View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you

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05-10-2014, 10:43 AM
LOL so cute and funny about Flynn's new hobby, he is something else your little boy, just precious!

I lost my mom 30 years ago April 9th. I miss her.

Happy Mother's Day Trish!

05-10-2014, 05:33 PM
Flynn - can you not dig all the way to me in Bonnie Scotland so I can get Flynn cuddles, after all your mum has Scottish blood in her so only seems fair :D

05-10-2014, 05:51 PM
Well if he goes down to Spain then he can just do a little detour to Scotland.

Mum brought back this book that has just been written about my uncle... it details all the family history my great great great Grandfather arrived in NZ in 1862. My Grandmother was Scottish born in Adam and lived in a village called Denend before emigrating to NZ in 1922. Interesting, just been flicking through it this morning.

05-10-2014, 05:57 PM
That does sound interesting one day I would like to do my family tree and see where I came from lol

05-10-2014, 05:59 PM
Hello you

Hope I haven't missed you.. Sorry I wasn't here for the scan. Glad to hear all went well, am guessing you didn't get the report as you haven't mentioned it.

How are Mum and Dad good I hope? So Flynn is doing well part from the itches..? You ok?

Loved your idea of us at the bridge, I might not be there in 2050 still in my thirties :D


05-10-2014, 06:07 PM
Ha, you young chick! Well we can put it back to 2060ish lol

Yep we all good, no report, not worrying about it just yet. He is doing great last few days... he is in for his shower with his new flea soap today. I took his collar off already, when I do that he knows what is coming!

05-10-2014, 06:09 PM
Poor Flynn is torture of the worst kind :D. So lots of stink eye for you!

How's you Dad been has it cleared up now?

05-10-2014, 06:14 PM
He is doing OK thanks Mel, but that hip is still oozing, it comes out through a coupleo f tiny little pin prick holes. I change the dressing a couple of times a week, he is on a suction type dressing that is really good and keeps it all contained. Ortho surgeon thinks it might ooze for life :( but he is feeling pretty good and has good mobility, back to walking Flynn every day. If it did close over we would get worried about it building back up underneath. Unforutnately cannot get it totally right as that would involved removing the joint which is potentially risky so we will keep going like this. He is on lifelong antibiotics too. But the alternative is too risky for us to consider at the moment. That could change if it flared up again.

05-10-2014, 06:17 PM
Well at least he is getting his life back. Hopefully it won't cause him to many problems in the future you have all had a lot to deal with and could do with a break! Waiting and watching is the worst!

So you taking your mum anywhere nice for lunch? Is it Mothering Sunday?

05-10-2014, 06:28 PM
Yes it is Mother's Day here, I'm going to take her to this nice little restaurant overlooking the sea, they have a nice deck outside and Flynn is allowed so he can come along too!! She wants a soda stream, while she was away they had one where she stayed so that's the gift sorted :D

05-10-2014, 06:37 PM
That's great he can come with you, sounds like a great way to spend Sunday by the sea. I wish I lived nearer, cleaner air and it makes me feel calm.

Cor I haven't had a soda stream in years, do you still have to crank a handle to carbonate it or have they moved in in design?

05-10-2014, 06:42 PM
I have no idea lol... will let you know this afternoon after we take it out the box :D You doing anything special tomorrow?

05-10-2014, 06:50 PM
Happy Mother's Day to your mum. Soda stream there's a blast from the past I was brought up with them loved them

05-10-2014, 06:58 PM
Sleep I think I haven't been well either, I have had a face abscess and I had to work at the same time. Wasn't my tooth though was v strange the swelling not long gone down so I am feeling very run down

I do think that when you relax you are more likely to get something as I work at such a pace my bodies not sure what to do when I have downtime :eek:

05-10-2014, 07:00 PM
Oh Mel that sounds awful did you know what caused it. Glad it's better now

05-10-2014, 07:02 PM
Doc was vague to be honest, checked my mouth said go dentist. Maybe sinus which got infected who knows. Anti biotics make me feel so rough though, so it's like I get affected twice. I don't really get sick so I think I am a rubbish patient who moans a lot :D

05-10-2014, 07:11 PM
Ouch, it does sound painful Mel. You been on antibiotics I would think for that, get some probiotics into you! No wonder you bit run down... I often get sick when I have time off too... stupid bodies should know when we are taking it easy!

05-10-2014, 07:13 PM
I do eat natural yoghurt. I like it so I always get one with the probiotics. Learnt so much from our pups that some gets applied to the humans of the house :D

Boyce shares it as did Tia. Loves yoghurt x

05-10-2014, 07:18 PM
That's a good thing!! Hope it is totally healed up now, was it all draining and mucky? Sounds nasty?

Wondered what the boy was up so went in search... back at his new digging hobby... here he is caught in the act. The photo looks so much better on my ipad! http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=6725

05-10-2014, 07:19 PM
Yip I do the same I don't like them but take them. Every morning I gave one probiotic drink to woody and one to me he loved it and I hated it but still do it

05-10-2014, 07:21 PM
Ha ha Flynn is making a break for freedom :D

05-10-2014, 07:23 PM
Girls, as much as I hate to run I gotta go. I already put Mum back to 12, so better not be late for that!! Have a good sleep, I will be checking tonight to see if your around... oh will be too early for the rescue report though. Tomorrow I have to fly down to Wellington for a meeting, honestly it is for 4 hrs in an airport meeting room then fly right straight back again, not even any time for shopping!! :eek: Pffft! Cyas later! xxx

05-10-2014, 07:24 PM
Have a good day with mum Trish I,ll let you know how I get on xx

05-10-2014, 07:26 PM
Night you. It's late here too, great to catch up with you both. I won't leave it so long xx

05-10-2014, 11:32 PM
Hi Trish,
I hope you and your Mum have had a nice Mother's Day. That sounds like a lovely plan for lunch. I wish my Mom lived here so we could have lunch. She loves to do that.

I checked it out, and if Jasper dug, we would end up out in the middle of the Indian Ocean west of Australia. That does not sound very desirable to me!

Glad Flynn continues to feel well. Hope to catch you on here later. :)

Tina and Jasper xo

05-11-2014, 12:40 AM
Hmmmm well Molly and Jasper will just have to swim and find an island... their own little Castaway!! Flynn will be just fine in Spain, tasty food for him :)

We had a lovely lunch, went and had Turkish in the end. Everyone was out with their Mum's for lunch and town was so busy. Flynn did not come in the end. He stayed with Grandad while we went out. Little bit of shopping, then bought a cake to take home for Dad for his afternoon cup of tea, so everyone happy!! xx

05-11-2014, 02:15 AM
Hey Girl,
Glad you all had a nice day, sounds like your Mum enjoyed herself. You mentioning that you were having lunch at a restaurant by the sea made me remember that I had never ended up telling you about that nurse that took care of my Nana after she fell. Her husband was from New Zealand. Remember me mentioning that to you?

They were eating those Crunchie candy bars in the nurses station around Christmas and that is how it got brought up. I mentioned you, and she said her husband is also from Napier (yes, I actually remembered where you said you lived!) and his parents own a motel there, right near the beach. I think she said it was called The Shoreline Motel. Do you know where that is?

05-11-2014, 03:41 AM
Mmmmm crunchie bars, oh yes I do remember us talking about those on one of our chocolate talks!! :D One of my faves!! Well isn't it a small world :) yes I do know that motel. It is only about a 15min walk from our house along the beachfront! Me and Flynn walk past it often on our walks!! I have been inside when friends were staying and it is very nice and tidy! But you won't have to stay there when you come visit me Tina, as you will be at my house!!!! :D

05-11-2014, 07:23 PM
I guess all of us in North America end up in the Indian Ocean:D:D:D:D

I hope we are all good swimmers.;););););););)

Glad your Mother's day went well for your mom and you. Things went well here too, though we did miss Zoe. We brought out the beautiful card Sonia sent me so Zoe was here in spirit.:):):):):):):)

Trish, I ordered everything brought in from the local market- it was heaven. I did not even have to heat anything up = a no work Mom's day party YES!

Have a good week

05-13-2014, 06:44 AM
Hi Addy So pleased you had a nice day with your Mom, good thinking on getting the food ready made!! Works out cheaper sometimes too! So pleased Zoe was represented too!! It was your day too so glad you did not have to cook!! xx

05-13-2014, 07:28 AM
I just realised something, it was 18 months last week since Flynn had his adrenalectomy. Wow time flies!! I will remain ever thankful to our awesome surgeon that saved his life removing that pheo! He is doing GREAT!! On that happy note, I am going to bed! Have a good day everyone xx

05-13-2014, 07:31 AM
YAY FLYNN!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

(And have a good sleep, Trish! ;) :) :p)

05-13-2014, 08:17 AM
Wow, I cant believe it has been 18 months and he is digging to Spain no less.

Good job Flynny and Trish.

Harley PoMMom
05-13-2014, 02:53 PM
18 months, Holy Cow!!! Great job Flynn and Trish!!!

molly muffin
05-13-2014, 03:10 PM
Flynn is our wonder dog. (I'm sure he has a cape lurking under all those blankets somewhere!)
18 months! Congratulations that is really awesome news. It's not easy going through one surgery and having a great outcome and Flynn has been through 3 now! I consider that pretty inspirational.
Now that is the way to have a mid week hump day!!

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-13-2014, 04:49 PM
Yay 18 months post surgery and still looking and feeling great he is a special boy that Flynn.

Any report yet or have I missed it. But to be honest you don't need a report to tell you Flynn is great :D

Hope you had a good sleep :)

05-16-2014, 01:19 AM
On my way to bed but trying to catch up on everyone's posts after a few days off the board. Wow...18 months for Flynn!! Wahoo!! I can imagine how you feel about that surgeon! What a hero for Flynn! Still not very caught up on all the news but it's after 1am so time for bed! Have a great weekend Trish! :D


05-16-2014, 05:14 AM
Awww, 18 months, that is really something. Flynn is our Miracle Boy. And you are an amazing Mum Trish, I know your care has been key to all of his amazing recoveries. Congratulations!

Hey, that Shoreline Motel looks pretty nice. I know, such a small world! And the funny thing is, I wouldn't have known any of this if one of the nurses wouldn't have commented on the crunchie and showed it to me and said she was eating candy from New Zealand. The nurse whose husband is from there was right there so we started talking. We became quite friendly after that! Oh gosh Trish, I could only hope to be able to visit your beautiful country one day!!

Happy weekend to you! I have to go in early to work so better try to get another hour of sleep. And then weekend for me too! I'm still waiting to hear the details of Flynn's report. :)

Tina and Jasper xo

05-16-2014, 05:21 AM
Awwww thanks girls, he is my little hero and I am so proud of how he has done right back to his first liver resection 2 1/2 yrs ago!! He is a tough little guy :):D Your right Barbara, the two surgeons we have had have definitely saved his life because he surely would not be here without having his three operations!

He was into see Mike on Wednesday, his last trip for BP before we went to Auckland was cut short as they had emergencies arrive while he was there and they did not get all the sets of BP done. So Mike wanted him back for half a day. He did 2 sets of 7, drops the highest and lowest to get the mean BP. First lot were 130 and 2nd lot 116!! YAY we were delighted. He has a lovely nurse who take such good care of him, she said she loves doing the BP.... keeps him in a nice quiet room and lays down with him petting him and gets him as calm as possible before they do it. She also gave him a nail clip at the end!

He is doing so well these past couple of weeks, dunno what it is.. maybe the new venison ziwipeak. He is trembling and twitching way less, eyes are clear, poops are quite possibly the best they have been in the last couple of years, full of energy. The only downside is that darn itching. It is less I think, but he has taken to scratching his back like a bear on the metal hinge under Dad's Lazyboy chair, he can only do that while Dad has his legs up!! So they are watching him like a hawk to stop it. I also think the improvement might be due to all the chemicals from his flea treatments getting out of his system. He has not had his comfortis for nearly 6 weeks since I got his new natural drops. So maybe that is helping him feel better?!?! Whatever it is, we will take it! :D:)

Mike has been in touch with the IMS about the still missing report... and emailed me today...
Reply received 9pm last night. Things have been crazy and he is behind in reports hopes to have it done Monday. It is detailed and complex so taking time over it. Did comment that “There was nothing of real concern”.

So I guess we just sit tight and wait and hope for no nasty surprises in the report when we do finally get it!!

I was meant to go out tonight for dinner with friends, got home with Flynn and he just *knew* I was about to go out and leave him and he looked so sad and pathetic sitting by the car and he would not come inside!! I dunno how he picks up I am going out, I did not do anything different, in the end I stayed home... what a wuss the dog ruling my life!! But I was tired anyway so it did not need much to convince me to stay home tonight!! We have had a lovely night in too!!

Hope your Friday's go well, time for weekend rest for us!!! xxxxx

05-16-2014, 07:02 AM
Oh Trish, I'm so very glad to read how well Flynn is doing! From across all these miles, he has totally captured my heart, as well. I wouldn't have been able to leave him either, the little scamp/sweetheart! :) :o

05-16-2014, 07:13 AM
Hi Tina!! Ya know I only just spotted your post. You must have been doing while I was dawdling doing mine lol... I have been trying to be good and had a hankering for something sweet as there is nothing like that in my house right now, I had to bake something!! So I made a chocolate caramel slice... pretty tasty if I do say so!! Yep still waiting for report as per my post below... I hope it is OK, it was reassuring to hear via Mike that there is nothing of real concern... but I have learnt over the years, nothing of real concern to the vets, can still be quite concerning to me!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hey Marianne, your up early!! I was happy to stay with him too, Mum and Dad said I could leave him with them while I went out and I should have done that instead of missing out on my tasty Thai dinner :D:D He has me wound around his little paw at times!! x

05-16-2014, 05:38 PM
Hay where,s my Carmel slice mmmm yummy lol. It's good to stay in with them once in a while, I bet Flynn appreciated it :D

05-16-2014, 06:00 PM
Trish your lights on where are yoooooooooooou !!!

05-16-2014, 06:02 PM
I'm here, just getting the Saturday morning washing underway!!

This little dog has just come in covered in crap (well not literally :eek:) looks like he has been rolling around outside in pile of leaves... just going to brush him down brb

05-16-2014, 07:31 PM
Hope you enjoy your weekend!!! Tell your Dad we may have a good horse race tomorrow. I am trying to tempt Leslie into watching it.

I just love that Flynn goes out in the yard and digs and rolls and rutches about. I can always picture him doing that and kissing cows:p:p:p:p:p

I was just reading in our paper that we can buy a ticket to have an art class in a bar or restaurant. They have different venues each month and anyone can come and paint a picture with professional instructions.
I have not brought out my paints or easel in years. Not that I was very good at it but maybe a Margarita break whilst painting could just be the ticket!!!

I am off to see when your big game is so I make sure I can root for your team!!! Awww dumb me- it is in November. Ok you come here to visit and we will take the train to Chicago for the game

05-17-2014, 05:23 PM
Hi Addy

I will tell him!! He is glued to the horse racing on Saturday's. His bowling club has a competition and they pick one horse meeting and each member gets two letters of the alphabet so the 1st, 2nd and 3rd horse score points for you if you have the first letter of the name. It goes over 10 weeks or so and they add up all the numbers and award prizes at the end! He loves it and watches them all!

The painting class sounds fun, yes liquid refreshments on hand to help the creative juices flow!! Mum and my sister are the artistic ones in my family, I must take a photo of the painting Mum is doing of Flynn and show you. The painting is still not finished and sits out in the garage on its easel, it has been going for years and she gives it a flick of paint every now and then, apparently she is not happy with his ears!

05-17-2014, 06:05 PM
I,m afraid i can just about manage to draw/paint a stick man, I was never blessed in that department lol

What did you and the flynn man get up to today, we had rain all day so couldn,t cut mums grass. Down where Mel is, they are basking in sunshine its not fair !

05-17-2014, 06:14 PM
Morning!! We had a busy day yesterday, cleaning, shopping, usual Saturday stuff then out to dinner at friends and Flynny came. So far today not much, but it is only 10am! I just sent a msg to one of my friends son's who is trying to set up a yard cleaning business! I hope he can come help me today, but doubt it because it is Sunday. Lazy me lol.... OH speaking of Mel, where is she!! MEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL!

05-17-2014, 06:23 PM
Mel is probably tired from all the sunbathing she should be doing.

It's always good when Flynn can come with you. I woke up at 6.30 am on my day off pfft. Couldn't get back to sleep so after the shopping I did zero just watched trash TV lol

05-17-2014, 06:28 PM
Excellent, I love those days and when its rainy you have a good excuse!! With this nice weather today I feel a bit inspired to get into the garden, Addy and Sharlene have got me inspired! I hope she has been out in the sun, it will take a while for everything to dry out after all those floods

05-17-2014, 06:31 PM
I'm like that if we have good weather I feel it is a waste if I sit indoors when the garden could be getting done. Yeah it's was pretty wet down south so hopefully the weather will help dry it out.

So get motivated and get outside in the fresh air and I'm sure Flynn will help with his digging :D

05-17-2014, 06:33 PM
Yeah yeah, all in good time LOL... it's only 10.30... :eek: Flynn still having his post breakfast snooze!

05-17-2014, 06:35 PM
Oh yeah the boy has his priorities right, food and a little snooze then some digging followed by another snooze, sometimes I wish I was a dog lol

05-17-2014, 06:40 PM
Then some walking.... eating..... snooze...... play with toys....... bark at cats...... snooze..... get me to throw his ball for fetch *repeatedly* ...... dig........ jump for joy because I am back from checking the mailbox..... snooze....... eat snacks....... go to beach...... roll in dead things...... eat decomposing unidentifiable objects....... play with other dogs.... come home in the car, jump out and run around the house checking for intruders........ nap on his nana's lap........ eat again

That's about how his day goes....

05-17-2014, 06:43 PM
Hee hee sounds like the perfect day. Where as we,re all work, stress, work, fit in lunch, stress, stress, stress then unwind with the furry ones I know who's life I want :D

05-17-2014, 06:47 PM
Me too, as long as one of us was the owners... there are some freaky people out there that should never be allowed to look after a furry animal!

05-17-2014, 06:49 PM
Yeah that's very true. I'm in the middle of sorting my mums laptop it has a virus I just about ready to throw it through the window it's not doing as it's told :mad:

05-17-2014, 06:55 PM
You good with computers? Hope so. I thought I might have had to go laptop shopping today, some major error when I turned it on and then it went through some checking thing I could not stop and then said sorry, can't fix it. :eek: Bugger. I just turned it off, turned it back on and voila... working again! I am hopeless with computers unfortunately!

05-17-2014, 07:01 PM
I'm not too bad with them a bit of trial and error. My own one has crashed and needs to go to a shop to be sorted I stupidly didn't take a back up when I bought it 6 months ago and when I upgraded it to windows 8 it crashed and I can't fix it bogger. Mum only uses hers to Skype the family in Australia I've tried to learn her email but she just doesn't get it ha ha

05-17-2014, 07:09 PM
Oh funny, I think the grand kids are Mum and Dad's backup for computer problems, luckily for me lol. They always seem to get funny things go wrong with them that is over my head so I am always like ohhhh Jade will be here soon, she can fix that!! I must ring them to tell them to get their sheets washed as I do their beds for them once a week. The surgeon put a claim into our accident claim compensation for the infection in Dad's hip and amazingly it has been approved. So we are hoping that qualifies them for home help. It would be good to just get the big stuff done once a week, like the floors, bathroom, vacuuming and windows etc. Me and the family do a lot of it now but its busy with working fulltime as well, I take care of his dressings so we do not have the district nurses coming in. So that would be a big help!

05-17-2014, 07:17 PM
Oh that would be a big help take some pressure of you and the family. We do most of mums big jobs, between us we have decided to get someone in to cut the grass on a regular basis as I can't always do it and she has a big garden. Many years ago we all put together and got her house adapted with hand rails and aids to help her. She is housebound this week, she can't walk her knee is huge. As mum is registered disabled I want her to get the government help to put in a stair lift but she's fighting me on it lol :D

05-17-2014, 07:22 PM
They already have a mower man, that might be covered for them too now. Oh your poor Mum, so painful those knee things. Hope it gets better, maybe the warmer weather might help. Is her eye all healed up?

05-17-2014, 07:26 PM
Yeah her eye is all cleared up and she just needs to go for check ups I think every 3 months. She is usually better in the warmer weather, the doctor says she needs a new knee but she won't do it, she has had a knee replacement in the other knee but it didn't go well, she is so stubborn.

It will be good if your mum and dad get some help after all they have probably worked all their days and deserve it now

05-17-2014, 07:30 PM
Yes they do, you wonder how people without family cope in their older years. I wonder who will be helping me!!!! I better get saving more so I can help myself :eek::D

05-17-2014, 07:34 PM
Yeah I'm the same, maybe Rachel will look after me ha ha. Oh she played me like a fiddle today, she was telling me Mason needed new clothes as most we bought the small size so they are too small and some are too big and that he needed new special bottles as he is suffering from colic, and that they don't get paid till end of month cost me £100 pfft that girl

05-17-2014, 07:39 PM
Hahaha good on you, I would do the same!! Hope he is not keeping her up to late with the colic...

Alrighty, 11.30 now, enough procrastinating I need to get out into this sunshine... have a good sleep Tracy! xxx

05-17-2014, 07:40 PM
Enjoy the sun night night

05-17-2014, 07:43 PM
Horse alert- tell your DAD

Triple Crown, Triple Crown this may be the year

GO California Chrome- of course- he is red:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I cant talk from screaming so loud, cheering him on today

molly muffin
05-17-2014, 08:08 PM
hehehe, Addy you are hilarious! I'm excited and hopeful too though.

That would be awesome if your parents could get some covered help. I'll be crossing my fingers for that!

Awww, Tracy, poor Rachel with Mason colic. Sleep might be a precious commodity these days for her. Lucky she has you and her mom!

Gosh Trish, I wonder the same thing. I better start putting more away too. Of course I want to be like my mother in law and traveling the world well into my 80's. She is currently planning some rail trip in Europe for the fall. Her words, I love a good train trip! She is my inspiration.

Yay, we inspired you! I'll probably be doing this the next two days too.

Have fun!
Sharlene and molly muffin

05-18-2014, 06:02 AM
Yes, you did inspire me now I am aching already :eek::D! Filled my green bin for collection in the morning. I have chopped my big rambling rose back and tied it up... the aloe vera got a hack... all spiky things so I have scratches right through my gloves :mad: damn thing was lucky I did not dig it right out! Anyway, I will live... may not be able to walk tomorrow but I will survive haha

Walked Flynny but it was dusk by then, I put his blue/red flashing light that clips onto his collar onto him so I did not lose him down the beach in the gloom... he was having so much fun and looked like a Disco Dog dashing along!!

Sharlene, I want to be like your MIL.. how fantastic that is, tripping about and enjoying life! My sister wants to do a rail trip through India, I said I would go with her but she thinks this will be her one and only big trip so I am trying to convince her to do Europe too. I backpacked India/Nepal in my 20s, on the cheap. Fun times, but hard work. I guess it would be easier now I can afford to stay in decent hotels but not keen on using the facilities there again if you know what I mean :eek:

Called around to parents Addy, asked Dad if he heard about your horse race but no he hadn't unfortunately. Not sure if we even get US horse races on TV here, don't think I have seen any. Glad he won!!! Love hearing that excitement in your voice :D:D xx

05-18-2014, 06:09 PM
Well done you, ouch on the scratches. I did mums garden today, cut the grass weeded all the borders, so like you a bit sore tonight :)

Flynn the Disco dog i like that, those flashing collars are great in the dark, I hope you have a good week at work :)

molly muffin
05-18-2014, 08:15 PM
Everyone is gardening this weekend it seems :) :)

Ohh, will Flynn do the Saturday Nigh Live dance? Disco Flynn. Good call Tracy!

I'm so flippin happy I don't have to get up and go to work in the morning. hahaha Isn't that sad. I bet those in the US are looking forward to next weekend when they get a 3 day break.

Have a good week Trish

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-19-2014, 08:23 AM
That we are and the weather is actually going to be nice all weekend!!

Trish- the pool guy is an older hippie motorcycle guy with a long gray pony tail, He is very nice and we have had him open and close our pool and do repairs for 14 years.

Funny when you asked that because Kate would play Hotel Knollwood; sitting at the desk in the living room and I would be the guest. She always gave me the room over looking the pool as it came with a "pool guy". I have no idea in her mind what that meant but I would always laugh so hard. I think she thought her Papa was the "pool guy":rolleyes:

Have a good work week!!!

05-19-2014, 04:04 PM
Well at least you got the nice room with the pool view Addy!! Yep our gardens are all going to be looking beautiful with all this hard work going on!!!

Well here we are Tuesday morning, and do I have a report yet... NO!! :mad: My patience is wearing thin... and there wasn't a lot to start with. Mike emailed last night to say he did not have it either. Maybe today, my check email button on my phone is wearing out!!

05-20-2014, 03:42 AM
OMG I am such a bad dog mother, Mum had cooked a lovely dinner tonight but it was early so I took mine home on a plate wrapped in paper. Chicken satay sticks. I stopped at the store on the way home and when I got back to the car Flynn had climbed into the front seat, removed all the paper and was crunching away as fast as he could. 9cm of the stick was missing!!! :eek::eek::eek: including the pointy end.:eek::eek: I searched everywhere in the car hoping I would find that piece of stick. They were quite thick satay sticks too..., so I rang Mike in a panic but he had left for the day but he said feed him more dinner and bring him straight down so they could make him vomit. He rang the staff on duty as luckily it was late night for them and gave them instructions.

But trouble is it was pointy end and that could cause trauma and they might have to operate!! He said sometimes difficult to see skinny bits of wood like that on xray so he said best option is for him to puke it out if he can. So the poor Flynn got given IV medicine (apo-morphine) and thank god he puked it up. Two pieces of the wooden stick, pointy sharp end included, with the chicken still skewered on it! We measured it against a whole chicken stick from the other one that he had not got time to eat! He must have gnawed right through the stick and swallowed each piece whole in his haste to finally get some chicken to eat. He home and looking a bit sorry for himself, but hopefully no damage done as there was no blood in the vomit.

I feel so bad for doing that, I did not think he could get to it all wrapped up like that. I am still shaking and feel ill myself! I said lucky he is not a cat because I am pretty sure he has used up more than 9 lives... x

05-20-2014, 05:44 AM
Oh Trish! How frightening for you. Please do not blame yourself, I think we have all overlooked things at one time or another and did not foresee what might happen. We are only human, we are not perfect like our dogs are ;)

I am so happy Flynn is okay and the pieces of stick came out of him. Be kind to yourself. Take some deep breaths and know your quick actions kept Flynn safe. (((HUGS))) to you and to Flynn!

05-20-2014, 06:10 AM
Thanks Vicki

He is feeling much better, hungry and has eaten his dinner. It was that sharp pointy end of the stick that had us worried. Plus Mike saying he might have to operate put the willies up me!! God I have never been so happy to see him puke and that come out of him.... :eek:

05-20-2014, 06:31 AM
Oh Trish!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Thank goodness everything came out alright (literally! :o ;) :))!

05-20-2014, 06:43 AM
I know, I should have taken a photo of it to show you all :eek::p the vet on call and the nurses were all surprised he had chewed right through the stick a couple of time then swallowed it whole - surely he could have just nibbled the chicken off the edge of it :rolleyes: But probably better that he chewed it up a bit and did not swallow the whole 9cm in one piece or that would have had trouble exiting his stomach! I left the sticks there for Mike to have a look at when he goes in tomorrow. I txt him to let him know what happened and he said that Flynn never ceases to amaze him and he hopes his Flynn (the new grandchild) is not such a challenge! :o Night.. bedtime for us! xx

molly muffin
05-20-2014, 07:26 AM
Omg Trish that must have been terrifying. That Flynn he is unstoppable when it comes to getting his meat. Remember the sausages. Lol.
I'm real glad that the sticks including the pointy ends came back up and no blood that would have been horrible.
Hope the rest of your week is less eventful.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Budsters Mom
05-20-2014, 08:20 AM
Well, that was terrifying!:eek::eek::eek: So glad wonder vet Mike was available to come back and save the day (or night) once again. Fynny doesn't have 9 lives. He used those up many years ago. He's probably on number 20 by now.;) WHEW!!!!

You can breathe now;):p xxxxxx

05-20-2014, 12:53 PM
And today's lesson is NEVER leave food wrapped, unwrapped, boxed or nailed shut near Flynn as he is a terrier and led by his food. I can actually see him looking at the food then look out the window for you and thinking right I've got 2 mins and goooooooo munch munch. :D

All joking aside I'm so glad he is feeling fine now bit of a scare for you though, I'm sure owning a dog ages us by years lol

05-22-2014, 01:24 AM
Oh Trish, how SCARY!!! That little scamp, he is too crafty for his own good. I can't even tell you how happy I am to read that he is ok, and they got all the stick pieces out. Is he still doing ok? Hopefully he hasn't had any after effects. I bet you were just shaking, I know I shake like a leaf when I am that scared for Jasper.

Any report from the ultrasound yet?

I am working on an update on Jasper, I don't know if I will get it posted yet tonight or not. I think he is feeling a bit better, but still problems with eating, and mopey.

Tina and Jasper xo

05-22-2014, 05:20 AM
Hi girls
Kathy, Mike did not go in. He was off duty but rang his colleague to say what she was to do, which luckily worked. If Flynn had needed surgery he would have gone in.

He was OK yesterday but overnight had me up 3x with ever increasingly soft poops and then this morning it was stingy poop with straight mucous :eek: Then he only ate half his breakfast and took himself back to bed :( Unfortunately Mike is still off duty, so I took him in to see the vet he saw the other night. She checked him over as I was worried it was aftereffects of the stick and hoping there had been no trauma causing his upset gut. She was happy it was just flare of colitis/IBD and gave him a shot of cerenia and prescribed metronidazole which he has never had before. I had taken him before work and then dropped him at Mum and Dads where he looked starving and gobbled down more breakfast! It was the same food that he had turned his nose up at not 1hr prior and the cerenia had only been in him about 15mins so dunno what caused that quick appetite turnaround! I have not seen a poop tonight, Dad took him for short walk and said he was fine but no pooping. But he has his usual IBD symptoms, slow walking, lethargic, looking for grass to eat but on the good side he is hungry tonight and scoffed his dinner. So we will see what happens overnight.

Mike did txt me today and said that the apomorphine could have upset his gut. So hopefully it will settle back down fast. I still worry that stick has caused some trauma :mad: I really could kick myself, he had been doing so well too :(

Still no report Tina, the vet today was going to give them a ring to hassle him but I said not too, don't want to pee him off.

05-22-2014, 11:52 AM
Blardy hell, poor Mac!! That big bully black dog :mad::mad: Flynn loves all dogs except for big black ones after he got bit once, now he growls at them and if I see one coming on our walks I get him back on his leash quick smart!! Wonder if Mac will be wary of them now.
Oh Trish, I bet my Peg would be able to charm Flynnie. She is really, really good with everybody -- especially the wee ones. :o :) :)

To this day, she always lets Luna take any toy away, right out of her own mouth! Peg is such a good, sweet girl.


Fingers crossed that the metronidazole will do the trick for Flynn!

05-22-2014, 01:25 PM
omg, I cant believe all of this. reminds me of when Zoe had to have the endscopy after swallowing Koko's hot dog!!!

Now, stop beating yourself up, stuff happens no matter how careful we try to be. Zoe would have eaten the dang paper with it:rolleyes:

I posted on my thread about the metronidazole and the dosage we use here. I just know our Flynn will be fine.

Koko was out of sorts for a few days when he chewed the nickel button off my boot and they made him throw up - he has not poo problems so, I think Flynn will be just fine, Trish, I refuse to think anything else.:)

Now, you cant blame a boy for trying some chicken. Lesson for all of us, though, no shiskabobs (spelled wrong) at our houses. Yikes!!!

Did I ever tell you about the 4th of July Zoe a six pack of hamburger buns along with half the plastic?

All kidding aside, now, Big hugs, Trish, I know how worried you are. I know the pointy sticky is a worry but it probably did not cause any damage. (((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))

Saying prayers and crossing everything I can.

05-22-2014, 03:03 PM
Trish I hope Flynn is back to his normal self by tomorrow, and mine usually don't poop for a day and a half after a bout of loose poop, so to me that is a good sign it means all the bad stuff is out.

molly muffin
05-22-2014, 06:29 PM
Goodness. You are having a bit too much drama over there on your side of the world! My thought is that it probably was the apomorphine, and we know it doesn't take much to set Flynns tummy to an unsettled state. I am betting that it will clear up in a couple days and this grand adventure of his with shishkabobs will be a thing of the past.
I know it's worrying about that pointy end, but I think you would have seen something if there had been any trauma caused by now.
I'll want to know if the internist got to cooking as directed and what he came up with. :)
Hopefully something yummy and surprising! Should be a rule that each new one has to try and out do the last one. hahahah

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-22-2014, 08:46 PM
Trish- I think the metronidazole part of the pill is fine for Flynn. When Zoe had terrible flare ups she was on 125 mgs twice a day. I checked her bottle and she could have had more than that. I never gave her more though. Her maintenance dose was far, far less. I am not familiar with the combo drug you have so will have to research it like you. How long do you have to give it to Flynn? Zoe was anywhere from 18-20 pounds back then.

05-22-2014, 11:21 PM
Oh My Goodness!! :eek: Never a dull moment! Poor you and Flynn, you must have been so frightened. How in the world did Flynn swallow that stick and all the chicken still skewered on it!?? I guess it was in one big gulp!
What a relief that it came back out and no surgery was needed...that's all you needed to go thru again, another operation! :eek:
So glad it didn't come to that.
Not at all surprised that the result from this incident is tummy trouble. Metron. is such a good medication for Trixie...it works so quickly for any bad poops. I give Trixie 125mg twice a day when needed.
I'm so glad Flynn is okay and I hope his tummy upset is getting better already. :p


05-23-2014, 12:29 AM
that would've scared me to death too!
The lengths they go through to get at our food!

One of the few times when vomiting makes us happy! I get it.
Thankfully everything worked out.

05-23-2014, 02:16 AM
Report is in, IMS must take after me as it is quite long!!

Dear Mike and Team and also Trish,

Please accept my apologies for the delay in reporting on Flynn's visit here earlier this month. It has been crazily busy here and we actually have fewer staff than we had at this time last year so it has been a case of managing the sick patients as best as we can and getting reporting done when time permits. I know this is much less than desirable for you and the owner but I can't do much about it at the moment. I am advertising for a new specialist but unfortunately the American market is humming again and is soaking up all of newly qualified specialists with salaries that exceed those that we can pay here! As you know better than anybody Flynn is a very complex character and Trish has done a great job of documenting all of his biochemical abnormalities. I explained to Trish that the chances of me being able to manage every issue in one single visit were very small.

I think we should focus on the good news in that the imaging shows an abdomen that that looks pretty much identical to the previous ultrasound study done here. There is no sign of a new or redeveloping liver mass nor is there evidence of progressive gallbladder disease. The enlarged lymph node that was mistaken for an adrenal gland last year is gone. His remaining adrenal gland looks exactly the same.

Chest radiographs were taken because of Trish's concern about increased snoring but as you can see there is little of significance there.

I will discuss various problems below; please take into account that I can't possibly know Flynn's issues in the detail that you and Trish know them.

(1) His inflammatory bowel disease seems clinically quite quiet at the moment. As you know there is no commercial diet that is truly hypoallergenic and also designed to be optimal for his liver. It did not seem to me that his gastrointestinal tract was causing him enough trouble to justify additional treatments or dietary change at this time. I am always cautious with dogs that are on multiple treatments that the addition of another medication could cause unforeseen drug interaction issues and upset a stable situation. If his bowel seems to deteriorate then switching him to the new Royal Canin Anallergenic diet might be appropriate. However this is not a low-fat diet, not is it optimized for the liver. One could also consider the addition of azathioprine as a form of gentle immunomodulator aimed at the inflammation in his bowel. This could have the additional benefit of being anti-fibrotic for his liver.

(2) Trish was worried about his skin and the effect that the steroids are having on his liver enzymes. I explained that I am not a dermatologist and if this issue does not improve she should consider seeing one. She asked about Apoquel. I am just getting to know this drug because as you know the launch has been delayed by Zoetis due to supply issues. I don't know of any reason why it could not be tried in Flynn but Trish would have to be aware that we are stepping into the unknown a little bit. There is no group of dogs that are exactly the same as Flynn that have been tested with Apoquel to ensure safety. However if anything untoward was seen I would estimate that it would quickly resolve once the medication was discontinued. I think on balance the risk of trying the new product is less than the risk of using ongoing steroids which we know are bad for his liver.

(3) We discussed the possibility that he may have Cushing's of one form or another. He is displaying some degree of muscle weakness according to Trish. This I think is an under-appreciated clinical sign of Cushing's disease in dogs. As you know proving a diagnosis of Cushing's disease can be problematic and if he has so called atypical Cushing's disease then it is even harder with our limited laboratory backup in New Zealand. One option is to try a trial course of trilostane at a conservative dose and see what happens. Another is to go with a non--pharmaceutical approach to Cushing's as some people with a more alternative philosophy are trying.

This would include the use of lignans and melatonin as a more "gentle" approach to controlling adrenal hyperfunction.

One thing that we should say is that Cushing's is an insidious disease that creeps up slowly and in such a well supervised dog it's improbable that he would have an irreversible complication from Cushing's before it became more obvious that he was suffering from the syndrome. I am not a believer in a hands-off approach to Cushing's but I am cautious about subjecting a dog to too many tests in the early phases of such a syndrome.

(4) I know that his blood pressure bothers Trish, although the combination of amlodipine and benazepril is safe for ongoing use and benazepril will also be helpful for his kidneys. Some dogs never recover normal BP management after phaeochromocytoma surgery. Trish does worry that the remaining adrenal gland nodule is a phaeo, and this is certainly possible, although it does not seem to be growing. We regularly investigate the laboratory diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma and unfortunately living in New Zealand is a handicap here. The lab can do some urinary catecholamine metabolites but they cannot give reference ranges and we would need to supply a number of normal dogs for comparison. I don't think Flynn requires this level of input right now, but Trish may choose to go down this path way if it becomes more of a problem to control his blood pressure.

His high cholesterol is not a worry in and of itself but of course is a hint that there are underlying metabolic abnormalities. I assume that his thyroid hormone status has been checked regularly? He does not look like a hypothyroid dog. Yes the cholesterol could be a sign of Cushing's and I refer to the discussion above on that subject.

Trish mentions a high albumin reading. As you know there is only one reason for that and that is dehydration. That in turn can then cause the calcium to be slightly elevated. I think the best explanation then is that if he had high albumin and calcium at the same time on a blood test then he was dehydrated at that time for some reason.

I like the supplements he is on for arthritis. Trish mentions that he needs a lift up on to the couch sometimes. To me this is sometimes an indicator of underlying Cushing's disease but also it could just be arthritis and old age.

Overall it seemed to me that given his history and his age that Flynn was in quite good shape which is a tribute to his owner and to the various veterinary teams that look after him most of the time. I think the dominant question at the moment to my eye is; could he have some form of Cushing's? I think if Trish cogitates on all these factors she will either choose to sit tight and wait for the syndrome to become more obvious or try some speculative treatment as discussed above.

Please call with any comments or questions,

05-23-2014, 02:23 AM
Repeat Abdominal Ultrasound Report

The appearance of the liver is similar to the previous study with several small nodules throughout the

parenchyma. Most of these are less than 1 cm in diameter. Some of the nodules are hypoechoic in

appearance, some hyperechoic in appearance. The previously identified nodule with a target appearance was

not visible in the study today. The 2 cm diameter hyperechoic nodule in the right liver is unchanged compared

to the previous study. A very small amount of free floating echogenic debris within the gallbladder is identified.

The gallbladder wall appears normal.

The spleen appears normal in size and echogenicity.

Both kidneys are normal in size, shape and echogenicity. The urinary bladder appears normal.

The left adrenal gland still measures 11 mm in thickness. The hyperechoic area within the left adrenal gland is

also unchanged.

The mass effect in the region of the absent right adrenal was not visible today.
Portions of the stomach wall, small intestinal wall, colonic wall and pancreas imaged appear normal.

Thoracic Radiograph Report

A peribronchial–interstitial pulmonary pattern is identified. This is very similar to the previously reported
radiographs. There is no evidence of metastatic disease.

05-23-2014, 02:49 AM
I'm pretty pleased with this, especially the stable liver!!

The cushings talk came from a discussion on the adrenal nodule he has and narrowing down what it could be. He still thinks it is benign. Adrenal hyperplasia with elevated hormones has been linked to liver adenomas so we also talked about that, testing in my country is tricky for this as you can see from his comments. Trilostane was only to be considered if cortisol was high on testing. He has not had ACTH/LDDS since before his adrenalectomy 18 months ago so we don't know where his cortisol is sitting, but I suspect not high with no typical symptoms of PD/PU so from my point of view I would not even think about trying trilostane. I might consider lignans and melatonin at some stage. But with no growth in that adrenal nodule in over 18 months again I don't think I would right now.

I want to look into that lung thing, but he does not seem too alarmed by that.

Mike just text, he is still on a little break but said he has received it and is going to digest over weekend then we can discuss.

Appreciate any thoughts and comments, really sounds somewhat similar to our Molly Muffin...

Flynn's tummy seems better and even the itching has settled somewhat! So all in all, pretty happy this Friday evening. Not going out, just ordered fish and chips and looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend!

05-23-2014, 05:34 AM
I also wanted to say thank you all for the comments on our "incident" :p luckily there appears to be no real damage done. Barbara I do not know how he swallowed it, it must have scratched going down, we all looked in amazement when it came up with the chicken still skewered and we were sooo pleased to see it come up!! Addy, I did ask Mike if he had to go in would he try via endoscope first and he said he would have but thank goodness we did not have to go there. Good to know Koko was a bit off after being made to vomit, (well not good for Koko to be off) but you know what I mean! Flynn seems better but I have not actually seen a poop since those soft ones overnight yesterday, Dad said he did one on their walk today but he is hopeless at describing them :rolleyes: he said bit soft but OK, I asked if there was mucous and he said he does not look that closely at dog poop LOL just "it's fine" :cool: OMG Zoe ate a 6 pack of hamburgers AND the plastic, little witch :eek::eek: did that come out on its own??

He has been given one week of the Stomorgyl, he has had two doses. I think if I see some normal poops I might stop it. Just figure with his liver problems the less meds the better.

Sharlene, we got carrot cake with cream cheese icing! He said he had not baked a cake in 10 years so we all think he did very well!! We certainly do have our favourite bakers over the years, we hear the next girl we are getting is a brilliant baker and does it often, so we won't have to wait until her last day :D

Usually after we get these big reports Mike and I go over it, I will email him my questions this weekend, then he can get back to IMS then we go from there. So hopefully now he gets over the tummy thing, the results are good, we can relax!!! Phew, so relieved tonight! xxx

05-23-2014, 05:54 AM
Trish, I just have a couple of minutes here as I have to go in way early to work today for a meeting and also in the hopes of not having to work late tonight going into my 3 day weekend!!

I think this report looks great! I am so pleased for you and Flynn. Aren't you so relieved? I will need to go back through and re-read when I have more time, but my initial take is that it all looks wonderful. As far as the Cushing's discussion, I don't think I would even consider treatment unless he was showing some symptoms. So great that he isn't.

As far as the lungs, I am not sure what a peribronchial interstitial pulmonary pattern is exactly, will need to look that up. But as you said, they don't seem too concerned. And the liver report sounds very good. I am so pleased to read all of this, and also happy to see that his tummy has settled after his latest "adventure". Once again, our boy amazes! :)

Well, it looks like you should have a nice relaxing weekend! I better run, I want to post a quick blurb on our thread since I still haven't been able to get an update posted on Jasper. It seems like my evenings go by in a matter of minutes, and then it is time for work again. Hope to do some catch up with you over the weekend. Give a pat to that boy for me.

Tina and Jasper

05-23-2014, 05:59 AM
Hey Tina!! Yes generally pleased, I do have a few questions about his lungs, I googled it and scared myself lol... but I think his is just minor and as he said to me while I was there "old-dog lungs" :p Ohhh I forgot about your 3 day weekend, nice!!! We have one next week! YAY for long weekends :) I will be looking for Jasper's update too. Already 5am for you Tina, back to bed asap... you need to be up soon!! xxx

05-23-2014, 06:15 AM
Trish, no back to bed for me, I am up now for the day since I have to go in to work so early. :eek: Still need to shower and get ready, and then there is the struggle to get Jasper to eat. :rolleyes:

I will need to do some googling as well after work. Hope to catch you later. Almost bedtime for you, Happy Weekend! I better run.

05-23-2014, 06:24 AM
OH no, you poor thing, you will be in bed early tonight! Hope Jasper eats his brekky for you... have a good day, it always seems a bit easier on Friday and it is my favourite day of the working week, not just because I get the next day off because I genuinely love that day the best with the people I work with so hopefully it will be the same for you!!

05-23-2014, 11:45 AM
I think the report is pretty darn good and as always, I am amazed at the awesome quality of your veterinary teams. You and Flynn are so lucky to be in such thorough hands and the teams are lucky to have such a knowledgeable, proactive Mom.
His IBD sounds under control, I think this doctor is spot on with that. Actually I think he is spot on with everything.

Now Flynny boy, no more helping yourself to dinner.

Trish, I think you and Flynn are just fine. Thank goodness for that!!!!

05-23-2014, 04:05 PM
Thanks Addy, I agree with you! It has occurred to me that this helping himself to dinner is unusual, he has never done that kind of thing before. Especially unwrapped it like that :eek: my sister said it is my own fault, because I taught him to unwrap his Christmas presents and they often have a tasty snack inside! So this time he just did it off his own bat and he is too smart for his own good :) Ahhh Saturday morning, love them! Washing in the machine, but crud weather, it blew a gale overnight but no rain!

05-23-2014, 04:33 PM
Well that is a great report and seemed to cover most of the basis you were concerned about. Great that he has no lasting effects from his naughty food thieving.

I had fish and chips for tea tonight as well, and now chilling out

05-23-2014, 04:38 PM
Hi Tracy, thanks :D he did just have a poop and was more formed but still bit mucousy so I gave him another dose of the stomorgyl. Little shite, he can get 9cm of stick in one gulp with chicken attached but he does not like that pill and spit it out four times! Yay for Friday night chilling out, I enjoyed it last night and plan on doing more of it today :D How is Mac no lasting effects from his fight? Also how is Rachael and Mason doing this week??

05-23-2014, 04:46 PM
Yes they can tell the difference between tasty chicken stick aswell, and a tablet lol.

Mac has been a little stressed, kind of on high alert since it happened but i,m sure he,ll get over it, i will pop over and see him tomorrow. The neighbour with the dog who is called Harvey is devasted that it happened, so he is having a wall built round the garden, so that it never happens again, so Marie is pleased with that, she understands that it was an accident. But by gawd little Mac was giving as good as he got :eek:

Rachel finally is looking a bit like her old self, a little bit of colour back in her cheeks, and well what can i say about Mason he is gorgeous and threw up on me tonight lol. My sister has him overnight and Rachel and Ian are going on a "date night" they didn,t want to but my sister insisted and she is only allowed to phone home and check on Mason twice :D

05-23-2014, 04:49 PM
Well that little Mac is a spunky young thing, he is going to be checking around when he goes outside for a bit.

Awww nice for Rachael to get out with Ian, bet she is home early! Bet your sister loves having him over too... ewww baby spit haha.. stinky!

05-23-2014, 04:54 PM
Yeah i was straight home, stripped and into the bath ha ha. Yip my sister is a very good Gran or Glammy Gran as she calls herself hee hee. She asked me during the week if she could come along on holiday with me in September and as well get along well most of the time I said yes, so we can share the driving etc.:D

I,m on a three day weekend and boy do i need it. Whats your plans

molly muffin
05-23-2014, 04:57 PM
hahahah, only 2 phone calls eh. Wonder if that will work or if they will call it an early night and just come home when the phone call limit is reached. Good of your sis though to suggest that.

Awww, and a throw up too. Throw up is only cute to a certain stage though, so enjoy it now. hahaha

Mac will come around once he realizes that the big dog won't be coming at him any time soon again. Hope that wall is high, those dogs sure know how to get over them if they aren't.

Friday night chilling sounds very good. Once I figure out what I'm fixing for dinner. (so not interested, I might do the same) Kind of wondering if I'll be able to stay awake for the meteror show that might happen tonight. Word is it Might be a good one. I'll need a nap of course. :) hmm, that's the ticket, pizza/wings (not interested in cooking), a nap and then meteror show. Just the thing for a friday night! Oh and choco chip cookies to munch on with the gallons of coffee I'll need to stay awake (make that espresso)

I thought Flynns report was good too and nothing urgent that needs to be addressed but options available if needed.

He just has a thing for his nans cooking. :) She cooks it, he eats it, they have a perfect relationship. ahhaha Nothing said about whether it is in the car or wrapped up in the fine print!

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-23-2014, 05:04 PM
Oh Sharlene can,t beat a good meteor show, i think Friday nights should be re named take away food night ha ha.

05-23-2014, 05:13 PM
Yep, I really wanted an Indian but could not be bothered driving that far and they don't deliver!! Maybe tonight :D Had not heard about the meteor shower, wonder if I can see it tonight?? I like all things astronomical!

Yep Sharlene, watch and wait... seems a good plan to me! It is reassuring to know that adrenal nodule is not growing either. That whole link with the possibly atypical cushings or whatever going on their metabolically just makes my head spin. But from where I am sitting if he is not displaying clear cushings symptoms I would not even ask Mike to test it. Will hear his thoughts on it too when he is back on board next week. I just wonder how come that 1cm target lesion is not visible on this scan? Did not think they would just disappear like that, and good to hear that enlarged lymph node mimicking his right adrenal has disappeared too.

molly muffin
05-23-2014, 05:23 PM
Molly's enlarged lymph node went away too (disappeared). Actually a lesion can decrease in size. If you google "canine lesion disappears ultrasound", then you'll find several hits about where lesion can decrease in size enough to not be seen. I wonder if it was tied to what was causing the lymph node to be enlarged, an infection usually.

I was interested where the IMS said he doesn't like to even continuous test for cushings without symptoms. I wonder why that is and if there is some risks he associates with the testing itself. (not that I have ever heard of any risk, I'm just curious).

If you can't see the meteor show from where you are, then you can check this out:


It goes live at 11pm EST I think it is. They say there is a good chance that will be not a shower but a storm of meteors and that there should be lunar impacts with flareups. So maybe a good one. It's supposedly due to a heavy debris field left a comment from the 1800's.

I think a bath sounds good right now too! Might jump in one while I'm debating on where to order pizza from. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-23-2014, 05:27 PM
I wouldn't test either Trish as he's not showing any cushing symtoms, I did wonder about the nodule disappearing but as Sharlene said it can happen.

I'm off for an early night I,ve had the week from hell at work and I'm mentally exhausted hope to catch you over the weekend :p

05-23-2014, 05:30 PM
I don't know why he said that Sharlene, wonder if he thinks if there are no or minimal symptoms would you treat? Maybe if your not going to treat, why test? He never mentioned safety of testing when we spoke either.

I will google that about disappearing lesions.... disappearing is good as far as I am concerned!!

Tracy, love the glammy Gran... you must be Awesome Aunty! I don't really have any plans today. Bit yuck to do much outside, so the gardening can wait this weekend! Just the usual really, need to do some groceries at some stage but that's about it... no lunches or dinner out planned at the moment but that can change but after our dramas this week I am keen to make it a "Flynn" weekend and take him out and about to some of his favourite places... although he is snoozing on the couch right now looking just about exactly like this http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=6564 it is safe to say the new throw is now totally in his possession!

05-23-2014, 05:31 PM
Have a good sleep Tracy, recharge the batteries!! Lovely to see you as always! xxx

05-23-2014, 05:37 PM
I do love that pic of Flynn it makes me just want to crawl in beside him for a cuddle doubt he would let me or you for that matter lol

I'm called Crazy Aunt Rachel and her brother have always called me that I wonder why lol I like the idea of a Flynn weekend, I miss those weekend just being with them.

Now I have really going to bed !

05-23-2014, 05:39 PM
Crazy Aunt lol... I like that... shows your personality!! I don't like hearing how stressful your work has been lately, what with new management, floods, bung vodka, job description concerns... hope it settles down next week and well if doesn't it is only a 4-day week! Glad to hear your sister is going with you on your trip too!! xxxx

05-23-2014, 05:43 PM
Yeah I almost quit today came home for lunch and almost didn't go back I had to call my mum to calm me down. I'm looking for a new job as this one is getting me down. I've lost it the last few days and conducted myself in a manner that I am not proud off ...... And I wonder why they call me crazy aunt. Anyway I'll be fine after a good sleep I hope :D

05-23-2014, 05:48 PM
Awwww Tracy, that sucks. Good old Mum being there to talk it through. Try to hang in till something else comes in, unless you have won Lotto and not told us about it!! You got this job fairly easily once you started looking, so hopefully a better one comes up real soon!

molly muffin
05-23-2014, 05:48 PM
Nighty night Tracy! Sleep well and get some rest. Mason needs some aunty to throw up on again soon I bet! :)

Probably right Trish, just why test if nothing to treat. I just found the wording interesting.

The only difference I see is that Molly does have high cortisol, but tests negative repeatedly on the LDDS and has no symptoms. Making it hard to rationalize treating, especially if her nodule is benign too. Always something to stay on top of with these characters of ours. LOL

Okay, bath is calling my name!

Sharlene and molly muffin

molly muffin
05-23-2014, 05:51 PM
Oh gosh I missed your last post there Tracy.
They say it is better to find a new job while you are employed at the old one, so I hope you can find something that is a better fit for you.
Good job mom!!

Get some rest, don't let this stuff get you down.

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-23-2014, 05:52 PM
Nice, light some candles and go heavy on the bubble bath!!

Do you mean this bit?

I am not a believer in a hands-off approach to
Cushing's but I am cautious about subjecting a dog to too many tests in the early phases of such a syndrome.

molly muffin
05-23-2014, 06:29 PM
I did have some bubbles, it's a whirlpool jacquizzi tub so you have to be careful, or bubbles will be up to the ceiling! I like Eucalyptus in there too, to clear sinus's and feel good. Skipped the candles, but poured a glass of...wait for it... Kim Crawford, Pansy! Rose, Hawke's Bay, from Huapai, New Zealand. It says it was the gold medal winner, so picked up a couple bottles to try. Nice. Liked it.

yes that was the phrasing I meant.

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-24-2014, 01:52 AM
I have had that wine too, tasty drop! Nice to relax in a hot bath!! Puts me too sleep!!

I think the IMS just meant that he would not recommend too much testing in asymptomatic dogs, which we often say here.

Had a good rest of the day, got busy and did quite a bit. Walk with the boy up the beach, pooped and it was totally mucous covered, but formed. So his gut is still up the wop but at least it is formed. Did the shopping, now another lovely night in! Lazy weekend, but I like it! x

05-24-2014, 04:48 AM
Stupid dog, a fly was annoying so I sprayed it. It flew off straight past Flynn on the couch and he snapped it out the air and swallowed it :eek:

05-24-2014, 05:01 AM
OMG Trish!! :eek: :eek: Never a dull moment with that boy.

Maybe you need to invest in a fly swatter! ;) :p

05-24-2014, 05:13 AM
I have one, its name is Flynn :D

I am presuming the flyspray that was still likely wet on the fly is not going to poison him :eek::eek::D

05-24-2014, 05:39 AM
Lol! :D

One time when Jasper's liver enzymes got sky high, I remembered that the very day his blood was drawn I had sprayed a HUGE cicada killer wasp outside. Usually they are too quick and outrun the spray, but I nailed this one. Well shortly after I got rid of it (with a shovel, tossed over the back fence, lol), I let Jasper out and he went right over to where I had sprayed it and was sniffing all around. :eek:

I asked my vet if somehow that could have caused the elevations in his labwork, and she said he would have had to actually ingest a very large quantity for it to cause problems. So I think Flynn should be ok. :)

Well, I better try to get a few hours of sleep, in my actual bed, Lol! So happy about my long weekend, I really need it. And you will have one next weekend, how nice! :)

05-24-2014, 05:46 AM
Excellent, thank you Dr Tina :D:D Imagine if I had to take him back twice in a week for another apomorphine injection for this time fly killed twice (once by spray, twice by getting snapped out the air and swallowed!). That fly had bad karma! :p

Now go sleep!! Then spend a lovely day with your babies!!! I am going to go soon to I think, been watching the rugby, my team the Hurricanes just won!! YAY!! Night Tina, lovely to chat xx

05-24-2014, 06:13 AM
Lol, your vet might start thinking about Munchausen by proxy. :D :p :rolleyes: :)

Ok, off I go. Have a good night. Hopefully will catch you some time tomorrow. Nighty night. :) xo

molly muffin
05-24-2014, 10:28 AM
Lol Flynn. He is hilarious and of all things to get the fly that was sprayed.

Nice day here. I was just up cheering on my neighbours that are having a yard sale today. Actually have two neighbours yard selling this weekend and probably next too. I was laughing because my girlfriend abandoned the yard sale and left it to the guys. (Husband and son). So I had gone up to cheer them realized they had some antique furniture so came home and got the lemon oil and went back and gave it a good rub down. When I left they had people looking at it so figured my work there was done. Hahaha

Full morning already but I did want to check I. On daisy before I head up to buy flowers for the front yard.

Hugs all
Sharlene and Molly muffin

05-24-2014, 06:36 PM
Lol, your vet might start thinking about Munchausen by proxy. :D :p :rolleyes: :)

I know, that's what worries me!! I try not to hassle him too much, but something always comes up that needs discussion!!

Flynn has been asked out for a play date this afternoon lol... not me, but I will have to take him :D:D

molly muffin
05-24-2014, 06:39 PM
hahahah, well just tell Flynn you're going to tag along and supervise, since his actions lately have been on the mischievous side and he is likely to get himself in trouble.

Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Sunday, doggie play date.

sharlene and molly muffin

05-24-2014, 06:49 PM
Yes :D.. the txt came in addressed to him from Cooper asking him to come over and play :) Cute! You sound like you have had a busy day Sharlene, nice here too, it has high of 20 in the forecast so not too bad for late autumn! Most of the leaves are down and happily with that wind yesterday they have all blown away to god knows where, but they are not in my yard so that is one job that doesn't need doing :D:D

05-24-2014, 06:57 PM
Oh Flynn you do make me laugh :D I can imagine Mikes face if you had to take him back in for that lol

Aw a play date for Flynn as Sharlene said you will need to go supervise him they way he,s been going this week, git to love him :D

05-24-2014, 07:06 PM
I will supervise lol... for some reason he tries to hump Cooper, he is small. Flynn does not even get close, but his owner frowns :p then he pee'ed on his head. I am surprised he has been invited back!!!

Flynn and Cooper http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=559&pictureid=4911

05-24-2014, 07:13 PM
A play date sounds so fun, Flynn will love that. Jasper used to enjoy things like that before he got sick, now not so much. I think sometimes it stresses him out now. And then I have to worry if I have given him enough Dex to compensate for it. Another thing that this illness has taken from him. Kind of sad. :(

Yes, I worry about what my vet thinks sometimes too. It is literally one thing after another for us!! :rolleyes:

Hi Tracy, how are you doing? :)

05-24-2014, 07:17 PM
Hi Tina I'm doing good how are you, did I not read earlier you were going to bed ha ha I'm on a three day weekend as well, it's great.

Aw cooper is cute, really Flynn peeing on his head that boy cracks me up, I'm also surprised he,s been invited back, I'm still laughing at that ha ha

molly muffin
05-24-2014, 07:21 PM
Flynn wasn't humping, he was Twerking! See it looks like a hump and is easily mistaken as such, but nope, it's just Flynn showing off his moves.

Okay, I can't explain away the peeing on the head, that's just wrong. Flynn!!! No wonder you need mom to supervise you! Goodness.

Love that picture. He is such a leader and teacher, showing Cooper the ropes.

have fun
Sharlene and molly muffin

05-24-2014, 07:32 PM
LMAO at the twerking, I am going to tell Cooper's owner Flynn has been watching too much Miley!!

The peeing on the head is not actually his fault, Cooper is short and won't leave Flynn alone, he tails him about the garden relentlessly when they play. Flynn goes to pee, silly Cooper just happens to be there sniffing about!

Our vets love us Tina, I am sure of it!! :D:D

05-24-2014, 07:39 PM
The lab down the street peed on Koko's head the first time they met and Koko has hated him ever since:rolleyes: I always let Koko pee on his mailbox post:D:D:p That way Koko thinks he is getting even.

We should have ordered Chinese, now I am hungry for it. We had salad and french bread. That way I figured I could squeeze in an ice cream:p

05-24-2014, 07:41 PM
Oh gosh, Cooper is soooo cute. That is the name of my vet's son!

Twerking is mentioned again, Lol!!! Peeing on his head?! I don't know what to say about that. It looks like maybe the little guy needs to learn when to get out of the way, LMAO :D

Yes, Tracy, you are correct. I was so tired after work yesterday, I fell asleep on the couch until about 2 am, then was up for a few hours, then to bed for a couple more hours of shut eye. Not an ideal sleep pattern!!

Love the three day weekend. How nice that Sharlene had one last weekend, we have ours now, and Trish gets hers next weekend. :)

Warning girls, I just posted an essay of an update on Jasper. I don't know how to not be long winded I guess! :o

05-24-2014, 07:42 PM
That lab probably goes outside and sniffs that Koko pee and pee's right on top of it... like a never ending pee competition! Let him do a poop <:p>

05-24-2014, 07:50 PM
What are you two like ha ha. When Mac was a puppy he used to pee on people's legs especially if he could smell they had a dog most embarrassing as you would be standing talking to someone and he would cock his leg :eek:

05-24-2014, 08:00 PM
lol, Tracy, I can imagine how you felt about that one; at least he wasnt twerking the leg too:D

05-24-2014, 08:04 PM
My worst twerking moment was my old dog Bruno. The day my dad past away the minister came to the house and all the family were there including Bruno. I was in the kitchen when my mum shouted on me I rushed through to find Bruno twerking on the ministers arm :eek: bless the minister just kept on talking and trying to shake Bruno off it was funny but I was so embarrassed

05-24-2014, 08:04 PM
Haha, ohh our conversation is in the gutter today! :D

I am multi-tasking... here, laundry, biscuit making again to take to our play date... for us, not the dogs! I did some yesterday but gave them to Dad as he has a sweet tooth and likes homemade ones.

05-24-2014, 08:06 PM
Where my homemade biscuits, pop them in the post for me Trish.

Ok ladies sleep time for me again good to chat xx

05-24-2014, 08:09 PM
I know, ever since I got my new mixer and it sits on the counter staring at me in all its beautiful redness I keep getting the desire to bake!! I would send you some, the old standby peanut brownies!! Night Tracy, hope you are all caught up on your sleep tomorrow and get to enjoy some of your long weekend in daylight hours!! Rest up!! x

molly muffin
05-24-2014, 08:38 PM
Oh Tracy, that was hilarious with Bruno. I laughed and laughed at that. The visual in my head was priceless!!!
hmm, baked biccis can come in handy if cooper gets his head peed on again!
Gutter talk, nothing better on a long weekend. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-24-2014, 08:49 PM
oMG I don't know how I missed that post Tracy, that is the BEST twerking story ever... your Mum would have been mortified lol I bet your father was looking down laughing :D:D:D

05-24-2014, 09:39 PM
What time is Flynn's play date? Is he all ready to go? :)

05-24-2014, 09:43 PM
Yep he is READY!! Getting bored with the housework and snoozing not so much fun now his throw is in the wash!! I do have to get going though, I am really thinking about this food. Hopefully your asleep before I get back!!! Have fun watching the hockey :)

05-24-2014, 09:50 PM
Yes, I need to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight,lol. But I will check to see if you are around when we are about for the pit stop. ;)

Thanks for giving the food some thought, I always value your input and suggestions.

Have fun at the play date. Be a good boy Flynny, no twerking! :D

05-24-2014, 10:31 PM
Trish, this is for you :)


05-25-2014, 02:28 AM
Awww thanks Valerie... YUM!!!!

Well Flynny had a fine time on his play date, another dog came too Meg, a white Scottie Dog. She was a bit snippy, I think cos those mean boys kept leaving her out of their games!! Minimal twerking, lots of playing!! Flynny is pooped out on the couch wrapped up in the warm throws just out the dryer!!

Here is Flynn and Cooper today wrestling! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJCLDQyuAfk&feature=youtu.be

05-25-2014, 03:54 AM
Oh the video is so cute, I love the quick second that he looks right at you! Cooper looks very sweet. Jasper and Shelby love to play and wrestle just like this, when Jasper is feeling good of course. When he isn't, he won't have any part of it and won't even engage Shelby. Unfortunately she almost always ends up getting too rough and I have to separate them. She has to constantly try to show him that she is the boss!

I love that pic you have of Flynn snoozing on the throw, I think it is my favorite. :)

Well back to bed for us, Jasper has already curled up next to me on the couch and is back fast asleep and snoring. :p

Have a good night Trish. xo

Budsters Mom
05-25-2014, 04:11 AM
Flynn looks great in the video Trish. I remember when Cooper parted with his family jewels. ;) It looks like they both had a grand old time. Xxxx

05-25-2014, 02:50 PM
They are having such fun and wrestling so nicely in the video. Flynn looks great, Trish. Does my heart good:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

molly muffin
05-25-2014, 07:15 PM
What a fun video! Those two are having a total blast!

Hope you are having a good monday! Just this week then a long weekend!

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-26-2014, 04:09 AM
Aw he,s looking as cute as ever but still checks to make sure mom is still there. :D how was work?

05-26-2014, 04:21 AM
Hi Tracy!!

Word was OK, I had a clinic 2hrs drive north, so lots of driving there and back. Few tree's down on the road I had to negotiate, windy again last night. First big fall of snow down south and it is cold here tonight but no rain so far.

Flynn and Cooper had a fine time, they played like that for an hour or more, he was pooped last night!

Your up early!! How you feeling?

05-26-2014, 04:28 AM
I love to see doggies play like that. Wow snow we missed it this year, it's raining here we had thunder and torrential rain most of yesterday typical bank holiday weather.

I'm feeling better, not so tired. I'm off to the beech today yeah not beach weather but it's Bruno,s anniversary today and I always go and honour his memory. I go and throw a tennis ball into the sea as this was his favourite place :)

05-26-2014, 04:41 AM
We never get snow where I am, I can see it on the mountains though.

I like that your going to the beach to remember Bruno, that is very cool. Sad but nice to spend the day remembering him, after hearing that story of im twerking the ministers arm I smile when you mention his name!!

Glad you had a good sleep and feeling better, I think this long weekend was just what you needed to recover your energy!

I emailed Mike my questions about the report so hopefully we catch up this week sometime to discuss and hear his take on it all. But I have my finger off that big red panic button now so not in any rush to do anything. Going to talk to him about removing the big lipomas, maybe this weekend I will do a video of them so I can show you all how big they are in places.

05-26-2014, 04:51 AM
Yip he was one funny little dog and started my love of jack Russell's so got to thank him for that. The twerking was so funny, the best was the minister kept talking whilst shaking this little dog off his arm, and Bruno was not missing a beat :eek: I have so many good memories of him and they out way the bad ones when he was sick so I don't grieve today I celebrate his 11 years with me :D

Yikes limpomas, suppose they do have to come off if they are big ones. Woody had loads but they were all small. Glad you,ve got your fingers off the panic button as that little guy is looking so darn good at the moment :cool:

05-26-2014, 05:16 AM
Yeah I was not going to worry about them until this latest IMS said he does have a lot and we need to keep a close eye on them. Mike had been keen to take them off but last IMS said not to unless they interfering with movement. I think the one on his shoulder and the big one on his side do to a certain extent. New IMS said they can get nasty and he has seen dogs with chronic problems like Flynn suddenly have what we though lipoma actually be a nasty. Most of them have had a needle poked into them at some stage to make sure it is just fatty tissue but he does have a few new ones that need checking. Will see what Mike thinks.

Sorry was just tailing Flynn outside because I am still on poop patrol but all he did was run round the house a few times, bark at the gate and have a pee! :eek:

05-26-2014, 05:36 AM
I suppose getting them checked out wouldnt hurt, Woodys were poked with a needle as well his biggest was under his front armpit and I suppose I would've been in your position as that one would've ended up causing him problems walking. Poor Flynn or should it be clever Flynn running round the house and not popping I bet he,s like oh there she goes again looking at my poop well I'm not doing one !

I'm off to the beech as it's a 30 min drive for me and it's stopped raining at the moment. Enjoy the rest if your week x

05-26-2014, 05:38 AM
Have a nice day Tracy, maybe you can stop somewhere nice for lunch! Hope Bruno is watching down and is all ready to get his tennis ball. Think I need an early night, so won't be long out of bed.

Go get em at work tomorrow :D xx

Bailey's Mom
05-26-2014, 10:18 PM
I have one, its name is Flynn :D

I am presuming the flyspray that was still likely wet on the fly is not going to poison him :eek::eek::D

When Palmer was just a puppy, he caught a bumble bee that way. OUCH!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::(:(:(:( I felt so bad for the little fella.

05-28-2014, 03:56 PM
Hi Trish!
Just checking in to see how things are with Flynn. :) Seems like things are going okay with Flynn. Hoping you can leave the lipomas for now if they're not impeding his movement.
I am always on poop patrol too! Trixie had a little mucous and blood on her poops last week so we did a few days of metronidazole and things are just fine now. It's almost cyclical with her. She'll go weeks with everything fine and then whatever it is-bacteria overgrowth? colitis? irritable bowel? I don't know but the vet gave me the medication and it works quickly to make things right.
Glad Flynn got to have a fun playdate!! I loved seeing the photos...so funny!! The video is also great. I love seeing dogs at play and Flynn--is he not the most amazing dog acting positively puppy like at his age. He is the energizer pup for sure!! Keep it up Flynn!! :D


05-29-2014, 05:15 PM

your Friday is almost over????? or is it just starting???

where is my cell phone so I can check your time

05-30-2014, 06:17 PM
Hello!! Friday is most defnititely over... 10am Saturday morning now!! Sunny and chilly, but fine walking weather for dogs :D Flynn and I are meeting a friend at the dog park and then off to a café where we can sit outside with the dogs for lunch!!

He has been pretty good this week, poops have settled back down to normal thank goodness. He had one little puke early am after having his Samilyn, but then gobbled his breakfast. I just think he does not like that big horse pill first thing. But that is sad for him because he has to have it for his liver!! Not very sympathetic am I :eek::D:eek:

Noticing a few times after he gets up, he limps a bit, seems to be front legs but after a few steps he comes right. Not sure what is up with that, the arthritis bothering him a bit more in this cooler weather or his lipoma on his shoulder.

Have not heard from Mike to discuss report, but he has been away again! Nothing urgent and I had told him that in email that we can talk once back :)

I need to get organised and out the door, so will check back in a bit later! Love love love the weekends!! xxxxx

05-30-2014, 06:53 PM
Flynn has a better social life than me what with play dates and lunch out, he does strike me that he fits into the category of dogs that lunch quite well :D

Happy to hear he is doing just fine this week, ok a little stiff but is probably the cooler weather like you say, but as long as it is only for a step or two then we can deal with that.

Hope to catch you later

molly muffin
05-30-2014, 08:04 PM
Have a fun day Trish and Flynn. I love lazy fun days like that. A bit of play, a bit of lunch, time for a nap, ahhh not sure if I am talking about a dogs life or a humans but it works for either!

Days like that you just think... life is good.

Hubs came home from work, we walked over to neighbors who were gardening to cheer them on, offer some moral support, sat on the lawn and had drinks and yakked for a good hour or so, till the garden guy showed up to tell us that no he would do it tomorrow instead. Well, he better get his butuskie here in the morning cause I have plans in the evenings. sheezz (he's canceled 3 times this week already) It is a big job, but if he can't do it I'd rather he say and I'd get someone else.

Molly was miffed we didn't take her and is giving me her back now. LOL Scamp!

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-31-2014, 06:11 PM
Haha he does have a good social life lol.... keeps me busy taking him out and about. Had a lovely walk yesterday, the dog park is off leash and I have never once seen a mean dog there they all have a fine time playing together. The path winds along a little stream and some of the dogs go swimming, not Flynn though. Then it goes through a lovely grassy meadow and trees. We are going to meet again there tomorrow and do it again. Nice lunch too, he is a good café dog. A couple of little kids came and asked to pet them. They have a big bowl of water there for the dogs. When we got there we went towards a free table outside and a big poodle dog was sitting next to it and it got all snarky and growled at our two so we changed plans and went to the other side well away from that one :eek:

Such a bad nights sleep, somehow tweaked something in my back and my gawd it is sore was awake most of the night :mad:. I don't do pain and I'm a very bad patient!! Dosed myself up with painkillers then felt sick from those. It does feels better this morning, going to get myself a hot water bottle or heat pack as that is just what I felt was needed!!

05-31-2014, 06:26 PM
Gawd Trish back pain is not good, I suffer from it occasionally. Yip hot water bottle will help my physio told me to keep moving as if you stop it gets worse.

We don't have dog parks here but that sounds lovely. How is he getting on with his stalking cat lol I have the same throw that he is wrapped up in :cool:

05-31-2014, 06:34 PM
Mum got all worried because he was lying there sleeping and she must have trod on his paw, so he kinda leapt up and growled at her. He never does that usually it was just because he got a fright I think! We are going over there this afternoon as my niece is in town for the long weekend, be nice to have a catchup. Guess I will do some baking! Might have to branch out and do something new as everyone will be getting sick of peanut brownies!!

It is just muscular I think, I can feel the sore spot. Need some NSAID :eek: only had Paracetamol, that did not do the trick so found some old Codeine that had been there forever. I was tempted to take some of Flynn's Previcox :D:eek: as that was the only non steroidal in the house!!

05-31-2014, 06:44 PM
Poor Flynn he would've got a fright. Forgot you were on a 3 day weekend. Be good to catch up with your niece, let us know what you bake it all sounds yummy.

Ah codeine I can't touch the stuff it sends me crazy like I'm high on drugs, I took it once and boy was it horrible never touched it again. I'm sure Flynn wouldn't mind you borrowing one of his tablets after all you paid for them lol

05-31-2014, 07:09 PM
Yep, 3 day weekend is the bomb!! None now until like October :mad: My friend that I went walking with yesterday was saying we should take a trip to Fiji or some nice Pacific Island mid winter. Sounds lovely, but I am too scared to leave my parents and Flynn for any length of time as calamity will surely follow!!! :eek::eek:

I remember when I had bad gall bladder pain a few years back, I took Panadol, Codeine and neurofen all together one night. Man I could not lift my head off the pillow I had such spinning vertigo lol think it was the codeine too, which is why it has sat untouched in the cupboard! It is not so bad this time, but I definitely feel a bit ick today. So it is probably that too. Just feels wrong taking a dog pill, I would probably have to take about 10 of his to make up an adult dose so I just not going there :D:D:D will go and get some at the chemist when I go out later.

05-31-2014, 07:29 PM
I'm the same I'm already panicking about my week away in September as usually my sister looks after mum but she will be with me, and with her recent run off health issues it's a worry. But can't put my life on total hold I suppose. But a week in the sun would be good :D

05-31-2014, 07:39 PM
It sure would be, going away for a night in a couple of weeks. I have a meeting in the city where my niece lives (the one visiting now) and she wants me to stay, should be safe for one night!! *paws crossed* :D

molly muffin
06-01-2014, 09:32 AM
Oh a night away sounds good. Tell everyone to keep it together till you get back. LOL And no sneaking Flynn anything he shouldn't have!

Hope you're feeling better and having a good time with family and niece visit.

sharlene and molly muffin

06-01-2014, 07:52 PM
Hi Trish! Happy to see you on here now, that can only mean one thing, it is now your 3 day weekend!! Yay!!:D :D

So sorry to read about your back, I hope that is feeling better. I am troubled with back issues from time to time also, and it is so painful.

I hope you are having a nice visit with your niece. Nice that she is there for the long weekend. Happy to read Flynn is feeling well. I have to agree, he has a better social life than me too. I don't doubt that he was on his best behavior for the lunch out. :)

Thanks for checking in on me and Jasper. I have just been so busy the past week. I will be posting an update in a bit. You know, about the food, I didn't mean to cause worry there. Jasper has hyperlipidemia, so the low fat prescription diet is imperative for him, as it puts him at such high risk for pancreatitis, among other things. I don't know if the food that Flynn loves is considered high fat, is it? I just looked at Shelby's food and it shows fat 14%. Maybe you could look into switching Flynn to something with more moderate fat rather than going all the way to the RC low fat that he didn't like?

Tina and Jasper xo

06-01-2014, 08:05 PM
Hey Tina

Sorry have been in and out getting housework done before back to work tomorrow. Yep definitely feeling better today, don't think my body liked the codeine... back feels better, think it is muscular as hurt when I breathe or move. Is out the side too. My back never gives me much trouble, touch wood!

Yes I have been worried about diet, his cholesterol is high, last one 13.7 (3-9) so it has been on my mind. The vets tell me not to worry about it too much as the high cholesterol is more a problem in humans than with dogs, they do not tend to get much problem from it as unfortunately they do not live long enough to get atherosclerosis. They said it is more to do with his liver dysfunction. But if I can get it lower I know I would feel better!

06-01-2014, 08:16 PM
Me too, trying to get some last minute stuff done here also. Glad your back is better. I get spasms sometimes, I think those are muscular, they are very painful! How are Flynn's triglyceride levels? I think my vet said the same as yours about the cholesterol not being as much of a worry, and that for Jasper, the sky high triglycerides were the issue causing worry.

It's dinner time now, so hoping I can get him to eat. :o I am also going to get Jasper's last labwork and take a look at the cholesterol. I know it was elevated too, but can't remember how much. Brb.

06-01-2014, 08:23 PM
He has not had triglycerides done. Hmmmm maybe something to add on the next time he has bloods taken.

Some liver diets recommend higher fat, so it might not be too bad after all. At least his IBD is settled, he likes it too so that is a bonus. Might order another tray and when I get a chance to discuss with Mike I will.

I just had some lunch, made a bit pot of vege soup yesterday with barley and a ham hock so just reheated that. It is delicious, I should have made some without the onion in it then I could give Flynn some because he is looking at me like he should be able to lick the bowl!!

06-01-2014, 09:22 PM
That lunch sounds good Trish. I don't know what I am going to have, nothing sounds good at the moment. We had severe storms roll through a couple of hours ago and it looks like it is getting ready for another round. I ran out real quick and cleaned the tree branches up out of the drive way, most of my neighbors were doing the same. Don't need those blowing around when the next cell rolls through. :eek:

Jasper is still working on his supper, he has eaten about 3/4 of it maybe, not super interested. I am going to wait another few minutes and then mix in a bit of canned to get him to finish. Shelby has to be confined while he goes in and out of the kitchen taking bites here and there. :( Poor little girl, she would have it gone in the blink of an eye!

Yes, you might want to ask about triglycerides for Flynn. Here it comes on the chem panel along with cholesterol. Jasper's last cholesterol was just a little high at 269 (125-260 mg/dL). Triglycerides were high at 423 (41-115 mg/dL ). This was in March after switching to the lowfat food. The time before in December that caused all the concern, chol high at 350, and triglycerides way high at 1114 :eek: . Same reference ranges.

Ha ha, I know that wanting to lick the bowl look. I am getting the look now like "ok, I've eaten a good amount of this crap, so go get the good stuff ready" lol.

06-02-2014, 07:07 PM
Koko's new vet since our Dr. Dean moved - she took his place as Chief of Staff

Dr. R grew up in rural New Jersey and now resides in Saukville, Wisconsin. She earned both her BS degree in Biochemistry and her Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from North Carolina State University. Dr. R founded a mixed animal practice in northern Wisconsin where she practiced for 17 years before moving to New Zealand to practice and explore.

He sees her June 23rd for his annual. I hope we like her!!!! I wonder where in New Zealand she practiced????

Small world, huh???:D:D:D:D:D:D

06-03-2014, 07:14 AM
Ohhh you will have to find out where she was while in NZ!! It is a small world eh Addy! Ask her if she is going to see the All Blacks when they come to Chicago in November :D:D

Well another eventful day here, Mike had txt during work to ask if I was home tonight for a catchup. So I picked up Flynn after work as usual and on the way home a blardy kid flew out of a driveway on his bike right in front of me. I slammed on the brakes and I don't know how, but I missed him. But poor Flynn who was sitting on the back seat flew through the gap and whacked into the centre console :eek::eek::eek: I kinda slowed him down but it happened so fast and it was quite a thud, he ended up down in the passenger seat foot space. He sat straight back up and he was not knocked out but the poor boy got such a fright as did I. He seemed OK so I drove him and gave him a good lookover, small cut beside his eye but that seems all the damage. He was perky and ran around outside and came in looking for his dinner. I even shone a light in his eyes to check pupil reaction :rolleyes: I txt Mike straight away so he knew I was home and to call and gave him a quick rundown of what happened. He text back "Bloody Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then rang thank goodness!

He did not need to be seen after we went through everything, he got me to put an icepack on his forehead to settle any swelling and he thinks he might get a black eye. I txt him a photo of the wee cut.

So after that drama we discussed the report, he happy with it too. We talked quite a bit about cushings, he was talking about the meds and said he has rules for owners to watch for when he gives dogs the drugs, ie to measure water, watch eating to see if they decrease appetite, general behaviour so he sounded pretty up on it which I was happy about. But we both agreed we do not need to go there right now. He wants me to do a monthly check of his water intake over a 48hr period so we will know if he starts drinking more and keep a look out for any of the other main signs.

We are going to meet soon to do the lipoma mapping and decide which ones to remove. With all the other drama I never even got to talk to him about diet Tina :p or the occasional limping Sharlene :p but I am sure we will soon.

Right bedtime for us, night all... don't forget the seatbelts!! Flynn does have one but he hates it and I have been slack not making him wear it so I fully blame myself (again) for being a bad dog mother. :( Luckily he seems fine though. I think I will be waking him through the night to check his level of consciousness! xxx

06-03-2014, 07:26 AM
Omigosh, Trish, what a scare! I am a bad dog mother, too, because I let the girls ride "loose" in a dog hammock that we have set up on the backseat of the SUV. It provides a little bit of restraint, but I'm sure a full stop would still send them flying, too. :o :eek:

Anyway, hope Flynnie's head is hard enough to have come through unscathed!!

06-03-2014, 08:22 AM
Geez that is a scare, Koko has a seat belt as well but I have not been using it either and he too likes to stand on the console from the back seat while in my car.

I hope Flynny boy does not get a black eye.

Always something,

molly muffin
06-03-2014, 01:45 PM
EEEEKkk Yowser, you must have been close to heart failure with the bike and Flynn. What an evening. Glad he seemed okay How is his eye? Were you up all evening with him? No concussion?

Whew, well that is enough excitement for you and Flynn man for this week.

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-03-2014, 04:25 PM
Oh my word, blardy hell Trish. What a fright you both would have got, glad the boy seems ok, how is his eye today. Now it is time to settle down both of you as you have had too many adventures over the last few weeks with skewers, food and everything else, just take it easy woman :D

Budsters Mom
06-03-2014, 11:32 PM
OMG Trish, You both must have been terrified! :eek:I'm glad that Flynny seems okay. You gave poor Dr. Mike a few more gray hairs. Poor guy. I'm so relieved that everyone is okay. Did you wet your britches? :D I would have! xxxxx

06-04-2014, 02:17 AM
Oh my gosh Trish, how scary! How is the eye today? Jasper doesn't like his seatbelt harness either and I used to be slack about making him wear it. We had a similar thing happen where I had to slam on the brakes and he went flying. It was just luck that he didn't hit the dash. He was pretty shook up but not hurt. So I make him wear it now. So happy you are all ok, and that you didn't hit that darned kid!

I agree, that is enough excitement with Flynn for a while!


06-04-2014, 02:27 AM
Oh NO!!!!

Poor Flynn! Thank God he didn't hit something sharp.
I had to slam on the brakes recently, the pad underneath Daisy hit the floor but she didn't move. Scary!

06-04-2014, 02:32 AM
Hi girls!!

Thanks for your comments, I feel so bad about it but luckily Flynny is fine, there is no swelling on his eye so I think the icing helped there. He is perky as anything! Thank goodness :)

I can see where he whacked into the dashboard though, one of the heater knobs is broken. But will fix a broken knob, I am just glad we did not have fix any nasty injuries in Flynn!!

That darn kid, I don't think he even realised how close he was to being bowled!! He just kept biking over to the other side :mad:

Seat belt in use today, he is not happy but will have to get used to it. Addy, he likes standing on the middle console too, he rests his wee head on my shoulder like a parrot. But this time he was lying on the back seat before he was launched. Gosh if he was standing up there, he might have gone through the windscreen :eek: doesn't bear thinking about does it. xx

molly muffin
06-04-2014, 08:35 AM
Yay no black eye or swelling. Of course now Flynn won't be able to tell all his friends about how he ran into the big burley guy and saved his mom from certain dire circumstances with his bravery. Guess he'll have to stick to the "and the fish was THIS big story". :) :)

Wow, that must have been some hit to break the knob. Scary.

Glad everything is okay. Kids on bikes. sheezz

sharlene and molly muffin

06-04-2014, 12:57 PM
Ha ha Sharlene that did make me laugh out loud :D

Great news that there is no black eye or other damage to the boy. Yes Trish it doesn't bare thinking about so we won't !!!

06-04-2014, 04:09 PM
Haha Sharlene, he does have some stories to tell his mates after the last couple of weeks of "incidents", doesn't he realise he is 13 now.... oh that must be it, he has hit his teenage years!! :) xx

06-04-2014, 05:42 PM
Oh they say the teenage years are the worst :eek: He,s rebelling what with his unwrapping and stealing food, he,s just letting you know he's still the boss :D:D

Bailey's Mom
06-06-2014, 06:40 AM
Hi Trish-I see you're on. I'm sorry about the car mishap. Wow. If Flynny hit hard enough to break a knob, I'm amazed he doesn't have more injuries. What a close call!
Say, Trish.................it's FRIDAY!!!!!!:D:D:):D:D

Have a calm weekend!:D


06-06-2014, 06:49 AM
Hey Sus!! Yes, he is very lucky... the knob is still attached it is just wonky and won't work! He does not seem to have any after effects at all. Honestly that dog needs to be wrapped in cotton wool for his own safety lately!!

YAY Friday, my favourite day of the week!! Tomorrow we are doing a walk around a new park with a friend, then off to visit his friend Cooper again. Cooper's Mum is a twin and the other one died two years ago on Sunday so we are going to take her some flowers and hang out tomorrow afternoon and the dogs can all play which always cheers her up!

What you up to this weekend? Anything fun planned?

molly muffin
06-06-2014, 03:27 PM
Whoo hoooo, weekend is here!!! wineries and walks in the park and play dates. Sounds wonderful! I hope you have lovely weather, all weekend long.

Wrapped in cotton! Ha! Now there is an idea! The way Flynn likes his blankets, he'd probably snooze his days away in the cocoon. :)

30 more mintues and then my weekend starts!!! whoo hoooo!!!! I forgot what I even wanted to run up to the storm for today..hmm..might have been for iced coffee now I think about it.

The winery restaurant sound delish! Now I'm not even interested in a roast for dinner. pffft

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-06-2014, 04:55 PM
Hi Trish,
Here I am again playing catch up with everyone's news. So glad to read that no terrible harm was done when you had to slam on the brakes for the oblivious kid bike rider!
Now that we're not driving out to my mothers much anymore Trixie is hardly ever in a car, but we usually just hold her which I know is just plain dangerous. I got this car seat a few years ago and she ended up loving it...we were shocked, but it was junk and it kind of kept falling apart...so I got what I thought was a better one...safer and more comfortable...and what do you think??? Trixie hated it, would not stay in it and would get car sick too!! Then I couldn't get a hold of another junky one!!
Anyway glad to read that Flynn is doing well. Trixie is also on lowfat everything, like Jasper. Finally they are making more lowfat treats. Trixie is not picky about food and will eat anything...she loves chewy treats but I can't find many that are low fat enough for her.
I like Humans of NY too...fun stories. Check out The Dogist on FB...they put up the best dog photos ever!! Hope you have a nice weekend! :D

06-06-2014, 07:06 PM
Hi girls, yes the weather is great today here too, lovely sunshine and no wind. So all looking good for the walk/play date this arvo.

Barbara, I just signed up for "The Dogist" :D Ohhhh going to be so excited when Trixie shows up on there, as she surely will!! How could they not want to take a photo of our gorgeous girl! Imagine looking after that dog with the dreads :eek::eek: funny looking thing!

I think I might look into car seats too, the seat belt we have is not very comfortable for him. He keeps trying to lean away out of it. He has never been a good car traveller. He sits on the back seat, never wants to get in the front other than standing on that centre console with his back legs on the back seat. Now I have seen what a missile he turns into, that has to stop.

06-06-2014, 08:59 PM
Koko likes to ride that way too. He cant do it in the Honda as the console is further away and one time he fell too, bumping his chin really bad. I have tethers that slip into the seat belts and then attach to his harness. I have not used them since Zoe got sick. I used to tether both of them and they would get ticked off and try to wrestle with their seat belts on:rolleyes:

What fun for Dad and you to see All Blacks play live. That will be a cool event. I bet your Dad cant wait.

Barbara, I laughed so hard that Trixie liked the junky car seat. Figures!!!

06-07-2014, 04:01 PM
Hi Trish,
Just checking in here real quick to see how you and Flynn are doing. How was the walk and play date? Hope you guys are having a good weekend. Maybe we can do some catching up a bit later. :) xo

06-07-2014, 05:12 PM
Hello you

How was the play date, hope Flynn behaved and didn't pee on little Cooper :D

At work we use bubble wrap for packaging it come in about 3 ft thick large rolls, would you like me to ship you some to wrap the boy in :D

I used a seat belt thing with Woody. I can't remember the name but one end clipped into the seat belt and other clipped to his collar. It meant he could stand/sit/lye but short enough he could fall off the back seat. He hated the proper doggy ones.
Hope you enjoy what's left of the weekend :D

06-07-2014, 05:17 PM

Yep he had a fine time yesterday, first the walk in the park with Meg the Scottie Dog. He rolled in duck +/- swan poop and had green stripes all down him. Immediately after that walk we were calling in to see some our other friend with Cooper. Luckily Jacquie had wet wipes in her car so I wiped him down as best as I could. But he still was a bit whiffy! I was going to leave him in the car at my friends but she insisted he come in, so I ushered him straight through the house and out into her garden where they all played.

He got a nice shower once he got home for his troubles!!

That sounds like the seat belt attachment I have for him. I am putting a harness on as well so if he does get flung forward the pressure won't be on his neck.

06-07-2014, 05:27 PM
Hee Hee Flynn sure is a grubby little dog, these terriers do like to roll in some yucky stuff. Glad he had fun though !

Harness is a good idea, Woody always wore a harness a purple fleece made to measure one cost me a pretty penny, but worth it, as he could be a puller on the lead and this helped stop that. :D

06-07-2014, 08:23 PM
LOVED< LOVED< LOVED the utube clip.

The Haka (is that right) looks like a serious dance when the ALL Blacks do it.

Ok, I'm hooked.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

06-07-2014, 08:30 PM
Hey,, you have got me all inspired so have been in and out doing some yard work!!

Yep, its the haka! It is a bit frightening, other teams have different ways of dealing with it. Other Pacific Island teams have their own one, so it is quite spectacular when they do it at the same time. The game was pretty shite, lots of mistakes for the first match of the season but we just won, so we will take that!! Hopefully by the time they get to you they will be there sparkling best!

Sorry about California Chrome Addy, I googled to read the history of the races. Shame he did not win, there was some talk about the one that did win today had not been in the other races so maybe was fresher and how that is not really fair on the ones like California Chrome who do the hard yards racing in them all.

06-07-2014, 08:35 PM
yup, I say that every time. Does not seem fair to put these fresh horses in at the last race. I honestly don't think we will ever see another Triple Crown winner until something changes. Seems unfair to those that have run the other two and then here comes a whole dang crop of horses all fresh and ready.

I wonder if I can watch the games on my laptop?

Dont go working too hard in the yard, I'm getting all stiff from our work out.:rolleyes: I must be getting old.

06-07-2014, 08:46 PM
Hmmm not sure, that link you had for NRL League is not right, that is the Australian rugby league which is different game to the one they play in heaven!! :D the haka is the Maori challenge, during the Maori wars in the 1800s that is what they used to do before battle.

Yep, that is so not fair. Should have to enter your intentions and race them all fair and square.

Have no idea about this Stanley Cup Tina is watching, no clue on the rules, just seem to have to skate and bash the opposition :eek::eek: NY is winning though so go them!!! :D

06-07-2014, 09:01 PM
Ok, so "our" team is not in that league. Got it.:):):):):) I thought I watched a House Hunters International in New Zealand- a couple looking for a home - stopped at a cultural center and they learned a welcome dance. If I were the team watching the All Blacks perform the haka, I would be worried. They did look like warriors.

Not sure either about the Stanley Cup but go NY:D:D:D:D:D I will have to go google it.

Gotta run Trish, looks like a storm is coming and I need to get Koko out.

06-07-2014, 09:10 PM
Yep, I have sat here long enough to eat my sandwich for lunch! Back to it, cya later... hope the storm only brings a gentle sprinkle to your garden and misses all the weeds! x

molly muffin
06-07-2014, 11:26 PM
I love the haka!! It's really cool to see that. I'd love to see that in person some time. Their faces get so ferocious looking and the other team glares back at them. You can just feel the adrenal pumping up, even through the tv. It's awesome!

California Chrome is still an amazing horse, I think. This is his first loss as a 3 year old and that's not bad. 12 starts? They said he had a cracked hoof at the the end, which he must have gotten right out of the gate. :( Poor thing.
I read about the training of how they use to train the horses right from the beginning for the triple crown, so would would train them to start like every few weeks. Now like California Chrome, he'd typically have 7 weeks between starts. As long as the Belmont is and all the hoopla with the other two before it, you just know they must be tired. It's hard to go that distance if you aren't feeling fresh (for a horse). :)

We didn't get to the back yard today after all. Instead hubs laid new sod on the side of the house, built it up so rain water would run away from the house instead of towards it, and then put down new sod. It looks really good. Back yard is still waiting though. :)

Movie was fun. Nice to have someone come and take your order and deliver, drinks, food, whatever you want.

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-14-2014, 04:21 PM
Hi all

We have had a good Flynny week here :D:D he is doing so well right now it is fantastic to see. IBD good, itchiness gone, still a bit of an occasional limp when he gets up but we can live with that. :) He is due his Pentosan injection and forgot to get it with his other meds I picked up last week. It is only monthly and I give it at home to save money. I am trying to source his meds at a bit of a cheaper price especially the Samilyn which is $155 per month! :eek: He is most definitely worth every penny I spend on him!

I have had a couple of days away in Tauranga which is 3.5hrs drive north, got home last night. Work meeting plus a catchup with my niece. Gorgeous couple of days away. Flynn stayed with his Nan and Grandad and had a lovely time, when I walked in he barked at me then went back to ripping up his toy squirrel and they were bits of it flung around the lounge. :D so he did not seem too miss me at all :D :rolleyes:

Hope your all having a good weekend, up early here and it is frosty outside but clear sky so should be just perfect for a walk later when it warms up! xx

Budsters Mom
06-14-2014, 09:17 PM
Staying with your mom and dad was probably like a vacation for Flynny. There was no was following him around checking poop all the time! Lol :D:D:eek: I'm thrilled that you both are doing so well.

Love the Flynn man and hope that he continues to baffle the docs forever! xxxxx

06-15-2014, 12:11 AM
Hi Kathy, yes it was a little holiday for the boy lol... sounds like he was suitably spoiled, he even had the fire lit for him to lie in front of. Mum reckons he returns to his wolf heritage by staring into the flames :rolleyes::confused::)?!? :D He is a lucky lad having two homes to call his own! Is certainly nice to have him in pretty good health!!

06-15-2014, 12:16 AM
Hi Trish,
I'm so pleased to read how well Flynn is doing! It just does my heart good to hear this. It sounds like he really enjoys his time at your Mum and Dads. That is so nice that they are close by and can watch him. I sure miss having family in town for that reason, especially since Jasper has gotten sick. It sure would be nice if my Mom was here, for many reasons.

How did your work meeting go? Sounds like you had a nice time visiting with your niece.

Wow, that Samilyn is pricey! I hope you can find it cheaper someplace. Can you look online for that? I know the Denamarin that I get is pricey as well but not near that expensive, and I think we can purchase it online here in the states. I checked a little while back and it wasn't really any cheaper to order it online than it was to buy it at my vet so I just go ahead and get it at the vet's office.

Thanks for posting on our thread and checking on us Trish, I'll be posting an update over there in a second. I still am not used to using this voice feature on the iPad, it's okay but I'd much rather be typing. :rolleyes: xo

molly muffin
06-15-2014, 12:39 AM
oh how lovely to have a few days away and get to spend some time with your niece.

It does sound like you and Flynn both had a great time. He really does have a special bond with your mom and dad. He's a lucky boy.

That is wonderful that he is doing so well. Love to hear that. Yikes, that is some pricey meds! There has to be some way to get them cheaper. Would local Mike have any ideas about that?

sharlene and molly muffin

06-18-2014, 05:37 PM
Hi Trish I am so happy to read Flynn is doing so well, that's fantastic! Hugs to your precious boy :)

06-18-2014, 06:31 PM
Hi Trish - stopping in to say 'hey'. Sorry I have been away for a while! I'm glad to read that Flynn is doing so well. :)

06-21-2014, 08:12 PM
Hi girls!! Not much to report this week either. Flynny boy has not got into any mischief! A friend with a dog came and visited him yesterday arvo which he was very happy about, a pesky cat crossed his path in HIS yard last night, which he was not very happy about and boy did he let that cat know he was not welcome (and the neighbourhood :eek:) a great race for the gate followed, which thankfully the cat won! He is perhaps itching a wee bit more but he is due his shower today so hopefully that will sort that out. Have a special soap bar with his natural flea deterren againt. But I think he has been bit on his butt as he has the beginning of hot spot there.

Mike rang earlier in the week for a catchup, at the end of this week it will two months since his last blood test. So we will do them again, if they are in reasonable shape he will go in soon after to get the biggest lipomas removed. Hopefully those pesky LFTs will have stabilised even more off the steroids. As much as I hate to put him through further surgery there are at least 3 of them that really need to come off. Mike thinks the one on his shoulder is possibly the cause of his limping when he jumps off the couch. So he said either we should do it now while he is well or put it on the shelf forever and not worry about them anymore. I will take a week off work to look after him while he recovers but I expect him to fly through it like he has with his other surgeries :D Mike is going to attack the biggest ones first, see how he is going with the anaesthetic and get as many as he can.

We were due to go see his friend Cooper this afternoon, but I feel a bit yuck and it is raining and I have the whole last series of Downton Abbey to watch and I have big pot of vegie soup bubbling away, so don't think we will be going far!! :D That's what Sunday's are for eh!! :)

06-21-2014, 09:47 PM
Blardy hell, no sooner had I written that post. Flynny came over all hangdog, not wanting to move, looking like he was in pain hanging his head down. Thought he was going to vomit :( Dunno what happened to cause this. Just whipped him down to the vet, vitals are all OK. He thinks he has tweaked his back (Mike not on call today, but this guy nice and I had txt Mike on the way!) Flynn is walking, just slow. We don't like giving him non-steroidals or steroids for that matter. So he took bloods just to check nothing funny going on, but these are just in-house. He going to ring with those results this afternoon. I have to take Flynn back tomorrow morning to see Mike for proper bloods. I have given him 25mg Tramadol, you think I tried to feed him hot lava, spat it out.. was half a 50mg capsule and I sprinkled it on a bit of his food. So I gave him a squirt of the liquid stuff too. He does not want to eat either. He settled in his bed on the floor for now, he wanted on the couch but I don't want him up there in case he decides to jump off and I don't get him in time and does more damage. Hope he is OK and it is just a little back tweak. Honestly, just when you think everything is going well :(

06-22-2014, 01:30 AM
Oh dear :( How is Flynn doing today?? Any news? It sounded like Superdog was doing really well. Hope this is just a small bump and he is feeling better ASAP!!! Take care.

Budsters Mom
06-22-2014, 02:22 AM
Poor Flynny boy, I hope it's just a little tweak and he's back to chasing that nasty cat out of his yard once again. ;) I hope the Tramadol helps our boy gets some rest. Rosie spits out her pills too. I have to use one of those horrible pill shooters with her. Even then, she sometimes manages to spit them out. Hang in there Trish. Mike figure it all out. He always does. Xxxxx

06-22-2014, 03:16 AM
Thanks Nikki and Kathy. I put him in his bed in the lounge (see new pic!) with a nice furry hot water bottle on his back to help ease any pain there, He had a Tramadol nap for a good hour when we got back. Then he got up and said... "where's my lunch, I missed it"! Well his eyes and nose were most definitely saying that :)

He is still a bit stiff, slow going outside, but over the last few hours with me making him rest up and him wanting outside he looks better. I did let him out before and he smelled that damn cat and run to the gate barking! :eek: I caught him quick smart and took him to the lawn to pee then straight back inside. He must be feeling better, judging by that. Wants his dinner tonight so will feed him soon.

I haven't given him Tramadol for ages, Ian the vet on call today worked out his dosage and he can have between 1-4mg/kg which is 13-52mg for Flynn 8-12 hrly. He said start him on 25mg which I did give or take a few mg spat out on the floor. Kathy, he is usually brilliant taking pills, he takes 3 pills each morning and two at night. I just pop them in a bit of his food and give them to him before his meal and no problems at all. This Tramadol comes in a capsule and I had to split it and take out the powder and divide it so obviously not a nice taste (warning: remember not to do that with Vetoryl anyone, but you can with Tramadol capsule!). Will give him the Tramadol drops I have but he hates them too, but at least I can squirt that right to back of his mouth or under his tongue and it is low volume so harder to spit. Ian rang and said blood results were ok on the in house. But to bring him in tomorrow for Mike to review.

Just at the back of my mind is whether this is a back issue or not, he seems to be bouncing back pretty quickly from a sudden and acute issue. It better not be that adrenal nodule suddenly kicking into action if its a pheo :confused: Nope, no... pushing that thought right to the back of my brain! But his heart rate was OK, BP not done. :confused:

He sure likes that hot water bottle and keeps cuddling up to it, might have to make it a regular night time thing during the winter!

06-22-2014, 04:16 AM
Oh blardy hell Trish I hope he is feeling better. Tramadol has a kind of bitter taste to it well according to my vet. So we are pushing all thoughts of a pheo to the back of our minds and consentrating on it being a minor back issue that he will bounce back from in no time.:)

06-22-2014, 04:43 AM
He is feeling better, miraculous really :confused: He is making up for sleeping all afternoon in his drug haze and is wanting to zoom outside! :eek: I dunno what this is all about, he was really crook and looked awful. I was still in Sunday morning laze mode and it got me dressed and him bundled in the car pretty quick.

I remember he did something very similar after his liver resection last November, he came in to me and was the same as he was today. He had just jumped off the bed and he still only a week or two postop. Mike thought he had either tweaked his back then or else pulled a stitch. I remember he came right pretty quick that day too. Very strange.

I just think if it was his back, he would be looking sorer a bit longer than 6hrs!!! Or maybe he is a bit of a drama king!

06-22-2014, 04:55 AM
I would agree in other dogs that it would take more time but no Flynn the wonder dog :D

Tramadol is pretty good so maybe it's working well on him, I would be inclined to keep him calm no zoomies for a few days as the tramadol can mask the pain don't want any damage being down :)

06-22-2014, 05:06 AM
My thoughts exactly! I did not expect him to zoom, so he caught me off guard... but then I caught him so he could zoom no more :D

I'm not going to give him the Tramadol again tonight unless I see any more obvious pain to see what he is like.

Jesus he just tried to jump on the couch, I am going to have to tie him down!! He wanted to go to the bedroom before and he was in there laying on his mat. His nice bed out in the lounge, so I took it back to its usual spot. He hopped in, me back out to lounge. He stayed in there all of 5 mins lol and out he comes! Think I will be having an early night to keep him quiet in his bed!

06-22-2014, 05:31 AM
Hi Girls!
Thought I would check in real quick while I had the dogs outside for a late pitstop. The thunder is rumbling again, I think it woke them up. I figured I better get them outside before the next round of storms moves in.

Gosh Trish, I wonder if Flynn had some sort of spasm in his back or something? I know I get those from time to time, and they can be quite suddenly painful and sometimes they do settle down pretty quickly. So glad you could get him into the vet right away and have the bloodwork checked, at least you know that all looked good. But now the challenge will be to keep him from trying to jump up on stuff! I know that is always so hard with my dogs. It sounds like he is doing really great other than this. Did he eat his dinner?

Aww, the picture of him with the water bottle is so cute. :)

06-22-2014, 05:42 AM
Hey Tina!! Yes, he did eat his dinner and looking for more. Maybe a back spasm... the vet checked him out pretty well. He held his back legs up off the table and felt down his spine. Said he did not like that, but I don't think I would like to be held in that position either!! :eek: Yes, maybe was something like a spasm, just weird, he looked so sick, trembling non stop, head hanging, came to sit right beside me, walking slow, not interested in a treat or anything. I checked his gums, they were nice and pink so not in shock, tummy soft, good poop this morning. Maybe he should have a spine xray, Mike can sort it out tomorrow when I take him in.

Tracy has been out partying all night!! Not feeling too flash and off to have a brekky to soak it all up :D:D Least some of us are having fun!! :)

06-22-2014, 05:43 AM
God your storms are relentless!! Poor doggies getting woken up with that racket!! Hope it blows through again like last week :)

06-22-2014, 05:56 AM
Oh good for Tracy for having the energy to party all night, but I'm sorry she's not feeling too well now. Hopefully a little something to eat will help her feel better. Boy it's been a long time since those days for me! I can hardly have a single drink now, and I'm ready for bed! LOL :D

That is such a scare with Flynn, with him acting like that, and then not wanting to eat. Yes, maybe a spine x-ray would be a good idea. I'm sure Mike will know just what to do. Glad he ate, that is definitely a good sign! These pups, it seems they just have to keep us on our toes. :rolleyes:

Yes, we have been hammered with storms lately. Not expecting anything bad this morning, however, it seems like they just flare up out of nowhere. Friday night we had a horrible storms here, not considered severe, but we got about 6 inches of rain in a couple of hours. :eek: Lots of flooding all over town and there were two fatalities of people who drowned while they were out driving, and cars got washed off the road. How horrible and so scary. My street and front yard looked like a river there was so much water rushing down it. I have never seen it quite like that before. Thank goodness I was home and not out and about.

06-22-2014, 06:04 AM
OMG, I always think when I see cars driving into flood waters how dangerous it looks. Yikes, I am glad you were all home too!!

I just checked your weather and there is a band coming through, but looks dry for the next hour or so at least so hopefully you can get back to sleep for a while. But there are a few red patches so guess you will get a bit more rain before morning, said thunderstorms through to tomorrow night, but guess you know all that :rolleyes:

I am just emailing Mike so he has the info for the morning as sometimes when I take Flynny in for his bloods etc he is with another patient so I don't get to talk to him then. We usually talk when I pick him up later in the day. I am off work tomorrow, so that is good can go get him whenever he is ready.

06-22-2014, 06:42 AM
Oh that's great that you're off work Trish. That will help with getting Flynn back to the vet. I love your Dr. Mike, you have such great communication with him. And it seems like he's always so available for you, with phone calls and emails. That is always so reassuring. The last couple times I've talked to my vet, I kind of feel like she wasn't as accommodating as usual. Sometimes I get the feeling that they get sick of me at the office. But I can't help it. Jasper has a lot of issues and unfortunately it results in a lot of calls and appointments. Maybe I'm being sensitive, but sometimes I just get a cold feeling from the staff at the office, kind of like they're tired of hearing from me. :o

Yep, we are heading back to bed in just a minute here. The concern for us right now is the heavy rain that is forecast, with all the flooding that we've had. They showed a house on the news last night in another part of town where the one whole side of the house had collapsed into a sinkhole from all the rain. Their house is a total loss, the water just gushed in. Those poor people, I literally felt sick looking at that. :(

06-22-2014, 07:00 AM
You just ignore those feelings Tina!! That vet should thank their lucky stars they have you and Jasper as clients, he is a a complex case and you keep on top of it. I am sure they roll their eyes when I call too, I don't care :rolleyes:;):eek::D I care about Flynn more than I worry about what they think of me :D So put those thoughts aside and you keep doing what you do best, looking after that spunky boy of yours :D:D

Now get to bed!! Get some sleep before it is daylight!! Oh god, now I not only have to worry about tornados around you but you could all disappear down a sink hole??? :eek::eek::eek:

06-22-2014, 07:13 AM
You are exactly right, I am way more concerned about Jasper than what they think there at the office for sure. But sometimes I do get those feelings, I just need to ignore them better. ;)

No worries Trish, hopefully there won't be any sink holes in this part of town. Good Lord that was awful! Yep we are heading to bed now for a little bit so I will catch you later. I will be looking for good news from Flynn's appointment. Hope you have a nice day off tomorrow. :) :D

Smooches for Flynny. xo

06-22-2014, 08:36 AM
Hey I'm back. Breakfast turned into brunch as she was cooking for 12 :eek: some had champagne with theirs I had tea :D I could not face another drink lol. I managed a cooked breakfast so feel much better shouldn't complain as it's self inflicted :p

Tina I hope you get a break from the storms and that you get some sleep x

Trish fingers crossed for Flynns vet appointment will check back later to see how he went, now time for a wee nap :cool:

06-22-2014, 09:49 AM
I was not expecting to read all of this about our little boy. I am not sure what to make of it all expect perhaps he just had a misstep causing pain and some rest, warmth and tramadol set it right.:confused:

Could he have eaten something that bothered him for a bit?

Well, Trish, will be looking for updates on Flynny. I hope things keep improving.

06-22-2014, 05:44 PM

He had a good night, no sign of problems this morning. Just been in to see Mike, he said he often see's dogs that present with similar sudden pain that resolves quickly. Like they will get a panicked call at opening with owners saying their dog cannot walk, then by the time they bring them in it has come right and they are walking again. Tina, he said back spasms not unusual in older arthriticy dogs either and he thought could well be that, so you were onto it! :)

He said he did not want to do his bloods today while Flynn had that happen yesterday, just in case the bloods are off he did not want to have to wonder whether yesterdays issue caused it so prefers to leave it until later in the week to give him time to fully settle down. No BP as there was a barking dog out the back. I did take in a urine for his UPC. Don't think he ate anything odd Addy, poops are fine again today too.

So a nice drama free day would be good! :) x

Bailey's Mom
06-23-2014, 03:41 AM
Hi Trish!

Sorry to read about Flynn's back problem, but he sure looks like he's living a mighty comfy life with that water bottle covered and on his back. :D
Mike sounds like he's wonderful. I hope Flynn continues to improve and that it was just an odd little episode.


06-23-2014, 04:26 AM
Trish, back problems are no fun at all. Poor Flynn and how scary for you!

06-23-2014, 03:59 PM
So glad to read Flynny is doing better :D hoping he has just tweaked it or had a spasm.

Here's to a drama free week :D

molly muffin
06-23-2014, 08:03 PM
Well you know, Flynn is the gift that keeps on giving, in oh so many ways. hahahaha Mike is a wonderful guy. I think it was his calling in life to be a vet. Not all are so great, many are, but not all and how lucky that he is yours and Flynns. Tell him he has his own fan club around this joint. :)

Glad to hear the Flynn man is still doing is fine and acting fine.

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-23-2014, 08:34 PM
Blardy hell, no sooner had I written that post. Flynny came over all hangdog, not wanting to move, looking like he was in pain hanging his head down. Thought he was going to vomit :( Dunno what happened to cause this. Just whipped him down to the vet, vitals are all OK. He thinks he has tweaked his back (Mike not on call today, but this guy nice and I had txt Mike on the way!) Flynn is walking, just slow. We don't like giving him non-steroidals or steroids for that matter. So he took bloods just to check nothing funny going on, but these are just in-house. He going to ring with those results this afternoon. I have to take Flynn back tomorrow morning to see Mike for proper bloods. I have given him 25mg Tramadol, you think I tried to feed him hot lava, spat it out.. was half a 50mg capsule and I sprinkled it on a bit of his food. So I gave him a squirt of the liquid stuff too. He does not want to eat either. He settled in his bed on the floor for now, he wanted on the couch but I don't want him up there in case he decides to jump off and I don't get him in time and does more damage. Hope he is OK and it is just a little back tweak. Honestly, just when you think everything is going well :(

Oh Trish I am sorry to hear this, but yes when Snugs back is hurting him (he has a very bad back although you would never know it most of the time) he walks with his head down, which tells me he hurt his back. I put him on complete crate rest for a few days and give him a baby aspirin. My vet has ultrasound massages for dogs with bad backs, arthritis and says he gets amazing results. Dogs that can barely walk end up walking well after treatments.
I haven't tried it yet my money right now is going for all their other issues, but it is something you may want to think about.

Also when I give my boys their herbal meds that are pills or any pills I put some natural applesauce on a spoon and bury the pill in it and they gobble it down off the spoon.

I hope his back issue resolves quickly! Hugs to you and sweet Flynn!

06-23-2014, 08:41 PM
Hi all

I have the week off so home with him. He a little off again today, vomited up his meds this morning. Which he has done on occasion. He has to have them an hour before his breakfast. Ate his brekky well though.

Did a bit of a head down, shaky episode before too. Not as bad as the other day but just enough to le me know he is not right. Gave him a squirt of Tramadol. I am not convinced it is his back, but hard to tell really. He is starting to itch again too. :mad:

Oh well, the life of our older pups throws these curve balls on occasion!! Hopefully he will be back to his spritely self soon! x

06-23-2014, 08:43 PM
Prayers and good thoughts for Flynn! Hugs!