View Full Version : 13.5 Year Old Hound with Cushings
02-27-2012, 02:56 PM
Hello - My dog is 13.5 years old and was diagnosed with Cushing about a year and a half ago. Beezley is a hound mix that looks like an overgrown beagle if that helps with a visual :) Because of the high cost, scary side effects and Beezley's age we decided not to treat the disease. He has been doing ok but drinks and drinks and eats so much. He is also having accidents and peeing in his sleep which is problematic since we both work away from the house during the week. My major concern right now is what to expect next and how can I be sure he is not in pain. There seems to be no information as to a guideline of what to expect just scary things like "heart failure, etc". I want to know what is next for him so I can prevent pain and suffering. Has anyone been down this road recently that can shed some light? I also worry because not treating him is becoming very expensive as well with all the back and forth visits to the vet and treating uninary tract infections and the like. He also had a bad bout of pacrentitus (sp) that cost a pretty penny. How do I draw a financial line in the stand but not feel like I giving up on my pet? How do I make sure he is not in pain with all of that in mind?
Squirt's Mom
02-27-2012, 03:56 PM
Hi Lauren and welcome to you and Beezley! :)
I am so sorry for all your baby has been through...and for the cost to you as well. Unfortunately, that is what can be expected with untreated Cushing's. :( To answer you questions as to what further you can expect, here is a link from our Helpful Resource Section.
Has his thyroid been checked lately?
If treatment for Cushing's is now financially feasible, I don't think it would be too late to help your baby. If you are interested in pursuing this now, we will be glad to help you.
If you feel you cannot treat, for whatever reason, we will still be here to help any way we can. We understand that treatment isn't something everyone can do or that every pup can take and we will stand by your side regardless; you and Beezley are not alone on your journey.
I'm glad you found us!
Leslie and the gang
02-27-2012, 04:59 PM
Hi Lauren
I'm sorry that your baby is sick. I am going through the same thing with my 14 yr. old dog, Melody.:( She has diabetis for 2 yrs. as well. We decided not to treat her. My Vet and I decided it would be too much for her. She has alot of other health issues. She is having alot of accidents in the house and some days she can barely walk. My Vet assured me she is not in pain. The "cortisol" makes them feel good. She will still go crazy for food. My Vet also said when "She stops eating" will be a sign of pain. Other than that, her quality of life has diminished. Its so hard when to say "Good-bye". I can relate with you and its such a hard descision to make. Every dog is so different. Only you can say what is best for Beezly. Best of luck to you
02-28-2012, 08:52 AM
Thank you both so much for your support and comments. Yesterday seemed to be a good day for him - no accidents in the house. I am hoping to get home with time to take him for a nice walk today which I am sure he would enjoy. I am burdened with such guilt over the whole thing. Sort of a "darned if you do, darned if you don't" type of situation. Beezley sure hasn't given up on eating just yet though. Infact our house is like a circus with all trash cans having to be up off the floor because he can't seem to help himself to lifting off the lid and chowing down. He ate one of my babies bibs last Sept which cost a pretty penny at the vet - this is where the pancrentitus comes in to play. I guess with all his eating I expected him to be getting fat but he is just all bones - total lack of muscle because his weight isn't seeming to go down. He is also losing so much hair. He has some scary old man skin under that hair! :) We also started him on a pill that may treat the symptoms of the Cushings. I am really hoping it works. My baby is only 8 months old but she lights up when she sees Beezley - much more than she does when she sees our other dog who can't stop licking her.
Anyway I just wanted to say I really appreciate the support. Hang in there with your 14 year old dog as well! There seems to be good and bad days but at the end of each day, whether good or bad, one thing holds true - we love our dogs and they love us!
marie adams
02-28-2012, 03:01 PM
Welcome Lauren and Beezley,
I am sorry for all Beezley is going through at this time and you also.
We will support you with whatever way you choose to treat Beezley. We all know it is not cheap to treat Cushing's along with other problems they may have. I was fortunate that this seem to be the only problem my Maddie had until she got cancer and we knew we would not put her through any more vet visits or poking or prodding.
Take care of yourself through all of this and remember we are here for you!!!
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