View Full Version : Attention Aussie and other Herding Breed Pet Owners

10-28-2011, 01:04 PM
If you share your life with an Australian Shepherd, did you know that there is a 50% chance that your dog has a mutant MDR 1 gene, which can cause toxic reactions to certain drugs....drugs as common as Ivermectin and Imodium? Aussies, many other herding breeds, and even mixes can be sensitive to these and other drugs. Here is a list of breeds affected.

Breed Approximate Frequency
Australian Shepherd 50%
Australian Shepherd, Mini 50%
Border Collie < 5%
Collie 70 %
English Shepherd 15 %
German Shepherd 10 %
Herding Breed Cross 10 %
Long-haired Whippet 65 %
McNab 30 %
Mixed Breed 5 %
Old English Sheepdog 5 %
Shetland Sheepdog 15 %
Silken Windhound 30 %

Washington State University has developed a simple testing kit to screen for the mutant MDR 1 gene. For more information please go to their website:


Please pay attention to the suggestion that if your pet has this gene, be sure to include that info on their ID tag. Very good idea!

10-28-2011, 01:44 PM
Yes, I had Yunah tested for this defective gene and she tested positive for one defective gene. Means she inhereted 1 good gene from her Labrador mom and 1 defective gene from her Border collie x Frisian Stabij dad. And by all means, she is highly sensitive to a lot of medications. But the dogs with 2 defective genes (both an affected father and mother) are even worse of. The MDR gene prevents the toxins in medications to enter the brain. With a defective MDR gene, the toxins do enter the brains and cause neurological symptoms. Before I had Yunah tested, she reacted badly to 2 different flea/tick preventatives....drooling, loosing coordination, falling over, seizure-like musclespasms, rapid heartbeat, etc and thats when I had her tested. Yunah is proof that even mix breeds can get affected...and I agree, have your dog tested :)

Sas and Yunah :)

10-28-2011, 02:41 PM
Sas, how scarey that must have been for you to watch Yunah having those severe side effects! I am familiar with the double gene because both of my brother's big Aussie males had the gene on both sides of the family. The last big boy passed away from lymphosarcoma. The first thing the oncologist did was a run a test for this gene. Unfortunately Major could not take two of the chemo drugs that could have prolonged his life. :(

11-18-2011, 12:10 AM
I really appreciate the link Glynda. Just got Jack's results back today - he's mostly a border collie but a rescue so could have other breeds mixed in - negative for both mutations! :)


11-18-2011, 12:12 PM
Natalie, I'm so pleased that you had Jack tested and YAY for you both that the results were negative. Let's hope that information never has to come in handy.

marie adams
11-20-2011, 12:05 AM
Thanks Glenda,

I will get Ella tested since she is full blooded Aussie. I know the vet said she couldn't have the "I" portion of her puppy shots--not sure what it is called. He made sure I told the vet not to give that to her. I will check her papers from the breeder, he might of had the parents tested already.