View Full Version : Kira, trilostane treatment - update: Kira has passed away

05-05-2009, 07:22 PM
Hi everyone:

I wanted to let you know that Kira had another ACTH test last week and the results were very good.:D Her clinical symptoms have also all but disappeared (except for the panting).

Cortisol (0) 32
Cortisol (1hr) 84
Cortisol (2hr) 109

There is also a new vet at the clinic that Kira goes to and Kira's regular vet is getting the new vet up to speed. I spent some time talking to her and found out that she has treated over 100 Cush pups. That is also a good thing to know. She is very knowledgeable about the disease and it's treatment. She has mostly used Lysodren on the dogs she has treated, but says she is also very impressed with the results from Trilostane.

I just have a bit of an issue with the amount of panting that Kira is recently doing.:cool: However, she is a husky and it has gotten quite a bit warmer lately. She could also stand to lose a couple of pounds. She's not excessively over-weight, but if she dropped about 5lb it wouldn't hurt. I think between the heat, weight and arthritis, the panting is accounted for. The vet told me to note any unusual changes in her breathing. So far, so good but it is a bit annoying (especially at night, when she wakes up and starts panting).

Her blood work at the beginning of April was also good so I am just going to continue monitoring her. The vet said, that barring any unusual symptoms (lethargy - NOT... she caught and killed a bunny a few weeks ago; stopping eating; vomiting, etc) she doesn't have to come back for another ACTH for another 6 months. That's good news for the pocketbook too. The vet was also able to find a pet pharmacy that would produce 40mg tablets, so that cost is down somewhat too.:)

Heidi & Kira

05-05-2009, 08:33 PM
Hi Heidi,

I'm glad to see you posting an update here and am really glad to hear that Kira is doing so well. Those are some great stim numbers you posted.

I am cutting and pasting one of your prior posts (2/7/09) on cc.net that had a lot of information that will help members recall a bit of Kira's history.

I only feed her the chicken in very small doses. Just enough to spike her dog food and get her hunting for the pieces. She's not walking away from her food; she just doesn't want to eat her 'dog' food. Put 'people' food down and it's gone very quickly. She spoiled! She'll also eat her dog food if I hold the bowl for her and believe it or not, if I feed her her food with a fork, she'll eat it that way too. That's what I mean about spoiled. She's just a real people person and that includes meal-time.

Yes, I have prednisone and on 2 occasions have used it. I'm not sure if it was really necessary at the time, but from everything I've read, they say if in doubt, give the prednisone. I only ever had to give her 1 pill and she rallied. Of course I took her to the vet the next day ASAP. Each time, everything was as normal as could be for a cush pup, so I might have over-reacted, but better safe than sorry.

Yes, she did have an ultra sound at the very beginning. Everything was normal. That's when we started doing all the other tests.

I watch her like a hawk and have seen steady improvement over the past 3 months. It was a rough start though because I don't think we got the dosage right (it was a lot of trial and error). We started with 120mg once a day. The symptoms didn't go away and she got really lethargic. Then the vet suggested giving her 120mg twice a day but I vetoed that because of what I read here on the forum. The vet had checked with a specialist who suggested that we give her the medicine twice a day. My vet misunderstood and thought the specialist meant doubling the dosage. When I balked at doubling it and suggest that we actual give her 60mg twice a day, she re-checked with the specialist who said yes, that is what he meant. So she had misunderstood what the specialist meant. Thanks to this forum and my standing my ground we didn't run into the possibility of an overdose. However, she was still pretty lethargic and still drank a lot of water. Late in December, I gave her prednisone again because of the way she was behaving (panting, laboured breathing, etc). This time when I took her to the vet the next day, her regular vet (who had been on medical leave) was back. Though not particularly well versed on Cushings, he was the voice of reason. He got out the calculator and determined that the 120mg a day she was getting was the high-end of the dosage scale for a dog her size (80lb). He then calculated what the low-end dosage would be, which worked out to 75mg per day. Since I have 20mg tablets, we decided to put her on 40mg in the morning; 40mg in the evening. Since the change in dosage I've notice that all her symptoms have disappeared and she is almost her old self again (except for the arthritis). Her ACTH numbers are also right where they should be.

She's due for her next ACTH in March and at that time I plan on asking the vet to do what they call a 'geriatric blood test'. That will list all these important numbers. When she had it done back in October, when all this started it was pretty normal. Only the ALP (ast 3388) and the ALT (AT 785) were elevated; the rest of her numbers were all normal. Anyway, this test is due in March again. I'll also mention the electrolyte test to the vet and get that done at the same time. That way she's only traumatized once going to the vet. They love her there, but she's just not thrilled at being there.

So once again, thank you for all the info. Huskies are a wonderful breed. Good natured and definitely people oriented. I love her to pieces. I've had her since she was 6 months old (got her from the pound) and she's just the most wonderful family pet. She'll be 12 in May.


05-05-2009, 08:58 PM
Thanks for posting the old info


05-05-2009, 09:44 PM
Hi Heidi,
It's good to see you here...I was hoping that you'd find this spot as I had no way to get ahold of you!
It's great to see a good update on Kira. And I was glad to see the previous info on her...it's so frustrating to not be able to go back in our stories to remind us of what has gone on before now.
I've sent you a PM,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)

Squirt's Mom
05-06-2009, 11:13 AM
Hi Heidi,

Glad to hear from you and Kira. And such good news, too! :) That is something we all love to hear!

Did you have rabbit stew? :D I cooked squirrel once...or tried to anyway. Supposedly, squirrel dumplings are really good to some folks. All I know is they were so nasty cooking in the pot that I gave up and had my husband carry pot and all out to the woods and leave it! :eek::eek::p It took ages before the smell left the house. I decided if he wanted squirrel dumplings, he would have to go to his mom's for that, I refused! :p UCK UCK UCK

Hope Kira continues to do well!
Leslie and the girls

05-06-2009, 11:20 AM
Squirrel dumplings? Oh my, oh my!

Rabbit stew, ok....but don't know about squirrel.

However, my Aussie would love to have a chipmunk or two for lunch....as she chases them thru the yard...



05-06-2009, 07:39 PM
Squirrel dumplings???? Yuck!!

No, I didn't cook the rabbit. It was late at night, so I bagged it and placed it outside the gate to the backyard. I didn't want Kira going after it again, if I had to let her out during the night. When I went to retrieve it the next morning, it was gone; bag and all. Probably a coyote or fox.

I felt really bad about the bunny and considered telling Kira off. But then I thought... she's got Cushings, arthritis, etc. Good Girl!!! That she had the initiative and the wherewithall to catch the bunny made me happy.


05-06-2009, 10:14 PM
My Maggie prefers possum. :D
Hasn't bagged one lately though.

Virginia and Maggie

05-07-2009, 09:23 AM
LOL! A few years back, my Aussie (Mandy) went outside and came back with a "surprise" for me.....she dropped a small bird at my feet (it was DOA)....Ick!!!!!

The stuff they can get into is amazing at times...I have some adorable baby bunnies nesting in my yard and I'm keeping Mandy away from their little nest....otherwise she might bring me another little "prize"


05-07-2009, 07:06 PM
Kira has brought me a few birds in the past years. And of course, she's been skunked 2 times. Now that's really awful!!! I also worry about her going after a racoon, because the critters will face down anything. I found one sleeping on my lawn chairs a couple of months ago. When I tried to shoo it off, it just looked at me like "what's your problem lady??" It didn't move until a smacked it on the rear with a broom. Even then, it moved verrrrry slowly.


05-07-2009, 08:07 PM
I had a date cook me up some squirrel when I was in college. Tastes a bit like chicken as I remember. Oh my, that was a few years ago!


05-19-2009, 08:39 AM
We took Kira on a picnic yesterday and while there, she cozied up to a good-looking, 4 year old golden retriever. She was wagging her tail and getting down on her front legs, indicating that she wanted to play. I haven't seen her do that in a verrrry long time. It's amazing what makes you happy!


Harley PoMMom
05-22-2009, 07:56 AM
:D Happy Birthday Kira :D 12 years young today !!

Miko's Mom
05-24-2009, 07:51 PM
Hello Heidi, Did I miss Kira's birthday on Friday? I hope she had a good one. Sounds like she is doing fantastic. Christine

05-24-2009, 08:42 PM
And a belated Happy Birthday from us also.


Wylie's Mom
05-26-2009, 04:51 PM
Happy Belated Birthday from me & Wylie, also. Looks like Wylie was born two weeks after Kira - he'll be 12 on June 5th!


10-09-2009, 03:45 PM
I've got a couple of non-cushing related questions.

1) I remember seeing a receipt for Pumpkin cookies somewhere out there, but can't remember where or who. I've got a bunch of pumpkins for decoration in the front yard and if they are still good after Halloween, I'd like to try and use some of them for those cookies.

2) I also read that Witch Hazel is good for doggie sores. Kira has some lumpy growths (non-malignant)on her paws and occasionally she comes in from the yard and they are bleeding (because they are so low on her legs). I think the term for these boo boos is 'calcified skin'? They don't seem to bother her at all and they're not growing. It's just that they are in a very ackward place and it's hard to keep them covered when they do open. I was wondering if the Witch Hazel would help heal the sores. Is there something else I could use. Currently, whenever I see them bleeding a little, I put some polysporin on them.

Thanks... Heidi

Harley PoMMom
10-09-2009, 05:54 PM
Hi Heidi,

Sorry I can't help you with the pumpkins :(

Tho I heard, but not used, tumeric paste. From what I've read you use an organic turmeric powder (which is found in stores) put some of the powder in a glass dish and mix a little water in it and stir with a q-tip.

Get it to a consistancy of a very smooth kind of gel. You dont want it too thick and definitely not chunky as it will just fall off their body.

It will turn the skin a little yellow like if you were using iodine or betadine but it does wear away and the skin does go back to normal
color eventually when you stop using it. This will stain fabric tho.

Hope this helps. :)

Love and hugs.

10-14-2009, 09:12 AM
Hi... I need some insight.

Kira went for her ACTH test yesterday. When I got her home, she was her happy self. However, by early evening, she started to do some serious panting and was drinking copious amounts of water. She was panting all night (didn't get much sleep last night) and I had to let her out twice during the night (haven't done that in months). I was just wondering if she could be having a reaction to the serum they inject for the test. Has anyone experienced anything similar with the test? It's just like most of her symptoms have returned overnight.
The vet will probably call later today with the results of the test and I'll ask him then. Just thought I'd put this out there.


10-14-2009, 09:39 AM
We've seen this happen with a few dogs after an ACTH stim - particularly dogs on trilostane. The general feeling is that it is probably caused by the stim test temporarily driving up the cortisol a bit - apparently the increased adrenal stimulation by the test can sometimes partially override the trilostane's inhibition of cortisol production.

There is something about it here: http://veterinarycalendar.dvm360.com/avhc/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=586436&sk=&date=&pageID=2 (on page 2 just under half the way down). It says:

• Monitoring of trilostane therapy with the ACTH stimulation test may be difficult because ACTH can override the competitive inhibition of steroidogenesis.


Harley PoMMom
10-14-2009, 09:47 AM
Hi Heidi,

I thought I remembered reading about someone's pup having a bad reaction to the gel and then I finally remembered it was Corky.

Thank you so very much, Lori. I did ask Corky's IMS about his electrolytes, as he definitely had a bad reaction to the gel that his vet used. He had to be rehydrated twice, and I had to give him pedialite. I do keep this on hand in case he needs it. Corky's IMS does not use the gel for the ACTH Stim test, which helps relieve my mind. I know that I was afraid that he might have a reaction to the IV when he had the LDDS test, but he was fine.

Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes. I just wish that I could help others, the way that everyone is helping me.


I don't know what Corky's reactions were, maybe you can PM Terri and ask.

Love and hugs.

Roxee's Dad
10-14-2009, 10:07 AM
Hi Heidi,
Roxee also had a reaction to her ACTH stim testing. The panting would increase, a bit lethargic or weak and loss of interest in food. She usually recovered by the next day. We hated stim day :( but it was a necessary unpleasant experience for her.

10-14-2009, 11:59 AM
Hi Heidi,

Corky had a bad reaction to the gel when he had his stim test done in January. He was fine when he got home, but around 1 A.M., he got very sick and was vomiting badly. He did this off and on for about 4 hours. He could hardly stand, let alone walk. I took him to the vet as soon as they opened. Corky's electrolytes were really out of whack from the gel. He had to be rehydrated two days in a row. I also had to give him pedialite. It was at least four or five days that he couldn't walk. He wouldn't even eat anything for almost two days. Then he started eating a little at a time. This is why I'm so glad that his IMS doesn't use the gel.

I hope Kira is doing better today.


10-14-2009, 12:06 PM
Thanks everyone for your input. Kira seems to be rallying this AM.:) She still not the peppy girl she was lately, but she seems to be doing better now. She's ate her breakfast and is currently going after the treats she gets after breakfast, that she didn't eat this morning. I'm going to mention the adverse reaction to the vet when he calls with the results. I don't think she needs re-hydration. We've been in the yard all morning and the only time I saw her take a drink was when she came back from her walk. She's also not panting excessively anymore. Again, thanks for all your support.

Heidi & Kira

Harley PoMMom
10-14-2009, 01:26 PM
Hi Heidi,

Glad to hear Kira is feeling better, it makes us worried sick when they are not acting themselves.

I'm going to mention the adverse reaction to the vet when he calls with the results.Please let us know what the vet has to say about this, if you wouldn't mind.

Hoping Kira feels better every day and please keep us updated. :)

Love and hugs.

10-14-2009, 04:26 PM
Hi Heidi,

Very glad Kira is behaving more normally.

As has been said the stim overrides the body's systems and causes a spike of cortisol.

Please let us know about the results.

Best wishes. Scott

10-14-2009, 05:58 PM
Hi Heidi,

I'm glad Kira is doing better. She'll soon be her old self.


10-14-2009, 06:56 PM
Hi everyone:

Kira seems to be her old self again. This evening she went out into the yard to dig up a dog cookie she buried a couple of days ago. You always have to have something in reserve you know.:rolleyes:
Her breathing is definitely normal again and she's drinking water normally too. She drank a quarter of a bowl after her dinner (which is normal for her). Right now, she's lying on the rug, having a nap. She didn't get much sleep during the day, because I was out blowing leaves and sucking them up with the mulcher. Too much noise for her. She was walking briskly when we went for a walk. Hopefully this continues into the night. I'd love to sleep a few hours tonight!:eek:

The vet didn't call today, so I'm expecting the results tomorrow. I'll post them once I get them.

Thanks, again.........Heidi

10-15-2009, 09:41 PM
Hi Heidi,
Glad to hear that Kira is feeling more herself. Lady would get more restless and almost more aggressive after her shot of cortrosyn(?) but it didn't last too long. She was always more tired that day.
Waiting with you for the results,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)

10-16-2009, 07:37 PM
I got the results of Kira's ACTH stim test. She is doing very well. Here are the results:

Costisol (0 hr) 50 (= 1.81 u.s.)
Costisol (1 hr) 115 (= 4.17 u.s.)
Costisol (2 hr) 129 (= 4.67 u.s.)

The numbers are a bit on the high side, but her clinical symptoms have all disappeared.

Given that she had a bit of a reaction to the injection and the fact that her ACTH is good and her clinical symptoms are gone, the vet suggested that may-be we only do the ACTH once a year (unless I notice any significant changes). When I picked up the test results today, I actually got a chance chat with the 'Cushings' expert at the clinic. Kira's vet hired her ealier this summer. She has treated many dogs with Cushings and is quite knowlegable. I mentioned to her about Kira's reaction and she said it is quite normal for a dog to react to the injection. As long as the symptoms are relatively minor and aren't prolonged, it really isn't anything to worry about too much. If she started vomiting or got the runs and became lethargic, then she would need to go to the vet immediately.

I also go the geriatric bloodwork done on her and the only test which was a little above the norm was the 'ALP'. It was up around 382, with the reference range being between 24 and 141. However, on checking back to her last test, that number has actually gone down from 538.

So, basically I am very happy with her results. Any comments?


10-16-2009, 08:14 PM
I got the results of Kira's ACTH stim test. She is doing very well. Here are the results:

Costisol (0 hr) 50 (= 1.81 u.s.)
Costisol (1 hr) 115 (= 4.17 u.s.)
Costisol (2 hr) 129 (= 4.67 u.s.)

The numbers are a bit on the high side, but her clinical symptoms have all disappeared.

I think those numbers are just boootiful for a dog on trilostane!:D:D

It seems that dogs on trilo often do best with the numbers on the high side (even up to 8 or 9 in some cases). This is probably because of the way the ACTH stim test can sort of break through the effects of trilostane in a way that doesn't happen with Lysodren. The 1 - 5 figure was originally arrived at for treatment with Lysodren and because trilostane works in a different way it seems the desired results may be a bit different. Quite a few vets are happy with a slightly higher figure (up to 9) if the clinical symptoms are controlled although some still go for the between 1 and 5.

I think the reaction you got was because of the test elevating the cortisol rather than anything more ominous. I'd be a bit wary of going 12 months between stims. Some dogs on trilostane (or Lysodren for that matter) do creep lower and lower over a period of time, often without showing much or any outward signs until they really in trouble, and you do want to be watching for that.

What was her last stim test result (six months ago) and what dose was she on then? It is useful to compare tests over time to see if there is any trend either upwards or downwards.


10-16-2009, 09:11 PM
I agree with Alison that those ACTH results sound great given the fact that Kira's clinical symptoms have resolved. :)

I also agree with her that I would feel concerned about waiting for 12 months to perform another ACTH. If I remember correctly, Kira is being dosed twice daily with her trilostane. I was previously unaware of the following, but one of our members who is a veterinary endocrinologist has advised us that dogs being dosed twice daily need to be monitored more closely because they run a greater risk of dropping too low on their cortisol and/or exhibiting electrolyte abnormalities:

While twice a day dosing may result in a lower amount of trilostane being used pre day it will require closer monitoring as the ACTH stimulation tests tend to be lower so we have to look for both hypocortisolemia and electrolyte abnormalities.

Dave Bruyette DVM DACVIM

Generally, ACTH and electrolyte tests are recommended every 3 months for dogs being treated with trilostane. So waiting a full year for a dog being dosed twice daily seems like a REALLY long time to me...


10-17-2009, 09:12 AM
Thanks for your input. I checked her previous results and her levels are slightly elevated from the test she had in April. They are about the same as the results from January, when we finally got her stablized. She had a test done in March, but those results were skewed. The lab mixed up the 1hr and 2hr tests (we think). Her 2hr number was less than her 1hr. That's why we did the test again in April. Right now, she is the 'old' Kira that I know (peppy, cheerful, enjoying her back yard). I will continue to monitor her carefully and consider getting another stim test done earlier than 1 year.

Thanks for your input.


11-20-2009, 10:55 AM
Thought I'd fill you all in on Kira's latest adventures.
For the last 2 years, she's always had warts on her paws. Back in the summer of 2008 I had a couple of them removed. Then all this Cushings stuff started (not that they're related issues). Well, over the past year, a lot of these warts have grown back. One in particular on her hind leg was not healing and it had begun to ooze. I took her to the vet on Monday to have it checked and she suggested that I had 2 choices. I could either spend the rest of her time making sure that this open sore was clean and not infected (no guarantees) or I could have it removed. Well, yesterday she went under the knife. They got the troublesome one as well as 4 others. They found 1 on each of her front paws as well, kind of in the webbing. Anyway, my poor baby was completely disoriented and drugged when we went to get her yesterday evening. Actually, she looked like she'd been on a 5 day bender, bloodshot eyes and all. But the good news is that she came through the surgery well.

We had to carry her into the house and into the basement, where the 2 of us spent the night. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night. She was also ravenous and thirsty when she got home, but the vet said to just give her a couple of sips of water every 15 minutes or so and to just hand feed her. I felt so bad, because everytime I took the bowl away from her, so looked at me like I was the worst Mom in the world. I woke her up a couple of times during the night to get her to move and have some water. Finally, around 6am, I went and got her breakfast. She usually gets a small bowl of boiled beef for breakfast, but I decided to add a bit of kibble to it. She hates kibble and won't eat it unless spiked but I guess she was so hungry she wolfed it down. Anyway, she had a hearty breakfast, had her morning trilostane, a small amount of treats and a bowl of water. The I actually got her to walk up the stairs from the basement and down the stairs to the backyard, where she did all her business. She's been out a couple of times this morning and has even lain out on the deck for a while.

I've got an appointment with the vet on Saturday morning, just to check her out, but if she keeps improving like this, I'll be a very happy camper. I just hope those warts don't start up again!! I'm just glad that she's looking 1000% better than last night. She's even got this neon orange bandage on one of her back paws. The 2 warts on the front paws were cauterized and the other back paw has to remain open, because it is in such an awful place that the bandages just won't stay on. I bought some children's sock and cut the toe of them, so once she's a little better, I'm going to put that over the wound and hope it stays on.

Well, Kira's having a nap right now, so I think I'll do the same.


Roxee's Dad
11-20-2009, 12:15 PM
Hi Heidi,
Wow what an adventure. I am glad that Kira is recovering nicely. When Mickee had surgery to remove some growths on his paws, I also purchased baby socks with rubber grippers on the bottom and I used those self adhesive (non sticky) ace type bandages to hold the socks on. He wore out about 2 pairs a day walking around the back yard. :):):)

Hope Kira continues to mend nicely. :)

Harley PoMMom
11-20-2009, 01:13 PM
Hi Heidi,

OMGosh, poor Kira and poor you.

So happy to hear that Kira is feeling alot better.

I don't know if these self-sticking gauzes will help, but here is a link to them, you can probably buy them in a pharmacy or Walmart.

Safe-Wrap self-adherent protective gauze

3M™ Coban™ Self Adherent Wrap

A conformable, lightweight, cohesive self-adherent elastic wrap. Coban wrap may be used for compression dressings and for securing dressings and other devices.
http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Health/Safety/Products/Related/?PC_7_RJH9U52300A9E023IJD0GR3O74_nid=LRMFQXTLX9beC NV0SMJ52Dgl

Take care of yourself and give Kira a gentle hug from Harley and me.

Love and hugs.

11-20-2009, 01:22 PM
Thanks for your good wishes. As the afternoon wears on, she keeps getting better. Today, after lunch she barked at me because she wanted to go for a walk (not just in the garden). When we got back, she immediately walked up the stairs to the family room.. no problems. I really think she's feeling much better now. The vet called around lunch too, just to see how she's doing. Now he says that I really don't have to bring her in tomorrow, as long as the head tilt she had last night is gone (which it is). Now I just hope and pray that she doesn't develope any more warts.

I have some of those sel-adhesive bandages. Unfortunately, where the wart was, was just around the hock of the leg and no matter how I wrapped the bandages, within minutes it would slip down again. The sock really seems to work the best.


11-20-2009, 03:21 PM
Heidi, I'm so glad to hear that Kira is doing better. And I'll bet she's quite fashionable wearing her new socks. :o :)

I sure hope she keeps making steady progress from here on out.


11-20-2009, 07:43 PM
Hi Heidi,

I'm so glad that Kira is on the mend from her surgery. Sounds like she's doing very well. Hope those pesky warts are gone for good!


11-20-2009, 08:18 PM
Hi Heidi,

I'm so glad to hear that Kira is doing so well. I know you must feel very relieved. I hope everything continues to go well.

11-20-2009, 10:10 PM
Hi Heidi,
Hope the warts are gone for good and that Kira continues to improve so quickly.
Have a great sleep tonight!

11-21-2009, 08:51 AM
Hi Heidi,

I'm very happy to hear that Kira is doing so well so soon after her surgery:D:D:D:D:D Plus, congrats on the great stim numbers...Good job:)
Hope you all get some sleep tonight, too.

Hugs to you both,

Jane and Franklin xx
IPAD GUIDES (http://ipadguides.info)

Squirt's Mom
11-21-2009, 10:17 AM
Hey Heidi,

OUCH! :eek: Poor Kira. :( What an ordeal for her and you. I am glad that she is getting over the surgery and showing improvement, and I am sure she will continue to improve rapidly with your TLC.

Leslie and the girls

11-22-2009, 03:27 PM
Hi Heidi, I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I am so sorry for you and specially Kira...As if it's not enough to deal with this Cushings stuff, you have to add other health issues to the mix...It just isn't fair is it? I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I didn't post earlier. We were a bit busy yesterday with Princesses birthday, and of course I have two girls to entertain 24/7, so it's hard at times to be on here as much as I'd like to (and that would be 24/7 also, if I could--lol). Just the same, I do so hope Kira is feeling much, much better by today. And OMG, I know exactly that feeling you got from when you had to hold off Kira from drinking water after her surgery. UGH! It is the worse feeling in the world when they speak to you with those "poor me" puppy eyes, and they don't just don't understand "why". I remember holding Princesses total water for a day and 1/2 when she had to have her water deprivation test---that was the worst test she has ever had to endure I think....But we must do what me have to and follow the guidelines for their sake. So don't feel like a bad mommy ever, ok. Please give Kira some great big kisses from me and lots of licks from the birthday girl, Princess. We love you both and I wish her a speedy recovery.....Luv ya, xo, Best regards, Jeanette

Thought I'd fill you all in on Kira's latest adventures.
For the last 2 years, she's always had warts on her paws. Back in the summer of 2008 I had a couple of them removed. Then all this Cushings stuff started (not that they're related issues). Well, over the past year, a lot of these warts have grown back. One in particular on her hind leg was not healing and it had begun to ooze. I took her to the vet on Monday to have it checked and she suggested that I had 2 choices. I could either spend the rest of her time making sure that this open sore was clean and not infected (no guarantees) or I could have it removed. Well, yesterday she went under the knife. They got the troublesome one as well as 4 others. They found 1 on each of her front paws as well, kind of in the webbing. Anyway, my poor baby was completely disoriented and drugged when we went to get her yesterday evening. Actually, she looked like she'd been on a 5 day bender, bloodshot eyes and all. But the good news is that she came through the surgery well.

We had to carry her into the house and into the basement, where the 2 of us spent the night. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night. She was also ravenous and thirsty when she got home, but the vet said to just give her a couple of sips of water every 15 minutes or so and to just hand feed her. I felt so bad, because everytime I took the bowl away from her, so looked at me like I was the worst Mom in the world. I woke her up a couple of times during the night to get her to move and have some water. Finally, around 6am, I went and got her breakfast. She usually gets a small bowl of boiled beef for breakfast, but I decided to add a bit of kibble to it. She hates kibble and won't eat it unless spiked but I guess she was so hungry she wolfed it down. Anyway, she had a hearty breakfast, had her morning trilostane, a small amount of treats and a bowl of water. The I actually got her to walk up the stairs from the basement and down the stairs to the backyard, where she did all her business. She's been out a couple of times this morning and has even lain out on the deck for a while.

I've got an appointment with the vet on Saturday morning, just to check her out, but if she keeps improving like this, I'll be a very happy camper. I just hope those warts don't start up again!! I'm just glad that she's looking 1000% better than last night. She's even got this neon orange bandage on one of her back paws. The 2 warts on the front paws were cauterized and the other back paw has to remain open, because it is in such an awful place that the bandages just won't stay on. I bought some children's sock and cut the toe of them, so once she's a little better, I'm going to put that over the wound and hope it stays on.

Well, Kira's having a nap right now, so I think I'll do the same.


11-23-2009, 10:05 AM
Thank you all for your kind words. Kira is doing GREAT:D:D:D

After a rocky Thursday night and Friday morning, she completely rallied. She wasn't having any trouble going up and down stairs by Friday afternoon. Friday night, I took her bed up to my bedroom and placed it next to my bed. Then I went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. When I came back in the bedroom, there was Kira, in her favourite spot; in the middle of the bed. To be fair, she didn't just jump up onto the bed. I have a hassock at the end of the bed, so it's a two-step procedure for her to get up there. (I bought the hassock for just that reason; so she could get up onto the bed). I'm still keeping a child's sock on each of her 2 back paws whenever I'm not around. She still wants to lick the wounds. I've been monitoring her progress on the wounds and they are all healing very nicely. The spots on her front paws were cauterized. The ones on her back paws had to be surgically removed, so they have stitches. They come out next Monday. I think she's silently laughing at me, because she was supposed to have her Christmas bath last week. Ha Ha:D I can't do it until the stitches come out.


11-23-2009, 04:24 PM

Glad Kira's tootsies are on the mend and that she's doing great.

I think she's silently laughing at me, because she was supposed to have her Christmas bath last week. Ha Ha I can't do it until the stitches come out.

Mom will get the last laugh though! Bath may be delayed a week but I'll bet one is still coming before Christmas. :D


Squirt's Mom
11-23-2009, 04:29 PM
Hi Heidi,

So glad to hear that Kira is doing better and is mending so well. :D

Squirt whispered in my ear to tell Kira to keep on acting like it ain't doin' so good so that dratted bath will continue to be delayed. Squirt hates baths and has been seen walking by the tub and growling at it. :p

Leslie and the girls

11-30-2009, 02:13 PM
Just got home from the vet. Kira had her stitches removed this a.m. The vet said everything looked to be healing very well. She's really her old self again. I'm glad that's over and done with. Now all we need is the Christmas bath. I'll bet she thought she dodged the bullet on that one. Ha Ha on her. I'm going to wait another week for the wounds to completely heal and then its 'bath time!!'

11-30-2009, 02:39 PM
What great news.....have fun with the bath! :D
Thanks for posting,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)

11-30-2009, 08:26 PM
Yay! Happy Dance!! So happy Kira's healed up nicely. Hugs to all,

Jane and Franklin xx

12-02-2009, 12:27 AM
that's good news! onto the dreaded bath!

I just put Mandy in the shower w/me last week for a quick wash...needless to say, if she could've scrambled up the side and out of the tub, she would've. I've never had an Aussie that enjoyed getting a bath. Just enjoy the drying part oddly....Mandy loves the towel rub and running around the house when she is wet/damp (rubbing herself up/on/against any piece of furniture (or bedding) she can find.

On the bathing note, have any of you noticed the need to bathe your pup more often once Cushings was diagnosed? I have and wondered about that...just seems like her fur and skin are more oily now and she needs a bath once a month. Perhaps it is tied to the supplements she takes....


Harley PoMMom
12-02-2009, 06:23 AM
Just got home from the vet. Kira had her stitches removed this a.m. The vet said everything looked to be healing very well. She's really her old self again. I'm glad that's over and done with. Now all we need is the Christmas bath. I'll bet she thought she dodged the bullet on that one. Ha Ha on her. I'm going to wait another week for the wounds to completely heal and then its 'bath time!!'

Hi Heidi,

This is great news and I am so happy to hear that Kira is back to her old self again.

Christmas bath now, huh! :eek: Harley tolerates his bathes but doesn't overly enjoy them! But he does get a treat after his bath so to him it's not all that bad!!

Love and hugs,

12-02-2009, 09:51 AM
Yes, things are back to normal. Kira had been spending a lot of time in the cedar hedge the last couple of day. She loves going in there, I think it helps rub the excess fur off her. Anyway, I decided to check why she's spending so much time in there. Well.... another dead bunny! Not sure whether she managed to trap it against the fence there or whether she actually ran it down and caught it.

I feel bad for the bunny, but happy for my baby girl. She's enjoying her life again. At least she didn't roll in it.


12-05-2009, 03:08 PM
Hey Heidi, It's been a few days since we last posted. Just wanted to pop a quick hello and let you know we are thinking of both you and Kira. Hope you are enjoying each other. Best regards, Jeanette

Yes, things are back to normal. Kira had been spending a lot of time in the cedar hedge the last couple of day. She loves going in there, I think it helps rub the excess fur off her. Anyway, I decided to check why she's spending so much time in there. Well.... another dead bunny! Not sure whether she managed to trap it against the fence there or whether she actually ran it down and caught it.

I feel bad for the bunny, but happy for my baby girl. She's enjoying her life again. At least she didn't roll in it.


12-05-2009, 03:43 PM
Hi Heidi,

I'm glad that Kira is doing so well. I know it does make us feel good to see our babies get back to normal.

12-06-2009, 12:23 PM
good 4 Kira
2 bad about the bunny
could've been worse...like the RAT mine dragged in!



12-23-2009, 09:15 AM
I'm not sure if I can just cut and paste a link, but I'll try. It's my holiday greetings to all of you, your families and your fur babies.

Merry Christmas:D:D:D


If the link doesn't work, maybe you can just cut and paste the above address.

Heidi & Kira

Harley PoMMom
12-23-2009, 09:50 AM
Aww, thank you Heidi, that was soooo cute. Who knew Kira had them dance moves...whew!!! ;):p:D

Wishing you, Kira, and your family a Very Merry Christmas.

Love and hugs,
Lori and Harley

12-23-2009, 11:58 AM
This video is absolutely adorable, Heidi :) Thank you for sharing it with us.

I hope you and your family, including Kira, have a wonderful Christmas.

12-24-2009, 01:07 AM
Thanks for sharing with us. Kira can shake her booty and so can mom...you guys rock!!!


12-24-2009, 07:48 AM
Hey there Heidi, I love Kira's moves. haaaaaa.....Hope you, Kira and your family enjoy a healthy and blessed holiday season. We love you dearly...Merriest Christmas...xo Jeanette and Princess

12-24-2009, 08:09 AM
Oh Heidi, what a great video!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

Tons of Christmas hugs to you, Kira, and all your loved ones,

Squirt's Mom
12-24-2009, 10:35 AM
Enjoyed the video, Heidi!

Hope you and yours have a great Christmas holiday!

Leslie and the girls - always

12-30-2009, 12:23 PM
Hi there Heidi,
Seeking out all my friends after the holidays just to say hoping you and the pup had a wonderful holiday season....I am hoping Kira is doing great these days....Luv ya,,,xo Jeanette

01-01-2010, 11:58 AM
I've posted some pictures on how I spent my holidays.


Squirt's Mom
01-01-2010, 12:30 PM
Sweet Kira,

It looks like you had a great Christmas with loads of new toys and good food! I am glad you had such a great time. :)

BTW, you look mahvilus, darlink! (as does your mom! :D )

Leslie and the girls - always

01-01-2010, 03:51 PM
Happy New Year Heidi and Kira,
I loved the latest Christmas pictures. From the looks of it, I am gathering she was a very nice girl this past year, and Santa was good to her in return. lol. Awesome pics. Keep them coming. Always love to see updates of these precious pups. In the meantime, continue to enjoy each other in the new year. Best regards and luv, xo Jeanette and licks to Kira from Princess

01-01-2010, 03:54 PM
Hi there Leslie,
I know this is Heidi's thread (I'm sorry Heidi), but since I was on it, I thought of popping a quick post simply to let you know I'm thinking of you, and I hope you are holding up okay these days? Luv ya lots, tight xo's , Jeanette

Sweet Kira,

It looks like you had a great Christmas with loads of new toys and good food! I am glad you had such a great time. :)

BTW, you look mahvilus, darlink! (as does your mom! :D )

Leslie and the girls - always

04-03-2010, 08:39 AM
A very Happy Easter from Kira and I. I hope this wish finds all of your babies in better health

I've posted some pictures of Kira's annual Easter bath. Hope you like them.

Heidi & Kira

04-03-2010, 09:35 AM

Happy Easter to you and Kira too. I loved the pictures....Kira looks great!

Harley PoMMom
04-03-2010, 11:33 AM
Hi Heidi,

I loved the pics. too! Kira looks so beautiful!

Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter.

Love and hugs,

04-30-2010, 04:03 PM
I haven't posted in a while and thought I should let you know what is going on with Kira. The good news is that her Cushings is completely under control. She just had another stim test last week and her numbers look great.

The bad news....

Kira tore the ACL tendon in her right rear leg. It happened a week ago Sunday. It happened while she was on her walk. All of a sudden she let out a yelp and started severely limping. I took her to the vet on Monday and he confirmed that it was a torn ligment. The clinic called in a specialist and a date was set for surgery... yesterday. I spent a week and a half helping her around with a sling. Our house is all stairs, so the poor baby couldn't go up without a lot of assistance from me. I've got a great sling that Arnie made for her, out of wood and canvas. It certainly made lifting her easier, but it was still very hard. She's an 80 pounder!!:eek: Other than the fact that she couldn't move around much without assistance, she was actually pretty chipper. So yesterday morning she went in for surgery. They call late afternoon to confirm that the surgery went very well and that she was resting comfortably. I went to see her this morning and she cried and cried when she saw me. I got her to eat her breakfast and had her drinking copious amounts of water.

On top of everything else, I have a week's vacation scheduled to start this coming Sunday. At first I was going to cancel, but got to thinking about how much I needed this vacation, so decided to go ahead. I made the decision to board her at the vets for the week that I am away. Best decision I could have made. The love her at the clinic and I know she'll get all the care she needs. Probably better than I would be able to provide for the first 10 days. I miss her terribly, but I know I made the right decision. If anything happens, she's right there and they can look after her needs.

This poor girls is just having one issue after another. The vet said she's going to need complete rest for the next 3 months. She can't even be off a leash or rope in the back yard. Now Kira has given up chasing things for a while now, but you never know. So, when she gets home, she'll be out in the yard, tied up. She'll hate every minute of it. I've posted some pictures of her that I took this morning when I went to see her.


Harley PoMMom
04-30-2010, 04:39 PM
Oh Heidi,

Altho I am happy that Kira's cushings is under control, I am so, so sorry that her ACL tendon tore and required surgery! :eek: So thankful that the surgery went well. And she is in the most capable hands while you are on your most deserving vacation. ;):) Altho I know you miss Kira very much, try to enjoy your vacation.

Please keep us posted. :) Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs,

04-30-2010, 04:49 PM
Thanks for your kind thoughts.


04-30-2010, 11:05 PM
Poor Kira! I just checked her pictures....knee surgery is a tough one. I sat with Lady on the couch for 6 weeks when she was 18 months old because the vet had built her a new knee and I needed to keep her very quiet while the bones knit together.

It's good to hear that her Cushings is under control and now I hope that her recovery is smooth and comfortable....she's such a beauty!
Enjoy your rest,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)

04-30-2010, 11:11 PM
I am sure she will bounce back; dogs are funny that way...my Mandy went through 2 cruciate ligament ruptures, 1 after the other...plus the 2 surgeries. It was horrifying, I'll tell you (and expensive). That was when she was 6/7, respectively. She'll soon be 13 and is still running around the house, playing w/toys and managing to jump on chairs and sofas, even with her Cushings.

05-01-2010, 07:47 AM
Last evening I got an update from the vet technician. Kira had a good day and she's already wrapped the staff around her little paw. She's in the receptionists office on her blankie. Whenever she feels she's not getting enough attention she whines and they all rush to her side. She's eating and drinking well and has even gone outside to do her business (though they had to carry her up the stairs into the clinic. I'm going to see her at 10 this morning.

Thanks for all your kind thought and prayers. She's a tough girls and has always rallied really well after her surgeries.


05-01-2010, 08:09 AM
Oh Heidi, I can imagine how reassuring it was to get this report!! Please give Kira some hugs from all of us when you see her today. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing vacation. It sounds as though Kira will be getting tons of attention while you are away ;)!


05-01-2010, 09:50 AM
:p:p Great news Heidi. Glad Kira has the staff under control. Sounds like you couldn't have picked a better place to kennel. Enjoy the vacation and keep us updated as you can. Kim

05-01-2010, 11:50 AM
Just got back from seeing her. She was on the front lawn of the clinic, with her own personal attendant. She didn't seem as chipper as she did yesterday. I didn't even get a kiss from her when I arrived. She hadn't eaten anything today, so I tried giving her the beef I had brought but she wanted none of it. We tried feeding her canned dog food and she wanted none of that either. All she wanted was water. So we totally watered down her canned dog food and she took some it that way. The vet tried to get her to stand up and pee, but her front legs were trembling so much, she just couldn't stand (even with help) for any length of time. However, as I was driving out of the parking lot, I looked over and she was eating the watered down food. So I guess she's really upset with me. I keep thinking how glad I am that I decided to leave her with the clinic. I know I wouldn't be able to handle her the way she is right now. I'll call the clinic a few times when I'm away to see how she's doing.

Gotta go and pack now.


05-01-2010, 12:11 PM
Hi there Heidi,
So glad to hear from you after so long, but I am so sorry it was bitter-sweet. UGH, poor Kira. Never a dull moment is my most used phrase these days, specially with the furbabies. My friend's 5 year old lab recently had surgery for a torn acl, and it really is draining her. She cannot be off leash either and must be crated and on tranquilizers because well you know labs, all energy, all the time, even during these circumstances, so poor thing is highly sedated so she won't take off and cause even more damage. Please give Kira some extra special belly rubs from me and licks from Princess, and lots of tight hugs for yourself. I know this will be a long ride to boot with the cushings....Have I mentioned it's "never a dull moment". lol. I hope she fully and quickly recovers. Luv ya. xo Jeanette and Princess

05-03-2010, 08:52 PM
I hate to report this, but Kira died, peacefully in her sleep on Sunday night. Her big old heart just couldn't stand the strain. We're all devasted, but at least now she's no longer in any pain. It was awful to see her try and stand. I saw her on Saturday morning and at that time she didn't want to eat, just drink. The vet called me Saturday evening and told me she had spiked a fever and they were cooling her down. At 11 the had gotten her fever down and she was sleeping peacefully. That was the way they found her in the morning. We were on our way to Buffalo airport when I got the news. It wasn't a great way to start a vacation:( I'm still glad that she was at the vets. They were able to handle the fever emergency right away. I'm just sorry that she died by herself, but I really don't think she ever woke up again after they brought her fever down. Even the vet was crying when she told me. They are very caring people. I asked her to have Kira's remains cremated and I will pick them up when I get back. She'll join her sister Sasha on the fireplace mantle.

Thanks for all your support in the past. I will continue to check in here periodically.


05-03-2010, 09:53 PM
Heidi, My heart is broken for you. Kira must have been ready to go and we honor her wishes. I hope that your fond memories of a healthier Kira help you as you grieve. Please do come back as you and Kira are forever a part of our family here. RIP sweet angel Kira. Hugs, Kim

05-03-2010, 11:04 PM
I am so sorry , Heidi. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

God speeed Kira. You are now free to roam and enjoy life once more.

Squirt's Mom
05-03-2010, 11:19 PM
Dearest Heidi,

It breaks my heart to hear this. Kira has been such a fighter, just as you have been; she was so blessed to have you beside her.

Kira was met by many of our loved ones as she crossed The Bridge and is learning all about her new, pain-free world with their help. She will always walk with you and watch over you with love and, one day far in the future, she will be there to meet you.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Crystal, and, our angel, Ruby

John II
05-03-2010, 11:55 PM
Dear Heidi,

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Kira.

As I said to Elly, and no less true for you, please be comforted by the thought that you did everything you could for her - and that she knew how you loved her.

Kira is now free and at peace.

My deepest sympathies for you loss.

05-04-2010, 05:19 AM
Dear Heidi,
I am so sorry to hear that Kira has gone to the bridge. It was her time and she has given you the gift of not having to make that choice for her. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Another angel has their wings.

05-04-2010, 06:42 AM
Oh Heidi,

I am really incredibly sorry to read this; my heart is breaking in two and I will miss her also.

She will be keeping an eye on you and your family, of that I am sure.

Please do post again.
huge healing (((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))

05-04-2010, 08:18 AM

I'm so sorry for the sudden loss of Kira. How heartbreaking to have her leg mended and then to lose her. You were an excellent mom to her and provided so much care. How old was Kira?

Bonnie and Angel Crissy

Casey's Mom
05-04-2010, 08:19 AM
Heidi - I am so sorry about Kira. Many hugs are being sent your way and Godspeed to Kira on her journey. You did so much for her and gave her a wonderful life.

Love and hugs,

05-04-2010, 08:27 AM

I just wanted to say I am so sorry to here of Kira's passing. I know it hurts that you were not with her, but know that she knew that you loved her dearly and she probably wanted to go so you would not have to make the choice.

You were a great mom and she is looking down on you now and will be your special angel until you meet again in Heaven.


05-04-2010, 08:28 AM
Oh Heidi,
I was so shocked and saddened to read your post this morning. What a shock for you....I'm so sorry she's gone, especially after all she's been through in the last few weeks.
Rest in peace, dear Kira.
And Heidi, I'll be checking for your updates....please take care of yourselves...
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel

Harley PoMMom
05-04-2010, 09:42 AM
Oh Heidi,

I, too, am shocked and saddened to read your post. I am so very sorry for the sudden loss of your precious Kira, and my heart goes out to you at this most painful time.

Heidi, we are here for you, always, so please do come back and let us know how you are doing.

Peace Sweet Kira

With Heatfelt Sympathy,

Roxee's Dad
05-04-2010, 09:52 AM
Dear Heidi,
I am so sorry for your great loss. I'm sure Kira is watching over you with a loving heart.

05-04-2010, 10:05 AM
So sorry to hear about this....


05-04-2010, 10:31 AM
Dearest Heidi,
I was in total shock when I logged on to the forum this morning and read our precious eyed Kira had passed. Oh my Heidi. I really am so deeply sorry, and hope you will get through this terrible and painful time. You and Kira are in my prayers. Keep in touch and we love you dearly...xo tight hugs, Jeanette and Princess

05-04-2010, 10:45 AM
Oh Heidi - I can't believe it. I thought for sure Kira would rebound from the knee surgery but sometimes, they just seem to run out of steam and it is out of our hands. You were such a wonderful mom to Kira and she was blessed to have you. RIP dear Kira. Sue

05-04-2010, 11:08 AM
Oh, Heidi! I'm so very, very sorry. Hugs to you and yours...

Lynne, Clyde & Bailey

Carol G
05-04-2010, 01:37 PM
I am so sorry for your loss -- my thoughts are with you.


Sabre's Mum
05-04-2010, 03:14 PM
Hi Heidi

I am so sorry for your loss. I never did post on your thread but have always kept up to date. RIP dearest Kira.

Take care
Angela and Flynn

05-04-2010, 09:42 PM
Oh Heidi, I am so sorry to hear about dear sweet Kira. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this painful and heartbreaking time.
R.I.P. Sweet Kira. You will be missed so very much.

Shelba and Suni

05-05-2010, 02:50 AM

So sorry to hear about Kira, my thoughts are with you.

Linda and Spicey

05-05-2010, 03:15 PM
So sorry for your loss of Kira...take care.


Annie's Mom
05-06-2010, 03:06 PM
I don't think I've posted to your thread before, but I have followed Kira's journey, and I was shocked today to read the news. I was so hopeful that Kira would rally, especially with round the clock care at the vet. No words can take away the sadness and loneliness but Kira is now painfree and running free. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hugs,

05-06-2010, 08:40 PM

I am so very sorry that your Kira has passed. I know you loved her very much and took such good care of her. So sad when one our loved ones must leave us.

Peace be with you sweet Kira.

With deepest sympathy,

05-07-2010, 10:28 AM
I am so sorry for your loss of Kira. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. She was a beautiful girl.

05-08-2010, 05:04 AM
Dear Heidi,

I am so sorry to hear Kira has passed. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Yamaha Ymf262 Specifications (http://www.yamaha-tech.com/wiki/Yamaha_YMF262)

05-10-2010, 07:18 PM
Dear Heidi,

Please excuse the late reply, I've just read that Kira has passed. I'm so sorry for your loss. I was admiring her picture in the 2010 rainbow bridge album... such a gentle, soul full look she had about her. May she rest in peace and may her memories help heal your heart.

Bettina & Angel Niko

05-12-2010, 09:41 AM
I want to thank everyone for their kind words and thoughts. As I thought, it was hard coming home to a house without Kira there. Yesterday I went to the vets and picked up her things; that was hard too. However, I told them there that if they heard of another husky that needs a good home, they should keep me in mind. No dog will replace Kira, but a house is not a home without a dog. It's very quiet in the house these days, even though Kira was never a noisy dog. I just expect to see her lying in her favourite spots or following me around. Again, thanks for all your kind words. I'll continue to check the postings from time to time.


05-14-2010, 07:44 AM

I am sorry to have missed the post concerning Kira's passing.

My deepest condolances.


05-14-2010, 08:12 AM
Oh my gosh...I just finished posting to Elly&Sherry and was just getting ready to log off when I saw your posting. I'm so sorry to hear about kira's passing. Yes, your home will seem so empty without her, it won't be easy, and I can't imagine the heartache you must be feeling. May your heart heal and take comfort in knowing she is no longer in pain. I know that doesn't take away, but please know how sorry I am to hear about Kira.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hugs&Kisses from my katiebear and myself.

05-18-2010, 05:05 PM
Well, Kira came home today. The vet called this morning saying that her ashes were ready to be picked up. I got them this afternoon. So far, this has been the hardest thing to do. I had intended to pick her up from the vet when I got home from my vacation, but not this way. They put her into a lovely white urn and she is now sitting on the mantel next to her sister Sasha. The weather here has been really nice this week so I have been working in the yard each day. I look over to her favourite spot under the trees and she's not there. It's hard to get used to. I talked to our local pet store owner and she gave me the telephone number of a person who runs a Siberian Husky rescue, not to far from me. So, when I'm ready, I'll be making a trip there to see who picks me.

Thank you all for your support during this time and all the help in the past, when Kira was first diagnosed with Cushings. I will continue to check in periodically to see how everyone is doing. If you want to contact me, my email address is heidi_franke@hotmail.com.

Thanks again to all of you.


05-18-2010, 10:47 PM
Hi Heidi,
Thanks for posting today.....I had such a peaceful feeling when Lady's ashes were home with us. Strange, eh? I'm glad you were able to work outside in the warm weather and that you're considering another Husky.....
Another dog has found us and I will be posting soon with all the details.
Take care and I'll be looking for your updates,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)