View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you
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04-16-2014, 05:26 AM
Hahahahahah love it Flynn the sausage stealer hee hee. He won't be in the bad books for long knowing him :D
So 5th May is d day. I agree to waiting to test a few days before then the results are fresh, glad that it seems the pred is out of his system :D
04-16-2014, 05:38 AM
I told him pork sausage is NOT his novel protein, bad dog! Hope it doesn't upset his tummy as that has been good for a couple of weeks! My fault though, I should have realised driving home with that sausage smell in the car must have been torture for him and he just couldn't resist when my back was turned!
Thanks Kathy and Trixie for popping in! Hope your break is going well Kathy and your getting out and about with your little Rosie for some nice walks!! I agree with you Barbara about not wanting to know, hate to rock the boat too. But this time I really want to see some improvement in those numbers, at least if they are not better we will be seeing the IMS a few days later anyway. I don't like the gurgles either, sometimes hear them at night when all is quiet. Funny how he is not around me for food, he must be real full with a whole sausage packed away in his gut lol
Hey- are you on holiday now?:):):)
Trish, for the first time in my life I made a channel on Utube. :eek::rolleyes::o
I wanted to post a video of Zoe on my thread. I can see it play on my channel but not when I click on the "public" link. It says there is an error.
Do you know how I can post the video to my thread? For some reason I thought you had told us how to do it with one Flynny's movies.
oooopppppsss NEVER MIND figured it out :)
04-17-2014, 01:15 PM
Hay it's Easter Friday when you wake up your on Holidays yippee enjoy x
molly muffin
04-17-2014, 03:05 PM
Flynn got the sausage, that is hilarious! I'm sure he decided they were for him, after all he smelt them all the way home! LOL He is so funny.
Easter Holiday coming up! I hope you have a great holiday Trish!
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-17-2014, 04:09 PM
Oh yes, its Good Friday now AND the start of my 10 day break, yesterday was hideous and I need a break after that day alone! Flynn does not appear to have any after effects from his sausage thievery, but it has been too wet to check his poops as the last few days we have been getting the tail of a cyclone that did quite a bit of damage in the Solomons and North Queensland... Cyclone Ita. We went out to dinner last night for my sister's birthday in torrential rain and howling gales. Two of my sister's kids could not make it for her 60th dinner as the weather was too bad to travel. A little better today but still not great. Perfect, shops are shut on Good Friday so a day in suits me fine!!
molly muffin
04-17-2014, 04:28 PM
And what is this about must have an egg?
uck, a cyclone! I'd be curled up on the couch with my tea and a book and going nowhere fast. hahahaha
Enjoy that 10 day breakeroo! Sounds like just the thing. I decided to take Monday off and make it a 4 day holiday. It's just what the doctor ordered. I just have to finish out today! Which I will do as soon as the guy i'm waiting on finishes his job so I can do mine. grrrrrrrr no patience here!
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-17-2014, 04:36 PM
Easter Eggs Sharlene!! Lots of nice chocolatey eggs!!!
C'mon guy at Sharlene's work, get your work done, there is a holiday to start!!! I am not doing the Easter Feast/Birthday lunch till Monday now, so hopefully the other two kids can get back for it once the weather settles. Yep, can't see much more than hanging out here and the couch for today!
04-17-2014, 05:13 PM
Yay holidays. We had wind and rain all day so I had a sofa day too. What else you got planned for your days off
molly muffin
04-17-2014, 05:19 PM
Oh my gosh yes, chocolate easter eggs!!! I thought there was some tradition of eating an egg (real egg) on Easter that I was unaware of.
We'll be doing our dinner on Sunday, since everyone else will have to go to work on monday (while molly and I sleep in!!!) :) :) :)
oh I hope everyone can get back for Monday, that would be great!!
Guy at work finished up, I don't know what was taking him so long. sheezz
I am officially on holiday for 4 days!!! whoot whoot
Now gotta go grab stuff to make chicken ceasar salad this evening for dinner. :)
hugs all!
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
04-17-2014, 05:20 PM
Hey I just realized I finally am the one who is NOT having rain, snow, sleet or any other nasty weather!! Yep, sunshine baby sunshine! At least for right now ;)
04-17-2014, 05:22 PM
Lucky you Sharlene hope you have a fab few days off you need it :D
04-17-2014, 05:32 PM
Yay for the sunshine, I certainly don't begrudge you that after that evil winter weather!! So Caesar salad outside tonight? Sounds lovely!! I bet Molly will be lined up for her bit of chicken!
No set plans Tracy, other than getting through this weekend of festivities! Other than getting the gardening done
04-17-2014, 05:41 PM
Just chill out with the boy the rest of the time. We,re suppose to have sunshine Friday and Saturday so I may just chill in the garden, but I really do need to turn over the long border this garden is never ending lol that's what I get for having such a big garden :eek:
molly muffin
04-17-2014, 06:53 PM
Ohhhh, gardening plans, you're going to have some good looking arms with everything you've been up to Tracy.
Oh I am sure that you will have a great time with the festivities and hanging out with our Flynn-man Trish.
You know Molly wants her chicken before anyone else. LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-17-2014, 06:58 PM
We still have snow... so, no garden to speak of. But, we are moving soon, so I'll have a new house to set up a garden in. :)
10 days off would be lovely!
molly muffin
04-17-2014, 07:44 PM
Oh a new home!! That sounds lovely Renee! We had snow here this week too. Crazy stuff, it was t-shirt weather, then snow!
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-17-2014, 07:51 PM
Haha some snow on the garden would get me out of cleaning it up!! Love settling into a new house, the cleaning up the old and packing not so much!! Exciting for you all Renee!
here you are. off to do my exercises but wanted to say a special thank you for keeping my spirits up today. you have a special talent in that regard, you can always make me laugh and I thank you for that. now, I dont want to get all mushy with ya, but really, Trish, thank you for just well, being you. I dont have a BFF here in Milwaukee but if I did, she would be exactly like you.:):)
nighty night
04-17-2014, 08:39 PM
OMG waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now you made me cry!! Sometimes I struggle with all the sad stuff on here and am not real good at the praying and that kinda stuff, I read what others say and their hearfelt messages are just so lovely but that does not come easily to me so if I can get a smile out of you then my work here is done!!!! And you know what, you do the same for me... as all my other special friends here do too!! I talk about my dog group friends here and my other family and friends wanted to know where we were, but I don't tell them lol... your my own little group to blow off some steam!! So those sentiments right back at you too!! Now my short little Milwaukee BFF you get off and do your exercises because when I come visit (and I will one day) you need to be ship shape for all the dancing, singing and bellini drinking we will do! xxxxx
04-18-2014, 12:09 AM
I think all the partying happens in Sharlene and Trish's threads!!
molly muffin
04-18-2014, 12:31 AM
Nighty night girls! This is a special place Trish, I agree completely.
Addy is right, you just do what you do, the way you do it. (is that a song, the way you do the things you do, hmm, have to hum that a bit).
huggers all,
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
04-18-2014, 12:36 AM
Renee, we pop up all over the place sometimes. :) Any given thread at any time can become the hopping place. :)
Nighty night
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-18-2014, 05:37 AM
Awwww Sharlene my BFF Canadian!! If its not a song, we can sing to that anyway :D Yep Renee, we congregate everywhere! Depends who has the best food or needs the most support on the day, poor Sharlene ends up going out to the store and we added a few pages to her thread today!! But she is the one of the most loveliest posters on this forum and I have no idea how she manages to keep up with everyone with her thoughtful and knowledgeable posts! I am going to give her a crown like our Ms Elle here
Yep, if you didn't notice Elle has been photoshopped :D:D, Mum wanted to enter her in a beauty pageant online lol, so Luke her grandson did this to her pic... no way that cat would put up with a necklace and tiara!! :eek:
04-18-2014, 05:41 AM
Yes you are a wonderful lady who has helped me loads. Like you I'm not good at the sad stuff never know what to say but humour keeps me going :D
I'm off for lunch with Macs mum and then dinner at my usual friends great no cooking for me :D cT h up with you over the weekend.
Mel if your reading have a fab holiday away you deserve it :)
04-18-2014, 05:46 AM
Honestly you girls, you are making me blush... really lucky I MAINLY keep my crabby side hidden lol ... have a nice day out Tracy!! I am out a lot tomorrow too, make up for my lazy day today although I did go up the beach during a break in the weather, Flynn rolled in muck, run like the wind and loved it!
Hi Trish!
Gosh, looks like I missed quite the gathering earlier, both here and in Sharlene's thread! Holy cow, lots of activity on the forum the past 24 hrs or so. It will take me a while to post all I need to. Dear Sharlene, lots to think about there for our sweet Molly. But lots of good news there too. I couldn't agree more with your comments there Trish. You always know the right thing to say. For me and everyone else around here. I second what Addy said, you are a treasure and I appreciate you so much. I truly consider you and others here dear friends, and I don't know what I would do without you! Love you all. :)
And of course tears while reading Zoe's story. I guess I know what I will be doing today - getting caught up on the forum and watching all of the videos you guys posted. And updating on Jasper. Yep, sounds like a full day to me!
Tina and Jasper
04-18-2014, 06:04 AM
Yay Tina is here!!! But honestly I don't know what is in the water here today to make all of you go so mushy! But your all so lovely and I consider you all dear friends as well :)
Right, now we got all that sharing and caring out the way... there is a fair bit of catching up to do... especially on Molly and Sharlene's thread, she has a new super duper IMS on the job too! Your up early Tina, 5am according to my weather app! 0 celcius and cloudy.... Sharlene is the warmest, oops nope Tracy is.. but it is daytime there in Scotland!
04-18-2014, 06:06 AM
Yay Scotland is warm finally, I think where Mel is it's warmer
04-18-2014, 06:13 AM
Well I am actually the warmest, still 17 celcius here and its 10pm at night! Don't think my warmest place is going to last too long though, it is changing fast these last couple of weeks with you all warming up!
Be lovely to see Mel, it must be a couple of weeks since we saw her last, hope your having a lovely Easter Mel and get loads of choccy eggs!! I am pretty sure she was going away for a trip and had a few days off too. Hope so... Miss you Mel!
04-18-2014, 06:16 AM
My mum still gets me a choccy Easter egg :D never to old to be spoilt well I am her favourite. I forgot to tell you my friend who makes jewelley made me a memory bracelet it's silver and the charms contain woody and Bruno,s ashes I put up a pic I love it x
Yep, I am an emotional sap a lot of the time! Pretty much a sensitive mush, I have to work to rein it in sometimes. :D :rolleyes: :o
I am up early, well, actually it was a late middle of the night pit stop for the little man, so am staying up for a bit. Ugh, if that makes any sense! I will need to be getting a little more shut eye in a bit, I am so not a morning person.
Hi Tracy! I read about Mac, your friends better watch out, sounds like he has become quite attached. :) very sweet.
Yep, just at freezing here, the grass is crunchy. Looks nice there Trish.
04-18-2014, 06:26 AM
Your bracelet is so pretty Tracy, I just love it!! What a clever girl your friend is and so very thoughtful to do something like that.
Tina, your just so very sweet and caring... your not too sappy at all!! :D I am not a morning person either, well on work days... funnily enough when I have a day off I am usually up about 8ish!! Not like in younger days when I could sleep to lunchtime no problems!! Must be our shiftwork backgrounds Tina, get used to being up then sleeping when you can! I had one night last week, I was up twice with Flynn which is most unusual with him, then I had this awful dream where he got shot! :eek::eek: He didn't die, but I had to rush him to Mike who saved him LOL, how bizarre!
Aww, thanks Trish. I am emotional, but when it comes to animals, it is ratcheted up exponentially! Such a soft spot for these pups, and all pets really.
What a scary dream about Flynn, but Mike to the rescue of course! Glad that had a good ending, but after everything Flynny has made it through, a mere gunshot would not stop him, Lol :D
I know, used to sleep till noon when I was a teenager, lots of nagging about that from my Mom, lol. Yes, lots of shiftwork in my past as well. I am thankful for daytime regular hours now, but I think my sleep is permanently messed up due to my middle of the night pit stops with Jasper. But I have always been kind of a night owl, however 5-6 hrs of uninterrupted sleep would be a luxury at this point! :) :rolleyes:
04-18-2014, 06:45 AM
For sure your never too old for a choccy egg Tracy, Mum has got them for us too... well I think it is actually little boxes of chocs. I have got them all a chocolate bunny. They will get given out at the Easter Feast.
Tina, I think that night I had been watching the crime channel and should know better than to watch scary things like that on my own on a dark stormy night, no wonder poor Flynny got shot in my dreams! :eek::eek:
I can't watch those late night crime shows either, especially the serial killer types. Nightmares for sure with those. :eek:
Well, I think I am going to try to get another hour or two of sleep, 6 am here now. Starting to get late there for you now. I will be on later, I have lots of posting to do! Hope to chat later Trish! Scratches for Flynn. xo
04-18-2014, 07:16 AM
Night Tina, yes it is late and I have a big day tomorrow so heading off to bed now too! Have watched my lovely Hurricanes win again tonight, so off to bed happy! No nightmares tonight! Have a good sleep! xx
04-18-2014, 11:04 PM
:) Happy Easter to you and your family Trish! Hope you enjoy the weekend. :)
That was a bad dream indeed. I've had a reoccurring dream that I lose Trixie varying places, oh it's awful...the kind of dream when you wake up you are so relieved it didn't really happen!!
Hoping we all have sweet dreams tonight! :D
molly muffin
04-19-2014, 01:09 PM
Eeeek nightmares! *shiver* Lets put those in garbage bin, never to be revisited! LOL
Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend. Sounds like the adventures have already started for you this weekend. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
Hope you are chasing around the Easter Bunny, enjoying lots of treats and family. Did you make Flynny an Easter basket? I thought of making up one for Koko but I need him to shed a pound or two. The college kid got a "healthy basket":rolleyes: She is on a diet.
I'm off to find goodies for the little one now and thought of making up a basket for my Mom. Our tradtiion is to always include a book in the Easter basket. Dang if I could find a book locally about Granada for Kate. Wish I would of thought of it last week, they had it on Amazon.:(:(
Enjoy your vacation!!!!! No Monday morning for you except maybe a loll around in pj's sipping some tea or coffee and munching on a sweet thing.:):) Now that is a Good Monday Morning!!!!!
04-19-2014, 06:51 PM
Happy Easter to all of you too! We finally have some sun after a week of rain so the washing is on and it is action stations today... well once I have finished my hot cross buns and a couple of cups to tea!! Flynn is not home, he at his Nan's having stayed the night after me going out to the 21st. I made my famous pork balls, that everyone requests when I have to take a plate... they are delish but contain peanut butter. I put the plate down at the table with all the kids and they were demolished in about 3 mins flat. BUT two of the boys were allergic to peanuts :eek::eek: one just spat it out, but the other was really sick and started vomiting within about 10 secs of eating it. His throat didn't swell up but he puked and puked and ended up going home with his father looking very pale. I felt terrible :o but glad he was OK! The other kids said they were great though... I never even thought of allergies :eek: Other than that, it was a fun night!! x
04-19-2014, 06:55 PM
Glad you had a good time and didn't poison anyway lol. Flynn had a sleepover getting spoilt no doubt. It's Easter where you are so Happy Easter to you and Flynny. Hope the meal goes well today :)
04-19-2014, 06:58 PM
Thanks! Cleanup today, meal tomorrow!
04-19-2014, 07:00 PM
Oops I'm a day early !
04-19-2014, 07:12 PM
Thank god, because I am so not ready lol....
Budsters Mom
04-19-2014, 11:24 PM
Happy Easter Trish and Flynny!! I hope the bunny has been really good to you! :)
By the way, those brown jelly beans sprinkled throughout your yard are NOT CHOCOLATE!! :eek::eek: lol xxxxx
molly muffin
04-19-2014, 11:29 PM
Yikes! but wait, peanut butter in pork balls???? I have never heard of this!
I'd never heard of a perogie pizza either but had one today, quite tasty actually.
Sounds like quite the adventure last night. Good to have a day in between to get ready for the next round. :)
Oh you're Easter now!
Happy Easter
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-20-2014, 12:53 AM
Yep, they sort of like satay kinda tasting, very yum. I will put it in the recipe thread.
I am a bit annoyed with myself, all the shops were closed for Easter Sunday, I dunno why I had it in my head they were only shut on Good Friday. So I could not get the groceries for lunch, have to be up at sparrows fart tomorrow and head in there. Got the meat for the crispy pork belly and will do the cake tonight, so only salads to really worry about.
BUT for some reason the big hardware superstore was open, so I did get my new lawnmower. Battery powered so no faffing about with petrol and oil. I already mowed, my poor lawn had so many weeds in it had to go over it a few times and now it is nearly down to dirt :eek::eek:
Picked up the Flynn man and took him up the beach for a nice walk. He is ever so slightly off, there was leftover food in his plate at Mums and he never leaves leftovers. :confused: But she had fed him double what he was supposed to get last night and this morning so maybe he just full. I think I am going to have to swap from the fish as he is itching again :mad: god it is never ending! One thing I do know, no more prednisone for him.
Ok, I am not sure I know what a pork ball is, much less one with peanut butter?! :)
Happy Easter to you, Flynn, Mum and Dad, and the rest of your family. Your dinner plans sound wonderful too Trish!
molly muffin
04-20-2014, 01:11 AM
I'm still laughing at the sparrows fart! hahahahahahaha omg, my side hurts!!
Glad you found a battery power lawnmower. You don't have to drag a cord around with those right? I use to hate the cord, always afraid I'd run over it with the mower!
Good you can do the baking tonight and only a few things then to get tomorrow. Bummer about having to get up early though. :( No one should have to get up early on holiday, unless they choose to. (I usually do Not choose that option) Molly and me sleep in.
Oh no, not the itches again :( What protein should we be going to at this point? Is there one that you can go back to that worked better than the others?
He does keep you on his toes. I bet the double portion filled him up.
Sharlene and molly muffin
I am laughing my butt off about the sparrows fart too, lol. :D
Glad you got a new mower, how did it work? Does it have good power? I don't think the battery powered mowers are very popular here, not sure I have ever seen one in use. It sure would be nice though, I hate messing with the gas and oil.
Trish, maybe the sausage that he snatched in your car is causing him to itch?
04-20-2014, 01:33 AM
Yep no cord, yes could see me running it over two and electrocuting myself!! I have not seen many either Tina, but had it recommended recently especially as my lawn is so small. It was a breeze to push compared with my last mower and it seems to have done a good job. The grass was so long and a bit damp so it was hard going but it chopped through it nicely, so happy with it so far.
Yep the early sparrows fart hehehe, not a saying you guys useI guess!
Hmm maybe the sausage, Elle has had a few fleas, so wonder if he picked one up off her. Darn cat@! Might bath her again :D His poop was small and a bit soft too up the beach this arvo, I worry we are just about out of new proteins. Will have to talk to Mike about going back to an old one.
Lol, we say the butt crack of dawn here. Not nearly as funny as sparrows fart! :p :D
Oh gosh, I hope he didn't get fleas from Elle again! Didn't he recently get ahold of something undesirable on the beach also, or am I thinking of another time in the past? I would think that the sausage may contribute to the itching and soft poo, no?
molly muffin
04-20-2014, 01:50 AM
Butt crack of dawn ROFLMAO!! Sparrows Fart!! You guys have to stop! I'm dying laughing here.
I think all we say is getting up with the birds. My dad always said getting up with the chickens.
sharlene and molly muffin
Hey you,
I am hearing rumbles of thunder and just saw a quick lightning flash, so I better get the pups out and then I better hit the hay.
Nice to chat for a bit, as always. :) Have a wonderful dinner and day with your family Trish. And an Easter scratch for Flynn. xo
04-20-2014, 06:06 AM
Yay the grass has been cut, we don't have battery lawn mowers here we,ll I've never saw them. I have a big petrol one I call it "the beast" it's heavy but with the size of the garden I need it :)
Oh Flynns got the itchies again boo, you are running out of protein. I used Maleseb shampoo on Bruno when he got them not sure if you get it there, it worked a little on him gave him some relief problem is you have to leave it on for 10 mins not easy :eek:
We say sparrows fart here it's a great saying or we use dark o,clock here as well. Have a lovely holiday :p
04-20-2014, 06:30 AM
Hey, just tootling about doing the last of the cleaning! I do have a shampoo might be similar called sebazole, have to leave that on 10 mins too. I take him out the shower wrap him in a towel and have enforced cuddles!! He hates it. Does not seem to do too much for the itches either.
Have made as much as I can in prep, the cake is done and I made chocolate ganache for the top. Just need to get up early and go to the supermarket grrrrr. But won't be too bad!! You will have a good afternoon at the pub!
04-20-2014, 06:44 AM
Mmmm chocolate cake sounds yummy. I'm looking forward to my afternoon in pub, but I,ll drive as I'm back at work tomorrow yeah Easter Monday don't know why we don't get it off
04-20-2014, 06:46 AM
Well that sucks, you should have it off. Wow your 10 days have gone so fast. Wonder if Mel is away for the holidays, hope she is getting a break as she is another one that works too hard!
04-20-2014, 06:49 AM
Yes they went toooooo fast. I think Mel is away this week, she does need a break her work sounds manic, I hope she enjoys. I'm going back to work for a break lol don't feel like I've had a holiday but did get most if the garden sorted next holiday I think I will go away somewhere :)
04-20-2014, 07:05 AM
I'm off to bed, you have a good day!! Cya later! x
Sun shining this morning and we are to have warm weather (warm for us).
I hope your party was a smash and the cake sounds yummy. Now I have a hankering for some chocolate and the Easter Bunny did not leave me a basket:rolleyes::)
molly muffin
04-20-2014, 09:12 PM
Hope you had a wonderful day and a successful luncheon. Our dinner was fab and I am just now getting some computer time.
I am looking forward to tomorrow and just lazing around, catching up on some laundry, etc
Sharlene and Molly muffin
04-21-2014, 05:01 AM
Hi Sharlene and Addy and all! Well we have had a great day, Flynny loved all the visitors. He really loves all the extended family and likes to sit by them all and give them a kiss. Loads of food plus tons of chocolate. We did take Flynn for a walk up the beach after lunch to try work some of it off! I just had a piece of celery and a bit of pork cracking for dinner lol... oh plus a few more eggs!
Flynn is not quite right though, bit quiet everyone commented he was not bouncing as much, slower than usual on his walk. Gone off his fishy biscuits which he loved and past three days he has not been eating them all, itchy... not as much as previous but more than he was. Loose poop, not diarrhea but bit mucousy. He was scrounging while we were eating lunch, so tonight I made him a scambled egg, rice and a couple bits of pork and he hovered it down. So he does have an appetite. I am wondering if I could try him on either turkey or duck. Chicken is not good for him but wonder if that applies to the other types of poultry?? I must go google that and perhaps send Mike an email to check. I hope it is just one of the never ending flares of allergies/IBD and these symptoms are how he gets with that, but of course I am scared it is his liver again especially with his high numbers. Scan and bloods/UPC in two weeks today will tell the story on that one. Except I do not want bloods done if he is off colour as that is never good news!
My new throw has fallen off the couch and he has wormed his way into it the middle of it and is snoring away, he looks snug as a bug in a rug :D x
04-21-2014, 07:05 AM
Aww, feel better Flynn.
Daisy does the same. Burrows herself into everything. :-)
With all of the excitement, I forgot to do Easter eggs!
Aww poor baby, not feeling quite right, always a worry for us, I know.
Drat that IBD and allergies anyway. I dont think all poultry is the same so you could try duck or turkey but I would talk to Dr. Mike as if you have to keep changing proteins so often, you wont have any novel protein left and that is a worry.
Enjoy not working!!!!! Though I know that is hard when you are worried.
molly muffin
04-21-2014, 09:08 AM
Sounds like everyone was having a great time. Poor Flynn, to not be feeling his best when everyone is around. Do you think anyone has sneaked him any bits of food he shouldn't have?
Hopefully this will just be a bit of IBD that will pass. So, do you have a spreadsheet with the proteins you've tried and what his reaction has been to it? Maybe you could rotate between a couple every few months if you can distinguish a pattern of how long it takes his tummy to start acting up.
I know what you mean, if there is anything going on, it affects their liver numbers it seems. What is a real pain is that you need things to be really really cleared up for at least a couple weeks, 3 - 4 being best. But it seems almost impossible to get that long of a clear run. :(
Fiddle sticks on it all anyway.
Hey, you're on holiday!!! Good times! Enjoy. Hope you get some late fall sunshine and can enjoy the time off.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-21-2014, 03:54 PM
Oh Trish what's going on with the wee guy. Bruno couldn't tolerate chicken either so for a while I cooked him Turkey escalopes, veg and potato, it was time consuming but worked for a while. Has Flynn had any allergy tests, I got Bruno an allergy test which helped rule out what he was allergic to which was pretty much everything the dermatologist called him an enivromental dog as in allergic to the environment, maybe you could speak to dr mike about this, as dogs with allergies do tend (not always) to suffer from tummy troubles :)
Hope your enjoying your holidays x
04-21-2014, 06:03 PM
Hi Valerie, Addy, Sharlene and Tracy!!
Yes, I have kept a spreadsheet, so far the novel proteins we have tried:
All end up the same, with itching and bad poops, occasional vomit. Venison has been the best, so I might try going back on that as he has not had it in a few months. He did good on the ziwipeak lamb for a while so think I will order a supply of venison. It comes in canned and biscuits and I do like giving him both together, he never enjoys just biscuits. He has only had the fish for a month.
Mike and I have talked allergy testing in the past, a blood sample has to be sent to the USA and it costs I think $700 from memory, Mike said it is not an absolute science either and he has only done it a few times with variable success. :eek:
04-21-2014, 07:11 PM
Hey Trish, I'm so sorry Flynny's tum is acting up on him, too! What is it with these furkids of ours right now???? :eek: :eek:
Back several years ago, we considered allergy testing with Peg, too. But the expense and lack of a guaranteed solution put us off, as well. Her itchiness has always seemed more environmental (seasonal) as opposed to food-related. But nevertheless, that's one of the reasons I've tried to keep her food ingredients rather limited.
I'm hoping Flynn will be acting more like himself for you today. It's just such a worry when they are "off." I've been monitoring Peg all afternoon and she hasn't seemed as perky to me, either, but I may just be imagining it since I'm now hypersensitive to any little thing that is out of the ordinary. She's just had her chickken/rice and evening phenobarb, and hubby is on his way home to pick me up for a meal out. I believe I shall be starting off with a martini this evening. It is definitely time to turn the mommy radar off for a couple of hours!! And I'm betting Peg will glad to have me out of the house, too, and not following her around. ;)
04-21-2014, 07:46 PM
I know, they are beating to their own drum for sure! I am sure environmental also has impact on Flynn. Especially flea bites, they always seem to cause a flare in his itching then I think the inflammatory response sets off his IBD which in turn worsens his liver tests and UPC. Like some inflammatory cascade. So frustrating.
We are so in tune with them, I might say oh Flynny is a bit off today, or slow or whatever and family are like he looks OK to me and give me a sideways glance like I am tooover the top with him.... which I am :D That martini and dinner sounds great Marianne, hope you have a lovely night out with hubby for date night :D:D
04-21-2014, 07:52 PM
I found this nice little summary on pheo's, it is in a presenation format and includes references. I could get the PPT on here so have used this link which looks a bit messy but will have to do! ate%3D1381177700000+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=nz
04-21-2014, 09:04 PM
I think we are all very intune with our babies, otherwise, we would not have the strength to follow through with cushings or other medical. It never crossed my mind not to take care of Tobey.... but, I sure heard from some people about how 'maybe it's her time'. Fools!
Is Flynn eating dry food or fresh? Canned? Sometimes a dog can display upset with dry food, but the same thing won't upset them when it's served in a fresher format, like canned or even cooked.
Hey Trish, on that spreadsheet of proteins- do you know what carbs were with each protein? Could it be it is not the protein but maybe the carbs?
Harley PoMMom
04-21-2014, 09:24 PM
I found this nice little summary on pheo's, it is in a presenation format and includes references. I could get the PPT on here so have used this link which looks a bit messy but will have to do! ate%3D1381177700000+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=nz
Hey Trish, that is a good find! It has a lot of info that I am sure members with dogs having pheos or are suspecting of pheos would find useful. Thanks for posting the link.
04-21-2014, 09:44 PM
Hi Trish! I stopped by to see how Flynn was doing. Wow, it's hard to catch up because you have quite the long thread:). From what I gathered, it looks like Flynn has some numbers that are off and is seeing another IMS? I hope my little buddy is doing well.
I also wanted to say hi to everyone else!
Happy Belated Easter.
04-21-2014, 10:05 PM
Hey, sorry I been potteting about in the garden. RO!!!!! How lovely to see you popping in. How are things? How is Ella??
Short story for Flynn, another liver mass removed Nov 13, good apart from intermittent allergies/IBD flares. Scan two months ago showed possibly another new lesion in liver but small. Last month he had a short course of Pred to try and get allergies under control which they did but ALP shot up to >4000. Waiting for next scan in two weeks time. He is just a bit off at the moment, so whether it is allergies again as he is itching or the liver playing up I am not sure.
Addy, not sure what the carbs are.. grain free though. Just the checked the bag of the current fish orijen one and they are chick peas, lentils and peas
Renee, he is currently eating dry food. He likes wet better and that is what I am swapping back to with the venison
Thx Lori, the PPT format was better but cannot figure out how to post it!
04-22-2014, 12:45 AM
Wet food, or even a home cooked diet, may be ideal for a bit. I home cooked for Tobey for many months before transitioning her to The Honest Kitchen. That is another option you may look into using dehydrated or freeze dried.
And, for the allergies - there is a new wonder drug called apoquel that was released recently. Seriously, they are calling this the next biggest drug to hit the market since rimadyl. It is supposed to be a game changer. Many rescues that I know have used it and seen amazing results. Its so high in demand in the US that vet clinics only get a set supply per month until the company's production can catch up.
04-22-2014, 12:04 PM
Trish how is he today? My work colleague with the itchy and tummy trouble staffy has started to use Apoquel. I did a lot of reading on it for her before she started it and side effects are mostly GI which isn't good for Flynn but Snoop her dog has been on it for 3 wks now and she has noticed a huge improvement in his skin, and no GI upset maybe worth looking at, he is only on half tablet daily :D
Squirt's Mom
04-22-2014, 01:23 PM
RO!! :cool::cool::cool: How nice to hear from you! :cool::cool::cool: I hope all is going well in your world these days. Don't be a stranger! ;)
molly muffin
04-22-2014, 03:18 PM
Hi Ro!! Hope everything is going well with you. :)_
When I opened the link for the pheo, at the top is the option of another page, and if you click that, you can open it as a powerpoint
Another option is my photobucket, I converted all to jpegs:
try that?
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
04-22-2014, 05:13 PM
Poor Flynny boy. Those itchies suck! You mentioned that devil cat (Elle) had a few fleas. It only takes one to drive Flynny crazy, if he has Flea allergy dermatitis. He can end up scratching for months because of one flea bite. It's the flea saliva that does it. Buddy had it!
His itching may not be food related at all. Just a thought…. Xxxxxx
04-22-2014, 05:39 PM
I am actually leaning towards that too Kathy, he is itching mainly around his tail and there is a little bald spot there. :mad: I have looked up that drug apoquel, there is some mention in the side effects of neoplasia which alarmed me, so will discuss with Mike next time I am in touch with him.
Renee, I am going back to wet food. The ziwipeak Venison, he will like that better I am sure!! I get the dry venison as well and it is freeze dried and is like flakes. The only problem I have with it there is not enough crunch to keep his teeth clean. He cannot do bones, no matter how many times I try them they much up his bowel. :mad: I have tried home cooking, I do not mind doing it either. I had him on the quinoa for a bit with fish last month, such messy food... someone else mentioned that it flies all over the show and I was sweeping up those tiny grains left right and centre after he finished his meal!! I do worry with home cooking he won't get all his nutrients as I am not up with that. He has always had high quality food and the ziwipeak scores really well.
Sharlene, you little technowhizz!! That looks much better!
04-22-2014, 05:41 PM
Hi Trish, I hope Flynn's tummy is feeling better today, give him a big hug n Kiss from me and my boys.
Budsters Mom
04-22-2014, 05:47 PM
Ear mites hang out on the tail. Since he's scratching there, that's another thought. If he has ear mites, you will see brown residue in his ears. It's from the blood that the mites cause. It's yucky looking. :o Mites are difficult to get rid of. Rosie came with fleas, ticks, ear mites and skin mites. It took several months to get rid of her mites once and for all.
Tell Flynny that I'm trying and give him a butt scratch for me. Xxxx
04-22-2014, 05:49 PM
Great link on the pheo, do you know if this test is referring to the plasma free blood test or another blood test?
For diagnosis of pheochromocytoma:
◦fMN - Se 62.5%, Sp 97.3%
◦fNMN – Se 100%, Sp 97.6%
◦Canine reference ranges!
•Adrenocortical tumors synthesize and secrete inhibin
•Serum [inhibin]: Se 100%, Sp 88.9%, accuracy 93.6% for identifying adrenal tumor as a pheochromocytoma
•Undetectable inhibin is highly supportive of pheochromocytoma in neutered dogs with adrenal tumor
04-22-2014, 06:00 PM
Hi Vicki I think it is referring to this study
I think the author of the link I have posted is referring to the lack of studies in this area with her comment... Canine reference ranges! As there were only 8 dogs with pheo in the study.
04-22-2014, 06:26 PM
Hey Trish - don't worry about providing crunch to keep the teeth clean. That is actually a myth. Most dogs don't truly 'crunch' their food, so much as just gulp it down. It takes a good long chew on a bone, tennis ball or rope to actually clean dogs teeth. My pugs have not eaten kibble for over 5 years, and their teeth are no worse or better (well... maybe better in some ways) than kibble eating dogs.
If the freeze dried is too flaky, try rehydrating it with warm water and make an 'oatmeal' out of it. However, he will need his face wiped after he eats. :D My pugs make a big old mess eating and I have to clean their faces just like a baby!
Check out some dehydrated foods, if you can. They can be very good for dogs with allergies.
04-22-2014, 07:17 PM
Thanks Renee, I appreciate your input as you have experience with feeding with your rescues!
This is what I am going to give him when it arrives today
I have given him the lamb before and he did well on it for at least 4 months till March, then once the itchies and tummy flared I swapped him to orijen 6 fish with a bit of fresh fish added. So I have ordered the canned food the air-dried food and treats all in venison flavour. He likes the dehydrated food and has no trouble eating it. The problem is the portion is quite small and he likes to eat! His tummy is actually not too bad at the moment it is the itches causing the biggest problem. He does have the occasional bad mucousy poop like yesterday. It might be bothering him more as he is still a bit sluggish although better yesterday, slow walking. Could be arthritis as it is so much cooler... argh why can't he talk!!! Oh yeah, he's a dog :D
04-22-2014, 07:41 PM
Oh dear..poor Flynn...what's going on with all these pups?? It just keeps coming doesn't it.
It's just so difficult figuring out the diet stuff. Trixie had been in white meat turkey because I always thought chicken didn't work for her, but now we're back to chicken.
I hope Flynn is okay today...oh those mucous poops...hate them!! Do you ever use Metronidazole (Flagyl) with Flynn for the IBD? I imagine you've already been that route.
You are so right!!! If these dogs could just talk!!! :eek: I say it every time!! Don't we wish.....
04-22-2014, 07:44 PM
Ear mites hang out on the tail. Since he's scratching there, that's another thought. If he has ear mites, you will see brown residue in his ears. It's from the blood that the mites cause. It's yucky looking. :o Mites are difficult to get rid of. Rosie came with fleas, ticks, ear mites and skin mites. It took several months to get rid of her mites once and for all.
Tell Flynny that I'm trying and give him a butt scratch for me. Xxxx
Kathy, I have never had to worry about ear infections with him. But he has been scratching around his ears a lot. So I just had a good look and he has a bloody area in one of them. I just rang the clinic and Mike is in surgery all morning and then has the afternoon off :mad: the nurse is going to speak to him and ask if it is OK for Flynn to see one of the other vets and will call me back.
Thanks for getting me to check that!! xx
04-22-2014, 07:55 PM
Have I said I love my vet, he will see Flynn before he goes home. Gotta fly, appointment in 20mins. Thanks for your tips all, what a difference they make when we are worried about our furry friends xxxx
molly muffin
04-22-2014, 08:03 PM
Best of luck Trish and Flynn man! Your vet is indeed a real winner!
sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
04-22-2014, 08:15 PM
We all love your vet and know local Mike well. :p
Mites aren't necessarily an infection, but it can ended up going there.
Rosie's ears were infected from them when she first arrived. I am thrilled that Mike can see Flynn before he leaves. :) I'm glad that you checked his ears.
Keep us posted. I'll check back in a little later. Xxxxx
04-22-2014, 08:28 PM
I think I may call Mike too!! Overseas consult Mike??? :D :D
04-22-2014, 08:33 PM
Hmmm... itchies started in March?? Could be some seasonal allergies too!
YAY for awesome vets. They are priceless!
itches started last March too? I was thnking same thing as Kathy- itches arenot from the food.
Now Flynny- no more mucus poos. A rround of metronidazole will probabaly set him right, Trish
I'll check back n a bit.
04-22-2014, 10:45 PM
Hey, we are back. Popped around and checked the parents are behaving which they are... mostly!! I am going to stay with Dad for a week from Sunday as Mum and her sister are off down to Christchurch to housesit for my uncle who is off to Las Vegas for some big fight. He loves his boxing :confused:
Anyway, Mike had a good look in his ears with the scope thingy, he had me look down them too. No sign of mites or any infection in either one. He said the bloody area is just trauma from him scratching. He agrees with you the itching not likely from food as his tummy is only just a tad upset. So he thinks environmental too. Most likely a flea bite, he had a good look over him. Prescribed an antihistamine although they have not helped that greatly in the past. Now funnily enough, before I had a chance to bring up the apoquel, he did. He started off by saying it is in short supply all over the world and they are out of new production till 2015. He said Europe especially has none left. He has a bottle of each of the different doses but has not used it yet. He said relatively low side effect profile, mainly GI which seems to diminish over a few days. I then said well funnily enough that I had heard of it just yesterday and had googled it and was concerned about neoplastic issues. He had not read that, but admitted he only had the general blurb from the manufacturer but will look more into it. He also wants me to put it on the list to discuss with IMS when we go up to Auckland May 5th. But said it could be a good option for Flynn if it checks out with IMS.
We discussed allergy testing again, he said about 75% success with the desensitisation programme. You get a list of about 70 potential allergans and he said they have just used it on two dogs but too early to tell if successful yet, he has seen it work in the past. You start off giving daily injections and slowly build it up over a few months. Cost $750. We agreed to see what the next scan shows, to see if Flynn's liver is stable. If it is, then we will reconsider doing this.
Was a pretty interesting trip, all the consulting rooms were full with the other vets so he took us out to the back rooms, was full of kittens and cats in cages in various stages of recovery from surgery, mainly neutering.
Ohhh and lastly, Mike has a new grandson, arrived a week early so I got a look at the photos on his phone. Very cute wee baby, he said you will never guess what his name is... I said probably not so tell me ... and you guessed it... It's FLYNN!! :eek::D:eek: I looked at him and just cracked up laughing... so funny! I said blardy hell Mike, you would want to go home at the end of a busy day and forget about your problem doggies... he said, well not much chance of that now is there... as I will be reminded of our Flynny all the time!!! LOL cute!
04-22-2014, 10:56 PM
Mike's new grandson is named Flynn.....that is too funny Trish!!! :D You must feel better after the appointment. There's always a sense of relief to get all checked out by the experts! I need a vet in my family, how great would that be? ;) Hope Flynn can get some relief from itching! :rolleyes:
04-22-2014, 10:56 PM
Awww, your vet just sounds too cute!!
Yes, apoquel is in quite big demand. If he's offered it to you, I would jump right on it, with the IMS approval, of course. My very good friend just started using it on her frenchie, and she is just raving about how amazing it is. I am tickled that something has finally hit the market that is working so well for so many pups.
And, too funny about the new grandson named Flynn!! :D
Budsters Mom
04-22-2014, 10:58 PM
Mike has a new grandson, arrived a week early so I got a look at the photos on his phone. Very cute wee baby, he said you will never guess what his name is... I said probably not so tell me ... and you guessed it... It's FLYNN!! :eek::D:eek: I looked at him and just cracked up laughing... so funny! I said blardy hell Mike, you would want to go home at the end of a busy day and forget about your problem doggies... he said, well not much chance of that now is there... as I will be reminded of our Flynny all the time!!! LOL cute
ROFL - This is hilarious!:D:D:D:D
04-22-2014, 11:09 PM
I know, isn't it... the pair of us were just laughing and laughing, one of the nurses came out and said what's so funny you two! Flynn was like, what the heck is going on LOL.
He is going to hold on to the apoquel and once the IMS gives the OK that is what we will try. Thanks so much for telling me about that Renee!! Very timely it was :D
I reckon, a vet in the family would be ideal Barbara!! Imagine the money we could save!
Flynny is booked in again for next Tuesday so we have the updated bloods/UPC for the IMS trip the week after, BP check as well. I said that makes me nervous with all this itching going on, but Mike said well too bad, we need the results for IMS and the pred should be well and truly out his system by now lol... so guess I have to suck it up!
molly muffin
04-22-2014, 11:58 PM
Oh your vet is too cute. Flynn! Well I love the name Flynn so good choice and really not a bad idea to have him always thinking on our Flynn man. Hehehe.
Got to feel for him a bit though I suppose. No leaving his work at the office now eh.
Glad there are no mites or other nasties.
Interesting about the new med.
just going into winter though there. Did Flynn act up this time last year?
Sharlene and Molly muffin
04-23-2014, 12:38 AM
I just checked his spreadsheet and he was scratching up a storm this time last year. Tummy was upset last April too.
Hi Trish,
So glad you decided to take Flynn in, and happy there is no ear infection. When I read what you wrote about his ear, I suspected that it was probably due to scratching, glad that was all it is.
I can't say enough how much I love your vet. He is a true gem. I have been very happy with my vet and she is good with Jasper, but its not the same as how Mike is with Flynn. And that is so cute that his new grandbaby is named Flynn!
Add me to the group that is over the top about their baby. I have always been somewhat like that about my dogs, but since this Cushings diagnosis and all that has happened since then, it is just ratcheted up. I can't help it, and I know I will never again be the same as I was before, with any dog. And that is not all good either. Under the surface I find myself questioning or second guessing my vet quite frequently, where I never did that before. Sometimes I get the sense that she is getting tired of my questions, or gets a little exasperated with my calls sometimes. In that sense I wish she was more like Mike.
It sounds like he is on top of Flynn's itchies. That new med sounds promising.
Tina and Jasper xo
molly muffin
04-23-2014, 01:44 AM
Sounds like either the fleas get him at this time of the year. (Sending Ellie the look). Or there is something environment at this time of the year.
Pollen? Fall shedding pollen maybe or a combination.
At least if we are all going to be over the top with the furry kids we have good company. :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin.
04-23-2014, 02:23 AM
Yes, believe me I have been giving Elle the "look" too... even threatening her with another bath. If I do I am going to take a photo as she looked so funny last time I did that, but saying that she was a really good puss and sat in the warm water quite happily!!
Hi Tina!! I get that sense too sometimes, but I just keep on going. I am not going to risk anything by being too worried about what he thinks to not ask the questions when I am concerned. Imagine if we let things slide, I don't want to have to kick myself! Nothing wrong with being over the top, there are enough that ignore their dogs!! I have to shower Flynn for 2nd night in a row.. he has rolled in some dead thing just now up the beach. Phew, is not a nice perfume my boy!
Yes, I agree. I feel uncomfortable sometimes, but always ask anyway. I have to have my concerns addressed or I can't rest. I couldn't live with myself if I ignored something I was worried about. That sweet little guy is way too important.
Oh Flynny, a shower two nights in a row. Well, he knows you are on holiday Trish, he has to keep you busy! Lol! :D Ooh, that aroma after rolling in dead things is most unpleasant! :eek:
Nighty night, hope to catch you tomorrow. xo
04-23-2014, 06:59 AM
Hey Trish, how much metamucil do you add to Flynny's food? I am still having a hard time with Peg :(, and am wondering whether some fiber might help (seems like it can't hurt! :o).
Well, things seem to be working out so good job Dr Mike and Trish:)
It does seem to be more environmental than protein related, so hopefull a food that agreed wth him in the past will work again. An occasional mucus poo is not so bad when a pup has IBD. Zoe went on like that for a few years before we lost control of it and she had to have metronidazole every day so an occasional mucus poo is not so bad, Trish.
04-23-2014, 05:18 PM
Hey Tina - sorry I disappeared last night. We are meant to be going out to dinner tonight for a friends birthday. But last night I had a call from one of them asking where the heck are we all, she was at the restaurant alone! Silly girl had the wrong night DOH!! So she came over here and we went out to Mexican! Nice night, with a margarita or two! Now we get to go out again tonight for the birthday... I love holidays, but its going too fast with only 4 days left :eek:!! I am walking Flynny at a different place today, to avoid the stinky dead thing... we need a big tide to wash whatever it is away!
Addy, yep an occasional bad poop not too bad, its only when he starts acting off that I get more worried. I cannot see him right now, he is buried under a blanket and totally covered. Cold too, I have the heater on :mad: I hope we never lose more control than we have but there are meds he can go on, just won't be prednisone again if I have my way, so not happy with what it did to his liver and I will be on tenterhooks next week to see what the latest on his blood results next Tuesday.
All I could do is think of our Flynny while I watched Koko chew and lick his paws:rolleyes::rolleyes: This is something he has never done. They did say we are to have a horrific allergy season becuase of the polar vortex, everything will polinate and bloom at the same time. But I think it more than a coincidence that I bought some Zuke training treats (I used to give Zoe when she went to school years ago). They have barley in them, he has never had barley besides all the other chemicals they have which he never eats.
So it looks like the drama king can only eat the expensive stuff so now I have to find Honest Kitchen treats as he was not impressed with a turkey walk one bit!!!!!:p:p Turned his nose up at it, he did:rolleyes:
I just had to come and tell you. I hope Flynny is not itchy any more.
Squirt's Mom
04-26-2014, 09:47 AM
whoa....Trink has developed an allergy to something and changing her feed has helped very little. I had been given her treats from Cloud Star, which were new to the gang so I switched her to Zukes along with the feed change. hmmmmmm....maybe this baby will have to do without treats for a bit and see if that helps her. I do NOT want her to have to keep getting these allergy shots but she's just about rubbed the hair off of her back. Her's started while we were still in the dead of winter.
whoa is right Leslie, how weird is that, I swear, Koko has never chewed his paws until a few days ago and he has had the Zuke training treats a week. I did not give him any this morning and he is at the groomers right now. She checked his pads for mats but he had none, or a bad nail so :confused::confused::confused:
04-26-2014, 01:40 PM
I have been wondering how long Zukes would take to start making changes. They were acquired a while ago by one of the big companies (P&G?).
Squirt's Mom
04-26-2014, 01:44 PM
As soon as I heard they had been bought out, I went to PetCo and bought about 6 bags! So what we have is supposed to be the original...tho who really knows?! They were bought by Nestle/Purina CO.
Squirt's Mom
04-26-2014, 01:45 PM
And btw I wrote to Nestle and told them to please stay out of the dog food and treat business...that they did real good with chocolate so be satisfied and leave our dogs alone! :p
Zuke's was bought by P&G:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I found some low calorie treats at Honest Kitchen's website. I guess it is either that or Stella and Chewy. I have not purchased dog treats in a long time but I need something extra special that Koko only gets durring our walks, I need a "gold" treat and he gets blueberries, potato and organic turkey breast treats in the house so they are not worth anything to him outside. He has come a long way from barking at dogs and wanting to eat anything he can find if he gets all worked up about a critter like a squrriel. I need one crunchy milk bone kind of treat and one very soft treat.
Sorry to hike jack your thread Trish!!!:o:o:o
04-26-2014, 03:40 PM
Hello you
I've tried to catch up and so far have got : people turning up at wrong date for dinner lol, mum and dad behaving, Mexican dinners, dr mike new grandson Flynn love it, Elle getting the "look" Flynn having the itchies. Phew probably miss some.
How is the holiday going, I hope you had a good rest. How is Flynn now, he goes in Tuesday for bloods doesn't he fingers crossed for low numbers, when is his scan is it May.
Hope to catch up soon x
molly muffin
04-26-2014, 05:29 PM
Hope you are having a good time on your holidays. It does sound like it's been a full and busy one at times, with great relax moments in between. The best kind.
Hope that Flynn is behaving himself.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-26-2014, 07:02 PM
Hey everyone
It's no thread hijack when we're talking about allergies and you all know you are welcome here anytime to talk about anything!! :D
Ahhh no Koko doing the paw nibbling, Flynn is often doing that. I have never heard of Zuke's, darn big conglomerates fiddling about with their snacks! Don't fix whats not broke you fools! There, I am sure that will make them change it back :D:D I do not give him treats unless they fit in with his novel protein on the day, so now it is venison so he can have these ones which are grain free too I hope your letter helped Leslie!! Nestle are buggers for taking over, they introduced all that baby formula in Africa when those babies especially need all the nutrients from breast milk if possible.
Hey Tracy and Sharlene - yes it has been a good week off, lots of eating out or in :D Yesterday got busy in the morning, had a damn flat tyre so had to take that to get fixed, couldn't believe it was only $15 YAY!! There was a screw stuck in it. Hair do done, so that was nice to sit in the salon for couple of hours. Flynny had a walk through town with me while they fixed the tyre, there was a new little farmers market in one of the streets (not the one he got thrown out of!) so we got a couple of things there. Kids have always loved him, so he patiently stood while a couple came up and asked to pat him, he even gave them a wee lick!
I am getting the weekend cleaning done today, I am going to stay with Dad the next week or so while Mum is away so going around there later this arvo.
He is still itching, although not so much. He was given Loratidine which is not meant to be sedating. But boy the first day, he just lazed around. Took him for a walk, not much energy either. He has had days like this, but it was more pronounced. Stopped the med and he perked up the next day and is back to being good. He is fully on the venison, tests on Tuesday for bloods, UPC etc. Fingers crossed the ALP/ALT have come back down. Tracy, his scan is a week tomorrow... 5th May. xx
04-26-2014, 07:07 PM
Hi Trish, been catching up on your thread, it does sound like alleriges to me but whatever it is I hope the meds help stop the itching/scratching.
P&G caused my Snuggles the pancreatitis and almost killed him.. I would run far from any company they take over. My boys have been on Innova which was human consumption standard, for most of their lives, then P&G bought it..major recall, I had to switch their food fast and Snuggles fell deathly ill from the quick diet switch, 106 fever, blood values through the roof, hospitalized for 4 days. Whenever I think of this I get so angry they did this to my baby.
If anyone is is a good site I get alerts from
I also get alerts from the FDA Pet Food recall site.
Prayers going up that the ALP/ALT have come back down.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and Flynn feels better very very quickly.
04-26-2014, 07:08 PM
Ohhh forgot to say, the house in front of me has finally had new people move in over the weekend. Nice young couple BUT they have two cats and six kittens!! :eek::eek: There house is so not good for animals, it is not fenced and the road outside is quite busy. My house is fenced with a strong sturdy gate, but it has bars and cats get through it easily. The kittens are only about 4 weeks old, cute balls of fluff. They are going to find homes for them. Gawd, I hope they do not get outside and come visiting as Flynn as a terrier has natural inclination to chase small furry animals and he WILL chase them. He has never actually caught a cat and I do not want to see it happen now. :eek::eek: But I have warned them to keep a close eye on them. They said the two bigger cats have grown up around dogs and know to keep away from them. So hope that is true!! Cats here in NZ are not kept inside, I have never heard of that ever here. I always think that is so bizarre when I read things like that but I guess other countries do it differently and lock them up. Our cats have always been able to come and go and live a fun catworthy life :D:D
04-26-2014, 07:12 PM
Hi Vicki
Thanks for this, it is a good website, I have used that a lot checking on various things!! Ziwipeak that I am feeding Flynn is on there and gets a 5 star rating! Poor Snuggles, glad he survived that one... he is such a strong boy!
Weekend going well, nice and sunny and warm. Must getting the washing done to hang out!
04-26-2014, 07:14 PM
5 stars is awesome! I feed my boys now Fromm and they give it 5 stars too,
I love that site it is very informative.
Glad your weekend is going well :)
Hugs to sweet lovable Flynn!
Harley PoMMom
04-26-2014, 08:24 PM
Fromm is what I feed my 2 cats, just wonderful food, and yes, they are kept inside! :o:) My one cat, Alex the bad cat, will walk on a leash outside. I take both my dog, Sampson, and Alex out for a walk every day.
04-26-2014, 09:21 PM
Oh how cute, love to see a pic of Alex the cat and Sampson going for a walk Lori!! I have tried to train Mum's Siamese to go walking on a leash, but she won't have a bar of it! She has a route around the neighbourhood, she goes and visits an old guy down the road most days. He and his wife had Siamese, but the wife died a year or so back and he is not getting any more cats as his health is not good so it is nice Elle goes and spreads the love with him. Elle does have a curfew, she is not allowed out after dark.
04-27-2014, 12:21 AM
And btw I wrote to Nestle and told them to please stay out of the dog food and treat business...that they did real good with chocolate so be satisfied and leave our dogs alone! :p
Hahahhaa, love this! I thought it was P&G that bought them, but not surprised it would be Nestle either. I remember when Natural Balance was acquired too. It took a huge step down, which was a bummer, since it used to be a good food.
04-27-2014, 12:24 AM
I love dogfoodadvisor too. Food is such a difficult subject. I feel that there are so few companies I can actually trust. I feed The Honest Kitchen or home cook.
I do like the treats from Nature's Variety though. They make these freeze dried ones that have just one ingredient (a meat), and they are super low calorie.
04-27-2014, 06:58 AM
Fromm is what I feed my 2 cats, just wonderful food, and yes, they are kept inside! :o:) My one cat, Alex the bad cat, will walk on a leash outside. I take both my dog, Sampson, and Alex out for a walk every day.
How adorable! Would love to see that :)
04-28-2014, 12:56 PM
Hey you
It will be Tuesday when you wake up and that means one thing Flynns bloods. Fingers, toes, eyes, paws and everything else I can cross for good numbers for him.
C'mon Flynn you can do it. Right by your side Trish :)
04-28-2014, 05:17 PM
Prayers going up for good results on Flynn's tests!
thinking of you:):):)
paws up Flynny
04-28-2014, 07:50 PM
Hoping for good numbers for Flynn on Tuesday's tests!! Keeping my fingers crossed for Flynny!!
Of course cats here in the city are indoor cats. There is a guy who sometimes brings a cat to Central Park on a leash...he attracts a great deal of attention from people and dogs alike! :D
molly muffin
04-28-2014, 07:56 PM
Okay, when will we know results???? huh huh huh LOL
I hope he did good on the tests! Come on Flynn!!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-29-2014, 04:03 AM
Thanks all, no results yet
Checking in real quick to let you know that all fingers, paws and stubs are crossed here for good results. Thinking of you guys. Go Flynn go!!
Hugs from me and Jasper
04-30-2014, 09:45 PM
Quick post in my lunch break, mike txt results similar to january one which very happy about, don't have actual numbers yet but he going to email them and call tonight to discuss. But he said upc 0.77!! Yay big drop back from the 2.5 on prednisone. Will post more later when i get the lft's. So tina that upc can fluctuate heaps with other things going on, gotta dash will catch up on yr threads later, sorry for txt talk post! X
molly muffin
04-30-2014, 10:03 PM
LOL Trish. That is excellent news about the UPC. Can't wait to see what the other results show. Remember it can take awhile for liver numbers to come down after pred or anything really. I think the UPC is the tell tale of what is going on with Flynn and he must be doing pretty good to get that result!
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-01-2014, 12:12 AM
Great start! Hoping for more good news.
Budsters Mom
05-01-2014, 12:29 AM
Yay! That's my Flynny boy! Great news Trish! Xxxxx
05-01-2014, 06:13 AM
Hi - thanks everyone... well I have had the chat with Mike.
ALP/ALT have come down but not back to baseline where we were before Prednisone.
ALP was 4200ish, on Pred now back to 2293, BUT back in Feb pre Pred it was 1444. (0-185)
ALT was close to 500 on pred now 406 but was approx. 250 in Feb. (0-75) AST was marginally high on pred, now back within normal limits. Bilirubin still a normal 1, which it has always been.
We would like to think ALP/ALT are still coming back down and it could be. But Mike thinks liver nodules playing up again could be a possibility but we need to wait till ultrasound to confirm. We both have fingers crossed it is still coming back down though and I have read it can sometimes take months. But Mike said as it was only short course and relatively low dose it should be pretty much back down by now. He had been OFF the prednisone for 27 days when bloods were done this week.
Calcium a little high, that can also be indicator for tumour :mad: 3.07 (2.20-3).
Only other thing of note is amylase 1020 (30-1020) so right on the highest number possible for normal and also lipase up 692 (13-200). He said steroids can also impact those values, Flynn was a little nauseous a while back, vomited once but good now. I wondered about pancreatitis, he said not likely :confused:
Blood count, UPCR good. :D
Damn those liver tests!! So we are happy he is going for the scan on Monday which will answer our questions about how stable his liver nodules are. Mike is off for a few days till next week but I have to txt him results on Monday.
Renee, he just txt me to remind me to ask IMS about the Apoquel, he is wondering if it helps with allergies could it also possibly help his IBD which appears to be also linked to allergy also.
I have been coming and going all week, sleeping over at Dad's as Mum is away and so busy at work with last week off. Sometimes it does not pay to have a holiday as you suffer coming back as no-one does the work while I am away!:mad: But I did get to cuddle a wee baby tonight, 3 days old born to one of my work colleagues! Toby is his name which also made me thing of you Renee lol! x
Squirt's Mom
05-01-2014, 07:06 AM
So glad most of these values are coming down, Trish! I pray the trend continues til they are much closer to the range we want to see.
05-01-2014, 07:21 AM
Thanks Leslie, me too!! Righto I am off to bed, one more day of work to get through! Then weekend time!!! xxcx
05-01-2014, 08:40 AM
Trish I am so happy to see that Flynn's values are coming down! How wonderful for you and him! I pray the improvement continues.
Hugs to your sweet boy!
05-01-2014, 11:52 AM
Trish, I just think your vet sounds so great!! Those numbers coming down are very good and I hope they continue.
I am very interested to see if the IMS gives the go ahead on trying the apoquel. It would be wonderful if the meds could help with the external allergies, but also with the gastro stuff too.
05-01-2014, 12:42 PM
Yay go Flynn great the numbers are coming down. So now we hold our breath (not literally) till Monday.
I was getting worried as you took ages to post :eek:
05-01-2014, 03:45 PM
Hi Trish,
Numbers are heading in the right direction--down! :D So for the most part it's good positive news...I know you show the liver numbers are higher than Feb. but they are down half from the pred numbers .so that all seems like good news.
Hoping the liver numbers keep dropping!! How is Flynn doing lately, less itchy I hope! :D
molly muffin
05-01-2014, 05:23 PM
Well that isn't so bad. They Are coming down, so they might come down even more. I know the scary thing is that Flynn has this history with the tricky liver nodules and so anything liver related sends all the warning flags straight up the flag pole and a little voice inside starts screaming ALERT, ALERT!
Based on that, good thing that ultrasound is scheduled for Monday or you are not going to be happy camper. You need to see the results, hear the IMS's thoughts and opinions and then deal with whatever the verdict is. It will probably be okay, but you have to see it to be sure.
Awww, a 3 day old baby!! precious! Hope your mom is having a lovely day. Sounds very busy running back and forth and to work and back to do it all over again. Yowser. When does mom come back? hahaha
Sharlene and molly muffin
I think it is pretty darn good news, especially the UPC- yeah, you go Flynn:):):):):):):) Down is a good direction!!!!!
I know what you mean about taking off work, the pain of catch up is awful when no one does your work.
Have a good weekend, it has already started for you.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
05-02-2014, 06:17 PM
Hi all
Yep down is good, but further would be better. So love to see them less than February!
I have given Flynn more of the antihistamines. He does have a couple of hot spots on his tail and sides which is most likely due to flea allergy. Darn things, but hopefully now we are heading into winter the cold weather will kill them off. First frost of the season today, and a gorgeous sunny day now. I just came back home and have all the pet blankets to put through the wash from both houses. I will give it another really good vacuum around at Mum and Dads and tomorrow will let off a flea bomb! That should get any residual little suckers. He is itching less though.
Sharlene, your right my alert radar is ticking furiously over the liver issues so I hope the scan can settle down those worries. Mum gets back next Saturday, she just called and is bored down there and looking forward to coming home. They are looking after my Aunt and Uncle's dog a little JRT called Dolly :D
Renee, it will be interesting to hear what IMS has to say about the apoquel. I hope we can use it. I am going to email him Flynn's spreadsheet with all his test results and also a condensed history with my questions either today or tomorrow so we are all prepared for our appointment on Monday.
molly muffin
05-02-2014, 10:43 PM
I hope you have a good weekend and Flynn's hot spot aren't too much of a bother to him. A good cold snap will hopefully get rid of those pesky fleas. Man I don't like those things. They are awful in the warmer areas, like when I lived in Hawaii and Texas. Just hard to get rid of, we never seem to get cold enough to really get rid of them completely.
Sounds like you will be as prepared as it is possible to be with the spreadsheet and questions sent off.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Trish,
Thanks for your posts on our thread. I have an update, will get it in as soon as I can. She ran all his labs again (in house of course) and thankfully nothing glaring there.
I am beyond thrilled with Flynn's latest UPC!! What a relief! And it gives me a little glimmer of hope even though Jasper's issues are different. Happy about the other results going down also. Those liver values are heading in the right direction and I bet they will continue to come down further with time. It seems like it takes a long time to see changes there.
It will be a relief to get his scan out of the way. It is on Monday, right? Not too long now. How are the allergies doing today? I sure hope you can get the itching under control.
Tina and Jasper xo
Budsters Mom
05-03-2014, 11:21 PM
Poor Flynny:o those dang fleas! :eek: xxxxx
05-03-2014, 11:40 PM
Hi girls! Just been doing a few bits of weekend tidying!!
Tina, I do have to pop out quickly but will be back in half an hr so hoping to read the Jasper update then, hope he is better today! x
05-04-2014, 05:24 AM
Hay you missed you again ! You seem a bit snowed under there with looking after dad, work and worrying about Flynn. Oh your mum is looking after a JRT, I love the name Dolly. I hope your dad is behaving himself.
I am off tomorrow it's the May Day here so i will be around all day to focus my "no nasties on scan" thoughts to Flynn and you. I hope you can get some sleep yeah I know it will be difficult with your mind working overtime but do try :)
Oh my gosh Trish, I fell asleep on the couch with the ipad!!! :o :rolleyes:
Darn, was looking forward to chatting for a bit, sorry about that! Ok, so I will be focusing my positive thoughts all evening and night tonight my time. Yes, I hope you are able to get some sleep ahead of that lengthy drive.
All the best for Flynn with the appt and scan. I am still thinking about the UPC result and hope it will set the trend for more good things to come. Drive safe and I will be watching for updates.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo
05-04-2014, 06:27 AM
Darn, now I have missed you guys lol I was on the couch watching the final of masterchef! Think I am ready for the morning, not really tired at all yet. Flynn is all quiet tonight, not wanting to do much of anything but is eating fine, had a good walk this afternoon too. Sometimes I do think that antihistamine sedates him a bit, even though its not meant to :confused: thanks for the well wishes tomorrow. I will do an update after I see IMS before I drive home. x
Trish, you are back! So glad I didn't sign off quite yet. :) What time is his appt and scan??
05-04-2014, 06:30 AM
I'm here lol
05-04-2014, 06:31 AM
Oh yay!! have you been able to move today??
05-04-2014, 06:33 AM
No ha ha I am a bit sore but will go a walk later to loosen up my back. Glad it's finished. Antihistamines can dope them a bit
05-04-2014, 06:35 AM
I was like that last Monday, spent most of Sunday pulling out my raspberry and boysenberry vines. My back was killing me Monday, was going to do the rest this weekend but didn't really want to travel tomorrow in pain so put it off. :)
05-04-2014, 06:38 AM
Yeah I,ll have a day off gardening today it's raining anyway thankfully lol. What time do you go tomorrow
05-04-2014, 06:43 AM
6am at the latest. First part of the trip is the worst, is 2hrs of winding road up to Taupo which is a huge lake with volcanoes at one end!! There are no towns along the way and it sometimes snows up there. Not cold enough for that at the moment though but it can get icy if its frosty. First hour will be in the dark so will be careful. I backed into a blardy palm tree on Thursday, I swear it moved when I wasn't looking@!! I checked the back and was nothing but a wee bit of the side panelling has popped out a bit. I think it will be OK though. Well it has to be, no time to get it fixed by tomorrow! It's a bit embarrassing as the car does have a backing camera, its the uselss driver at fault :eek:
05-04-2014, 06:47 AM
Oops palm trees do move :D be careful on that round sounds quite risky especially in the dark. I will send my positive vibes at 10.30 tonight as that will be 11.30 your time and Flynns appointment time.
Oh you guys, I get aches and pains with the least little bit of yard work! And I have some to do today along with carpet cleaning, so I better get the ibuprofen going soon, lol.
I am hoping to have a back up camera in my next vehicle. Backing up is not one of strong points! Glad you didn't do too much damage.
05-04-2014, 06:55 AM
I have written a Flynn summary for the new IMS tomorrow, includes all the reports from his previous surgeries and embedded his spreadsheet with all his lab results. The lovely Sharlene read it through for me.. she likened it to a thesis! It put her to sleep on the couch last night, she is too kind and I really appreciated it (((Sharlene)))!! But I have got it down to 7 pages now lol and have emailed it off to him today. Hope he does not think I am a crazy person for doing that!!
05-04-2014, 06:59 AM
Yes you are a crazy person but crazy in the right way, crazy about your boy and what's best for him that kind of crazy I like :p. Sharlene is lovely for doing that for you.
Now get yourself to bed young lady you have a long drive tomorrow x
I am sure he will appreciate it. That is wonderful that you did that. I think that would be very difficult, Flynn has had so much to keep track of. I think of all of Jaspers issues and I don't even know how I would begin to write up a summary for him. And I am technically challenged, I don't think I could embed a spreadsheet if my life depended on it. :rolleyes: You are so organized Trish, I really admire that. Sharlene is a doll, great that she reviewed everything for you!
05-04-2014, 07:03 AM
I am just boiling the jug to have a cup of tea, then I will go... Sharlene sure is the bomb! Tina, maybe reading my thesis would put you to sleep too!!!!
05-04-2014, 07:06 AM
I'm having a hot chocolate then I better get dressed it's noon and I've not moved off the sofa :eek:
05-04-2014, 07:12 AM
That is how Sunday mornings should be Tracy!!! Ohhh I love hot chocolate, will probably get one with McDonalds brekky on the road somewhere tomorrow
Ok girls, I am going to sign off. Trish, have a good sleep, safe drive, and all the best for the little man tomorrow. I will be thinking about you guys.
Tracy, have a good day, I may catch you later if you are about. :)
Big hugs.
05-04-2014, 07:16 AM
Night Tina, lovely to chat!! Hope you sleep a few hours now, its Sunday so a day to rest so don't do too much!! xxx
05-04-2014, 07:16 AM
Yes it's yummy, I love McDonald's brekkie but don't get them often as the closest to me is 14 miles.
Fingers crossed for good results tomorrow and watch the roads, gawd I sound like my mother there she always says that lol x
05-04-2014, 07:17 AM
Night night Tina :)
05-04-2014, 07:18 AM
My Mum has already said that too LOL... she rang before to wish us well! I sound like a terrible driver backing into tree's, but I am actually pretty safe!
05-04-2014, 07:20 AM
Tracy, we are going to be seeing quite a bit of Scotland with the Commonwealth Games coming up... already seeing the ads for it on the telly, not sure when it is but must be coming soon. Glasgow is not far from you is it???
05-04-2014, 07:24 AM
Yeah Glasgow only 40 mins from me. I've seen a lot of the buildings getting built as I had to go thru Glasgow to get to the vet school with woody, they look really good. I think it is June or July it starts. There has been a bit if how ha about it all as they've change roads and closed roads to make it happen, but will be lovely to see it finished
05-04-2014, 07:32 AM
Looking forward to it, love the sports!! Righto, I better go to bed too... have a nice day Tracy and all.... will let you know how we go tomorrow, but I am being positive about this checkup! Thanks for being here tonight... nighty nite! xxxx
05-04-2014, 07:33 AM
Night night Trish positive is good :D
molly muffin
05-04-2014, 08:48 AM
Oh I want to see the Scottish games too. We were planning to go to Scotland a few years ago and couldn't get the flights we wanted so ended up in Barcelona instead. I still want to make that trip though. Wish we could do it this year but maybe not with the games there. Might be a nightmare to get hotels and such. Still looking forward to watching on TV. Family has us going to other places this year anyhow now.
I always learn stuff and I think Trish's thesis taught me some more. It was very detailed and good. I want to know the answer to some of her questions too. :-).
Yikes I love gardening when I have the Time but you sure do feel it for days afterwards!
I was in chill mode all day yesterday so today must do the laundry thing.
Hugs all
05-04-2014, 06:35 PM
So it's 10.30 am your way and should almost be there. I can't keep my eyes open so will wish you both good luck just now, not that you,ll need it. Pop back later for an update if I wake up during the night if not will hear in the morning x
molly muffin
05-04-2014, 07:16 PM
Hope you made it the report is positive! Sending those good vibes all the way to you and Flynn
sharlene and molly muffin
Ok, its about that time. Hope the little man is all ready for his scan. Positive vibes focused and being sent your way. Jasper and Shelby say Go Flynny boy! I will be checking in later for an update.
Big hugs. xo
Budsters Mom
05-04-2014, 07:49 PM
Fingers, toes, and paws crossed that all goes well and your back home soon. Go Flynny the wonder pooch! :D xxxxxx
05-04-2014, 08:14 PM
Seen ims briefly, just waiting for scan now, hopefully not long
Went to give Jasper his pre dinner meds, and here you are! How is Flynn doing? And how are you?
just popping in to see what is happening, I see your green light on and that you are waiting for the scan si I;ll pop back to check in a bit.
Paws up Flynny boy, mama wants a good scan:)
and so does all your aunties;)
05-04-2014, 08:26 PM
I'm here too, hanging out in the waiting room (with chocolate, if wanted or needed...!).
05-04-2014, 08:28 PM
He has gone in! Yep time for chocolate!
Yep, lets break out the chocolate. Vibes going into high gear! :D
05-04-2014, 08:37 PM
He's back again, just had cxr so far. Emergency dog bumped him so we still waiting for scan
05-04-2014, 08:42 PM
Just took his photo of him waiting for scan, he not too impressed its in the album
molly muffin
05-04-2014, 08:47 PM
Got chocolate here too!!!
Cool, IMS didn't run for the hills after all when he got the thesis. Kind of him. :) No leash needed I guess. LOL
Flynn does look a bit disgusted in that picture. Momma is gonna have to give him something extra special to make up for this!!
Think I'll go brew a pot of tea while waiting. Hopefully the bump patient won't be too bad off and they can get Flynn in soon.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Lol, yeah he does look disgusted!! Lets get this show on the road Mum!
Oh yeah, what did the IMS think of the thesis? Impressed I am sure.
Brb, gotta go feed the pups and hopefully Jasper will eat.
05-04-2014, 09:00 PM
He's gone again for scan, first time he trotted off with her quite happily, 2nd time no way and she had to carry him.
I think he was a bit taken aback, but he had it printed out, said me might have to prioritise my questions!! He examined Flynn and said how good he is for all he has been through
05-04-2014, 09:12 PM
Awwww, he does look disgusted doesn't he, brave little man!
OK now I am craving salt after the chocolate...either peanuts or potato chips (crisps?) or better yet-- both. :)
molly muffin
05-04-2014, 09:27 PM
Went for pringles personally Marianne after the chocolate. :)
Priotritize! No, no, we need them all. okay, okay I'll be reasonable, maybe. ... He might have to follow up with an email if he can't do them all today.
Ha you get one shot with Flynn, best come through on the first go, and he will not be impressed with them!. :) :)
Our boy is smart, he probably thought he was all done when they brought him back out the first time so no way was he going voluntarily the second time!
Peanuts for me after the chocolate, but the chips may be next. Getting thirsty now, lol. :D
05-04-2014, 09:54 PM
Scan is done, no shaving or sedation. Gave him his lunch. Waiting for ims now.
Ok, refocusing and concentrating the vibes again. Glad no sedation was needed. Waiting for the good report Trish!
Well, scan is done just need the report, good boy Flynny. Guess I'll switch to the I phone as my laptop doesn't work in my bedroom.
Hoping for good news, Trish.
Hey Tina- I need to go check on Jasper.
05-04-2014, 10:38 PM
Early verbal report minimal changes in liver, bronchial change in lung probable bronchitis, not tumour looking. So initial feeling of relief, will post more when we get home. xxx
That sounds good so far Trish, minimal changes in the liver is good! What a relief! Bronchitis? Hmm... I wonder what that's about. Maybe it is somehow related to his allergy issues. Good job Flynn!!
Ok, I will need to check in the morning before work. Almost 3 pm there, almost 10 pm here. Drive safe on the trip home. Hugs.
molly muffin
05-04-2014, 11:20 PM
I think that is excellent about the liver news and where some of the real worry was about. Think Tina might be right about the allergies. Has Flynn ever done the coughing or had problems breathing? Hmmm might be why he slowed down there on some days then would perk up and then slow again. That seems like a possibility. Any way to discover that without an ultrasound? How was adrenal nodule and kidneys.
I'll be in bed when next you post prob. Congratulations to you and Flynn both. Good job!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
05-04-2014, 11:58 PM
Bronchitis is treatable. :)
05-05-2014, 03:53 AM
Yay I'm so happy to read this, this morning. My friends shelties takes an inhaler for its brochitis and does well on it. Can't wait for the full report.
Boo I missed the chocolate. Peanuts and crisps !
I,ll pop in later off to hospital keep my niece company as it's baby day today :eek:
05-05-2014, 05:40 AM
Phew, Home!! YAY!! Took 6 hrs to drive back, blardy rained all the way and was heavy in places. That last two hours sucked on the mountains.. Flynny slept most of it though so that was lucky. Couple of quick pee and snack stops but not for long as so wet!
So I still do not have the formal report. It was a bit embarrassing as our last IMS saw us there and thought we must have booked in for the scan today and to see him tomorrow... oops! Apparently he works in imaging on Mondays and see's patients Tues/Wed. New IMS said the old one was scared of me :eek::eek: just joking I HOPE!!! Anyway, after the mess-up last time with the newly grown adrenal gland they were real careful not to give me exact findings until they had a chance to measure everything and finish the written report and he will send it through. But he said from them having a look while they were doing it, it looks similar to the last one re liver and adrenal. Nothing has blown up, so that is good. So phew, but I won't celebrate too much till I see the written one!
Sharlene, he has always been a bit of a snorer, but last month or two I have noticed he is more noisy in his breathing. Mainly when he is going to sleep. It sounds more sorta in his throat than lungs if you know what I mean more of a loud snore and he does not do it all the time and during day no sign of it. So I asked them to do a CXR, IMS said it looks like he has old dog lungs... which is not totally unexpected. His heart looks good, there are no signs of lung tumours that he saw with his quick look (again wait for proper report) but one section of his lungs looked inflamed in the bronchioles which could explain all his increased breathing noises. And DOH, we never really got into what to do about it. :o
No pheo urine tests done here in NZ, but they have had two dogs with pheo since Christmas I think diagnosed on histology. I asked him about what he thought of the urine study, he was kinda noncommittal but looks promising for the future. He said they can test one metabolite but problem with no reference ranges so he doesn't really trust it. So that was the end of that!
No atypical cushings testing either apart from a couple of individual hormones. He is right into his cushings and he said as Flynn has no typical signs of normal cushings, then he would not even recommend testing him. He seemed quite big on treat the dog, not the numbers. I had wondered about a link between potentially deranged adrenal hormones and the effect on his liver as per a study I found linking them with adenomas. He said that even if a hormone or two was up the wop we would not do anything more for his liver than what we are doing now, ie samilyn and regular surveillance scanning to catch anything before it gets too big so his thoughts were why spend money testing if it is not going to alter the outcome.
05-05-2014, 05:49 AM
Ok all sounding good at the moment, when do you get written report? Did you get a chance to ask about the Apoquel? Old doggy lungs lol but heart good all sounds positive to me, no change on liver yay. Have you managed to breath yet :D
05-05-2014, 06:02 AM
Hmmm what else.
Heart murmur still low grade. He said reports of BP are good, he said he takes white coat syndrome into account up to 200, but it should come down once dog settles which Flynn's does so he said to continue current BP meds.
Kidneys, he did not mention them on the scan. Tina, he said they can fluctuate and when I mentioned that his goes up if his gut goes off. He said well Flynn seems to be writing his own medical book! He is obviously pleased with latest results. We also discussed the whole inflammatory response to his itching/IBD/impact on kidneys, he said it seems his immune system is in overdrive. If we have ongoing problems then he said he would consider azothiaprine. He was quite keen to seem him back on hypoallergenic food. I said that he ate it for a few weeks, then stopped. He asked me how hard did I try, I said I can be very stubborn with him. It did sort his bowel out, but was so unpalatable for Flynn that he had to change. He recommended it again if we have more flaring but lately it really has only been occasional mucousy poop so we don't have to go there yet.
Adrenal nodule - he said some of these nodules that are found can actually be just part of a normal adrenal gland. All parts of the body can get lumps and bumps and he said most of them are nothing to worry about. His is not functional so we can rule that out, he would only test him if he got cush symptoms. He said it looks like a peanut. He recommends just monitoring as we are doing and not to worry about it too much. He said in his endocrinology circles there is still a lot of controversy about atypical cushings, and whether treatment is worth it or even if it is a "proper condition"? :confused:
Ohhh the apoquel, I did ask about that, poor supply is the problem. He said it is more for dogs with a general itch not particularly for one like Flynn with probable flea allergy. If it keeps up he recommended we see a dermatologist for their advice. He is not that convinced about the efficacy of the allergy testing ie the one where we send a blood test and they send back a list of things he is allergic too and a vial of drugs to slowly desensitise him. He said the better way is to do the skin testing with dermatologist.
We have to stop the conformis treatment for fleas, he has had a few dogs having seizures with it and even some died :eek::eek: so we need to re evaluate what to use there.
Mike has been keeping an eye on his lipomas, but he wants us to do a lipoma mapping and keep close eye on measurements and if they look to be growing too much then consider surgery. But we would have to weigh up the potential risk of another anaesthetic on liver risks. He said some dogs can truck along with them and then they can potentially turn nasty and get necrotic so we need to watch them and Flynn has tons.
I think finally, ALP... could still be coming down. But with no new big liver masses, then Flynn may just be one of those dogs that has high ALP and some just do... and they can die with it at an old age, not because of it. But of course we keep monitoring.
Jeepers, and that is not even the final report from him LOL... sorry about the length of it!! But there we are.. Flynny's vet report! He said once I have read the final one then I can email him any more questions. But I think he did a very admirable job of answering the many I had!!
Thanks for being there girls, chocolate, chippies, support and love... what more could Flynn and I ask for!! Thank You! Now I am going to put something in the good times thread that I saw while I was waiting that made me smile!! xxxxx
05-05-2014, 06:03 AM
Haha Tracy, there is Part II
Any baby news yet??
05-05-2014, 06:18 AM
No baby news yet, I'm pacing the corridor lol. I don't know who looked more scared Rachel, Ian her partner or her mum, she is still being monitor and hasn't been induced yet could be a long day/night but I promised I would stay hoo hum.
So back to super dog still all sounding great Trish. My experience with itchy/IBD dogs and I had 6 years of it - I used the hypo food bruno hated it but would eat if I softened it a bit with warm water or doggy gravy comes in a bottle, he was also had a massive flea allergy so to prevent fleas I walked in short grass and used advocate on him every 2 months instead of 3 with vets approval worked for him. Bruno saw a dermatologist for the skin tests he got shaved and they injected several I think 12 things into him and watched to see if the skin reacted he was like a dot to dot but I knew what to avoid. Anyway that's my tuppence worth.
Ian also said that dogs can get lumps and bumps inside as well as out and mapping the limpomas is a great idea, then you can decide what to do.
05-05-2014, 06:27 AM
I will look into that dermatologist thing, I bet they are only in Auckland!! Maybe I can book in next time we go up for a scan. He does only walk on short grass. He does nibble his paws a lot so it could be grass contributing.
I would go back to the hypoallergenic if it gets real bad again. I just feel so mean not giving him food he likes. Wonder what is in that doggy gravy? I try and avoid grains and that would have some sort of thickening in it?? I have never seen that here, but then I have not ever looked for it.
I just heated up some of my homemade vegie/ham hock soup. Had the need for something decent after all that junk food and chocolate, chippies :D
Ohh, it will be a long day... good you can talk to us!! Poor things, must be so scary for her. Hope it goes quick, if it was me it would drugs and elective Caesar all the way LOL but I am a wuss!!
05-05-2014, 06:36 AM
Yeah I,d want all the drugs too I'm a wuss, she is doing well I'm just making jokes to keep her spirits up lol.
I know this sounds like I'm the teaching you to suck eggs but Bruno was allergic to wry grass which is everywhere up here so I couldn't not let him walk on grass as he would only poo on grass so I used to keep a bucket of tempid water at the door and would wash his paws after a walk in between his toes he hated it but got used to it, it did help. It's 4 years on the 28th of this month since he left for the bridge :(
Oh nice hearty soup can't beat it, guess I,ll be having hospital canteen food unless i can sneak away :)
05-05-2014, 06:44 AM
Show her the Happy Dog video I just put up, that might make her smile!
Hmmm that's a good tip washing his feet, every time he goes outside he walks on the grass though. I will do it after all long walks and get Dad to do it too after he walks him through the week, plus at end of day. He can get used to that!
Ohhh order in a pizza, most here deliver to hospitals!
05-05-2014, 06:47 AM
That was a good video I got it on my FB page from my relatives in oz.
Ah delivery I wonder if they do that here although I am only a few miles from KFC mmmm decisions ha ha
05-05-2014, 06:50 AM
Oh no, I dosed off right after snarfing up the snacks last night!! :eek: :o
So now I must quickly catch back up on the results -- but it sounds as though all went well, thank goodness!!!
05-05-2014, 06:57 AM
Good morning Marianne!! So far so good, I will feel better once I have the written report though. We are all like that, looking at all the numbers!
He was so impressed with Flynny when he examined him, bless his heart the little sweetheart, after all the operating and poking and prodding when they get down on the floor with him to look him over he always gives them a kiss. He said he examines real well for a senior!
I have eaten McDonalds for breakfast, most of a box of Cadbury's favourites, packet of twisties, 3 cans coke zero, mince pie, 2 mandarins and green tea!! That was before I got home and had my healthy soup to give me a least a few vitamins today!!
Couldn't fit in KFC Tracy lol.... that potato and gravy is always good if you are feeling sick!
05-05-2014, 07:06 AM
Senior no no Flynn is not a senior he is just mature lol. Gawd you ate a lot of not so healthy foods lol I'm like that when I'm stressed, tired, worried oh pretty much all the time.:D I've decided it's KFC and I need to eat it in the car as Rachel's not allowed ha ha
05-05-2014, 07:13 AM
Yes, that would be a bit torturous eating it in front of the poor girl! I will be on salad tomorrow to make up for my binging! I better get to bed, after 11 1/2 hrs driving today I am a bit knackered and have work in the morning. Oh I just remembered, Dad has his orthopaedic specialist appointment in the morning. But he is going to drive himself and I will meet him in the clinic at 9.30. I hope no one in my family, human or doggie needs to see a health professional for at least a couple of weeks!! I txt Mike a quick outline and he was happy to hear it went well! Right, nighty nite... I will check early in the morning to hear if your a new Great Aunt (gawd that makes you sound old :D), fingers crossed it goes nice and fast for her xxxxxx
Trish- if her has itchy feet you can get Betadine iodine and put a few squirts in a pan with water- color of iced tea- dunk his feet in when he comes in from outside, no need to rinse, wont hurt him if he licks his feet.:):):):) Used to do it with Zoe in the summer.
Just a thought. So far I think the report sounds pretty darn good. Glad you made it home, such a long drive in the rain.
In some vet circles, the adrenal testing done by Dr. Oliver is still considered controversy- depends which IMS and endocrinologist you speak to here in the states.
have to run to work. sure glad you are both home safe.:):):)
molly muffin
05-05-2014, 05:17 PM
YUK driving in rain over the mountain! I'd be a wreck. I'd do it, but I'd be a wreck. LOL Glad Flynn slept for the most parts, makes it all easier at least than if he was up and about.
Well, that report doesn't sound that bad really. I know you want the written one I would too, but it does sound like a good run down by the vet.
My IMS said the same thing, not everyone believes in the atypical diagnosis.
Those allergies seem to be one of the main deals and it does seem to be environmental doesn't it. (well plus flea)
hmm, thinking about making mexican stuffed pasta shells tonight. Best run off to the store to get the ingredients!
I only cook 2 or 3 days this week! whoo hooo! (probably 2, I need to call some peeps to see if they want to go to one of those Japanese grill table restaurants on friday)
hugs all
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-05-2014, 05:43 PM
Just catching up on your thread!
WOW! These IMS appointments are major, aren't they?? Bummer about the hypoallergenic food. It's just not very palatable, which is no good.
Your binge had me cracking up. I think I'd be sick a week.. and for sure have to switch to the salads to make up for it. :)
05-05-2014, 06:11 PM
I am not too god with understand many items in these reports but it sounds pretty good to me! YAY Flynn!!
05-06-2014, 05:07 AM
Hi all - thanks so much for your comments girls!
Yep Renee, I have felt a bit off today lol... early night needed! But I have been a healthy girl today to make up for it :rolleyes: I forgot to say on the apoquel about the issue I had read about the warning with it in dogs with neoplasia. IMS said he had read the reports and he thinks that with the number of dogs involved in the studies it is not surprising a proportion had a tumour, maybe even before they started on the apoquel so he thought that a red herring. His only concern that Flynny's problem with flea allergy might not be a good indication for its use. Anyway, it's a moot point as we cannot get a consistent supply of it anyway. Will talk to Mike about using what he has in stock to trial it.
Good idea about the feet washing Tracy and Addy, I am have already started doing that today. He did say there are some weird skin conditions associated with liver disease, but because Flynn has some hot spots he is still thinking it is flea allergy.
No formal report yet. Hopefully soon! x
Bailey's Mom
05-06-2014, 04:53 PM
Good golly, Trish! I go for a little boat ride and you and Flynny go crazy! A six hour drive, in the rain, in the mountains; a 7 page spreadsheet/questionnaire? A scan and then bumped off? Whew! Sounds like a Laurel and Hardy movie!! The report, while not on paper yet, sounds promising. I'll keep my toesies crossed that things are calm for awhile. Get some rest! Eat some chocolate!
05-06-2014, 05:25 PM
Hello you
Yay for early nights and boo to salad, although I should take a leaf out your book I've eat crap for the last two days lol
Hope you weren't late for work :eek:
05-06-2014, 05:35 PM
Boy...miss a couple days on this board and you miss a lot!! Glad to hear you are safe and sound from this very long drive.
Great preliminary news on Flynn!! So far it sounds like you can take a deep breath and relax! I know you're awaiting a formal written report but I'll still say YAY for the current great news!
molly muffin
05-06-2014, 05:38 PM
Early night sounds lovely. I like salads at least, so after a day of junk, it sounds just the thing :)
Hot spots sound more like flea or something than an association with a disease. Wouldn't that be more spread out over the body?
I think we should blame Elle! hahahahah
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
05-06-2014, 05:42 PM
Barbara had 6 email from the forum, cleared the email and when I finished answering them, i looked over and had 7 more new ones between forum and facebook k9. Wow! no way to keep up sometimes! :)
It's good though, we are an active forum
sharlene and molly muffin
Dont know how you do it Sharlene. I go into work and freak out when I have 35 emails.
Well, no written report, maybe that's a good thing;) Gives you time to rest and get back up to speed.
I love pear salad with cranberrries, gorgonzola cheese and rasberry dressing YUMMY:D:D
molly muffin
05-06-2014, 08:41 PM
LOL Addy, this was in my personal email.
In my work email it is very typical for me to have between 500 - 1000 which I have sorted into different folders based on subject lines or to: and from: Some of those I just need to glance at to see if they require a personal response or not. When I don't get a chance to go through them they build up as one folder this morning I kind of was like, "oh man, really" because I hadn't cleared it, it had over 1700 email in it. I don't delete anything either as sometimes I need to find email from years ago, so at best I archive it onto the server.
Well I won't bore you with the icky details, but it can drive you crazy and my personal email address can average around 50 up per day. I don't mind really since I'm use to the work emails. It does help now that I have moved to iphone and ipad as I can access any and all email from both accounts in one spot.
Hubs worked on leslie math problem and now he is exhausted and taking a nap. He was going with you line for line Trish!!! hahaha I was like, no, no do not drag me in, just type it out and I'll post it. You can not make me cross the line.
So when does that report come your way anyhow? Soonish?
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-07-2014, 07:24 AM
Nothing :rolleyes:
Dang, you must be getting impatient. Well, maybe today.
Hope you are rested and Flynny is ok. I'm still battling these dang ants but they are getting a bit less each day. Did I ever tell you I HATE ants?
Sharlene, how the heck do handle that many emails at work? Man I have to reread how you do this. I am not used to so many work emails. I always talked to customers on the phone. Now co workers ten feet away from my office send me emails:rolleyes: Drives me nuts. Especially when someone hits a reply all and then I have to read ten "thank yous":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
05-07-2014, 12:02 PM
Anything? I'm assuming your TRYING to be patient and wait for it to come not an easy thing to do especially being you :D
molly muffin
05-07-2014, 05:54 PM
Ugh, yea that can be a real pain with a reply all emails. Set up rules or filters to sort your email. We too are on the phone often to customers, but over all I like to have things in writing, so as to be very clear on what is wanted, needed and so that everyone sees it and can action, not just one person. I'm not big on leaving too much to chance or screw up, so even if I talk on the phone, I always follow up with an email clarifying what was discussed. Filter, filter, filter and you don't have to answer every one. :)
Nothing yet Trish :( man, patience sucks. :( You're getting a gold start for this one, just like back in school. hehehehe
crossing fingers that it shows up soon!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Hi Trish,
Pretty good report so far, so glad you made it back safe and sound. Checking in to see about the detailed written report also. This waiting is so tough. I will be keeping an eye out. :)
Tina and Jasper
Bailey's Mom
05-08-2014, 11:45 PM
Yoo Hoo??? Trish? Did you fall off a cliff? :confused: You are MIA! :eek: No word from you in 40 hours. :( That's so unlike you.
Well, surely soon we will hear from you that it is FRIDAY!!
I hope you get your report soon. Perhaps they could fax you a copy?
Have a great weekend!!
05-09-2014, 12:56 AM
Hey all - I am around
I just feel a bit insensitive going on about Flynn's report when Leslie is going through such a sad few days.
I don't have it yet, I txt Mike but he is on leave until Monday. He said he could get his colleague to look in his email and I said not to as Flynn is doing fine. I did just email IMS so will see if anything arrives but as it is nearly 5pm Friday not looking hopeful till next week.
Thanks for all popping in, yes work emails suck!! Too many!! xxxx
05-09-2014, 02:09 AM
Well done Trish for that totally respect what you posted xxx
Here you are. I have to take Koko out for a walk but see your green light still on. I'll check back later on you and Leslie too. I am so worried about her .
Hope your mom gets home safe and sound. We have Mothers Day this Sunday, do you? Shoot, now I am even more worried about Leslie- Mother's day is Sunday. Dang:(
05-09-2014, 07:32 PM
Yes, we do! I will take her out for a nice lunch and get her a wee pressie because I surely have the best Mother in the World!! xxx
A hard day for all Mum's who have lost babies :(
Yep, I have to get going around to their house to get it ready for her homecoming! Will see you later xxx
05-09-2014, 10:21 PM
Popping in to say hello!
molly muffin
05-10-2014, 12:21 AM
Oh yay mom is coming home.
Mothers day is hard when you have lost your baby and for Leslie, this mothers day is going to be worse than the others that came before. Squirt, well Squirt had special place in her world. I am worried too Addy.
I'm glad she has the other babies, but it isn't the same is it. :(
Trish I am sure you do have the best mother in the whole world. I always felt like that, still do, about my mom too. I am sure you will make it wonderful for her.
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-10-2014, 12:56 AM
Hi Trish. I'll have to read back about what tests you are waiting for. It sounds like there has been some sadness around here…as there often is. I've fallen off the face of the earth for sure…way more than 40 hours since my last post. Well, wait…no…I just posted. LOL. Hoping to be on here more but in reality that likely won't happen until report cards are done and I'm winding down the teaching year (mid June). Just wanted to post an update and say a quick hello. Bye for now. Nikki and Kaibo
05-10-2014, 04:31 AM
Hey Renee, Sharlene and a big Hey to Nikki!! Lovely to hear from you has been ages, I hate it when you blink and another month has gone by in a flash!
I was thinking before, that it is hard for those amongst us that have lost their babies on Mother's Day, but it will also be hard for those that have lost their Mum's too... so I am sending good wishes to everyone on Mother's Day. Mum came home laden with pressies for all of us, I wish she would spend more money on herself, but there you go.. even when your babies are 50 and she is near 80 she still wants to bring us something :) Flynn and Elle were overjoyed to see her!!
Flynn has a new hobby... digging a hole to China or whatever lies beneath us (hmmm did you know you can find out what is on the other side of the world from you lol... because I just googled it So if Flynn does dig his hole big enough he will end up eating tapas, barking in Spanish in the middle of Spain :D The new neighbours are cleaning up their section and have removed some bushes along the back fence, he can get his paws under there and has been outside for ages digging away! Love it :D xx
molly muffin
05-10-2014, 10:23 AM
Oh Flynn, if someone can get to the other side, it'll be Flynn, the man with a mission. I'm not going to let molly dig, as I just saw we'd come up somewhere in the Indian Ocean off of Australia. That doesn't appear to be an optimal location to aim for!! hahahaha
I was just saying over on Susan's thread, I don't know squat about the herbals, but definitely sounds like you'll have a fresh smelling Flynn and home!
sharlene and molly muffin
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