View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you

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08-29-2014, 02:05 AM
Yep, got him home and settled in his bed on the floor next to me.

The poor boy, he has 7 incisions and he got 9 lipomas out and a couple of the little warty/cysty things. He is stapled up, all wounds are open. He has a drain in the big one removed from his side. On Augmentin. Had injection of Meloxicam and I am to give him his Tramadol. He pretty sleepy and wobbly, did a pee at the vets but did not want to go when I put him on the lawn when we got home.

So he is all tucked up in his bed on a soft towel with blanky over him. Man he has a very weird haircut, where they have shaved him, looks like a very funky Mohawk down his back. He is out to it at the moment, hope he stays asleep for a good long time.

Mike said none of them looked nasty or suspicious just normal lipomas. The one on his front shoulder was quite dense and had trapped a nerve under it. That's the one that I said he was limping when he gets up, he said the nerve would have gone numb while he lay on it and that's why he limped a bit and it came right but that it would have just got worse. The ones in his back groin had popped through the muscle and the one on his other side was down to and around his lowest rib. Plus one in his back leg was also in the muscle. So he said it was definitely time to get them out or they would have gone on to give him much more trouble.

He said to offer him bit of food later, but he had 500ml IV fluids so not to worry if he won't drink. I have to call him tomorrow to let him know how he is doing. Mike carried him out to the car telling us what a good gentle boy he was (don't think the neighbourhood cats agree with that assessment!) but so pleased to have him home and all this behind us. I am looking forward to him feeling more comfortable without those big lumps affecting him anymore!!

Thanks for support today Team Flynn :D:D:D couldn't ask for a better support crew!xxxx will keep you updated and do some photos when he is feeling better x

Budsters Mom
08-29-2014, 02:31 AM
So glad he's home and tucked in where he belongs. :p xx

08-29-2014, 02:33 AM
So glad to hear this, the did need to come off. I bet he looks funky with his haircut but he can carry that off as he is a funky little man.

Sorry I didn't keep up last night but took my tramadol and zonked out but I see you were in capable hands. Go Team Flynn you rock :D

08-29-2014, 04:32 AM
Awww the poor wee man, just took him out to pee which he did after standing there for a few minutes. His leg he lifts to pee has incision in the groin and also the back muscle of same leg, hamstring if that is what dogs have?? He limping and dragging it a bit, which is not surprising. I carried him out and back in but he looks so sorry for himself.

He slept a good two hours, then I made him a scrambled egg and he lapped it up like he was starving and got his usual nighttime meds into him plus gave him the tramadol.

Tucked him back in his bed, think I will be on the couch for the night as it is much lower than my bed and I can keep a watch on him much better and keep the lights dim so I can see what is going on. Hope the tramadol does not make him loopy, when I was giving it for his arthritis last year he only had 12.5mg, but Mike said to give him 3 squirts so that is 37.5mg... he can have up to 65mg so we kinda mid range for him. Hope he gets some rest now he has eaten and pee'ed. x

08-29-2014, 06:53 AM
aww, this is the hard part but he will be right in a bit. Poor boy, but having them out will now make him feel so much better. I'm sure he will heal up quickly and be digging to China in no time.

Hope you are ok sleeping on the couch.

give our boy a sloppy kiss on the head or nose from me. I'll check in at lunch time, stilll have to work till 4pm today, I get to leave a wee bit early.

We have hubby's sister coming in from NYC next week. I've been cleaning like a mad woman for a month!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::p

Still need to clean the carpets.

Have a good sleep Trish

08-29-2014, 06:55 AM
I'm back, and soooooooooo relieved to know Flynny's home and all tucked in. Hope you both are resting peacefully so SHHHHHH I will be quiet now....

Squirt's Mom
08-29-2014, 08:05 AM
Just tiptoeing in to check on ya'll. So glad our sweet boy is doing as well as he is and hope his recovery is swift and uneventful.

molly muffin
08-29-2014, 08:07 AM
Yay. Flynn has peed and eaten without throwing up. He is going to rock this recovery.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

08-29-2014, 08:10 AM
Yay, Flynn is home safe and sound!! So happy to read this news first thing, way to start my Friday off right. :) Peeing and eating a little bit, it's all good! I hope you are both getting some much needed rest. It's midnight your time, I will check in later from work also. Big hugs to you both.

My sweet Ginger
08-29-2014, 10:24 AM
Yay. Welcome home Flinny boy. So happy he's back home with his mama. Wish him a speedy recovery. Many gentle kisses. Song

Budsters Mom
08-29-2014, 10:57 AM
Checking in from work this morning. Eaten and peed! Wow!:p

I hope you are both able to get some well deserved rest. I'll be back a little later. xxx

08-29-2014, 11:20 AM
Hey guys

3am here.. we have slept some.

Only about 10 mins after the Tramadol at 8pm he started panting real hard, I was getting quite worried thinking he was having a heart attack or something :eek::eek: he would settle for a minute or two then lift his head up and pant away again, even stood up :eek::eek: Kept trying to settle him, by a stroke of coincidence, at that time Mike sent a txt asking how he was doing. Told him about the panting and he said it would just be pain and to give it a bit longer for the tramadol to work... by a few txts later he was proven right, the tramadol kicked in and he settled back down. Moved into bed about 11.30pm as I woke up with a splitting headache, took him outside again then but no pee. He came in and had a huge drink of water though.

Heard a little squeak from him about 2ish, I had set the alarm for then anyway to wake up and give him more tramadol so we can keep on top of the pain. Gave him his dose which he hates and a wee bit of cheese to get rid of the taste which he refused. :(

He wanted outside, so carried him out and he did a pee :) then can you believe he walked over to the gate to check for evidence of cat intruders then trudged right around the house stopping at the lawn again and did a really small loose poop which is not suprising I guess. He has had the scrambled egg when he has been sick before and not reacted to it from IBD point of view, but he did not want his venison last night so had to try something. I think checking for cats is a good sign though and he was much steadier on his feet :D. Mike said it is important that like humans, he gets walking asap to help prevent any complications... just so you don't think I am mean for letting him walk like that :eek::rolleyes:

His rounds done, back in he came and back to bed, eating the discarded cheese and taking another huge drink of water on the way. So I will keep the tramadol up 6hrly at this stage and I have to check in with Mike in the morning as he is on call all weekend at the clinic. There is some ooze from that drain. Mike said taking that big lump, is almost like a mastectomy as it leaves quite a raw area inside and it is best to keep the drain in there. He said he will not be surprised if he gets a seroma, he has seen them before in some dogs with the big lumps like Flynny, if that were to happen is just like mastectomy cases and a needle goes in to suck out the extra fluid but hopefully the drain will do its job and prevent that. He is not bothering his wounds at all. I only have one tshirt for him and that is quite tight so might pop to the store tomorrow and buy some and we are expecting visitors so someone will be here to watch him will I zip out.

Now I am wide awake LOL and he is asleep! Thanks for checking in on us, so lovely to see in the middle of the night! :) xx

Budsters Mom
08-29-2014, 11:26 AM
That's our boy! Love it!! :D

then can you believe he walked over to the gate to check for evidence of cat intruders then trudged right around the house stopping at the lawn again xx

08-29-2014, 01:26 PM
Have been peaking in all morning to see if you were up in the middle of the night. have a few minutes left for lunch so wanted to check in.

Love that Flynn is checking for intruders, a boy cant trust those cats, you know.:D:D;)

It is important he walks, I don't think you are mean. I hope that Tramadol keeps helping our Flynn. Post op is hard but hopefully he will improve quickly with your loving, expert care.

Of course you had a tension headache, worried all day. Big hugs.

Will pop in again when I can.

love ya

08-29-2014, 02:50 PM
Hay you two. Hope you both had a settled night well as much as you could and that your headache is gone :D

Love it that he is on cat patrol so soon, never thought you were mean walking him I was told the same after Woodys surgery. The drain will do it's job and Flynny will be back to his old self real soon

Mind take care of yourself as well as the boy :D

08-29-2014, 03:12 PM
Hey, was up again at 5 and then he just woke me now panting again. Took him outside and he did bright yellow liquid diarrhea. :eek:

He is hungry and wanted his breakfast so I just gave him small amount of venison and will see how he goes.

Sent Mike a txt about the diarrhea so will see what he says. Obviously hurt him to strain and go but Tramadol not due for at least another hour. :(

08-29-2014, 03:24 PM
Oh poor both of you!! :( :(

No, we do not need fancy-colored diarrhea! Plain brown poop works just fine. :o

I will keep checking back to see what Mike advises...

08-29-2014, 03:27 PM
Well he txt back and said thanks for the update. Nothing about the diarrhea... so I sent him a picture :o asking about the meds, especially giving augmentin as that can cause diarrhea too

08-29-2014, 03:31 PM
Well he said it is just from having empty bowel after fasting for GA and he wants me to continue with meds as prescribed. Hmmmm hope this does not get worse in the bowel department, we can well do without another IBD flare right now.

He polished the plate eating his breakfast so cannot be feeling too bad

Squirt's Mom
08-29-2014, 03:32 PM
Oh I hope he's right and Flynn is just clearing his system. Not the time for IBS!

08-29-2014, 03:35 PM
I am so glad he ate. No matter how it comes out the other end, I always think it is reassuring if they have an appetite!

08-29-2014, 03:43 PM
Thanks Leslie and Marianne... yes he sure had an appetite so like you say that has to be good. He is tucked back up in bed fast asleep. I will give more Tramadol in an hour and see how he goes. No likey bright yellow poops :eek::eek:

He looks such a mess in the light of day. With all his shaved bits and bit of blood, he needs a good clean up... maybe later this morning a gentle sponge down will help

08-29-2014, 04:09 PM
As poor Flynn the patchwork dog. In the cold light of day does it really matter his he looks he will always be gorgeous. I think mike is right about the diar and also a touch of stress causing it being away from mum :D

08-29-2014, 06:30 PM
I think Mike is right about the poo, it will turn right as far color soon as our boy gets enough food into him.

so glad he is eating.

waiting for our next update:):):):)

Budsters Mom
08-29-2014, 08:11 PM
Considering what all Flynn has been through, what's a little mustard poo between friends!;) He's up and about and eating/drinking. I trust Dr. Mike. He has been right numerous times before. xxxxoooo

molly muffin
08-29-2014, 09:32 PM
Oh my, hope those poops clear up to a nice brown color instead yellow. How is he doing now?

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-30-2014, 02:11 AM
Hopefully he'll feel better quickly.

08-30-2014, 05:33 AM
He has improved as the day has gone on :D, no more nasty panting and no more diarrhea. No more poop at all actually, so hopefully might be a more normal one in the morning. He is eating and drinking really well.

I have him in a t-shirt as I did spot him trying to scratch, he seems comfortable wearing it.

Wounds are good, will give him a sponge down tomorrow, not much ooze from drain that I can see. Still having his Tramadol 6 hrly which is keeping him reasonably comfortable. His Meloxicam will have worn off by now so I will set alarm to wake up in the night to give his 2.30am dose and we can keep on top of it.

It has sure been wonderful to see him improve over the course of the day. I do have some gory photos of the wounds but haven't put them up here as do not want to gross anyone out :p Here are a couple of the less gross ones! He has had visitors and was happy to see them!

http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=7002 last night
http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=7003 shows his Mohawk and tops of the side wounds, underneath and around legs there are 9 separate incisions. :o:eek:

So overall very pleased with him, he is such a little goer, last time I let him outside he went to break into a trot but ouuuuchies, stopped that pretty smart. I have noticed he is not limping from that front shoulder already, so that is good!! Makes it all worth it. Well early night for us and hopefully a better nights sleep! xxxxxx

08-30-2014, 06:30 AM
I am so glad he is already improving and the fact he is not limping is out of sight wonderful:):):):):)

Oh Trish, the picture of him in his blanket is beyond precious.

Keep up the good work. I hope your headache went away

08-30-2014, 07:02 AM
What a trooper he is! So glad to awaken this morning and read such a good report! :)

Hope you are both snoozing away peacefully!!!

08-30-2014, 07:37 AM
I am so happy to hear Flynn is improving, great news! My prayers for Flynn that he continues to improve more and more.

Squirt's Mom
08-30-2014, 09:12 AM
WOOHOO! Flynny boy! So good to read how well you are doing and how quickly you are recovering. Nosing after cats, eating your food, holding your poop...way to go! :D

08-30-2014, 09:45 AM
Hi Trish,
So happy to read the good news this morning! Sounds like he is really coming along. I think his incisions look good, and I love the pic of him wrapped up in his blanket. I have to run out for the next few hours and take care of some things for my Nana. I will be back later, need to do a major catch up on the forum. Hope you both are sound asleep in dreamland.

Tina and Jasper (and Shelby too) xo

08-30-2014, 04:19 PM
We are having a great morning so far!! Fairly normal poop first thing :D:D Bit unsettled overnight and awake a few times, wanting to go outside so I let him.... ate his brekky and even wanted to play with his duck, only did a couple of minutes but I will take that :) at least he showing a bit of interest in it. I think keep the tramadol going 6hrly today and maybe tomorrow down to 8hrly. When he goes out he still goes to try and run but then it obviously hurts and pulls him back up to a walk. He is not to be running anyway at the moment.

Here he is just now playing :D:D:D http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=7004

Everytime he has had surgery he always astounds me how resilient these pups are and how fast they can bounce back... he is amazing! xxxx

Squirt's Mom
08-30-2014, 04:25 PM
awww, he looks happy and not at all like he just had surgery! Very glad he is doing so well!

08-30-2014, 04:38 PM
Thanks Leslie... he is doing so well especially when you consider what is under that t-shirt. Have added pics of his wounds... don't look if you are squeamish :p

Squirt's Mom
08-30-2014, 04:49 PM
Bless his heart. No good side to lay on! :(

Budsters Mom
08-30-2014, 04:49 PM
OMG Trish! He looks like patchwork quilt! :eek: Having stated the obvious, his hair will grow. Even if it doesn't, none of us here will care. We love Flynny with all of his battle wounds of valor. :D

I hope you are doing okay. xxxxx

08-30-2014, 04:56 PM
Yep, I am doing OK apart from a few headaches, just minor ones that Paracetamol fixes straight back up!! Nothing an uninterrupted sleep won't cure :p;) but no problems getting up for my boy. He is more comfy now laying down so they healing up. I just counted all his staples and there are 73 and I found another wound so that brings total to 10 :(

Budsters Mom
08-30-2014, 05:33 PM
a few headaches, just minor ones that Paracetamol fixes straight back up!!

I have migraines. What is Paracetamol? I've never heard of it.:confused:

Budsters Mom
08-30-2014, 05:37 PM
Never mind I googled it.;) It is another name for acetaminophen, which is the generic name for Tylenol in the US. ;)

08-30-2014, 06:48 PM
I don't get migraine's luckily. But a disturbed sleep doesn't help!!

Flynny just had his sponge down and I am really pleased with the wounds, minimal drainage from that drain so just waiting to hear from Mike when we can take that out. Pet store hardly had any t-shirts just a few in a sale box... so I got two at $10 each, they were the biggest they had in there and still a tad small so I just snipped down the seams a little and they are doing the trick, so he is in a fectching duck egg blue shirt today! I will just chuck them out when we don't need them anymore :)

Budsters Mom
08-30-2014, 07:10 PM
How is Fynny boy feeling now? Is he continuing to eat/drink? What about his poop? Has it returned to a firm, lovely shade of brown? xxx

08-30-2014, 07:22 PM
You must have missed the update post on previous page explains it all! he doing good, sleepy right now in his tramadol haze! x

08-30-2014, 07:36 PM
Oh, what good news all the way around!! :) :)

I am so happy and so relieved. ;)

08-30-2014, 08:23 PM
I think Flynn's ability to bounce back also involves your ability to provide such wonderful care. I am so pleased he is doing so well. What a relief.

I am so glad his pain is able to be managed. That helps so much.

Big hugs, Trish

molly muffin
08-30-2014, 09:23 PM
Great news! Good poops too! yay, not quite up to jogging speed yet, but give him time and I bet her will be.

Sharlene and molly muffin

My sweet Ginger
08-30-2014, 09:34 PM
OMG, Trish. I just saw the pics and I feel so terrible for both you and Flynn. Those incisions are much longer than I imagined. Oh, poor Flynn. It's got to be hurting so much and poor you. It must be gut-wrenching just watching him looking like that. I think the worst parts are over, the surgery itself and the first couple of days post surgery.
He will feel much better very soon especially under your exceptionally thorough and loving care. He's so very lucky to have you as his mom. Smart pup there.;)

08-31-2014, 06:39 AM
Yipee Flynn you never fail to bring a smile to our faces. I'm glad he is on the mend but knew he would bounce back as he is wonder dog well done Flynny :)

Squirt's Mom
08-31-2014, 05:13 PM
How's our boy today? Hope you both were able to catch up on some good sleep last nite.

08-31-2014, 05:15 PM
Hey, not such a good night. He was unsettled and we both got little sleep... probably just stiffened up a bit on day 3. Ate his brekky fine and today is a yuck day outside so I will be happy curled up inside watching TV and taking it easy.

Ohhh today is the first day of SPRING!!! :D:D:D

Budsters Mom
08-31-2014, 05:57 PM
So hard to rest when they can't settle. Boy, that brings memories. :o i hope tonight is better for both of you. Please give Flynny a nice butt scratch for me, if you can find a incision free area. xxx

Budsters Mom
08-31-2014, 10:03 PM
I just looked through all of your photos. You have provided Flynny with the most amazing life!:p He had no idea what was in store for him when you picked him up off of that street. It's almost like a rags to riches Cinderella story. You are a true inspiration to us all Trish. xxxx

molly muffin
08-31-2014, 10:03 PM
I sure hope that tonight is going to be a better night for both of you. You two need your sleep :) Healthy and alert. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

09-01-2014, 04:43 AM
Well Spring sucks so far! Nothing but rain, rain, rain!! Still its only been here one day so we will hopefully see some sunshine soon :)

After a restless night he has had a good day, I think he had an itch he could not scratch which must have been bothering him, so of course every time I heard him squeak I had to reach over and scratch his back for him. I caught him nibbling at a wound once :eek::eek: but no sign of that all day. And his tummy was super gurgling and I thought we were in for diarrhea and he went out overnight about three times but nothing. Then x2 normal poops today. :) Hurray!!

Song, don't feel too bad for us, I am keeping him well medicated so I do think he is comfortable and he has got through way worse surgeries than this :D so while it looks nasty with good care and pain relief he really has been doing well! The end result of him being more comfortable and no more limping will definitely be worth a few days of discomfort. All wounds continue to look fine, there are many but they are mostly superficial. The drain is still a wee bit oozy so that is better to stay in. I have ditched the t-shirts and popped a little gauze on the drain site to catch the drips and wrapped a stretchy bandage around his tummy, I think he is tolerating that better than the tshirts which tended to bunch up a bit especially under his arms. I tried sticking it with a bit of tape to the shaved parts but he has soft fluffy fur fuzz growing in already and it will not stick.

I also restarted the apoquel and samilyn which I had temporarily stopped when he had that episode of nausea before his surgery. So hopefully the apoquel will stop any itchies.

He is eating great too. Had a trip to his Nana and Grandads today, Elle the cat was most interested in him and gave him a good sniffing over and then batted him on the snout as much to say where the heck have you been :eek::o:p gawd she truly is a devil cat!! Mum said it was just an affectionate pat, Me... I'm not so sure :rolleyes:

Thanks for checking in on us all... You're very sweet but don't think I am comfortable being an inspiration Kathy LOL ;):p .... we all do the best we can for our pups!! He has had all the kisses you sent (he thinks they blech, no offense, he does not really like mine either :p:cool:, he is such a boy!) but if I could figure out how to rig up an automatic butt scratcher I think he would lay in front of it all day long as that is his most favourite thing!! :D:D

He just took himself off to his bed in my room... only trouble being I have been moving his bed out into the lounge room during the day while he is recovering and he only just got out of it, to gointo my room!! He found it was not there so walked straight back out into the lounge with a look as if to say WHERE THE HECK HAS MY BED GONE ... Doh! Not the smartest pup sometimes. So quick reshuffle and he is all settled back in it, in its proper place, in my room, so he is happy. Whats the bet he pops out soon and looks for it out here lol... he must think he has two identical beds!! I just gave him his evening Tramadol so fingers crossed for a good night! Night all xxxxx

09-01-2014, 05:26 AM
Oh my gosh, I'm so happy to read such a great report on Flynn this morning! Looks like I just missed you, darn it! This is a bit later than our normal pit stop. Sounds like he is doing really well Trish. And I think the incisions all look great. They are large, but they all look very clean. I don't think they look nasty at all. And like you said they are so much more superficial than his adrenal or liver surgeries. Still, he is quite our little trooper! Happy to hear that it sounds like his tummy has settled down too, that's a big relief.

Well, I'm inclined to agree with you. I'm not so sure that Elle's swat to his nose was affectionate either, after all she is Siamese! LOL :D

Have had a rainy day all Sunday here too, with some severe storms through the evening and night. Glad that's over with. It's supposed to be more sunny here today. Hope your weather improves too. I'm off work today for Labor Day, so even if it's raining I don't care as long as I can be home!

Well, back to bed for us for a little while, yay, I can sleep in for a bit! Hope to catch you some time later today since I will be home, and hope you and Flynn have a more restful night. Again, I am just beyond happy to see how well he's doing. :) :p :D :cool:
Happy spring to you!

Hugs, and a gentle pat for our boy,

Tina and Jasper xo

Squirt's Mom
09-01-2014, 07:56 AM
Good report to read first thing this morning! WOOHOO!

My sweet Ginger
09-01-2014, 08:17 AM
You know Trish, I'm such a wuss that I probably would've fainted many times if it was me caring for Flynn after each of his surgeries.:o:o:o You rock, Trish and I think together, you and Flynn are an inspiration to us all.
I'm so glad he's doing so well and I'm thinking maybe Flynny will have 2 beds, one in mom's br and one in the lr in the near future.:rolleyes:

09-01-2014, 01:42 PM
Great news! Thrilled Dear Flynn is doing better HUGS n KISSES to your baby boy!

09-01-2014, 03:56 PM
Thanks girls, a MUCH better night. Think we have had 10 hrs sleep, with only one pit stop! Phew!!

Have an apt this afternoon with Mike, so will update then but he seems fine and dandy this morning! :D xx

Squirt's Mom
09-01-2014, 04:26 PM
Oh YAY! A good night's sleep will help him heal even faster!

09-01-2014, 04:56 PM
Thank goodness -----SLEEP:):):):):)

Hope the appointment with Dr. Mike goes well. Can't wait for the update.

molly muffin
09-01-2014, 10:40 PM
Okay, how is how is our boy doing! I bet Dr. Mike was quite impressed with him and how he is doing. I know I am. You're an excellent nurse for the Flynn Man that is for sure.

I agree with Tina, Elle's motivations are definitely suspect. Your mom is just so sweet she sees the good in all things, but Elle "swipes" to her own tune. ROFL!!

Sharlene and molly muffin

09-02-2014, 01:06 AM
He checked out fine, Mike very pleased with the wounds. One has a little bit of fluid under it but nothing to much and he wants me to massage it to help it reabsorb. He took the drain out too. So I am sure Flynn will be more comfortable with that gone! He has to keep his staples in until next Thursday. He said dogs skin knits together a bit slower than humans so he likes them to stay 10-14 days plus he said with Flynn and his tendency to zoom off chasing a cat there could be a chance of his catching his shoulder or something so he prefers they in for the longest he can stand them. Mike went and found the nurse who helped him with the surgery to come have a look, as he was so pleased with them!

Song, I'm a surgical nurse so probably a bit hardened to looking at wounds and stuff like that so they do not phase me too much!! Flynn must have been confused he was at his Nan's house, because she does have lots of beds for him... 4 I think, in various rooms ... spoilt boy :D mean Mum I am only having one!!

Yes Sharlene and Tina, that Elle's motivation was definitely suspect! I had her on my knee a while today and gave her about 10 kisses, she hated it :D:D She wiped them all off and gave me her Siamese glare! She really is quite a nice cat despite all this, I told Mum I had told my dog group about Elle smacking Flynn and she was all that's not fair, she is a lovely girl!! Ha!

Budsters Mom
09-02-2014, 01:49 AM
Hi Trish,

So glad you both got a nice long sleep and that our boy is doing so well. :p

I am not fooled at all by that devil cat. ;) Flynny knows what she's up too. It's rather amazing that they get along as well as they do, considering his mission of ridding cats out of his domain. xxx

09-02-2014, 06:51 AM
So glad to hear such a good report. Starts my day off with a smile! :)


09-02-2014, 08:34 AM
Me too Trish, very happy with this latest update. :) Go Flynn, keep it up! Hugs to you both.

Tina and Jasper xo

09-02-2014, 08:44 AM
Great news to start our day.:):):):) Flynn is very lucky his mama has a medical background and is so very knowledgeable and experienced regarding surgeries.:):):):):):):):)

Poor Elle the cat and Nan, Nana thinks the whole world thinks Elle is a devil cat (she is but I will give her the benefit of the doubt having had a devil cat myself; they can have a sweet side).;):rolleyes:

I hope the rest of your week goes well. Our company from NYC arrives and I am still cleaning. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my first 4 days off in 3 years:( We do hope to use the pool tomorrow and Thursday as it is to be 80 degrees or warmer.

Love ya,

Squirt's Mom
09-02-2014, 09:10 AM
I know Flynn feels much better with that drain out. That provided a place for cats to latch onto! :D

09-02-2014, 03:46 PM
Great update! Love hearing good news :)

09-02-2014, 03:49 PM
Yay good news on a good night's sleep and a check up from Mike! So glad to hear there's been everyday improvement for Flynn! :):):):)
Elle the cat just cracks me up!! She's probably jealous of Flynn garnering attention from everyone. She reminds me of the cartoon cats who are always after the dog! :D
Keep up the good work...hopefully Flynn will be ready for exercise once Spring is sprung there. Maybe it's better that it's rainy indoor weather while he's healing.
Hope Flynny continues feeling better each day!


09-02-2014, 06:09 PM
Another good night, yay!! I have stopped the tramadol because the drops taste so absolutely disgusting, I even tried it myself last night to see why he performs so when I squirt it in his mouth. I can see why he hates it, so going with a very low dose Previcox and hopefully will only need to give it a couple more days. He is bored, being stuck inside in this dreadful Spring weather. If it clears at all later, I am going to take for a very short stroll on his leash up the beach it might perk him up a bit.

Barbara they are jealous of each other getting attention, it is funny if Elle walks paste and I go to pet her, Flynn will come barging over to get in between my hand and her. You cannot play with her with any toys if Flynn is around as he will come and get whatever it is and crunch it up right in front of her! She gets in his bed which freaks him out and he leaves... or if he is getting some loving from anyone she will try and stare him out... see here for example when Dad had Flynn on his lap and patting him and she jumped up to give him the "glare" :D:D http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=7012

Funny things! xxxx

09-02-2014, 07:05 PM
Yup, Elle has airplane ears, as my Dad always called them.:D:D:D:D He was a cat man;);););)

Great pix, Trish!! I hope your weather turns better for you and Flynn. Housebound is not good.

Squirt's Mom
09-05-2014, 08:45 AM
Hey Trish, how is our boy doing? I hope he is almost back to his usual self and that you both are more rested, able to enjoy your days together.

09-05-2014, 03:58 PM
He is doing GREAT thanks Leslie!! Getting his mojo back, I gave him half a previcox for a couple of days and yesterday (8th day postop) was his first day with nothing and I watched him closely and no sign of pain. Perhaps a little slow but he still has all his staples in.

Antibiotics (clavaseptin) finished last night, he had no reaction to them. For those interested in the injectables discussion, he did have both an antibiotic and Meloxicam injections on the day of his surgery with absolutely no problems. I discussed the drugs my vet wanted to use and the risks associated and was happy to proceed. I guess a point to make there, Flynn does not have cushings, he had an adrenal tumour that was not cushings related and had an adrenalectomy nearly 2 years ago. He does have liver and renal issues though which we had to take into consideration when planning which medications to give him.

One wound does have a seroma (little collection of fluid under the skin) it is in the groin area, it does bother him slightly and I think he removed one staple himself :eek: But it looks clean, I am massaging the area to try help it reabsorb. It has grown a little over the week. I might just txt our vet to see if he should stay on the antibiotics for that. Otherwise all wounds are healing well and he has left them alone.

After that one bout of initial yellow diarrhea his poops have been excellent. Eating like a horse. :D

Addy, the weather has been shite all week so that has sucked but perhaps easier to keep him in when it is so wet. Our big game is today... All Blacks vs Argentina, this is the first test match in our city in 16 years so we are all very excited!! Getting all my Black gear out and taking Dad to the game tonight, least our seats are covered so should not get too wet! So exciting, Flynn will stay with Mum and Elle and I will pick him up when I drop Dad home after the game!! Airplane ears, have not heard that... but she has them for sure, like big rotating radars :) We brought her a little house yesterday, she can go right in and curl up, Flynn is jealous and tried to get in to it but only head and shoulders fit inside :D:D still he managed to poke his head in and steal her toys! xxxxxxx

09-05-2014, 09:18 PM
Its so good to hear how well Flynn is doing! Bless his heart! Hopefully when Spring arrives down there he will be fit as a fiddle.
Hugs to sweet Flynn :)

Squirt's Mom
09-06-2014, 07:31 AM
So glad to hear this, Trish! Way to go, Flynny Boy! :cool::cool::cool:

09-06-2014, 05:11 PM
Seems like our week off is almost over:(:(:( The good news is that Flynn is doing so well and you have an ALL Blacks game to attend!!!
I am so sorry to read it has rained all week and I sure hope there are no rain delays during the game. Your dad must be so excited!!!

I think it is so funny of Flynn to stick is head in Elle the cat's house to retrieve toys.:):):):):):):):) What a rivalry the two have.

Have a super good time at the game and hopefully can catch up once my company leaves tomorrow.

09-06-2014, 08:46 PM
That photo is priceless Trish!! I just showed my husband and we think it's hysterical...Elle at your dad's feet and Flynn giving Elle the stare down...oh, so funny! :D
Happy to hear Flynn is doing so well. Hope the weather turns around soon and you and Flynn can do a beach walk! :)


09-08-2014, 07:09 PM
Hi all

Busy few days here, Addy the rugby was amazing!! Had such a fun night, plus we won so that was a bonus!! I see two of the All Blacks are in Chicago this week doing some promo for the game to be held in November http://www.allblacks.com/News/25885/chicago-welcome-for-all-blacks-stars ohhh wish I could come!!

Barbara, Elle won the stare down... lol he cannot take that Siamese heat!!

I took most of his staples out yesterday, wounds look good seroma settling now. He just seems a bit off today though, was just out mowing the lawn and he curled up on top of the plants in the garden. He does not like the mower but he has only ever done the lie IN the garden before his first liver resection and then the adrenalectomy. Gawd I hope he is not brewing anything, he did have those occasional vomits a couple of weeks prior to this surgery but none since. ALP was up 100 day of surgery too. Mind this one of the first sunny days and he has not been outside much, will just watch and see how he goes. Thanks for checking in with him... xxx

09-08-2014, 08:04 PM
You have a standing invitation, Trish!!!! I wonder if I will see any ads on our stations. YEAH!!!! Our team WON!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I bet the game was amazing. n I am going to go watch your link.

I hope our little boy is just having an off day and feels better tomorrow. I know your radar is going full blast.

09-11-2014, 07:20 AM
Hi all

Flynny had his checkup today, all wounds good now, the seroma pretty much gone. Mike was not mad I had taken all the staples out :p and was really pleased with him. He could find no specific reason why he has felt off last few days, although he has been much better today after I gave him a dose of Previcox last night. He said it was pretty extensive surgery and he only remembers one dog which was a big lab who had more off at once.

We are to give him a dose each day over the weekend and let Mike know how he is Monday. I am off at the crack of dawn tomorrow for the weekend, its a work thing so I have to go so he is staying with Mum and Dad till I get back Sunday. Mike is working all weekend so Mum and Dad have strict instructions to take him in if he is off! But he will be fine, we had a walk up the beach today in the sunshine and he loved it and was a lot more perkier and no more laying in the plants! YAY!

Have a good weekend all :D:D I am going to Christchurch to give a speech at a conference, some of you will remember what happened last time I did that!!! City fell down around us in a big earthquake and a lot of people died ... so hopefully no repeat of that this time :eek::eek: It will be nice to see how the city is rebuilding . xx

Squirt's Mom
09-11-2014, 08:31 AM
Good report on our boy and I'm glad he is doing so well. I hope he's just sore and still a bit out of sorts from the surgery and will perk up to his usual brightness very soon.

Sooooo now we gotta watch for catastrophe in Christchurch?! :D I hope the trip is beneficial and uneventful and that you are safe at home with your handsome fellow quickly.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
09-11-2014, 03:58 PM
Okay, no earthquakes on the agenda this time!!

So glad that Flynn got a good report. I bet he is just sore since the meds seem to make him feel better.

Take care, have a safe trip
Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
09-13-2014, 05:34 PM
You go Flynny boy!! :p:p:p:p:p:p

09-14-2014, 02:35 PM
I believe no earthquakes have been involved on your trip so I am hoping everything went super well and you had a good time. Kisses to Flynny boy.

09-14-2014, 04:47 PM
Hey all!! Hmmm must be having a senior moment as was sure I updated this last night :confused:

Got home last night and Flynny is really good, he had a lovely 3 nights with his Nana and Grandad :D All systems go today, he seems full of energy and not slow, he has been on the previcox all weekend so might hold his dose tonight and see how he is tomorrow without it. Yay, that was a relief :)

Christchurch was a picture, with all the spring flowers and blossom out. Just stunning. Meeting went well and social events fun, one was a black and white party and I went in black n white fancy dress... unfortunately nearly every one else just wore black/white normal clothes :p:rolleyes: so that was a little awkward LOL!! Still we had a fab night with dancing and it was great to blow out the cobwebs :D:D

There WAS an earthquake, on Friday I visited a colleague to see how they do a few things and they put on a lovely morning tea, we were talking about the last time I was there and we had the massive quake and they thought maybe was me LOL.. then not an hour later it started shaking again so by that time they were all keen to put me on the first plane out of there!! Only a small one though, nothing fell over but coincidental?? Hmmmm lol anyway no harm done!!


09-15-2014, 03:53 PM
yay :D:D:D:D...So glad to read that Flynn has made yet another fantastic recovery! He sounds like he is ready for more beach walks and spring weather!! It's great that he won't have those lipoma hindering his activites!
Yikes on the earthquakes...there's been a lot of rumbling out in California lately as well.
Nice that you had such a fun trip! :)


09-15-2014, 07:33 PM
What a fun trip, though no earthquake rumbles are allowed!!!!

Cant believe you are embracing Spring while we await the deep chill:rolleyes::rolleyes: Flynny will love that as will you. I bet the Spring flowers are bursting about now.

Two more weeks off for you, sign, girlfriend. I had such a mess last week, I am first seeing light at the end of the tunnel today and I was only gone 4 days as 1 was a holiday.:(:rolleyes:

They think the All Blacks game will be a sell out in Chicago. AMAZING stuff.:D:D:D:D:D

Budsters Mom
10-05-2014, 01:14 AM

Page 4? I almost couldn't find you. How's my Flynny boy. Is he back to checking out the rats to the window, Rolling in treasures on the beach, and chasing those kitty cats out of your yard? I hope so.

Almost 6 weeks off and making you go back to work. How dare they? LOL :D:D:D

molly muffin
10-06-2014, 07:25 PM
Yes indeed, and update on Flynn and you is required. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

10-09-2014, 01:34 PM
thinking of you and our boy.:):)

10-11-2014, 04:09 PM
Hi all

Gosh no update for a while.... he is doing pretty good. A few ups and downs just hoping it is nothing major! But sticking my head in the sand with November coming up as that never goes well. No testing for a while, my aim is to let him enjoy a vet free life for as long as possible!! He is 13 now, so at that age I wouldn't be keen to let him go through anymore big surgeries, but will see what I think if the time came that he needed any further intervention, might change my mind then :) Hopefully his liver is behaving for now!! Nearly 6 months since his last scan, but planning on leaving it to next year if we can. He is a happy chappy and that is the main thing!!

Thanks for checking in on us you guys!! xxxxxxx

molly muffin
10-12-2014, 07:58 PM
It would be lovely to get through a November with no issues. Tell Flynn he has to find his happy place and stay there till at least next year. Then you can get a recheck scan just to stay on top of things and go from there.

Sharlene and molly muffin

10-28-2014, 02:10 PM

and I cant go either:(:(:(:(:(:(


10-29-2014, 04:25 AM
Hi Darl... it has come around so quick, I remember when we talked about it when it was first announced. Our news is full of what the boys are up to in Chicago, looks like they are having a fine time!! Can't wait for the game, it is a sell-out I hear. :D So I will be sitting here watching it at 9am on Sunday morning, hope it is a good game and we don't thrash you too bad!!! :D:D:eek::D:D

Flynn is having ups and downs and worrying me a bit, we are going to Auckland next Wednesday as he is due his 6 month scan so fingers crossed that all goes well. Miss you lots and hope all going well with you and Koko so sorry to hear the patio dining has come to an end we are starting to have nice hot days, but with those come the Spring winds blah. Big hugs Addy xxxxx

10-29-2014, 08:49 PM
Now, Flynny, no bad November is allowed!!!!!
We are going to have a good November for mama:):):):):):)
I hope the scan is good, Trish, I'm sure it will all be fine.

Spring has sprung for you and we are Falling to winter;);););)
Saturday night we turn back the clocks so I will drive home after work in the dark and wont see daylight at 5pm again until around January 21st.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Miss you

10-31-2014, 04:09 PM
Well it's here.... November that is!! Fingers crossed for the whole of the next month!!

Don't you just hate when the clocks go back, grrrrr hate those early dark evenings.

Addy, some of the All Blacks are tweeting it is going to snow in Chicago, they won't like that.... it is a winter sport but never have I seen a game in snow!! Brrrrrrrr :p

I just popped up a pic that Mum took yesterday of Flynn and Elle having a meeting of minds... what you think they talking about?? That is his conservatory bed, you can see all the borage Mum planted outside to feed the bee's! Hope these little guys don't get stung! :eek:


11-01-2014, 09:00 AM
great picture, they look like they are contemplating something deep:D:D


The timing couldn't be much better for a rare stateside visit from New Zealand's storied All Blacks, who face the USA's Golden Eagles on Saturday at sold-out Soldier Field (capacity: 61,500). Even though it's only an exhibition, the match will be televised nationally on NBC and provide a snapshot of where USA Rugby — after nearly a decade of investment and effort — stands on the road back to respectability.

I can watch it at 2:30 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-01-2014, 10:31 AM
Hey Trish, haven't signed on to the forum in ages, but I've been reading and trying to keep up with everyone. All fingers, paws and stubs crossed here for a good November for Flynn. I know that anxious feeling after just making it through September with Jasper, that's usually our horrid month. Although November historically hasn't been that great for us either. We will be battling it together.

Addy, so glad you saw that the game is on here for us at 2:30 central time on NBC!! I will be watching also, however I will be having to flip away on commercials because my Huskers are playing at the same time on ESPN2. Also have to head in to work for a few hours this morning, so I better get on it so I can get home in time to see the ALL BLACKS!! :D :D :D Pretty exciting that we are even getting the game here, much less televised nationally. I am very happy about that! Yes, they do feel like our home team for rugby, LOL.

Will be checking in later so hope to catch you then. Thanks for always checking in on me and Jasper Trish, you're a doll! xo

PS love the pic, they both look so at peace. Bet that didn't last long. :)

molly muffin
11-01-2014, 10:32 AM
Whooo hoooo Addy. I wonder if we get it here too. hmm..2:30 you said? Is that central or eastern time?
Oh just found it! 3:30 on NBC.
Drat. :( We have a family dinner out of town we have to go to. Meeting up with our niece and her husband who have an over night lay over. I will get to see the beginning probably but not the mid or end.


11-01-2014, 03:26 PM
I am up!! 10 mins till the buildup starts haha... that takes an hour and then the game. I was going to go watch with Dad but think I better stay home and get the washing through and hung out, lovely sunny day here so hope it is nice in Chicago!

I do not know what a PVR is... well I do, in my line of work it is post void residual but do not think you mean that!!!! haha

Hey Tina, you are as busy as ever! Hopefully see you sometime soon (today would be good :D:D)

Addy, we should be at this game freezing our little tootsies off, but nice you can watch it on TV, hope it is a good game but our team we are putting out contains quite a few of the 2nd stringers, giving everyone a run on the tour. After this game they are off to UK and games against England, Scotland and Wales over the next few weeks. I am a bit annoyed our captain is not even playing. :mad: BUT we do love the number 10's in our team, we had a game in our hometown this year, first time in like 20 years so exciting it was... I tweeted the No 10's Flynn's pic wearing his No 10 jersey to wish them luck... and they all replied and "liked" him... so those boys have seen our Flynny... so Cruden who is starting 10 and Carter will come off the bench at some stage are our faves, OK!! :D

11-01-2014, 03:52 PM
Hmmm Addy, think you got the time wrong... they coming out now, must be starting at 9am my time, 2pm your time

molly muffin
11-01-2014, 04:09 PM
Saw the Haka but have to leave. Hope it's a good game for all.

11-01-2014, 07:44 PM
Started about 2:30 our time, I got to watch the first hour then had to dvr the rest so will watch that tonight. I was so excited, I thought it was more interesting to me than American football. I could not believe how fast they pass the ball. WOW!!!!!! LOVED IT and cant wait to watch the rest of the game so don't tell me what happened. I had quite a good time cheering and getting into it,hubby thought I was a bit goofy I think, but I really got into the game.:D:D:D:D:D:D

Sun was shining, wasnt too cold in the windy city- sell out crowd too.
Trish, we could have gone tailgating and ate brats before the game in the parking lot of Solider Field!!!!!!!!! If I had not gotten this bad cough, I was going to take the train and meet my Kate there for the game. She wanted to go with me. Dang, oh well.

They said they brought 300 fans along!!!!

Fun day!!!!!!!

molly muffin
11-01-2014, 09:57 PM
Wow, they brought their own fans along! Cool.
I only got to see the Haka and then we had to leave for the night, and didn't get the recording set, so once everyone has seen the game, someone needs to give me the score and the highlights!!! LOL


11-02-2014, 01:17 PM
Glad you liked it Addy, yes it is a very fast game! The team loved their time in Chicago. Maybe I will get there next time if they play again and we do the brats :) Hope your cough departs for good soon!! Have a nice Sunday :) Monday for me, so I am off to work :mad: haha

molly muffin
11-02-2014, 01:20 PM
Well, now you don't sound excited at all to be heading out to work. LOL Never mind, I won't be excited tomorrow either.

Hope it is a good week for you and Flynn.


molly muffin
11-04-2014, 06:45 PM
Hello everyone. Just doing a quick update for Trish as some of you were waiting to hear Flynn's scan results from today.

So, good news, liver and adrenals are unchanged. Whoo hoo! Very happy to hear that.

The questionable news is that there is a 1cm mass on his stomach. It wasn't there last time and they don't know what it is, so he will be having a biopsy today at 5pm her time (which is Wed in New Zealand). She drove 5 hours up there, for a 10:30am appt this morning, then waiting till 5pm for the biopsy, then they have a 5 hour drive home tonight. So, it's going to be a long day and she won't know till tomorrow (thursday for her) or Friday what the results are.

The possibilities are carcinoma, lymphoma or benign.

So, that is where things stand and Trish will update or someone on her behalf whenever anything more is known.

Our Flynn-man is the gift who keeps on giving. Got to love the handsome rogue, out there winning the hearts of everyone at the clinic again I'm sure and flirting with the girls.

laters all

11-04-2014, 06:51 PM
I,m standing right by your side, so we play the waiting game again, he sure knows how to scare us that boy of yours. As for flirting with the ladies in the hospital wouldn,t expect anything less of him :p


Budsters Mom
11-04-2014, 09:17 PM
okay, I'm tired of twiddling my thumbs. I need to know what's happening with our boy. Please update as soon as you find out anything.

PAWS UP FLYNNY BOY!!! Hugs, Trish xxxxoooo

molly muffin
11-04-2014, 09:29 PM
Trish is on way to pick him up. Biopsy is done. Flynn came through fine.

Paws up Flynn man.

Will post more once I hear something.

Budsters Mom
11-04-2014, 11:07 PM
Thanks for updating us Sharlene.:p So glad it all went well. Now the waiting game continues.

11-04-2014, 11:24 PM
Sharlene, thanks so much for the updates. I'm here with you also Trish. I thought about you and that little boy all day today at work. I knew his scan was scheduled for your Wednesday, but this time I didn't have the exact times nailed down. I kept the positive vibes going, but you know me, I like to know the times. :rolleyes:

I'm very happy with the news about his liver and adrenal, that is such a relief. Of course I don't like the news about his stomach. Flynn has been so brave and has conquered every other challenge he has faced, so I am thinking positive that this time will be no different. Glad he did well with the biopsy.

Paws up Flynny Boy!!!

Drive safe on the way home Trish, what a long and stressful day for you. Thinking of you guys.

Big hugs from me, Jasper and Shelby xo

11-04-2014, 11:35 PM
pulling for you Flynn!!!

11-05-2014, 06:18 AM
We are home thank goodness. What a trip, in pouring rain again.. plus fog. Flynny boy travelled pretty well, getting fed up the last couple of hours and he is pleased to be home, hungry, got the temgesic irritability which he often gets with that drug, cries... licking his legs a lot. They gave me Codeine Phosphate for pain, so hope that has not upset him too. No rash, tummy nice and soft so I think he ok and hopefully he will doze off soon.

Thanks for updating Sharlene, to hard updating here on my phone, yep scan showed no growth in that adrenal node in the last six months. Liver a big bigger overall but no growth in those nodules Yay again. BUT there is the 1cm mass, external to stomach in the muscle right next to pylorus (exit valve from stomach) we are of course hoping it to be benign. I have had a brain wave this afternoon, you might remember the chicken skewer incident back in May. 9 cm of pointy stick chewed into two pieces that he swallowed and they gave him apomorphine to puke it up which he did. OR the manky fish episode about 3 weeks back, he vomited up fish bones that afternoon. Then became quite unwell, with pain, vomited once a couple days later, then diarrhea, vet saw him and though IBD flare/colitis and gave him antibiotics. Poops still bit off, but he has really only perked back up last couple of days. So after I left the specialist, I emailed and asked whether it could be either of those episodes potentially perforated a tiny hole.. maybe not big enough to cause serious trouble but an injury none the less. He has answered that Yes, that trauma may well have done it. So now we are hoping it is something like that rather than the other options of cancer, lymphoma. I guess the biopsy will tell, hopefully have results the next couple of days. ALP had gone up 300 odd over last two months to 1442, but ALP done about 40 to 300.

I also asked him about the proteinuria, he said Flynn is rewriting the text books about how well he has done for so long. He is due another UPC but have been holding off with this tummy upset.

He kissed IMS Mike and pranced about and he cannot believe how good he is for what he has had wrong with him... it cannot be another cancer as that would just be plain UNFAIR on him!! But we will deal with what we get dealt I guess.

Thanks all especially Sharlene and Tracy chatting for all hours, your always there for me and Flynn boy and we love you for it xxxxx

11-05-2014, 06:39 AM
Just repaying the favour as you sat up many a night with me and woody.

Glad your both home safe and sound that has been a long day for you both. So we will wait with everything crossed for an old injury.:)

Have a good rest both of you x

molly muffin
11-05-2014, 05:20 PM
Always here for you and Flynn Trish!

Now just waiting on the dratted, blasted, it better be good, report to come back and set all our worries aside.

Hope you get some rest today as yesterday must have been exhausting!


11-05-2014, 08:36 PM
Looks like I missed the five hour ride:o:o:o:o

I think maybe you could be right, Trish and that the skewer possibly caused a problem. We will keep that thought as we wait for the biopsy results.

Dang, can we just remove November from the calendar next year????

My sweet Ginger
11-05-2014, 10:12 PM
Hoping and praying for a good report. Hugs to you and Flynn. Song.

11-06-2014, 01:01 AM
How scary Trish! Anxiously waiting for results.

11-06-2014, 08:54 AM
stopping by before I leave for work


11-06-2014, 09:04 AM
Me too!! (Wishing you well and anxiously awaiting results!)


11-06-2014, 02:30 PM
Me too Trish, checking in from work. Thinking of you both. Big hugs from me, Jasper and Shelby. xo

11-06-2014, 02:33 PM
Hi all, thanks for all the comments... nothing yet on cytology results. The nurse when I picked him up said there has been some delay with them recently and I have to ring them this afternoon if I had not heard back from IMS by then. Nervous, but we all know the waiting is the hardest part, so I am looking for my patience. Flynny is OK but can tell he still not quite right so paws crossed it is something fixable ... x

11-06-2014, 03:47 PM
My foot is nervously tap, tap, tapping the floor, too.................

(But still counting on hearing good news!)

Budsters Mom
11-06-2014, 04:50 PM
I will only accept good news! Waiting with you Trish ;)

11-06-2014, 05:32 PM
I'm here too Trish. Yes, waiting for results is so hard. All paws and stubs crossed here, and nothing but positive thoughts for a good report. Coming up on noon there now, I will check in again after I get home.

molly muffin
11-06-2014, 05:40 PM
I think you might have a whole crew checking in and out to see if you've heard anything yet Trish. :)

I'm just going to sit over here and have some popcorn and wait (maybe quietly and maybe not...) LOL


11-06-2014, 06:00 PM
Adding my voice with everyone else and checking in on the boy.

11-06-2014, 07:27 PM
Me too, waiting with you!!!

11-06-2014, 07:49 PM
Ok, home from work, stopping by to say hi and give belly rubs to our boy Flynn.

Did he kiss any cows on the way to Auckland? Maybe this year Santa will bring him his cow:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I am going for a good news November, we aren't having any more bad Novembers!!!!!

Wow, did I tell you we saw your number 10 but then I thought maybe someone else was wearing the 10 jersey for the game:confused::confused::confused:

Anyway, this weekend I am shopping online for my very own sweatshirt or jersey. Maybe Koko will get one too;)

So, now my foot is tapping away too, tap, tap, tap. Waiting is the pitts.

love you both and kisses to our energizer doggie with the amazing batteries.:):):):):)

Budsters Mom
11-06-2014, 09:15 PM
I'm still here too. Who has the chocolate? Sharlene has popcorn.;)

molly muffin
11-06-2014, 09:26 PM
Tracy usually has some chocolate! She might be sleeping now though. hmmm..she is good about sharing it though. Oh Addy always have chocolate!!

Budsters Mom
11-06-2014, 09:38 PM
Good to know Sharlene. It is still early here. It is three hours later on the East Coast. Thank goodness I still have Halloween candy left over. It's better than nothing. Lol :D

molly muffin
11-06-2014, 09:41 PM
hmm, I took one box of candy into the office, but might have some more around here. Not many trick or treaters were out for Halloween. It was cold and raining. :(

Still hanging in with you Trish.


Budsters Mom
11-06-2014, 11:11 PM
Well Trish, it's been a long day and I'm getting pretty tired. I'm signing out for a little while, but will check back in during the night.

Sending tons of love and hugs to you and butt scratches for my boy. xxxxxooooo

11-07-2014, 12:07 AM
OMG I feel terrible... I have been out all day and you all been here sending us your good wishes... well the GOOD NEWS is they worked... they had rung me at 1.30 and said they not in yet but will be in touch as soon as they are. So now at 5.45 the IMS, not the one we usually see as he not there on Friday but had arranged this one to give me any news... emailed this
"The cytology result from Wednesday looks very benign with no evidence of bleeding, cancer, inflammation or infection. I will have these e-mailed to you shortly.

Any significant bone in the stomach of a dog should show on ultrasound and I have never seen a fishbone cause a problem once it gets into the stomach.

I can't really help you to understand any better the symptoms that he is showing from this distance and without having more detail to hand. If you think he is deteriorating then returning to your own clinic, or to the AEC here in Auckland over the weekend might be appropriate and we can pick up the investigation on Monday.

Otherwise watchful waiting may be the best step to see if this is a developing situation or has resolved."

So for now we have good news, I just hope he feels more comfortable soon as he is still a little off. Maybe it is just the IBD playing up and making him uncomfortable.

I really want to see that histology report with my own eyes to see if it gives any clues to what the mass is exactly. I can send my questions to our IMS when he is back in the office on Monday. But I will take this good news for now with bells on.... :D

Looking around to see if anyone dropped any chocolate or popcorn... Hell its Friday night, I need a wine!! Thanks all!! xxxxx

11-07-2014, 12:09 AM
YAYYYYY! Good news!

Budsters Mom
11-07-2014, 02:13 AM
Whew! Sooooo glad! :) Now I can go to bed. xxxxoooo

11-07-2014, 02:19 AM
Haha Kathy, get to bed young lady, it is way past time for you :D I still do not have the report to know what this all means, but I am liking that benign word. The other day the IMS said even benign ones can still cause problems if they grow to big... especially where this was located next to the pylorus and it might have to come out. But surely that will not be a real big operation.

I think he said something about rescanning in that scenario, to see if it is growing, or if symptoms developed then of course something would need to be done. But I guess I will know more when I get a chance to talk to him next week about what we need to do moving forward. Remembering his liver masses are likely benign and look at all the problems they have caused!

He does have lumps and bumps over him, millions of lipomas, little cysts and warty things.... god I am making him sound like a dog witch... he is very pretty :cool: so this must just be a lump that is more internal.

11-07-2014, 02:28 AM
Hey Addy, I have changed his avatar to "Kissing the Cow" just for you!! You have a good memory, I was going to buy him a cow last Christmas but never found one!! Maybe I will spot one somewhere this time, although it would be fair to say he is not short on toys :rolleyes:

If you spotted the No 10, wonder which one it was ;)..you going to buy an All Black shirt? wow I am impressed, even I do not have one of them lol Koko will look good in one... Flynny's one is a knitted jersey that I found on our auction site and the lady knitted one just for him and it has a little football shaped button on it too... we love you too sweet!! xx

11-07-2014, 03:51 AM
I love that picture!

11-07-2014, 05:56 AM
Yay best news ever. Flynn has broken the November curse well done boy.

I did have chocolate but I ate it and fell asleep oops

11-07-2014, 06:43 AM
Ah, thank goodness I can give my foot tapping a rest!! :p

Such good news about our boy, Trish, and I still have Halloween candy to spare if anybody wants some choco just to celebrate. ;) :)

11-07-2014, 06:47 AM
Hooray for Flynn! :)

Squirt's Mom
11-07-2014, 07:47 AM
~~whew~~ Now, Flynny, no more scares, ok? Lots of old feeble folk here and we can't take all this excitement! :p

SO GLAD things turned out as well as they have.

11-07-2014, 08:17 AM


made my weekend!!!!!!!!

Maybe it is just his IBD flaring or maybe he got into something in the garden or on a walk? Has it been very hot???

I LOVE the new avatar!!!!!!!!!!

My sweet Ginger
11-07-2014, 08:26 AM
I'm very glad about the report too. Hope Flynn will feel back to normal very soon.

molly muffin
11-07-2014, 03:15 PM
This is just fabulous! We need all the good news we can get! :)

I have to say Flynn's thread is filled with nerves and very high glee, as he has come through surgeries and biopsies with flying colors. (well other than the one they left the swab inside him and had to go back in and take it out, but then he healed up just fine and dandy)

It's kind of interesting to look back at the journey. It's been a doozy and keeps on going!! :) :)


11-07-2014, 04:49 PM
Oh yeah, the curse is broken haha Tracy!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I have just slept the sleep on one given good news, so must have Flynny as never heard a peep out of him. We both sure needed that!!

Addy, think you are quite right. He did eat that rotten fish up the beach that really upset him 3 weeks back. Pain, vomiting, diarrhea... trip to vet, stormogyl and poops not quite right ever since. So, as much as I hate to do it to him it will be leash walks only up there as he is not be trusted. I have another park I can take him too and let him have a run there.

If anyone knows a good renal, liver, IBD, anti cancer diet please let me know :D:D as it looks like we need to change it up a bit. A question for IMS next week when we catch up, hopefully they have access to a pet nutritionist up there.

Thanks for all the well wishes.... lots of happiness here for all Flynny's Aunties and friends!! xxxx

11-07-2014, 07:24 PM
Aww, sleep deep dear friend and relax:):):):):):)

They want $150 for rugby All Blacks jersey???:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: zowie!!!!!!!

If you and Sharlene are doing a road trip you may just have some extra time. They are bringing city water to our street to the tune of $20,000 per house and roads will be torn up for 4 months.:eek::eek::mad:

Not sure what we will or can do now:(:(:(:(

Enjoy what is left of your weekend!!!

11-07-2014, 11:04 PM
Wowzer, 150 bucks... bugger that! :D:D I heard they were expensive, probably Adidas getting their cut!! Just wave our black flag like I do!!

Now if you are a true All Blacks fan you will be getting up with me at 3am to watch the game live vs England in the morning :D:D Well it won't be 3am for you... it will be 8am your time, much more sociable lol xx

11-07-2014, 11:07 PM
Love the pic with the cow!!! Hope you all are doing ok!

11-08-2014, 01:45 AM
hi Trish...just catching up on posts...I see I have missed a whole lot here with Flynn giving a bit of a scare! Glad to have gotten to the good news post!! You are so right, it would not be fair at all for Flynn to have anything serious to deal with. He has already done it all, and with such success too, but no more!! It does sound like the dead fish had stirred up some major gastric upset...that makes sense! These pups will really eat anything they find that smells, won't they??
Hoping you have a good weekend...also hoping Flynn is feeling good. I'm going to continue reading posts...seems a lot is going on with everyone! :)


11-09-2014, 01:15 AM
Hi Barbara

So lovely to see you!! Yes, Flynn does like to keep us on our toes. But hopefully all good for him, just took him for a run in the school next door and boy it was good to see him running like the wind again!! Have not seen him that energetic in a few weeks so good he getting his mojo back :)

Jas, thx for popping in.. that pic was taken a year ago the day before he had a liver resection removing a big tumour!! Pretty cute, everyone thought I should buy him a cow for Christmas but could not find him one!! My Mum thought that Flynn was just checking for any crumbs around the cows mouth or deciding if he like his beef medium rare :D:D


11-09-2014, 02:13 AM
Hi Trish,

Well, looks like I just missed you by a bit, darn. I was so happy to read about the biopsy results. What a huge relief. No histology report yet I am guessing? Sounds like the little man is feeling much better now too. I didn't know that he had eaten more rotten fish off the beach just a few weeks ago. :eek: That little guy! It is so disgusting the things they will eat. A couple of months ago, Jasper was hovering and acting way too interested and looked like he was pawing and licking at something near the back fence. I raced back there and caught him just as he was trying to pick up a slimy decomposing frog. :eek: :eek: I was yelling "drop it!!". I'm sure I looked like a crazy person. Ewwwwwwwww, so nasty. I went and got a shovel and threw it into the field over the back fence, and I had the willies. Total ick! I wanted to wash his mouth out with soap! I did wash his face and paws. :p :rolleyes:

Yep, looks like you broke the November curse, and we broke the September curse, love it!! Count me in for the road trip, I think I am about a days drive or so from Addy, and I love NYC. Haven't been for ages. Hey, I saw that the All Blacks were on early this morning, but I don't get the sports channel that the game was on. I did see that they won the game, boy that score sure was a lot closer than the USA game! :o

Well, better go find Jasper's latest lab results and notes to get an update together for him. I am way overdue. Will get that posted in the morning. Jasper and Shelby are both sound asleep and snoring on the couch. Think it's time for bed for me too. Hope to catch up with you soon. xo

11-09-2014, 02:36 AM
Hey Tina

I am still here, just been outside watering the garden. Love these Spring evenings when it is not too hot... Flynny pottering alongside me.

YAY for Jasper and Flynn breaking their curse months this year... although I should not be too premature as November is not over yet :p:D

OMG a decomposing frog.... gawd I have done that "DROP IT" yell but that just makes him gobble it faster and pick it up and run away from his harridan mother that obviously has no taste where these doggy delicacies are concerned.

I have just had 5 days off, so getting prepped for work in the morning :mad:;) Hopefully I will be emailed a copy of the histology tomorrow. I have a few questions to ask the IMS so hopefully can do that over the phone or email this week.

I will be looking out for the Jasper update with interest Tina, love to hear of him playing out in the yard like that... frogs included haha ... I have had to scoop up the odd hedgehog and toss it over the back fence too... he won't leave them alone if he finds one even when he gets spiked in the nose and mouth... stooopid terriers :D xxx

11-09-2014, 02:55 AM
Hey, see your green light! I was just outside with everyone for the last potty break, and then I give Jasper his Denamarin now. Yes, I know November isn't over yet, just thinking positive. :) But I totally understand, I didn't feel good until September was completely over for us, so I can relate.

Well, Jasper is never off leash anywhere open anymore, and in the yard I can get to him pretty quick. Yes, I know that grab and run tactic, and then gobble and swallow before I can get there. That is maddening when they do that! Then they look at you with that look like they are so much smarter than you, I hate that!

Gosh, glad we don't have hedgehogs here or he would certainly be after those also. Lol, stoopid terriers is right! :D He has murdered a few rabbits in his day, and also has picked off a few birds as they were taking off in flight. He was quite dastardly about that in his younger years. It is so hard for me to believe that he did those things because he is so sweet. He still tries to stalk birds and rabbits if he gets a chance, he just isn't as fast as before. Definitely a terrier thing.

Sorry about having to go back to work, but glad you had 5 days off. I don't know when I am going to be able to take some time off, we are so busy all the time. :(

Plan to post an update on my little man in the morning. His last report was mostly pretty good, but there were some labs that weren't that wonderful. xo

11-09-2014, 03:03 AM
Haha that made me laugh... they sound very similar our boys, Flynn has not caught a rabbit but he did get a chicken once, little murderers and he has snapped the odd bird out the air and of course if Elle the cat brings one in he thinks she has brought him a present and takes it off her!! :eek::eek:

I did take him off leash in the school as there are not usually dead things in there. I do like him to have a good run to exercise, I think it helps him and good to keep him fit as possible while we still can.

His creatinine had gone up in the last labs, still only mid range normal. But it had always been low, so think I will give him another few weeks of hopefully being good and redo the UPC and bloods. I am also going to ask the IMS about maybe increasing his benzapril to see if we can drive that UPC even lower. Although he was happy with those results. But I really do not want to see that Creatinine trending upwards.

11-09-2014, 03:25 AM
Yes, they are a lot alike, aren't they. I love how he takes things from Elle, that is too funny. :D

I know what you mean about the creatinine. Jasper's is typically on the low side of normal also, but for a while there it was trending up and had gone past the middle of the normal range. I think it went down for a time or two, and now is right at the mid point of the normal range. So I am watching that also. I will have to check to see if the last result was up from the time before or not. He is due for another UPC in early December.

That is a good plan asking about increasing the Benazepril. I know our vet has said that we have room to increase Jasper's enalapril if necessary. It makes me a little nervous thinking about that as he has done well on the current dose. And there is a concern that a higher dose could cause the BUN and creatinine to go up. Hopefully that won't happen.

Well, I better head to bed, I have tons to do tomorrow so need to get up somewhat early, Lol! :)

11-09-2014, 03:27 AM
Have a good sleep Tina, sounds like Jasper and Shelby are already ahead of you in the sleeping department, enjoy your Sunday and I will be checking Jaspers thread for his update tomorrow... so nice to see you, you have been missed around here!! xxxxx :)

11-09-2014, 03:36 AM
Aww, thanks Trish. :) I try to keep up with reading, but I have been seriously lacking with posting. I need to get better with that. Good to chat and catch up a bit, miss you too.

Yes, both pooches snuggled in blankets on the couch and sawing logs! :) :p

Have a good Monday, and see you again soon. xo

11-12-2014, 03:38 AM
Hi all

IMS rang today to discuss our plans for Flynn. While this 1cm mass appears to be benign on the biopsy, some of those lesions can grow. I thought it was in the muscle layer OUTSIDE the stomach, but turns out its not and it is within the layers of the stomach. It is by the pylorus so if it did grow it has the capability of obstructing his stomach which obviously would not be good. He told me they have to take care operating on dogs stomachs as you cannot take as much tissue as you would in a human, so if it is showing signs of growing it is better to get it out sooner rather than later. So our plan is to rescan in six weeks and if it is growing they will operate and remove it then. STINK!! Cannot believe that we are looking at more surgery for the little man. So fingers crossed it vanishes like his target liver mass that they saw earlier in the year and were worried about, no sign of that now... so hopefully this one will bugger off too :D:rolleyes::mad:

There is still a chance it could be related to trauma (fish bone, chicken satay stick) in which case it probably won't grow.

He seems fine, tummy settling down. Still some mucous on his poops so not totally right but definitely better.

I am weaning him off his pain relief and have not given him any tonight. So hopefully tomorrow he will be OK without it.

Trish xxx

molly muffin
11-12-2014, 06:50 AM
Fooey. Not exactly what we wanted to hear. Hope it doesn't grow any and he won't need surgery. Poor Bo has done that enough.
Still can't have blockage so not much choice. We will just go with the no growth

So what is the new protein plan to be? Can he go back to one that worked before?

Come on Flynn man. Paws up buddy.


Squirt's Mom
11-12-2014, 08:45 AM
My goodness. :( Not at all what we wanted to hear. What is it with Flynny and tumors?! Tell him to stop making them NOW, 'k? Bless your heart, I can only imagine what you thought when you heard this news. :( I am praying it is the trauma and there is an easy fix. Let us know how he is doing...and how you are doing.

Leslie and the gang

Budsters Mom
11-12-2014, 11:15 AM
Damn November!!!!! :o:(

I am so sorry to hear this news Trish. :o at least it as found while small, so his prognosis is good.

Big hugs for you and butt scratches for our wonder dog.

11-12-2014, 07:56 PM
I hope it's trauma too! Paws crossed! Poor little guy.

11-13-2014, 02:16 AM
Thanks girls, I know .... another one!! Is sure weird going in so worried about his liver and getting this news. I sure hope it comes to nothing too, but it will be a nervy trip for his next scan.

I am still trying to hook up with a pet nutritionist, seems they are few and far between here. Hesitant finding one online as they mostly out of NZ so I think it would be difficult with the different products and foods available in different countries so it would be great to find someone local, so the search goes on.

He has had a pretty good day without pain relief so hopefully he will not need it regularly now his IBD is settling somewhat, still not perfect but hopefully we get back there soon. I can tell when he is sore, he gets twitches much much worse than the normal foxie trembling. So keeping an eye on him. That previcox works so darn well, but it just makes me nervous using it for too long with his liver/renal issues. So if he needs any more I am going to stick to the Tramadol. xxx

11-15-2014, 02:19 PM
Well darn Trish, I agree, not exactly the news I was wanting to hear either. However I am beyond thrilled with the benign part, I just don't like the part where it's possible that it could grow. Of course that is worrisome, especially because of the location. I will absolutely be keeping fingers crossed that it heals and vanishes, or at the very least doesn't grow a bit.

I think the scan in six weeks is a good idea, don't want to take too much time there before it gets rechecked just in case. I don't know why, but I have a good feeling in my gut about this and that it won't grow. I hope my gut is right! Our little man definitely deserves a break. Only positive thoughts here.

Is he still doing well without the pain relief? And how's his tummy doing? Sorry I can't help about a pet nutritionist, I don't know anything at all about that unfortunately.

Hope to catch up with you a bit later. :)

Tina and Jasper xo

11-16-2014, 11:11 AM
Hi Trish,
catching up and thrilled Flynn's mass is benign but also praying hard it does not grow and no need for surgery! Hugs n Kisses to your adorable little man, he sure is a trooper!

Bailey's Mom
11-18-2014, 08:38 AM
Wow-I don't sign on for a minute or two and you and Flynny go to town with problems! ;) Glad to hear it's benign. Hoping it won't grow. :)
You had another five days off? Didn't you just have 6 weeks off or something like that? You guys have the right idea!!:cool:
Winter has arrived with an attitude here. We may have set a record for low temp over night. I think Sharlene and Addy are trying to get rid of their cold weather and are shooting it down this way. Less than 7 weeks 'til FL.:D:D

11-18-2014, 01:59 PM
Hi all

Well November continues to suck!! He has developed a little mass on his gumline by his front teeth, it is pushing one of the small ones out of line. Mike has taken a look, doesn't know what it is but he took a photo and wants to recheck it in a couple of weeks to check growth. We could biopsy, or we could just take it out. He said it would only need a little 10min GA to whip it out along with a couple of teeth. He said it looks a lot like a benign lesion that is common in boxers, not so common in his breed.I think if he needs it out then we might wait and see what happens with his scan next month in Auckland as if they need to operate on that stomach lump then they could do the gum one at same time.

Sorry have not been about much, just a lot to deal with here at the moment. Death in the family so I have to travel to the funeral on Friday, not any of my immediate relatives but my SIL's Dad. Sad.

Have had to resort to z/d for his IBD, I am not liking that much, but luckily he is. Plus a new protein for some biscuits, duck and pear Orcana. Tramadol was not going great, he hates it so... so after much discussion with Mike he is back on the previcox and feeling a lot better for that.

Thanks for popping in, sorry not on others threads at the moment but thinking about you all... right off to work I go xxxxx

11-18-2014, 07:25 PM
Well November is more than half way over so no new issues Flynny Boy!

Gosh Trish, you have had your hands full. Sorry to read that.

Koko and I are thinking of you and Flynn.

11-18-2014, 07:37 PM
aww sorry to hear of the new issue. I will be keeping Flynn in my prayers for the mass to be nothing serious. HUGS

molly muffin
11-18-2014, 08:47 PM
I think Flynn is another one that didn't get the memo of "no new issues".

We're going to cruise through December, get this IBD settled down and family all better, physically and emotionally and then start a new year with a positive outlook. ta da!

love and hugs

11-21-2014, 01:14 PM
Must be your weekend, happy weekend!!!! I hope Flynn is perking up.
I just wanted to stop and say hi, I know you have a lot on your plate so wanted you to know i am thinking of you both.

Thanks for sharing a memory of Zoe. Means a lot to me.

Give our cow loving boy a smack on his lips for me , well maybe no if that growth is bothering him. Ok, a smooch on his head which he probably doesn't like.

Our Lucy at work had a small growth on her eye lid; they were able to zap it right off.

Love ya

11-21-2014, 09:26 PM
Praying Flynn will be okay.
Sonja and Angel Apollo

11-22-2014, 03:20 PM
Hey everyone

Thanks for your comments and well wishes, Flynn definitely did not get the memo!! He has a new sore gum area on his back tooth, vet thinks it might be an epuliis... benign. But I think it is sore and he is not liking his food. I know some of you know about our battles with IBD, so he has gone to z/d to try get on top of it, I had been giving him duck biscuits too but have stopped them as well for now and he comes right. But he is not eating well in the morning... he left his breakfast this morning and I took it over to him where he was lying... "breakfast in bed" it worked yesterday, took a wee video of him...


I just don't think he likes it :confused: he does come right and eats well later in the day. So I think I am just going to have to persevere with it for the time being, plus I just bought him a whole tray of it! But hard to tell whether it it is bad taste vs sore mouth vs IBD vs that darn mass in tummy. But I think I will rule out no 4, as we just not going there!!!!

Mike is on this weekend, might just take him in to have a look at that mouth. I did send him a photo which is why he thought it like epuliis ?sp xxx

11-22-2014, 03:33 PM
he acts exactly like my ian when he doesn't want his food!
burry it.............
if he eats it later on the day i would be ok with it.
maybe just skip breakfast and feed it later in the day, so he is more hungry. no snacks before, just the food and when he has finished it, one super tasty treat.......
that is what works with my ian.

Budsters Mom
11-22-2014, 03:41 PM
Poor Flynny. Can't seem to get a break poor chap. A food change again? I'd be cranky too. Add his sore mouth to the equation and no wonder he doesn't want to eat. You're right Trish, it might not taste bad, his mouth is probably sore. I refused to consider the fourth option either. Not going there! It's okay Flynny boy. I understand;) xxxooo

11-22-2014, 03:47 PM
He did eat it all eventually, he pushed it clear under the couch.... but lucky for him I brought it out again!! I know he is getting enough as he was hoovering it up last night, just does not like it first thing which is most unlike him. He is not getting any treats at the moment as I did get him duck biscuits as novel protein but he vomited them... so now it is z/d only until he settles then I will swap in a new novel protein again. ... ohhhhh just as I type this he is back at his bowl licking the dregs so will give him a bit more now!!

11-22-2014, 06:56 PM
Oh good, he ate some more. Dang that IBD, if that is what is bothering him. I wish there was one food that worked and he liked and no more food changes would be needed. I remember how bad it was when I would have to try to change Zoe's food, though she never had the vomiting. I can count on one hand how many times she threw up in the seven years she was with us. I always thought that weird and got super scared when she did vomit as it was so rare.

Maybe his mouth is just sore and I am thinking maybe you ran over to have Dr. Mike look at his mouth and will be back to let us know what happened.


11-22-2014, 09:26 PM
Oh, I loved the video. Flynn is so pretty. Or should I say, handsome. I always think its its a good sign when they try to bury or hide it instead of just ignoring it. Ignoring food is when I get really worried. I'm glad he went back and finished it later. I hope they can get his mouth straightened out without too much fuss and pain. Hugs to you and your sweet boy.

11-22-2014, 10:26 PM
He was so starving I could not bear it any longer.... so I did an experiment.

Old food on the left, z/d on the right... asked him to choose as I just did not want him starving himself having a few nibbles only... I know, I know I am a pushover.... but here is our answer!


Budsters Mom
11-23-2014, 12:22 AM
You're not anymore a pushover than the rest of us Trish.;)

Flynny loves his old food. He sure did lick that bowl clean! At least you now know that his mouth isn't too sore to eat. They never seem to like what's good for them.:o They are a lot like people that way.

11-23-2014, 02:54 AM
Picky eaters :)

11-23-2014, 05:13 AM
Oh Addy, I forgot to say I did pop him in to see Mike today... you were quite right about that :) he is pretty sure the new back tooth lump is nothing to worry about, he had a real good look which Flynn was not happy about. But I have to give him a total of 5 days of the antibiotics which is stormogyl which is good for mouth issues as I told him it is now looking much better than it did a couple days ago. It also contains Metronidazole . He poked the gum around the tooth and did not elicit a big pain response so he does not think the mouth is causing the eating problem.
so think we can rule that one out

He had another mucousy poop today, quite a big one and he has been panting. Funny how they are so different with their symptoms with IBD ... Flynn does vomit, not real often but when it is bad he does, he does not get real bad runny diarrhea like Zoe did but mostly just the mucousy poops but you can tell his tummy is sore.

So he will not tolerate the z/d obviously, he just plain hates it... fair enough I think it stinks too! so new plan, I am going to ask the butcher to get him some rabbits and try home cooking. he has never had rabbit, but I hear they taste like chicken and he loves that!! Guess I will just roast them, or boil them :eek::confused::eek:I will have to look up a rabbit recipe for him online, plus I am going to swap giving his liver supplement in the morning to last thing at night as I have often thought that upsets his tummy in the morning although Mike told me that is not a common side effect. Anyway, he has loved the fact he has had decent food tonight and gone to bed happier after his nightly run around the house to check no cats are lurking in his garden! Nighty nite, blah Monday nearly here already, that sucks :rolleyes: xx

11-23-2014, 08:48 AM
He sure loves his old food, loved the video, Trish. Doesn't seem to be a sore mouth, just distaste for the new food.

Maybe home cooking is the way to go. I toyed with that idea with Zoe for awhile.

Hopefully the antibiotic with Metronidazole will set things right. Maybe it is just a flare up and maybe you dont have to change his food?? Could that be possible? In the early days, Zoe would get flare ups and a few weeks on metronidazole would set her right again and I did not have to change food. I think Barbara has a similar issue with Trixie.

Just a thought as I watch him lick that bowl clean:):):):):):)

11-23-2014, 10:02 PM
He is beautiful! Hope he feels better!

11-25-2014, 02:37 PM
Hi Trish....awww what's all this with Flynny!!?? Hope that benign lump just stays as is and does not cause trouble or need surgery. You know Trixie has these gastro bouts here and there. My vet gave me a script of Metronidazole and I use it as needed to control the mucousy poops and bad stuff. I can always tell stuff is going on when she wakes us at 4am and wants to go out, which happened two nights ago. Gene said the poops were not terrible but soft, I gave her half a metron and by the next afternoon she's usually back on track. In fact since I've had the pills at my disposal we haven't even had the mucousy stuff...nipping in the bud before it gets bad. After these episodes I usually give her a couple more doses until she's all firmed up again. I read online that metrod helps dogs with colitis but they are not sure why. Trixie was not diagnosed with colitis but sometimes she gets a little blood in the soft poops.
We had a terrible bout pre-Cushings a few years ago with bad poops and vomiting intermittently for weeks...they finally diagnosed a clostridium over growth...and once we eradicated it with a combo of metron and tylan she was fine! Clostridium is in all dogs but maybe with Trixie it overgrows too much...I don't know but we go thru these things here and there..but nothing has gotten out of hand now that I have the pills. Do you find the metro helps Flynn..it really works wonders with Trixie.
Hope that mouth sore goes away too!! November sounds icky for you..so good that it's almost over..on to December!! :D

11-25-2014, 02:45 PM
Oh my gosh...love seeing the Flynn show on video!! No doubt he hates the z/d!! He showed that for sure. :D:D Just love the taste test!! Hope you can come up with a food plan that will be what he needs to have but that he likes!

11-25-2014, 07:16 PM
The metronidazole has anti inflammatory properties.:):):):):)

How are things??????

Glad to see Barbara visiting!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

11-28-2014, 05:30 PM
Yes so nice to see you Barbara and to hear Trixie is doing so well :D:D We have had a better week, tummy seems to have settled down. I ended up swapping his protein back to lamb but keeping him on the same brand as he does well on it. Seems to have done the trick *fingers crossed*.

His next scan is booked 17/12 so assess that stomach mass. So another long trip to Auckland unfortunately, but he must have the high resolution scanner so that is what we must do! Think I will stay the night this time though, although is hard as work so busy just before Christmas. Will see how I feel and how Flynny is doing at the time. Will do updated bloods and UPC on the Monday before we go up.

I have weaned him down to half a previcox with his tummy feeling better, hopefully in a couple of days if he keeps doing well I will stop it.

Mouth lump still there and I think it has grown some, but we are going to do objective assessment of that and visit for next photo next week some time. Honestly Mr Flynn, I have told him before... one thing at a time!!!!! He no listen :D:D:D But last couple of days poops have been much better, bit more a spring in his step.. so YAY!! Big hugs to all xxxxx

11-29-2014, 08:02 PM
So glad to hear Flynn is feeling better. November is almost over so I hope we are going uphill for December.:):):):)

Christmas will soon be here. Last year Mel and I werei in to penguins!

I hope she is well, I have been missing her.

It sure felt good to be off work for five days, Monday will be hard:(

Have a good week!

12-05-2014, 03:04 AM
OH MY GOSH.... I have missed all Flynny's anniversaries :rolleyes::eek::p But they have all been in the last couple of weeks so putting them up here at once :D:)

25th Nov 2011 - 3 years Liver Resection 650g massive hepatocellular tumour :D:D:D

3rd Dec 2012 - 2 years Right Adrenalectomy Pheochromocytoma invading vena cava :D:D

20th Nov 2013 - 1 year Liver Resection 9 cm hepatocellular tumour :D

He really is such a super dog :D, even after all this he does still love his vets. You guys have been with us through his last two big surgeries, hard to believe how well he has done time and time again.... we love our surgeons and we love all of you too for your all your support! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

12-05-2014, 07:05 AM
Awwwwww, Super big hugs to our Super Dog and his Super Mom!!! :D :D

It's a lovefest all the way around, Trish! ;) :) :) :)

12-05-2014, 08:48 AM
Super dog and super mom, I love that and we love you both!

I hope our energetic Flynny sails through the rest of the year and 2015 is surgery free:):):)

My sweet Ginger
12-05-2014, 10:20 AM
Yup, SUPER DOG and SUPER MOM!!! ;););););)
Love & hugs.

Squirt's Mom
12-05-2014, 10:46 AM
WOOHOO! Way to go Flynn and Mom!

Budsters Mom
12-05-2014, 11:14 AM
Me too, me too, me too, me too! Continuing the "love fest" here!;):D

Love, love, love our Energizer Doggy and his mom too! :p xxxxoooo

12-05-2014, 04:02 PM
I hope our energetic Flynny sails through the rest of the year and 2015 is surgery free:):):)

Awww thanks girls!!! He sure is amazing, as are all the pups on here! Addy, I guess Dec 17th scan will tell the story of whether this year he is going to break the habit of a major end of year surgery. He did have the lipomas earlier in the year, but they don't count as major in my book! Fingers crossed this stomach mass has just disappeared!! I am ignoring the little mouth one for now, will get it checked in Auckland.

12-05-2014, 07:07 PM
I'm going with a clear scan 12/17!!!!:):):):)

He needs to break this habit!!!;););););)

I think the lipomas don't really count as major surgery, you are exactly right and the mouth thing is not major, right? So I am sending the best vibes possible for a surgery free 2015!!! Oh and 2014 too because we cant be having surgery on Christmas because then Virginia, there would not be a Santa Claus!!!

Sure wish I could join you on shopping night. A bit of wine would put me in the right shopping mood as well!!

molly muffin
12-05-2014, 07:57 PM
Ohhh, late to the party but love you and Flynn Man. You guys are the bomb!!


12-06-2014, 02:46 AM
Well here is something to kinda get us in the Christmas spirit... I know some of you have listened to me talk about devil cat Elle... well here she is posing beside her very own Christmas Wreath that my dear Mum has made her and it is now on their front door... really, a cat with its own wreath... spoilt much?@!:D:p I hope Flynny's wreath is in production or he will be getting jealous :p:rolleyes:


12-06-2014, 07:28 AM
:D :) :p :D :) :p :D :) :p :D :) :p :D :) ;) :D

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2014, 08:20 AM
OH that is hilarious! :D:p:p:D:p:p:D:p:p

molly muffin
12-06-2014, 09:27 AM
Go Elle!! Getting her own wreath, what a gal. hahahahaha

12-07-2014, 02:16 AM
Joining in for no more surgeries and a good report .

12-11-2014, 12:30 AM
Hi! I just popped in quickly and see Flynn has had some milestones recently! What a guy! Super dog! Which reminds me, that's what Kaibo was got Halloween. I know I should visit more. Hope all is well. I'll post an update on Kaibo's page :)

12-11-2014, 12:27 PM
I'm here too! Love the picture of Elle!

12-14-2014, 04:33 AM
Hi everyone

Well we have had an awesome fun weekend here celebrating my Mum's 80th birthday!! Lovely dinner out last night, Mum loved her cake... she has a green thumb for sure so we had a gardening cake made for her... it had a wheelbarrow, bird bath, tree with birds nest included, plants etc and even a wee Elle and Flynn on it... http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=7275

It was such a good night, with all the family there. Oh ADDY, ADDY, ADDY... we have a new favourite All Black!!! We going to have change Flynn's jersey to No 9 for next season! Some of us carried on after the dinner and went to the pub by the marina AND my Uncle went to the loo and came out and told us... you may not believe this but Aaron Smith is in there (he is the All Black half back!!!) We like ohhhhh yeah right Uncle, you had too many beers :rolleyes:!! THEN there he was our All Black at the bar, so we surreptitiously (or so we thought) walked past him... thinking hmmmmmmm not sure LOL. Anyway we went back outside where we were sitting then he came out and so we just asked him as he went past... and YUP was him, OMG I am so embarrassing when had a wine or two... told him I was still not quite sure it was him and he whipped out his drivers licence and showed me LOL :eek:... Lauren my niece had googled him on her phone and held the picture up next to him and we checked them both out he was cracking up.. and oh yes sirreeeee we had an All Black!! He said he never had anyone google him like that before! AND THEN... he kissed me ***swoon*** http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=7274 He was in town as one of the other All Blacks got married this weekend! He sure was a super nice guy, having fun with tipsy fans like us.... great ending to the night!! :D:D:D So I hope that story makes your head feel a little better today!!

OK, better put some doggie related news in here. Flynn is having his bloods and UPC, BP done tomorrow so we have results for IMS on our visit to Auckland on Wednesday. His tummy is totally settled back down, think he a bit tired after the weekend of festivities... so early night tonight xxx

12-14-2014, 06:34 AM
***SWOON*** Indeed!!!! What a handsome lad!! :) :) :) :)

And what a great story and celebration. Please tell your mom Happy Belated Birthday! from all her cyber-nieces and nephews here on K9C. :D :D

And hopng you and Flynny have a good rest and very good results from the lab tomorrow. ;)

Squirt's Mom
12-14-2014, 07:04 AM
What great pics! I love the cake and the sister's hands together over it. Did you do the decorating? Nice job whoever did it!

Kissin' strangers in a bar, huh? I think we're gonna have to pay more attention to the news from NZ! :p

12-14-2014, 09:50 AM
LOL- this bump on my head does funny things to my thinking. I was trying to read your post on my cell phone in the tiny print and I thought you wrote Aaron Rogers (our Green Bay Packers football quarterback) was in the bathroom:o:o:o:o I was like what the hey!!!!!. Then I reread it and that made sense he is the new number 9 all Black -Aaron Smith!!!! So I will have to look for our new jerseys too then!!!!

Love the party for your Mom. Those moments are so special. May she have many more special birthdays!!!

For some reason I thought your appointment was the 17th. I'll check in to see what is happening. I am so pleased his tummy is better and I wonder if that pill with the metronidazole helped. Maybe Dr. Mike could give you a script for metronidazole/flagyll to have on hand like Barbara has for Trixie and I used to have for Zoe. That way you could nip things in the bud so to speak as soon as you have any inkling of things going off, may be easier to control that way. Does that may sense?

Wishing you only good vibes for the upcoming scan and bloods.

for me- concussion syndrome or something like that- ease back into things, do what I think I can without making symptoms worse; if headaches don't improve or get worse see neurologist but I should give things another week and thoughts are I will be fine.:):):)

So i kept my date last night and we loaded my mom in the car and we all went, including Koko to Pewaukee to see the Country Christmas Inn light display, over a million lights, it was really nice and we all were packed in the car and had a good time with a pizza party back at Mom's room. Mom is getting harder and harder to move around but my daughter and I got her in and out of the car with no mishaps. Koko loved all the lights.

Hopefully Mom will have no repercussions from sitting in the car for 2 hours:o:o:confused: But she sure had a good time looking at all the lights!! And it seemed to perk her up from her down hill slide since Thanksgiving. Talk about roller coasters:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

love ya

12-14-2014, 08:51 PM
Hi Trish,
So happy to read all of those huge milestones for Flynn. He certainly is a wonder dog!! It just warms my heart to read all of those anniversaries and how well he has done with all of those big surgeries. And I love the picture of the Elle, that is hilarious. She really is a pretty cat, even if she is devil like. :)

I've been thinking about you guys all day, because I know it's your Monday. Wishing all the best for Flynn's UPC and blood work today. So glad to hear his tummy is better. And I agree with Addy, I bet the metronidazole was a huge help. I know that it's always a miracle drug for Jasper when he gets diarrhea or colitis. We do keep some on hand for emergencies here, and I have used it on several occasions. Sure is nice to have it on hand so I can get it started right away if need be.

Your Mom's birthday celebration sounds lovely, and the cake is gorgeous. So glad you had a good weekend, it sounds like she really enjoyed herself. Please wish her happy birthday for me. :) And that is great about running into that All Blacks player in the pub. And even a smooch for you, how fun! Love that pic too, he is quite handsome. :cool:

I am looking forward to seeing the results of Flynn's tests from today and will be watching for your post. Jasper's UPC wasn't that great, so I am counting on Flynn for a good report!

Tina and Jasper xo

12-16-2014, 03:56 PM
Hi all

Well I am only just recovering from the weekend of festivities, it was such a fun time!!! I have put up a pic of Mum with all us girls, she sure looks great for 80!!! http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=7276

Well we were meant to be just arriving in Auckland about now for Flynn's scan, but we are still at home!! The IMS we see also has a clinic in Hamilton Thurs/Fri... figured out they can do the ultrasound there so we are going to see him there tomorrow, it is about 1.5hrs closer to us than Auckland so only 3.5hr drive to get there. Downside is if we do need surgeon then back to Auckland we have to go. But I have fingers crossed we won't be needing that! So Tina, get your good vibes flowing for 11.30am tomorrow!!

Got his bloods back, ALP up 60 to 1510, but ALT down 70 to 241. Ca back to normal. Cholesterol, lipase, albumin high. Urinalysis 2+ protein, awaiting UPC still. So bit of a mixed bag but nothing too alarming right off.

I have bit of a head cold, so have kept my day off today that I had booked to go to Auckland and sitting home relaxing! Yay xxxxxxxx

molly muffin
12-16-2014, 09:00 PM
We are the good vibe squad around the joint! Definitely sending good ones yours and Flynns way. No surgery! rather beat that drum enough I think.

Drive safe!! Can't wait to hear the results. All pins and needles here till we hear!


12-17-2014, 01:31 AM
Hey Tina! Got Fynn's UPC this afternoon, it has gone up a tad too.
23/6 1.28
15/12 1.41 (same normal range as you <0.5)

I have said this before, this test confuses the heck out of me. Despite all of the explanations I read about it!! His protein level in the urine this week is the lowest it has ever been (bar one) but this time the Cr is the lowest it has ever been also and his blood Cr is low too, which is a good thing as far as kidney progression. But his blood Cr is below the low normal level. Blood Cr 50 (53-123). It just seems weird he can have a much higher protein reading in the urine and end up with a lower ratio because that Cr is low too. I will discuss with IMS when we see him tomorrow and see if I can get my head around it. Because it seems to me that the lower total protein in the urine has to be a good thing?!?!

12-17-2014, 05:48 AM
Hi Trish!
That darn UPC! These boys, still following each other! :rolleyes: I know what you mean, I get confused too. The separate values for Jasper's urine protein and creatinine go up and down also, and sometimes when I look at them individually I don't understand why it impacts the ratio the way it does. I understand the principle, I guess I just get confused on the specifics? I'm like you Trish, and even though I read that the concentration of the urine should not affect the values, I wonder about it. In Jasper's case, his urine is always very dilute. The specific gravity for his last sample was only 0.006. So I'm not sure I always understand. I do so much reading, sometimes I find I feel like I get it pretty well and then I'll read another article where I don't feel like I have a very good grasp.

I don't have the separate protein and creatinine values from Jasper's last test right now, only the ratio. I'll have to get the print out to see those individual values and look at that a little bit more closely compared to his previous tests. If I remember correctly the individual values seem to always fluctuate quite a bit from test to test. And I have never understood that. As far as Jasper's serum creatinine level, his last chemistry profile was done 10/04/14. The serum creatinine was 0.74 (0.50-1.50). I believe it has always been within the normal range previously, thankfully, but I'm pretty sure it has been higher than this before. So it's a puzzle to me also. I'm going to have to do a little bit more reading and do some specific comparisons on Jasper's current and previous test results. Of course, I will be very interested to hear what your IMS has to say about it when you ask for a further explanation. When I get a chance, I will ask my vet about it too.

So according to my synchronized iPad clock, we are about 12 hours away from Flynn's scan. 11:30 AM your time puts it at 4:30 PM Central time for me. Nothing but good vibes being sent your way. And I will be concentrating right at that time, I'll still be at work but I will be thinking of you guys for sure. Go Flynny boy! :)

Safe travels, and I will be waiting patiently for the results.

Big hugs from me and Jasper xo

12-17-2014, 06:04 AM
Hey Trish, perhaps this explanation helps make better sense of the reason why you cannot draw conclusions from comparing the urinary protein levels in isolation. This comes from IDEXX Lab's FAQs about the value and interpretation of their UPC testing.

Q: What are the reference ranges for the individual urine chemistries—urine protein and urine creatinine?

A: We don’t have reference ranges for urine protein and urine creatinine. The individual urine protein and urine creatinine results should not be evaluated on their own since the individual measurements (UPRO and UCRE) can change significantly within a short time frame, and are sensitive to urine volume and concentration. The benefit of the urine protein:creatinine ratio is that it automatically corrects for variations in urine volume and concentration.
So even though on the face of it, it seems as though you ought to be able to compare the protein levels from test to test, you are really comparing apples to oranges unless the creatinine is also factored in as a control.


12-17-2014, 08:32 AM
Thinking of you and our Flynn. Hope all goes well and Auckland stays out of the picture.:):)

Paws up Flynn! Feel the good vibrations!!!!

12-17-2014, 08:52 AM
Sending good vibes from Kaibo and I!

12-17-2014, 12:33 PM
Thanks everyone, we are up! Leaving home in an hour or so. No breakfast for the boy, he not too happy about that!

No doubt that urine concentration does affect it Marianne, he has Sp Gr of 1.024. Which sounds good compared to our usual cush pups levels, but for him that is 2nd lowest ever so goes to explaining how even though the lower protein that is taken into account. It really does swing a lot. Wish there was any easy way to put a graph in here of all his UPC with the TP and TCr but have tried that before and had trouble!!! :)

12-17-2014, 03:46 PM
All good vibes winging their way from here to you and flynn, but I'm sure he won't need them :)


12-17-2014, 05:55 PM
Yes indeedy, paws up boy, he is in having his scan right now!!!!

Budsters Mom
12-17-2014, 07:14 PM
He'll breeze right through it like he always does.;) Paws up Flynny boy! xxxxoooo

12-17-2014, 08:32 PM
Hmmmm no news yet
Ok I'll check back
No news could be good news:)

Budsters Mom
12-17-2014, 10:26 PM
Standing by with Addy;)

molly muffin
12-17-2014, 10:40 PM
Okay who has the chocolate box. Pass it over gf's.

molly muffin
12-17-2014, 11:31 PM
Just heard from Trish that she is having somee problems getting into forum. Just giving a not found when she tries but she said to let everyone know that the lesion has not grown!!!! No trip to Auckland needed. Whoop hoooo pull out your party hats the curse is broken! Liver adrenals. All is fine.

12-18-2014, 02:07 AM
Good news!

12-18-2014, 02:53 AM
Yep it went all good, sorry did post before then when I clicked send I got locked out again!!

No change in stomach tumour, liver nodules or adrenal nodule YAY! no sign of any lymph nodes. He is more convinced the stomach one is benign, if it had been carcinoma or lymphoma he would have expected it to double in size and lymph nodes up and there are none showing. We had benign histology on the fine needle biopsy but easy to get false negative on those if you miss the tumour with the needle.

So good news!! We are doubling his ace inhibitor Tina. Try and get him as low as we can. As Marianne said it is all to do with dilution but he was not too concerned about his small rise in 6 months.

He was a good dog on the ride, got a bit over it on the last leg but we stopped for a picnic and a walk in a nice park I found! But was sure better getting it done a bit closer to home, only 7 hrs drive!!! We will get a recheck in six weeks, so end of January. Hopefully it will keep behaving, still wondering whether it is anything to do with that fish he ate, he got so sick with that then this lump shows up?? May be a red herring (haha did you get that?!:D) but I like that idea better. IMS thinks it is most likely benign tumour of the muscle layer in the stomach.

Thanks for checking in on us!!! I know a few are watching adrenal nodules, Flynn's has been there over two years now and not grown at all, so that is reassuring!!

Budsters Mom
12-18-2014, 03:21 AM
YAAAAAAAAAY! Fantastic news for our little man. :):):p:p:D:D

So it's back home to see grandma, grandpa and devil cat and to chase those nasty critters out of the yard. Then maybe a wee nap, followed by a run on the beach. You keep your mom on her toes Flynny boy! :D xxxxoooo

12-18-2014, 07:05 AM
What a great "good morning" report to greet me!!! ;) :D :D

12-18-2014, 07:35 AM
Hurrah!!!!!! Cant think of better news,

Merry Christmas Flynny Boy:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Squirt's Mom
12-18-2014, 08:35 AM
Wonderful news, Trish! WOOHOO Flynny!

12-22-2014, 09:30 AM
Great news Flynn and Trish! Happy Christmas to you :)

My sweet Ginger
12-22-2014, 10:03 AM
Yes, that's such a good report. Keep up the good work you and Flynn.:)

12-23-2014, 05:27 PM
Thanks everyone, Flynn is doing great this week and is all ready to open his presents, I gave him a practice run yesterday!!! Well it is already Christmas Ever here, where has the year... slow down I want to get off :D Presents are wrapped, food preparation is underway, family is either here or on their way so looking forward to a lovely day tomorrow!!

Thanks again for all your support this year, your all lovely :D:):D:)


Budsters Mom
12-23-2014, 06:00 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS TRISH AND FLYNNY BOY!! Be sure to steal devil cat's presents Flynny! Lol xxxooo

12-23-2014, 07:10 PM
Have the best Christmas ever:D

molly muffin
12-23-2014, 07:49 PM
Merry Christmas Flynnman and Trish!

Cheers to another good year ahead of us all.


Squirt's Mom
12-24-2014, 08:14 AM
Merry Christmas, Trish and Flynn! Keep them paws up!

12-24-2014, 09:57 AM
Merry Christmas Flynn and Trish hope you have a fab day

12-24-2014, 03:01 PM
Morning everyone.... well it is here!! Christmas that is, so it is making its way around the world to all of you :D:D Lauren my niece put up this pic of Flynny which she photoshopped for the season!! She has done all the family pets :D

The hogget is in the oven slow roasting and I will be heading out to the festivities in a couple of hours. Flynn still doing good, oh Kathy, he will be after Elle's presents... whats her's is his LOL!! Funny but Dad went out and bought her a present, a scratching post... boy she loves it. But it has a dangly yellow floofy thing hanging off the top of it and Flynn has decided it is his!!! We watching him like a hawk as he goes for it and boy is he quick when he wants to be!!!

He will able to have a wee taste of this roast as he is on lamb and well hogget is just a bit older haha so he can have a share of Christmas Lunch with vegies too!! Don't worry I will be careful not to overdo it!!! Hot day here in the Southern Hemisphere, hopefully some of you will have pics of a white Christmas, but for us it is tshirts and shorts, cool drinks and salads and pavlova with loads of berries! YUM! :eek:

My sweet Ginger
12-24-2014, 03:37 PM
Merry Christmas Trish and Flynny. :)

12-25-2014, 10:32 PM
Merry Christmas to you and Flynn.

12-27-2014, 10:31 PM
Well Christmas is over for another year, my nephew Luke came dressed as Santa!! So we had to get Elle and Flynn and him in a photo with their Christmas finery on... Elle was not a very willing participant as you can see, she did not like her little antler hat and it was only on as long as it took to click a few pics... Flynny was much better behaved wearing his Santa hat and collar! The idea was we were going to have them both sitting on Luke's lap but he ended up needing two hands to wrangle the devil cat so Flynn had to stay on the floor!!!

Everyone has gone home so spending the day trying to recover some energy, have had a nasty cold/flu for 10 days... bah humbug so resting up now that I can to try and shake it before NY! xxxx

12-27-2014, 10:45 PM
Aww, so cute. What a good boy Flynn is, he stayed right there for the picture. No way mine would have stayed, they HATE to have their picture taken. I love the flip flops with the Santa outfit. You won't see that at Christmas time in North America! Lol.

Gosh, you have had that cold for a long time, that just wipes you out. Hope you start feeling better. xo