View Full Version : Update from Makita's momma

02-22-2012, 05:54 PM
Just thought I would send an update..... It has been over a year since Makita passed away and not a day goes by that I don't think of her... I still cry once in a while and light a candle....
After many obstacles, we finally adopted a Beagle in December 2011. 'Jake Lafayette' is a Beagle we adopted from the Beagle Paws Rescue organization in Newfoundland, Canada. I had decided I wanted to go in the opposite direction this time, with a male, medium sized short hair dog. He has been a great addition to our family. I have managed to turn him from a tough, lived outside in a cage hunting hound to a momma's boy who cuddles under the blankets with you.... I had chosen a few names but the name he came with suited him best (I still added the Lafayette). I wish I could post a pic but I am not sure how to:confused:

Harley PoMMom
02-22-2012, 07:10 PM
Hi Heidi!

Thank you so much for coming back and updating us. Congratulations on the new addition to the family and bless you for giving Jake Lafayette a forever home!!

Given the intense bond we share with our furbabies we certainly understand the loss you still feel and please remember you can always come here for moral and loving support.

Love and hugs,

02-25-2012, 08:02 AM
Hi and thank you for the update. Jake Lafayette is a lucky beagle. Don't you love it when they snuggle under the covers?

if you go to your personal page you can create an album and upload pictures to it, is that what you meant about wishing to post a picture?

Otherwise, if you meant post a picture in your thread, maybe someone will be able to tell us both how to do that;). I know you can post a link from Utube by copying the link and pasting into the thread.

Welcome Jake!!!!


02-25-2012, 08:26 AM
I don't know how I missed seeing your announcement when you first posted it, but I'm also SOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you and for Jake! This is such wonderful news! :) :) :)

Please don't be a stranger! We'd love to hear more about your new cuddle-bunny whenever you have stories to share. And as Addy says, please do create a photo album for Jake and upload some pics. I'm afraid I'm equally as techno-challenged as far as how to add photos to the body of a reply. But here's some instructions as to how to create a photo album:


Hopin' to see some pictures of sweet Jake Lafayette soon!

02-26-2012, 07:32 AM

I am so very glad you have checked in - think about you often. How wonderful for Jake!!!!! and for you!!!!!

Here are the instructions for adding photos to your post -
After you have clicked the button POST REPLY
at the bottom of the Post Reply page you will see Additional Options.
goto Manage attachments and follow the link to upload from your computer.

It may be better to start an album, that way you can add tons of photos.

Keep well and post often :)