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Squirt's Mom
05-11-2009, 01:03 PM
Hi Ya'll,
I need input and reassurance (if ya'll agree) on some decisions I have made and implemented for Squirt and it's time to update on the other girls in the house.
Squirt is doing really well. I went to my hometown last weekend and Squirt wanted to go with me! :cool: For the last while, when she would see my bags she would go slinking off and hide. This time when she saw my bags she got excited, started wagging her tail like crazy and bouncing on her front legs which is how she used to act when she knew we were taking a trip. So she got to go with me and really enjoyed the ride, visiting, and spending time with her mom all alone. She didn't have any negative reaction to the time on the road at all! :D My sister-in-law has a Brussels Griffon that she breeds and now has a new male Brussels in the house. Squirt was so funny playing with him...until he tried to mount her. :eek: After that she kinda scooted around things with her butt against them so he couldn't get to her. :p Then when he would try to mount Lucy or Sophie (their Pug), Squirt would let him know in no uncertain terms that was not nice! Poor fellow...he was glad to see us leave every time! :D decisions....for one, I have cut Squirt's melatonin in half. While I was sick a while back, she missed several days of her meds and Jim said she seemed more alert and active than he had seen her in a while. So as an experiment, I took her off the melatonin for a week just to see for myself. It was true. She was more energetic, alert, and involved. Of course, I know the melatonin has a sedative effect so some slowing is to be expected but it had gotten to the point that she slept more than I wanted her to or thought she should. I had started to worry that the lethargy was coming back but it seems to be the melatonin dose. So I have started giving her half a cap in the morning and half at equivalent of 3mg/day VS twice a day. She has been getting this dose for a little over a month now and I don't see any signs returning. In fact, she is more like my Sweet Bebe she used to be before the Cushing's diagnosis and surgery. However, I do want to know what ya'll think about this dose change, so any thoughts, suggestions, advise, etc are appreciated as always. :)
Another decision I have made about light of her observable status, I have decided to take the money for her testing and use it for Goldie (explanation later in post). I am very curious about her cortisol levels but that isn't reason enough to put her through the stress (or the expense at the moment as much as I hate to say that :( ). As a very cut-n-dry refresher - Squirt is not on Lyso or Trilo, only melatonin and lignans plus supplements and herbs; her first ACTH post was 18.2, the second was 32.8, then the surgery, and the last ACTH was 14.2. So with that reading, her behavior, and the lack of I making the right decision here? I feel I am, but want to know what ya'll think.
Ok, Goldie. Goldie's teeth are terrible! She has dual canines and quite a bit of tarter and plaque. We have known that from the beginning but didn't take any action, one because she was a rescue and the plan was to find her a home but....we know how that went! ;) For another, her mental state was so bad for so long that the less stress the better. Well, now she is one of the family, she has settled in quite well, is much calmer tho still quite skittish, and has been to the vet a few times so it isn't as scary as it once was. Her breath is really, really bad, she is coughing and panting quite heavily over nothing more and more, and in the last few days has started throwing up what looks like mostly bile. I am concerned about her heart and digestive system if there is bacteria in her mouth, which I fear is the case. So at the moment I think her health is the priority of the gang, including Squirt. Ya'll agree?
Other than this issue, Goldie is doing quite well. We have learned that she will let us know when something is wrong. Once while we were gone, one of the tables got knocked over that had some plants on it. Goldie would not settle down, running from the kitchen to the LR, barking like mad, until we followed her and saw the mess. Then she was ok. She has done things like this several times since, usually over some mess Crys has made. :p Jim and I have practiced putting her harness on quite a bit since she ate my hands up that time plus she now wears a collar at all times. She is still Jim's baby girl and loves him to the point that she is driving him nuts! :p She follows him everywhere and wants him to be in sight at all times, preferably she is in physical contact with him at all times! Goldie has staked out her man and heaven help you if you try to touch him! LOL In general, she is quite protective and territorial. We have to watch her now whenever someone comes in the house other than us. She is apt to nip ya, especially if you approach Jim! And she's sneaky about it...she will leave the room only to come up behind and BAM! she's nipped your ankle. :eek: Goldie will always be a tad bit psychotic I'm afraid. Bless her heart.
Goldie and I are making progress, slow but steady. She lets me pet her all over now, even her legs, privates, and rolling over so I can rub her belly. She lets me brush her some, pull stuff from her hair, and wash her face. Jim and I have been working on passing her back and forth between us and I can pick her up sometimes now, but she growls the whole time until she is on my shoulder. :rolleyes: She's funny...she will growl while she is licking me and wagging her tail when I rub her chin and neck sometimes. Jim and Gary have been out of town for a few days from time to time and she is kinda lost without Jim at first. She will sit in his chair and whine, looking so sad. But then I guess she decides the crazy old lady is better than no one and she will become quite loving toward me. Well, loving for her. She will sit in my lap when I sit, falling asleep there if I sit long enough, she follows me around the house and tries to keep the other dogs away from me like she does with Jim. But she doesn't show the same depth of attachment and bond she does toward Jim. It is really cute how she snuggles against him and acts when she sees him. Goldie expresses her love for Jim very openly and frequently. She doesn't do that with me but I am very grateful for the bond she has with Jim and the progress she had made overall. :D She is no longer the screaming, quivering little mess she was when she got here.
Ruby is doing ok. The Previcox helped her for about 2 weeks then seemed to lose it's effectiveness. So we haven't continued with that for her hips. For now, she is on Glucosamine/Condroitin w/MSM 3200mg/day, salmon oil 1000 mg/day, Vit E 400 I.U./day, and Tramadol 50-100mg 2X/day as needed. The Vit E may be increased as I'm not sure this is enough for 1000mg of fish oil. She doesn't seem to need the Tramadol as much I would think she would. When I see that she is panting heavily, limping more, or just not moving around much, then I will give her a dose. Ruby has slowed down quite a bit since the diagnosis but after seeing that Xray, I don't know how she has been moving at all. :eek: She still jumps up on the bed, couch and her couch/bed but not as much as she used to. The getting down is the hard part for her; she puts her front legs on the floor and the back end just kinda melts down. It would be funny to see if you didn't know why she was doing it that way. :( There have been a few times when she seemed to be having trouble getting to her feet from laying down on the floor but when I went to help her up, she rolled over so I could rub her belly. I'm not sure how to let her know what I am trying to do and how to get her to cooperate. As the arthritis progresses, I know she will get to the point where she will need that kind of assistance. Any ideas?
Ruby still has her good times, tho, when she charges off after a squirrel or cat in the yard and she still wants to play with us, tho we are much gentler than we used to be. She really likes to play kinda rough but we do our best to keep her over-doing so she doesn't hurt herself. When it's feeding time, I have to really keep on her not to bounce and jump on the kitchen floor as it is slick and I'm afraid she will fall. She has started to accept Crys a little bit and they will play together, too. Crys does most of the running and carrying on while Ruby stays in the same general area doing her part. As soon as they start playing, Goldie starts barking and raising holy cain, so with her chiming in, Ruby growling and barking, and Crys barking her fool head off, the noise level gets quite HIGH! :eek::p It sounds terrible when they start this game but Ruby's fierce growls and barks are apparently part of the game now and Crys has had no new gashes or scars on her head for some time.
Crystal....well what can I say? She is the Possessed Puppy! :D Not really, but she is full of it and we NEVER know what to expect next with her! She keeps us on our toes to say the very least! Her health is great! Her skin is clear, pink and strong. Her coat is shiny, has two layers now and is a beautiful honey color with light and dark highlites. As for the eating everything, I bought her a heavy plastic basket-style muzzle which she got off and ate. :eek: So we now have a metal basket muzzle with thick leather straps that go around her neck, up beside each cheek and over her skull; she figured out how to ram it into the privacy fence boards and yank it off, but hasn't tried to eat this one! Jim has had to repair several parts of the fence, tho. So...while a muzzle may work well for some dogs, they haven't worked for Crys. I have started using it as a training tool instead and it seems to be working. She is so stubborn it is hard to tell what she really has learned at times.:rolleyes: When she starts chewing on something she isn't supposed to, I put the muzzle on her for a bit, whether inside or out. The destruction has slowed down quite a bit and her poops haven't been technicolored or full of odd bits and pieces lately. :p Of course, she has grown up a bit, too, so that could be a big part of it...I hope this is something she will outgrow anyway. I found a WHOLE toothpick in her poop a few weeks ago! :eek:
Crys has two crates now, one she sleeps in and one in the LR for when we are gone a short time or when she needs a time out. We went grocery shopping a while back and put her in the LR crate. She had her harness on and when we came back, she had eaten it. :rolleyes: That was the only thing in the crate she could eat and I guess she got bored with her Kong. We went to get her a new harness and while trying them on in the store, she was being her usual self and acting a she had never even been in a harness! Jim had been telling me she needed to be in a choker collar and several other people had made the same comment when seeing her pull while we were out and about. The folks in the store were saying the same thing, too. I hate those collar, hate collars for lead use in general, but Crys is very strong and really does pull in a harness. Several times it has taken everything I had to hold her back and even Jim has had to really work at it. So I reluctantly agreed to try one. After Jim worked with her for a few hours on a leash, walking her around the house and yard, sitting in his chair with the lead in his lap and her beside him, she was a different pup on a lead. She no longer pulls and fights when she wants to go where we don't and my arms/shoulders/back no longer ache after being with her on a lead. I'm no longer afraid she will pull me down or get away from me either. She is amazingly strong! I would love to put her in obedience class but just can't afford that at the moment.
Crys is still a loving girl who loves to snuggle with her mom in the bed and thinks she is the perfect size to be a lap dog. :p She kisses just about everyone she meets, loves just about everyone she meets, and those she does shy away from we kinda wonder about. ;) And she is sooooo funny! She loves to play with her feet! When she gets after her back feet and legs it is hilarious! :D I will hear this strange carpet-scraping sound from the LR and go look to find Crys laying in the floor, curled up, dragging herself in a circle with her front legs while trying to grab her back ones. She'll get hold of one and roll on her back growling and gnawing on her leg like it is trying to attack her. It will get away from her and she chases it around til she gets it again. She will stretch out and close her eyes like she is finally tired, then one of her back legs will twitch and start moving up real slow and she will jerk around, teeth bared and growling, and snatch it! She will finally jump up, start running, growling and looking behind her the whole time like, "Holy Cow! they're still there!" :p:D:p I am trying to get this on video but so far have not done a very good job. When I do, I will post it and let ya'll know where to see it. It's really funny!
There's so much more I could tell you about my girls, especially Crys, but I think this had gotten long enough! So I will shut-up, thank you for listening, and look for responses on Squirt and Goldie.
Leslie and her wonderful girls :)
05-11-2009, 05:02 PM
I changed my last post thinking maybe I might be over-reacting with the melatonin and didn't want to alarm anyone just by my own experience ..
I mostly wanted to say that I agree that the melatonin dose needs to be monitored carefully and we should all be aware of possible side effects with all medications (natural and/or prescribed).
05-11-2009, 05:03 PM
Hi Leslie,
I can't help with the medicine stuff but when I read about Crystal I thought of this training leash you can get at Petsmart. A guy I work with also works for an animal shelter and he often uses this:
He has used it on many dogs with great success. He said some dogs kind of freak out at first because they are not used to something on the top of their nose, but they get used to it pretty quick. He has even given a couple away. Couple weeks ago he saw a couple walking with a baby stroller and a young dog. The dog was pulling back, not wanting to walk. He pulled over and asked if he could help and put the leash on him, after a couple minutes the dog walked great!! He let them have it. Its worth a try??? It is kind of expensive though for a leash. There is a dvd with it, he had me watch it.
One of his dogs just passed away from diabetes, too bad I didn't find you guys sooner. I share all the info I learn here with him so he can pass it along at the shelter.
Hope you get all your other questions answered.
Harley PoMMom
05-11-2009, 05:47 PM
Hi Leslie and the girls,
Oh Leslie, What a lovely family. You sure don't have alot of time for yourself, but, all them doggie kisses must be nice. :D
As for Goldie's teeth, three weeks I had to take my other Pom. (Bear) into the vets , now, in the past I was pretty loyal with brushing their teeth, but this past year, not so good :mad:, bad Mom, anyway, Bear, for the past week before his vet appt. was coughing and hackin (reason for vet appt.)
I thought he might beginning to have a collasped trachea, I don't know, but, here all it was, was a bad molar on his left side that had to pulled out. The vet said the bacteria was going down his throat making him cough and gag.
It's been two weeks now and I haven't heard Bear cough or gag since.Teeth are being brushed regularly now, even the cats. :D:D:D
For Ruby: When she is laying down and you want to help her up is there anyway you can get a large towel or sheet under her belly, with one end of the sheet/towel on one side of her and the other end on the other side so you can help lift her up, I don't know if I'm explaining this right, but the towel/sheet will be shaped like a "U" under her. My sister and I had to do that for her dog Rex, he was a St. Bernard/Husky mixed, and got hit by a car, couldn't or wouldn't walk at the vets, Rex was at the vets for 2 months, so we brought him home and worked with him for 6 months and he walked for us at home.
Love to see that video of Crys and them back legs, that has to hilarious. You'd have to send that video to "America's Funniest Videos", I bet you would win.
I'm so glad to see you posted a thread, you are always so helpful and supportive and seem to know just what to say to someone when they feel down, confused or a total basket-case, like me :eek::D
Roxee's Dad
05-11-2009, 11:07 PM
Hi Leslie,
Your little story of Squirt and the Brussels just made me laugh. Sounded very much like Roxee in her hey day.:) Heaven help the male dog that tried anything on her or her sister. They made a great tag team. Rozee would bark in the dogs face and Roxee would sneak around and bite the dog on his arse and hang on. I still laugh thinking about it.
Well for the Melatonin, it's like you've told so many of us here. You know her better than anyone so who better to make that call. It really sounds like she is doing great and glad she had a good little vacation.
Teeth are always important and as you are well aware can and will affect her organs if not taken care of. We were in kinda the same situation with Mickee and Rozee. I was getting ready to take Mickee in to check if his eyes and hearing were getting any worse or Rozee for her teeth and a wellness panel, but then the bout of diahrea so we had to take Rox and Roz in and that made the decision for us. Rozee needed the bloodworkup bc her teeth are getting bad. So Mickee's eyes and ears will have to wait but he is still such a happy guy. Very nice that Goldie has attached herself to Jim, maybe Jim should nickname her shadow.
I don't know how much Ruby weighs but I have seen this support that wraps around the dog and has a handle on top kind of like a suitcase. Might be worth looking into.
Looking forward to seeing the video on Cry's. I just started laughing trying to picture this in my mind. With Cry's around, who needs a TV?
Thanks for taking the time to tell us about the girls, and yep, I can see why you call yourself the crazy lady:p but it does sound like a whole lot of fun at your house.:D
Hugs back at you and the Girls
John (Roxee's Dad)
Squirt's Mom
05-13-2009, 10:35 AM
Hi ya'll,
I really appreciate all the kind words about my girls as well as the suggestions and shared experiences. :) I knew I could count on ya'll!
I had a phone conversation with a special friend last nite and was reminded of how long it takes for the Atypical treatment to take effect (3-4 months) and what a shame it would be to lose the ground she has gained by messing with the doses. An excellent thought and one that had not occurred to me at all! :rolleyes: So this morning I sent off an email to Dr. O asking about this dose change for Squirt. When I get his response, I will share it with you.
Goldie went to the vet yesterday and she only got one finger this time! :p But nothing major! She just prefers that Jim put her lead on. :rolleyes: Anyway, she was running fever of 103 degrees when they first checked it. They took it 4 more times hoping it was just stress from being at the clinic, but it rose every time til it was up to 103.3. No apparent reason except the teeth. She is going to have to have a dental with at least 2 extractions on the dual canines. They ran blood work/urine to send to their new lab, which does more than the one they were using or their in-house tests do. We should have those results in a couple of days or so. Her heart is good, lungs clear, fecal clear and of course, she wouldn't cough for anything even with Dr C irritating the throat until we went outside, then she started. For now, she is on Clavamox 250mg/day and Tagamet 150mg/day. By last nite, the fever was gone. With the blood work done and a round of antibiotics already in her system, she will be ready for the dental in about 3 weeks as long as the tests don't show anything. Now all I have to do is come up with the $$$$. Has anyone bought a new freezer or 'fridge lately? I'm thinking a couple of those size boxes will do us nicely when we move onto Dr C's parking lot. :p
Leslie and the girls
Squirt's Mom
05-13-2009, 06:25 PM
Ok, I heard back from Dr O about the melatonin. My message first then his response:
"Hi Dr. Oliver,
I hope you are feeling better and back in high form.
My Squirt was diagnosed as having elevated intermediate/sex hormones in
8/08 via the testing at UTK and I have a question. Her results were as
Squirt’s UT Panel results – 8/27/08
Baselines and normal ranges**
Cortisol ng/ml 41.3
Androstenedione ng/ml 5.6 0.1-5.7
Estradiol pg/ml 80.4*
Progesterone ng/ml 0.58*
17 OH Prog ng/ml 0.33
Aldeosterone pg/ml*** <11.0 11-139.9
Post ACTH (30 min and 1 hr) and normal ranges**
Cortisol ng/ml 161.9 327.8*
Androstenedione ng/ml 34.0 30.6 2.7-39.7
Estradiol pg/ml 80.3* 89.6*
Progesterone ng/ml 2.74* 2.74* 0.10-1.50
17 OH Prog pg/ml 3.08* 3.18* 0.40-1.62
Aldosterone pg/ml*** QNS 399.1* 7.2-398.5
On the treatment sheet, you recommended an ultrasound which we did. A
splenic tumor was found and in Sept 08, the tumor along with part of the
spleen was removed. All pathology on the tumor, spleen tissue, plus liver
biopsies came back clean. Her ACTH in Jan. showed a post # of 14.2 ug/dl,
the lowest it has been since her diagnosis in 3/08. The plan is to have
another full adrenal with cortisol done on her in the next couple of
My question - Recently I was ill and Squirt missed several days of her
melatonin and lignans, and my fiance' said Squirt was more alert than he
had seen her in quite a while. So as an experiment, I took her off the
melatonin for a week and she was much more alert, active, and involved.
The melatonin has since been restarted but I am wondering if it would be a
problem to cut the 3mg 2X/day in half (she is 11, weighs 14 lbs and is a
cairn terrier/chihuahua cross). Squirt is doing very well, no signs of
Cushing's at all and I would hate to lose any ground since it takes so long
for these treatments to be effective. So I would like your input on
whether to continue with the 3mg 2X/day until her next UTK panel or if it
would be alright to half the dose. Squirt is the first Atypical patient my
vet has dealt with, so we come to ask the expert.
Thank you for your time and, again, I hope you are feeling much better.
Leslie Richards and her Sweet Bebe, Squirt"
"Hi Leslie,
It does sound like the melatonin dose that was being given was too much
for Squirt, causing her to be sedated. Cutting the dose in half should
help this, but still maintain the melatonin influence.
I'm doing well myself.
Regards, Jack.
Jack W. Oliver, D.V.M., Ph.D."
So lowering her dose should be ok, but I think just to be on the safe side, I will get some 2mg, do those twice a day and see how she does. Seems like I saw 2mg.....somewhere....hummmmm.....looks like I may be finding that line for Squirt where she isn't negatively affected by the melatonin yet still keep enough in her system to do it's job. ;) Got some figurin' to do, I reckon. :rolleyes:
Leslie and Squirt
Wylie's Mom
05-13-2009, 06:34 PM
That's interesting makes can two doses (3mg BID & 6mg BID) cover the range of all dog sizes?
Thanks for asking him & posting the info.!!!
Squirt's Mom
05-15-2009, 06:29 PM
Hi ya'll,
Dr C called this morning with Goldie's lab results..."just beautiful" to quote the doc! There was some bacteria in the urine but Dr C feels it is from contamination when getting the sample. Goldie is already on Clavamox, so if it was the start of a UTI, this should help nip it in the bud. So, as long as I can find the funds, looks like she will get a dental and some teethies pulled in a few weeks. The lab work is good for 3-4 weeks.
Everyone else is doing great!
Leslie and the girls
05-15-2009, 08:58 PM
I swear I can barely keep up with you!:D How do you keep up with you??:D
I am really glad you got some feedback from Dr. O and hopefully the dose change will do the trick! Glad too that Goldie is on the path to getting those teeth taken care of and if Percy is there, he is on his way out bc of the Clavamox.
And don't ever doubt what you are know what you are doing!!! I have faith in you completely!!!:):)
Love ya! Beth and you know the rest
Truffa's Mom
05-19-2009, 04:48 PM
Hello crazy AND adorable lady. Glad to hear the good news. I'll be paying attention to your experiment. I never understood either how a dose between 3-5 mg would be the right amount for every dog. I read on a canine cancer article that big doses of melatonin were reportedly given, successfully for certain types of cancer, shrinking the tumors, but they never mentioned the amounts. So I don't worry anymore about this melatonin and I just enjoy the seldom play times and if she naps next to me while on my PC or riding on my car or whatever, with her old goofy gray smile, everything is OK.
Choco kisses
Marcela & The Choco Labs
Barney's Mom
05-19-2009, 09:54 PM
Sounds great Leslie! Nice to hear of Squirt being more happy and playful.
Sounds like your experiment worked!
Barney and Cheryl
05-22-2009, 12:30 AM
I am so sorry to hear of all you have been going through with your fluffs. I wish I would have known about Goldie! My fault. I haven't been here. :( I would have been able to nip that one in the bud in no time! Why do you think I refinanced my house? :eek: Rescuing my precious seniors.
Bailey's Mom
06-07-2009, 09:54 PM
Hi Leslie-
I had no idea you had so many little people! :eek: How can you keep it all straight?
When we need to pick up Palmer -like when he needs to come from upstairs to downstairs...the steps are wood and he finds them slippery, so he won't come down on his own. Anyway-sometimes when we need to pick him up to caryy him down, he does that collapse and rub my belly thing. All we have done is say gently......"No, no no.........come on....let's go!" He has always gotten the message. Occasionally I do a quick little belly scratching, but that's not very often. He gets his belly scratching at other times. He's ticklish ...... it's so funny. Has that happened to you? I realize your dog is a good bit bigger than Palmer.....but it's worth a try. He has trouble with his arthritis as well and is taking Glucosamine and another medicaton for that (don't remember its name at the moment,)
About the Melatonin-an earlier post referenced 3 - 5 mg as a range. We have Palmer on 9mg. We give it in his food or by Greenie pockets, so depending on his eating patterns sometimes the pills aren't eaten until he eats his dinner. It's not unusual for him to only eat in the early evening. Are there any thoughts about the dosage we're using? He is not lethargic and I don't see any other side effects.
I think we'll learn more about how he is doing medically after next weeks' ACTH test.
Kudos to you for keeping up with all you have to do for the girls....and guy.
Bailey's Mom
06-07-2009, 09:55 PM
P.S.-on the former site you had the name of Leslie-n-Squirt, right? Just trying to keep it all straight.
06-08-2009, 01:07 AM
Just thought I would add a little FYI about the dose of melatonine. When we started treatment in January 09 with Zoe she was on the 6 mg twice a day along with the flax seed oil with lignans as well 300mg Keto....within a week of starting the first two Zoe really took a turn for the worse. On Dr. Olivers recommendation we cut her Melatonin to 3 mg twice a day and then when she adjusted to that we added back another 3mg then finally up to 6 mg twice a day. Dr. Oliver also said one of the side effects seen with Melatonin is a sleepier dog. Going to the 1/2 dosing just made her more active but as time went on she was showing more break through symptoms and that was the sign to increase.
I have learned withZoe it is trial and results :) and for the most part she is adapting really well.
Good luck Leslie
Heather and Zoe Claire
Squirt's Mom
06-08-2009, 11:09 AM
Hi ya'll,
Susan, yes this is us...Leslie-n-Squirt. I had already registered at K9diabetes trying to learn a bit about that disorder and I used a different user name. So when our site went down and Natalie was so kind to offer us a temp home, I already had a name there and just kept it when we moved here.
My little people are each unique so it is easy to keep them separate....but med times can get a bit hairy! :eek: And believe me, they keep me hopping with one thing or another! :D At times it's like living with a bunch of 5 year olds..."she breathed on me!!!"; at others a bunch of teenagers..."I know you don't want me to do that but I don't care!" It's really fun when the two seniors decide to be crabby and the baby, Crys, is full of her self! They are all wonderful companions and fill my life with joy.
Goldie had her dental last Fri and is doing fine so far. She is on Clavamox for another week plus the Tagamet. Her teeth look so much better and her breath is finally was really really bad! Dr C took only the two baby canines that never fell out and is trying to save her adult canines, tho one of them is kinda iffy. She has a suture behind each canine that needs to be kept clean but that ain't gonna happen with me! I tried to wipe them off with a cloth, and got bloody again. :p So Jim tries to do that procedure. He gets kinda jumpy when she shows those pearly whites, tho. LOL
Ruby is doing ok but it's obvious she is in quite a bit of pain at times. The Tramadol helps quite a bit but I use it sparingly. She is getting 1500mg/day of glucosamine condroitin w/MSM, salmon oil cap, 400iu/day of Vit E, and 200mg/day of SAMe. This week the Vit E and SAMe will be doubled per day. I am looking into some other things for her like CoQ10, etc. and will be talking to Dr C about Adequan for her as well. We have been practicing lifting with a soft towel but she still thinks she needs her belly rubbed much more than she needs help from that towel. :p She still moves fair but has clearly adapted in certain ways like peeing and pooping. She barely squats now but rather kinda hunkers down and leans back. But it works for her even tho it looks kinda funny. ;) I worry about her climbing the stairs but she follows me everywhere and we have no way to block the stairs as they are open at the bottom. Part of me says the exercise is good for her but another part says it is too much on those joints. :(
Crys, bless her heart, is still going strong and as goofy as ever! :D I swear, she is Marmaduke reincarnated! :p She and Gary are good buddies and that is really great for both of them. It's fun to watch "a dog and her boy". One thing is worrying me about her, tho. She was spayed nearly two months ago and her hair hasn't grown back in yet. Some fuzz but that's all. PLUS she now has some darkening on her belly and inner back legs. :rolleyes: No other indication that something may be wrong, tho. She's not even a year old yet, but of course Cushing's came flying into my little mind like a ton of bricks! Debbie, I really feel for you with Chewy! So, barring any emergency or something more urgent with one of the other three, she will be getting some tests after Squirt's...when $$ allows.
Hugs and belly rubs to everyone!
Leslie and the GIRLS :D
PS. Squirt's story will continue on her thread...since she's my cush baby I pulled her out separately here.
Harley PoMMom
07-10-2009, 07:10 PM
Hi Leslie,
It's been alittle over a month and no update on the girls. :eek::(:)
Hugs from your friends in PA.
Lori and Harley
Squirt's Mom
08-18-2009, 05:32 PM
Hi ya'll,
My girls are doing ok! :) And I am grateful for that! :D
Goldie is doing really well since her dental. She is even eating kibble by preference now! Unless, of course, she can talk me out of some of Squirt's cooked stuff. :rolleyes::p She seems to really like Taste of the Wild, tho. Who knows how long that will last! Her taste changes quite often, sending me on a new search for something to please her palate! LOL Goldie is learning to trust me more and more tho she remains bonded deeply to Jim. She is experimenting with laying between us in the bed for a bit at nite, which thrills me no end! :D:cool: For now, she still retreats to Jim's side at his feet, but she is making progress slowly but surely.
Ruby is going strong and holding her own. The Tramadol and supplements are still helping with the pain in her hip so we will stay on this course for now. I have stopped the SAM-e for now, tho, as I was told it and Tramadol can be harmful used together in humans. So until I can research this for canines, I'm not taking any chances. Anyone heard of this for dogs?
Marmaduke Jr. is doing ok and still very much full of herself! :D The shaved area on her belly isn't quite as noticeable now and some of the darkness has faded. She has developed a penchant for socks and undies lately but her chewing and eating weird stuff has really slowed down. Thank goodness! I was really worried about Crys for a while there. :( She has grown into a truly beautiful dog, very sweet natured and loving but a definite Omega.
Circumstances in my life have dictated that I return to my home-town area. This will mean that Ruby, Goldie and Crys will remain in TN with Jim and Gary while Squirt and I go to AR. I have been trying to drive back and forth but the expense and stress is too much so I will be staying in AR predominately for an undetermined length of time. I am going to miss all my family, human and canine, but Jim understands why I have to do this and fully supports my decision. Gary understands as best he can and is looking forward to visiting in AR. Ahhh, to be that young, care-free, and innocent again....;)
Hugs and belly rubs to all!
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
08-18-2009, 11:13 PM
Hi Leslie :D
Thank you so much for the wonderful update on those beautiful and sweet girls.
Re: the Tramadol & SAM-e...didn't know this until you mentioned it...did some research and found this:
"Tramadol may not be compatible with SAMe, a liver and joint support nutriceutical. Until further studies are performed, these two treatments should not be used together."
Circumstances in my life have dictated that I return to my home-town area. I know this must have been a hard decision to make, and Honey I'm sorry that your going thru this difficult time right now, but know you are in my thoughts and prayers...not that this will bring you much comfort.
Love and hugs.
Barney's Mom
08-19-2009, 06:15 AM
Hi Leslie :D
Thank you so much for the wonderful update on those beautiful and sweet girls.
Re: the Tramadol & SAM-e...didn't know this until you mentioned it...did some research and found this:
"Tramadol may not be compatible with SAMe, a liver and joint support nutriceutical. Until further studies are performed, these two treatments should not be used together."
I know this must have been a hard decision to make, and Honey I'm sorry that your going thru this difficult time right now, but know you are in my thoughts and prayers...not that this will bring you much comfort.
Love and hugs.
Wow, I didn't know this either. Sounds like you have really made progress with Goldie!
Sorry to hear about your travels Leslie.
Thanks so much for the update!
Barney and Cheryl
08-19-2009, 09:12 AM
Apparently SAM-E and Tramadol can increase serotonin in the brain, and in humans has caused Serotonin Syndrome.
When Pallie was on Denamarin (which is 1/2 SAM-E) and Tramadol in December 08/January 09 for her liver problem, I asked my vet about it. He said that he has never encountered any problems with the two and hasn't read any documented cases, but he said it is theoretically possible for this Serotonin Syndrome in dogs. I watched Pallie carefully during the time she was on both, and we never had a problem. I still watched.
Tramadol (Ultram) interacts with SAMe
Tramadol (Ultram) can affect a chemical in the brain called serotonin. SAMe can also affect serotonin. Taking SAMe along with tramadol (Ultram) might cause too much serotonin in the brain and side effects including confusion, shivering, stiff muscles, and other side effects.
Squirt's Mom
08-19-2009, 09:59 AM
Hi ya'll,
Thanks so much for info on SAMe and Tramadol! What a quandry! The SAMe does Ruby so much good day to day but the Tramadol does handle her pain quite well. I think I am gonna look into a different pain med for her that will work as well and not be contraindicated for use with SAMe. I'm so glad to have friends like ya'll!! :)
...know you are in my thoughts and prayers...not that this will bring you much comfort. Lori, this gives me much comfort and I appreciate your thoughts and prayers, and those of everyone, so very much. I think I must have been a pack-mule in a former life and didn't learn a whole lot from it so I lost two of my legs and still haul stuff around! :p:D
Leslie and the girls
Wylie's Mom
08-19-2009, 10:40 AM
What a coincidence... I was just re-reading the arthritis/joint care section at yesterday (it had changed since I last read it) - and read this:
Note that Tramadol should not be given with MAOIs (such as Anipryl/l-deprenyl/selegiline, and the Preventic Tick Collar, which contains Amitraz, another MAOI). It should be used with caution when combining with SSRIs (such as Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil) or TCAs (such as Elavil and Clomicalm) due to the risk of serotonin syndrome. It may also be dangerous if combined with St. John's Wort. Tramadol is metabolized 70% thru the liver and 30% thru the kidneys, so dosage must be reduced when using with a dog that has liver or kidney disease. Tramadol in high doses has been known to lead to seizures. It should be used with extreme caution in animals that are prone to seizures. Tramadol can cause constipation. Give a stool softener if needed.
Leslie, reading the whole article will probably give you lots of ideas to try for alternatives. I don't know why you need to go back to AR, but it doesn't sound good... my thoughts are with you too.
Carol G
08-19-2009, 12:45 PM
When McGill was on SAM-e and tramadol, I asked our IM vet about it. He said the very same thing as Steph's vet. BTW, McGill was on a high dose of tramadol (50 mg three times a day).
Our vet took it one step further and said that the potential for the combination to cause Seratonin Syndrome in humans was theoretical. I looked online and could not find any documented human cases -- not saying that they don't exist just that I couldn't find them.
Let us know what you find as an alternative pain medication.
I too hope all goes well with your return to AR.
Carol, Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
Squirt's Mom
08-23-2009, 06:50 PM
I've been playing with PhotoBucket today and have posted some videos of my girls. You can see them at:
...or I hope you can see them anyway! :o Techno idiot here, remember. :p
Crys hasn't chased her legs lately but I have gotten much better with the video feature so if possible, I will get that, too, one of these days!
Harley PoMMom
08-23-2009, 07:47 PM
The videos were wonderful, thanks so much for sharing them with us.
I never knew that Crystal and Goldie came to you and Jim with such a horrible past...poor, poor sweet girls. Both Crystal's and Goldie's story made the tears flow. They both have done so remarkably well in your loving both are Angels.
The video where Ruby, Crystal and Goldie are barking, well, I had the volume up on my speaker alittle to high and when that came on...well holy barkaroo at my house...Harley and my other pom. Bear thought there was a pack a dogs outside, they were looking all around and barking...I had to play that video 2 or 3 times. :)
Good job on the videos. :D
Love and hugs.
08-24-2009, 01:56 AM
Loved the videos. The (I'm sure accidental) narration with "Crys Bee Hunting" was interesting too! :D :D I can't believe how big Crys is now. Laughed my head off watching her run around the house puppy style. You can sure tell Goldie loves her Daddy too - so sweet.
08-24-2009, 08:01 AM
Thanks for posting the videos's great fun to watch the pets that we read so much about. Just loved watching Goldie so comfortable and relaxed, and you must be having so much fun with Crystal!
Take care,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
Squirt's Mom
08-24-2009, 12:01 PM
The (I'm sure accidental) narration with "Crys Bee Hunting" was interesting too!
Oh no....I don't even know what I was saying...the sound on my computer doesn't work and I don't recall hearing anything when I replayed the video from the camera. BUT...I talk to myself alllll the time! Jim says if he wants to find me all he has to do is stand still and listen. :p I just hope I don't offend anyone. :o
08-24-2009, 12:41 PM
Leslie, I loved the videos and I cannot believe what a beautiful lady Crys has blossomed into. I had a blast watching her and Ruby play and cracked up when I caught Goldie out of the corner of my eye in one of her sneak attacks. Crys is doing a great job of keeping everybody entertained and "young".
We had heard about the bond between Goldie and Jim and you certainly captured that bond on film. Thanks for sharing all of them.....I thoroughly enjoyed them.
08-24-2009, 03:13 PM
Awwwwww, how great to see the girls in action. When I think how worried you were about Crys even surviving, and then whether her legs and bones would develop normally...and now to see what a beautiful, healthy girl she is!!!! And just like Glynda says, to see Goldie blossom into "Daddy's Girl..." It made my day to see these videos. Thanks so much for posting them. :) :)
Squirt's Mom
09-03-2009, 10:24 AM
Hi ya'll,
Well, it seems my fears for Crys' development are coming about. :(
She came in last nite holding one of her back legs up, hopping. One look and I could see the knee cocked in, out of joint. :(:(:( I got her to lay down and massaged the knee back in place. Today she is bunny-hopping just like Squirt did before her knees were operated on.
I had decided a few years after Squirt's surgery that I would never put another dog through that operation because within a few years, she was bunny-hopping again with the knees popping in and out, only now there was metal in those legs to deal with, too. Now one of her screws seems to be working loose on top of all that, so no patella surgery for Crys.
So I am gonna start researching for exercises we can do that might help build up those muscles, any supplements that could help, and looking for a good swimming hole to take her to.
She is so full of life and energy this breaks my heart. :(
Leslie and the girls
09-03-2009, 10:34 AM
Oh Leslie, this breaks my heart too. IT IS SO NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!
And what with all your other worries now, and the prospect of being temporarily separated from Crys...:( :( :(
I'll be keeping all my fingers crossed that an exercise regimen this early on may be able to stave off a serious breakdown of the joint.
I am so sorry to read this news, and am sending you all the hugs I can!
Harley PoMMom
09-03-2009, 10:58 AM
Oh Leslie,
I am so sorry too, I hope also, that you can find everything you need to help sweet Crys.
Like Marianne said, this is so not fair, poor Crys has been thru so much already in her life....and with your other worries on top of this.
You both are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs.
Roxee's Dad
09-03-2009, 12:03 PM
Hi Leslie,
I am so sorry to hear about Crys. Keeping you, Crys and all of Leslie's girls in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending you good thoughts.
09-03-2009, 01:52 PM
Hi Leslie,
I am so sorry to hear about Crys. It's so unfair for the little thing. I just don't understand why these little ones have to suffer through so much. Praying your plans for treating her problem will work miracles.
Love and many (((hugs)))
Shelba and Suni
09-03-2009, 03:27 PM
Hi Leslie,
I am sorry to hear about Crys's knee trouble. When a person has a serious knee injury/surgery, the most important thing is to strengthen the quadricep muscle. Strengthening all of the muscles around the knee is helpful, the strong muscles take pressure off the knee joint.
I bet you can find a wonderful swimming hole with warm water for Crys....great idea!! Shiloh will be jealous. She loves lakes and streams but is not so keen on the backyard pool.
09-03-2009, 04:00 PM
Leslie, Sorry to hear the news but I bet being the great mom you are that you will figure out something. I have faith. Hugs, Kim and girls
09-03-2009, 05:16 PM
Sorry to hear about Crys and the knee problem. I'm going to start researching and looking for exercises too as Mr. M started having the same problem. When I go back to the IM I'll ask for suggestions (other than pills/surgery too). Maybe we can share our findings???
Give Crys some scritchies from me.
09-03-2009, 05:48 PM
I sent you a message already but am wondering if some sort of brace is available that would help stabilize things until you get some muscle building going on? My sister's dog had a brace of sorts that helped her....not completely clear in my memory for what exact problem. I'll shoot her an email and ask but I know it helped a lot.
I thought the swimming was a great idea....hydrotherapy can work wonders for both us people and pets....
Love and big hugs!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Just heard from my sis....not sure though that Crys has the same type of injury but thought I would share the brace her pup did help her avoid surgery but was more for the cruciate ligament...but didn't know if it would still help with Crys' probelm...anyway, I will stop may be worth looking into (or not)....
09-03-2009, 06:03 PM
Hi Leslie,
Not the best news about Crys. I think the exercise will certainly help but you know you should never say never about having the operation. Remember every doggie is different and I would guess that operating on a larger leg bone like Crys's would be a lot different than the teenie one of Squirt. I am not saying go for the op but just keep it on the list even if it is at the bottom.
09-03-2009, 08:22 PM
Hi Leslie,
Not the best news about Crys. I think the exercise will certainly help but you know you should never say never about having the operation. Remember every doggie is different and I would guess that operating on a larger leg bone like Crys's would be a lot different than the teenie one of Squirt. I am not saying go for the op but just keep it on the list even if it is at the bottom.
I'm with Jenny on this. I wouldn't rule out surgery. As far as I know the surgery is usually successful and the consequences of not doing it can damage to the cartilage and even the joint itself with early-onset arthritis etc. not to mention ongoing pain and distress. The important thing is probably finding the right surgeon to do it.;)
I think I remember reading somewhere that patella problems in larger dogs can be different from those in little dogs. In little dogs (I think) the patella is displacing to the inside of the joint (towards the body) whereas in larger dogs it is more likely to be displacing to the outside of the joint like it does in humans. (Happens to me sometimes. Ouch!)
Mia had a touch of the old luxating patellas but hers was a grade 1 or something and was deemed to not warrant surgery and she certainly coped very well and seemed quite happy. I always felt she hopped at times to stop it hurting rather than because it hurt - in fact when she went from a firm surface (which was fine for her) onto a soft lawn (which is what caused her problems) she'd simply go three legged as soon as she hit the grass and then go back to four legs when she got off it, so she managed her condition very well!
Is there a chance that Crys could have clouted her knee on something while running past it rather than this being something that "just happened"? Zac did that when he was a pup although by some miracle he didn't seem to have any problem after that. When he did it (full speed on a metal drinking dish mounted on a post) I thought he could have broken something! Maybe he didn't hit it as hard as it looked....
PS: It sounds like crate training her might be a good idea as whatever you decide, if she has patella problems there may well be periods of crate rest necessary in future and if the dog has a good relationship with a crate already this makes enforced crate rest just so much easier for everyone.
John II
09-04-2009, 03:25 AM
Hi Leslie,
I am so sorry to hear about Crys. I hope you find your way through this latest dilemma. If anyone deserves a drama-free puppy, it's you.
But we all seem to be magnets :o
Squirt's Mom
09-04-2009, 12:21 PM
Hi ya'll,
I thank each and every one of you for you kindness, well-wishes and suggestions. I don't know what we would do without ya'll! As you know, Crys and I have already fought several battles together and have overcome them together; we will do the same now with your continued support.
Crys is already crate-trained and last nite I crated her early. She remained for 12 hours. We joined 2 crates to make a larger one for her a while back, but it isn't large enough for her to make any large moves. ;) She can stand, turn around, and stretch out if she desires tho.
Today I started glucosamine/condroitin w/msm, salmon oil and vit E. She is also leashed once again and I am keeping her in my office which is fairly small so she can't go tearing around as she likes to do. I bought a 25' training lead a while back and am using it to let her out today as it is raining, but not the full length... I get all lumpy in the rain, ya sugar in humidity. ;)
Squirt's case was not typical (naturally! :p ) as she had one knee going out, one in and her whole lower right back leg was turned 25 degrees off center. That one was basically cut off and reset. :eek:
Jenny, you are right about never saying never, but for now I cannot seriously consider surgery. Besides seeing what it has done to and not done for Squirt, Crys is still a puppy and as such still growing. Squirt was around 2 when her knees were done so the bones were fully developed and her growth established. Even if Crys were at her full growth, I would have to talk with the parents and see several pups who had undergone patella surgery a minimum of 5 years ago with no signs of continued problems like Squirt has. By 5 years after Squirt's, she was just as bad as before surgery. I won't put another dog through that surgery for nothing. I am willing to listen and more than willing to learn, but it will take a hell of a lot of convincing for me to agree to let her go under the knife.
I spent some time looking for knee bracing yesterday but haven't found anything. While the bracing might be good for holding the joint in place, I'm not sure it would allow the muscles to develop so it would be an intermittent device if used. More research needed there, for sure.
Alison, thanks for the links and I will look into them.
Hugs and never ending gratitude,
Leslie and the girls
Bailey's Mom
09-06-2009, 09:38 AM
Hi Leslie and the girls-
I'm sorry to hear of the patella problem. Palmer had that approx. 7 years ago. His would go out and the pain he suffered was very loud!:) He would have to settle somewhere and not move until it moved itself back into place. We had the surgery done. These animals are amazing. Palmer had both knees done and it took him only hours to work out walking only on his front paws until healing was well underway when he needed to go outside to take care of business. We would carry him to the grass, but the rest was up to him.
Palmer used to jump up on our bed via those 3 step, carpet covered, things. Our bed is pretty high, so after some years, he started banging his knee on the foot board while coming up. We finally took the steps away from the bed. We were also getting concerned about his getting down the steps. The distance to the first, top, step was fairly substantial. He seemed to limp at times after jumping off. Now the steps are in front of a sofa which is in front of a window. It makes it very easy for him to hop up on the sofa. Once up there he goes further up to the top of the back. He will sit and watch or sleep for long periods of time that way.
The surgery worked and, in my opinion, was a huge success. He has some arthritis now, but he seems to be getting that generally. As I've had both my knees replaced, we have a special bond!
Squirt's Mom
11-16-2009, 12:00 PM
Hi ya'll,
Our Ruby is sick. :( About 3 weeks ago she started hacking up this thick stuff, not vomiting but hacking like an old man clearing his throat or something. The stuff that comes out is very thick and slimy, almost like super thick egg whites, and clear and white in color. She eats ok but drinking seemed to trigger the hacking. This was happening every 15-30 mins. Jim took her to the doc and they thought it was an infection in her throat as her lungs sounded clear. So they put her on an anti-biotic and steroid (not pred) plus some Tagamet. Jim said she got better in about 48 hrs and as long as the meds continued, she got better. She finished those meds but the hacking came back. The day I got home this time, she was hacking up that stuff again all nite long and very restless. :( The next morning she wouldn't eat or leave the bedroom to come downstairs.
I took her back the that afternoon and the doc said her throat looked much better and the rattling on exhale wasn't as bad as before, but the lungs sounded worse. :( They put her on Pred and Amoxi this time. It seems to me that she has gotten worse since this round of meds started but Jim wants to wait til the 48 hrs have passed to see if they will kick in like last time, which will be tonite. These meds are stronger than the first ones, so I would think they would start to work faster? The water still seems to make her hack more; she will drink then hack up stuff, sometimes it sprays out of her instead of her hacking in a pile. :( Her breathing is rough sounding but it sounds like it is from phlegm in her throat. She sounds like she belongs on an emphysema ward. :(:(:(
They drew blood and sent it off this morning so the results should be back tomorrow. If possible, we will wait until those results come back to take her back in. If she continues to worsen (IMHO) I will take her back before.
Have any of you ever seen anything like this before? Any ideas? Dr. Oleson is in the ruling out/diagnostic phase but if ya'll have any input or suggestions, I'm all ears!
Rube is about 13 or 14 yrs old, older than we first thought, and we are stealing ourselves for the possibility this is something we can't overcome. She is such a sweet, loving old gal and it is breaking our hearts to see her like this. :(
Along with any ideas, prayers for our Ruby Dooby Doo will be greatly appreciated.
Leslie and Ruby, along with the other girls
I wish I could explain this stuff to ya' cannot pick it up, period, with your hands, a towel, rag, paper towel, etc. It just slides right off and back to the floor. You have to take something stiff and solid like a spoon to scoop it up and put in on a paper plate, then the whole mess just slide right off into the toilet leaving the paper plate empty of everything but a little moisture. :confused: It doesn't break apart in the water or the agitation of flushing. Very seldom does it have anything in it other than the slime, even if she has just eaten. :confused:
11-16-2009, 12:24 PM
Leslie, the first thing I thought about was gall bladder. Problems with this organ will produce an inordinate amount of mucus. It took me a while but I found a paper on the subject. Your vet should get a better handle on things when the bloodwork comes back.
Sending positive thoughts and saying plenty of prayers for Ruby.
Squirt's Mom
11-16-2009, 12:37 PM
Thanks, Glynda. So far all I am finding is kennel cough info and the vet has ruled that out already.
11-16-2009, 12:45 PM
Hi leslie,
was a collapsing trachea discussed? Because coughing/honking after drinking is a typical sign of a collapsed trachea. Whenever drinking leads to coughing/honking, collapsing trachea should be considered.
The collapsing trachea can lead to secundairy throat, broncheal and lung infections wich might explain why Ruby responded to the antibiotics but the cough is still there. And there are a zillion reasons for coughing but I surely would want to have her examined for a collapsing trachea. If you remember, my Cukie had a severely collapsed trachea and he had the exact same symptoms, including the white phlegm.
Best of luck to you and Ruby,
Saskia and Yunah :)
11-16-2009, 01:09 PM
Leslie, I just saw Saskia response and to be honest, I didn't think tracheal collapse because I am used to seeing that in toy breeds only. We've had many little guys from the shelter with collapsed trachea and this definitely produces mucusy vomit. I don't have time to research but I suppose large breed dogs experience this problem too.
Harley PoMMom
11-16-2009, 01:16 PM
Hi Leslie,
When my Bear was doing all his hacking and coughing it ended up being a very infected tooth that had to come out. He was throwing up too...but it was mostly a water based vomit.
I am also sending healing thoughts and prayers for Ruby.
Love and hugs.
11-16-2009, 02:04 PM
Yes, it indeed happens in large breeds as well. Not so often but it still happens. The toy breeds usually have an inherited form of collapsed trachea, that's why the condition is so largely spread in the toy breeds. Breeders should stop breeding animals that produce trachea collaps but unfortunately, a lot of (backyard) breeders couldn't care less and just want quick money. In larger breeds it's usually due to old age (degeneration of the cartilige), trauma, being overweigth and a few other causes. But is was the drinking that caused the coughing spells that pointed me towards collapsed trachea, it's a classic sign. It's at least something that needs to be investigated further. Sometimes the reason/time a dog is coughing is a good pointer to the reason for the cough. For example coughing after drinking - collapsed trachea, coughing after eating - larynx or esophagus, coughing after excitement or excercise - heart. Not that it is always the case, but they are good pointers as to in wich direction to look...
Just some info :)
Saskia and Yunah :)
Squirt's Mom
11-16-2009, 02:13 PM
Thanks everyone!
I'm not sure if the trachea was checked out or not. Dr. Oleson didn't say anything about it tho. I will mention that and infected teeth when I talk to her next. I have a call in to her now about giving Rube some Benedryl just in case it is allergy related.
I know I'm not explaining this well at is weird! She isn't vomiting at all, this all comes from her throat, not stomach. If she has just eaten, then drinks, a few pieces of food may be in the slime but that is rare. When she inhales her breathing is fine but on the exhale it is really rattley and sounds like she has many flaps that vibrate in her throat. And she isn't really is more like productive, violent throat clearing. Once the phlegm is up, she is ok for a few minutes then the rattling begins, she drinks and out comes more stuff.
The pred is making her pee and drink, of course, which is making a rather vicious cycle for her. :( Our carpets are literally wet and covered in towels now, so we have put her outside with her bowl of water for the time being. The water seems to help get the crap out and I certainly don't want her dehydrating! :eek: Jim is going to clean the carpets in a bit, then she can come back in and start all over decorating them with slimy puddles and sprays. <gagging icon>
I will certainly ask about the ideas presented and I thank ya'll so very, very much!
Leslie and Ruby
John II
11-16-2009, 04:10 PM
Sending thoughts and prayers your way,
(over here it went from 36 degrees celsius yesterday - about 96 degrees to you - to 23 degrees celsius today - I spent my first hour today imitating Ruby :o)
11-16-2009, 07:00 PM
Hi Leslie,
My thoughts are with you and Ruby. I really can't offer any help, but I hope that you will soon be able to find out what is going on.
11-16-2009, 07:11 PM
I also am praying for the best outcome for you and Ruby.
In Moria's case thyroid supplementation has helped to cure her larengeayl issues. It is not at all like what you are describing but I am hoping there is a medical treatment.
Squirt's Mom
11-16-2009, 07:33 PM
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes! Ya'll are just wonderful!
Just talked with Dr Oleson; she did check the trachea via palpitation as well as do a radiograph (?) of her throat and did not see anything other than inflammation in the throat. (Must have done that on the first visit. Jim isn't great with details. :p ) Ruby did have some gum infection the first visit but it was all cleared up when I took her back so Dr. Oleson didn't mention it then.
We are going to give her 50mg of Benedryl tonite and again in the morning; if she doesn't respond the doc will get a stronger anti-histamine ready for her tomorrow. Her labs should be in tomorrow, too!
Again, thanks so much!
Leslie and Ruby
Harley PoMMom
11-16-2009, 08:14 PM
Hi Leslie,
Glad to hear that it was not a collapsed trachea or an infected tooth. I hope the Benedryl makes her feel all better, and I will be checking in early tomorrow for them test results.
I know your twitter is probably running in super high mode right now...just know my dear friend, you and Ruby are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and (((hugs)))
11-16-2009, 08:30 PM
She couldn't have got into something that she's allergic too - or gone snuffling around in some flowering grass or mold or something?
We had a working sheep dog have a severe asthma, sinus, throat-swelling type allergy from running through flowering grasses (while working rounding up sheep).
If I remember rightly she was given some sort of bronchodilator in pill form. I don't know why she wasn't given a short course of pred actually (looking back on it) although maybe the vet gave her some sort of depo steroid injection too or a dexamethasone shot to calm things down initially or maybe there were some pred pills too(???) We had small kids at the time and my husband had taken her in to the vets - so I'm probably not aware of everything that was done - my hubby isn't big on details either!
She made a complete recovery and never had the problem again (it had been a very wet spring and the grasses had gone crazy). This dog never had any other type of allergy in her life - it was strictly a one-off.
Wheezing and rattling (in the chest) on expiration and not on inspiration is typical of asthma. Is her chest clear and is it just in the throat? It can be hard though to tell where exactly the rattles are coming from as everything reverberates - the vet probably has a better idea having used a stethoscope.
11-16-2009, 08:38 PM
Hi Leslie,
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Hoping things get figured out and you all can settle back into (normal???) mode soon.
Jane and Franklin xx
Roxee's Dad
11-16-2009, 09:37 PM
Hi Leslie,
Sorry no advice to give, hope all goes well with Ruby. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
I've been fighting a cough our Rozee has. I believe it's from an over-inflated trach tube when she had her dental about 3 months ago. Not to happy with the vet tech on this one. :(
11-16-2009, 09:48 PM
Just wanted to add my positive thoughts and prayers for your Ruby and hope she is both feeling and doing better real soon.
Squirt's Mom
11-17-2009, 11:47 AM
Thanks everyone. Ruby had a fairly decent nite, the Benedryl did seem to help her breath plus it basically knocked her out; she is so tired so that was good. But this morning she won't eat or take her meds and her breathing sounds much worse - she is rattling and rasping on inhale and exhale now. We will be going to the vet in a bit and I am hoping they can do something to help her feel better.
Her eyes are so sad and seem to be pleading for help...
Thank you all again and please keep the prayers, etc coming!
Leslie and Rube
11-17-2009, 12:04 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm so sorry that Ruby is having such a difficult time with her breathing.
Corky was hospitalized over night in April and May because of his breathing problems. He was in a closed-in cage with liquid oxygen. My IMS gave me a prescription for Torbutrol to use as needed. He also had to take Benedryl. He continued to have problems throughout the summer. At that time, there was a possibility that Corky's soft palate was elongated and might have to be cut. It's not that it grew, but as our babies get older, this could interfere with their breathing. Corky use to upchuck mucuous, but nothing like what Ruby is doing. Corky's breathing also sounded horrible. I was also able to hear a gurgling sound in his throat, as if he were really congested. It was so loud, especially when he would lay down, that I even made a recording of it and took it to my IMS.
For some reason, when Corky started taking the Trilo, his breathing has greatly improved. I don't know if the excess cortisol had anything to do with his breathing problems.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I really hope that your vet is able to get this resolved quickly.
11-17-2009, 12:07 PM
Oh Leslie, I hate it that you guys are having such a tough time. Poor little Ruby. I wish I had some medical suggestions, but I do not. I sure can beam you healing thoughts, though! Please give Ruby a special hug from me. We will be anxiously awaiting your news from the vet...
Love and hugs to you, too!
11-17-2009, 12:11 PM
You know I am with you. I'm sorry Ruby is so sick. I want to be there with you. I am in spirit. I wish I could give you a real hug but I hope you feel my long arms reaching down I-40 to you. (((((((((((bighugs)))))))))))))))
Squirt's Mom
11-17-2009, 12:15 PM
We are on our way to the vets...please pray for Ruby and for me to have the strength to do whatever is called for to help her....
Thank you....
11-17-2009, 12:33 PM
Dear Sweet Leslie, I am praying as hard as I can for Ruby. I also pray that God gives you the strength you need to do what's best for your and Jim's baby girl. You are an incredible inspiration to me as you have survived tragedies that would leave most of us paralyzed. Despite all this, your heart has never hardened, your compassion is even greater and your nurturing nature kicks into high gear for any person or furbaby in need. You truly amaze me and I admire you more than you will ever know.
Hugs and powerfurl prayers for you and yours.
11-17-2009, 12:52 PM
hopefully the vet can find some way to make her feel does sound similar to a collapsing trachea...or some allergic reaction...
fingers crossed 4 u
11-17-2009, 01:37 PM
Dear Leslie,
All I can offer is my love, prayers and hope that the vet can relieve sweet Ruby's breathing and give her something to make her better.
I will be praying that God will grant you the courage and strength to get through this. If anyone ever deserved a reprieve from heartache, you and Jim do.
My love, and many, many (((HUGS)))
Shelba and Suni
11-17-2009, 02:04 PM
I am so sorry and distressed to hear about Ruby. Please know that you are both in my thoughts.
January and Serena
11-17-2009, 02:09 PM
Thinking of you and Ruby...
Saskia and Yunah.
Harley PoMMom
11-17-2009, 02:17 PM
Dear Sweet Leslie,
I am also praying for you and Ruby...I hope you can feel all the love and support from all of us around you right now.
Love and (((hugs)))
Squirt's Mom
11-17-2009, 02:33 PM
You are all so amazing, so wonderful and together make a powerful punch when needed. I cannot thank you enough for your support and loving words.
Ruby is home. :) Jim and I are so relieved and happy to have her here again it is beyond words to express. She still has hope! :D
Dr Oleson gave her a good going over and said that clinically she sounds better...that her lungs sound better, she is still alert tho a bit weak and tired. She thinks what is happening is that all this crud is finally breaking loose in her lungs, further clogging her airway and throat, and has filled her head as well making it hard for Ruby to smell. (I forgot to tell ya'll that she now has green snot coming from her nose. :( ) Since Rube eats kibble, she couldn't smell it and showed no interest. They gave her a bite of Royal Canin Recovery RS canned in the exam room and Ruby gobbled it up! Talk about a happy mom at that moment! Many hugs and tears of joy then! :D
We came home with several cans of food and an anti-histamine - Hydroxizine, 50mg, BID. We are to extend the pred to a 5 day cycle VS the 3 day cycle we started on, so that is 10 mg BID for another few days and we continue the 100 mg BID of Doxycycline (sorry, not Amoxi :o ). Dr Oleson also told me that steam from a shower would help her so put in the bathroom anytime we are bathing, and showed me how to pound on her chest to help loosen the congestion so she can get it out. Ruby's labs weren't in yet but will be this afternoon according to the lab...I think Dr Oleson nudged them a bit. ;) She's gonna call this evening to talk about them but doesn't really expect anything too bad. We're not out of the woods yet, but the clearing is closer than before.
Dr. Oleson really feels that Ruby has improved and all the snot, phlegm, etc is proof of that...even tho it is extremely disturbing to see and looks just the opposite to us. She told me to keep in touch; she knows exactly how we feel because her pets are her kids as well. :cool:
Ruby has been pounded upon and is currently being "steamed" in Gary's bathroom. :p Next I will get the meds in her via the canned food, hopefully, and we will see how the Hydroxizine does.
Again, you are all so very special to me...there is no way I could face these trials without knowing ya'll are right there with me, and I could feel that strongly today. You helped keep my fear at bay, put hope at the forefront, and shared your strength. Bless you all!
Hugs and much love,
Leslie and Ruby
11-17-2009, 02:41 PM
I was so scared to open this tread after I saw you had posted but now I have happy tears! I'm so happy she's home and that she ate! See, prayers of this forum work!!!!!
11-17-2009, 02:44 PM
Whew!!!!!!!!!!! That is a huge sigh of relief from us all! Please give Ruby as many healing hugs as she can stand, OK?
And you take care of yourself, too, Leslie (that's an order!)
11-17-2009, 03:18 PM
how scary! i'm glad she is home and i hope she begins feeling better and better. :)
11-17-2009, 03:59 PM
Sooooo happy and relieved! :D :D Give that special girl an extra hug
for me and here's you one too...((((:)BIG HUG:))))).
Shelba and Suni
11-17-2009, 04:17 PM
I'm so glad that Ruby is home. It does sound like she is on the road to recovery.
11-17-2009, 04:29 PM
Hope you have a peaceful night and lots of hugs for you all :D :D
Will check back later tonight or tomorrow.
Roxee's Dad
11-17-2009, 05:24 PM
Hi Leslie,
So happy to hear that Ruby is on the mend. We'll keep the good thoughts and prayers comming for a quick recovery.
Give her a belly rub from us.
Bailey's Mom
11-17-2009, 05:26 PM
Hi Leslie-
I have no experience with what you are describing. It must be very hard to watch and not be able to do anything for her.
I know this is a very big deal and I like how your sense of humor shows through. It's always best to think positively, I think.
Have you all in my prayers and Palmer says "Woof-woof."
Harley PoMMom
11-17-2009, 05:46 PM
Ruby's lungs sound better...YAAA!!!
Ruby's eating...YAAA!!!
Ruby's home...YAAA!!!
Sending healing thoughts and keeping you all in our prayers for a speedy recovery for Ruby.
Love and hugs.
11-17-2009, 08:23 PM
You know who!
11-17-2009, 10:48 PM
Add me to the many who are happy and relieved that Ruby is home and doing better. Ruby doing better = Leslie doing better. :D :D :D
Hugs to you both,
Casey's Mom
11-17-2009, 11:10 PM
Hi Leslie - office road trip today and yesterday so I missed your posts but it sounds like its all good now - whew! You were put through the wringer . . . Big hugs and smiles to you and all your furbabies! :D:D:D
11-18-2009, 08:08 AM
So glad to hear Ruby is feeling better and eating again:D:D:D:D:D
Keeping you and all your girls in my thoughts and prayers,
Jane and Franklin xx
11-18-2009, 10:46 AM
Hi Leslie,
Happy :D:D:D to hear that Ruby is doing better. Praying that she continues to do well and is on her way to a speedy recovery. Hugs to you and the girls.
11-18-2009, 10:53 AM
Good morning, my friend....Needing an update over here!
Tons of love and hugs....Me
Squirt's Mom
11-19-2009, 09:38 AM
Hi ya'll,
Dr. Oleson called me Tues evening and asked if I was ready for some good news...I said "Oh, YES!" Dr O said Ruby's labs were perfect other than some slight elevations in liver enzymes which are expected with the pred. Her kidney values are perfect! Electrolytes & proteins perfect! T4 smack in the middle; heart worm negative! WBC and RBC all in normal range! This blood was drawn on Sat. and that is the same day she started on a stronger A/B and the pred, so Dr O said she was very, very pleased. After seeing Ruby Sat and then again Tues morning, Dr O was concerned this infection had become systemic, but these labs disproved that. Dr O said that was a big relief to her and after seeing the lab results she feels we are on the right path to beat this. Dr O said Ruby's condition is still serious but not near as bad as she had feared since the infection has remained localized to the chest and throat.
We talked a bit about the water effect on Ruby and Dr O suggested raising her water bowl to body level. When Ruby lowers her head to drink or eat, crap starts pouring out of her and it is GROSS! :eek: I sure wouldn't want to drink or eat like that! So, as much as it scares me to do so (GDV), her water and feed bowls have been elevated - temporarily. And it has seemed to help her keep more water in VS it pouring out along with the crud. Tho it does continue to trigger the hacking/spraying out of stuff.
Ruby had a really hard nite Tues and part of Wed morning. :( Many times Tues nite it sounded like she wasn't going to be able to get air past the throat congestion - either way. She would start that weird sounding throat clearing and it would go on and on and on...finally becoming productive and she could breath a bit easier for minute or two. I would have never dreamed so much slimy crap could be made by one body so quickly! :eek: I think the reduction in her airways causes her to panic a bit (I know it does me when it happens!) and she couldn't settle down for long. She wanted outside over and over to drink and slime, then she would come in and slime the house some more. Her food kept getting caught up in the congestion in her throat and very little of it made it to her stomach, which meant neither did her meds. :rolleyes::( I would find the remains of a pill in the slime but not being able to tell which one came back out, I couldn't redose. :eek: She was just miserable. :( I gave serious, serious thought to using my meat baster and an infant nasal syringe to suck some of this crud out of her nose and throat but was afraid of causing further irritation.
The Hydroxizine didn't seem to help much Tues nite or Wed, but the Benadryl had helped the nite before. So, I added 6.25 mg of Benadryl to the mix Wed. close to noon. Within 30 min. she was not throat clearing, gagging, spraying, pacing, draining, nothing; in an hours time she was laying on her side asleep, breathing more deeply and regularly, with a huge reduction in rattling and need to de-slime. When it wore off, there was more of the crud activity, but not as severe as it had been. :) She ate and kept most of it in! Close to bedtime last nite I gave her the Tagamet then about 45 min later the rest of her meds plus 12.5 mg of Benadryl. She kept in all in! :):cool: She slept most of last nite only waking me about 5-6 times; I know she was exhausted and needed the rest. I won't give the Benadryl this morning, I don't think...just have to see how she is with the Hydroxizine first. But I do want her to rest at nite so it may be a regular addition then.
This morning Ruby is more alert, seems less congested, and purposefully active than she has been in a while. Her tail was even wagging when she woke up. :D I am cautiously optimistic that the worst is behind us now...continuing to pray for her, tho, and for Dr O.
Thank you all so much for your kind words and amazing support. I hope you can all feel my arms wrapping you up in a huge group hug and have the gratitude in my heart fill your souls.
Leslie and Ruby
11-19-2009, 10:01 AM
Bless her heart. I pray the worst is over and that she will soon be back to her calm sweet self..sleeping and resting without problems as any senior girl should be able to do.
I am hanging with you Leslie and praying with all my heart.
Love and (((hugs)))
Shelba and Suni
Harley PoMMom
11-19-2009, 10:18 AM
This is great news about Ruby's lab results...YAHOO!!
Your serious thought about using an infant nasal syringe to try to get some of that stuff out of Ruby's nose, I think is an excellent idea and you should ask Dr O about works for babies, why not for our furbabies?
I am hoping too that the worst of this is over and you both can get some both are in my thoughts and prayers.
With much love and big, big hugs.
11-19-2009, 10:35 AM
Hi Leslie...
Was just catching up on your thread...what great news!! So glad Ruby is feeling better and her labs came out good. Hoping that she continues to improve every day!
Gina and Lucy
11-19-2009, 11:37 AM
Hi Leslie,
I'm so glad that Ruby is doing better. That's great that the labs were in the normal range. I hope she continues to improve, as I'm sure she will. It's now time for you to take a deep breath and sit and relax.
Carol G
11-19-2009, 12:30 PM
I'm so happy to hear Ruby is doing better and that she is getting some rest. I hope you can get some rest too.
Carol & Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
11-19-2009, 04:24 PM
Good news on the tests. I am glad both you and Ruby are getting a bit of rest and hope that you can get the right amount of meds to continue to do so.
11-19-2009, 06:01 PM
Leslie, I was just wondering how our girl Ruby is doing this afternoon. And you!
Shelba and Suni
Roxee's Dad
11-19-2009, 06:42 PM
Hi Leslie,
I am happy that Ruby is on the mend and the bloodtest were good. I was just wondering if she was tested for that dreaded H1N1 virus. I know they found it in a cat a few weeks ago. Don't know if they have discovered in canines yet?
We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping for a quick and uneventfull recovery.
11-19-2009, 07:04 PM
Hi John,
Just an Fyi. The last time I checked, they haven't had canines with H1N1, but there was also a ferret that had it.
11-19-2009, 07:12 PM
Hugs to you, Ruby and all the rest Leslie.
I hope she is on the mend.
11-19-2009, 11:48 PM
Glad Ruby is improving and her labs were good. Maybe your twitcher can go into low gear....or preferably into idle now. :D
Bailey's Mom
11-20-2009, 01:18 AM
What a wonderful :cool: bunch of news!~
Palmer has had some issues with bending down to eat or drink and awhile back I got him a raised bowl set. The bowls are aluminum and it scares him when his collar knocks/gets caught on it, so I take his collar off before he eats. It seems to work okay and it makes sense to me that the food should be higher. Better for their backs, better for digestion.
Squirt's Mom
11-20-2009, 03:17 PM
Hi ya'll,
Ruby is slowly improving. :D She has much less congestion therefore much less sliming; she is eating again and drinking without as much crud falling out nor does she yac it back up...well not as much of it anyway. I have learned to hold her water until about an hour after eating and after giving her the meds so she has a better chance of holding on to them.
She is still quite tired and her breathing is still rather heavy but not near as rattly. :D She's had no Benadryl last nite or this morning and the Hydroxizine seems to be working ok without that extra boost.
Rube has been pounded and steamed way beyond what she feels is necessary. :p But as long as it seems to help her, we will continue the regime.
Thank you all for being with us through this....ya'll are just so wonderful!
Leslie and the girls
11-20-2009, 10:12 PM
Glad to hear the good news Leslie...more hugs and "pounds" coming from me too!
Jo-Ann :)
11-21-2009, 11:39 AM
Hi Leslie,
I'm so glad to hear that Ruby is continuing to improve. How is she doing today?
Squirt's Mom
11-24-2009, 11:37 AM
Hi ya'll,
Ruby is doing ok. The phlegm is gone as is the snotty nose and she doesn't hack crud up like she was. Sometimes water will still trigger a hack but not as often or as severe. Her appetite is much better, she has a bit more energy, and is starting to show interest again. She does tire and get short of breath quite easy, so I try to keep her from climbing the stairs as much as possible - which is hard to do with a shadow. ;)
She is now making a sharp, forceful "HUH" sound at times...again not really like a cough or honk, nor throat-clearing this time. Rube has also started reverse sneezing. She responds fairly well to calming talk and massage when the sneezing starts but the "HUH" doesn't respond to that approach.
The pred is being tapered now and she is taking 10 mg every other day. All her meds will be ending this week and I am anxious to see how she does on her own. I hope this was a one time fluke and she will be ok without meds.
We go back to see Dr Oleson next week, unless there is a problem beforehand. The docs in this clinic are just great! I wish everyone could have access to docs like Dr. C and Dr. Oleson. My girls are lucky and mom is so grateful! We have wonderful docs and an exceptional family here on our side...what more could a mom ask for? :cool:
Leslie and Ruby
11-25-2009, 02:36 PM
[QUOTE=Squirt's Mom;19726]Hi ya'll,
Rube has also started reverse sneezing. She responds fairly well to calming talk and massage when the sneezing starts but the "HUH" doesn't respond to that approach.
Hi Leslie,
So glad to hear that Ruby is doing better. Hope tapering off the meds is uneventful. Serena does a lot of reverse sneezing (always has) and somewhere along the line I read of a technique to stop it. You cover the dog's nostrils with your finger. It works right away on Serena, although sometimes I have to do it twice.
Happy Thanksgiving,
January and Serena
11-25-2009, 02:47 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm so glad to hear that Ruby is doing so well. I'm sure you're so relieved. I hope she does well when she's off of the meds.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
11-26-2009, 07:12 AM
Hi Leslie,
Yay! Ruby's doing better :D:D:D:D:D Hope she continues to improve, and that the weaning off the pred is smooth and uneventful.
With Love,
Jane and Franklin xx
Squirt's Mom
12-11-2009, 01:47 PM
Hi ya'll,
Time for an update and wish it was better news. I was out of town most of yesterday and when I returned home it was to find some sad things facing us.
Crys is going to the vet this afternoon to have her leg checked out. I came home yesterday evening to find her hopping on 3 legs so we are going to have it looked at again. She is crated or on her lead to keep her activity level minimal until then. I dread what they may find...:eek:
Our Ruby, tho better per the vet, is very tired. This ordeal has taken so much out of her. We know her days are numbered and I have promised her we won't be selfish. She can no longer drink or eat with her head lowered so we have raised her bowls to help her. This morning Jim had to hand feed her to get her to eat. I will be coming up with a cooked diet for her today in the hopes it will be easier on her and give her a bit more strength. While I am in the office with Crys, I am gonna talk with Dr O about coming to the house if we need them to. I just want Ruby to be as comfortable as possible if we have to take that step. :( Jim and I have talked about this, both in tears, this morning and we will not let her suffer. She still enjoys our attention, wags her tail at our voices, interacts with the other girls a bit, and follows me everywhere, tho much slower. I have always believed our babies will tell us when they have had enough and I haven't heard that from Rube yet, but I have heard her telling me she is tired so I know, and she knows, The Bridge is close.
Please keep Ruby, and Crys, in your thoughts today along with our precious Zoe.
Leslie and her beloved girls
12-11-2009, 01:53 PM
Oh Leslie,
I'm so sorry....I'll be thinking of all of you....many prayers and hugs coming your way too.
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel
12-11-2009, 02:36 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this, Leslie. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love and extra hugs for you and Ruby.
12-11-2009, 02:42 PM
Awwww Leslie,
Me too, I am truly very sorry reading this update. I'll be holding you all close in my thoughts..
Hugs and strength,
Saskia and Yunah.
12-11-2009, 03:14 PM
Oh Leslie, I am here, too. I am here for you and I am going right now to light candles for your babies.
With so many hugs from across the miles,
Roxee's Dad
12-11-2009, 03:30 PM
Dear Leslie,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
12-11-2009, 03:35 PM
You and your girls are included in my thoughts and prayers.
This is a rough time of the year, especially when decisions have to be made that will remind us for years to come.
Love & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
12-11-2009, 03:40 PM
Hey there...
I didn't know Crys' leg was acting up so much....and so I will absolutely add Crys to my prayers too. You know, Ruby already has them....and you and Jim...
Please keep us posted...and know that wherever you are, you are not alone...ever.
Love ya, Beth
John II
12-11-2009, 04:31 PM
Dear Leslie,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your little ones.
12-11-2009, 05:19 PM
I have not been posting support to you and the pups, but I have been here all along.
I understand very much the reluctance. And the responsibility.
I know you will do what you must, and this is what the pups are counting on you for.
We are all here for you.
12-11-2009, 05:22 PM
So sorry Leslie. I just feel so sorry for you and Jim having to go through so much sadness. You have had more than your share.
I pray for both girls...that the problem Crys is having with her leg can be easily corrected and that sweet Ruby will get better, but if it's not meant to be, that you and Jim will have the strength and grace to do what is best for her.
My love and prayers,
Shelba and Suni
Squirt's Mom
12-11-2009, 05:40 PM
Hi ya'll,
Once again you amaze me with your love and support. With you with us, we will be alright.
Dr. O sent some more pred home for Rube as that seems to help her more than anything. Since we are where we are, she is not concerned about causing more issues with the steroid, comfort is the goal for now. Her Tramadol was increased as needed, too. They will work with us on coming to the house when it is time if need be and for that I am ever so grateful. Ruby deserves to be where she is most happy and relaxed. So that has helped to ease the burden we face.
Crys' leg is a bit of a mystery right now. The patella is moving some but her stance and sitting position look more like a ligament issue. So for now we are taking a conservative approach with 3 weeks of crate rest and out on a lead only. Dr. O gave her Previcox to help with the inflammation while on rest. I stopped at the pet supply store and got her some new toys that may last a day or two. :eek: And I also got her a deer antler to chew on...those are supposed to last a loooong time and not splinter. We will see how the Demon Dog does with it before I decide if the hype is right or not. :) If they can be torn up, she will manage it!
I cannot tell you all how much you mean to me...there just aren't words available. Just know that you fill my heart daily.
Leslie and the girls
Casey's Mom
12-11-2009, 05:41 PM
Leslie, how hard this is for you. I know you will do what is right for Ruby and I believe she will tell you when its time. Have courage and give her lots of love - I know you will :)
I wish I was there to give you a hug and a shoulder if needed but just know in your heart that we are all here for you . . .
Many hugs
12-11-2009, 06:26 PM
I'm glad there's a plan in place for Ruby and's such a tough time of year to be facing these challenges.
12-11-2009, 06:38 PM
Leslie, how deeply saddened you've made me to learn you have to endure such trial...UGH, UGH. I truly feel so helpless and wish there was something I can do to make your pain go away. I am so sorry for your precious pup. It's a cruel life at times isn't it? Wish there was an easier way, but again, then this would be heaven. Oh poor Leslie. Please know you and the pups are most definitely in my thoughts and prayers from this day forward. I know you will remain strong throughout this difficult moment, but I also know you are human to have your weak moments, and that's when you should know to reach out to all of us here--your k9 family. We love you. I hold you and your precious babies deep in my heart. Tight hugs to all....Luv ya, Jeanette
I have not been posting support to you and the pups, but I have been here all along.
I understand very much the reluctance. And the responsibility.
I know you will do what you must, and this is what the pups are counting on you for.
We are all here for you.
12-11-2009, 07:00 PM
I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that Ruby is just making a slow recovery as befits one of her years - but that she is recovering none the less. I wonder if she couldn't do with another little burst of pred (like just three days or something) to just chase the last of the inflammation away. Sometimes that can really help.
And I'm also hoping like mad that Crys's leg is nothing too drastic. Which leg is it?
Harley PoMMom
12-11-2009, 08:03 PM
Oh Leslie,
I am so sorry that I am so late to post :( Please forgive me, my dear friend.
I agree with what Alison has said about the pred. I suffer from migraines so bad and one time my Dr. tried putting me on pred(one of the many things we have tried for these blasted migraines). He put me on, like, 50mg for 4 days then 40mg for 4 days...until it was down to 10mg. That was the best I ever felt in my life...but the Dr. didn't like me on them. I bet an alittle extra pred. would do Ruby wonders...just a thought.
Sending positive and healing thoughts your way for Ruby and Crys, my dear sweet Leslie. Keeping you all in my prayers too.
Love and (((hugs)))
12-11-2009, 09:49 PM
Pallie and I are always here. She's watching over Ruby whichever way this goes.
12-12-2009, 05:02 AM
Hi Leslie,
I know you have made a very hard decision, but if and when the time comes, you will be doing the best you can for Ruby.
I hope they are able to find out what happened to Cry's leg.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care.
12-12-2009, 09:28 AM
You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Know that we are here, and that we love you.
Jane and Franklin xx
12-12-2009, 10:52 AM
Checking in on you and glad there is a plan for both babies! I am praying that it all comes together and relief is found all the way around!
Love ya tons, and hanging by your side (annoying aren't I? LOL)
Beth and the rest of the pack
12-12-2009, 03:04 PM
Hopefully, Ruby will improve a bit more.....:confused:
12-12-2009, 04:37 PM
Before I go to sleep, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of all of you and hoping Crys is doing well with her "crate time" and Ruby is feeling better with her meds increased. And to tell you to take care of yourself as well... :)
Saskia and Yunah :)
12-12-2009, 07:13 PM
Leslie -
In trying to keep my mind off Zoe, I just discovered your thread. It seems we are facing the same tough choices right now so I know exactly what you are feeling. I've been off and on with the crying spells, ever since Wed. I know in the end we will both do what's right for our girls, but why does it have to be so darn hard. The gaping hole in my heart is already there and it seems to widen every day. I know the inevitable is close, if not in the immediate future. But why can't I just come to terms with it? You've always been such a great foundation for everyone here, myself included and I am grateful. And I know we'll get thru this - together and with all our other friends here.
Dave, after visiting Zo last night, told me he thinks it's time to let Zoe go. Just when I was starting to feel encouraged. :( He feels that since her mobility wasalready so limited, that even if she recovers, she will have lost a lot more ground and may not be able to handle the trip to GA in two months. We plan to move by the end of Feb. and Zoe would have to endure several days in the car. Our last 8 hour road trip to So Cal a year or so ago almost did her in, so I know he is right, deep down in my heart. I've been fretting about that very thing myself, but always holding on to the hope that we could get her back to her 'home' state. I just have to come to terms with this on my own, I guess. I know you do too and I'm sending lots of prayers, thoughts, and hugs your way. So sorry I missed your post earlier. Sue
12-12-2009, 07:22 PM
Sending prayers and hugs Leslie... Love from Kim, Haley and Annie
Roxee's Dad
12-12-2009, 07:44 PM
Leslie, I was so hoping to see a positive update. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers tonight.
Squirt's Mom
12-13-2009, 10:42 AM
Mornin' ya'll,
Maybe today is a day for miracles...Zoe up and walking on her own - HOPPY DANCE! - and our Ruby seems to be a bit stronger, too. :) She is certainly determined.
I have been blocking the stairs to keep her from trying to climb them following me up and down and until just now the block has worked. She somehow managed to jump over the block and come up the stairs unassisted. :D I have been helping her via a fleece blanket sling for the last week or so. Whether it is the pred or the food, it doesn't matter...she is still with us and still wants to be. Today is all we have and for today that is all we can ask.
Leslie and the girls
Carol G
12-13-2009, 11:01 AM
What great news -- that is so wonderful.
Carol & Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
Harley PoMMom
12-13-2009, 11:28 AM
This is great news, Leslie, never give up when they are still as determined to try. We are all here sending our positive and healing thoughts and prayers your way for both of your precious girls.
We love you, Leslie, and we are here for you too, remember that, ok.
Love and (((hugs)))
Casey's Mom
12-13-2009, 12:18 PM
That's great news Leslie - dogs live in the moment and today is a great day for you and Ruby,
12-13-2009, 12:20 PM
That's great news Leslie...and today is all we have!
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
12-13-2009, 02:45 PM
I'm so glad Ruby is doing better, Leslie.
I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Squirt's Mom
12-13-2009, 02:55 PM
In the MIGHTY jaws of Crystal....
Deer Antler is just so much fodder :eek: :rolleyes:
12-13-2009, 02:59 PM
OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!! Sounds interesting!!! Glad the leg isn't stopping her from enjoying herself!
12-13-2009, 03:26 PM
Glad to hear Ruby is doing better. I am a little worried about those antlers. I am picturing (we don't have them here) a large rack of pointy things being waved around and worry about they damage to person and property in close range.:eek:
12-13-2009, 04:55 PM
Let me let out a big YESSSSSSSSSSS for Ruby too!!!:D:D
As for the antlers....does this mean Santa isn't comin'????:eek::eek::eek:
Love ya! Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie, Allo and baby Pallie
John II
12-13-2009, 07:35 PM
That's great news about Ruby - so happy! :D
She somehow managed to jump over the block and come up the stairs unassisted.
she is still with us and still wants to be. Today is all we have and for today that is all we can ask. Which is what I have to remind myself.;)
In the MIGHTY jaws of Crystal.... Deer Antler is just so much fodder Have you tried moose antler? :D;):rolleyes::p Super Crys!
Harley PoMMom
12-14-2009, 06:30 PM
Just me...sending you and your beautiful girls big hugs, positive and healing thoughts and to let you know that you all are in my prayers...Love you Leslie.
With much love and (((((hugs)))))
12-14-2009, 07:15 PM
Hugs, positive vibes and continued love coming from our house as well! Kim and the girls
12-14-2009, 08:25 PM
Hi Leslie,
How has Ruby been doing today? How is Crys's leg doing? I am praying for continued improvement in both of your girls.
Squirt's Mom
12-16-2009, 05:10 PM
Hi ya'll,
Thought I'd catch you up on things here.
Crys is not limping like she was, but she stays crated most of the time, which she gets really bored with. She's goes out on a lead and usually does ok, but occasionally she will lift that back leg and hold it with the foot turned inward toward her belly. She will hop along like that for a few seconds or a minute, then put it back down and carry on like nothing happened. It seems to occur more when she is going up the little hill in back, but she has done it on flat level ground and the floors as well. :confused: Her spirit has not been dampened at all by this...she is still raring to go full steam ahead as always! :D I have been lifting her onto the bed at nite to let her lay with me while I study or watch TV, then Jim or I will lift her down so she can get in her bedtime crate. :p At the moment, she is in her downstairs crate and no one is there in her sight so she is moaning rather pathetically. :rolleyes: :)
Three nites ago I told Jim that I thought Ruby had had enough. Her congition seemed to be slipping and she would just stop and stare at nothing, walk into corners and stand there. She was very restless, which I decided was due to pain - it hurt to get down and it hurt to get back up, so she just walked, stood and swayed. She seemed much weaker, shaking as she moved and wobbling a bit. It was breaking my heart to see her so diminished. Jim understands the need to put her first yet wanted to see if she can make it til after the 26th when Gary goes to see his mom. So, I made up a pretty high protein and fat food to supplement her canned with, he has made her some tables around the house that hold water for her, and we are restricting the stairs but no longer blocking them. If she wants to be with me or him badly enough to climb them, we will let her.
We have also added 75mg 2X/day of Gabapentin to her Tramadol (100-150 mg/day) and the pred (10mg 2X/day). I decided to play vet and give her the Anipryl that Squirt had left over. It is 13.5mg which is a low dose for her size but it does seem to have helped her mentally a bit. The addition of the Gabapentin has given her much more relief; she is sleeping better and moving better. Her appetite is a bit better as well and I think the new food is easier for her to digest and has more nutrients available to her than the kibble did because she doesn't seem as weak as she was two days ago. It is so good to see improvement to any degree! :D
We have not set any time on her but neither will we let her suffer just because of a date. Our hope is that the new meds and food will give her reason to feel her life is "dogworthy" and that we will see that in her, too. She does enjoy being with us and receiving attention, she barked at the door today and the vacuum tho not the same as she used to, and she sniffed out some new scents outside today. So as long as she shows some interest in life, we will continue to hold her in our arms as long as we can.
Leslie and the girls
12-16-2009, 05:52 PM
I hope you continue to see improvement in both of your girls, Leslie.
It's so hard to see our babies not doing well. I know you will do what's best for Ruby, especially if she is in pain and suffering.
I am continuing to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Roxee's Dad
12-16-2009, 07:18 PM
Dearest Leslie,
All I can say is my heart hurts for you and Jim. My heart has been hurting alot lately. :( You have always been there for many of us, your words of comfort have comforted all of us. I wish I could do the same for you.
I offer my good and positive thoughts and my prayers for you, Jim and Leslie's girls.
Carol G
12-16-2009, 07:37 PM
Prayers and good thoughts here for continued improvement. I think the improved appetite is a good sign.
Carol & Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
12-16-2009, 07:58 PM
Oh Leslie, I'm sorry for what you are going through. I hadn't read all this earlier when I sent you an e-mail earlier. My good thoughts are truly with you. I hope you know how much good you do by sharing your joys and sorrows and knowledge with all of us and that brings you strength and comfort.
Love and peace to you,
12-16-2009, 08:48 PM
Leslie - I've been trying to follow your situation with Ruby. I'm so relieved to hear that she's feeling a little better. Sniffing around is always a good sign. I'll be praying that both our girls are not yet ready to throw in the towel. Hope all continues to improve at your house too. Sue
Casey's Mom
12-16-2009, 10:59 PM
Leslie you and Jim are doing everything possible for Ruby and my heart breaks for you to see her struggle, great job with the new meds and food. It sounds to me like she wants to be with you for a while longer.
Love and hugs,
12-17-2009, 06:30 AM
Great news that Ruby is eating better and moving a little easier :D The sniffing and barking are good signs, as well. Know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Big ((Hugs))
Jane and Franklin xx
12-17-2009, 06:44 AM
Can you get the vet to put an oximeter on Ruby to see how much oxygen she is managing to get in. I think it's possible that her signs and symptoms could be at least in part a lack of oxygen - even (or particularly) her confusion and apparent cognitive problems.
Just a thought.
12-17-2009, 12:41 PM
Leslie, just to let you know you and your babies are in my constant prayers. We love you....xo Jeanette
Can you get the vet to put an oximeter on Ruby to see how much oxygen she is managing to get in. I think it's possible that her signs and symptoms could be at least in part a lack of oxygen - even (or particularly) her confusion and apparent cognitive problems.
Just a thought.
12-17-2009, 12:44 PM
Hi Leslie,
How are Ruby and Crys doing today? I hope they are both showing improvement.
I am sending continued thoughts and prayers
12-17-2009, 02:58 PM
Hopefully, Ruby will start feeling a bit better???:o
12-17-2009, 03:56 PM
Hi Leslie,
It's such a difficult time, knowing the end might be near but wondering when it will be time. Your love for Ruby will lead you to the right thing to do at the right time, I'm sure. I regard you highly and admire you a great deal. Just wish there was more I could do or say...
Big hugs to all your girls and yourself,
Saskia and Yunah.
12-17-2009, 06:43 PM
Hi Leslie,
Thinking of you and Jim at this difficult time....prayers and hugs coming your way...
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel
John II
12-20-2009, 05:33 PM
Dear Sister,
I'm so sorry to hear about Ruby :(
I know you did everything you could for her.
She could not have had a better mother.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
12-20-2009, 06:15 PM
She could not have had a better mother.
So true. Leslie, you are such a kind and giving person. Any fur baby that comes into your life must be really special to deserve you. :)
My sincerest condolences on your loss. :(
Squirt's Mom
12-20-2009, 07:11 PM
It is with a sad heart that I share with you the passing of our sweet Ruby Doo. She fell and hurt her hip this morning. She was in such pain, we couldn't wait for her regular vets to come to the house tomorrow so Jim took her to the ER vet. He said she went very peacefully and calmly. Her suffering is over, she is at peace, free to be a dog once again.
We love you, Ruby Dooby Doo, and will always hold you close in our hearts.
Leslie and the girls - always
12-20-2009, 07:27 PM
Dear Leslie,
I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Ruby. Your were a great mom and did everything you possibly could for her. Keeping you and Jim in my thoughts and prayers. My deepest sympathy. Hugs.
Roxee's Dad
12-20-2009, 07:29 PM
Dear Leslie,
I am so very sorry, words escape me and I know nothing I can say will ease your pain. I am so very sorry.
Harley PoMMom
12-20-2009, 07:53 PM
Dearest Leslie,
Oh Leslie, my heart is breaking for you and Jim, and I am so, so sorry for the loss of your precious Ruby.
You are one of the most kindest and loving person I know, always giving your encouragement, support, and wisdom to us all. Please know we are all here for you now and we love you very much.
Keeping you and Jim in my thoughts and prayers.
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
12-20-2009, 07:56 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss, Leslie. My heart goes out to you and your family. At least now Ruby is resting peacefully. Please take some comfort knowing that she is no longer in pain and is not suffering. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Extra big hugs!
12-20-2009, 08:25 PM
Oh Leslie. Hugs to you and Jim and Squirt and Goldie and Crystal. And prayers for Ruby's spirit, which you have lovingly released to run to the Bridge. She has been welcomed with muzzle licks and tail wags. This companionship is now a gift and a comfort to her. Once at the Bridge, everything changes and all our pups are united in friendship.
But in her physical absence, my thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend. I am so sorry.
With many hugs, in loving memory of your beloved Ruby Doo ~
12-20-2009, 08:39 PM
You have been so brave and Ruby is now at peace.
Godspeed Ruby
12-20-2009, 08:57 PM
Dear Leslie... I don't quite know what to say.. for you are the one who is always there for everyone else during these times... I feel the need to shelter you from any pain you are feeling. Please know that you did all you could and that Ruby is in a better place with your other loved ones. God bless our newest angel Ruby. Leslie, I send my deepest sympathy and big bear hugs. Kim
Casey's Mom
12-20-2009, 09:22 PM
Leslie I am so sorry to hear about Ruby. You are always there for everyone and I hope you know we are all here united in love and support for you and Jim.
Love and many hugs,
12-20-2009, 10:31 PM
Knowing you did the only right thing for Ruby, does not make it any easier. We share in your grief, but only you and Jim will have to bear the daily pain of her absence. I hope that our thoughts and prayers will bring you both some comfort.
Godspeed sweet Ruby. Join all our angles in a good romp in the sweet smelling grass.
Luv & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
12-20-2009, 11:07 PM
I am so very sorry to hear about sweet Ruby. You clearly did what you had to do but that doesn't make it much easier, if at all. I know the pain is going to be awfully bad for a while.
You do know that Ruby is up there with the pack, running and romping as a young, healthy, strong dog in beautiful meadows, lakes, the whole nine yards. And, I certainly do believe that you will spend eternity with her and all of your faithful pets.
12-20-2009, 11:53 PM
Godspeed sweet Ruby. You had the best mom in the world who will love you forever and always. You were lucky to have each other.
Sabre's Mum
12-21-2009, 01:42 AM
I am so sorry to read about the loss of your dearest Ruby. My thoughts are with you.
Take care
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
Carol G
12-21-2009, 01:55 AM
Leslie & family,
I am so sorry -- my thoughts are with you.
12-21-2009, 02:48 AM
So sorry to hear about Ruby. Thinking of you all.
Linda and Spicey
12-21-2009, 02:58 AM
Dearest Leslie,
I am so very sorry for your loss of precious Ruby. You and Jim have been wonderful parents to her, and Ruby couldn't have asked for better, more loving people to be her care givers.
There is nothing any of us can say to make Ruby's absence any easier to bear. You did every thing you could do for her, right up to the end, releasing her from her pain and setting her free to run to the bridge, to romp and play with all who have gone before.
My heart goes out to you Leslie, know that we love you and are all thinking of you, Jim, Gary, Squirt, Goldie and Crys.
12-21-2009, 07:00 AM
Dear Leslie,
Like everyone else, I too am so very sorry for the loss of your Ruby. Practically all of us know how you feel and we feel with you and for you at this sad time. You've been so terrific with Ruby, as you are with all your girls...and with all of us here.
Holding you close and thinking of you and yours,
Saskia and Yunah.
12-21-2009, 07:54 AM
Dearest Leslie,
I had been traveling and just read this very sad news about your Ruby and my heart is with you and family. The life you had with Ruby with all the love and caring, you were there when she needed you to help her one more time to cross the bridge.
very big ((((((((hugs)))))))) coming to you
12-21-2009, 08:23 AM
Dearest leslie and family,
sending tight hugs and licks your way. We love you dearly....xo jeanette and princess
12-21-2009, 11:42 AM
I'm so very sorry for your loss of sweet Ruby. My thoughts are with you today.
12-21-2009, 11:54 AM
Very sorry to hear about Ruby
My thoughts are with you.
Squirt's Mom
12-21-2009, 12:11 PM
Thank you all so much. I want to tell ya'll about Ruby but I can't just yet. She was my constant red shadow and I miss her so much. Squirt, of course, remains by my side as always and Crys is close as well but we all feel the void left by Rube.
When able, I will be back. Until then, know that I am keeping up with your stories and holding you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Again, thank you so much for all your support, prayers, thoughts, candles, emails, PM's...but most of all for being who you are.
Leslie and the girls - always
12-21-2009, 01:05 PM
Leslie, I don't even know what to say except that I understand the pain of your loss and I am so, so sorry. Because you are such a dear friend, my heart literally hurts for you and for thoughts and prayers are with you both.
((((Warm, loving and consoling hugs))))
12-21-2009, 02:13 PM
I'm so very sorry to hear about this news. You are in my thoughts, always.
Lynne, Clyde & Bailey
12-21-2009, 07:25 PM
Leslie, just want you to know I love you and my heart breaks for you and Jim. Please be good to yourself and remember we are all here by your side to walk this sad walk with you.
Love and ((hugs))
Shelba and Suni
12-21-2009, 08:58 PM
Oh Leslie, I've just seen this now, we've been travelling for 2 days. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please pass on my condolences to Jim and Gary and I hope that you all take very good care of yourselves right now.
Godspeed Ruby and have fun playing with my girl,
Squirt's Mom
12-23-2009, 01:38 PM
We have known Ruby’s day was near for several weeks. Jim had hoped she could make it til after Gary left to see his mom for the holidays on the 26th. By Thurs. nite he became convinced she couldn’t hang on that long. We had family coming Fri. for the weekend so we set it for Mon.
Fri. she actually had a pretty good day all things considered but we kept her in our bedroom most of the day to limit her excitement and the risk of her getting hurt during the initial greetings. Later everyone came up to say “Hi” to her and she was quite happy to have them all love on her a bit. Later that nite, I came up to check on her. She started to sit down and just kinda rolled over onto the small of her back with her back legs locked straight out on the floor. Then lay on over on her side and couldn’t/wouldn’t get up but didn’t appear to be in any pain. I went down to get Jim; when we came back up and opened the door, there she stood, wagging her tail!
Jim carried her downstairs and outside to go potty. Rube squatted as much as she typically could in recent times, turned and came back inside, up the 3 steps slowly but up on her own none-the-less. She got a drink and visited a minute then Jim carried her back to the bedroom. She rested good Fri. nite.
Sat. morning she was up, moving on her own fairly good and followed the usual morning routine – out to tend to business then in for breakfast. Plus she got to visit with folks again, hanging around for lovings, sweet words, hugs, and the ever-offered bites. Whatever she wanted, she got – almost. We all kept an eye on her to keep her on the carpet and keep the others away so they didn’t bump into her. But she made it into the kitchen – linoleum - , got maybe 2 steps on her back legs and down she went, her humans crashing into each other trying to get under her and ease her down. Again, she couldn’t/wouldn’t get up but still no apparent pain.
Ruby was laying in a little walkway from the LR to the kitchen so every time someone moved in either room she could see them and would start wagging her tail. Anyone who saw the tail came over to her and she would wag faster, raising her head to receive ear scratches and rubs. I was waiting for Jim and my brother to come down from a tree they were trimming to help me move her but after watching her a bit I decided she seemed happy and let her stay where she was. Jim and I carried her upstairs and lay her on her bed on the floor later on.
After supper, I went up to check on her and take her a bite of ham. Lo and behold! When I opened the door I found her standing up, drinking from her bowl and wagging that tail. Duncan came to mind immediately…dare I hope?
Later that evening she started whimpering as she lay on her couch. Jim lifted her down and she walked to get a drink then to the door. Jim carried her outside and back to the bedroom. He laid her on her floor bed but she was up and roaming after about an hour. This was a pattern she had very recently developed that reminded me of my mom who had Alzheimer’s, a confirming sign of CCD in my mind. Even doubling the Anipryl dose the prior 3 days hadn’t helped. After roaming for a while, Ruby went to her bed, lay down and went to sleep. She rested well the rest of the nite.
Sun. morning she got up and immediately went back down with a yelp. Jim said it looked like she tripped and fell. This time she was in pain. We knew this was it, we couldn’t ask her to wait til Mon. While Jim talked to Gary and got things ready, I fixed her a meal of her home-cooked menu, some ham and turkey, and sweet potato casserole and hand-fed it to her. She thoroughly enjoyed every bite. Then I curled on the floor behind her and just held her for a bit.
Jim brought Gary in to say goodbye and we all had our first good cry together as Jim and I explained that we had to fair to Ruby and not selfish; we couldn’t let her continue to hurt. I told him about having a dog-worthy life and that she could no longer be a dog so we had to set her free. The whole time Ruby was wagging her tail like she was agreeing with what we had to say.
Jim took Ruby to the ER by himself. Gary was upset enough so I stayed home with him. When Jim came home Ruby was in a white box. We laid her in the garage and let all the other girls come see her and say goodbye while Jim, Gary and I sat with her for a bit.
Gary started crying very hard; Ruby was his “guardian dog” and had been with him his whole life. He wanted to know where she was now and I told him about The Bridge; that Ruby was not sick any more, she didn’t hurt any more, that she was chasing deer and geese just like she used to in VA, and that she had lots and lots of friends there with her, animal and human. Gary said his Papa Marty always loved Ruby and I told him Papa Marty was there waiting on her to cross The Rainbow Bridge and was walking the fields with her now. This seemed to settle him and he could talk about Ruby without crying. We sat and shared stories about her. Gary wanted to know if when Crys died if she and Ruby would be friends and not fight any more; I told him they would be best of friends from now on.
Jim and Gary buried Ruby under the bay window in the kitchen and Gary said a prayer for her. This spring Gary and I are going to put in a flower garden there. We will plant a bush that flowers so we can see it from the kitchen table and know that Ruby is still with us, along with other flowers we think she would like.
Gary is coming to terms with Ruby’s death in his own way. He has made her ornaments just for his little tree in his playroom, he has made her cards to tell her we miss her and still love her, and from time to time he will come to me with tears in his eyes and say how much he wishes Ruby was still here. I’ve heard him talking to her but that’s ok; I do, too.
Jim doesn’t say much during the day but it is obvious he still looks for her as I do. At nite he has shared stories about her early life with them and talked a little about her passing at the ER. He told me last nite that she must have really been in pain because she didn’t once try to get off the gurney, not even when they gave her the first shot. I asked him if he held her and he said yes. Then he said, “I think she was thanking me.” I know she was.
12-23-2009, 02:29 PM
I am so so sorry for your loss. It was a very touching tribute that you wrote. At least her last few days were filled with family and friends and she got that great meal.
Thinking of you......
Heidi & Kira
12-23-2009, 02:37 PM
I know you are heartbroken but you gave Ruby those last few special days. She got lots of love and maybe said her goodbyes and left this world without a struggle. I am sure if she could talk she would say thank you for filling her life with love.
12-23-2009, 02:39 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm so glad that you let us know about Ruby. You did the right thing for her. You're such a great mom, and I know Jim is a great dad. I know this was a very difficult decision for all of you, but Ruby is now without pain and is happy with all of her new friends. She had a great life with you.
Take care. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
John II
12-23-2009, 04:43 PM
((( hugs )))
Casey's Mom
12-23-2009, 04:54 PM
Thank you for sharing Ruby's story Leslie. What a wonderful girl and she was also a very blessed girl to have had a very special, loving family.
Love and lots of hugs,
Roxee's Dad
12-23-2009, 06:44 PM
Ruby knows she was and will always be loved.
12-23-2009, 08:57 PM
Thank you for sharing with us. Ruby was blessed to have you all as her family, and you were all blessed to have her in your lives.
Thank you for letting us have the priviledge of knowing her through you. Thinking of you all, and sending comforting hugs,
Jane and Franklin xx
12-24-2009, 02:48 AM
Dear Leslie,
I hope that what I so much want to tell you, comes out the right way. Expressing feelings in another language than your own is often the hardest but I will try and do my best...
When I read your beautiful discription of Ruby's last days, a warmth came over me. A warm and thankful feeling... And I don't want you think I want to minimize your grief and sadness over loosing Ruby and having to have to live without her, I know that's so hard to do.
But I also want you to know that in reading what you wrote, I felt in a way happy that Ruby was so lucky to spend her final days surrounded bij kind people, love and compassion. After Boncuk died, I wrote that no living being should ever leave this earth not knowing what it was like being loved and cared for... A sentiment that I have developed strongly eversince I became involved in rescue...After seeing too many living creatures die in horrible circumstances, never having had kind hands touching them.
And your story of Ruby was such a wonderful one, an example of how every living creature should be able to leave this world. And an example of how people should honour and remember the special times they had the fortune to share their lives with a beloved pet. You describe so lovingly and caringly how all of you deal with it, how every way of remembering and dealing with Ruby's loss is respected and lovingly accepted.
And eventhough it is so sad that in the end you had to let Ruby go and eventhough you will face some difficult times in the time ahead of you...the story of Ruby left me happy. I hope it makes sense and that you can see it as the huge compliment it is. If the world was full of Leslie's, Jim's and Gary' living creature would have to suffer anymore...
Big hugs,
Sas and Yunah :)
12-24-2009, 08:19 AM
Leslie, I too want to thank you for giving us the privilege of sharing in Ruby's life and story. I cannot tell you how touched I was to read your post. And even though you and Jim had originally hoped for the timing to be different, I do believe that it was "meant to be" for Gary to participate in Ruby's passing. In the long run, I am hopeful that it will actually make it easier for him to accept what has happened. You were all there together. No one was absent, no one was separated. And once Ruby was released, the rest of you all had the chance to hold one another closely. I think that was incredibly important. It brings tears to me eyes every time I read what you wrote. I can only imagine the tears that you all shed, and continue to shed. But you have done so together.
Thank you for giving us the chance to join with you, too. I'm heading off now to light another candle for you all. With so many (((hugs))),
Squirt's Mom
12-25-2009, 02:22 PM
I want to thank you all for all you have done for us since Ruby passed. Your kind words, candles, prayers, thoughts, emails and support will always mean the world to me.
Ruby was a real presence in our lives. In the last 5 years that I was blessed to share life with her, she brought much joy, laughter, and companionship to me each day. Rube was one of the sweetest dogs I have ever known, well, other than to Crys. ;):rolleyes: She loved her people with all her being and never met a stranger, only new friends. We will miss her.
I've asked this thread be closed now then I will take Goldie and Crys to Everything Else, where these girls have belonged all along anyway since Squirt is my cush baby.
Many hugs and our love,
Leslie and an angel, Ruby
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