View Full Version :'s about that time....
11-09-2011, 03:02 PM
Hello -
I have started to look into adopting a new furbaby!
I have contacted several shelters, and starting looking. I can't bear the lonliness of the house - no Norman, no Bailey, No Clyde...:( The cats are too independent to care about me! LOL
What do you think?
Lynne, Angel Bailey, Angel Clyde
11-09-2011, 03:56 PM
Oh Lynne, I think this is a WONDERFUL idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Marianne :)
Squirt's Mom
11-10-2011, 08:33 AM
Hi Lynne!
I always love seeing a post from you here and this one is especially nice! What a WONDERFUL idea!! :):):cool::):) The fact that you are looking tells me you are healing and I am so glad. I can just see Norman, Clyde, and Bailey when you made the decision that the time has come for a new baby in your life and home. They were dancing around, grinning and laughing, slapping paw to hand - all over-joyed and so proud of you. And we are all excited for that baby you choose - somewhere today sits a precious baby who has no idea that they will soon be in the loving arms of one of the most incredible women on Earth.
Do keep in touch and let us know how the search is going. I can't wait to meet this new member of our family! :cool::cool:
Much love and many hugs,
PS. Trink and Brick are so proud of you for wanting to save a am I and everyone else.
11-10-2011, 10:53 AM
I think it is a very good idea Lynne.
You better keep us posted :D
marie adams
11-10-2011, 12:21 PM
Hi Lynne,
I think it is a wonderful idea also. You will be a family again!!!:D
That is what people said when we got Ella and she keeps me on my toes every waking moment.:eek::D
11-14-2011, 08:26 AM
Hello Lynne....I don't come on here very often any more....but this thread made me all teary this morning....can HARDLY wait to see who comes home to live with you and the cats!!! And I second all that Leslie and the others have already posted!
12-05-2011, 03:09 PM's almost official!! I am getting a new baby!
It's a foster to begin with, to make sure that he does ok with the cats, but.....he tested well with them, and other dogs, and's hoping!
His name is Sampson and he's a chocolate lab (Yep, Marianne!) and he's around a year old (estimated - his teeth are adult, but still sharp). He's a BIG boy - almost 96# - and apparently, very mellow. So....we will see!
He's a rescue, and he does have Lyme (no symptoms, but positive test - Clyde had that, too) so he's on doxycycline for it.
I'm hoping it works out!
Love you all,
Lynne, Angel Clyde & Angel Bailey
Squirt's Mom
12-05-2011, 03:33 PM
Oh, Lynne! I am soooo excited for you and Samson both! :D What a lucky, lucky boy! Can't wait to see pics! ;););)
12-05-2011, 04:24 PM
Did I hear someone say chocolate lab? :)
Awwww Lynne, what a wonderful decision to bring a new baby into your life and home, and a choco lab--lol. I've said this many times before, and it's no secret, I love every single breed and think they are all beautiful in different ways, but my labs have got my heart, for obvious reasons.
As Leslie, I can hardly wait to see some pics of Samson. Btw, when we adopted Princess from the breeder, we picked her because she was the mellow one from the bunch, and still is to this day. I love my laid back sweet lab.:)
God loves you and so do I.
Tight hugs to all.
Xo Jeanette and Princess
12-05-2011, 04:45 PM
I am so very happy for you Lynne!!!!!!!!!!!
12-06-2011, 09:13 PM
OOOHHHH Lynne, how exciting :D :D....I've been wondering if you were close to choosing a dog....looking forward to pics of Sampson....what a lucky, lucky boy!!
12-06-2011, 09:30 PM
Hi neighbor!!!!!!!! How wonderful a new baby for christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to see his pictures!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!! Love and lots of hugsssssss!!! Keep us posted!! Xoxo
12-07-2011, 08:07 AM
Oh Lynne, I am thrilled to hear this news (and knowing that Sampson is a chocolate lab is the fudge frosting on top of the cake! ;) ;) :D). I will be hoping and praying that all goes well during Sampson's foster visit, so that your house turns out to be his forever home. I know you will be missing all of your angels through the holidays, but now you will also be creating new special memories to cheer your heart and spirit. We will need FREQUENT updates, you hear???!!
Tons of hugs and well wishes, :) :)
12-14-2011, 01:48 PM
Sampson has arrived! He is officially a foster fail....I'm keeping him...:)
He has a few issues (of course) - he has whipworm, and he is not really a lab, although he is a retriever - Golden and Chesapeake Bay, the vet is thinking...Hmmmm.
Anyone have experience with whipworm?
Lynne, Angel Bailey, Angel Clyde and now, Sampson
Squirt's Mom
12-14-2011, 02:01 PM
Oh, Chesapeake Bay Retriever! I had a female years and years ago named Missy. She was the smartest, prettiest little thing ever. And sooooo loyal and trusting. She was very gentle and calm, too. I hope your boy has those traits I saw in Missy and I know the two of you will be ever so happy!
I am thrilled for both you and Samson, Lynne! :D
12-14-2011, 03:34 PM
Thanks, Leslie...Sampson is very smart. Actually, too smart. He LOATHES the crate, and although I crated him this morning, the dog walker could not get him back in there without forcing him, which he was not wanting to, it will be interesting when I get home!
12-15-2011, 11:37 AM
Oh, part Chessie!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
I'll bet Sampson is a very handsome gent!! ;)
I'm so sorry, though, to hear about the problems with the crate. Especially with rescues, they may have had horrible histories with being locked up or confined, so a crate may be a really upsetting place for them to be. :( :(
By any chance, would you be able to confine him within a bit larger area by setting up a heavy-duty wire exercise pen? That might not be as daunting to him as a small crate. We were able to use an ex-pen for Barkis before he became comfortable with the crate, but we were also lucky in that we have an unfinished basement where we could comfortably set up the ex-pen (in fact, we bought two and hooked them together to increase the size of his "room"). Just a thought in hopes that might be another option for him while he settles into his new home and new routine.
Please keep updating us, OK??????
12-15-2011, 12:11 PM
Lynne so happy the boy has arrived for the holiday!!!!! :DIs he a big boy??? My Penny hated the crate - we would find it down the hall with her in it when we got home - she would bang the cage and moved it and she would have a bloody nose - we took her out and just blocked her off and she was fine --- but she was a pup ---- how old is Sampson? hugsssss xoxo
12-15-2011, 12:15 PM
Hi Lynne,
I am so happy for you! Sampson sounds like a great dog and he is a very lucky boy to be with you. What a perfect mix, chesapeake bay retriever and golden retriever. I have a friend who had a chesapeake bay retriever and she was a phenominal dog; really smart, athletic, absolutely lived to retrieve.
I know you will work out the crate/confining issues with Sampson. I crated Maddie alot until she was about 7 months old. By then, I could leave her alone in the house and she was a good girl. Sampson is a smart boy, he will figure things out pretty quickly. Once he realizes that he is deeply loved and is with you for the duration, he'll be a good boy when left alone.
My prayer is that Sampson (and Maddie) live exceptionally long, happy, healthy, safe, secure, loving, fun-filled lives.
12-24-2011, 02:10 PM
Merry Christmas to you and Sampson!!!! Hugssss xo
12-25-2011, 10:47 AM
Wishing you and Sampson a very Merry first Christmas together!
01-09-2012, 12:00 PM
Hello everyone - Hoping the holidays were good to everyone :)
Sampson and I are doing well - No more crate, that was just a drama and a half - and he's going to Boot Camp for training. He's making me crazy, but that's what kids do, right?
I am sorry for being so out of the loop - I just went through some of my messages and realized how out of it I have been :( I am feeling a bit more organized and with it these I am back :) PLEASE know how much I care about you all and appreciate you all....I would not be here if not for YOU.
MUCH love,
Lynne and Sampson :)
01-14-2012, 09:06 PM
Sounds like you're having a good time anyway....just love the positive note in your "voice"!!!
01-15-2012, 02:13 AM
Hi Happy New Year!!!!! So happy all is going well for you and Sampson!!:)
Hugsssss xoxoxoxoxo
01-17-2012, 08:55 PM
Hi Lynne,
How's our boy Sampson doing? Is he behaving himself pretty well? I think about you and Sampson and it's about time for an update.
You know, I got Shiloh at the Humane Society when she was 7 months old and she had ISSUES. But with some time and lots of love they slowly ended. By the time she was 2, she was my Partner all the way.
I was running the other day and I saw a lady with a beautiful, young yellow lab. I asked her how old and she said 2. I said I have one at home the same age and she said. "lucky us!" I realized that that is 100% true. I think the same is true with you and Sampson.
01-19-2012, 02:15 PM
Hey everyone and Hey Ken - so good to see you on here.
Oh Sampson is a trial and tribulation, that one! LOL. He is now back up to 96 pounds, and he is into everything! He is still chasing two of the cats around, and he is nipping and nibbling at stuff. *sigh*....Yeah, it's awesome! LOL.
He went to Boot Camp. Hilarious. He was so exhausted when he came back that he slept straight for 13 hours. He goes again on Saturday and I keep remembering how funny it felt to think I was like a parent sending their kid to school - hoping they have a good day and learn stuff, missing them, but so grateful to have them be someone else's worry for a few hours! :D:D:eek::D
Pictures are coming!
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