Gizmo's Mom
01-11-2012, 02:28 AM
This has been a God-send to find this forum ! I was doing more research and support for problems my precious Gizmo has had for past 3 yrs and I happened to see a post from this forum with symptoms dealing with a dog being diagnosed with Cushings. The first hearing about dog's having Cushings, and going straight to a Canine Cushings site, listing all symptoms.
Gizmo has had most if not all conditions/symptoms but has not had diagnostics done nor a vet that focused on it. Unfortunately, there have been all the definite signs, and my Shih Tzu boy is I believe in chronic stage of having real full belly, weight gain issues, with food intake not equal to his bodyweight, I suspected metabolism off, possibly diabetes, vet didn't, did blood tests showed nothing 3 yrs ago.
Since 6 yrs old 5 yrs old, his whole body (minus, head and tail) big, out of proportion to his overall ength & small height of legs, good weight should be 14 lbs. Havent been able to keep him there changing dry food, less treats, etc. since 5-6 yrs old. (I believe it's when this could have been diagnosed :(
8 yrs old appetite increasing to ravenous; increased thirst, lapping up water more, more urination; wetting pools and bed accidents ? tested for infection = no (vet saying need strict weight loss program). Notice body enlarging, gained from 18.5 lbs. to 21 lbs., fuller at rib cage and abdomen, very chunky. Energy and ability to play long with Lhasa, can't do, out of breath, walking, more panting sooner, would never quit - not my ShihZhu boy! - but I would slow down and incorporate rests and sitting (all thinking weight and bloating but thinking more is wrong, tumor ? metabolism not right?
Got vet to do x-ray during weight gain and change fullness in his body, feared tumor, breathing issues tummy ? pressing on lung. Blood work done for heart. Blood work normal. X-Ray = no growths/tumor all looks good. Verdict = obese
Fast forward 9 yrs after "strict diet to get some weight off" (vets only plan) 6 months now after finding rib cage more distended, growth, just under skin, oval shape, possibly tethered, watching & concerned, not painful when I would massage lightly. Breathing and panting more strained with exercise, not quitting, but I;m letting him know he doesn't have to keep up with big-boy Lhasa twice his body size. No more jump up's managed into my chair past 2 months now, I pick him up (weight strain, arthritis ? I thought).
The last two things past week scares me - - and will be getting him to the vet tomorrow, he has another growth on the other side of his abdomen (mid-ab). Not fully palpable + big change, and this scares me worse = he's not eating much, little to no appetite, past 3 days.
My Gizmo boy and Brittany (Lhasa) boy are my fur-babies, their my whole life, I am devoted and would lay down my life for them. I'm single divorced and they are more complete joy in life. Past 2 yrs I have had some chronic spine problems, disabling my routine and life as I knew it, with a serious broadside collision. Spinal problems, serious inoperable medical challenges. Financial has come along with it, loss of job. My fur-boys are the sunlight of my day, my reason for getting up each day (even if in pain) and the source of my joy and love as no other in my life! I would never sacrifice any measure of love and care. I would have been to the vet when that growth was found on his rib cage and not only being vigilant for any changes in him, nor with good support of a good vet and diagnostics.
Now I fear, I may be getting the real answer of what my precious Gizmo boy has been fighting and it wasn't getting "older and being overweight" (vet's diagnosis) :(
I also pray if it is Cushings or other disease - - taking in all that has begun to unfold, now with the two growths and symptoms of not eating....he's not slipping into a critical phase of all the love I can give him and seeing medically it is not a good prognosis, and oh my God...what really hurts is what I know I would have done much sooner than now
I'd appreciate hearing from you fur-baby Momma's / Poppa's who can lend some advice and caring heart in this. I was touched by the many posts and the kind support and wisdom offered and with so many in the midst of being diagnosed or mis-diagnosed. We are so fragile when are fur-kids get sick or critically ill not knowing and uncertain for what they may need and appropriate care.
I believe I was led to find you all tonight and into the wee-hours rap out what I was just discovering and what I am starkly facing tonight. Grateful to have this forum here, to express and share my concerns/fears for what is unfolding for my Gizmo monkey-boy.
Gizmo's Mom
Moderator's Note: I have manually approved your first post so other members can start responding. Please check your e-mail, especially junk mail or spam folder, for a note from k9 cushings which you need to respond to, so we can get your membership approved ASAP.
Gizmo has had most if not all conditions/symptoms but has not had diagnostics done nor a vet that focused on it. Unfortunately, there have been all the definite signs, and my Shih Tzu boy is I believe in chronic stage of having real full belly, weight gain issues, with food intake not equal to his bodyweight, I suspected metabolism off, possibly diabetes, vet didn't, did blood tests showed nothing 3 yrs ago.
Since 6 yrs old 5 yrs old, his whole body (minus, head and tail) big, out of proportion to his overall ength & small height of legs, good weight should be 14 lbs. Havent been able to keep him there changing dry food, less treats, etc. since 5-6 yrs old. (I believe it's when this could have been diagnosed :(
8 yrs old appetite increasing to ravenous; increased thirst, lapping up water more, more urination; wetting pools and bed accidents ? tested for infection = no (vet saying need strict weight loss program). Notice body enlarging, gained from 18.5 lbs. to 21 lbs., fuller at rib cage and abdomen, very chunky. Energy and ability to play long with Lhasa, can't do, out of breath, walking, more panting sooner, would never quit - not my ShihZhu boy! - but I would slow down and incorporate rests and sitting (all thinking weight and bloating but thinking more is wrong, tumor ? metabolism not right?
Got vet to do x-ray during weight gain and change fullness in his body, feared tumor, breathing issues tummy ? pressing on lung. Blood work done for heart. Blood work normal. X-Ray = no growths/tumor all looks good. Verdict = obese
Fast forward 9 yrs after "strict diet to get some weight off" (vets only plan) 6 months now after finding rib cage more distended, growth, just under skin, oval shape, possibly tethered, watching & concerned, not painful when I would massage lightly. Breathing and panting more strained with exercise, not quitting, but I;m letting him know he doesn't have to keep up with big-boy Lhasa twice his body size. No more jump up's managed into my chair past 2 months now, I pick him up (weight strain, arthritis ? I thought).
The last two things past week scares me - - and will be getting him to the vet tomorrow, he has another growth on the other side of his abdomen (mid-ab). Not fully palpable + big change, and this scares me worse = he's not eating much, little to no appetite, past 3 days.
My Gizmo boy and Brittany (Lhasa) boy are my fur-babies, their my whole life, I am devoted and would lay down my life for them. I'm single divorced and they are more complete joy in life. Past 2 yrs I have had some chronic spine problems, disabling my routine and life as I knew it, with a serious broadside collision. Spinal problems, serious inoperable medical challenges. Financial has come along with it, loss of job. My fur-boys are the sunlight of my day, my reason for getting up each day (even if in pain) and the source of my joy and love as no other in my life! I would never sacrifice any measure of love and care. I would have been to the vet when that growth was found on his rib cage and not only being vigilant for any changes in him, nor with good support of a good vet and diagnostics.
Now I fear, I may be getting the real answer of what my precious Gizmo boy has been fighting and it wasn't getting "older and being overweight" (vet's diagnosis) :(
I also pray if it is Cushings or other disease - - taking in all that has begun to unfold, now with the two growths and symptoms of not eating....he's not slipping into a critical phase of all the love I can give him and seeing medically it is not a good prognosis, and oh my God...what really hurts is what I know I would have done much sooner than now
I'd appreciate hearing from you fur-baby Momma's / Poppa's who can lend some advice and caring heart in this. I was touched by the many posts and the kind support and wisdom offered and with so many in the midst of being diagnosed or mis-diagnosed. We are so fragile when are fur-kids get sick or critically ill not knowing and uncertain for what they may need and appropriate care.
I believe I was led to find you all tonight and into the wee-hours rap out what I was just discovering and what I am starkly facing tonight. Grateful to have this forum here, to express and share my concerns/fears for what is unfolding for my Gizmo monkey-boy.
Gizmo's Mom
Moderator's Note: I have manually approved your first post so other members can start responding. Please check your e-mail, especially junk mail or spam folder, for a note from k9 cushings which you need to respond to, so we can get your membership approved ASAP.