View Full Version : Happy Thanksgiving!!

Squirt's Mom
11-24-2011, 11:53 AM
For Americans, today is a day of showing gratitude - our Thanksgiving Day.

Whatever land you claim as your home, you are all family to me and I want to thank each and every one of you for sharing a little bit of yourselves with me...and allowing me to share with you.

We have laughed together, worried together, prayed together, and cried together. We have carried each other through the darkest valleys and followed each other into the most glorious, sunlit meadows. The bond that ties us together transcends all barriers.

To me, this bond is nothing short of magical; it is rare and indescribably beautiful. I want each of you to know how grateful I am to you for your part in this magical bond we share, how grateful I am that you have touched my life. My world is brightened each day because of you.

Hugs to all!

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!

11-24-2011, 12:26 PM
Thanks for starting this thread Leslie... you are special. :D

I would like to thank everyone for their support over the years. You helped me save Haley's life and taught me about cushing's. You helped me have the strength to disagree with my vet(s) on more than one occasion when they were not following protocol. You held my hand as I lost my angel Haley and gave me the strength to fight for my dear Annie for a full year of uncertainty. Through thick and thin. Thanks for being there.

To the friends I've made as a result of being here - thank you and know I love you. You've made me a better person.

To my angel Haley - thanks for over 16 years of wonderful memories and being so loveable.

To my dearest Annie - you are the most courageous, strong-willed fighter I know and I thank you for putting up the good fight so that selfishly I can continue to love you every day.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. May you be surrounded with love today.


Roxee's Dad
11-24-2011, 05:54 PM
Thank you Leslie,

I just wanted to add that I am thankful for all the support staff that made this site possible and although I am sorry for the circumstances that brought us all here..... I am thankful that you all found this site and for the many like minded members and friends.

11-24-2011, 09:40 PM
To My Beautiful K9 Family -

Words could never express my thanks to each and everyone one of you for all you have done for me and my Penny. We all know if it wasnt for all of you Penny would not be here today. I am so thankful to all of you and so thankful I still have her with me. My heart and my blessings goes out to all of you who have lost a precious furbaby.

I wish all of you, your family and your furbabies a very special and blessed THANKSGIVING!!

Love you all very much!!!!!! xoxoxoxo