View Full Version : Duncan: 11 year old Lhasa Apso (Diabetic) Vetoryl

11-08-2011, 05:01 PM
Duncan was a strong and healthy little guy until 2-3 weeks ago. He was slowing down a little this fall and had put on some belly fat, but I thought it was age related. Then came drowsiness, panting, pain when sleeping on his tummy and a few days later excessive thirst and peeing every few hours including during the night.

After a terrible two weeks of ER visits, changing vets, and tests and drugs, I know this: He has Cushngs. ( low dose Dexamaethasone tests. Elevated liver enzimes) He is diabetic - not sure which really came first. Since he started on Verirol just days before the insulin, I am not sure what is making the difference but he is feeling much better.

His pain is gone - I really never got to the bottom of that - it looked like he was having spasms? But it is better now.

I am having a rough time getting him to take insulin :( and eat in the morning before his shots. Any ideas? I hope most of you are not dealng with diabetes too as I didn't read too many issues on this site.

I am not sure about the research that says he should lead a quiet, mundane life with not too much excitement. That would not be a worthwhile life for Duncan. He loves hiking and exploring and we spend a lot of time outdoors. As a diabetic, he needs exercise too. Do you restrict your dogs execise? :confused: I took him to the park on the w/end, and he played in the leaves and really looked like his old self. He was tired afterwards ( so was I) and we didn't walk too far ( 1 mile maybe) ??? I am not sure if this will make thinkgs worse for him or if I should work at keeping up his usual activity level. My other dog is a 14 year old Peek a Poo and he is not ready to give up his walks yet. I've held it together in public until I saw him run to play with his friends - then I lost it - I didn't know if I would see him so happy again.

I am not too sure about diet. Right now he is eating BBQ chicken ( no sauce) , rice and veggies. I think the low fibre diet would mean switching form brown to white rice and cooking his veggies. ??? Any great homecooked diets? I add vitamins, glucosamine and both dogs were doing really well. He has trouble with commerial foods becasue of a corn allergy and has had dermatitis from a lot of wet or canned types. He can eat Little Ceasar's and Chicken Soup diet food but mostly I cook. He likes sweet potatoes and I read that pumpkin is good???

His hearing is not good, and this is pretty new. I have not read about this as a side effect?

Maybe that is enough questions for now. We are back at the vet tomorrow for bloodwork.

I'll keep reading older posts and hope to find some hints for living with this disease. Thanks for sharing so much everyone....

11-08-2011, 07:12 PM
Oh Delbee,

You finally started your thread!!!!! I have been looking and looking for you.:D:D:D:D

We have many members dealing with diabetes and Cushings. I know they will be along soon to chime in and tell you about our sister site K9 Diabetes.

Zoe's hearing recently got worse which seemed out of nowhere. My IMS said it was not related to Cushings unless it had something to do with inflamation in her ears and of course, dropping their cortisol worsens inflamation.

As for diet, I cannot comment because of the diabetes but I am sure others will.

Your Duncan is a year or two older than my Zoe.:D:D We are not sure of her exact age, she was a rescue.

I am so glad you finally posted and welcome, a big welcome to you and Duncan!!!!


Jenny & Judi in MN
11-08-2011, 07:42 PM
Hi Delbee: My Jenny also has Cushings and Diabetes. She required a lot more insulin until we got her cushings into maintenance. Now we are struggling with low blood sugar!

please come on over to the K9 diabetes forum. There are some picky eaters, some folks who prepare their own food, and lots of tips to make injections less stressful


post in the "your dog" forum, that is where most people look

What size needle are you using? Lots of us with smaller dogs get the smallest possible needle 5/16th with a smaller gauge (31 I think) and it makes a huge difference.

Best of luck to you, Judi

11-08-2011, 10:33 PM
Thanks - I've registered on the K9 diabetes site but I'm not in yet.
I am using 28 gauge needles, but will get some smaller ones tomorrow. That might help. He is getting better - or maybe I am.

11-08-2011, 10:50 PM
Hi Addy - Thx for the welcome. It took me a while to get the thread figured out. I'm not a blogger, so it is all a high learning curve :-(
My dogs are rescues too - Dunc was surrendered to his vet and so I have his early info. He is my younger pup as Atticus, my other dog, is almost 15.
It is hard to tell what is normal aging and what is disease.

Jenny & Judi in MN
11-09-2011, 08:12 AM
you are probably both getting better! some dogs do better if they know they will get a treat. people have used boiled chicken which doesn't seem to affect their blood sugar too much

Also, are you rotating where he gets his shot? some dogs have certain sides or areas that are more sensitive


11-09-2011, 08:37 AM
Delbee I am so glad Judi is helping. She has come so far in in such a short time with her knowledge and experience dealing with Cushings and diabetes. Proof it can be done:)

Judi, you are truly an inspiration:):):)

Looking forward to learning more of Duncan. I went to see you photo album. What nice pictures.
