View Full Version : Jameson is safe in a Rescue in San Diego area

04-08-2012, 09:10 PM
Fishslayer (Rick) was the person who fostered a diabetic dog Lucy who was rescued by folks from here and from K9D. He put up the following notice about Jameson, who desperately needs a foster home. Not even a forever home yet but just a foster home for now.

http://smith-wessonforum.com/lounge/242941-orange-county-ca-dog-needs-home.html (http://smith-wessonforum.com/lounge/242941-orange-county-ca-dog-needs-home.html)

At the moment, Jameson is still at the vet but has to have somewhere else to go by Friday.

He's in Orange County California.


04-12-2012, 11:00 PM
:) Just got this email from Rick! :)

Just got back from dropping off Jameson at the Rescue. Things went great.

Jameson is an absolute lovebug. Ran right up to me for pets & greeted me with a wagging tail & kisses.
He needed a little help getting into the truck but after that he just laid on the bed & occasionally I'd see him get up, look around, then lay back down.

He's a friendly, rambuctious boy with a lot of personality. He's going to be a handful, but in a good way.

I didn't get to meet his foster mom. I was running early & left him with the very nice ladies at the rescue.

Harley PoMMom
04-12-2012, 11:57 PM
YAA!!! What great news! Thanks for sharing this with us.