Squirt's Mom
10-06-2011, 06:13 PM
Hi ya'll,
A while back, a friend of mine who shows Corgis and has one with Atypical told me about a friend of hers who was feeding her bitch a feed that had flax as one of the ingredients. The bitch stopped going into heat (estrus). My friend told her to change feeds to something that did not contain flax; the woman did and her bitch started breeding again.
As some of you may remember, I learned this spring when she went into heat that Trink was not spayed after all. It is time again but it is very, very mild this time. She must smell because Moe will sniff her pee and lick her from time to time but he hasn't one time stood at the door moaning and groaning like he did this spring - he doesn't always pay her any attention at all in fact. She has shown no signs of being receptive and there has been no need for a diaper. This has been going on for almost a month now. I admit to being blissfully ignorant of these things. :)
Trink's after-meal job is to clean everyone else's dish and Squirt gets flax lignans. I wonder if she is getting enough, which isn't much 'cause Squirt doesn't leave much, to interfere with her cycle. Any thoughts?
A while back, a friend of mine who shows Corgis and has one with Atypical told me about a friend of hers who was feeding her bitch a feed that had flax as one of the ingredients. The bitch stopped going into heat (estrus). My friend told her to change feeds to something that did not contain flax; the woman did and her bitch started breeding again.
As some of you may remember, I learned this spring when she went into heat that Trink was not spayed after all. It is time again but it is very, very mild this time. She must smell because Moe will sniff her pee and lick her from time to time but he hasn't one time stood at the door moaning and groaning like he did this spring - he doesn't always pay her any attention at all in fact. She has shown no signs of being receptive and there has been no need for a diaper. This has been going on for almost a month now. I admit to being blissfully ignorant of these things. :)
Trink's after-meal job is to clean everyone else's dish and Squirt gets flax lignans. I wonder if she is getting enough, which isn't much 'cause Squirt doesn't leave much, to interfere with her cycle. Any thoughts?