View Full Version : 13 y/o westie with cushings - (Snickers has passed)

04-20-2009, 02:48 PM
Hi. I am glad I found the site after the canine cushings website appears to have gone down. My westie is on a 500 mg maintenance dose split over four days (1/4 tab a dose). His numbers are still a little high so the vet will run another stim test in 3 weeks.
Overall he seems to be handling lysodren fairly well. His bloodwork showed slightly elevated white cell count last week so we put him on baytril which seems to have helped treat his skin. (He had some large scabs which have cleared up). He is doing much better as we progress so I am very cautiously optimistic. Thanks to everyone on this site for all the information and advice.

Wylie's Mom
04-20-2009, 06:17 PM
Glad you found us, please post any test result numbers that you have.

BTW - I was able to find portions of two pages of your thread: ninecushings.net&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us ninecushings.net&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

If the links don't work for you, please PM me - I made pdf's of them just in case.

04-20-2009, 06:44 PM
Just chiming in to offer support. My dog was 12 1/2 when diagnosed and it has been nearly 3 years! So there should be lots of fun times ahead for your westie.

Curious what the acth results were... you said slightly high. Depending on where you are - you wouldn't want to wait 3 weeks to retest as your vet suggested. I read your threads from the old board and it looks like you have the loading instructions to read and refer to. Just making sure you know the signs of loading and to stop if in doubt.

Hang in there. This is the toughest part. Once you get through loading it is smooth sailing for most. Keep us posted.


Squirt's Mom
04-21-2009, 11:50 AM
Hi Dee,

Glad to see you and Snickers found us! :)

Also good to hear that he is handling the Lyso alright and that his skin is clearing up with the antibiotics. Always nice to hear good news! ;):)

Please keep us in the loop and if you can, and don't mind, post the numbers from the ACTH. We love details, as you know. ;)

Leslie and the girls

04-23-2009, 06:19 PM
I have read the signs to look for in loading and so far he has not shown any signs of too much lyso. I need to take him to vet tomorrow and will get updated numbers. His skin is doing better and overall he seems to be handling treatment.

Squirt's Mom
05-05-2009, 02:20 PM
Hi Dee,

How is Snickers doing? Has he loaded yet? What did the ACTH show? How is his skin? Hope all is well at your house.

Leslie and the girls

05-05-2009, 04:35 PM
Snickers is doing well. He goes for a stim test on Monday. His
skin has cleared up and he is definitely much better than when we started this process. Will post stim results on monday or tuesday.

Squirt's Mom
05-05-2009, 06:05 PM
Hey Dee,

That is all good news! :D Something we all like to hear! Thanks for sharing.

I hope Snickers continues to do well and that his numbers are right on the mark!

Leslie and the girls

05-13-2009, 03:26 PM
Snickers had his stim test on monday. He also developed another skin infection which required antibiotics. Unfortunately my vet tells me Snickers has not responded at all to the lysodren and his numbers are still high. Our vet consulted with an internal medecine specialist and an adrenal tumor is suspected. Because he has not responded to the lyso treatment at all and due to his age I really do not think surgery is an option. I had noticed some stumbling but had attributed it to the weakness in his legs. His continuous infections and lethargy are another issue. Being a cush dog he still has a voracious appetite and drinks lots of water. Things are looking a bit dicey but will post update once I have more information.

Wylie's Mom
05-13-2009, 06:04 PM
Hi Dee,

From what I've read, Snickers is tolerating the Lysodren, but the Lysodren is not lowering his cortisol levels. Could you please post all ACTH test results for us (with their dates)? I couldn't find this information. If you don't have them, your vet should have no problem giving you copies or faxing them to you.

I have a few more questions:
-Did you ever get a confirmation on which type of Cushing’s he has – PDH or ADH?
-If so, how was it confirmed (what test)?
Snickers is 26lbs
Loading phase – 250mg BID, 42.3 mg/kg/day
-How many days did you do the loading?
-What was the date of the last loading dose?
-What date did you do the ACTH stim test (after loading)?
-What were the ACTH stim test results?
Maintenance dose – 125mg 4x/week (500mg/week), 42.3 mg/kg/week
-How long after the loading phase did you start the maintenance dose?
-Has it always been 500 mg/week for the maintenance dose?

I'm just wondering if maybe he needs a re-load or different dosage. Hopefully, if you can get the cortisol levels under control, maybe that will reduce the skin infection occurances.


05-13-2009, 07:26 PM
I've got one more question to add to Susy's questions: What food is Snickers having with his Lysodren and particularly what is the fat content of the food?

A certain amount of fat/oil in the food is necessary to Lysodren to be absorbed well and we have seen cases of dogs on huge doses of Lysodren that is being given with with very low fat food and who have been apparently not responding to the Lysodren at all but when some oil or fat was added to the food the dog responded normally - to a normal dose.


05-14-2009, 10:26 AM
Snickers has crossed the bridge. He was losing all strength in hind legs and very obviously in distress. He went very peacefully at the vets office. He was a wonderful dog and with a true heart of gold. Thank you to everyone for all your help. I will check back from time to time to see how everyone is doing.

05-24-2009, 07:39 AM
This thread has been closed for posting.

Please go to Snicker's thread (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=513) in our In Loving Memory section where he will always be remembered.