View Full Version : We're back...Sweet Crash has crossed The Bridge

05-16-2009, 09:31 AM
Hello again to everyone!
What a lost and lonely time it was without my cc family and thank goodness I finally have found you all again. It's been a bit over two months since Crash's diagnosis and I think he is doing well with his melatonin and FSO. He's happy as a lark this weekend as his cousins Chloe and Harley have come to stay. He's keeping up pretty well with the extra running and playing in the yard with his brother and cousins. I think he's having fun keeping everyone "in line". I am getting abit ahead of myself in worry though the closer we get to the three month mark when we will go for his first bloodwork since his diagnosis. I am having that same feeling of uncertainty I had before we got the final word that it was atypical cushings. It's silly, I know, but also knowing I have all of you to help me through and keep me grounded is an amazing comfort. God bless to all! :)
Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
05-16-2009, 10:02 AM
Hi Tammy, Crash, & Darby,

I know just how you feel about losing the ccnet forum site, I was frantic until Leslie (Squirt's Mom) found me and told me about the K9diabetes site and how Natalie is letting us use this forum for our Cushpups. :D

My Harley was just recently diagnosed with atypical cushings, he has been on the Melatonin and the pressed flax hulls w/lignans for alittle over a week.

I was happy to see in your post that Crash is doing so well on this treatment plan, how long did it take to see results?

And what bloodwork are you having done for his three month mark?

Just wanted to know bc of Harley being atypical, if I should having bloodwork done in three months too? :confused:

Anyways, so glad you found us here. :D

05-16-2009, 10:26 AM
Hi Tammy,

I am so glad that you found us. I was able to find your previous posts via Google and have copied and pasted below. I don't see where you posted the results of the UTK panel so it would be great if you could do that for us. I believe the bloodwork that Lori is asking about is another UTK panel to see how effective the melatonin and fso has been in bringing down the elevated hormones, right?


03-16-2009, 06:57 PM

finally....a diagnosis....now what? (Crash) 11 y/o beagle/schnauzer mix - (Atypical)


Hello -
I am so glad I found this website. Crash, my 11 year old beagle/schnauzer mix, was diagnosed with Atypical Cushings as of Friday the 13th. I'm not superstitious, but find it may be a bit ironic after 6 weeks or so of testing, testing, liver biopsy, and still more testing. We had gone in January 31 for his annual exam and the doctor does the extra bloodwork with the senior dogs. Crash's liver enzymes and white cell count were high and further testing began. Diabetes, cushings, cholesterol, triglycerides, liver utrasound, liver biospy for possible cancer and everything was coming back negative or normal. Doctor then suggested an adrenal panel to the University of Tennessee. So we know now what Crash has and we've started on Flaxseed oil and Melatonin. I have no idea what to expect with all of this. Crash still shows no signs of being sick except for the excess water he's drinking. I'm hoping that all the inbalance in his body can be brought under control and that he can live as normal a life as he was meant to live. I couldn't bear anything worse having lost my yellow lab and Crash's best friend less than a year ago to an autoimmune disorder. I have asked many questions of my vet and he's been wonderful. I have read many of the forums these past few days and that has helped my formulate even more questions for him. I am just looking for any information I can get and this website, I'm finding, has been a great place to start.


03-17-2009, 04:21 AM

Re: finally....a diagnosis....now what?



I wanted to welcome you to our site and am glad you found us.

I am glad you now have a diagnosis. There are many here who have Atypical cushpups and I know they will be chiming in shortly. When you get the chance, post the test results of panel from UTK so we can see the hormone elevations.

Also let us know about the dosage amount you are giving your Crash.

I am very sorry to read about your Lab also. My deepest sympathies.



03-17-2009, 10:09 AM

Re: finally....a diagnosis....now what? (Crash) 11 y/o beagle/schnauzer mix - (Atypic


Hi and welcome to you and Crash!

I am VERY impressed that your vet knew about Atypical and the UTK panel! That is not common around here!

My Squirt is Atypical, also. She is taking melatonin, 3mg 2X/day and purified lignans, 40mg 1X/day. Several of us have gone to the purified lignans VS the FSO with lignans. By the way, it is the lignans that are important, not the FSO (flax seed oil) itself. Be sure the bottle says "with lignans". Bear in mind it can take 3-4 months to see changes sometimes, so don't get discouraged meantime.

As Terry said, if you don't mind, please post the actual results of the UT panel with the units of measurements and normal ranges. This will give us more info to be able to help you better. Actually, the more you can tell us about Crash and his medical history, the better. We just love details! But we don't get really nosy til we know you better.

I am glad you found us and hope to hear more from you soon. BTW, what is your name if you don't mind sharing? "Hey you" is kinda impersonal, ya know?

Leslie and the girls

03-17-2009, 05:07 PM

Crash's adrenal panel results


A big thank you to Terry and Leslie for your kind and encouraging words as well as a very warm welome!
I'm still so new at all the cushings jargon, but both of you suggested posting Crash's official results of his panel. The more information the better I know. I surely don't know what all this means, but his results (baseline) - those above normal range were Androstenedione 0.7; Estradiol 95.6;
Progesterone 0.27 and his results (post ACTH) were Cortisol 188.9; Androstenedione 3.5; Estradiol 85.8; Progesterone 1.60. This all said, what does it all mean? Am I to concern myself with the baseline results or the post ACTH or both? Doctor started Crash on 6mg of Melatonin twice a day and 1 teaspoon Flaxseed Oil with Lignans once a day. The woman at the health food grocery thought that 6mg twice a day was pretty much Melatonin for a 35 pound dog, what do you think? As stated earlier, Crash's doctor is so very good about taking all my questions. If anyone can think of questions I should be asking of him, please advise.
Thanks again! I feel like family already.

Tammy & Crash

03-30-2009, 05:35 PM

Re: finally....a diagnosis....now what? (Crash) 11 y/o beagle/schnauzer mix - (Atypic


Hello everyone -

Well it's been a little over two weeks and Crash and I seem to be doing alright. He takes his melatonin and flax seed oil without too much complaint. It's just been a lot to take in. I read the forums daily and they've been a wonderful source of new questions to ponder and/or ask the doctor, insight to the future, answers, and above all a support system that has been so vital. Crash still does not exhibit many symptoms. As I had said earlier the extra water intake was the only thing out of the ordinary that I noticed. I have though of late been noticing the increased appetite. So now I have a question. Does the metabolism change with cushings and Crash needs more calories? Would a higher protein or higher fiber food be better for him? I hate that Crash is hungry, but I don't want to overfeed him. Thoughts please.

Tammy and Crash

03-30-2009, 06:03 PM

Re: finally....a diagnosis....now what? (Crash) 11 y/o beagle/schnauzer mix - (Atypic


Hi Tammy,
I just wanted to say hello and welcome. Our Zoe was diagnosed in early Feb with "atypical cushings" and she has been on the melatonin and FSO with lignans since the results came back from UTK as well she as well take a Ketoconizole and the combination is working well for her now. We did start with the recommended 6mg twice a day but she ran into a little issue so we initially dropped the Melatonin and FSO but had restarted it with 3mg twice a day and when we saw she needed some more tweeking we increased the night time and she is doing fairly well. You will notice the first thing to change will probably be the crashes coat and the hunger does come undercontrol. We saw Zoe's incontinence and thrist change before her hunger. You have come to a good spot for some wonderful information. It is great you are working closely with your Vet as well. There is a right combination for Crash. Good luck and keep in touch.
Heather and Zoe Claire


03-30-2009, 06:22 PM
Miko's Mom

Re: finally....a diagnosis....now what? (Crash) 11 y/o beagle/schnauzer mix - (Atypic


Hi Tammy, Welcome. You have come to right place. Miko gained alot of weight too. Now he isn't so ravenous so hang in there. Christine

Miko's Mom

03-30-2009, 06:25 PM

Re: finally....a diagnosis....now what? (Crash) 11 y/o beagle/schnauzer mix - (Atypic


Hi Tammy and welcome to you and Crash,

Sorry I did not repond to your earlier post, I just missed it

Please disregard the heathfood person's advice. You are pushing the melatonin and lignans to block access by overproduction of hormones, she has no idea.

And I would suggest you move from the flaxseedoil to purified lignans. You can get them at vitacost.com the brand is NSI and they are in a 40mg gelcap. There are other sources of loose pressed flax hulls which are the same in a different presentation, I prefer the lignans in the gelcaps.

I would not allow an increase in food allowance over what is appropriate for his age/size, you can supplement with things like green beans and carrots which may satisfiy the munchies without adding lots of calories.


Tammy, missed this part earlier and another member PM'ed me about it; you said;

Originally Posted by Tamarah
The woman at the health food grocery thought that 6mg twice a day was pretty much Melatonin for a 35 pound dog, what do you think?

I don't know of anyone being prescribed over 6mg total daily, split as 3mg am and 3 mg pm. Please confirm the dose.




Yesterday, 05:32 PM

Re: finally....a diagnosis....now what? (Crash) 11 y/o beagle/schnauzer mix - (Atypic


Scott -

I just wanted to say thanks for the advice of adding green beans or carrots to Crash's diet. He LOVED the green beans, but not so crazy about the carrots. His brother, Darby, wouldn't even eat them. Oh well, carrots would be good for me too.

Tammy, Crash, & Darby


Yesterday, 06:04 PM

Re: finally....a diagnosis....now what? (Crash) 11 y/o beagle/schnauzer mix - (Atypic


Hi Tammy,

If you are using canned green beans use the no salt added, a dog really does not know the difference and there is LOTS of salt in regular canned. Fresh is better when you can get em.


Miko's Mom
05-16-2009, 10:34 AM
I Tammy I can relate to the "lost and lonely." Our cc family is getting me through the worst part of being a furkid mom. Glad you found us. Christine

05-16-2009, 12:45 PM
Glynda -
Wow, you found my previous posts. I definitely glad to be back because I have learned so much from all of you. Here's Crash's results from UTK....

Cortisol 53.6 baseline; 188.9 post ACTH
Androstenedione 0.7 baseline; 3.5 post ACTH
Estradiol 95.6 baseline; 85.8 post ACTH
Progesterone 0.27 baseline; 1.60 post ACTH
17 OH Progesterone 0.21 baseline; 2.07 post ACTH
Aldosterone 13.1 baseline; 163.1 post ACTH

I still don't understand what much of that all means. I read this as four of the six are above the normal ranges. All very confusing yet. I do believe since Crash never showed many signs of being sick that this was all caught very early and that we are very lucky. Still I worry and hover like any over-protective mom would.

To you Glynda and to Lori -

Crash's vet said to bring Crash back in after three months for bloodwork. I wondered if it was another full panel or what would be done. He told me he would be checking Crash's liver enzyme levels. With that he could tell whether the melatonin and FSO has had any effect. He had told me that it would be at least three months before we would see any noticeable results.

The only symptoms that Crash really ever exhibited was the excess water intake. I have notice in the last few weeks that has gotten better - he doesn't jump over me at night to go for water and then back over me to get back in bed. I continue to watch his hair and skin. The hair on his belly really hasn't grown back since being shaved for his liver biospy and that worries me some also. I have my notebook full of questions when we go.

I am curious about the pressed flax hulls with Lignons instead of the FSO though. Looking through Crash's file I don't have the treatment option sheet attached from UTK panel results and will question the doctor when we go.

I have missed everyone and again, it is great to be back!
Tammy, Crash, and Darby

Squirt's Mom
05-16-2009, 01:15 PM
Hi Tamara,

Welcome back to you and Crash! Losing cc.net was a tragedy but we are moving on and up. We will come out of this stronger and closer than ever! ;)

Here is a link to the UTK treatment sheet:

http://www.vet.utk.edu/diagnostic/endocrinology/pdf/Steroid%20Profiles%20for%20Diagnosis%20of%20Atypic al%20Cushing%27s.pdf

It does take a few months to start seeing results with the Atypical treatments so don't get discouraged. It seem the hair is one of the things that takes some time but the melatonin will help with that in time. Squirt's belly is so hairy now I have to part it to see her skin!

Glad you found us again!
Leslie and the girls

Harley PoMMom
05-16-2009, 01:23 PM

Hopefully I posted this link to the UTK treatment option sheet right:

http://www.vet.utk.edu/diagnostic/endocrinology/pdf/Steroid%20Profiles%20for%20Diagnosis%20of%20Atypic al%20Cushing's.pdf

When I e-mailed Dr. Oliver, I asked him when I should have a full adrenal panel redone on Harley, his response was 6 months, that's why I was wondering what tests you were having done in 3 months.

Harley's belly hair (shaved bc of his u/s) is slowing growing back, just feels like fuzz on a peach. :confused::eek::D

The pressed flax hulls w/lignans I purchased at http://www.flaxhulls.com/order.html which was listed on the UTK treatment Option sheet. It's of powdered substance that you sprinkle on their food, for Harley's weight of 20.8 lbs, he get 1/2 tsp SID.

You sound like me, I'm a hoverer too, I am constantly looking at Harley, watching his every move, prodding his hair, skin. But, isn't that what they call a good MOM :eek::D

05-16-2009, 02:19 PM
Hi Tammy,

Lulu had an adrenal panel back in August and since then, UTK has changed some of the normal baseline and post ACTH ranges. None of them changed too terribly much so I feel comfortable commenting based on the ranges on Lulu's panel. It appears that Crash has some pretty elevated estradiol, both baseline and stimulated. When estradiol is the only intermediate that is elevated, I believe the actual diagnosis is called Hyperestrinism. Crash's cortisol would be considered borderline so yes, I believe the recommended treatment in Crash's case was probably limited to melatonin and fso, at least for the first three or four months.

I call estradiol the demon intermediate because according to Dr. Oliver, if estradiol is elevated, a dog will almost always already have severe liver disease with enlarged liver. Dogs will also have very elevated alkaline phosphatase enzymes so your vet is spot on in checking the liver enzymes. A marked decrease is indicative that the melatonin and fso is effectively lowering the estradiol.

Dr Oliver indicated to me that it is the lignans, not the oil in fso, that competes with estradiol for the tissue estrogen receptors. With less receptor available, less estradiol is produced. Since fso has a very negligible amount of lignans and given Crash's marked elevation in estradiol, I personally would choose either the purified lignans or pressed flax hulls in lieu of the fso. After two years on Trilostane, Lulu's estradiol, as well as all the other intermediates, were horribly elevated and I switched her to purified lignans. I also have a jar of the pressed flax hull which I will start using once the purified lignans are gone. I've provided the links to both products below:



05-21-2009, 07:54 PM
Just a quick "welcome home" to all and a big thank-you to everyone who has made this new home possible. :) You're all angels!
A big thank-you too, to all our new friends at the K-9 diabetes site for taking us in and giving us a temporary home. It feels so good to be home and I'm looking forward to our family reunion! :)
Well, Crash and Darby are hinting that it's dinner time so more later....
Tammy, Crash, & Darby

05-21-2009, 09:52 PM
Hi Tammy,

Glad you are here, now lets pick up on the treatment when you get time.


Bagel's Mom
05-24-2009, 06:53 AM
YAYYYYYYYYY Love the new digs!!
Bagel is doing well and NO news to report.. Seems to be maintaining fine way into her second month on Lysodren...4 X a week is great dosing. Am looking especially forward to being out of school and home with her soon!!

06-13-2009, 07:00 AM
Well today marks three months since Crash's atypical diagnosis. We see the doctor this morning for his first check and bloodwork since. The doctor said he would be checking his liver enzyme levels and that would help determine whether the melatonin and FSO are working for Crash. I'm a little anxious, but to me Crash seems to be doing fine and I'm hoping it's true and not just because I want it to be. Crash never did exhibit many symptoms other than the excessive water intake and for a while the excessive hunger and a bit of a pot belly. I've noticed an improvement with the water and the hunger, but now I'm a bit concerned with hair loss. His hair never did grow back on his belly from his biopsy, but when I took him for a bath a couple of weeks ago there seemed to be a lot of hair in the tub. It may be just the that it's summer and he's shedding a bit more and that's what I keep telling myself anyway. All in all we're doing well and I'll let you know what we find out today.

Oh, on a totally unrelated note, has anyone heard of giving deer antlers to dogs to chew on? It was new to me. The healthy pet market we have here in town sells them and when I expressed concern with giving my dogs rawhides to chew on they suggested the antlers. Apparently they are full of calcium and do not splinter (my first question to them). I asked my vet and he said it would be alright to try. It's a bit hard on Crash's teeth and gums, but it's been great for Darby - at one year old he's still a big chewer. Anyway, I just wanted to ask if anyone else heard of this.

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Squirt's Mom
06-13-2009, 11:07 AM
Hi Tammy,

Squirt just had her first re-check for Atypical this past Wed. so we are in the same place, tho it's been since Dec that she was last checked. Her liver values came back good but we are still waiting for the rest of the results to come in. So far so good! I hope the same holds true for you and Crash.

I know what you mean about hoping the shedding is just the season...I have been hoping the same thing! But now that the test has been done and we're just waiting for the numbers, I am seeing cush signs all over the place! :eek::p:rolleyes: I'm sure it's just me being a bit twitchy as usual, but I'm making myself sick over it just the same. And poor Squirt...she just wants me to leave her alone instead of hovering over her and fretting about every little thing. :p She thinks I've had a serious relapse to a year ago! :eek::p

Those deer antlers sound interesting...sounds like something Crys couldn't destroy in 60 sec! I wonder if they have been sterilized in some manner, tho, or if they can even carry anything that might be harmful. Hummmm...I'll have to ask my brother if I can remember. He is big deer hunter and has studied them for decades. He may know. Very interesting...:)

I'm glad Crash is doing well other than the hair re-growth...that can really take some time. Please keep in touch and let us know how things are going.

Leslie and the girls

06-13-2009, 12:26 PM
Leslie -

We're back from the vet. The doctor did make note of my concern with Crash's hair loss. He didn't want to seem too concerned yet and didn't want to spectulate until he can see the results of the bloodwork. This blood goes to St. Louis so I should know some time Monday. I'll let you know.

I hover and fret over Crash as well - I'm right there with you. :D I'm a teacher and home for the summer so my hovering might appear to be even worse to Crash. I'm noticing Crash's pot belly a bit more too, but that's about it.

Oh, and back to the deer antlers. They are cleaned(sterilized) and the points cut off. Darby is chewing on his now. This is his second one. The first one lasted almost two months. :) Money well spent I thought. The store manager says they have a hard time keeping enough in stock. I'd be curious as to what you brother says.

We're keeping the good thoughts here and you keep us posted on the rest of Squirt's test results as well.

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

06-13-2009, 06:33 PM
About the hair loss: My dog had "normal" pituitary dependent Cushing's and her already naturally sparse coat had indeed thinned out in places as it typically does when the cortisol levels are sky high.

Once she was on treatment - about 3 - 4 weeks after her cortisol had been lowered probably - she started to shed like crazy - blew her coat like a husky! - and along with that came the worse case of dandruff ever! That is really, really normal in a treated Cushing's dog after the cortisol is lowered.

As you can see from my avatar Mia had a short fine coat of the sort that sheds a little all the time but is never blown (at least in a spayed female) - for the first 9 1/2 years of her life whenever you picked her up she left you with quite a few white hairs. When she developed Cushing's this normal shedding stopped completely which makes me wonder if the "hair loss" that comes with Cushing's (with high-cortisol, "normal" Cushing's anyway) isn't actually as a result of the normal hair loss/renewal cycle being halted which means hair that is there wears out and appears to be lost rather than it being actually shed. Of course I'm going by just one dog:p and despite looking and looking I can't find anything conclusive about the actual cause of this hair "loss" - ie does the coat fall out or does it just "wear out" because it isn't being renewed. And it is possible that something somewhat different is going on with some or all Atypical dogs too.

With Crash I would tentatively take that shedding as being a good sign - a sign that he is growing new hair and the time of year probably has something to do with it. When a dog grows new hair after being shaved for an operation it isn't the hair that has been cut growing any more it is actually that "old" hair being shed and new hair growing in.

Ah - just remembered something - I believe Carol's (CarolG) McGill who is Atypical and was put on melatonin and lignans really blew his coat after starting treatment and it seemed to be in response to the treatment - he's a Australian Cattle Dog and they are very big on blowing their coats (I have one and don't I know it!)


06-14-2009, 07:10 PM
Alison -

Thank you for the insight to Crash's hair loss. The doctor didn't want to make too many assumptions and being summer we're thinking he's just shedding - which, if I understand you correctly, it's a good thing. That said, I won't mind dragging out the vacuum a little more often. :D Considering the good news to follow I'm finding it all to be a good sign.

Good news to report to everyone - Crash's doctor called late yesterday afternoon with the results of Crash's bloodwork. It looks as if the liver enzymes are lower now and all the other numbers he said are within the normal ranges. It seems as if the melatonin and FSO are working for Crash. :) We cleared the first hurdle as they say. I did ask the doctor then about flax hulls instead of FSO and would that be better. Not having many cushpups here - atypical anyway - he said he'd put a call into UTK Monday morning and ask a few questions. I was going to ask him then too about the other possibility - purified lignans?? My thoughts are though if the FSO is working for Crash why switch, but I keep asking questions because I want to do the best I can for Crash.

I read many more forums than I post and have quite a journal full of questions, answers, thoughts, and resources. Thanks to all for your wisdom and support! :)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

06-20-2009, 08:36 AM
Hello and well wishes to everyone!

I started Crash on flax hulls yesterday instead of the FSO. The flax hulls being a better source of lignans I am excited about the possibilities of progress for Crash. As it was with the FSO I realize that progress will be slow over time, but I'm excited none the less. Crash has had a little bit of a bad week and I noticed his water intake was back up. :( I'm blaming it on the St. Louis area summer of pure heat and humidity, but continue to monitor him closely. He loves being outside, but with this "yuk" weather he's getting very little outside time. He's going to have to be content to bark at the squirrels out the window. :)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
06-20-2009, 11:29 AM
Hi Tammy,

The flax hulls seem to be a better source of lignans:

Yes, lignans are found in the hulls. Purified lignans have about 40mg per capsule and the pressed flax hull has 35mg per gram. There are 3 grams per tsp so if my math is right, dogs under 30 pounds should be given 1/2 tsp which equals 52.5mg. I found the pressed flax hulls on Ebay and out of curiosity corresponded with the company. I explained that UTK recommends lignans for treatment of atypical and referred them to Dr. Jack Oliver at UTK. They sent me the product as a thank you and since I just ran out of Lulu's six month supply of purified lignans, she is now on the pressed flax hulls. Luckily this stuff has a two year shelf life. I spoke to the owner once I discovered that UTK revised their treatment option page to include their product and they were thrilled that Dr. Oliver actually tested the product and liked it. How cool is that?


Did you get your pressed hulls at the same place as Glynda?

Isn't Glynda amazing, doing all that research and finding all that information out. :D

Best of luck with Crash.

Belly rubs to Crash from Harley.

06-20-2009, 03:16 PM
Lori -

Yes I did get the flax hulls from the same place as Glynda. In fact after I had ordered I emailed them with a question. They called me instead of an email reply. What a company. They talked quite a bit and I knew then this was a good product for Crash. In fact during the conversation I was convinced that flax hulls would be good for me to add to my diet too so I have put in on my cereal the last couple of mornings. :D By the way also in our conversation the owner mentioned Glynda, this website, and Dr. Oliver for having been a springboard for their business. When they had started they never considered the canine world and the benefits of flax hulls, but are definitely grateful and glad to be of service to us cushpup parents. I'd say give the flax hulls a try. :)

Happy Saturday to you and Harley!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
06-20-2009, 04:46 PM
Hi Tammy,

Harley's been on the pressed flax hull for a little over a month now, along with the melatonin, I got mine at flaxhull.com, is this the same place? Flaxhull.com has an ebay page too. Just wondering if we are all using the same product.

I was wondering too if I should add them to my diet, let me know if you see any difference with yourself.

That was great of them to call you instead of emailing, very personal and concerned about their product. Kudos to you too for inquiring about their product.

You and Crash have a great weekend.
Hugs to all.
Lori and Harley

Harley PoMMom
06-21-2009, 10:44 AM

Re; Melatonin Implant; I was asking about this when Harley was first dx'd with atypical and Scott posted in my thread:

Hi Lori,

Concerning the melatonin implant, Stephanie (corgipalliesmom) still does it, I do not.

As has been mentioned there is no concensus concerning the effective life of the implant, and the needle is large and can cause bleeding and scabbing.

I like the oral. It is cheap, you see it go down, and in our case combined with the lignans and other support (purified lignans, lecithen, milk thistle) it is effective....

I can't see a downside to trying the oral melatonin first.

As has been mentioned the most commonly prescribed dose we see is 3mg twice daily and you do not use the timed release product.

Best to you and Harley.


I chose not to go with it bc of the needle, Harley hates needles.

Best of luck to you and Crash.

06-21-2009, 03:52 PM
Lori -

Thanks for your reply and quote from Scott regarding melatonin implants. I knew I wasn't crazy about the idea of "implanting" anything in Crash. He does as well as to be expected with needles, but I don't. :eek:

Your quote from Scott now raises another question though. I looked at the melatonin bottle and it says 100% melatonin and fast acting. That's not the same as timed or rapid release or is it? It's the same tablets I've been giving Crash since his diagnosis a bit over three months ago and the thought of giving him the wrong product makes me a bit nervous. I can call the health food grocery tomorrow (Monday), but if you or anyone else can shed some light before then I'd really appreciate it.

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Squirt's Mom
06-21-2009, 04:15 PM
Hi Tammy,

I don't believe you want the "fast acting" melatonin. Dr O tells us to use the regular melatonin and I'm afraid "fast acting" and "rapid release" would mean the same things. :( I don't know that what you have would hurt Crash but it may not do the job as well as regular melatonin. Just to be on the safe side, I would get the other.

Leslie and the girls

06-21-2009, 04:52 PM
I am not familiar with the fast acting issue. Melatonin is fast and also short acting and so I am wondering if it is some marketing type discription.

Like you I am leary of this but I think it is marketing hyperbole. If it was an extended release product it would have to say so and extended release is NOT what you want.


06-21-2009, 05:49 PM
Hi Tammy,

Leslie is correct. While I don't know anything about Melatonin's mode of delivery, I do know that Dr. Oliver's published instructions are to use regular melatonin, not the fast/rapid acting nor timed release form.


06-21-2009, 09:45 PM
Thanks everyone!
I'll check with the health food grocery in the morning.


06-23-2009, 06:55 AM
Good morning all!

Well, I checked with the health food grocery and they agreed that fast acting and rapid release were the same thing. Unfortunately fast acting melatonin is all they have. :( The clerk questioned why the rapid release would not work. I had a copy of the treatment option sheet from the UTK with me and she read the that regular melatonin is preferred, but no reason as to why was given. Neither here nor there - it doesn't matter - I want to follow Dr. Oliver's instructions exactly. There is a GNC here in town and I'll stop there today and see what they have. I've yet to see it at our Target or Walgreens so if GNC can't help me then I'll have to go the internet. Does anyone order their melatonin online? If so, what site would you recommend? Thanks!

Happy Tuesday to all and stay cool! Heat index well over 100 here today. Yuk! :(

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Squirt's Mom
06-23-2009, 11:52 AM
Hi Tammy,

Do you have a Whole Foods (Wild Oats) or another health food store available? That is where I have found the regular melatonin. I can save you a trip to GNC...they don't have it, or didn't here anyway.

Good luck! Who would have thought it would be so hard to find the things we need for our babies, huh? :rolleyes::)

Leslie and the girls

Harley PoMMom
06-23-2009, 05:31 PM
Hi Tammy,

I bought my melatonin at "The Vitamin Shoppe" that's located here (PA.), but I see they have a web page too that you can buy from, in case you're interested:


Best of luck to you Tammy.

06-23-2009, 06:23 PM
Hi Tammy,

Very curious, as I have never seen a 'fast acting', or 'rapid release' melatonin, only the extended release version.

The others are right that the UTK sheet specifically disqualifies anthing other than ordinary melatonin.

Best to you all Scott.

06-25-2009, 10:55 AM
Good morning to all!

Well, an update on my search for regular melatonin. I found it at Walgreen's afterall. I never saw it there before, but while waiting for my mother to pick up her prescriptions I crawled around on the floor looking on the bottom shelves and there it was - not in alphabetical order of course. I even asked the pharmacist to quadrupple check that it was the regular just in case I was blind and missed something on the label. I didn't get too many looks as to why this crazy lady was crawling on the floor - o.k. maybe from my mother :D - but it's for my baby so who cares, right? Thanks for everyone's help!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
07-23-2009, 09:11 PM
Hi Tammy,

Just checking in to see how you and Crash are doing, it's been almost a month since we had an update. :eek::D

Are you still taking the hulls? Seen or felt any improvements?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Hugs from your PA. friends.
Lori and Harley

07-26-2009, 07:39 PM
Lori -

So good of you to check on us. It seems to have been a very busy summer for us. We had family visiting us - the two and the four legged kind - the last left just this past week. Crash and Darby enjoyed all their cousins visiting, but oh how fun meal time is with five dogs in the house. It took 20 minutes to get it all the bowls together with their different foods and distribute meds only to have them all finish in about three minutes. :D (I'll post their picture soon)
Unfortunately Darby had a bit of an accident playing with the cousins - he snapped the cranial medial band of the cruciate ligament in his left knee - the good leg. Good thing I took a summer job to help with the vet bills. He's on restricted activity for two months. :(
Fortunate too then for us Crash has been feeling pretty good. :):)His hair is looking better the water consumption seems to be under control. It's been a bit over a month on the flax hulls (and the regular melatonin), but since I'm taking the hulls as well I'll be needing to order more soon. Crash's next vet appointment isn't till September. I am really anxious to see what a difference the hulls might have made for him.
Oh, to answer your question. I think the flax hulls for me are a good thing too. My main objective, to be truthful, was to see if it would help with the night sweats and hot flashes. It's only been a bit over a month, but I think it could be working. :)
Again thanks for checking us. We're doing well. Hope all is good in PA. Give Harley and extra belly rub from us. :)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
07-26-2009, 08:20 PM
Hi Tammy,

It is so nice when family can all get together and get along.
But so sorry to hear about Darby...poor, poor baby. :(

Glad that Crash is feeling better too, I know my Harley is alot better since he's been on the melatonin and hulls, he's been on them for alittle over 2 months now.

Night sweats and hot flashes...hmmm...I know what you mean...annoying aren't they? Might have to try the hulls myself. :) Thanks for that info.

Give Darby some gentle hugs from Harley and me and big hugs to you and Crash...and please keep us updated, we worry when we don't hear from you for a while. :)

08-10-2009, 08:20 AM
Good morning all!

Back to school for me this week - where did summer go? Crash and Darby are a bit bummed about it already. More alone time than they like I know.

Crash has been on flax hulls for about two months now. He doesn't go back for a re-check till mid-September. I have hoped switching to the hulls instead of FSO was a good decision. To me his pot belly looks less defined and the water intake better, but I have noticed him panting more often - just in the last week. :confused: He wakes from what looks like a sound sleep and just starts panting out of the blue. A new concern for me since he never exhibited the panting thing before. I was going to give the hulls three months, but after reading a few other posts this morning it seems there are more questions/concerns from some of the hulls effectiveness. Maybe I should go to the purified lignans?? My gut doesn't know what to do. Crash's doctor is out of town till today or tomorrow - I'll put a call into him later today with my new concerns/questions - but if anyone can help my gut feeling this morning I sure would appreciate it. :)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Squirt's Mom
08-10-2009, 11:06 AM
Hi Tammy,

That is very interesting about the increase in panting since the hulls. I have seen the same thing in Squirt since starting the hulls about a month ago. Plus an increase in water intake but not in peeing. We are going to the vet today and going to check some things out than could be behind these signs. If all is good on the tests, then I am thinking of going back to the capsules to see if the hulls could be causing what I am seeing. I will post on Squirt's thread when the results are in. Dr C is not familiar with Atypical or the treatments for it and she relies on me and Dr O for info and guidance. ;) Dr. Sessions, her IMS, is knowledgeable on Atypical but Squirt is his first patient on the hulls so this is a learning experience for all of us. :p

Hope your first days at school are calm and easy going....LOL :D:D

Leslie and the girls

09-07-2009, 08:06 AM
Good morning to everyone!

Today we celebrate Crash's 12th birthday. To be honest when he was first diagnosed I wasn't sure I'd see this day. Darby and Crash are already fighting over the new toys and I'm loving every minute. There will be a family celebration later with his cousins Chloe and Harley. There will be cake from the doggie bakery in town then and, of course, more presents. Crash is hoping his buddy Murphy can make it to the party too.:D

Today we celebrate and Saturday then we go for Crash's six month bloodwork. I'm anxious to see the numbers and if the flax hulls made a difference over the flax seed oil. He's been taking the flax hulls for a bit over three months now and I'm not sure that's enough time to show a significant difference, but I'm hopeful. Doctor talked about a maintenance dose of Lysodren as another possibility. He had also talked too about doing another full adrenal panel through the UTK at some point soon. I have my journal with new questions and concerns to talk with the doctor about. I'm glad I kept a journal from the beginning and look at all the pages on occassion to remind myself that we've come a long way. I'm still noticing some bouts of panting, but maybe not as much. That's one note to discuss.

So lots going on this week, but today we celebrate! :):)
We hope everyone can enjoy a little R & R this Labor Day holiday and as always best wishes to you all!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Squirt's Mom
09-08-2009, 11:09 AM
Hi Tammy,

So good to hear that Crash is doing well! :D I bet he had a ball at his party!

Let us know how the vet visit goes. Squirt has been on the hulls for a few months now as well and we will need another panel done to see if she needs a Lyso maintenance as well when funds allow. I hope they both are making progress with the hulls!

Hugs and give Crash a special birthday belly rub from us,
Leslie and the girls

Harley PoMMom
09-08-2009, 12:47 PM
Hi Tammy,

I know how scared I was when Harley was dx'd with Cushing. :eek::eek: Then I found this forum with these amazing people and the word "Cushings" has gotten less frightening. :)

Harley's 2 1/2 month bloodwork check, (he's on the flax hulls and melatonin also) his ALT was 208 and now it is 188, his Estradiol was 132.2, now that is 116.4. Not huge drops, but they are decreases...and in my eyes this treatment works, I am going to start Harley on a very low maintenance dose of Lysodren in a couple weeks, his last endogenous test results were very elevated, so we suspect he is PDH.

So happy Crash is doing so well, will be looking forward to your test results and I bet they will show positive results, remember even baby steps are big improvements.

Hoping Crash and his friends had a ball at his party, please give him a birthday hug from me and Harley.

Love and hugs.

09-19-2009, 11:59 AM
Happy Saturday!

Crash and I just returned from the vet - his six month check. Blood drawn and now we wait to hear what his numbers are. Having been on the hulls for a few months now, I'm anxious to see and hope I'm not too overly optimistic for my own good. :eek: The doctor gave him a thorough exam. Crash's panting had seemed to improve these past weeks since that had been a concern of mine a few weeks ago. Water consumption, etc. pretty much unchanged. Crash did loose 1.5 pounds - down to 32.5. All now noted in his file. I did discuss changing Crash's diet and had a couple of brochures from the healthy pet market in town. He didn't want to rock the boat too much since Crash seems to be doing fine on his current diet. If anything the doctor want to switch him to Pro Plan senior before considering too many of the natural food choices. My worry this week though was about Crash's involuntary shaking of his hind quarters. He's exihibited this periodically before, but I've noted it more lately. Had I again been hovering too much and finding things to worry about? :confused: Well when Crash started shaking during the exam, the doctor got to see first had what I had been trying to explain. His doctor is the orthopedic specialist on staff at the hospital and after his exam he didn't see it as a muscle weakness problem, but more likely a nerve/spinal chord relation. :confused: He knows how I worry and said let's just wait to see the liver enzyme numbers and go from there. He thought too that another full panel through the UTK was in order since we are at the six month mark. So that's where we stand at the moment. I'll post numbers as soon as I hear. Crash is exhausted from his morning adventure and is now napping quietly in the chair. Quite frankly a nap is sounding pretty good to me too. :)

Smiles and Hugs to all!

Tammy, Crash, and Darby

09-19-2009, 10:21 PM

Hope you and Crash had a good nap and happy Saturday to you too! :D Will be watching for your update with the labs. Thinking positive thoughts for some good results!


Harley PoMMom
09-19-2009, 10:26 PM
Hi Tammy,

Crash and I just returned from the vet - his six month check. Blood drawn and now we wait to hear what his numbers are.Anxiously waiting here with everyone else and thinking positive!! :D

Love and hugs.

09-22-2009, 08:20 PM
Hello everyone -

Just a quick update. I talked with Crash's doctor this morning. He was happy to report and very encouraged that Crash's enzyme numbers have come down since his last bloodwork three months ago. Though still high, we're going in the right direction. His ALP was at 955 in January then 888 in June now he's at 763.:D I'm glad to see the improvement so I guess I'll stick with the flax hulls. The doctor said he was going to put a call into the UTK for their recommendations on doing another full panel. I'm thinking that I would like to do it regardless to see what changes might have occured with those numbers. How frequent should the adrenal panels be done? It's been six months since the first one so I think another at this point would be appropriate. There are many of you here that are so well versed - much more than I - so if I'm off base in my thinking I would appreciate the input.

Thanks for your continued support!! :)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

09-26-2009, 12:27 PM
Good Saturday to all!

Crash's doctor called yesterday to tell me that he had heard back from Dr. Oliver. Given the numbers from Crash's recent liver enzyme check, Dr. Oliver didn't see that another full adrenal panel was necessary at this point.:):) Everything fell within normal ranges except for the ALP number, but even at that it has continued to come down. Our plan then is to "stay the course" as it's been said and to continue with the melatonin and flax hulls. So that's where we are. I know how lucky Crash is with his cushing's diagnosis and I continue to be extremely thankful on a daily basis!

I don't know how much of a celebration Crash is going to think this is, but we're off to the self service doggie wash. He and Darby both are in dire need of a bath. Oh, they'll both figure out this is a good thing when we stop at the doggie bakery for a treat after. :D

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
09-26-2009, 09:35 PM
Hi Tammy,

Great job in getting that ALP to start coming down...YAHOO!! I am so happy that Crash is doing so well on his treatment plan, and I'm very hopeful that with time that Crash will continue to improve.

He and Darby both are in dire need of a bath. Oh, they'll both figure out this is a good thing when we stop at the doggie bakery for a treat after. Harley thinks this sounds yummy, but he'll skip the bath if you don't mind. :p

Love and hugs.

01-24-2010, 06:12 PM
Good Sunday afternoon to everyone!

These last few months here have been pretty uneventful - ok outside all the holiday hoopla. It's been a while since I've checked in, but since Crash went yesterday for his annual wellness exam I thought I'd give everyone a quick update. I woke yesterday to a bit of apprehesion - you know the gut feeling thing - it marks a year since our lives took a bit of a turn and I wondered what our day would bring. It was with his wellness exam last year that some of Crash's blood work came back with question marks and the months of testing began. As Crash and I were waiting for the doctor I began to look back through the journal I have kept this year on Crash. Oh, how I realize that we've come a long way and continue to be very thankful. Crash, as he has most of this past year, shows very few signs of being sick. Outside of a little limping lately when he first jumps down from his chair and a few more of the fatty lumpy tumors I feel on his body, Crash is doing quite well. The doctor said Crash's eyes look more cloudy than last exam - his cataracts are getting a bit worse. I told the doctor he still manages to bark at every squirrel and bunny that runs by the front window so his sight still must be pretty good. :D I did get a call from Crash's doctor this afternoon and he was happy to report that Crash's ALP number continues to fall - he's at 705 now from 955 when this all started. So we'll continue his regimen of 6mg of melatonin twice a day and 1 tsp. of flax hulls daily. I have also switched him to an omega-3 product from fish oil capsules. So I guess my apprehension of yesterday morning proved to be for nothing. With that I wish everyone well and thank you all for your continued support! :)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

02-24-2010, 07:32 PM
Hello all -

Question for anyone using flaxhulls. I received a new shipment today and enclosed was a note regarding a "new suggested dosage". :confused: It is now suggested to give one mg of lignan per pound of dog. I've been giving Crash 1 tsp per day for a good nine months now and we are seeing a slow, but steady decrease in his liver enzymes. Looking at this new suggested dosage and their conversions I would be giving Crash 1/4 tsp per day. I hate to tempt fate since Crash's enzyme numbers are coming down, so I'm just wondering if anyone has gotten a new shipment lately and has switched to a new dosage. I haven't talked with his doctor yet since I just got home and opened the package. I'll put a call into him in the morning. Until then I thought I would put the question out to my many wise and educated friends here. Thanks!

We are doing pretty well here. Though Darby loves the frozen tundra outside, Crash and I are definitely ready for spring! :)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
02-24-2010, 07:59 PM
Hi Tammy,

This is from the UTK Treatment Option Sheet:

4) Lignan. Use lignan from FLAX SEED HULLS (or HMR lignan). Search for standardized products (via Google or health food stores) that allow determination of lignan content.
Available products allow for flexible dosing, and the suggested approximate daily dose of lignan is one milligram (mg) per pound of body weight.

http://www.vet.utk.edu/diagnostic/endocrinology/pdf/Treatment%20Info,%20Atypical%20Cushing's,%20revise d,%20Oct.,%202009.pdf

I use the flax hulls also :) and I really don't think that giving Crash 1 tsp instead of 1/4 tsp is going to harm him, altho I am no vet. I do give Harley alittle more than is suggested because his estradiol is so very elevated.

Hope this helps and I am so happy to hear you all are doing well.

Love and hugs,

02-24-2010, 09:36 PM
Lori -

Thanks for the input. As I had stated in my earlier post, I've been giving Crash 1 tsp of flaxhulls per day for 9 some odd months now - the then suggested dosage for him when we began this and the fact that we have seen progress. So when I saw the "new suggested dose" with this shipment as one-fourth of that - it just didn't seem logical to me to change. Keeping with the 1 tsp per day dosage - that does seem logical. I hate to say that I went into panic mode, but knowing fair well that there are so many more of you here that are so well versed in this disease and it's treatments - more than myself - I knew that coming here and asking was the right thing for me to do. Thanks again and I'll let you know what Crash's doctor has to say.

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

03-13-2010, 07:15 AM
Good morning everyone!

Today marks one year since Crash's atypical diagnosis. He seems to be doing fine this morning. I was a little concerned last night when I came home because he was limping more and not putting much weight on his right back leg. He sometimes limps a bit when he first jumps down from his chair, but usually within a few feet he'll walk it off. I wasn't sure what happened - it was like he fell into a sit when I walked in the door. He was walking better as the evening progressed and as I said he seems to be doing fine this morning, but his doctor is on speed dial if need be. I have noted this latest change in the journal I continue to keep on Crash. We are continuing his regime of 6 mg of melatonin twice a day and a tsp. of flax hulls per day. His liver enzyme numbers continue to fall with every blood test so his doctor doesn't see the need to change anything we're doing for Crash at this point.

By the way, the journal I've kept was probably one of the best things that I've done for myself this year. I can look back and I do on occasion - it reminds me of where we were a year ago and how far we've come. It has been quite a year and I have learned so much. Much of what I have learned has been right here from this forum. So a big thank you to everyone for all your knowledge and your support - I really can't imagine what our year would have been like without it. :)

Crash is looking forward to his brother Darby's second birthday Wednesday. I think Crash already knows the cake has been ordered and there will be presents. :D

Happy weekend!

Tammy, Crash, and Darby

Harley PoMMom
03-13-2010, 01:29 PM
Good morning everyone!

Today marks one year since Crash's atypical diagnosis.

Hi Tammy,

Congatulations on you and Crash's one year anniversary! Great, great job!!

By the way, the journal I've kept was probably one of the best things that I've done for myself this year. I can look back and I do on occasion - it reminds me of where we were a year ago and how far we've come. It has been quite a year and I have learned so much. Much of what I have learned has been right here from this forum. So a big thank you to everyone for all your knowledge and your support - I really can't imagine what our year would have been like without it. :)

You are so right about the journal, they are so important.

Crash is looking forward to his brother Darby's second birthday Wednesday. I think Crash already knows the cake has been ordered and there will be presents. :D

Cake and presents!! Yippee!!!

Happy weekend!

Tammy, Crash, and Darby

Love and hugs,

03-27-2010, 08:11 AM
Good morning everyone!

Well Crash had a lousy Friday and spent the day at the vet. :( In an earlier post I had mentioned Crash's limping a bit on his back leg and it seemed to happen when he jumped down from his chair and first started walking. Also there have been a few instances over these past couple of weeks when he had fallen down into a sit and began limping when he got up, but soon walked it off. All noted in his journal. Well yesterday morning he had fallen into a sit in the yard, but didn't get up. I carried him in the house and called his doctor because now he wasn't putting any weight on the back leg and wasn't walking it off. When I had talked to his nurse I had also mention that in the last couple of days Crash seemed to be drinking more water again and asked if this could all this be Cushings related - muscle weakness and more water? I was in a bit of a panic at that point thinking we just celebrated Crash's one year anniversary with good news from his latest tests and now his Cushings has taken a turn for the worse in just these couple of weeks. Crash had so enjoyed his brother's birthday party and now he's sick. I had to cry a little. The plan was to drop Crash off on my way to work for the doctor to see after he got out of surgery. No mention of not feeding him so Crash ate breakfast standing on three legs - can't miss breakfast - and I quickly got ready to go. Well, the doctor called me by 11 and the x-ray showed Crash has torn his CCL (his knee). I have no idea of what and how that happened, but my baby is limping and on restricted activity for a month. Trying that along with pain meds and an anti-inflammatory. I don't even want to think about putting Crash through surgery - his age and health - it worries me. Doctor also said he took a urine sample to see what was going on with his bladder and the extra water intake. He thought he'd hear back today and would call me when he had the test results. He was worried about a possible bladder infection. I'm still a little worried this morning about what the urine test might say, but trying to stay positive. It's a good thing Crash is only 35-ish pounds so I can lift him down and back up the couple of stairs to go outside. Outside on a leash to do his business and back in. I can lift him into bed at night and back out in the morning. No jumping for Crash. I haven't had Crash in a crate for years, but might have to try to use Darby's extra crate when I leave. I don't want Crash to jump up on his favorite chair and back down possibly hurting himself worse and me not be here. He's going to miss barking at all those squirrels and bunnies and the mailman that he sees from the front window, but I have to try and contain him. I'm going to try the crate this morning while I run to the grocery store to see if he protests much in the short time I'm gone. So that's the latest from here. I'll keep you posted as to any changes and test results.

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
03-27-2010, 12:00 PM
Oh Tammy,

Poor Crash! :(:( I am so sorry to hear that Crash has torn his CCL.

As far as him drinking more water; one of our members, Becky, had posted this:

Drinking Water relieves pain? New Study New Questions

In this test, the lab rats were given water to drink. Some animals were subjected to pain stimuli, while others were not. In this case the bottom of their cage was heated up so that they would have to lift their feet to avoid the heat. When the stimuli was increased as the animals took a drink, they did not react to the pain and continued drinking. Researchers concluded that the pain was reduced (in their minds) by the act of ingestion. Ingestion stimulated a system in the part of the brain that controls subconscious responses, which was known to blunt pain...


Maybe, in Crash's mind the more water he drank the less pain he felt?...Just a thought.

Keeping you and Crash in my thoughts and prayers. I will be anxiously waitly with you for those test results.

Love and hugs,

03-27-2010, 03:08 PM
Lori -

Interesting thoughts/study on water consumption and pain. As it turns out Crash's urine test did come back negative so maybe there is a link. Seems like he's still drinking more today than normal. I'll add that to Crash's journal pages and bring it up to his doctor next visit.

Oh, he seems to have done fine in the crate this morning. Took a bit for him to settle down - I listened outside the door - but he finally did. Weird though coming home and him not being at the door to greet me.

Again thanks for the thoughts and well wishes! :)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Squirt's Mom
03-27-2010, 07:38 PM
Hi Tammy,

So sorry Crash has had a tough time lately. :( I hope you are seeing some improvement, a little maybe? Please keep in touch and let us know how he is doing.

Sending lots of healing thoughts and prayers!
Leslie and the girls - always

04-19-2010, 07:48 PM
Hello everyone -

I thought I'd check in and give a quick update. Crash seems to be doing better over these past few weeks. He's still limping some and still on his anti-inflammatory and pain meds, but I think he's improving. I probably need to start weening him off the medication to get a truer picture of his progress. This limited activity for a month has been more difficult on me than I thought - Crash at 12 and with this torn knee of his just hasn't wanted to slow down much - and of course I have a tendency to hover. :o He goes to see the doctor for a re-check in the next week or so. I'm hoping at that point his knee has healed enough not to warrant any surgery because that thought still scares me. I'll keep you posted.

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

04-19-2010, 10:54 PM
Tammy, thanks for the update. We'll all be waiting for your next report and will be keeping fingers and paws crossed that Crash's knee won't require surgery.


05-16-2010, 11:29 AM
Hello everyone -

Well Crash's knee is no better, in fact worse. I was shocked when the doctor told me the muscle mass in his thigh of the injured leg has decreased by 1/3 already from Crash favoring his left leg and not using his right. So it looks like Crash is going to need surgery to repair his CCL. :( I know there are risks involved with any surgery, but given Crash's health issue with cushings and his age, I'm quite nervous. I see Crash continue to struggle walking on the leg so I know something has to be done. His doctor is the orthopedic person on staff at the hospital and agree with his decision to do the surgery, but I am still nervous. Oh, there was a bit of good news with his pre-surgery bloodwork his ALP number is down to 645 - lowest number yet. His ALT number was up a bit to 180 though. School is out for me in a couple of weeks and I'll schedule Crash's surgery then for June 1. I'm fortunate then to have the summer off to help Crash recover and rehabilitate.

So that's the latest from here. We appreciate the continued support from everyone and I can only imagine that on June 1 there will be some extra positive energy flowing in our direction. :):)

I'll keep in touch.

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
05-16-2010, 12:08 PM
Hi Tammy,

Oh poor Crash, I am confident that he will do well with his surgery, he will ace it! We will be sending TONS of prayers, healing thoughts and positive energy your way, you can definitely count on that! ;):D

About the ALT...I wouldn't worry:
The ALT, or Alanine Transferase, is slightly elevated. The significance of this finding is unclear at this time. This is an enzyme that is primarily found in liver cells, although small numbers of red blood cells and striated muscle cells also contain this enzyme.


Probably the muscle around the tear is irritated and is making the ALT a bit higher than usual.

Thanks so much for keeping us updated and please let us know anything about Crash when you can, will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and (((hugs)))

06-03-2010, 02:26 PM
Hello everyone!

Well Crash is home. I picked him up late yesterday afternoon. He was so happy to be home and Darby was happy he was home too. It was a long 36 hours for all of us. The doctor said the surgery went well. I was worried how Crash would handle the anesthesia - that and not having his melatonin and flax hulls for a day. He ate a pretty good breakfast this morning and I got him back on his melatonin and flax hulls schedule along with tramadol, keflex, and rimadyl. He's resting now, but I'm thinking that he'll be perking up more and more as the day goes on - he was still pretty "out of it" last night. Of course being the hoverer that I am I slept on the floor next to him all night. :D Crash hasn't bothered the sutures too much, but I'm worried that as they heal they'll itch and he will start licking them. I really dislike those "lampshade" things and have seen inflatable pillow like collars that are suppose to keep them from licking and/or harming the sutures. They look much more "user friendly", but I wondering if anyone else has used them and did it work? I did order him a ramp for his chair. He so loves jumping up in his chair and looking out the window and there is to be no jumping or stairs for 6-8 weeks. :eek: He doesn't feel much like jumping now, but I'm keeping the shades closed to avoid all possible distractions that Darby would see and that then would give Crash the urge to jump up and see what's going on. The ramp hopefully will arrive by early next week.

So that's the Crash update. Thanks for all the extra positive energy that has flowed our direction the last couple of days. We appreciate it! :) I'll keep in touch.

Hugs to all!
Tammy, Crash, and Darby

Harley PoMMom
06-06-2010, 07:38 PM
Hi Tammy,

So happy to hear that Crash's surgery went well and that he is home recovering. You're such a wonderful and loving mom to sleep on the floor next to him all night...Awww! And I am sure that it won't be long until he is able to jump up on his chair and look out that window with Darby!

Big hugs to all of you from Harley and me...keep us updated. :)

Harley PoMMom
07-09-2010, 07:36 PM
How is Crash doing? :)

07-10-2010, 08:43 AM
Lori -

Thanks for checking in on Crash! He's doing pretty well. He does not like the ramp I bought for him to use to get into his chair. I fear that unless I'm standing right there he jumps around the ramp to get to his favorite spot. I finally opened the shades because I was starting to feel closed in after a month of closed shades in every room and Crash so missed keeping all those squirrels and bunnies in line from his watch at the window - not to mention the mailman. :D He probably shouldn't be jumping yet for a couple more weeks, but he's always been a bit of a bull head. He goes for a re-check in a couple of weeks again and I'm hoping at that point we get the all clear.

Crash and Darby had their cousin Peewee visiting from Florida this week and are still resting this morning. I managed to get a picture - I'll post it later. (New computer and not sure how to do that yet)

Again, thanks for checking in on us. We hope all is going well on your end and Harley is feeling back to normal. :)

Take Care!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
07-10-2010, 10:28 PM
So happy to hear that Crash is doing so well! :) And please do let us know what the Dr says at his check-up, as we are all praying that Crash will get the "all clear" too! Definitely want to see that picture!! :D

Love and hugs,

07-11-2010, 07:57 AM

I was catching up with Squirt's thread and I noticed Leslie said no to giving Squirt Rimadyl. This sent up red flags for me. Crash was sent home with Rimadyl after initially hurting his knee in April and again after his ACL surgery last month. I continue to give him a dose periodically (25 mg) when I think he's overdone on the exercise and might need it. Not a good idea? In my google search this morning I reading about possible side effects and there was mention of liver malfunction. My gut is back in super hover mode and says Crash has taken his last dose of Rimadyl ever, but am I overreacting? I'll put a call into Crash's doctor tomorrow morning, but until then I put the question out there to my very knowledgeable cushings family. Thanks!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
07-11-2010, 09:53 AM
Rimadyl will cause liver damage in some dogs. There have been some deaths in dogs with this reaction. This effects 0.02% of dogs and 70% of those are geriatric.

Blood work however should be done prior to beginning treatment and one or two weeks into treatment to monitor liver values.

With our cush-pups that already have an over-worked and enlarged liver, we avoid giving a NSAID like Rimadyl.

Hope this helps.

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
07-11-2010, 10:54 AM
Hi Tamara,

Once I began to learn a bit more about things and not relying solely on my vets, Rimadyl is one of the things I have chosen not to use with my pups...NSAIDS in general are not good for cush pups tho many have used it with no problems and good results. For me, it's just not worth the risk as a first choice. However, that really limits us as for what we can use when faced with inflammation issues. On one side are the non-steroidals (NSAIDS) and the other side are things like predisone, which are steroids - a no-no for cush pups, to be avoided if at all possible. That leaves drugs like Adequan, which every vet I have talked to about says it does not work. But we have members here who have had positive results with it...like Scott.

My first reaction is to look to something more natural, like Bromeline, Boswellia, the Omega's, ESTER/Vit C, papain to mention a few. You do not want to use anything without discussing it with your vet, tho, as these "natural" remedies can have dramatic consequences of their own especially when mixed with pharmaceuticals and other herbs, ect. So always research and check with your doc first.

Good to hear from you and your baby. I am happy to hear that he is recovering from his surgery well and feeling well enough that opening the curtains is an option once again. :p;) Squirt is such a couch-potato I don't think that will be an issue for us! :rolleyes:

Leslie and the girls - always

07-11-2010, 09:35 PM
Thanks Lori and Leslie for the info. I knew I could count on my cushings family for some answers. :)

I've counted back on Crash's pill calendar and he's been on Rimadyl basically from March 26 - June 12 and then I went to giving him a dose periodically when I thought he might have overdone and would benefit. So basically 99 out of the last 108 days he's had some Rimadyl. I had no idea of the effect NSAIDS have on liver values. :confused: I dropped the ball on this one and guilt has set in. Crash's pre-surgery blood work had shown improvement and his ALP was down to 645 - his best number yet. I'm putting a call into the doctor in the morning and going to suggest another blood panel be done.
I feel much more informed for my conversation with the doctor and have a list a questions ready to ask.

Thanks again!! :) I know both your babies are having issues of their own lately and we sure hope and pray things are going better for Harley and Squirt - extra hugs and belly rubs to them! :D

Keep in touch!

Tammy, Crash, and Darby

08-23-2010, 08:19 PM
Good evening all -

I just wanted to check in and give a quick Crash update. I took Crash this past Saturday to the vet for a re-check of his knee. Crash is progressing, but I got the feeling the doctor thought it could have been better. I know I wasn't as diligent at walking him like was prescribed, but it got so hot here this summer that none of us wanted to venture outside at all. Too bad Crash couldn't take to water like dear Squirt. :D Crash is definitely not a water dog. The doctor said to increase Crash's activity and said no more leash walking restrictions in the yard. A welcome relief to me since I've been walking him out on a leash since he originally tore his ACL and all summer after his surgery. Crash is so much happier when going out now and has taken to running a bit with his friend on the other side of the fence. :)

I also had blood work done to check his liver enzyme numbers. He was on Rimadyl for so long after surgery and I wasn't as well versed as I should have been on it's effects on the liver. The doctor left a message today saying that Crash's ALP was at 699 (up from 645 in May) and his ALT was 103 - within normal range. I was somewhat discouraged at the ALP number - every blood check since our journey began the numbers have come down and this is the first increase. The doctor still believes we're on the right track for getting Crash's cushings under control and isn't too concerned with the slight increase. Unfortunately I may always wonder if Rimadyl had been the culprit.

So that's where we're at for now. Crash's birthday is around the corner - September 7 - to celebrate another year with Crash is such a blessing. There will be cake and presents to be sure! :D

Well wishes to all!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
08-24-2010, 07:40 PM
Hi Tammy,

I am glad to hear that Crash is doing better, no more leash walking in the yard...YAAA!! I'm with Crash as far as the water sports go, I don't particularly like them either! I remember reading somewhere that keeping the leg muscles strong will help the knee and walking does help, and especially if he'll walk backwards (you can turn it into a game with rewards when he does well) helps. Maybe ask your vet about this first.

I wouldn't worry too much about that ALP number especially since his ALT is within normal ranges. Our poor Crash has been thru alot and his liver has had to work a little harder recently but I think in time that ALP will come down also.

Give Crash some gentle hugs from Harley and me and hugs to you too.

Love and more hugs,

09-28-2010, 06:25 PM
Hello everyone!

So Crash survived getting bowled over during his birthday party with his cousins. He was having so much fun and in the blink of an eye he came up limping on the leg he had surgery this summer. Ice and rest and tramadol for a few days and he was fine. Doctor thought he might have aggravated it a bit, but couldn't see any real harm done. Too much excitement at the birthday party for me, but all the doggie cousins and friends had fun.

Here's my latest dilemma though. Crash got some kind of bug this past weekend. Sunday morning I woke to realize that he had vomited sometime overnight. When I took him out and he did his business it was very soft and lots of slime. I had him out after I returned from church and more of the same along with a few droplets of blood on his behind. Panic mode sets in and I called the vet. Crash's regular doctor was not in and unfortunately I didn't personally know the doctor on duty. Uneasy feeling at that point, but I had to go. The doctor ran blood work and tests on the slime. She seemed very thorough. She sent him home with Endosorb (an anti-diarhea) and Metronoidazole (an intestinal bacteria antibiotic). He seems much better now and his business is looking back to normal. The vet just called this afternoon though to give me test results and it appears that his ALP number has gone up (way up to me) - it's up to 916 and his ALT though still in the normal range is 116 - up from 103 at last check in August. The ALP number hasn't been in the 900's since June 2009 and it was down to 645 pre-surgery last May. I asked that she show the results to Crash's regular doctor. She called back to say that his doctor thinks the jump is from the intestinal bug and not to panic and that we should recheck his levels in a month. So my question would be do you think that Crash's intestinal upset is a valid reason for such a jump in the ALP number? I've never not trusted Crash's doctor, but any input and/or advice to calm my gut feelings would be appreciated.

Hugs and belly rubs to all our fur friends!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
10-01-2010, 11:08 AM
So my question would be do you think that Crash's intestinal upset is a valid reason for such a jump in the ALP number? I've never not trusted Crash's doctor, but any input and/or advice to calm my gut feelings would be appreciated.
Tammy, Crash, & Darby

According to the Broadway Veterinary Hospital website:
The Alkaline Phosphatase is moderately elevated. This is a liver and bone enzyme that is elevated when there is inflammation of these tissues. Systemic disease or medication can also cause this enzyme to be elevated. Some common reasons for this elevation include pancreatitis, gastrointestinal disease, liver disease (gall bladder obstruction, cholangiohepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer, toxicity or infection of the liver), Cushings Disease (an adrenal hormonal disease), right sided heart disease, copper storage disease (in Dobermans, Westies, and Bedlington terriers) and arthritis or other bone lesion. Some of the medications that can cause this elevation are corticosteroids, some anti-seizure medications, estrogen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (like Aspirin, Rimadyl®, Deramaxx®, or Metacam®) and barbiturates. Also, this enzyme is commonly elevated in dogs under 8 months or age due to their bone growth. This finding may or may not be significant. It should be interpreted in light of the other lab results and physical exam findings.


I think the combination of the intestinal bug and the prior use of the Rimadyl has the ALP elevated. But with the ALT in the normal ranges I wouldn't worry too much and a recheck in a month is a good idea. Sending healing thoughts to Crash for a quick recovery from this bug and big hugs to both of yous.

Love and hugs,
Lori and Harley

10-02-2010, 08:14 AM
Lori -

Thanks for the info and putting my mind at ease. I tend to hover and worry as we all do here over our fur babies. Crash seems to be feeling much better. He's running in the yard much more and it's "business as usual". It's helped that a new dog moved into the neighborhood a couple of fences down. Of course Crash feels the need to bark and bark at her in an attempt, I think, to let her know he's the boss of all the yards around here. She, however, has tended to ignore him. :D

Crash tries still every once in a while to play tug with Darby in the house. I've caught him falling into a sit a couple of times lately. I don't know if it's that his brother knocks him down or it's his knee or it's the cushings or is it just me hovering too much. So for a month I will keep my hovering stance over Crash and then take him for a check up and new blood work. I expect somewhere in there to make a call or two to his doctor with questions. I half expect his doctor is expecting the same. :p He knows I hover and tend to panic on occasion.

Thanks again for the information. It was very helpful. I know that Harley and you have been on quite a journey yourselves of late and I really appreciate you taking time out to help Crash and I out. It means a lot! :):)

Extra special hugs to you both!

Tammy, Crash, and Darby

11-08-2010, 05:08 PM
Hello to all -

A quick update. I had taken Crash Saturday for bloodwork to re-check his liver numbers after they had jumped so with his intestinal bug at the end of September. The doctor just called and it's good news. Crash's ALP is down to 603 and his ALT is at 71. His lowest numbers yet! :):) Yay! Crash's knee is also doing well - looking more and more stable. I was a bit worried about that too, but all is well. So we'll keep with the same melatonin and flax hulls regimen and hopefully have no more doctor visits till his yearly in January.

Just wanted to let everyone know Crash is doing great!

Hugs and belly rubs!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Squirt's Mom
11-08-2010, 05:12 PM
Hi Tammy,

This is great news and wonderful to hear! I am so glad Crash is doing so well and I know that just puts you on cloud 9! :D

Thanks for sharing!

Leslie and the girls :D - always

Casey's Mom
11-08-2010, 09:51 PM
Great news Tammy!!!

Love and many hugs,

01-23-2011, 08:50 AM
Good Sunday morning to all from cold and snowy Illinois!

A quick update on Crash. He went for his annual exam last week and good news continues. His ALP is down to 592 and his ALT is at 76. His ALT number is up a bit from 71 at last check. It's actually gone up the last couple of checks, but his doctor isn't too concerned given that his ALP continues to drop. Crash isn't much liking the 12 inches of snow we got here last Thursday or the bitter cold temperatures though, unlike his brother who doesn't want to come in the house. Crash just looks at me when we do venture out like "it's hard to go potty when I have to hop to get anywhere in the yard and then when I squat and my behind hits the cold snow." I don't think Crash quite understands Darby's love of all this weather and is hoping for an early spring. So other than the weather things are good here for Crash. I just wanted to let everyone know.

Hugs and belly rubs to all!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Casey's Mom
01-23-2011, 01:21 PM
Good news Tammy!!

We have been battling very cold weather here for days now. I want to go for a walk with the girls but they will need coats and boots - it is -23 celcius and its midday so it may not happen :(;)

Love and hugs,

01-23-2011, 02:55 PM
Hi Tammy,

Just wanted to say hi and I am happy you have good news about Crash. I'm in Wisconsin so we are neighbors!!!!!!! It has been very, very cold. My pups only want to go out at noon.:rolleyes:


01-23-2011, 04:29 PM
:D Welcome back from me too... We had our 2nd big snowfall in a week... I had to shovel a drift 5 ft high so the neighbor kid can let Annie outside tomorrow. At least the sun came out. Days are getting longer so that is a good sign. Kim

Squirt's Mom
01-23-2011, 04:41 PM
Hey Tammy,

Good to hear that Crash is doing so well! :D

We had a blizzard here in ARK and got up to 8" at our place. :p Squirt was in hog heaven; Trinket was convinced the world had been taken over by a cold wet alien intent on eating her alive. :D Trink is a CA gal so she was a bit out of her element....but then the whole dang state of AR was! :p

Leslie and the girls - always

07-17-2011, 05:52 PM
Good afternoon to all on this lazy hot summer day!

It's been awhile since I've checked in and I hate to say that I'm starting to worry about Crash a bit of late. I know it's summer and we all tend to be a little lazier with the heat, but Crash just doesn't seem himself. :( He's drinking more water, definitely hungry, and a couple intermittent bouts of "slimy" poo. I've noticed some belly tenderness - he jumps and snaps a bit as I wipe him with grooming wipes after a trip outside. He doesn't go out that often, but I started wiping him off with the grooming wipes when he comes in because he's taken to licking his front paw so much. Just his right front paw and I'm thinking allergens from the grass. So wipes to paws seemed logical. He even coughs out of the blue on occasion. I know stress of summer and us having had a temporary foster dog here - I keep telling myself that it's all related. Last night though he was limping - favoring the knee he had his knee surgery on a year ago June. Of course then I went into hovering/panic mode. I was going to give him a half of tramadol, but it had expired. Not like he plays with Darby much so I'm confused. It's been six months since his last blood tests. His liver numbers were the best ever with that work up and I'm hesitant to think the numbers will be as good this time. We continue with 6 mg of melatonin twice a day and flax hulls. I also supplement with an Omega 3 capsule and a half of Dasuquin. He's to see his doctor in the morning. Such is the latest - just wanted to let you know.

Hugs to all and stay cool!
Tammy, Crash, & Darby

07-18-2011, 12:49 PM
Sad morning here....

I had Crash to the doctor first thing. Blood check was in order, but as I mentioned yesterday I had a list of other concerns. When the doctor was trying to help Crash up on the table, Crash snapped and growled. It was that same belly tenderness I had noticed. The doctor could not feel any kind of obstruction or anything out of the ordinary. X-rays were called for. Well, it's a tumor. Bigger than a golf ball, but smaller than a baseball. His ribcage was protecting it and why it couldn't be felt now or anytime before this. Crash is scheduled for an ultrasound this afternoon. Darby is so confused since his brother didn't come home with me. I know you'll keep Crash in your thoughts and thank you for that! I'll let you know when I know.

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

07-18-2011, 12:54 PM
Hi Tammy,

I am so sorry to hear about the tumor. I'm sending positive vibes your way and will be thinking of you guys. Of course, prayers are being said.


07-18-2011, 01:10 PM
Hi Tammy,

I too am sending positive thoughts and prayers for Crash.


Squirt's Mom
07-18-2011, 02:22 PM
Hi Tammy,

You are absolutely right - prayers, positive thoughts and healing white light is flying yours and Crash's way. Please let us know what you learn and know we are here anytime you wish to talk.

Leslie and the gang

Casey's Mom
07-18-2011, 09:31 PM
Tammy I too am sending lots of positive thoughts and good vibes your way for you and Crash,

Love and hugs,

07-18-2011, 10:07 PM
Praying for you and Crash. Sending positive thoughts your way also. Kim

Harley PoMMom
07-18-2011, 10:34 PM
Tons of prayers being said and sent. Please keep us updated.

Sending huge loving hugs,

07-19-2011, 08:12 AM
Morning all!

Well, it was a topsy turvy emotional day yesterday. Thank you so much to all for your well wishes and positive thoughts! It means a lot! :)

So this is what I know. There is more than one tumor and all are attached to Crash's liver. The main (largest) tumor is a bit bigger than a golf ball. There a couple small ones on other lobes of the liver. Surgery is not an option. :( Unfortunately, because of the tumors other body parts are being pushed around. Hence, the pain. Looking at the x-rays poor Crash's stomach is even pushed over. His appetite remains good. His weight remains steady at around 30 pounds give or take a few tenths over this last year. The doctor said his metabolism might change with all this going on. He does seem more hungry and is definitely drinking more water. The blood tests also show that his ALP is at 1002. This is the worst it's ever been. Higher than when we started this journey with Cushing over two years ago. It was 592 in January. I was so encouraged then being that's the lowest it had ever been. The ALT was up a bit to 83 from 76, but still in normal range. Doctor says at this point to just keep the current regime of melatonin and flax hulls. All this is not what I expected when I went to the doctor with Crash yesterday morning. I can't help thinking now that my time is limited and those feelings prompted me to sleep on the floor next to him last night cuddling most of the night. The doctor knows me well enough to be frank and at most he's giving Crash 2-3 months. You know I tend to hover so I'll continue to monitor Crash and treat the pain as needed with some tramadol. I refuse to let Crash suffer - he doesn't deserve that - but when I see that smile on his face and that wagging tail - - - I don't think it's his time yet. Darby has practically not left his side to the point of annoying Crash since bring Crash home yesterday afternoon. It makes me wonder what Darby knows and feels when he's around Crash. That innate sense that I think canines possess.

I thank you again, my CC family here, for all the support you've given us since our journey began in March of 2009. I fear I'm going to be needing you more than ever in the next month or so. I know you're here as you've been and that is such a huge comfort! I have felt nothing but lucky to have found you all here. I've laughed and cried with so many of you - you guys are amazing! As Crash's journey seems to be winding down I'll continue to check in and let you know how it's going.

To end this update on a bit of an encouraging note....Crash is now giving me a gentle hint that it's time for breakfast....gotta go..... :):)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Casey's Mom
07-19-2011, 08:16 AM
Tammy I am so sorry to hear the news of Crash's results. Love him to bits and spoil him rotten. The saddest part of having them with us is knowing that their time with us is too short but we will meet again.

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
07-19-2011, 09:23 AM
Dear Tammy,

In one sense, you have been given a gift, albeit a sad one. When we lose someone we love suddenly, we are often left with feelings of things we wish we had done or said if we had only known. We would have made sure to take that trip, made sure to fix that favorite meal, made sure they knew every second of every day how very much they were loved and needed. You and Crash have been given this opportunity. I have no doubt ya'll will make the very best of it.

I told you when you first came, that we would walk every step of this journey with you and that has not changed. We are here, right by your side. All you ever have to do is reach out and you will find arms to hold you, soft shoulders to lay your head on, and hearts that ache with yours.

Leslie and the gang

07-24-2011, 08:26 AM
Morning to all -

Now that I've had a week for the news to sink in and time to think I have a a question that I wanted to run past you. I keep thinking in terms of Crash's tumors growing and eventually it's the pain that will slow him down, but with his ALP 1002 do you think other things related to his Cushings will cause his body to fail him? I'm thinking that he's drinking so much more water and worry about his kidneys. He sleeps more, but I still see him as pretty "happy go lucky" in spirit. You guys are so knowledgeable and I thought if there was anything that would prepare me to better help Crash that you'd be the ones for me to ask. I don't know where this road is leading me, I guess none of us do, but knowledge is power and I just want to do the best by Crash. So if there is anything - answers or advice - that you can give me, I'd appreciate it!

Guess what? Crash is reminding me it's time for breakfast....oh, Darby is chiming in too....gotta love it! :)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
07-24-2011, 12:04 PM
Hi Tammy,

I believe that diet/nutrition plays a very important role with any illness/disease that dog has. So if it were me, I would look into a liver-friendly diet and supplements that help the liver. Hopefully these two links will be helpful: http://www.dogaware.com/health/liver.html and http://dogaware.com/health/cancer.html

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

With love and hugs,

07-25-2011, 01:17 PM
Thanks Lori!

Good links....lots of information to take in....and I think you're right too about Crash's diet being a key player in his ability to deal with the cancer. I've done a lot of reading these past few days and have lots of new questions to run past his doctor. Plan to talk to him later today.

Poor Crash seems to be limping more today. He's not whimpering with pain, but it's obvious to me by the way he's walking that something hurts. Might up his tramadol today.

I posted a new picture....he just seems so happy yet.

Thanks again!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

08-04-2011, 10:02 AM
Good morning all!

I've been doing a lot of reading/research regarding liver cancer since Crash's diagnosis a few weeks ago. I stopped by our healthy pet market in town yesterday just to see what they have that might benefit Crash's nutrition. I know his needs have changed. Here's a new one to me though so that's why I thought I'd bring it to the table here. Has anyone heard of or has ever given raw goat's milk to their pups? Documented research shows benefits of goat's milk for many diseases, one being that of liver disorders. Crash's liver has been compromised by his years of living with Cushings and now it's invaded with cancer. Well I believe you can site all kinds of research to help sell a product and I don't want to just start giving Crash something that I'm not familiar with. That's why I thought I would bring it to everyone here to see what you think. Many of you here have lived this disease longer and to larger degree than Crash and I. Countless times you've proven to be a well of information and I trust you. Bottom line I will talk with Crash's doctor, but I am curious of your thoughts and/or any experiences you might have to share.

Crash is about the same since my last post. He sleeps more, but definitely still has bouts of playfulness. He drinks more and pants more, but one of the tumors is between his liver and diaphragm so to me that kind of explains the panting. His liver numbers were so elevated with the last check though I can see a Cushings relation too. So we continue to enjoy our time together and we're making some lasting memories.

Thanks to all for your continued well wishes and positive thoughts - it is much appreciated here!

Stay cool everyone as the heat of summer continues!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

08-14-2011, 02:50 PM
Good afternoon all!

Well, I took Crash for a check up yesterday. It's been about a month now since his diagnosis of liver cancer and overall his doctor thought Crash looked good. Some tightness in his abdomen, but other than that he was impressed. Crash is alert, tail wagging and appetite still good. I've notice Crash is more sensitive/grouchy, even more water intake than last month, and lately more panting. O.k. Cushings symptoms I'm thinking. So the doctor just called regarding the blood work. Crash's ALT number is still within normal range, but his ALP is now at 1163 up from 1002 a month ago and 592 in January. My question to him was then what can I do to help Crash if his Cushings is out of control. He said he wanted to do some checking and would get back to me tomorrow and to continue with the melatonin and flax hulls as we have been for 2 1/2 years. And too, that these were not the worst numbers he has seen. So I'll pose the same question here. Is there anything I can do to help Crash with his Cushings that I'm not already doing. I've heard talk of milk thistle, raw honey, and raw goat's milk. All new to me. I've done so much reading on the subject of liver cancer in the last month that it's all kind of running together in my head. So once again I thought to ask my many knowledgeable friends here. I don't want to upset Crash's food regime too much, but if you know of any supplements that could help Crash, I would appreciate any input and/or guidance.


Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
08-14-2011, 05:45 PM
Excess thirst and urination are not only symptoms of Cushing's but liver disease too.

Having Crash on a liver-friendly diet, I believe, is very important. Supplements such as milk thistle, burdock, and Vit. E may help also.

Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

With much love and big hugs,

08-14-2011, 07:10 PM
Thanks Lori!

I had not heard of burdock, I'll be googling that next, but then again the raw goat's milk and raw honey were foreign to me as well. I'm still reading lots on supplements and on liver friendly diets too. Crash's appetite is still good and I don't want to rock the boat too much and upset his tummy, but if there is something better for him I am willing to try. I'll keep in touch. :)

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

09-05-2011, 09:50 AM
Good morning to all!

Crash had a bit of a rough day yesterday. He's been having intermittent slimy poos the last couple of months, but they've become more frequent these last few days. Yesterday he had three before noon and was a bit lethargic most of the day. I assume his liver is not doing what it is suppose to be doing when I see slime. His appetite is still good though. I have a call into his doctor this morning and we'll see what he has to say. His doctor added Denamarin to Crash's medicine regimen about 10 days ago. It's described as a SamE/milk thistle combination. Has anyone heard of or have given it to their fur babies? It's suppose to help with liver function and also has shown to help with liver enzyme levels. I'm wondering if that could be contributing to, what I'll call, Crash's gastrointestinal issue. Once again, I have more questions than answers.

Wednesday is Crash's 14th birthday! :) The unfortunate reality is that it's also nearing the two month mark of Crash's cancer diagnosis. The doctor originally said 2, maybe 3 months and I'm a little nervous with the slime issue today though I'm trying not to over react. I'm concentrating instead on making this birthday celebration Crash's best ever.

Thanks again for the continued support and I'll let you know what Crash's doctor has to say.

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
09-05-2011, 10:10 AM
I had Harley on Denamarin for a while and then switched him to just milk thistle.

One known side effect of Denamarin is minor gastrointestinal problems, so this might be what is contributing to the poo problem.

Sending early Happy Birthday wishes to sweet Crash!!!

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
09-05-2011, 10:11 AM
Hi Tammy,

Hope the doc has a solution for the problem Crash is having. If you haven't, you might try some plain pumpkin. Just a tsp to start with and not the spiced kind for pies but plain pumpkin.

Let us know what the doc says!

I am glad you are still enjoying your days with sweet Crash and pray you have many more ahead.

Leslie and the gang

09-05-2011, 12:11 PM
I just wanted to let you know I talked with Crash's doctor this morning. He thinks it's probably Crash's body adjusting to the Denamarin and prescribed a few days of Endosorb to help out. I'm lucky that our vet is 24/7/365 so there is always someone there when I call. Crash's doctor just happened to pull a holiday. It may have been unlucky for him, but it was very comforting for me to actually talk with him. A quick 10 minute trip there and back and Crash has had his first dose already.

Thanks Lori and Leslie for your replies. Lori, can I ask why you went with just the milk thistle? Just curious. And Leslie, keeping the pumpkin in mind. Might just add it to my shopping list to have on hand. If Crash never needs it well, making a pie for me could be a good alternative. :)

Enjoy the holiday!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Harley PoMMom
09-05-2011, 08:35 PM
Although I believe the Denamarin is a good product I didn't like that the tablets should be given on an empty stomach at least one hour before a meal.

With milk thistle it can be given with or without food. Also the milk thistle is less expensive than the Denamarin.

09-05-2011, 10:03 PM
Although I believe the Denamarin is a good product I didn't like that the tablets should be given on an empty stomach at least one hour before a meal.

With milk thistle it can be given with or without food. Also the milk thistle is less expensive that the Denamarin.

Yeah, the SAM-e component in Denamarin requires an empty stomach...the other part of Denamarin (marin) is comparable to milk thistle and it does not matter if it is taken with/without a meal

Jeff & the Gang

01-16-2012, 12:10 PM
Hello to all!

Crash had a visit with his doctor this morning. He was originally diagnosed with atypical cushings in March of 2009 and liver cancer in July 2011. Crash has seemed to defy the odds on both fronts. The doctor took blood to check electrolytes, liver numbers and such, but Crash is exhibiting other symptoms/behaviors that lead his doctor to believe that it's not going to be much longer. Crash and I have enjoyed one more birthday, one more Christmas, one more New Year's - all of which I didn't think possible. Reality of the doctors words are starting to set in. I'll increase his tramadol for now and remain in hover mode. Bottom line, I believe Crash will let me know when it's his time. Until then we are enjoying every moment!

Tammy, Crash, and Darby

01-16-2012, 01:35 PM
Hi Tammy

I havent posted to you before - I just saw your recent post and pictures - love them!!! Especially the ones with the tee shirts!!! You are a fabulous mom and Crash has a wonderful life with you - no on can ever prepare themselves for something like this - its the hardest thing - just enjoy him everyday like you are and like you said he will let you know when. He has been through alot and has come a long way beating the odds - I am so happy you got to enjoy more time with him. Will be here to support you through this....

Sending you lots of support - strength - prayers - love - and hugs -- give Crash a kiss from me and Penny xoxo

Squirt's Mom
01-18-2012, 10:45 AM
Hi Tammy,

I saw that you had posted again the other day and avoided reading it. :o I think of you and Crash often and have hoped the silence meant things were going well for the both of you...but feared the worst. :( So your post is bittersweet for me.

I am so glad that Crash has continued to fight the good fight and that the two of you have had this time to share more of your days together with some joy. But I am so sad to read that he is giving signs he has just about had enough. I know how heavy that weighs on your heart.

Sometimes, having that "forewarning" is a blessing. We can take extra care to let them know just how much they have meant in our lives, just how very much they are loved. We can shower them with anything they desire and revel in their momentary happiness.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Crash and Darby in the coming days. When those dark hours fall down on your shoulders, just remember that someone else out there is by your side in spirit, her tears falling with yours.

Many hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

07-24-2012, 08:14 AM
Good morning everyone!

I hadn't realized that it's been so long since I've checked in. Crash is still with us. Believe it or not it's now been a year since his cancer diagnosis. July 2011 an ultrasound revealed one large and a smaller tumor or two on his liver. Given the fact that Crash had been living with Cushing for 3 years and now multiple tumors on his liver, his doctor thought maybe 3 months would be all we had. Crash continues to defy the odds and amaze us all with his will. I believe he is happy most of his day, especially breakfast and dinner :), and that's it's not quite his time yet. I also believe he will let me know when he's too tired to fight it anymore. The extreme heat/drought here in the midwest has been hard...very quick and very few trips out to take care of business. I do carry him out to the yard and back in and have been for awhile now, but his business is still good. Oh, Crash does have a new little brother this summer...I'll try to post a picture soon.
We hope all is good with everyone and that you're staying cool!

Hugs to all! :)
Tammy, Crash, Darby, and Riley

Squirt's Mom
07-24-2012, 09:01 AM
Hi Tammy!

It is so good to hear from you and with such a truly wonderful report. I will be completely honest here - you and Crash are often on my mind but I have been too fearful to ask after him. :o Your update has just made my week, honey! :):cool::cool::cool::) I would say that Crash is among our miracle babies here and that is soooo great!

Can't wait to see pics of his new brother! I'll be watching for them! Let us know how things are going as you can and know you both are often thought and always remembered.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
07-24-2012, 08:03 PM
yea, love to hear the good news reports. :) whoo hooo

07-24-2012, 09:14 PM
Hi and thanks for the update! It's wonderful to hear such good news! I hope Crash continues to do well.

Julie & Hannah

10-05-2012, 10:40 PM
Good evening everyone -

Crash update. It's been a roller coaster week of emotions starting this past Sunday when Crash fell down the basement stairs. I had been keeping the door to the basement closed, but Sunday night I thought he was sleeping and when I ran down to get a load of laundry from the dryer I failed to close the door. It wasn't long before I heard "thump, thump, thump..." and Crash was coming down the stairs faster than I could get to him. I don't know whose heart was racing more. After calming us both down I took him out to the yard and he walked around a bit and did his business. I'm thinking "well o.k. then". Monday and then again on Tuesday when I returned home after my school day I found him in the kitchen spread out and it was apparent that he couldn't get up and had panted so much that the floor and Crash were both soaked. Monday he seemed to recover quickly when I got him up and some water and out to do his business, but Tuesday not so much. Tuesday evening he couldn't support his weight long enough to do his business or eat his dinner. He still wanted to eat, just had to laying down. All night I worried and convinced myself that this was his sign to me that he was tired enough and he wanted to let go. A sleepless night for both of us and I told myself I would check with his doctor first thing Wednesday morning. Again, preparing myself for the worst I dropped Crash off for his doctor to examine while I ran down to school to plan for a substitute. Doctor called before I made it back to the hospital to say the x-rays showed nothing was broken from his fall. In fact, Crash was up walking around, coherent, and kind of his friendly, happy self. His doctor went on to explain that the three original tumors on his liver were visibly larger and there was one new one in the chest area. Things are being pushed around in his body with the growing tumors, but he also saw some normalcy with some of what was going on inside Crash. He took blood and would call the Thursday with results. In the meantime he said I could take Crash home. I was like "huh?" here I was convinced when I dropped Crash off that morning that it was his time and I was preparing myself for the inevitable of having to let go and say goodbye to my baby boy and now I'm taking him home. Well to wow you all some more his blood test results came back better than it was when last we checked in January. Crash's ALP was 1096 (1284 in January) and ALT was back in normal range at 67 (132 in January). I'm bewildered and confused along with elated. All I can say is that his doctor is convinced that Crash just might live forever. Living with Cushings since March 2009 and liver cancer since July 2011. My baby boy is not without his bad times, but he still demonstrating a quality about him that continues to amaze us all. Oh, and he has since celebrated another birthday. Crash turned 15 on September 7. Our journey continues. Thanks to my family here for your continued support, positive thoughts and energy, it keeps us going! :)


Tammy, Crash, Darby, and Riley

10-05-2012, 10:43 PM
Wow... thanks for the update. So is that how Crash got his name? :D Sorry that was bad. He is certainly a survivor and a fighter. Face it, he wants to hang around so just keep doing whatever you are doing cuz it's obviously working! They are amazing aren't they? Hugs, Kim

Squirt's Mom
10-06-2012, 09:39 AM
Wow, Tammy! How scary that had to be to see. :( I am glad he wasn't hurt and has bounced back. :) And GREAT news on the lab work! :cool::cool::cool:

These cancer babies can surprise us, I have also learned recently. I had a similar experience with mine last week - thinking her time had come and so did our doc. Then she rebounded and is doing ok to the surprise of everyone. Doc said Tasha is "one tough cookie". :D Walking this tightrope can be exhausting so I hope you are finding a little bit of time for yourself to re-energize from time to time.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
10-06-2012, 10:55 AM
Those stairs are scary things with our babies any how and then to think it was going to be a disaster. What a rush of emotions you have gone through. I'm so glad that he is up and about and doing find.


10-06-2012, 01:03 PM
Hello to all. Meesh for the first time in almost a year, took Barneys rubber squeaky toy and played with it although blind from aCushings.
Of course Barneys thinks all the toys are his. :~)
We went to DiamondBack pharmacy for blood pressure meds for Meesh. Good price and thanks to Glynda for that info.
Thanks to all you great people!!!!!!!

10-13-2012, 12:09 PM
Hello everyone -

It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that Crash has lost his battle this morning. He seem to being doing well after his scary fall in my last report, but this week things quickly changed. I had been hand feeding him since Wednesday. I had tried canned food, but that didn't seem to interest him. Yesterday morning I could feel the lymph nodes in his neck and he was struggling to swallow and didn't eat much. Last night for supper he ate some of Darby's food. I wasn't sure if it was because it tasted better or that it was his brother's food and he felt like he was getting away with something. It was a restless night. Three trips outside to potty before dawn. I had made an appointment with his doctor for 7:30 this morning and when we arrived I led him over to the grass to go potty before going in. I saw more blood than urine. I knew. I believe, with all my heart, that was Crashy's sign to me, to comfort me, to let me know it was o.k. to let him go. He defied the odds and amazed me with his will and courage till the very end. It has been a very emotional journey both emotionally and physically these last months. I had been carrying him outside to do his business and back in for probably six months now. Crash is free now to run like a puppy over the Rainbow Bridge with his brother Riley who, I'm sure, was waiting for him. Be free Crashy! I will cherish your love and all those wonderful memories in my heart forever!

Thank you to all my family here! There's an instant bond we all share that makes this thing called Cushings disease more understandable, bearable, and livable. Crash and I could not have come this far without you!


10-13-2012, 12:19 PM
God Bless you and Crash. I am so saddened about him. You seem to have a lot of strength, and I hope that carries you through this. I too will go thru this, and it is the moment every pet owner dreads. He is free of pain now, and with all God's creatures.

Squirt's Mom
10-13-2012, 12:22 PM
Dear Tammy,

My heart is breaking with yours. :( You and Crash fought such a good fight together and I think you are right - Crash was letting you know it was time to stop the fight.

Your sweet boy will always be with you in spirit, right by your side, watching over you just as you were always there for him. And one day, one day, you will hold him again, covering his face with kisses. Then the two of you will never be parted again.

Crash's name has been added to the In Loving Memory thread for 2012. There he will always be honored as a cherished member of our family.

Please know we are always here for you if you wish to talk, honey.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Tasha, and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal

May you know that absence is full

Of tender presence and that

Nothing is ever lost or forgotten.

May the absences in your life be full of eternal echo.

May you sense around you the secret

Elsewhere which holds the presences

That have left your life.

May you be generous in your embrace of loss.

May the sore of your grief turn into a well

Of seamless presence.

May your compassion reach out to the ones

We never hear from and may you have

The courage to speak out for the excluded ones.

May you become the gracious

And passionate subject of your own life.

May you not disrespect your mystery

Through brittle words or false belonging.

May you be embraced by God in whom

Dawn and twilight are one and may

Your longing inhabit its deepest dreams

Within the shelter of the Great Belonging.

From John O’Donohue’s Eternal Echoes-Exploring our Hunger to Belong

10-13-2012, 12:31 PM

Thinking of you during this difficult time...I'm glad you had a sign to know it was time, and that you're focusing on the happy memories and the fact that he is now free from pain.

Julie & Hannah

Harley PoMMom
10-13-2012, 12:48 PM
Oh Tammy,

I am so sorry for the loss of sweet Crash and my heart is breaking for you. I do realize that there are no words to ease your pain but do know we are here for you and understand.

Godspeed sweet Crash

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

Casey's Mom
10-13-2012, 01:41 PM
Tammy I am so sorry to hear of Crash - my heart is with you sweetheart. Even when we know its their time it is still so difficult. We are all hear for you.

Sabre's Mum
10-13-2012, 02:10 PM
Tammy ... I am so sorry to hear that dear Crash has crossed the bridge. My thoughts are with you.

Angela and Flynn

molly muffin
10-13-2012, 06:18 PM
i am so sorry to hear of Crash's passing. What a battle you both fought, right to the end. I know he is happily playing right now probably hoping you can hear him saying : mom look at me!


10-13-2012, 06:27 PM
Tammy, I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Godspeed sweet Crash.

((Comforting Hugs))

10-13-2012, 09:15 PM
Tammy-so, so sorry to hear of Crash's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Vicki-Scoop and Raleigh's mom

Bo's Mom
10-14-2012, 06:11 PM
So sorry to hear about Crash. Please know that we are sending our prayers to you at this most difficult time. We are here whenever you need us.

10-15-2012, 08:40 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss of Sweet Crash. It's too bad that he had that terrible fall right before crossing over.

Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann

10-15-2012, 10:05 AM
Oh no, I am so very sorry!!! We are all here for you.

10-20-2012, 09:49 AM
I wanted to thank everyone for your thoughts and kind words of encouragement. I can tell you that it has been one long week since loosing my sweet baby boy Crash. :( I know the pain will lessen with time, but my heart just hurts so badly right now. So much of my day was consumed with Crash's care, which I know you can all relate, but the emptiness of that time has left a big hole. The only thing that keeps any of this in perspective is knowing that Crash is running free with his brother across that Rainbow Bridge and meeting new friends that have gone on before him.

A special request here...if you could give all your fur babies extra hugs and belly rubs today in memory of Crash that would really mean a lot. :)

I'll check in again soon...


molly muffin
10-20-2012, 10:06 AM
A great Idea Tammy. Molly will get lots of belly rubs today on behalf of Crash. :)

Take care of yourself.
