View Full Version : Found and here to stay, Mhina - our Sweet Mhina has passed

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12-06-2011, 04:50 AM
With Yunah's thread now closed, it's time to start a new thread to keep you all informed about what is going on here :)

But since I first have to find THE dog for me, I called the thread "In search of..." so you can all follow the possible candidates that may come my way.

The first one is Whina, a Labradoodle. I have one picture of her where she is still a puppy. By now she's one year and passed her medical exams. She will be coming to meet me next week on Wednesday.

I also started a new photo album where you can see the candidates...and Whina (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=418&pictureid=3346) is the first to see :)

Saskia :)

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2011, 10:10 AM
Hi Saskia,

Whina is a pretty girl! You can see the intelligence in her eyes and her coat looks so soft. Can't wait to hear about the meeting next week! Are Labradoodles shedless like the Poodle? Since I've seen them at groomers being cut, I assume they don't shed?

Thank you for sharing this journey with us, too.

Hugs and love,

Bailey's Mom
12-06-2011, 03:16 PM
Welcome back, Saskia!!

Yes-Labradoodles do not shed. They are hypoallergenic. And oh so cute!!

Sas - you might want the "powers that be" to link Yunah's thread with this new one.....so people will know where to go. I panicked when I saw I could not post. :eek::eek: Once I got some juices flowing in my brain, I realized maybe I could do a search on your name and find you....which I did.

I am so excited for you. You sound good. I'm anxious to see many pictures.

I'm still sad about Yunah. I posted a few days ago that I was just thinking about you and hoping things were improving. I don't see it there, so it got lost somehow.

Thanks, Sas.


12-06-2011, 03:58 PM
Sas, I checked out Whina and what a gorgeous girl. It appears she's taken on more of the poodle coat so chances are she will be low shedding. I have heard wonderful things about Labradoodles and I can't think of two better breeds to mix than a Standard Poodle and a Labrador. Labs are known for being great service dogs and the poodle for their extreme intelligence. I think Whina has the potential to do great things under your guidance. No matter which candidate you connect with, I see a winning team.

I know this may not come as a surprise to many of you but I'm a nosy Nellie, especially where dogs are concerned. I get a lot of time at adoption events to meet hundreds of dogs on any given day at Petco or Petsmart and ask lots of questions of the petowners. First question is "what breed is your dog?" Labradoodles have become quite popular these days and I've met a number of them. I must admit that most of them look more like a Poodle but some have had really wiry hair and look like big terriers. Some have a bit softer hair and look more like a Golden Retriever. I never would have guessed that the wiry haired and straighter haired dogs were Labradoodles but that's the nature of hybrids. There is no guarantee of predictability as to coat or any other characteristics. Labs shed a lot and unfortunately, so do some of their Labradoodle offspring.

12-07-2011, 09:01 AM
Oh Sas, another journey begins! :o :o :)

I am so glad that Yunah is back home once again and forever. The circle of love and companionship will never be broken, and now another sweet spirit will be joining you to share your life.

Whina looks like a sweetie! I hope your visit with her will go splendidly (you know I'm always partial to anybody who's got some Lab in her/him!! ;) :p).

Always in loving memory of Yunah, and also very anxious for this new chapter in your life to begin...

12-10-2011, 08:02 AM
Just counting the days between now and Wednesday!!! Sas, are there any other doggie possibilities on the horizon, or will you start solely with Whina, and just see how things go from there?


12-10-2011, 09:07 AM
Hi Marianne :)

I probably haven't been clear, I appologize. I do continue with my life and the things that need to be done but it's still quite a strugle for me, adjusting to a life without Yunah...so I tend to "quickly" do what it is I think I need to do like writing here :)

Yunah came from a service dog school called "Personal Service Dogs". I decided that my next dog needs to come from another school, the Martin Gaus Geleide- en Hulphondenschool". There are a few options for my next service dog. I can start with a puppy (which I won't, would take too long before I have a working dog again), I can look for a stray/rescue dog that's one year of age and have it medical and behavioral examined (and I won't do that either, the chance of finding an adult dog that's physically okay, that's behavioralwise okay, that has the right temperament and skills to become a service dog, is slim, at least in a limited timespan) or accept a service dog from the school, one that's already medical examined and had a proper upbringing/education during it's first year. And I opted for this last opton since it will be the quickest way to have a working dog again. It also means I do not have quite the choice in what kind of dog I would really want, I have to choose from the dogs that are in training.

So, I spoke long and many times with their trainer about the type of dog I would like. But dogs, the size of Yunah, are not usually found at service dog schools because they are "too small" in general. So basically I had to choose between wanting per se a small dog which would mean I would have to wait a long time and start with a puppy or find a suitable adult dog, or waning a working dog within a reasonably short time and give up on the small size... I choose the latter.

After talking with the new trainer, about size of the dog, how fast I wanted a new dog, etc...we agreed I would try the dogs he has available. And Whina, is the smallest :) She's a Labradoodle but stayed rather small (she's a cross Labrador and Standard Poodle, not a medium sized Poodle) So I have no idea how small, a small Labradoodle is, that will be a surprise :) He did tell me however she weighs under 40 lbs so there might be a chance she still fits on my lap...something I reluctantly gave up, a dog that would fit on my lap :)

Wednesday he will come to visit me with Whina...if she is not a good match, he will come the next time with another dog and another and another, untill we find the dog that will be a perfect match :)

Saskia :)

12-10-2011, 10:36 AM
Dear Sas,

Whina seems like a doll. I wish and pray you will both bond the minute you meet so you can carry on with life, as difficult as I know that will be without your precious Yunah. All in due time.

You are truly special and worthy without proof, and know whichever doggie you pick, he or she will show you so just like your Yunah.

God Bless you throughout the holidays and all the days to come, and we will always remember your girl with so much love.

Xo Jeanette and Princess

12-10-2011, 11:20 AM

So happy Yunah is home with you - rest sweet Angel------

I hope you find a quick match for you - Whina is so cute - let us know how it goes -- Love and lots of hugsssssss to you my friend xoxoxo

12-11-2011, 02:07 PM
Okay, this is not Yunah's thread...but today she would have had her 6th birthday, my babygirl Yunah. It's a difficult day...


Harley PoMMom
12-11-2011, 02:21 PM
Sending huge and loving hugs to you, dear Saskia.

12-11-2011, 02:59 PM
My thoughts are with you.


Bailey's Mom
12-12-2011, 12:19 AM

I completely understand. Large hug on its way to you.


12-12-2011, 12:24 AM
Huge hugsssssss sas ---- my thoughts are with you xo

12-12-2011, 06:10 AM
Oh Saskia, big (((hugs))) to you.


Squirt's Mom
12-12-2011, 10:28 AM
Hi Saskia,

It's getting close! :) Are you getting excited about meeting Whina? Have you learned anything more about her while waiting for Wed.?

Yunah and your other babies will all be there with you and I'm sure they will help you make the right decisions to find the perfect match.

Many hugs,

12-12-2011, 09:25 PM
Hugs & lots of love, Sas,

12-14-2011, 04:28 PM
Breaking news :D Mhina came to visit today and...she is still here. Serge decided to leave her here without any further introductions and such. Mhina and I got along real well so now she's here, laying beside me on my bed, sleeping...it's been an exhausting day for her with all the changes she went through :)

I too am exhausted since it was a long day but I did upload a few pictures in Mhina's album..:)

Didn't want to go to sleep without letting you all know at least something...but now I am off to bed :)

Saskia and Mhina :)

12-14-2011, 04:48 PM
Wow, Mhina is a beautiful young lady and she looks quite different from the first pic you posted. She looks quite comfortable in your lap, I might add. :D

Sleep tight Sas and Mhina.


Squirt's Mom
12-14-2011, 04:56 PM
Oh, my! She grew into a beautiful girl with the softest looking coat! :) She looks so attentive in the photos, very alert. I hope the visit goes well for you both!


12-15-2011, 10:53 AM
Well, we had our first night together and the better part of our first day together :) She slept all through the night, like a baby, on the bed...so cozy :) We went for 3 of the 4 walks so far and they went very well :D Ofcourse, all the changes she went through and dealing with the emotions that go with these changes are making her quite tired so we are taking it easy :) We played a bit with a toy and in the process I could practice the "bring it to me and give it to me" command, she passed with flying colours!

She comes running (well actually, jumping :D) to me when I call her and she closed a drawer for me. But she is still sleeping a lot and so she should. She was taken from everything she knew, all things familiar to her and was put in an unfamiliar surrounding with a unfamiliar person...that's enough to make everyone "sleepy" :) But it is going extremely well and our future looks bright, if you ask me :)

Sas and Mhina :)

p.s. I added some more picture to her album...

12-15-2011, 11:24 AM
Oh, Sas, she is gorgeous!!! She looks so cuddly. Tears came to my eyes when I read that the future looks bright and that she will be the one to stay. I am so happy for both of you. You may be an "unfamiliar person" now but wait until she gets to know the truly wonderful person that we all know. I wish you many, many years of daytime adventures and nightime snuggling.:)
Love and hugs,

12-15-2011, 11:25 AM
Oh Sas, I cannot tell you how happy I am to read about Mhina's "sleep-over"!!!!!!! :o :) :) :D

I have been hoping SO MUCH that her visit with you would go well. She looks to be a beautiful girl, both inside and out. This is one of the very best holiday presents that any of us could receive -- seeing the photo of you with another precious doggie on your lap.

I am sending both you and Mhina my hugs and well wishes,

Jenny & Judi in MN
12-15-2011, 11:50 AM
I'm glad it is going well and happy to see her on your lap! She does look very ladylike and beautiful. Judi

12-15-2011, 02:24 PM

Wow she is a pretty young lady!! how old is she? Love the pics - she looks right at home!!!! Hugsssss to you and Mhina xoxo

12-16-2011, 02:41 PM
And here are the first moving images of Mhina...very carefully and gently doing some tasks :) You can tell she is new to them and not really used to them yet and needs more "routine" but she has taken her first steps in service dog land :)


And here are some pictures of her throwing her toy around and catchng it again :D


And I will add some pictures to her album, she's such a sweetheart, gentle, kind, carefull and loves to cuddle :)

Saskia and Mhina :)

Squirt's Mom
12-16-2011, 03:08 PM
LOL I love the one of the stills with the West Side Story soundtrack! :p You do such a great job of selecting music to go with your videos, Sas!

Mhina is such a doll and obviously smart. With your tender care she will become a fantastic service dog, of this I have no doubt. I am glad you two seem to be hitting it off.


12-16-2011, 07:45 PM
Awwwww Sas,

I'm in love all over again! Mhina is definitely "so pretty" like the song goes:D. My heart is filled with so much joy for both of you.

We love you much.

Tight hugs...xo Jeanette and Princess

12-16-2011, 10:04 PM
Sas Enjoyed the video and pics - she looks very happy in her new home - she is a very graceful young lady --- love and hugssssssss xoxo will be looking for more pics and videos!!!!:)

12-16-2011, 10:10 PM
Loved the videos! You are both very pretty girls.

Bailey's Mom
12-19-2011, 04:47 PM
Sas, you sound really happy and I am so glad for you. The new pictures are wonderful. You and Mhina are very blessed.

Bailey's Mom
12-24-2011, 09:38 PM
Merry Christmas Sas. I hope you and Mhina are doing well.

12-25-2011, 01:19 AM
Sas thinking of you -

Merry Christmas to you and Mhina!!! Lots of love and hugs to both of you!!!!!! xoxo

12-25-2011, 07:15 AM
So sorry I have been absent...but we ran into some problems with Mina. Soon after she came here, she developped a serious bout of diarrea and vomiting. Well, these things happen, the stress of moving and such, no worries. But she stopped eating and even drinking all together so that prompted me to take her to the vet. He told me there was a lot of this going on at the moment so she probably had just picked up the virus. But while examining her, he heard a slight heartmurmer. So, a few days later we returned to have the vet listen to her heart again and again he definately heard the murmer, slight, but it was there...

I spoke with the dogschool and they were as upset as I was. She never was diagnosed as having a heartmurmer so that was a bit worrysome. And I about lost my sanity with this "news"...thinking: "oh no, not again, I cannot take this again, not again a dog with a healthissue". The dogschool fully understood and they too didn't want to place a dog when there were questions about her health. So, this morning, the trainer came and picked her up. They will take her to Utrecht to see a veterinary cardiologist and see why the murmer is there. Some murmers are of no meaning at all but you can only be sure if the murmer is meaningless or not, through thourough examinations.

So that's what will happen now, she will be fully examined and if the murmer is "innocent" she will return to me. If not, well, then she will be disqualified as a future service dog. It's been extremely painfull for me, this heartmurmer thing, especially since it hasn't always been there... I cannot believe it's happening to me again... And on Christmas day of all days, she left here. I was so happy, looking forward to a Christmas with a sweet new compagnion at my side, forgetting the pain of missing Yunah. But here I am, alone and uncertain if I will ever see Mina again...

I just have to hope and keep the faith her murmer will be an innocent one.

Wish I had a more cheerful message on Christmas but still wishing everyone and all their loved ones a Merry Christmas :)


12-25-2011, 08:25 AM
Oh Saskia, I know this is such a feeble thing to say in the midst of your farewell to Mina, but you are not alone today. Your family here is with you every moment. This in no way makes up for your empty house. But I hope it will help to fill your heart on this sad day for you. And I am keeping my hopes high that Mina will be "cleared" and returned to you very quickly!!!

Sending you Christmas hugs, and prayers that joy will soon be returned to your loving home and arms,

12-25-2011, 10:07 AM
Oh Sas,

I am so sorry to hear about this but as Marianne said, you are not alone even of we can't be with you physically.

Somehow it will all work out. Sending hugs and prayers for you.

MERRY CHRISTMAS, dear Sas, somehow this will all work out.


Squirt's Mom
12-25-2011, 02:36 PM
Dear Saskia,

I am so sorry this happened period but today of all days. :( It is my sincerest wish that she receive a clear bill of health and be back with you in no time.

As Marianne said, your family here is with you, surrounding you with our love and support...and we will always be with you.

Sending prayers, healing white light and hugs,

Bailey's Mom
12-25-2011, 05:51 PM
Hi Saskia....first I apo0logize for misspelling Mina's name.

Second-I am here with you as well. It may sound simplistic, but if it's meant to be, it will be. If she does indeed have heart issues, be grateful that it appeared so early in your time together. I know you are crushed....and how sad not to have a fur baby there....today....of all days.

I wish I could be there, but the next best thing I can do is send along a big, warming hug. This is really rough.


12-25-2011, 08:54 PM

I feel terribly awful for you and Minha...How can we possibly understand when these things happen sometimes? I too join all the others here in praying Minha's health is nothing major so she can return to loving you.

So sorry your Christmas was not very enjoyable dealing with this new issue. Keep ethe Faith...

We love you...xo Jeanette and Princess

Harley PoMMom
12-25-2011, 09:07 PM
Sending huge and loving hugs, dear Saskia.

12-26-2011, 06:52 AM
Oh Saskia
I am so terribly sorry! How much more can a person take? I truly wish I could just fly over right now and be with you! I may not be there in person, but I am right there beside you now.


12-26-2011, 11:48 AM
Sas I am so sorry - you have had so much go on - I am praying for good news and I will keeping checking back -

and ditto to what Terry said --

Lots of love hugs strenght and support to you xoxoxoxo

Squirt's Mom
12-29-2011, 09:49 AM
Hi Sas,

Have you heard any more about Mhina?

I hope your Holiday had some pleasant times tho I know it had to be most difficult for you. It is my daily prayer that Mhina is soon back with you and that you are finding some peace in your days.


marie adams
12-29-2011, 11:57 AM
Dear Sas,

I am praying you get good news today!!!!

Here is to the New Year being a happier one than this last one was for you!! I too pray for a better year...:)


12-29-2011, 06:23 PM
Today I got a phonecall... Mhina was seen by a veterinary cardiologist, had all kinds of tests like reading her bloodpressure, a heartfilm was made and an echocardiograph and thankfully all the results showed her heart is healthy and the murmer is of no signifiqance :) So that's wonderful news...

Mhina will return to me but not right away. I am too exhausted at this time to give Mhina and myself a good start at a new relationship. So Mhina will stay at the dogschool for now and I will rest up, gain some weigth hopefully and make sure that when Mhina will return, I am ready for her and ready to start working on our relationship :)

Tomorrow will be a special day....Yunah's mother (a black Lab) is still alive and healthy and she will come to visit me, together with the lady that owns Yunah's mother and where Yunah was born, 6 years ago :) So, off to bed with me now, I need to be well rested for this special visit tomorrow...

Saskia :)

12-29-2011, 09:50 PM

I am so very happy Mhina is well. Right now my prayers are with you and hope you get the rest you need and you start to feel better and stronger soon. I hope you have a wonderful visit tomorrow with Yunahs mom. I am sending you lots of strenght - support - good health - prayers - love and lots of hugsssssssss xoxoxo

Bailey's Mom
12-29-2011, 10:13 PM
Hi Saskia.....finally some good news for you!:D I am glad you will have some special time with Yunah's mom and her Mom. I am glad you will first work on getting stronger yourself. Isn't it nice that Mhina's been checked out so thoroughly? :cool: I hope you have a very restful weekend and happy New Year to you. Soon that cute fur-ball will be snuggling with you once again.:):)

Thanks for updating us. I have been wondering.


marie adams
01-03-2012, 03:15 PM
Hi Sas,

Great news about Mhina!!! :)

I am glad you are taking some time for yourself to get stronger!!! We tend to forget about ourselves while caring for our loved ones.

Best Always to You!!!

01-03-2012, 08:12 PM
Hello Saskia,
I'm glad to hear that Mhina has received a great report from the specialists.
I hope to read soon that you are feeling strong enough to start your life with her again. I'll be praying that you will feel that way soon....and will keep checking back...

Squirt's Mom
01-09-2012, 06:04 PM
Thinking of you and just dropping by to say,


01-09-2012, 06:22 PM
Hi Sas

Hope you are getting the rest you need and feel better soon!:)

love and hugs xoxoxo

Casey's Mom
01-11-2012, 07:12 AM
Hello Saskia, just catching up on your new thread about Mhina. She is a very sweet dog and I am glad that she is okay and that you have found each other. Hope all is well and that you will be reunited soon.

01-11-2012, 07:21 AM
Sas, just wanted to let you know that you are so often in my thoughts, as well. I can only imagine what a toll Yunah's illness and loss has taken on your own strength and spirit. We all love each and every one of our furbabies with all our hearts, but Yunah was truly one in a million -- so incredibly unique in her "calling" as your service dog and beloved companion. Your own body and heart understandably need time to recover and replenish themselves. I very much hope that you will soon be regaining your strength.

In the meantime, I am sending much love to you.

01-14-2012, 09:04 PM
Hello again.....just wanted to let you know I'm here....waiting with the others....

Harley PoMMom
01-14-2012, 09:35 PM
I'm here too and sending lots of love and huge hugs.

01-15-2012, 02:22 AM
Me three!! Ditto to what Jo Ann and Lori said!!!!:)

Hugsssssss xoxo

01-15-2012, 02:58 AM
Dear all,

Yunah's loss has been much more devestating then I could have ever imagined. The impact of loosing her has swept the bottom from underneath my feet. And combined with other things going on (my sister has been decleared "unfit" by the court and I am appointed as the person who now has to do her finances and such, according to the BMI I am "severely" underweight and more things going on...) I "crashed". Not physically, eventhough that was a close call but especially mentally. Eversince Christmas I was yelling and screaming I never wanted another dog ever again, bla bla bla....Those who know me, know that this is a ridiculous statement coming from me :) But it goes to show how exhausted, how at the end of my rope I was. Thankfully, the tide is slowly changing and of course there will be another dog in my future :) But not yet. I need more time, I need to fully accept Yunah's gone and there won't be another one like her, I need to gain some weigth, I need to sort some things with regards to my sister first, etc... I have not set a date on when this will be, I can't. I have to take it a day at the time and see where I am and how I am doing. But when I am ready, Mhina will return :) Luckily Serge understood very well and had no problem whatsoever to take Mhina back for as long as I need...bless his heart.

So this is where I am now, slowly getting back on my feet, slowly recovering from Yunah's loss. I am not there yet but with time, I will :)

Saskia :)

01-15-2012, 03:20 AM

Sorry to hear that you have not been well and are having other problems in your life. I totally understand how you feel about Yunah. Time does heal but we never know how long that time will be. Take care of yourself.


01-15-2012, 08:14 AM
Sas, thanks so much for telling us what you are dealing with. Yunah's presence in your life was so enormous, there is no way in which her loss cannot be profound. As Linda says, we know there is no timeframe for recovery. I have faith you will find a way to live with the loss, in your own way and in your own time -- no matter how long it takes. But I know that things can never be the same as they were with Yunah. They will be different from this point onward. So it will take time for you to honor the depth of her loss and to gather your strength to embrace the changes that Mhina will bring to your life. I know she will bring positive changes when the time comes for her to join you. But change of any kind -- positive, too -- can be a challenge. So I think you are being very wise to take care of yourself, and to take things slow and easy for now.

I think of you often, and also of Yunah. I know I've said it over and over, but she was such a special girl to me, too. I still cannot believe she is gone, myself. It was a privilege to share this world with her.

Sending big hugs to you, as always.

Squirt's Mom
01-15-2012, 10:35 AM
Dear Saskia,

Thank you for sharing with us during this difficult time. I know how hard it can be to let these feelings out, how very personal our grief and pain can be sometimes, how much of ourselves we expose, and expend, by expressing them.

You deserve this time, Sas. So does Yunah. Like Marianne, I think you are wise to take time to grieve, to hold your memories of life with Yunah tight, to make peace with the changes you have to face, and to regain your strength physically.

Please take extra good care of yourself right now. Be kind to Saskia every chance you get. Know you are never alone, even on those darkest of nights. You are continually held in the hearts of so many around the world, held with tender love and deep admiration. There is no question in my mind that your sweet Yunah is watching over you always with such amazing love and pride.

When you are ready, Mhina will return, bringing her own special brand of joy and love and companionship to your world -and you to hers.

Many hugs and much love,

01-16-2012, 07:47 AM
I am very glad to hear things are getting better for you - slowly I know but moving in that direction. Remember the grieving process takes its toll in ways we do not see and it will take time and I am very glad you are taking that needed time.


Bailey's Mom
01-16-2012, 03:06 PM
Hi Saskia-it is nice to hear from you. I am sorry about your sister. Your plate was already full.
I think I completely understand how you feel about Yunah. It has not been that long....it will get less painful. How lucky you are to have had such a special relationship.....many people never even begin to experience something like that.
I wish someone would tell me I needed to put on some weight.;) A doctor did once, but that was waaaaaaaaaaaaay back when I was very young. Please try your best to get better. You really need to take care of yourself now....whatever that "looks like" for you.
Thanks for letting us know how you are doing.



01-16-2012, 03:34 PM

Thank you for sharing with us - I am sorry for what is going on right now - you have a full plate for sure. Yes it takes time to heal - we all understand - when I lost my two goldens I said never again!! When we went to get Penny I wanted nothing to do with her -(now shes my baby:)) time does heals (and they will always be in our heart) things will get better -- I hope you sort everything out and take the time to rest and regain your strength - Yunah was a very special dog and is very much missed -

When you are ready Mhina will be waiting for you -

I am sending you tons of support - strength - hope - faith - love and hugsssssss and a big kiss from Penny xoxo

marie adams
01-16-2012, 04:42 PM
Oh Sas,

I know the feeling so well of being crushed by the loss of your fur buddy. When Maddie left I had to build up to doing what we did together feel good to do again. Walking in the morning was a big challenge and cried almost every day for a while. So many things happened last year so close together for me that you wonder how you will cope, but you do, it just takes time.

I never went through the never wanting another dog, but I know now how hard it is to lose them. Someone said the good years out weigh the last moments of their lives so think of the good memories and not the bad ones. Time does help with that. It has been a year since Maddie left us and I do not have those horrible what if's I had about her passing and the decisions we had to make at the time. She is in a better place than suffering for us to have her near.

Ella takes every waking moment to keep track of her--we take the good and bad knowing she will settle down and be our best buddy just like Maddie was but in Ella's way--just like Mhina will when the time comes.

You are so good with animals; so get yourself well and start with baby steps to bring Mhina into your life.

Best Always to You!!! ((((HUGS))))

01-20-2012, 08:12 PM
Hi Saskia,
I was so glad to see that you had posted and then our computer was gone three days for a much needed cleaning and updating....so I am just getting here to respond to your post.

Rage is a natural and oh-so-healthy response to grieving. Every once in awhile I have the absolutely crazy thought that living without a dog might be good....then I almost laugh out loud....life without a dog is hell! But I appreciated the time between Lady's passing from our lives and Victoria's arrival in it. I had time to grieve and be able to fully welcome Victoria.

At the time of Yunah's passing, I believe that we all tried to surround you with our thoughts, prayers and good wishes because we wanted to forget how cruel this world can be....we wanted to "make it up to you and ourselves". Her illness and too-early passing takes our breath away with its cruelty.....it's one of those times when I want to make a list of questions for when I've passed on and can ask why this and why that....:( :mad:

I'm sorry that you have this added burden of making decisions for your sister....I pray that they will come with ease. I'm also praying that your weight is climbing comfortably but quickly too. ;)
Please continue to take good care of yourself and we will all keep waiting to hear of Mhina's return to your home....:) :) :)

02-07-2012, 06:48 AM
Hi Sas!

Just thinking about you today and wanted to stop by to say hello!


02-09-2012, 11:17 AM
And I'm saying Hi today....just my daily check-in to see if you've posted...

02-11-2012, 12:38 PM
Dear all,

I am doing a whole lot better, thanks :) I have rested lots, have taken the time to grief, cry and hurt...and I now am at the point that I really would like to have Mhina here :) I can't wait for her to return...:D

But in the meantime, I enjoy every day since for now I live in a winter fairytale land (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=418&pictureid=3548) How gorgeous can it be? Seems like everyone in this country has put on their iceskates and is skating from A to B...instead of taking the bycicle ;) I love winter, I love the ice and the cold.

Sas :)

Squirt's Mom
02-11-2012, 01:08 PM
Hi Sas,

Good to hear from you! and especially good to hear you are healing. I am sure Mhina is ready to come back to your loving arms.

We haven't had a real winter here yet, tho they are telling us there is the possibility of some snow Monday. I would love to see some myself and for Squirt, who dearly loves the snow. If allowed, she would stay out in it for hours finally giving up when she was completely covered in snow balls hanging from her coat like pompoms. :p She would be in hog heaven with you right now! :D

Let us know when Mhina is on her way back!

02-11-2012, 02:35 PM

So good to hear from you!! I am so happy you are well rested and looking forward to Mhinas return. Would love to see a pic of your winter wonderland! I can't believe we only got snow once and not much! We are in New England....really!! Today we were getting 3 to 5 we got nothing!!! Really miss it so much.....especially growing up with tons of snow every year!! Well enjoy the beautiful white scenery!!

Love and hugs xo

02-11-2012, 02:53 PM
Hello to you too!!
It's so great to hear from you and such a positive post :D Mhina's arrival will be the "icing on the cake".

As for enjoying the ice and snow??? we're in Florida now within sight and sound of the ocean....far away from our ice and snow! There is going to be 2 days of "winter" here....it will be below freezing for more than 2 hours....that's called a "hard freeze"....I'll probably have my hood up and little mitts on when I walk Victoria on the beach in the morning ;)
Am looking forward to hearing of all your adventures with Mhina...she'll be able to help you to continue taking good care of yourself...Yunah will be pleased!

marie adams
02-12-2012, 01:28 PM
Dear Sas,

So nice to hear from you!!!! :):):)

It does take time to heal and now you are ready for Mhina to come play and be your loving companion. :)

I live in Southern California and winter really hasn't come full on since we have been having temps in the 70's at the beach area.

So happy for you to be feeling better!!!!

02-19-2012, 05:42 AM
Well, winter, ice and cold temps have passed and this morning I had a coffee in the backyard, enjoying some sunshine (44 degrees F), delightfull :)

I am working on making Mhina her own special website and I saw a video that was made while Mhina was srill here...and I never posted the video here. It's Mhina and me going for a walk and how wonderfully she would walk beside my chair :D

Here's the link (http://youtu.be/uhyKMgV4nqY) to that video. Now remember, this is an "old" video...Mhina is not here yet :) I have to be a bit more patient :rolleyes:

Sas :)

Squirt's Mom
02-19-2012, 09:16 AM
Aw, Sas....she did so well! Her eyes were constantly checking you - well, once she investigated that most interesting spot in the yard just before taking off. :p It will be so nice to have her back with you.


Bailey's Mom
02-19-2012, 05:02 PM
Hi Sas - GREAT to hear from you!:D

What a beautiful dog Mhina is and how lovingly she looks at you.
I'm even learning another language...........I took the words from the video and translated them on the computer....well...most of them.;)

I am so anxious for the two of you to get together!:)


02-19-2012, 07:55 PM
Oh, Sas, that video touched my heart. Yet another tear jerker from you. The music is beautiful but then I've always been a Brian Adams fan. I hereby designate that song as your and Mhina's very special song. I think you really are ready to love again and let Mhina into your heart. I know you are ready to hold your baby girl in our arms too and I look forward to seeing pics and videos of you doing just that. I sure wish I could be there with you when Mhina walks through your door to stay. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!! :D:):D:):D:):D:):D

For those who want to hear Saskia and Mhina's very special song from beginning to end, here it is:


Casey's Mom
02-19-2012, 11:09 PM
I too love that song, and it is exactly the right message. You are ready to love her. She is walking so nicely beside the wheelchair. Well done!!

So glad to hear from you Saskia,

Love and hugs,

02-21-2012, 11:59 AM
Saskia, it is only just now that I am finally ready and able to watch your video of Mhina by your side. I hope you will understand when I say that I was not yet ready, myself, to see another doggie where our Yunah had aways been before. It hurt me so much to even think about it. I could not see it.

But then, just a few minutes ago, I read your newly posted tribute to Yunah. Along with my tears, reading your words finally allowed something to shift for me. Saskia, I think your beautiful words have helped me to truly say "fare thee well" to Yunah. Never good-by, but instead "fare thee well" while she awaits you at The Bridge.

And so now I was able to watch your video with new eyes and an open heart. And now new tears are falling, for the birth of a new love and a new relationship.

I wish you and Mhina the best, Sas, I truly do. I will be watching so anxiously now for each update as your journey together unfolds.

Sending many, many hugs. You are such a special soul, as are those of your beloved companions ~

02-21-2012, 12:08 PM

this has helped me tremendously to "letting go"...maybe it will help you too,


With a very special warmth and affection,

Sas :)

02-21-2012, 12:17 PM
Saskia, you are so brave. I am very thankful that our lives' paths have brought us together -- have brought our whole family together here on k9cushings. :o :)


marie adams
02-21-2012, 01:36 PM
Dear Sas,

I love the video of Mhina, Yunah, and The Song "I am Ready".

So good to hear from you...looking forward to having Mhina with us again! :)

Bailey's Mom
02-21-2012, 03:34 PM
Hi Sas-
I had a rough time with that video.
I've been trying my translating abilities and I think I have it all except for "Muis" - can you tell me what that word says?

It is great to hear from you.


02-21-2012, 03:40 PM
Muis...is what I would call Yunah lovingly :) It means "mouse"...she was and always will be my little mousse :)

Saskia :)

02-22-2012, 06:49 AM
What a wonderful video Saskia of you and Mhina! She looked very attentive to you.

I will tell you I cried when I watched the video of Yunah...it was lovely.

Always my best

Squirt's Mom
03-11-2012, 10:26 AM
Hi Sas,

I don't dream...or at least I never remember dreaming. But I did last nite...I dreamt of you! :)

You were sitting in a field with your legs crossed Indian-syle, leaning forward with your arms out-stretched, laughing your head off as you watched and waited for something coming toward you through the tall grasses of the field.

So, how are you doing? :D


03-15-2012, 07:54 AM
No dreams....just checking in while waiting for my son's family to leave the airport and fly home.....

03-17-2012, 08:42 AM
Leslie, that must have been you dreaming that Mhina is on her way to come stay with me permanently :) Because she will come this Tuesday to stay with me forever :D And ohhhhhhh am I ready...arms out-stretched and smiling big time ;)

I can hardly wait to once again start loving and caring :) Reminds me so strongly of a part out of a book:

"La Vita Nuova"

In that book which is
My memory . . .
On the first page
That is the chapter when
I first met you
Appear the words . . .
Here begins a new life.

~ Dante Alighieri ~

Life continues, turning page after page, one chapter ends and a new one begins. And now it's time to start a new chapter in my book of life, the chapter that will say Mhina :)

So, Mhina's name....that's a bit of a story :) I was told her name was Whina, pronounced as "Weena". I didn't like that name too much and decided to chance it into Mhina (pronounced "Meena") Then, later on I learned that "Whina" was a Maori name pronounced as "Feena" and meaning "helper". Apparently in Maori language they pronounce the "Wh" as a "F"

Anyway, I decided to stick with Mhina to avoid confusion with her name (me calling her Feena but it has to be written as Whina. Mhina's current name is African and means "joyfull" which I also find very appropriate given the circumstances :)

And as for her breed, that's a bit of a confusing issue also :D Her mother is a full blooded 4th generation Labradoodle, born in the UK. Mhina's father is a purebred kingsize apricot poodle. Officially, according to the Labradoodle pedigree and breeding standards, that would make Mhina a F4b Labradoodle....a 4th generation backcross (she was crossed back with a poodle) Also too complicated and not a normal human being in this world knows what a F4b Labradoodle means :D So, I decided to call her a Poodledoodle ;) She is such a poodle...that I think the term Poodledoodle fits her much better :D

I launched Mhina's website (http://dollemhina.punt.nl/) yesterday so all of my friends can follow our adventures there. It's called "Dolle Mhina"...and needs some explaining too for those who aren't Dutch.

"Dolle Mina" was a 1970s Dutch feminist group which campaigned for equal rights for women. Mina and Mhina are pronounced the same...Meena. And the "dolle" in Dolle Mina means...crazy, mad..in a fun way. So, being an all female household ;) and Mhina being a very funny though somewhat crazy dog ( you should see her go when she is off leash :eek: )....the name Dolle Mhina came to mind :)

She was born April 6th 2010, so next month she will turn 2 :)

That's about it for now...

Saskia :)

03-17-2012, 09:41 AM
Hi Sas,

It does my heart good to see you so upbeat and happy to be opening another chapter of your life with your new companion helper, poodledoodle Mhina. Just saying poodledoodle makes me smile...it's perfect! I'm really looking forward to learning about all of the wonderful traits of the new k9c recognized canine breed in the video journals you will be sharing with us. :D I'm sure that Tuesday can't get here soon enough for you. I'm excited too and I only wish I could be there to watch Mhina walk into her forever home and into the arms of the person who will prove to be the best thing that ever happened for her.

Welcome to the family, Mhina!

((Huge Hugs))

03-17-2012, 02:51 PM
Thanks Glynda, I am sooooo excited...(...and I just can't hide it lalalalalalalaaaaaa....) And thanks for the k9c recognition of the first and only ever Poodledoodle :p

Before you know it, pictures and videos will be flying around here ;)

Saskia :)

03-17-2012, 03:57 PM
Oh Sas, I am also SOOOOOO excited to read your news!! :) :) :)

I can hardly wait to hear that Mhina is safely home with you, so that we can ALL start turning the pages together on this brand new chapter of life and love. :o ;) :)


03-17-2012, 04:09 PM
Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see you were busy posting some new photos while I was writing!!

Welcome, Mhina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :p :) :D :p :) :p :) :D :p :D

03-17-2012, 04:10 PM
I received a picture of Mhina's parents (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/picture.php?albumid=418&pictureid=3639), Wytze the poodle dad and Mila the labradoodle mom :)

The mom and dad live together and from Mhina's litter, they kept a male as well, Mhina's brother Troef. Such a handsome threesome (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/picture.php?albumid=418&pictureid=3638) :)

Saskia :)

03-17-2012, 04:11 PM
Marianne, hahahaha...yes I was. The underlined links in my previous post will show you the pictures right away :)

Sas ;)

03-18-2012, 07:43 AM
Dearest Saskia,

I am very happy to see you smile again!!! It does my heart good to see your happy post and those photos.

Now another chapter with Mhina. :)
My best,
happy ((((hugs))))

03-18-2012, 12:51 PM

I am so HAPPY for you!!

It's so nice to hear you lalalalalalaaaaaaa :):)

My heart is smiling for you:)

Tuesday will be a very special day for you and Mhina .....

Special day...new chapter

Love the pics....what a good looking family:)

Love it Poodledoodle!!

Looking forward to hearing about Tuesday and looking forward to more pics!

Love and hugs xoxoxo

03-20-2012, 05:24 PM
OMG OMG...I am in love!!!! :D The moment Mhina walked into my backyard this afternoon, she recognized me and jumped right into my arms (which of course caused me to fall...but heh, that's a minor inconvenience ;) ) And at that moment, down on the tiles in my backyard, 20 kilo's of Poodledoodle on top of me and a slightly panicking Serge, I fell in love, right there and then :D I knew it was the right decission to not have Mhina return to me right away (back in December) but not untill this afternoon did I know how right that decission has been. There was no hesitation, no doubt, no "shadow" of Yunah blocking my heart or how I felt...my heart was unbiased and ready and so I simply fell in love :)

About an hour and half later, Serge left and I went for a walk with Mhina right away.


And it was fun! At home, we played some, I did some obedience excercises with her (she's sooooo good at them), she took a nap beside me on the bed, we ate, she opened and closed a few drawers here and there, we walked some more and during that 2nd walk she "heeled" perfectly for the entire 45 minutes off leash :D She's just fabulous. And just now we had our last walk of the day and she took of my shoes, my socks and jeans :D I am in bed, too much in love to be able to sleep and Mhina curled up beside me and slept right away. It's been a tiring day for her and I can't keep my eyes off of her...:) I want to shout it of the rooftops...I am in love...hehehehehe...instead I am telling you all ;)

Sas and Mhina :)

03-20-2012, 05:34 PM
Oh Sas, if you could only see my smile right now!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :o :D :D :p :p :p

This is the best possible news, and I am SOOOOOOO happy for you and Mhina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to our family, sweet Mhina! Welcome to our family, precious girl. :o


03-20-2012, 05:48 PM
It's probably safer that you tell us and not shout it from the rooftops. I'm not sure Mhina has learned how to perform a rescue operation of that magnitude quite yet. :D:p:D

It's been a long time since I've read a post or email from anybody that is filled with such unbridled excitement and joy about their new life's companion, and most certainly not a k9c certified Poodledoodle. :D

I can't access youtube from work so I am excited to have something to look forward to when I get home....that is in addition to the love my four kids bring me with their own unbridled excitement of seeing me again, or the big welcome home hug and kiss from Gil.

YIPPEE! Mhina is home to stay

Harley PoMMom
03-20-2012, 05:48 PM
So happy for you both!!! Mhina is such a beautiful girl.

Love and hugs,

03-20-2012, 05:52 PM
Sas, by any chance, do you want us to revise your thread title to read, "In search of...Mhina!" :) :) :)

(Or of course, anything else you should choose...;))


03-20-2012, 06:19 PM
Ahhhh how right you are Marianne.. :) Let's see. How about: "Found and here to stay, Mhina" :D

The fact that I am filled with such unbridled excitement and joy is mainly because I am so incredably happy that I feel as I do...that I am able to feel as I do (if that makes sense) I was so reliefed to find there was absolutely nothing standing in my way to open up my heart to Mhina. Just so happy that the time I have taken, the crying, screaming, kicking and yelling has brought me to where I am today. It have been very difficult months but I could not have spent those horrible months in any better way....today is the proof of that :) And so I feel like I am the happiest woman alive.. :D

Sas and Mhina :)

03-20-2012, 06:23 PM
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Tis done!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

(Oh I just love how that new title looks!!!)

03-20-2012, 06:31 PM
Thanks :)

Sas and Mhina :D

03-20-2012, 08:07 PM
Oh Sas,

I am so happy for you. Sometimes we need time to think things through and now you know it is right. It is so exciting for us too.:D


03-20-2012, 08:20 PM
Marianne... it worked... as soon as I saw the thread title I jumped on to check it out and Sas... how happy you must be! Mhina is absolutely adorable... so full of life and playful... love the fact she likes hugging too... You SO deserve this. Congrats and much happiness! Kim

03-20-2012, 08:42 PM


I am so happy that you are so excited!!!:D Mhina also looks so happy and excited in the video!!! You two are going to be so happy together!!! If you did shout it from the roof top I know I would hear it all the way over here!!!!:):D:):D:):D:):D:):D:):D:):D:):D

Love and hugs to both of you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

03-21-2012, 08:01 AM
Oh Saskia,

I could hear you laughing in the video - so great.

She looks so happy too. And I see her looking for you in between her having fun running and playing.

I can just see you now, on the ground covered in white fluffy kissess :D....

Happy times

03-21-2012, 08:27 AM
The circle is complete. I am so happy for you Sas. I look forward to spending many lunch hours watching videos of Mhina:):):)

Hugs and love,

Squirt's Mom
03-21-2012, 09:36 AM
aw, Sas,

I've been sick is why the delay in responding but I read all this over the last few days and just cried and cried for the absolute joy so apparent in all your words, pictures, and videos. I was reminded of this passage -

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
...and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
...a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

Yours and Mhina's time has truly come in all it's fullness and richness of promise.

I am so very happy for you both.

Welcome Home, Mhina! You and your mom are so very loved by many from all over the world.

Bailey's Mom
03-21-2012, 10:03 PM
Hi Sas-

As I think I said before.....Mhina is such a beautiful dog. I love how she romps and how gorgeous her very fluffy, perfectly curled around tail is.

I am so very happy for you.


03-23-2012, 09:25 AM
Oh Sas...just reading this today and will check the photos when we get home next week....lots of happy tears for you and Mhina....so glad you can feel such love again....

03-23-2012, 02:17 PM
The past couple of days have been heaven :D Mhina is such a relaxed, social and loving dog, I can't believe how lucky I have been...again :)

Of course, she is entirely different from Yunah (workwise mainly), who had the Border Collie highly represented in her...Mhina is much more relaxed and less excited when working. Here are a few movies...

Mhina and me in the supermarket. She first picks up my wallet (which I had dropped on purpose....just as an excercise) and then she gets me something from the shelf. Note she is working entirely off leash... :)


In this movie you can see how she opens and closes the door of my fridge and next she fetches and hands me a banana :)


And is this one she first opens the gate to my backyard as we are on our way to the doggy playground for some much deserved playtime :)


It's like she has always been here :)

Saskia and Mhina :)

Squirt's Mom
03-23-2012, 02:46 PM
What wonderful videos! Mhina is so sweet! She watches you so closely, always keeping an eye on you even while playing. I do think she might have wanted a bite of that banana, tho. :p

I am so happy for you both, Sas. I know what you were holding your arms out for in that dream....and she is now there where she belongs, in your loving arms.


03-23-2012, 03:52 PM
Sas, you're absolutely right, it looks like Miss Mhina has always been there. I truly can't say how delighted I am that both of you have found each other. We all look forward to further videos to see how Mhina is coming along.


marie adams
03-26-2012, 02:13 PM
Dear Sas,

She is beautiful!!! I love her running around at the park. Those eyes that watch you as she is giving you something or listening to the command---so cute!!! :D

A friend of mine has a Golden Doodle that looks similiar to Mhina. He isn't quite a year old yet and such a hand full.

I am so happy for you Sas!!! :)

03-26-2012, 02:31 PM
Thanks! :) She is so sweet and gentle...today a 3 month old Border Collie puppie was hanging in her tail, chewing on her ears, she didn't even blink an eye...so tolerant, so unlike Yunah, hahahaha...who was known as the "strict auntie Yunah" :D They are totally opposites and I must admit that's quite nice. No dog with a "Yunah-like" personality would be able to step in her footsteps. But with a dog that's so different, there is no comparing at all... She's not nearly as smart (but I find that endearing...:) ) not nearly as exuberant (rather a bit lazy instead :D ) but soooo mellow and gentle. And she behaves perfectly. I can bring her anywhere, no problem at all. She will turn 2 on April 6th and on April 5th she will has her first "beauty parlour" appointment. Eventhough I love the long coat, she looks like a teddybear, it's a huge amount of work and she brings home half the forest in her fur :p So I decided to go for "practical" instead of "beautiful" ;)

I updated her photoalbum http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=418

Sas and Mhina :)

marie adams
03-26-2012, 03:29 PM
Oh Sas,

They are totally opposites and I must admit that's quite nice. No dog with a "Yunah-like" personality would be able to step in her footsteps. But with a dog that's so different, there is no comparing at all...

I have come to realize the same thing about Ella; she is so different than Maddie, so there is not much to compare except they are both Aussies.

Ella will be a year old on Sunday so we have April Babies. :) I can't wait to see Mhina's pictures after her "beauty parlour" appointment. I am seroiusly thinking a little grooming on Ella's tail end might be a more practical decision also. Haha!!! :D

03-26-2012, 04:25 PM
Hahahaha...I am all for practical :D ;)

Sas and Mhina :)

03-27-2012, 08:13 AM
Oh Sas, the videos brought happy tears to my eyes.

I love the way Mhina played with the tiny chihuahua.:D:D:D

She is very sweet and looks so patient and kind besides having the good looks!!!!:):)

It was a long road but you and Mhina made the journey.

Can't wait to see her after the beauty parlour!!!!!


03-27-2012, 12:52 PM
Okay, here's Mhina taking off my boots and socks. And afterwards she zips the zipper in the boots back up...good girl :D :D :D


And, she has another adorable trade, she loves to carry her toy blue elephant (with a poodle coat :p) in her mouth on our walks :D. She won't let go of it, peeing, pooing, other dogs we encounter, she doesn't let go, she carries it the entire time :D


Sas, Mhina and the blue elephant ;)

Squirt's Mom
03-27-2012, 01:14 PM
HA! I love the blue elephant! I collect elephant figurines, etc. and love the animals dearly so that is very sweet to me that Mhina loves hers so much. Elephants are amazing creatures and so is your sweet girl, as is her mom!


Casey's Mom
03-28-2012, 06:03 AM
Oh Saskia she is so beautiful and kind ... I am so happy for you!! I just caught up now and watched all of her videos. She looks like the perfect dog for you. My favourite photo is the one of you both on the bed. You look so very happy :):):):)

Love and hugs,

03-29-2012, 05:03 PM
Two more new video's. Mhina is a clever student and mastered 2 new things...

Handing me the electric plug of the vacuum cleaner...


and getting me a new supply of coffee pads from the larder


She's such a joy :)

Sas and Mhina :)

Casey's Mom
03-29-2012, 09:45 PM
Wow she is super smart and so calm. Love her eyes - so glad you have each other Sas. What a treasure :):):)

03-29-2012, 11:30 PM

Mhina is so smart and beautiful. I love to see the new videos of her but it just makes me realise how "untrained" my dogs are. I on the other hand am very "trained" and do almost everything they tell me.:confused:


03-30-2012, 01:32 AM
Ha ha yes, she is super calm Ellen:D Her entire personality is very laidback...wheater it's work, play or cuddles...;) After a lifetime of dogs that definately took a lot more energy of me, I must admit having this laid back Mhina is rather pleasant. Probably also because I am no longer a "youngster" and my health didn't get any better in the past couple of years so this "taking it easy" dog, is quite nice and fits my energy level ;) And I now understand very clearly she's the right dog for me at the right time in my life. I would have found Mhina quite boring a couple of years ago...but now I find her wonderfully relaxing and comfortable ;) I used to love having dogs that would "challenge" me, either behaviourwise or in keeping them stimulated...and we tend to cling to that idea not quite realising that there comes a time when we are no longer up to all those challenges :D So now it's official, I'm an old lady and like my dogs mellow and laidback :D :D :D

Sas and Mhina :)

03-30-2012, 03:24 PM

I just watched the new videos and rewatched the old ones too!!! Amazing!!!!! Mhina is so nice and calm-just does what she has to with such ease!!:):) Always looking forward to the videos:)

Hugs to both of you xoxoxo

Bailey's Mom
04-02-2012, 12:54 AM
Hi Sas-

Mhina is such a beautiful dog....and so very talented. The depth of her eyes is remarkable. You are both blessed.


Roxee's Dad
04-02-2012, 11:10 PM
I am finally finding time to catch up and just spent the last 1/2 hour watching and re watching all the wonderful video's and catching up :) Mhina is such a beautiful girl and so gentle, Oh! and I see she loves to run and play too :D

04-07-2012, 12:45 PM
Yesterday, April 6th, we celebrated Mhina's 2nd birthday, hip hip hooray :D :D :D

I can't put all the pictures in her photoalbum here since I will be running out of space very quickly ;) But by clicking this link (http://dollemhina.punt.nl/?id=572115&r=1&tbl_archief=&), you will go to Mhina's website and you can see the birthday pics :D She got a bunny, a toothbrush and toothpaste (a rather practical "mom" gift :p) a bone and from the groominglady, she saw the day before, she got a bottle of dog beer....actually a bottle with fluids in it (no alcohol of course) :D

And oh yes, I intended to keep her coat at at least a certain length but unfortunately her fur was so matted she just had to be shaved completely, awwwwww....but now you can see what a "fragile" dog is underneath all the fur ;-)

Then there's a video of Mhina fetching me the mail...

A video of Mhina playing with her ball...

And a video of Mhina having fun with her doggyfriends :D

Happy Easter to you all :)

Sas and Mhina :)

Squirt's Mom
04-07-2012, 01:04 PM
Oh, Sas, she gets more and more beautiful! Personally, I have always preferred the shorter cuts like that for my Poodles and Bichons...it was so much easier to take care of and seemed to be more comfortable for them, of course, mine all hated being groomed. :rolleyes::D I think Mhina looks great....and no, "fragile" doesn't apply! :D:p

Something that I have been trying to put my finger on finally struck me today watching your videos - it is so wonderful that you have a place to take your babies where they can run and play while you get out and visit with folks, too. We have dog parks around here but the ones I have visited didn't make me comfortable so my babies never went. We did enjoy going to Shelby Farms when we lived in TN but there wasn't any interaction with others like you have. It is obvious that Mhina really enjoys herself there and I hope you do as well.


04-07-2012, 02:19 PM
Leslie, so true...they love the short cut and oh dear it is a lot easier to maintain and to clean her up after a walk :D So I will keep her fur short....eventhough the long fur looks soooo adorable, I think anyway. But for practical reasons, I love the short fur better :D I plan on buying one of those "shaving" machines so I can groom her myself in the future...will save me heaps of money :p I learned from the groomer that Mhina's Labradoodle fur is a lot harder to maintain and brush then the ordinary poodle fur. Mhina's fur looks like the poodle fur, has the poodle curly structure but it is 3 times as thick! :eek:

In general you have to keep your dog on leash, mandatory. But there are some "off leash" area's and one of them is only 200 yards from my house :D It's a nice area and fairly large...for Dutch understanding :) There are, of course, some downsides to it...hardly no-one cleans up after their dog which makes it a very filthy area, it's not enclosed so if you have a dog that's not that obedient, it will run off and there are no seperate area's where you can seperate dogs if needed (for example intact males that will fight otherwise).

And the people...most people enjoy meeting others there. I....ehmmmm...am not so much a people person and dislike the gossip that always seems to happen if a group of people is together (whether it's a dog park or the tennisclub) So I usually try to stay clear of the "group" gatherings ;) But all in all it's a nice place to have and to go to...especially for Mhina, she truly loves it there :)

Sas and Mhina :)

04-14-2012, 02:26 AM
A week has gone by and Mhina has made such progress! And that means a lot of video's :p

Mhina didn't find it difficult to take of boots that had zippers in it, she would use the bit of rope I have tied to the zipper to unzip the zipper and then to pull of my boot. But if I was wearing shoes, she had a bit of a problem, not knowing where to grab the shoe to pull it of my foot. So I started to teach her to pull out my socks by grabbing the socks at the heel instead of the toes...

In this video you can see she still wants to go for the toe of the sock...but is getting the hang of going for the heel part ;)


Once she understood this, I moved on to my shoes...which she has to take of by grabbing them at the heel :D


Here she is taking off my coat...


Getting the leek out of the fridge...


Getting the potatoes out of the fridge...


Opening the door...


And a compilation of pictures of Mhina playing and saying that at that time, when I was watching Mhina's antics and her having fun, I suddenly realised I was no longer alone...Mhina now truly is part of me :)


All our best to all of you and your loved ones,

Sas and Mhina :)

Squirt's Mom
04-14-2012, 08:14 AM
Hi Sas,

Mhina is learning so well and obviously wants to please you. She is just so pretty! I love the last pic of ya'll on the bed with your arms around each other. That is just too precious.


marie adams
04-20-2012, 12:42 PM
You are so good at training and Mhina so willing to help. She is beautiful!!!:)

when I was watching Mhina's antics and her having fun, I suddenly realised I was no longer alone...Mhina now truly is part of me
I am so happy for you and Mhina--you have touched my heart!!!

Thanks for the help with Ella!! :D It seems as she turned 1 she forgot how to behave--I thought we had made such good progress the past few months--adolescence I believe is what it is called....:D:eek: haha!!!


05-06-2012, 09:44 AM
Approximately 3 weeks have passed since my last update and oh dear, Mhina has made such progress :) So embrace yourselves for a whole bunch of new videos ;)

Here she hands me a new prescription at the pharmacy...:D

Here she gets the laundry out of the machine and into the laundrybasket...

And oops, she forgot to close the door ;)

Here she gets me a dish-cloth from the drawer

Here she gets the empty bottle and places it into my shopping bag before we go shopping...:D

Here she gets me my socks...

And this is us on Queensday, a busy day in the city, to practise walking through crowds and stay foccused ;)

Here she gets my keys, her leash and her harness...and in the final clip she closes the clasp-lock on the door :)

I'm working on her "vocabulary" and here she manages to get three different things from the fridge (I have to steer her still some with my voice, like..."Yessss, that's the one"...but she is doing very well) And she opens the drawer so I can get the pan...but as you can see "closing the drawer" is one of her fav things to do so she is very eager to close and I have to fear for my fingers :D :D :D

Of course it's not all work ;) Here are some pictures of Mhina and the granddaughter of my neigbours...they had a blast. Mhina being brushed, cuddled and played with :)

I have to stay, Mhina is surprising me...in a very good way :D It's costing definately more time and effert to teach her new things then it did Yunah but I am very happy to see she does pick things up rather easily :) And there's something else I have realised... Yunah and I were very much alike, personalitywise. We both liked to be on our own, keeping ourselves to ourselves, not that social if we could prevent it :D Mhina, on the other hand is a social butterfly :p She's very outgoing, loves everyone and through her, I have to change my ways a bit...and that's a good thing. So Mhina is learning me all about "change" (in differant ways) and she is a wonderful teacher ;)

Saskia and Mhina :)

05-10-2012, 01:22 PM
Great videos, Sas.

I think social butterfly could be a good thing:D:D:D:D:D

I am so glad to see you so happy.


Roxee's Dad
05-11-2012, 12:39 PM
Wonderful video's... I so wish I had your patience. ;) These video's are truly a tribute to how smart our pups can be when given the chance and training to reach their full potential.

06-19-2012, 06:30 PM
Today, June 20th, it's been exactly 3 months since Mhina stepped into my home permanently :)

I made a "tribute" to our first three months together and I myself am amazed at all the things she does...and I forgot at least a dozen other things she does for me :)


Sas and Mhina :)

Roxee's Dad
06-20-2012, 12:48 AM
Hi Sas,
That was wonderful and I am always amazed at the accomplishments. Mhina just seems so willing to please :)

06-23-2012, 10:02 AM
Thanks John :)

Yes, Mhina likes to help in any way she can. She doesn't posess the Border Collie's "eagerness" that Yunah had and so she is doing all of her tasks much more mellow, hehehehe...but she does them without failure or hesitation, she's very reliable that way :) And in all other ways too...;)

Sas and Mhina :)

06-23-2012, 05:52 PM
Awwwww, I love Mhina, and I just love dogs....

Very happy for both of you Sas and Mhina..

Tight hugs.

xo Jeanette and Princess

Roxee's Dad
06-25-2012, 12:48 AM
Dear Sas,
I have a question and hope you can help, if you don't mind. I take the fur kids swimming, well Rozee is getting to be senior so doesn't swim so good anymore, she kinda sinks now but I hold her in the pool. But, Little Bit only swims with her front legs :confused: she tucks her back legs in. If I hold her in place and tap on her hind legs, she will kick them, but then stop. Someone, I don't remember who, said it has something to do with hind leg awareness.

Have you heard of this and is there a better way for me to teach her to use her hind legs when she swims? She has learned to like the pool very much, but she needs the exercise and I don't feel she is getting the full potential of swimming when she is only paddling with her front legs.

06-26-2012, 05:16 PM
Hi John,

what you could try is the following... Is Little Bit crazy about a certain toy...a ball, a squeeky toy...? In that case you can hold it not quitte in front of her nose but a bit upward...so she has to kind of raise her upperbody in her attempts to get to the toy. This will encourage her to use her backlegs...a kind of upward position. You could use a treat also...or support her ribcage/frontlegs area with your hand and kind of lift her upperbody a bit...again, placing her in a sort of upwards position :)

And in case you have a jetstream in the pool, you could make her swim against it, this will also encourage her to use the backlegs. But start slowly, these are intensive excercises for a "beginner" :)

And, have her swim the figure 8....the "bending" in the spine/back is very good for the backmuscles and they will help the hindlegs.

You could train her hindleg awareness with simple things like making her step over ....obstacles (ladders are handy for this). You can even teach her a command for lifting those legs really high :) And of course have her "weave"...through your legs or anything you can think of...again for her back. (all this assuming she has no back/spine problems)

Good luck and let me know how it goes :)

Sas and Mhina :)

Roxee's Dad
06-27-2012, 07:26 PM
Thanks Sas. I will try the ladder obstacle.. good idea. As far as using her back legs... she sits up constantly whenever she wants something.... like a little chipmunk LOL

Thanks again :)

06-28-2012, 01:56 AM
Ohhh John, I am sorry...I obviously wasn't clear :) I meant to do those excercises in the pool, placing her in a somewhat upright position...not on the floor sitting up "begging for a treat". But to have her in the pool swimming with a treat or toy hanging over her nose so she has to try and get in that upright position in the pool...that way she will have to use her backlegs :)

I hope I am making more sense this time ;)

Saskia and Mhina :)

Roxee's Dad
06-28-2012, 10:36 AM
Oh!! I will try that, should be interesting to see if she is more interested in the treat or the steps to get out of the pool LOL


07-04-2012, 09:34 AM
So, is there any consensus yet...if Little Bit is more interested in the steps or the treat? :D

Almost 3,5 months that Mhina's here...and we've reached that stage where we are in perfect harmony...already :) And apart from being a great service dog, she is a more than great cuddle and lap dog too :D


Saskia and Mhina :)

07-04-2012, 09:50 AM
Well, you've done it again. I'm sitting her with huge tears in my eyes. To say those captured moments tugged at my heartstrings would be an understatement. I can't tell you how happy I am for you, Saskia. Of course, I'm happy for Mhina too but I don't think she cares too much about that as she seems to be too preoccupied with the object of her affection and dedication. You really are a match made in heaven....errr, I mean Lelystad. :D

Squirt's Mom
07-04-2012, 10:01 AM
You can add me to the teary-eyed group this morning, too, Sas. How heart-warming to see the two of you together, meshed and so in love. Your videos are always so amazing and wonderful to watch. And, Mhina is soooo pretty! Her coat looks as if you could sink into it...soft, soft, soft.


Roxee's Dad
07-04-2012, 06:51 PM
Absolutely a wonderful and beautiful video :) Truly a feel good moment :)

LittleBit does use her back legs when reaching up for the treat while swimming:) and she has no trouble walking a ladder course, but still does not use her back legs routinely when swimming unless I am right behind her and touching or tapping them. If she starts to tip over, she will use her back legs to stabilize herself..but only the side that she is tipping on, then goes back to tucking them in. Beginning to think she is just lazy or conserving energy.

I will continue the pool exercises as it is too hot to really go for any long walks. She is overweight and I need to continue to work on getting her to a healthy weight again. It is only difficult because Rozee gets a bit upset when I take LittleBit for a walk without her, but she is a senior and with the previous knee injuries, it is difficult for her to make it around the block, although I can get away with it when she sleeps in the morning. Which by the way is why LittleBit is overweight. :o

Thanks again for the hints, I will keep working on it and be happy she is at least getting some swimming exercise.

07-05-2012, 04:53 AM
Did you try to make her swim in "curls"...making the figure 8 ? That way she has to "steer" a lot and keeping her balance more and that too will induce her to use her backlegs :) Just hold the treat in front of her...describing lots of "curls" ;) And, to make you feel better, it's actually harder (more energy consuming) when they use their frontlegs only :D So if it's solely for losing weight...then only using her frontlegs works very well ;) But if you also want her to gain some strength in her hindlegs...yes, then you want them to be involved as well :)

They do keep us busy, heh? ;) And don't we love it! :p I have been very "busy" with Mhina's fur...goodness gracious, the fur that girl has :D I cannot afford to get her to a groomers every 6 weeks orso...so I am going to do it myself (with the help of others) But then you have to decide on what equipment to buy (and that's not cheap either so you do not want to make a mistake there :p)

I finally decided to go for a "waterblower" instead of a trimming machine since a waterblower has so many uses. And I actually ended up buying a slickerbrush and a dematting comb in the USA... The best slickerbrushes for a fur like Mhina's are the "Les Poochs" but they are soooooo expensive :eek: So I found a good (and much cheaper even with shippingcosts and such) look-a-like in the USA :D It all arrived yesterday...so now poor Mhina will become the subject of my attempts at grooming :D The things she'll do for me ;)

Have a wonderful day,

Sas and Mhina :)

Roxee's Dad
07-05-2012, 11:52 AM
Hi Sas,
I will keep at it with LittleBit but also sorry, I didn't mean to hijack your and Mhina's thread.

What is a water blower? I am a semi retired groomer but have never heard of this. After I bathe a dog, I use a high velocity air blower that helps de-tangle the coat as it dries. I know a labradoodle's coat is a lot of work.

Also a special undercoat rake that works well and doesn't pull quite so hard on the fur. The teeth of the comb actually rotate so there is less friction when pulling it thru the coat. Comes in both comb style and brush style. Also the bottom of the teeth are not sharp to help protect the skin from abrasion.

Just one of many brands

I prefer the single row of teeth vs. the double row although mine is interchangeable.

There is also a dematting comb which comes in handy if the matting gets bad, It has very sharp razor edge on one side to cut thru heavy mats and smooth on the other side so as to protect the dog. Blades are replaceble when dull. And always clean the fur off from the blades from the back side so you don't accidentally slice your fingers. These are great for removing those spider web type mats that start close to the skin level on labradoodle. Then brushing out is so much easier on both you and the dog :)

again.. one of many brands.

07-05-2012, 01:05 PM
John, don't be sorry...iI so enjoy it :) Hijack away if needed ;)

I should be sorry for translating Dutch words into English, hahahaha...doesn't work that well. A "waterblower" is what we say but after looking it up on the web, it's the same thing as a high velocity air blower :)

I bought this one (http://poshdogshop.blogspot.nl/2009/10/aeolus-high-vel-o-city-dryer-this.html).

And as for the brush and comb, I have this brush (http://www.petedge.com/product/Grooming/Grooming-Tools/Combs-Brushes-Rakes/Master-Grooming-Tools-Flexible-Slicker-Brushes/subsubCategoryId/478/pc/190/c/214/sc/276/47391.uts) but then the kind for large dogs with a "double brush" and this comb (http://www.petedge.com/product/Master-Grooming-Tools-Ergonomic-Dematting-Tools/44180.uts).

Well, we'll see how it goes. If I run into problems, I will "hijack" my thread back :p

Sas and Mhina :)

Roxee's Dad
07-05-2012, 01:48 PM
Ah yes LOL... The high velocity water blower / air blower is great. I know I don't need to tell you but rather be safe than sorry, be careful around ears and other body openings.

The comb you posted a link to is exactly the dematting tool I use :) again.. be careful when you are removing the hair from the tool, sometimes forget and slide my fingers across the sharp side. (OUCH) And always face the sharp side down when putting the tool on the table or floor... don't want Mhina to accidentally step on the sharp side, nor you to accidentally step or lean on it.

Looking forward to reading about your and Mhina's grooming adventures. :D ;)

07-05-2012, 03:16 PM
Dear Saskia,

Wow! Thanks for the good cry here also. :( That was intense. Mhina is just so irresistable, how do you stand it?


We love ya,

Tight hugs, Jeanette and Princess

07-05-2012, 04:49 PM
Phew, good thing you gals all are having good cries ;)

And how do I stand it, Jeanette? Ha, I don't...she IS irresistable :D Mhina is something else, she is pure love...don't know how else to put it. She radiates love and nothing else... The only vibes she is sending are those of love :) All my previous dogs were very loving and lovable...but they all had something else as well. Not Mhina, there's nothing else to her but love...if that makes any sense :p It was very strange at first...I often wondered if she wasn't too "flat" for me...personalitywise. Now I know better and I understand that it is simply because she is pure love...love and nothing else :) And life with a dog that knows only love and nothing else, is very soothing, very peaceful, very simple and very comforting. A huge change from having dogs with "issues"...good or bad.

One example of Mhina's love....

There is an elderly couple living 4 doors away from me, so they are almost neighbours. Before Mhina, I would say hello and smile whenever I saw either one or both. (Yunah wasn't that outgoing with people she had no connection with :) ) Anyway, one day, when I just had Mhina, I came across the woman and she stopped and told me how beautiful Mhina was...you know, just a conversation on the street. But that conversation led to a more indepth conversation, in particular about her husband who is suffering from Alzheimers (which I didn't know at that time) I was a bit ashamed of myself, not knowing this eventhough they live so close to me...but Yunah's character and mine were very much alike, we liked to keep ourselves to ourselves :) And so I never had taken the time to talk with the couple...Yunah being my "excuse" since she didn't enjoy being around people she didn't know.

Anyway, I promissed the lady I would come and have a cup of coffee with them someday soon...and so I did. The husband was smitten with Mhina and Mhina...Mhina was being "funny" because she kept bringing me things. Things that she will normally bring me as her job, fruit, shoes, mail, etc. After that first visit, many more have followed. And one day the lady told me she was so greatful for our visits... You see, the husband would forget where his things were, eventhough she kept them in the same place all the time. But he would "loose" his shoes for example, not being able to find them and then become very frustrated (due to the Alzheimers). But eversince I brought Mhina for visits, he would walk to his wife and ask her: " has that dog been here recently?" And his wife asked him: "Why you ask?" And he replied" Because I can't find my shoes and I thought maybe that dog has been here and walked around with my shoes again" And the wife told him yes, that Mhina had been to visit and yes, that she had been at it again, carrying all kinds of things around the house...and her husband had to laugh :)

So, instead of being frustrated because he can't find his shoes, he now thinks Mhina did it and that brings a smile to his face....and hers as well :) And that, that is Mhina. She brings love, everywhere...that's all she knows, love and how to give it :)

Saskia and Mhina :)

molly muffin
07-06-2012, 11:24 PM
What a truly lovely story. I could only smile while reading it. :)

07-06-2012, 11:34 PM
Sas, I haven't posted recently about how absolutely beautiful Mhina is & the obvious connection that the two of you have made with each other. I just wanted to say that your story about visiting your neighbors, & the effect Mhina has had on the husband, even with his Alzheimer's really has struck a nerve for me. I sat here nodding my head when I read the story. My mother had Alzheimer's, the last couple of years she was alive, she did not know me, nor any of her nieces & nephews, but she certainly knew Harley. Harley was her dog, & her little black & white gentleman. When I took him to visit, Mom would be so thrilled to see him, she would just light up with a big smile on her face. To this day, it never ceases to amaze me about the depth of the human/pet connection when that connection remains even in the face of the devastation of Alzheimer's. I hope you & Mhina keep visiting your neighbors as I'm almost certain that Mhina's visits are a big bright spot for this gentleman.


Roxee's Dad
07-19-2012, 03:22 PM
Hi Sas,
Just a quick update.. Fianlly.... LittleBit is now using her hind legs to swim quite regularly:) Thanks for the advice :D

07-21-2012, 01:05 PM
Hi John,

that's fantastic news :D Glad it helped...if ever you have a question, you know where to find me ;)

Sas and Mhina :)

07-24-2012, 05:24 AM
In about one hour I'll be taking Mhina to Wageningen, to the Specialistic Veterinary Centre to see the veterinary dentist :( She has a fracture in one of her teeth (it's not broken in two...the tooth is still in one piece) and misses a huge chip of her glaze (? is that the right word)

So depending on the findings (how deep goes this fracture, is the nerve affected, etc) she'll have that tooth repaired with a filling, a rootcanal, a crown....we'll see what will happen :) It's the same veterinary dentist I saw when Yunah had a broken off tooth...2.5 years ago...and the same clinic I took Yunah to, to see an orthopedic specialist when she started to have problems with her knee and later her back. And also Sogno and Cukie were at that same clinic to see an internal medicine specialist and a neurologist... There will be many memories there :( That's the hardest part of this trip...

Saskia and Mhina :)

molly muffin
07-24-2012, 07:28 AM
Aww, poor little thing. Good luck today. We'll be thinking of you! So glad you have a good place to take Mhina to get her tooth fixed.

Squirt's Mom
07-24-2012, 09:09 AM
A safe and uneventful trip wished for both you and Mhina. As those memories come to you, remember we are all right there with you, holding your hand, and all those precious babies will be bathing you in their eternal love.

Hugs and belly rubs,

07-26-2012, 03:40 PM
Everything went very well and Mhina has now her tooth filled :D The missing glaze was caused by a defect that occurs even before her adult teeth broke through...it's a defect in the development of the tooth. The fracture was very superficial and so the dentist just had to drill it out a little and then he could fix it all with a filling :) Mhina was wonderful, so calm and loving with everyone...she thinks the whole world and everyone she meets loves her...and no one would ever harm her :) She has no concept of bad things happening to her by the hands of humans...what a blessed creature she is :)

After a really bad summer so far, we finally have a few days with nice weather and we are taking advantage of it ;)

We go for a walk in the woods...

or, as we did today, for a swim at the dogbeach :D

Mhina regards every dog she meets as her best friend so she has friends everywhere and always finds other dogs to play with. What a happy go lucky girl she is :) When people see her play they often ask me if she's still a pup because she is so playfull and friendly... ;)

I'll upload some pics of the visit to Wageningen...

Sas and Mhina :)

molly muffin
07-26-2012, 03:50 PM
Glad the trip was successful. Mhina sure does have a great time with the other dogs. Love it when she really gets going and the ears are flying back in the wind.
Thanks for the videos. Fabulous!


08-10-2012, 03:25 PM
Well, just when you think you have it all under control :) (Lesson to be learned, you never have anything under control :D)

Mhina had her blood drawn today because the vet thinks she may have Addison's...:eek: At least, the possibility of her having Addison's should be ruled out... The results will be in either late Monday afternoon or else Tuesday. So we'll wait and see what the verdict will be next week :) I'm kind of slapping myself on the cheeks to not start screaming...yet ;) If there is a need to scream, next week will be soon enough...but with some luck, there won't be any reason to scream :)

Sas and Mhina :)

molly muffin
08-10-2012, 04:15 PM
Oh no. Gee, just when the tooth has been all fixed and everything is looking good. Well, maybe it isn't and she's just having a moment in time. Still if it is prednisone will usually help and she'll be back in tip top shape in no time!

Let me know if we need to arrange a scream session. We'll just get everyone together and all go at once! :)


08-10-2012, 04:35 PM
Hahahaha Sharlene, thanks for the laugh! I like the idea of a scream session :D I think we all have something we would like to scream about...so yes, if needed, I let you know so you can arrange a worldwide scream session ;)


Sas and Mhina :)

08-10-2012, 04:43 PM
Sas, I AM NOT BELIEVING WHAT I AM READING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

You can count me in on that scream session, but all fingers and toes crossed that you will not be needing it.

And that's all I have to say, because right now I am speechless!!


08-10-2012, 05:17 PM
Marianne, trust me, I was not believing what I was hearing when the vet mentioned Addison's as a possible cause for her problems, geezzzzzzzzzzz...

To make matters worse...I learned that Mhina has 2 half sisters (they share the same father) who have Addison's :eek: But she just has a lot of "vague" problems, vomitting a lot (taking anti acids already), lots of diarrea, urinating often (not lots but often), slow/lethargic/lazy/tired....and she never was like this. So, Addison's was first on the list of my vets list of possible causes. I actually was thinking more in the line of food intolerance issues but as my vet explained, that's what often happens. There is the acute Adison's and the more chronic version. The acute version is better known but the chronic version is often mistaken for food intolerance. They will now test her sodium and potassium levels first...and if they are out of line, the next step will be an ACTH test, good grief. Thought I was past that :) Again, it's too early to scream...but when needed, I make sure Sharlene invites you too for the world wide scream session ;)

Sas and Mhina :)

Squirt's Mom
08-10-2012, 05:18 PM
~~~SCHREECHING~~~ between my teeth for now...holding full blown Arkansan scream in! Southern rednecks are notoriously loud-mouthed. :p

08-11-2012, 03:00 AM
When I woke up this morning I was thinking, what is this strange noise I'm hearing...? Now I know it was you, screeching between your teeth, hehehe :D :p :D :p :D :p

Sas and Mhina :)

08-14-2012, 07:46 PM
Hi Sas,

Just wondering if you've heard any news yet re: Minah's lab results. I've been thinking about you two all through the weekend. :o

Please give our girl a big pat,

molly muffin
08-14-2012, 08:27 PM
You know it really isn't too early to scream. :)

How are things going?


08-15-2012, 02:00 AM
Ahhh sorry, the results weren't in yet yesterday :( So hopefully later today (Wednesday) I will hear from the vetclinic... If I do I'll make sure to let you know :)

Sas and Mhina :)

08-15-2012, 02:01 PM
Okay, the vet called and the results were perfect :D Sodium was 149 and Potassium was 41. So for now we will put her on a hypo-allergenic diet and see if that calms things down. But thankfully my vet agrees with me that "something is off" and she is as determined as I am to get to the bottom of it :) So once her stomach/intestines have settled down we will do an extended blood- and chemistry panel to start with and go from there... Whatever it is, we will find it :)

Sas and Mhina :)

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-15-2012, 02:19 PM
I am very happy that it is not Addison's. I hope you find it soon. hugs to you and Mhina

Squirt's Mom
08-15-2012, 02:22 PM
~~whew~~ That teeth screeching was starting to bother the neighbors especially since the pitch was definitely climbing! :p

I am so glad all is clear for now and pray it will continue as such. Hopefully, she is just helping you keep all that knowledge you have garnered over the years fresh and sharp. She does seem like the helpful type. ;)

Many hugs, sweet Sas, and belly rubs for our girl!

molly muffin
08-15-2012, 10:49 PM
yay, some good news. One thing eliminated for now. Every little bit is progress. :)
I'm sure you Are going to find out what is going on. It can be so darn confusing.


08-19-2012, 08:13 AM
OK, Sas, I'm trying not to worry. :o

But please tell Mhina that no more drama is allowed!!!! ;)

All fingers and paws crossed that the problem will soon be uncovered and VERY easily solved. :)


08-20-2012, 03:47 PM

I posted a picture so you can see for yourself...no drama at the moment, just happy times ;)

Sas and Mhina :)

08-20-2012, 04:10 PM
Oh Sas,

I have been pretty AWOL recently. Am so sorry to hear about your girl...my goodness, you do not need any drama at all.

Always my best

08-20-2012, 04:15 PM
Hi Sas.

I just saw your pictures and Mhina is a pretty girl but wow, not nearly as beautiful as you. Those are really great pictures!

Squirt's Mom
08-20-2012, 04:44 PM
Really! My first thought was - "A Goddess", followed by - "and the other one is wearing a very pretty dress!" :p

actually - it wasn't quite that way....

Reading pic left to right - Goddess, Angel. :)

08-20-2012, 04:54 PM
Actually, it was pretty funny :) I love wearing dresses, they are my kind of clothing...and whenever I wear one, I feel like the four year old again that either wanted to become a princess or a ballerina when she grew up :D So I was telling this to my help, who was there with me and she said, you wound up being a princess, they way you are sitting there :D But then I said...oh no, the jury is still out...I still may become a ballerina... And up on my feet I went and doing my ballerina "thing" :D :p :D :p

And sure thing, she took a picture of that as well...so I wrote a blog about being 50 and still not know wether I want to be a princess or a ballerina :) So I'll add the "ballerina" pic as well...that's pretty funny, me being all silly ;)

Sas and Mhina (which, by the way, I'll often refer to as Mhina Ballerina...suits her much better then me, she's way more elegant in her moves) ;)

molly muffin
08-20-2012, 07:27 PM
Wow! Absolutely love the pictures of you and Mhina!!! What a gorgeous pair you are!

Our princess ballerinas :)


09-10-2012, 01:13 AM

I want to thank you for the beautiful card....it was so pretty and so special. Also thank you for the special words. It meant so much to me. How are you doing? Your pictures are beautiful! You look fantastic! How is Mhina doing and feeling? I've missed so much since I lost my Penny and found out about this cancer. I'm trying hard to fight this but it's a brutal treatment. Going tomorrow to have blood counts checked...did five days in hospital for chemo and radiation...still doing radiation...thirty one treatments in all....another five days in hospital for more chemo.....I pray my body can handle it.

Again thank you..it was so nice of you....

Love and hugs. Cindy

Miss you Penny girl...

09-10-2012, 10:40 AM
Awwww Cindy, you are so very welcome, you deserve much more then just a card but for now, that's all I can do from here :)

I kind of know what it feels like to be so completely exhausted, to think your body cannot take anything more...but somehow we manage, YOU will manage. It's not easy and not funny but you will manage, Cindy.

And eventhough you do not feel like it at all at this time...and maybe not for a long time to come, there will come a day again where you too will feel like doing your "ballerina moves" :) You will put on your prettiest dress, feel happy and bright and will dance because everything is behind you and that you've made it through! And till that day, we all will be here with you, holding you, carrying you, supporting and comforting you...

We love you...I love you!

Saskia and Mhina :)

09-29-2012, 04:00 PM
Time for an update...

Eversince Mhina was put on a hypo-allergenic diet, she's been doing wonderful, vomitting and intestinalwise, so that's great news :)

But with those issues resolved, there were still things bothering me about Mhina. Tired all the time, sleeping lots, no more playing with her toys, not jumping in my lap (I have to help/drag her onto my lap), dragging her feet, etc... So I took Mhina to Utrecht, the veterinairy university hospital to have her seen by a neurologist and an orthopedic surgeon. An MRI was made of her back and that turned out okay, thankfully :) An x-rayof her hips was made and her hips aren't that great. Not terribly bad but not great either. (graded as HD-C)

Also a zillion bloodtests were run and they all came back great, nothing there. The neurologist send me home saying I probably should wait till Mhina's problems got worse and return... But I wasn't satisfied with that. I knew something was wrong with Mhina. So I gave her some painmedication and sure thing, after 2 days of being on the painmeds, Mhina was an entirely different dog. Happy, playing with her toys again, jumping (!) on my lap, sleeping a whole lot less, etc. So to me that proved that pain was involved. Being quite mad at the neurologist, I called her and told her about the effect of the painmedication on Mhina. (and I had quite a few other complaints as well about how Mhina was treated and the lack of them taking me seriously...which I aired) To make a long story short, I will return with Mhina to Utrecht, and she will be again seen by the same neurologist (she is the chef of the neurology staff) and this time Mhina will be seen by the chef of the orthopedic staff as well (not an inexperienced girl like last time) And this time, I will take Mhina for a 30 minute walk prior to her being seen by the specialists. Because that will bring out her problems...as I pointed out last time but they ignored it.

I suspect (also by the way she walks) that it's her hips that are bothering her. The "severity" of the x-ray doesn't have to be indicative for the amount of problems a dog experiences. A dog with horrible hips on the x-ray can still frolic around merily and a dog with moderately bad hips on x-ray may be cripple due to pain. So eventhough her hips aren't very bad on x-ray(not very good either) I suspect they are bothering her. In my opinion she would make a great "housedog" but being a service dog is too hard on her and her hips.

So we will see how it will go in Utrecht this time around, the owner of the dogschool Mhina came from, will be there as well and they all will decide at that time if Mhina can/should continue as a service dog or that she should retire. It would mean I will have to say goodbye to her...once again. Barely 10 months after Yunah died...and just being all settled again with Mhina, I would have to say goodbye to her.

Anyway, this is where we are...thought I would let you all know,

Sas and Mhina :)

Roxee's Dad
09-29-2012, 05:27 PM
Oh Sas,
I am so sorry to hear that. I can only hope that it will be something easily treatable and she can carry on in your life.

09-30-2012, 09:15 AM
Me too, Sas, I am so sorry to hear this and pray it is not Mhina's hips.

I have not posted much on your thread lately but I do check in with you.

I will be sending lots of prayers your and Mihina's way.

molly muffin
09-30-2012, 09:57 AM
Oh I really hope this is going to be something that is treatable and can be fixed. Mhina is such a sweetheart.


Squirt's Mom
09-30-2012, 10:12 AM
Dear Sas,

This makes me just so sad for you and for Mhina. :( I can barely imagine what you must be feeling. Keep in touch and let us know what you learn from the next visit which will hopefully be much better than the first. You tell them that when they mess with you and your babies, they are messing with folks all around the globe who can and will find their way to The Netherlands if necessary. ;):D


10-01-2012, 05:17 PM
Sas, I am so very sorry to hear this. I certainly hope the "experts" at Utrecht can get to the bottom of what is going on with dear Mhina. Even more I hope that whatever it is, will not stop her from continuing her life with you.

I'm hoping for the best.


10-01-2012, 06:24 PM
Hi Sas,

As the others here, I am terribly saddened to read this. Mhina is so adorable, precious and seems so loving--it just doesnt seem fair at all:(.

I do pray that Mhinas issues do not take a toll on her, and I do not know how the entire service dog process works, but would their be a possibility you would consider keeping Mhina for your "home dog" as you mentioned. I just totally feel terrible for you in having to say good bye again. I hope that will not be the case.

Please take some very tight hugs for both you.

We love you and hold you both close to our hearts.

xo Jeanette and Princess

10-07-2012, 01:56 PM
Well, today was a special day :) Mhina's "foster parents", the ones who raised her the first year, were here to see Mhina after a year and a half :) And they all were sooooooo happy to see each other again, that was just great. I will post a most adoring picture of a tender moment shared by Mhina and her forster mom :) (they now live in New Zealand but are visiting "home" again for a few weeks so this was a rare oppertunity for them to see Mhina)

Also, today I had a friend of mine, who is a canine hydro- and physical therapist (she treated both Sogno and Yunah) to take videos of Mhina's gaits. She will use a special program to look at Mhina's different gaites in slow motion as this may tell us more or point us to a more precise location of her problems. And this coming Friday, I will go with Mhina to Utrecht again...so this will be an exiting and determing week.

If she will be decleared unfit to work, I really cannot keep her since she is too expensive for me to keep. I could not give her the care she needs and perhaps may need later on. Remember she also has 2 leaking valves...so her future may be filled with vetbills. (as an official service dog I get financial compensation for her maintenance but that will stop the moment she's decleared unfit)

And apart from the financial impossibility, I still need a working service dog and having 2 dogs, with different needs is too exhausting for me...

So if she is declared unfit to work, it will be goodbye..there is no other option unfortunately...

Saskia and Mhina :)

Roxee's Dad
10-09-2012, 12:53 AM
I am so sorry Sas... I still hope it turns out for the best. Keeping my fingers and everything else crossed for you.


10-09-2012, 06:03 AM
Oh Sas!

I have been following and am so sorry to have read about the health problems with Mhina. It seems as though these came on pretty quickly - within several months or so. And she is not a senior doggie either.

My fingers are crossed that she will not be retired. Please keep us updated when you can.


10-09-2012, 07:41 AM
Sas, I am here, too, with hopes and prayers for things to turn out in the way that is best for both you and Mhina.

Thinking of you two girls this morning, and sending many hugs.

10-12-2012, 03:10 PM
Well, the verdict is in....she has myasthenia gravis and obviously can't work. We said our heartbreaking goodbye today... For now this is all I can manage to write down...


10-12-2012, 03:26 PM
Oh Sas, I am so incredibly sorry. I don't even know what say and even if I could find the words, I know they wouldn't lessen the pain of yet another loss. It is just so unfair! In the short time that we have known each other, you have had so many losses to endure and my heart breaks for you....and for Mhina.

(((Big Comforting Hugs)))

10-12-2012, 03:58 PM
Oh Sas. :( :( :( :( :( :(


Squirt's Mom
10-12-2012, 04:56 PM
Oh, Saskia, I am beyond words. :(:(:(:(:(:(

10-12-2012, 05:56 PM
I am without words. So very sorry. Sending lots of love. Bless you Sas. Kim

molly muffin
10-13-2012, 09:16 AM
oh no this is the last thing any of us wanted to hear. I am so sorry.


Sabre's Mum
10-13-2012, 02:11 PM
Oh Sas .... my heart goes out to you.

Take care
Angela and Flynn

10-15-2012, 04:07 AM

I am so sad to hear that Mhina cannot stay with you. It is heartbreaking for you both and I hope she finds another good home that will take as good care of her as you did.


Squirt's Mom
10-15-2012, 07:11 AM
Thinking of you, Sas, hoping you are finding some moments of peace.


Harley PoMMom
10-15-2012, 10:25 AM
Oh Sas,

I am so sorry to hear this and am sending tons of loving hugs.

Bailey's Mom
10-16-2012, 05:18 AM
Hi Sas-
I have just caught up on your thread and on Mhina. I am so very sorry for both of you. I am just at a loss for words.

marie adams
10-16-2012, 02:34 PM
Dearest Sas,

I too am so sorry for you and Mhina. As everyone has been saying, there are no comforting words at this time.

Sending lots of ((((((HUGSSSS))))))!!!!

10-19-2012, 08:12 AM
Hi Sas,

Just wanting you to know I am thinking about you. And sending many hugs.

Love, Marianne

10-20-2012, 09:36 AM
Okay...here I am again :) The farewell with Mhina was heartbreaking...for me especially. Mhina is very social and will do a lot better with this then I am...that's for sure :) She'll go to a very, very loving home and she'll have a wonderful life and all the (medical) care she needs.

For me it was a time of thinking and reflecting...to decide my position on how to proceed...and if I even wanted to proceed. So, I went back to the basic question...what is it I need and want? I need a dog in my life and I want a dog that can help me and loves to go with me on long walks. That was easy :)

Next question, how can I achive this? Hmmmm, more difficult sinde there are several options. 1, let the service dog school replace Mhina for anoher service dog, but to me, that no longer is an option. I have now discovered that I want a dog to be really mine...truly mine...so in case anything happens, I get to decide what happens, not someone else.
2, get a dog from a shelter...not an option either since the dogs that are in a shelter are dogs that were "ruined" by their previous owners and I lack the energy to work with a dog that has issues in the agression and dominance area's. Besides, my own preference goes to the softer, even somewhat insecure dogs... :)
3, adopt a dog from a foreign country...but that has risks in it too. I know not to rely on the description given (after all, they want to adopt the dog asap so they can have the next dog adopted)
But, I do have a longstanding and mutual well respected relationship with one organisation that adopts dogs from Turkey and Greece. If I were to talk to them and told them what kind of dog I am looking for (behaviour-, size, and agewise...appearance is not important) I know I can trust them to be honest with me. Better yet, I realised I should become a fosterhome for such a dog and have the time to get to know the dog myself, see it's behaviour, see how fast and well it learns, how much will-to-please it has, etc...and if the dog fits me, my lifestyle and the purpose I want it for, I will adopt the dog myself and train it to become my service dog. If not, it will be up for adopting anyway to find a forever home with the benefit that I can give a detailed profile of the dog, what sort of home it needs and teach it a few things in the meantime :)

So, after I had decided this was the best way for me to find a dog that fits my needs, I contacted the chairman of this organisation and she agreed...actually, was thrilled about the idea. Better yet, she already thought of a specific dog that might fit that bill perfectly. Only thing was, he is still in Dehli, India :eek: But, by some strange coincidence, she is about to go visit her girlfriend in India, who now has this dog at her house so she can see the dog for herself. She will leave half November to India and if it might be a possible match, she will bring him back with her to The Netherlands where I will foster him...and if things work out, he'll stay with me permanently :)

I saw a picture of him and he is nothing like any of my previous dogs...appearance wise :D But he is supposed to be very gentle, not macho at all, submissive towards other dogs...and that is what counts. He is from October 2011, so a year old. The poor thing has a sad story and had acid poured over him...but apart from a scar, he has healed well. And I already decided that if he comes this way, I will call him Gandhi :p

So this is where I am...still sad about missing Mhina (but secure in the fact she is doing wonderfully) but pleased with the decissions I made and that I went "back to my roots" :)

Saskia :)

Squirt's Mom
10-20-2012, 10:59 AM
Hi Sas,

I can barely imagine how difficult it was to say good-bye to Mhina. :( I am glad to know, tho, that she will have a loving home where she will get the medical care she will need.

There is nothing like being a foster mom. :) It is uplifting and heart-breaking at the same time. You can't help but fall in love with each one that comes your way and even tho you know they are going to a furever home that will love them as much as you, they still take a part of your heart with them. But, they leave a part of theirs with you. Each one has a different story, some sad, some horrible, some unavoidable, and we get to walk them through their changes into a wonderful new future. I think you have made a grand decision and hope you find fostering brings you as much fulfillment and joy as it does me. ;) I KNOW, without doubt, any baby lucky enough to come to your door will think they have arrived in Heaven for sure.


Roxee's Dad
10-20-2012, 12:10 PM
Dear Sas,
I carry a heavy heart for what you and Mhina are going thru but am happy in knowing you are carrying on in what seems to be your role or purpose in life. As Leslie said, any dog that ends up in your care is one lucky dog indeed.


10-20-2012, 07:21 PM
Oh Sas, what a whirlwind mixture of emotions for you! But I feel very comforted by what you have written, and am thinking that perhaps things have worked out in a way that will end up being "win-win" for both you and Mhina. There has been a great deal of pain and loss along the way, but I just have this feeling in my heart that this next step in your journey will bring assistance, solace, and love -- all three. :o


Bailey's Mom
10-21-2012, 12:04 AM
Hi Sas-
I am in awe of your approach and your plan....I think it sounds wonderful! I am crushed that Mhina had to go, but sometimes we don't "see" until later how things work out for the best in the end. I am looking forward to the next round of videos!!!

10-21-2012, 05:30 PM
Dear Saskia,

I haven't been around much and was devastated to read about Mihna's problems. I know it must be a comfort to know Mhina will be going to a good home and looked after but I also know how heartbroken you must be.

You have an amazing ability to break down the problem and then reassemble the parts to make it work. I hope you can find a new dog to be your helper and friend and has no medical problems. As the others have said, when you find your dog he/she will be one of the luckiest dogs in the world.


10-22-2012, 07:32 AM
Oh Sas, I am so incredibly sorry to hear all this!! I know you mentioned Mhina is such a social girl, she will be fine anywhere, but I know she will miss you too.

I hate to see that you have to start over and over again - breaks my heart.

I think your new plan is wonderful!!!! Please let us know how it progresses. You will be giving more of a life to the dogs from these places and you can become the "the poster girl" for saving these dogs :) I know it is important to find one that fits you and I am crossing my fingers this little one from Delhi will be the one.

((((hugs)))) to you my friend.

10-22-2012, 08:19 AM
You have an amazing ability to break down the problem and then reassemble the parts to make it work.

Oh, this is SOOOO true! This is a special gift, Sas, and gives hope to us all that we can overcome the challenges in our own lives. I can't wait to read your next update...!

11-04-2012, 05:19 AM
Hi Sas, I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering how you are doing...


11-05-2012, 02:38 PM
Well Marianne, here's the next update...eventhough it might not be at all what you expected. Or anyone else for that matter, not even me :)

Wednesday, the day after tomorrow, Mhina will return to me :D After the Myasthenia was discovered by a laboratory in the USA I might add, she was taken back by the service dog school and they had her checked for a thymic mass and megaesophagus. But both were negative thankfully. That puts her in the MG category of "mild generalised muscle weakness" with her only sympoms being some intolerance to excercise that improves/disappears after rest. About 85% of these cases will go into spontaneous remission. She has been put on Mestinon and is doing very well.

After we (the school, me, the neurologist, etc) learned all this (the info is hardly available here and had to come from the USA)...we decided she should come back to me :) She is still able to work, very well able even, but she should not go for long exhausting walks or work too long....but the school especially said the Mhina and myself "fitted" so well together, that she wouldn't be happier (or better for her health) if she becomes a "housedog" and that I was "skilled" enough to handle the situation with Mhina. And, there's the rather huge chance she might go into remission. And well, I missed that girl so incredably much after her departure, I was thrilled they offered me this chance :) If she's tired, I'll put her in my lap and drive her anywhere, no problem, something she would not find anywhere else...so she's pretty much better of when she returnes to me.

And so, in about 38 hours we will be reunited...after a 3.5 week seperation :) Gosh, she'll be sooooo happy, I better be prepared and go sit on the floor beforehand...or else she'll manouvre me to the ground ;)

Sas and....(almost) once again Mhina :)

Squirt's Mom
11-05-2012, 02:56 PM
Oh, Sas! What a wonderful update! I so hope Mhina does get this remission and is with you, able to do her job, for many, many years to come. The assessment by the school of your abilities to care for her couldn't be more accurate. I know you will both be ecstatic when she is back HOME! :):cool::)


11-05-2012, 03:22 PM
Yay, Mhina is coming home again!

Roxee's Dad
11-05-2012, 04:35 PM
Tears of happiness..... Great news!! I am just so happy for you both!!!

molly muffin
11-05-2012, 04:48 PM
Oh WOW! This is the best news Ever. You`re right, not what was expected, it`s Even BETTER!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Sabre's Mum
11-06-2012, 12:24 PM
WOW Sas ... what a pleasant surprise for both of you:).

Angela and Flynn

11-06-2012, 12:33 PM
Sas, my heart is overflowing at your news!! :) :) :) :) :)

I know there is never any way to predict the future, but if there was any way in which I could ARRANGE the future -- it would be with you and Mhina together from this point onward. Always and forever!! :o

I have no words to tell you how glad I am to read your update this time around. ;)


11-09-2012, 07:27 PM
Oh Sas,

I have been wanting to get to your update and did not expect this at all.

I cant tell you how happy I am, how happy, we all are and we know how happy you and Mhina are.

Mhina is coming home to you.

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D

11-13-2012, 08:04 AM
Well, that must have been the happiest reunion ever :D :D :D Mhina totally "attacked" me, it was impossible to hug and cuddle, I had to "defend" myself from her legs flying everywhere, her jumping on top of my head, etc.... And once she settled down, she crawled into my lap and fell asleep, awwwwww...so sweet :)

And now, a few days later, it's like she never has been away. We do our thing and life is good :)

We, doing our thing ;) (she hands me a roll of trashbags, I tear one off and she puts them back where they belong)

And if menopause would be so kind to subside, life would be perfect ;) But hey, who wants a perfect life, right? :D

Sas and Mhina :)

11-13-2012, 08:07 AM
Happy Days, Sas, may your and Mhina's days be filled wih much happiness and cuddles.

Such a happy post and I hope I can watch the video later at lunch today. I always love your videos. They have brightened many a work day for me.

molly muffin
11-13-2012, 08:18 AM
That is so terrific! Welcome home Mhina!

I love that video, she is such a good, well trained, happy dog. I can just see those legs everywhere when she saw you again. :)

hugs, Sharlene and Molly Muffin

marie adams
11-14-2012, 07:34 PM
Oh Sas!!!! Such wonderful news....It was meant to be!!!! Someone was sure watching over the two of you!! :):):)

I am so very happy for both of you!!!!

Bo's Mom
11-14-2012, 09:20 PM
WooHoo....GREAT NEWS!!!

Bailey's Mom
11-15-2012, 07:56 AM
What great, great news! We all needed some great news! Welcome home, Minah!!

Squirt's Mom
11-15-2012, 08:03 AM
I don't know how I missed your post, Sas! I've been waiting to hear that Mhina was back home and am now so thrilled to know she is with you once again. The reunion would have made a great video! I can just see her all over you in total joy. :D This is just such wonderful news! I am so happy for you both!


11-22-2012, 02:11 PM
We're still doing great and we both are very happy to be together again :)

Some new video's...

A new trick I'm learning her, opening the garbagebin by using the pedal:

And here we are at the pharmacy where Mhina gets me the medication from the counter and after that, at home, she gets the basket I use to store my meds in and hands me the meds from my handbag:

Here we are at the supermarket, Mhina helping me with the groceryshopping. I am particularly proud of how she follows me off leash, not paying attention to shoppingcarts passing her very closely and for not sticking her nose in all the goods :D

And here's a compilation of pictures of our walk in the forest today. The first pic was taken in the hospital...the rest is of our walk:

All our best,

Sas and Mhina :)

11-22-2012, 02:14 PM
I cannot tell you how incredibly happy I am for you and Mhina!!!!!

T. :D

Squirt's Mom
11-22-2012, 04:35 PM
I am so happy for the both of you, Sas. You look so happy together!

molly muffin
11-22-2012, 10:33 PM
Such good times. I agree, you both look thrilled to be together again!


11-27-2012, 12:54 PM
Mhina's newest "trick"...in case I spill some coffee or something (happens regularly) she can pick the (don't know what it is called, a piece of cloth to clean things up :D) from the kitchencounter, bring it to me and return it back on the kitchencounter after I am done :)

And here she gets me some mandarines :)

Mhina, of course, lacks the border collie "drive" that Yunah had, but I must say, Mhina is working every bit as well as Yunah did, which is a huge compliment to Mhina!

Sas and Mhina :)

11-27-2012, 01:09 PM
She is beautiful and is a great worker;). Thanks for sharing the videos.

Squirt's Mom
11-27-2012, 01:34 PM
I love to hear your voice talking to her! There is no doubt she is devoted to you so no wonder she works hard for you. It is great to see her back where she belongs. ;)

Oh, the cloth? Around here we call that a "rag" or "dish rag". Other parts of the country may use a different term but that's what we Southerners would call it. :)

11-27-2012, 01:57 PM
Ah Leslie, thanks. I reckon that makes me a southener now...with the dish rag ;)

Sas :)

Squirt's Mom
11-27-2012, 02:10 PM
ooooo... you just used "reckon"! Yep! You're now an honorary Southerner! :D

molly muffin
11-27-2012, 05:05 PM
Such a smart, pretty girl. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-27-2012, 05:12 PM
Oh I could not see the video - my flash crashed. I will try again later on. Mhina is such a happy girl to be back with you.


PS I love all this southern talk - especially the deesh raaag :D

11-28-2012, 05:31 AM
Quite a few years back, I knew a person from Tennessee. A musician who lost 2 fingers in an accident...and stopped playing music because of it, thought it was impossible to play with only 3 fingers left on the one hand. Well, we talked a lot and he ended up playing again, with his 3 fingers..and very well indeed :) He was so thankful that he even wrote me a song :eek: Anyway, he was a southener and the "reckon"...I learned from him, so I knew it was a typical southern word ;) He would say things like: "Plum tickled to meet you, ma'am" :D Funny "language" that southern talk :D

Sas :D

Bo's Mom
11-28-2012, 07:05 AM
:):):) Here in Texas we use "Ya'll" for you all. I don't know if you can get anymore funnier talk than that. :D:D:D