View Full Version : Ugga-7yr old french bulldog (calcinosis cutis)(Ugga crossed the bridge)
02-04-2012, 09:41 PM
Hi. My name is Jackie and my boy, Ugga, was diagnosed with Cushings yesterday. He was diagnosed by a skin biopsy (he has calcinosis cutis). It really looked like he was having an allergic reaction and I had switched his food right around the same time so I just assumed that's what it was. At first he was just flaky. His hair as always been sparse around his ears and his sides so I didn't think that was anything to worry about (so stupid). His skin started turning really red and the flaky spots got big and raised and were spreading rapidly. Off to the vet we went. It happened pretty fast. He was drinking slightly more than normal but nothing dramatic by any means (that has changed dramatically in the last week, he's drinking A LOT now). He just looked awful. We did bloodwork and pretty much went right for the biopsy. Ugga has a worst-case scenario history at the vet clinic so this time we decided to be aggressive right off the bat (I really wish I had thought that way when his skin first started to look iffy). We put him on Cephalexin to help prevent a skin infection and waited for the results. His bloodwork came back really good. His liver enzymes were only mildly elevated (I'm sorry, I don't know the numbers and all the technical info but I'm sure I could get a copy of his lab results if needed) but everything else was right where it should be. So we waited for what seemed like a decade and found out he has Cushings. Our vet is waiting to talk to the pathologist on Monday before we decide on a medication. She is leaning toward Trilostane (I think that's what it's called) because that may be the safest option for Ugga. He's epileptic and takes phenobarbital and potassium bromide. I read that there are some tests you're supposed to have done to find out which type of Cushings you're dealing with and I don't think my vet is doing that. Do people begin treatment without knowing for sure? Maybe we have fewer options because of his other meds. I don't know. I hate that I know nothing about this. I'm hoping to learn as much as I can from all of you and your experience. I'm so sorry for rambling on and on, thanks for listening =).
02-04-2012, 09:55 PM
Jackie and Ugga
Hello and welcome to the forum:) I am so glad you found us but so sorry for the reasons you are here. I want you feel very comfortable here. The members here are fantastic and very knowledgeable. They will be along shorty to help you. Please get copies of all bloodwork and tests that were done so you can post them. This will help the members give you advise. Also tell us everything you can about Ugga, his health and his weight. Hang in there. I know its alot to consume. Again you have come the the right place. We will always be here for you! Oh and never apologize about rambling on!! We are here to listen and help :)
Hugs xo
Harley PoMMom
02-04-2012, 09:57 PM
Hi Jackie!
Welcome to you and Ugga! So sorry for the circumstances that brought you here but glad you found us as we will help in any way we can.
Sorry I only have a moment to post but I wanted to welcome you and provide these links to a few Threads where calcinosis cutis is discussed:
If you could get copies of all test/s that were done and post the abnormalities here, that would really help us to provide you with more meaningful feedback.
Love and hugs,
Hi Jackie, and welcome to you and Ugga!
I am sorry for the unfortunate circumstances that brought you here, but you have found a wonderful site! We can all remember the fear, sadness, and confusion that we felt when we heard the Cushing's diagnosis. Luckily, there are many kind, helpful, and knowledgeable people here who will help you with all of your questions. Someone will be along soon to help you.
When you have a chance, please get the names of the tests your vet did, as well as Ugga's test results and post them here. That will help us give you the best information possible. Cushing's is a bit confusing and typically more than one test is done to make a diagnosis. There is a test (LDDS) that can help to determine if it is pituitary or adrenal Cushing's, and someone else can give you more information about that. Many of us also had an ultrasound done on our dogs, so they could look at the adrenal glands.
As I said, you have come to the right place. Please feel free to ask all the questions you have. We are a very supportive group and you and Ugga will not be alone as you figure things out. There is also a wealth of information on this site that you can read in the meantime.
Rest assured, we will be with you and Ugga every step of the way on your Cushing's journey.
Julie & Hannah
02-05-2012, 07:43 AM
Jackie, welcome to you and Ugga! As a Georgia girl, I have to ask whether you guys have any connection with the U. of GA mascot? :o
I am so sorry to hear about the calcinosis cutis, because I know it can be a great problem for people. But one thing we also know is that it is pretty much a definitive symptom of Cushing's. However, one reason why you may want to dig further in the effort to find out the type is because with Cushing's caused by a tumor of an adrenal gland, surgery can offer a total cure. The surgery is a major undertaking, though, and not every dog is considered a good candidate, especially if there are other big issues going on.
As far as Cushing's medication, one factor you may want to consider is that trilostane is probably not a great drug to use in combination with phenobarb. Here is part of a reply that I posted to another member who has an epileptic dog (Dechra is the manufacturer of Vetoryl, brandname trilostane):
OK, I just spoke with one of Dechra's technical reps, and what he told me pretty much coincides with what you were already thinking. Even though there is no documented interaction between trilostane and phenobarb (he is unaware of any clinical trials that specifically addressed that drug combination), dogs who are being treated with both drugs need to be monotored very diligently both in terms of liver function and also trilostane efficacy. He is aware of dogs that are currently being treated with both drugs, and no particular problems have surfaced thus far. But theoretically, phenobarb's effect on the liver could alter the way in which trilostane is metabolized by any given dog, leading to the potential for trilostane overdosing in the absence of appropriate dosing adjustments. Everything being equal, potassium bromide would probably be a preferable treatment choice for a dog suffering from both conditions.
I don't know whether you might want to try to shift Ugga to potassium bromide, exclusively. Or in the alternative, whether Lysodren might be a better choice altogether -- although off the top of my head, I'm not sure whether Lyosdren is a good combo with phenobarb, either. Strictly in terms of the calcinosis, Lyosdren may be the better choice. Here is another quote from Glynda, another staffer here:
...Calcinosis Cutis can be very difficult to resolve and you have already heard from our resident expert, Angela. As she mentioned, her Sabre treated with lysodren, which may be a better choice of treatment for dogs with calcinosis cutis. Dr. David Bruyette, one of our country's reknown veterinary endocrine specialist, stated in one of his lectures that his facility (VCA West Los Angeles) has not had good luck with resolving the calcinosis cutis in dogs being treated with Vetoryl (Trilostane). VCA West Los Angeles treats hundreds of dogs with cushing's so they have lots of experience under their belt. If your friend's vet is out of suggestions, you may want to ask her to ask the vet to contact Dr. Bruyette to discuss Vicki's case.
Due to Ugga's multiple issues, a consultation with Dr. Bruyette might be really helpful to your vet. I have an epileptic dog on phenobarb, too, so I truly understand that you hate to rock the boat in any way in terms of additional treatments or medication changes!
I'm so glad you've found us, and we'll do everything we can to help you work things out for Ugga.
02-05-2012, 11:38 AM
Hi Jackie and welcome.
I'm glad to see that Marianne has provided you with some very important information. Unfortunately, Ugga is a complicated case. According to most well published endocrinologists, treatment without the common symptoms of cushing's is not recommended. Then one of those endocrinologists lectures and readily admits that he has had less that satisfactory results in resolving calcinosis cutis with Trilostane treatment. To compound matters, Ugga has epilepsy and for separate reasons, neither Trilostane or Lysodren is recommended if a dog is on phenobarbital. Marianne has already mentioned why Trilostane is not recommended so I will tell you that Lysodren (Mitotane) is listed as a drug whose absorption can be greatly altered by phenobarbital.
Calcinosis Cutis is scarey and it's not easy to get the upper hand on it so I would recommend that if your vet is not an internal medicine specialist or board certified dermatology specialist, you ask for a referral. An alternative would be to have your vet contact Dr. Bruyette and discuss Ugga's case with him.
We're here for you in any way we can and while we're always sorry for the circumstances that brings folks here, we're very glad that you found us. We've jumped on board and we're on the journey with you now.
Sabre's Mum
02-05-2012, 01:10 PM
Hi Jackie and Ugga ... welcome.
My Hungarian Vizsla - Sabre had calcinosis cutis and was treated with Lysodren. Lori has provided you with some links to the threads which have discussions on calcinosis cutis so I willl not repeat these but will add that if you have any further questions on how to manage the skin condition then please ask. It is difficult, but once cortisol levels are where they should be under treatment things become more managable.
I can't comment on the epilepsy and drugs as I have no experience in this but I would agree with the other members ... Dr Bruyette may be very helpful to contact to your vet in suggesting what options you may take.
All the best
Harley PoMMom
02-05-2012, 01:49 PM
Potassium Bromide can be an alternative anti-seizure medication if pheno can not be used.
Here is a link to an article about other anti-seizure meds: Phenobarbital Alternatives for Dogs (
02-06-2012, 10:19 AM
Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I come here with every intention of answering posts and I just get caught up reading. I will make sure to get copies of Ugga's labs as we're going along, I think it's time to start a new file. I'm calling the vet this afternoon to discuss treatment (she has a phone consult with the dermatolopathologist who diagnosed Ugga). I will definitely talk to her about the possibility of weaning Ugga off the Phenobarbital (he takes Potassium Bromide also). It seems like we almost have to. I am very nervous about losing control of his Epilepsy while treating for Cushings. He has cluster seizures and his episodes go on for days. He's been seizure-free for 3 1/2 years!! I really, really, really hope we can find a "cocktail" that works for both. This is all pretty scary for us. Well, not so much for Ugga. He has no idea he's sick and is acting completely normal . I'm sure he's wondering what the deal is with all the salty water on mommy's cheeks =). As far as the calcinosis cutis and the meds, I have been reading that the Lysodren seems to be more effective but there was one case (out of the few that I could even find) where the dog was on Trilostane and it was effective. I think it took awhile (4 months) but that seems to be the case regardless. We'll have to see what the specialist says and go from there. I will definitely print out the information I've gotten here and have my vet take a look when we go in for suture removal. I'll tell her about Dr Bruyette as well. I do trust her implicitly and if something is over her head, she'll be the first to call for backup. Thank you for the support, we really appreciate it. I'll check in when we know what our next step is. Hugs to you and your furbabies =).
marie adams
02-06-2012, 07:28 PM
Hi Jackie and Ugga,
Welcome!!!:) I see the experts have started asking questions and giving advice--they are the BEST!!! You are in good hands so ask as many questions as you like. If they do not have an answer they will research to find one for you.
Take care!!! :)
02-09-2012, 07:19 PM
Just a quick update:: Ugga had his first dose of Vetoryl with dinner tonight. I was so preoccupied asking questions about the meds I forgot to ask for his labs when he was having his sutures removed this afternoon. We'll be going back for his ACTH stim test in a couple weeks so I'll get them then. We are starting with the Vetoryl because my vet feels it's the safest option for Ugga even with the calcinosis cutis. He is going to be taking 30mg once a day to start and we are slowly weaning him off the Phenobarbital (1 1/2 pills a day instead of 2 for a month then half and half, etc). He's been on the lower dose for 3 days now and so far so good (knocking on wood). I'm nervous about all of this but Ugga's a pretty tough little dude and I think he's going to do ok.
02-09-2012, 08:30 PM
I posted some pics of Ugga and his calcinosis cutis on my profile page for anyone who wants to see what it looks like.
Harley PoMMom
02-09-2012, 10:06 PM
Oh, Ugga is such a beautiful boy and so are the rest of your furbabies.
Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment plan and hoping sweet Ugga is feeling better soon.
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2012, 08:40 AM
Hi Jackie and a belated welcome to you and Ugga! :)
What a unique name! I saw the pics and wanted to say what sweet looking babies you have Ugga is a doll!
Hang in there, sweetie!
Leslie and the gang
02-10-2012, 09:04 AM
Jackie, good luck to you and Ugga!!!!!!! I'll be crossing all my fingers for you that the phenobarb weaning goes well. Will he be transferred totally to potassium bromide during this process? I definitely understand your concern about this. My non-Cushpup Lab started having seizures a year ago, but luckily has been seizure-free since starting on phenobarb. I would hate it if I had to change her medication at this point!
You may have already told us, but how much does Ugga weigh?
Continued best wishes to you and your sweet boy,
02-10-2012, 07:12 PM
Ugga thanks you all for the compliments =). Marianne, I'm sorry to hear you have an epi girl. I'm glad she's doing well on the Pheno! Ugga will be switched to Potassium Bromide exclusively provided we don't hit any roadblocks. We aren't loving that we have to mess with his meds but we think it's for the best. He's a pretty big frenchie and weighs about 31lbs.
02-16-2012, 10:20 PM
Hi everyone. So it's been a week since Ugga has been on the Vetoryl and I am happy to report I'm already seeing a difference. He's not drinking as much and is sleeping through the night (yay)! His skin is not improving but we didn't expect to see any changes there for awhile. I'm a groomer but I'm very hesitant to wash him. Before he was diagnosed with Cushings, I thought he was having an allergic reaction to a food change. I washed him with a medicated shampoo (natural, lavender base) and it made the rash really angry. Poor Ugga was glowing bright red and he just kept rolling around. I felt so bad. That was the only time the calcinosis cutis seemed to bother him. I think he seems a little itchier now that he's on the meds. I do have an unscented oatmeal shampoo that should be ok but I'm so afraid it will make it worse. Has anyone had experience treating calcinosis cutis topically? Should I just leave it alone and let the meds do their thing?
Sabre's Mum
02-16-2012, 11:22 PM
Hi Jackie
I just have a moment to post but can comment on management of the calcinosis cutis. We tried medicated shampoos and they just made Sabre's skin more imflamed and reddened. We then tried oatmeal shampoos every three days for a while ... which seemed to work for him. The biggest thing is to let the meds work but in the interim (until this happens) to minimise any risk of infections. So we tried to keep all the spots as dry as possible using epiotic to scuff off any moistened areas (trying to avoid making it bleed) or the other thing we tried at one stage was betadine to try and dry areas out. We used t-shirts and jackets to stop him from trying to get at the reachable areas. If areas looked at starting to get infected we jumped on the antibiotics as fast as possible. It will take a while and it may get worse before it gets better, but eventually with Sabre it got to the stage where we never had to worry about it anymore ... even though he still had large plates of calcinosis cutis on his body.
Trust this helps
Angela and Flynn
02-17-2012, 09:42 AM
Thank you for the info, Angela. We had a rough night last night. He was scratching, rolling, biting, panting like crazy...just a mess. He keeps stretching and scrunching, I can tell he's terribly uncomfortable :(. I got in touch with the vet and she said an oatmeal bath in semi-cool water would be ok. We're also going to give him Benedryl and put some topical cream on it. Nothing is open and bleeding so that's a good thing. He's been on Cephalexin for almost 3 weeks and has another week to go. We may have to keep that going if we see anything that looks like infection. As far as shirts and jackets go, they seem to make it worse. He goes nuts. I feel so bad for this boy. I even called off work today to keep an eye on him. My boss was less than thrilled but oh well.
Sabre's Mum
02-17-2012, 01:06 PM
Oh dear poor Ugga! You will probably find that with the sudden drop of his cortisol levels, with the vetoryl treatment, will be the reason for any increase in itchiness for Ugga. Thinking about things more (it was four years ago that we were dealing with this) I do recall sometimes we used an antihistamine when he became itchy. It is hit and miss with antihistamines and dogs but sometimes it works.
All the best ... Angela and Flynn
Squirt's Mom
02-17-2012, 01:58 PM
I know next to zip about calcinosis cutis so I have just been reading along but a thought kept occurring to me so I did some checking.
Talk to your vet about trying some Chamomile, either as a tea or essential oil. I can be used internally and externally, and has been shown to be effective for several skin problems including wound care, pruritis and allergic inflammations. Whether it could help Ugga or not, I can't say but I have used in on my itty bitty girl for itching and it did help. I made a tea with it, bathed her as usual, then rinsed her in the tea and left it to dry. She stopped scratching - but she didn't have a problem like calcinosis cutis, pruritis, etc. either. But it may still be worth a consideration so talk to your vet and see what they think.
Leslie and the gang
02-17-2012, 11:12 PM
Well the Benadryl is helping a little. He's no longer rolling around like a maniac so that's good. However, he's still acting strange. He's trembling in his sleep and he's stretching A LOT. He's going back to the vet first thing tomorrow am. Hopefully we can figure out what's going on. Oh and the oatmeal bath... terrible idea. It irritated him something awful and he's bright red again. I really thought that would help him. Poor Ugga bugga :( I'm definitely going to ask about the Chamomile tomorrow. There has to be something out there that will help soothe my little man's skin. Hugs,
~Jackie and Ugga
02-18-2012, 11:15 AM
Ok, back in business :). Gave 25mg of Benadryl at 11:30pm and everyone slept through the night, yay. We took Ugga to the vet this morning, got a new med for pain (Gabapentin 100mg BID) which also has some anti-seizure properties (bonus) and a topical spray (Humilac) to relieve the itching and soften his skin a little. Believe it or not, the calcinosis cutis seems to be healing (yay) which in turn, is causing the discomfort (:(). He is resting comfortably now :)
Squirt's Mom
02-18-2012, 11:30 AM
A nite's sleep! YAY!! :) Always good for the spirit!
I'm so glad to hear that his current discomfort is a result of healing. I hope this trend continues and he is feeling more and more like his old self in no time!
Leslie and the gang
02-18-2012, 08:34 PM
Thanks Leslie, me too!
03-23-2012, 09:04 PM
Hi :). I just wanted to give a quick update on Ugga. He's been on the Trilostane a little over a month now (30mg once a day) and is doing pretty well. ACTH stim went well I guess, we're keeping everything the same dosage wise. He's still drinking/peeing a normal amount and he's back to his old self again :D We've weaned him down to half his regular dose of the Phenobarbital and still no seizures which is AWESOME!! The calcinosis cutis is still an issue. It's not really bothering him which is good and the originally affected areas are healing. He's not hard to the touch anymore and it seems like the calcium deposits have broken up. They're still there but they've changed and we (hubby, vet, and I) think these are good changes. His hair is even growing back in a little. It's a different texture and it looks pretty patchy, but it's growing in nonetheless. I want to get some updated pics on his profile but my new iphone is too advanced for my mac right now. I'll have to update my software and that's not exactly high on my list of priorities. I may be able to download them (pics) from facebook or something, I'll have to tinker around with it. Sorry, getting off topic a little. Anyway, just wanted to pop in. Hope all is well with all the cushpups (and their parents) out there. Hugs, Jackie and Ugga
03-23-2012, 10:57 PM
Yay, great update, Jackie. Thanks for taking the time to let us know that Ugga is doing so well. Please give Ugga a big hug from his Auntie Glynda. :D
Sabre's Mum
03-24-2012, 01:50 PM
Great update on Ugga! Yes the calcinosis cutis takes time to sort itself out. Good to hear that it has broken up ... this didn't happen in Sabre's case but he just lived with it. Yes .... the hair does seem to grow back irregularly and in Sabre's case rather more coarse and longer - we no longer had the short haired Vizsla but more of a labrador coat!
Angela and Flynn
05-03-2012, 10:25 AM
Hello All!
I am new to this forum and since I am at work can only ask a quick question here. I will introduce myself and go into greater detail regarding my dog's medical issues later when I get home.
Willow is being treated for Cushing's. We believe it to be pituitary based. Willow has had the ACTH tests and an ultrasound.
She is being treated unsuccessfully with Lysodren. She also takes phenobarbital for seizures. You mentioned that you are weaning your dog off of phenobarbital. What is your dog taking in it's place?
I intend to call my vet on Monday (because I'm sure the continued use of Lysodern is a waste of time, money and effort). I have mentioned to him numerous times that I have read that Lysodren and phenobarbital do not work well together. I want to ask him on Monday if we could try a different medication. I am interested in finding out what meds you are using.
I am really going to assert myself regarding the phenobarbital issue because I'm sure this is the root of the problem of her not showing any signs of improvement.
Thanks to all for any help you can give me.
05-19-2012, 10:27 PM
Hi Ginger :). I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, I don't visit as often as I used to. Ugga takes Potassium Bromide in addition to the Phenobarbital for his epilepsy. We weaned him to half of his original pheno dose but we're VERY hesitant to wean him off completely. His epilepsy was rather severe and it's been under control for 3 1/2 years...we just don't want to risk losing that control. We are treating his Cushings with Vetoryl and it is working amazingly well. He also takes Gabapentin but I think we'll be stopping that soon. That one was for the pain associated with the calcinosis cutis. It also has anti-seizure properties so we're not really in a hurry to stop it but his skin is almost completely cleared up now and we don't want him taking something unnecessarily. He goes back to the vet for another stim test/checkup in 2 weeks. How are you making out with Willow now?
Sabre's Mum
05-20-2012, 03:12 AM
Sorry off original question from "Ginger" ... but it is fantastic to hear that Ugga's calcinosis cutis has completely cleared up.
Angela and Flynn
05-20-2012, 06:45 AM
I am thrilled, too, to read about how well Ugga is doing!! Congratulations to you both!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
And just to make sure that Ginger has the chance to read what you've written, I'm going to make a copy of your reply and add it to Willow's thread, as well.
Please do stop back again whenever you can It is so encouraging for us to hear such good news. ;)
09-22-2012, 09:44 PM
Hi :) I wanted to pop in with an update on Ugga. He was doing so well last time i was here (about 4 months ago). He's doing ok but he is drinking a lot again and he's starting to lose more hair. Poor guy is going to need a sweater this winter. He has been taking 30mg Vetoryl once a day and we are going to be adding another 10mg. He'll be taking the 30mg pill in the am and the 10mg pill at night. I'm pretty bummed that we are already needing to increase his meds-just a reminder that this isn't a cure and that makes me sad. On the plus side, his skin is not hardening this time so we're thinking he's just losing hair and it's not the calcinosis cutis rearing its ugly head. Hope all is well with everyone and their cushpups out there. *hugs*
Squirt's Mom
09-23-2012, 07:24 AM
Hi Jackie,
Good to hear from you again but wish Ugga was doing better. Really glad to hear that the CC isn't flaring up again, tho! :) I know that is a huge relief. Has he had any seizures?
Let us know how increase works for him. I am assuming he had an ACTH that shows his cortisol is elevated again? Just a reminder that he will need another one soon after the increase, in 10-14 days if I remember correctly, to make sure the increase is working. I hope splitting the dose helps him a great deal; it sometimes works wonders to do that. ;)
Leslie and the gang
09-23-2012, 01:06 PM
Hello Jackie and Ugga:
I have a Jack Russell that was recently diagnosed, and was fortunate enough like you were to find this forum. Stay strong, and the people here will help you thru this awful disease. I am glad you have a good Vet and you are confident in her ability as that means a lot. I will pray for you and Ugga.
09-24-2012, 10:24 AM
Hi Jackie, sorry to hear little Ugga is not doing as well and losing his hair. Your guy is like my little bostons, not much hair to start with. Kona was diagnosed with cushings this summer and to start last Feb she had her belly shaved for an ultrasound and the hair still has not grown back due to the cushings so I am in the same thought as you, she will definately need a sweater this winter, poor girl. :(
Im interested in your dosing too of higher dose in the am and lower in the pm because I am about do the same with Kona and have been wondering what effect it will have on her, she is currently on 10mg 2 xday and am going to change the am to 15 and leave the pm dose at 10.
Hugs, kona and deb
Sabre's Mum
09-25-2012, 02:03 AM
Hi Jackie,
Thanks for the update on Ugga ... albeit not the one we wanted. Hopefully the increase in vetoryl will do the trick.
Angela and Flynn
09-25-2012, 07:25 AM
Hi Jackie,
Just so we'll know, can you give us Ugga's recent ACTH test result prior to this dosage increase? That will help us to monitor his progress alongside you.
Thanks so much!
09-29-2012, 10:18 PM
Hi guys :) Thank you so much for your concern and good thoughts, we really appreciate it! Unfortunately, we just can't afford 2 ACTH stim tests back-to-back right now so I don't have any numbers to share. We've had some setbacks with our other furkids-our 12 yr old kitty had 2 malignant growths removed (and 7 teeth pulled) and our newfie broke a toe right before we left for vacation. Between surgeries, xrays, boarding at the vet, and Ugga's meds (+ Pb/KBr level checks) our wallets have been left a little light. So for now, we are basing Ugga's Vetoryl increase on his symptoms and we will do the ACTH 2 weeks after the new dosage. I know this isn't ideal but we are doing the best we can for him. Other than the pu/pd and hair loss, he's doing really well...still no seizures! I'll be back with another update to let you know how things are going with the twice a day dosage. We're starting the increase when I get his refill in a week. Hugs to all of you and your cush pups (and non-cush pups :)).
~Jackie and Ugga
molly muffin
09-30-2012, 09:34 AM
Oh my gosh, you guys have been through the ringer with your furbabies recently. Just keep a really good eye on Ugga, just like when you started to make sure that he is reacting alright to it.
Poor newfie with a broken toe. :( (my neighbor has a newfie put about 3 months old now, he is HUGE, but such a loving boy) I hope your kitty is going to be okay too. This must be a very stressful couple months for you and your family.
Sharlene and molly muffin
10-02-2012, 08:05 PM
Hi Sharlene. Thank you so much for your your kind words! It has been a rough couple months but things are leveling out again, thank goodness :D Everyone is recovering very well. I didn't mean to complain so much in my last post, I think I just needed to vent a little, sorry about that. I will definitely keep a close eye on Ugga after the dosage increase. Hugs to you and Molly Muffin :)
~Jackie and Ugga
molly muffin
10-03-2012, 09:27 PM
Oh good lord! That was venting. Hon, if I had 3 animals all having crisis at the same time, you'd all be hearing from me till you yelled shut up!!!! You are certainly due for a good vent and let off some of that pent up anxiety. These furballs sure do love to get us humans all worked up. Love them, the brats! :) :)
Sharlene and the molly muffin (my biggest brat ever, thank goodness she is sleeping now)
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2012, 08:13 AM
Hi Jackie,
Your month sounds a bit like mine. It seems every time I turn around, I am loading someone in the truck to go see the vet somewhere. And have they be considerate enough to need to go only during the hours OUR vet was available? nnoooooo :rolleyes: BUT, you and I have gotten all that behind us now and we have clear sailing for a bit, right? right! :D
Let us know how the increase works and how Ugga is doing.
Leslie and the gang
11-13-2012, 06:32 PM
Hey guys. So, I have an update on Ugga and all I have to say is, I'm glad I can type this and I don't have to try to get it out verbally. Ugga is still with us but has developed Horner's Syndrome :( We can rule out pretty much every possible cause with the exception of macrotumor :(:(:( Despite the paralysis of the left side of his face, he's eating/drinking/swallowing fine right now--thank goodness we still have time with our little man! His demeanor is fine-he's still Ugga :) On another negative note, the calcinosis cutis is back. We had increased his Vetoryl dose from 30mg once a day to 40mg/day (30mg am and 10mg pm). This was around a month ago. We did not do an ACTH stim before the increase for financial reasons and we did not do one 2 weeks later because time just got away from us and before we knew it, it had been a month. He has some infected spots on his skin so we're treating him with Cephalexin (500mg BID) and he's going for his ACTH stim next monday to see where his cortisol levels are. I'm guessing we didn't increase the Vetoryl enough but my vet won't do another increase without an ACTH stim test and I completely agree with her. The good thing is, he's still on a pretty low dose for his weight so there is a lot of room to go up safely if we have to. So, that's where we stand. I'm hoping the tumor grows slowly and Ugga is still able to enjoy life for awhile longer. Big hugs to everyone and their cushpups.
~Jackie and Ugga
11-13-2012, 06:44 PM
Hi Jackie.
With Ugga being on the smaller side, you should be able to save a lot of money on your stim tests if you will talk to your vet about using only 5mcg per kg of cortrosyn, the stimulating agent, instead of the the entire vial. There are 250mcg in one vial so I think you would get multiple stim tests if your vet will agree to reconstitute and store it appropriately. You can either give her the URL to Dr. Mark Peterson's blog below or print out the page and give it to her. Cortrosyn is the reason why we pay so much for stim tests so it's worth your while to talk to your vet about it.
Please keep us posted and let us know the results of Ugga's stim test on Monday.
molly muffin
11-13-2012, 07:12 PM
Oh geezz.. if it's not one thing. :( What is the prognosis with the Horner's Syndrome diagnosis? Do they think it is one that will go away in 6 - 8 weeks?
I do hope his ACTH comes back good. Definitely talk to your vet about saving the vile for you as mentioned by Glynda. Everyone says it helps, they keep it in the fridge at their office for you usually.
It does sound like Ugga is actually feeling alright though from what you've said, so that is good news :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
11-14-2012, 08:08 AM
Hi Jackie,
Good to hear from you again even tho it wasn't as positive an update as you would have liked to post. It is really good to know Ugga is still fighting "the good fight" and doing ok in spite of new issues. Let us know what you learn from the ACTH and what the plan is from there.
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
11-20-2012, 09:25 PM
Hi Jackie, How is Ugg doing? I hope better and I hope that you can all have a Happy Thanksgiving.
11-30-2012, 08:41 PM
Ok, so 2 weeks later I FINALLY got Ugga back to the vet for his stim test...UGH!! I'm a groomer and holiday time is insanely busy. Between my working tons of overtime and the vets office closing early/closing in general, it was difficult to get this scheduled BUT we got it done :) His results: 2 and 4.3. Honestly, I don't really know what that means but my vet is increasing his Vetoryl to 30mg BID and I trust her so I'm going along. He has gained weight since we started him on these meds so hopefully this increase will do the trick. I remember it took a little while for his skin to get better initially, we're hoping it will resolve a little faster this time. We just want him to be comfortable-that's our main concern at this point. The Horner's Syndrome is still there and the head tilt is more pronounced than it was even 2 weeks ago. However, as I type this, he's in the closet, clawing like crazy at a bone wedged under the clothes hamper :D Despite all his health issues, this boy has barely slowed down. He has no idea he's sick. Occasionally he struggles when he tries to jump on the bed (no biggie, we pick him up) and the Horner's Syndrome is affecting his middle ear, but he's not letting it get him down. Sometimes he shakes his head, tips over, gets up, and scampers off. I know it's not funny, but sometimes I just can't help but giggle. He honestly couldn't care less, doesn't even skip a beat (well maybe 1...). I know our time with him is limited but we plan on enjoying every second. I just love this little guy to pieces <3 *hugs*
~Jackie and Ugga
Harley PoMMom
11-30-2012, 10:05 PM
Ok, so 2 weeks later I FINALLY got Ugga back to the vet for his stim test...UGH!! I'm a groomer and holiday time is insanely busy. Between my working tons of overtime and the vets office closing early/closing in general, it was difficult to get this scheduled BUT we got it done :) His results: 2 and 4.3. Honestly, I don't really know what that means but my vet is increasing his Vetoryl to 30mg BID and I trust her so I'm going along. He has gained weight since we started him on these meds so hopefully this increase will do the trick. I remember it took a little while for his skin to get better initially, we're hoping it will resolve a little faster this time. We just want him to be comfortable-that's our main concern at this point. The Horner's Syndrome is still there and the head tilt is more pronounced than it was even 2 weeks ago. However, as I type this, he's in the closet, clawing like crazy at a bone wedged under the clothes hamper :D Despite all his health issues, this boy has barely slowed down. He has no idea he's sick. Occasionally he struggles when he tries to jump on the bed (no biggie, we pick him up) and the Horner's Syndrome is affecting his middle ear, but he's not letting it get him down. Sometimes he shakes his head, tips over, gets up, and scampers off. I know it's not funny, but sometimes I just can't help but giggle. He honestly couldn't care less, doesn't even skip a beat (well maybe 1...). I know our time with him is limited but we plan on enjoying every second. I just love this little guy to pieces <3 *hugs*
~Jackie and Ugga
I am assuming that the ACTH numbers you posted are the pre (2) and post (4.3), respectively. With these numbers there is no reason for a dosage increase and I am very worried if Ugga's dosage is increased then an Addison's crisis will happen.
I am going to second Lori's comments, I dont understand why the increase either. Perhaps someone else may be able to explain a reason for it but I too am concerned.
What symptoms other then gaining weight are you seeing? Skin issues?
Sorry, dont mean to alarm you, just trying to understand.
12-01-2012, 08:22 AM
I appreciate your concern. Yes, those were the pre/post numbers. Ugga is experiencing PU/PD and the calcinosis cutis is spreading like wildfire. We have to at least try to get his skin under control (at least more so than it is now, he's really itchy and will scratch himself open if he gets the chance). Lysodren is not an option for us (I'm not taking him off his seizure meds) so if my vet feels there is room for a 20mg/day increase, I'm going to trust her and give it a try. Listen, I have to be honest here-this little guy has been through the ringer. He most-likely has a brain tumor (experiencing neurological symptoms) and can go into status (seizure that he won't come out of) at any second. Anything and everything poses a risk to him. It sucks, believe me, no one hates this more than I do. I'm not trying to cause him harm but I have to think realistically. Hubby and I have discussed euthanasia but he's still such a happy dog, we just can't right now. So we'll try this. It's this, do nothing, or put him to sleep. Sorry for the morbid discussion at 8am. Time to dry my eyes and get to work.
I understand your position. I am sorry to hear the calcinosis cutis is getting worse. I hope I did not upset you.:o:o
Boriss McCall
12-01-2012, 09:34 AM
I am going to keep my fingers crossed that this will do the trick for Ugga. His numbers are low.. So, hopefully he will balance out a little lower & that will be the magic number for him. Can you post pix of his skin? I am just curios to know what it looks like. I think my BT might be getting a CC bump on his head. Not sure.. It is just a hard little bump under his skin.
Good luck.. I hope you have your baby feeling better soon.
molly muffin
12-01-2012, 09:44 AM
Jackie, hugs to you. You're trying everything you can and poor little Ugga has been through the wringer lately. I hope this works and gives him more time to be his happy little self. Do let us know if this works for him. You know how we are on here, regular worry warts. :)
Take care,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Sabre's Mum
12-01-2012, 12:07 PM
Jackie ... I am sorry to hear that the calcinosis cutis is getting worse. I am not a Vetoryl "Mum" and I do believe that those numbers are spot on ... perhaps the vet is coming from the view that Ugga needs around the clock control (the same dose) was the reason for the increase in the evening.
One thing with the scratching ... sometimes when Sabre was getting low (post below 1) he would get extremely itchy. We put Sabre in a jacket or T-shirt in the first few months of treatment when the calcinosis cutis was really bad to stop him from scratching and making it bleed. We added EPO (Evening Primrose Oil) into his diet, something that I forgot for a while and just remember recently, as this is very helpful for skin conditions in dogs. I must try and find the article which combined it with something else and they had very good results.
Take care
Angela and Flynn
Sabre's Mum
12-01-2012, 12:48 PM
I have done a lot of searching and cannot find the article that I wanted but lots of others around the topic. I have now clicked that we actually used a combination of EPO and fish oil. The research is such that combinations of EPO and fish oil or EPO and borage oil is very beneficial for skin conditions. EPO has a "soothing" effect and apparently relieves itchiness.
Angela and Flynn
12-01-2012, 08:06 PM
Oh Addy, I'm sorry! You did not upset me, it's the situation that is upsetting. I really do appreciate everyones concern for Ugga and I promise I'm only trying to do the best I can for him.
12-01-2012, 08:13 PM
Thanks Amy, we're crossing our fingers here too. I actually have to wash Ugga tonight, I might be able to get some good pics of his skin when he's wet. Let me just warn you, it isn't pretty. I do have some pics of the CC in my profile but they didn't come out great so I'll try to get some current ones.
12-01-2012, 08:17 PM
Sharlene, thank you! I really do appreciate all you worry warts :). I can't believe I spelled wringer wrong in my post lol. Anyway, we really hope this works for him too, we want him to be as comfortable as possible.
12-01-2012, 08:37 PM
Hi Angela. Thank you so much for the info! I'm definitely going to look into the EPO. Ugga does take 1200mg fish oil/day but it doesn't seem to be helping at all. I don't know why I keep giving it to him. Maybe combined with the EPO it will be more effective. As long as it's safe to give him with all his other meds, I'm all for it! I have tried putting clothes on Ugga but it drives him insane. He rolls and rolls until I take them off. Basically, we just try to keep him distracted. When he starts scratching, we give him a ball and he runs around like crazy, completely forgetting he was ever itchy :). I wash him twice a week in ketochlor shampoo which does seem to help. I think I'm going to increase him to 3 baths a week to see if that works even better. He also has a spray (Humilac) to help soften his skin. I also try to keep his nails filed so they're not as sharp but he still manages to scratch himself open if we're not watching (usually overnight). Oh, and he's on 1000mg/day of Cephalexin for infection. Did you ever just feel completely overwhelmed with Sabre? How did you handle that? I quit smoking 3 years ago and my quit is in serious jeopardy right now, I've been cheating like crazy...ugh :(
Sabre's Mum
12-01-2012, 09:14 PM
Double check with the vet with the EPO .. it was a vet who suggested Sabre had it in his diet and that is when I researched online and found that is was best used in combo with fish oil (I now remember this after my research today ... brain fade).
With regards to the overwhelmed question ... we seriously had little faith in the calcinosis cutis ever rectifying itself. The vet said that if we could keep infections at bay ... hit with antibotics if infections arose we could have a good chance. From Sabre's experience I would say that getting his cortisol levels to the recommended treated range then having them at a reasonably constant level was best for him. Every time the went up or down I sometimes at the time ... sometimes in hindsight, could tell by the way his skin was affecting him. We were lucky in that by 4 to 6 months of treatment with Lysodren all his calcinosis cutis had healed and his hair started regrowing. Once this happened we never had open sores again ... just plates of hard calcification under the skin.
Angela and Flynn
12-01-2012, 09:43 PM
I will definitely ask my vet about the EPO, thanks again :) I'm hoping that since Ugga's calcinosis cutis went away before it will again...hoping. It took about a month before we noticed improvement and I believe it got worse before it got better. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Crossing fingers...
12-01-2012, 09:52 PM
Ok, I uploaded some pics of Ugga's current bout of calcinosis cutis (calcinosis cutis round 2 pics 1 and 2) to my profile (I don't know how to post them here). It's so much more severe this time, I didn't realize until I looked at the old pics. :(
molly muffin
12-01-2012, 11:12 PM
Omg Jackie. I just saw Ugga's picture of the calcinosis, oh my, that poor little fellow. It just breaks my heart to see that on him. I know it must just devastate you to see it. :( I really hope this change in the medicine helps him and he can maintain a good cortisol level too.
Oh gosh, I didn't even notice anything in the "wringer" ROFL!
Sabre's Mum
12-02-2012, 01:31 AM
Hi Jackie
I have just looked at the pics ... poor Ugga. Have you been able to stabilise him at any time? You are quite right ... it does get worse before it gets better. It has been now 10 months since diagnosis ... I see back in May that his calcinosis cutis cleared up ... how was it at this stage ... healed and hair growing back? What changed between then and now?
Angela and Flynn
12-02-2012, 10:27 AM
I know, it's bad. The good thing is, it's only really bad on his chest, under his chin, and at the base of his head. He's lost most of the hair on his sides and there are some tiny bumps but they don't bother him at all. Angela, to answer your question-nothing changed medication wise until about 2 months ago, we increased 10mg/day because his skin was starting to look iffy. The only differences between then and now are that he put on 6 lbs (YIKES-that was all my fault and he's lost 1.5 lbs since that weigh in about a month ago) and the neurological symptoms. Last time, we noticed improvement after about a month of treatment. The large plates started to break up, but, he wasn't scratching himself open previously, I'm not sure what to expect this time around. We had a 6 month stretch where his skin was almost normal (still small bumps in spots but nothing that bothered him)
Sabre's Mum
12-02-2012, 12:25 PM
Sometimes ... even when things have been good, things change and dosages need to be tweaked. This is what appears to have happened to Ugga.
Take care
Angela and Flynn
Boriss McCall
12-02-2012, 01:37 PM
oh poor little Ugga. That looks so painful. :(
Did it start out as hard little bumps under the skin & then open up. I hope for Boriss's sake his bump never opens up.
I still haven't gotten Boriss's cortisol level under control. I hope we can get to the low number with him before he gets any skin problems.
I am so sorry you are having to go thru this with your baby. Ugga is still as cute as a button. We have always wanted a french bulldog.
We currently have our Boston Borris & an Old English Bulldog Pearl. The bullie breeds are just so fun!
I hope you can find the right mix of meds to make that baby feel better & back to fun times.
12-06-2012, 08:55 AM
Hi Amy. I couldn't agree more, bullie breeds are so much fun. If I were rich, I'd have at least 10 frenchies lol. As far as Ugga's skin, it didn't really start out like a bump, it was more of a small patch (quarter size) of skin that was slightly raised. It almost looked like ringworm initially. Then he got really red and we thought he was having a food allergy. When it all started to harden we freaked and took him for a biopsy. How are things going with Boriss? He is so cute, I just love Bostons :)
Boriss McCall
12-06-2012, 10:03 AM
Thanks! From the way you described it I think Boriss's hard bump is just a calcium type build up. Gonna have that checked next time he goes. It is like we are all just waiting for the next upset.:(
It really stinks to feel that way. Over the last couple of months I have gotten way better at living for the day with him instead of worrying about the future.
Right now Boriss is doing good. He probably won't have to go back to the vet until January. fingers crossed..
Ugga got cushings at such a young age! It is so hard to see them deal with all this stuff. I am with you.. If I was rich I would surround myself in smooshy faced dogs!! :p
Boriss McCall
12-06-2012, 10:04 AM
Is Ugga feeling any better today?
12-07-2012, 10:38 PM
Hi Amy. Ugga is doing ok, thanks. He's getting really itchy but other than that he seems ok. We started him on 25mg benadryl today so hopefully that will help alleviate some discomfort. When we first started treatment (last Feb) it took about a month before we saw improvement in his skin and it got worse before it got better. I'm hoping we will start to see some improvement in the next couple weeks. Thanks for checking in! :)
Hugs to you and Borris,
~Jackie and Ugga
molly muffin
12-07-2012, 11:28 PM
So glad to hear that Ugga is doing okay. Hopefully the itching will start to go away! :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Boriss McCall
12-07-2012, 11:30 PM
yes.. no more itch soon I hope!;)
12-20-2012, 11:10 PM
Hey guys :) I just wanted to post a quick Ugga update. He's been on the increased Vetoryl (30mg BID) for almost 3 weeks now and his skin is really starting to improve...YAY!!! We had to start giving him Benadryl (25mg BID) because he was so itchy the first couple weeks. It always seems to get worse before it gets better. He's still drinking more than normal but less than before the increase. Unfortunately, the Horner's syndrome is still there. It's also affecting both eyes now :(. We've decided to try something a little different. We are taking him for his first acupuncture treatment on Christmas Eve. My vet wants to see if she can help relieve some of his symptoms (mainly the neurological ones but I think she's going to work on the adrenals as well). Crossing fingers...
~Jackie and Ugga
molly muffin
12-21-2012, 12:22 AM
Jackie good to hear from you. I'm glad his skin is improving. Crossing fingers that the acupuncture will help too. A nice Xmas gift that would be.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Sabre's Mum
12-21-2012, 11:00 AM
Jackie .... what fantastic news! I am so happy for you that Ugga's calcinosis cutis has improved.
Merry Christmas
Angela and Flynn
Boriss McCall
12-21-2012, 11:46 AM
So glad the skin is getting better. Now just to get that Horner's under taken care of. I hope the acupuncture treatments help with that.
molly muffin
12-24-2012, 11:21 PM
Merry Christmas Jackie to you and Ugga!
Hope the calcinosis cutis continues to improve!
Have a safe and wonderful holiday.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-19-2013, 10:23 PM
Hi all. I have been meaning to post an Ugga update for 3 weeks. I swear, every time I sit down to write, something happens and I have to leave my computer. I close the window, erasing everything, and then forget to come back. So, Ugga has had 3 acupuncture treatments so far. Before we started he was unable to blink, he had a head tilt to the left, no balance, his skin (though slightly improved in the chest/chin areas) was a mess (itchy, open, and bleeding-mostly on his neck), he was drooling a ton (way more than my newfoundland), and he was unable to sleep on his side without coughing. We were at the end of our rope. He is maxed out on Vetoryl, he can't take Lysodren, and the medicated shampoo, gabapentin, and benadryl aren't doing squat for his calcinosis cutis. Acupuncture was our way of throwing that Hail Mary pass with 3 seconds left on the clock. Why not? What could it hurt? Let me tell you, I am so blown away and recommend it to everyone, for cush pups as well as non-cush pups (and their humans too). After one treatment he was drooling much less and he slept on his side for hours. After the second treatment his head tilt was gone, his balance was back, and he started sleeping through the night. His neck was almost completely healed. My vet put some kind of cream (the label was in chinese) that is supposed to be good for non-healing rashes on it and it worked like a charm. At this point, he's still not blinking but his eyelids are moving and his left eye is almost closing (it's so close). He's still sleeping on his side AND sleeping through the night!! His neck is healed and today I noticed the big plates are starting to break up. Unfortunately his head tilt is back BUT it switched sides so we are no longer thinking macrotumor, it's looking more like Vestibular Syndrome. It's a little scary to watch, we really have to support him, he's so wobbly. He's going for another treatment Monday. He usually goes about once a week. Because of Ugga's condition, my vet isn't charging us. She just wants to see if she can help him and she's willing to do so as long as he's happy. The needles don't bother him at all. The biggest issue we have is him thinking they're cookies. Ugga is a pretty high strung dog, even now, but he'll actually lay on the table with the needles in. Pretty amazing stuff, I must say. I was so skeptical at first, I didn't think anything could help poor Ugga. This has been such a roller coaster ride and I don't want to get too excited but I'm going to enjoy this upswing while I can. I'm sorry this got long. Thanks for listening to my ramble and I hope someone might consider trying acupuncture at some point. Big hugs to everyone and their furbabies.
~jackie and ugga
molly muffin
01-19-2013, 11:38 PM
Oh My gosh! What wonderful news!!
Wow, what is that cream?!! Sounds like a miracle, I bet a bunch of our CC dogs could be helped too.
That is wonderful that they aren't charging you either.
I say, yay for the Hail Mary!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-19-2013, 11:47 PM
Great news about Ugga. Keeping my fingers crossed!
01-20-2013, 12:06 AM
So glad to hear Ugga has shown improvement. Keep up the good work.
Squirt's Mom
01-20-2013, 08:37 AM
Hi Jackie,
How wonderful the acupuncture has had such a beneficial affect on Ugga! :) I hope he continues to improve. Yes, do tell what that cream is!
It is great your vet is working with Ugga like she is. It would be really nice if more vets and human doctors were that supportive and understanding.
Leslie and the gang
01-20-2013, 09:19 AM
Very interesting! I used acupuncture on my Annie and I believe it gave her great relief. Your story is very inspiring. Your vet is a real keeper. Kim
Sabre's Mum
01-20-2013, 01:10 PM
Hi Jackie,
What a fantastic update on Ugga. The acupuncture sure seems to be doing the job.
Angela and Flynn
Boriss McCall
01-21-2013, 03:12 PM
Yay Ugga!! that is such great news. I hope he continues to get more relief & heal.
01-22-2013, 08:26 AM
Hi there
Good to read that you have found something to help and that your little one is feeling better
I would be very interested to know what the cream is and where it can be sourced from as Tia's skin is getting worse and what I have been given is not helping
Mel and Tia x
01-22-2013, 10:19 AM
Thanks guys! Yes, we're very happy here :) I took Ugga for another treatment yesterday, he was really antsy on the table, not sure what that was all about. This morning he ran down the middle of the stairs! He's been going slowly and using the wall to lean on. Bad news on the cream though, I thought the label was in chinese, but it was the ingredients we were looking at. The label reads only Healing Salve and the main ingredient seems to be Zi Cao. I googled it and found a couple ointments but they were only available to practitioners. None of them looked like the one we're using on Ugga (label wise). There were a couple "make your own zi cao paste" sites but I really wouldn't recommend that. I also wouldn't use any Chinese herbs without being under strict supervision of your vet. Some of them can actually be toxic. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful about the cream. We don't know if it's the cream, the acupuncture, or the combination of the two (we're assuming it's the latter) that are helping and we really don't care, we're just happy something is working. His skin still looks awful but it's not bothering him and the open/bleeding areas are healed and that's the important thing. As for my vet, yes, we are extremely lucky. She is my age (33) and is absolutely amazing. Her dad was always our family vet and he was (and still is) the best. Dr. Nicole has an amazing teacher and she's closely followed suit. We rode horses together as kids and were friends in high school. I've known her forever and I trust her implicitly. Ugga loves going to the vet, he loves his doctors and the entire staff. It's his home away from home :)
molly muffin
01-22-2013, 03:07 PM
Hmmm, if it is only available to practitioners, then, seems that one vet could give your Dr. Nicole a call and get a recommendation and see what she is using so they could follow suit. If something works, we don't sneeze around here, we just have to find out how to incorporate it and often that seems to mean educating our vets.
That is so fabulous. Ugga ran down the stairs! Did you almost have a heart attack? I probably would have being the nervous mommy type. LOL I love it though! Go Ugga!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Boriss McCall
01-22-2013, 03:56 PM
yay Ugga.. That is such great news. I am so happy she is feeling good.
02-28-2013, 03:09 PM
Hi all. I just wanted to post an update on Ugga boo. We are still going for acupuncture and he's still doing really well. We went from going once a week to every other week. This last stretch was 3 weeks but his Calcinosis Cutis started to flare up so we're going back to every other week to keep that monster in check. His head tilt is gone, he's balanced, and his left eye is closing all the way. His right eyelid is starting to move quite a bit now, closing almost half way. I got a jar of the herbal salve we've been using-I was off on the ingredients before-I'm sorry. I know there's not a lot of scientific evidence coming out of our case but I do hope at least one person who reads this will consider acupuncture. Don't get me wrong, Ugga needs his Vetoryl too, but I think the combination of acupuncture and meds have made all the difference for him. Here is the link to the company that makes the healing salve we've been using. It's only available to practitioners. You can search for a practitioner in your area to get a prescription but I would definitely talk to your vet first. I have absolutely no affiliation with this company, I just believe in the product and so does my vet. Again, I absolutely would NOT use ANYTHING without consulting your vet. Every pet is different and even natural ingredients can be toxic.
Boriss McCall
02-28-2013, 03:53 PM
Hi! that is so great to hear. So, glad Ugga is responding to the acupuncture treatment. I bet you are relieved to see the head tilt gone & the eyes getting better.
I definitely believe in acupuncture. It did wonders for my body..
keep up the good work little Ugga!
02-28-2013, 06:51 PM
Hi Amy! Yes, we are thrilled to see these improvements :) How's your Boriss doing?
Harley PoMMom
02-28-2013, 07:51 PM
So happy to read that Ugga is doing well and that the acupuncture really helps, hoping that darn CC will completely go away...sending love and hugs, Lori
molly muffin
02-28-2013, 07:57 PM
Oh this is wonderful to hear! I'm so glad that Ugga is doing well with the acupuncture and medicine combo.
I know Julie uses acupuncture for Hannah too and I think some of the others. I think the key is getting a good acupuncturist for dogs and take it from there.
Great update! I was ready for some happy news. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-28-2013, 08:13 PM
Oh Lori, I know!! Last week, he had a bit of a setback and I was losing my mind. It kills me to see him itchy and bloody :( I have to have that awful quality of life argument with myself...I hate that. I will never go three weeks between treatments again and this last time, I got some of the super stinky healing cream to bring home so I can put it on in between sessions :) It's healed before, I'm holding onto hope that it will heal again. Hugs, Jackie
02-28-2013, 08:16 PM
Hi Sharlene! Yes, we are very happy in this house. We needed some good news here as well. Is everything ok with you and your girl? Hugs, Jackie
molly muffin
02-28-2013, 11:25 PM
Hi Jackie!! The little girl is just trucking along same as always. That's a good thing. :)
Oh, hope Ugga's skin clears up with the cream and the acupuncture. At least you know that it can clear up, just an awful thing to go through till it does. hang in there. You got the miracle cream going for you!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-01-2013, 08:53 AM
Good morning, Sharlene :) I'm glad Miss Molly is doing well, it's so nice when they're moving forward with no major incidents. This morning I woke up to Ugga scratching like crazy so I popped out of bed, ran to see the wreckage and... nothing :) No bloody spots whatsoever, thank goodness. As I'm typing this, he's barking at my newfie because Lou has a ball that Ugga MUST have (he has a million toys and only ever wants the one that's being played with). Ahh, mornings in the Vogel household :) Big hugs to you and Molly, Jackie and Ugga
Boriss McCall
03-01-2013, 01:49 PM
I love the spunk of a frenchie.. Of course Ugga wants the ball that someone else is already playing with. :D
Boriss is doing great. I always feel like I need to hold my breath when I say that. Trying to enjoy all the good times while they are here. ;)
03-01-2013, 03:53 PM
Haha, tell me about it, Amy...don't want to jinx anything. So glad Boriss is doing well :) :)
molly muffin
03-01-2013, 06:11 PM
You have a newfie too? Why did I forget that or did I not know?
My neighbors newfie that has a thing for molly now seems to terrify her. He sees her and he's the horse galloping forward and she is the midget back pedaling. He is sucha sweetie and wouldn't hurt a fly but she can't decide if she is intrigued or scared witless. She gave up trying to intimidate him, he could care less. LOL
Awww, Ugga!!! You got momma out of bed. Smart boy! :) Who got breakfast early uh. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-01-2013, 08:25 PM
Yep, we have a newfie too. He pretty much just ignores Ugga's antics haha. I can just imagine the look on poor Molly's face when the neighbor's bear comes running over to greet her :)
05-22-2013, 10:58 AM
Hi all! I know it's been awhile but I wanted to check in with an Ugga update. I still take him for acupuncture, we go every 3 weeks to a month now. His skin has improved dramatically (I uploaded some new pics...his hair is even growing back!!). He still has the bilateral hair loss, but he's just CC :). He has some small bumps around his armpits, inside his back legs, and on his tummy/private area. They don't seem to bother him at all, they're just kinda there. His head tilt is still gone. He has some mild droopiness on his left side but we can only tell after he gets a drink (long goobers on the left side). He is blinking BOTH EYES! He still takes his Vetoryl twice a day, along with his anti-seizure meds but his liver is still in good shape. All in all things are going well for this frenchie boy :) Big hugs to everyone and their cushpups!
~Jackie and Ugga
molly muffin
05-22-2013, 03:30 PM
Jackie! That is wonderful news. Way to go momma. :)
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
05-22-2013, 08:39 PM
What a substantial improvement in Ugga's skin and hair!!! Wow!!! Great job, Jackie!!!
Peety's Fur-mom
05-22-2013, 10:29 PM
Hi Jackie, Peety's fur mom. We are dealing with calcinosis cutis also, or that is what was originally diagnoised. Now I think it could be black skin disease. We just tested for cushing's. We are not on meds yet, long story. We have an appt with a new vet this Fri and I hope we can finally make some progress into some sort of treatment for him. He doesn't really scratch so much. Of course he wears a t-shirt and a cone all the time. I am using some home remedies right now. He has black elephant skin down the middle of his back and the rest is pretty much like Ugga's, pink, bald sports on his legs, no sores, just bald. I am afraid those spots may never regrow hair. But the black elephant skin has lil fuzzies in the middle of it. I have not given up on him having a full coat again, but right now I just want to keep him healthy. And so far he feels great. Not the typical signs of Cushing's either.
Can you tell me a little about the accupunture? How often and is that expensive. What kind of Dr does it? I really want natural remedies for his skin if possible. Right now I have him on Manuka honey. I slather it on the really black spots and wrap him up and bathe every other day in Hibiclens. Orally he gets a daily Vit, Brewers Yeast, Omega3 and honey in his food. He has a good appitite, not overly so and he feels great all the time. Runs and plays and he is so sweet. I love him so much and I want to find some real answers for him. I have some pictures of his skin I posted. We have been dealing with this since January 3rd 2013. Derm Dr did biopsy and tried to put him on DMSO. But I would not do it, too toxic. So I have kinda been doing my own research into treatments. I am sorry you are dealing with this too, but maybe we can continue to compare notes. Not all Cushings pups have CC or any skin problems. There is so much encouragement from this community. I love it here, I never feel like I am facing anything alone.
Big hugs to you and Ugga
Pat Peety's #1 fan
05-27-2013, 02:18 PM
Aww, thanks guys! We couldn't be happier with the way things are going for Ugga :)
Pat- I looked at Petey's album, he's such a little cutie pie! It sounds like you're doing a great job keeping him happy and comfortable with the natural remedies right now. It's great that he's not too itchy. Ugga was constantly scratching himself open and shirts only made him more uncomfortable. It was awful. The CC was compromising his quality of life and the Vetoryl alone just wasn't working. He was also showing signs of a macrotumor (which we don't believe to be the case anymore, it was most likely just vestibular syndrome). We were pretty close to having him put to sleep and decided to try the acupuncture as a last resort. Our regular vet recently became certified in acupuncture so we just take him there. As far as the cost, I don't know, our vet doesn't charge us. She says it's good practice for her and as long as it's helping, she's more than willing to help us out. I think we were all doubtful that it would have worked this well :) I'm kidding, she's just a great person who truly loves helping animals. When we first started going (Jan 2013), we went every other week. We stayed on that schedule for about 2 months, then moved it out to every 3 weeks. I think we're going to do one more 3 week session and then bump it back to once a month for maintenance and see how it goes. My husband doesn't believe the acupuncture is the sole cause for Ugga doing so well but I don't know if I agree with him. He started the Vetoryl in Mar 2012. There was a drastic improvement after a few months and he was ok until Sept. The CC came back with a vengeance and did not let up even after an increase in Vetoryl. When we started the acupuncture in Jan Ugga had a severe head tilt, he would fall a lot and could not be trusted on the stairs, he was drooling and coughing almost constantly, the CC was covering close to 80% of his body and he barely had any hair. All of those symptoms are gone after 4 months of treatment and we noticed improvements after his first session. The neurological symptoms went away before we saw improvement in his skin. The CC is a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure! I believe you can search for a certified acupuncturist online but I don't know how you'd choose one without a recommendation. I go to Warren Animal Hospital in Phillipsburg, NJ. If you're anywhere near there, I highly recommend Dr. Nicole. Having said all of this, I have to mention that I'm a firm believer that every dog is different and what works for one may not work for another. A lot of members here have had success using Lysodren to treat CC. Unfortunately, that wasn't an option for us because of Ugga's other medications. We couldn't risk losing control of his epilepsy to treat the Cushings but we had to treat the Cushings because of the CC. It was a delicate situation and we had to pick the lesser of 2 evils. Our vet just felt the Vetoryl was safer for Ugga. Yikes, I've really rambled on and on here, I'm sorry. I hope I answered some of your questions about acupuncture. I know people think I'm crazy for doing this but I don't care, I have my dog back :). Let me know how you made out at the vet and if there's anything else you want to know. Hugs,
Jackie and Ugga
05-29-2013, 06:33 PM
Well, I'm pretty sure I jinxed ugga by coming here and posting about how well he's doing. He's been acting very strange the past couple days. He will pace the living room, stopping to stretch every 30 seconds or so. He'll stop in the corner, stare at the wall (sometimes he barks) and then move to the next corner. He's not chewing on his bones at all which is not at all normal for this usually active guy. He's also much sleepier than usual. Eating/drinking/elimination is all normal. He has an appointment scheduled for Friday afternoon, I hope he's ok until then. If he's worse tomorrow ill take off work and get him there. Ugh :(
molly muffin
05-29-2013, 06:52 PM
Dang jackie. Just when things are going along fine too.
Hopefully this is just a weird thing and not an alarm bell for Ugga. He's been through so much and over come so much already.
Everything fine with the eating, drinking, pooping? Will he interact at all?
Hang in there!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-29-2013, 07:18 PM
Hi Sharlene. Yes, he's eating, drinking, and pooping normally. He does interact but sometimes it seems like he can't hear us. All he wants to do is cuddle. Something's bugging him. It's really bad timing too as our Newfie is not doing well and it looks like we have less than a month with him. Hopefully what's going on with ugga is just a weird thing that's treatable. Hugs to you and miss Molly.
~Jackie and ugga
molly muffin
05-29-2013, 09:39 PM
Oh no I'm sorry about your newfie. They are such big wonderful cuddle bunnies. I call Eddie, the one two houses down from me, the gentle giant. He's just adorable and just slobbers all over me when I see him. That is usually because I'm down on my knees or sitting on the grass with him and he tries to crawl in my lap. I know that is heart breaking to think of only a little time left with yours.
I do hope that it is something simple and treatable with Ugga. What is he having done at the appointment friday?
Hang in there Jackie.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-30-2013, 10:34 AM
Thank you Sharlene, we are heartbroken. Lou is the best dog we've ever had and it's very sad to see his health decline the way it is. Cancer can kiss my a**...seriously!! I wish I could take him in for acupuncture but he's just not portable anymore, it's very hard to get him in and out of the car. My poor big guy :( :(
Some good news, Ugga seemed a little better last night. He played for a few minutes and only made a couple laps around the living room. He's still doing the stretching thing and he was limping a little when I got home from work. Something hurts him but I'm not a vet and really have no clue what I'm poking around for. I'm not sure what he'll have done friday. We did a full blood work up less than 2 months ago but things can change quickly so maybe we'll do some more blood work and possibly x-rays or an ultrasound. I guess it depends on Ugga too, we'll have to see how he's doing. My vet is in surgery all day today but wants me to call her immediately if things start to get worse. Right now he's sleeping comfortably.
Thank you so much for your concern and support, I really appreciate it! Big hugs to you and Molly :)
~Jackie and Ugga
molly muffin
05-30-2013, 05:32 PM
Oh yes, I do understand, mobility and newfie's is a tricky situation at best. heck even Eddie who is still just a baby, admitedly a big baby, but less than a year old, can have problems going in and out of the back seat of the car. I agree, cancer blows.
Sounds like Ugga is having some pains. Maybe a shoulder? thinking of the stretch and limp. Acupuncture might help if that is the case.
I know I say it all the time, but hang in there.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Boriss McCall
05-30-2013, 05:40 PM
So sorry to hear about your big guy.. :( Newfie's are so beautiful.
Peety's Fur-mom
05-30-2013, 08:50 PM
Jackie, So sorry you have all this weighing on your heart. It reallly does stink :( I know how loved your fur-babies are. Just know that thoughts and prayers are being sent to you and your lil babies.
Big hugs, Pat
05-30-2013, 09:46 PM
Thanks guys, that means a lot. Hugs,
Jackie and Ugga
Sabre's Mum
05-31-2013, 03:46 AM
Sorry to hear the latest news on Ugga and your newfie. Hugs from me to you.
Angela and Flynn
05-31-2013, 08:13 AM
Thank you, Angela. Hugs back.
molly muffin
05-31-2013, 04:21 PM
So how did it go at the vet today?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Peety's Fur-mom
05-31-2013, 09:29 PM
How are you and the lil ones today? Just checking in to say thinking about you.
Hugs from Pat and Peety
05-31-2013, 09:39 PM
Awww Sharlene, you're so sweet to check in :) Ugga had an ultrasound today and it showed a fair amount of sludge/debris in his gallbladder. Good grief...sludge?! My vet said some dogs don't have any discomfort from this at all but some are really bothered by it. We are treating with Amoxicillin and Metronidazole and he'll have another ultrasound in 2 weeks. A huge weight has been lifted! Oh and one interesting fact: according to Eastern medicine, the gallbladder generally does its thing between 11pm-1am...Ugga is always worse at night between funny. Dr. Nicole said we could do acupuncture for this but she feels the meds just work better in these cases. Hopefully he'll be feeling better in a few days. I'm leaving town Sunday night and I won't be back until's in charge...yikes ;)
Jackie and Ugga
06-01-2013, 09:20 AM
Hi pat :) I'm sorry I missed your message. We are doing ok, thanks so much for asking! Ugga has sludge in his gallbladder which is causing discomfort but it's treatable, thank goodness. Big hugs to you and Petey!
~Jackie and ugga
molly muffin
06-01-2013, 11:44 AM
Well, who would have thought I'd be saying yay for sludge! But treatable is always good, so we'll take it. :)
Ugga sure doesn't like to do things the easy way. hahaha Still it's good news all considered and now you'll have some time to concentrate on your sweetheart newfie too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-24-2013, 10:03 AM
Hey guys. I don't know how many people have been following Ugga's progress but I thought I'd come here today and post the latest. I wish I had better news. Last time I posted, Ugga was having some issues with his gallbladder. We treated with amoxy and metro and he seemed to do ok. We did another ultrasound 2 weeks later and there was some improvement and his spirits were better but he still wasn't himself. He would pace and bark (usually if he ended up in a closet or even a corner of the room), he wasn't eating well (but his appetite was fine), and was really unsteady on his feet. He wasn't sleeping through the night either. He'd be up between 3-5am and then would bark to go out every 30 minutes thereafter. He's had 4 ultrasounds, a stim test, a full blood panel, an x-ray, and 2 acupuncture sessions in the past month and a half. He would improve for a few days and then decline again and we couldn't really find anything. His blood work came back normal but low T4. We investigated further and he tested positive for hypothyroidism. That certainly explained his strange behavior, we were actually happy with the diagnosis because it gave us an answer. That was a little over 2 weeks ago. We started him on Levothyroxine and crossed our fingers. He showed no improvement. This weekend, he barely ate at all, he seemed to have trouble getting the food in his mouth. Monday night he couldn't walk. I carried him outside to see if he'd go potty and he just kept falling over. He fell asleep and I decided to just let him sleep and call the vet in the morning. He was walking again yesterday morning but was very wobbly. He slept most of the day. I took him in at 7:30pm and we did another ultrasound and an x-ray. He was pacing the whole time he was in the office and was just completely out of it. The ultrasound showed multiple spots on his spleen :( but other than that, nothing physical. My vet says her gut is telling her his problems are neurological since we've ruled out just about everything else. We've decided to take him off the thyroid meds and wean him off the phenobarbital just in case it's the meds causing this. We started him on a supplement (SAM-E) to help with brain function and I made him some chicken and rice (it was easier for him to eat that). My hubby and I have opted to try and keep him comfortable as long as we can and then help him cross the bridge. This little guy has been a fighter since the day we brought him home 7 years ago, he's not fighting like he used to, he's tired. This is heartbreaking :(
Squirt's Mom
07-24-2013, 10:20 AM
Oh, Jackie,
What a heart-wrenching post. I am just so sad to hear that our sweet little Ugga is declining so. :( This is so tough to watch and to face what we know must come. Try to enjoy every moment. Give him any and everything he wants and loves. Talk to him, telling him everything you want him to carry with him as he Crosses. Touch him often, hold him close to your heart. And know that we are by your side, holding your hand, whispering in your ear, holding you up when your strength falters.
Many hugs and gentle belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang
07-24-2013, 11:29 AM
I am so sorry this is happening to your baby. We have lost too many in the last few weeks. I would do what you are doing and keep him comfortable, and do anything he wants to do. Just keep loving him every minute you have with him, and stay with him. I will pray for you both that this gets turned around. God Bless you and your baby.
07-24-2013, 04:04 PM
Daisy has the same sludge in her gallbladder. The IMS doc put her on Urisidol. She had no symptoms which amazed me considering how much sludge the vet said is there.
We're praying for Ugga!
molly muffin
07-24-2013, 05:56 PM
Oh Jackie :( Super big hugs. I so hate that this is happening after everything else that Ugga has over come.
You guys have all done so much and Ugga's story has helped so many others here.
Know that I am thinking of you and Ugga, dear to our hearts.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Peety's Fur-mom
07-24-2013, 09:02 PM
Jackie so very sorry to hear this news. I've been worried since you haven't posted in a while. This is so heartbreaking just thinking of what you are feeling right now. Some one said to just spend time loving him and that is the best advice. I would put the world on hold and focus on Ugga every minute of every day for as long as needed. He is a special part of your heart and we have all come to love him too. So you are not alone in this. We are all here for you and will certainly be hoping and praying for a different result. Give Ugga a big hug from me and Peety. We will be saying special prayers for you and your family.
God Bless you my dear...
Pat and Peety
07-24-2013, 10:34 PM
Jackie, I am so sorry to hear things are not going well for Ugga and your other dog. Scoop had A LOT of sludge in his gallbladder too. So much that the IMS said if he would have been a healthy dog she would have recommended having it removed. It is so heartbreaking to see these things happen to our babies and we are so helpless. I hope and pray Ugga does a turn around and feels better.
Sabre's Mum
07-25-2013, 01:41 AM
Ohh Jackie. I am sorry to hear the latest update on Ugga. Take care and hugs from me to you .... and Ugga as well.
07-26-2013, 10:05 AM
Thank you all so much for your kind words, support, and hugs. I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to us. Ugga showed some improvement yesterday. He was walking around fine and ate on his own. He's still acting confused and wakes us up at all hours of the night, not really sure what that means. We are taking it day by day and enjoying every minute we have with him. Hugs to all of you.
07-26-2013, 09:00 PM
Jackie, Glad to here Ugga showed some improvement yesterday. Hope it keeps going in that direction.
molly muffin
07-26-2013, 09:17 PM
Day by day Jackie. That is all you can do. It is all any of us can do.
I hope that Ugga has more good days to come. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
07-27-2013, 07:51 AM
Thinking of you and Ugga this morning, Jackie.
07-27-2013, 07:59 AM
Thinking of you and hoping things are working out with Ugga. Blessings
Peety's Fur-mom
07-27-2013, 12:41 PM
Just sending thoughts and prayers to you and Ugga. Hope you are having a good day.
Hugs from Pat and Peety
07-27-2013, 07:23 PM
Hope Ugga is feeling better and it is just the gall bladder taking time to come right and hopefully getting off some of the meds will also help. Lots of hugs for you as you keep trying to sort this out!! xx
07-28-2013, 07:27 AM
Another rough night for ugga :(. We tried giving him Ativan to help him sleep (per our vet) but it doesn't seem to be working. We gave him .75 mg at 11:30 and he didn't settle until after midnight (pacing and barking). He got stuck in a corner and I had to turn him around. I put him in his bed and he slept until 4:45. He's been pacing around since :(
Squirt's Mom
07-28-2013, 07:45 AM
Sending prayers, strengthening energies, hugs and belly rubs this morning. My heart is breaking for you all, Jackie. Our little Ugga knows how very much he is loved. Don't ever doubt that, honey.
Leslie and the gang
07-28-2013, 08:20 AM
God bless you and Ugga, I am saying a prayer for you both, and I am hopeful Ugga will some out of this bad spell and do better. Blessings
07-28-2013, 08:48 AM
I join the others in sending love to both you and dear Ugga. Kim
molly muffin
07-28-2013, 09:19 AM
Sorry to hear that Ugga had another bad night. It is so hard when you don't know what to do to help them settle and get some rest.
Thinking of you
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-28-2013, 08:46 PM
Jackie, I'm sorry to hear Ugga had a bad night. Hope things will turn around for him.
Hugs to you both.
07-28-2013, 11:28 PM
poor Ugga. Sending prayers and good sleep vibes.
Peety's Fur-mom
07-29-2013, 04:44 PM
Jackie I know what you are going through. A couple of years ago Peety started crying and barking every night and could not be consoled in any way. After a week of me literally getting no sleep, (he slept during the day) took him to see the Vet. The vet said he was experiencing night blindness and that is why it was only at night. His BP was also very high. So he prescribed BP meds for hypertension and also clomicom for anxiety. It was only a few days before he was much better. Now I don't know about the night blindness, but he did have hypertension, because at the time, my dad was real sick and Peety and my dad were real close and I think he was upset with people coming in and out all day. So over time (after my dad passed) he returned to normal. But it was so hard because I could not do anything for him during that time. He is no longer on BP meds or anything else so I really think it was isolated to what was going on at the time. It's amazing how astute they are and how things upset them that you wouldn't think of.
It might not be that simple for Ugga, but I wanted to share that because when you described what he was doing I remembered what that was like and I am so sorry Ugga cannot get comfortable. But your love is never far from his mind and he will always return to that. So my dear, just keep doing what you are doing and know that you are absolutely doing your best. Give Ugga a big hug. I'm praying this will turn around soon.
Pat and Peety
07-29-2013, 07:08 PM
Ugga crossed the bridge today. I wish I could say more, I just can't right now. To all of you with Cush pups out there, you should know, this was not Cushings related. He fought for so long and just couldn't anymore. We lost our Newfie last month and now this, we are heartbroken.
Harley PoMMom
07-29-2013, 07:14 PM
Oh Jackie,
I am so sorry for your loss of sweet Ugga and my heart goes out to you and your family. We are here for you, remember that.
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
07-29-2013, 07:16 PM
Oh Jackie, I am so sorry to hear about Ugga and your Newfie.
I know how your heart feels. If you want to PM me anytime please do.
I come here and just say how I am feeling.
It hurts to hear this news. I am so sorry for your loss of Ugga.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Big Hugs!
molly muffin
07-29-2013, 07:17 PM
Oh Jackie, lots and lots of love, I am so sorry that Ugga has passed.
It was a good battle and Ugga had tons of heart.
My sincere condolences.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
07-29-2013, 07:21 PM
Ugga is in great paws right now. Buddy, Tia, Simba and all of our fur baby angels were there to welcome him at the rainbow bridge. He is running free of pain forever. Although his pain has ended, yours has just begun. We are here for you and we care. Please keep talking to us. It does help. I am saying this out of experience. I lost my beloved Buddy on July 2. The angels have been here for me and continue do so. We are here for you too. Big hugs my dear. Xxxxxx
Squirt's Mom
07-29-2013, 07:24 PM
Dear Jackie,
I am so sorry to hear about our sweet Ugga and about Lou. So much heart break so close together. :( You loved them both with all your being and gave them both your very best. They know you love them and will always love them, as they will you. Today, they are together once again, whole and strong, freed from the pains of this world. One day, Jackie, we will all hold our babies again; Ugga and Lou will be in your arms, covering your face with kisses. Til that day when you join them, they will watch over you with the same love and devotion you gave to them.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie and our Angels, Ruby, Crystal, Tasha, and Josie
Squirt's Mom
07-29-2013, 07:56 PM
Ugga's name has been added to the In Loving Memory thread for 2013 with today's date. Lou's name has been added simply at the end of the month of June with "June" for the date. I will be happy to add the date if you like for Lou. We would love to include pics of them both in the In Loving Memory album for 2013. So if you will send pics to when you are up to it, we will take care of that for you. In this way, your babies will always be remembered and honored here as cherished members of our family.
Leslie and the gang
Peety's Fur-mom
07-29-2013, 08:12 PM
I am heartbroken with you. I can't say that enough. Please accept my sincere condolences. May God bless you and comfort you.
Hugs Pat
07-29-2013, 08:55 PM
I am so very sorry. May all the wonderful memories you have of your babies sustain you as you heal. If there is anything at all that we can do please let us know. RIP dear sweet Ugga. Fly free from all pain, run like a puppy, eat til your heart is content and sleep soundly knowing how much you were loved. Kim
Roxee's Dad
07-29-2013, 10:03 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss. Rest in Peace sweet Ugga, tonight you are our newest and brightest star in the sky......
Simba's Mom
07-29-2013, 10:29 PM
oh Jackie, I am so sorry, your precious Ugga, sending hugs and prayers.... Ugga is being greeting by Simba, and of course all the other cush pups... they are helping him check out his new castle where all the other angels live....he is walking and free of pain, but always knows his home is in your for those good memories, they will come, and if you can stay on this forum, its still the best place to be, here for you....
07-29-2013, 10:43 PM
Oh Jackie!!!!
I am so sorry to hear this! Ugga is running and playing without pain now, but you already know that.
When you're up to it, please do let us know what happened so that we can be watchful even though Cushings wasn't the cause.
07-30-2013, 01:02 AM
My heart aches for you and the tears are flowing. I am so sorry for your loss.
07-30-2013, 08:14 AM
I am so sorry about the loss of Ugga. I know he is happy and not in pain anymore, but that does not lessen the heartache you feel. I hope you can get through this I know you have been through a lot the past few months. God Bless you and Ugga in heaven.
07-30-2013, 09:01 AM
Oh my gosh, you guys. I am so overwhelmed by all the love I'm feeling right now. I keep coming here and reading your messages, they bring me such comfort. Thank you. I don't know what to do with myself today, my life has been dedicated to caring for this boy for the past 8 years. Every aspect of our lives revolved around Ugga's feeding, medication, and potty schedules. I had to arrange my schedule at work so he'd be home alone no longer than 6 hours at a time.
This boy was a fighter. When he was 2, he started having cluster seizures and we thought we were going to lose him because we couldn't get control at first. When he was 3, he ate a pack of Orbit gum (sweetened with Xylitol-deadly to dogs). He spent the night in the ER and the vets were less than optimistic about him coming through that. When he was 4, he ate a rubber ball, which moved its way into his intestine (over the course of a month!) where it got stuck and had to be surgically removed. Again, the vets weren't sure he'd survive that ordeal, he had a lot of dead intestine that had to be removed as well. He bounced back, no problem. After that, we had one more bad seizure episode (17 seizures in 24 hours) but again, he pulled through. We had a couple good years with no incidents and then when he turned 7 the CC started and well, you know the rest. As far as what's been happening the past few weeks, my vet strongly believes it can be related to the many, many seizures this boy had early on in his life. You could tell there was always something a little off about him neurologically but it was always so slight and never really affected his day to day life. He was doing so well until just after Lou passed away (june 17). I think he had 2 good days and then became really lethargic, stopped playing with toys, and only ate sporadically. 3 weeks ago, my husband and I, adopted a 2 year old bullmastiff. I know it sounds like we just rushed out and "replaced" our boy Lou but I assure you, we weren't replacing anyone, we were just trying to heal our hearts (and Ugga's as well). He really perked up when Mable came to live with us, it was a complete turnaround. Unfortunately, there were only a few good days before he started the pacing and not eating or drinking. It was as if he forgot how to use a bowl, or he wasn't able to. He'd go back and forth between the water and the food bowl, look at at me, and bark. We did so much testing and we didn't get anywhere. I bought him a Lixit bottle to drink out of and it got to the point where we had to physically put his little face up to it to get him to drink. He became so lethargic, it was hard to wake him when he slept and his poor little body would twitch and contract the whole time (not like dreaming, it looked like he was having mini focal seizures while he was asleep). When he wasn't sleeping, he was pacing. He wasn't our Ugga anymore, his brain had checked out. We really believe he hung on for us, that he wanted to make sure we were ok and that Mable would take care of us (yes, she rescued us as much as we rescued her). I'm sure we're probably humanizing him a little too much, but it helps us feel a little better. We decided to help him cross the bridge last night. It was so sad but so peaceful. He had picked a spot to lay down outside (he was barely able to walk, he kept tipping over) and my vet just did it there. She was crying too, she had become very attached to Ugga over the years. He touched the lives of everyone he met and always brought a smile to their face. He was one of a kind and will be greatly missed :'(
07-30-2013, 09:22 AM
Oh Jackie, I am so very sorry to hear about what happened to Ugga. I felt so close. Scoop and Ugga had so many of the same problems months ago. The morning of the day Scoop passed away his IMS saw something that made her think Scoop had a mini focal seizure.
Big hugs!
Squirt's Mom
07-30-2013, 10:28 AM
Dear Jackie,
We really believe he hung on for us, that he wanted to make sure we were ok and that Mable would take care of us (yes, she rescued us as much as we rescued her). I'm sure we're probably humanizing him a little too much, but it helps us feel a little better.
I believe ya'll are spot on but I would go a step further and say that it was a joint effort between Lou and Ugga. From reading your journey this last month, I don't think Ugga wanted to leave you alone, he still had one more job to do. So he and Lou found Mabel and sent her to you, knowing we all need the healing power of love and connection. Their mission complete, Ugga was free to turn toward the Light and join Lou in the Rainbow Fields. I imagine they were not only glad to see each other but very pleased with themselves to boot. They take good care of their mom.
Know we are here anytime you wish to talk. When you feel up to it, feel free to start a memorial thread in the In Loving Memory section. We would be honored to help you celebrate the life you shared.
Leslie and the gang
Love’s Greatest Gift
I know it is hard on you, there are no words that can describe
the piercing sorrow which does not lessen with time.
When you had to bring me with you, on that last car ride to make,
all the while knowing the course of action you needed to take.
I know you hurt, I feel your sorrow, it’s true,
I could always sense your each and every mood.
When we reached our destination I knew that your heart was breaking,
I lay upon the ground…getting closer to my new awakening.
You gathered me close as you wondered,
how you could do this for me when you needed me the most.
I tried to convey my last wishes to you,
I looked into your eyes with all the love you are used to,
Mom and Dad, this earthly body has served me well,
but the time has come for us to part, to no longer dwell.
You understood the signal, and knew it was time for me to go,
but before I leave there is just one more thing you should know.
I will look out for you, each day I will guide,
my Spirit in some way will always be nearby.
Before I make it to the Bridge to stay,
I will return the love tenfold in hopes for my debts to be paid.
For a new pup has entered your world,
a new love will blossom and slowly unfurl.
I know you realize that new dog is a gift of joy,
sent from me, your baby boy.
That new dog was chosen by me, to lessen your pain,
like the gentle warmth of the sunshine after the rain.
When you hear her bark, it’s my bark too;
when she cuddles you close, it’s what I would do.
So open your heart and see,
that the love she gives comes also from me.
Take comfort, hug her, and reminisce
as she gives her love freely in the form of a dear doggy kiss.
But the time has come to let me go,
to make that unselfish choice, even though tears will flow.
Hold me, cherish me, until my last breath,
but please don’t look at this as my death,
Someday we will be together again; come close for one last kiss,
I know this it true, as it is my soul’s last earthbound wish.
Now I can feel my spirit floating, it is traveling high,
as though I were a cloud in the endless blue sky.
Please find peace, you have honored my life with this,
For I have been reborn through this, Love’s Greatest Gift.
07-30-2013, 10:28 AM
Dear Jackie,
I want you to know how very sorry I am about your loss of Ugga. It was exactly nine years ago this week that my husband and I witnessed some of the very same changes in our beloved Cushpup, Barkis, and we soon helped him to Rainbow Bridge as well. For us,too, it was just as you have described. Barkis would lower his head over his food and water bowls, but it was as if he could not remember how to make his mouth work anymore. And the pacing and the stumbling, and finally the sense that "he" was no longer really with us any longer. So I absolutely understand your decision. In the midst of your pain, I am so grateful that you have Mable alongside you to give you renewed purpose. And how especially sweet that Ugga and Mable were able to meet -- it is as if Ugga had the chance to pass a blessing on to his new sister. Our baby Peg was born a month after Barkis died, so they did not have a chance to meet on this earth. But I believe a precious connection was still in place. We had left Barkis' dogbed out as a symbol of his presence, and one of the very first things that puppy Peg did was to walk over to that bed, sniff it carefully, and then peacefully settle herself on it as if Barkis was curled up right beside her, keeping her safe. It was such a sweet and gentle moment.
Anyway, I know this has been such a painful and demanding time for you. When your baby has required so much special care, it seems almost otherworldly when suddenly all that time weighs so heavy on your mind and your heart. So it is doubly good that Mable is alongside you and beginning her new journey as your companion. Please do remain in touch, Jackie. We will always want to you know how you are doing, and we will always be here to help you remember and honor your sweet boy.
07-30-2013, 12:34 PM
I am so touched by Ugga's many things for Ugga over the years and yet he kept on and you all did too. He was quite the little fighter!
So sorry for your loss...two heartbreaks so close together. A peaceful end for Ugga and no more suffering at least. It's so hard to get through this, I'm so glad you have Mable by your side now, I'm sure she'll bring some comfort.
Thinking of you and sweet little Ugga.
07-30-2013, 02:03 PM
no one thinks that Mable is replacing Ugga. We adore our furlets and I for one, can't imagine living life without at least one :)
I agree that Ugga was making sure that all would be well before he passed and I'm so glad that he was able to do so at home!
Sabre's Mum
07-30-2013, 02:14 PM
Jackie ... I am so sorry. Fly free lil Ugga. Hugs.
Take care
07-30-2013, 03:17 PM
HI Jackie
I am very sad to read of Ugga's passing, what a brave wee doggie, sincered condolences to you all xx
molly muffin
07-30-2013, 06:09 PM
Oh Jackie, that must have been so hard to watch Ugga go through so much and deteriorate after everything she had over come. My heart just breaks. She did over come so very much and what a fighter. Nothing seem to get to it, but I guess it's a cumulative effect and over time, the seizures must have been a neurological detriment to her.
Welcome Mable. It's good to have another little body in the house running around. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Peety's Fur-mom
07-30-2013, 07:28 PM
Hi Jackie, just want to send loving thoughts to you and your family. How sweet it is to have Mable, to see her happy puppy spirit doing her best to make you smile. I know it will be a long long time before Ugga will not be the only thought that comes to your mind. But I'm so glad you have a sweet young pupper to fill your heart and possibly every waking moment with her puppiness. I have lost so many and even though it is inevitable it will happen and our hearts always have a place for one more. Never a replacement but a happy repairing of our broken hearts. So take care and God Bless you.
Boriss McCall
07-31-2013, 06:07 PM
Oh this just breaks my heart. I am so sorry to read this about your precious little Ugga. I hope that Mable will help you during this really hard time & the sad days ahead. We had to do the same thing when we lost our bullie a few years ago. It is the best way to help mend a broken heart.
RIP sweet sweet Ugga..
Bo's Mom
07-31-2013, 08:25 PM
RIP Sweet Angel Ugga....go make all the paw prints in Heaven that you can. Look after Mom as her heart heals from such pain. We will all be here for her too.
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