View Full Version : Checking in for March 2012

03-04-2012, 06:18 AM
"Checking in" is a topic that we start on the first of each month. We suspect that we have a good number of members who read the messages regularly but who don't post very often. Maybe that's because their dogs are doing well, or they don't have a Cushing's dog anymore, or they haven't got any questions to ask, or maybe they don't feel very comfortable about posting answers to other members' questions. It's perfectly understandable and acceptable for folks to only post once in a while, but when we don't hear from people, many of us find ourselves wondering what those folks have been up to recently and how their dogs are doing.

It's always preferable to post updates about your Cushing's dog in your own thread/topic (especially if you want feedback/replies from other members) but you can also post a quick reply here if you just want to say hi and let everyone know how you are doing in general.

We'd love to hear from you! :)

03-07-2012, 07:06 PM
Hi all;
I am checking in with progress on Reggie. Reggie had surgery on 2/2/2012. The first 10 days after surgery were scary for me and I suspect Reggie as well. However since that time Reggie has come full circle. Staples are gone, other adrenal gland is working properly and his blood tests have come back with excellent results. There is a big difference in how Reggie acts. In a word it is younger. It has been 12 months now since the intital issues with Reggie led to diagnosis and then surgery. It is amazing the difference in Reggie. I feel truly blessed things have worked out as the have.