View Full Version : My 11-yr-old male Shih Tzu just started Vetoryl

12-30-2011, 12:12 PM
and I am anxious/worried about side effects. He exhibited ALL the Cushing's symptoms (thinning hair on tail and now rest of coat, voracious appetite after being picky all his life, copious drinking and peeing, won't jump up steps) so it was no surprise all tests came back positive. He also has a newly-discovered heart murmur in all this. He eats Wellness (turkey and chicken), loves Greenies, and I've switched to low-sodium, low-fat treats, which he wants ALL the time. He has begun peeing in odd places (never before did that--only his sister did) and doesn't want to stay out on our walks for very long any more. He licks his front paws constantly, so I am always distracting him. His sister (litter mate) seems fine--except she is going blind. They have always slept in constant contact with each other, and now she needs him more than ever. So that's us. My main question is what else should I do to treat the Cushing's? What should I watch out for from the medicine (I've researched on line, which is how I found this site)? Can they continue on, on the medicine, for a happy, longer life?

12-30-2011, 01:02 PM
Hi Elizabeth,

I am so glad you found us. My 10-12 year Lhasa started Vetoryl last June. She was diagnosed the year before but I waited to start treatment as her symptoms were mild and her colitis was more of a problem than her Cushings.

The medicines used to treat Cushings cannot cure the disease but they can help manage symptoms. With proper management, a Cush pup can live his/her normal life span. If possible, could you post your test results, listing the abnormal readings?

Have you started your little guy on any meds yet? Or did I miss that?

Anyway, we ask alot of questions so we can get a better idea of your pup if you need help or have questions.

Glad you found us and Happy New Year!!!! Remember to breathe It does get easier.


Roxee's Dad
12-31-2011, 11:41 AM
Hi Elizabeth,
Welcome to you and your baby boy :) it can be a bit slow around here on weekends and holiday's, but there will be plenty of members to help you get through this.

I have a special place in my heart for Shih's :) I had a pair of litter-mate sisters that were the same way, inseparable :D

Some of the information we like to ask...
What led to the diagnosis of cushings?
What test were performed? ACTH, LDDS, UC/CR,
and could you publish the results along with the reference ranges (only the abnormal test results)

To answer your question... yes, with proper treatment and follow up as per the protocols, he can go on to lead a nice healthy life. It is with improper treatment or lack of follow up that problems arise.

Looking forward to hearing more about your baby boy :):):)

02-23-2012, 12:40 PM
My 11-year old neutered male Shih Tzu (Tedye) has been diagnosed with Cushing's after all the tests--and exhibiting all the symptoms: hair loss, increased eating, drinking, peeing, pot belly. He seemed to do well on Trilosane for six weeks and then: sudden lethargy, complete loss of appetite and tremors. We (the vet and I) immediately stopped the Trilosane, he was given IV fluids and a steroid shot to get him going again, followed by a six-day course of low dose steroids. The tremors are constant now--and seem to be increasingly strong. He drinks (and pees and poohs) but won't eat--not even his favorite treats. The vet now thinks there is another tumor causing this. I've researched brain cancer, and learned it can cause Cushing's. I don't know what to do...help, somebody...do I rush him into the emergency room? He's been off the Trilosane for 11 days now, and finished the steroids on Monday. Please help!

MODERATOR NOTE: I have merged your latest post about Tedye with his original thread. We like to keep all info about each pup in one thread. That way it is easier to look back through the history if needed.

02-23-2012, 12:53 PM
It's quite possible that your boy's adrenal glands are not yet producing enough cortisol so I would recommend that you get him to the vet asap to check electrolytes and cortisol levels.

Once things calm down and you have Tedye taken care, please do post the results of all of his testing, including whatever tests are done today. Having a good picture of Tedye's history will help us provide you with more meaningful information.


02-23-2012, 12:55 PM
Has your vet checked Tedye's cortisol level (ACTH stimulation test) and his blood chemistries (especially potassium and sodium levels)? A dog who has been thrown into an Addisonian condition due to oversuppression of the adrenal glands may need more than just short-term steroid replacement. If the blood chemistries are unbalanced, too, due to a decrease in aldosterone -- then an entirely different type of supplementation is also critical:

There are several medications used to treat Addison’s. The first type acts as a mineralocorticoid and replaces the aldosterone – the hormone responsible for maintaining electrolyte levels. It is replaced with either an oral medication called Florinef ™ (fludrocortisone acetate) or the injectable Percorten-V™ (desoxycorticosterone pivalate or DOCP).


If Tedye is suffering from an Addisonian crisis, he does need help immediately. Does your regular vet know how poorly he is doing today? Is he nearby? Do you have an emergency vet near you?


Squirt's Mom
02-23-2012, 12:56 PM
Has he had an ACTH done recently? If so, would you please post the results asap. Were his electrolytes checked at the same time? Is he vomiting or having diarrhea? Is he responsive?

If it were me, I would take him in. This could be Addison's, which is the opposite of Cushing's, or it could be that he just needs a bit more pred to get him through.

I have a million questions since we know nothing about his treatment or testing, but right now getting him stable is the most important thing. If he has NOT had an ACTH and his electrolytes checked, ask your vet to do that immediately.

Hang in there!
Leslie and the gang

marie adams
02-23-2012, 01:47 PM
Hi Elizabeth and Tedye---Welcome!!! :)

I can see you are being helped already by the experts. Please answer all their questions so they can give you the best advice--they are wonderful and caring. They will answer all your questions or research until they find something. Of course everyone here is wonderful and give you helping information or share their story with you.

Take care!!! You are in Good Hands!!! :)

Squirt's Mom
02-23-2012, 04:15 PM
How is Tedye doing now? Did you see the vet?

Let us hear from you, 'k?
Leslie and the gang

02-23-2012, 09:21 PM
Hi Elizabeth,

You already got good advice, but I just wanted to say a belated hello and check to see how Tedye is doing. I hope he is doing okay and that you got him to a vet. I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. Please know that you are in good hands and you are no longer alone. We are here to help!

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
02-24-2012, 08:53 AM
Ok....I'm getting worried now - major worry wart here. How is Tedye?

Please let us hear from you as soon as you can.

Leslie and the gang

Squirt's Mom
02-25-2012, 10:01 AM
I hope you are getting notices that we are posting to you about your sweet boy. It has been two days since you came to tell us he was having some real issues and I am quite concerned about what you have learned and how Tedye is doing. If you get a moment, please let us know how he is.

Leslie and the gang