View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you

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Bailey's Mom
03-14-2014, 11:21 AM
Hi Trish!

Happy Weekend!! :D

03-14-2014, 12:16 PM
Hey you

Just checking in to see how you are all doing?

Hope that Dad is showing signs of improvement

The sun is shining here today and the birds are singing away and it's Friday, rubbish week but it's nearly done now :D

Hopefully I will catch you later tonight or tomorrow been ages since we caught up


03-14-2014, 02:52 PM
Hey you how's it going ?

How is the wee mans paw getting on, he seems to be going through a bit if a rough patch recently but hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel :D

How's your dad coming along, I do hope he is on the mend. I'm feeling better just have to ride the waves of the grief I guess. Mac arrives on Monday to Tracy's Hotel for Dogs and I'm sure we will have fun even if I have to force myself lol. He is a sweet dog but he,s not Woody so I need to stop thinking he is a replacement for him. Hopefully me, you and Mel can catch up this weekend as it's been ages

03-14-2014, 04:20 PM
Hi Mel, Sharlene, Valerie, Tracy, Susan!!

Wow what a good sleep!! Hello Saturday :), Cylone Lusi is hitting up North but so far does not sound too bad. It is going down the opposite side of the island to me. So I think we should get away with a bit of rain and wind but otherwise should be OK. I have a special long awaited dinner out tonight at friends so don't want that getting put off!!

Dad was discharged yesterday, we have to take him back to the orthopaedic clinic on Tuesday for review with the surgeon. Infectious Diseases physician has started a new AB, so hopefully that will help as it is still oozing :mad:

Flynn is much the same, red paw, itching, occasional loose poops. Fingers crossed this turns around soon. Happy enough in himself though, I have taken him for a walk already in anticipation of the bad weather today.

Hope you all have some fun lined up for the weekend xxxxx :)

03-15-2014, 06:23 AM

Hope you enjoyed your dinner and Luis didn't change course.

Good news dad gets to come out for a bit, hopefully this new ab will finally do the trick. Fingers crossed.

Seems to be such a fine balance for Flynn, like the change of protein is ok for a few months then he has a reaction. I wonder if his feet are related to that as it happened last time too. Hopefully it will settle down soon. Pleased to hear he is not phased by it and is enjoying doggie life

Will be hanging around for a bit in case you come stumbling in ;) or Tracy wakes up


03-15-2014, 06:38 AM
I have just stumbled in!! LOL not really stumbling, a friend picked me up. What a fantastic dinner we had, dunno if you remember but before Christmas me and another friend had organised the retirement party for one of our colleagues Pip, the dinner tonight was her saying thank you back! We even got a gift to bring home.. she had made quince cheese, and it was in a sweet little container, it is gorgeous as she had some with her pre dinner snacks. I am so full but lovely to get out for the night.

Cyclone not too bad, I don't think it is a cyclone anymore but it is sure windy out there, big gusts come through. Raining so we crawled home but apart from a few little branches on roads not too bad. It's quiet here as Flynn is at Mum and Dad's, he so hates being alone I took him over and they were happy to have him stay the night. Will pick him up in the morning.

How is your day so far?

03-15-2014, 06:53 AM
How nice she made something for you all. Good to hear it's not turned into a full blown cyclone, the weather can be pretty scary sometimes.

Bet it is lonely without him, am sure he is snuggled up somewhere at mum and dads pleased to have your dad home too

Just can't seem to wake up this morning, luckily Boyce's daddy took him for his one walk a week that he does as I wasn't feeling it. I think work has taken it out of me these last few months, it's hard enough but at the moment people keep doing stupid things and then there are no resources to fix it so it's like wading through treacle to get stuff done.

I am off to see the kids tomorrow might take them to a skate park or somewhere as we are apparently due some sunshine all week!

Did you get past that level on Candy crush or have you still given up?!

03-15-2014, 07:07 AM
Well it sounds like you are doing what I did this morning.. half of nothing much at all! :D Bit of skating with the kids tomorrow will clear out the cobwebs though Mel :eek: don't break anything!

I haven't even done the shopping as Mum went and she said it was mad with everyone getting in supplies for the cyclone. It seems that its a bit of a media beat up as it really is not that bad, will see what happens overnight before we declare it a total fizzer!

Your work does sound like you have a lot of stress, not enough resources... hard doing that week in week out Mel, you have done it a long time though haven't you?

Flynn will be asleep in Dad's room, they were making up his bed in there. That's apart from the other 5 they have for him to choose from around the house!! I did not take his bed from here just his fave blankies to snuggle in. I do think the allergies, itching/IBD are all interlinked somehow. It also affects his kidneys too, as it only goes high if he is flaring. It is not bad enough for the Pred yet though.

Oh yep, I got past the last hard level. I have caught up to Valerie and she said this one is a stinker and she is right.. ugh! I need Candy Crush rehab! :D

Tracy must be sleeping in after her hard week and dinner last night :)

03-15-2014, 07:20 AM
I broke my wrist nearly 6 years ago walking in the rain with the pups so there will be no skating for me. I never want to feel that pain again. It's not healed properly so still feel it now.

Media has a lot to answer for, it panics people which is unnecessary! I was just catching up on the news about flight MH 370 those poor families reading all those different stories every day must be heartbreaking for them.

This will be my 16th year at the company and the 10th doing the position. It has never been like this though, since we got taken over my whole world has changed.

Maybe he needs his preferred proteins lamb and venison rotated so like a month on month off as it's usually around the few month mark he sees issues again.

Boyce's daddy is on about level 200 something I don't have the patience for that game, I have it on my pad but haven't really played it!

Yes she must be having a lie in, it's hard to get back into working when you have a while off, hopefully she will be in before you fall asleep :D

03-15-2014, 07:21 AM
Maybe we should do that calling thing...

Wake up Tracy, oh Tracy wake up :D

03-15-2014, 07:31 AM
Ouchies your poor arm, does it play up in bad weather?

I know that plane mystery is bizarre, I don't understand how a jet that size can be gone without a trace. I think it has landed somewhere else after being taken by terrorists or surely they would have found some trace of it by now. All speculation of course, but surely they should have some sort of locator beacon if they crash. We were talking about this at dinner tonight so all the theories were coming out :eek: There are a couple of Kiwis on board. My niece Jade is on holiday in Vietnam with her partner and they will be flying home on Monday so we all have fingers crossed that she gets home fine which I am sure she will.

There are definite pluses and minuses in all jobs, most of them have their stressful times with not enough people or not trained well enough. But sometimes when I get stressed at work I think, this could be way worse I could be working somewhere I really hate. I mainly love my job, but of course the politics drive me crazy. But I guess we have to think do we hate it enough to leave?? no, I don't think so. How about you?

I have ordered him venison but it is out of stock, so we are giving half lamb and half another vension product I can get locally. But I will be happy when the good stuff arrives!


03-15-2014, 07:54 AM
Yes when it's cold it gives me lots of gip. Typing can be a bit much sometimes as it's my right wrist and of course I am right handed

You think in this day and age it wouldn't be possible for it to just disappear without a trace. I just hope something else bad doesn't happen as a result of it. I saw the poor wife of one saying he had left her his ring and watch so so sad. I really hope that they find them well somewhere.

Major plus is the working from home, if that changes I will probably definitely consider it.

Typical the venison is out of stock when you need it. I think that might be an idea to try them both exclusively on and off for a month, have to be careful when switching foods around but it defo seems as if he gets a reaction on one after months on it. Am sure between you and mike you will figure it out

Maybe she has some sunshine too and decided to nip out while she can, it's been a complete turnaround this week and I do think the sun helps put everyone in a better mood. All I can hear is birds singing this morning which is really nice.

Getting late for you now :eek:

03-15-2014, 08:05 AM
I keep thinking of that show Lost when thinking about the plane, how weird would that be.

Working from home would be fab, I admire your work ethic. I think if I was home all day I would keep finding other things to do and little work would be done!

Yep, nearly ready for bed, just clicked over 1am here. Just made a cup of tea so will have that first!

When is your next trip away Mel, do you have anything in the works?

03-15-2014, 08:09 AM
I loved lost. Thought it was a great program

The work dictates and it never ends especially as I have more than one service.

Easter for 10 days we just confirmed it this morning. Back to the seaside don't care what the weather is like we are going :D

Glad we got the chance to talk, had been ages. Hope you have sweet dreams and maybe we can catch Tracy together later xx

03-15-2014, 08:20 AM
Sweet! I have 10 days at Easter too, worked out well as the Friday following Easter is Anzac Day so that's a public holiday and we get the Friday and Monday of Easter off so only had to take the 3 days in the middle to get 10 off.. YAY!! I think most of NZ has the same idea :D Not sure what I am doing yet, but even if I stay home it will be a nice break!

Right, I better get to bed or I will be hopeless tomorrow and meant to be doing lunch out. So better get my beauty sleep and get up early to go pick up the boy! Have a nice relaxing day Mel, you deserve it!! Cya soon! x

03-15-2014, 09:33 AM
Hello Trish and Mel :D

Pants I missed the chat this morning :mad: I didn,t have a lye in Mum rang at 7 am this morning she fell down the stairs and hurt her leg, so I had to take her to A&E. She got 8 stitches in her knee and a stretch bandage on her arm as she has sprained the wrist :rolleyes: She is a nightmare she fell about and hour before she called me, as she didn,t want to wake me up :eek: So I,m just home after doing her shopping and settling her on the sofa, I will pop back tonight to make sure she can get up stairs to bed.

Mel - That,s pants that work is still a nightmare for you, but there really is nothing else out there. I still am enjoying my work, the job itself is good, but the people are not so good, I,ve never know such bitchy women in all my life, I have decided to just do the job and not get involved in any of the bitchiness or trival arguments, so I just keep myself to myself. I don,t see it being a long term career per say for me but it will do just now. :)

Trish - So Flynn is at Mum and dads, he,ll be enjoying that. I remember the lunch you organised for your colleague, that was sweet of her to take you out as a thank you. When Bruno,s IBD flared up, his skin did as well, it was a catch 22 situation, the only thing that helped him towards the end was the pred. I know you don,t want to go there just now and I can,t blame you. Bruno,s protein that I used was Duck and Venision. The specialist at that time told me to fed him a protein that he had never had before, and when that stopped working to slowly change him to another new protein that he had never had before, it was quite hard as we went through a lot of proteins before settling on duck and venision. I hope Flynn feels back up to par soon :)

I loved lost also, it was a great programme, but it is so strange about that missing plane, something not quite right there. We have rain and wind again today, so I,m going to do the housework then chill. Hopefully the next time I will hear you calling :) Have a great weekend ladies. Oh I only get 7 days at Easter, I want more :D

molly muffin
03-15-2014, 07:38 PM
Tracy, sorry about your mom's fall. Poor thing. (I responded on your thread)

Mel, I hear ya. I think I am too much of a clutz to risk roller blades, roller skates or any of the stuff I would done at a moments notice when I was younger. I still feel it when the weather gets damp and cold in my ankle that I broke (at the gym of all places) quite a few years back.

Trish, what a sweetheart your friend is to have you to dinner and make little gift's too. Really glad that cyclone fizzled out and didn't hit you guys. Was it rainy today from it? It's scary when you hear about all the crazy storms around the world the last few years.
Awww, I bet Flynn had a good time having a sleep over at your parents place. They are so great with him.
Hope you are having a good weekend. We're in major chill mode here. Cold temps again, so just playing around on the computers, reading a bit and napping a bit more off and on. Ready to go order a pizza now as I'm feeling to lazy to cook. LOL

hugs all
Sharlene and molly muffin

03-15-2014, 09:35 PM
Trish..I was thinking the same thing about the show Lost and the Malaysian flight. What a mystery. Just now watching CNN about it...seems like they are now thinking it's somewhere in the Southern Indian Ocean.
What Candy Crush level are you on??? I'm on 181 and it's a big pain!!
Sorry Flynn's paw is causing trouble, poor boy. Any change on the loose poops?? Getting better yet?? I hope so!! :)


03-16-2014, 04:00 AM
Well today was a shite day! Woke up to similar phone call Tracey, except Mum had "funny turn" so off to hospital and she is in coronary care with arrhythmia. She is ok it was not a real nasty one but they want to monitor her overnight, see cardiologist in morning and i have to be there 9am for that and maybe they will tweak her meds, I was with her at hospital all day while my sister watched Dad. But I am just home to pick up a few things and go back to Dad and spend the night with him. He needs blood tests and dental appt tomorrow then see his specialist Tuesday! So I have emailed my boss for at least tomorrow off and she just emailed back that's ok, phew! Poor Flynny not had a walk for two days now! He much the same. This really is getting a bit much :(

03-16-2014, 06:33 AM
So sorry to read this Trish, poor you Mum and Dad. Scary for you all. Hope when you get back there in the morning all is a bit better with Mum.

Sending lots of positive vibes and a big hug for you, can't imagine how stressful all of this is. Thinking of you sweet


03-16-2014, 06:42 AM
Oh no Trish not your mum as well. Like Mel I hope when you go back she is a bit better. Parents they don't half scare us.

Flynn will be fine without his walks.

Sending positive thought to you all and a big hug to you, as you sound like you need it xx

03-16-2014, 06:55 AM
Oh ladies!
Moms falling is really scary. I'm glad neither broke bones!

My mother had Parkinson's and there was a point where she fell often. Daisy had a special bark to alert us. Truly amazing!

Work politics. Boy have I dealt with that crap! I even had a boss with mental issues and panics atticks. I was the main target for her nastiness and it got so bad that others in the department stepped up and reported her to HR so they finally had to step in. She got demoted and her boss was transferred to another group.

This same woman caused another employee to have a nervous breakdown and her doctor wouldn't let her return to work.

Squirt's Mom
03-16-2014, 07:15 AM
Aw Trish, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. You certainly have a lot on your plate so no wonder it feels like a bit much right now. Hoping and praying things will return to a more normal state for your family soon.

Leslie and the gang

Budsters Mom
03-16-2014, 10:51 AM
No! Not Mom too! :o That is not allowed! One at a time is hard enough. I hope you and Flynny are holding up okay.

Surrounding you and your entire family with wellness thoughts and healing energy. Xxxxx

molly muffin
03-16-2014, 12:05 PM
Oh my goodness! I think that cyclone blew in on a different wind than the one causing rain!! Sheezz mom and dad. This is going to be a crazy week for you I think. Hope mom's arrhythmia has settled this morning. Enough of that already.

You and Tracy sure do have your hands full.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-16-2014, 02:14 PM
Oh my gosh Trish, so sorry to read about your Mum! I am hoping she had a good night and is doing much better when you get there as it is morning time for you now.

That is so exhausting spending the day at the hospital like you did. Glad your sister could keep an eye on your Dad, for the day at least. Gosh, sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you with your Dad as well. Sorry you are stretched so thin, of course you feel that it's a bit much. :(

Sending positive thoughts for your Mum and a big hug for you.

Tina and Jasper xo

03-16-2014, 04:49 PM
Hoping that your Mum is feeling better today and that your dad's appointments went well.

I hope your looking after yourself and eating, my turn to be the food police :D

Topping up the hugs for you, mum and dad and butt scratches to Flynny x

03-16-2014, 05:10 PM
Well today was a shite day! Woke up to similar phone call Tracey, except Mum had "funny turn" so off to hospital and she is in coronary care with arrhythmia. She is ok it was not a real nasty one but they want to monitor her overnight, see cardiologist in morning and i have to be there 9am for that and maybe they will tweak her meds, I was with her at hospital all day while my sister watched Dad. But I am just home to pick up a few things and go back to Dad and spend the night with him. He needs blood tests and dental appt tomorrow then see his specialist Tuesday! So I have emailed my boss for at least tomorrow off and she just emailed back that's ok, phew! Poor Flynny not had a walk for two days now! He much the same. This really is getting a bit much :(

Oh Trish,
I am so sorry to hear about your mom! I hope she gets better extremely quickly! HUGS

Harley PoMMom
03-16-2014, 06:48 PM
Oh Trish,

I am so sorry to hear about your Mum and will be holding all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Hugs, Lori

03-17-2014, 04:49 AM
Hi all - thanks for checking in everyone gosh that means a lot to me x

Well Mum was discharged today, thank goodness! Her arrhythmia was not a dangerous one but just makes her feel funny for a while. If they keep up they will have to put her on a different med, but the cardiologist did not think it bad enough to start anything just yet. But we were very relieved to find out it is not the type that can suddenly kill you :eek::eek:

Dad's two appointments this afternoon went well, but they cannot fix his bad tooth till Friday :mad:

I have been in touch with Mike today about the ongoing itching with Flynny, he could not believe all the bad luck we have had with Mum and Dad and said we have enough on our plate without bringing him back in for another checkup so he got me to txt him another pic of his sore paw instead. It is worse than last week, he has started him on Prednil :eek: for itching and baytril antibiotic. The change to venison was not helping so I have gone for a completely different protein and now he is on fish. So tonight I made him poached red cod and quinoa. He loved it!! I have made enough for two days so will see how that goes. I took him up the beach tonight and he was pretty slow on it, panting more too both usually signs of IBD flare but it has been hot today. But with all the comings and goings and staying over at Mum and Dads I have not actually seen a poop for two days. I am sure he has gone but there are way more bushes over there and places for him to go in "private". Hopefully I will see one tomorrow and get back on top of that.

I am off again tomorrow, Dad has ortho apt in the morning so another trip to hospital. I don't want Mum driving at the moment until she is fully recovered although she was fluttering about like she was fine when I made them dinner tonight, kept wanting to help but I kept telling her to sit down and relax!

Sorry have not had enough time to catch up on everyone's threads so will just send a mass hug and hope there is no new bad news and promise to catch up soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-17-2014, 06:56 AM
Oh Trish, I am so sorry to read of all the news of mom and glad it seems to be not the serious heart problem. So much to take care of and still work. I know how hard that is so I hope your employer stays understanding.

Sorry to hear about Fynn having an allergy flare. and his IBD acting up a bit. Thank goodness you have Dr Mike. I trust he will get things right along with your input. He has been so great.

Hugs sweetie and I hope your week calms down a bit.

Love you

03-17-2014, 07:15 AM
I'm so glad that mom has recovered! Nor for poor Flynn to take her cue. Hugs.

03-17-2014, 03:43 PM
Hey you,

So glad that mum is out of the hospital and seems to be doing well. Pants to your dad,s tooth not being fixed till Friday :mad:

Mike is right you do have enough on your plate with your mum and dad, I hope that the new meds work quickly. When Bruno,s skin played up I used Salmon and Potato diet, you can buy it in kibble form not sure you get it over there, it was really good, it helped the itchy skin but not his IBD so we had to change. It is a big vicious circle settle the tummy and the skin flares up and vice versa. I don,t envy you I went through it for 6 yrs with Bruno. :eek:

03-17-2014, 03:51 PM
Thanks Addy, Valerie and Tracy!

Well fingers crossed he seems to be itching less already, I saw a fairly formed poop this morning too. I wish things were just normal and he could settle down. He had a good sleep, the night before we slept over with Dad and he was up and down scratching plus Elle was in and out yowling, no doubt missing Mum who she adores more than anyone! I am not sure whether I should keep the Previcox going now he is on Pred, so I have whipped off a quick note to Mike to ask and have held it meantime. I seem to remember an NSAID and steroid might not be the best thing to do.

03-17-2014, 03:58 PM
Go Flynn that sounds better, almost formed poops and less itchy. Poor Elle cat missing mum. Good idea to hold off until Dr Mike gets back to you, won,t hurt.

Are you going to take the rest of the week off as well, just so you can recover from all this as well :p

molly muffin
03-17-2014, 04:15 PM
So happy to hear that you mom is out of the hospital and this isn't the life threatening kind of thing. Although hope it settles or they get her on a med that will prevent and of these episodes in the future.

Your dad sounds like he is going to have a busy week too. So, tooth on Friday now?
Is that wound healing up this time?

Gads Flynn, itchy and tummy! Thank god for Dr. Mike, who seems to be very flexible in dealing with funky dog issues and adapting to home goings on too. Whew. He's a keeper. Can you box him up or a clone and ship to Canada?

Hope this salmon helps settle Flynn down.
Did Flynn have that last wart thing on his paw when he was having some itchy skin going on? I wonder if allergies might be the root cause and then him messing with it, gets it infected.

Hope this week flies by and next one is calmer.
sharlene and molly muffin

03-17-2014, 07:03 PM
hey Trish, I know I could not use steriods with Metacam but not sure if that was for all nsaid's though.

03-17-2014, 07:29 PM
I'm so happy to hear it was not a dangerous issue, what a relief! I hope you can find the source of Flynns' itching and the new diet helps him.

03-17-2014, 07:51 PM
Thanks Sharlene, Addy and Vicki

Addy, haven't heard back from Mike yet about that question so I am holding off Previcox for now. His paw is less red today!! I am looking at getting perhaps Orijen 6 fish biscuits for him to supplement his fish/quinoa diet. Hope he likes it but it has good reviews and it's Canadian Sharlene!

Sharlene I really think you could do vet school :D that is exactly what Mike said about allergies causing the paw problem. So hoping this diet change works again. It has in the past when he flares. We thought we could go back to venison but obviously not at this stage. So fish it is!

Dad's appointment went well, still oozing but if we can avoid it really flaring up again needing drainage then that would be good. They can go on like this forever which is a bugger, but probably better than doing the big surgery. Still a chance it can heal so for now we put up with the oozing, then deal with a flare up if it happens. Poor Dad is a bit nauseous with the ABs but ortho surgeon thinks getting the tooth out might help with that, so that is going ahead on Friday as planned. We have anti emetics and I am going to make sure he takes them regularly as he is a bit off and on with them. He has to be reassessed in ortho clinic in one week but I have to let surgeon know if I am concerned as he said he is about most days and will arrange to see him as I think needs it so nice to have that backup. I am doing the dressings myself, he has a negative pressure dressing on it called a PICO and it has a little battery operated pack that applies gentle suction to hopefully clear the wound out, they stay on a few days depending on drainage. I took his sutures out today myself, Dad was a little concerned haha... but they came out fine! I have all the supplies at their house, it was just easier to do it myself so I can keep an eye on things than have different District Nurses calling in. Control freak much?? Who me??..... :D

Harley PoMMom
03-17-2014, 08:04 PM
Previcox and prednisone should not be given together. This combination increases the danger of gastrointestinal ulceration and or bleeding.

Glad to hear that your Mum is home, and hope Flynn's itchiness goes away.

Hugs, Lori

03-17-2014, 08:17 PM
Thanks Lori, I thought so but just hadn't gotten around to checking it out. God knows we do not need any new problems!! x

molly muffin
03-17-2014, 10:20 PM
All fish all the time. Hope that works for him. I'm trying to run through what other proteins could be tried, but boy, I think you've gone through most of them. I was trying to think back to this time last year and what did the trick for him then. I could swear he got itchies off and on and a food switch Did help. Not the paw things though. or was there one prior to the last one? I'd have to go back through your thread last year and see what changes were made.
Definitely something to think about though.
Ha, This forum is like having a full 4 years of school, crammed into very little time. hahahaha

Glad your dad is doing okay. Wish that wound would just heal up though. Hoping these AB does the trick.

Man is this week over yet? bah humbug.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Bailey's Mom
03-17-2014, 11:36 PM
Wow, Trish. You have your hands full and then some!! I'm glad your Mom is okay.Bob and I lost all four of our parents when we were in our 30s. That was plenty rough at the time. We are grateful not to be dealing with those issues now. It was rough enough back then. I can empathize with you. It is a lot to deal with. Hopefully your week will settle down some now.

Budsters Mom
03-17-2014, 11:57 PM
Thrilled that your mom is home and doing well. Now let's get get your dad and Flynny boy on the mend. Poor Flynn. Those itchies suck! Xxxxx

03-18-2014, 03:54 AM
Thanks Sharelene, good luck with going back through his thread :eek::eek: hope you have a spare few days :D To save you that nightmare , I have them all on my spreadsheet!! And yes we have been through a lot of proteins.... lamb, venison, chicken, beef also the hypoallergenic, tried possum but not on that long so could go back and try that. The woman in the pet store today was telling me I should try veal, but I thought that would be pretty much the same as beef but she swore the baby calves protein was different that an adult cow hmmmm???? Not convinced myself lol. But we will try the fish, he has had fish in the past but not regularly, just every Thursday for fish n chip night, well when he wasn't flaring anyway. So he has never been on it fulltime. So I am going to do half fish/quinoa and half orijen fish 6. I am just poaching his fish for tomorrow and gawd it is stinking up the kitchen! :rolleyes:

But three doses of the prednil and he has slowed down on the itching already. He has to have 5mg twice a day for 5 days and then one daily for 5 days, then one every 2nd day. Paw looks less red too :). Perkier on his walk tonight! Pretty nervous about the prednisone but the poor boy could not go on like this.

Thanks Susan, I have been very lucky to have my parents all this time and I hope they both have a few more years in them yet!! Must have been a hard time losing them all at once. Like Mum said, getting old is not for sissies!

Thanks Kathy!! I think we are starting to see some improvement YAY!!


Squirt's Mom
03-18-2014, 09:26 AM
LOL Couldn't help it when you talked about the fish stinking up the house. :p Trink eats cod and Grace eats Salmon. It's loverly in here when both are cooked in one day! That cod is especially strong. :eek: Throw in a pot of boiling beef liver and I spend quite a bit of my "cooking" time on the porch taking deep breaths. :p

But apparently salmon is all Grace can eat without severe diarrhea and Trink has the itchies too now so we are working on her diet and the cod mix seems to be helping with it. Sooooo the house will just have to stink every week, huh? :D

03-18-2014, 01:15 PM
Hi Trish,
Oh dear...haven't checked threads in a day or two and so sorry to hear about your mom having to be in the hospital, your dad's tooth and ole Flynny with the itchies. Glad things seem to be getting better though--once your Dad's tooth can come out maybe things will settle down some.
You know what they say-when it rains it pours. Seems like it's like that all the time lately! Great news that nothing terribly serious with your Mom and that she is home and okay...probably scary when it happened though.
You're lucky to have Dr. Mike! I wish I had someone there like that, who knows your dog and happy to answer questions and advise. My vet is nice but I always feel like he's too busy..and they don't take emails at the office. Seems to me that email is less disruptive to the vet for a quick question. Anyway-hope everyone is doing okay by you today! :)


03-20-2014, 05:14 AM
Itching better :D
Paw better :D
Poops good :D
Likes his new fishy diet :D
Both parents still out of hospital :D (dentist tomorrow)
Naughty dog on walks :D
Tomorrow is Friday :D:D:D

There's my new condensed version of an update!! Will see how long they last!! Thanks for checking in on us :D:D:D


03-20-2014, 06:30 AM
Happy Friday for you and I hope things continue to improve.

03-20-2014, 06:31 AM
Nice update! I hope it continues to go well for Flynn, your mom and dad!

03-20-2014, 12:59 PM
Hey Trish, you have lots of good news and right in time for the upcoming weekend! :D Haha...love Flynn's selective hearing on the beach! He's like "maybe I'll listen, maybe I won't"!! :D
Trixie was a royal pain on today's walk. I was too late for off leash hours, so hit another nearby park, it's along the river, she has to stay on the leash there. Stubborn girl pulled and halted the whole walk. Has to be her way or the highway! I wasn't in the mood! It's so much nicer when she can walk on her own without yanking me all over the place.
Coming home we got to our door and she just stops...it's like she's saying-"I'll decide when I go in"....she waits a minute, looks at me with the evil eye, then "okay, I'll walk in now". It has to be HER idea!! What a little bratnik!
Anyway glad both Flynn and Trixie feel well enough to inflict their personalities on us!! Funny pups! :D


03-20-2014, 01:03 PM
are you and Val in the 300 levels of Candy Crush!!????? :eek: I'm only 181 and stuck like glue!!


molly muffin
03-20-2014, 05:38 PM
Oh Flynn is just a real character, running and caring on and ignoring anything he doesn't Want to hear. hahaha I can see it now. Truly, there is a pretty hilarious movie running through my head.

Love the concise update edition, very handy that could be for when you don't have a lot of time to chat.

So dad needs to stop oozing
mom needs to stay on her own two feet
Flynn needs a hearing aid
Elle just needs Flynn's bed
Trish needs....more hours in the day for candy crush domination?

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-20-2014, 06:05 PM
Ha ha Sharlene that cracked me up.

Basically what she said Trish :D

Budsters Mom
03-20-2014, 11:00 PM
Itching better :D
Paw better :D
Poops good :D
Likes his new fishy diet :D
Both parents still out of hospital :D (dentist tomorrow)
Naughty dog on walks :D
Tomorrow is Friday :D:D:D

Love it!!! :D xxxxxx

03-21-2014, 04:06 PM
hmmm, I could get used to short hand:D:D:D:D:D

or we could try code:p:p

do like the condensed version, short and sweet works sometimes!!!!

glad things are looking up

03-21-2014, 04:08 PM
hw bowt txt spk, cn jst gt rd of vwls

molly muffin
03-21-2014, 05:24 PM

kinda scary that i understood that!

Sharlene and the muffin head

03-21-2014, 05:56 PM
Hi Trish,
Ok, I am laughing my butt off at these last several posts. Flynn, you weren't listening to your Mum! Oh, I know that devilish look well, and then Jasper leaves me in the dust as he runs the opposite direction. If (and I mean if) I am able to chase him down and he knows he is caught, he promptly rolls over on his back trying to make the cutest face possible, and then turns into a wet noodle so I can hardly pick him up. So naughty!! But since he has gotten sick, I just chuckle when he does this as it usually means he is feeling pretty good. Before, I used to get so mad! :rolleyes:

The posts about the shorthand are so funny. Sharlene, I love your summary, especially the part about Flynn needing a hearing aid, Lol. :D :D

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. How was Dad's dental appt?

Tina and Jasper

03-21-2014, 07:13 PM
Scary I got that too. Hope all is well and parents and dog are behaving themselves. Catch up soon

Bailey's Mom
03-21-2014, 07:34 PM
Happy Friday Trish! How's Dad? The teeth?

molly muffin
03-21-2014, 10:52 PM
I think this just means we are trendy girls. LOL
tru dat

Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
03-21-2014, 11:04 PM
Okay, I could read Trish's not so secret code too! I think it means that we're starting to be able to read each other's thoughts and minds.


03-22-2014, 05:24 AM
Well what a lovely relaxing, lazy day with no emergencies!! I love it :) I have watched two movies tonight, heavy rain here tonight so nice laying on the couch chilling out!

Flynny is outside running around in the rain and barking!! Eek 10.15pm at night, neighbours will not be happy. But he has had no walk today because of the weather... oops here he is all wet! Mmmm nice wet dog smell :p

I think he is drinking a bit more because of the prednisone, we are starting to cut it back to only one 5mg a day. It got rid of the itching in one day, but I did change him to the fish diet same day so maybe a combination of both. Couple of days of ABs left to go and no side effects from that. In saying that is over there on the floor licking away but I think it is just because he is a bit damp still.

Dad had the tooth extraction yesterday, it went well and is not to sore. His biggest problem is nausea in the mornings and I think that is due to his antibtiotics, he has actually vomited the last two mornings. He was meant to be taking it with food and I think he forgot that. So I have put in place a strict regime of his antinausea and to eat his meal and take the antibiotics afterwards. Hopefully this will settle it down. I also got him some antibiotics probiotic today to help with gut. I did the dressing today too, still oozing :mad: can see a little hole in the wound maybe a sinus, but not nasty like it has been previously.

Tina, that wet noodle description made me laugh. He so does that too, if I want him to go somewhere he doesn't want to go he does exactly that to make it as hard as possible to pick him up! Funny aren't they, yes I get the not feeling mad after they have been so sick too. Although... he did try my patience the other night. Our beach is stony and full of driftwood so it is not an easy mission to get down there and get him! Lucky no one was in hearing distance when I was yelling to get back here!

Well my shorthand did not last long did it!! xx

molly muffin
03-22-2014, 11:00 AM
Heheheheheh That is hilarious, Flynn, rocks, beach, fish, yelling woman! Only because it was you and Flynn of course.

What movies did you watch? Anything good?

Hmm, well maybe this time your dads wound will heal! That would be lovely. Crossing fingers since it's looking better than last time.

Oh totally he needs to remember to take with food. That stuff can make you feel awful on an empty stomach sometimes. Blech.

I have to run over to the vets at some point to pick up mollys liver supplement. I am not feeling particularly motivated to do much yet though. LOL Lazy here too.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
03-23-2014, 05:02 PM
Hi Trish,

Reading about Flynn being Flynn makes me happy! Hearing about the devil cat, Elle, is certainly a bonus. Love it! :D:D:D

03-25-2014, 02:45 PM
Hey you how are things this week. Hoping mum and dad are still on the mend and that Flynn is good:D

03-27-2014, 03:39 AM
Hi girls

Well the week is going by with a few ups and downs. Same old really ;)

Mike sent me a txt yesterday that he wanted to see Flynn's paw, it is still not totally settled down. He mentioned mast cell tumour in the txt and thought we should biopsy it :eek::eek: after I read that and freaked out and said I will bring him NOW! He told me to calm down and it is probably not that but he does not like to leave any stone unturned with Flynn :). Fair enough, so instead of leaving work and racing Flynn to his surgery right then and there :rolleyes: we planned for me to drop him in this morning and he would have bloods, UPC, BP etc and he could take a look at his paw. So in he went for the day with his blankie, toy, packed lunch and urine sample. Mike, bless him sent me a txt at 10am to say relax paw looks fine it had settled more since the last photo I had sent him, he did not think it needed a biopsy and his BP was good at 135! I appreciated that as it saved me stewing all day wondering what was going on.

Picked him up at 5, he has done the bloods.. he said he might have results back tonight from external lab and he would send them if back before he left work. Nothing yet and it is 8.30pm now, so most likely tomorrow. When we had our chat when I collected him, he had a look at a couple of new bumps and Flynnikin, gives him a big kiss when his face got close enough to him. That dog knows a good vet when he see's him, I think he has got real used to him now with all their up close BP monitoring! Mike did say the BPs had quite a spread, some up to 180, some 80 which he thought a little odd but they averaged out at the 135 so happy with that. His inhouse UPC was same as last time so be interesting what external lab shows. He is still keen to remove big lipoma on his side. Hmmm I am still thinking on that one. He also said I am not to worry if LFTs are higher has he is still on the prednisone, esp ALT. So will see what comes back tomorrow. While we were talking Flynny was walking around the room checking everything out, once he did that he looked up at us and gave a big Bark!! Cracked us up, he never does that so he must be feeling OK! He was like...Ok Mum, we done here, hurry up and lets go... I need FOOD!

Thanks for asking about Dad, I had to take him today for his ortho checkup. Hip much the same, still oozing, but no flare up. We also saw the infectious diseases physician who is monitoring ABs, Dads renal function has gone off a bit so he stopped one and halved the other. So hopefully wound will stay ok and creatinine will come back down to normal. It was 153, should be under about 115, I am making him drink more as he is not good at that and the nausea he has been having has made that worse. But the last few days he has been feeling better, he even took Flynn for a little walk up the beach which I could tell both of them enjoyed!

Me, I'm just tired :cool: But hey, tomorrows Friday already! Roll on lazy weekend! xxxxx

03-27-2014, 08:39 AM
So happy to read that Dad and Flynn took a walk along the beach:)

Your Mike is such a keeper, I think he deserves our forum's BEST VET EVER award:D:D:D:D:D:D

I nominate and vote for Dr. Mike!!!!!

He keeps such good tabs on you both, I am sure Flynn's labs will be just fine.

Happy Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-27-2014, 08:44 AM
I second the nomination for best vet yet. Glad to hear Flynn's paw is not as bad as it might have been. After results today, sure hope things settle down for you a bit.

Squirt's Mom
03-27-2014, 09:55 AM
See if you can get Dad to eat wetter foods if he doesn't like to drink water - ya know, like we do with our dogs. ;) Fix him some soups that are watery than normal and other things you can add water to without ruining the dish. If you have Dandelions that grow around you, fix him a salad from the young leaves - it can help with kidney and bladder problems a great deal. They can also be cooked like any other greens - collard, turnip, kale, etc.

You sure have a great vet in Mike! Wish we could all have good vets like that. And so glad he doesn't think the paw is a mast cell growth!

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
03-27-2014, 01:28 PM
Hey Trish, I'm on board with Mike as BEST VET EVER. :) :)

He's a good one, that's for sure.

Glad your dad and Flynn were able to get out together for a bit. I bet they have both missed that. Oh the adventures they can have again. Watch out New Zealand!

Gosh this week is just dragging on and on here. I keep hoping someone will tell me today is Friday but alas, no one has stepped up to the plate on this side of the world. LOL One can hope though.

Well, good that the paw is clearing up and no need for a biopsy after all.

I'm on poop patrol here again. joy joy. Nothing like getting down and checking out a dog poop, up close and personal to make the neighbors think you've gone round the bend. hahahahaha

Got to run. Another blasted meeting. Wonder if I can sort of snooze through this one. LOL I've done that before, where just sort of mind drifted off and then have someone ask if I have an update on something and I'm like, "huh, what? uh, no, not at this time, I'll send an email out when I know more (and in the back of my head I'm like, what am I updating again, I missed that part.)

ta for now
Sharlene and molly muffin (snoozing behind my chair currently)

Budsters Mom
03-27-2014, 03:37 PM
Where do we vote for the best vet ever! Local Mike would get my vote too!

Tell you dad enough oozing already! Poor guy!:o

Glad Flynny's paw is healing. :p You are such a great mommy Trish

03-27-2014, 06:26 PM
Well obviously I'm voting for dr Mike I luffs him and what he does for our boy Flynn:D Thank goodness it doesn't need a biopsy but none the less I hope it is clearing up.

So we have to go with stop oozing thoughts to dad, hugs to your mum and butt scratches to Flynn, hugs to Dr Mike and huge hugs to you as you really are going through it x

03-27-2014, 11:29 PM
I hope that dad's hip heals right this time. So frustrating I'm sure.
Mike sounds awesome, he gets my vote too.

03-28-2014, 12:10 AM
Well it is not good news on the results front.

UPC gone up to 2.5 from 0.6 before Christmas.

But LFTs are WAY worse as below :(:(:(

FLYNN AST 91 H ( 0 - 79 )
FLYNN ALP 4274 H ( 0 - 185 )
FLYNN ALT 493 H ( 0 - 75 )
FLYNN ALB 45 H ( 26 - 44 )
FLYNN CHOL 12.4 H ( 3.0 - 9.0 )
FLYNN CL 100 L ( 105 - 121 )
FLYNN LIP 231 H ( 13 - 200 )
FLYNN CK 920 H ( 0 - 609 )

Blood count normal.

Email from Mike ... header DO NOT PANIC OR WORRY!!!!!!!
Hi Trish

Have had a long discussion with the pathologists at the lab and I am happy that most of these changes including UPCR increase can be explained by PREDNISONE. I and they have a bit more homework to do so will talk next week.

I just feel sick :(

molly muffin
03-28-2014, 12:17 AM
What was the last results, how much have they gone up comparatively?

Yep, pred can have that affect on liver, we know that, just not if it would have gone up that much. (depending on how much it actually did go up)

so next question and the first one I'd ask, is how soon can we get him off the pred and is there something else we can try other than cortisteroid.

Don't panic until you know more. You know what you need, is a plan.
Now about that UPC. He did have some loose poops, so even though you waited it still might have had a lasting effect still, or might not have been entirely cleared up.
Again, Mike needs to come up with a plan to address this too.

Hang in there!
sharlene and molly muffin

03-28-2014, 12:32 AM
Great minds think alike Sharlene, I just text him about that, getting him off the pred. He has had 5 days 5mg twice day, 5 days 5mg daily, today was first day of none as he is to go to it every 2nd day. I just txt to say I feel like I have poisoned Flynn asking him to put him on it.

This is 11th Feb
FLYNN ALT 242 H ( 0 - 75 )
FLYNN ALP 1444 H ( 0 - 185 )

His tummy has not been too bad, a few dodgy ones a couple weeks back.

He might not get back to me as they will be closing now. :(

03-28-2014, 12:33 AM
I have only put abnormals above, all others and there are heaps are normal including renal function.

molly muffin
03-28-2014, 12:40 AM
Could that tummy upset a few weeks back have actually been a mild pancreatic attack? I see lip is mildly above normal but wondering if it might have been higher during the upset? That would also have had an effect on the liver.

I hate when the values get too out of whack even if it is correctable and so on. Just no likeee.
Hmmm prob not tonight but I bet mike checks his email. He is going to know you will be all over these results. Lol.


Sharlene and Molly muffin

molly muffin
03-28-2014, 12:42 AM
Wasn't there going to be a 3 month ultrasound coming up?

03-28-2014, 12:50 AM
I emailed earlier but I just txt him as well :rolleyes: so he will definitely get that. I guess he has to have weekend off even if he is super-vet. The IMS said to rescan in 2-3 months. It's only 2 months on 19th April.

We both thought he was doing so well so these results have sure thrown me for a loop today :( But the other liver tests like bilirubin is normal so his liver is not totally packed up. The urine from his UPC shows high cr and that has always made it worse, he is drinking more lately due to Pred so I am sure that has affected that. But the protein is also much higher.

03-28-2014, 12:27 PM
Hi Trish,
I would think these numbers must be reflective of the prednisone that Flynn is on.

I really like what he wrote-don't panic or worry--if he didn't mean that he may have said something more cryptic-like "we need to talk", but he didn't so he must feel like he knows why these numbers look like this. I hope you can speak to him soon and hear what he thinks. You've got lots of normal numbers on the test too so that's good news. Hopefully you will hear from him soon, try not to worry too much in the meantime.


03-28-2014, 02:50 PM
HI Sharlene and Barbara - thanks for your comments girls

I know he warned me the the LFTs would go up with the pred, I was just not expecting it to go this high.

I restarted his Samilyn last night, he took it fine then. But this morning I gave it with a wee bit of fish as he has to have it on an empty tummy. But it is like a horse pill and he will not take it without a little food covering it. It came straight back up, immediately (just the pill, not the fish funnily enough). He does not seem nauseous and ran around outside right after. I think it is just the size of it. I put a little cheese around it and he took it and it has stayed down this time.

Mike did txt back
He said we should do three more doses of pred on alternate days then stop. So today, Monday and Weds. He said I have not poisoned him :rolleyes: and these levels are not a concern
1. His baseline levels are higher so a higher level is expected
2. Most patients (including people) are not aware that this happens with pred unless they have bloods taken while on it
3. The course of pred had been very short for a good reason
4. No problems with samilyn but this result does NOT indicate any impairment of his liver function
5. It's likely that his hepatocytes are more responsive to pred with this jump in levels
6. We need to look at the patient too! I thought he seemed very well in himself this week

I don't think I have read many on here with results this high though. I just hope it is the pred and is reversible and not something brewing again in his liver :(

molly muffin
03-28-2014, 03:30 PM
Well, then fine, but the plan has to be that after the pred is stopped completely that a follow up test for levels will be done to verify that it was indeed the pred causing it. Nice to think that but this group and Flynn's mum, likes to see the results to be sure. :) ;)

Sure Flynn has a tricky liver. That little scamp is writing a whole new text book, on canine liver function, with chapters added by more than a few others, tina/jasper come to mind. hahaha

huggers Trish
Sharlene and molly muffin

03-28-2014, 03:45 PM
I saw Flynn’s labs this morning but was running late so wasn’t able to post to you before work. Glad you heard back from Mike already to ease your mind a bit, but I was basically going to say don’t worry a ton about the liver values. (I know you can’t help but worry some, especially with his history).

I would think that the increases are most definitely related to the prednisone, especially the ALP. Jasper’s has been staying consistently high, in the 2000’s now, and my vet has said it is because he is on long term steroids so it will always be elevated. But he needs the dex to live, so we can’t help it. After he was so sick in September with pancreatitis, or Addison’s crisis or both, he was on the dex daily for at least a week, maybe closer to two. His ALP on 09/25/13 was 4753 (<95). :eek: :eek: :eek: I about had a stroke, but my vet said it was directly because we had been giving him increased dex, higher than the physiologic dose he had been getting. I think this was the highest his ALP ever got. My vet also said that this value does not indicate liver damage or impairment in functioning.

I have a bit more to add but will need to post later. I am at work so need to keep this very brief. But I just wanted to share Jasper’s high number with you so maybe it would help ease your worries some. Our boys, they just seem to follow each other back and forth with these lab results and UPC’s! And my gray hair is increasing.

Hope we can chat later once I get home. I have more to post on Jasper then also.

PS Thanks for thinking of us Sharlene, LOL :) :p

Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo

03-28-2014, 03:47 PM
He sent all those comments I posted via txt, he did not mention when we should retest but I will be onto that next week but I imagine we will have to wait a while to let the liver settle down. Just gave him his breakfast with his other meds including the Pred... damn drug. It did relieve his itching really fast so it does have its good side. Mike said to save the rest of the Pred that we are not going to use in case we need it in the future... not blardy likely lol

03-28-2014, 03:50 PM
Hey Tina... you are a darling popping in at work to ease my mind. I am going to have to book in for colour touch up weekly at this rate... or maybe I should just let the silvers take over.... nah, not ready for that just yet! But I have to say I am very happy to read Jaspers were in the 4000's too and came back down phew! Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-28-2014, 07:13 PM
oh good, you heard from Mike. So this news got here right in time for the weekend and can put your mind at ease so your weekend is not spoiled by worrying about the numbers.. I know it's not all that easy to put out of your mind but at least you know he thinks this is all expected. I wish I had a "Mike"!! Love how attentive and reassuring he is!!
I was thinking the same thing about how Flynn seems and he has been doing so well...a little bad poops here and there are so common and otherwise he's been great. Then all those good normal numbers to remember. I'm so glad it all seems okay.

I give Trixie her Denamarin (liver supplement) with food around it too or else forget it...it's way too big a pill. If I don't get it all covered like a little sausage she will spit the pill out. Denamarin is also supposed to be given on an empty stomach but it's impossible...not to mention that Trixie's stomach is almost never empty. I give it right before bed with her canned food around it..that's as empty as her stomach is going to be over the 24 hours.

Now for that hot jelly donut and coffee you were going for :p...just one of my favorite indulgences...I hope you had it and enjoyed it!! :D
SO happy it's Friday...getting ready to order in some Indian food, no cooking tonight! ;)


03-29-2014, 05:20 AM

Am here! Sorry to read about the latest results I would have freaked too. At least Mike isn't worried and you have a plan. So fish seems to be helping his ibd but stinking out the house :eek: maybe you need to invest in some yankee candles to help get rid! They are expensive but worth it. I got one delivered today from amazon fluffy towels I like it. Usually get Christmas cookie as that's my favourite

How is Dad? Mum doing ok after her scare?

We are ok, busy with work and I have stayed away a bit as just recently there have been many new people posting about macros and it brings it back for me, I am not at the stage of being able to add anything helpful as it's painful to think about.

Will hang around for a bit, will have to take Boyce but will be back. Will nip into Tracy's thread now. See you soon


03-29-2014, 05:50 AM
Hey! I am here, just watching telly on the couch! So nice to see you :) Yep, I have done the freak out, now onto refusing to entertain the thought that it is anything other than due to the prednisone :rolleyes:

Parents OK, I will do Dad's dressing tomorrow. It is still oozing when I had a look at it today. Blasted thing, but he is feeling better. Took himself to town today for a spot of shopping! Mum seems good, when I called in she was out in the garden pottering about. So fingers crossed they stay stable for a while.

What is a yankee candle? Not heard of them, I do have Ecoya candle though. He is off the fresh fish and I am just giving him biscuits now. Well just a wee bit of fresh fish to get his pills down.

Barbara, they must be similar pills. Sounds same as this Samilyn. They are big, I think this morning it must have hit his tummy and he got straight out of bed and a few heaves and up it came :eek: I put it in cheese then and gave it as he was hungry, so I don't think he was really nauseous it just did not stay down.

03-29-2014, 05:56 AM
I wanted to say, do not worry about taking a break from the forum. Very sensible thing to do Mel. There has been a whole lot of macros recently, I am not much use to them not having experienced that, so don't feel I have much to offer either. My area of expertise is the adrenalectomy pups or any other surgery, as Flynny has left me fairly well up with the play on postop care after his frequent trips for ops! So we just do what we can, so never feel bad will you!

03-29-2014, 06:16 AM

I took Boyce out and he hurt his blinking back leg, why is it always something with these pups! He was reluctant to walk, he has kicked it out behind him though since laying down so that's usually a sign it isn't too sore. Will just have to watch it.

What you watching anything good?

Good they are both getting on with normal life and not letting the health issues get in the way, I do think positive attitude goes a long way.

Yankee candles are from America. They are the best smelling ones I have found do a quick google and you will see they have hundreds of varieties. They do usually smell like what they are supposed to as well!

03-29-2014, 06:29 AM
Just about to sleep bed and am on my iPad now trying out my voice recognition, Poor boy Sia's leg is okay

03-29-2014, 06:29 AM
Boycie I meant lol

03-29-2014, 06:34 AM
I think voice recognition would struggle with Boycie :D

I panic as we all do as he is nearly 13 and a half, that hip is dodgy to start with.

I forget it's 11:30 already with you! Have sweet dreams, I will come back later tonight and hopefully Tracy will be on to so we can all have a proper catch up xxxx

03-29-2014, 06:37 AM
That's okay Mel I'm not asleep yet!, when is your trip? Easter?

03-29-2014, 06:45 AM
Night now I'll catch you in the morning hopefully starting to doze off x

03-29-2014, 06:45 AM
Yes the week after so we will go late Thursday before Good Friday and get like 10 days. I really need it as work proper sucks!

You have had all your trips recently haven't you, I guess you have none planned until his next u/s which isn't exactly a jolly xx

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 12:22 PM
Oops, I see I missed you gals playing catch up. I slept in. :) It was sooo worth it, and hubby brought coffee to me in bed, so I stayed even longer. LOL Molly seemed to like that idea too as she saw me sipping on the coffee and immediately flipped over, belly up and started snoring. It sure doesn't take much for her to go right into sleepy land.

Vacation sounds good Mel, are you going to the beach again? Or is that a summer trip?

I'm glad Tina popped in and gave some reassurance on the liver numbers. I'd forgotten that Jasper had gone that high! Yikes. But it's good that it came back down from there and so hopefully Flynn's will too, as Jasper is on long term steroids for life, so not much to be done on that front.

hugs all!
Sharlene and Molly muffin

03-29-2014, 01:54 PM
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo I missed the catch up again, boo hoo.

Hi Trish :D Flynn :D Mel :D Boysie :D

So Trish I,ve went from oh Shit, oh no, to its good we have a plan and Dr Mike isn,t too worried phew, so can only imagine what you went through. As always focusing on the fact that it is the pred that caused this is they way I would go. I know Bruno,s went up high when he was on it, I must look out the numbers as I still have his file. Glad Mum and Dad are "stable" this week, just wish that dad,s wound would stop oozing.

Mel, How are you doing? How is Boysie leg, its always something. You take as much time away as you need, I know from time to time I do the same, as it gets a bit much. When I log on and see the threads of the dogs passing I log back out, as it brings it back to me too. Glad that you are having a holiday, you need it by the sounds of that work of yours.

I will be back later girls hope to catch up :p

03-29-2014, 03:53 PM
Nooooooooooooooooo I missed you now!!! lol

I am up girls, hope your still about... not even 9am here Sunday morning but that's a pretty good sleepin for me, they lovely eh Sharlene! :D

Flynny has had his samilyn with no heaving this morning and he seems perky, on the floor chewing up a mallard duck at the moment :D

03-29-2014, 04:34 PM
I,m here finally :D

03-29-2014, 04:48 PM
Hey! Sorry was just outside hanging out the first load of Flynn blankies! Sounds like you have had a busy day at your sisters

03-29-2014, 04:52 PM
Yeah it was. There was people coming and going most of the day, family, friends etc. I felt a bit useless although I knew her I wasn,t close to her but felt really sorry for my sister and her husband. Mandy,s husband Andy her brother was just carrying on normally, cracking jokes etc but I,m sure it was just shock. I took Rachel away for a little while as don,t want her to stressed by it all so close to her due date. I was also running to mums as my brothers father in law died Thursday and mum had his little 4 yr old to look after, I was pretty exhausted lol.

How are you doing now, got your head round everything going on with Flynn yet?

03-29-2014, 05:04 PM
Oh that does sound so sad. Nice of you to take Rachel for a bit of a break, can't have her getting so stressed out. I bet her hubby and your BIL are in total shock, you don't expect your wife/sister to go out for a run and not come back, did she have any history of health problems?

Yeah, I am OK... he is acting fine so I am hoping it is just the pred and not another liver nodule acting up. Seems quite a high jump though, time will tell. I will take him to Auckland Mid-April for a scan. It will be two months since the last one. Surely nothing could be causing this high jump that fast :confused: you never know with Flynny though... :rolleyes:

03-29-2014, 05:10 PM
No history of anything she was a very fit lady, and ran everyday, the doctor said it was a massive heart attach such a shame. :(

It has to be the pred, that is the only different thing he has had, so in my head its the pred. I agree a scan mid april would be the way to go, as by then he will be off the pred and hopefully his numbers will have come down. Pred has its good points but also has its bad points but sometimes you have to use it :confused:

03-29-2014, 05:13 PM
Yes, I have to ask Mike how fast they will come down. His blardy paw seems to have come to a point as well, wonder if there is something in it after all? I tried to give it a wee squeeze but it is amazing how much strength he has in tucking it under so I cannot get at it.

It sure must have been a big one, so unfair :(

03-29-2014, 05:22 PM
Ha ha Flynn,s not daft, tucking his paw away from you. Do you think the paw is sore, or it similar to his other one that you showed on the picture, does he lick it as this can sometimes make it worse. I have no doubt with Dr Mike on your side it won,t be long till Flynn is back to tip top condition :D

Are you having a lazy Sunday, tomorrow is Mothers Day here so will go and see mum tomorrow, also our clocks go forward tonight an hour for Spring Time yippee more daylight :)

03-29-2014, 05:31 PM
Mike thinks it is from licking, I am not so sure now it has come to a point. It is not inflamed so will keep an eye on it. Will mention it next week when we catch up. Not going to contact him again over the weekend or he will really think I have lost it :eek:

Lazy so far, but it is only 10.30am... think our clocks change next weekend. I hate it, dark earlier then bam freezing cold... well I guess not by your standards but cold enough for me!! We only go below zero during the night, or perhaps a bit first thing in the morning if there is frost. So I cannot complain really.

Might be having a doggy play date later to catch up with a friend and her Golden Dougal. He always appoints himself Flynn's protector if we go for a walk, he is a big galumph!! Dougal's had mast cell tumours removed x2 and is on mistletoe treatment and seems to be doing well, he is another Mike patient and they love him too!!

What you got your Mum? Our Mother's Day is in May.

03-29-2014, 05:41 PM
Could it be lick granuloma that he has, I,ve know a few dogs with it over the years, it is easily rectified.

Yeah I hate when its dark in the mornings and dark at night, so glad its getting lighter now. We still have rain everyday at the moment, if we don,t get it in the morning we have it in the afternoon. I suppose it would be cold over there to you, but to me it would be like our summer :p I so hope we get something resembling a summer this year, it wasn,t too bad last year. I,ve got Mum a new top, flowers and chocolates for her mothers day, she never wants anything but tough she,s getting it :)

Oh Flynn has a protector that,s funny and another Dr Mike supporter. I,m just getting used to the fact that Mac is great with other dogs as Woody wasn,t, its great to see him run and play in the park with the other dogs.:eek:

03-29-2014, 06:03 PM
Maybe that, he said something about how they lick it so much it pushes the hair follicles backwards into the tissue and it sets up the inflammation.

Yes, it is nice when they play with other dogs. I am a bit selective about how I let him play with though!! He is wary of big black dogs in particular so we take a wide berth around them. I think they need to socialise if they can, all part of the dog worthy life!! It is not good when they are kept on their own a lot of the time, but that is hard when you are virtually housebound with the weather you have had up in the Northern Hemisphere. Flynn does not think he needs a protector, if they are loose walking Dougal tries to herd him... but Flynny thinks if there is any herding to be done he will do it himself thanks very much and starts ignoring Dougal!

Awww your Mum will secretly like all those gifts, my parents are the same... no, don't get me anything, I don't need anything etc etc but they polish off any lollies I get them or any other treats!

03-29-2014, 06:11 PM
There saying it has been the wettest winter since records began and I can believe that. Mel is getting sunshine :mad: maybe I should move down her way if I want better weather. I,ve been trying to cut the grass all week but each time I bring the lawnmower out it blinkin rains. Its suppose to be nice tomorrow so hopefully will get it cut then, it is rather long now :eek:

You can get strips that you put over the spot and it has a horrible taste so when the dog licks it, the taste deters him from doing it again can,t remember the proper name, but maybe Flynn would like the taste hee hee. Bruno my old dog went through a stage of chewing the wall in the house like the wall paper and the actual wall, I tried everything to get him to stop and someone told me to put mustard on it, as its quite nippy tasting the dog would stop ..... nope Bruno loved the taste :eek:

03-29-2014, 06:15 PM
Oh god did you have to mention lawn mowing!!! I hate it and it MUST be done today as my bin has to go out tonight. Dad usually does it for me, but I don't want him doing that right now!! Honestly my lawn is only about 10x10m but boy does it grow fast :mad::mad: Plus I have an old dunger of a mower and keep thinking I should buy a new one, but keep finding other things to spend my money on... namely Flynn!

LOL at Bruno eating the mustard wall :D:D jeez how nasty must that have tasted, that was one determined dog!! That stuff sounds like what you put on finger nails to stop chewing them!

Speaking of Mel... where is she?????????????? MEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-29-2014, 06:22 PM
I wish my garden was that size my back garden is 200 ft long and about 30 ft wide its massive, and I also have a front garden but its tiny.

Yeah where is Mel I,ll call her MEL, MEL, MEL, we,re here where are you :D

03-29-2014, 06:26 PM
Ohhh it worked I see her LOL YAY Mel, I am a bit more awake to talk to you today, hope Saturday has gone well and Boyce's paw is OK :)

03-29-2014, 06:28 PM
Hello hello

Am here, was sitting with the wee man as he is not quite right on that leg, seemed to want me near which isn't him at all so it must be a bit sore.

I have been carrying his lardy bum up and down the stairs so he doesn't aggravate it. Boy is he heavier than his sister she was a feather in comparison. He is walking better so I think he has just tweaked something.

Why was Bruno eating the wall?

03-29-2014, 06:33 PM
Hey Mel

You heard me. Oh poor Boysie, hoping the leg is getting better, he may just be being lazy and wanting you to carry him lol.

Bruno eat the wall when we think he was teething, it was around the time his back teeth where coming in so the vet thought that was why. He was a silly dog, we ended up giving him a babies teething ring you know the ones you freeze.

Budsters Mom
03-29-2014, 06:37 PM
Okay, I am royally jealous!!! You people are hogging Mel!:eek::eek: Don't think I didn't notice!!!! Lol ;) Xxxxx

03-29-2014, 06:39 PM
He would prefer me not to carry him, he hates it. I have given him no choice as I don't want him to aggravate it. Tia didn't mind getting a lift, she loved being carried :D

Bless him. I did smile when I read about Mac being an early bird now. His parents will not love you.

Doggie date with Dougal sounds fun, very Scottish name :D. Are mum and dad doing ok today?

03-29-2014, 06:39 PM
Oh Kathy hang around in here we will share her with you promise :D

03-29-2014, 06:41 PM
Hey Kathy. I read about the earthquake in LA, that's the second one in as many weeks! Hope it wasn't near you guys?

Checked out Rosie's pic, she looked very cute with her toy. Are you doing ok? Xxx

03-29-2014, 06:46 PM
Yes Mel I don,t think I will be popular with Mac,s owners when they come home. His owners are retired and tend to sleep late oops. I will warn them when the come home or maybe I won,t :p

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 06:48 PM
Wow Tracy, your sister lost her sister in law and your brother lost his father in law, this week. The sibs are having a rough go of it. :(

Mistletoe treatment, never heard of that one. Is that for cancer cells?

Cool, Flynn seems happy and energetic this morning. Hopefully you'll get a play date in and some friend time today. Funny about the herding thing. Who will will herd who.

We've been very lazy over all. Molly was snuggled up with me on the couch with the blankets just watching tv and chilling.

Oh poor Boyce, hopefully that leg will be right in no time. :(

I thought I had posted this like an hour ago and got distracted and must have not pushed post. LOL

hugs all,
Sharlene and molly muffin

03-29-2014, 06:57 PM
WOops, sorry got x2 phone calls lol.... they ok, Mum just said he is a bit cranky and is outside sweeping leaves. She is worried he is doing too much but worried about annoying him... I will go around later and I do not worry about annoying him... daughters can do that right?!?

Kathy, where you gone? Come chat with us if you got time!! Love seeing you and your another one I love to chat with!! :D We will share Mel haha...

03-29-2014, 06:59 PM
Off course daughters can do that, my dad always used to say he never needed my mum to nag him when I was around as I was worse than she was :p Is mum doing all right now after her scare ?

03-29-2014, 06:59 PM
He is probably pissed off with being so restricted, I can't say I blame him I make the worst patient. Yes I think it's your right as his daughter to do what is required and he is used to it with you :D

Kathy where did you go? It's hangout day/night on Trish and Flynn's thread x

03-29-2014, 07:01 PM
Lets all call her, it works for me and you Mel lol

Kathy, Kathy come on back this is the place to be tonight :D

03-29-2014, 07:02 PM
Kathy Kathy Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathy... come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!! I heard about that earthquake too... it was only 2km deep so must have felt pretty big to those close by. Yikes, scary.

03-29-2014, 07:05 PM
He is not usually the cranky type, but every now and then he will say to both of us that we pick on him lol. Mum said on his shopping trip yesterday he brought lots of lollies so now she worried he not eating properly. He has to have bloods rechecked tomorrow. We have had such an excellent physician looking after the medical side/infection but now he just left for a months holiday. He is South African and is going to a conference and then to Africa and taking his kids. He made it sound so idyllic when he was telling us about his, his family have a holiday home on the coast, must be a bay and he said at night the dolphins and whales come in to rest and he goes to sleep hearing the whales slap their tails on the water... sigggggggggggggggh! :) Sounds just like what we all need!

03-29-2014, 07:06 PM
Sharlene, not quite sure about the ins and outs of mistletoe, will ask her today if we catch up. I have had a patient with a nasty renal tumour go on it, seems to me like it cost a shed load of money and did not change the outcome at all, unfortunately.

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 07:06 PM
You guys are so funny. I always end up with a huge smile on my face reading the chat.
You know what we need is everyone to have a big skype conference call or however that works. Can't you just hear everyone nattering away at the same time. ROFL! Cracking myself up.

Daughters absolutely have that right it is given to us by right of birth! LOL My mom use to call me, even when I was across the country and say "Sharlene you need to talk to your father, he is doing blah blah blah" (usually add an "again" to that). hahaha gosh I miss that kind of thing.

If he sweeps the leaves, won't Flynn be obligated to go jump in them?

I bet you are right Mel and he is tired of the restrictions.

kathy, you okay?


03-29-2014, 07:08 PM
Kathy come back...

I would be so scared. They have so many fault lines in those parts but I couldn't see myself being ok with them!

So strange how they still haven't found the plane or any of the wreckage yet, must be horrendous for their poor families, I hope every day they will get some news and still nothing.

03-29-2014, 07:08 PM
Sharlene (as a mod :D) can you make us a chat room attached to the forum?? Be real nice to have to chat at times, seems we do not all get on very often at the same time but is fun and nice to have some light relief once in a while!!

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 07:10 PM
Kathy probably didn't feel the quake down in her area, my sister is north of it, while Kathy is south of LA and my sis didn't feel it. My niece sure did though as she is in LA and she called her mom this morning saying she was having a case of the nerves.

Oh I hate things that are expensive and don't do the trick. Still there must be some reason that it is even recommended. Interesting.

Oh that does sound perfect! Whales and dolphins in the bay. We use to go to a place up in northern Quebec, on the fjord and the whales would come in there. Was wonderful place. Haven't been there in years but I love to go whale watching, such majestic creatures.


03-29-2014, 07:10 PM
They are a part of life really, I used to be like Kathy and not even notice the little shakes but since Christchurch I have a new healthy respect for them and find they bother me way more... I remember when I was young and there was quite a big one and my brother got up on his bed like he was riding a horse and shouted "ride em cowboy!" at the top of his lungs

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 07:11 PM
That is very weird about the plane. I agree Mel. I have followed a few of the aviation forums, but they are all guessing too.
The families I'm sure are just devastated. :(


03-29-2014, 07:12 PM
Trish that sounds perfect and it is just what we all need, do you think he would mind if we all gate grashed his family holiday :)

Yes Sharlene that would be funny, I will say one thing I can come on here feeling miserable and come back off laughing so its a good place to be :D

03-29-2014, 07:12 PM
A chat room would be nice, do they still have them these days?

A few engineers that I used to work with came from SA and they always described it as a beautiful place. I would love to go to sleep with that sound.

03-29-2014, 07:15 PM
Aren,t they saying they found debris of the plane near Perth in Australia and are sending ships out to confirm it. It is a really weird one.

03-29-2014, 07:16 PM
They have said lots of different objects could be it a and have been spotted but nothing has been confirmed. They keep moving the search location.

03-29-2014, 07:17 PM
Yes they have, a NZ Orion has found quite a few bits and then a Chinese plane has found some with the Malaysian colours on them. so it certainly sounds like they are getting closer. Not confirmed yet in the article I read earlier. Ships are on their way to hopefully find them and pick them up, lots of red herrings in this case though so I hope those poor families get some definite news and closure, must be horrific all this waiting and false leads

03-29-2014, 07:18 PM
So really they have no clue, its so sad for the relatives and the people on board. :(

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 07:19 PM
I don't think they can actually say anything is confirmed from the plane till it's picked up and a part number (every part on a plane has a number) shows that it is actually from that plane. There is a lot of debrie in the oceans, and the last two typhons in the Indian ocean added to all the stuff floating around from what I've read. :( Makes it difficult.

I do hope they find something confirmed soon though, so all the conspiracy theories and wild ideas can be laid to rest and the families at least have some sort of closure of where their loved ones are. :(


03-29-2014, 07:20 PM
Ha ha I,ve just looked over at Mac and he is lying with his butt and back legs up the back of the sofa and his head hanging off, looks so uncomfy but he is snoring :eek:

03-29-2014, 07:23 PM
Bless him, they make me laugh the way they contort in to these positions and some how seem so comfy and peaceful.

03-29-2014, 07:25 PM
Your not getting too attached are you Tracy? Might not want to give him back?? Is it ok with him there, are you thinking any more seriously about getting a pup? Any potential candidates we can check out?

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 07:27 PM
An Admin would have to do that Trish. I've never seen the option anywhere on here to add a chat.

There are outside chat areas, but might be more of a pain. hmm..here is a thought. There is one place that is easy and all you need is the url. It seems to be temporarily disabled at the moment though.
It's actually for work collaboration on a document but also has a chat window and you can leave notes for anyone who comes in later to read, etc


03-29-2014, 07:29 PM
Oh well, just a thought!! Maybe something for the wish list if they every reconfigure anything :D

03-29-2014, 07:31 PM
No not getting too attached well I don,t think I am :confused: He is a lovely little dog but he,s not mine so although I can play and let him snuggle on my lap I don,t love him like he,s mine if you know what I mean.

I would have a dog tomorrow, but I don,t know sometimes I,m desperate for another and some days I,m not. I think just now it would be like a band aid dog just to plaster over my grief. I keep comparing Mac to Woody and that's so wrong and wonder if I would do that with a new dog I don,t know. I look most days but apart from the little pup nothing has caught my eye. But at least I am more settled having Mac here this time as the last time I could barely look at him (not his fault) it was just to close to losing Woods.

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 07:34 PM
Well that is understandable to feel "off" when it was so recent to Woody's passing. :( That makes sense actually, the nerves were a bit raw.

Molly is huffing and puffing behind me so I have to go give her some attention. :) otherwise she is likely to blow the house down!!!!


03-29-2014, 07:34 PM
I think that you will know when you see the pup which is yours. It's good you feel better about having him around this time as nothing does beat doggie snuggles. He isn't Woody and no pup will ever replace him but your heart will be open for another pal x

03-29-2014, 07:35 PM
Yes, we are all ready in our own time. But at least little Mac has helped you, bless his little cotton socks. I have no idea what I would do in this situation, I thought I would have to get two to keep each company as I don't think I could inflict two new dogs on Mum and Dad. They have their routine with Flynn and he is placid, hate to think how they would manage with two pups. But like you I would get rescue dogs if possible. Or maybe a dog and a kitten. Who knows, until you are in that situation... just have to do what feels right at the time. x

03-29-2014, 07:36 PM
Hehe, you have enough bad weather threatening to blow your house down Sharlene without Miss Molly getting in on the act!! Give her a kiss from Flynnikin!

03-29-2014, 07:40 PM
Flynn is on the new throw :rolleyes: did not even take him till tonight like I predicted! But he thinks, what is mine is his... but what is his is HIS!! lol love him so :D

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 07:41 PM
pffft, turns out as soon as I turned around she ran to the kitchen in front of the drawer where the denta stix are kept and that was what she wanted.
that little miss.
Awww, licks from molly to flynnman

03-29-2014, 07:42 PM
What a little monkey, Boyce does the same all blankets are his, Tia did too. Like you say good job we love them so :D

molly muffin
03-29-2014, 07:42 PM
Oh yea, new throw, that is so Flynn's LOL

I agree, don't rush it Tracy, when it feels right it will be right.

03-29-2014, 07:50 PM
Flynn and Boysie have the right idea, what comes into there house is theirs Simples :D and I,m sure you wouldn,t have it any other way.

Ah Molly wanting a treat such a diva lol

03-29-2014, 07:55 PM
I just put a new pic up of what I found after coming in from doing the washing.. Flynn and the new throw lol

03-29-2014, 07:58 PM
Oh my Trish how cute does he look, I,m sure he gets more handsome as he gets older. He looks so relaxed, looks like you may need to buy yourself a new throw :D

03-29-2014, 08:00 PM
Do you think his tummy looks big, maybe just the way he is lying. I have palpated it and cannot feel liver... :eek:

03-29-2014, 08:05 PM
Just had another look, I don,t think it looks big, he is curled up a bit so can,t get a real look at it. I,m sure his liver is there :eek:

03-29-2014, 08:07 PM
I compared his pictures looks the same to me

Am sure you are on edge cause of the recent results. He seems ok I himself doesn't he?

03-29-2014, 08:11 PM
Yes, he is good. Perhaps a bit bored! Going to give him a shower soon so he can dry off in the sun. He is due his flea treatment (conformis pill) just a bit loathe to give him while liver is acting up, but don't want him to go back to itching from any flea allergy either... ohhhh what to do?! I wonder if other people get so silly about dogs!

My friend just txt and wants a rain check on our play date :( So that's off, my sister just rang and she wants a hand to take a bbq from Mum and Dad's to her house so will do that when I go check them later on.

03-29-2014, 08:16 PM
Surely the water torture is enough for one day. He will not be your friend after that!! How often is he supposed to have it? Could you stretch it out till he is off the pred?

03-29-2014, 08:19 PM
Yeah I,m with Mel on this one Trish, you are in a catch 22 situation, but if you could stretch it out that would be better. As he is still on the pred it would take care of any allergies.

03-29-2014, 08:23 PM
Thanks girls, I will hold off. I have seen him itching a couple of times today. Just don't want to go back to where we were with the scratching. You can see in that pic his tum is still a little red, and the brown edge to his white fur is from licking. I never knew that licking made it go brown, but when I mentioned it to Mike that is indeed what he said.

I think I will be blardy nervous in April going for the scan to see what his liver looks like :eek: if that is OK then I will be a happy camper!

03-29-2014, 08:26 PM
We will all be happy campers, but I have every faith that it will be fine :D

03-29-2014, 08:29 PM
Me too, good scans in April only Flynn!

Well it's 12:30 here now so I better think about bed, got to do the Mother's Day visit tomorrow as well. So nice to catch up with you both. Enjoy the rest of your day Trish.

Hope Mac doesn't wake up even earlier today Tracy.

Catch you both soon
Big hugs to you scratches to the boys


03-29-2014, 08:34 PM
Goodnight Mel and remember to change your clocks :D Hope Boysie leg gets better soon. I better head off too, didn,t realise the time :eek:

As ever great to catch up, enjoy the rest of whats left of the weekend Trish


03-29-2014, 08:36 PM
Night girls, now I have no excuse but to go mow the lawn.. so you can think of that while you are nodding off in your comfy beds!! I hope Boyce feels no pain tomorrow and is bouncing around just fine! Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep Mac, till 9am at least!!! Bye bye, talk soon! xxxxxx

Budsters Mom
03-29-2014, 08:46 PM
Sorry for disappearing. I have two seniors here. They need things done like yesterday!

I am about 90 miles south of the quake area. There were actually three quakes within one hour. 3.6, 5.1 and 3.6. I didn't feel it. The little ones occur so often, that I am oblivious to them. I've lived here all my life, so I'm desensitized. There have only been a few over the years that have scared me. Yes, there are faults up and down the state. That's why many still believe that someday California was going to fall off into the ocean. It could actually happen, but probably not in my lifetime. Then again, I haven't been too lucky lately.:eek::eek::eek:

I'd love to chat more, but the seniors are calling. Love you guys. Xxxxx

03-31-2014, 03:39 AM
Hi Trish,
Darn, I see I missed out on a good chat last night! Such a busy weekend, I haven't been able to hardly be on the forum. :( I'm finally popping back about Flynn's lab results.

The main thing that I wanted to add was regarding the UPC. My vet said that the ratio fluctuates and if we were to get a sample on a different day, it may be a little lower or higher. I think Mike has said the same thing about it varying, hasn't he? Also, I too am wondering if maybe Flynn's pancreas was a little inflamed since the Lipase was up a bit. We know that can cause elevations in ALT.

So hopefully his UPC will be lower the next time as his situation is different than Jasper's. Unfortunately for Jasper, it sounds like my vet is not really hopeful that his will decrease due to the nature of his illness and the cause of his proteinuria. Our discussion of his labwork was a little discouraging for me, I need to post an update on our thread.

Overall, I had a pretty tough week with Jasper with several issues unrelated to his illness, so haven't had a chance to post yet. Not to mention work has been wicked.

Happy to read that your Mum and Dad are hanging in there. I sure wish your Dad's hip would settle once and for all. I love the pic of Flynn on the new throw. He is so cute. It is the same in my house, all blankets belong to Jasper and Shelby, I am just allowed to use them once in a while! :)

I better get back to bed, have to go in early to work in the morning.

Hugs from me and Jasper, and a scratch for Flynn xo

04-03-2014, 05:51 AM
Hi girls!!

Just a little update on Flynn, he is doing fine. Full of beans, he does not seem to realise the heart failure he puts me through!! Which, I guess, is a good thing :D That's why they have pet Mum's like us, to do the worrying, pay the vet bills and provide the nom nom's!!

Anyway, Mike rang again tonight for a chat. He went over how this rise in ALP/ALT is not unexpected with Prednisone and it could have gone even higher :eek::eek: glad it didn't but god knows what it has gone up to in the past week! I would rather not know. He also said this is not doing his liver any harm being high. He doubts the rise is due to liver nodule growth as we only had scan 6 weeks back. Flynn had his last dose of pred yesterday. We are going to retest him in two weeks and see what is happening. I feel a lot calmer this week about it all after going over the in's and out's of it. He also said the rise in CK, cholesterol etc fits in to the typical picture for this elevation. And Tina, yes he did say that about UPCR being affected too, plus the odd IBD flare has been enough to put that up in the past.

This is a couple of articles I found by googling high ALP in dogs on steroids:

Glucocorticoids: In dogs, increased total ALP is due mainly to synthesis of the C-ALP isoform. Marked increases are possible (50-100 fold). Total ALP may remain high for three to six weeks, depending on the drug preparation administered (ie, short-acting vs. depot forms). Interestingly, it takes approximately 10 days for C-ALP to be induced by corticosteroids; therefore the initial increases in total ALP with corticosteroid administration is due to increases in the L-ALP, and not the C-ALP, isoform. (Cornell University)

Typical findings include hepatomegaly, diffusely hyperechoic hepatic parenchyma on ultrasonography, steroid hepatopathy on

hepatic biopsy, moderate to marked increases in total ALP (3 to 64 times upper limit of normal), mild to moderate increases in ALT and GGT (2 to 6 times upper limit of normal) with little to no increase in AST (< 2-fold increase).


I have been in touch with the IMS office, I have the 3 days off between Easter and Anzac Day public holidays this year which gives me a nice 10 days off starting on Good Friday 18th April YAY!! But I think most of the NZ working population has the same idea and the IMS is away too. :mad: He said I could take Flynn up that week and he could have his scan and he would call me the following week with results... nope do not like that idea. If I have to drive all the way up there I do want him to actually see and assess Flynny. I have asked if the other IMS who we met during Flynn's surgery and is really good could see him, but with all those public holidays they are expecting emergency cases so he is booked out! :mad: I have pleaded with the receptionist to squeeze us in somewhere and even tried to bribe her with my homemade peanut brownies!! :D:D So I am waiting for her to call me back, if that is not possible I will have to take more time off the following week and go up then.

Flipping heck, I am glad its Friday tomorrow. I am taking Dad to a big rugby match on Saturday, he is doing good and is back to taking Flynny for short walks each day. His renal tests this week and nausea are a lot better after stopping the Co-trimoxazole he was on. Phew!


04-03-2014, 08:51 AM
So not bad news for Flynn. To be expected. Prednisone does a number on people too. Dad was diabetic when he was taking it.

Happy that grandpa can take Flynn for walks again!

Bailey's Mom
04-03-2014, 08:54 AM
Hi Trish-
Just wanted to stop by on your thread to say "Hey!" I'm so glad your Dad is doing so much better. Wow-ten days in a row off. I think I should have worked over there! ;) I haven't seen the picture yet-and I know if I go look now I'll lose this, so I'll go look as soon as I finish.
Cutting grass, eh? Our first cut will happen late next week. I hope to get out today and feed my plants and spray my weeds so that's done before we leave on our cruise. When we return, hopefully everything will be lush and green and the temperatures much warmer. The people around here are telling me it was really a miserable winter.
Belly rub for Flynn! :D

04-03-2014, 03:48 PM
Hi Trish

So all good news then hip hip hooray. I,m glad your dad is getting out and about and is feeling much better :D

Great that Mike has been in touch and has put your mind at ease. I,m off for 10 days at Easter too I can,t wait, but our company shuts down for the week before Easter to do routine maintance, so I,m off from the 14th :p

Hope to catch up with you at the weekend. :)

molly muffin
04-03-2014, 05:16 PM
Oh man I am so jealous! I'd love to be off anything Like 10 days. Easter for us in Canada is 3 days. Fri, Sat, Sun

Major great that your dad is good enough to get out and walk with the Flynn-man. How cool is that for both of them. Oh wow a match. Your dad will definitely like that!

That local Mike. Every time he says something I think we all give a big sigh of admiration for him. You can just tell him you have a dog group of peeps who thinks he's the bow wow of vets. ROFL!!

Did the begging and bribery work? did you get an appointment? :) :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-04-2014, 01:28 AM
I agree with Sharlene...Mike should know that all the posters on the forum are crazy for him!! :p I dream of a vet like Mike!! :D If I had someone like him helping with Trixie's treatment, I don't think I would complain about the bills so much!!
Anyway good news there about Flynn and your Dad. You should feel a bit more at ease.
I bet they squeeze you in at the IMS...I think the brownie bribe is going to work. :D :D
Have a great weekend!


04-04-2014, 03:47 AM
Hi all

Sitting here relaxing and chilling out, IT's FRIDAY!! It was very cool at work today, you know how I mentioned the big rugby match I am taking Dad to tomorrow night?! Well, the team which is based in Wellington, came to the hospital today to say hi to the kids and my team just happened to be on that ward at the time!! EXCITING! I love this team, I think I was the biggest kid of them all and had my photo taken with a few of them, I know, I am so embarrassing lol... I have put in the album. Man, they are big guys and so friendly! So now I will be cheering even louder tomorrow night when we see them run onto the park, (especially the nice huggy one :)) they are playing a team from South Africa (the Bulls) :D:D

Well the rest of the day was a bit dull compared to that haha... kinda tired after the boy had me up at 3am, you think I could go back to sleep, NOT ugh! So I think I will be asleep on the couch before long.

He is good again today, I am just tiring him out throwing a tennis ball across the lounge through the hall and into my bedroom, he is chasing it barking all the way, he is a great fetcher :) Haven't heard back from the IMS office yet, hopefully early next week or I will call them again. Thanks for the nice comments on Mike!! He is a treasure indeed, I think we hear of so many bad vets on here it is nice to be able to report on a good one! He never charges for phone calls or when I contact him via email or txt, so your right Barbara with that excellent followup care I do not mind paying the bills either! He kisses Flynny, and just has a lovely nature with him and he most certainly is in it for the pets wellbeing and not fleecing money, so there are good ones out there and I was lucky enough to get him! I will share though :D:D

Sharlene, we get Monday off as Easter public holiday too... :D hey Tracy, you got time off we should meet halfway!! Thailand! x

04-05-2014, 05:18 AM

I googled and I think I found out you won 25-20 woo hoo, always great to go to a live game and the cherry is to win. Bet you and your dad were cheering that would have done him the power of good getting out and doing something together, hope you both had a fantastic time :D

Great that dad is feeling better to take Flynn, these things will all help him get better. So pleased the boy is up to his antics and living the good life.

The smog did make it here much to our disgust, I limited Boyce's walks as it was making people ill and I didn't want him to be affected. I think a bit got in my eye as it was very sore swollen and red yesterday but looks better today. Pleased to report his leg seems ok, he doesn't help himself as he will insist on kicking his legs out after every toilet he is such a boy!

Will be about for a bit but if I don't catch you I will come back later xxxx

04-05-2014, 05:40 AM
Hey Mel!! Yep you have the right game, that was the score!! Yippeee we won :D:D Bit of a close game though, so was exciting right till the end!! Ohhh and my new fave player Andre Taylor, the one with his arm around me in the pic in the album, scored our only try :)... so he is definitely a star :D Where we sit is right on the aisle going up to the coachs box, so we see them all climb the stairs to get to their spots. I dunno if you even follow rugby but the SA coaches included Victor Matfield and man alive he is gorgeous... so I said hello as he walked past and he gave me a pat on the shoulder :eek: all the other ladies sitting around were like OMG he touched you :D:D Was pretty funny, but guess you had to be there! Dad loved it, he gets emotional when they score!! So it was a great night. Just going to make a cup of tea brb

molly muffin
04-05-2014, 09:50 AM
Oh wow! A hello and a pat! whoo hooo. A google of Victor Matfield confirms gorgeous status. LOL

I'm really glad that your dad and you had a good time. I bet it was just what he needed, what you both needed. It's been pretty stressful for you for the last few weeks too. Dad, Mom, Flynn. You deserve a break too. :)

I hope you have a fantastic rest of the weekend too.

Ugh Mel, I saw pictures and was reading about the smog, horrible. Good idea to stay in as much as possible, you and Boyce. Hope you enjoy your weekend.

We're off to go furniture shopping for the new company CEO's office. So I told hubby I want to go, I love furniture shopping, and he's like, but it's not for the house! I just looked at him and said, do you not know women at all. We have opinions on other peoples things and furnishing too you know. LOL He was like, oh yea, right, go get ready. hahahaha I will not have crap furniture in our companies head dudes office. sheezzz Pride people pride. !

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-05-2014, 04:15 PM
I missed you and Mel again. I'm useless on a Saturday morning for catching you two, I'm usually up and out to get Mum at that time.

I saw your picture, and you got a pat and hello you must have been all a flush lol. Glad that your dad got out and about for a while and that he is able to walk his pal.

I,ll be around for a little while if your up, my laptop isn't playing ball tonight so I'm on my iPhone. Will try and fix it

04-05-2014, 05:18 PM
Yep, he looks even better in a nice suit too Sharlene :D:D I think Dad really liked it, I took him a bit early as he is walking slow and had to go up a couple of flights of stairs but he took his stick for a bit of extra support. Mum sent a nice type of gel cushion thing for him to sit on too, he said he was comfortable. The great try our boy scored was right in front of us so he had a birdseye view! I love the rugby, we are getting an All Blacks game in Napier in a few months too vs Argentina, the All Blacks have not played here in nearly a decade, so as we are season pass holders for our local team we get first dibs on the seats so will be there with bell's on!! :eek:

Mel, that smog is terrible... looks so thick on the news. Your poor eye! YAY glad Boycie's leg never developed into anything, Flynny jumped off the couch yesterday then limped across the lounge... but then immediately came right :eek: maybe was a dead leg from laying on it funny or something. He is such a boy with that back leg kicking too... :)

How did the shopping go Sharlene? Hope you got that office all fitted out!

molly muffin
04-05-2014, 05:34 PM
Oh I'd go see the All Blacks. Every since you showed that video of them and the intimidation when they came onto the field, looking so ferocious, I've been thinking, definitely need to see these guys play.

Think the office will be set. The guy will be showing up on Monday to see what he thinks of the space with what we are ordering. I lost a few battles, won others. About right for office shopping. LOL

Then had to go out and get a gift and a card for a birthday party tomorrow. Came across some pasta bowls and a few things I really liked in another store, so success. Now I have to go pick up some popcorn, because we're in for the evening and seems we've decided we need popcorn. hahahaha

Molly is going to get another brushing and I'm going to throw on the comfy clothes. It was cool here today with flurries flying around this morning, nothing stuck though but tomorrow should be 13C and sunny, so that sounds real good to me. Perfect for a party. Oh Judi got dumped on with snow today :( She is not a happy camper. LOL Think she is ready to move to Florida!

Hope you guys all have a good day and relax a bit, curling up on the couch is what I have planned for this evening.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-05-2014, 05:45 PM
Sounds perfect, hope Miss Molly is all prepared to have her tail played with! I am keeping away from the shops this weekend after splurging last week. Oh I do need to pop into the vets and pick up his meds and pay the bill from last week. :) Grocery shopping too, I'm on my last teabag and it has done 3 cups so far :D

molly muffin
04-05-2014, 06:15 PM
Oh did you read the study about the bergamot in earl grey tea? That it had the same effect in studies as statin on lowering cholesterol?

I love earl grey and I just saw that Stash, has early grey with double the bergamot. A friend said he really liked it. I'm thinking of picking some up.

Hmmm, yes well she probably is ready, I should spray air freshener so I am ready!!! hahahaha

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-05-2014, 06:17 PM
Yes, I did read that!! I only drink Green Tea with Jasmine. I have never like normal tea, or coffee for that matter. Some herbals are OK. My Mum drinks only Earl Grey and her cholesterol is not good so hmmmmmm :D

04-05-2014, 06:21 PM
I,ve so tried to like Green tea and earl grey but nope has to be Tetley tea for me nothing else will do :D

04-05-2014, 06:23 PM
IS that Scottish Tea?

04-05-2014, 06:23 PM
Mel, Mel, Meeeeeeeeeel the party is in Trish,s thread where are you !

04-05-2014, 06:24 PM
Yes it is Scottish Tea, I don,t like any other kind or coffee yuk

04-05-2014, 06:28 PM
Hi girls! Are we hanging out here, or on Tracy's thread? :D

04-05-2014, 06:29 PM
MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!!!! Last night when I got in from the game you were on and I sent a message, but *poof* you were gone before I got it posted lol!! Time to come back and chat!!!

04-05-2014, 06:29 PM
Tracy's LOL... HEY TINA!!!! :D

04-05-2014, 06:30 PM
Tina we staying here on Trish,s its all warm and cosy here :D

04-05-2014, 06:31 PM
No it's not, its blardy cold and rainy!

04-05-2014, 06:33 PM
Well I,m warm and cosy maybe cause I,m tucked up in bed hee hee. How about you Tina are you cosy

04-05-2014, 06:34 PM
Well yes it is warm and cozy here..... I just looked at the latest pic!!! :D :D I love it Trish!

04-05-2014, 06:36 PM
hehe, I am such a rugby groupie LOL. Ohhhh that reminds me when I was cleaning out my pic files I found one of my favourites of Flynny, I entered him in the weekly "Pet Parade" in the local paper for this one and he WON!! Will go pop it in!

04-05-2014, 06:40 PM
OMG Trish I can,t believe how much he looks like Woody in that picture, except his ears are down, he looks so chilled :)

04-05-2014, 06:41 PM
Yep Tracy, pretty cozy here. I have been napping on the couch off and on for the past couple of hours, so its all good. :D

Glad to read that you were not directly involved with the vodka return. That sounds like a pretty big deal.

04-05-2014, 06:45 PM
Awww, Flynn up close. Thats a great pic, he is so cute. Had to look at him snoozing on the new throw again, just precious in that one.

04-05-2014, 06:46 PM
Yeah Tina its a very costly thing to happen and could end up costing about £2 million pounds, it doesn,t help that the new owners officially took over the week before it happened, oops. I had to despatch some of the returned bottles to a company that will analysis it for us and it smelled really bad and I put my finger in it to taste it and it tasted sour yuk.

04-05-2014, 06:47 PM
Hope nobody has sabotaged the new owners?!?! :eek::eek:

04-05-2014, 06:49 PM
Yes, he does look a lot like Woody... they handsome boys!! I remember exactly what I was doing in that pic. We were on the way to the airport and it was Art Deco weekend in town, hence the old steam train tootling about. So we were in the car held up while the train went past. I was flying down to Christchurch for the conference that had the big earthquake!!

04-05-2014, 06:50 PM
Oh Trish never thought of that I hope not :eek: We buy in the raw vodka from France then it is blended to the strength in our blend department, so it may well have came into the factory like that, will find out when they analysis it. I met the new owners last week, he seems really nice and was cracking jokes with us.

04-05-2014, 06:50 PM
Oh gosh Trish, that is a good thought! It seems fishy that this kind of thing could happen accidentally on such a large scale, doesn't it?

04-05-2014, 06:51 PM
Goodness no wonder you remember it.

04-05-2014, 06:57 PM
Yes it does seem fishy and very coincidental with new people coming in. Why did they sell? Were they losing money? I bet he won't be cracking so many jokes this week :eek:

04-05-2014, 06:58 PM
Tina, I am waiting patiently for my Jasper update *hint hint* :D:p

04-05-2014, 07:01 PM
It was a family owned business and the owners are 83 yrs old now, so he sold the one I work in along with the 2 others that he owns one is a distillery and one is like the one I work in which is called a bottling plant. His son is still part owner or has shares in it, he is the finance director, all 3 sold for 247 million pounds so its big business as its exported all over the world. No I don,t think he,ll be laughing when the total bill comes in :eek:

04-05-2014, 07:09 PM
I know Trish, I am such a slacker with getting it posted. I have started it in my notes app so I can get it all straight there and won't risk losing my post!

I think I have been stalling a bit getting it typed out because my vet said some discouraging things about his last labwork. It was just a bit of a reality check which I guess I didn't feel like hearing. I have been working on regrouping and trying to focus on the positive again. :o

I will try to get it posted later tonight. ;)

04-05-2014, 07:15 PM
OK good, well we both well know about discouraging labs, but we have to keep on believing they will bounce around. As they do, I am also dreading the next round of bloods. I so hope the LFTs are improved. I will be looking out for the update though Tina as I like to keep close tabs on what is happening with the little man :)

04-05-2014, 07:16 PM
Tracy, well that sound legit, doubt the old owners would sabotage if they still have shares in it. So you just got to work this week and then your off?

04-05-2014, 07:19 PM
Yeah I finish next Friday woo hoo, Mac goes home that week as well, so will give me a chance to get the house back in order and some free time to spend in the garden weather permitting, or just chill in the house :)

04-05-2014, 07:27 PM
Yes, I know, I like to keep close tabs on Flynn too. I appreciate that you keep track of us. :)

Wow Tracy, that is big business! What brands do you export? I will look to see we have them here, Lol.

Hey you two lucky girls who have a week or more off at Easter, that sounds divine! I am grateful that I get a 3 day weekend, it wasn't always like that, it used to be just a regular weekend. Pfft! :rolleyes:

04-05-2014, 07:34 PM
They export to France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Ukraine, Oman, some places in America no sure where, Italy, Holland, and lots of other places that I can,t remember off hand. The have there own brand its called Glens Vodka which goes export also Prince Consort Brandy and Gin which goes export. They also export the Malt Whisky all over the world called Loch Lomond, Glen Scotia which has a picture of a highland cow on the bottle, it goes to Tailand, Singapore which is a big customer, so its big business, but its poorly ran, the management aren,t good, but hopefully the new owners can shake it up a bit.:)

I used to only get a 3 day weekend at Easter in my last job

04-05-2014, 07:34 PM
Wheeeeee holidays!! Love them!! Be nice for you to relax, I wonder if Mac will want to go back home, he might want to stay. That was cute what you wrote on Woody's thread about Mac getting into the same spot under the bed. Bet that freaked you out, kinda cute though.

Tina, a long weekend is good too, you got the hot cross buns and choco eggs stocked up?!?

04-05-2014, 07:40 PM
It did freak me out, as he has never went under the bed in the weeks he,s been here. I,m sure he,ll want to go home but I will see him most days anyway. He is a great wee dog. I had an email yesterday from Marie his owner seeing if he was all right and she said that Jim her husband has found a stray dog in the complex and has been feeding it everyday and night, he wants to bring it home :eek: but I,m sure she,ll talk him out of that one.

Well time for lights out for me as its nearly 1 am and Mac is snoring, good to catch up as always. Hoping that Flynn and your dad keeps well this week.

Tina will watch out for Jaspers update, hope you and Jasper have a good week :)

04-05-2014, 07:46 PM
I will have to look for those brands the next time I am at the liquor store and see if we have any of them. I know we don't have that chocovino that some here have raved about. I googled it and there wasn't anyplace within 200 miles that has it! :rolleyes: I guess I live in the sticks!

Lol Trish, I will be having some chocolate eggs for sure.

Tracy, I read about Mac sleeping in Woody's spot too, that was sweet.

04-05-2014, 07:54 PM
It will seem quiet though I bet! Nice you see him so often to get your doggy fix! Nighty nite, it is nearly 12 here and I have been hopping up and doing vacuuming etc but better get myself going as have to head out and do a few chores!! Will see you later, have a good week Tracy!! That Mel must be out having fun, I hope so anyway :D

Tina, will be on here again later tonight... OMG sunshine just came in the window! Hurray!! I just checked my weather app and you are 16 celcius, I am 17 LOL... so our temps pretty much the same. I am so used to seeing you in the middle of the night I was a little surprised to see it is only coming up 7pm lol, you staying in tonight?

04-05-2014, 07:54 PM
Nite Tracy, have a good day tomorrow. :)

Dinner time here for Jasper and Shelby. They are both looking at me like I need to get moving. I better go for a bit to let them out and get everybody fed. I haven't gotten much done today due to being so tired, so better get a few things done around here also.

Trish I will be back on later if you will be around. Enjoy your Sunday afternoon!

04-05-2014, 08:00 PM
Yes, staying in. I am wiped out from the week. And I was gone so much with work, I just want to stay home with my babes!

I will definitely be on later, I am a total night owl. Not that I mean I like being up every night at 3 am, :eek:. Yep, 60 degrees F here. Nice day finally, but windy. We had about an inch of snow Thurs night into Friday morning, crazy!

04-06-2014, 08:52 AM
I love bacon, lettuce and tomato sammies:):):) I will be right over:D:D:D:D:D

Divine Easter break for you and Flynn -10 days off, I thought you said. I hope the weather cooperates for you. We hope maybe we will see Spring in June:rolleyes::rolleyes: Yesterday it was a tad warmer here and the sun was out, but Koko still nees his lightweight jacket.

Hope your Monday is good!!!

04-11-2014, 02:41 PM
Hay you found us on pg 3 oh we must keep up lol. How has your week been? Hope the parents are behaving. How's our little wonder dog been this week.

I will probably miss you and Mels sat morning chat as I'm out early tomorrow but hope to catch up soon.

molly muffin
04-11-2014, 03:35 PM
hmm, yes about time for Trish to be popping in to say hello as it is the weekend there now. I think. :) Hope she is out having fun and doing exciting things too.

Let us know when you get a chance how things are going Trish!
Sharlene and molly muffin

04-11-2014, 05:11 PM
Just popping in to say hello! :D:D:D Trixie had a little sniffing meet and greet with a Flynn look alike today in the park. Hoping all is well with Flynny and you too. :)


04-11-2014, 08:19 PM
Hi girls
Thanks for popping in, we are ticking along here. No parent drama's this week :D Flynn is OK, a few things worrying me but there is always something. I cannot get into the IMS for scan the week I want as they are the only emergency 24hr place open over the long weekend so have to keep their schedule free so are not taking non-urgents and boy I have tried! Just feeling a bit down about it all really, but we will keep on going as that's what we do! I do not notice anything specific with Flynn, I guess those liver numbers and UPC are at the back of my mind. He is drinking a little more and hungry too, maybe my imagination so I am going to measure. He is not drinking anything like a cush pup though so renal cause is lurking at the back of my mind but I am trying hard to push it back down. Anyway enough from sad sack me, it is the weekend!! xx

04-12-2014, 08:50 AM
It is hard not to worry, I know so I am sending big hugs and assuring you things will turn out just fine for you and Flynn.
He is our boy wonder:):):):):)

You have had so much on your plate with Flynn and Mum and Dad, you need some R&R. I sure wish I could be in the audience for kareoke (probably did not spell that right):o:o:o

I have been sick thanks to my boss. Can I fire him?

It was 66 degrees yesterday and the sun was out, Koko and I sat ourside after work. It felt so good. Amazing what some sun and warm weather will do for a person:cool::cool::cool:

Enjoy your weekend!!!

molly muffin
04-12-2014, 10:26 AM
Hey Trish. Great to hear that the parents are doing okay and not giving you any worries for now.

Now Flynn-man, hopefully it is nothing, but you aren't going to feel really better about it until you get another scan done, so hopefully you can get that scheduled for your next break and get another UPC and renal testing done. You just need to see that things are doing alright, either better or maintaining and not getting worse. So, once Flynn has had a couple weeks of no upsets, why not get some tests rerun? I bet local Mike will be up for that. :)

In the mean time, I hope that it is a lovely weekend in your part of the world and that you can enjoy it with some friends, karaoke sounds like a fine way to start it off too. Did you sing? loudly? Doesn't have to be well, just loud. rofl! :)

Have fun!
sharlene and molly muffin

04-12-2014, 05:22 PM
Evening :p glad that parents are behaving, and bit before time !

Off course you are thinking about his scan and numbers all the time even when trying not too I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Pants that you can't get in for the scan as I know you won't settle till he has it. For the time being you will just have to mean on us, after all I've leaned on you over the months :D

Hope you had a good night out and didn't sing too loudly :eek:

04-12-2014, 05:24 PM
Mean on you??? hehehe I will try not to be too mean!! But my cranky side has definitely been making an appearance latey!!

I didn't sing at all, not enough wine... I was driving so could not indulge too much, two glass limit! But I did have a glass of a very nice pinot gris and a crème brulee :)

04-12-2014, 05:28 PM
Oh and you can cancel the bit about parents behaving, I did Dad's dressing last night and it is flaring again in one spot. I gave it a squeeze and out popped a 2cm piece of suture material which had not dissolved, maybe that is responsible for making it flare. I just rang the hospital to get the ortho surgeons mobile number as he said to call if I am worried but they will not give it to me according to policy... oh well, I will just have to drive over there later and get it out the staff directory thing myself and get in touch with him and try get Dad in to see him next day or so. Hope he does not need more surgery.

04-12-2014, 05:33 PM
Oops I meant lean stupid iPhone. Oh cranky side I like that you've had a lot on so it's allowed.

Hospital politics more like hospital Bollxxcks, hopefully this is what has been causing the problem with your dad's hip and now it may start mending properly

04-12-2014, 05:37 PM
Flynny is not home, he is still around at Mum and Dad's where he ended up having a sleepover. It was too late to pick him up but I am sure he had a nice night there!! Sure is strange not having him around though. What you up to today? I have to pop into town and get some birthday pressies, I have two 60th parties to attend this week, one Tuesday night for work colleague and then my sister on Thursday. I cannot believe she is 60, we are going out on Thursday night for dinner, then I have them all coming over here for Easter Feast lunch/Cheryl's birthday on Good Friday. I have to bake a cake and she wants dark chocolate. Pfft, not my specialty so will have to hunt down a recipe or go to the baker :D:D

04-12-2014, 05:43 PM
Flynn on a sleepover getting spoiled rotten I like that :p I,m not keen on dark chocolate cakes, and as I can,t bake I would be heading to the bakers lol. Its Saturday night here so just had a chilled day, did all the housework and laundry and walked Mac a few times while it was dry. Tomorrow I,m going to see the family we have a few family drama,s going on so I need to see if I can fix them out.:(

04-12-2014, 05:53 PM
Oh no, hope your Mom and niece are OK. The rest of your family has sure had its troubles lately too so hope you can help sort the troubles out.

04-12-2014, 05:59 PM
Mum is upset by it all, so I,m keeping an eye on her, and I,ve had a massive argument with my sister and niece so for mums sake I will go and try and sort it out tomorrow hoo hum something I could do without. Families eh !

04-12-2014, 06:02 PM
Yep, can't live with them, can't live without them!! :D Arguments OK as long as you can go back and make up which you are being very adult about and doing! Good on you! So guess your sister won't be cooking you any special dinners in the next little while :eek:

04-12-2014, 06:14 PM
No looks like I,ll need to cook for myself :eek:

04-12-2014, 06:17 PM
Sausage casserole, for Mac!! I like curried sausages too, Dad makes a mean one!!

04-12-2014, 06:28 PM
I made Hunters Chicken tonight for tea its chicken stuffed with cheese wrapped in bacon, you can buy it already made but I made it from scratch ooooh get me, it was delish and Mac had a tiny bit of plain chicken :D

Is it next week Mel is away on holiday or the week after I can,t remember what she said:)

04-12-2014, 06:33 PM
OMG that chicken sounds lovely. I think she was away from Easter? Did we see her last weekend? I don't think we did?!?! Man, my memory is dodgy lol Hope her smog problem is better!

04-12-2014, 06:36 PM
I have to go! Need to go pick up Flynny and also give him his BP med, its late! Then up town to get some birthday pressies and do the groceries.. guess I better get cake ingredients :D Lovely to chat, will check in later!! have a good day everyone xxx

Budsters Mom
04-13-2014, 01:57 AM
Yes, we worry about our babies Trish. It makes no difference that there four-legged and hairy. :) I know that you're on top of things and will be able to deal with whatever comes up. We are all crazy about your boy. Flynny is our boy too!

So glad to hear that your folks are doing better and you're getting a little time off. I am off on spring break for two weeks. I have another week off before I return to work. It's been a really tough year, so I need this break.

Hugs to you and butt scratches for my pal,

04-13-2014, 01:21 PM
Hi Trish,
I hate when that worried feeling takes hold...it's hard to shake. These tests and all their numbers usually do not help, do they?
We need to get an acth and also check Trixie's triglycerides. So I want to know and I don't want to know, it gets stressful just thinking about going to the vet. I don't want any bad news while things seem good. :rolleyes:
Between parents and pets there is always plenty to worry about.
Last night Trixie had those dreaded tummy gurgles that I hear from time to time. It gets me so worried when I hear that, even though she seems just fine, eating good, normal poops...but why all the noise I wonder? There really is always something to stress over.
I do find Candy Crush is a good pacifier for the nerves isn't it!!?? You and Val are more than
100 levels ahead of me and I'm stuck like glue on 199!
Hope Flynn had a great sleepover at your parents and that he's doing just fine. ;)


04-16-2014, 05:20 AM
Well Flynn is all booked in for his appointment with IMS, a new one that is the senior one in the specialists practice. I was disappointed with our last appointment with the scan muckup so have asked to see the other one. Local Mike had told me right at the beginning he has a great reputation so it will be good to see him. He actually took care of Flynn after his surgery when the other IMS had days off so he does already know us from that. Appointment is Monday 5th May.

Mike wants to wait and do his bloods and UPC a few days before we go up, we were going to do them today to check if the ALP has come back down after the prednisone, but I agree with him to wait as we want fresh test results to take to Auckland.

Flynny is a box of birds the last few days, drinking subsided so I do think that must have been the pred getting out of his system and perhaps the diet of mainly biscuits now, rather than the wetter canned food.

He was a little shite tonight and in my bad books. I finished work early and often when I pick him up from Mum and Dads I stay for dinner, but it was too early so I took what Mum had made home with me... pork sausages. It was in a bowl with the vegetables on the front seat of the car. He sits on the back seat, the usual routine is pull into the drive, I get out and shut the gate and he jumps out behind me. I took a bit longer going down to check the mailbox and when I got back he was licking his lips and my sausage was GONE!! He looked very pleased with himself :D:D:eek::eek: