View Full Version : Quincy and Sage

05-01-2012, 10:55 PM
Hi everyone:

I am very happy to have found you!

I am new, and in the past 6 months both of my dogs have been diagnosed with Cushings! Daisy, is an almost 13 year old malti-poo we rescued when she was 10.5 years young. Her onset was very fast. We had had her at the vet's for heart testing (she has an enlarged heart) in Nov and the blood work was normal. At the end of Dec her blood work showed Cushings and her liver and adrenal glands had enlarged to the point that I thought she had put on weight from too many cookies! It took a few months to get her meds right...the test scores aren't perfect, but close enough. A couple of weeks ago she experienced pancreatis and was touch and go but is back home, happy and painfree. Her prognosis is not great but we keep her as healthy and happy as possible.

Bree is a soon to be 11 year old Havanese. I got him as a pup from a great breeder. For the past 8 or so years he had an elevated enzyme that I was told would be a precursor to Cushings. His onset was about a month ago and he was right in and tested. He is actually on the same dosage of meds as Daisy but for his weight it is the lowest dosage. His prognosis is good.

Both dogs are on Vetoryl, and Daisy also has some additional meds to support her enlarged liver.

Harley PoMMom
05-02-2012, 12:10 AM
Hi and welcome to you and your sweet furbabies!

So sorry for the reasons that brought you to us but glad you found us, as we will help in any way we can.

It would really help us to provide you with better feedback if you would get copies of all tests that were done on your furbabies and post any abnormalities here, also since we like to keep all information together for a furbaby I was wondering if you could start a new Thread for one of them. I know I will easily get confused if all information is here for both of your sweet babes. :eek::o:) If this seems confusing, please just ask any staff member for help, ok?

Cushing's is one of the most difficult diseases to get a confirmed diagnosis for, and you have two confirmed cases!!! Wow!! Since other non-adrenal illnesses do share some of the same symptoms as Cushing's usually more than one test is done to confirm a diagnosis of Cushing's. Strong symptoms play a huge part in the diagnosis, could you tell us what symptoms led you or your vet to test for Cushing's?

Also what dose of Vetoryl are you treating with and what is the weight of your furbabies?

Please know we are here for you so do not hesitate to ask any and all questions.

Love and hugs,

05-02-2012, 08:17 AM

Thanks for your concern. I don't actually have a copy of the test results but I have great faith in my vet. I have been going to that clinic for over 40 years and they have been, during all of that time, one of the top vets in Toronto.

Both dogs get 30 (is it mg?? I don't have the box here) a day. When we first moved Daisy was drinking and peeing like crazy. First week I considered possible trauma of the move as she is an anxious dog. Second week I figured either Cushings or Diabetes. With Bree being borderline for years I had been trained to look for the symptoms in him. daisy weighs about 8 pounds. According to my vet many small dogs that require such a high dose (she has been retested regularly to ensure it is not too much) can actually decrease their need in the meds. He is not sure why this happens but he has noticed it in a number of his smaller dogs with Cushings. Right now she remains in good health on this dosage and the test results continue to show that this level is working.

Bree is a HUGE Havanese being very comfortable at 25 pounds. He too started peeing in the house (which the first couple of times we thought might be defiance as Daisy was peeing indoors) but then I noticed the water bowl requiring refilling more often so requested he be tested.

As my vet tells me, it is not uncommon for older dogs to get Cushings but it is unusual to have two in the same household.

Having had many pets at this clinic over the years (and all lived long healthy lives - except the cat who was hit by a car and died on the spot) they know to treat my pets the way they would their own. Every imaginable test will have been done to confirm the diagnosis as they tend to remain on top of their field so I am confident their dx was correct. As I mentioned, we had been expecting this in Bree for the past 8 years due to his elevated enzyme so it was just coincidental that it came to Cushings a few months after Daisy's dx.

Thanks for your concern, however. I appreciate that.

05-02-2012, 08:47 AM
Hi and Welcome,

Two Cush dogs and you are so calm:);) Good for you for handling things so well. I was a basket case when I arrived here with just one Cush pup!!!!

My Zoe is 18 pounds and is currently on 40 mgs and I am afraid we will be getting another increase next week. She is a Lhasa.

It is possible your pups may need less Trilostane in the future. Some dogs also start out sensitive to the drug, needing smaller doses to start and then need increases. One never knows. Usually a dog will need some type of dose adjustment.

I am so glad you found us. We are here to help in anyway we can. We are very good at moral support.


05-02-2012, 01:06 PM
Thanks. Likely I SEEM calm because I had 8 years to adjust to the idea of what was coming. Thankfully meds have improved since my initial research into this. Fortuantely my vet is very forthcoming with information and will sit and listen to all of my questions. Suffice to say, I can call the clinic and give my first name and they know who it is!! I have been in there almost every week for months regarding testings for Daisy (it took about 2 months to get her meds right), and the odd thing for Bree before he had this. Both dogs have had other ailments not related to cushings (daisy had an enlarged heart before, both dogs have arthritis, Bree has thyroid problems etc).

Possibly another reason I SEEM calm is that my mother is going into palliative care. Daisy was her dog and we got Daisy as a companion for her. My mother has been on oxygen for years due to COPD, last year had 5 brain hemorrhages, developed Alzheimers and now is suspected to have cancer. Definitive testing is intrusive and she is not a candidate for chemo or surgery so I would not authorize further testing.

So, I am living proof that when it rains it pours! So perhaps instead of calm I should say I am exhausted. I know daisy has a poor prognosis so I aim to keep her as happy as possible. Should she be in pain I will put her to sleep. This is not an easy decision but I have always felt I would never want my animals to suffer. Originally it was guessed that Daisy would likely have a year due to the myriad of health issues she had before Cushings appeared, and she has lived for almost 6 months of that. The other week was very emotional for me when she was touch and go but I also knew she was likely the happiest she has been in her life (she was a rescue) and she pulled through. We hopefuly have bought her a few more months.

Bree I have had since he was 7 weeks old. With him I can tell pretty quickly if something is not right, although he has a large pain tolerance. Again, I hope to keep him for several more years as long as he is happy and painfree. According to the vet, this is very doable.

Thanks for reading...I know I am rambling. Dogs can live for quite a few years with Cushings. Our vet figures Bree has another 3 or 4 years which, in all honesty, is what I more or less thought he had without Cushings. I love my pets but I am also realistic enough to ensure that every day counts.


05-02-2012, 01:55 PM

You can ramble all you need to, we are very good listeners. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. Exhaustion is understandable, both mentally and physically.

Bree and Daisy are so very lucky to have you.

I am so glad you found us


05-25-2012, 11:26 AM
As a recap, Daisy has been dx with Cushings since December and is on vetroyl. She will be 13 on Monday and we got her at 10.5 years old as a rescue. She is a malti-poo. Prior to Cushings, she has an enlarged heart, and arthritis. When she was dx she had developed an enlarged liver and enlarge adrenal glads. she is on a med for liver support. After a few months of playing with the meds we got her Cushings under control.

Earlier this month she started increasing her water intake, and urinating everywhere so we took her in for testing for kidney problems. (I should mention she also has since developed pancreas problems) And she was tested for diabetes. Both were negative (as an aside, you really know your dog is in dire straits when a positive result for diabetes is the preferable outcome). She was retested to see if the Cushings meds were working and today I was told that came back in the normal range.

The actual problem we are encountering is not at all related to Cushings but due to the fact she is, sadly, developing dementia. I had suspected this as I previously had a cat who developed dementia in her later life and has some similar symptoms. Daisy's Cushings has come on quickly (her blood work as fine and then 4 weeks later full blown Cushings!) and so has this. In fact, she was in the vet's 4 weeks ago for pancreatis and was a very happy dog. Yesterday she literally spent an hour staring at the wall as the usual clinic sounds and movement went on around her.

The vet told me that this was likely the cause of the urination because she is forgetting her house training (which I suspect was dubious at best) and that she is just naturally declining.

I do have an amazing vet who I have been going to since 1979 and he is deemed one of the best in Toronto so I fully trust him (really, I am not naive!). He knows I go to the ends of the earth for my animals and would go into hock to ensure they got any treatments they needed.

So, my husband, other dog, and I live in a condo we are not inviting anyone back to due to the fact that it has become more or less a giant pee pad. And we have an excellent toxic free cleanser! But we feel that we will trade that off for the few weeks she has left. Daisy responds best to the sense of touch I have noticed. Sun on her face, wind in her hair (during the car rides mainly), and cuddles. She coos like a pigeon when she is happy, and has never demopnstrated a mean bone in her body (and this little thing suffered abuse before we got her - in fact I am now wondering if she took some blows to the head prior to use getting her and what I am seeing)

Thanks for reading. I really just want people to know that even without a Cushings diagnosis this would have occurred. Possibly this will reduce some people's fears of their pets being diagnosed with Cushings. Yes, it is not great, but it does not mean your pet will die from it.

05-25-2012, 12:00 PM
Earlier this month she started increasing her water intake, and urinating everywhere so we took her in for testing for kidney problems. (I should mention she also has since developed pancreas problems) And she was tested for diabetes. Both were negative (as an aside, you really know your dog is in dire straits when a positive result for diabetes is the preferable outcome). She was retested to see if the Cushings meds were working and today I was told that came back in the normal range.
Hi again!

I'm so sorry for the decline that you're seeing in Daisy. May I ask, though, if you could obtain the actual numbers from her most recent ACTH test? It always makes me nervous when vets report that the results are in the "normal range." Because the normal range that is listed on a lab report is way too high for a dog who is being treated for Cushing's. Increased urination, kidney problems, and pancreatitis are all issues associated with inadequate control of circulating cortisol. So I do have to wonder whether Daisy's cortisol is truly within the desired therapeutic range. Can you please get those test results for us?

Thanks so much!

06-05-2012, 09:15 PM
I have been asked for Daisy's test results so here they are. (Incidentally, Bree's scores are great according to the vet and can remain on the meds as is. Repeat testing will be in Sept).

Cortisol Sample 1 ACTH 128 (HIGH) 28-124 nmol/L
Cortisol Sample 2 ACTH 255 See Below nmol/L
HYPERADRENOCORTICISM (HAC): Post ACTH results greater than 550 nmol/L
(dog) and greater than 415 nmol/L (cat) are consistent with HAC.

NOTE: ACTH results should always be interpreted in light of clinical
signs. False positive results may occur with stress or non-adrenal
illness. In addition, exogenous steroids may be measured by the assay
and result in falsely elevated cortisol levels. Because of wide
variability, resting (basal) cortisol should not be used to rule-out
or diagnose HAC.

IATROGENIC HYPERADRENOCORTICISM: Resting cortisol is usually between
30-140 nmol/L with little to no increase in the post-ACTH cortisol

HYPOADRENOCORTICISM (HOC): Resting cortisol is usually subnormal
(less than 30 nmol/L) or low normal with no increase after ACTH.

POST-LYSODREN: Pre & post cortisol levels after Lysodren loading or
while on maintenance Lysodren should be between 30-140 nmol/L.

POST-TRILOSTANE: Pre & post cortisol levels between 40-250 nmol/L
indicate optimal control.

Her results are as close to the normal range as we have been able to get them. Since she is a small dog, and her medication levels are high, she has been getting regular testing.

On the dementia (not related to Cushings) front, up until yesterday she was bad. Our condo has become a giant pee pad (which we accept) because she cannot always remember where the pee pads are. It is not a case of not being able to "hold" it. A few days ago she entered the second bedroom from the enclosed deck, and since the door to the hall was closed she got upset and scared as she could not remember how to get out. When she barked (which she often does so I did not rush immediately to see the cause), Bree took off like a bat out of hell and ran to comfort her. When he took off I assumed something was wrong so also went.

As I was saying up until yesterday we had several of these bouts of dementia. A couple of weeks ago the vet said it was coming on really quickly and that added to her health issues (Cushings is only one of her health issues) he figured we were close to the end. Still, she is not in any pain and yesterday she actually perked up and was more alert. Up until then she had been withdrawing from us etc. I looked up signs of dementia in dogs and she had every one on the list.

My husband and I had originally planned taking her in next Monday but noting this recent turn of events, we will wait and see how she goes. No doubt you are all like us - not wanting the animal to suffer but also not wanting to take a life that is not ready to go. Such a difficult time.

Thanks for reading

06-05-2012, 10:58 PM
I merged the test results with your thread so we can all read the entire story and keep their story in one place so it is easier to follow. If for some reason you want to have a thread for each baby we can do that! Kim

06-06-2012, 08:17 AM
[QUOTE=labblab;76187]Hi again!

I'm so sorry for the decline that you're seeing in Daisy. May I ask, though, if you could obtain the actual numbers from her most recent ACTH test? It always makes me nervous when vets report that the results are in the "normal range." Because the normal range that is listed on a lab report is way too high for a dog who is being treated for Cushing's. Increased urination, kidney problems, and pancreatitis are all issues associated with inadequate control of circulating cortisol. So I do have to wonder whether Daisy's cortisol is truly within the desired therapeutic range. Can you please get those test results for us?

Daisy is already on 30 mg of Vetoryl a day which can be increased if necessary, but is a large dosage for an 8 pound (wet!) dog. The pills come in 10 mg capsules so cannot be broken into smaller doses and the vet is concerned that increasing her dosage would put her into Addisons disease. She is monitored very closely. Thanks for your concern, however. It is appreciated.

06-08-2012, 08:33 PM
I am sorry for my delay in seeing your reply, but I am away from home right now and am not able to be as active on the forum :o. Thank you so much for posting Daisy's ACTH result. And I now see that lack of Cushing's control does not seem to be the source of her current problems, just as you had already told us. I remain so very sorry about her dementia and her decline. It is so hard to watch this happen to a spirit whom we love. I know you are faced with some difficult decisions right now, and I send you wishes of strength and comfort from across the miles.


Bo's Mom
06-10-2012, 09:47 PM
How is Daisy?

06-11-2012, 08:25 AM
Daisy is still alive! She had a really bad week a couple of weeks ago, as I mentioned. Then she perked up and was her old self. Loving, kissing, alert. Prior to that we had planned to take her in to be put down today but since she had that perked up session, we decided she was not quite ready.

I did fear it was the calm before the storm, as they say, and she is declining again. But we are giving it another week before taking her in. If she is fine, we won't but I need to brace myself so I get emotionally ready for it. (does that make sense?). I loved having those three "perky" days where she was the dog I remembered and want to remember. She is still better than she was during that previous decline, but I see her slowly returning to it. And yes, we are almost constantly cleaning up after her. But, in my heart of hearts, I cannot put a dog down for ruining carpeting!! It is ruined, and will be ruined in a few week's time so what is the difference?!

As an aside, she is emitting a really bad scent. This has been happening for a while and getting progressively worse. Had her kidneys checked and they are fine. Really, I had everything checked..not bad teeth etc. She smells fine for a couple of hours after a bath, but then it is back. Now you can smell it if she is in the back seat. Originally just if you were near her head. I suspect something is deteriorating internally.

This morning her legs are shakey which is a new sign. It just started today and again, we will monitor it. Could be she is just stiff today but I think it could be the muscles deteriorating. I am not jumping the gun and pushing anything.

All in all, I feel very sad and weepy today as I know the day is coming soon.

Thanks for all of the support.

I should end on a brighter note (for me if not for you). Bree's cushings is under control. Someone in the park commented this morning that he looks even happier and she thinks it is because he is feeling 100%. Bree has always been a happy little dog so it was nice to hear he is even more so! He takes really good care of Daisy and she looks to him for her cues.

06-12-2012, 10:49 PM
Daisy continues to do well. At least I hope I have not jinxed it. Her back legs have not been shaky other than that one morning. She continues to be perky, and loving. As long as this is the case, she" ain't goin' no where"!!

Of course she is still going on the carpets, but as I said, a ruined carpet is going to be a ruined carpet in a few weeks so not a big deal. Not pleasant to pick up but I would rather do that than be without her.

Should she be in pain, or have a decline, that will be another story. Until then, I am considering each day a blessing.

Thanks for all of the support.

Squirt's Mom
06-13-2012, 09:07 AM
Have you had Daisy's skin checked out as the source of the odor? There are skin conditions that cause an awful smell. I would think you would notice redness and sores as well, tho, but I would still want it looked at just to be sure.

I hope she continues to have good days. Carpets are a dime a dozen, relatively speaking, but there is only one Daisy. ;)

Leslie and the gang

06-15-2012, 09:44 AM
I shake my head in amazement but Daisy is pretty well back to her normal behaviours! YAY!! Since i got her as a rescue and I was never quite sure how effective her house training was, I feel she is now lucid enough to work on it. Of course the carpets are ruined and that is an inconvenience but not an issue. But if I can get her mainly going on her pee pads I would venture to put down new (albeit cheap) rugs!

I am a teacher so will have the summer off to really work on this project (Up until Oct she lived with my Mom who was bedridden and I was not there enough to really work on the training). So what I do is, of course, praise her when she goes on the pads and give her a small cookie. (I am not a huge fan of treats as rewards but desparate times..). Of course Bree also wants a cookie and gets one. So, not only am I using the reward for good behaviour, but I am going to watch and see if Bree starts a peer pressure thing to get more cookies! Will let you know how things go.

Daisy seems to have a slight eye infection right now which I am treating with polysporin drops for a couple of days before considering the vet visit. After one day I am seeing improvement so I am hopeful.

As for the smell, well, I did a big trim of her moustache and beard area. Although we obviously did not see any food there, I was wondering if some bacteria or something was lingering. She does have the smell but it is fainter than before and much much easier to live with. She does not appear to have any skin issues, or even dry skin for that matter. I shower both dogs once a week (Havanese are known for dry skin so unless necessary I save shampoo for their grooming every 6 weeks) and although I see more and more of Daisy's skin each time, it looks healthy enough. She wears a t-shirt when she goes out to protect her skin.

I also considered the possibility of bad teeth and do brush them once or twice a week. She came with bad teeth but due to her enlarged heart we won't get them cleaned unless she is under for something else. At this point I don't think she would ever go under for anything as it is just too risky.

Anyway, as you can imagine, I am pleased as punch about the turn of events. She went from the plan of being put down on Monday to back to her happy alert self. God only knows why she went through that staring at the walls phase - and I do believe there is some senility there (I have wondered if in her previous life she had some blows tothe head). On another up note, she is not as barky as she was before - in a good way. This is making her even more loveable as she tended to bark at times we were sleeping etc.

have a super day

06-18-2012, 12:28 PM
I am very sad to say, especially on the heels of Charlie (the Cavaliar) that I made the appointment to send Daisy to the Rainbow Bridge. It is set for tomorrow and I, of course, can cancel it, but I think it is the right thing to do.

After such a hopeful improvement, she has declined considerably since I last posted. Even to the point that when Bree, Daisy and I were heading to the garbage chute (A favourite past time of the dogs) she forgot what to do and just sat there confused. This was even with Bree leading by example. This, of course , is not the only symptom. She is lethargic, sad looking, and when I stopped to think about it she stopped playing with her absolutely loved (and patched to prove it) toy bunny she came with when we rescued her.

Add to that, her already enlarged liver and adrenal glands appear to be growing in size as her belly looks even bigger. Coupled with the loss of muscle, I think she is uncomfortable carrying that belly on her shrinking frame.

I know I am not explaining all of this very well, but I am wondering if her GREAT improvement was more wishful thinking and a slight improvement rather than a large improvement. Naturally, I am very upset about this but I keep trying to take myself out of the equation and look at what is best for her. She has lived longer than expected (the Cushings was just one of a myriad of health issues she has) and even though it is hard to let her go, I think I must for her sake.

Bo's Mom
06-18-2012, 12:44 PM
Oh I am so sorry to hear about Daisy. I was hoping that this improvement was going to continue and she would see much better days.
Hugs and prayers for you and your family.

Belinda Rose

Squirt's Mom
06-18-2012, 12:54 PM
Dear Shari,

I am so sorry to hear that Daisy has slipped backwards. :( I, too, hoped she was heading back to better health.

Please know we are with you every moment. If you need to talk, we are here to listen. We understand the pain you are facing with this decision and support you fully as we know it is one made out of the love you have for your sweet girl. I have no doubt that Daisy knows she will leave this old world for a much better one and is grateful for the gift you give to her - the greatest gift of all, freedom from a failing body.

Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang

06-18-2012, 07:09 PM
Thank you so much for your support. Of course I Will still remain connected to this board as Bree also has Cushings. My husband and I have had a long talk about whether it should be tomorrow, or next week etc. I also called our vet for his take on the matter. Although Daisy has many health issues, the dementia is the main reason for the decision. For all intents and purposes she has no quality of life left. So, I am stuck with two options, both of which are bad. Taking action now or waiting. Either way it is difficult as I am not 100% sure how fast she will deteriorate, and if she is already this bad, is it fair to keep her alive and let her get worse. It is philosophical, moral, emotional, and logical/intellectual. That is why I tried to take everything out of the equation except Daisy. My husband and I spent most of the evening just watching how she interacts (or doesn't) and what she does. We are both comfortable with the decision (I certainly wouldn't go ahead with this if one of us wasn't), and more importantly, I think Daisy (if she could talk) would be too.

Having two dogs and seeing the difference in behaviour probably made it more obvious than if we had just one as the slow day by day deterioration can go unnoticed and over time become the new normal. Still, after her dinner walk she just stood in the doorway to our condo - not knowing if she should go in or not it seemed. Common place behaviours are being forgotten and that really confirms, in our mind, that our decision is the right one.

This evening on the phone the vet said that not all decisions like this are based on whether or not the dog is in actual pain because like humans they can experience severe dementia. Coincidentally both the vet and I have parents going through that so we can discuss it on that level too. How I long for the days when the decision rested solely on whether or not the animal was in physical discomfort. I am not sure I like this "grown up" world where such decisions are not so black and white. This experience does parallel what I am going through with my mother where every decision is between "bad" and "bad" so you are stuck trying to determine degrees of "bad" and which will be better. When it comes to my Mom's care she once (in a more lucid moment) said "Whatever you decide will be the right decision" so I am just taking that leap of faith.

Thanks for listening. Guess soon I will just be "bree". How does one change one's log in?

Squirt's Mom
06-19-2012, 10:58 AM
Hi Shari,

If you wish to change the title of your thread then just let one of the mods or admins know and we will take care of it for you. Your login info will remain the same, tho. ;)

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Daisy, Bree and your family. Know we are with you, holding you tight.

Leslie and the gang

06-19-2012, 03:12 PM
I changed our appointment to 10:15am from the original 2:30pm. What was I thinking that I could go to work in the morning?!! Daisy's breathing was actually quite laboured this morning which was not something I had heard before. She had her morning walk with Bree, and a lovely breakfast (along with some pieces of chicken breast), and a few cookies before we had to head out.

At no point did I feel I was making the wrong decision, but it was hard none the less. I opted to hold her while she received the injection. The Vet (who has known me since 1979) had recommended against it as it was obvious Daisy was out of it enough that she wouldn't know if I was there or not (yes, it had got that bad at the bad times). BUT I opted to stay and stroked her head. And I was glad I did. It was such a peaceful passing. Before he even finished the injection she was gone. First her breathing improved and sounded normal which I figured was the beginning of the end. She gently sat down, then lay down and she was gone. I felt her heart stop before the vet listened to her chest.

Of course I cried (and told the vet he should really buy softer tissues!) and still do off and on during the day. But on my way home I had a vision of her (sent to me by her or imagined? I prefer the former) young, healthy, fluffy bouncing along in a meadow. She looked back at me and said "Thanks" and bounded off. Naturally that made me cry even more!! But happier tears.

Next I have to tell my Mother. I did tell her it was coming but did not take Daisy in to see her this morning. In part because I did not have the emotional strength to do it. And in part because on Sunday Daisy acknowledged her and gave her some kisses. I did not think she would get that today and I preferred that as a final memory.

I will try to upload a photo of Daisy and me when she was at her up point a week or so ago. So far all of my photo upload attempts have failed.

Anyway, I am sad, but I am ok. It is sadness from missing her and not from feeling any guilt (which I am really glad about)


Bo's Mom
06-19-2012, 03:25 PM
Oh Shari,
I am fighting back the tears as I read your post. Your Angel girl is now free of all her bad illness here on Earth.
Peace to you and your family.

06-19-2012, 03:32 PM
Please check my album for a photo of Daisy taken during her "up" period a week or so ago.

Squirt's Mom
06-19-2012, 03:36 PM
Dear Shari,

I also think the vision you saw was sent to you by Daisy so you would know she is ok now, free of her struggles. What a wonderful gift she gave to you!

Sparing your mom and leaving her with positive memories of Daisy was so sweet. I am sure she appreciates your consideration and tenderness.

Daisy's name has been added to the In Loving Memory list for 2012 where she will always be remembered and honored as part of our family here at k9cushing's.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Tasha, and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal

Somewhere In Time

Where there is time
there is tomorrow.
Somewhere in time,
all sorrows pass to memories.
And so the end is the begining
Somethere in time,
we are as we are meant to be

Where there is time,
There is a circle
Somewhere in time the circle
yearns to be complete
though you may feel this is illusion,
somewhere in time,
I know we're certain to meet

Somewhere in time,
Love is forever
A love that's here
A love that's now to last for all time.
Somehow I know this moment is waiting
Somewhere in time

where there is time, there is a circle
somewhere in time the circle will be complete
Somewhere in time Love is forever
A love that's here
A love that's now to last for all time.

Somehow I know
This moment's waiting
Somewhere in time ...

By Michael Crawford

06-19-2012, 06:54 PM
Bree I am so sorry about Daisy. You did the right thing.

Jenny & Judi in MN
06-19-2012, 08:21 PM
I love that you left your Mom with that good memory and that you saw Daisy on your way home. You have a lot on your plate right now and are definitely doing everything you can.

big hugs to you, Judi

06-20-2012, 06:22 AM
Oh Shari,

I am so very sorry. My deepest condolences and healing thoughts being sent your way. Even though the vet said she would probably not know you were there, I think she did and it offered her great comfort.


06-22-2012, 11:59 AM
Just wanted to touch base and let you know that Bree is doing well. He is having some accidents in the house but I think that is in part due to the smell of Daisy's and in part confusion. Possibly in part due to the Cushings. As a teacher, I am off this summer, and hope to work with him on that. If it is Cushings related, so be it. If it is behavioural, then we will work on it.

He definitely knows Daisy is not home but as she has been away at the vet's in the past for up to 4 days, I am not sure if he just assumes she will be back eventually. He certainly misses her at dinner time since she often left a bit of hers for him.

The void left, as you can imagine, is large. We are taking cues from Bree as to whether or not he is lonely and would want another companion or not. We are in no rush to act.

I really appreciate the support I have received here, and will no doubt continue to receive with Bree.


06-22-2012, 11:50 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Daisy is gone. Such a hard decision but one that feel is the right one for you both and once it is made almost gives you a sense of peace as well.
I truly feel that she did send you that vision. I always ask my loved ones to let me know they are okay and they do in their own way. And there are times that they will still let you know they are there. I could write a book on the ghosts that visit our home. Knowing that you were there for her I'm sure made her passing more comforting for her, the last thing she felt and heard was your love.

07-01-2012, 03:54 PM
Hi Everyone:
So far so good. Bree misses Daisy (especially when she used to leave him some of her dinner) and has taken to playing with her toys when he uses toys at all. We put down one of the new carpets and Bree peed on it a couple of days later *sigh*. Not sure if he just can't hold it, or is following what Daisy was doing! Will investigate and see if he can be trained to go on the pad.

As this does not happen often I do not think he is worse. Water intake about the same. Had his last round of testing last month and will have another set of tests in Sept to ensure everything is as it should be.

With all that was happening with Daisy I lost track of Bree's arthritis shot but fortunately still within the 12 week window between shots. He wasn't showing signs of pain, obviously, of I would have noticed! But he is as energetic as ever, or as one can expect with 30C weather.

We live two blocks from the big PRIDE festivities so we took him to see the action. He has a baby stroller (I got it second hand about 9 years ago) which he enjoys riding in and gets a lot of attention in. We went in early evening when it wasn't so hot. Many dog rescues have booths!

Happy Canada Day!!

07-12-2012, 11:46 PM
Bree has been peeing in the condo more, and seems to be having some tummy problems. I called the vet and was told to bring him in. Another round of Cushings tests were done and showed everything is under control. There was no urinary infection either. The bad news is Bree has protein in his urine which might be the sign of kidney problems! Another urine test was done this morning and I will get those results tomorrow. Basically this test is to determine the ratio of proteins. The vet said it is too soon to know anything. If the proteins are high they will need to get urine directly from the bladder, and most likely do an ultrasound.

Has anyone known of kidney problems being related to Cushings? I thought I would toss it out there. Bree does not appear to be in any pain. (granted he has a high pain tolerance!) He is happy, alert, running, playing etc. I am hopeful that he can be treated with diet or something like that.

Really, after Daisy dying a few weeks ago I don't think I have the strength to go through this again so quickly. Not that we EVER want to go through it, but I am sure you know what I mean.

Will try to post tomorrow once I know more.


07-13-2012, 12:00 AM
Is the arthritis injection Adequan or Cartrophen?? I was trying to get the Cartrophen here in the US,but the vets don't want to try it.

Squirt's Mom
07-13-2012, 08:00 AM
Hi Shari,

Yes, cortisol can damage the kidneys but that usually happens in an untreated pup over a long time. Age, as much as anything, plays a role in kidney function and most cush pups are older so it isn't uncommon to see kidney problems. But don't panic yet. There are still tests to run to see just what is going on and then look at steps to help Bree, and you, cope IF there is anything wrong. ;)

Keep in touch and let us know what the tests show. Sending prayers and healing white light flying your way.

Leslie and the gang

07-13-2012, 09:54 AM
Spoke to the vet this morning and apparently the more telling test showed the proteins in the normal range. *phew* So, Bree is ALRIGHT!!! YAY!! Can't tell you what a great start to Friday the 13th that news is!

Thanks for your concern and support.


Squirt's Mom
07-13-2012, 10:01 AM
Oh, great news, Shari! :cool: That is a good start to Friday the 13th! :D

Bo's Mom
07-13-2012, 10:42 AM
Yes...Bree!!! Glad you got back some good results. Now go ask Mom to give you a belly rub. :D

molly muffin
07-13-2012, 08:21 PM
Yay! Love good news days.

07-13-2012, 09:51 PM
Yes! That is great news! Especially on Friday the 13th!

Julie & Hannah

08-01-2012, 09:26 PM
HI everyone:
Just checking in for August. I am not posting very often so it is very sad when I log in and see how many wonderful dogs have passed since I last posted.

As far as Bree goes, so far, so good. Although Bree seems to have lost some muscle in his hind quarters, this has either stabled or improved since last month. I have been using his stroller more when we go for walks which means I can keep him out longer and let him walk as far as he wants to since I don't have to try to carry him home.

Bree is still peeing in the condo pretty well daily. Some days twice and some days not at all. At least the new area rugs seem to clean nicely!

His personality is as loving as always - granted more so when we have a treat or food for him.

He had another round of tests and all show his dosage is good and the Cushings is under control - or as much control as possible.

As an aside, I got a daisy tattooed on my left shoulder in memory of the little girl we lost in late June. I will try to post it to my photos for you.

Hopefully you won't hear from me until my next month check in! I do look forward to the time when we don't lose any more of our lovely pets to this.


molly muffin
08-02-2012, 12:15 AM
Love the tatoo Shari! I think it is very special remembrance for Daisy.


09-04-2012, 09:20 PM
Happy September, everyone.

Just wanted to check in and update you on Bree. Certainly he misses Daisy. This became apparent a couple of weeks ago when he became more clingy and more upset when we left him behind. I spoke to the vet about this as the timing was not great for us if we were to get another dog, but we would do it for Bree nonetheless. The vet recommended waiting until next summer so that Bree has some time to adjust and then evaluate the situation. Since I am a teacher, if we opt to get another pet, next summer is a better time for us.

Healthwise, Bree is more or less stable. He certainly has more difficulty getting up from a hard floor - which in the summer he prefers over the rugs or his beds. Regardless, I moved a bed he seldom uses to the front hall, and have order a therapeutic bed for him from LL Bean which should arrive soon. Lately he hasn't been as stiff. Granted I have taken to giving him morning massages. When he is next in for an arthritis shot I will have the back legs looked at for arthritis but I won't be surprised if I learn it is muscle deterioration from the Cushings.

He does pee in the house. Thankfully not nearly as much as Daisy did. Between her pee pads and the carpets she must have been going 15 times a day! Bree goes twice on a bad day but there are days where he does not go inside. We have taken to carrying him out first thing in the morning before he gets a chance to go on the rug. Often he wants to go out in his stroller and gets out when he wants to do his "business" and then back in. Having said that, he is still often game to chase a squirrel, but lies down afterward and certainly cannot catch any of them.

All in all, he is still happy which is a good sign. When that ends, well... According to the vet he likely has another couple of years. I will be thrilled if he lasts that long.


09-05-2012, 06:43 AM
Really good to hear this Shari!


10-09-2012, 10:41 PM
October already. Bree had some ups and downs last month. His back legs seemed weaker and he certainly prefers to travel in his baby stroller rather than walk distances.

We opted to help him lose weight by restricting his cookie intake to 4 a day. This has been successful in getting him a pound or maybe slightly more than a pound. Nothing drastic but it makes a huge difference to his level of energy. He still loves to be carried etc, but he isn't having as many back leg issues.

Such a tough choice between letting him eat or not. I know his appetite is large at the best of times and do know it is larger due to Cushings. He still seems pretty happy so I am guessing we are not causing him any hardship in the cookie dept. (now if only I could reduce my intake!!)

Here's hoping he continues on this path.


10-19-2012, 01:39 PM
I had noticed since late summer that Bree seemed lonely. This was exacerbated after his stay at the kennel over our Thanksgiving Weekend (aka Columbus day in the US). After some discussion with our vet, we decided to get a puppy for Bree. (yes we are buying a dog for our dog!). I contacted Bree's breeder in Saskatchewan and a 12 week puppy (we named Quincy) will be flown to Toronto next Friday (Oct 26). I look forward to uploading his photos for you all to see.

molly muffin
10-19-2012, 06:45 PM
Awwww a baby for Bree. We can't wait to see the pictures.


10-25-2012, 08:56 PM
Hi everyone:

I have posted a photo the breeder sent us of our new pup, Quincy. He is from the same breeder as Bree, so is being flown in from Saskatchewan tomorrow morning. We are very excited. My husband has never had a puppy so I have told him he is taking the lead on this one. He is already signed up for obedience classes, and is really nervous. He truly loves Bree and wonders if he can love another puppy as much. We all know our hearts expand when we have more to love.

Daisy is still very much a part of us in spirit (and with my tattoo!). The new pup is a bit smaller than she was (for the time being) so I have been going through her old jackets looking for ones that aren't too girly for him. I have to admit for a few moments I wished we were getting another little girl. Quincy (the new one) does not have similar colouring to either Bree or Daisy, which I consider a blessing of sorts. I want him to be his own dog and not a replacement for anyone.

I had insisted that the Breeder send me a puppy that will not be a strong personality as Bree is an Alpha male. As he weakens I do not want his power usurped or his last years to be unpleasant because of a status loss. We are telling him this is his puppy (and he has to train him!). Will report again in November with my check in.

For the record, Bree is pretty stable, and still very happy. Some hind leg weakness but the use of the stroller has really helped him.


molly muffin
10-25-2012, 10:02 PM
Quincy is adorable!! This is going to be such an exciting time in your lives and I do hope that Bree is happy with his new puppy, as I am sure you too will be.


Boriss McCall
10-26-2012, 11:07 AM
awe... cute puppy! :D

11-09-2012, 11:20 AM
Checking in a bit late for November but here just the same. Quincy has arrived and we had a few days where Bree was asking "WHY?!!" but they get along quite well. Bree has so much patience as Quincy is like tigger jumping into his face. Still Bree is more active now walking around the park rather than wanting to be in the stroller or carried (not all the time but some times). The two dogs chase each other around the condo from time to time and Bree has been running a bit in the park. All nice to see.

From what I can tell he is more or less stable right now. Still on vetroyl of course. He is coughing more but I think that is due to the enlarged heart and not a Cushings symptom. The vet told me that some times a puppy perks them up a bit when they are older.

Take Care,

molly muffin
11-09-2012, 07:33 PM
So glad Bree is doing well and enjoying Quincy!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
11-10-2012, 07:25 AM
Hi Shari,

I had a foster pup here for a while that was UBER hyper, and young on top of that, so he was always ripping around and getting into mischief. For some reason, he took up with Tasha and like your vet said, he did her a world of good while he was here. She wanted to rip around with him but couldn't so they invented their own game.

Tank, the foster, would leap and bounce around Tash in a circle, acting a total fool, while she stood in place turning, trying to stay facing him. Tank would suddenly stop his antics, reach out with one paw and gently tap her on the back. She would go ballistic! :D Tash would lunge at him with the fiercest face and voice sending him tearing away. She would lay back down with her butt wiggling, waiting for him to come back and do it again. :p It was funny and uplifting to watch...and she misses him; he was good for her.

I hope Bree and Quincy, who is a doll by the way, end up fast buddies soon.
Leslie and the gang

11-23-2012, 01:34 PM
Wanted to give you all an update. Quincy and Bree adore each other and play daily. This is great because Bree HAS to lose weight.

As some background, I thought Bree was not feeling great and had noticed that he often limps when he gets up - although it works itself out in a minute or two.

I took him to the vet's for the whole Xray shebang which had not been done since 2009 (no need). The news was not good. the xrys showed severe arthritis in his front legs and NO cruciate ligaments in his hind legs! The vet assured me that this latter issue could happen gradually over time without me noticing since Bree has a high pain tolerance and a small tear here, then another one and so on.

Bree has had an enlarged heart for several years so is not a candidate for surgery. With Cushings he cannot have steriods.

Add to this, the xrays showed chest congestion but it could not be determined if it was lung or heart. So, the cardiologist did an ultrasound and it likely is both. His heart is much worse. Since he was anxious they could not do an at rest breathing test on him so I have been doing that the past few days (how many breaths per minute) and am to report to the vet tomorrow morning. Only then can they be conclusive.

Bree is stocky so getting a few pounds off will help. The heart and legs will catch up with him but the weight loss can delay there. Since walking isn't a great option, I am delighted that we got Quincy who wrestles with Bree for hours at a time.

None of this is Cushings related but more age related but I knew you would all understand. Bree is really happy and that, along with the new interest in the form of the puppy, will be what keeps him alive - though we will also give him meds! I am so thankful that I we got Quincy, and that Bree is trained to a baby stroller!!

Take care

molly muffin
11-23-2012, 04:55 PM
Awwww, Quincy was a gem of a choice on your part. Definitely just what Bree needs. yea, well, you know, there is cushings and then there is the rest of life. It doesn't stop, or slow down, just because cushings gets thrown into the mix too. fooey on that. We always want to know how you and your gang are doing.
Bree has a strong spirit, so I'm sure that Quincy gives him that little nudge of extra effort to keep him playful.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

12-11-2012, 09:46 PM
Can't believe I am this late with my Dec posting. Bree has had a rough go of it. The only really good news is that the antibiotics actually did curb the coughing to a certain extent so he may not need the steroids after all. My vet said one must watch steroids when a dog has Cushings so this was very good news indeed.

Bree does try to keep up with Quincy so is somehow managing to run around. They still wrestle and play so I believe his weight is down even more. We will have to weigh him to be certain but I know I can lift him and carry him much easier and no, I have not developed any super strength powers so it must be him!

The holidays are almost upon us. My mother seems to have had another stroke in the past few days so I am waiting for that to settle and her meds to take effect. It looks bad, but she has bounced back before when it looked bad. Time will tell.

12-30-2012, 08:11 PM
A quick end of year post. Of course Bree, Quincy and I want to wish you all a Happy New year. We hope you had a wonderful holiday (Xmas, Chanukah, Solstice, whatever you celebrate)

Bree goes in for routine testing on Jan 2 to determine how the vetoryl is working for him. Aside from two pees in the house, he seems to be doing well on that front. In all honesty, with his arthritis and back leg issues, I would like to train him to a pee pad and save him having to go out when there is ice etc.

Quincy is being "snipped" the same day, or as my husband said "Happy New Year, Quincy!". Certainly having a puppy has put some spunk into Bree's step. He trots and runs more than before. Not sure if that is good or bad, but he seems very happy. The two play a lot which has caused Bree to lose a bit of much needed to lose weight. Since he can't walk very well (goodness knows how he runs!) this is a better form of exercise for him.

I am saddened every time I check and see more of our beloved pups have died. We still miss our lovely little Daisy. I hope people new to the board and new to Cushings realize that the disease itself may not be what your dog dies from. Cushings did not kill Daisy. She developed dementia and had a myriad of other health issues unrelated to Cushings. Bree's other health issues are not related to Cushings. Yes, Cushings is awful but it is not necessarily going to kill your dog. Love and cuddle them while you have them.

Catch you in a few days with my Jan update.

Shari, Bree, and Quincy.:)

Boriss McCall
12-30-2012, 09:07 PM
Happy New Year!! Glad all is well... Good luck with the stim test & snip snip. ;)

01-04-2013, 12:41 PM
I got Bree's test results yesterday. His Cushings is a bit worse so his meds are being altered. Easier said than done, of course. Vertoryl has been working really well for him at 30mg and we would love to try 35mgs but, of course, it only comes in 30s and 10s. So he is trying 40mgs and will be retested in 3 weeks. Naturally I am watching him like a hawk for any signs of Addisons due to overmedication. So far, so good but we are only on day 1.

Poor guy thought nothing could be worse than Quincy nudging him all day until now, when he has Quincy wearing a cone nudging him! Quincy's neutering went well and he gets stitches out next Thursday. Other than escaping his cone twice, nothing eventful. I don't go back to work until Monday, and Hubby has Monday off, so until Tuesday we will be watching him carefully. Tuesday we are both at work but I figure there is less chance of him doing any real damage at that point.

Hope you all have a great year. March marks Bree's 1st anniversary with Cushings.

01-04-2013, 01:12 PM
One year anniversary is important milestone:):)

Hope the new dose works out. Keep us posted.

Boriss McCall
01-04-2013, 03:15 PM
Good luck with the new dose.
Boriss went form 30mg to 40mg at his last stim test. His transition was smooth. I know it is scary.. but, it has truly helped Boriss a lot.

Hope you see nothing but good results. ;)

Hopefully little Quincy will get the cone off soon & he can go back to his normal nudging. :p

01-24-2013, 10:41 AM
The new dosage is perfect! Unfortunately he is moving into the next phase of congestive heart failure. The downside of an older dog. Right now he has Cushings, bad heart, and no cruciate ligaments in his back legs(so they could give out and as he has severe arthritis in the front legs, once the legs go that is it). Bree has lost two pounds which is helping his situation considerably. So glad we got the puppy in October as the playing is what is getting the weight off. Bree is not grossly obese but a chunky build.

In the meantime, he is a happy little guy with more good days than bad. Although I know what is coming. The vet said with that heart they can reasonably safely say he will be alive for the next two months but the heart can go at any time so they won't predict more than that.

Back at the vet's in a week to check how the heart meds are working.

01-24-2013, 01:09 PM
Hi Shari,

Can you please post the results of the Bree's acth stimulation test? I have two boys, Jasper and Buster, with heart problems, Jasper is a lot worse than Buster and quite frankly, I'm surprised that he is still with us. When he was diagnosed over a year and a half ago, I was devasted with the grim prognosis. He was really bad for the first few months after diagnosis but after altering his meds by adding theophilline and vetmedin, he improved greatly. I honestly thought I would lose him way before I lost my two cushdogs but I lost both Jojo and Lulu in the last seven months. Unfortunately, Jasper is wheezing and backward sneezing a lot more which tells me that the heart is probably bigger and pressing even more on the trachea. It's time for a check up. What meds has the cardiologist put Bree on?


02-07-2013, 03:02 PM
I am happy to report that Bree's new dosage is working fine. Further testing showed he is in check. Really, he has few symptoms that are obvious with regard to Cushings. I did notice that the hair/fur on one ear is thinner than the other. Not sure if the puppy is grabbing it (granted we are not finding any clumps) or he is experiencing thinning there.

On the heart front, he was dx with Congestive heart failure. He is on three meds for that which is a pretty aggressive way to go but less medication did not improve anything. In fact, he had lost the shine in his eyes. With the increased meds he is happy again. Granted not all the time but most of the time.

It is so hard to watch them decline, isn't it?

02-07-2013, 03:57 PM
Hi Shari,

I'm not sure you saw my last post so I've edited it down below to just include my questions.

Hi Shari, Can you please post the results of the Bree's acth stimulation test? What meds has the cardiologist put Bree on?

02-08-2013, 09:38 AM
Hi Shari,

I'm not sure you saw my last post so I've edited it down below to just include my questions.

I do not have the results. I forgot to ask for them. I did post them when he was first diagnosed and it was agreed here that he is getting proper treatment. I am very confident that this is still the case.

I will try to recall to ask when I am next in at the vet's.

03-01-2013, 02:37 PM
Bree continues to do well on his meds. Granted I know there must be some decline as we are getting more peeing in the house and I am seeing some thinning of his hair. Still, you couldn't ask for a happier guy.

The last few days I have heard some whimpering for no reason that I can determine. I am not sure if he is just doing it to get the puppy's attention so Quincy will come over and play with him (he pretends not to like it but the tail wagging gives him away) but I thought I would ask if anyone else has that with their dog.

03-08-2013, 11:12 AM
March update!

Bree is still with us and doing reasonably well. His coat is starting to thin but he has a pretty thick coat so, as they say, only a mother could tell.

He is not HAPPY, but he seems content. There are many HAPPY moments still which is really nice. The weightloss is now about 2.5 pounds thanks to wrestling with the puppy, and the vet is really happy about it. The heart meds seem to be working and we are now adding in meds to deal with chronic bronchitis. The poor little guy is a trooper when it comes to his morning meds. I put them in little pieces of food, and naturally must give the puppy a little piece (without a pill obviously) at the same time. Sometimes I put a piece of kibble into the wet food to mimic a pill so that in the future when he needs pills I won't have a problem (hopefully)

Hubby and I are off on vacation next week and the dogs will board at the vet's. Since Bree is on about 6 pills in the morning, two sets of eyes drops, and two oral syringes, it was decided the kennel may not track it all as well (Bree also gets 2.5 pills at dinner and 1.5 at night) and I agree I would rather not take a chance on him missing something important. So, their stay will likely cost almost as much as our cruise!! Ok, slight exageration BUT only slight!

I am hoping the warmer weather improves things for Bree. The ice has been really a problem with both his arthritis and the fact he has no cruciate ligaments in his hind legs. I know he sounds a total wreck, but if you saw him in action you wouldn't believe how good he looks.

So, so far, March is going well for him.:)

molly muffin
03-08-2013, 02:46 PM
Have fun on your cruise! Sounds like Bree is doing pretty good all things considered. Maybe by the time you get back we'll be into some steady spring temperatures. I'm hoping so! I've had enough of the snow for awhile. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-22-2013, 01:30 PM
Actually Bree lost some weight at the vet's so is now exactly where the vet wants him to be. I, however, feel he shouldn't go any lighter so am adding a bit of kibble back into his food.

Bree is very energetic which I think is due to the weightloss. He has also been given an inhaler to help with his chronic bronchitis. So, the poor little guy has meds for his thyroid condition, his arthritis, a few meds for his heart, and meds for his Cushings. Add in two sets of eye drops for his dry eye (he had a juvenile cataract so had some for that), and now a puffer. Hearing all of that people ask me how long I am going to let him suffer!! If they saw him, they would know he is bouncey and full of life and fun. People who see him in the park cannot believe he has health issues. I am really lucky on that front.

As an added bonus, when Bree and the Pup (Quincy) came back from the vet's I gave bree preferential treatment so if he had any doubts about his status, they are all gone now! He knows he will always be my baby and is less jealous of the pup.

While he was staying at the vet's they did another round of Cushings tests so when I am back up there I will ask for the test results. So far, he is the poster boy for that clinic I would say!

As for the Disney cruise -wonderful. We booked again for next March break. And this is with me coming down with Bronchitis the morning we were leaving and having to use a cane due to a bursitis flare up. Definitely the most relaxing vacations I have ever taken are on those cruise ships.


Boriss McCall
03-22-2013, 05:34 PM
I am glad Bree is feeling good.. I never listen to the people who don't understand unless they want a good fight. :mad::D
You are such a good mommy to take care of Bree the way you do.

Simba's Mom
03-22-2013, 05:49 PM
Wow, your Bree has a handful of problems, but what a little trooper, you are a great Mom....also we were going on a Disney cruise this past week that we hand to cancel because of my hubby's heart problems, where did you go? Take care

03-27-2013, 06:31 PM
Bree past away today due to heart failure. He had a myriad of ailments - thyroid condition, enlarged heart, heart murmur, Cushings disease, arthritis, and dry eye. Our vet commented that Bree had done really well with the Cushings disease as his meds had kept it more or less under control.

All of my previous animals told me when it was "time". Bree did not want to go, but his body gave out on him. A truly lovely soul who brought joy to many people in our community. Imagine my surprise when a FedEx delivery person asked me "is that Bree" because she knew him from his walks with the dog walker.

I thank you all for your support and friendships. I do want to stress that neither Bree nor Daisy died from Cushings. Bree was living a full and happy life thanks to his meds for Cushings. But he just had so much love in him that his heart couldn't handle it all.

Boriss McCall
03-27-2013, 06:38 PM
oh no.. I am so sorry for your loss. Bree was a little fighter. I am so glad he was able to give you all the love he had. I know it is so painful.
We are here for you. RIP Sweet Bree :(


03-27-2013, 06:47 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I agree with Amy...Bree was quite a fighter and very lucky to have been able to share his life with such a loving and caring mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Godspeed Sweet Bree


03-27-2013, 07:12 PM
I am so sorry:(
It's so sad when they're doing well and suddenly they're not!

Hugs from Daisy, Gracie, and I.

03-27-2013, 07:16 PM
Sending you love and comfort. Bree baby run free of pain and know we will all miss you. RIP angel RIP. Kim

03-27-2013, 07:19 PM
sending you healing thoughts and condolences for your litl bree,i know your heart is broken and know that we are all here to send our thoughts,prayers and support to you...patty(milo)meka xoxox bree give my milo xoxox when you get over that bridge..thank you !!! xoxox

molly muffin
03-27-2013, 07:29 PM
I am very sorry to hear that Bree finally lost his many battles which he fought with such gusto.
What a sweetheart. I know he will always be held close in your heart.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Harley PoMMom
03-27-2013, 07:43 PM
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Bree and am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

Bo's Mom
03-27-2013, 08:00 PM
Oh my I am so shocked to read about Bree today. Sending hugs and condolences to you and your family at this terrible time. I know that Bree was a fighter and gave it everything to that last second.
So so sorry....

Roxee's Dad
03-27-2013, 11:03 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss... Rest in peace sweet boy, tonight, you are our newest and brightest star in the sky.

Simba's Mom
03-27-2013, 11:58 PM
So sorry to hear of your Bree, what a little fighter, sending hugs and prayers your way!

03-28-2013, 05:14 AM
I am so very sorry - my heart is with you.

(((hugs))) and healing thoughts

Jenny & Judi in MN
03-28-2013, 07:38 AM
I am so very sorry for your loss. Judi

03-28-2013, 07:53 AM
So sorry for your loss. Bree was a much cared for furbaby. Run free dear Bree. My heart aches for you. Love, JoAnne

03-28-2013, 08:01 AM
So sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet boy Bree. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Squirt's Mom
03-28-2013, 09:50 AM
Dear Shari,

I am so, so sorry to hear about Bree. He fought so hard, even through his grief over Daisy. And he had you right by his side the whole time, filling him with love, giving him the best care possible. I know he will always be grateful that you were his mom.

It is almost unbearable to think of how you must be feeling today. Bree's passing has made the loss of Daisy fresh all over again and your heart is shattered for the both of them. They are together once again but you feel all alone, empty. Sweetie, you are never alone. Your babies are with you always, watching over you with intense love and concern. They want your heart to be full of the memories of the times you shared, the laughter, the games, the pure, simple love our babies give to us. Your babies are wrapping themselves around you, comforting you so you can start to heal in time. Daisy and Bree will never leave you. And one day, you will hold them both again.

Please know we are here as well, any time you wish to talk, to cry, to scream - we will listen, cry with you, and hold you until the pain is bearable again.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, and our Angels, Ruby, Crystal and Tasha

See You Soon
by Luka Bloom

I hope I love you enough to let you go
On the road only you can see
I hope I love you enough to let you go
And loosen the hold that you have on me

I want to bless you on your way
Say always to yourself be true
I hope you know there is no sweeter place in the world
Than the places I have been with you

See you soon, see you soon

The weakness in me fills my heart with fear
Telling me to control and try to keep you here
The spirit in me that's what is good and true
Telling me to be strong, and trust the letting go of you

See you soon, see you soon

The road waits patiently before you
Away you go now
Don't even look behind
Fill yourself with riches from the times we knew
I'll keep your goodness here
In my heart and in my mind

See you soon, see you soon

I hope I love you enough to let you go...

03-28-2013, 10:08 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Bree. You're in my thoughts.

Julie & Hannah

Sabre's Mum
03-28-2013, 01:53 PM
I am so sorry for you loss of dearest Bree. Rest in peace sweet Bree.


03-28-2013, 11:07 PM
Thank you so much for all of your support. This board was a fabulous resource for me over the past year plus that I had Daisy and Bree. I thank you all for the advice, shoulders to cry on, and the friendships. I am trying to get a photo uploaded for the memorial page.

I will drop by from time to time to see you all.


03-29-2013, 12:05 AM
So sorry to read about the loss of Bree, our furfamily is one less and the poorer for it :( Lots of hugs coming your way

03-29-2013, 10:18 AM
Dear Shari,
I am so so sorry for your loss of your sweet Bree..my heart is hurting with you. I am sending you hugs, and prayers that your heart may begin to heal knowing just how wonderful of a furmom you truley were..love and hugs Lynda

04-26-2013, 10:06 AM
Tomorrow marks one month since Bree passed. I am still quite emotional about it. Add to this, 17 days after Bree passed, my mother died. Granted not as unexpected as Bree's was. Quite an emotional month for me!

Believe it or not, Bree came back to me - sadly wanting to be hugged! He told me to get another Havanese, a female, and call her Sage. So, needless to say, I contacted the kennel and there is a female expected to deliver at the end of May. I am hoping she has a female!! My husband tells me he is not sure he likes the name Sage to which I responded, "I don't care!! Bree said to name her Sage so we are naming her Sage!" Ok, I am likely nuts, but what won't we do for our dogs?!!

Quincy, the pup we got for Bree last October to keep him company, has really stepped up to the plate. It seems he really did know those commands but was pretending he didn't because he tries very hard to be a perfect puppy. And often he is on the mark. Unlike Bree's debonair look as a curly Havanese, Quincy never looks groomed - unless professionally done. He always has hairs in the wrong direction and matts easily so we do brush him frequently. But he is our little ragamuffin and we adore the look. After all, we would look like that if we could get away with it!

Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say "hi" to you all. I did check the memory board, and of course was saddened to see more had passed to the rainbow bridge.

A big hug to you all who are loving and caring for Cushing s pups.


Squirt's Mom
04-26-2013, 11:14 AM
Hi Shari,

My goodness, honey, a month isn't long so it's expected you still feel raw. It does sound as if you are healing and that is good to hear. Any time you want to talk, we are here and would love to hear from you.

What a blessing that Bree came to you! And with directions! :D Personally, I like the name Sage and am sure she will be a gift to you all. You have to keep us updated on this venture and introduce us when she comes home.

Leslie and the gang

Harley PoMMom
04-26-2013, 11:19 AM

Thanks so much for coming back and updating us. So sorry to hear about your mother passing, my condolences go out to you and your family.

A new furbaby!! AWWW!! Sage, I think, is a beautiful name that Bree picked.

Please do come back as often as you can to let us know how you are doing, and always in loving memory of dear Bree.

Love and hugs, Lori

04-26-2013, 04:05 PM
Gosh what an awful month for you and your family. So sorry to hear about your Mom. No wonder you feel so raw and a month seems to go by in the blink of an eye.

I so love how Bree came and told you what to do and even picked out a name!! I love Sage, your hubby will get used to it :D Your wee fellow Quincy sounds like he is trying so hard to be a good boy, so sweet. I will be looking forward to the pics when Sage joins the family! Hope your weekend is nice and relaxing! xx

04-27-2013, 09:29 PM
Shari, I want to extend my sympathy to you on the loss of Bree and your mother. I think it is wonderful that Bree helped pick out the name for you new pup. Sage is beautiful.

Sending Peace, Love, Mercy and Comfort. (((hugs)))

Sharon, Norman (Cushings doxie) Millie (Yorkie-pooh)

04-28-2013, 10:42 AM
Shari, I'm so sorry you had such an awful month. It's no wonder you feel so raw, how horrid for you!

How sweet that Bree came back to see you though, and his choice of name is just perfect I think. Sage has so many meanings! A quote from wikkipedia
Sage (Sophos), a Stoic wise person and/or figure
Rishi, a Hindu seer of Vedic hymns or divine human being
Spiritual teacher, including teachers of mysticism or clergy or religious leaders
Wise old man, a kind, wise, paternal figure, often archetypal or stereotypical

How appropriate! I think he chose beautifully. I know that burnt sage is often used for spiritual cleansing too, so maybe that's what he wants for you.

Please give Qunicy lots of cuddles from us too, he sounds like he has been a precious little boy.

Budsters Mom
04-28-2013, 10:59 AM
I am so sorry. That I too much for anyone to have to handle.:(
I am glad Sage has joined your family and that Bree's message led you to her.:)
Sending many hugs to you and Sage,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:

04-28-2013, 02:04 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. May Bree finally be pain free. Sending you love and support.
Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

molly muffin
04-28-2013, 03:06 PM
Oh Shari, what a horrid month you've had. So sorry to hear that.
I think Bree is very smart as obviously this is exactly what you needed right now, a new Sage. (hubby will come to agree I'm sure)
It's spring, and we're finally seeing it here in our area of the world, a time of renewal. It's obviously good timing and meant to be. Based on that I'm going to be with the positive that the new litter Will have a little perfect Sage in it for you.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-28-2013, 03:21 PM
Sorry to hear that your sweet angel passed over the rainbow bridge. I hope you are able to work thru your grief. God Bless You and your sweet baby in heaven.

05-24-2013, 12:01 PM
Managed to get through the one month anniversary of Bree's passing. Second month anniversary coming up shortly. Also managed to get through Bree's birthday.

Oddly enough I decided to change the first (of many) passwords that refer to him in some way. In this case it was one of those where you have to write the new password in twice. I did it and lo and behold the next time I tried to log in I couldn't! Had to wait two days until I got to work and could contact the Help Desk. How could I have mistyped it TWICE when setting it? Divine intervention from the angel Bree? Needless to say, I went back to a Bree related password just in case it had annoyed him up there!!

Other than that, excitedly awaiting the birth of our new puppy. She is expected either next week or the week after. We won't see her until late July or early August but being involved this early in the process is something new for us. She won't replace Bree. We would love to think his spirit will be in her but time will tell. Quincy needs a dog companion.

Saddened, as always, to see the number of dogs who have passed away on the memorial board.

Hope all of your dogs are doing well and remaining stable (or better...one can always hope, right?).


05-24-2013, 11:42 PM
you are truly blessed. May we all be lucky enough that our beloved pets send us a sign that they're "ok". That is beautiful :)

I agree with leaving the last memory of Daisy with your mother as a happy one.

05-24-2013, 11:45 PM
Oh no! You have not had an easy time of it lately.
I'm so sorry about Bree. Sometimes I think that they worry too much about us that they don't want to go.

Lots of hugs.

New family members are awesome :) Puppy pictures coming soon I'm sure.

molly muffin
05-25-2013, 08:23 AM
Hi Shari,
You know Bree had to get the point across, "stick with me kid". :)
That is very exciting about the new puppy. We of course will be waiting patiently for the happy day and pictures too!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-19-2013, 10:55 AM
Hi everyone:

Much on the puppy front since I last posted. Seems the Havanese had a phantom pregnancy! The next litter would not be available until early Sept - not great timing as I am a teacher so have summers off. I guess the breeder felt badly as she offered us one of her Coton de Tulear puppies who we could get sooner. After some thought we decided to go with the Coton and she is flying into Toronto (from Saskatoon where my breeder is) on MONDAY!! She is 3.5 months old so although we do not get the new new puppy phase we do still get a great puppy. Iam sure Quincy's life will never be the same!

I will post photos once I have them.

Wishing you all wonderful summers with your dogs. Enjoy each day.


molly muffin
06-20-2013, 10:42 PM
We'll want pictures :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-21-2013, 12:40 AM
Awww:) I can't wait to see the pictures!

08-25-2013, 08:56 PM
Hi everyone:

I have been absent for too long.

Wanted to report that the Tulip tree I had ordered from the city has been planted in Bree's honour. It is in the park across the street so I can visit it daily with my other dogs.

Sage, the Coton de Tulear we got at the end of June is almost 6 months old and was spayed a couple of weeks ago. She is very much like Bree i build and personality. Incredibly outgoing but is not as discerning as bree was. My fear is that anyone could walk off with her and she would think "You're my owner now"!! Needless to say we keep a close eye on her!

Both her and Quincy are in obedience classes. Quincy is retaking level 1 - which he aced last time IN the classroom but was too ADHD to do it at home. both are doing really well and the dogs are incredibly bonded.

We still miss Bree, and Daisy, very much. People in the park who knew him also visit his tree. He was a wonderful dog, and really, you forget how little new puppies know (or how much your older dog learned over the course of a life time).

Cheers and best wishes
PS will try posting a photo of Sage in the photo section

08-29-2013, 06:27 PM
I am sorry i missed the passing of Bree, hoping your new little pup has eased some of your pain. THinking of you.

Sharon, Norman, Millie

08-30-2013, 08:12 AM
So sorry to hear of Bree's passing. I hope it gives you some comfort knowing she is free of pain and with all the others that have crossed before her. Blessings

09-06-2013, 02:38 PM
Hi everyone:

Just a check in to see how you are all doing. Both puppies are doing well. Quincy has a bit of kennel cough and Sage has conjunctivitis, but other than that, full of vim and vinegar.

We still miss Bree terribly. You don't realize how much your dog has learned until you get a puppy! It is getting easier but will certainly take time. We visit the tree we had planted in his memory every day - not sure what we expect to find there and the dogs don't know why we drag them over.

Prior to getting Bree I had a cat (Nicky) whose ashes were spread in the park not far from Bree's tree. I have also ordered a memorial bench for my parents which I hope to have placed either in the small dog park or under Bree's tree. The tree should flower next spring I would think so that will be really special.

Wishing you all the best with your babies.


Squirt's Mom
09-20-2013, 04:51 PM
Done, Shari! ;)

11-01-2013, 10:03 AM
Just stopping by for a quick hello and update. For those of you who do not know me, I had TWO (yes two) dogs with Cushings. Both have sadly passed away (Daisy in 2012 and Bree in 2013 - still both fresh to us). Just to reassure people, NEITHER dog died from Cushings. Daisy had a tough go of it but eventually succumbed to dementia (not related as far as I know). Bree had a myriad of health issues any of which could kill him. Congestive heart failure finally took him from us to the rainbow bridge last March. (I still cry about it) At the time, his Cushings was under such control that you wouldn't even know he had it according to the vets.

After Daisy passed Bree was lonely so we got another havanese, Quincy (who turned out to be a distant relative of Bree's actually). I wish Bree had lived long enough to at least see Quincy out of the puppy phase. Once Bree passed Quincy was lonely so we got Sage (Coton de tulear). So far no signs of Cushings in either but as I felt so much support on this board I do like to check in monthly and see how everyone is doing.

Happy to say that Quincy (15 months) and Sage (8 months) are quite the twosome and getting into trouble where ever they can. We are on suicide watch due to their desire to put everything they find in their mouths. BUT they did both pass Obedience 1 at PetSmart (only ones in the class who graduated actually) and are listening more and more each day. We do not want Stepford dogs, just well behaved canine citizens.

We had a tree planted in the park in memory of Bree and it is starting to change colour. It is a tulip tree - variety I had never heard of before but I am looking forward to seeing the flowers in the spring. (FYI, Daisy had been my mom's rescue dog so we are not as close hence why she did not get a tree! Bree was one in a million)

As always saddened to see more of the pups here pass onto the rainbow bridge but I do hope the fact that my dogs did not die of Cushings brings some spark of hope to you all. Daisy, as I said, had it bad and lasted 6 months before a fast onset of dementia. Bree was on meds for a year before his heart (which was a separate issue) gave out. His Cushings prognosis had been really good. In fact, the vet had thought he could go two plus years if that was the only challenge he was overcoming.

Stay strong

11-01-2013, 03:29 PM
that is very comforting to know as we are all devastated and frightened by a Cushings diagnosis.

Thank you

molly muffin
11-01-2013, 04:43 PM
So happy to hear from you Shari and very glad to hear that Quincy and Sage are doing well.

I think that you absolutely Do give hope to those who are going through this battle now and for those who will battle in the future. Thank you

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-15-2014, 05:41 PM
A somewhat late Happy New Year to everyone. This is my monthly visit to see how everyone is and keep in touch. At the risk of being repetitive, I had two dogs with Cushings (at once) and although both have passed away, NEITHER died of Cushings.

After Daisy died I got a second Havanese to keep Bree company. Bree died about 5 months after that (his meds kept all of the Cushings symptoms in check and I was told he could likely have gone on for another couple of years if his heart - separate condition - had not failed) and then our new puppy (Quincy) was lonely. So we got Sage. I uploaded a new photo of the two - their Xmas photo. Two puppies is quite the challenge - not to mention ruined furniture, rugs, being on suicide watch. As you all know, they do not replace the ones you lost but I once read they stretch your heart to love even more.

Saddened to see more pups have died on the memorial page but I am hopeful that a new year will bring new meds and new solid treatments for your furbabies.

Love them and hug them every day. Life is short for all of us.


molly muffin
01-15-2014, 06:23 PM
Shari! :) So good to see you again. Awww, the babies are gorgeous. I do love that picture. Then of course I get to browse through and give a peek at all of them, including Bree and Daisy.

Hope you all survived the ice storm. Horrible trying to do dog walks in that nasty ice. Ugh. Glad it's over.

You're right, the heart stretches. What a wonderful way of phrasing, the unlimited capacity we have to share love.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

01-31-2014, 02:58 PM
Actually, Molly, I triained these two to pee pads. When Bree was in his final weeks he was so ashamed when he "went" in the condo that it broke my heart. I mean with Cushings and a diruetic for his heart what option did he have?! I vowed that never again would I want one of my dogs to feel that way. So I trained them to pee pads so if they have to go inside, they know where to go.

Boy, was I happy when we got that horrid ice (most of January) and sub freezing weather because we did not have to go outside at all. In fact, little Sage's feet just cannot handle the super cold. She would lie on her side, all four paws off the ground, and I would pick her up.

Moving to California is looking like a really good idea about now!


molly muffin
01-31-2014, 09:31 PM
Hi Shari, I wish we had trained Molly to a pee pad for exactly the reasons you mentioned. It's horrible out there and now she is having some disc problems so I have to carry her out and back in (no steps for her right now). It gets real tricky. At least we live on street where the sidewalks are plowed and the streets are plowed regularly too. That is a plus at least. Still not fun!
I was thinking hmmm...Caribbean condo might come in handy for these winter months. My sister in California risks her life every time she calls and tells me how warm it is. (I threaten to sell the house at one point if we didn't get a snow blower, we got the snow blower but it's still cold out there and icky)

Oh poor Sage! no ice and snow allowed. Thank god for pee pads.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

02-21-2014, 01:52 PM
I thought I had posted in Feb. Guess not! The pups are doing well. Still in a destructive phase. You forget what pups can get up to after having had a distinguished older dog for so long. How we miss Bree. Right now we are on suicide watch as these two manage to find and get into everything.

Sage turns 1 on March 7 - same day we fly south for a 7 day cruise starting on the 8th. We booked it before we ever got her!

Both dogs are a joy and a blessing but as everyone knows, the heart stretches and never replaces! we are still considering Quincy's Mom as a third dog. She won't be available until around Xmas as the kennel wants to breed her one more time. Normally they only breed them twice but her pups were so gorgeous they are going for a third litter next year (one a year is their max).

I still feel for everyone who has a lovely dog with Cushings. I will reiterate that although both Daisy and Bree had Cushings, neither died from Cushings. So, do not assume that it will be a death sentence. Daisy was in poor health when we adopted her (she was 10.5 years old with a heart condition and cataracts). Her onset was fast and hard to control with meds. Bree's onset was slow. He had an elevated enzyme for years that I was told was often a precursor. His meds were bang on from the start and they kept him more or less symptom free until he died from congestive heart failure (unrelated to Cushings or his meds!)

(sorry I like to recap for anyone new reading).

Although the puppy stage has its cuteness, we are noting that they are mellowing a bit - and welcoming it! Not to wish their lives away but we figure this craziness is a phase they will grow out of.

Take care and hug your pups daily!

05-05-2014, 01:59 PM
Been a while since I visited. So sorry to see more lovely pups have passed away.

Life is going reasonably well for us right now. Sage turned one. Quincy is 2 in July. AND, even more exciting than a house full of destructive puppies, we are getting Quincy's Mom (Pika) in late June. The kennel is downsizing and since she has had two litters for them (in two years - no puppy mill here) and that is usually their limit per female dog (didn't want to use the technicaly term) she is retiring and moving to join us in Toronto. Should be quite an interesting summer.

My connection to this board, for those who do not know my story (which I repeat month after month hoping to appease some fears) is I had TWO (yes two) dogs with Cushings disease. Daisy passed away in June 2012 and Bree in March 2013. NEITHER of them died from Cushings. Daisy has severe dementia, and Bree had congestive heart failure. I mention this only because Cushings is not always the be all and end all. Yes, it is sad. Yes, it is a terrible shock to any of us to learn our dog has Cushings. Both of my dogs were on Meds. Daisy had to go through a few months before the right dosage was confirmed. Bree's meds were bang on right from the get go. In fact, the vet commented that Bree was practically symptom-free on the Cushings front and if he had not had the heart problems he likely could have lived another two years or maybe more. And that was after a year of meds.

I only say this because I want to raise your spirits. I know how hard it is but I also want you to love and enjoy your dog(s) while you have them.

As an FYI, Bree was lonely after Daisy died so we got Quincy. Bree died about 6 months later and then Quincy was loney, so we got Sage. The cycle goes on.. We still miss Bree (Daisy had been my Mom's so although we adored her, it was not the same level of connection) and the new dogs are not a replacement. Instead, the heart stretches to love more.

I feel your pain and wish you the strength to handle the hurdles and journey. Hug and kiss your dogs for me.


molly muffin
05-05-2014, 04:51 PM
Big hugs Shari! Glad to see you and know that Quincy and Sage are doing well. Oh that is going to be such fun having 3 dogs! And one of them the momma too. :) Bet you'll love it and she'll love you.

I want to thank you, each time you clarify your story of 2 dogs with cushings, it gives Someone hope and that isn't to be taken lightly. You contribute a great deal to this forum and helping others to know that the journey does not end with a cushing diagnosis but is just another step along the road.

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-09-2014, 10:48 AM
Thanks. I think I had more time to climatize to Cushings than most. Bree had an elevated enzyme from about the age of 4 or 5 that the vet told me was often a precursor to Cushings. The vet trained me on the signs to look for since way back then a diagnosis of Cushings gave you maybe a year at best.

Fast forward 7 years and Bree was diagnosed about three months after Daisy. My ongoing questions to the vet over the years had informed me that there were new and improved medications out there that increased the dog's life span.

Although Cushings is not all that rare in older dogs, having two dogs with it, according to my vet, is rare. And I lived through both extremes. Daisy took about 3 months to get her meds right. Bree was correct first time.

I think being aware so early on, and hearing about advances in the field etc. made it easier for me to adjust to the idea of my dogs having Cushings. After all, I had about 7 years to get used to the idea and research it. This board and my vet were my best resources by far - both emotionally and academically.

Again, since many of the dogs who get Cushings are older, any one of numerous ailments can cause their deaths in the end. Although Bree's Cushings prognosis was excellent, he also had heart problems that moved into congestive heart failure. Then I learned that because of the straight back legged gait of the Havanese (almost like a natural fusion) he had managed to destroy his back ACLs without me noticing (and I am really over protective about my dogs!). He had a high pain tolerance and the vet said he likely limped for a day and then seemed fine but kept tearing them before they fully healed. Once his back legs went, that would be it because his front legs had too much arthritis for a wagon/cart.

When an older dog has that many ailments at once, you know he won't last many more years. Certainly this was far more heart breaking than it seems from my writing. Now that a year has passed I can almost get through it all without tearing up! But I also knew that his Cushings was under control with the meds and he had the least issues with that than anything else.

I think the past history of Cushings being a year prognosis at best has never fully left the information one gets. It is no longer the case. A few months prior to Bree's death I saw one of the vets at our clinic and asked realistically how much longer Bree had noting the Cushings. At that point I was told they could not put a time line on it but he felt Bree could easily have lived another 5 years if it remained stable.

Daisy, on the other hand, was not expected to have a long life span only because she came to us (at 10 1/2 as a rescue) with heart issues, and because she did not take to the meds all that well. She did not have any odd side effects, but it almost seemed her body was giving up and the Cushings was just one more thing to add to it. As I mentioned, she had a sudden severe onset of dementia (three weeks!) where she went from alert (while getting treatment for yet another enlarged Cushings related organ)to staring at walls for hours while there for simple blood work. I brought her home for another week where she brightened up for about three days and then we "lost" her mind badly so putting her to sleep was the best thing for her.

OK, I have said enough. Again, hug and kiss your pups! They may have Cushings but they are alive, and they love you, and if they were not happy, they likely would not still be with you. Treasure every day.


07-31-2014, 10:03 PM
I have not been by for a while and do apologize. It seems I write more or less the same thing every time I am here, but as there are new people, I think it is important that I share my experience.

I had two elderly dogs. Daisy - a Malti-poo my Mom adopted at the age of 10.5 years old. Daisy arrived with heart problems and some other issues but she was really everything Mom needed. Bree was my Havanese. I got him at 7 weeks of age. When he was around 2 or 3 I learned he had an elevated enzyme which was often a precursor to Cushings disease. My vet trained me on the symptoms and taught me about the disease.

When Daisy was 12 she had actually lived longer than originally expected. Mom had moved to a nursing home and Daisy was living with us. The dogs got along - or tolerated each other - well. Daisy moved in with us in the October and one day in December she started drinking and urinating a lot. We had just moved so I figured the vet would say it was a reaction to that. I waited 2 or 3 days and then had her tested for diabetes and Cushings. It came back that she had Cushings. I should mention that three weeks earlier she had had blood tests for her heart and there was no indication of Cushings. It was a fast onset and even included enlarged organs. She had had an enlarged heart when we got her but now she had other organs as well.

Due to her small size, and sudden onset, it took about 3 months for the vet to get her meds right. Just about the time they figured it all out, Bree developed the symptoms and was also diagnosed with Cushings. His onset, due to the elevated enzyme, took years to occur but first off the meds were right and he was doing great.

Daisy's dx was in the Dec. Around March she was not well and when checked out her pancreas had enlarged. This was now 4 large organs in a small dog. Her prognosis was not great but she was in the vet's on IV and being well taken care of. The vet said she got through it only because she was a happy dog.

Three weeks later she did not seem so happy. She was staring at walls, peeing on herself in her sleep etc. I took her back to the vet's for more heart tests (required her to stay all day) and was told she was in full blown dementia. The vet advised putting her to sleep - she was that far gone in just three weeks. I brought her home and she perked up for a few days but then went down hill. Realizing that her quality of life was gone, I made the decision to take her in and put her to sleep. It was, as you can imagine, a hard decision. (she is listed under the memorial page 2012). Do keep in mind that dementia, not Cushings, was what did her in.

Nine months later, Bree had a fast decline. He had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure ( which can last for years apparently) and had been successfully on his Cushings meds for almost a year. The vet declared him almost symptom free of Cushings WHILE he was on his meds. With Cushings alone, it was felt he could last another five or more years. But one morning he was fine at 6am and in heart failure at 7am. I rushed him to the vet's and he was in an oxygen tent for the day. I was told if he made it through he would be back in a week or less. He was not making it through. It was obvious he was in a really bad state so we decided to put him out of his pain and put him to sleep. Again, not an easy decision. My vet later said he would have only lasted about another 2 hours and in distress. BUT HE DID NOT DIE FROM CUSHINGS!

After Daisy passed away Bree was lonely so I got another Havanese (turned out to be a relation actually) puppy named Quincy. After Bree passed, Quincy was lonely so we got a Coton de Tulear named Sage. Seven weeks ago Quincy's Mom was retired so we adopted her.

I post this month after month (or there about) so that people know your dog can live for years with Cushings. Most dogs who are diagnosed are older, and sadly, older dogs do die - but not necessarily of Cushings.

Please do not consider Cushings a death sentence. Instead, consider it a reminder that our dogs age and can die from anything. Cushings is a reminder to love your dog every day because you never know what tomorrow will hold for you.

I hope this gives some of you - even one of you - hope for your dog and your life with your dog.

08-01-2014, 08:16 AM
Hi Shari,

Thank you for stopping by to help our new members and offer light and hope to us all.

I think it is wonderful you are now a 3 dog night:):):):) I hope all the pups are doing well.

Bree and Daisy will always be remembered here and Shari, you will always be family.

Enjoy what is left of Summer!!!!

08-01-2014, 07:46 PM
That is a good message for people re cushings not necessarily a death sentence. My tommy got diagnosd with cushings about 6 months prior to him passing. The week he passed was he week his ACTH test was perfect. Unfortunately he had a completely unrelated issue - kidney cysts and once symptoms came he was gone in four days.RIP boof

molly muffin
08-02-2014, 09:35 AM
3 dog night. That is funny. LOL

What is Quincy's moms name? What an adventure walkies must be. :-).

You do give others hope. Thanks for that Shari.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

08-04-2014, 06:17 PM
Quincy's Mom is named Sophie. I added some photos to my album.

This board was always wonderful for me - support, information, friendships - while I was going through Cushings so I like to stop by and share the positives.


molly muffin
08-05-2014, 01:38 PM
Love the pictures.

They do look alike!

Sharlene and molly muffin

01-12-2015, 11:52 AM
Hi there:

I have not posted for a while but did want to check in. As many of you know, I had two dogs with Cushings (at the same time). I do want to stress that although they had Cushings, neither died from it. I know when you are new to the Cushings experience, you have a constant fear that it will "kill" your dog. It can happen, but it does not always happen.

Daisy's onset came on fast (three weeks!). She had had blood work done for her heart and no Cushings showed. Three weeks later she was urinating a lot, drinking a lot, so I knew it was likely either Cushings or diabetes. Her tests showed full blown Cushings with two enlarged organs. As her heart was already enlarged and she was only an 8 pound malti-poo this was significant. It took three months to get her meds straight, but then she continued along quite happily. Rather like the quick onset of Cushings (and we had a few scares along the way with that) she developed dementia just as quickly. She was at the vet's with yet another enlarged organ (and not expected to come through but did) and was alert and happy. Three weeks later she had to go back (and I knew something was up with her) for routine blood work and the vet reported full blown dementia and suggested she be put down. (she had been urinating on herself in her sleep etc.) Incidentally, Cushings blood work results were fine. Took her home and she had 5 lovely days with us - perking up for a few, and then had no quality of life so we made that difficult decision.

A few months after Daisy's dx, Bree was dx with Cushings. He had had an elevated enzyme for years which I was warned was a precursor for Cushings (hence how I knew the symptoms when I saw them in Daisy). His onset was gradual, meds were bang on first try. He also had a bad heart which is what he succumbed to. Again, a few weeks before that routine blood work showed his Cushings were in check. In fact, had that been the only thing wrong with him, the vet's were giving him at least 5 more years.

I come on her periodically to tell my story as I hope it brings some light and some hope to people whose dogs have been diagnosed. Regardless, love them every day you have them. I now have one of Bree's distant relatives (Quincy - who we got while Bree was alive to give him company), a Coton, and I went back for Quincy's Mom, Sophie. I learned from my Cushings experience, to just enjoy and love my dogs every day. You just never know - for any dog with or without Cushings - when something might happen.

Harley PoMMom
01-12-2015, 12:46 PM
Hi Shari,

Thanks so much for coming back and sharing Daisy's and Bree's story with us. It does help in dealing with Cushing's when members post that their dog/s has had success in the treatment for Cushing's, so again thank you so much.

Love and hugs, Lori

01-16-2015, 10:26 AM
No problem. I want to give people hope that Cushings is not a death sentence. We must all see beyond the diagnosis so we can truly focus on loving and enjoying our pets while we have them.

No one can replace our beloved Bree (and Daisy although we adopted her as a senior and loved her, she was my Mom's dog) but goodness knows are three present pups are trying.

01-18-2015, 12:03 AM
Ohhhh, I looked at the pictures and they are all so cute! My favorite part of this forum is getting to see the pictures of these sweet babies.

Thank you for posting and sharing your story. I remember when I first came here, all I saw were posts where everyone seemed to be in a crisis situation and there were quite a few deaths. I was trying to read as fast as I could just praying for some success stories. Once I made my need known, those folks started popping up to reassure me that they were out there, still reading and visiting the forum and hanging out and that their pups were doing well. Being able to read about the babies that did well on the medicine was a Godsend to me. I breathed a big sigh of relief and got with the program. :D

My little doxie is doing well on her trilostane and we were lucky enough to get the right dosage the very first time. :)

Thanks again!

01-18-2015, 12:47 AM
Thank you for your story about your beloved dogs, Bree and daisy they were both wonderful pups, and my heart goes out to you for their loss...

01-19-2015, 02:42 PM
Actually I have to say that I notice Sophie pants more than the other two. She also has Bree's build. Once you have had a dog with Cushings, I think you are really heightened to look for pre-Cushings signs. Hopefully Sophie does not have a precursor but if she does, at least I know how well I will be supported here. She is only 4 (well in Feb she'll be 4) but Bree had an elevated enzyme for many years before it progressed to Cushings.

At this point it is not as scary a prospect as it was when I first heard about it. Granted back when the vet first told me about the elevated enzyme and what it could mean they did not have the meds of today. Back then it was a one year life expectancy. How happy I was that someone had done the research to create better meds once he was diagnosed.

03-05-2015, 09:56 PM
Just a quick hello as it has been a while since I posted. We are quite busy as we are listing our condo for sale. Our hope is to get a detached house with a yard for the pups.

I have tried posting new photos but I guess the files are too large as it does not seem to work. Will keep trying.

Other than that, we are doing well. Dogs are all healthy (as far as we know).

For those who have read this far, and do not know me, I am an ex-boarder. I did have two dogs with Cushings (yes at the same time). Both have since passed away (Bree will be two years this month) but NEITHER died from their Cushings disease. Daisy had severe, and fast onset, dementia. Bree died from congestive heart failure. Interestingly enough at the time of death the Cushings was under reasonable control for both dogs. In fact, a week or so before Bree's death the vet commented that the meds were working so well he did not have any obvious symptoms.

Just love your pup every day as you never know if it will be their last. Bree was fine at 6am and in heart failure at 7am. He was in an oxygen tent for the day but as soon as he came out of it he declined rapidly. As much as we want our dogs to be in a bubble, realistically he could not live in an oxygen tent. We do have to let them go at some point, sadly.


04-19-2015, 09:16 PM
Hi there:

Much has happened since my last post. The dogs are still doing great, but we decided not to sell our condo. I am a teacher and I was surplused from my school. Not as bad as you might think. I work in a huge school board and have ample seniority so should be placed somewhere else, but where? As I said, a huge board. If I sold and moved near my previous school (our plan) I could be travelling well across the city and with our traffic it could take 1 - 2 hours to get to my school. So, we are staying put. Although we would rather have a house with a yard for the dogs, we do have a leash free dog park across the street. SO it is not too bad for them.

For those who do not know me, none of my dogs have Cushings. So, why am I here? I previously had two dogs, Bree and Daisy and BOTH had Cushings at the same time. They were dx a few months apart. I know the heart break of getting the diagnosis and the fear of a death sentence. Aside from the wonderful support Ihad here, I check in from time to time just to let people know NEITHER OF MY DOGS DIED FROM CUSHINGS!

Daisy's onset was fast (she died in 2012 if you want to look her up) and it took a few months to get her meds right. She was going along quite fine (even with two - at times 3 englarged organs). Eventually she developed dementia - also a fast onset - and had no idea what was going on or who we were.

Bree had an elevated enzyme for years which I had been warned could lead to Cushings. Fortunately the vet taught me the signs to look for which is how both Daisy and Bree received prompt vet attention. First time out Bree's meds were on target and if he had no had heart problems, he could easily have gone another 5 years according to the vet. Once on the meds he was showing no Cushings symtoms. As I said, he had heart problems - dx of congestive heart failure. He was also going along fine. In fact on the day he died he was fine at 6am (from what we could tell) and in full blown heart failure at 7am. After day in an oxygen tent it was apparent that he was not going to make it.

I was with both dogs as they passed to the rainbow bridge.

I don't tell you this to make you feel bad. Actually quite the opposite. I want you to know that your dog may not die from Cushings. Your dog may live quite a number of years with Cushings. Just remember to cherish them every day.

I will try to add more photos of my present pups. I should add that we got Quincy because Bree missed Daisy and needed a friend. When he passed we got Sage to keep Quincy company. As for Lil' Sophie (the smallest but oldest of the trio), she is Quincy's Mom. We loved her photo when we were getting Quincy and when the breeder retired her she joined us last June. They do not replace Bree and Daisy but our hearts stretch to love them too.

molly muffin
04-19-2015, 10:21 PM
Shari. Good t hear from you. I am in misdissauga so sympathize with the traffic issues. Always good to hear from you and a reminder of the possibilities with Cushing dogs.
Glad to hear the fur babies are doing well.
Hoping your next position will be in a easily traveled to area from your condo.


04-21-2015, 10:15 AM
Thanks Sharlene. I hope Molly is doing well.