View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you
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02-16-2014, 05:38 AM
Hey Mel!!! You heard us!!! Now we have to yell for Tracy LOL!!
Yes it has come around quick for him, I so hope his scan does not show anything nasty. We are going to have to have minor surgery to get his lipomas removed, Mike is planning it for early March. He has a few quite big ones he wants to take off. I have been meaning to do a video of them so you can see what I am talking about... a project for next week sometime maybe :D But lipomas we can handle, liver masses not so much :eek:
I have had a day over at Mum and Dads to help with some gardening there. Visited Dad in hospital after that, then groceries and cooked Mum pasta and salad for dinner... then home and blobbing in front of the telly!
What you up to today?
02-16-2014, 05:43 AM
I'm here I heard you calling me :D
02-16-2014, 05:48 AM
:D she is probably recovering from her hectic week, such awesome news she got a job with that place.
Nothing nasty this time, you have had all of that recently so fingers crossed for the same picture as last time, the wee man needs that to. Looked at his new shot in his album and he is looking good, he doesn't look his age at all!
Your mum must miss your dad being in hospital for so long, at least you are able to do that for her.
Quiet day I think just me and Boyce. Is 1 year next week so feeling a bit rubbish, I can't believe it's already that long. Me and him will have a nice mosey in a bit, his legs have been stiffer cause it's been so cold so am waiting for it to warm up a bit for him!
Have you got work after seeing dad specialist or you got a few days for Flynn?
02-16-2014, 05:49 AM
LOL that's funny :D Did you have a good sleep??
Mel, I am glad you have avoided the worst of that awful weather, we had the Prince's on TV tonight mucking in.
02-16-2014, 05:50 AM
Hey Mel - glad that you are not affected by the floods, I heard on the news last night that 2 people have lost there lives and still thousands homeless terrible. We have sun this morning but its still cold.
Good to hear that work should calm down now :)
02-16-2014, 05:52 AM
They we're in Berkshire which is an hr or so from me...
It's been horrendous for some people. In Somerset they haven't seen land since December, I think our government have let a few people down over this, can you imagine what it would be like!
Morning Tracy, nice to see you real time. Is the sun out with you today or did you get that snow they were threatening?
02-16-2014, 05:55 AM
Had a decent sleep, so not long up :eek:
I,m sure his scan will be just fine, as Mel said you have had enough rubbish going on with dad. Glad that you are getting the big lipomas removed in March, Woody had one under his front leg, it never bothered him, but would,ve eventually impaired his movement.
Sorry to hear Boyce is a bit stiffer, but the weather has been bitterly cold, roll on summer (if we get one).
02-16-2014, 05:55 AM
I think that woman was a cab driver picking up from the tube and the building fell on the car.
A lot of my friends were stuck in London last week as they actually stopped running the trains, one was on a train and got kicked off at a random station to make their own way home!
We aren't prepared for this sustained weather unlike other countries!
02-16-2014, 05:55 AM
Yes, been thinking of you with Tia's anniversary creeping up. I cannot believe that year has absolutely sped by. Does Boyce have anything for his stiff legs? I do think the Pentosan helped Flynn in the winter but he has not really needed it during the summer months. Will see how he goes when autumn hits and it starts cooling down. I also give him a bone joint supplement.
Yes, our smart Tracy getting the job. I think they had that one lined up for her all along! Sounds a nice place to work, lots of dog talking goes on :D:D
I am working Mon/Tues, then have Wednesday and Thursday off then back for Friday. I am hoping to get there and back all in one day, but if I get too tired I will stop somewhere for the night. Will just take it easy and see how we go. Not sure if my friend is coming with me, she has been to Auckland for the Eminem concert with her kids, crikey surprised me she went to that but if facebook anything to go by she survived but saw a few dodgy things :eek::eek:
Quiet weekend days are fantastic, good to recover from the week with a bit of laziness!
02-16-2014, 05:56 AM
Is it nice and hot with you Trish? So we can dream of barbecues and sunshine? We don't see sunshine any more!!
02-16-2014, 05:57 AM
I saw her crushed car on the news too, god terrible... looked like earthquake damage with the buildings falling on cars and buses. :mad: I hope it was quick for her. Gosh you two type fast :D
02-16-2014, 06:00 AM
Yeah all we see if rain, wind and some more rain, it just doesn,t stop. I have to sign off on the deliveries at work, so last week was in and out in the rain, then some snow it was bitter, but they gave me warm clothes (thermals) for that part of the job :p I see they have finally brought in the military to help the poor people affected. Yip government let us down again.
My brother in Oz was complaining it was too hot over there, we wish eh Mel
02-16-2014, 06:03 AM
Yes, I am afraid to say it is nice and sunny and hot... well not boiling hot mid 20's today. Warm enough for me!
02-16-2014, 06:04 AM
He is on glucosamine supplement. He took a lot of metacam after his surgeries so we avoid the medication if we can as I know that can be hard on his body. I have seen him worse than this, I can just tell he feels it..
So a mixed up week for you next week then! Eminem sounds different, never really been a fan, she is obv a good mum to go with them!
I wish there was somewhere I could visit for Tia Friday. I may walk down to the spot we walked her last. Would just like to do something different to acknowledge losing her.
02-16-2014, 06:08 AM
I think walking to her favourite spot is a great thing to do, take a few flowers to scatter along the way. We will be here with you too Mel lighting up the candle board for our lovely girl who we have always kept close to our hearts :)
02-16-2014, 06:10 AM
Mel you do whatever feels right for you and Tia, no matter where you are or what you do, she will be right there beside you like she is everyday. I go to the beech every year on the 28th May and remember Bruno as this was the last place he walked, I,ve done it for the past 4 years.
Trish - that is a long drive for you up and down in one day, so you take your time and stop if need be. :)
02-16-2014, 06:10 AM
At least they gave you thermals Tracy! I have long johns for when it's bitter. I used to wear my grandpas when I was a kid so I have no shame with that. Makes me think of good things.
What does the job entail roughly obv no details on open net x
I would really love a barbecue and a mock tail in the garden about now, can just picture it us all. Wouldn't that be fab if we could do that!
02-16-2014, 06:10 AM
I think non steroidals if used wisely are great drugs, they really help keep them comfortable but we just have to remember the side effects. I know they get well publicised when things go wrong and you read all sorts of horror stories on the internet. But they help way more dogs than they hurt. Even with Flynn's liver and kidney troubles the vets have given me long discussions on how few dogs are actually badly affected by them. I am just careful like you, if there are gentler things like the supplements and Pentosan I go with them.
02-16-2014, 06:14 AM
OK I am bringing prawns and pavlova!! I never did do any baking today Tracy :D! Mel, I got a flash new Kitchen Aid mixer for my birthday earlier this week, I had great plans this evening to bake something, but it is still sitting in all its shiny new redness and chrome on the bench unused! But I will make a pav for our Barbie :D:D What's this mocktail business, I am pretty sure Sharlene will provide the bellinis!!
02-16-2014, 06:15 AM
Bags its in my garden though, only time I wear thermals is in the snow when I have been skiing!
02-16-2014, 06:17 AM
If he was proper limping I would get him up there to get something but he is just stiffer so I think it should be ok. He is now 13 so gonna get aches and pains like we do when we get on!
The herbs in his food are also supposed to help with inflammation etc so hopefully will be enough if he struggles off to the vets we will go!
Trish, how you getting on with you candy crush? I gave up for a bit am reading a new set of books about the world after a nuke strike :D. Speaking of did you get to the. Library Tracy?
02-16-2014, 06:18 AM
When I,m trained up, it will be to make sure all orders coming in, will be processed on time so from making sure we have the stuff to make it to, making sure the product goes out on time and to the correct country and everything in between, booking in the deliveries and liason with the factory supervisors on any problems with the product and how to fix it. So lots to learn, I will eventually be taking over the Malt side of the business. When I,m in the factory part I have to wear a hair net and ear plugs due to health and safety, my street gred is suffering :D But its interesting and the people seem nice. Nadine who is training me has a little sick staffy so lots of doggy talk :eek:
02-16-2014, 06:19 AM
I have a red kitchen aid :D. It's awesome, baking doesn't take a long!
A mock tail is with out alcohol. It's only 11 here!
02-16-2014, 06:21 AM
Oh count me in, Bellini and cakes ooooh sound yummy, we ship to Oz so I can smuggle myself in that truck, then I will be closer :D
02-16-2014, 06:22 AM
Mel didn,t make the library, but found out we have a mobile library comes to the village once every two weeks, so its on my to do list to join
02-16-2014, 06:23 AM
So quite involved, you get to see the whole process end to end. That will be interesting as no 2 days will be the same!
I did see there was a blue stafford. Love all staffies of course. Girl or Boy?
What food is it on? As that might be a good place to start. They can be allergic to as Tia was to some types of grass her feet would go so red!
02-16-2014, 06:25 AM
I missed the Happy Birthday Trish from my last post! You never said. I didn't either mine was in jan. I got a telescope :D
02-16-2014, 06:25 AM
I keep giving up on Candy Crush as I get pee'ed off at the hard levels and have a hissy fit at it. I don't buy anything on there as I figure they throw those really hard levels in from time to time to make me give them money! But I am back at it and on a bit of a roll, I am up to level 326!
Ok I am sure we can do some fancy mocktail, but once it hits 12 we onto the bellinis :D Maybe we can make them in the mixer :D
I like the sound of your job Tracy, sounds busy too.... ohhh a hair net, thermals and ear plugs... Sexy!! LOL :D:D
02-16-2014, 06:26 AM
Yes I have to know everything end to end before I can take up the Malt side.
She is on Burns dry food, she had to go to the vet last week as her back paw had burst open, seems that happens a lot with her paws, she also gets sore ears and has to have them cleaned everyday. She is a rescue and seems to have always had tummy and skin problems, could be the breeding in her as blue staffy,s are rare up here. Any ideas I can pass on to her.
02-16-2014, 06:28 AM
Ohhh how cool, I love telescopes not that I have one. The school behind me actually has a planetarium which I keep meaning to visit when it is open at night. There has been a gorgeous full moon the last couple of nights if you can see it with all that nasty rain... or is the telescope more for spying on the neighbourhood?? :D:D Happy Birthday for Jan to you too :)
02-16-2014, 06:31 AM
Candy Crush Pfft I gave up on level 39 does my head in. I play pet rescue now.
Happy beletated birthday for January Mel ooh a telescope sounds interesting, so you can look at the stars and the moon, and off course the brightest star is off course Tia.:D
02-16-2014, 06:32 AM
Awww poor pup, hard when you do not know their breeding. Same with Flynny, we do not know his history either but it must have been dodgy to say the least with all the problems he has developed! That cortovance spray has helped clear up spots on Flynn pretty well, I use it sparingly as it is a steroid.
02-16-2014, 06:34 AM
Ohhh there's an idea, you can buy Tia a star (wonder how much they cost) then we can all look up at her sparkling away up there!!
02-16-2014, 06:34 AM
I will look at the burns. Boyce doesn't do that great on chicken as his main protein he used to get funky ears when he was younger.
Not the neighbourhood, they can crack on, nosey is not in my nature!
There was a saga with the telescope, it came we set it up it was missing a bit so the whole lot had to go back! Then they sent us the same one back missing part and all :eek: got it up 2 weeks after my birthday and couldn't see a fricking thing :o. I have now seen a half moon but the full doesn't come round still stupid o'clock so I still haven't seen it, tried when I woke up for a wee at 5 but couldn't line it ip
02-16-2014, 06:35 AM
Really Tracy, level 39 is pathetic :D:D:D Pet Rescue eh! Well that is very forum appropriate :D I have deleted all requests for that game so far, I might have to take a look but I already waste far too much time on candy crush so don't think another one would be good for me!
02-16-2014, 06:36 AM
Oh it is an idea, wouldn,t think they were that expensive. Breeding can play a major factory in the pups, people just breed whatever to whatever, but despite Flynn,s problems we all love him all the same :D
02-16-2014, 06:38 AM
Cortovance was a god send for Tia's cc too but it did make her drink more and she would move around as she didn't like the sensation of it being sprayed on. She was never really compliant :D
02-16-2014, 06:39 AM
Yep chicken is not good for Flynn either, he never gets it now which is a shame as he is a chicken lover for sure. He actually killed two chickens in his earlier days the little bugger. We were out at a friends house who have a lifestyle block, they do not actually have chickens but some random ones must have walked through as we were leaving, he dashed off into the undergrowth and there was terrible squawking and the next morning a pile of feathers and carcasses were found :eek::eek:
02-16-2014, 06:41 AM
I know I get easily frustrated with these games :rolleyes:
Mel that sage with the telescope did make me giggle. Hopefully when the weather gets better if it ever does you will be able to see lots of things.
Well I must go and get dressed, still in pj,s, get the house work done and go pick up mum for our dinner. Great to catch up with you both on real time. Mel big hugs to you for this coming week, it will be hard but we will be right along side you.
Trish - Crossing everything I can for a good outcome on Flynn,s scan and get better thoughts being sent for you dad.:)
02-16-2014, 06:42 AM
Yesterday in the pet store there were two little Chihuahua's, they wanted $750 for them. Dear lord, there are so many little dogs that need a loving home without supporting that business of breeding for profit. I would never get a pet store dog for that reason but a good friend of mine saw one in there and fell in love with it immediately and took him home so I can understand why people buy them from there. I so hate to think of puppy mills and the poor dogs living in those terrible conditions.
02-16-2014, 06:43 AM
Just did a quick google on burns and it's 60% grain on each of them. That might be a factor as that could be too much. Boyce is on Lilys kitchen it's more expensive but defo worth it.
Waitrose stock it or you can buy it direct. Natures kitchen is supposed to be another good alternative. There was a whole program done recently on dog food and lilys and another did come out on top..
This is the burns link
02-16-2014, 06:45 AM
We,re lucky it has been banned to sell puppies in pet stores in Scotland, I,ve never bought a dog always rescued too many needed homes, I hate puppy mills and back yard breeders that over breed just for the money :mad:
02-16-2014, 06:46 AM
Yes, that telescope does sound a bit of a fiddle Mel, I can hardly focus binoculars so would be hopeless with one of those - hope you get better views soon once the weather clears. Ohhh will be good when you go to the beach too, not so many lights about. I have spent an hour chatting away and it has whizzed by but it is nearly 1am Monday morning!! Better get myself to bed with work tomorrow! His appointment is 11am on Wednesday for scan and 11.30 with specialist. So if you can send some good vibes about then it would be most appreciated!! Night girls, so lovely to finally have a catch up with you two xxxxxx
02-16-2014, 06:46 AM
I have missed something, what is burns? Food?
02-16-2014, 06:47 AM
Yes Tracy mentioned the stafford was on burns so I looked it up. Multitasking and all that
Will defo send lots of positive vibes
Have a great day Tracy and hope you have a good sleep Trish and that pops feels better tomorrow
Let's hope it's not so long before we all catch up again
Big hugs
02-16-2014, 06:47 AM
Thanks Mel I will find out what protein source she is on and suggest Lily Kitchen, as an alternative. I saw the programme advertised but didn,t watch it.
02-16-2014, 06:48 AM
Wish they would ban it here too Tracy, Scotland is very sensible!
02-16-2014, 06:49 AM
I never watched it either as I didn't want anymore detail.
02-16-2014, 06:49 AM
Ahh I see, Flynny has definitely done better once I changed him to grain free so that might help. Right, bedtime it is... have a lazy Sunday girls! xx
02-16-2014, 06:49 AM
Yeah Trish Burns is a type of food, they can taylor it to the dogs needs, they sell hypoallergic food, and all sort usually dry kibble, its quite expensive but really good food. I had my old dog on it for the last 2 yrs of his life. They will also take back an opened bag of food if the dog stops eating it or it doesn,t agree with it.
02-16-2014, 08:15 AM
I sent you a couple of pictures and a video of Ella:).
molly muffin
02-16-2014, 12:53 PM
Good times here last night. :) So glad you were all able to catch up. Thank god for the forum. :)
Gosh, already that time for the follow up for Flynn. I swear I don't know where the time flies off to. sheezzzz
Mel, sounds like work has been a real bugger for you.
Tracy, your job sounds like it is going to be real interesting. I do hope that your co-workers pup will recover soon. That paw sounds painful to me.
hugs all,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-16-2014, 08:03 PM
I've been stuck on level 350 on Candy Crush for WEEKS now!
I think that I heard something about some states in the US not allowing puppies to be sold in pet stores.
I'm positive that Daisy was a product of a puppy mill. Even though we purchased her, I consider that I saved her. Now that I have educated myself, I will not buy from a pet store again.
Budsters Mom
02-16-2014, 09:15 PM
The city of San Diego has banned the sale of Puppies in pet stores. :o
02-17-2014, 04:26 AM
Ro, she is just the most gorgeous darling little girlie, love the pic in her Valentines outfit so pretty in pink!! Quite the chatty little thing too isn't she!! Thanks for sending them, they started my day off with a huge smile ... like this ... ---> :D
Valerie and Kathy, so pleased to hear they are stopping the sale of the puppies in some states... go San Diego!! That is great to read. If I ever get another dog it will be another rescue like Flynny!
Sharlene, time does just whiz by, cannot believe it is nearly 3 months now since his liver resection. He is doing so well, he is actually laying next to me on the couch have a doggy dream, yip yip yip hehe. We had a great run up the beach tonight, he seems so fit lately. Love all your comments on his photo, he does look good for his age, 12 now! I was thinking while I was walking along about making those big decisions for his three surgeries and all the stress involved with the operations and recovery. But his two surgeons have literally saved his life three times now and I will be forever grateful to them. Anyway enough of those reflections, he is here with me and living his doggy life with gusto and that is enough for me :)
Dad was discharged today, he is home to keep resting up. Hb came up to 86 :rolleyes: so he still feeling pretty funky from that. I drove him home on my lunch break, Mum came out and so did Flynn and Elle right to the gate to escort him back inside, I was worried they were going to trip him up they were smooching around his legs happy to see him!! The Orthopaedic Clinical Nurse Specialist is going to keep an eye on him at home and he has to see his surgeon next week. So fingers crossed the oozing keeps on settling.
So apart from a can of coke exploding in my bag this morning, what a blardy mess :p it has been a good day here!! Hope you all have the same xxxxxx
molly muffin
02-17-2014, 09:21 PM
Crossing fingers for your dad. Stop oozing dad!
Sometimes it's good to reflect, it puts things in perspective which can be a good feeling. Flynn Looks great, has plenty of energy, and over all appears to be doing pretty darn good. So, expect a good report from the specialists.
Yuck! Exploding coke, that sounds very messy. I've had them explode in the freezer before. That's not a good idea either by the way.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Trish,
So glad to read that your Dad is home from the hospital. I sure hope that oozing stops and that the antibiotics kick that darned infection. He must be so tired, and you and your Mum too. Hospital stays are so exhausting for everyone.
I was thinking about you and Flynn all afternoon here while I was at work. If I calculated correctly, it should be about 5 hrs post scan now. I sent all the positive vibes I could muster at the time of his appt. All fingers, paws and stubs crossed here for good results.
Sorry I missed out on a great chat session on the weekend with you, Mel and Tracy. Sounds like it was fun. Glad you all got caught up, hope I can join next time. :) I will be checking later for any updates on our boy.
Big hugs, and smooches for Flynn,
Tina and Jasper xo
02-18-2014, 12:53 AM
Hi Trish,
Loved seeing the new photos! I've been trying to post some myself but having some trouble. it 3 months already?? Looking at Flynn in the photos you would never know he had these surgeries. He looks fantastic and no way he looks like a 12 year old dog!! He has such a young look! Glad he is doing so well. :p
Good news about your Dad..I'm sure he is happy to be at home. Hoping the oozing lets up and all is well in no time!!
Barbara :)
02-18-2014, 01:27 AM
Hi everyone!!
Aww Tina, you are a day early chicky!! We are leaving tomorrow morning at 5.30am ish, scan 11am :) So according to my calculations that is 4pm your time! Synchronise watches :D:D:D You are always missed and very welcome when we manage to get on at the same time! He is not allowed to eat after 8pm tonight, which is only bit over half hour away so I will give him extra snacks then. I have cut down his ziwipeak a bit, he likes it and it is agreeing with his tummy. But last week when I went in to pick up some pills at the vets I weighed him and he had put on a bit over a kg since surgery :eek::eek: We have been strictly giving him recommended amounts so have cut it back a little and Mum said he has been yodelling for his lunchtime snack when he thinks it is time!
Thanks for all the well wishes for Dad girls, lovely to see you popping in Barbara! He had a good day. He is delighted to be back in his own bed and catching up on sleep. Not much ooze on the dressing, they have said sometimes they just keep on oozing a little and that might be as good as we can get him without having to resort to surgery.
Will let you know how we go tomorrow xxxx
Well *%$@! So much for my calculations, LOL! :D Ok, I will do a repeat of all the positive vibes again later today, at the right time this time. I imagine some extra never hurts!! :rolleyes: :p
The little man is going to be hungry. Yodeling for his lunch snack, omg that is so cute. That is so hard when they have to be fasting, and they have that pitiful look in their eyes. It's necessary, though they don't understand.
All the best for the appt and scan Trish, as well as the drive. We continue to have all things crossed here, including the stubs!
02-18-2014, 03:12 AM
:) I just let him lick my plate... gross I know but it was only a little smear on it!! I will take his food with me of course.
Everyone is a little worried about me driving so far in one day, I think I will take an overnight bag in case I get too tired and have to stop somewhere on the way home.
I just emailed the specialist his latest results and my questions. I do remember last time we went up there and he was in and operated on before I could take it all in!! That is NOT going to happen this time :p
Yes, he can never have too many good vibes being sent his way... I am sure he had a lovely day today because of them!!! How is Jaspser, hopefully you are off doing his update!
That is a lot of driving in one day, although it is not all at once. Still, that's a great idea to take an overnight bag just in case. No fun driving when you are too tired, especially if it's at night.
Good you emailed all your questions, you are always on top of everything! :)
No, I'm not working on Jasper's update now, but I know I am delinquent with that! Poor boy doesn't even get his thread updated. :o He is holding his own for the most part, but I do need to get things updated. He was in for his Percorten injection last night, and has gained a pound over about the last month or two also. That's not so bad because he was so skinny before, but don't want him any heavier than that, he is at 26.5 lbs now. But he has gained since we switched to the low fat food, go figure.
He will be getting labwork repeated the beginning of March to recheck the triglycerides and electrolytes as well as liver and kidney values. I am going to ask for a UPC also as I am worried since he is no longer on the renal diet. He seems to be feeling good most of the time I think, but I have noticed that he seems to be sleeping more. On the weekend he slept most of the day both days. But I am grateful that he is able to sleep peacefully. Hopefully that is nothing I need to be worrying about!
02-18-2014, 03:45 AM
I would be sleeping the days away in that cold weather you are having, I cannot imagine having to go out to work and negotiate all that snow. I always notice if I am not doing much and having a lazy day Flynny does too, but if I am zooming about he follows. Funny how they seem to regulate what they do. Jasper sounds like he is doing well, like you say he can do with a little more weight on!! Flynn does not need it so much :rolleyes:
Darn, I was waiting for his update to pop up too!! But we get a mini one here so that is enough to know he is doing good!
I don't think we have had trigylcerides done in ages, wondering about the link there and his lipomas which seem to be getting bigger lately. I have that on my list to ask IMS.
Mike would usually send the latest results, but he is on his last week off so thought I better do it but I did cc him in too.
Yes, I don't blame him for sleeping with all this cold, wish I could too. We had freezing rain overnight last night, so it was a scary drive in to work yesterday. But it warmed up later and is supposed to be in the 40s and 50s F later in the week, so we should get some good melting.
I took Jasper in a couple of weeks ago to have all his new lumps checked. They had been put on the back burner for so long. We finally mapped them all out on a diagram because there are so many now. She aspirated 4 that she felt were new ones, and all were lipomas thankfully. I didn't think about a connection between those and his triglycerides, but I will ask her next time. Could make sense since his are so high.
I better head back to bed for a bit. These interrupted nights are going to be the death of me. But anything for my boy. Again, all the best for the scan and appt tomorrow. Will definitely be thinking about you both. Good to catch up a bit. Drive safe, and I will check in on things later. :)
Big hugs from me and Jasper xo
02-18-2014, 04:29 AM
Night Tina, I am off too for an early night! Lovely to see you and have a catch up!! My fingers will be crossed you get some nice warm weather so Jasper and Shelby can get outside for decent walks. Glad to hear all his bumps checked out! Have a good sleep for whatever time you have left and a good day at work :). xxxxx
02-18-2014, 10:41 AM
Good luck today from Kaibo and I!
Squirt's Mom
02-18-2014, 10:49 AM
From me and the gang, too!
Harley PoMMom
02-18-2014, 12:30 PM
My best wishes to you both!
Hoping everything is going well.
02-18-2014, 01:25 PM
Hey you two, by my calculations it's 7.20 am and you should be on your way. Fingers, paws, eyes and anything else I can cross for a good outcome. Will pop by later see if there's an update. Flynn you can do this wee guy as you deserve a good result :D
02-18-2014, 05:28 PM
Just me again by this time you should be there and half way thru scan everything still crossed, heading to bed need sleep now I'm a working gal will check in the morning x
02-18-2014, 05:41 PM
They just took him in for scan now, only got to wait 15 mins then see IMS... nervous!
02-18-2014, 05:42 PM
Thx for well wishes, have a good sleep working girl!!
02-18-2014, 06:07 PM
I am here waiting with you. Fingers and paws crossed xxx
02-18-2014, 06:35 PM
Woot woot hi Mel and all! Great report, no growth in liver nodules! Adrenal node the same. IMS Mike delighted with him! Driving home now, took just on 5hrs to get here ! So worth it to get report like that though! :)
02-18-2014, 06:46 PM
What a relief for you Trish, great report. Way to go Flynn
Drive safe and have a nap somewhere in the car if you feel tired
Way to go Flynn, be careful driving home
molly muffin
02-18-2014, 09:10 PM
YIPPEEEE!!!! That's our Flynn-Man. Rocking his ultrasound like a pro. :) :)
Definitely stop if you get tired. No point to rush back, after all, you took that extra day off remember. :) :) :)
Now we just have to "good vibe" your dad to get kick that infection out of there with No surgery needed. Heck, getting the good vibes world wide, ought to count for extra. :)
Drive save, belly rubs for Flynn
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Budsters Mom
02-18-2014, 10:10 PM
YAAAAAAY That's my boy! Great new Trish! Be careful driving home. Xxxxx
02-19-2014, 12:43 AM
Great news Trish!!!!!
02-19-2014, 01:53 AM
Yaaaaaaaaay well done Flynn a big high five coming your way. Really pleased for you Trish take care driving or actually you maybe home by now. Pop in later
02-19-2014, 03:55 AM
Hi everyone
We are home, Flynny travelled all that way very well, it was only the last hour or so he got fed up and asked to stop.
IMS Mike got us in for a chat right after his scan. He went through all the scan with me, very happy to see no big lesions, the largest was 2cm and they had got the scans from our old IMS at the Veterinary training school we used to go to and it looks the same. The last scan there was nearly a year ago so that is good news. The report had been emailed by Mike and was here before I got home! But it does say on the report small nodules throughout the liver. But he did say there was no change from last scan. Just reads a bit different to what he told me.
The left adrenal still has nodule at same size, also compared that back to old Pet Hospital scans and is unchanged. I asked how why they think it is benign, he said because of the rate of growth is neglible if it was a nasty one it would have enlarged significantly in that time frame. Also he has no symptoms of pheo recurrence or cushings if it was cortisol producing. So that is going straight to the... do not worry about that anymore pile!
He looked him over, no change in his low grade murmur, everything else on physical exam good. I said we were looking at removing lipomas, he said he would not do it unless it was restricting movement. One on his side is large, he said it would be a big operation and if it was his dog he would not do it. So I am going to have to revisit that with local Mike. Also had some tips on getting cheaper meds which I will look into.
He also thinks Flynns IBD flare, itching, kidney problems with proteinuria/high UPC could all have been connected with the liver problem as now we have that big liver mass out those symptoms have largely subsided. So he definitely does not need to go on the high Pred dose for the time being.
Tina - he said if his UPC gets down to <0.5 on next test we could try halving the Benzapril back to 2.5mg and see how he does. He said Enalopril would do the same and I could look at swapping to that as I could get it cheaper. His meds are currently costing heaps, about $250 each month, half of that is the Benzapril.
So there is the full report, sorry its long! Generally pretty happy with it all, thanks for the support today its been a long one! xxxx
Budsters Mom
02-19-2014, 04:14 AM
Hi Trish,
I'll read your report through a couple times tomorrow. It always takes at least twice before I start to figure out what the heck you are talking about.;) For now, I'm thrilled you are both home and safe. :) xxxx
02-19-2014, 03:38 PM
Well, well no wonder your putting it in the ......don,t worry pile, all round that is a fab report Trish.
So the largest lesion is 2 cm we can live with that and no change in almost a year yay:D Adrenal staying the same size all sounds sooooo good, and no nasties :D
That would be good if you could cut the price of Flynnys meds as you are paying heaps for it, but as its needed then what can you do.:rolleyes: My vet was the same, he only suggested lipomas were removed if it interfered with movement, Woody was covered in them, with quite a large one under his front leg (armpit) but it didn,t impair his walking so I never got it removed. I know Mike is keen to get them removed so you may need to think about that. WTG on the no pred, he really has bounced back from his last surgery and is doing really well.:D
Go Flynny you Rock !!!!
Squirt's Mom
02-19-2014, 03:44 PM
That is a great report, Trish, and I am very happy to see it! GO FLYNNY!!!! :D
02-19-2014, 04:43 PM
Nice to be here on a weekday morning :D Yay for annual leave, wonder if you are in bed already Tracy as there is no one here to talk to!! :D I had a bit of a sleep-in and Flynn was not complaining either!! In all the rushing about I had forgotten to order his food, so had to dash down the pet store as luckily they stock it too.
I also went and looked into the Silymarin at the health food shop, had a good chat to the herbalist woman in there. She was totally not sure of dog dosages so we agreed on the lowest dose and I am going to read up on the internet about that how much to give him. It is in capsules so if I need to and it is safe to do so I can split it. I cannot get Denamarin here without it costing an arm and a leg!
Yes Tracy, I am going to not worry about those lipomas... I am sure they bother me more than him. IMS Mike said to get Local Mike (:confused:) to make sure he puts a needle into them to check, I know we have done that to most of them so we will just recheck they are all done. He said some can be liposarcoma, but rarely but is worth getting them checked out. x
02-19-2014, 04:58 PM
I,m here :) Yeah I got a needle biopsy done on Woodys, better safe that sorry. I think you both deserve a sleep in after all that driving
02-19-2014, 05:04 PM
Hey, your here! I am feeling good today, bit stiff but no wonder sitting all that way! There was another dog in the waiting room, a tiny little brown pug. His name was Flynn too and his Mum was so worried, his local vet had sent him over for an urgent scan. They were not in the waiting room when I came back out, but the nurses and receptionists were joking about the double Flynn's.
On the way home, I stopped in at a KFC for a snack... I am trying to be good and no chips for me. Coleslaw and potato and gravy (prob as bad as chips anyway!). There was this young Maori boy on the drive through and he was so funny and chatty, then tells me he had accidentally put a bag of chips in for me with this big smile!! LOL and then he asked where I was heading so gave him the story of the long drive and Flynny and then he is like OMG you need sugar, here's a free Mars bar LOL think I will email his store and put in a compliment. I have never had free stuff from any drive through ever!
02-19-2014, 05:11 PM
Oh get you, getting free food from KFG I,m impressed with that cashier :D Not so good for the watching what your eating lol. I am partial to a KFC now and again !!
Oh two Flynns in the same place, I hope the other Flynn got good results too.
When you back at work, I crashed my computer tonight grrrrr its driving me nuts
02-19-2014, 05:13 PM
Not till next Monday now, lovely day already to hot to get out and work outside or take the boy walking! Will take him tonight when it cools down. He is tired too, he gave me a bit of a look this morning as I put him in the car with no breakfast as we had run out... he must have been thinking uh oh, this happened yesterday and I was in the car ALLLLLLLLLLLLL DAAAAAAY!
bugger about the computer, stupid things. That is one thing I still need to fix, the storage space but it is such a big job I keep putting it off!
02-19-2014, 05:19 PM
Hee Hee poor Flynn thinking he was going to be in the car all day again. Pftt to hot to walk I wish, although we had rain this morning then this afternoon it was quite nice, and the sun was out for a little while, I even managed to take my fleece off this afternoon lol.
I stupidly upgraded my pc to windows 8.1 and its a bleeding nightmare has slowed everything down, webpages take ages to load tried everything to fix it but nope, may have to take it somewhere to get it fixed blargh !
02-19-2014, 05:27 PM
Stink!!! Blardy computers! I am useless with the inner workings :)
I saw your post on Woody's thread, cannot believe it is two months either. You are doing so good Tracy, look at all your have accomplished, you took care of your health, got a job, learnt to cook!!! We can all look to your for inspiration! Your doing amazing, even though you still miss that special little Woody :) (This is me giving you a big pat on the back!)
02-19-2014, 05:35 PM
Thanks Trish I,ll take that pat on the back. :p I,ve done alright, I have my bad days but have kept going forward with life, you just have to I suppose. Two months seems like no time at all, but I may well be on the road to my new normal, obviously it would be better if Woody would have been here to share it with me, specially the cooking part he loved his grub hee hee. If I could just get over the surgery part then I would be fine, I suppose that guilt will fade in time I hope, but yes I think I will make it. :D
02-19-2014, 05:44 PM
I think after any loss the "What If's" are what torment people, all we can do is decide what to do with the best information you have at the time. You did that, I would have totally done the same as many of us here would have. You were going for a cure with his best interests at heart. So I also your doubts will fade with time... of course they will, you could not have done more for that boy!
02-19-2014, 05:50 PM
Your right I did what I thought was best at the time, but it does still plague me, it will go in time :p
Well holiday maker I must get to bed as I have work in the morning even if you don,t, I have 4018 pallets of booze to ship tomorrow so lots of brain work needed to get it all in place.
As always good to catch up, give that boy of yours a gentle head scratch from me, the boy did good !!!!
02-19-2014, 05:55 PM
Have a good sleep! I am actually considering a nap, then I am going to make a pavlova for dinner at Mum and Dads in the new Kitchen Aid... will let you know if it turns out!
Budsters Mom
02-19-2014, 06:42 PM
Great report Trish. That's not too surprising for our wonder dog! Hugs to you my dear and butt scratches for the main man. Xxxxxx
molly muffin
02-19-2014, 06:52 PM
That is a wonderful report. Flynn comes through with flying colors. Yay.
Oh funny, the drive through cashier felt sorry for you and sent you off with chips and sugar together. LOL What a great guy.
My vet said the same thing about Molly's lipomas, so not touching them unless they grow too large.
Work has been a blasted pain in the *&^^% lately. I must say, I'm missing that vacation big time. Every day is overtime it seems like. *sigh* It will calm down at some point I'm sure. Nice job security as they say though. LOL
hope you have a lovely evening. How's dad today?
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-19-2014, 07:19 PM
Yes it is good overall, all his other internal bits, spleen, pancreas, bowel, urinary system checked out ok. I just did not like reading about the nodules throughout the liver. Hopefully they are benign, the vet was saying that we could rescan in six months. But we ended up agreeing on another in 3 months.
There is something weird on the report about right adrenal gland being normal... hello?? That was removed. I am hoping it is just a typo and they have missed out the important word adrenal bed!! I have emailed to seek clarification as you know adrenal glands do not grow back!
I emailed a compliment to KFC Sharlene, so I hope the young man receives the feedback from his manager. Great customer service!
haven't seen Dad yet, going around about 4pm, Mum said he had a good sleep there was not much ooze on the dressing. But he was a bit dizzy earlier, no wonder with that low haemoglobin but he also has Menieres which makes him dizzy at times.
02-19-2014, 09:04 PM
Mel - when you pop in I have to tell you the Kitchen Aid had its first outing today, I have just made a pavlova. But its a flop :mad: seems I had the oven a bit high and on fan bake... should have been normal bake :mad: its a tad brown and bit flat LOL... still pile on the cream and some fruit and I am sure it will be quite tasty!!! It was a breeze to use though, love it!
that is weird that they noted the adrenal gland. They did that on one of Kiras ultra sounds too....our friend on here. Not sure she found out why they thought they saw the one removed. I would ask them about it.
Liver nodules. are you going to rescann? are his liver values good? and they werent there on last scan? hmmm think i can toss any more questions in there? lol
love and hugs to you and flynny
02-19-2014, 09:40 PM
Hi Stormee
The nodules were there previously, during the surgery in November the surgeon noted them but he described them as "old dog lumps and bumps". I am just not sure if this scan is the same number, I presume they are as IMS said there was little change. We will rescan in three months. Have you been to diabetes forum yet??
ohhhh thats right. I remember that being mentioned. I know the readings of the ultra sounds are very detailed and noted and then the IMS will sort of weed through all the findings and justify.
I did register today on the forum. I cant post thread yet as I think my submission is still being reviewed but i can view entire site. I have poked around in there a bit reading few things. There is much trying to not get overwhelmed and stay focused. My "special k" little gal. lol.....keeps me on my toes for sure that I am listening to her. She has taught me so much.
02-19-2014, 10:21 PM
Well you are so good with cooking for her I am sure you will be able to meet any dietary needs without a problem! Plus you have your nutritionist to give advice. Hopefully she will get her bounce back once that is under control! Yes is very strange about that adrenal comment, I just hope it is not some tumour grown back there :(
Maybe it is just a typo. Keep the positive vibes going:):):):):)
molly muffin
02-20-2014, 02:26 PM
Have you heard anything back yet, where you had emailed to ask them about that adrenal gland?
I know, it's probably nothing, but i'd be on pins and needles waiting. (we all know that I lack good patience skills) :)
Hope your skill set is better than mine!! LOL
It's way too far to drive to harrass them :) :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-20-2014, 03:16 PM
Hi Addy and Sharlene! :)
No, I haven't heard anything back yet, but realised this morning the IMS only works there Tues/Wed so not sure if he reads his emails the other days. So I just emailed the office and asked them to check with the radiologist and maybe he could get back to me. So will see what happens, if I have not heard anything by late this arvo I will get on the phone and ask them.
I think my patience skills, like yours, are fairly non-existent Sharlene ;) x
02-20-2014, 04:02 PM
Hey there, I don,t do patience either. Hope it was just a typo and that they get back to you to confirm it. I see you have used the new Kitchen Aid, have you eaten the pavlova yet?
02-20-2014, 04:17 PM
Hey! Yes, I think a few of us were at the back of the line when the patience chip was handed out :D:D The pavlova was chewy and tasted smoky is not how it's meant to be! Did you get all your malt out?
02-20-2014, 04:26 PM
Yip all out but just in the nick of time in order for it to make the flights as it was going to Spain, Greece and Germany. I had problems with the woman in despatch today, I,ve noticed she has been dragging her heels and making the orders late, but as I,m training I,ve not said anything but today I had to do it all by myself, so we had to have some words nothing goes on late on my watch ! ;) We were also informed today that the company is being bought over and we met the new owner, he seems ok and has told me that they are investing 2 million in the production of the malts and it will be going all over the world so I should be kept really busy. :eek:
02-20-2014, 04:33 PM
Wow ack I hate having words with anyone at work, but it has to be done so good for you!! Will she be under you once you are all trained up? Wow I hope you get a payrise for all that extra work!! Still a bit early to be asking that when you only been there a week! :D
Flynny is outside on the line eating a frozen lamb brisket, his teeth and gums have been worrying me, I also got some fluid stuff you put in their water that helps too. He clenches his teeth so hard when I try brush them it's lucky if I get a bit of a skim down the sides!
02-20-2014, 04:40 PM
Yeah she will be under me, I am always nice and polite when I have words with people and just explain why I,m doing it and what I expect of them usually works ha ha, we,ll see I can see her becoming a problem but I,ll cross that if and when I need to.
Brushing dogs teeth can be a problem, Woody would rather have eaten me that get his teeth brushed lol. I have heard of people getting good results with I think its called tartar off. Whats up with his gums ? Has he recovered from his day in the car :)
02-20-2014, 04:45 PM
He been pretty tired the last couple of days. His gums just a bit red, maybe an ulcer again at the back but cannot see it properly. I am just so loathe to change him from what he has been eating. But it is mainly soft, he loves bones but sometimes eats to big of a piece at once so hopefully the frozen will make him slow down and chew it properly. I got lamb brisket to keep him on the same novel protein so hope it works. Most of the dental chew thingamies have wheat in them and we are grain free, but I did find one called Whimsee that is grain free. When he chewed it there was a wee bit of blood on it so something not right in there, but I do not think it is a major and want to get him chewing a bit more. I have bought him nylabone dental floss chew toy but he won't have a bar of that, he only likes chewing the soft toys with squeakers!
02-20-2014, 04:51 PM
Oh goodness I can,t believe how much he,s like woody, he wouldn,t have a bar of a nylabone either. I got it on my vets recommendations for his teeth I ended up giving it to a neighbours dog :eek: Poor Flynny all tired, to be expected he has been through an ordeal this week what with the long drive in the car then the stress of the scan. Good idea to keep him on the same protein, don,t want that IBD to flare up. I take it you can,t see anything untoward in his gums when you look.
02-20-2014, 04:56 PM
They a wee bit red, will have a good look when we see Mike next. I had another look after his brisket chewing and they look whiter already so we will just have to wait and see that he tolerates the bone and hopefully I can keep giving him them!
molly muffin
02-20-2014, 08:22 PM
Those teeth can be tricky. Dogs just put anything into their mouths and go to town on it. Could have even poked a gum with something.
Hope you hear something back and don't have to wait for the IMS to be in.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
02-21-2014, 02:23 AM
AWWWW Poor Flynny, not another mouth owie . :o xxxxxx
02-21-2014, 03:59 AM
He hasn't had a good day really, panting and then straining to poop. It was not long after he had the lamb brisket so don't think that had time to affect his tummy, maybe it was the tooth cleaning chew thing:confused: anyway on our walk he did a little poop but still straining and it was very soft but not quite what you would call diarrhea. Perky as tonight when it cooled down and hungry for his dinner so hopefully just a bad poop day!
I got an email back from the radiologist about the right adrenal:
"I did the scan on Flynn. My apologies, I was not aware that Flynn had the right adrenal gland removed and only knew of the liver lesion. Hence I assumed the wedge shaped hypoechoic organ adjacent the caudal vena cava in the cranial abdomen was the right adrenal. The structure is therefore likely to be an abdominal lymph node. The shape of the right adrenal is exactly the same as the organ observed in this study.
Once again my apologies for the error. I will speak to Mike on Tuesday about this as I will not be here on Monday"
So I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing? :eek: :confused: I am getting a few questions ready to send back to them to ask more. During his surgery in November the surgeon told me the area around the previous adrenalectomy was nice and clear, so hopefully nothing is occurring there. Blardy hell, the liver was enough to worry about without having this pop up! :(
02-21-2014, 06:37 AM
Oh Trish, I've been following your posts and so hoping you'd be getting a final "all's clear" from the scan. And now to have yet another question mark -- and to wait until Tuesday...GRRRR!! Please give Flynnie a big pat and I hope that radiologist knows he's got a whole crew of folks who want to know what the heck is going on!
02-21-2014, 08:14 AM
Thanks Marianne, I have just finished a lengthy email which I bet you can imagine judging by the length of my usual posts here!! I sent it to the radiologist and the IMS and will await their answers on Tuesday.
Thanks for popping in, but your meant to be on holiday!! I never did get to see Dr McDreamy on this trip ;)
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 04:32 PM
My vet told me that things can move around inside of them, either when something else is large and pushing. I don't know if that would be explain something filling that area or not or how that works.
This is not working well for that patience gene to have been left out of us. grrrr
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-21-2014, 06:11 PM
Hey you
Thanks for your notes. I am doing ok. We took a sunflower to the field and wandered around with Boyce for a bit, remembered her when she was well and scamping around in the grass that we left the flower. She would hop through and then look up to see where we were.
How you doing? Flynn ok? Sorry you have to wait till bloody Tuesday to get any answers re the scan notes!
02-21-2014, 06:21 PM
Hi Mel, he is sorta OK, it is really boiling hot today and he keeps laying out in the sun so I shoo him back inside. Tummy not right, soft skinny poops again this morning. But I think he seems better than yesterday, not panting as much.
It is full on here in town today, we had a big earthquake that flattened my city in 1931 so it was rebuilt in Art Deco style. It is a lovely pretty city and we celebrate Art Deco weekend every February. Everyone gets dressed up in the style and loads of events on. There is a steam train tooting up and down the railway line just over the road from me and vintage planes roaring around the sky, if you wanted a lie in this morning you are out of luck! There were just 5 planes flying in formation doing loop de loops with smoke out the back! Very impressive!
I don't like this anniversary day much either as it is 3 years today since the nasty earthquake in Christchurch that killed 180 people, I will never forget the terror of being in that city on that awful day when you could not trust the very ground you were walking on, it could toss you down like a rag doll and all that liquefaction rushing out the broken roads and drains was terrifying as was running through the streets as people were screaming there were gas leaks and piles of smoking rubble where buildings had fallen. :( I was a lucky one and got out with my life, but being a refugee for two days with nothing but what I was wearing was very sobering so I am remembering all those that did not make it today.
02-21-2014, 06:25 PM
Mel good to see you, that was a lovely thing to do, anniversaries are hard especially the first one.
Trish - whats all this with the Flynn boy, do you think it was the lamb brisket that may have caused his tummy and poop problems, although the heat won,t help him much
02-21-2014, 06:32 PM
Rubbish re the poops, so frustrating as he was going well. Could he have munched anything on your walks?
I remember that on the news. Can't imagine what it must have felt like to be caught up in it. Must have been horrendous for you. Were you stuck in the city?
Hey Tracy - how was your second work week? Going ok? Just got in from your Friday night catch up? Have anything nice for tea?
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 06:35 PM
That was horrible day Trish. I cannot even imagine being in that situation.
I remember watching the news reports as they came out and it was quite awful.
My niece was on the Oakland bridge that collapsed in the earthquake in San Francisco, driving off it, she said she could see it falling in her rear view mirror and cars going over. She was lucky to be just far enough in front to make it off. Sort of like some horrible thriller movie scene. It was 2 days before I could reach my family. Then my niece lost her apartment when the earthquake hit in Los Angeles some years later (every decade I think she is in an earthquake). She was luckily away in Las Vegas at the time.
I am Not a fan of earthquakes.
The art deco festival sounds like it would be alot of fun though. Do you have plans for the day?
I do hope Flynn man gets to feeling better. The heat and something has really got his tummy going, but maybe it'll pass and each day get better naturally.
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-21-2014, 06:35 PM
No wasn,t out tonight, i,m going out tomorrow night as its my birthday Sunday. So i have been and painted 2 rooms in my niece,s new house, i,m shattered. Work still going good. :D
I too remember it on the news, but hadn,t realised you had been caught up in it how scary :eek:
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 06:36 PM
Mel that is an absolutely wonderful way to celebrate Tia's life. That is what is important to remember, her life and her loves. :)
Tracy, do tell about your work week. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 06:37 PM
ohhh, a happy early birthday. You know, a birthday is not a one day celebration.. no no no my dear girl. A birthday is celebrated for at least a week, maybe more even! I am fully in favor of long birthday celebrations. :)
birthday huggers!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-21-2014, 06:37 PM
That is lovely leaving that big bright flower for her Mel! Glad it was not too wet to get out for a walk with Boyce. I wish we could do more to make it easier for you but it is one of those things that only time will heal.
I dunno Tracy, he does grab things on our walks so I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. He is not getting any more brisket this week though.
Yes, I was in the city Mel. Right in the middle of it at a conference. it was lunch time so we were all in the exhibition hall and stupid me had left my bag upstairs. There was no way you could go up there, so no phone, no money, no nothing. Weren't allowed to try and get back to hotels so my bag was stuck there for nearly 3 months. So homeless I was :eek: I tell you, I have a new respect for the Salvation Army and Red Cross who swung into action so fast. I donate to them every year now, they were fantastic.
02-21-2014, 06:42 PM
The sun was actually out today. Am sure it will be gone tomorrow as it's the weekend!!
I would have been distraught, although I wouldn't have left me bag :eek: thank goodness they were able to help you. It's nice that you give back still.
Are you off out and about to the festival today or you gonna have a slow day?
Happy birthday for Sunday Tracy x
02-21-2014, 06:45 PM
Yeah Trish I would err on the side of caution just to be safe, poor Flynny. I would have been terrified going through that, thank god I live in Scotland and we don,t get earthquakes.
Sharlene - I may have to extend my birthday celebrations now that you said that lol . The company I work for has been bought over this week so its been rather busy getting everything ready for the change over on Monday. I put a whole shipment out all on my own this week 4018 pallets of Malt, i was nervous but got it all together and got it done in the nick of time :D
02-21-2014, 06:53 PM
Jeepers Sharlene your poor niece, that does sound like a horror movie... My god I would have been screaming at any traffic in front to move their butts!! They are scray things for sure, you would have had to leave your bag Mel, the stairs were broken and covered in glass :eek: BUT it always comes to lunch with me now haha
OH yep, I call it "The Festival of Tracy" and shall be celebrated at least a week :D that is an awful lot of whiskey, you don't have to shift them all yourself do you? You have some person to boss around on a fork lift of something I hope!
We are off out, my niece Jade is leaving this afternoon for a holiday in Bali and Vietnam so Mum, my sister and I are heading out to the airport to wave her off. Then heading in to town to have a bit of a look around, although I think this heat might be a bit much for Mum so it might be a drive by and grab an icecream, Flynn will have to stay with Dad as it is far to hot for him to be in the care if we are in the airport.
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 06:57 PM
Sounds like a good day! Have fun Trish! Good idea to leave Flynn with dad, they can keep an eye on each other. Trouble those two are!
Tracy, talk about wild timing. I'm glad you got the job before all the buying and selling went through. :) Wicked timing that was! Pffft, no malt you can't whip into a shipment! Neither rain, nor snow nor sleet shall stop the malt!!
Mel, hope you Do get sunshine for the weekend. That would be lovely and then you could get some good out door time too with Boyce.
hugs all
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-21-2014, 06:59 PM
Ha ha yes I do have 2 fork lift drivers that put them on the lorries for the airport, but I do have to strip down the pallets, when the deliveries comes in and make sure they are correct, then use pallet truck to move them to my department, so it can be quite a physical job lots of lifting and up and down, but when i,m trained i won,t have to do it :eek:
Oh Bali what I would do for some sun right now. :D
02-21-2014, 07:04 PM
Oh Festival of Tracy I like that, I must celebrate for the week then :D
Yes pretty good timing on the job, but I think they already knew before I got the job and as the new company are investing 2 million into the malt side of the business then they needed someone to run that side .... Me. They also do vodka, gin, brandy, and blended whisky which i also have to ship out.
Mel we had sunshine today but it was bitterly cold, and its to rain all weekend here just for a change. :eek:
02-21-2014, 07:05 PM
EEK, I don't do heavy labour haha... glad you have some help with that!!
Bali is lovely, but too touristy for me. I was there in the mid 90s and cannot imagine what it is like now... I have given her strict instructions about eating and drinking as there had been a spate of people dying after some dodgy cocktails were mixed with home brew type stuff :eek:
What have you got on for the weekend Sharlene? You would have been able to wear your outfit for that big party you missed at our festival, it would have fit right in! come on down!
02-21-2014, 07:05 PM
Will be nice for Flynn and pops to spend some time together. How is dad doing? Has that blinking oozing stopped?
I love wandering around the festivals and markets, so hope it cools down a bit so you can take a look!
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 07:17 PM
Ohhhh!!! I would so love that!!! I'm having a blast watching the art deco weekend videos!! They are so wonderful. I'd be right in the middle of everything I'm sure. hahahahaha
If you guys didn't have your island all so bloody far away, could catch a flight and be there. I'd leave today and still probably miss everything! show up two days later and wonder where my ice cream was at. hahahahaha
oh shopping would be fun! You have to check out these videos girls. I'm ready to travel!! year Feb 21st maybe LOL
sharlene and molly muffin
02-21-2014, 07:27 PM
They are certainly fun weekends and have really grown over the years!! You stick out like a sore thumb if you go up town in normal clothes!! Oh I just watched the first video and you can see the planes that have been zooming over my house doing tricks! Cool
Dad doing good thanks Mel, the oozing does seem to have stopped for now, a little red around edges of the dressing. I have asked me to change it myself if needed over weekend and he is to see ortho surgeon Monday. He is a bit grumpy though, just fed up with it all I think :eek:
02-21-2014, 07:29 PM
Dunno about you lot but I am sitting here so nervous until we hear from Addy again... I feel so bad for her right now going through this. :(
02-21-2014, 07:30 PM
Can't blame him, poor sod. In hospital for ages and now out and still not able to do much, he probably misses his walks with the wee man too!
02-21-2014, 07:31 PM
I am too, hate that they are going through this, her blinking IMS didn't seem much help again either!
02-21-2014, 07:40 PM
Yip I am too, I should be in bed, but can,t seem to log off without hearing anything :(
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 07:40 PM
It's pins and needles and every moment we don't hear something I worry more. :( Then I think, maybe no news will be good news and she is spending time with Zoe and that would be good.
I know what you mean Mel. :(
sharlene and molly muffin
02-21-2014, 07:50 PM
Yes, I am going to hold on to the no news is good news theory too. C'mon Zoe!
02-21-2014, 07:57 PM
I am going to try for some sleep as it's 1am now. Might come back if I can't
Hope your niece gets off ok Trish. Catch up with you all later today.
Paws up Zoe xx
02-21-2014, 07:58 PM
I,ll hold onto that as well, C,mon Zoe you can do it!
02-21-2014, 07:59 PM
Take care Mel I hope you can get some sleep. xx
02-21-2014, 07:59 PM
Night Mel, hope you get some sleep. I have to go in half an hour too... better go get ready, but leaving this turned on till the very last minute!
02-21-2014, 08:01 PM
I,m off to bed too, I can,t hang on my eyes are closing. Hope you have a lovely day Trish and its not too hot there :D
molly muffin
02-21-2014, 08:23 PM
I'll be around tonight off and on. I'm in chill out mode. Hubs home in the morning.
Sleep well all and have fun Trish.
02-21-2014, 08:24 PM
I am heading out, sorry to leave right now but will back in a few hours. Going with thoughts of Zoe and Addy xxxxxxxx
02-22-2014, 03:57 AM
I am off to walk Boyce now, he has got up and decided it's time!
We won't be that long as we have the opposite problem to you, it's bloody freezing this morning.
Be back soon
02-22-2014, 04:02 AM
Scarf and boots for you both then :D I am going to have some dinner, cannot live on chocolate alone! See you soon
Hey you two.
Trish, so relieved that the scan report is so good, but sorry you have to wait for further clarification regarding the absent right adrenal gland. I was missing in the line when patience was handed out also, absolutely no good with waiting.
Interesting about the cost of Benazepril versus Enalapril. Here it is the other way around. The cost of Enalapril has gone up significantly recently for my vet, so much so that they are not carrying it at the office anymore as of a couple of months ago. I priced it at my people pharmacy and it was very reasonable, so brought the script there. In fact, I was a little miffed that all this time I had been paying three times the price for it at my vets, and that was before the cost went up! It didn't ever occur to me to try to get it at a people pharmacy. :rolleyes: Benazepril is apparently much less costly here as my vets office still carries that. It will be great if you can decrease Flynn's dose.
How is he feeling tonight? I am wondering if that frozen hunk of lamb maybe upset his tummy? Had he ever had that before?
02-22-2014, 05:16 AM
My IMS said we could get Enalopril as cheap as chips from people pharmacy too, so I am definitely going to look into that. I bought Milk thistle the other day but am worried it does not contain all the ingredients he is getting in the Samilyn, which is more like SAMe so I think I am going to bite the bullet and keep paying for the Samilyn and I will take the Mild Thistle as sounds a good thing!
I am a little upset about this whole adrenal thing on the scan, if it is a lymph node is it meant to be there? ARe they meant to be as big as an adrenal?? I have googled of course and they can be quite large and a dog adrenal is not that big around 1cm, so will just have to wait and hear what they tell me.
There was not actually much actual lamb, it is mainly bones, like ribs. His tummy was upset within 3-4hrs of eating it so dunno if that would have done that so fast? He seems better today, still no normal poop that I have seen.
How is Jasper doing?
02-22-2014, 05:21 AM
No wonder you are upset about the adrenal thing, it's a question and you haven't had it answered so you can help but worry and wander. All these vets never seem to be at work when you need an answer. So blinking frustrating!
02-22-2014, 05:25 AM
Yeah, stupid vets how dare they have a weekend :D
I don't blame you about being upset with the adrenal thing. I guess I don't completely understand how a lymph node could be mistaken for an adrenal gland on the scan. And I have already mentioned my shortcomings in the waiting department.
Yes, how dare they have a weekend! My vet mentioned that she is going to be on vacation the first week of March, which is when Jasper's labwork is due. How dare she!! :) So I will wait till the 2nd week of March.
Jasper seems to be doing ok, thanks. He is still sleeping quite a bit. :confused: I still need to post an update on his thread, that is on my lengthy to do list for the weekend. The mobile groomer is coming this morning for his bath and haircut, so I am sure he will be wiped out after that. I need to give him an extra dose of Dex to help with the stress from that.
Do you think Flynn ate bone fragments? I know my Dakota would frequently get stomach problems from bones, and even colitis. After that happened a couple of times, the vet said no more bones. Maybe that bothered him. I think the upset could come within 3-4 hours, it seems like sometimes it doesn't take long for that to occur. Is Flynn used to chewing on those bones?
I forgot to comment on the Samilyn versus milk thistle. Yes, I would agree that it would be best to continue the Samilyn due to the SAMe. This sounds like it is similar to Denamarin, which is what Jasper gets. It is a combo drug and contains both ingredients. It is very expensive, but I don't think as expensive as your Samilyn. Sounds like you can't get Denamarin there?
Yikes, just saw that I need to be up for the day in an hour, so I need to try to get a bit of shut eye. I will be back later girls.
02-22-2014, 06:11 AM
No we can't get Demarin, so have decided to stick to Samilyn which is similar.
He does not usually have the bones, but he had been so good lately I though he needed the crunch for his teeth. So sad if he cannot have it again, he lay out on the lawn with his brisket in 7th heaven crunching away. That was two days ago and he still spends a bit of time sniffing that area as he can remember the taste!!
Aww Jasper is going to be a fluffy boy this afternoon!! Nice they come to you, luckily Flynn with his short coat never needs trimming and I just wash him myself in the shower, he sure does not like it though! Hope Jasper chills for his wash today :)
I have to get to bed now, getting late so will see you all soon xx
02-22-2014, 06:22 AM
Night night to both of you. Hope for good poops for Flynn tomorrow.
I might take Boyce again as it seems a bit warmer, will be around today though xxx
02-22-2014, 06:32 AM
Sometimes I don't know how you function on your broken sleep Tina, I would be a zombie if I don't get enough sleep!! Luckily its Saturday so maybe you can have a nana nap later in the day! Night xx
Checking in with you to say thank you for everything and being there around the clock. You even broke your no checking the forum before work rule.:o I think I am still in zombie land and not mentally functioning so bear with me on that.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
hugs, hope Flynn is better with his tummy issue
Budsters Mom
02-23-2014, 09:23 PM
Hey Trish, how us Flynny's mouth doing.
What did he do that was so bad that he deserved red sweater punishment? :D too funny! lol :D:D
02-24-2014, 03:23 AM
Kathy, I dressed him as I spotted Trixie in the same sweater so wanted to take a photo for Barbara!! He was only in that red sweater about 2 mins while I took the pic :D He is not bothering his mouth, have not had a good look in it for a couple of days and his poops are back to being fine. I will have to do another test with the brisket, as I had given him a tooth chewy thingamy and that could have been the culprit to upset his tum too. I must remember what Addy always preaches which is only do one thing new at a time so if anything gets upset you will know what it is! Wise girl that Addy!! x
I think I have to go see the sweater. Is it the one that matches Trixie's, cant find the question mark on the keyboard in the dark. You'd think Id have it memorize but I flunked typing in high school.
02-24-2014, 05:25 AM
You should have had my typing teacher, she had these pieces of material with elastic bands attached, one went around the back of the typewriter and the other end around your neck so you could not see the keys :eek: After I left school I never needed to be able to type, then when computers came in the 90's all that touch typing came flooding back... like riding a bike!
02-24-2014, 05:26 AM
Oh and yes it is the one that matches Trixie's coat!!
02-24-2014, 10:18 AM
My family completely cracked up seeing Flynn's face in the sweater photo! He was not amused, but the cutest look of disgust! It was kind of cold here this morning but she didn't wear her sweater!! Trixie avoids the foyer and door area until she sees I'm not pulling outerwear out of the basket!
Time for her breakfast and medicine...and coffee time for me!!
02-24-2014, 01:55 PM
HI Barbara, glad your family got a smile from the pic... so funny!!
That sounds really yum Leslie!! I am keeping that recipe on standby for winter! I might even try the new mixer on the bread bowls, it has a bread making prong :D
02-24-2014, 02:17 PM
Hey you any news from the IMS yet?
02-24-2014, 06:22 PM
Just nipping into see how you are both doing? Hoping dad's feeling better too..?
Been on a mission to track down a pinky bar over here as they are Cadburys and they are not to found, not even on amazon and you can usually always rely on them :D
Hoping you here back re the adrenal thing today
02-25-2014, 12:23 AM
Hi! Night shift checking in :) I did hear back from IMS, he gave a few brief comments and said that he is waiting radiologists report and they will then call and discuss ongoing plan.
He said it looks like a normal lymph node which was doing a good impression of the right adrenal gland.
There is one liver node, that is new from last scan. 1cm and has target appearance that makes it more likely to be malignant. He said it is not large but worth keeping an eye on.
Otherwise everything else is stable.
So there we are, still waiting formal radiologist review but those are his thoughts.
02-25-2014, 02:16 AM
I love Panera's broccoli cheddar soup!
Thank you for the recipe!
02-25-2014, 02:17 AM
We'll keep our fingers crossed Trish!
Hopefully it won't do anything at all.
molly muffin
02-25-2014, 07:26 AM
Oh fooey, a new node that might be malignant. :( This wasn't anywhere to be seen I take it when they did the surgery in November? How very frustrating. Although very good that it appears to be a lymph node as moved into the vacant space to take up residence, rather than anything else going on there.
So, 3 month scan again I am guessing and be prepared for anything when you go up.
Well, have to get to work. Have a good day all
Sharlene and molly muffin
02-25-2014, 02:39 PM
Oh goodness a new node although not too bad at 1 cm. what's the plan Trish? Are you going to wait and see at
Budsters Mom
02-25-2014, 02:45 PM
Hey, our boy is tough! I know you'll be keeping an eye on that node. Thankfully, it was found while still tiny. Xxxxxx
02-25-2014, 03:40 PM
Why is there always something to worry about. Hope you heard something back today.
sending love and kisses and hopes the new node is nothing to worry about
02-25-2014, 11:35 PM
Yes I have heard back again today from the IMS ...
My question: I am concerned about that target nodule too. My understanding was they are hyperechoic in core and hypoechoic on the rim but Flynn's is the other way around?
His reply: Yes this is opposite to the target lesions that are described in the literature. That obviously raises the question of whether we can call this a true ‘target lesion’. I will check with our radiologist!
So waiting again to see what the radiologist says about this. He did recommend we rescan in 2-3 months to see what is happening. I think I will go for the two month!
Plus local Mike is back from leave and he has emailed too wanting to call tonight and catch up, but I am going out to dinner soon, so unless he calls in the next hour that will have to be later in week x
Budsters Mom
02-25-2014, 11:54 PM
This just won't do for my Flynny boy! You have both been through so much! I know you are on top of it Trish. Hugs to you my dear and butt scratches for the main man. Xxxx
02-26-2014, 05:55 AM
Typical, so Flynn has the opposite of most pups! I guess we need the radiologist to tell us what that means, more waiting!
Hope you had a nice dinner and are having sweet dreams. Catch you soon
Squirt's Mom
02-26-2014, 07:12 AM
Boy, our Flynn loves puzzles, huh? So much so he creates internal puzzles! :D Hoping this new node is nothing to worry about, sweetie.
Waiting along with you Trish for more explanation. I too hope this is nothing to worry about for our little man. I hope you had a nice dinner out.
Tina and Jasper xo
02-26-2014, 12:23 PM
Oh Trish that's a bummer, but just typical of Flynn not to be normal:eek: I too would scan in 2 months hope he is still well. How was your dinner
molly muffin
02-26-2014, 01:14 PM
Enjoy your dinner. Maybe you can catch up with local mike tomorrow or the next day. Flynn loves a mystery eh. :) I'd probably do 2 months too just because. I hate unknowns, drives me up the wall. Maybe it is a part of the patience gene.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-27-2014, 04:04 PM
I hope you have a blast this weekend Trish enjoy I,m a little jealous :p
molly muffin
02-27-2014, 04:26 PM
I'm totally jealous! LOL Nothing little about it. You have to have an amazing good time for All of us who can't be there too.
Rock on Trish!
Flynn will keep the home town safe while you are away and keep an eye on dad and mum I bet too.
Sharlene and molly muffin
I'm totally jealous too! As I mentioned in an earlier post, Bruce is one of my lifelong faves. You will have a great time Trish, The Boss never disappoints!!! :D
Big hugs from me and Jasper
03-01-2014, 11:51 AM
Hey you
Hope you got your rock on and enjoyed the weekend..?
Just checking in to see how you all are?
03-02-2014, 12:00 AM
Looking forward to the concert report!! Bet you're having a great time!! :D
They just showed a clip of the concert on our national news.:):):)
Budsters Mom
03-02-2014, 11:02 PM
Okay, we want a full concert report. That way we can live vicariously through you.:D
How's the main man doing? Any more news? Xxxxx
03-03-2014, 04:30 AM
Hi all!
We are back! Flew home this afternoon, man I am pooped!! Work tomorrow too... STINK!!
Anyway, was a fab long weekend, lots of fun, shopping, lunches, dinners, girly drinks and of course "The Boss".. this is the song he opened the concert with he covered our much loved NZ singer Lorde with her recent hit song Royals! Wow that girl is only 17 years old and to have her song sung by Bruce was just amazing, what an honour for her.
We had read all the reviews of the Saturday night show and were all keyed up for our show last night, but he changed it all up a lot and for the first two hours I would have been lucky to know four songs and that included Royals :rolleyes:! Most must have been from albums I did not know, the 2nd half of show had a few more oldies but I have to say I was a bit disappointed not to hear Born in the USA, My Hometown or that River song... boo! Still, he has so many songs he could probably do several concerts and not repeat any :eek: He dedicated a lovely song to Christchurch people and city, called Rise Up or Rising or something and that was really good! Even though I did not know a lot of them you had to be impressed with the band, they were so professional and we really loved it! He played over 3 hours, boy has he got stamina for 64!
We wanted some Americana to wear to the show, my friends knew of a USA store lol... (who knew we had one of those in NZ :) )so off we went on the way to the concert to get a bandanna and we ended up getting stars and stripes head bands too ohhhh and a glow in the dark red white and blue necklace. There's a pic on our album with how silly we looked :D BUT even better they had American Candy and I bought butterfingers and junior mints (eating these RIGHT now) AND Fritos :D We didn't forget our UK friends Mel and Tracy, my friend Christine was born in England and emigrated when she was about 7 so she remembers and likes UK lollies and we have a store called the London Lolly Shop in the middle of the city, she stocked up! But gawd they were disgusting, we decided they were made at Hogwarts out of "eye of newt" or some other dodgy ingredients :cool: So I have to say the USA lollies won the international lolly off competition!! :D:D:D
Flynny was very excited to see me, jumping all over. But I noticed he was panting more than usual and sure enough when I took him for a walk he had a cow pat poop :(, I had wondered if he was a bit off when Mum said he did not want to take his little ball of meat with his pills inside this morning, he never refuses that. He hesitated tonight just a little before eating it all. He is due UPC and BP but not going to do it, as every time in the past when his tummy has been off and I get UPC done it is high. So we will wait until he is 100% again. I had forgotten to take his Metamucil to Mum and Dad's so that might be it. They swear he had no treats he shouldn't have had. I will write to Mike tonight and let him know, we still have not caught up with me being away. Hope all well here, will have to catch up in the next couple of days
Oh Trish, I love the pic!!! You girls look so cute with your little headbands!
I was thinking about you almost every minute of your show, I calculated the time difference correctly this time. I had read the review and setlist from Auckland # 1 and saw that they performed the whole Born in the USA album, which has both of your songs in it! I was a little worried whether he would sing those two again since he is well known to really change things up from night to night. For your show they did the entire Born to Run album instead. So probably songs that were not as familiar to you. :( The song he dedicated to the people of Christchurch is called The Rising from the album of the same name. He performed this alot for dedications after the September 11th terror attack.
I bet Flynn was so happy to see you. Sorry his tummy seems to be bothering him. Now has he been talking to Jasper while you were gone??
Well I need to post an update on Jasper, that boy is going to drive me to drink. Glad you are home safe and sound, and hope we can catch up a little more later. I hope you enjoyed your Butterfinger, I love them. So yummy!
Tina and Jasper xo
Squirt's Mom
03-03-2014, 06:55 AM
Ya'll look great and did us proud over here! :cool::cool::D:cool::cool: And to see The Boss - how cool! I bet ya'll had a blast and I'm really glad you had this opportunity.
I hope Flynn is feeling better and was just upset at the change in his routine.
Leslie and the gang
03-03-2014, 08:14 AM
Omigosh, Bruce did all of Born to Run for you guys??? :eek: Trish, you just needed a senior citizen like me along because that is actually the Springsteen album that I know and love best -- I would have been singing my little heart out had I been there!! :)
At any rate, glad you had a great trip, regardless (and you really ought to buy that album because I think you'd end up loving it! ;))
03-03-2014, 10:01 AM
Wow, sounds like it has been all go over there this weekend!
Just quick line to say Hi, been thinking about you guys heaps lately and hoping everything is going well with Flynny. (Sorry haven't done a whole thread catch up - just last page) Tummy issue aside, I hope he is doing well and still raising hell. Give him a big butt scratch from me and down a glass of wine that you can pretend I poured out for you :D
To everyone else (coz Trish's thread seems to be the one to catch most people) hope you are all well and that everything is running smoothly for you too. Take care folks and I'll check in again soon, promise!
03-03-2014, 11:07 AM
Hi Trish and welcome home! I am glad you had such a good time at the concert. I hope Flynn feels better quickly and is acting like his adorable self again very very soon.
03-03-2014, 11:10 AM
I did want your feedback on Snuggles having an MRI with contrast. I am pretty scared about it all. Both my boys are having MRIs done with contrast Wednesday and Snugs is not on any BP meds, so I am pretty frightened about it can answer in my thread if you prefer.
Thank you
03-03-2014, 11:27 AM
Excellent concert report Trish!! :D Love, love the photo and it looks like so much fun!! Wow...I can't believe he did 3 hours...that's fantastic!
So funny about the American snacks they were selling. There was a shop that opened here in the city near me that just sold only British candy and snacks. It's since closed but was really popular at the outset. So far, no New Zealand treats available around here...except Kiwi fruits!! I love those! I'm a fan of Jr. Mints fact just reading you were having some made me crave a box!!
I hope Flynn's tummy is okay..oh these gastro upsets are always causing worry...I hope by now that it's passed and that Flynn is feeling fine.
03-03-2014, 12:23 PM
You both look adorable :-)
Very patriotic too!
I'll bet the missing Medimucil is the culprit. Flynn should be back on track soon.
Budsters Mom
03-03-2014, 05:12 PM
Thanks for the concert report Trish! I loved all the red white and blue. Xxxxx
Poor Flynny, I hope his poop is back to normal today. Xxxxxx
molly muffin
03-03-2014, 05:36 PM
Ahh, the Flynn-man, he's at that age where he needs his daily metamucil. Gosh, my dad was the same way, but a bit older than Flynn. :) hehehe I'm sure he'll be right as rain now that you are home and will get him straightened out.
It sounds like a real blast of a concert and a great weekend. What a way to round out the summer holidays. Love it!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
03-04-2014, 05:17 AM
Hellooo! Thanks for your comments everyone. Yes the Flynn-man is coming right... I think!! He had me out of bed at 3am to let him outside and he did a massive normal poop then another one this morning. I think with his lack of exercise while I was away with Dad laid up and Mum scared to walk him after she had a run in with two Dobermans when Flynn was a young pup when she had to hold him above her head so they could not get him :eek::eek: So his walk last night must have got everything going again. But he only ate half his breakfast this morning, most unusual :confused: while he was eating I thought he paused like his mouth was sore. I have had a good look in there tonight and just maybe a sore spot, really hard to tell. If there is it is only tiny. He has been fine tonight, no panting, loved his run up the beach. Brrrrr its cold though, cold enough for a jacket!! No liking this autumn and its only 4 days in, it has snowed at the ski fields already :eek:
Mike had texted today and he was going to call tonight but he said he was going out for a while and would call after he got home, must have got home late as not heard from him and it is after 11pm now. We are not having much luck at both being home at the same time to catch up lately, I am sure we will soon though and I have my list of questions ready to go :D
Orthopaedic registrar rang today about Dad, he saw him yesterday in clinic when I was on my way back from Auckland so wI as not there. He spoke with his consultants and they want Dad back in hospital tomorrow at 7am for more surgery as the infection looks like it is breaking through again :mad::mad: So I better get to bed as I am taking him in the morning. Nasty things these hip infections, hope they get it this time but they have warned us it can end up being a chronic problem. :mad::mad: again!
Night all and have a great day tomorrow xxxx munching my last butterfingers... when I went to the US many years ago my nieces and nephew were much younger, they asked me to bring Butterfingers back for them as it was Bart Simpsons favourite candy and they wanted to taste it lol... they really like them, so I have saved them some too for a trip down memory lane even though they are now in their 20s/30s! x
molly muffin
03-04-2014, 09:40 AM
One is never to old for Butterfingers. :) :)
Oh fudge about your dad having to have surgery to clean that wound out again. Gads I do hope this isn't going to be chronic for him. He must feel so frustrated being cooped up and not getting his walks too. Just like Flynn, they need to get out regularly to keep up their spirits.
Well, maybe you and Mike will connect today or at least this week sometime to go over everything.
Glad to hear that Flynn is having a good normal poop. Molly has to have that movement to get her going too, otherwise, we are right back at the bad stuff. Shake it out, shake it out. hahahaha
oh lord, you know you're losing it when you're making the poop jokes.
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-05-2014, 01:16 PM
Sorry to hear about your Dad, Trish. I hope this visit will solve the issue and get that infection cleared out.
Glad Flynn poops are getting back to normal and that he's happily running on the beach.
Trixie was a little off in the poop dept. this morning. I did give her some small tastes of completely lean and freshly made raw chopped sirloin yesterday. Guess I just can't give her beef. :confused: It was really very little, she loves it so much. I had just gotten it from the butcher and she was standing there looking at me...I couldn't resist giving her some little bites. Then this morning things were a little on the softy side. :rolleyes: Nothing too bad...her appetite and everything else just fine.
Those Butterfingers will bring back sweet memories for your niece and nephew!! :p
Budsters Mom
03-05-2014, 02:20 PM
Your poor dad! I am so sorry.:o Thoughts, prayers and healing energy headed your way. Those nasty infections!!!:o xxxxxx
Hi Trish,
Just checking in to see how your Dad is doing. So sorry to hear the infection is flaring again, and I hope the surgery went well. He must be so worn out by all of this.
Glad to hear Flynn's tummy is settling and hope that continues. Then Jasper can follow! :) Still waiting with you for more information on his scan.
Let us know how things are going when you get a chance. Sending positive thoughts for your Dad.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper xo
03-06-2014, 05:56 PM
Awww Trish,
I hope that they can clear the infection for your father once and for all this time. That poor man!
molly muffin
03-06-2014, 06:41 PM
hmmm, about Friday in your area of the world. So, how is dad doing? Do they think they got all the infection?
Did you have a chance to catch up with local Mike this week and do a run down of whats going on with the Flynn-man?
And yes, how is Flynn? Poops staying good, metamucil kicking in? :)
Hope it's not still cold there? What the heck is that about?!! I mean fall sure, but already? :(
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-07-2014, 02:35 AM
Hi everyone
Sorry I have not been on much, blardy awful week here but still its the weekend now so hopefully it is going to get better, if not at least I will get a lie in. :)
Flynn has only been so so.... he is nauseous in the mornings. He has always taken his Samilyn which he has to have an hour before eating with no trouble, but starting Monday he was not so keen. He has been on it about 5 months. I sort of had to insist he ate it, which he did because he is a good boy but very little reluctantly. Then for breakfast an hour later he was leaving half on the plate. Then this morning I gave his samilyn at 6, then he went for a run around outside and I thought he was looking perkier than the other mornings. Back to bed while I have a cup of tea. He was snuggled in his bed with his blankies, then he started retching and puked it all up, pill included :eek::eek: He didn't even sit up but puked lying down :eek:
I did not give him any brekky after that, dropped him to Mum's and asked her to make him some scrambled egg a bit later in the morning, which he devoured. I have spoken to Mike tonight, he said it might be the samilyn so stop it for a few days and see how he goes.
His tummy has been ok poop wise, but he is itching up a storm again so Mike thinks the culprit might be his allergies/IBD flaring again. He has been on the lamb diet a few months and it might be time to change his novel protein again. So tonight I mixed in a little venison with the lamb as Mike does not want it changed too fast.
I do not like him vomiting at all!!! :mad: He has not done that for a long time. I am still not convinced his mouth is OK so we are going to have another good look in there.
Mike is off this weekend, but wants me to text him Sat/Sun with progress reports.
I heard from IMS also, he had spoken to radiologist who said that target lesions can be hypoechoic centre and hyperechoic like Flynn's is, despite what the literature I have read said. Mike said we are not to worry about it until the next scan, he said Flynn has had a few of lumps and bumps in his liver and none have been raging fast ones so if we need to do anything we still have time.
He wants to recheck BP in next week or so but leave UPC until we get nausea sorted. Next scan to be booked in two months time.
I took him for a run up the beach just now, he romped with a Labrador and a wee dog that looked a lot like Rosie :), wish I had my phone on me to take a pic of them, man it was a livewire! So he is not too bad, so I hope stopping the samilyn a few days does the trick. If he improves after stopping it, I am to leave it a few days. Then try it again so we then know if it was the culprit or not. Have any other dogs had trouble with nausea on liver supplements??
On to Dad, he had his hip washout yesterday. The infection was very superficial and the hip joint was clean which is good news. But he has a large incision again. He looked a lot better today. I hope he heals up fine this time. We are awaiting culture of samples they took to see if we need to add to the antibiotic mix. So he is still in hospital for now.
Work has been busy as too.... so all in all it has been a week to forget :( Will try and catch up soon, maybe tonight after I get back from getting my takeout curry dinner!! xxxx
For anyone interested in links between adrenal hyperactivity and liver masses, the IMS sent me this abstract. Probably does not apply to Flynn as his cortisol has been fine.
Hepatocellular Carcinoma/Adenoma in 94 Dogs: Association with Vacuolar Hepatopathy and Adrenal Hyperactivity
ACVIM 2013
P.A.L. Bento; S.A. Center; J.F. Randolph; C.C. Cortright; S.P. McDonough
College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
In dogs, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCCA)/adenoma (HCA) are slowly progressive, locally invasive, and rarely metastasize. Androgen exposure affiliates with HCCA in humans, as suspected in Scottish Terriers. This retrospective study investigated relationship of HCCA/HCA with vacuolar hepatopathy (VH), adrenomegaly, and adrenal hyperactivity in diverse dog breeds (excluding Scottish Terriers).
Cornell's electronic databases (1992–2012) identified 94 dogs with HCCA/HCA. Signalment, clinical signs, clinicopathologic features, hepatic and adrenal ultrasonographic images, histologic findings, and adrenal function tests were recorded. Of 33 breeds (4% were small [< 10 kg], 53% medium [10–20 kg], 43% large [> 20 kg] dogs), 38 were males (2 intact) and 56 females (1 intact). Mixed breeds (29/94) and Golden Retrievers (11/94) were most common. Median age was 12 (2–23) yrs and weight 23.9 (6.8–42.0) kg. Clinical features included: lethargy (28%), inappetence (28%), hepatomegaly (27%), abdominal mass (19%), PU/PD (18%), weight loss (17%), restlessness (15%), vomiting (13%), diarrhea (9%), fever (7%), and distended abdomen (5%). Median hematologic parameters were within reference intervals. Median liver enzymes exceeded reference intervals, notably ALP (9x); 76%, 51%, 95%, and 67% had increased ALT, AST, ALP, and GGT, respectively. Hepatic imaging disclosed hyperechoic parenchyma with variably-sized masses (0.5–30 cm; 73% > 5 cm). Lesions were more common in left (39.5%) and right (25.9%) than central (11.1%) lobes; 23.5% were multifocal. Cytology confirmed HCCA/HCA in 27% of aspirates. VH occurred in 83% and adrenomegaly (> 0.6 cm dogs ≤ 10 kg; > 0.7 cm dogs > 10 kg) in 29/43 (67%). Adrenal hyperactivity (cortisol > 22 µg/dL 1-hr after 5 µg/kg ACTH IV, cortisol > 1.4 µg/dL 8-hrs after 0.015 mg/kg dexamethasone IV, and/or > 2-fold increased baseline or ACTH-stimulated androstenedione, progesterone or 17-OH progesterone) was confirmed in 15/22 (75%) dogs; 9/11 dogs (82%) had increased androstenedione.
Paraneoplastic enzyme activities, tumor affiliation with diffuse VH, adrenomegaly, and adrenal hyperactivity (including sex hormones) suggest possible association with steroidogenic hormones. This phenomenon warrants further investigation.
Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)
Pedro A.L. Bento (wlmailhtml:{55AEAFE4-9472-4B39-B038-8070FEB65F25}mid://00000035/!x-usc:
College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY, USA
molly muffin
03-07-2014, 12:52 PM
Well fooey. I don't like the vomiting either. That isn't a Flynn thing. Maybe it is the Samilyn so withholding and then restarting should tell you that. Still with Flynn, anything off, is a worry. He is pretty good at behavior that lets you know something is up. It's good that he is still romping and playing though, so culprit is more likely to be an outside influence, rather than internal. (at least that is my hope)
Good news for your dad that the joint was clean! That is positive at least and hope no further bacteria is present.
Fudge on a bad week over all though. Those can really do a number on you. Rest, relaxation, girlie drinks and a hair cut or manicure/pedicure are good remedy for getting over a crap week. Works for me anyhow. LOL (off to hair salon tomorrow to take my own advice - gad, the roots are not showing well right now...blech)
Hope you are having a good start to the weekend
Sharlene and molly muffin
Sorry to hear our boy is off and hope it rights itself after the weekend. No more vomiting Flynny, so mama can stop worrying. Geez, I hate it too when Koko throws up. I give him a snack before bed now and that has helped him a lot. Zoe seldom if ever did which was always weird to me with all her IBD and helicobacter problems. Does Flynn get a bedtime snack? Maybe it would help settle his tummy in the am if it is not so empty. Just throwing thoughts out there, you may already do that.
Try to enjoy your weekend, glad to hear dad is improving, sorry your week was crud. Hope the weekend gets better.
03-07-2014, 02:06 PM
Hi Trish,
Two times since we started on Denamarin (liver supplements) a year ago Trixie had a vomit epsiode. It was just a one time vomit and funny when it happened the pill came right up, even though she had taken it about 10-12 hours prior. It's a bright blue pill, and fairly large so there was no mistaking it. In fact the first time that happened two of them came up! Of course she takes it every night and this only happened twice so I have no idea if it means anything at all. It does look like these pills take awhile to break down, at least the Denamarin does.
Maybe sometimes something that they ate and the liver supp just don't work together and up it all comes?? That's pretty unscientific isn't it!!? He was hungry afterward and kept the egg down, so that's all good!
I just hate the vomits and even more the vomit/diarrhea combo! Though I like to hear Flynn is running and whooping it up on the beach with a Lab and another pal. If he was really miserable he probably wouldn't have been so active.
I also give Trixie a snack at night so her tummy is not ever all the way empty. A vet who we saw a long time ago recommended this for Trixie.
Happy that your dad is doing well, and hope for continual good news on the hip.
It's Friday at least, the weekend is here and you can put this crappy week behind you!! Hope Flynn is okay and that you both have a great weekend!! :D
03-07-2014, 02:16 PM
Hi Sharlene and Addy
He is good this morning :) hopped out of bed, run around outside, waited for me to make his breakfast and gave me a little woof to hurry the heck up then proceeded to gobble it down and polished his bowl! :D:D He is now sitting down playing with his toys which he has not been keen on lately. The only other pill he gets in the morning is his amlodipine and couple of supplements of fish oil and probiotic. I really, really want him on the Samilyn though as his liver is our biggest problem. Will see how he goes for a few days off it, then reintroduce and see what happens. This could be tummy upset with his immune system setting off allergies/IBD. Funny thing is his poops have been pretty good. Time will tell of course.
His routine has been up the creek the last month or two, I have had three short trips away in the last month alone, Dad in and out of hospital and when he is out he cannot walk him. So that may well be playing a factor too.
I am going to shower him in his sebazole anti itch shampoo today, slather him in the neotopic cream and see if that helps the itches. Mike was talking the Prednisone again last night and we would both prefer not to go there but will if we have too.
It's a cool day, so I will take him with Mum and me when we go visit Dad later on and stop off at this awesome little dog park that goes through the bush alongside a river, he loves it there but we don't go that often as it is bit of a drive. I am just so pleased to see him eat his breakfast with gusto that it has started the weekend off really well for us :D thanks for checking in! xxxx
03-07-2014, 02:21 PM
Hi Barbara
We were writing at the same time!! I forgot to say to Addy and you mentioned it also about the snack at night. He has always had that, even if he has gone to bed before me he sits straight up when I come in and looks for his snack, so we have always done that!
The samilyn is a big oval pill too, it is a yellow one and it also came straight back up whole. I have never had trouble getting meds into him and really would hate to have the battles some have here. I have googled and read of other dogs having this problem, so hope it is just a one off combined with a bit of a flare of his inflammatory cells and we can get him back on it soon.
03-07-2014, 04:29 PM
Glad for the happy Flynn update! He seems in great shape today and ready to have a great weekend. Hope he can get back on the liver supplement with no problems. That vomit episode could've been caused by anything. Maybe the pill got a little stuck and gagged him..that used to happen to me when I was a little kid and couldn't swallow pills very well! :D :D:
03-07-2014, 04:32 PM
Have you seen this cats and dog bed video?? It reminded me of the photo with Flynn and the cat. So funny!!
03-07-2014, 04:39 PM
Awwww isn't that too funny and cute when they all snuggle up together at the end!! Yes, Flynny does have this problem too! Here and here... LOL, they are pretty good friends mostly, but he is not keen on her in HIS bed :D:D
03-07-2014, 06:03 PM
Aw Flynn man, what are you doing to us. Glad to see that you are on the up today and long may it continue. Hopefully a few days off his meds and he will be fine again.
That's a bit crap about your dad, sending get well thoughts his way, as I,m sure you all miss him as Flynn does too.
Glad you enjoyed The Boss I must pop in and see the pictures, I,ve not been around this week as that blinkin virus wiped me out, I went back to work Monday, but have had no energy so have been just going to bed :D
Budsters Mom
03-07-2014, 06:20 PM
So relieved to hear that Flynny was better this morning. Tummy trouble seems to be a never ending battle for our boy. Flynny is like the Energizer Bunny. He keeps going and going and going! I am so glad that he does. xxxxxxx
03-07-2014, 06:24 PM
Hi Kathy! he is not so happy right now, he is sitting on my lap under protest all sudsed up with his special anti itch shampoo. You have to leave it to soak in for 10 mins, I don't trust him on his own, he might lick it. So I wrap and hold :D EEk it is so wet, soaking through the towel onto me... never mind I am in the shower right after he is done and dusted@!
03-07-2014, 06:28 PM
He,s not gonna like you much for doing that to him ;) But needs must, I used a shampoo on Woody Episothe that was left on for 10 mins, he hated it but needs must. I hate when they are all itchy, you just want to make it go away for them :p
Budsters Mom
03-07-2014, 06:30 PM
Poor Flynny!! What are you doing to my baby?? That sounds like cruel and unusual punishment. You better watch out Trish. He'll be out for revenge! :eek::eek:
03-07-2014, 06:54 PM
He is done... he loves the drying and brushing part of the whole showering process!! He is now all sparkling, he has just been rolling on the lawn and yipping periodically.. happy yips :D Brushed his teeth too, so it really was a horror time for him. But yes Tracy, needs must!!
molly muffin
03-07-2014, 07:39 PM
ohhh, sparkly clean Flynn! Molly needs a bath too. She also needs detangler, as soon as the hair starts to grow longer, we go into never ending battles between me and her long hair. Can you imagine wrapping a long haired flynn in a towel for 10 minutes!!! hahahaha
Okay off to cook dinner!
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-08-2014, 08:22 AM
Trish, so glad Flynn is feeling better! and a B*th Oh my! hehe I bet he looks and smells wonderful.
03-08-2014, 03:53 PM
Good morning!! Grey old Sunday here, cool too :rolleyes:
We had a good day yesterday and I have been up bright and early baking!! Just made my best banana cake EVER in my new mixer and have peanut brownies in the oven now. The cake is for the nurses looking after Dad so well. My brother is coming up today from Wellington to see Dad and have a night with Mum. So will be good to see him.
Flynn seems a bit stiff, I have been noticing it more lately... kind of lifts his back leg a bit too long when he is walking. I think it is his arthritis now the weather is cooling down he is feeling it more. So will get him a dose of Pentosan this week, he has not had any since before his surgery in November. I gave him half a Previcox this morning. He did not come running when I made his breakfast, I had to take it over to him. Once he started eating though he liked it and was hungry and scoffed the lot.
03-08-2014, 05:59 PM
Oh a grey Sunday, does that mean the sun isn't too hot lol. We are currently having another storm and have no electricity a tree must be down somewhere, so I'm reading by torch light ha.
What's going on with the wee man this just won't do Flynn :eek: hopefully it is just a touch of arthritis, with the change in temps. He needs to be running around all better soon, as I need my daily smile when I read about him :D
So the mixer present has been hit then the bread sounds yummy. I've done something stupid well I'm not sure if it is I've agreed to take Mac for a month next week whilst my mate goes to her holiday home in Tenerife. Now I don't really agree with them leaving him with a pet sitter for a month like they usually do, but the pet sitter has let them down and they were going to put him in kennels and I couldn't have that as he wouldn't cope so he's coming here gulp. He is a sweet dog but I'm not ready to have any dog here, I feel like I'm betraying Woody stupid I know but it's done now, just need to get my head round it :confused:
Hope to catch up with you and Mel soon xx
molly muffin
03-08-2014, 08:01 PM
hmmm, yummy Banana cake. Love it!
Peanut brownies? is that like chocolate brownies with peanuts? I've made chocolate with walnuts. Also, blonde brownies with pecans.
Oh poor Flynn. :( Cooler weather can make those joints act up. You think it was just the aches and pains that made him not get out of bed this morning?
Hope you and Flynn both had a good day. What luck getting to spend some time with your brother too.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-09-2014, 10:32 PM
Sunny Sunday here...not a cloud in the sky.....but the moon was up in the early afternoon.....weird! My joints were acting up too. We got up to 80 degrees today. I like that!
I hope Flynn and Dad continue to improve.
Please send brownies!
03-10-2014, 04:19 AM
Hi all
Flynny is still a bit up and down in the mornings... today he was up so we will take that :D:D !! Walking slow continues, especially in the morning. Mike just rang again now and we are putting him back on the Pentosan for arthritis and I have to give him a jab a week for 4 weeks then back to monthly over winter. He did not seem to need it over summer but now it is definitely cooler overnight and in the mornings, so Mike thinks it might be acting up. Also giving him half a Previcox for the next 10 days. If that does not perk him up then we will do the Prednisone.
I said arthritis would not make him nauseous and vomit though and I would have to say IBD only slightly flaring ie bit of nausea in the morning, one vomit, soft poops but not diarrhea. Itchy still. He also thinks this might be due to stress, as I have been away so much and his routine has been so disrupted lately. He does not want to do BP while things are a bit up in the air, so we take it day by day and I have to txt him every day to let him know how Flynny boy is doing.
Elle was covered in fleas last night, I found a couple on her while I was petting her so I decided to put her in the bath. Man I thought I was about to be scratched to death and my brother and sister were there laughing at preparations... they are so helpful... NOT!! :p But that cat just sat in the tub like a little lamb, I swear she enjoyed the warm water LOL the fleas ran to her head to get out the water and I picked them off (20) :eek::eek: her flea treatment was only just due, so dunno where she picked all these ones up. Once we got her out the bath, my brother dried her off I think once he realised the dangerous part was over :D:D. We got the hair dryer out but that DID make her freak out, so he just towel dried her. What a sweet smelling cat we have now! So that is probably where Flynn got his flea bites from, so I am blaming devil cat for Flynn's latest troubles!! :rolleyes: We put the flea treatment on her once she was dry, I told Mike about this and we have to give it to her 4 weekly instead of 6 weekly.
Dad's wound is still oozing, meeting with the Dr's tomorrow morning to find out next step :confused: he may have the big surgery to remove hip joint metalware after all. Not keen on that as risky at his age. Still he has done really well with the two anaesthetics too date, so hopefully if that is what is needed then the risks might be worth it.
Oh and peanut brownies before I forget are biscuits (cookies to you lot!) chocolate biscuits with peanuts in them! MmmmMMmmm... nurses were still raving about them today so maybe I will make them some more!
Tracy, I am happy your taking Mac in and saving him from a month in the kennels! Maybe this will help you in a way, slowly easing back into doggy life. Nice for you to come home to his happiness too... I am sure Woody would approve! x
03-10-2014, 08:34 AM
Those fleas make me feel itchy even thinking about them! Brave woman you are Trish taking on devil cat Elle, glad you got the suckers.
Sorry I haven't been about, been reading and lurking, not posting as I have felt a bit funky myself the last few days and work is beyond rubbish, if only they would stop breaking things.
Hope you get some good news when you see the consultant and that the big surgery isn't required, poor dad could do with a break as could you and Mum
Tracy, I think Woody would be chuffed you were taking Mac so he didn't have to go to Kennels, might well turn out to be good for you to have him and if not then you know you aren't ready but helped him for a few weeks
Hopefully we will all be on together soon.
Hugs to you both xxxx
Start of my Monday, your's is over:):) I cant imagine bathing Elle. When we took Koko to the groomers Saturday, a woman brought in two cats to be groomed. I was trying to picture those to cats in the back room with all the dogs:confused:
I hope you have a good week and the meds get Flynn moving comfortably again.:):)
03-11-2014, 05:40 PM
Sorry not been around much, but have been a bit miserable lately but getting better.
Poor Flynn and his Arthritis hope he is feeling better soon. Your poor dad fingers crossed that he is finally on the mend soon. I know you don't want him to have the framework removed, but if it helps clear it once and for all.
Work is manic everyone wants there orders out before the budget next week as this is when the government put up price of drink but it's going well.
Hope to catch up with you and Mel soon. Xx
Hi Trish,
Signed on real quick and it looks like you are on. How is Flynn doing with his stiffness and itching? And how is your Dad? I sure hope he isn't going to need hardware replacement now after all he has been through.
03-12-2014, 04:07 AM
Hi Mel :) Hi Addy :) Hi Tracy :)!!
Awww you three are so special to me, just like all the rest of our friends here... so nice of you to all pop in especially when I read you have all had your down days lately. You are all big shiny stars and I love how I have you all in my life..... (((((GROUP HUGS))))))
Flynny seems to be doing good in the mornings now, no more vomiting phew... still those old problems of the itching though. I popped into the vet clinic last night after work to pick up his meds. Mike happened to be the vet on, so he had a quick lookover Flynn and was happy with him. He has developed another one of those cyst things like he had at the beginning of the year. It is on his opposite front paw to the last one. Mike said it looks like a simple interdigital cyst. Because he has been so itchy he has been licking his paws a lot. Mike thinks that the hair follicles get damaged by this super licking and the hairs poke through the bottom of the follicle and set up the irritation. It is not particularly sore as he is not limping. I have to put neotopic cream on it. I pop a little bandage on it at night, but he has that pulled off before I go to sleep. It is not bad enough to put a cone on him, that upsets him so I don't want to do it. But it does look redder than yesterday. I just txt Mike a photo, as he still wants daily check in.
That's all I think for our update, Dad still in hospital. I was pleased to see when I got there this morning he was just coming out the shower and got himself dressed which I think is quite positive! I took his laptop in today too, and organised wifi for him so now he can keep up with the grandkids and play his games... I see he has already sent me candy crush requests :D xx
03-12-2014, 04:09 AM
Hi Tina!! He might still need the hardware taken out unfortunately, if it does not heal up properly this time I think that is where we are heading. How is Jasper doing?
Ack!!! Just lost my whole post when trying to submit, it timed out!!
I am hoping for the best for your Dad, I wish that darned thing would just heal, as I am sure you do too.
Glad to hear no more vomiting for Flynn. I will just whisper that Jasper hasn't had any more either since that last episode a week ago Sunday. It is so worrisome when they do that. And for Jasper with all his issues, it can easily result in a hospital stay, so I get a little panicky now when it happens. Never knowing what is the cause or how it is going to go. :rolleyes: I hope the cyst on Flynn's foot doesn't get any worse. Poor little guy with that itching. I notice that Jasper has been scratching around his face more lately, I will have to keep an eye on that.
I love your vet. Mine is really good, but we have never emailed back and forth. She has never offered to communicate in that way. Sometimes I get the feeling that she gets tired of all my questions, but I may be being sensitive.
Jasper seems to have settled from his bout of colitis for the most part (again, said in a whisper). He is fasting now as we have a vet appt with his repeat labwork first thing in the morning. He will also get the bumps checked on his back, and a quick once over I hope. My vet was all booked up with late appts since she just got back from vacation, so will need to go in late for work in order to get him in. I talked to her yesterday to make sure it would still be ok to get all the labwork since he had been sick, and she said yes, that it shouldn't affect anything. She said it was ok to get the UPC also. I'm a bit nervous about that being skewed but she said no, it would be ok. :confused:
03-12-2014, 04:47 AM
Hmmm well the two times Flynn's has gone really high on UPC (like high 3's) were both when he had tummy upsets. I talked about that very thing yesterday with Mike, he said we should leave it a bit longer until he has totally come right. He said no need to upset ourselves by getting a potential bad one when he is a bit off colour. So I am waiting. I am still basking in the 0.6 afterglow and don't want to spoil it :)
Oh I am positive he gets sick of all my questions too, but he has never voiced it to me either! I think they like us like this Tina, it must be refreshing for them to be able to manage challenging dogs like Jasper and Flynn with such committed owners. Plus we pay our bills! I think we must keep them on their toes, I know if he does not know the answer he researches it, I like that he admits if he does not know. I think some of the vets just blunder on through and I am very pleased ours are there for us when we need them. We are lucky indeed.
03-12-2014, 04:48 AM
ps you should ask her about emails/txt. I think it is great when it is not an urgent call, they can have time to consider answers and look things up. I bet she wouldn't mind.
I know Trish, I am worried about the UPC based on what your vet has recommended in the past and now. Jasper's had gone up a bit last time, and I am doubly worried now since we had to take him off the renal diet. Maybe I will just tell her I would like to wait? Do you think another week would be enough time if he continues to be stable?
I think maybe I will ask about emails/texts. And yes, a while back she admitted to me that Jasper is the most complicated patient she has had, and admits that he is a challenge. I am lucky to have her. Since all of this has happened to him, I don't really trust the other vets in the office.
Well, I need to get a bit more sleep. Great to catch up a bit. I will be keeping your Dad in my thoughts and hoping for the best.
Hugs from me and Jasper and a scratch for Flynn xo
03-12-2014, 05:19 AM
I don't think a week would hurt, you could still take him in for the bloods etc and just drop a urine in next week. I know what it is like when they are high, so if we can save ourselves that worry then I am all for it. I am not really sure how long to wait, but I just looked at the high ones for Flynn
9th April 3.57 (started benzapril 24th April)
2nd May 1.49
30th Aug 3.88
22 Oct 1.9
So looks like they came down fairly quick, but we also put him on the benzapril then
Have a good sleep Tina, hope the tests go well and I will be hanging out for the results with fingers and paws crossed xx
molly muffin
03-13-2014, 12:12 AM
Hey ya Trish! Glad to hear the vomiting episodes have passed. Another cyst! Geezzz, wonder what is causing two of them in the last couple months. Is that an age related dealio? Checked my toes, and must be dog only if it is. (it wouldn't go with my manicure for sure!) Uh oh, the itchies are back!!! Maybe that causes the cysts, some allergic thing he has going on. Wouldn't that be better probably in the winter months? Might be a break for him.
oh do hope this here clean out works for your dad. Although I think it is great that you got him hooked up with wifi and he's already sending out game requests. You're doomed!!!
So, how is work going this week? better I hope. We've all been a bit swamped lately it seems.
I'll have you know though that I have gotten off at 2 - 2:30 two whole days this week!!!! That's exciting stuff ya know. More in line with hours I'd like to keep all the time hehehe We'll see. I did notice though that it created an opportunity to go shopping that I probably should have skipped as my wallet came home a bit lighter than when I left. hmmm
Hope you're having a good week, almost over!
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-13-2014, 01:14 AM
a techie dad. That is cute! I've tried to teach my father to use the computer but he doesn't remember very well and just isn't grasping it. Keeping up with everyone on facebook will keep his spirits up. I hope that he doesn't have to have the hip replaced.
Glad Flynn is doing better!
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