View Full Version : Logan (11 y/o English Bull Terrier)
04-17-2012, 08:06 AM
I'm so pleased that I came across this forum - what a wealth of info!
Our beautiful, almost 11-year-old English Bull Terrier, Logan, may have Cushing's. Decided to find out as much as I can, before we receive any form of diagnosis.
Logan's had a complicated medical history (sus brain tumour, behavioural issues, chronic skin probs, bladder stones,etc. etc.) Routine bloods have identified increasing Alk Phos level. It was originally high (1,937 - not sure if same measurement is used in US - I'm from UK) back in June 2011. He had been on long-term dexamethasone use for chronic skin probs (wish I could turn clock back!). Gradually tapered off dex and completely off since Oct 2011. Alk Phos and other enzymes levels started to normalise, until December and have been gradually increasing. However, bloods done last week have shown they have gone through the roof at over 4,200 (previous 560). ALT slightly raised and he may have other symptoms. I queried Cushing's with vet and that's the route we're going down at the moment.
Urine sent to lab yesterday and awaiting cortisol/creatitine ratio and have discussed ACTH stim test.
Have also been researching Vetoryl (contains Trilostane), as I want to be one step ahead should Logan receive a diagnosis.
Our poor boy has been through the wars (lost his mum last October - a traumatic time for all of us) and is a very sensitive soul. He's currently on meds for his skin (Atopica), plus homeopathic rems. Also on Denamarin liver support, Vivitonin, Aktivait,CoQ10,Epitaur 500, Coriolus, Enzyme Digest, Pro and Pre-biotics and just started Biopreparation f3+ (micro algae).
I will update when I get the urine results.
Thank you.
ps. looked at a previous thread re duralactin and pain relief. There is another supplement (Serrapet) which contains the enzyme serrapeptase and no animal ingredients I have some for Logan should his mild arthritis flare up. Took off glucosamin (cosequin)for time being, in case that has impacted on liver enzyme levels.
04-17-2012, 12:31 PM
I wanted to welcome you to our site.
Poor Logan, it looks like he has been there and back. Your care of him through all that has been tremendous - one lucky boy.
Yes, please do post any of the test results when you get them.
04-17-2012, 12:36 PM
Hello and welcome,
I'm so glad you found this site although sorry Logan is going through such a tough time. I'm also sorry to hear of your loss.
I'm pretty new to the site, I am sure there will be others along soon who are more expert than I am and can help you more. I know it will be a great help to them if you can post all your test results with reference ranges. There are a few measurement units, the ACTH especially, where they change transatlantic but we can help you through that, I'm a uk cushmum :)
Meantime I would encourage you to keep reading, there is so much here that will help you ; this site and the wonderful people here have definitely saved my sanity and very possibly saved my dear dog too.
Best wishes,
Laura & Saoirse
Hi and Welcome to you and Logan,
Sounds like you both have been through quite a bit. I am glad you found your way here.
The UC:CR test cannot diagnose Cushings but it can rule it out so that is a really good starting point. It is not an easy disease to diagnosis, no one test is perfect and non adrenal illness can cause false positives and false negatives.
Let us know what the test results are.
Others will be along soon. We fondly refer to them as our"experts".
Hang in there, you have had a long road. Just know that you and Logan no longer travel it alone.
04-18-2012, 06:48 AM
Thank you!
Logan's UC:CR was 22.2. I was told by our vet that the normal range is less than 34 (sample was sent to IDEXX) and unlikely to be Cushing's.
Last week, vet did suggest taking more bloods today, to see if the extremely elevated ALKP was a 'one off'. Logan's been in this morning for bloods and we'll get the results tomorrow to see what they reveal. In any case, I have asked that Logan also has the ACTH stim, which the vet has agreed to (should I have pushed for this, given the UC:CR result?).
Whatever the bloods tell us, I am still trying to find out why the ALKP was very high last year, then plumetted due to the dex being gradually stopped and introducing the Denamarin and then started to creep up again. No one seems to have the answer to this. Even when it was creeping up, I was told "it's only a relatively small amount". However, my 'argument', which I voiced, was,"yes, but it's always heading in the wrong direction!"
I've also just been reading about 'atypical' Cushing's, where the cortisol levels are quite normal, but the dog still displays symptoms of Cushing's.....more for me to think about.
Met a neighbour, yesterday, whose Bedlington Terrier apparently had Cushing's. She used homeopathic rems and I'm researching those, just in case. A British homeopath, George Macleod, wrote re cushing's in his book Dogs: Homeopathic Remedies (1989, C.W. Daniel Company Ltd.). Will hunt that down.
Once again, thank you for your support
04-18-2012, 06:55 AM
Aside from the elevated liver values, you've also mentioned some skin problems. Can you tell us more about the skin, and also whether or not Logan displays any other outward symptoms of Cushing's?
For what it's worth, I think my own personal decision about pushing forward with an ACTH (in light of a "negative" UC:CR) would be very dependent upon Logan's symptom profile.
04-19-2012, 08:50 AM
I've listed what I have researched to be symptoms of Cushing's and noted alongside each, whether Logan displays any of them:
Polyuria/polydipsia. To some degree. He has presented with cystitis-type symptoms on and off for over 12 months, but appears Ok at present. Over last few months has had blood in urine (not to naked eye, but seen through urine tests).Recent ultrasound = bladder stones and 'mass' near neck of bladder. Lab results = benign.
Pot bellied abdomen.Yes, although we had put this down to extended steroid use. When steroid (dexamethasone) was tapered off and finally stopped, the abdomen did get slightly less pronounced. However, it is still noticeable.
Thin skin and usually symmetrical hair loss along the trunk. The hair might grow in lighter in color or lose its luster. It might not grow in well at all. Calcium deposits under the skin, called calcinosis cutis, occur on occasion. Secondary skin infections are common also. The skin might also be hyperpigmented. Previous alopecia to face and legs when on steroids. No recurrence since steroids stopped. Skin is still itchy most days (today particularly bad) and he has previously had interdigital lumps which were 'treated' with rilexine. No recent recurrence of lumps. No pigmentation or calcinosis cutis
Muscle wasting over the head, shoulders, thighs, and pelvis. muscle tone of back legs perhaps isn't what it should be and head has low muscle mass
Polyphagia. Generally, he doesn't have a great appetite (so, prob more inappetant), with breakfasts being particularly bad. Have changed time of b/fast from 0900 to 1100, but no noticeable improvement. Eve meals better. However, on 16th April, out of the blue, he had an especially ravenous appetite which lasted all day. Our vet felt that one isolated 'incident' was unlikely to match with Cushing's
Other occasional symptoms include:
Pruritis (itchy skin)- due to secondary bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections as above
Thin skin No
Lethargy At times, yes. He is on Aktivait, CoQ10 and more recently, Vivitonin. Logan has displayed various odd behaviours over the years which has sometimes presented as depression-type symptoms
Panting- due to affects on the lungs or the respiratory center in the brain No
Obesity No, only when on steroids.
Anorexia No, although appetite varies
Straining to urinate or blood in urine due to urinary tract infection or bladder stone As above.
Weakness No
Depression Perhaps, at times
Aggression No, never
Lethargy Yes, at times
Corneal plaques Vet said there was some evidence of this a few months ago, but Logan's sight seems good
Thank you!
04-19-2012, 10:23 AM
Re the bladder mass, how did they establish it was benign?
What started out similarly described with our late German pointer became an established tumour a few months later. There has been some success with meloxicam (metacam) shrinking bladder tumours particularly if caught early so its worth keeping an eye on.
marie adams
04-22-2012, 01:42 PM
Welcome to you and Logan! :)
I am so sorry for your loss and everything Logan has been through in his little life.
The experts are already helping so that is a good thing.
My Maddie had almost all the classic symptoms of Cushing's. She definitely had a ravenous appetite--she even start stealing food off the table which she had never done in her adult life. So with Logan not wanting to eat, that is puzzling, but maybe some of his other issues might cause that. I am not an expert....
You are in good Addy said you no longer have to travel Logan's problems alone. Ask all the questions you can think of we are all here to help and the experts are very knowledgeable.:)
Take care!!!
05-30-2012, 05:47 AM
Dear all
Just a quick post and apologies for not updating re Logan. He was diagnosed with bladder cancer (transitional cell carcinoma)at the beginning of May, so this has taken up most of our time. It's lovely and sunny at the mo and Logan is enjoying (monitored!)sunbathing. He's had his second chemo session and we're staying as positive as we can. This is likely to be my last post on the K9 Cushing's forum, as Logan's current condition has obviously taken me on a new direction and I'm soaking up loads of info to ensure he thrives and has a good quality of life.
Good luck to you all.
05-30-2012, 06:21 AM
Thanks for giving us an update.
My very best to both you and Logan and if you have the time, you can shoot us an update at anytime. :)
05-30-2012, 06:42 AM
Thanks for stopping by. We will all be praying for the best possible outcome for dear Logan. Kim
Squirt's Mom
05-30-2012, 09:30 AM
Hi Garry,
So sorry to hear about Logan but am glad you came by to let us know. Please do stop in from time to time and let us know how things are going.
I have a new baby who has breast cancer and I joined a Yahoo! canine cancer group. You can find them at -
You might the group beneficial.
Leslie and the gang
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