all doing well too xxxxxxxxxx
Cars can be such a painful necessity. Ugh about the transmission.
Good to hear Flynny is enjoying the kittens. He is our energizer bunny dog.:D:D They must keep him busy which is a good thing. Koko loved the neighbors cat, who is still running to the window looking for Koko every night.
I hope your dad is doing well and mum too. Lucky Flynny still gets to spend the day with them, I love that.
Bathroom Reno sounds fun. I love before and after pictures. Our condo changed so just from removing wallpaper, new paint and carpet. Now if we can only find new appliances!
Take care, Trish. So glad you popped in with an update.
Budsters Mom
05-15-2016, 05:41 AM
Hi Trish,
A wonderful report, except for that dreaded transmission! Dang cars anyway!!!
So glad to hear that you and your little zoo are humming along. :p That Flynny boy is beyond amazing and such an inspiration to us all. We all could learn a lesson or two from our energizer doggy.
I hope your Mom and Dad are doing well also.
Let's get serious for a moment........ OMG Page 9, Get in together girl!!!!! Lol
molly muffin
05-15-2016, 12:46 PM
Who would have though you and Flynn would Ever be on page 9!!! shocking I say!
He really is a super trooper Flynn-man. I'm sure the kitties are real delight. They must keep you giggling and saying..Awwwwww Cute or up to something no good and hilarious, that is the only two stages our furbabies have. :)
06-06-2016, 07:56 PM
I have sad news. Flynn my darling superdog passed away peacefully in my arms this morning.
His kidneys are what got him in the end, he started going downhill two weeks ago today. Just slowly, refusing food here, drinking a ton there, wanting out to pee at night last night several times, couple wet beds which he was horrified at, then wobbly walking, diarrhea and twitching. We did bloods a couple of weeks ago which showed BUN and Cr on the rise. We all hoped he would perk back up, jiggled his meds and diet but over the long weekend he just kept declining. I just could not let him suffer and he is such a brave boy he would have gone on a bit longer I am sure but it was not the "dog life" he loved and I could tell he was ready. I had some of my best friends staying for the long weekend and we loved on him and he was spoilt rotten.
So after a way bad blood test this morning, there was no denying it anymore. Mike came up to the house and we did it here and he gently went to sleep with my silent tears and love going with him. He had a little walk at the beach yesterday and for one brief period last night he wanted some food so I gave him chicken, ham and beef :) all things he has not been allowed on his restricted diet... he loved it.
Thank you for all the love and support, especially you Tracy and Sharlene I could not have got through today without you both... you have been with me every step of the way and are my guardian angels. I love you both. We have decided Woody and Flynn are off on a jaunt all ready into mischief and happy as larks and that is how I will remember him xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
06-06-2016, 08:07 PM
The little super dog is gone but not forgotton. It was a pleasure to have known him. I am so sorry Trish but you were strong for him until the very end.
I was just repaying the favour you were my guardian angel when Woody was sick and left so it was my turn to be strong for you. I'm so glad that Woody and Flynn brought us together and now they are on a jaunt now don't want to scare you but that could be double trouble right there.
Flynn don't worry we will look after your mum at this sad time, now not to many parties with Woody x
molly muffin
06-06-2016, 08:20 PM
This has been one of the hardest days. I can count so many on this forum that have been like that, but this one was rough.
We love you too Trish and we loved Flynn. He did dogs all over proud. 3 major surgeries and came through them all like the star he was.
We will all miss him so much. He just seemed bigger than life and somehow it seemed he would be able to over come all and go on forever. He will always be a part of our memories and a hold a piece of our hearts.
06-06-2016, 08:38 PM
Trish, I am so very sorry to hear about Flynn. I know your heart must b broken. But what a gift you've had these past years. He inspires so many and so do you. Be kind to yourself during this time.
Sail on fast and free Flynn!
06-06-2016, 09:02 PM
Oh Trish. I cannot even think of what to say, I am in shock from seeing the words typed out. :( :( :(
I will come back. But for now, please know how much Flynn has meant to us all. Special dear boy!!!
I am so so so sorry.
06-06-2016, 09:05 PM
Trish--I am so, so sorry to learn of Flynn's passing. He definitely was a superdog and will be missed by all of us.
06-06-2016, 09:09 PM
Oh Trish, I'm so sorry to read the news about Flynn. He was a remarkable dog and you gave him the most wonderful life. When I think of all the times here on the forum, reading about him facing a big surgery or procedure and time after time he got through and bounced back, he was truly a super dog and a complete trooper!
I'm sorry things took a bad turn recently...glad there was no suffering and that at the end he enjoyed that last walk on the beach and wonderful taboo snacks that he could relish now without worry of the diet. So heartbreaking to say goodbye. I'll think of him when walking on the beach..I know that was a favorite place for him to sniff around.
xoxo Barbara
Budsters Mom
06-06-2016, 10:17 PM
I honestly believed that our Energizer doggy Flynny boy would be trucking along forever!!!
I am very sad to read this today. :( My heart breaks with you.:o
What a truly inspirational little man and an amazing mom. Thank you so much for sharing Flynn with us.
Big hugs and tons of love,
Oh Trish, I am stunned and so so sorry to read about Flynn. I have been thinking about you for the past few days, and my heart is just shattered with this sad news. What an amazing, extraordinary, special dog he was. And he has an equally amazing Mum who shared the most incredible life with him. I admire you and your strength so much Trish, always have. I truly loved your boy and will miss him so. I will remember his resilience, bravery, and adventurous spirit. That's all for now, my eyes are blurred with tears.
Love you,
Tina xo
My sweet Ginger
06-07-2016, 03:34 AM
Oh Trish, I'm reading all these posts about Flynn's passing but it's very hard for me to accept the fact that he is not with us anymore.
Only a month ago he was doing quite well. It's such a shock to me and I can't even imagine what it must be like to you right now. I'm just so sorry for your loss of Flynn who was such a huge part of your life for all these years. You and Flynn have been through so much together both a lot of happiness and heartaches, just two of you alone. I know he was much more than a precious little dog to you so I know your loss is that much bigger and deeper. My heart is breaking for you, Trish. I will pray that you will have strength to get through this incredibly tough time. Flynn was such a strong, smart and inspirational boy to all of us. He was like a rock star. We will all miss our dear Flynn so very much for a very long time. Rest in peace sweet Flynn.
I am almost speechless. I have followed your thread since the beginning and had a special soft spot for Flynn. I am so sorry to read this news. My heart breaks for you. He was a fighter for sure, and you were just the greatest Mom a furbaby could have.
My sincerest condolences going out to you.
06-07-2016, 07:09 AM
Oh Trish,
My heart is surely with you - I am so incredibly sorry to read this. Your little Flynn touched so many here and will live forever in our hearts!!!!
Very big (((((hugs)))))(
06-07-2016, 07:21 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss...sending prayers and hugs.
06-07-2016, 05:18 PM
he sure was our special forum wonderdog!
Aunt Jana
06-07-2016, 06:21 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss, your Flynn sure was loved. Take care.
06-07-2016, 06:34 PM
So sorry for the loss of your sweet Flynn. You both are very special to this forum. Thoughts and prayers. Brianna
06-07-2016, 06:36 PM
Thank you everyone. It sure has been a hard day and night :( I love your memories of him as the spunky little fighter he was. He has had such a great life, full of fun and family. He was rarely ever left alone after staying with my Mum and Dad while I was at work or away, he had two homes so my parents are devastated with his sudden exit... :(
That is was so fast in the end was a shock to us all, Flynny had loads of friends family who loved him. He was one special dog, and in a way I am glad it was fast like that. He did not suffer, he did not deserve to suffer. His life was full on and he went out with a bang too.
I am so lucky I have no regrets, he has had excellent vet care all the way through. Our Mike deserves a medal for putting up with me all these years, cos it would be fair to say I am pretty high maintenance where Flynn was concerned. But his caring nature and tears in his eyes and kissing of Flynny while I was holding him at the end will last long in my memory. He said of all the times Flynn has been in to see him, this was the first time he ever saw his eyes dulling and when I said you gotta fix him, you always do he was straight up with me. Said we could keep him going a bit longer but with his kidney issues we would always be battling against it, but left the final decision to me. I chose to let the Flynnman go off to explore the next chapter with our love going with him. If I had to make all the decisions about his care again, I would do exactly the same.
Love my little man to bits, the house feels so empty this first new day. Even with two little kitten rockets tearing about. Jeepers, yesterday Beaudy the wee blue disappeared, did not see him after 9am... it was getting dark last night so was super worried two pets gone in one day :eek::( I had wanted some alone time yesterday and had asked my friends not to come over... but when I said to them he missing... they were like blardy hell, on our way. So 3 of them turned up, up and down the street, calling at houses to look in their sheds, no sign of him. I was getting pretty desparate by then, then one of them found him trapped in my car!! He must have jumped in when Flynny came home from the vets, he never done that before. So relieved, they both snuggled up to me all night.
Anyway I am prattling, but thanks again for your messages it means a lot to me xxxxxxx
06-08-2016, 07:47 AM
I am so sorry for your loss.
molly muffin
06-08-2016, 06:59 PM
I don't know sometimes how we go on when we lose something/someone who is so close to us, every single minute of our lives for years. It leaves the hugest hole possible that is now filled with silence and it's not a peaceful silence, it is the most horrible non sound in the entire world. I hate that silence.
You did everything and I do mean everything possible for Flynn and he had every chance a dog could have but when the body goes, it just goes. I know you don't second guess any of your decisions because I have seen how you researched every decision exhaustively before they were made. You are an A researcher.
We do have some fabulous researchers on this forum!
Really think you might be going to miss some of those cute vets too. ;)
It is how fast it happened that scares me. We where just talking about him having another lipoma removed and then suddenly bham, the lipoma was the least of the worries.
It certainly makes one realize how precious every minute of the day we spend with our furry friends really is. Their lives are so short compared to ours that it will never feel fair to lose them when we aren't ready for it and how can any of us ever be ready for it anyway.
Okay, now I am prattling. :p
06-08-2016, 10:09 PM
Well Trish, I'm finally able to come back with some thoughts in mind and some words I want to write. I was just so shocked and sad before, I could not even think.
First off, you and Flynn have been such a joy to our family here. You have been such a help and support, and Flynn has been an inspiration to us all. I was talking about this with Sharlene earlier, and I said that the first two words that pop into my head when I think of your life together with Flynn are entertaining and inspirational. They may seem like goofy words to pick, but I have always so loved reading about all your friends and family and travels and adventures with Flynn (and yes, I remember Dr. McDreamy!). I couldn't wait to find out what you'd been up to next. And Flynn -- our inspiration -- such an enormous spirit packed into the body of a little dog! Like you, I am so relieved that he did not linger and that the path forward was clear. But there is now such a huge hole left behind for his family here at K9C, as well.
I can only imagine how hard this is for your mum and dad, too. The bonds they shared with Flynn were so strong and dear. My heart goes out to them, too.
Thank goodness you have the kittens. And Trish, thank goodness for sharing Flynn with us throughout all these years. There will never be another quite like our brave, cheeky, lovely boy.
Sending my thoughts and hugs across the miles,
Harley PoMMom
06-09-2016, 01:57 PM
Oh Trish,
I apologize for not posting sooner, I was trying to find the right words to say to you, and they still escape me. I am so terribly sorry for your loss, Flynn sure was a special boy and I know how much you love and will miss him, and we do too.
I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, and know that we are here for you always.
With Heartfelt Sympathy, Lori
06-10-2016, 05:03 PM
Trish, hi.
I'm sorry for your loss of Flynn. Kidney disease is terrible. I lost one of my childhood dogs and my first cat to it. Kidney failure is tough to fight and definitely hard on our critters.
It's nice that you were able to give Flynn a last walk on the beach and to spoil him with treats. This will become a special memory.
I'm fairly new here and so haven't read about Flynn since the start. From everyone's post though I can tell what a champion he was. He'll be missed. Hugs!
06-10-2016, 09:45 PM
I am so very sorry to hear about sweet Flynn crossing the bridge.
It brings tears to my eyes.
Reading everyone's comments was so touching.
He was such a special boy.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Oh Trish, I have just heard news and am so sorry I did not post sooner. I was so stunned and still in a bit of shock.
Our brave cow kissing boy will live on forever in all of our hearts as we all loved you both so very much.
Both you and Flynn were an inspiration to all with your quiet courage, facing everything thrown at you.
I don't know what else to say, Trish, except that I send my love
Tears are blurring my words.
molly muffin
06-11-2016, 10:10 AM
Oh Addy. Cow kissing! I'd forgotten that one!!! Remember that picture. It was both adorable and funny.
And Flynn in his all black outfit. Ready to support his team. So much over the years that have made us laugh. The many car trips. Lol.
I say that like the wakes of old we celebrate the lives of those who have gone before. Raise a toast, dance a jig and remember of the wonderful, fun, loving adventure they brought to our lives.
So a toast to Flynn and his cow kissing, cat patrolling, beach loving adventures.
06-11-2016, 10:39 AM
And the pic of Flynny giving the rats the death stare at the pet store -- that was a classic, too!! Actually, Flynny giving ANYbody the death stare (rats, Elle, new kittens) was pretty daunting...:eek: :p
Just think, he can now do all the stalking he wants without any dire consequences because now he's a spirit boy and he can come and go just as he wishes, without leaving any damage behind. ;)
So here we are, thinking of our special boy and all the memories, Trish.
Love looking through all the photos to remember.
06-11-2016, 04:31 PM
Hi all
I'm doing OK, thank you for your messages. Kissing the Cow.... :) That was taken the day before his last liver resection 2 1/2 years back now. I think I am going to get it blown up along with another couple of my fave pics.
I have been debating this whole fast or slow ending.. Flynny was a full on or flat out kinda dog, so I think this way for him was quite fitting. I could not bare to see him so sick and once I knew there was no coming back, then you were right Marianne the path forward was clear.
He is home, I got his ashes back on Friday and I am so comforted having him home with us. The first night I had him in bed with me, not good waking up with his sharp little box corners sticking in my ribs :eek: lol thats flynn, all pointy paws giving me a poke
06-11-2016, 04:36 PM
Aw glad he is home where he belongs. Yup he was a flat out kinda guy like Woody and he wouldn't have coped lingering you done good by him like you always did.
Get the picture of him you posted on FB blown up I love that one
06-11-2016, 04:38 PM
Hmmm the one with the train? Will just check if it is in his album... that is a goody. He won "Pet of the Week" in our local newspaper with that one :):)
06-11-2016, 04:38 PM
Yeah that one
I have to go look because my favorite is the kissing cow but I remember the train photo.
06-11-2016, 04:42 PM
It's in there, yes... so will have that one, kissing the cow, i like the one on the cushions too
and kissing the cow, Mum thought he might be sizing up how big he wanted his steak!
06-11-2016, 04:44 PM
This one is a fave too... so might get all 4 of them put in one big frame...
06-11-2016, 04:45 PM
Oh yeah that is a good one
Aww, I love the beach photos, Trish. I remember that.
So many good photos. I felt better when Zoe came home , so I'm glad Flynny is home with you now.
I think you are right, lingering would not have been right for Flynn or for you.
06-11-2016, 04:50 PM
It's a strange sense of calm that comes over you when they are home
06-11-2016, 04:50 PM
So we got, cow, train, blurry ear, cushions...
All pretty sedate! Might need an action shot though.... yes Addy, he loved the beach... need to find on of them. Lucky my niece has a photo lab as part of her job, she will be able to do them for me and then I can get a big frame
06-11-2016, 04:52 PM
It was eh, I went and picked him up and the waiting room was packed and I wasn't hanging around there in the queue to pay as was all sniffy.. so just took him all I wanted was to have him home again
The last beach photo, he is running, shot is far away, wonder if you could crop it and enlarge his image.
Shoot, Koko woke up, have to get him out and feed him.
I'll be back.
06-11-2016, 04:56 PM
that one?
06-11-2016, 04:59 PM
That's a good one too
06-11-2016, 04:59 PM LIKE!
haha just spotted the one Marianne mentioned
06-11-2016, 05:10 PM
Awwww I love all these pics!!! Trish, Flynn's beach holiday photo takes my breath away. It is so beautiful. And that's just the way I picture him now -- racing off in search of a new adventure. There's nothing to hold him back.
So many memories looking through your albums! See, that's what I mean, I've always felt as though I was seeing a travelogue when I come to visit your thread. SO MANY THINGS TO SEE AND DO! And lucky Flynny always had you right there by his side. Lucky Flynn and Lucky You. :) :)
06-11-2016, 05:25 PM
He did love the beach, that nice sandy beach is couple of hours drive from here. Our normal every day walking one was bit stony, still did' stop him running down there and fossicking and finding god knows what to snaffle. He hated the water, wouldn't go near it :)
i remember the beach and Flynny, I remember him and Elle too.
The odd couple they were, Elle giving Flynny the stink eye.
And all the pictures of Flynny opening presents.
06-11-2016, 05:33 PM
Yeah Woody didn't like water either would walk around puddles and not through them poppy on the other hand loves the water
Yeah the photo of him running that you just posted.
06-11-2016, 05:37 PM
Addy, Elle has been strangely quiet. Mum says she just wants to sit on her knee all day. I have been down there a couple of times and she kinda looks around for Flynn. They were the odd couple. I think when she first arrived she wanted to be friends with him, he was like bugger off no snuggling with me. Then she felt scorned so would take the odd swipe at him when she got her chance. Or even is she was annoyed with something else, she would go over and hit him around the chops. Never hurt him, Mum and Dad used to saw awwww she giving him a love tap... pffft lol But I think she is missing her buddy :(
I'm sure she misses him a lot. Koko's cat friend was still looking for him out the window a month after we moved.
They know and they grieve too.
How's your Mom and Dad ?
06-11-2016, 05:57 PM
They are gutted. Hardest thing ever calling, to say how sick he was when we got the blood results. Mum couldn't bring herself to say goodbye to him, she was just sobbing on the phone. Dad is a bit more stoic, but when Mum told me he had gone out for his daily walk on his own, which he has done with Flynn every day Mon-Fri for 15 years. Mum told him to go walk somewhere different, but he didn't and went to their usual spot. He came back and said how it was such a lonely walk. Dad is 83, missing his little mate who dogged him around the house till he put on his walking shoes, gardened with him. So hard for them.
They worry they are not going to see as much of me, as i dropped him in morning on way to work and pick up on way home, have dinner there couple of nights a week. She been saying how much our routines are going to change. I am going to pop in on my way home to check on them every day. Plus my brother is coming up next weekend to stay with them a week, so that will be good for them.
I had bought Mum tickets for us to to the big ballet production and it is today, so hopefully that will be a wee distraction. I worry about them.
Ok you guys, I was just thinking about Flynn and came here and here everyone is! Trish, so glad to read that you have him home again. That is comforting beyond words.
I was remembering the time that Flynn got into some nasty ditch area or something and Trish, you had to go in after him, all covered in muck. I think he got an immediate shower after you got him home. :rolleyes:
I have been thinking about you both so much this week, glad to see you here. And wondering how your Mum and Dad are doing also? xo
I hope the ballet is a wonderful pick me up and distraction for you both and am really glad your brother is coming to visit.
Maybe your mom and dad would like a collage of Flynn photos.
Flynny left some big shoes to fill for a lot of people.
Hey Tina,
How are you? Yup, here we are, wouldn't be anywhere else.
06-11-2016, 06:13 PM
Hey Tina :) yes he liked rolling in awful shite, the muckier the better. That ditch in the school behind our old house was a favourite jaunt for him. Couldn't catch him sometimes.
Once after a walk he had rolled in something disgusting and stupid me did not have a towel in the car to clean him off, think it was poop of some kind. I had to stop at a store on the way home, i left the window open for him. Run into the shop, waiting to pay. Someone said, is he yours?? Dear god, I looked down and he must have jumped out the car window, waited by the electric door till someone else went inside and was standing beside me covered in poop smelling to high heaven. Looking very pleased with himself. They said well get him out or we will be reported to the Health Department :D:eek:
06-11-2016, 06:17 PM
Hi Tina! <waving!!!>
Trish, reading about your folks makes me tear up all over again. Of course they loved him so much and they are right, their whole daily routine will be different now without him. I understand why you are worried about them. I am really worried about my mom, too, now that Peg is having such a struggle with her rear end. My mom and Peg are such soul-mates; my mom hasn't wanted to come over to our house ever since Peg started having a harder time. I think she's afraid every visit now may be the last and she just can't bear the thought of that. So she's putting off coming over altogether.
Anyway, I hope you and your mom can enjoy your time spent together at the ballet today! Sometimes a little distraction can do a world of good...
I am sure your folks are just devastated, Flynny was such a huge part of their daily lives and routine. It will be hard for them too. I hope the ballet is a good distraction too.
Hi Addy, doing ok. Doing a little catch up around here. I read about your move, it sounds like everything went fabulous and Koko is adjusting well. How are you and hubby liking the new place?
Hi Marianne! Oh my gosh, Peg is having difficulties?! I have missed quite a bit on the forum and really need to do a good catch up. Is she ok?
Yes, got a little tearful myself reading about your folks too. It is so nice that you live so close to them so you can pop in frequently. That is hilarious about how he got into the store, although I am sure it wasn't at the time. Such a smart crafty boy!! :D
06-11-2016, 06:37 PM
Flynn spent a few hours with them at their home the day before he died, he was sleepy. Still able to walk, but how in hindsight getting uraemic. So I am pleased they had that and did not know what was coming the next day. Neither did I for that matter.
Yes, I did not know about Peg either. I am sorry to hear that Marianne. Need to visit and catch up on a few threads too.
This is just what my heart needed today, catching up with my old friends here. Sharlene is out eating cake lol or I am sure she would be here too :)
06-11-2016, 06:37 PM
Hey Tina, Peg's rear-end is collapsing on her and that is presenting day-to-day quality of life determinations. But we're all hanging in there for right now, and I'll go and update her thread again soon.
Trish, how soon do you head off to the ballet? Do we have time to whip up a few snacks here beforehand? It's dinnertime for me and I am decidely peckish!
06-11-2016, 06:39 PM
Hell yes, its not till 4pm and its only 10.30am now. I do have a problem with my printer for the tickets, its got no ink, so i have to op out and get some soon.
Your cooking in a crisis is the best! Comfort food.... girly drinks with you Addy is a favourite memory of mine too x
06-11-2016, 06:39 PM
with umbrellas, cream and fruit :)
06-11-2016, 06:40 PM
In the spa pool
06-11-2016, 06:43 PM
OK, I'll be there soon! Go and get your ink, Trish, and Addy will make the drinks and I'll bring some nice melty cheesy dip along with crisps and toasts. Be back in a jiffy!
My mom took Zoe's death hard. They love them just like we do.
Marianne, I had hoped the harness was helping Peg. I have to catch up too.
We love the condo, Tina. Thank you for asking. Life has become easier for which I am grateful. Koko had a bit of a time, not being used to sidewalks, he was even barking at cars going up the street.
Thankfully, he has improved though it took some training:rolleyes:
06-11-2016, 06:46 PM
Actually guys, check out this recipe -- it is delicious (and yes it's good with veggies, but also wonderful on crackers, etc.). YUM!!! This is what I'm bringing, Trish. :)
Wait, I only left to feed Koko and missed girly drinks?
06-11-2016, 06:50 PM
No, you're MAKING us the girly drinks, Addy!! ;)
Ok, so the restaurant in my new town makes a great margharita, on the rocks, just the right splash of tequila with a heavily salted rim.
One for each of you:p
Marianne are you having this one day heat wave
06-11-2016, 06:59 PM
Margharita sound perfect! Yes, please!
Unfortunately this is starting an abnormally hot stretch for us. We are in the mid-90's today and tomorrow and then near 100 on Monday and more 90's to follow through the week.
Everybody thinks that Atlanta gets really hot in the summer, but it actually is not much different here than the midwest, and 100-degree days are really unusual for us. I hate being hot. :( :( :( Although it does mean that frosty girly drinks taste especially good. :) :) :)
Oh Marianne, I am so sorry to hear about Peg. I will check her thread later to get all the details. That happened to Dakota too in her later years, I had to use a harness with her, which worked quite well for a long time after we both got used to it.
Drinks and snacks sounds just wonderful! What can I bring? Please be warned that my skills in the kitchen are limited, so perhaps some type of adult beverage would be the best option for me. Or chocolate. I could always manage some chocolate!
Addy, my little Shelby barks at cars also, but only if they go slow or linger near our house. She is so territorial, if anything is near she doesn't like it. She is a little pill. We are having a horrible 3 day heat wave here. It is 99F now, 110 heat index. Yikes, horrible. :eek:
Trish, get your ink taken care of and maybe we can all continue to chat for a bit. Just like old times on Flynn's thread. We can have a toast to him once we have all the drinks lined up. :)
06-11-2016, 07:10 PM
Yes, chocolate in any form will be wonderful!!! You just can't go wrong with chocolate, Tina! :p
No, you're MAKING us the girly drinks, Addy!! ;)
Lol!!!! :D
I eat anything chocolate, last week I had a really bad craving for chocolate chip cookies, really wanted like two cookies. Hubby comes home with two boxes (store had a sale)
I gained two pounds :eek::rolleyes:
06-11-2016, 07:29 PM
I'm back, must be my lucky day. Jade my niece was at work, and she had ink for 80% off! Just trying to install it, takings its sweet time
06-11-2016, 07:52 PM
Now, I caught up on Peg. Tina, how is Jasper?
That was quick, and sure can't beat that price. Got it up and running?
I currently don't have printing capabilities. Had to get a new laptop last summer and my old printer isn't compatible of course. I haven't gotten a new printer, something else I need to take care of soon.
My ink cartridges cost more than I paid for my Black Friday special deal printer.
We need updates on Jasper.
06-11-2016, 08:18 PM
Yes, is ridiculous the price of them. I just messaged her back and said have another rummage through the sale container and she found two more she has put aside for me. I had actually contemplated buying the new printer as is so silly they cheaper than the ink
06-11-2016, 08:19 PM
OK, I'm back again carrying my dip. I will confess that hubby and I just had plates of curry to eat here at our house, too. Nothing like a spicy curry on a hot night to keep those sweat glands wide open...:eek:
But now I'm here for drinks and dip and chocolate and toasts to Flynny. And yup, we first need a Jasper update, too.
06-11-2016, 08:24 PM
LOL I tend to want time alone when I am upset about things, but my lovely friends on Friday said right, enough's enough. You are coming out and that's it. They took me out for a curry... wine and I was so glad I went after wallowing for 3 days. It was lovely, they made me bring home the doggy bag and I had more curry yesterday so my sweat glands have been well and truly opened too.
Margaritas one of my most favourite drinks Addy, so excellent choice there!
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