View Full Version : 120 mg trilostane pills

12-05-2011, 10:28 PM
Dechra Veterinary Products LLC announced that their company has received FDA approval to market a larger size (120 mg) of Vetoryl, their trilostane product. This is a welcome addition that will be useful when treating larger dogs with Cushing's syndrome. We now have the same 4 capsule sizes of the drug available in the USA (10-mg, 30-mg, 60-mg, and 120-mg) that veterinarians in Europe have had for some time.

Hopefully this will help some of our members:)


12-06-2011, 10:19 AM
Based on our membership and probably the general cushing's demographics, I think a 5mg capsule would have been a much better choice. The good news is that 5mg compounded doses will continue to be available.

12-06-2011, 12:32 PM
I couldn't agree more with Glynda. based on my very own personal experience with Princess, a 5mg would have been ideal for me after this trilo break. 120mg--WOW! that's aggressive IMO...


12-06-2011, 01:35 PM
I agree about 5mgs and it seems the larger dogs need less but you never know, at least we have the same choices now as Europe. I think of our Rocky at work, he is over 120 pounds, a South African Mastiff, more like a shetland pony:D:D But he is beautiful and such a gentle giant. Hopefully he will never have Cushings and it won't be an issue.


12-06-2011, 02:16 PM
120 lbssssss. Wowwwwwwww! I think Dechra will need to come up with a 240mg tablet in that case--lol. But not for Rocky, that's a lotta doggie Addy.

Xo J

12-06-2011, 04:32 PM
Actually, I've never been able to figure out why it has taken so long for the 120 mg. capsule to get FDA approval. There must have been some quirky hang-up about it. Originally, Vetoryl was marketed in the U.K. only in 60 mg. and 120 mg. dosages. So those two dosage strengths have been around the longest of all. This may be related to the fact that the drug was first available only in a human brand form, Modrenal. And Modrenal was (and remains) available only in 60 mg. and 120 mg. capsules. For veterinary purposes, Dechra ("Arnolds" at the time) later added the 30 mg. strength, and most recently the 10 mg. strength. So perhaps they are at work, even now, in introducing a 5 mg. capsule in the future. It just takes a very long time to complete the testing and approval process required by the FDA, and Dechra may or may not think there is sufficient demand to make it worth it at that dosage strength. Like you say, Glynda, they may just continue to recommend that such small doses be compounded out of larger-dose Vetoryl capsules.

And Jeanette, just to shock the socks off ya :eek:, my 65 lb. Cushpup was initially taking a 120 mg. Modrenal capsule TWICE daily back in 1993! Much higher doses were recomended at that time, and he actually started out doing very well. No surprise, at that whopping dose, we saw massive improvement in his drinking and peeing within 48 hours of starting on the med! But we did later cut back to 60 mg. twice daily, which still seems very high according to today's recommendations. So it all goes to show that there can be a very wide variation in dosing needs, even for dogs of the very same weight.


12-06-2011, 04:45 PM
Hi Marianne, so nice to see you on, and thanks for the brief history on how it all began with Vetoryl. I am curious to know what breakthroughs will come in the future for our cushpups. And yes, I know what you mean about seeing improvement on your baby on the 120mg. if you recall Princess was started at the same dose all symptoms abated within 3 days. Wow!

How are you and the labs otherwise? Would love to see an update on them:).

In the meantime, if and when you find Dechra is working on developing a 5mg, please keep us posted.

Luv ya lots and all the best.

Xo Jeanette and my sweet girl