View Full Version : Nibbles, 16 y/o Beagle mix (Diabetes and Cushing's) - Nibbles has crossed The Bridge

02-09-2012, 11:19 AM
Hi again Cyndy and Penny,

Still wishing you guys well.

This is gonna be long but I wanted to explain a few things. And I didn't want to start a new thread because the Cushings is really a dead issue for us at this point.

At the vet last week, we had a long talk about everything going on with Nibbles. I told him I stopped the Vetoryl and at first he didn't seem thrilled. I explained to him that at 16yo I'm not going for quantity, but quality of life. And since his sugar wasn't greatly affected with the change, I was comfortable. he said of his leg weakness that he would normally give prednisone for this but since I stopped the Vetoryl, his cortisol is already creating a steroid like effect on him and it wouldn't help.

Just a brief history on him-
He was diagnosed with cushings in November 2010, we did the testing (ACTH) but didn't treat because I really didn't believe the diagnosis simply because he didn't exhibit many symptoms. He was really chunky, but he was always a big boy. Another reason for not treating, I had another dog, Casey, who was diagnosed a year earlier and she really didn't have not one symptom. She was lean, barely ate, beautiful thick black coat. So I really thought it was just a "go to" disease when all else failed.

Anyway, February 14, 2011 Nibbles started drinking and peeing alot so we took him in and he was diagnosed with diabetes. The vet also said the diabetes wouldn't be controlled if we didn't treat cushings too. So I was scared into Vetoryl. He was put on 60mg a day. He also went blind April 2011, which, I believe caused him to start walking in left circles. He also would barely eat, his legs started getting weaker and not drinking enough. He lost almost half his weight in a few months. Thank god he's stabilized now, but can't get him to gain a pound.

He did well until December when his sugar dropped and he had a very scary seizure. We brought him in and they did a stim test and cut his Vetoryl to 30mg a day.

I really felt the Vetoryl was causing some of the issues and decided (with the help of Natalie at k9 diabetes) to stop the Vetoryl.

His appetite came back after switching to Wellness canned and he started drinking normally. But his legs have just gotten worse. He can't walk unless I walk with him to stabilize him.

It really breaks my heart because he still has a lot of life in him and he is very peppy and high spirited. All he wants to do is walk and I can't do that for him. But what I have been doing is putting him between my legs and bending over and walking with him "I am his human wheelchair" and guess what-I'm free!!! He has resorted to sitting on his butt and spinning to get placed if necessary. He also doesn't sleep at night and screams for me to get up and walk him around. This started in December also, so I haven't really slept much since then. The vet said this could dementia, and it could, but I really think this not walking and blindness is the main culprit. He takes Tramadol 2 times a day and valium to sleep at night. i also just started Senilife, so we'll see how that works.

I still wonder if stopping the Vetoryl was a mistake, but I can't keep beating myself up and wondering "what if" I've done that for the past year and have come to the conclusion that I am doing the best I can for him.

I wish you guys alot of luck and will keep up with your thread to see if you found anything that works so I can try it!:)

02-09-2012, 12:13 PM
Don't wanna hijack your thread but here is link to Nibbles thread on k9 diabetes.

If you can take anything from it or suggest anything.

02-09-2012, 12:43 PM
Hello to you and Nibbles!

I noticed you had posted these two replies on Cindy's thread. And even though you didn't feel as though you wanted to start a new thread about Nibbles, I've taken the liberty of doing so on your behalf :o.

It really sounds a though you and Nibbles have been through a great deal, and I'm guessing that several of our members will want to have the chance to reply to you directly about Nibbles and what you both are dealing with.

I hope you don't mind that Nibbles now has a thread of his own!! Once again, welcome to you both.


02-09-2012, 02:26 PM
What about Anipryl for the possibility of dementia? I have a friend who has her cat on this and it has made a big difference. He would walk around all night screaming but has stopped now on the medication. Also for help with walking you may want to try a doggy sling, this will eliminate the need for him to walk in between your legs.
I had a dog who went blind but never exhibited odd walking behavior. It's why I think it may be more dementia related.
It certainly sounds like you are doing all you possibly can for your pup. It's so hard to know what's right.
Good luck
Lesley & Jake

02-09-2012, 04:15 PM
I spoke to the vet about Anipryl, and he said he never had any success with it that lasted more than a month. I've also tried numerous harnesses in different styles and also purchased a wheelchair. Spent tons of money of these things and he wouldn't walk at all with them. He can walk perfectly fine with a little support on his sides from me. It really surprises me how all I do is place my hands on him and he moves and navigates by himself. But the minute I let go, he's down.


Squirt's Mom
02-09-2012, 06:17 PM

I took my Squirt to see an IMS this week who specializes in neurology. I was reading in one of the journals in his office while waiting about the strides in treating doggy dementia. The key is to catch it early and get the right treatment started. Anipryl was one of the main drugs they use as was a supplement called Phosphytydl Serine 100 (PS100). Since I have been giving this to Squirt for a different reason, the article caught my attention. It said that the PS100 not only protected brain cells from damage but could help restore some function in some cases. It can be obtained without at prescription but be sure to talk to your vet before starting it.

Also, not all carts are created equal. ;) I have talked with several folks who had need of carts for their dogs or cats and the only ones who have been consistently happy were those who went to Eddie's Wheels. It can take a bit of time for them to adjust sometimes but if the cart fits right and gives the correct support in the right areas, that makes all the difference. This is where Eddie's seems to excel...each cart is custom fitted.

Just some ideas for food for thought. Can't have that brain sitting idle! :p

Leslie and the gang

03-17-2012, 02:35 PM
Bringing forward Nibbles' thread...

03-23-2012, 03:27 PM
I am pasting what I wrote on the diabetes board last friday 3/16/2012:

i had to help nibbles go. i'll never know if it was the right decision or not. in my heart it wasn't, in my mind it was. this is the most horrific, heartwrenching decision i have and willl ever have had to make.
especially since he was eating so well and got his sugar in a good range.

the blindness and almost hind paralysis were a devastating combo for him. i've said before that seen he went blind he just couldn't relax and sit still. he was walking around every waking minute.i guess laying there with your eyes open in darkness is no funny. so he had to keep moving. before this he could just lay there and watch us and enjoy life relaxing. recently since he couldn't walk, he would just keep screaming to get up so that's what we did. we walked him around until one day he couldn't stand on his back legs even iwith help. so we resorted to spin and draagging.which was still justified in my mind because his front legs were strong. then the past couple weeks his front paws would bend over and make him fall on his side then he would start panicking and "swimming" until we got him up. he becomes syonotic if on his side too long so we couldn't have that. i got that porta crate and came home to his head and neck completely turned almost like the excorcist, so that was out the door. so we just left him out because i figured he had a better chance in open space.
the last month and a half, i have had to manually express his baldder because he wouldn't pee in his on. if his bladder got full enough it would leak only.

i was sitting with him the other night and decided my little boy doesn't deserve this. he was under so much stress. but i think he would have just kept fighting and i coulnd't watch him struggle anymore.

i hope he is running and eating and finally playing with casey again and taking in all the sights he couldn't see for this last year.

i hope he forgives me for this decision, i held him in my arms to whole time. he ate 3 cans of food, chocolate cake and pudding and pop tarts yesterday. no testing!

i say nibbles is 16.5yo becuase i found him on my lawn 15.5 years ago and the vets said he could have been between 1-3 yo. so i low balled it and always said he was only 1 when we found him.. he could have very well been 18 yo.

kiss all of your babies and love them because if they are here for 100 years, is never long enough.

03-23-2012, 05:23 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my Melody last week. She also had diabetes & cushings. I had to make that dreaded choice to end her pain. I too feel alot of guilt. She loved her food, but thats all she had left. Her sugar level was perfect and I felt so bad saying good-bye. . Unfortunately, she had more bad days than good. I know they are in a much better place and we did the humane thing. We thought of our babies and not ourselves. My dog would have hung on forever , for me. I'm sure Nibbles would have held on for you. We know that they are free of pain & suffering and you made the right choice for Nibbles.

Harley PoMMom
03-23-2012, 06:50 PM
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Nibbles. We do understand the depth of your pain and are here for you with loving support. Letting them go is one of the most difficult decisions to make but is made from the deep love we have for them. Holding you in my thoughts and prayers.

Godspeed sweet Nibbles

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

03-23-2012, 07:26 PM
thank you catrine. i'm sorry you lost melody. it's so devastating especially being with them for so long.

i think with these diabetics and cpups we really develop a special, stronger bond. they depend on us so much and we need to spend so much time helping them. i feel the bond i have with nibbles is stronger than the one with our casey who passed from cancer 2 years ago.

it's lonely now with no one around and only my boyfriend and i now. we're so used to coming home to those little faces for the past 16 years.

and i can't get myself off of his schedule.

03-23-2012, 07:27 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss. I realize that words can never fill the void in your heart nor can words put all the pieces of your broken heart back together right now, but please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Godspeed sweet Nibbles.


03-23-2012, 07:30 PM
thank you lori and glynda.

03-24-2012, 04:40 AM
I am so sorry for your loss.
I hope that at these saddest of times the joy you shared in your lives together brings you comfort.
5 months on from making the decision to end the suffering of our dear girl, the distance in time helps me see that while the pain of her loss is still acute, I know that what was the worst decision for my heart was the right decision for our girl.
Thoughts are with you.
Laura and Saoirse xx

03-24-2012, 10:53 AM
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is so difficult to do something that is so hard on us, but is the most thoughtful thing we can do for our pets...to let them go when they are no longer experiencing good health and joy in their lives. You did what you needed to do for Nibbles.

I'm thinking of you.

Julie & Hannah

Sabre's Mum
03-24-2012, 02:17 PM
I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Nibbles. My thoughts are with you.
Angela and Flynn

03-24-2012, 03:03 PM
My heart is with you. We are all here.

Squirt's Mom
04-01-2012, 03:42 PM

04-01-2012, 06:00 PM
thank you so much for lighting a candle for my nibbles. we just got his ashes back on friday. i really miss him so much and the sadness is sickening. i have been trying to stay busy to keep my mind occupied.

this candle is very much appreciated.

Casey's Mom
04-01-2012, 09:13 PM
I am so very sorry to hear about Nibbles. My prayers are with you my dear.

Love and hugs,

04-01-2012, 10:50 PM
I am so sorry I missed your post

So sorry for the loss of Nibbles. You know you gave him a wonderful life and did everything for him. I know words can't make the pain go away .... but you did what you had to because you loved him so much. Hold on to the beautiful memories.

Sending you strength, support and prayers.

Run free Angel Nibbles

Bailey's Mom
04-02-2012, 12:43 AM
Hi Debbie-

I just caught up on how things are going for you. I am very sorry for your loss, but I think you did the best thing you could have done for Nibbles. This is indeed a very hard decision to make, but if we did not love them so much, it would not be so hard. It is the letting go that is hard. I think it is so much better to make that decision when it seems like life is such a struggle for them.. I think Nibbles fought a valiant battle and would have kept fighting. Releasing Nibbles makes Nibbles whole again and running with all the many friends and pals that have been made.

You did the right thing. Do not question that.
