View Full Version : Coco, Miniature dachshund - sweet Coco has passed

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01-14-2013, 04:37 AM
Thanks Tina. I hope we all have good results. CoCo seems stronger since his Vetoryl was increased so I am hoping I don't have to increase it again. He has only been on the 20 mg 13 days so maybe a few more weeks and his hair will start coming back in. Have a good day. Love, JoAnne

01-14-2013, 06:58 AM
happy stim day - good luck

01-14-2013, 07:58 AM
Happy to you also addy and especially zoe. Love, joanne

01-14-2013, 05:03 PM
CoCo already had his stim, everything was normal so far. Will get the cortisol in a few days. CoCo has this raised place that looks like a hard callus on his prepuce (sheath over the penis) . I just noticed it yesterday. The vet said we could put a cone on him and use medicine to heal it or just watch it. I have chosen to watch it for a few days. It could be something that he scratched himself, his legs are so short he could have drug himself on the ground and then licked it and made a red hard place. Any ideas on medication that would not hurt him if he licks it. I did put Aloe on it, don't know if that would hurt him. Always something with these little dogs. Love, JoAnne

01-14-2013, 05:12 PM
I thought better of the Aloe, I think it is toxic to dogs, even the gel for sunburn. Oh well, glad I looked it up. Internet is a wealth of information. JoAnne

Squirt's Mom
01-14-2013, 05:42 PM
Aloe vera isn't toxic tho it can cause diarrhea if the dose is too high. You would want to use the actual plant, tho, not a commercial product. I gave Aloe Vera tea to Tasha because it is supposed to slow the growth of cancer cells and use it in wound care all the time. ;)

Boriss McCall
01-14-2013, 06:17 PM
Hi Joanne,
I was looking all over for your thread yesterday to wish you & Coco good luck today with your stim. Glad you have survived the day. :) Crossing my fingers for good numbers.

Good luck!

molly muffin
01-14-2013, 06:20 PM
So now we all just wait for the results of today's stims to come back. It sounds like the vet visits are going pretty good so far. I haven't gotten though everyone's thread yet though.
I know what you mean. Molly went over a stick once and let long red scratches on her belly! I left it to heal on it's own which it did fine, but yep, you'll have to keep an eye out for licking. I'm not sure what you can put on it though. Unless the natural aloe vera that Leslie mentioned. I have a plant in the kitchen that I periodically cut off and use for just about everything.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-14-2013, 07:07 PM
Zoe has an owie on her private parts too. Anal glands, penis issues, vulva problems, I think we may end up with a x rating this month ;);)


Hope little Coco feels better tomorrow.

01-14-2013, 07:36 PM
Thanks all. I don't have the Aloe plant so I will just leave the booboo alone for now. I asked today why they put the medicine in his neck instead of his leg and the vet said it did not hurt as much since he had such tiny bony legs. I suppose he is right CoCo never complains and sleeps in between the injections. Hope Zoe and Boriss got through their ordeal and feel as well as CoCo. We are getting icy streets in Nashville tonight, yikes. Love, JoAnne

01-15-2013, 03:19 PM
Hey all: I just got CoCo's numbers, pre 5.4 and post 5.8 and his thyroid was 3.7. I think these are pretty good numbers, what do you'll think? He seems to be doing pretty good, only hair loss and still weak in his legs, but seems to be getting better on that also only on 20 mg of Vetoryl 14 days. Love JoAnne

Boriss McCall
01-15-2013, 03:32 PM
Not sure about the thyroid because i don't know how those numbers work. But, the stim numbers so good to me! It took Boriss a long time to get hair back from where he was shaved. I would say a good 3 to 4 months. He still has days where his back legs are weak.

Glad things are moving along in the right direction for you & Coco.

molly muffin
01-15-2013, 05:30 PM
Yay, the numbers look good. They can be lower and I think someone mentioned being under 5 post to get hair loss possibly to come back, but really CoCo is doing well on this dosage, so I wouldn't probably mess with it.

So a happy Tuesday so far, now waiting for Addy and Zoe's results.

01-15-2013, 05:59 PM
Those numbers look good to me, JoAnne. Wahoooo. I am just leaving work but popped in to see if you had your test results.

We did so many labs, my IMS wont call me until Friday. She always makes me wait and is only there 3 days a week.

Lets party anyway



Boriss McCall
01-15-2013, 05:59 PM
I guess that explains Boriss's hair growth this last month with a number lower than 5 for the first time.

01-15-2013, 06:23 PM
Since CoCo has only been on the 20 mg for 13 days, maybe the numbers will go lower and his hair will regrow, but if it does not I guess that is only cosmetic if nothing else pops up. Who knows, seems like there is always something wrong, but I am just going to enjoy the numbers for a little while. Glad Boriss' numbers were low. Now we are just waiting for Zoe and she seems to be doing okay. Love, JoAnne

01-15-2013, 06:31 PM
Hi JoAnne.

Coco's acth stim and thyroid results look great. FYI, the coat and muscle wasting are usually the last two symptoms to resolve so hang in there for a little bit longer. Just when you thought your patience would no longer be tests, huh? :D


01-15-2013, 07:47 PM
Thanks Glynda, I was so happy with the numbers when the vet called and CoCo has only been on 20 mg 13 days so you are right it might go down lower and his hair grow back in somewhat, but he already seems stronger which is more important than the hair I think. His thyroid is normal with the higher dose so that probably makes him feel better. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
01-15-2013, 09:20 PM
Don't you just get all kinds of warm fuzzy feelings with numbers start to look better!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-16-2013, 05:23 AM
Yes I do feel warm and fuzzy and happy Sharlene, but we have spoiled this little dog so much because he seemed to feel so bad that we now call him the monster dog and of course it is my fault. Everything he does is a learned behavior, so now I have to retrain him or myself and which do you think will be the easiest to do. Hugs to all for all the good information on this site. JoAnne

molly muffin
01-16-2013, 07:01 PM
awwwwww..monster dog, it's hard to believe such a thing. :) :D So, now we wait to see who trains who. ;)

I love this site too. It has been a god send to me many times when I didn't know what to do next. Not to mention just the general support that is always there from everyone. Love it!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-01-2013, 07:27 AM
Hey All: CoCo has had a couple of red bumps on his belly, one actually looked like it had pus in it, used Peroxide to clean and just a red bump now. Is this Cushings or Hypothyroidism? I also noticed he has a tiny hard lump on his tail, feels like a calcium lump. I thought he was losing hair on his tail, but is a hard lump. Seems like he is hungrier since starting the 20 mg and seems more restless. He is now getting up at 2:30 a.m. He actually heads to the kitchen where his food is located and I do feed him in the morning so just wondering if this is a habit, since he is a pretty big con and who can resist those watery black eyes. His hair is not growing back, guess his Cortisol would have to be below 5.8. I do give him a 3 mg Melatonin at night, but he still wakes up at the same time every morning ready to eat and go out for peeing and pooping. He weighs 12 pounds, can i give him more than 3 mg of Melatonin. He still seems pretty happy and seems to feel good. Just wondering if there is anything else I need to do for the lumps and bumps. Love, JoAnne

02-01-2013, 08:36 AM
Hi JoAnne,

Zoe's calcinosis cutis bumps are white and hard pimple looking and on her tail she has under the skin bumps that look like a big hard pimple that wants to start but doesnt.

Can Coco have a bed time snack? Zoe is up and down with the melatonin. I have to give it consistently every night for her to continue sleeping until 5-5:30 rather than 4-4:30.

I have to run to work but I am sure someone will be stopping by with thoughts on how much melatonin you can give Coco. If his symptoms seem to be rebounding at night you may have to give some thought to twice day dosing. Has he ever had his thyroid tested? I kept going back to that with Zoe but it was fine whenever we tested it and I am inclined to think the skin/coat issues are related to Coco's Cushings.

Talk to you soon.

02-01-2013, 08:58 AM

homework for you:D:D:D:D

still working on the melatonin

02-01-2013, 10:48 AM
Thanks Addy, CoCo is on thyroid medicine and the vet said it was 3.7 and normal is 1.0-4.0 I think. I believe his hair loss is thyroid problems, it is on his back and he has the white scaly dandruff looking stuff. Sometimes I wonder if all of his problems are thyroid related, although his cortisol was really high until the Vetoryl. I guess it is both. The hair loss makes him look so bad, now red bumps on his belly. These poor little furbabies just keep us guessing "what's next"?

02-01-2013, 01:42 PM
Thanks for reminding me JoAnne, totally forgot that:o

Poor baby Coco, I know how you feel. Poor Zoe is going to have a bald butt after surgery, I know it is not growing back.:(

02-01-2013, 06:23 PM
Hey Addy: I feel so sorry for these doggies. Seems like every day there is something else to aggravate them. I am so sorry that Zoe has to have surgery, but she will do fine. Her worst thing will be having the collar on and not being able to lick her wound. The soft collars don't aggravate as much but still so aggravating. Maybe they won't have to shave much off her butt and maybe her hair will grow back. If it does not maybe you can get her a long sweater. CoCo tears up everything we put on him, so we just look at his baldness and love him even more. I will be thinking about Zoe and I know she will be in good hands with her vet and family. Thank goodness dogs don't know they are going to have things done to them and don't have to worry like us humans. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
02-01-2013, 06:54 PM
Oh geez red bumps on his belly now :( do they seem to bother him? Did you show them to your vet? Maybe you can get an early start to clearing it up.
Hang in there you're a great mum!


Simba's Mom
02-01-2013, 07:32 PM
I have a Doxie too, he gets red colored bumps kinda like skin tags, and some look like pimples. My vet lazered them off, all at once but now I see a few more coming. I read somewhere that doxies are prone to getting these bumps as they age, I don't see him getting worse since on the trilostane, and he also takes meds for thyroid, so not sure that its connected with meds, always something with our pups!

molly muffin
02-01-2013, 08:07 PM
I was just going to ask if that is a Doxie thing Letti and you answered the question already. :) What do you think JoAnne? Does that sound like the same thing that CoCo has?

Sharlene and molly muffin

02-02-2013, 05:57 AM
Hey Guys: The red bumps actually look like acne or pimples. They don't itch. Maybe it is just age related and something doxies are prone to have, but I also discovered some little hard bumps on his tail. Of course he does not notice anything, just does what dogs do. He seems like a happy little dog, just getting old. The vet thinks it is Cushing related and wanted to use something on them and CoCo would have to wear a collar, so I decided to wait and see if they disappeared on their own. They are better and seem to be disappearing, but I noticed another one this morning, so who knows and the hard lumps are not big enough yet to do anything. I was just wondering if he was put on more Vetoryl and his cortisol was lowered below 5.8, maybe his hair would regrow and he would not get more lumps and bumps. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
02-02-2013, 09:43 AM
If cushings related then he must be thinking calcinosis cutis. Just keep an eye on them and make sure nothing looks like it might break open and get infected. Also if he starts itching at them, then definitely look to treat. If it is cc, then you don't want it to get out of control. Well, under 5 usually is better for hair regrowth, although it still takes time, since hair grows in cycles.
I am not sure if cc is specifically better if under 5, but it does make sense. Maybe that is one of the things that someone who had dealt with this can address.

Huggers, have a good weekend!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-02-2013, 10:53 AM
Thanks Sharlene. I am going to try to find a picture of CC. There are 3 little red bumps and they seem to be disappearing. I guess could be an allergy, although he is not scratching at all. Always something with these furbabies. Have a wonderful weekend with your hubby and Molly Muffin. Love, JoAnne

02-09-2013, 03:10 PM
Stopping by to say hi and check on you and Coco. How's that little boy doing? How are you?

02-09-2013, 08:30 PM
Hey Addy: I was just looking at CoCo sleeping. He really looks bad, no hair on his head, lots gone on his ears, his belly and thin on the back and no hair growing in where he was shaved for the ultrasound. Wondering if his number went lower than 5.8 if it would start growing in. Now he has these little hard warty looking things on his tail and one of the bumps is still on his belly, almost gone. It is just a hard thing to figure what to do. He seems to feel pretty good, runs and barks at anything that does not belong in the neighborhood, but I want to do the best for him and never do any harm. Hope Zoe is okay. I am sure she will do fine with her surgery. Take care. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
02-09-2013, 09:37 PM
Hi JoAnne,

It is so hard to know what to do to help them the most. As it stands, he feels good, but he looks bad. So that makes it even harder. I think they say that it needs to be under 5 for hair regrowth and even then it takes time.
So, it's hard to know what to do. I wish there was an easy answer.
Take care and enjoy your little muchkin ruling the roost. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-10-2013, 05:22 AM
Thanks Sharlene. I know it is really hard to know what to do. I was hoping his beautiful black shiny hair would start growing back, but he just seems to be losing more. The little warty things on his tail in a row up his tail don't seem to bother him. I have been putting antibiotic cream on the bump on his belly and it looks better and almost goes away, but returns in a few days. These little dogs have always been so perfect, it is hard to see the imperfections and figure more are coming, although he does not seem to notice it and I am thankful for every day that he is up and moving. He is a hunter so this morning he was outside chasing something under the deck, probably a bug or lizard. Oh well, I just laugh at his antics and pray for the best. Hope all furbabies are doing as well as he is today. Love, JoAnne

02-11-2013, 08:56 AM
Hi JoAnne,

The skin coat issues can get worse before they get better and there was a study done that showed skin problems were a side effect of Trilostane for some of the dogs in the study. I know dachies can be prone to skin issues. We may visit a new derm vet that is supposed to be in town now (I need to check out this rumor:D) once Zoe regroups from her surgery.

Every dog is different and whether Coco's skin and hair will get better or worse it is hard to say. Dechra advised my IMS that Zoe should be in therapeutic range and the old derm vet pretty much had already told me that although he had no experience with Trilostane. I will say that I saw almost immediate improvement of her large white pimple looking calcinosis cutis when I had her cortisol within therapeutic range. But that is Zoe and some dogs may show improvement with different post cortisol numbers. Zoe's other hormones were also quite elevated so I dont know if that plays a role in her coat and skin issues either.

So is under 5ug/dl the magic bullet for Coco? I dont know that we know that for sure. You can give it some time as he has not been at this current level for very long and then if you are still not satisfied, maybe see a dermatologist for input. Our experience with the derm vet was not great but I am hoping that if we really have a new one, it may go better this time.

02-11-2013, 11:00 AM
Thanks Addy, I keep hoping his hair will regrow, but I don't worry about that like the bump on his belly, it seems to disappear and then reappear, and of course he licks it. I have to get him a soft cone, although he hurts himself when you try to put anything on him. There is really no dermatologist close to me. I guess I will have to find one that deals with Cushing dogs. CoCo also has problems with diarrhea, I keep trying to find something that helps, but it does not help for very long. Pepto helps, but hate to have to give him something all the time. It just seems like taking care of a baby most of the time. By this time next week, Zoe will be home and healing, yay. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
02-18-2013, 12:24 PM
Hey Joanne :) Hows Coco doing? Is that bump still there? Maybe you can ask your vet to refer you to a specialist that is closest that he could work with on the skin issues. The vet might know of an option that you aren't aware of. Just guessing and throwing it out there.
Hope all is going well.
Sharlene and Molly muffin

02-20-2013, 08:15 AM
Hey all: CoCo's bumps seem to be about gone, but did notice a red spot again, hoping it is just a red spot. Another little mishap last night. All of a sudden CoCo barked to go out and he peed and paced and tried peeing lots of times, then acted he needed to do #2 and did a little and continued to pace and act funny. He has really never had any pain, but acted like he was in pain or did not know what he had to do, trying to pee or poop, so I figured he had a bellyache or bloat so I gave him Pepto Bismol and Gas-X and in about 10 minutes he went to sleep and has been fine ever since. I guess it was gas or bloat(which is really dangerous), but he is fine this morning. Scary though. I figured we would be at the ER in the night, but he slept all night and does not seem like anything is wrong this morning. Love, JoAnne

02-20-2013, 04:52 PM
Sorry you had a bit of a scare, JoAnne and I am so happy Coco is better today. Always something with our pups. I wish we knew what the off again on again diarrhea is from. I know it is hard to pin down sometimes, I went through that for 2-3 years with Zoe until the IMS finally put her on a daily dose of metronidazole. We did a gastro panel through Texas A&M a few years back but then of course the emergency surgery for the toy piece she swallowed gave us the info we needed because the vet decided to look around and biopsy which resulted in the Inflammatory Bowel Disease diagnosis but we put her on the metronidazole before that happened, I had totally lost control of her what we then called colitis.

Not that I recommend going our route:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I wonder if a stint on Tylan or metronidazole might not help Coco. Maybe you could discuss it with your vet if you are open to it and cant really figure out what is going on with his gastro tract. All of Zoe's gastro tests were always normal but yet she had all those stool issues.

Just thinking out loud I guess.;);)

02-20-2013, 05:55 PM
Hey Addy: Who knows why these little dogs have a different scare every other day. The vet did put him on Metronidazole at one time and I did still have some, so I gave him that along with the Pepto and Gas-X. I think I will have to get another prescription for the Metro again. He seems ok today so far, but always waiting for something else to go wrong. I wish we could get him back in the habit of sleeping longer than 5 or 6 hours a night. Once I wake up at 3 a.m., I am awake. I have tried Melatonin and also Benadryl, but neither work, so we just live with it. Glad Zoe did so well. Just call her Super Girl. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
02-20-2013, 08:28 PM
Oh gee, that is scary! Maybe it was just some tummy gas. Hopefully Not bloat. It does seem that with cushings comes a whole mess of other issues to worry about to. So glad the he is much better today and that the bumps seem to have gone away too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-21-2013, 05:51 AM
Hey Sharlene, you are so right, we always wonder what a new day will bring with these Cushing dogs. CoCo has done pretty well since 2010 when it was first noticed, The worst thing he has had is hair loss and I think that is from his thyroid. Of course he is not the same wild and into everything little dog, but he is older and maybe he has calmed down some with age. I know I have. He would attack anything that got in his space, wild turkeys, squirrels, rabbits, stray cats and humans if we did not rein him in. He was always a good guard dog at 10 or 12 pounds and we were always afraid someone might hurt him if he did not know them. Glad Molly is still not showing any symptoms, that is amazing and so wonderful. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
03-04-2013, 09:15 PM
Hi ya JoAnne, how is everything going with you and our little man CoCo? :)
I know what you mean, Molly is a ferocious sounding guard dog. Sound being the key word there. I'm not sure that she has calmed down that much in her old age though.
I watch molly like a hawk trying to decide if today there is a symptom or not. :( Did she drink more, did she go potty more, did she eat more, leave her food, etc, etc, and it just seems to go on and on. So far there hasn't been any steady increase in symptoms. As soon as I think one thing increased, the next day it's back to normal. Very confusing sometimes. Just keep truckin along though.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-05-2013, 06:19 AM
Sharlene: Thanks for checking on CoCo. It is wonderful that Molly is still not showing symptomes. CoCo is doing ok. He seems to be drinking more water at times, but I measure his water and it is always about the same. His hair is not growing in so he looks much worse than he is. Has been on the 20 mg of Vetoryl about 2 months. I am thinking about having him checked sooner than the vet suggested, but maybe I am just expecting him to grow his hair back. I am sure it bothers me more than it does CoCo. He has a little bump on his foreskin that we just cannot seem to heal completely. I am pretty sure it is because he licks it when he does not have the collar on and almost breaks his neck trying to get the collar off. He does the same with clothes, tears them off. I so appreciate this forum. I am so heartbroken for all the furbabies that pass. Love, JoAnne

03-05-2013, 08:18 AM
I think the hair loss bothers us more than them. Whenever I try to brush out what little hair Zoe does have, she makes sure to shake it all to mess it back up. Always has to have the last word.:):)

I hope all this bad weather has passed you by. I am still hoping to see a robin, usually they are by now, not seen nary a one.:rolleyes:

It takes awhile for the hair to come back sometimes, I know it is hard to wait. It sounds like Coco is doing well otherwise. How are his poos? LOL at me going on poop patrol on your thread!!:o:o


03-05-2013, 08:34 AM
Hey Addy: You are right the hair loss bothers me more than CoCo. I have to go on poop control every time he goes out and no matter who goes out with him, I have to the know the consistency. then I back off on his food or give him a little Pepto and it clears up. I did order something off the internet called BM tone-up Gold and I give that to him if the poop gets too soft and it seems to work well. I ordered it from Pet Well Being, I don't think it has anything that will hurt him. I am always trying to find something that will help him. He seems to be doing about the same, just looks bad because of the hair loss and have not found anything yet to help that. So glad Zoe is doing so well. I know she will be more comfortable when all the stitches are gone. It is going to be in the 70s in Nashville this weekend, and was in the 20s yesterday, no wonder everyone is sick. Strange weather and rain all day today. Oh well that is something we cannot control. Love, JoAnne

03-10-2013, 11:26 AM
Hey all: CoCo has these calcium deposits or warts all in a row up his tail. No infection or inflammation, just warty looking things. I figure it is calcinosis cutis and have kept watching for it to get worse. Just wondering if there is anything I can use to keep it from getting worse, of course he has not even noticed them. Just thinking about going to 30 mg Vetoryl rather than 20 mg. Seems to be something on these cushpups every other day to worry about. Of course he is still his happy go lucky pup. Just trying to find somethng so it does not get worse, strange that it is all in a row up his tail, but guess it comes off his tail bone. Just noticed it since the hair on his tail looked bumpy. He has not lost the hair on his tail. He does take vitamins and it does have calcium in it, don't know if that could have caused it to start. Just trying to get some information. Love, JoAnne

Squirt's Mom
03-10-2013, 12:17 PM
Hi JoAnne,

Jackie, Ugga's Mom, has been using a TMC (Traditional Chinese Medicine) cream on Ugga's CC and she says it is helping. The link she gave is - http://www.tcvmherbal.com/. Be SURE to talk to your vet about this....you may even need a prescription to try it, I haven't looked that close. But want to pass this on just in case. ;)

Leslie and the gang

03-10-2013, 01:55 PM
Thanks so much Leslie. I had seen that site already and you do need a prescription. I have not been able to take CoCo to his vet since I discovered the little warty looking bumps, but since they are in a row on his tail I just figured they must be calcium since they probably come off his tail bone. I was hoping they were warts since that would be a virus and maybe they would eventually leave, None of those holistic vets are in my area, but I might be able to get my vet to write a prescription for the medication. They are bumps that are under the hair on his tail and I just happened to rub the hair up instead down and discovered them. Seems like there is always some new thing to worry about with these furbabies. Hope all your gang are hanging in there. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
03-10-2013, 09:07 PM
Hi JoAnne,

Not sure if this would help or if you had already used it to look, but you can put in zip code and maybe find a holistic vet near you. http://www.organic-pet-digest.com/dog-vet-care.html

If your own vet would prescribe the cream, then that would be fine too.

I wish I knew what to tell you about how to get rid of them. :(

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-11-2013, 06:28 AM
Thanks Sharlene. I got a lot of good information from the site you sent. CoCo is doing pretty good. There just seems to always be something that is concerning. I am going to take him to see his vet today if I can get an appointment and see if he thinks it is warts or calcinosis and if he knows of any treatment. It is not bothering CoCo, just don't want it to get inflamed or whatever calcinosis does. Hope Molly is still doing well. Love, JoAnne

03-13-2013, 07:02 AM
Hey Guys: Since CoCo only takes only 20 mg of Vetoryl in the morning and has since 1/1/13 and his hair does not seem to be growing back and it does seem like he has the calcinosis on his tail, I was wondering if it would help to also give him 10 mg at night or maybe change to 30 mg. His vet is pretty conservative. His last cortisol level was pre 5.4 and post 5.8. ug/dl at Antech diagnostics. Their reference range is 8-17 so states that 5.8 post is low. Strange since he is still having the hair symptoms and now skin. Otherwise, he is doing well. Thanks, JoAnne

Squirt's Mom
03-13-2013, 09:46 AM
Jo-Anne....the range given as 8-17 is for pups who are NOT on treatment. There is a different range for dogs who are being treated for Cushing's. There is a range for Lysodren, a range for Trilostane (Vetoryl) and a range for non-cush/non-treated cush pups. The labs nearly always list the range for non-cush/non-treated cush pups. So the post # of 5.8 is NOT low. It is within range for a Trilo pup. Trilo pups can go as high as 9.1 on the post # as long as all signs are controlled.

Leslie and the gang

03-14-2013, 05:20 AM
Thanks Leslie. I did not think 5.8 was low according to Dechra. just wondering if I went up to 30 mg, if his hair might start regrowing and the calcinosis might disappear. The vet did not test it for calcinosis and it could be 2 warts on his tail. He has a sore on his foreskin now that he is treating, he caused it himself with playing with a stuffed dog. He hates the cone, so hoping it heals quickly. I think I had read on this forum or somewhere that hair would most likely regrow if the measurements were under 5. Thanks for the info. Love, JoAnne

03-20-2013, 05:17 AM
Hey all: Do you know what calcinosis cutis looks like when it first starts. The bumps on CoCo's tail look like warts. I am trying to wait until the sore on his foreskin heals before having the vet do something to the tail so he does not have two sore spots. Thanks, JoAnne

03-20-2013, 08:27 AM
Hi JoAnne,

look at my album of Zoe's skin for the white deposits on her back. Zoe also has a huge bump on her tail. I keep waiting for it to break open but it never does. I'll try to take a photo of it tonight and post it. It looks like something under the skin that raises up into a bump. It does not look like a growth on top of the skin but under the skin. It does not bother her either. It is the largest deposit she has and she has had it a long time.

03-20-2013, 09:30 AM
Thanks Addy, that looks somewhat like CoCo's bumps, except his two are flesh colored and he has a bumpy tail also like some more are under the skin. I suspect it is calcinosis, but don't seem to bother him, he has not even noticed them. I am going to take him to a dermatologist, not one close to me and you have to be referred by your regular vet. I am a self-employed medical transcription along with my daughter. Her 120 pound five year old dog just died from peritonitis so we are pretty devastated and we are trying to get caught up on dictation so I am trying to hold off on taking CoCo until we can get our thoughts together after this tragedy. Thanks again Addy. Love, JoAnne

Squirt's Mom
03-20-2013, 10:11 AM
Oh, JoAnne, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's baby. :( Sending you all healing white light and prayers.

03-20-2013, 10:29 AM
Thanks so much Leslie. He had arthritis and hip dysplasia and was at the vets for treatment of that when he died of the peritonitis, they did not see it on the ultrasound. He has swallowed a chicken on a skewer about 6 months ago and no one knew it, got sick and the vet treated him with antibiotics for something, don't remember what he thought it was, they could not find anything on x-ray or ultrasound. He got no better so vet operated on him and found the skewer in his colon, it had damaged one of his kidneys. He had been back at the vets several times since with x-rays and ultrasounds and they just thought it was hip dysplasia and arthritis so treated with the shot they take for arthritis and he got no better. He was still in pain so was taking Dermaxx and 5 days ago he went lame so they took him to a specialist and they still treated him for hip dysplasia and arthritis, was kept at the vets on IV and pain medicines and a day or two ago he just fell over and died. The vet did an autopsy and found the peritonitis. He was on antibiotics off and on, but not strong enough I guess. He was so tall, it was hard to keep things away from him, ate a whole ear of corn one time, but passed it. Sorry for the long post. Thanks for caring, JoAnne

03-20-2013, 11:20 AM
Hello JoAnne..I do not believe we have ever met but I wanted to say that I hope you soon solve the bump's problem your little Coco.
I also want to say that I am so sorry about the loss of your daughter's pup :( I am sending healing prayers to you both at this time...hugs Lynda

03-20-2013, 11:22 AM
Thanks so much Lynda. Hugs, JoAnne

03-20-2013, 01:54 PM
awww JoAnne, I am really sorry to hear about your daughter's pup.
So hard.


03-20-2013, 06:29 PM
Hey Guys: Another problem, CoCo broke his foot. I don't know how, He was limping and holding his foot up and took him to the vet and they x-rayed it and of course there is nothing they can do, he has such tiny feet, only weighs 11 pounds, it is swollen, but he has learned to hop on three legs, cannot keep him down. Just giving him Baby Aspirin. If not better tomorrow they may do something else, don't know what they could do, wrap it I guess. If he does not settle down, I will probably have to put him in a cage. Can we go a day without something happening. Of course could be much worse. Just thankful he is not crying about it. Guess he slipped on the hardwood or on a rug.Oh well, talk later. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
03-20-2013, 08:58 PM
Omg JoAnne. I have no idea what you do for a broken dogs foot. Hopefully one of the others will know.
Poor baby. You guys have had a rough time lately. I'm so sorry about your daughters baby too.
I'd think he needs to stay off it as much as possible until they can decide what to do. did the vet give you any instructions at all?

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-20-2013, 09:14 PM
Hey Sharlene: I had to see a different vet, the regular vet I see was off today, but CoCo has also seen this one and she is really good. Yes, just stay off and check in tomorrow and see if we need to do anything else. She wanted to give him pain medication, but I figured he would just need baby Aspirin. He has not complained at all and already seems to be better. We have been carrying him everywhere, but now he wants to walk himself and hops on three legs. He is a tough llittle dog. These little dogs heal quickly I guess. Just hoping he will be able to sleep tonight. Thanks for caring. Love, JoAnne

03-21-2013, 08:50 AM
Hey Guys: A new vet that just graduated from University of TN at my regular vet's office is checking on DMSO for calcinosis cutis. Just wondered if anyone had ever heard of this. I have read lots of articles about it on the internet. It is an old medicine that has been used on horses for years. Thanks, JoAnne

Squirt's Mom
03-21-2013, 09:10 AM
Hi JoAnne,

Some links on DSMO for you -

DSMO info







And a link to a TMC (Traditional Chinese Medicine) cream one of our members is using for Calcinosis Cutis with success -

Cream used by Jackie for Ugga -

03-21-2013, 09:17 AM
Thanks Leslie. Hugs, JoAnne

Boriss McCall
03-21-2013, 11:04 AM
Morning.. I am so sorry to read that about your daughters dog. :(
Boriss has had a bump on his head under the skin since the Cush started. I suspect it is CC as well. but, luckily it hasn't turned into a sore. It is just a hard little calcium like bump.

molly muffin
03-21-2013, 06:23 PM
How is Coco today?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-21-2013, 08:35 PM

I have tried at least three times to get a pix of Zoe's tail and Little Miss is having none of it:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: She tucks it between her legs and runs away or turns in circles. It seems she just does not want me messing with her tail and that dang camera:o:o

03-22-2013, 06:01 AM
Thanks so much guys. He had the x-rays at the vet Wednesday and they saw no breaks, but he was still walking on three legs. On Thursday I noticed his foot was swollen and he would not let you touch it, so I figured it was his foot instead of his hip and leg, so off to the vet for an x-ray of his foot since they only x-rayed his leg. How hard would it have been to x-ray his foot with his leg. Oh well more money. They really found nothing on his foot except lots of calcium on the tendons and foot and I looked at the x-rays and his little toes were so crooked, maybe from arthritis. Still no diagnosis, just Rimadyl and Tramadol. He is really no better this morning. We carry him mostly, except when he gets away from us and runs on 3 legs. I had a band on him to keep him from licking the antibiotic off the sore on his foreskin, back burner for now, so I suspect he got his toenail hung in it and has a toe sprain. At least that is what I am hoping and it will take awhile for it to heal. Thank goodness he is only 11 or 12 pounds, since we carry him everywhere. Any ideas. Love, JoAnne

03-22-2013, 06:58 AM
Hey again: I want give him the Rimadyl since it is bad on the liver unless i have to. Just wondering if I can give him the Vetoryl with the Tramadol. I did give him his Soloxine with the Tramadol and no side effects, but wondering about the Vetoryl. Cannot seem to find the information on line, but figured the vet would not give it since she knew he was on the Vetoryl, but you never know. Just noticed he has a rash on his belly. Hope he is not allergic to the Tramadol or something else. Thanks, JoAnne

03-22-2013, 01:26 PM
You can give tramadol with Vetoryl. I usually did not give it at the same time but waited an hour or two. Tramdaol can really knoock the out so you might have to go to a smaller dose if he gets too sedated. Dont give more than every eight hours though and it may be every 12 hours is enough.

I hope our little boy is better soon.

molly muffin
03-22-2013, 06:25 PM
Well it's very good that it isn't a broken leg. That is a relief. My neighbors dog had a broken toe this winter, a little westie and she was hoping around on 3 legs for probably about a month. She's better now and not hoping at all.

Sharlene and molly Muffin

03-22-2013, 06:51 PM
Thanks Addy: I did give CoCo Tramadol and then gave him the Vetoryl about 8 hours later. He is still walking on three legs, have had to find rugs to put down a few places, most have carpet, but the few places that don't of course he would fall on his 3 legs. I carry him just about everywhere. He seems to be feeling some better, has put his foot down several times. It is going to take awhile I guess. His toe is swollen and so is his foot, but seemed a little less this afternoon. Hope Zoe made it okay today. Such a worry when there is something wrong and they cannot tell us. Thanks for caring. Love, JoAnne

03-22-2013, 07:04 PM
Hey Sharlene. I think CoCo has sprained his toe, there was not a break or at least I did not see one and neither did the vet, but such tiny crooked little toes. I hope it does not take as long as your neighbor for CoCo's to improve. It seems some better this afternoon I think, still three legging it, but he has put his sore foot down gingerly at times. The vet called and said bring him again tomorrow if he is no better. I don't see that they can do anything, X-rays two days in a row and saw nothing except the calcium on his bones and ligaments from the Cushings. Hope you have a good weekend and Molly stays healthy forever. Love, JoAnne

03-22-2013, 11:39 PM
Hi JoAnne,

One of my little rescues who was adopted by a friend has been having a recurring interdigital cyst between two of her toes. Her symptoms were identical to Coco's. Her foot and toes swell, she goes lame and it's very painful. Like you, we thought she stepped on something or sprained a toe. She has been on a round of steroids and three rounds of antibiotics, foot wash in chlorhexidine and foot soaks in epsom salts. It would get better and then come back. The vet finally took a biopsy which told him what kind of bacteria was involved. I remember my friend mentioning anaerobic bacteria and was surprised to hear that she was prescribed metronidazole and another antibiotic. My dogs were on metronidazole when they had pancreatitis but apparently it's prescribed for anaerobic bacterial infections. It's been two months and she's doing much better. Dogs with weakened immune systems are prone to these interdigital cysts so make sure your vet rules that out.


03-23-2013, 05:04 AM
Thanks Glynda: The foot does not seem quite as sore this morning, but still walking on 3 legs. My vet will probably call today so I will mention that to him or her. I appreciate the information. I know he is getting tired of walking on 3 legs when we let him. I am just leaving the little sore on his foreskin alone until his leg is some better. I don't think he would be a happy camper with a cone on and having to walk on 3 legs. He never complains. Only moves or licks my hand when I try to examine his foot.Thanks so much for the information. Love, JoAnne

03-23-2013, 11:56 PM
Sorry to read about your daughters dog, that is so sad. And poor Coco's sore paw, hope that heals up quick smart! Flynn had a wee spot on his foreskin once, vet used neotopic cream which has antiseptic, antifungal and also steroid so I guess that would have to be used with great care in a cush pup if at all. Did the vet have any news when they called? Have a good weekend :)

03-24-2013, 06:38 AM
Thanks Trish. His foot seems some better this morning. He is putting his foot down occasionally and some of the swelling has gone down. His toe is still sore. I think it will just take time if it is just sprained, nothing on the x-ray to tell what it is. He actually made a scrape on his foreskin rubbing on a stuffed dog he has played with since he was a little puppy and slept with and when I noticed it I had to put his dog up. He still looks for it. I cannot put anything on the scrape until his foot is healed since I have to put a cone on him to keep him from licking it off and he hates it and i don't think he could walk on 3 legs at all with the cone on. He did have a band on to prevent him from licking the medicine off the scrape and we are wondering if he hurt is foot trying to get the band off. We usually carry him outside and anywhere if we see he is hurting. Thank goodness he only weighs 11-12 pounds. Is the medication you used on your puppy over the counter or prescription. Vet prescribed antibiotic for CoCo so maybe that will help when I can use it again. Thanks for that info. Hope you and all your family and furbabies have a good Sunday. Love, JoAnne

03-24-2013, 09:00 AM
Oh good, things sound better this morning. I sure hope our little guy continues to improve. We are hoping this bad storm heading this way stays south but I dont want it too far south so it hits you:)

I hope the cone can come off soon. Always feel so bad for the pups though we probably hate it more than they do. Dogs are so adaptable. Always amazes me.

Hope to read good news tomorrow too

03-24-2013, 09:20 AM
Thanks so much Addy. I think CoCo's foot will be much better in a day or two. He is actually trying to run on it with a hop and skip, especially if he thinks someone is eating. He lives for food and I am glad. I would know he was sick if he was not eating. A day or two ago he did not eat all his food in his bowl and it was concerning until I realized I had the treat sack in my hand and as soon as I gave him a treat and put the sack up he went back to his food. Really a con and I fall for it every time. Hope Zoe is okay this morning. Maybe she needs some warm weather and warm soft grass to roll in. CoCo only rolls on a soft rug. Such pampered pups, but aren't we glad. Hope all of you have a good and happy day. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
03-24-2013, 09:58 AM
So glad to hear that CoCo is doing better. What a little scamp, tricking you like that! hahaha Got to love him.

If it's a sprain then it shouldn't take nearly as long as it did for my neighbors dog who actually broke her toe. It probably wouldn't hurt to make sure the vet rules out the cyst like Glynda suggested, just so you know one way or the other.

We have sunshine today!!!! whoo hoooo! love the sun

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Simba's Mom
03-24-2013, 12:59 PM
So glad to hear that Coco is tricking you, means he's feeling better I would think...what they don't do for their treats....Simba will go to the door beg to go out, then a min later wants back in, ok Sim, I know you didn't go potty, your paws aren't wet lol, so tricky!!!! Now I watch him go down the steps and he looks to see if I'm watching, who says dogs aren't smart?
Hoping Coco continues to improve!

03-24-2013, 02:58 PM
Hey Guys: Thanks so much for checking on CoCo. He is walking on it more and actually cocked the other leg and stood on the sore one for a pee which is great since sometimes he pees a long time and sometimes fools me with just a drop or two for a treat. Yes dogs are smart and know how to fool us. What does that say about us, we are just a patsy for their cute ways. No sun here today, rain and hail, but it will leave soon I think. Hope everyone is having a restful day with their family and sweet pets. Love, JoAnne

03-28-2013, 08:16 AM
Hey All: CoCo's foot seems to be fine. Still don't know what happened, but just glad it is okay. Now back to trying to heal the sore on his foreskin. He has a soft cone on and is doing very well with it. I don't think the antibiotic is helping that much. Just wondering if there is anything else I can use. He seems to be hungrier than usual and drinking more water. Just thinking that his Cortisol is going up. One of his vets suggested giving him is Vetoryl in the morning and at night. I don't know about that, he is only taking 20 mg. She also prescribed the DMSO for the calcium deposits on his tail, I don't know about that either. They have not changed any in the three months he has had them and he has not noticed them, just little white bumps. I don't want to do any harm, but want to do the most efficient thing to help him. Thanks for any info. Love, JoAnne

Boriss McCall
03-28-2013, 09:21 AM
I am so glad Coco foot was okay.:)
Boriss has had his one calcium bump thing since last May & it hasn't broken open just remained a hard bump under the skin/hair. His might be different than Coco's. But, I have just left it alone & so far it has been okay.

molly muffin
03-28-2013, 04:40 PM
Ohh yay CoCo! Glad the foot is okay. Not sure about what else other than antibitotic to put on the foreskin thing. Is it maybe moist and needs to be a dry heal? hmmm...maybe someone else knows about that.

Molly has a couple bumps that aren't bothering her either. I'm actually not sure what they are as they aren't really uniform anywhere, just a couple bumps. You can't even find them in winter when she's a little ragamuffin. I don't think I'll probably do anything else for them either at this point. (I just know if I mention them to the vet, she's going to want to rerun all the cushings tests AGAIN).

So, if they aren't bothering him and it doesn't look like he's going to break out all over the place with them, you probably have time to evaluate the situation and decide what you want to do.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-29-2013, 06:12 AM
Thanks guys: I think you'll are right about the bumps. I did pick up the DMSO from the vet, but I will not use it unless the bumps change on CoCo's tail. He was limping on the same foot this morning, but calmed down after a few minutes. I think it is his toenail. It looks like it is loose and I am sure when he hits it, it gets sore again. I suggested to my husband that we put super glue on it, but he said CoCo would try to get the super glue off and hurt it worse and I think he is right. I am just keeping the cone on him trying to get the sore on his foreskin well. I cannot see that the antibiotic is helping, keeps it moist and it needs to dry up, so I am just leaving it alone and hoping the not licking will help. Hope all furbabies are fine this Easter weekend. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
03-29-2013, 08:50 AM
Have a good weekend Joanne. Maybe the vet should remove the toenail if it is loose and while it will hurt like the dickens for a bit, it should grow back a new nail. That's a thought anyway and I'm basing that on my own experience. LOL Hope dog nails react like humans, but the vet would know. If it loose it is just going to keep bothering him till it comes off is my guess.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-29-2013, 09:51 AM
Hey Sharlene: I thought about having the vet remove it or trimming in down more, but don't want to get down in the quick so just trying to hold on and see if it will tighten back up. Poor little thing has what we call his "bonnet" on for the sore, Pepto for his diarrhea and toe sore again. We get one thing better and another pops up. Lots of aggravating things for him, but he seems to take everything in stride. Oh well, I always say "things could be worse", but guess we will handle them when it happens or at least I hope we do. Glad Molly is still holding her own. Have a good Easter weekend. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
04-01-2013, 07:27 PM
Hope you had a good weekend and that CoCo's boo boos get all better. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Simba's Mom
04-01-2013, 08:24 PM
Sending healing hugs to Coco from Sim too!

04-01-2013, 08:43 PM
Thanks Sharlene. We had a great weekend. My daughter and son and grandchildren surprised us with lunch yesterday and my daughter brought Easter eggs for us to hide, but rained all day so we did not get to do that, but still had fun. CoCo was not too happy with his cone on, trying to prevent him from licking his sore on the foreskin. Still having a time healing it. I don't put the cone on him at night when he sleeps so guess he licks it then. His toe seems better, but I think the toenail is still sore. He is drinking more water and seems hungrier so I am suspecting his cortisol is higher. Trying to wait until his booboos are healed to aggravate him with testing. Glad Molly is still doing well. Keep up the good work. Love, JoAnne

04-01-2013, 08:45 PM
Thanks Lettie and Simba, hope all of your furbabies and loved ones are doing okay today. Love, JoAnne

04-02-2013, 09:35 AM
Hi JoAnne,

Hope Coco is feeling better. His cortisol may be up a bit from everything going on with him. Stress can have impact on them.
Zoe crashed out Saturday from all her celebrating on Friday and Sunday she was slurping more water but today she is much better again, alert, walking around, I woke her up finally at 6:00am.;)

Glad you had a egg suprise. We missed having our annual East egg hunt. The snow and ice just made it a bad idea. Today, it is all almost gone. Just a few spots of ice and snow in the shady areas.

Wellness was bought out by a larger company. Maybe it is not the same quality of food anymore or perhaps it has an ingriedent that he is allergic too. Zoe cannot do even one taste of barley.

04-02-2013, 10:01 AM
Hey Addy: I hope that is it, CoCo has always begged for food, but just seems like it is more lately, of course I still give him the same, measure it and give in smaller meals and treats. I guess Cushing moms are always looking for something else to go wrong. Wow Zoe slept until 6:00, I bet you were concerned. If CoCo slept that late I know I would since it is 3:15 for him. Glad your snow is finally gone. Sun is shining in Nashville today and it is going to be 70 later on in the week, of course we have to worry about tornados during changing weather. I just checked the blue buffalo and it is Wilderness and not Wellness, don't know the difference. Not much difference in the food analysis in any of them, protein 30% in BB, 25% in Eukunuba and all the other analysis are pretty close. Would like to feed him fresh meat and veggies and fruit, but he does not seem to tolerate it very well now. We have fed him the little tomatoes from the garden and pieces of other vegs and fruits, but not now, just try to catch the soft stools before diarrhea. Cushings is not a pretty illness. Happy days to you and yours. Love, JoAnne

04-07-2013, 01:54 PM
Stopping by to give you hugs and Coco belly rubs.

I was sorry to hear his sore is not healed but I just know it will be soon. So hard to see them not feeling well. We want those little faces at the door to be 100%:):)

04-07-2013, 05:05 PM
Thanks Addy, I hope you are right. I am going to have to let him sleep in his cone. I hate to, but he licks at night when he is in the bed and it will never heal if he does not quit licking it. Just got through getting my taxes together, now have an appointment with the tax man Tuesday, self employed so I always have to pay, so always wait as long as I can. Hope Zoe is okay today and doing her hop, hop, hop and her chicken walk. Warm in Nashville today, 74 degrees. I think we are supposed to get storms later on in the week. Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Love, JoAnne

04-08-2013, 12:31 PM

if the sore is not infected, have you tried Palmer's Cocoa Butter? I swear that it helped with Daisy's recent nose mishap with the cat.

It's cheap at Walmart.

molly muffin
04-08-2013, 06:38 PM
Hi JoAnne, how did CoCo do in the cone overnight?

hugs, Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-08-2013, 07:45 PM
Thanks Valerie, I will get some of the cream when I go out. The antibiotic is an ointment and just seems to keep it moist. Needs somethng to dry it up. It is not a very big sore, but just does not want to heal. Hard to keep dogs from licking their privates. Hope your puppy is doing well today. Love, JoAnne

04-08-2013, 07:50 PM
Hey Sharlene. He did really well with the cone, slept all night. I call it his bonnet, it is a floppy cone and is so light when he walks it switches back and forth, funny. I think if I can keep him from licking it, maybe it will heal. Hope you and your loved ones had a good weekend. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
04-08-2013, 08:13 PM
Hi JoAnne, glad that he did well with the cone over night. I agree, if he can just Not lick, it'll have a better chance of healing. Cushings dogs do have a hard time healing and everything seems to take longer to heal up with them. So, give it some time with the cone and see if that helps dry it.
Yep, we had a great weekend. Spent Sunday with friends celebrating one of their birthdays. Always a fun time. :) Dogs got some good play time too.
My friends poor dog though had a haircut after being at the boarding place for 3 weeks while they were away. She was so traumatized that they had to buy her a new sweater so she would come out of her crate. Now she doesn't want you to take the sweater off, she loves it!

Sharlene and Molly Mufifn

Peety's Fur-mom
04-08-2013, 10:49 PM
Hi JoAnne, Peety has been wearing his cone for close to a month now. I hate that he has to wear it all the time, (except meals and walks) but I try to hard to get his sores healed, I just can't trust him without it. He's use to it now. He swishes too when he walks, I laugh and he knows he's funny. Sometimes he runs into things, but is getting pretty good at clearing doorways and around furniture. I pray for the day when I can toss the thing in the garbage.

Good luck to you and CoCo

Pat and Peety

04-09-2013, 12:40 AM

as long as the wound shows no sign of infection or irritation. I would try the Cocoa Butter. I made sure to research online whether or not it was dog safe even if they lick it which of course, Daisy did at first.

Healing thoughts coming your way!

04-09-2013, 05:12 AM
Thanks guys: CoCo slept in his cone again last night, if you can call it all night. Awake at 3:00 as usual. We are used to it. We just go ahead and start the day. His booboo seems to look a little better, but I think he has learned to push the cone out of the way and lick, but maybe not as much as he would without it. That is so funny that the dog would not come out of his crate since he got a haircoat. I don't think CoCo has even noticed that his hair is so thin, although he is not as prissy as he used to be. We actually laugh at him and so do the neighbors when he runs out the door with that hound dog bark. He is so territorial. He loves to walk on the street and pee on everything. Hope all the furbabies are great this morning. Love, JoAnne

04-14-2013, 10:51 AM
Hey Guys: I got busy yesterday and did not give CoCo his Vetoryl until 6 hours later than usual, how should I give it to him today to get caught up to the correct time. I just did not look at the time. I know it does not stay in the system long, but don't want to do any harm. Thanks, JoAnne

molly muffin
04-14-2013, 12:32 PM
Uck, can you give us times JoAnne? What time do you normally give him his vetoryl? What time did you give it yesterday?
One option is to with hold the next dose and the following dose give it to him at his regular time. That would get you back on track the fastest probably. The next is to generally give him the next dose approximately say 12 hours later, narrowing or extending by an hour to get him to the right time.
I'd probably go with the easiest way and just skip next and start again the following day.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-14-2013, 12:53 PM
Hey Sharlene: I usually give CoCo his Vetoryl at 9 every morning, but forgot and did not give ir until 3 in the afternoon. It is almost 12 and thought I would give it at 12:00 today and then start back at 9 in the morning. I know it does not stay in the system long, but CoCo only weighs 11 pounds so I would think it would stay in a small dog longer. I thought I just might wait and skip today and start again in the morning. Thanks, JoAnne

molly muffin
04-14-2013, 12:55 PM
Hi Joanne, you could give at noon today and then 9am tomorrow. That would work probably for Coco.
The main thing is not to try to give any too close together to make up the time, but spacing out further to get on track shouldn't be a problem.


04-14-2013, 01:04 PM
I would think that schedule would work, too JoAnne.:):)

04-14-2013, 01:05 PM
Thanks Sharlene, that is what I did. Gave it at 12:00 I think I am going to have to increase his dosage anyway, seems like he is always begging for food and drinking water, and then has to go out. It is a vicious circle. I feel like I have a baby again. Some days he sleeps a lot and some days he is restless. Just have to go with his moods. Hope Molly is loving her new hair cut. Love, JoAnne

04-15-2013, 07:33 AM
Hey Addy: Hope Zoe is moving along fine this morning. CoCo was up by 3:00 as usual, of course, after he gets us up he is back to sleep. He has got in the habit or getting up that early so we just get up. He evidently is the boss here like all Cushing pups I guess. Have a good day. Hope none of us have any emergencies today. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
04-17-2013, 06:16 PM
Checking in to see how you and Coco are doing. :) Hope everything is going well. Are you still doing the cone at night? Has it helped, is that sore clearing up?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-17-2013, 07:10 PM
Hey Sharlene: CoCo is wearing the cone day and night. The sore is healing, but if he starts licking, it will get red again and he will lick the scab off. You know how they like to lick their privates, but he is handling it well. I feel so bad for him, but it is a real light one, looks like a bonnet on him. So many new people on the forum with Cushing dogs, you would think someone would find a cure for it. Have a good night. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
04-17-2013, 07:14 PM
yea I hear you JoAnne. I with they would find a cure, that would be fabulous. We have had a lot of wonderful new people and furbabies.
Have a good evening. Glad the sore is healing. Now it just needs to heal enough that it won't even matter if he licks it.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-25-2013, 11:35 AM
Hey all: Anyone have any ideas that would help CoCo sleep more than six hours at night. I give him a Melatonin, but has not seemed to help. I think it is a habit. He was up at 2:30 this morning, but i did get him to go back to bed until 3:00. He has to go do potty first thing every morning and of course we are all up by then. Of course when he does his thing and eats and takes his vitamins, he is back to sleep for a little while, but most of the time he has to watch what I am doing, afraid I might get out of his sight. Since I work at home he sits behind me when I am at the computer and if I move he is up. I guess he is protecting me, all 11 pounds of him. Otherwise, he is doing well, sore is healing, hair seems to be regrowing a little and he has lots of energy, too much sometimes, especially at night. Love, JoAnne

04-25-2013, 01:40 PM
Hey JoAnne,

I forget, are you on twice day dosing? How much melatonin do you give him? It took me over a month to get Zoe's sleep disturbances fixed with the melatonin. I wish it did not make her bad eye worse.

I am glad to hear Coco is frisky though and has some hair growing in, that is great news!!!

I think they get clingy. If I move to another room, Zoe comes looking for me these days. She wants to be close to me.:)

04-25-2013, 01:52 PM
Hey Addy: CoCo is on 20 mg of Vetoryl once a day. I give it to him in the morning. I give him 3 mg of Melatonin before he goes to bed at night and he sleeps agout 6 hours. I think he wakes up by habit and always has to pee. He does not seem to drink too much water, between 8 oz and 12 oz. He does everything by habit. He always knows the time to eat even when the time changes. Asks to go out at the same time and asks to walk in the back at the same time every day. Strange funny little bossy dog. We just live with it and go to bed early. Hope Zoe is doing okay, have not seen a post for her lately. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
04-25-2013, 06:52 PM
I've heard some say to play with them before they go to bed, or walk them even to get them tired. Send him to bed later maybe? A snack before bed?
I'm not sure, Molly is just like me and enjoys her sleep time. If it's cloudy or rainy out, she isn't going to get up unless I practically drag her out of her bed. She grumps at us till we go to bed if she decides it is bed time and we are still up too. So, like mommy like doggy. My golden was the same way, so it might be me that is the factor here. LOL
Hope you can find something that allows you to all get some more rest. Go to bed later maybe?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-25-2013, 08:44 PM
Thanks Sharlene. We have tried going to bed later, he still wakes up at 3 or so. My husband usually gets up at 4:00 and CoCo used to sleep until 7 or 8:00, don't know why he started getting up after 6 hours and sometimes 5 hours. Just keep hoping he will get back in the habit of sleeping at least 7 hours. I really think it is habit with him and he gets up to eat. Have a good night. Love, JoAnne

04-26-2013, 05:10 AM
Eek, don't think I could handle getting up that early every day. What does he do if you ignore him? Or let him out then go back to bed straight after he does his business and no talking to him or anything that might make him think you are ready for the day to begin when it is still actually middle of the night!? I wouldn't feed him that early, then he might get the idea that it is still sleep time.... but my dog thinks I am a bit mean like that anyway :eek::rolleyes::D

04-26-2013, 02:01 PM
Trish: We usually get up at 4:00 anyway so after he goes out and piddles around, we are wide awake, so just go ahead and get up. My husband was a contractor for years and always got up early and cannot get out of the habit of getting up early now. I am the one that does not want to get up that early, but the dog is so spoiled to me he will not let me go back to sleep (my fault as my husband says).CoCo is always just raring to go that early, but I am not. Guess I will just grit my teeth and enjoy his boistrous ways. Love, JoAnne

Peety's Fur-mom
04-28-2013, 05:12 PM
Hi JoAnne, I know what you mean about the early hours. When Peety first started having issues, if he woke me I was then up the rest of the night. It didn't matter what time it was. I just thought he needed me and since I didn't know what was going on with him, I just used that time to be with him. Now, it's a lil different. If he gets me up usually it's just to go out and pee and then he is ready to go back to bed. And I don't hang around, I give him a treat and while he is eating it I go back to bed and in a few minutes I hear him come back to bed. But I learned not to play or get him started because A. it woke me up and B. he was wide awake like it was a new day and he was ready. But many a night in the beginning, I would be up all night with him and he was always glad I was there beside him. And now sometimes I just hear him, breathing or playing with his toys, I don't let him know I am awake :)

We do what we need to do. Some times they dictate to us what they need and sometimes we just know what they need. At the end of the day I always feel I have done right for him.

Give CoCo a hug. How are the sores, better I hope?

04-28-2013, 05:33 PM
Hey Pat: Glad Peety is doing better. CoCo is doing better except for the early morning wake up. My husband gets up at 4:00 every morning so by the time CoCo goes out and piddles around, it is almost time for us to get up anyway, so we just stay up. His sore is almost healed on his foreskin, so I am hopefully he can quit wearing the cone in about a week or two. He has had it on so long I hold it up and he puts it on himself. Hope he is not so used to it that he wants to keep it on. Hope you are having a good day with your family and furbabies. Love, JoAnne

05-04-2013, 11:12 AM
Hey Guys: Anyone every heard of vasculitis on the tips of dog's ears, seems like the tips are turning black and falling off. Another thing dachshunds are known to have. One day it was bleeding bad and thought I was going to have to take him to the ER, but finally found the vein and held it until it stopped bleeding, only one ear so far. Still a few drops of blood sometimes. I have been using Vit E and fish oil and the black crust just fell off and the ear is soft again. Oh well, another thing to watch for. I get one thing almost healed and something else pops up. CoCo just takes it in stride and goes about his frisky way, so I do too. Oh for the days before Cushings. It is hard to treat some things because they make the Cushings worse. Just treat the worst at the time they occur I guess. Hope all furbabies and familes are having a good day. Pouring rain in Nashville, so a good day to work inside. Love, JoAnne

05-04-2013, 11:55 AM

I have never heard of that! I'll keep my eyes on Daisy for any signs as she is a mini doxie too. I hope that Coco recovers soon!

05-04-2013, 03:04 PM

page down in this article, it has a photo and discusses it.


I am sorry to hear Coco has ear issues but I am sure glad his foreskin is healing up. It is always something with our kids:)
I used the special shampoo on Zoe twice now and her skin is really pink:eek:

I think we should all be in medical school:D:D:D:D

hugs and love and kisses to little boy.

molly muffin
05-04-2013, 06:26 PM
You really do learn alot on here. i had never heard of this ear problem before. JoAnne and Coco blazing new trails :)good luck!

sharlene and molly muffin

Simba's Mom
05-04-2013, 08:20 PM
I hope Coco's ears get better too, I have never heard of that before, kinda like cushings, you don't know about it until they have it....take care

05-05-2013, 04:39 AM
Thanks guys, CoCo's ear started bleeding on the tips when we started to bed because he was shaking his long ears and hit it on something I guess. I got it stopped and used flour to clot it and he slept all night and no bleeding yet this morning. Guess I have to get some Kwik Stop when I go out. Maybe he will be careful and not start it again this morning. Hope everyone has a castrophe free day. Love, JoAnne

05-05-2013, 09:12 AM
Hi JoAnne - I never heard of the ear thing either. Norman has the softest ears of any dog I have ever touched - but like many said another items to keep an eye on ...when they start flapping...sorry to hear it happened but happy you got down to what occurred...the why with all of this is sometimes the hardest.

Norman send kisses to Coco and we are all wishing him speedy healing.

Sharon, Norman and Millie

05-05-2013, 09:29 AM
Hi Sharon: Norman is so beautiful. He has beautiful hair like CoCo had before this terrible disease, except CoCo has a little more brown on his muzzle. His Cushings and hypothyroidism has taken his beautiful black hair, thinning on his head and back and has never grown back where he was shaved for the ultrasound. His ear is okay this morning, the margin on one ear was black and would crumble if you touched it, necrotic dead tissue, I had soaked it in warm water and the black came off and I put vaseline on it and it started bleeding, so put flour on it last night and it clotted and he is okay this morning. Flour or corn starch or powder will stop bleeding if you don't have any Kwik Stop. I still worried that I would get up to a pool of blood this morn, but he is fine. I have been able to manage the things that pop up so far. We are still concerned about his back toe or toenail that we have not been able to really tell what is wrong and x-ray does not show it is broken, but something is wrong. Oh well, just one thing at a time. Thanks for caring. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
05-05-2013, 05:43 PM
Hi JoAnne, is he still favoring that foot? I thought it was the toenail. Did it ever fall over for a new one could grow in? Always something it seems

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-05-2013, 07:01 PM
HI JoAnne, Thanks for the comments on Norman. I am happy Coco's ears are doing better...However, i would think the feet would be more of a problem as they need to step on them to move. Praying for you and Coco...I hope they get down to the bottom of what is going on...anyway to wrap up the foot?

Sending prayers, hugs and love,

Sharon, Norman and Millie

05-05-2013, 08:51 PM
Hey Guys: I really don't know what is wrong with his foot, 2 xrays and they could not find what was wrong. His toenail looks crooked so I think it is loose. He does not act like anything is wrong until he hits the toe on something and then he holds it up for a few minutes and then goes on. I figure I will have to have his toenail taken off because I don't think they reattach if they are loose. I just keep hoping that it falls off on its on or gets well. He really does not complain about it and the x-rays did not show anything, but it looks strange. Just trying to heal everything else before we have the nail removed. Love, JoAnne

05-14-2013, 04:12 PM
Hey all: I have been fighting soft stools and now liquid diarrhea for CoCo for two weeks I think, I really don't remember, always soft after a day or two. Hardly every formed. Vet says ID food and Metronidazole and had been giving him Imodium for a day or two, nothing seems to work, he looks so pitiful, sides sunk in and he is so hungry. Just seems like any food causes, chickren, rice, a bite of anything. Any ideas. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
05-14-2013, 07:07 PM
Well he could have a gastronintestinal bacterial bug. My Molly had something similar in March, and was on antibiotics and floriflora.
One thing though, has he had a recent blood test? Just wouldn't mind ruling out pancreatis as cushings dogs are prone to that. You could have a cPL test which is specific to pancreatis done, or if he has blood work, the Lipase might be risen which would indicate possible pancreatic problem.
Usually, chicken and rice cooked to mush consistency might help, but only a little bit at a time, like maybe a teaspoon to start with. Also check those elctrolytes as they can get out of whack when something like this comes along.
Some of the others might have some other ideas too, but those are my original thoughts when I read your post.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-14-2013, 07:35 PM
Thanks Sharlene. the vet just gave me some Metronidazole. I did not take CoCo in, he does not act sick, still begging for food. I guess he has IBD, cannot seem to eat anything without having soft stool, but it was liquid once today. He has had problems since being on the Vetoryl. I just have to watch him all the time. He is real bad to eat grass, not because he is sick, just likes grass. I have to walk him on a leash even in the fenced yard and sometimes he will grab a big mouthful before I can get it and he did yesterday after the grass was cut and almost got choked, so greedy. Guess it upset his stomach. Maybe the Metronidazole will work. We also have pecans and squirrels all over the yard, so who knows what he eats. Thanks again. JoAnne

05-15-2013, 09:12 AM
CoCo has not had diarrhea again. I did not give him his thyroid medicine or Cushing medicine this morning. He does seem tired, but still begging for food. Of course he has not had much food since midday yesterday. Gave him a little chicken and a bite or two of food, so I guess he is just tired. Has had two doses of the Metronidazole. Hope it works. Thanks, JoAnne

Squirt's Mom
05-15-2013, 09:21 AM
Sophie doesn't eat grass that's growing - she will race to gobble up the grass that falls off of the bottom of the weedeater tho like it's the best candy in the world! :p Her eyes light up like "oh, goodie!" when I get it out! :D

05-15-2013, 10:16 AM
Im so sorry, Joanne, to hear about Coco. It is so hard. I used many different things throughout the years to control Zoe’s flare ups but the last bad flare up in the winter of 2010 was hard. I totally lost all control of her IBD and could not regain it, she would have watery squirty poos and she was losing weight. In 3 months she went from 19 pounds down to 16 pounds and was walking like a drunken sailor. Her cortisol was high, she was not being treated, except for melatonin and lignans, she was very sick and I did not want to use prednisone.
My first line of defense was withold all food for 12 hours, we skipped a meal, I could never do it for 24 hours, she could not handle that. Then I would bring back her food ½ portions twice a day to see how she handled it. Rice porridge never helped her, nor did pumpkin help much during that time. We upped her dose of metronidazole, and gave it twice a day and she stayed on it for 2 months. When we finally got to soft serve poo, I increased the amount of her food to ¾ portions and continued the metronidazole. She did not have one crumb of any other food and we had to really watch her outside so she did not help herself to a snack of who knows what.
I purchased Honest Kitchen Zeal which is human grade food of sweet potato, fish and potato and started adding it one tablespoon at a time. Back then, she could only eat raw meat commercial patties that were supplemented with vitamins, etc. Anything other than meat, Zoe could not tolerate. I also switched her probiotic. After three months, Zoe started to improve, I started weaning her down off the metronidazole to one low dose in the am and increased the Honest kitchen food.
The whole process took six months.
Sometimes probiotics need to be tried for a month or two and if they are not working, we need to try another type. The new IMS said the cornerstone of IBD treatment is diet, antibiotics/probiotics and something else, I am having a senior moment, Im at work.
IBD can only be really diagnosed through endescopy to identify the bacteria and inflammation you are dealing with.


05-15-2013, 10:59 AM
Thanks so much Leslie and Addy: Yes, Leslie that is what CoCo eats, the grass that is all in a patty that comes out from under the tractor. I have to take him out on a leash and he still beats me to it, it seems to be a real treat for him. He is so pitiful we watch him so closely. He never goes out by himself anymore and he used to have the run of the fenced in yard. Oh well, good exercise for me.

Addy, he seems ok this morning after 125 mg of Metronidazole twice and very little food. I have tried so many different foods and Pepto, Imodium, Metronidazole and don't remember what else. The Metronidazole seems to help the most, but I am a little fearful of it. I guess I will start him back on his Vetoryl and Soloxine in the morning if he tolerates a little more food. He seems to be sleeping more than usual today. I guess he is tired from the diarrhea yesterday. Do you order the Honest Kitchen. I have never seen it at my pet food stores I don't think. Thanks Guys for the information. These little dogs are a mystery. CoCo is so little that he cannot tolerate much sickness. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
05-15-2013, 06:28 PM
Oh I do hope CoCo gets better soon. Molly loves that patty, just got mowed grass too. Not sure what it is about that. I try to keep it from her but sometimes she beats me to it too. Dog can spy it a mile away I swear.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-17-2013, 08:58 AM
I know what you mean Sharlene, I will have CoCo on a leash and he still beats me to the patty and has grass hanging out each side of his mouth and choking because he is so greedy. His diarrhea is better with the Metronidazole, but who knows what will happen when he is through with the pills. Just take it a day at the time, sometimes an hour at a time, just wait for the next emergency with these cush-dogs. Hope Molly and your family have a great weekend. Love, JoAnne

05-22-2013, 07:29 PM
Dang, it took me a bit to find you.;)
JoAnne, I am so sorry to hear of Coco's ongoing loose stools. I know how scary it is and totally understand.

I hope Tylan can help Coco I totally get your vibes about metronidazole so understand why you wish to try Tylan. I do know that metronidazole is the one thing that helped Zoe and continues to help her. I try to keep her on a smaller dose once a day. Our IMS and our surgeon both feel Zoe is not showing any neurological problems from it. Sometimes a pup may need to take both Tylan and metronidazole.

I found an interesting article about inflammatory bowel disease. It is older, from 2008, I think ,but was an interesting read. I think I book marked it at work. I'll post the link for you tomorrow.

Hugs, sweetie and hang in there. Praying you and Coco find relief with the Tylan.

05-22-2013, 08:32 PM
Thanks so much Addy. CoCo seems better the last couple of days on the Metronidazole. I have also starting giving him his Vetoryl twice a day to see if that will help with the loose stools, but I think the antibiotic is what has helped. I tried to just give 1/4 tablet a couple days ago, but it was back to the soft stool, so back to the 125 mg twice a day. I am thinking about giving him the Tylan also. He is so skinny, hair is getting thinner and thinner. His spine shows all the way down his back. My beautiful little boy looks so bad, but we love him dearly. I think it is the hypothyroidism and Cushing mix that has caused him to lose his hair and get so skinny and he eats a lot, just hungry all the time. Time to be tested again in a coulple of weeks. He still plays with some of his toys that sound like a dog crying and he thinks he is killing it I guess, wears himself out. Funny little dog. Glad Zoe is doing good. We are going to Tunica for a few days. CoCo loves it, we call the RV the big box and he gets so excited. Just hope I can keep the stool under control. Have a good memorial day weekend. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
05-23-2013, 11:25 AM
Have a good trip JoAnne! No more diarrhea little mr. coco!!
Poor baby.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-23-2013, 01:38 PM

found the link about IBD- it has a paragraph in it about metronidazole. It is from 2008, I think but still relevant.

have fun in Tunica- my parents used to go there often when they lived in Arkansas.

love and hugs sweetie

05-24-2013, 05:05 AM
Thanks so much Addy and Sharlene. There is good information on that site concerning IBD. The metronidazole is working somewhat, but he still has too many bowel movements a day and who knows how long I can continue the medicine. He is so skinny, and is always hungry, habit or Cushings. I have to get him tested in a couple of weeks. I don't think he can take more Vetoryl since that is probably what is causing the loose stools. Oh well, we just try to fix whatever comes up. The vets don't have much of a clue what to do so I get more information on this forum than from them. So glad I found the forum. Such wonderful loving people. Hope everyone has a healthy and safe Memorial day and all furbabies have a happy day. Headed to Tunica shortly. Love, JoAnne

Simba's Mom
05-28-2013, 12:37 AM
Sending hugs and prayers that coco feels better soon and that the dreaded poos get better, Simba takes fortaflora and that has really helped get him regular.....

05-28-2013, 03:54 PM
Thanks all for the info. I have tried him on the FortiFlora and has not helped so far, guess I just have not waited long enough. The Metronidazole helps, but don't know how long I can keep giving it to him. Just got back from Tunica, had a great trip. CoCo loves to walk down there. We did bring some money back, but did not hit as jackpot this time. Hope all furbabies are ok. Going to look at the posts in a few minutes. Have to go get CoCo's Cushing and thyroid medication and check and see if my doctor I transcribe for made it for the last few days. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
05-28-2013, 06:03 PM
Welcome home JoAnne. Glad you had a good time. Belly robs o CoCo.

06-04-2013, 01:35 PM
Sorry to read that Tylan made Coco a bit worse. We always have to factor in the possibility of Zoe having her "dietary indiscretion." That girl loves sticking her nose in long grass and you just know she is munching on something when she does it:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I posted back to you on my thread:)

06-07-2013, 06:49 AM
I know what you mean Addy, CoCo sniffs around and tries to find things in the grass or he loves the dead grass that comes out from under the tractor. We have to take him on a leash in the big yard or he will eat squirrel or rabbit poop and anything else he can find in the grass, even bugs. I am just glad he is not a licker, who knows there that tongue has been. His stool is some better this morning, but I gave him part of an Imodium tablet last night, so feel like it is just a stop-gap thing. I just take it a day at the time and wait for the next symptom. I know Zoe is the same, just work on the worst problem at the time. Love, JoAnne

06-07-2013, 07:08 AM
I think it is all we can do, I know it is sad and hard, JoAnne. Zoe's hip bones and spine stick out too but inspite of all her issues she is such a happy girl so I take that as my cue.:):):)

You cant keep withholding food, you are exactly right about that. Have you tried pumpkin or the slippery elm? I'm not home durring the day and you need to give slippery elm at least two hours a part from any medication. Zoe gets meds twice a day so I cant work it in to the schedule or I would try it. I even bought a bottle of it. That and I worry about her allergies as I cant take it because of some of my allergies. ( I thought of trying it myself for my acid reflux).

Zoe's poo firmed up since I switched her probiotic and changed a lot of her tiny pieces of chicken to potato. Maybe the Forti Flora doesnt work for Coco. If he has had it for a month with no improvement, I would chuck and try something else.

Hugs and love, sweetie

06-07-2013, 07:41 AM
Hey Addy: I have tried slippery elm, pumpkin and fortiflora, all caused diarrhea or soft stools. Maybe I just did not try them long enough or too much product. He seems to do better with just less of everything, really sensitive stomach and he loves food so much. I just always give him the same, just spread it out according to his stomach. He is ok this morning. We just have to watch him carefully all the time (don't mind). He is such a good little man and we love him dearly as everyone here loves their furbaby. We have a friend that has a tiny 13 year old dog, maybe 7 or 8 lbs and she ate chicken over the weekend and now has pancreatitis and in the hospital, maybe gave her too much and had fat on it I guess. These old dogs are so sensitive. Have a good day. Love, JoAnne

06-07-2013, 08:31 AM
Well then, less is best for Coco:):) It is kind of like Zoe's raw patties. Everyone thinks I should stop them and it would be good for her kidneys but she does best with having half and half, that is what her body needs. Maybe Coco does best without all this other stuff and just his pepto when it gets bad.

06-12-2013, 08:30 AM
Hey all: CoCo has had a couple of good days. Gave him Kaopectate a couple of days ago and he has had a firm stool for two days. Vet has tried to get me to give him the Hill's Prescription ID for awhile, but it is such a terrible food that I have resisted until yesterday and today, so don't know if it is the food or Kaopectate, just enjoying the not so worried about the little man today, guess the next day or two will tell the tale. It usually does, doesn't it? Vet also said there is a new pulse procedure, Metronidazole on 7 days and off 7 days, so I will try that when I see what is going on with the Kaopectate and prescription food. Still giving regular food along with prescription. Hoping for the best for CoCo and for you and yours. Love, JoAnne

06-12-2013, 08:43 AM
This sounds like good news. If the ID is canned it isnt as bad as some of them and it is highly digestible. Zoe ate it for two years.

I hope this helps Coco.

06-12-2013, 08:58 AM
Hey Addy: It is the canned and thanks so much, I had heard that it killed dogs. I could not figure out how it could kill a dog since the ingredients are the same as some other foods. So glad you gave me that information. I have not figured out exactly how much to feed a 10 pound dog, but I am just supplementing now with his regular food and waiting for the shoe to drop or poop as is the case with CoCo. I just know that all of us furbaby mamas are so thankful for one day of less worry. Glad Zoe is having some good days and hope KoKo's doc visit will go smoothly. Love, JoAnne

06-12-2013, 09:37 AM
I don't know how it would kill dogs.:o When I met with the holistic vet whom also did nutrition counseling she said out of all those diets the canned ID was not that bad.

Just have to experiment with it, maybe he will eat 1/2 to 3/4 of a can per day? Back when Zoe was on it, everything made her gain weight so she ate less of it then she was supposed to. It tells you on the back as a guide, I think.

If it works, so be it, better then Coco losing weight. I have thought more than once of putting Zoe back on it but for her it did not work as well as it should have. Maybe it would be different now for her.

Have not hear of the pulsing on and off metronidazole yet but everything should be on the table at this point for your little boy:):)
Go with your gut.

06-12-2013, 10:15 AM
Thanks Addy, that is what I thought about the ID, about the same ingredients as lots of food. I did read one time they found arsenic on rice, but don't know when or which one, so many brands of rice. I think you can read anything on the internet. I did find you can buy Metronidazole on the internet without prescription, Fish Zole. Read a report somewhere that all animal medications are the same as humans and produced in the same factory, but who knows. I did look them up and they sold everything from Metronidazole to Amoxicillin to Tylan. Who knows how safe they would be. Love, JoAnne

06-12-2013, 10:24 AM
Ohhhhh, I want to warn you against ordering drugs from any online pharmacy that does not require a prescription!!! That is at the top of the warning list that the pharmacy is not to be trusted. There are lots of counterfeit drugs being sold, and whether or not that is an issue with this pharmacy, it is still a huge red flag for many reasons if an Rx is not required. On the face of it, that means they are operating outside of ethical/legal pharmacy practice...


Edited to add: I just checked the vendor you mentioned and I see that it is literally medication for fish. So perhaps legally there is no Rx needed for that, but I would still be cautious about buying what would typically be a prescription med for my dog from a website selling products prepared for fish and birds.

molly muffin
06-12-2013, 10:40 AM
I'm so glad to hear that CoCo is doing better! Yay
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-12-2013, 10:44 AM
You are right, I had just found that on the internet and put it out there. Glad to see your reply, since someone might be tempted to order it for something other than fish. Thanks, JoAnne

Budsters Mom
06-12-2013, 01:23 PM
I know that's it's tempting to go the non prescription route when you order on-line. I did think about it. After doing some research, I was concerned about quality control. There didn't seem to be much of it.:( Diamondback Drugs are reasonable and have a great reputation. They do require a RX though.


06-12-2013, 03:07 PM
I had been just looking around on the internet and found that site and know some people with horses order from the internet. I have a sister with horses and she had one horse that was 31 I believe that needed some treatment, unfortunately that horse died from old age. She was actually looking for someone with a backhoe to dig a grave because she knew the horse could not live much longer and luckily found someone before he died. Everyone loves their pets, especially when they have been with you that long. Take care, JoAnne

molly muffin
06-12-2013, 03:40 PM
Awww, that is a good long age for a horse to live. 31! Absolutely. I have loved every animal I've ever had, including horses. My horse King was my best friend, when I was growing up along with my dog Bobo and cat Lester. Yea, it was a zoo at our house. LOL

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-12-2013, 03:58 PM
Yes Sharlene, I believe she had that horse longer than her husband. I think she has another horse in their 20s. Her place is really a zoo, has goats and she did have some strange chickens, ornamental or oriental, I don't remember, and of course cats and dogs and maybe rabbits. We have always had lots of animals.

This is a real funny story, I had a guinea pig many years ago, I found him in his cage not breathing and tried to resusicitate him, and could tell his heart was still beating and figured he had a cold which can kill them, so I put Vick's Vapor on his chest and my husband took him to the animal ER and the receptionist did not know what he was he looked so strange with the Vick's on him. She said "what is that"? Of course he died. Funny now, but sad back then. I am sure all of us have funny tales. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
06-12-2013, 04:50 PM
You gave it your all and bit more (vicks!):D:D

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-13-2013, 08:38 PM
My poor little dog looks so pitiful. Seems like he looks thinner and bonier every day and he eats plenty, just not putting on any weight, just seems to be losing. No diarrhea for a day or two, but just so skinny and bony and weak. Any ideas. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
06-13-2013, 08:53 PM
That doesn't really seem right that he would be eating and losing weight like that.
Have you taken him to an IMS yet? I am thinking that you might need to. When was his last full CBC and urinlaysis done?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Harley PoMMom
06-13-2013, 10:43 PM
Carbs such as pasta, potatoes, oatmeal, rice, etc...can help put weight on a dog.

What has the vet said about his weight-loss?

06-13-2013, 10:55 PM
Following is something I saved in my Annie's files. She became quite skeletal and this is a recipe used by alot of people including those who show dogs to get them to gain weight quickly. Annie wouldn't eat raw meat so I microwaved her meatballs. :) Lots of calories and I had my vet look at it and she said it was filled with good things. Note not good for diabetic dogs for obvious reasons. Note I cut the recipe way down the first time I made it.... huge batch! Kim

Satin Balls
More Satin Ball Recipes
Husky Howllow's Satin Ball Recipe

A Reader's Recipe:

5 pounds ground meat
5 cups Total whole grain cereal
5 cups oats (slow cooking type)
2½ cups raw wheat germ
¾ cup oil
¾ cup molasses
6 egg yolks
5 packets gelatin
2 ½ tablespoons Solid Gold Seameal supplement

Mix up, form balls, freeze, feed as treats or food supplement.

Mix all ingredients together thoroughly like you would a meatloaf.
Roll into balls no larger than 1 inch diameter.
Divide into at least 6 separate containers or bags. Freeze. Thaw as needed for feeding.

I take a frozen pack to dogs shows with me, kept on ice, and never have had any trouble with it spoiling, even in the heat of Texas summers...
All my dogs go crazy over this stuff...but you have to be careful, it will put wt on the dogs pretty fast if you feed enough....I feed a pack a day...half in am , half in pm.
When I want to increase the weight on a dog, I feed more; so far I haven't got to the point where they won't eat anymore, and believe me, Satin has eaten a lot at one setting. It will put on the weight, make the coats soft and blue black (on black dogs at least, that's all I have).
The dogs stop all the itching and chewing at their coats/skin, their eyes get this bright look and the energy level goes out the roof(not that Belgians need any more energy).
The bitch that I got this recipe for is a picky eater, but when this in on the food (I long ago stopped trying to "bury" it in the other food; they just hunt it down to eat first, and making a mess trying) she eats much better. It seems to whet her appetite.

More Satin Ball Recipes


Per the information received after having the Satin Balls recipe checked by several vets/labs:

Satin Balls is a total canine diet. It can be fed by itself or as a supplement, for however long you wish. My dogs have been on Satin Balls for over a year; the only time that I have fed it alone is when I had a sick dog needing to be built up or an underweight dog that I plan on showing.
The only problem with feeding it by itself is figuring out the amount. It will put weight on a dog in a few days...that's why it is so great to feed just before a show. If you have a dog that is in good weight, but you just want to build coat/endurance, you would have to figure out how much to feed (cal per kg), or you would end up with a fat dog in a very short time. At one point, I let Satin eat as much as she wanted, just to see how much she would consume. I never got to that point! After a pound pack, she was still looking for more, so I stopped. I have been told a dog will stop eating when full on it, and that you can then gauge the amount needed to maintain weight!
I just find that per the pocketbook and ease, my dogs do very well on it as a supplement. I give about a 1/4 pound each night to maintain beautiful coats, energy level, and a full appetite...no picky eaters here.
Just don't try to hide it in the kibble...they will make a mess throwing out the kibble, digging for the Satin Balls! My dogs have never gotten sick on Satin balls...not even when I am at a show and feed only that. I feed less kibble, so I saves money there. There is also less stool to pick up as the dogs are able to digest all of the Satin Balls.
I have been playing with the recipe. I now use the Knox Joint Gelatin instead of the plain Knox unflavored gelatin. Since this is high in vit C and protein, and is good for the joints, it would be good for the dogs. They don't seem to mind the added flavor.
I am also adding Flaxseed oil. They probably don't need the added oil, but so far I have not seen it hurt anything.
Fix some up and let your dogs enjoy. They will love you forever and forever!

06-14-2013, 12:18 AM
JoAnne, I noticed that you are still giving CoCo regular food in addition to the prescription ID food. Seems to me that may be defeating the purpose of the ID food...

I would think that the IBD may be contributing to weight loss through the diarrhea and lack of properly ingesting nutrients. If so, you may do better feeding the prescription food exclusively for a while and that's why your vet is recommending it to you -- to get a handle on the digestive issues by limiting CoCo's food intake from other things that may be potentially upsetting to him.


06-14-2013, 03:27 AM
Thanks Marianne, I thought the ID was like transitioning to any food and was just trying to transition him to it. I will try just the ID alone. I had noticed his stools had started getting soft again. The old food could be the reason for that. Have you ever given a dog NutriCal for high calories or would that be defeating the purpose of the ID. The vet started him Metronidazole again, 7 days on, 7 days off. Have not started it yet since it has not worked in the past and wanted to try the ID first. I so appreciate the information I get on this forum. Thanks so much again. Love, JoAnne

06-14-2013, 04:59 AM
Hi Joanne
Hope he does well on the new food and his tummy settles down. I have not tried the Nutrical so not much help there. It is so hard when their little tummies are upset and I remember the despair of not knowing what the heck to feed him when he had loose poops all the time, it is such a worry. Hopefully when he is fully transitioned it might help calm his tummy.

I have the new hydrolysed food for Flynn that I am going to go back and try once he gets over his mouth surgery. But he is doing real good at the moment so I don't really want to rock the boat. I am just giving him venison mince and venison and potato grain free biscuits with the aim of limiting the proteins to cut down any potential allergies. I supplement with a probiotic and a 1/4 tsp metamucil a day for a little extra fibre. Plus I have been giving him Losec which I think has helped him, now he is good I only give it every 2nd or 3rd day and might stop if he stays good in the poop department. Not sure if any of this helps you but thought I would share what has helped us, his scan has shown small bowel thickening and they suspect IBD but he has not had a biopsy to confirm. When he was really bad with pancreatitis I fed him Royal Canin low fat GI, it comes in wet and dry food and that helped then too. Of course he is not on cushings meds so we do not have that problem with him.

I so hope this new food works for you guys.. good luck! :)

06-14-2013, 05:23 AM
Thanks so much Trish. It is such a worry. He takes Vetoryl and thyroid medication also and he is such a little fellow anyway, has always weighed about 12 pounds so he cannot afford to lose much more. He weighs about 10 now I guess and looks so bony. I am going to try him on this ID food for awhile and see if that works and Metronidazole again I guess. Glad your doggie is doing well. I appreciate the information. I will check into the Losec. Love, JoAnne

06-14-2013, 07:35 AM

I think it might be better to put him on the metronidazole along with the ID, no old food and give it a few weeks. It may take awhile to settle everything down. When Zoe went through a similar bout in the winter of 2010, it took a few months to get it right.

In this case, it might be best to follow your vets instructions to start.


06-14-2013, 08:29 AM
Thanks Addy: I was so discouraged last night when I went to bed. He is so skinny and bony that I just figured he was not going to be with us long and I thought I would just stop everything and just try to put some weight on him. My daughter gave one of her dogs NutriCal at one time and since it is high calorie I was thinking about doing that and no more medicine, but have changed my mind this morning and back to his cushing and thyroid medicine and his cortisol level Monday if I can get him in. He actually weighs 11 pounds which is the same he has weighed for a long time. He is a long dachshund so his bones stick out. I have been waiting for some encouragement from my friends at the forum and I always get it. Hope all is well with you and yours this morning. Love, JoAnne

06-14-2013, 01:28 PM
I know, it is hard to know what to do, I'm going through a similar thing with trying to get Zoe off her raw food. She just keeps getting smaller and smaller.:( My daughter's pom is 14 and is so small now and he does not have Cushings.:confused: Zoe used to be the same height as Koko, not any more, she is shrinking like my mom and hubby is.:( If I start shrinking, you wont find me because I'm only 5"3" to begin with :rolleyes:

Coco was having stool issues before you started the Vetoryl wasn't he? When we switched Zoe to the IBD many years ago when she had her first colitis outbreak, we did it cold turkey with metronidazole, no transition. That is usually how it is done. Maybe just try this first and give it a chance. I'm here rooting for Coco and so is everyone else.

06-14-2013, 02:03 PM
Hey Addy: You are right we all shrink. I think I used to be 5'2", now I guess I am only 5'1" and small so if I get any smaller I will disappear. I think maybe I gave CoCo too much of his food a few minutes ago, he was eating green grass, he usually eats the dead clumps. I gave him a little Pepto and now ok. I hope Zoe can get off her raw easily. I had thought about that, but CoCo is so sensitive. Wild dogs do eat raw, but my little dog is too pampered to even drink regular water. Taking him for his cortisol Monday, hope it will be ok, really don't want to go higher than 20 mg Vetoryl. Oh well we do what we have too. Have a good weekend. Love, JoAnne

06-14-2013, 02:38 PM
I give Zoe’s metronidazole about 10 minutes after her Vetoryl so she has food in her tummy. It can upset their tummy if you give it on an empty stomach

06-14-2013, 04:01 PM
Thanks Addy: I did not know Metronidazole upset their stomach. I have given it to him off and on for a year. He just caught a little stripped lizard that lives under the deck and ate it, I tried to get it away from him, but did not. Don't know if it would hurt him or not. Guess it could have parasites. I don't think it was poison. Thank goodness I only have one dachshund. Love, JoAnne


06-14-2013, 05:31 PM
Geez, there goes the poops :rolleyes:

Sounds like my two, always something! Hubby said Zoe ate something out in the yard today too:rolleyes:

Have a great weekend, sweetie. Hope Coco does good and has no lizard poos.

06-14-2013, 06:22 PM
Back to you Addy. He is sleeping off the lizard. Vet said he thought he would be ok. Take care.

molly muffin
06-14-2013, 07:00 PM
Hang in there JoAnne, if he is still at 11lb and that is where he usually is at, then it sounds like fat redistribution, so things have shifted around, which can happen with cushings.
I hope his poops firm up!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-14-2013, 07:26 PM
Thanks Sharlene and Molly Muffin: I hope the poops do firm up. Doing ok for a few days, hope the lizard he ate this afternoon does not disrupt the progress he has made. Of course he is sound asleep now so he can get us up at 2:00. He is acting more and more like a baby, days and nights mixed up. Hope you and your family and sweet Molly have a good weekend. Love, JoAnne

Budsters Mom
06-14-2013, 07:39 PM
Buddy needs to give Coco a hunting lesson. He is not supposed to eat the lizards!;) I hope Coco feels better really soon. These little guys sure can be worrisome.:(

06-14-2013, 08:57 PM
I know Kathy, just hunt it, catch it and turn it loose. Not CoCo, he killed a snake about 2 months ago, luckily my husband got it away from him or he would have eaten it. The vet said dogs do it all the time and the Metronidazole he is taking would probably take care of any inflammation or anything. I hope so. Don't need another emergency. Have a good weekend. Love, JoAnne

06-16-2013, 01:33 AM
OMG a SNAKE :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I will never complain about Flynny catching a mouse or bird again :D:D That would totally freak me out, living in a snake free land haha Coco is a brave wee dog (or silly :D)!! Hope the tummy is ok with the lizard, I bet it will be as it is certainly a novel protein :D:D:D

06-16-2013, 09:58 AM
Novel protein, LOL Trish,

06-19-2013, 04:57 AM
Took CoCo to his regular vet on 6/17 for his ACTH. Got report back, pre 3.9, post 6.7. CoCo only weighed 10.5, has lost a pound since his last office visit. Still has diarrhea and soft stools. Eating Hill's prescription food and taking Metronidazole, not helping and fortiflora. Have not found anything to help. I will take him to a cushing specialist as soon as I can get an appointment. My vet has already sent a referral. The new vet will do another ultrasound. My vet did all the tests Monday including stool, no diabetes, everything else was normal. I have to take him back and make sure his thyroid is still normal, was normal in March. My vet has suggested that the new vet scope CoCo and get a biopsy if ultrasound does not show anything, but I am fearful of putting CoCo to sleep, he is too thin and weak. Of course CoCo is his usual self. Does not know he is sick. We are beginning to get discouraged since nothing seems to help with the pudding stools. I don't feel like he is getting any nutrients since he is so thin. I give him a really good vitamin. Am thinking about giving him NutriCal, but my vet thinks it might make his diarrhea worse. CoCo has always had a sensitive stomach, so I don't think it is all entirely Cushing, just cannot find the reason for it. Love, JoAnne

Squirt's Mom
06-19-2013, 08:00 AM
If Coco is eating a dry Hill's feed, it may well be coated in plastic - they got a patent last year to coat their feeds in a polymer "to extend shelf life." If he is eating a Hill's kibble, that is the very first thing I would change and see if that helps poor Coco's digestion. I cannot find that Hill's canned feeds have the polymers so if he is eating one of their wet foods changing may not help.

06-19-2013, 10:13 AM
Thanks Leslie, he is on Hill's canned ID prescription from the vet, which looks like a terrible food to me, but some people have had good luck with it, but CoCo has not so far. I have tried him on slippery elm, pumpkin, probiotics and just about everything that has been suggested, but nothing seems to help. He only weighed 10.5 Monday at the vet, weighed 13 lb when we discovered Cushings two years ago. He cannot afford to lose much more, really bony now. His ACTH Monday was pre 3.9 and post 6.2. I am going to take him to a specialist hospital as soon as I can get an appointment, have to have a referral from my vet. All of his other tests Monday were normal. He has done pretty well and still does except for the loose stools and weight loss. The vet is going to check his thyroid again tomorrow and make sure he is taking the correct dose of medicine, was correct in March. Love, JoAnne

06-19-2013, 07:16 PM
I was hoping Coco would improve. Have you ever done a full gastro panel through Texas A&M? He does not have to be put out for that, it is a blood draw. That is where our IMS started with Zoe. Have you ever done an ultra sound? Again, he would not have to be put out for that either.

Prescription foods do serve a purpose in our arsenal of denfeses. While they may not be our first choice, sometimes, we have to try them.:):)

We started keeping a journal, to see if we could find a pattern. I recorded every day, how many poos, what they looked like, any stressful event, bad weather, etc. every day.

How many times does Coco poo a day? Are they formed or runny, or soft serve? Do they start out formed and then get worse as the day goes on? Do you see mucus in them?

Maybe start a journal so you have it for the specialist.

Im sorry, I know how frustrating and worrisome it is.


06-19-2013, 07:38 PM
Hey Addy: Really bad diarrhea today, but I know why I feed him too much, he is so thin and I gave him a little fortiflora so it caused him t o really have diarrhea. It is usually soft serve and I have tried to get it firm, he usually has 3 stools a day, the first is pretty firm, then worse as the day goes on, I figure water, exercise and food cause it to soften. It was so bad today, I had to get my husband to get some Lomotil from the vet, but I was afraid to give it to him until about 6 because I had given him some Kayopectate. He has done pretty well with the Cushing, but I think the IBD will kill him. We seem to have tried everything, had an ultrasound, showed nothing. He is so thin and weak. He just tried to run up and down the fence at neighbors out for their evening walk. I had to pick him up and bring him in the house so he would not hurt himself. I had planned on taking him to a specialist, my vet has already wrote the referral, but I feel like he is too weak to handle anything much. I have to take him to his regular vet tomorrow for his thyroid level if he makes it through the night. His regular vet wanted to scope him, but he is really too weak to be put to sleep. I guess I will just see what tomorrow brings. Love, JoAnne

06-19-2013, 07:48 PM
He was begging for food, of course he cannot have any, gave him some ice and he is drinking water so he won't get dehydrated. He is asleep now, maybe the Lomotil will help him. I so appreciate the information I get from this forum and the caring people. My daughter just read a report from a vet that said to whip his food into a mush so his intestines do not have to work so hard to process it and maybe he is getting more nutrients that way. I was thinking of giving him NutriCal, but figure it would give him diarrhea. Really worrisome that he cannot eat. I just don't think he is strong enough to be put to sleep. Thanks to all, hope all your furbabies are okay tonight. Love, JoAnne

Budsters Mom
06-19-2013, 07:55 PM
I am so sorry that Coco has been having such a tough time. Sending big hugs and strength your way.

06-20-2013, 04:37 AM
Well guys, my sweet little dog made it one more time. Up this morning begging for food. He slept ok after the Lomotil. He has a really sensitive stomach, I guess it was the FortiFlora. I had tried it once before and it caused diarrhea, but was worse this time. I just have to go really slow with everything. Thanks for thinking of us. Love, JoAnne

06-20-2013, 05:04 AM
So pleased he is feeling better this morning, poor wee mite. Hoping for a good tummy day today :)

06-20-2013, 05:54 AM
Thanks so much Trish. He is begging for food. He is a chow hound, most dachshunds are and we have to watch what he eats all the time. Very sensitive stomach and IBD along with the Cushings makes for a complicated dog. Love, JoAnne

06-20-2013, 06:15 AM
It is such a fine line we walk with these tummy problems and together with the cushings it must be a nightmare, so hope you find the answer soon for his food. xx

06-20-2013, 07:14 AM
Gentle Digest really helped Zoe. It is in a pill form. Some probiotics work, some dont. You have to keep trying them out.

I'm glad to hear Coco is better this morning. Dont forget you dont know how eating that lizard might have upset the apple cart either and he may need a stronger antibiotic for awhile.

The gastro panel through Texas A & M covers a lot and your regular vet could probably draw blood and send it there.

06-20-2013, 09:32 AM
Thanks Addy: I thought about the lizard also, but think it was my fault for giving him too much food and too much of the FortiFlora. He has such a sensitive stomach and always has been sensitive even before the Cushings. I looked back on his records and he has had this several times and had to take Lomotil. He is so thin with not much hair and his spine and ribs showing, I was just trying to get him to gain a little weight, but I guess SLOW is a word I have to remember. He seems okay this morning, really hungry and hard to satisfy with a tiny bit of food at a time, but has gone back to sleep now that I gave him another Lomotil and no more diarrhea, thank the Lord. Thanks for caring. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
06-20-2013, 10:10 PM
Oh my goodness. Poor CoCo. :( I still think the specialist should see him and maybe there is something they can figure out that is going on with his tummy and the weight loss, without putting him to sleep to run tests.
Hang in there JoAnne!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-21-2013, 03:59 AM
How's he gone today Joanne? Hopefully he has kept the food in his tummy and less runny poops today. Fingers crossed we get a good report tonight :D:)

06-21-2013, 07:48 AM
Hey All: I think I left off with Thursday morning and he had no diarrhea and I thought the Lomotil had worked, but not so, about 3:00 p.m. he had diarrhea again. I called his regular vet and he gave me another prescription for Lomotil and a new prescription for Citrine and suggested I take him to the emergency hospital if he had diarrhea again. He also said I could give him Kayopectate along with the Lomotil. I gave him Kayopectate and then gave him Lomotil about 5:00 pm and he went to sleep and woke up about 2:30 a.m. and had a firm stool. I gave him the Lomotil about 5:00 a.m. this morning and he ate some ID food about 6:00 and is asleep now. I made an appointment with the specialist for Tuesday at 11, earliest I could get and I can take him to the hospital ER if he gets worse, but not sure he would see the cushing or gastro specialist so that is where we are now. He does not know anything is wrong, just prancing around and running for food as usual. Thanks for caring. Love, JoAnne

06-21-2013, 08:31 AM
I hope the specialist does some blood work up. I know it is frustrating, I went through it for so long with Zoe. I have reams of papers I printed and read for years.

If you think it may be the Trilostane causing this, you could stop it for a few days and see if things improve.

It all depends on what the problem is. Some dogs will do better with more fiber, some with less fiber. Zoe cannot eat grain, basically, she has a hard time with anything but meat.Though the boiled potatoes she can eat as long as I dont give her too much. She could not eat them 3 years ago.

Do you see any white or yellow scales on Coco's skin? Zoe's hair loss got really bad in January and it is only since I started treating her skin that it is improving. Her cortisol was about post 7 in January, then post 4 in April but her skin got really funky after her surgery. I did not notice some of the scales and oil deposits until her hair loss got really bad, then it was easier to see on her bare skin ( she has off white fur)

I'm saying many prayers for you and Coco, my heart aches for you as I have walked down that same path and I know how desperate you feel.

There are still many options JoAnne and I just know one will help little Coco.

06-21-2013, 10:08 AM
Thanks Addy: CoCo has had what looks like dandruff on his black hair since he started losing it before starting the Vetoryl, and his hair has never grown back, if anything, he has lost more. He started losing it on his head and I thought he might have some type of mange, but he did not. He has always had a sensitive stomach. I looked back on his records and he would have diarrhea any time I gave him too much food or something different, but we could always get a handle on it in a couple of days. I think he has always had IBD or IBS, but worse now because of the Cushings. I am just concerned because he has lost weight and is so bony. He has always weighed 12 or 13 pounds and weighed 12 I think when he was diagnosed with Cushings. He weighed 10.5 at the vet's last week. Of course he has lost muscle and fat with the Cushings, so he looks like one of the little abused dogs you see, but of course he is not. Maybe they can do something for him at the specialist Tuesday, I am not too hopeful. Just hoping we can control the diarrhea and give him something so he is absorbing nutrients. He eats good and always has. I thought he might have some kind of parasite the fecal exam did not show, who knows. Glad Zoe is not have a new thing this week. Love, JoAnne

06-23-2013, 07:21 PM
Hi JoAnne,

How is Coco doing? Thinking of you both all weekend.

06-24-2013, 07:28 PM
Hey Addy: CoCo had a mushy stool Sunday afternoon. I had not given him the Metronidazole Sunday morning trying to start the week on and week off, did not work. Gave the Metronidazole about 2:00 and then gave it again at 8:00 before he went bed. Woke up at 3:00 a.m. wiith two bad stools. Think I gave him too much Metronidazole. No more stools until about 3:00 p.m., then mushy and firm. Took him to the regular vet for thyroid check, he thought he might be getting too much medicine. It was normal. Got copies of his chart to take to specialist tomorrow. No more stools for about 3 1/2 hours. Just holding my breath that we are going to get a handle on it. I lookes back at his chart, he has had this several times, but Metronidazole usually took care of it quickly. Hoping the specialist will have some ideas. He is so thin. Hope all your family and furbabies are okay. Love, JoAnne

molly muffin
06-24-2013, 08:15 PM
Poor little CoCo. I'm sure he is down right tired of those mushy stools too. Hope the specialist can come up with some ideas to help him tomorrow.
We'll be here waiting for the news
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-25-2013, 06:02 AM
Thanks Sharlene: His stool was a little better at 2:30 this morning. He only sleeps about six hours and has to get up and use it, Thank goodness he barks to go outside. I think the getting up is mostly habit, I have always feed him when he gets up in the morning, but never expected it to be at 2:30. We usually get up at 4:00, now it is when he gets up. We go back to bed and sleep until 4:00 or later, so it is okay we just do what we have to. Just hoping the specialist will have some ideas. The Cushing specialist was on vacation, but the one we are seeing is a gastro specialist so hope she can help him. I picked up his records and he has had this stomach upset several times, even before the Cushings, but Metronidazole always helped. He would be ok if he was not so thin, but this Hill's food does not seem to have much fat in it and I have to really watch when and how much I give him. Thanks so much for caring. So glad Molly has not developed anything. Love, JoAnne

06-25-2013, 07:16 AM
That's was what I went through with Zoe in the winter of 2010. I just lost all control of her colitis and could not get it back. I hope the gastro doctor can get to the bottom of it. He should do a gastro panel sent to Texas A & M. If he does not suggest it, ask him about it, does he think it would have any value.

Keep the faith JoAnne, there are many options on the table. Maybe the ID does not have enough fiber for Coco. The forti flora never really helped Zoe all that much, then the holistic vet had us use Culturelle, a human probiotic, same issues, finally I stopped at a holstic pet store and she gave me Gentle Digest and I went out and purchased Honest Kitchen Zeal that had fish and sweet potato and started giving her half teaspoons, then a whole teaspoon and finally things calmed down. Maybe Coco will need a different food.

Every dog is so different, they may need soluable or insoluable fiber, you never know.

Zoe had helicobacter, you could ask about that too.

Just throwing everything I can think of out there.

06-25-2013, 09:01 AM
Thanks Addy, That is what my regular vet suggested, thought maybe he needed a different diet. We really love his regular vet, he is so good to try to help CoCo, but suggested a specialist might have some different ideas. The regular vet has always helped him with everything including the Cushiing, but we just not seem to get a handle on the diarrhea this time. Hoping this vet will help. Like you say just have to keep the faith that something will help. Love, JoAnne

06-25-2013, 01:42 PM

Are you still giving Coco his Trilostane?


06-25-2013, 02:49 PM
Hey Addy: Back from the specialist, really did not find out anything. Metronidazole morning and night and ID exclusively, which is what I am doing, but I have given him Lomotil when it gets bad and she said Lomotil could cause diarrhea. She also said that although his ACTH showed that his Cushings was controlled, that he was not and recommended a bunch of tests and then take him off Trilostane for 30 days and put him on Lysodren. I don't think CoCo is in good enough shape to take him off the Trilostane. I told her to call my vet and discuss the testing with him since he can do it if needed. She did an ultrasound and everything was enlarged and he has a heart murmur, so not real good news, but I will think about the testing. Love, JoAnne

06-25-2013, 04:03 PM
Hey Addy: I have not given him the Trilostane since he has been sick. The specialist also said she thought he had atypical cushings. I guess just looking at him, who knows. She seemed knowledgable, but I don't think you can tell typical from atypical by the way they look. Love, JoAnne

06-25-2013, 07:23 PM
Hmmmmm, well we know Coco has "typical" Cushings because he has elevated cortisol. It was my understanding you either have typical or atypical not both but hopefully someone will correct me if I am wrong about that. The comments about how he looks is pretty much what our IMS said about Zoe when I complained about her not feeling right and now Zoe is growing hair. So I am probably not a good choice to discuss this with because I am still peeved about Zoe and our IMS.

With his on going stool issues not resolved, I dont know that I would think loading Coco with Lysodren would be a good idea, but again, I am not sure I'm the right person to advise you about that as I will relate your experiences to my Zoe and have some strong feelings about it so------:o:o:o:o and every dog is different.:o:o

Did she say what grade heart murmur?

Oh shoot JoAnne, how do feel about all of this before I go opening up my big mough and put my foot in it.

06-26-2013, 04:52 AM
Hey Addy: I was thinking the same thing, off the medicine for 30 days and then load on Lysodren. I think he is too weak to try that. My regular vet called last night and he was as perplexed as I am and did not feel like CoCo was strong enough to try to start Lysodren. She may be right, he may have the malabsorption syndrome. He has done well all along and is a happy dog, just could not get a handle on this soft stool this time, but he has been better yesterday and this morning. She did say Metronidazole every day and ID food which is what his regular vet had recommended. He has treated him since he was born and I do trust him, but he admitted he did not know everything and this gastro specialist might help. CoCo seems just like always, he is just thin, but I think it is the diarrhea and ID food which is mostly water probably. She suggested B12 injections, but he has plenty of energy. He may need a different vitamin. She is going to send a report and I will know more then. Lots to think about. Love, JoAnne

06-26-2013, 06:39 AM
Just wondering if I should start him back on the Trilostane. Forgot to ask regular vet last night. He does not seem sick, just thin. Stools are better. The specialist did not seem to think the Trilostane was beiing absorbed, although his blood test was normal. I am really confused. Don't think I have seen anyone on this forum with this problem. First typical and on Trilostane for over a year and now atypical. Recommended an ACTH to test for sex hormones and something else to send to UT. I just want him to live out the rest of his life comfortably. He seems ok now, just too thin and I don't think the Prescription ID will put weight on. Love, JoAnne

Squirt's Mom
06-26-2013, 07:00 AM
Hi JoAnne,

Coco is not Atypical. If the cortisol is elevated, the pup is considered to have conventional Cushing's regardless of the status of the intermediate hormones. In other words, all five of the intermediates can be sky high but if the cortisol is also elevated, that pup does NOT have Atypical, it has conventional Cushing's because of the elevated cortisol.

Only when the cortisol is normal and one or more of the intermediate hormones are elevated is the Atypical. The name "Atypical" means, to me, that the pup shows many of the standard cush signs but the cortisol is normal meaning it is the intermediates causing the signs not the cortisol - ie not your typical Cushing's = Atypical. ;) Not sure that is what Dr. Oliver had in mind when he named it this but that's what my mind understands. :D

Leslie and the gang

06-26-2013, 07:29 AM
Thanks so much Leslie. That is what I understand also. In 2011 when he was first diagnosed, Pre was 9.6 and post 43.7 so he was diagnosed with typical Cushings. He never had too many symptoms, just drank about 16 oz of water and always a chowdog. Did not start him on Trilostane for 6 months and he has done well for over a year , except for this diarrhea episode and weight loss which is the reason I went to the specialist. I think she looked at him and he does look bad, really thin and hair has not regrown and all his organs were enlarged on the ultrasound including large adrenals and just figured he had been misdiagnosed. His weight loss was what concerned me, but he has had a couple of diarrhea episodes in the past two months. He has been better the last couple of days, firmer stools. He is on that awful Hills ID and I don't think there is much nutritional value in it, but have to keep him on it along with Metronidazole until the diarrhea clears completely. The ultrasound did not show cancer, just enlarged organs and she heard a heart murmur. I was too shocked at the atypical diagnosis to ask her what grade of murmur. That is where we are now, no Trilostane and forgot to ask my regular vet last night. Thanks so much for the info. Love, JoAnne

06-26-2013, 10:27 AM
I wish I knew something that would put a little weight on him without causing diarrhea. Just clutching at straws like all of us do when our furbabis are sick. Love, JoAnne

06-26-2013, 05:31 PM
Well after probably spending $2000 dollars and taking him to a specialist, maybe I found what is wrong, I saw a tiny worm. My husband has took it to the vet so he can get the right medicine. I am so hopeful that this is what is wrong with him and the diarrha and losing weight. He is bad to dig in the dirt, eat grass and probably squirrel and rabbit poop. Who would ever be glad their dog had worms, but if that is his diarrhea problem, yahoo. I hope the worm medicine does not kill him, I know it is poison. Now I feel so grossed out. Love, JoAnne

06-26-2013, 05:36 PM
OMG , the vet never did a stool sample? Zoe's were always normal.

Please let us know what happened. Maybe it is parasites and they will give you Panacur. Koko took it without a problem last year, he had Giarda. Geez, JoAnne, I would be so happy too.

06-26-2013, 06:23 PM
The vet did a worm test last week. Who knows why they did not see them. I had asked him to do a fecal flotation and bacteria culture awhile back, but I don't think he ever did it, who knows. I had suspected that was what was wrong with him. Just gave himj Drontal Plus, hope it works, I feel so nasty, thank goodness he is not a licker. Love, JoAnne

06-26-2013, 07:12 PM
maybe the critters were between cycles, sometimes they dont show up. I admit I have been wondering the same thing. Geez, I thought that yesterday because I was waiting to see if my Koko's fecal came back normal from his physical, so that made me think of your Coco and then I never mentioned it to you.:(:( Especially after he ate the lizard.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I hope and pray this is the answer.

06-26-2013, 07:37 PM
I hope that is the reason for the diarrhea and weight loss, he looks so bad. I guess I will know in a little while. Now that I am thinking about it feels so icky, but most dogs have worms at some time. They will eat anything. I just happened to be looking for them. CoCo seems draggy tonight, but he usually sleeps at this time for about 2 hours. Guess that is why he wakes up at 3:00. I just get up with him, I usually have dictation anyway. Love, JoAnne

06-27-2013, 11:01 AM
Well CoCo slept later this morning and already seems to feel better. He had a firm stool and I checked it, no worms. Just hopeful that it continues. Now I don't know if I can give him the Heartgard Plus after I gave him the Drontal Plus. I don't think so since they have some of the same medicine in them. Oh well, another question for the vet. I am sure he will call me today, since he calls every day. Some happy news for some today. My heart breaks for bad news from others. Love, JoAnne

Simba's Mom
06-27-2013, 02:40 PM
Hope Coco continues to have better poos, scary stuff those worms...sending hugs to you too!!!

molly muffin
06-27-2013, 05:43 PM
I'd go with getting rid of the worms first and knowing for sure they are gone, then think about restarting the heartguard. Just so nothing is too much at any given time.
Yea on the firm stool. Some times its really hard to figure out what is going on with these little intestinal tracts, but worms will do a real number on them.
Once these are gone, maybe the body will start looking a but more filled out too.
You be awesome Joanne!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-27-2013, 07:40 PM
I sure hope Coco is on the road to recovery. I did want to mention it may be hard to believe but Zoe actually gained weight on ID.:rolleyes:

06-27-2013, 07:51 PM
The problem with going beyond 30 days with the heartworm preventative, though, is that you will miss the point in the life cycle where the worms can be eradicated. So you are risking infestation if you wait. You really need to check with your vet about this. Because it is also possible that the dewormer you used doesn't cover the type of worm that Coco actually has...


molly muffin
06-27-2013, 09:45 PM
Those are all really valid points that I didn't think of Marianne. I'm glad you brought it up.
Joanne if you can get a sample with the worm in it, and take it in to be analyzed right away that would be good and definitely talk to your vet.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-28-2013, 07:21 AM
I did find the worm and that is why I knew he had them, a tiny tapeworm segment and i took it to the vet and Heartgard and Drontal Plus have some of the same medicines, so could be toxic to him because of the Cushings and weight loss and itis not quite ready for the Heartgard, but evidently it does not work on tapeworms, i know it does on heartworms, whipworms and hoodworms. He can treat worms, but does not know about toxicity with the Cushings so just another problem to watch for. Love, JoAnne

06-28-2013, 08:00 AM
JoAnne, did your vet give you the Drontal or did you just buy that on your own? In the future (although we will hope there are no more worms in your future!!!), you may want to hold off on treating until you have the whole gameplan in place. There are dewormers out there that solely target tapeworms and do not duplicate the drugs in Heartgard. So a different dewormer might have been a better choice.

Since the Drontal and Heartgard only share one drug in common, though, it may be that the double dosing would not be an issue. Or perhaps there is a different heartworm preventative that you could use this month that doesn't overlap at all. For sure, discuss with your vet and if need be, you can call the manufacturers of both Drontal and Heartgard and ask their opinions. But if you are experiencing the same onslaught of mosquitoes where you live as we are getting here in Atlanta, I would be very very worried about leaving Coco unprotected against heartworm.


06-28-2013, 09:01 AM
Hey Marianne: The vet gave me the Drontal Plus and I did discuss with him also giving CoCo the HeartGard and he said we should wait, not really time for the HeartGard, just wanted to be sure not to duplicate medications. I really do not see any mosquitos. We have lots of birds and citronella around, so maybe that keeps them away from the house, and we do not go out for long after dusk. CoCo seems to be better, firm stool, who knows how long that will last. Stool can tell you a lot, if you can stomach checking it. No more live worms, just little white dead segments. Thanks for the info. Love, JoAnne

06-28-2013, 09:40 AM
Well, poop on your vet for not picking a more selective tapeworm dewormer! But maybe there is a lot of dosing flexibility in the one drug that overlaps.

FWIW, plain Heartgard (as opposed to Heartgard Plus) only has ivermectin in it. But it is probably fairly hard to find these days.


06-28-2013, 10:37 AM
That is what I was thinking on 5 vets since they did not find worms on the tests or even suggest that was his reason for diarrhea and weight loss. Of course the specialist only focused on Cushings, although I told her I was only interested in why he had diarrhea and was losing weight, just suggested more testing for the Cushings and finally just told me to continue the Metronidazole and ID after $400.00, so I decided to start checking his stool with a flashlight and plastic fork (sorry so graphic) and saw a tiny worm moving. I do flush everything and throw away the plastic and bleach on everything. Oh well, maybe this will work until the next problem. Love, JoAnne

06-28-2013, 10:50 AM
Boy JoAnne, I can't agree with you more! I know you'll be so relieved if this cures the problem but HOW INFURIATING that everybody missed it!!!!

I'm taking your experience to heart, because one of my own girls has been having vomiting episodes during this past week. The vet did a fecal exam when I took her in on Tuesday, but if the vomiting doesn't resolve I may take in a couple more samples to be rechecked. Worms can be so simple to eradicate but can cause so many problems along the way!

Budsters Mom
06-28-2013, 03:54 PM
Shouldn't the docs be checking for worms first? Duh!!!!! I am so sorry they missed such an easy fix. :(
Big hugs,

06-28-2013, 06:55 PM
My regular vet did check for worms, so I do not know how he missed them, except maybe there were no eggs or worms in the stool he checked. The speciality hospital my vet referred me too seemed to only be interested in the Cushings, did an ultrasound and all his organs were enlarged and he has a heart murmur, but really checked nothing for why I took him, but at least there was no cancer. I finally just had to tell her he had already had all the tests for Cushings and I was only there because of the diarrhea and weight loss, so she just said give him Metronidazole twice a day and continue the Hill's ID food which is what I had been doing. I had suspected he had worms all along even if the test did not show it, so I started checking and found one. I only gave him the Drontal Plus yesterday and he already looks like he has gained weight, so anyone that suspects worms, check it yourself. Sorry I did not start checking the stool myself before he got in such bad shape. Not a pleasant job, but anything to help our furbabies. Love, JoAnne