View Full Version : Flynn 11 y/o Foxie Cross - Right adrenalectomy- Good Bye Flynny We will miss you
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12-26-2013, 05:28 PM
Ahhh Addy, you need to get Boxing Day into the US.... I took today (Friday) off as annual leave to give me the 5 days in a row... then work Mon/Tues then another 5 off... do you get the 1st and 2nd Jan as public holidays??
Hi Mel, lovely to see you!! Glad you got a white Christmas, albeit hail!!
Well that mouse did make the Boxing Day into a boxing event Sharlene and Kathy... well it was actually the day after... but sounds like it was boxing for its life LOL! :D
Gotta dash, cya all later xxxx
12-26-2013, 05:34 PM
LOLOL I just read my Mum's FB status update on the mouse incident... gotta love my Mum!
"I have just seen the bravest mouse in the world, it was standing up on its hind legs flailing at Elle with its front ones, it looked just like a little boxer..I couldn't let such a brave mouse be eaten so rescued it and freed it in the biggest clump of summer grass I could see..will think of of it as David..."
awwww, I love your mum:):)
molly muffin
12-26-2013, 06:07 PM
Your mum named the mouse!!! hahahahah I love it! She is too adorable. Elle never was going to get that mouse once your mum saw it.
We get today as a Stat Holiday, but then have to work on Jan 2nd :( I work tomorrow, for 1/2 day, then taking some banked hours in the afternoon, hoping to do the same on mon and then a half day given to staff from work on new years eve.
I lazed today. I had a whole list of things I meant to get done, but didn't. Instead molly and me took naps between reading (me), watching B or C movies on the tube (hubs). So I should sort of try to move and at least put away some dishes from the dishwasher. Not very energetic here and I didn't go out at all to the shops today.
Hope you had a fun day at your favorite garden center. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-26-2013, 06:33 PM
Oh Trish that mouse story cracked me up, your mum sounds a hoot.
Fingers crossed the new food works for Flynn and that you find lots of items in the sales.:D
12-26-2013, 09:23 PM
Sounds like you had a wonderful time! So glad :)
Squirt's Mom
12-27-2013, 05:45 AM
Love the mouse story! I bet your mom is a hoot! :D She sounds like a very gentle soul.
12-27-2013, 03:49 PM
Yes she is a kind soul and an animal lover for sure!! Sharlene, I think she called him David after the battle between "David and Goliath"! :D Aren't lazy days like that the best! Glad you had a chance to chill out after all the festivities!
Budsters Mom
12-27-2013, 04:02 PM
Loved the mouse story. Sounds like David will live to fight another battle! :D
Drat! No sales shopping for me this year. No energy. It's a chore to get to the bathroom!:o
I hope Flynny's tummy settles back down. Maybe he had too much holiday cheer and those necessary diet switches are killers. Poor boy.
Enjoy your days off and shop for the both of us.;) xxxxxx
12-27-2013, 04:14 PM
Hope there has been no more mouse fights at your mums ;) I,m afraid unlike your mum I would have run in the opposite direction I have a fear of small furry things like rats, mice *shudder*
molly muffin
12-27-2013, 04:42 PM
Oh sure, David and Goliath! Now That makes perfect sense. ta da
mice I can handle, Rats I do not like. They were everywhere when I lived in Hawaii, even come up into the toilets via the sewers. *shudder
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-27-2013, 05:22 PM
OMG I would die if a rat came up the toilet, imagine if you were sitting there minding your own business and a rat bit you on the bum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... worse kind of horror I could think of in a bathroom!! :eek::eek::eek::eek: to be fair I think Mum got Dad to do the actual mouse removal outside!
molly muffin
12-27-2013, 06:13 PM
Never go to use the loo in the dark!!!! No bite, but I did and got splashed. I doubt anyone has ever seen someone exit a toilet that fast in their lives!!!!!!!!!
I was traumatized for AGES!
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-27-2013, 06:15 PM
Blardy hell, I can imagine... I would have been digging a hole outside from then on... that is terrifying LOL
Budsters Mom
12-27-2013, 07:02 PM
It's interesting how we always seem to end up talking about bodily functions! LOL :D. Thanks for a break from all the sadness ladies. I can just see Sharlene flying off that toilet! ROFL :D:D
12-27-2013, 07:04 PM
Yay Kathy, you're up!!! Feeling better!! Yep we always good for toilet humour on this forum :D You have to go look at the picture of my new pet :D:D
12-27-2013, 07:06 PM
I looked and OMG its gorgeous but please tell me its sedated or something otherwise I will think you are more nuts that I already did think :eek:
12-27-2013, 07:22 PM
Me nuts??/ Hey, I resemble that comment! :D:eek:
Budsters Mom
12-27-2013, 09:06 PM
It's healthy to embrace your inner nuttiness!:D That's on majestic animal Trish. You can cross that off your bucket list! You look a little scared. If you weren't, you should have been. That cat looks like it's on happy juice. I love it! Xxxxxx
12-27-2013, 10:11 PM
Rats, oh no no no no NO!
I draw the line at those. Chris suggested that they make great pets and I told him to move somewhere away from me if he does.
12-28-2013, 04:10 AM
I just got home from dinner which was lovely. Came in the door where Flynn was clambering to see me and trod on his foot! :eek: he let out quite a yelp. Had a good look at it and it seems to be quite red, looks like he has been licking it and is a bit inflamed :mad: have put some cream on it to soothe it... don't think it was clumsy me as did not stand on his paw that hard to make it immediately red!
12-28-2013, 04:24 AM
Awwww, poor Flynn.
12-28-2013, 04:32 AM
Flynn says thanks Valerie :D:D Your up late too!!
I just put him on the bed under the bright lights and it cannot just be me stepping on him as the skin under the fur and between the webbing of his littlest toe is quite red. He was already trying to lick off the cream I put on it so now I have put a wee bit on a little gauze and put a small sticky bandage around it. So now he is hopping around like his leg has been cut off! He wanted outside so let him out and he scuttled around and was laying in the dark on the lawn, trying to get out of my sight so he could nibble it off!! Now he is back inside under my watchful gaze :) I don't think it is serious but its obviously bothering him, maybe he stood on something sharp on his walk this morning.
12-28-2013, 04:36 AM
Make sure that nothing is stuck in between his toes. Poor thing. I am laughing about the hopping around :-)
I was sleeping. Woke up with a bloody nose. Tis the season.
12-28-2013, 04:43 AM
There was a small dark spot in between his toes, I tried to separate his toes and he kicked me with his back foot the little beggar, told him to cut that right out!! He just needed a little reminding I am the alpha and he has to lie there and be good when I am examining his paw, its for his own good afterall! I could not see any broken skin or thorns. Will have another good look in the light of day! I bet that bandage will be off by the morning, he just skulked back to his bed!
12-28-2013, 04:44 AM
That's no good about the bloody nose, do you get them often? Bugger when you have trouble sleeping at the best of times, when you are finally asleep something like that happens!! We better check your BP too!
12-28-2013, 04:48 AM
I get them in the winter months. Home heating does a job on my fragile/annoying sinuses.
Sometimes, if something is stuck in there a soak in warm water will expand the object and it will pop right out. This works for slivers of wood especially.
12-28-2013, 04:55 AM
Will see if the cream draws anthing out overnight, then give it a soak! He did walk in that mucky dried out muddy stream last night, could have picked up god knows what in there, his legs under his knees were black.
12-28-2013, 04:59 AM
Ugh, what a mess he must've been :-)
Daisy is so prissy, she doesn't like to be dirty or wet. She will climb snow mountains and sink in which is hilarious to watch.
12-28-2013, 05:01 AM
Oh yes that constant heating then in and out of freezing weather would dry me out too! You need a humidifier :)
Yes he was one mucky pup... surprised me as he hates water too, but I think he smelt some little furry creature, maybe a rat down there so off he went, the great explorer!! He got hosed off on the lawn, that black legged dog was not coming in my house!
12-28-2013, 05:14 AM
I don't blame you there.
Koko picks up thorns in his paws- I dont know where -but I can never see them so I run him his groomer and she will find it and pull it out for me.
Or maybe he stepped on something and jabbed his paw. Hope it is better today.
Now Flynny, settle down, no more getting into mischief till at least 2014!!!;):D
molly muffin
12-28-2013, 11:35 AM
Hope Flynn's paw is better today. Molly got a pine needle broken off in her paw once, that they became infected. Little miss wouldn't leave it alone either, and then was awful trying to get it healed up and antibiotic cream on it, as she wanted to lick. I put her in the cone collar, till it was better, about 2 days after the thorn came out. Now she Knows though and if she steps on a needle that pokes her she just stops and raised her foot for you to get it out for her. At least she is a smart Diva. ROFL
How was the curry night out? Sounds yummy to me. We're off this evening to a friends for a wine and cheese thing. Any excuse to eat and drink obviously. :) :) :)
laters, I'm doing my housework today!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-28-2013, 03:43 PM
Hi everyone, his bandage was neatly removed overnight and left in his bed! Still looks a bit red and swollen so might give it a soak. I cannot see anything stuck in there, but bit hard to see with all the fur! He only limps when he had the bandage on last night so it cannot be too bad :eek: Tummy back to being good this morning so hopefully it was just a couple of Christmas treats he should not have got!
Rainy Sunday here, not sure what I am doing yet with the day! Getting things ready for work tomorrow :mad: blah, oh well only two days then 5 more off, so think I will cope :D
12-28-2013, 05:59 PM
Trish - You broke Flynn :eek: I hope that his paw gets better soon, is it letting you touch it ok ?
molly muffin
12-28-2013, 06:14 PM
Trish - You broke Flynn :eek:
Tracy I rolled laughing!!
Now Trish is going to have to put Flynn back together again. (cracking up here)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-28-2013, 06:15 PM
I know :mad: SPCA will be around shortly!
I think it is OK, it is raining here today so we have not been out yet.
OHHHH how was the posh dinner? Was that tonight? Did you have a bellini??
12-28-2013, 06:19 PM
Yes dinner was lovely and had 2 bellinis had to its Sharlenes fault she put me in the mood for them last night :D It was great to catch up with friends I,ve not seen in a while. We do this once a month but I,ve not managed it for several months due to the wee man.
Its raining here too has been all day think this is the 8th or 9th day in a row for heavy rain :mad:
12-28-2013, 06:38 PM
I am on a mission to get a Bellini now so I can see what they taste like!! I like champagne so that sounds right up my alley!!
It really does help to get out and about, even when sometimes all you want to do is lie on the couch with a blanket over your head! Pleased you got out to have fun with your friends!!
Man, it must be waterlogged over there, when do you get snow? That would be better than all this rain?
12-28-2013, 06:44 PM
We really should have had snow by now, usually Nov/Dec are our snow months, but we just seem to be getting wind and rain and more forecast over the next few days. I,ve lost some slates from my roof so will need to get that fixed but will have to wait till wind goes away.
At this rate it will be a boat I will need to get out the village and not the car :p My brother called me yesterday (he lives in Australia) and he spent the whole conversation telling me about his lovely weather, I could have cried :cool:
12-28-2013, 06:56 PM
Yep you would need those sunglasses in Australia :D Not here today though, it is still dreary and rainy. I am off out to do some groceries and pop in and see Mum and Dad, have a good sleep... I bet you will with the Bellinis on board :D See you tonight maybe xx
12-28-2013, 07:14 PM
Hi Valerie, I have the same problem but I fixed it with 2 things, using a saline nasal spray to keep my nose moist and running a cool mist humidifier in my bedroom when I sleep. I not only would get dry nasal passages but so dry my salivary glands clog up and my face would swell and hurt like the dickens because my saliva couldn't flow out of the gland, this happens to me every winter but so far not this winter using the humidifier and saline nasal spray.
12-28-2013, 07:16 PM
Trish, I hope Flynn's foot heals fast poor little fella but so glad his tummy is all better!
12-29-2013, 05:32 PM
Hi Trish - how is the little wonder dog that is Flynny? I hope his foot is all better and he is back to normal. Hope works not to bad only 2 days then your off for 5 :D
12-29-2013, 09:19 PM
Vicki, that sounds much worse than my sinus issues. Ouch!
Hope Flynn's paw is better.
Budsters Mom
12-30-2013, 01:19 AM
Hi Trish,
Just thought I check in with you and see how our boy's paw is doing. xxxxx
Me too Trish, how is Flynn's paw? The day before yesterday Jasper kept licking and licking at his paw. I checked it all over twice and didn't see anything. When I checked it a third time, I found a tiny dried out thorny evergreen type of branch under the fur between two of his toes. It was hard to find, I bet I looked at that same little area for 3 or 4 minutes over and over before I finally found it. Once I got it out, he stopped. It still looks a bit red today.
That story about the wee mouse David and the devil cat is precious. When I read that your Mum named him David, I thought of David and Goliath right away. You Mum sounds so sweet Trish. I got a good chuckle out of that.
I am so happy about Flynn's latest UPC. I hope he is straightened out for good now. Jasper has done a bit of back sliding there, hopefully it won't get any higher than it is now.
I have never had a Bellini either, I am going to have to check that out! Thanks for all your support on our thread Trish. I have finally had time to post an update on my little man, but it is lengthy!
Hugs from me and Jasper xo
12-30-2013, 02:03 AM
Hi girls
I just downloaded a pic of his paw for your opinion! The scabby thing also came off his nose tonight and it is a bit raw underneath that too! So the pic covers both! He is not limping, but it is tender when I try and take a look. I cannot see anything obvious poking him. It is two days now, so it might be off to the vet with him tomorrow, it does not appear too much worse though either... x
Budsters Mom
12-30-2013, 02:08 AM
It looks like a scrape to me. It doesn't look like a puncture wound. They are usually on the bottom of the paw. If he's not limping, it's not bothering him too much. It is pretty red though, which could be due to inflammation or infection. I would probably get it checked out just for peace of mind. That way, you won't worry. xxxxx
12-30-2013, 02:12 AM
Yep it is pretty red and it is a bit firmer and raised in the centre part, hard to see under the fur. There could be something stuck in the there, the redness does go down to the webbing between those two toes. I think I will get it checked if not better tomorrow, will soak it again tonight and put the cream on again. Thanks for taking a look Kathy!! Now git to bed Missy!
It looks like a bad lick spot to me. Is it like a granuloma? It does look pretty red, but he was licking it quite a bit, wasn't he? The ouchy on his nose looks sore too! :(
12-30-2013, 02:22 AM
Yes, it could be he has been licking his paws. I am not so worried about the nose as that was cauterised a couple of weeks back and think it is just the scab coming off today... crikey I hope no one is eating and reading our thread! Hopefully that will heal up now and he is not left with a bald spot on his nose! I might send that photo to Mike and see what he thinks.
Oh come on now, this is nowhere near as bad as that conversation about rats coming up out of the toilet!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: LOL
12-30-2013, 02:29 AM
That's true LOL... that was actually enough to make me shiver and I have a pretty strong stomach!! God, can you imagine! I would be so constipated from fear of going to the loo :D:D:D
No, can't even imagine. I wouldn't be able to go I don't think. I can't even think about that too long, or I start getting palpitations!! :eek:
Budsters Mom
12-30-2013, 03:33 AM
Hi Trish,
I'm still up. Not going to rest until the coughing gives me a break. Who knows when that will be. Maybe dawn:o. No cough suppressants are not effective for Whooping Cough due to the particular type of spasms they cause. The doctor gave me pills to help with the coughing. Oddly enough they work on the brain when the spasms originate. They tell the brain not to cough, but I still feel like I have to in the chest. They make me feel freaky. I'm only taking them at night when the cough gets so bad that it's hard to get my breath. I'm off to get some hot tea. Hot liquids do help, at least temporarily. Xxxxx
12-30-2013, 03:58 AM
I wonder if there is a type of tea that will help with a cough, I am off to google!
12-30-2013, 04:06 AM
1/2 tablespoon of lemon and honey might help.
12-30-2013, 04:07 AM
At the first signs of a cold or slight cough, make a tea using the following prescription:
˝ part sundew, 1 part coltsfoot, 1 part elecampane, 1 part squills, 1 part thyme.
Sweeten with liquorice, and add honey if necessary. Give the tea as often as you can, up to the equivalent of four to six cups a day.
If treated properly when it first starts, the symptoms should not worsen to the "whooping" stage. If you miss the first stage and the "whoop" sets in, you can still use the same recipe, giving tea every hour or so, and add one or two of the following herbs: wild cherry bark, wild lettuce, red clover.
I have never heard of those first four ingredients! But I have bunches and bunches of thyme in my garden, it is outta control :D
There are quite a few natural remedy sites out there, are you using some inhalants... like vicks vaporub rubbed on your chest, that is a staple here in NZ, not sure about overseas.
12-30-2013, 04:08 AM
Yeah, lemon and honey are what we were given as kids when coughing. Have not had whooping cough though, it sounds like its on a whole new level.... I have a ton of lemons too... really I think you should come here for your recuperation and bring Rosie too :D:D
hmmmmmm, if he has been licking it, if it was a scrape he could have just made it worse. It is awfully red in the pix and if he keeps worrying it, will only get worse. I would have someone check it out that there is not a splinter or something you cant see.
Kathy- whopping cough- OMG my daughter had that last Spring. I can ask her what she took, she was sick a long time.
molly muffin
12-30-2013, 02:41 PM
Wow, just now catching up. I agree, it looks red all over, could be something in that center part and his licking just makes the whole area worse. I have a devil of a time keeping molly from licking at something on her toes and don't try to stop her either, she'll give you a good nip. Ungrateful brat. I have to cone her for a day usually to get her to leave the antibiotic cream alone. (that only happened once thank goodness)
I wouldn't worry about the nose much as it was taken care of and probably just the scab, that should clear up in a couple of days.
Yep, I was eating a brussel and hussel, cheese quesadilla while reading. It's afternoon here after all, so that was lunch. :)
New Years Even bbq sounds like fun times Trish. I know it will be a blast to see your brother. We're going out to dinner tomorrow night with friends and then back to their house after. We have a set group that do New Years together and another set group that does Christmas eve together. Always good times.
Back to catching up on the forum.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-30-2013, 04:38 PM
Hi Trish had a look at the pics, wee soul his paw does look red and sore, did you take him to vet to have a quick look ?
The rain has continued here and the river at the back of the village burst its banks today and the village was under about 4 ft of water, so spent most of today putting sandbags along the houses that sit on the river (mines doesn,t so I,m dry lol) Its still raining so I may need a boat to get out tomorrow :)
12-30-2013, 04:40 PM
Maybe some insect bit him? I didn't look at the pic I am quite squeamish, sorry :(
Budsters Mom
12-31-2013, 12:33 AM
Any news on Flynny's paw? Did he see local Mike today? You are a day ahead of me, less three hours. That means you have another five days off. YAY! xxxxx
12-31-2013, 06:30 AM
Hi Trish you are 12 hours ahead of me so I want to wish you and Flynn
Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true in 2014
molly muffin
12-31-2013, 11:44 AM
Happy New Year Trish to you and Flynn, your mum and dad and of course the devil cat Elle.
Hope you have a Wonderful New Years!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-31-2013, 02:57 PM
Awww thanks girls!! Well here we are 9am New Year's Day and I am sitting here with a clear head :) I was driving so only had one glass of wine, yum dinner though and it was great catching up with my brother and SIL. Flynn had a fine NYE too!! Paw still bit red and no we have not been to the vet, I sprayed it with cortovance last night but it does seem to be localising to one spot. Not sure if they are in today, might pop in if they are. He is not limping so it is not too bad. Hope all of you partying tonight have a fun and safe time! xxx
molly muffin
12-31-2013, 03:42 PM
Sounds like a good time Trish. picnic at the races! very cool. :) Do you wear hats? hehehehe I love the hat pictures from Royal Ascot. Not sure how they get them to stay on their heads though.
Happy New Years!!
We're off later to dinner with friends. Very tame and loads of fun. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-31-2013, 03:45 PM
Hmmm I might have to go drag my hat out the cupboard, sunhat though :) We are not that flash here, it's more a casual day out at the races!!
I seriously doubt any of your events are tame Sharlene!! Sounds a lovely way to ring in the New Year! x
molly muffin
01-01-2014, 12:38 PM
It is finally New Years here too. :)
Hope you had a lovely day Trish and Flynn
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-02-2014, 01:03 AM
Happy New Year to you Trish and to Flynn!!
I haven't been here for a few days and there's always so much news to catch up on. How are Flynn's paw and nose spots? I hope they are better by now.
Expecting a big snow and really cold days starting tomorrow. Trixie hates her new sweater so I have to dig out an old was 22 degrees...the cold didn't seem to bother her a bit. I had to remove her sweater because she was acting neurotic with it on. It will be colder and also wet with snow so she will have to wear something!!
Hope all is wishes for 2014~~!! :D
01-02-2014, 06:02 AM
Hi Barbara and MasterChef Sharlene!
You gotta get a pic of the pink sweater Barbara, I think it sounds gorgeous!! While my brother was here tonight we bathed Flynny's paw.. still bit red and I put the cream and bandage on and we all did laugh when he did his "you cut my leg off again" act!! I think it is a little splinter in there as it has a small spot in middle that is bit harder. Definitely going to vet tomorrow as I have not been able to get it out with soaking. It still is not too sore with no limp but I have to admit defeat here. x
01-02-2014, 06:36 AM
Yeah, best to get it out to avoid infection. Bummer that the soaking didn't work.
01-02-2014, 07:04 AM
Yeah, I wish I could get it out but have given it gentle squeeze and it obviously hurts him so don't want to get too vigorous with it being so close to his toes. It does not look overly infected though, it does not look real worse although the fur has come off the spot.
01-02-2014, 04:47 PM
Good morning all, wow slept late today!! Flynn is booked in at 3.15 for his paw checkup. Mike is not on :eek: (eek vet trust issues surfacing!) but his colleague has seen Flynn before so I am sure will be fine.
Budsters Mom
01-02-2014, 05:35 PM
Hi Trish,
Glad you are getting Flynny's paw checked out for peace of mind. Too bad local Mike is off. How dare him take a day off!;):D just have Flynn growl and show his teeth, so the doctor will know not to mess with our boy. Now that's a thought.
I hope your dinner went well. Powhatan a treat to be able to sleep in late. Xxxxx
molly muffin
01-02-2014, 05:43 PM
Good morning :) And here it is evening I'm making the same dinner tonight (toned down a tad for just the two of us) as you made last night. :) and I'm doing shrimp with it instead of the side plate of meats, okay it might not be the same after all. LOL
Go get that sucker out and then the foot issue will be over with and Flynn can have his leg back that you keep trying to take away from him. heheheheeh
Tell the new vet (not new but not mike) he's on notice that this is a special boy with fans world wide keeping an eye out for him. :) hehe
Okay got to run to store, it is flipping -19C with -32C wind chill here right now. Molly and me both very unhappy. brrrrrr and a shiver too
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-02-2014, 06:02 PM
Powhatan a treat to be able to sleep in late. Xxxxx
Kathy, what is a Powhatan??? :D:D I cannot work that out even thinking in autocorrect language!? :confused:
Awwww Flynny could not growl and show his teeth if he tried, I have never seen him be anything other than darling at the vets. He kisses them, which amazes me after all he has been through!
Sharlene, shrimp would be awesome, do you get them fresh there at this time of year?? I just got a bargain for Mum's Christmas pressie - the Dolly Parton tickets. Got way better seats at a cheaper price than I could from the official ticketing site off our NZ auction site... hope they aren't dodgy!!
01-02-2014, 06:11 PM
Glad Flynny is going to the vet better safe that sorry, I,m sure he will be his usual darling self in the vets.
I really should learn to cook so that I can appreciate it what you and Sharlene are having for supper, I had a sausage sandwich for my tea ;)
01-02-2014, 06:16 PM
Nothing wrong with a sausage sandwich Tracy!! I have that quite often for lunch at work, with a little coleslaw to try make it somewhat healthy :D:D How did the painting go?
01-02-2014, 06:20 PM
It ended up a result, but I did the kitchen as I thought it would be easier and less time but nope forgot about all the little places above units etc that I had to do by a hand brush so took me ages, but it looks really good.
01-02-2014, 07:18 PM
Good Luck at the vet Trish! I hope it is easily treated.
Budsters Mom
01-02-2014, 07:42 PM
Powhatan is the name of an Indian tribe. I have no idea why that came up. LOL:D it should have been... It sure is a treat to be able to sleep in. That's funny! Xxxx
01-02-2014, 07:46 PM
Hmmm that is a weird one Kathy LOL... cannot work out how it came up with that!!
Thanks for the good wishes Vicki, I will update the paw situation tonight!
01-03-2014, 01:42 AM
Well he does not have a prickle in his paw, the vet had a good look with the magnifying hat. He reckons it is an inter digital cyst :eek: Benign and relatively common. He thinks it is a little infected so he has started antibiotics. We do not have to do anything immediately, he said if Flynn has surgery in the future like for his lipomas that Mike is going to do at some stage, then this could come off then.
01-03-2014, 01:49 AM
I have a new video to share! This is last night, in the school next to my house. The video is taken from my brothers new Christmas present toy, it looks like a 4 bladed helicopter, and has a video camera built into it. It starts off with the video zooming up into the air so you can see the beach where we walk then pans over the city of Napier. When it comes down my house is in the bottom corner, first house next to the school, the rear section where my car is parked ... us girls are doing a starfish :) (that was after the bellinis Sharlene!) a bit of zooming about but persevere as Greg went in search of Flynn who was having a fine time exploring while we were being silly, so you will see him running! In the video my are sister Cheryl, brother Greg, Dad, niece Jade and her partner Fraser! Hope you like it... we had fun!!
01-03-2014, 02:14 AM
That was so cool Trish!
I bought my father binoculars that take an SD card so that he can zoom in on his birds and take pictures of them.
Boy, we were all off the mark with Flynn's paw. Poor guy.
01-03-2014, 02:19 AM
I hope the antibiotics work for Flynn's paw! Poor guy. Cool video!
01-03-2014, 02:26 AM
The helicopter looks quite freaky Valerie, it has flashing lights and zooms about, it can go up in the air like 200m and flies up to about 60km/hr so can fair zip along... it looks like a wee UFO and we were expecting UFO sightings to be reported!! Greg is still mastering operating the video while it flies along so its a bit shaky :D
Budsters Mom
01-03-2014, 03:21 AM
Loved the video! What a cool toy! If was awesome to see Flynn run like that! :p
Glad to hear that Flynny's paw owie isn't serious. It's always one thing after another, isn't it? Xxxxx
01-03-2014, 03:39 AM
Thanks you guys, I love seeing him run like that too! I think the antibiotic has made him nauseous, I only gave it 90 mins ago. I was told to give it with his dinner which I did, he ate fine, we went for a run, then I was watering the garden and thought it a bit strange he was hanging around as usually as soon as he sees me go near the hose he makes himself scarce.. then he looked to be retching but I was a bit far away to tell properly, rushed over no puke on the ground that I could see, was getting bit dark though... maybe he ate it :p:o:mad: he is back inside in his bed so will watch him tonight. See what happens when I give it in the morning. It's cephalexin 200mg twice a day.
01-03-2014, 05:59 AM
As poor boy it may well be the tablets making him feel a bit yuk I hope he feels better soon just another little problem that Flynn will over come, so good to see him run around. X
01-03-2014, 07:29 AM
Oh Trish I love the video! It is so pretty there, and you have palm trees!! I had no idea! :) :)
And Flynny looks so fit dashing across the field! :) :) :) :)
Sure hope his tum is OK...
01-03-2014, 07:54 AM
Flynn looks great! and so happy, I love it!. I hope his nausea passes. The video was fun.
01-03-2014, 01:28 PM
Hopefully his tummy settles down. Molly was on cephalexin recently as well. It made her tummy upset too. She normally doesn't eat in the morning so we started giving her wet food so she would eat it and take the meds. Having the extra food helped her out. We've actually kept her on the wet food. The little gal is 12 so why not! She is finally eating like a champ after 12 years of being picky!
molly muffin
01-03-2014, 01:55 PM
Love the video! What fun! And starfishes too! hahahah, love da bellini's hehehe
oh lord, when I read your first post in email, I read it as "Well he does not have a pickle in his paw" which of course made me wonder what I had missed that made you think he Would have a pickle in his paw and is it dill, bread and butter or what. Shouldn't he eat the pickle, do dogs eat pickles? Well, it was quite the entertaining mind bender, right up till I got on the forum and realized I'd read prickle as pickle. :( Sort of a let down after all that.
So watched the video and loved it!! Flynn running around, the girls playing in the grass, the guys acting like they know exactly what they are doing. LOL
It really is a beautiful area Trish. What a great area for Flynn to run around in too!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-03-2014, 03:56 PM
Good Morning!! Thanks for all the comments on the video... I love how it shows our little city and the ocean plus Flynny running!!
He was fine last night and ate again after looking so green. I gave his BP meds early this morning with his Samilyn an hour before his breakfast so if he is sick again at least they will have been absorbed. He usually has the samilyn early anyway as it has to be taken on an empty tummy. It is about an hour after brekky now and he has been outside rolling about and barking on the lawn, but he came back in and has taken himself back to bed. Will keep an eye on him this morning just take it quietly and hopefully he will be fine with the antibiotic.
01-03-2014, 04:32 PM
I need some of your sunshine from the video I,m sick of this rain and wind.
Glad to see that you have Flynns meds under control, how long does he need to be on the Ab,s for?
What you got planned for the weekend, it must be Saturday by now
01-03-2014, 04:38 PM
Hi Tracey
There wasn't much sunshine in that video, bit overcast but it was still pretty warm. Sunnier today :) so you can have some to dry out that village of yours! Yep it is Saturday morning, I do not have much planned today so far. Everyone has gone home and so it is pretty quiet!! Might head into town later as I have a Christmas gift voucher to spend :), taking it easy this morning to make sure he is OK with the abs first. So far I have not really got off the couch, which is fine by me :eek::eek: It's a 10 day course of antibiotics but will see how he goes.
Did you do more painting today?? Hope Mel is back soon and that she had a lovely time away!
01-03-2014, 04:53 PM
No more painting today, got up and my arms and legs were stiff as a board, well seeing I,m not used to exercise, may do some more tomorrow. I took mum food shopping today and the car was getting blown all over the road, worst winds in a while. Then I just chillaxed the rest of the day.
I,m sure once the Abs get into his system, he won,t maybe feel a bit yuk with them. Like your plan of making sure he is ok on them before going on I would do the same ;)
01-03-2014, 05:22 PM
That was a good workout then! I think he is feeling OK, I just made French Toast for breakfast and he came out to see what was on offer so he cannot be feeling too bad! Gosh those winds sound nasty, has been windy here and my brother said driving home to Wellington yesterday was a bit hair raising! I read an article that was on the global weather, including yours, high temps in Australia and snow storms in US.. sounds like it is whacky everywhere right now!
01-04-2014, 02:47 AM
Evening :D
Internet access was non existent while I was away due to the blinking weather, it's been monsoon like rains and gales, lots of flooding around the area but we were ok. A tree did fall on our place but did no damage :eek: Home is higher up so should be ok here, it's blowing another gale now! We aren't as bad as the us East Coast mind, must be awful to have all that snow and ice!!
Just catching up on the wee man, rubbish about his foot! Hope those antibiotics kick in soon and don't make him too sick
Glad you had a great new year, mine was very family orientated too, my 6 month old nephew came as well so he kept me on my toes! Boyce didn't get a minute so I think he is pleased to be home to relax.
It was hard without Tia at Christmas, I light my candle for her, Bo, Fella, Buddy, Scoop, Woody and all the other pups we lost and had a little cry then I forced myself to cook. Mum loved her pad and cried :D
Hopefully you will be home soon and we can catch up real time
Big hug, scratches to the wee man
01-04-2014, 03:57 AM
YAY lots of Mel posts!!! Your Back!! Hoooray, we missed you!
So pleased you didn't get washed out, it sounds awful and there was more on the news tonight from the UK and US weather.
Well that's another 1st tucked under your belt, I hope they get easier for you... I lit a Christmas candle for Tia and told her to go hunt out the penguin beams :) x
01-04-2014, 04:04 AM
I missed you guys too. Is so frustrating without internet. I fully expected it to work as it had been at home yet I couldn't really get a signal after Boxing Day. Then the kids turned up!
The place we went in the summer got flooded it's really bad out there so glad we made it home safely. I won't be organising any meetings for next week as I don't see the point of travelling if you don't have to!
How is the wee man tonight?
Ps thanks for lighting a candle. I kept the penguin inside by the tree and she looked awesome xxx
01-04-2014, 04:14 AM
That is weird about the internet signal, maybe all that foul weather mucked it up. AND if you had the kids you have to concentrate on them... ohhhh 6 month old would have kept you busy :D
I am sure there must be some official type warning not to travel if you don't have too.. I am sure they don't want the flooded roads clogged up with people getting stuck!! You have the best excuse for no meetings@!
Flynny seems good, thought a little nauseous this morning but no vomiting, good poop tonight and he run and run on his walk tonight. I am still soaking his paw each night in saline as vet said to keep that up. It looks about the same but he has only had 3 doses of the antibiotics. We have been out for a while tonight to a friends so he is a bit tired and taken himself to bed already!
Only one more day off for me then back into normal weeks :mad: Next break is in early Feb, travelling up to Auckland with Mum and a friend to go to the Dolly Parton concert... tickets are Mum's Chrissy present. The plan was to take Flynn and get his ultrasound scan done at the same time because it is due about then. We are staying with the same friends that let us stay when he had his surgery last month. The only problem is they have since adopted a Birman cat!!! They said it will be OK and Flynn can still stay... no way, jose! He will chase it for sure and it is not fair on the cat being in a new house to suddenly have a cat hating fox terror :) arrive!! So not sure what I am going to do about this, Mum suggested contacting the vets, get his scan done and see if they can keep him there overnight, but he would hate that. Other plan was to go up and back another time and find a pet friendly motel to stay the night in... so such decisions!
01-04-2014, 04:25 AM
I think it couldn't get a strong enough signal as we were surrounded by trees and non fibre connections can get interrupted by weather!
The baby was good but he doesn't like to be put down and he weighs a ton already. My back muscles are paying for it now but he is such a sweet little smiler and the crying goes right through you his parents got drunk so I had him all new Years day!!
I love it when they take themselves to bed! Such little independents! I guess it will take a few days for the antibiotics to kick in, hope they don't make him feel sick tomorrow.
Maybe schedule for another time, I wouldn't want to take him where a cat lived either as it's not fair on either of them and you would only be worried if you had to leave him somewhere while you and mom got your country on :D
01-04-2014, 04:48 AM
LOL love how the parents took the chance to have a drinkie while Aunty Mel was on hand for the babysitting duties!! Yeah carrying a baby about when your not used to it can be surprisingly heavy!! Your poor aching back!
I just emailed the Auckland vets to see what they think about him possibly staying overnight that weekend, would be great if it could be done at same time as it is such a long way to drive and I would prefer to only do it once!! Plus it will be nice for him during the drive to have his Nana with him in the back patting him etc :D:D If they can have him I can take him out during the day if we do lunch etc and drop him off back at night... ohhh I will feel guilty but he will be safe there for a night or two.
01-04-2014, 05:25 AM
Sorry I disappeared. Boyce got up late and demanded his walk straight away!
Of course, I forgot it was 6 hours each way. Hopefully they will say it's ok to do that.
Sleep well and I will catch you in the morning
molly muffin
01-04-2014, 12:42 PM
Yowser Mel, sounds like you are all still catching the rains there. All this water and flooding, not good at all. Hope you have some dry weather in the forecast soon. You and Tracy both are going to be soggy! :)
Sounds like the holidays were good and busy and that you need a holiday to recover. :) :) Those are always the best kinds right. :)
I hope you can wrap everything up in one trip up to Auckland. So much easier to only have to do that once. :) Crossing fingers for a positive reception from the hospital up there.
Oh wow, a Birman cat. Maybe an easy introduction between Flynn and kitty will allow for future ease between then. :) Baby steps. :)
I got a giggle out of Mel's turn of phrase "get your country on" ROFL!!!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Budsters Mom
01-05-2014, 01:24 AM
Hi Trish,
I was hoping that you and Mel would be around to chat tonight. This is my last late night for a while. I return to work on Monday. That means getting up at 5:30 AM. That's the hardest part. I am not a morning person. I don't really wake up until about the time the kids enter the classroom. Until then, I'm on auto-pilot.:D
I hope Flynny's tummy has settled. Antibiotics can be touchy for sensitive tummies. I just finished my 10 day course of antibiotics today and my stomach has been touchy at times too.
Hope to catch up with you both later. xxxxxxx
01-05-2014, 11:54 AM
Hi Trish - How are you and Flynn, I hope the meds have kicked in and his foot is better.
molly muffin
01-05-2014, 11:59 AM
yes, how are you and the Flynn-man? Looks like it's back to work time already.
bah humbug LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I loved the video, rather felt like I was flying:):):)
and watching Flynn run through the field was the icing on the cake, I think. Magic dog.:):):):) Magic Flynn:):):)
Enjoy your week, my friend.
Budsters Mom
01-05-2014, 10:52 PM
Okay, where are you? I hope you both are fine and just busy. xxxxx
01-06-2014, 12:26 AM
Hi everyone! We are fine Kathy.... I was out yesterday then when I got home lay down on the couch to watch TV for a while then hello... it's midnight :eek: Back to work today and just got home not long ago.. bah humbug is right Sharlene... :) so I won't be on in my morning as that really makes me late!!
His toe cyst is not so red, so the antibiotics are working. I hope it settles right down. His tummy seems to be OK since the first day of upset!
Haven't heard back from Auckland vets about him boarding there, hopefully they can accommodate him or else I will have to do another trip up there for his appointment!
It does feel like you are flying watching those videos Addy, quite a fun little toy!! It is my brother's birthday today, wonder if the cat gave him another present :D:D xxx
01-06-2014, 04:29 AM
I was out too with the pesky kids, they wanted to do some of their xmas presents. Back at work today with no inclination.
Hope you feel better Kathy and I will look out for you later.
Good news re his toes Trish, least it looks like the antibiotics are kicking in! Hope you had a good day and I will see you later
Big hugs
01-06-2014, 04:39 AM
Hi Mel
Yes today sucked having to get up early and go back to work :mad: still need to be paying off some bills!! Hope your first day goes ok. I took him for a walk before just before dark in the school fields... he was running along the edge, stuck his head in a big bush and pulled out a baby bird :eek::eek: Gawd he is a horrible dog sometimes :mad: lucky he was on his lead and I pulled him away before he did the deed so I have to think baby bird got back into its nest!! Really, that Mama Bird needs to come up with a better plan and build its nest higher than the height of a fox terrier... or a cat for that matter!!
Have a good day!! xx
01-06-2014, 04:44 AM
Trish, catching birds means he's feeling better :-)
I wouldn't like that though.
Daisy was on her leash as a pup and caught a baby squirrel by the tail! Dad ordered her to let go and the little thing ran up his shirt sleeve. He had a heck of a time getting it out.
01-06-2014, 04:53 AM
Well I guess his breed is for catching small furry animals, like rats.. he has a strong hunt and chase instinct. My property is well fenced as if he saw a cat he would be off after it for sure!
That is funny about the squirrel, we do not have them in NZ but always thought they were very cute when I saw them overseas... like the first time I saw a racoon when I was in California, I chased it down the street with my camera trying to get a photo and my friends thought I was quite crazy!
01-06-2014, 04:59 AM
Hahaha :-)
You and I have the same idea.
I held a cobra in Egypt and made sure that someone took a picture of it.
01-06-2014, 05:15 AM
Ewwww snakes, I would never hold one of them!! Yucky! I think you are very brave doing that :D
I need my bed, hope you get some sleep soon Valerie, you are the worst insomniac on here :D Nite! x
01-06-2014, 05:26 AM
Sadly, I know that I am.
Going back to bed now. Night.
01-06-2014, 05:57 PM
Evening Hope you are having a good day at work ha ha, been a while since we caught up but then we are on opposites of the world. We are still being battered with wind and rain, but not as bad as its been there saying its the wettest December since 1910 yikes. But at least we don,t have the snow and ice like the others.
How is Flynn,s paw doing, do you think the meds are working, will this be a recurring thing with his paw ? Anyway I,ll catch up with you at the weekend :)
Hi Trish, just popping in real quick before I try to get a few more winks before I have to get up for work. It sounds like the little man's foot is improving, glad to see that. Hope he continues to tolerate the abx.
Our boys and birds! I have had several pretty horrible bird incidents with Jasper too. He is quite the bird stalker and has jumped and picked them off out of the air during takeoff on several occasions. :eek: :eek: So disgusting!! Thank God I have been right there to intervene on all but one occasion. But the outcomes still were not good. :(
Well back to bed briefly for me, hope to sign on earlier tomorrow night and maybe chat then.
Hugs, and a scratch for Flynn,
Tina and Jasper xo
01-08-2014, 04:07 AM
Hi Valerie, Tracy and Tina! :)
Another bird incident to report, while walking tonight I lost sight of him in those bushes that are in the middle of the school fields that you could see in the video. I kept popping in and out and checking both sides, there he was sitting under a palm tree chewing something like it was the tastiest pork chop!! I whizzed over there and it was a long dead bird and there was only the head and neck left. I have told him if his gut plays up after that little episode I will have no pity on him!! (well I will, just so you don't think I am a terrible dog Mum!)
He has generally been a bit slow the last few days, especially in the mornings. Poops are soft, but formed with odd bits of mucous so maybe that is the cause. He has had a full week on new lamb ziwipeak so hopefully that is not upsetting him as I really want that food to work as it is so good for him! Or else could be the antibiotic making him feel a bit yuck. His paw still has the little cyst but the redness has gone right out of it. He has had 4 days of antibiotics so I stopped them this morning. Local Mike emailed me today to check how he was, said he would ring tonight but not heard from him yet and its 10pm now so he must have got tied up. I was going to run the antibiotic thing past him, hopefully we catch up tomorrow.
01-08-2014, 05:14 AM
Hee hee go Flynn, birds must be tasty, I hope it doesn't upset his tummy birds were probably the only thing Woody never bothered with unless it was a pheasant. I can image you have a talk with him about the bird and I bet he wasn't really caring as he had had a feast. Lol
Good that the redness has gone done on his paw, did mike say what caused it or is it just an age thing.
01-08-2014, 05:30 AM
HI Tracy - haven't caught up with Mike today, he sent an email to say Hi and asked how he was and would ring... but no call yet so maybe tomorrow. I have a little list of questions for him!
Honestly, I wish I had my phone with me to take his photo, he looked like he had scored himself the tastiest of treats. The little bugger had only just had his dinner before his walk so it was not like he was starving! I thought he must have caught it, but on closer examination after I prised his mouth open and made him spit out what he had in there.. that bird had not been alive for many days :eek:
01-08-2014, 05:37 AM
Eh yuk yuk yuk. Dogs sometimes are disgusting. Flynn was just having some pudding after his dinner :eek:
01-08-2014, 05:41 AM
hahaha that made me crack up.... I would prefer he had some simple custard for his pudding! or maybe yoghurt for its probiotic properties :D:D
01-08-2014, 05:51 AM
Where's the fun in that he,s a terrier he prefers junk food (birds) to things that are good for him. I used to give Woody a Actimel drink every morning it's a human priobiotic drink he loved it. I love to hear that Flynn is still naughty after everything he's been through
01-08-2014, 08:03 AM
Me too re the naughty not so much the harming of birds little shite! Mum would be mortified.
Hope you are having sweet dreams in preparation for your hectic days. Maybe see you later
molly muffin
01-08-2014, 12:48 PM
Flynn!!! Good gads man! Already dead, roll in it if you must but don't eat it! BLECH!
He certainly keeps you on your toes Trish! LOL
01-08-2014, 06:38 PM
Hi Trish,
Missed a week or so of posts and just catching up. I love that video!! I've seen the remote helicopters but to have one with a camera on it is so cool!! What amazing views of the coastline where you live!! It all looks just beautiful and it was great to see Flynn running across the green field. Talk about bouncing back! One would never know he had surgery..(a big operation) so recently...he's just amazing!! Looks like he was thoroughly enjoying himself. :D
We've been freezing here with zero and below zero temps. Trixie still refusing to do her business if she's wearing a coat or sweater. I put it on her and then I have to take it off once we're outside because she will not even put her nose to the ground if she has clothes on. It's a heatwave today now that we are into the 20's!! Looks like Trixie will be able to get the park tomorrow...I'm hoping it's not still going to be too cold to go because she needs to get out and move around some!! Hoping all is well with you and Flynn.
01-09-2014, 02:58 AM
I am starting to feel the birds are trying to tell us something ;). Got home tonight about 6.30ish, hopped out the car... Flynn hops out right behind me, I go close the gate and there is Flynn by the front door examining a dead thrush!! :eek::eek::eek: He did not catch it and it definitely was not there this morning. In my forensic examination of the scene I think what has happened is that the poor bird has crashed into the window at full flight as I can see a few wee feathers stuck there. I cleaned the windows inside and out on the weekend and they are sparkling and I think it just smacked right into it the poor thing. Flynn couldn't believe his luck finding a bird waiting for him at his front door :D and was looking at me all excited, until I disposed of it! That's the 3rd day in a row with a bird incident so that should be us all done!
So he missed his pudding tonight Tracy, actually it would have been his appetiser as he had not had his dinner yet! :D Mum was mortified Mel well not so much with the already dead one, that was not his fault.. although maybe he caught it a few nights ago and left it there to snack on later in the week :D
Nice to see you Trixie, that girl of yours knows what she likes to wear.. ie nothing!! She does have a nice fur coat though and does not appear to be suffering hypothermia :D hope you get to the park tomorrow to give her a good run! Love the yellow snow story, your hubby's onto the signs now:D :)
All good otherwise here, the paw has not worsened off the antibiotics and the lump feels smaller to me so that's good and he was much more perky today without having the ABs. He bounced out of bed and went to chew his toys... don't we notice and love the small things that make us realise all is well xxx
Budsters Mom
01-09-2014, 11:24 PM
It sounds like Flynny's paw is healing nicely. YAY!:p Hey, what's a bird or two among friends.;) What can a guy do when a present like that arrives on your doorstep? I with you Flynn. I got your back boy.:D xxxx
01-10-2014, 05:01 PM
Hey you, hows things I hope there has been no more bird incidents, it sounds like that Alfred Hitchcock film The Birds are Coming, I,ve never been able to watch it right through as it scares the bejesus out of me. Its your own fault for having nice and shiny windows :eek:
01-10-2014, 05:24 PM
Hi Tracy
Yep we had a bird free day!! I am very pleased it is Sat morning here, just sitting chilling out after a busy week. Doing lunch tomorrow for a few friends so need to go shopping for that!
Flynny is great, he is out sunbathing and rolling around on the lawn as I type!
How's your week gone? xx
01-10-2014, 05:42 PM
Week has been not too bad up and down lol. We,ve had one day of no rain just wish it would stop. Glad you and Flynn are chilling out in the sun I've forgotten what that looks like :)
01-10-2014, 06:22 PM
You must be so waterlogged by now, I would be well sick of it too...
Flynny has come in as he got too hot I think :D anything on the job front? Have you decided when to go pick up Woody?
01-10-2014, 06:53 PM
Yeah the water has no where to go all the fields are like swimming pools but a bit more cold and muddy;)
Going in the morning to pick up Woody bring him home, mums coming with me. I've had Woodys old rescue on the phone today asking if I want e mail alerts of any suitable dogs needing a home I have asked them not to send me anything for the moment
. Nothing on the job front have applied for 15 jobs this week so will have to see if anything comes of it x
01-10-2014, 07:07 PM
Good luck on the job front!
Yeah, in your own'll know when you're ready for another furlet.
01-10-2014, 07:12 PM
You will know when you are ready to take that step again in getting another doggie, would be too soon for me too but we are all so different in that regard but the time will come when you want another fur baby!
Wow 15, hopefully you get some interviews from that lot!
01-10-2014, 07:18 PM
Yeah fingers crossed some of them are part time and not very well paid but it's a start. I will have another dog but only when the time is right and like you say I,ll know when that is.
I'm off to bed as I'm a bit tired and have a long drive tomorrow catch up with you soon. Gentle back a scratches to Flynn x
01-10-2014, 07:36 PM
Have a good sleep Tracy, I will be here to welcome Woody home tomorrow, maybe see you tonight :) xx
01-12-2014, 04:40 AM
Hey Trish
How are you and Flynn? Had a good Sunday, how was lunch?
Hope Flynn's foot is doing better?
Sweet dreams if I don't catch you and hope your Monday goes well, I have to deal with the aftermath from some issues last week so not looking forward to it!
Big hugs to you and scratches to the wee man
Stopping by to say hi and check in on Flynn's foot. Hope you had a good weekend!:)
Budsters Mom
01-12-2014, 08:50 PM
What's going on with our boy's foot? Is the redness gone?
Are the birds safe for now? ;) xxxxx
01-12-2014, 09:05 PM
Hi Trish,
I hope Flynn's paw is on the mend, you and he are in my thoughts.
01-13-2014, 04:13 AM
Hi girls, thanks for checking in on us!
His paw is good, no redness there at all. Hopefully none will appear as he run down into that muddy creek tonight, only it has been so hot it has dried up so not so muddy anymore :) There is still a wee lump there but it is nearly gone so I am hoping it is not a cyst after all but maybe a little infection. But I am happy with it, it is not bothering him anymore and he is not licking it so that has to be good!
He is doing real good at the moment, lot of energy and enjoying his new food and I really am liking how his coat is getting shiny. Maybe combination of new food and the fish oil he has been getting regularly last couple of months. So pleased we did the surgery, it does my heart good to see him galloping over the fields :D:D xx
molly muffin
01-13-2014, 04:53 PM
Howdy doody :) Flynn-man galloping across the fields, the wind in his shiny hair, nose in the air, eyes bright and on the goal. (are we still talking about a dog running across the field?) I got a tad poetic there for a moment and forgot what I started out thinking.
No more mud, so must be pretty warm there now. Hope you are having a decent week. I'm still in nurse mode! :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-13-2014, 05:00 PM
Go Flynn it does my heart good too knowing he is health, happy and enjoying life :D
01-13-2014, 09:31 PM
How wonderful! Trish, I love reading posts like this! You go Flynn!
Budsters Mom
01-13-2014, 09:45 PM
Your update made me so happy Trish!:D Our wonder boy Flynny, running carefree is such a blessing. He definitely teaches all if us to live in the moment. :D LOVE IT!!!! Xxxxxx
01-13-2014, 10:20 PM
Awesome news all around Trish!
01-14-2014, 09:05 PM
he really is a wonder boy indeed.
Boriss McCall
01-16-2014, 01:31 PM
I am so happy to get back on here & see that Flynn is doing super.
Happy New Year!!!
01-16-2014, 09:02 PM
Good news about Flynn! I hope one day Kaibo will have a shiny coat again! Hope you have a good weekend!
01-17-2014, 05:29 PM
Hi all - thanks for all your notes... Flynny sends you all a big lick! :p:p:D
He continues to do well! I have even put off his review with Mike as I think he is doing the best right now that he has been over the last couple of years and I do not want to jinx anything with a vet visit! Plus I am still trying to resuscitate the Visa after the liver surgery, so we can well do without anymore vet bills right now!
Actually, I do need a new drug... one for naughtiness!! Honestly he has developed selective hearing, now he knows the wee creek has no water in it I cannot keep him out of it. He zips down the bank and trolls up and down sniffing out the lovely smells in there, finding god knows what tasty things to eat, ugh.... I call him out, he takes a look at me and says... I think not, Mum.... I'm off :rolleyes: and he high tails it further down the creek bed. I can't get down there as it is steep on both sides so I cannot go drag him out and the little bugger knows it! :D:D Might be a few more walks up the beach instead, it is just a pain as I can walk out the door and go to the school and it is so easy. I do not want to leash him when he gets such delight and good exercise running and investigating everything. :D:D Even when he is naughty I smile, as I love the energy and vigour he has for life now. Still, I do not really want a naughty dog so he does get the occasional stern talking too, just to keep him in line!
Thanks for checking in on us lovelies xxxxxxx :D
Budsters Mom
01-17-2014, 05:52 PM
Yes and I'm sure he responds to your firm reprimands! LOL:D I wish we all had such a sweet joy for life as our wonder dog! You go Flynny! Xxxxx
01-17-2014, 05:59 PM
Haha Kathy, he listen's then is like... yeah, nah... what's next Mum.. where we going now!! Love it :D Your right, if only we could all learn to live in the moment like a dog does, I try but fail miserably usually :p
molly muffin
01-17-2014, 07:05 PM
molly loves the chase game too. Unfortunately here in the city it is not a good game to play as a run across the street could be the last one ever. I am super careful not to let her out the front door at all without a halter leash on. Scares me to death the very possibility.
Flynn just has an adventurous soul. He wants to explore everywhere and everything. One must admire that kind of spirit. :) :) I'm so glad he is doing well, really well even. I agree, give that visa a break for awhile. LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin
Popping in to say hi and to tell you I LOVE that you come by at the start of each weekend to say hi and hope it continues as it always brings a smile to my face.
Glad to hear Flynn is being Ace Dog Ventura:):):) He does so seem to lvoe and adventure.
The sun is out her in Wisconsin today. A rarity.;) Bitter cold is coming through again this week but the good news is when I lfet work last night it was just dusk. Brings me hope that by the end of February it will be light out when I get home from work.:D:D:D:D
01-18-2014, 03:32 PM
Flynn goes nowhere near roads without a leash either Sharlene, he has absolutely no road sense whatsoever despite trying to train him. The school fields are right next door, so he is leashed for the walk down our driveway into the fields until we are safely away from the roads. We can only walk there when the boys are not in school and no one is about. I do love letting him run free though and it is a safe place for him to roam about.
Last night I took him up the beach, we were getting out the car and another woman arrived with her two big dogs. While Flynny is great around other dogs he does get worried by big black ones after getting bitten when he was younger. So I leashed Flynn, hers were free. While she was fiddling about doing something in the car. We started walking and then there was growling and barking between Flynny and the black one who run up to us looking aggressive. Jeez, it hacks me off. I picked him up, told the other dog to bugger off and stomped off while giving the woman "the look" but it was probably a bit lost behind my sunglasses :cool: I don't know if Flynn or the other one started it, but I sure finished it quick smart! I think she gave me "the look" too perhaps for being too precious with my dog, but if someone leashes their dog then they do it for a reason, like him having had major surgery 7 weeks ago and I do not want him tussling or heavy playing with other dogs just yet. :mad::mad:
Glad its sunny in Wisconsin Addy!! These snow storms will hopefully be lessening, isn't it great when it lightens up. I hate in mid winter going to work and coming home in the dark, so depressing! Well it might have changed since you did that post as I just checked the weather app and it said you are -7 celcius with snow, Sharlene not much better at -4 with drifting snow... wonder if drifting snow is worse than the normal snow :D
Budsters Mom
01-18-2014, 04:20 PM
You are such a great mommy Trish! Flynny remains a naughty little puppy. I love his sense if adventure! Xxxxx
01-18-2014, 04:48 PM
Hey you, I,m afraid I would have done more than a look to that women, it is a serious pet hate of mine. Woody wasn,t good with dogs, and I used to hate it when other peoples ran up to him off lead I was always afraid he would fight I used to shout get your dog on the lead mine is not friendly !!!!
Glad you got the shopping in hope you enjoyed your dinner :)
01-18-2014, 05:14 PM
This happens all of the time in Greenwich. I would think that people would be more cautious. We took Daisy to a park, a lady came by with a HUGE Bermese Mountain dog on leash who politely greeted Daisy and all was fine. Another dog of the same breed ran up to her, it was off leash. Not so good for the dog.
Daisy immediately jumped up and hung off of its ear!
I was mortified and the owner of both dogs as it turns out, was very nonchalant about it.
01-18-2014, 05:34 PM
Hi Kathy :D Valerie :D Tracy :D!
Yes it is annoying, if I see someone coming towards me with their dog leashed I always put Flynn's on even if I do not think he needs to, that is Dog Etiquette 101 for goodness sake!! Otherwise I judge by the look of the dog, it is good for them to play and socialise with their kind :D But if they look in the least bit nasty and I know you cannot judge a book by its cover, on his leash he goes as I do not want to take any chances. He has lots of friends up there, dogs that walk there regularly so he loves to go say hello and have a little romp about with them. Once a big dog had him bailed up and Flynn was looking scared, mind you he is a feisty terrier and doesn't back down either. But this dog was growling and looking mean... it would not go away. it's stupid owner was not far away looking on, man I was furious... I tried to get it away but it would not go... I had Flynn's leash in my hand and smacked it on the butt (not hard, please do not think I am a dog abuser :rolleyes:) but that made it run off then the owner screamed at me not to whack her dog... jeez that lady got an earful, had my phone and said I was ringing the police.... should have seen her take off after that!
01-18-2014, 05:37 PM
How stupid people can be!
The visual of her reaction to you calling the police - priceless :)
01-18-2014, 05:43 PM
Yep, something along the lines of your dog is vicious lady and if you cannot control it and just stand there watching then I will take it into my own hands.... I didn't ring the police. God there are some stupid people about, like the ganster type kids, in their hoodies with pitbulls on a heavy chain that have not been trained properly. I feel sorry for their dogs but I am scared of them and take a wide berth if I see any people like that coming towards me.
molly muffin
01-18-2014, 05:54 PM
I hate it when dogs are off leash in an area they shouldn't be. Makes me very nervous as I know Molly is not particularly friendly either to animals or people she doesn't know.
I'd be very happy too Trish. grrrrrrrr
Oh yes, saw the school grounds in the video you posted, that is a very nice and safe area for him to run around.
Even though I was just outside taking the muffin for a walk, I ran to look to see if we had blowing snow. It is windy, so could be blowing around some, we got new snow over night and think we're going to have more tonight. That blowing snow stuff can make driving a bit difficult. I don't like blowing snow much. Now big fat fluffy flakes coming down while I am inside, warm and cozy, works fine. :) (although if we could only have it christmas eve and day and then it goes away till next christmas eve, would be even Better!) :)
Hope your weekend was really good
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-19-2014, 10:42 AM
Hey Trish We don,t have pitbulls or pitbull mix here, as they are classed as an illegal breed and the police will seize them, bit of a shame, its staffies they use here they put them in a leather studded collar to make them look tough, such a shame as they are lovely dogs :)
Hope you had fun at the winery x
01-19-2014, 02:15 PM
Staffies are such lovely dogs, hate seeing them with those mean looking collars to make them seem staunch.
Hope your not buried in the snow Sharlene!
Eek ,look at the time, need to leave for work. Maybe see you tonight xxx
molly muffin
01-19-2014, 04:12 PM
Nope, not buried yet. Although I did walk outside to go to do some browsing shopping (I had to escape the house for awhile before going nutso) and it was blowing snow all over the place!! I thought, "Ha, dang if Trish wasn't ahead of the forecast yesterday and now it's caught up"! LOL never fear, though, I just threw that jeep into 4 wheel drive and off I went.
Oh I agree, staffies are lovely. Some of our friends have had them for ages. Now they are down to just one :( His name is Angel and he is adorable! He thinks he is a lap dog and boy do you know you have a dog on your lap when he is there. Hahahahaa He can knock me over when he is in giving kisses mode. LOL
ugh, yea, back to work soon. I'll be waiting to see how hubs is doing as to whether or what days I'll go into the office this week.
Oh that is too funny about Flynn high tailing it inside when the sprinkler came on. Yea, he has energy galore, but not even energy and happy summer days will get him under a sprinkler. It's a wonder you are ever able to bath him. LOLOLOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-19-2014, 06:35 PM
Hey you, Glad to hear you had a nice lazy day at the winery, just what you need to re-charge the batteries before work. :)
Please to hear that Flynn is still doing well and enjoying life to the max :D
I hope you weren,t late for work this morning
01-19-2014, 06:45 PM
Did you have a sore head :eek: hope your having an ok Monday, comes around far too quick!
Loved your update on Tracys thread when he ran away from the sprinkler, my two would do the very same thing. I can just imagine him scampering off in disgust :D
Tia used to think she was a lap dog, hated sitting on the floor, she used to even sit on the seat in the vets waiting room :D
01-20-2014, 04:59 PM
Hey Trish - hope your Monday has went well, and little superdog is still living it large :p
01-21-2014, 05:04 AM
No, I didn't have a sore head Sharlene :) :D Flynny sure is still doing well and continues to enjoy life, he is a bit put out his walking buddy (Dad) is under the weather lately but I have been walking him each night to make up for it :D
Mike rang tonight for a catchup, we are not repeating his bloods/BP etc until the end of February because everything was so good last time. A little nervous about that, but no point putting him through needless vet visits, he sure has had enough of them!! He still wants to get the biggest lipomas off, he said before he has to remove the dog from the lipoma! I agree but it is only two months since his last surgery:eek:. Mike has three weeks leave in February and he said either we do it now, because he wants to be there for the postop period to make sure all is going good with Flynn or we wait, do his bloods/UPC/BP checks late Feb and then if all well surgery a week or so later which is what we have agreed to do. He said I am to txt him if I have any concerns while he is away, as he is only going to be on holiday a couple of hours out of town and he wants to advise what we need to do if anything cropped up... did I say how much I love this man!!
Now, Flynn's scan is due in the next month to check his liver. I asked him about whether he could do it here and email the scan to his specialist team in Auckland for review. He said unfortunately not as his scanner is the 25K model where as the specialists ones are like 150K and he said the difference between the two models is like night and day. He said his scanner is enough for local vets checking pregnant animals and the babies and if there is a real obvious big tumour in a pet but is not high powered enough to see small subtle changes so we have to go to Auckland for that unfortunately. The specialist vet scanners have mega pixels which make for a much clearer picture. So I guess that fits in with what we tell everyone here about high definition ultrasound scanners. Plus the guy that does them in Auckland is a specialist radiologist vet and there are not many of them in our country and he thinks Flynn most definitely needs his expertise. Bah humbug so we need to do that trip.
I have decided not to try and board Flynn, I have two trips up to Auckland in the next month for concerts, but he would have to stay 3 nights at the vets if I took him on either of those trips and he would most definitely hate that and so would I leaving him there. So I am going to have to bite the bullet and plan another trip just for him. With a bit of luck I can go up and back in a day, otherwise I will find a pet friendly motel for the night.
We still both avoiding starting prednisone for IBD, he said as he is so good we will just keep that up our sleeve.
So we are all happy with this! Flynn was too when I told him he does not have to go this week for any testing :D:D:D xxx
01-21-2014, 05:26 AM
Hey You - Did I every tell you I love your Mike too, it is so good to find a vet that is all about the animal and not just the money.:D I did laugh at the remove the dog from the lipoma lol.
A special trip for his US, suppose it is needed especially the high resolution one, they are the best to notice any sort of changes. Glad you are managing to stay off the pred for the moment, Flynny diet must be working for him good on you !
Well Flynny has been through some surgeries what,s another one to him, bring it on I,m sure he will sail through it like his last ones, love to read his is doing so well, you obviously are looking after that boy very well :p
01-21-2014, 05:40 AM
Hey Tracy, I saw your little light on :) yes we are lucky indeed to have him! Certainly when you read the stories on here about some of the vets others have to put up with. Your ones were great too, both local and specialist. Honestly do not know what I would have done without his support and care of Flynn and putting up with my Type A personality wanting everything crossed and dotted but I think a lot of us are like that on the boards!! I wonder if the vets have a forum to destress where they talk about the crazy K9C'ers :D:D
01-21-2014, 05:46 AM
That made me laugh, can you image if they did have a forum, lol but I guess they must be used to it, I know Craig was used to me, questioning and re questioning everything, but he was sweet about it.
Why are you not in bed Mrs, its late over there, I just popped in before I get ready to go my daily walk, don,t think it will be far today as its bitterly cold :D
01-21-2014, 05:50 AM
Yes, I think if I ever had to interview any new prospective vet I would ask that, how they deal with questions, communication in general like email because it is those little things that mean so much and the support is vital, I remember reading a lot of a vets work is dealing with the owners! Man, I would drive me mad so all credit to him!!!
Yep nearly midnight, just watching a tennis game... I love sports :) It's live Australian Open... Djokovic looks like he is going down...
01-21-2014, 05:57 AM
Not really a sports fan, although I love the athletics and the tennis, hows my Andy Murray getting on, Djokovic going down mmm surprised at that he usually does very well, he may very well pull it back as I,ve seen him do that before :)
01-21-2014, 06:03 AM
Funny you said that lol as he just broke back and looking like it might go to 5 sets now... can't stay up that late!! Andy smashed his racket last night, like a petulant boy :p but he won!
01-21-2014, 06:13 AM
Go Andy that,s the Scottish temper for you :D
01-23-2014, 07:32 PM
Oh I love Flynn's new avatar photo! It may not be so new but I've been away from the board for a bit. He is such a cutie and glad to read he's doing so well.
We have off leash hours in Central Park and it's amazing how little trouble there is between dogs and between owners. It's a delicate balance though.
Trixie has had a touch of naughtiness lately too!! :p I think it's cabin fever..with this brutal cold and snow she has not had any long walks since Sunday she is all over the house looking for opportunities to take things she shouldn't. She also wants me to chase her and play tug of war...not my favorite indoor games!! Sometimes I wish Trixie would be the kind of dog that drops a ball for a throw and brings it back right to me and drops it again...but NOOOOO. Typical terrier she wants a bit of a battle....anyway glad to hear Flynn is being a bit naughty himself because he must be feeling pretty good to be looking for some trouble!! ;)
Hope he continues to do so well!! :D
molly muffin
01-23-2014, 08:28 PM
whooo hoooo almost the weekend! Love it when Fridays roll around. :)
Hope you and Flynn have had a good week. Hope your fish cooker is doing better and going to be home soon. You know Flynn will be missing his buddy. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-24-2014, 06:06 AM
Hi Barbara... that's the look he gives me when he thinks it time we went for a walk... he stares me out and then gives a bit of a bark :) He has been naughty, tonight on his walk he was running along and right by the edge of our field he came across a cat sleeping in the afternoon sun, they gave each other quite a shock, the cat leapt up and then it was a full on chase which luckily the cat won by jumping a fence :eek::eek: He does the fetch, he brings the ball back and drops it for me and then barks till I throw it again. If it is too wet for a walk, I toss it for ages until he tires of it then sits down to chew the ball up! Glad you have off leash areas, they really need it to get a good run. The exercise is so good for them, strengthens everything including heart and I get him loose at least once a day.
Dad is still in hospital Sharlene, I am going to take Flynn tomorrow with Mum. I will bring Dad down in a wheelchair to the café, there is an outside area which I know I can sneak Flynny into, he does miss Dad so it will be nice for them both. Then on the way home I am planning a nice run for him in the dog park. Hopefully Dad will be home on Monday if all goes well, he had a long line put in for IV ABs today which he has to have daily for six weeks. So this has been a bit of a sucky week with Dad so ill and having surgery but hopefully he is starting to turn the corner and Flynny will have his fish cooker back soon!! xxxx
molly muffin
01-24-2014, 08:38 AM
Oh I'm glad that he is hopefully getting better. I know the family And Flynn will be relieved when he is home and out of the woods. 6 weeks! Yikes that's a long time, but assume he really needs it to knock back infections. Wishing him all the best.
Dogs, love a good run don't they! :) and trouble, they love to get into trouble hahaha
oh gee, Molly and a cat met up in surprise like that one day (around the corner of a hedge) except the cat jumped straight up in the air and then headed for molly. Molly hadn't been touched by the cat, but ran towards the street (this is on leash) howling like she was being killed. I almost had a heart attack because I thought for sure the cat had got her with it's claws, but nope, didn't happen. Molly is a drama queen. I pulled molly back on the leash, picked her up, checked her out, all was well, her heart was racing though and the cat sat and looked at us. I put molly down again and continued on our walk and looked back only to see the freaking cat was stalking us down the sidewalk and would stop when we stopped, go when we went. That cat still periodically stalks molly when we are on our walks, but they've never come that close to meeting since.
Oh I like the plan to sneak Flynn into to say hi to your dad. That will be quite the adventure, fun time. :)
have a good weekend
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-24-2014, 08:47 AM
Trish, somehow I am not seeing what has put your dad into the hospital. Undoubtedly I am being blind as usual and it is right in front of my face somewhere in your thread :o, but bear with me and please tell us again what has gone wrong. And also tell your dad he has a lot of adopted children all around the world who are sending him well wishes!
I love the notion of sneaking Flynnie in for a visit, too. I bet he'll be excellent therapy for everybody who's out in the cafe that day -- not just your dad! ;) :)
Oh Trish, I did not know Dad was in hospital.
I do hope everything is ok. I will read back through your thread at lunch.
Love ya
01-24-2014, 03:44 PM
Hi Sharlene, Marianne and Addy!
Poor Dad has an infected hip joint replacement. He had the original surgery 4 years ago. A couple of weeks back he casually mentioned to me about this "lump" on his hip that he had showed his GP who gave him antibiotics for what he thought was a superficial infection. I immediately had a look and it was a lump that looked infected about the size of a mandarin on the old scar :eek::eek:!! I took him straight to ED and he was admitted to hospital, they sent him home the next day with a plan to aspirate a few days later after the GP ABs got out of his system. When they tried to do it they could not get fluid, he was sent home again for further review a week down the track, but last weekend I was not happy with it and took him back to ED. So in the end on Tuesday he was taken to theatre and it took them ages to clean it out, wash out his hip there was quite a lot of necrotic tissue. So the wound keeps on oozing but that can take up to 10 days to settle down.
So now he has to have long term IV antibiotics for at least six weeks. The problem is these infections are notoriously difficult to heal once it gets in the joint. They often have to take the old hip out, they put an antibiotic infused spacer in, the hip, have them in traction for six weeks while it all settles down and the infection resolves and then they put a new hip in. So that is two big surgeries which we want to avoid if at all possible as Dad had a small stroke when they did the first hip 4 years ago, so not the best anaesthetic risk!!
This is a chronic infection, Dad had noticed discomfort there at least 3 months back (yes we have had words about him not telling me this!!!!) The ortho team has said as it is chronic it has a better chance of the antiobiotics fixing it and avoiding further surgery, but if he had presented septic and unwell they take the old metalware out asap. So we have fingers crossed this approach works. x
molly muffin
01-24-2014, 06:23 PM
Oh my goodness! I bet you did have words about this, as getting it taken care of sooner rather later is in his best interest. (no more surgeries!) Not sure why some people can be so stubborn about saying they hurt.
So you have the sneak in plan figured out and ready to go? Did you have a chat with Flynn about being on his best behavior?! No chases the nurses now Flynn-man. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
01-24-2014, 08:20 PM
I am so sorry to read this news about your dad.:o What is Flynny managing to do all day while your at work? I bet he's missing his best bud. Sending healing energy to your dad and lots of love to you and our little man. Xxxxx
01-24-2014, 08:56 PM
How scary that is! Dads don't handle us being adults very well and they don't want us to worry.
My father had rotator cup surgery and they botched it. I came home one day and he showed me a very bruised lump sitting in the crook of his arm. Casually he asks if I think it should be checked out. I replied "Yeah!" The sharp edges of cartilage that they left sawed off his bicep muscle.
Dads are dads. We love them anyway and I hope that yours has a speedy, surgery free recovery!
01-25-2014, 05:28 AM
Hey you, hoping the IV meds work for your dad and he gets out soon. How did it go sneaking in Flynn I bet they both enjoyed :
01-29-2014, 01:42 PM
Hi Trish,
So sorry to hear about your Dad!! I hope he is feeling better and that the infection is soon eradicated! Just hated to see either of my parents in the hospital. Very stressful on them to not be in their own home. I hope he is doing well and able to get some rest.
Did he get to visit with Flynn as you mentioned? I love the idea of sneaking Flynn in for a little morale boost! Pets should be allowed in certain places of the hospital because they are beneficial in comforting the patients!
Hoping you are all doing well...especially your Dad! ;)
molly muffin
01-29-2014, 05:19 PM
Hope your dad is doing okay, and on the way to beating this infection. How cool of you to spring him for the night! :) Good daughter! LOL Betcha Flynn-man liked that too.
Sharlene and molly muffin
01-30-2014, 02:40 AM
Hi all
We are ticking along OK, thanks for popping in to say Hi!! Flynn says a big howdy doody back to you all and the pups! He is in fine form, still appears to be feeling really good. He is all booked in for his checkup scan in Auckland on Wednesday 19th Feb. I will take the day off and drive him up and back hopefully, all going well, in one day.
I am off tomorrow for a meeting a few hours north of here and staying up there overnight, my sister is coming along for the drive as her daughter has recently moved to the city we are going too. So we will do dinner with Lauren and spend the night there then some shopping the next morning before driving back home :D Flynny is having a sleepover with Mum. Dad is still in hospital, we are waiting for the hip wound to stop oozing, he has a daily dressing change and daily IV antibiotics and is starting to feel much better. If it doesn't dry up soon he may have to go for another washout. This afternoon when I got to his room, he was up pottering about tidying up his locker, which is an improvement on laying in his bed which is what he has been doing :D The last two days I brought him home after he had his treatments in the morning and returned him first thing the following morning to see the Drs. But he has to stay in tonight as I am leaving at 6am, so a bit too early to be taking him back to hospital at that time of the morning. This is the main reason I only want to be away one night so I can get him home on leave over the weekend!
So that's us, not too much news but the best news is my Flynny boy is still doing good :D xx
01-30-2014, 04:25 AM
Howdy doody Flynn and Trish. A night away with your sister and some shopping ok and a little bit of work inbetween, seems like fun. Fingers and paws crossed for the 19th February, but knowing Flynn everything will be just fine :D
Good to hear that you can spring your dad out of hospital some nights, couldn,t do that here, Flynn will keep your mum company until he can get home for good :p
01-30-2014, 04:45 AM
Yes well lucky for him it is not November so it should all be fine, hopefully none of the other nodules in his liver are growing. The one that went real huge in November had been there at least two years. So with a bit of luck, nothing will have grown much. I have to think that as his bowel and kidneys are so good right now hopefully his liver is behaving too!
They put Dad "on leave" which has worked well for him, lucky we are able to do that. He was getting quite used to being in hospital with the nurses looking after him :rolleyes: so best to get him up and about and moving :D
01-30-2014, 04:49 AM
Off course if the bowls and kidneys are good at the moment then his liver must be too :D
"On Leave" nope can,t do that here unless you are a physic patient, once your in hospital your in, they do sometimes let patients out for the weekend especially if they need the beds which they seem to always need :)
molly muffin
01-30-2014, 09:16 AM
Have a blast with your sister and niece the next couple days. :) Sounds like fun.
I don't think they'd let us spring patients here either, but they should it's a great idea as long as the family can swing it and I bet it does a lot of the patients morale too. Besides, can't let pop get too use to those nurses doing everything for him 24 hours a day! Yikes!
Yep, you're right. There have always been signs with Flynn when things are going off, poops, urine results, that signify a bigger issue with the liver. None of those signs then we can hope that those nodules are behaving themselves too. We'll see if our "theory" holds water come February, but I bet it does.
Bloody long driving day though up and back in the same. whew.
Have a good one and catch you when you're back
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
02-04-2014, 10:53 PM
Hi Trish,
How is your dad and our little man doing? What a nasty drive in one day. I don't drive that month in a month!:eek: xxxx
02-05-2014, 03:58 PM
Hi everyone
Have been a bit busy with one thing and another lately so have not been around here much but I am pleased to say that Flynn is doing good! Dad is doing OK too, that hip is still oozing but it is decreasing so hopefully slowly coming right. He is still allowed on leave from hospital so at least he gets to spend a few nights in his own bed at home!
I am away for a couple nights now, so will catch up in a few days! xxxxxx :D
molly muffin
02-05-2014, 04:51 PM
Have fun!! I'm sure the concert will be a blast!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-07-2014, 01:14 PM
Hi Trish and Happy NZ Day!! :D :D :D
Great to read both your Dad and Flynn doing well!! Yay for them!! Things looking better here this morning. Trixie improving and eager to eat today...first time since Monday. She gave us quite a scare, but things looking up now.
Hope you enjoy your day today and the weekend too!! :D
Howdy Trish and Flynny,
Hoping all is well and everyone enjoyed the concert.
Hope Dad is good too.
02-07-2014, 03:48 PM
Hello stranger :D
Hoping that you are well. How is your dad doing, how was the concert?
Your right we are overdue a catch up. It is really good to hear that Flynn is very well, he really is a testament to you:p
molly muffin
02-07-2014, 07:05 PM
hmm, can't remember when you get back, but want to hear all about the weekend. I bet it was a total blast!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-08-2014, 03:36 PM
It was fantastic thanks, that Dolly is a awesome performer and man what a voice she has, she can blast it out!! Can sure teach some of these younger singers a thing or two. Little Sparrow was my favourite - although I thought she was saying Little Spaniel for a bit hehehe :D The rest of the time away was awesome too, out to dinner, shopping etc. Mum had a great time for her Christmas present. Going back in 3 weeks for Bruce Springsteen, plus of course Flynny's trip for his scan in 10 days.
Flynn boy and Dad were fine, Mum's sister came and cared for them all. It has rained a lot so hopefully there will be a break today to get him out for an overdue walk xx
02-08-2014, 03:42 PM
Glad you had a good trip, can,t beat a bit of Dolly :D So good that your mum enjoyed it as well, cool going to see The Boss that will be awesome.
That's great that you managed to get your mums sister to look after both your dad and Flynn :)
02-08-2014, 03:49 PM
Hey Tracy!! Lovely to see you! Be nice to catch with Mel too, hope she is doing OK and not doo overworked!! Your new job sounds like it will be fab, I think you should ship yourself off to visit all of us :D:D
Yes Aunty Alison did a great job, Dad loved her cooking!! Mum just called to say his hip dressing is wet, so they are off back to the ward to get that checked.
02-08-2014, 03:54 PM
Oh darn theres always something, I hope he gets on all right. Spoke to Mel last week, she is snowed under at work but she,s ok :p
I have got to get past the interview yet, but if I get it, it will be a challenge and something different from what I,m used to :D
02-08-2014, 04:15 PM
Maybe they had that job pegged out for you all along, especially as they are not advertising it?
Ack, Mum just phoned from hospital and he is readmitted and back on IV antibiotics :mad:
02-08-2014, 04:21 PM
Oh goodness, but maybe this will sort him out quickier, but still not nice being in hospital. My friend that I have dinner with every Friday is in hospital, I visited her tonight and the hospital is really a drab place, and her ward is fully of grumpy nurses lol :p
Did your mum say how long they will be keeping your dad in for, fingers crossed it is only for a few days and he is home soon. Parents they are a nightmare aren,t they :eek:
02-08-2014, 04:32 PM
Yes they are :eek: they actually walked past his ortho surgeon in the corridors on their way up to the ward. He is going to have a good look tomorrow on the ward round. Meantime back on the suction dressing, IV ABs and they will decide tomorrow whether they need to take him back to theatre.
How is your Mom's eye? Aww your poor friend. I must say the nurses here have been fab with him, he gets his own room too as with the infection in his hip they do not want it being passed on to anyone that has had recent surgery. So he gets his own en suite!! Luckily here in NZ, emergency care and hospital admissions are free, well we do pay for it in our taxes but he does not end up with a big bill at the end of it.
Budsters Mom
02-08-2014, 04:35 PM
So sorry about your dad Trish. At least he's where they can keep an eye on that nasty infection. Poor guy.:o
Happy to hear that Flynny is well and the concert was great! That's quite a drive. Thank goodness it was worth it?:p xxxxx
02-08-2014, 04:40 PM
Yeah we,re the same here, we pay through our taxes, but the NHS system is a mess, the government has closed so many hospitals and wards recently there isn,t enough beds for the patients. My landlord has been in for 3 weeks, when he got rushed in by ambulance the hospital said there was no beds for him and wanted to send him home, luckily his wife is a nurse and told them what was wrong with him, he had septacemia (sp) and demanded a bed :eek:
Mum,s eye is healing well and she goes back to the eye doctor on Friday, so she is hoping to get the bandage lens out her eye and get the all clear. The lens makes her eyesight blurred and its been getting her down a bit, so fingers crossed she can have it out on Friday. I went to pick her up to take her shopping this morning and she had her hand all bandaged up, she cut herself with a knife when opening up a bread roll, so I cleaned it up for her and re bandaged it, so its clean and should heal fine. She is a nightmare ;)
molly muffin
02-08-2014, 04:43 PM
Oh man, Bruce Springsteen coming up! I'm jealous. I wanted to go when he was here and somehow it all got away from me and I didn't go (time). LOL I know you'll have a fab time though.
Oh my gosh, very not great about Dad oozing. hmmm I had to read that sentence twice and then was thinking, well, yea he Is oozing. LOL Still not good and I hope they can get this sorted out soon.
I'm off in a bit to prepare for a zombie night. :) (hosting, not being)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-08-2014, 04:43 PM
Hi Kathy
Thanks for that, the drive is not too bad... only 5 hrs. But it took us 7 hrs yesterday, we spotted a little country market, outlet stores, and lunch of course. It was nice to meander home. We got stuck in a torrential downpour at one stage. Mum was petrified and made me stop till it passed over
02-08-2014, 04:49 PM
Oh don,t you just love those little markets, and outlet stores they are great for a bargain. Poor Mum, mind you heavy rain can be scary to drive in, unless you stay in Scotland as we are so accustomed to it :p
02-08-2014, 05:01 PM
Well I have some Scottish blood running in my veins so can drive in it pretty well :D, but after I did a little aquaplane decided it best to stop for a while too :eek:
02-08-2014, 05:04 PM
Yip good idea to stop in that weather. Are you going to see your dad today?
02-08-2014, 05:24 PM
I will, this afternoon. Weather is still pretty foul, so wanted to get the laundry done but not looking likely right now. I have a couple of visits to do later today and groceries too, plus walk the boy so it will be a busy afternoon so better get my a into g and get going!!! Have a good sleep and talk soon :Dxx
Hi Trish,
Just getting caught up on things and saw that your Dad is back in the hospital. :( How is he doing? I sure wish they would get that darned infection under control, I'm sure you do too. That is so worrisome. Hopefully another round of IVAB's will do the trick. Does he still have the PICC line in place?
Pleased to see that your trip went well and that the concert was good. Sounds like your Mum enjoyed herself. Dolly is a great performer. Little Sparrow is my favorite too. :) Google David Cook's version, it is so good also. And I am so happy you get to see The Boss, how exciting!!! I LOVE him, definitely one of my lifelong faves. I fight for tickets every time he comes near here and have been very lucky to get them every time so far. He always sells out in minutes. I last saw him a year ago in November for the Wrecking Ball Tour, the show was fantastic as always. I read that he absolutely tore it up the 3 nights he was in Perth, so I think you will be in for quite a show. Which night will you be going?
Happy to see that Flynn did well while you were gone, and that he continues to feel so well. It's so nice that you have people that can watch him for you. I am at a real disadvantage there, I don't have anyone that I could trust with Jasper. I'm hoping for the best with Flynn's upcoming scan. That sure is coming up soon!
Hope to catch up with you soon Trish. I desperately need to post an update on Jasper. I have just been buried with work and ongoing family stuff, and am so tired when I get home. I hate not having as much time as I would like to be on the forum. It sure doesn't take long to get behind on everyone! Just want you to know that I am always thinking of you guys.
Tina and Jasper xo
Dang I must be going blind, I could not find your thread and had to go to stats:o:o I think I need PT on my brain:p
How is your dad? How is everything? Hope all is ok.
02-14-2014, 06:08 PM
Hey you
Popping in too see how you are doing. How's your dad I hope he,s out of hospital and on the mend.
How is the wonder dog that is Flynn.
I'm good work been hectic trying to learn everything, got stuck in the lift today oops
molly muffin
02-14-2014, 06:24 PM
And a Happy Valentines Day to the whole family in New Zealand, led of course by the mighty Flynn-man and his trusted sidekick, Trish.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-15-2014, 05:13 AM
Hey Trish
Sorry I have been Mia had a work thing to sort out which took way longer than it should have!
How is pops going? Hope all is well with Flynn too
Hopefully we will catch up soon
02-15-2014, 04:08 PM
Hey Trish
Have you disappeared, or is life just hectic. Hoping your all right need to catch up soon x
02-15-2014, 04:19 PM
Jeepers it has been a while since I updated the boy's thread! He is still doing pretty well. We are off on Wednesday for his scan in Auckland so I will have to let you know how that goes. Finger's crossed nothing is growing in that liver of his :rolleyes:
I had his LFTs checked last week to have current results for IMS, only posted abnormals, as below:
ALT 4th Nov (preop) 358, 20th Dec (one month postop) 388 :mad:, 11 Feb 242 H :) ( 0 - 75 )
ALP 2224, 1783, 1444 H ( 0 - 185 )
So they have come down somewhat, which is good to see. :) I think normal is going to be a stretch as he still has liver nodules in him. I have continued the Samilyn, although it costs a fortune here. I didn't get BP done as Mike is away another week and didn't want to upset the regime with a vet he is not familiar with doing it. Waiting for UPC as I want to keep in that happy place knowing the last one was 0.6! Tummy is pretty good, only occasional dodgy mucousy one and I think that is mainly after he snaffles something nasty on his walks.
He had a shower yesterday so he is all shiny for his IMS!
Thanks for asking about Dad, he is still in hospital. On bedrest to try and stop the continued oozing. They stopped his IV ABs late last week and he is on orals. Infectious Disease physician is on the job and he wanted PICC line out. So poor Dad had lots of pokes last week which he was not happy about. The bug in his hip is E. Coli which as we know is most commonly found in the bowel. He thinks when he had his polypectomy, which was extensive having about 30 removed in a 2 stage procedure 4 months ago, that it got into his blood and was deposited in the hip :mad:. We have been told some of these never really resolve but they want to get it to a stage where it is not oozing. Then continued antiobiotics. The best thing would be to take out the old metalware, but with Dad that would be a very big surgery as it is cemented in there. They would basically have to break the femur to get it out, they put a spacer in there that contains antiobiotics. He would have to stay on traction for about 6 weeks, then another big op to replace the hip again. There is no guarantee that would work, Dad had a small stroke after his first hip operation so we are all hoping the conservative treatment works. He is getting quite down though. His surgeon gave us permission to take him down to the café yesterday in a wheelchair and we smuggled Flynny in again for a visit :D But he is so tired and feeling a bit yuck, he is anaemic low to mid 80's for haemoglobin normal is >130. But they will not transfuse unless it goes <80 :mad:
So we have lots of on our plate this week too, will check in when I can xxxx
02-15-2014, 04:20 PM
Hi Tracy, you logged on while I posting my novel... hope all good with you and the new job is going well!!
02-15-2014, 04:31 PM
Blardy hell Trish that's a bit crap about your Dad. Fingers firmly crossed that the Ab,s work and he doesn,t need surgery, as I know that would not be good.
All in all the shiny Flynn is doing well, like you said as he still has liver nodules you can,t really expect that to be normal. I love the fact that you smuggle Flynn into see your Dad, it will be good for both of them :D
Work has been good, interesting but good, but I,ve been shattered when I,ve came home ha ha Not used to it
02-15-2014, 04:44 PM
I know, whenever I start a new job I have felt absolutely exhausted. It is the brain on a major learning curve and it needs extra sleep time to catch up! :D:D Glad you like it though!!!
02-15-2014, 06:10 PM
MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! !! Me and Tracy are waiting ever so patiently for you to appear!!!!
02-15-2014, 06:12 PM
Yes Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllll llll Where are you
Thought we could both shout her, she might hear us:D
02-15-2014, 06:15 PM
Looks like we are calling an eel hehehe :D:D
02-15-2014, 06:18 PM
HeeHee it does. Maybe she can,t hear us over the rain and wind so may need to shout louder
MEL MEL MEL MEL MEL MEL MEL MEL MEL we,re here wanting a catchup with you
02-15-2014, 06:21 PM
Ohhhh I will blow a whistle too!! :eek::eek::eek:
02-15-2014, 06:27 PM
Hee hee hee. If I was Mel and saw those last few posts I run for the hills as I think we have finally lost the plot, you more than me :D:D:D:cool:
02-15-2014, 06:30 PM
haha you think the technicolour was a bit over the top??
02-15-2014, 06:34 PM
Colour was fine, it was the whistle, it tipped it over the edge :D
02-15-2014, 06:46 PM
OK, I will go for a vuvuzela (or whoever you spell it) instead!! Mind you it is midnight there so if Mel has any sense, unlike us, she will be snoozing!! I gotta get going lovely, no nice to chat and catch up Tracy and I will see you soon!! x
02-15-2014, 06:47 PM
Oh before I go, I am going to put a photo on I took last night, of Flynn cleaning his teeth and one of him and Elle last week!!
02-15-2014, 07:12 PM
Really great pictures Trish, Flynn is looking devine, his face reminds me so much of Woody with the little one flash and love heart face :D
02-15-2014, 08:42 PM
Hi Trish!
I was thinking of you and all of the other K-9 Cushing's family and just wanted to check in. I'm sorry about your dad. Wow, he has been through a lot. I'm glad to hear my buddy Flynn is doing ok. Sorry I haven't checked in for awhile. Ms. Ella keeps me hopping:)
02-16-2014, 12:58 AM
Your poor father!!! Infections are scary. Praying that they get rid of it soon.
02-16-2014, 05:28 AM
Hello hello
Missed you messages last night but am here this morning!
Sorry to hear Pops is still in hospital, infections can be a bugger. Hopefully the ab will get rid of it soon, no way you guys want to go through surgery again.
Can't believe you are off for Flynn's app next week, come around quick hasn't it! Good to hear he is well, will go check out the photos in a bit
Work should hopefully calm down now, had to organise an audit which is not fun.
We have been lucky not to be affected by the flooding I am not near the river. All the places in Devon and Cornwall we have been to, I feel so sorry for them, apparently the waters filthy as well with shed loads of bacteria. This morning the sun is shining but it's back to doom and gloom soon I think we are getting that cold front from the us. Roll on summer!
What you been up to today?
02-16-2014, 05:34 AM
Hi Ro!!!! :D:D so lovely to see you pop in... I thought wee Ella would be keeping you busy, about time you sent me another photo so I can see how much she has grown the little darling!! Is she getting on OK with Macy? I hope he is behaving with her little rascal that he is, hopefully he has picked up more of Chey's gentle ways :) Flynn is sending you and Ella a big smushy kiss xxxxxxxxx
Valerie, thanks for thinking of Dad, yes it is a nasty infection and so hard to get rid of it. Hoping he is starting to turn the corner, I am going to his ward early in the morning to see the specialists and have another chat with him. He was a bit more perky this afternoon when I visited so that was good to see :)
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