View Full Version : will be testing hopefully soon (Update: Left adrenal tumor)

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03-09-2013, 03:11 AM
hahaha thats Shysie saying, you take me back to Gulf Coast and I will steal your things and hide them under your bed!! Love her spirit, she's saying... I'm OK Mom..... (ps your floors ARE very clean :D)

03-09-2013, 02:48 PM
Just wondering if you are ok and how your precious girlie is doing


03-10-2013, 04:43 AM
I was reading back over my thread and Leslie had posted some great links about kidney information. I wanted to share them again and thank Leslie again for them. Hope this can help so many of us standing at this door......

Influence of dietary protein on renal functions in dogs - School of Vet Med, University of Penn.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1...?dopt=Abstract

High dietary protein intake does not cause progressive renal failure in dogs after 75% nephrectomy or aging. - School of Vet Med, Univ of Penn

Dietary Protein Intake and the Glomerular Adapations to Partial Nephrectomy in Dogs - Univ of Georgia, Tulane Univ, New Orleans

Effects of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in early renal insufficiency in dogs. University of Georgea, Athens

Here is an excellent website that deals with canine kidney disease:

Dietary Management of Dogs With Renal Disease

03-10-2013, 06:44 PM
Your opinion.......here is what i typed up to email to IMS
Ultrasound Questions Total of 4 at Gulf Coast (one at West Davis Veterinary Conroe )

performed on same machine?
Variances of Tech assisting ?
Interpretations by same Radiologist?
Internal Medicine Specialist view each as well?
November 2011 - March 2013 what differences are seen when (all 4) viewed together?

Chest X-Ray October 2012

Heart and Lung health compared to ultrasound March 2013 upper cavity

Lab tests blood/urine

Cortisal Level LOW 1.7 in May 2012 (November 2011 level was 4.1)

BUN 28 slightly elevated (March 2013) two months prior was 20 (January 2013 was 20)

Triglycerides slightly elevated

Information in regards to a liver enzyme that decreases as USG increases….her lab is reflecting this……..

Lipase is increased, and Alk Phos has decreased and USG increased HGB continuous increase

Thoughts on this action

*Decrease Corn Oil if not completely remove……..(need balance of fatty acids and omega fatty acids to provide ratio to sustain health of kidney, liver and heart)
*Increase Omega Fatty Acids to 1.50 ml daily (from 1.0 ml daily)
*Tumeric added (?) to help protect/clean kidneys and stop tumor growths
*Increase water added to food from ˝ tsp to ˝ Cup water
*blood pressure check bi-weekly (perhaps leasing, renting equipment and doing myself at home to have non stressed reading)

Previous Questions to Ginger Thursday March 7th she copied you
*What is causing kidney Dilation? (stone? Form of blockage?) Mineral Deposits showed on ultra sound in May I believe
*Kidney dilated on same side as adrenal tumor?
*possible invasion from tumor?
*Is dilation bilateral?
*Glomerular or Tubular disease?
*what is considered “stressors” (husband/wife agruements?)
*is this condition painful for her?
*what to clinically watch for?
*Increase offers of potty breaks?
*Decrease level of intensity of exercise? (notice charts left of duration)
*stain on shirt brought from this?

(Various concerns: renal failure, obstruction in bladder, forward wall had shown thickening, external problem to renal system causing pressure/blockage? UPC has tripled in ten months continuous increase)

Is this an accurate understanding at this point?

Sediment and USG in urine is satisfactory
Protein loss in urine not blood
She has Chronic Kidney Disease likely Stage I involving Renal Proteinura, it is not clear if Tubuluar or Glomerular

Steps to diagnose this full urinalysis with UPC free catch, this was repeated one week later, then again approx one week later via cysto, additionally blood pressure was taken one time during visit (no ratio ) reading 168 which was found to be acceptable (no hypertension) since she was in doctors office and additional double cavity ultra sound performed, vaginal swab as well.

03-10-2013, 06:52 PM
ohhhh nooooo i cant get links to work i reposted. :(

molly muffin
03-10-2013, 08:53 PM
I fixed a couple of the links that I could find updates for.
However, if looking for specific information it would be a good idea to use the PubMed site, include Renal, Diet and Dogs in your search criteria.

I was reading back over my thread and Leslie had posted some great links about kidney information. I wanted to share them again and thank Leslie again for them. Hope this can help so many of us standing at this door......

Influence of dietary protein on renal functions in dogs - School of Vet Med, University of Penn.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1941208

Effects of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in early renal insufficiency in dogs. University of Georgea, Athens

Here is an excellent website that deals with canine kidney disease:

03-11-2013, 12:39 AM
thank you! do you think the notes and questions look okay?

03-11-2013, 04:48 AM
I think your list looks fine! Seems to be all in order, good luck in getting a response. Have you asked local vet if they have heard anything? Maybe IMS is sending report to them?

03-11-2013, 07:25 AM
Your questions look very detailed, I really hope they give you some answers today (as I am sure you do)

Thinking of you both, hug for you and a kiss and belly rub to Shysie


molly muffin
03-11-2013, 06:37 PM
Hi, checking in to see if you found out anything today. I thought the questions looked really good.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-12-2013, 04:37 PM
Hey Skye

Just checking in on you and your sweet girlie, hope you are both ok??


03-12-2013, 07:10 PM
someone please please please tell me why the doctor has not spoken to me more or answered questions....he did answer like 6 questions but not near all of them. is it because of what other general vet started with drama there?
An ultrasound of the abdomen was performed. Only abnormalities will be discussed. There is reduced
corticomedullary definition within the kidneys, as would be expected for a patient of this age. The
right adrenal gland is 8.2 mm at the cranial pole and 5.7 mm at the caudal pole. The left adrenal
gland is not seen. The liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, and abdominal lymph nodes are within
normal limits.
Possible right adrenal adenoma. Ultrasonographic evidence of chronic renal disease

03-12-2013, 09:44 PM
The post above is her most RECENT ultrasound report.....this is the report she had in October. What i dont understand is why I was only told of mineral deposits in kidneys that is normal with senior dogs.........because the report warrants investigation and further explanation. AND to boot........appears a divorce is likely in my future. Could I fail Shysie any more than I have??? I dont think so.
Report from October
An ultrasound of the abdomen was performed and will be compared to previous ultrasound
performed in July 2012. Small hyperechoic Faintly distal shadowing foci are identified within the left
renal diverticuli. The caudal pole of the right adrenal gland is 5.8 mm, the left 3.5 mm. The pancreas
is isoechoic to the surrounding mesentery. The sublumbar lymph nodes are not enlarged. There is
mildly reduced corticomedullary definition within the kidneys. A small amount of fluid is seen within
the duodenal lumen.
Unchanged renal diverticular mineralization within the bilateral kidneys consistent with chronic renal
disease. Persistently prominent but normal sublumbar lymph nodes. Normal size of the adrenal
glands does not rule out the possibility of pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticocism as the etiology
of this animal's metabolic hepatopathy. Mild duodenal ileus. There is no active evidence of
pancreatitis at this time.

molly muffin
03-12-2013, 10:29 PM
oh dear. This is so stressful for you. Do you mean to say that the ultrasound was showing consistency of renal disease and no one mentioned it to you?

I always post my labs like an ultrasound report on here for the others to look at so I don't want to tell you anything that is off, but it is very strange that this wouldn't be mentioned before now.
Of course her labs show that this is still in a treatable stage right? Baby steps, this is all very overwhelming.

I don't know why the doctor wouldn't have answered more of your questions. You emailed these to them?
I thought the IMS and group at the hospital was generally very good communicators?
Will they come up with a treatment plan with you that takes into consideration all of Shysies issues?

Oh sweetie, it really sounds like you need a great big hug right now.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-12-2013, 11:10 PM
i am so sorry for all the stress you are goin thru with your litl one...i think by the time all is said and done we can all apply for our vet license...this is truly a wonderful place for strength,love and knowledge and grateful how we all support each other !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox

Simba's Mom
03-12-2013, 11:25 PM
Simba and I sending hugs too, lots to process. We are here for you and your fur baby.

03-12-2013, 11:26 PM
In October he said forward bladder wall showed thickening likely from all the recurrent bladder infections she had endured, and that her kidneys showed mineral deposits. Never, NEVER was it mentioned chronic renal disease. I am just SICK about this. SICK. I cant even speak how i feel about reading the report. I have no idea of any treatment plan other than what steps could be taken in future. But NONE that i have been aware of are in the makings. I have fought soooooooooooooo hard for her, fought to be heard.......now i indeed know what it is like to have no voice....I dont understand, i just dont understand WHY this had been handled this way. I have clearly not presented myself well as a voice for her. FOUR MONTHS ago already this was in the making! FOUR MONTHS with continuous worsening conditions obviously. How could i have NOT requested those reports, foolish am i. foolish.

Simba's Mom
03-12-2013, 11:34 PM
Oh hon, you are not foolish, how would you know what to ask about, honestly this is tough and you are doing a great job with your fur baby. From what I have learned on this site, I go armed with questions for the vet, but I still miss some important ones I'm sure. Try to take some deep breaths and remember you are not alone...

03-13-2013, 12:16 AM
I think this must have first been noticed JULY. I dont have July's report.....but the wording in the October report indicates it was seen then

03-13-2013, 09:01 AM
Hey Skye

Sorry I haven't been in before now, work has been a bit brutal.

I am sorry you haven't had the contact from the doctors you were expecting, you shouldn't have to second guess all these reports it is their job to interpret the findings and inform you.

I have no idea why they wouldn't be speaking to you right now, all I can think is that someone maybe on leave and they didn't think about that when they last saw you. What communication have you had from them? Is there like a practice owner or someone of a similar position that you could get in touch with to discuss the next steps?

I can sense how much your are breaking your heart over all this but you are not to blame for anything. You have tried to do so much for Shysie.

I hate the fact that I can do no more than offer words at this time.

Take care, big hug


Squirt's Mom
03-13-2013, 10:20 AM
Dear Skye,

You stop that right now! I do not like Texas you do not want me to drive down there! By the time I spent 3 days trying to get off that dang loop in Dallas I would not be a nice person. :eek::p

Now you listen to me, honey. If there has ever been a mom who gave her all to her baby, it is you. If there has ever been a mom who tackled difficult situations to learn all she could to help her baby, it is you. If there has ever been a mom willing to go the extra miles for her baby, it is you. If there has ever been a mom who stood up and fought her greatest fears for her baby, it is you.

Sweetheart, you have done nothing, nothing, wrong.

As much as we can learn on our own, we are still not vets. No matter how much more we may seem to know than some of the vets out there about canine Cushing's and other conditions that affect our babies, we are still not vets. The vets we work with are not our peers and somewhere in the recesses of our minds, we know this. So we still trust their expertise, we still trust them to tell us what we need to know, we trust them to do their JOBS. Sadly, vets are only human and as such they make mistakes. And this is their mistake, not yours. I cannot imagine that these docs weren't aware of your intense involvement in Shyie's care and were not aware that you always get copies of test results. They were aware. They did know. And they failed to give you the info you needed. It was YOUR mind in turmoil, YOUR mind that was overwhelmed, YOUR heart that was quaking....they were not in your shoes and did not have the added pressures you did.

When Squirt had her first ultrasound that showed that tumor on her spleen, I never thought to ask to see the film. I had no idea how to read them so it seemed a moot point. After the second US - FOUR months later - they told me about the tumor and that it had been clearly present on the first US. When they showed me both films, I could see the tumor on the first one as well as the second. The IMS who did the first US just didn't deem that tumor worth mentioning. :mad::mad::mad: And I have never forgiven HER for that...and I don't know that I ever can. :o She put Squirt at extreme risk in my mind and that is inexcusable. But she was leaving that practice going to another state and just couldn't be bothered. :mad: I was ignorant; I misplaced trust in that IMS; but it was not my fault that tumor had an additional four months to grow - it was her fault all the way. However, it took me a bit to reach this point, to stop blaming myself for not knowing. I was very angry about the whole situation but I also felt guilty, somehow responsible.

Neither of us is responsible for these situations with our baby girls. ;)

So you put that guilt crap in the trash and take it out to the curb where it belongs. It is not yours to own.

I know you are going to buckle down and do the Skye-thing - learning all you can about kidney function, CRD, and anything else Shysie may need, fighting for her every step of the way. And we will stay by your side. You raise that pretty chin, grit those pearly teeth, lay back those pert ears and dig in. :)

Many hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the gang

PS. I am really sorry to hear about your personal troubles but if hubby can't see what a lucky fellow he is, then....

03-14-2013, 12:02 PM
Hey Skye

Just wondering how you are both doing, hope you are ok?


03-14-2013, 01:18 PM
Skye, Leslie has spoken very well wise words and her points are well taken. We are not vets and why do we have to be vets? We and our pups pay the price for their incompetance but it is not our fault.
And trust me, the next clinic and the next one after that will somehow let us down too.

Think of all the errors in human medicine. Why would it be any different for animals?

I still have not heard back from my IMS. It blows my mind they can be so great about Zoe's surgery and then just drop the ball and ignore me. So it is not just your vets, sweetie.


03-15-2013, 01:35 AM
okay going to try and update best I can, lol, Shysie's nutritionist is adjusting the omega 3's slightly. She is will reduce protein if warranted after next testing in less than a month (heads up.....another road trip, lol) What will be tested is cortisal levels, yes i am going to take 3 days of urine in just in case they decide to do urine pool, cysto for urine on protein etc. and i am sure upc, blood pressure. IMS doctor did say sorry for delay, radiologist had difficulty obtaining reporting and then he was gone and didnt have a doctor follow up like he had planned. (okay so i have more gray hair and less hair over all but okay, lol) He did spend over an hour visiting with me on the phone and we covered alot of things but of course not everything as i see now, and will follow up on them at her visit as my reseach indicates further testing into Hyperadrenocorticism health has showed mineral deposits in kidney, urine, 2 eye ulcers, proteinura, low USG and commonly secondary to adrenal tumor so has me wondering......... He said radiologist always alert to every detail which they should to any and every abnormalities, and the doctor has to look at the over all case...the clinical, the exam, the labs and u/s. And take what the reports say and apply to patient. So as far as her adrenal gland remaining, the function is normal and some animals glands appear normal but the function is not. So the function of the kidneys.....all the labs etc, and over all the function of her kidneys at this point is fairly well, not what it was, but over all fairly well. They are meeting the demands of her body. She is in Stage I Chronic Kidney Disease. She is losing protein in her urine. Her blood values are good for kidney function at this point. He also is hoping this protein loss disapates (oh my Lord amen yes go away!) and he is wondering if it wont since her creatinine in her blood level is okay meaning her kidneys are functioning to filter blood to make urine. She is not on any kidney damaging medinices though some might trouble liver though i am not sure....i need to ask about that one too. No UTI in u/s or labs, and he is satisfied with her b/p and contributes it to being high due to adrenline, if it continues then he will condsider adding b/p meds to manage that. But feels not to do that without consistant readings of being high and allow room for the stress/adrenlin of it being taken. I know when she plays her tongue changes color....not ghastly but it does change though if i played as intense as her i know mine would too...still i am going to mention that again. He noted that u/s are a spot in time so one thing i asked about was radiographing findings was small amount of fluid in small intestine that can cause gas, intestine isnt as contracting as forcefully as it should, bloating, cramping etc. She may have it at that point what causes it inflamatory 2ndary to pancreas or small intestine. Not continous though. Radiologist have to make every detail aware just incase it is important about the anatomy. Mineral deposits are condition related to chronic kidney disease (i know he talked to me about the mineral deposits but i did not know that was related to ckd, i understood that was "normal" for seniors and ckd it me imo is NOT normal...) and then the most recent u/s reflected loss between layers in kidneys and not mineral deposits and that is also related to ckd. so i am wondering if that mean it advanced slightly? or does that mean it is advancing slightly and its "normal" for her age bracket? it confuses me. I guess because of the urine she is placed in a stage of ckd, but hopes that she can be removed from this stage and then it takes it back to being normal for her age. Oh goodness is that a mind twister or what. And again he stresses that you take what the report says and place that into the big picture of patients case. This to me, is where are clinical reports to them is so vital and helps them place all the pieces in place, even if we turn hysterical. i know of course we dont do that. (looking all around twirling hair lol) Then he also referred to her stage as low chronic kidney disease, does she have that, yes she probably does....is it effecting her kidney function not at this point, how do you treat.....make sure your not doing anything to increase damage to kidneys such as meds or over seeing another disease that is active in the body and the liver would be harmed at this point we cant do that. (I am not sure i understand the last part of we cant do that...I need to review notes again. lol. and again, lol. CKD can happen just as the organ ages, low level bumps and lumps over time that add up can cause ckd as the organ ages.
And my husband and i.....we are still here together, i cant say that it is worked out so it will not continue to fester as it has for so many years.....I am glad he has not rushed out to file, and is thinking this through.....when i am at a cross road and i am not forced to turn....and i dont know what to do....i remain still and listen and breathe. Even if its listening to stillness....that in itself is something and time will lead the direction to go. I know i am hoping together we go forward. I took my vows very seriously and my promise. I have failed to do so in the past, and have been given another chance to be a wife to a man, I knew given that chance again, I would give more than i ever thought possible in strength and courage to see the toughest time through. Maybe not gracefully....that will take more time. SO!!!! as you can clearly see......all of your wings have carried me through much more than you could ever ever know. and know that each and every day.....you are thought of and i thank God for you.

03-15-2013, 08:36 AM
Gosh sweetie, I sure wish I could come on over and spend the day wiping away the worry and guilt and all the bad things.

I'm up for a road trip anytime so count me in.;);) I think Mel and I just decided to keep a spare suitcase at the door for emergencies:D

Crossroads can be tricky to navigate, especially when we are stressed out and upset. We are always here for you to hold your hand down whatever path you choose.

Beautiful Skye, no stormy sky but one filled with sunshine and rainbows with a pot of hope at the end, white fluffy clouds and no dang flying monkies because girlfriend, we are not going to OZ, unless we find the ruby slippers.

love ya sweetie, I think the update you gave is hope for sure!!!

molly muffin
03-15-2013, 05:25 PM
hi Skye, I agree with Addy your update is full of hopeful things.
Individual specifics can be a lot scarier than the whole picture once it is put together.
There are so many challenges in life, not just in taking care of our little ones who depend on us so much, but also the toll that this can add to relationships, can be very stressful. It is an added challenge to what is just normal life stuff.
I hope that makes sense.
I know that you are strong and that you can do whatever is needed to find the inner peace that we all need.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-15-2013, 06:53 PM
Quick post to u!! Not forgotten just blardy Internet issues!! Will post more tonight when connection better, no tongue colour changes noted on Flynn tho. Glad u finally got yr chat with vet, will be back later with more xxxxxx

03-15-2013, 09:26 PM
And you know that is one thing that has held my husband and I together for the most part......is Shysie. Do you know that nearly with every thing he has been by my side with her, not ALL but almost all, and that is beautiful to me. When she had her adrenalectomy he took an entire week off work!
he is a good man........he really is, you would melt if you saw his eyes, everyone does lol. And tell me WHY do men get beautiful LONG CURLY THICK eyelashes and i use a tube of mascara each morning!!!!! lol i am glad he is thinking this through, and I am glad i learned to remain still when i dont know what to do. lol
On someones thread something was mentioned about insurance....i cant remember who thread that was....but you know what.....we actually do have pet insurance and it is amazing beautiful wonderful and has helped us save her more times than once. 5 ultra sounds so far, 4 surgeries, pancreatic ICU several days, countless blood and urine tests, 4 specialists, medicines, etc. i would think over the last 16 months we have easily hit over 15-20 thousand in expenses....(right? i dont know actual dollar) but having this insurance has been a HUGE blessing and highly recommend it. I researched countless companies before chosing, and feel awesome about this one. :)
sending you each warm heart felt hugs..........and kisses on snout to all the babies.
so very very very very grateful for each of you.

03-15-2013, 09:29 PM
can you hear her eating??? LOL!!!!! i love listening to her eat...LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Uo1s2ZmgaZ0#!
this was last evening.

03-16-2013, 01:14 AM
Can I hear Shysie saying "Oh Mom... be quiet while i eat my pumpkin!!" hahahaha You feed her on the carpet?? Flynn would have had half that all over the place!! She is sooo cute Skye :D:D:D'

I love your story about seeing pawprints in the sand, unfortunately my beach is stony!! Here is a video of a little action down there last week, it is not a swimming beach at all!!


BUT our holiday beach tomorrow is beautiful sandy and safe for swimming not that Flynny will go near the water!

I am very glad to hear that Shysies CKD is in very early stages, she is going to be with us for ages yet!! As is Flynn, but it is weird they have many of the same symptoms, adrenal tumours, kidney problems, waiting for vets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We you and me and her and him are going to keep on battling aways, because that is just what we do!!

You take care Skye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-16-2013, 03:31 AM
All packed and ready to go...

Hang in there Skye you are doing all that you can and then some


molly muffin
03-16-2013, 10:52 AM
Awwww, Shysie is adorable. So cute. :) Really likes the pumpkin! :)

That is wonderful that your hubby has been so supportive through everything that Shysie has gone through. That is such a big help to have that support. Hugs ! Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-16-2013, 12:58 PM
Hope all is well with you both. It is wonderful that you have a good man that is so supportive. I hope your baby continues to improve for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers .God Bess you all.

03-17-2013, 10:07 AM
So cute! She sure loves that pumpkin! I hope things will continue to improve for both of you!!!

Julie & Hannah

03-17-2013, 01:10 PM
She is just too cute:):):):)

I hope things are more hopeful today:):):) Im glad you and hubby have a good common bond!!!

Keep the faith, sweetie.

Simba's Mom
03-17-2013, 03:10 PM
Loved the video or her and the pumpkin eating, thanks for sharing, take care!

03-17-2013, 05:08 PM
Hey there

Your girlie is so precious, I watched the one of her with the tennis ball, she loves to be destructive then :eek:

Hope everything is good with you all


03-18-2013, 11:29 PM
LOL oh goodness she does love the tennis balls. she has couple on the you tube of her bobble ball.....sadly it has broken. she went CRAZY NUTS over that. I am going to try and get her another one.
i LOVE listening to her eat. LOL makes me smile and I find it so endearing.
She eats her meals in her food dish and holder that is on tile, lol it is crazy rice throwing time on meals lol!!!! its like a wedding! lol. But her evening snack....well.....i guess i think of snacks as special time in front of tv. lol.
she does really well at not getting it everywhere even if she stands in her dish licking it clean. goodness I love and adore everything about her.
I think Shysie has actually helped keep him and i together. He is not all that crazy about her....or small dogs in general, but he sees what she means to me, and he knows she keeps my heart beating. She is my everything I hold near and dear to my heart here in this world. She is truly a gift to my life, as I can only hope to be just as special to her. She has actually saved my life twice, she has been amazing from day one. She takes my breath away with her beauty, with how she lives life, how she embraces every moment. she is my eyes to see beauty, when mine cant. She is my strength, my every smile, she gives all she has each and every moment, i can only hope to be a fraction as amazing to her as she is to me. :)

03-19-2013, 04:54 AM
Awww maybe he wants to be some of those things too :) Hope all going good with Shysie this week, love her videos too. I want to put some up, do I have to sign up on youtube for that, or can I do them via facebook?

Have a good week you two!! xxxxx

03-21-2013, 05:41 PM
Hey there

Just checking in to see how you all are? Hope everything is ok...


03-21-2013, 11:29 PM
seriously hoping this is nothing to worry about........any input? with her new challenge in place (chronic kidney disease) was a bit worried to see these things.......https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.437607592994349.1073741826.174750042613440&type=3

Trish.....lol.....well......i dont know if my husband would really like to be those things......its complicated to say the very least. lol

Squirt's Mom
03-22-2013, 08:51 AM
Mornin' sweetie,

By the time Squirt was 10, she was getting all kinds of spots, lumps and weird growths on her body. I would run into the vet in a total panic only to be told it was nothing more than a fatty tumor or age spots or old lady warts. Freckles on her belly were the first things I noticed. She has a soft lump on the very top of her head that has slowly grown over the years, all the hair coming off of it, that I have been waiting to rupture. I don't know if canine scalps are as full of vessels as human's are but if so, it's gonna be a big bloody mess if that thing does rupture. I tell myself I am prepared but I know better - it will be absolutely NUTS around if that ever happens. :eek::o:p The area around the adenoma that ruptured recently was black, black, black - scaring me no end but doc wasn't concerned at all and sure enough as that spot has healed, the color is returning to normal. I hope your concerns about the freckle and tongue spot turn out to be like all of my panic moments - no big deal.

Hang in there, Mom!
Leslie and the gang

03-24-2013, 12:20 AM
Yep Flynny is the same, poor boy has me picking at them sometimes if I think it will help drain them. When he was at the pet hospital they stuck a needle in about 7 of them, some I hadn't even noticed. All lipomas. I had them removed last year, but a lot have grown back so not real keen to put him through any more surgery. Although he has one near his front shoulder that may need to be done if it interferes with movement. Maybe she bit her tongue somehow... Mum used to put baking soda on ours if we did that!! Hugs for Shysie and you too xxxx

03-24-2013, 07:20 PM
Hi Skye, checking on you and Shysie. Jasper has 6 or 7 lipomas that we have had aspirated, and several other sebaceous cyst bumps, and a couple of small wart like bumps. As they get older it seems like these things develop. I always get them checked to be sure, I do think that is always a good idea. Most of the time the vet takes one look and says it is nothing to worry about. She always aspirates the lipomas and looks at the cells under a microscope to be sure about those. Hope you are having a good weekend. Hugs from me and Jasper.

03-24-2013, 11:44 PM
thank you everyone for the hopeful thoughts. This is weird like, not really a lump, wart, or tag, its just weird. I dont know. I am sooooo hoping this is nothing....she has a full plate. She was poohing today and bam! right leg just gave out but she sprang it back up as soon as it happened. I felt so sad for her. broke my heart. Maybe she lost her footing, or slipped, she is the creeper as poohing. lol. so cute. everything she does is cute. her little winders are cute. love every part of it all. because its her. I know I know...only a mom can say those things. lol. She seems to be doing okay, and i am so grateful for that. Sorry to all...I have been busy running running running, lots of clients scheduled, which is great!!!!! will help me provide for her. Just I miss her terribly much each and every time away. I hope everyone is doing okay..........I havent gotten to check the threads in couple of days. I carry you all in my heart.....please know that. And you will never know how much it means to me to see notes from you all on here. It really gives me much needed strength. your incredible. thank you so much. OHHHHHHHHH by the way............we got road trip! we leave Sunday March 31st likely by 8pm. We see IMS at 9am Monday the 1st. Can every one make it???

molly muffin
03-25-2013, 07:56 AM
You bet we'll be there. I'm positive that Addy and Mel's bags are already packed and by the door.

Hang in there, you're doing awesome.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-25-2013, 06:15 PM
Totally packed and ready to go

More snacks this time as we eat lots when anxious/stressed/impatient

Hope you and Shysie are having a great day today


03-25-2013, 07:06 PM
For sure more snacks, especially of the sweet nature, right Mel?

Packed and ready:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

molly muffin
03-25-2013, 08:39 PM
Sweet and Salty! Oh and coffee. Lots of it.

Ready to go here too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-25-2013, 09:28 PM
oooooooo, oh ya, sweet and salty, good stuff:D:D:D:D

and buckets of coffee, I start getting tired those last 20 miles or so

wish my granddaughter would have applied to Rice University, we could have stopped to visit :D:D:D

Not sure if Susan is coming, she was not to keen on that air mattress ride the last time. I think Leslie said it was her turn to try that wild ride out. I think I wouldnt like all that wind in my face, allergies, ya know;););)

Simba's Mom
03-25-2013, 09:39 PM
Sending hugs to you and Shysie (love the name) have a good trip!

molly muffin
03-25-2013, 10:00 PM
ugh, that wild ride makes my eyes so dry. Soooo windy! And driving past some of those cow pens..well.. it is Texas. Still you'd think that they route the roads further away.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-29-2013, 03:52 AM
Hello there

Just wondering how you both are? Hope everything is ok and that you have had an uneventful past few days

Big hug


03-29-2013, 05:53 AM
You have my heart and my best wishes. But you already know that...


03-30-2013, 01:44 AM
Ya'll make me smile and you seriously have no idea how much i needed that.
I think shysie's little tongue is looking better, the small black area is same so least it has not changed or my eyes are to tired.......but i am hoping and praying for the nothing has changed and all this is nothing. AND they did increase her Omega 3's so i am sooooooo hoping this all will settle and fade and that this was a cause of her needing more Omegas 3. If that is even possible. i dont know. i got my list of questions ready.......lol. And the nutritionist is standing by for tests results to see if any further diet changes need to happen.
here is my list...I think I added a few more than whats on here...lol
*Right side, Back of Rib cage area, where she is shaved from ultra sound,
****Black Bump

*Blood Pressure Check
*Should we try and see if insurance will cover device for home check of blood pressure? (pre-auth form)

*Cysto (checking protein loss in urine, creatinine levels)
*Cortisal levels (urine pool?)

Any blood work needed?
*Pancreas levels? (slight diet change, possible more to come)

*Right Adrenal Gland
ultra sound stated growth, how is it known it is a non threatening growth???
Risk of harm to Vena Cava?
Other organs?

*Hyperadrenocorticism concern……..
2 indolent eye ulcers
History of UTI’s
Mineral deposits on Kidneys
Secondary to adrenal tumor

Back 1/8 (?) seems like there is wasting….also know she is tone….but seems “soft”

*Forward Bladder Wall shading area……..any concern what so ever with bladder? Liver?

End of March, her activity level and intensity decreased and noticed evening panting…..weather has been warm(?)

End of March once in morning poohed, scooted, then poohed again

End of March Right leg collapsed when poohing, but she recovered on the leg quickly

Possibly also saw couple strained pee’s

Tongue had “fork” on tip with ulcerations (pictures sent) She did have Front line applied approx 24 hours prior to this

Thoughts on Double cavity ultra sound…..

Did you ever view chest x-ray that was taken in October?

They called today to confirm her appointment with the Techs......i said wait...techs only? not doctor?? they said no just the techs. Oh goodness...but freaked out on that but got it so we can see the doctor too. I was like okay so need to travel up nite before appointment and staying at hotel because there is no way for her to hold her bladder all excited on a road trip of nearly 2 hours in high traffic, and that I had to decline couple of clients of pet sits which i never like to do as that is my income to support myself and her, not to mention i certainly do not want to lose any clients i love them all and care a great deal about them and their furbabies, and that I had some questions, and areas for doctor to look at, then she mentioned that the plan of action was to possible add ace inhibitor for hypertension and I said hold on....i was under the understanding there wasnt any hypertension and that it was adrenalin that caused slight elevauation and I cant remember what else she said right now...but I was thinking hold on a minute....are we all on same page here? did I misunderstand? I need to have clear understanding here......
so i will definitely confirm my understanding with the doctor Monday. I feel pretty good about I did understand as I had spoke directly with the doctor. And at moment there was not going to be meds added and hopefully they wont be needed. When i did speak to the IMS he spoke to me for a great deal of time and I so appreciated that. He really tried to help me understand and get a grasp of things and I am not the fastest one to learn things. lol. And he didnt make me feel like i was being bother which meant alot to me.
okay so we got snacks and extra snack......good. and lets get double extra. lol
drinks.......who has drinks patrol??? and music? lol
who is taking the mattress? i think a party bus is the way to go whose with me?
Janis.......my dearest friend.........we carry your heart with us each and every day.........as you carry ours with you.
angels...........love you all so much, ohhhhhhh guess who is giving you booty wiggles...........(no its not me, its okay to look.....lol!!!!!!!) Miss Shysie is ready for potty break and is kissing and booty wiggling like moooommmmmm i need to GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOL Dear God I love her so. Greatest amazing blessing........this little girl, and all of you angels.

03-30-2013, 02:06 AM

your post made me smile:)
Good luck!

03-30-2013, 03:44 AM
HI Skye - here's my 2c worth!!

I think I would add renal panel to the list, plus blood proteins like albumin and also cholesterol.

Good luck on Monday, me and Flynn will be with you in spirit thats for sure!!

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-30-2013, 07:03 AM
Leslie is doing the air mattress this time
Mel is bring sweet snacks
Sharlene is bringing salty snacks
I have buckets of Starbucks ready to go
We are dragging Sharon out of the house but she gets to ride shotgun this time and will be navigator since our GPS broke

okay, we all have our assignments:D:D:D:D:D:D

we still need volunteers to make a few sandwichs

Squirt's Mom
03-30-2013, 10:15 AM
A party van?!? WOOHOO!! :p:D:p And we're letting Sharon ride inside this time? Good! It took forever to get the bugs and tangles out of her hair last trip! :p

Sounds like you have your ducks in a row as usual and with Trish's additions, you should have all the bases covered! I sorta pulled a "Skye" with our vet this week - I want to know about EVERYTHING .... NOW! :p See, you inspire in many ways, dear! ;)

Oh, don't tell the techs you will have an entourage....let that be a surprise! ;)

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
03-30-2013, 11:48 AM
Making a store run today to stock up on salty snacks, chips, mixed nuts, whatever looks good in the snack aisle. Bags packed!

Looks like a good list and Trish had some good suggestions too to add on.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-31-2013, 12:06 AM
awesome we got our plan down.
Trish he did renal panel this last time. I think it was on the spread sheet i sent to you. it will say renal panel at top and the date is 3/4. and then if you scan across top further you can see other 3/4 (dates) and that is her most recent labs. it should be highlighted in bright yellow. I know i need to reorganize it a bit, ALOT on there.

04-01-2013, 01:53 AM
Look at all these sleepy little angels...thinking of all of you, reflecting over the last 17-18 months.....thank you for all the strength you give to shysie and me.

04-01-2013, 08:28 AM
shoot, we are late, what happened to the alarm clock?

who drove? where the heck are we anyway? did we stop at cracker barrel?

Squirt's Mom
04-01-2013, 09:12 AM
I'm gonna have to stay home with Squirt this trip. :( Please be careful and let us know what you learn when you can. My thoughts and prayers go with you always.

Leslie and the gang

04-01-2013, 01:44 PM
I think we are in the waiting room.......waiting

04-01-2013, 01:56 PM
Okay were heading back....course we have already taken a wrong turn and ended up downtown Houston... and now just slammed into tire threads left on highway which sounded like a machine gun hammering car....lol whew! Okay! Who had brought the drinks?pass it on over please lol. Doctor will call with lab updates tomorrow.

molly muffin
04-01-2013, 06:18 PM
Did someone say Cracker Barrel? :)

Anxious to hear how the vet visit went and of course the labs.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-01-2013, 07:17 PM
okay, back home is good, now we wait for the results.

That's always the hard part. I did like downtown Houston though;)

04-01-2013, 11:34 PM
waaaaaaaaaaay to many people and buildings and cars and horns and sirens and lights and right turns and left turns and merges........ugh!!! no thank you to the big city life. I like small towns, oh i so miss living in a small town, minus the gossip lol. But after seeing bigger cities and being in the areas I would still chose the smaller towns. HOWEVER i was a bit intriqued by the theater center and some of the art places, etc. It does have alot there. I gotta admit I was looking and thinking oh wow they have this........and over there is that.............lol

04-03-2013, 12:03 AM
no news from doctor today, so that likely means it will be next week now. sigh........and so it begins again.

molly muffin
04-03-2013, 08:17 AM
Seems like a cycle doesn't it. Like gee, didn't we just go down this road last time. Maybe today.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-03-2013, 11:19 PM
today i heard from THREE IMS. lol. Her IMS called and left message on house phone, and then one called and left message on cell and the a third called cell and i was able to answer and spoke with them. I thought that was really awesome. I knew last time the IMS felt bad about not being in touch and us having to wait. So wow talk about going the extra mile to help keep me informed. Bless them. OR maybe they thought I was neurotic enough they needed to be sure to have me informed. LOL.......nah...........surly not. lol
anyways......her labs were down to the bone basic no extras.....not even a USG. I wasnt to happy bout that and for next labs will request full urine screen. So her urine protein last time was 236.2 this time 221.0 (whootwhoot i know its super tiny improvement but i will take it and rejoice and I sure did!!!) and her Urine Creatinine last time was 159.3 and this time 170.0
really really had hoped that would not have increased. :(
so her UPC last time was 1.5 and this time 1.3
last time her blood pressure was 168 and this time 160
i also rejoiced on that.
not sure what it means with the creatinine increasing.
Her cortisol level was elevated. They are contributing that to being at the doctors. It was 10.6
I believe we go back in couple months this time to have recheck done. So....they were pleased to see this stabilizing since last check. And were hoping for the same if not improvements on the next recheck in couple of months.
I have a really cute video of one of clients.....would like to share it with anyone who would care to watch........might make you smile and perhaps laugh. His name is Bogey and he is simply adorable. Love him like my own. I have been his "nanny" since he was 8 weeks old and he is now just over 2 years old. oh he is a charmer. I try so hard to sound firm with him and he knows he has me wrapped around that little chunky paw of his. Hope this brings you all a smile.... http://youtu.be/0FULsdkG-QY

04-03-2013, 11:33 PM
That was cute:)

04-04-2013, 07:33 AM
thank you for starting my day with a smile...chunka monk :) patty(milo)meka xoxox

04-04-2013, 05:40 PM
He is so cute, what his fascination with the bath? Did make me smile when he hoofed his big bum in :D

Glad they got in touch with you, what did the IMS say about the creatine, I don't really know that stuff so I am no help!

Hope she is doing well and that everything has settled down at home for you

Big hug


molly muffin
04-04-2013, 08:21 PM
yay!! 3 IMS! what a difference from last time. I'm not of exactly what it means for the creatinine to go up and the protein to go down. It's a by product excreted by the kidneys right?

Very cute video.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-04-2013, 11:09 PM
I dont think he was thrilled to get in tub....lol.........just every thursday i have to give him bath........so that is how I trained him.....by saying its bath time, in the tub, and encouraging him to walk to tub.....then little by little stopped assisting him into tub.....when he was tiny it wasnt a issue.....but now he weighs about 80 pounds!!! and i just cant get him in and out of tub at that weight. lol. So....today is Thursday...LOL and yes it was bath day again. Cute little stinker.
I am not sure what the creantinine level increasing means either.....and the cortisal never has been that high. She was likely fairly stressed because they did cysto. So maybe that is reason for the cortisol. But I will ask and see what they say.

Simba's Mom
04-04-2013, 11:16 PM
The video is hilarious, what a cute little chunk lol, thanks for sharing! How many dogs do you sit for?

04-05-2013, 12:25 AM

I think that protein going down is good. Daisy's IMS mentioned that hers was high and that she hopes that it will lower when we begin taking Trilostane.

04-05-2013, 07:45 AM
Hi Skye!

I think the important news from Shysie's urine sample is that the UPC has decreased from 1.5 to 1.3. That is a more accurate indication of the status of her kidney situation than either the urine protein or urine creatinine levels looked at independently. Here's a copy of part of a reply that I recently wrote to Addy:

Hi Addy, here's an excerpt from IDEXX's website that explains why no lab "normals" are given for urinary protein [or creatinine] levels:

What are the reference ranges for the individual urine chemistries—urine protein and urine creatinine?

We do not have reference ranges for urine protein and urine creatinine. The individual urine protein and urine creatinine results should not be evaluated on their own since the individual measurements (UPRO and UCRE) can change significantly within a short time frame, and are sensitive to urine volume and concentration. The benefit of the urine protein:creatinine ratio is that it automatically corrects for variations in urine volume and concentration.
Since you've gone ahead and requested the UPC, that is the value that should give you the accurate assessment of genuine protein loss...

Here's a link to the IDEXX UPC page if you want to read more about the test. And yes, the UPC does give you much more accurate information than does a dipstick test (which provides those 1+, 2+ type readings). The dipstick test can be skewed by several variables that are controlled for on the UPC.


There is a difference between comparing creatinine levels in blood samples vs. creatinine levels in urine samples. Since this was a urine test, I think you can ignore the creatinine reading and just be happy about the UPC going down. :)

04-06-2013, 01:50 AM
Thank you Marianne!

04-11-2013, 06:01 PM
Hello there

How are you and your sweet girl today?

Big hug


04-13-2013, 12:31 AM
rough week. made batch of food....against my better judgement used chicken that i told my husband was to fatty or old or something....he had just picked it up and told me it would be fine. I had a feeling......next day.....i said i would go it myself but i wasnt feeding it and was going to toss batch of food and remake it. he went and it for me....so glad as sure enough, she only had one day of the batch i didnt think was suitable and holly crap!!!! the mucus in her potty was like something i had NEVER seen before. It looked like solid chicken fat. and trust me i spent along time trimming fat off the boneless skinless chicken breast. He went to different store...the one i perfer to purchase meat at and it was much better although she still seems to be having gas pains (?) from day before. hope that is all i got going on. Her pooh today was good, though she has only gone once and normally second pooh should have occured hours ago. Hoping she is okay in there. whatever is happening at moments is stressful for her as she bolts to my side, has been sitting down and wont get up, and has scooted. making me think she is gasy like and wants to pooh but the gas is holding it up. have given pepcid today is second day in row for that.
then heard from client whose babies i adore......i just saw them Easter weekend....one suddenly past away from a severed intestine. Very uncommon for adult dog. I was so heart broke. :( i wrote this for sweet flower. sharing....hope that is okay..........https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.445723598849415.1073741827.174750042613440&type=1
so been sorta rough week. worried bout my girl and heart broke. :(

04-13-2013, 04:24 AM
Hey there

Sorry to hear about your dog sit, I will take a look at her link after I have posted to you

Not good re the food, men don't have the same understanding as we do my other half often picked up the wrong thing for Tia! Hopefully cause you only fed her one batch it won't be too bad.

If her poop was already better yesterday then that's a good sign. They usually do less poops after a bad belly ache, maybe she is just stressed cause she thinks it might happen again, diarreah is not fun for human or dog :eek:

Sending you a big hug and a kiss for sweet Shysie


04-13-2013, 04:32 AM
Flower was a very pretty little girlie. Sorry for you and her parents. Hope she is running free in doggie heaven.

I will go light her a candle


Squirt's Mom
04-13-2013, 08:53 AM
:( I'm so sorry about your friend's baby. I can imagine how that hit you hard - when we spend time with a baby, whether ours or not, we get attached and it hurts us almost as badly as their parents to lose them. I hope all of you heal soon.

There has been a niggling concern in my mind ever since we switched from turkey to chicken, but more about the fat content than quality. BUT I had to throw out about a month's worth of chicken for Trink and Squirt last month; in the first place, it smelled funny - but not spoiled smelling, just odd. And it was the fattiest chicken I have ever cooked in my memory! It was so full of fat, the meat basically crumbled after cooking - almost like it had been boiled into shreds. I had to rinse the meat with very hot water after cooking to wash some of the fat out. Then Trink and Squirt both turned their noses up to an offered bite - that's when I threw it out.

How is Shysie feeling today? I hope she is back on track and bouncing all over!
Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
04-13-2013, 09:57 AM
Oh I'm so sorry to hear what happened to Flower. A beautiful girl. I'm sure you are heart broken.
Boy the food we feed our babies can sure do a number on them if it isn't just right. I cut up a chicken breast for Molly to add to her SO food and you're right. It cannot be fatty or their digestive system just seems to go downhill very fast!
I'm wondering if turkey wouldn't be better as mentioned by Leslie.
I hope this week is going to be better than the last.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-14-2013, 08:03 AM
Thinking of you, hope you are ok?


04-15-2013, 01:12 AM
i think of you all and read what you write and the support, care, tenderness, smiles and laughs you surround me with are so incredible......near leaves me with no words...and for many of you......LOL you know that is REALLY something. :)
I have picture of this one chicken breast that i threw the entire breast out, no way in hell would I feed that to anything. seriously. and i know this will not surprise many of you....lol.......but i have pictures of the pooh that followed that looked liked pure fat. I think were finally on track and I am so grateful.
I wish her little back legs didnt tremble so much when she runs and plays....happens when she stands still outside after chasing a ball. but if she repositions herself it will ease up or stop. Not sure if her endurance is lessoning or if its only the warmer weather. Course she is still very active really compared to Shaddix, min pins are crazy wild fun lol and i love that.
the back 1/8 part of her is smaller than the rest of her, granted place all things together, and I guess changes are to be expected. I dont want to over react or under react, and of course the lingering enlargement or tumor on other adrenal gland can make me nearly drop to my knees. IMS wants to watch it, and see if it changes etc as he feels it is not tumor but only enlarged since it is doing work of two. Cant it be seen the difference between enlargement and tumor?? I personally was not happy with her cortisal levels this last time.....10.6 doctor says likely from stress. They tested the cortisol in the blood.
Cortisol 10.6 range is 2.0-6.0
Urine Protein 221.0
Creatinine 170.0
Color Straw
UPC 1.3
BP 160
I dont know.....i dont know if i should question any of this like of course you all know I want to. lol
or see where were at in June. (i think that is when we will do our next road trip.)

04-15-2013, 07:14 PM
I don't know enough about ultrasounds to answer your question. What they are saying does make sense re one doing the work of two to explain the enlargement

You need to feel comfortable with what they are saying, if you don't question it.

My boys front leg has shaken since birth, I got it all checked out and they could find no cause. It doesn't bother him one bit but I hate to see it, ESP when he lies down on that one and his head shakes. Just wanted to reassure you a bit with this info

Hoping you and your girlie are having a great day today


04-15-2013, 07:49 PM
head shaking on your baby sounds like head tremors. I have client whose furbaby does that. i researched that and it cause is unknown. but i have charted it for quite awhile and i think this particular one is relating back to environmental triggers. It seems to happen when chemicals have been sprayed in surrounding yards, fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides etc.
some things i have read suggested giving small amount of honey to gum line, offering small amount of yogart, or vanilla ice cream........all of which indicates to me something with the sugars to make them stop. I dont know. they are mysterious.

04-15-2013, 07:59 PM
Sorry babe I wasn't clear

His front leg shakes constantly when he stands and lays down. It has done so since he was a puppy. He rests his head on that leg which makes his head shake. He doesn't have a shaky head

Nothing came up on any test we did and it never bothers him. I guess what I was trying to say (not very well!) is that is happens in other dogs with non adrenal issues.


04-15-2013, 11:51 PM
:) i so love the care and comfort you bring to my heart. i am grateful for you.

04-16-2013, 03:50 PM
Just nipping into say hello :)

Hope you are both well and having a good day today

Big hug, kiss for your precious girlie


04-16-2013, 06:59 PM
Hi sweet, pleased to see UPC and bp both pretty good yay! Flynn does that shakey shake too, has done forever but our babies like to copy each other don't they!! High paws for Shysie from Flynn!! Xx

04-16-2013, 10:06 PM
Trish yes they do! what is it with these two??? puppy love side by side with this journey we go. :)

04-20-2013, 10:08 PM
HI Skye

Time for a Shysie update... how is the little Miss doing? Hopefully these pups of ours can behave themselves for a while, I love watching her videos... must figure out how to do them!


04-20-2013, 11:21 PM
LOL!!!! she is a character to say the least. She took off with my reading glasses other nite and hid under bed with them....lol........she is always doing something that makes me laugh, she is a silly awesome beautiful goober.
she is eating good, pooh is healthy, resting good, playing well, and with all of that i am so happy. days when she is good strong healthy happy makes life beautiful, each and every moment of life is awesome.

molly muffin
04-20-2013, 11:34 PM
Yay, Glad to hear a good report on her and that she is having a bit of fun too! That's why we have multiple pairs of reading glasses right. hehehe

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-26-2013, 04:09 AM

Saw you online. How are you and your sweet girlie doing?



04-26-2013, 04:49 AM
Hi Skye, Hi Shysie!!

Another similarily between our pups.... Flynn stole my glasses once, he took them outside to the lawn and chewed them up. Not sure the insurance company believed me when I said the dog ate my glasses, but they paid up none the less!!

Hope all going well in your neck of the woods!!


04-26-2013, 11:53 PM
LOL our kids i tell ya. LOL. I walked into living room and caught little miss moon (her name Shysie Moon) "shopping" the top of the coffee table, she was standing on her little hind legs tippty toes, lol just sniffing and snoofing and looking all about so i made a little sound and she froze and looked up at me...LOL and i asked her if she was shopping......lol it was entirely precious. completely entirely priceless and precious.

molly muffin
04-26-2013, 11:58 PM
A shopping trip mommy! :) Didn't even have to get in the car to go do it either. I'm sure she expected lunch out too. Who wouldn't after all :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-27-2013, 12:02 AM
LOL it is soooooooo cute. Then she snags her little treasure and races down the hall, around the far side of bed, as the curtains move you can see where she is, and then under the bed. and tries to look innocent. LOL like in the video where she takes the camera bag. lol
i love her so much. so very very much.

05-01-2013, 10:37 PM
Hi Skye
Just wanted to thank you so much for all your love and support after I lost my Fella.I am just beginning to read thru all of the posts here and feel tremendous gratitude that even while so many of you are struggling with your own babies' illnesses,you took the time to send comfort and love to Fella and I.Your Shysie sounds adorable and I look forward to hearing more about her.Big hug to both you and Shysie and thanks again for being there for us.

05-03-2013, 06:20 AM
Hi Skye - you were so sweet cheering us all up on our threads and now there is nothing on Shysie!! Hoping Flynn's twinnie is going good and not stealing your glasses or anything else important like your phone! Love to hear how your sweet girl is doing :) xx

05-11-2013, 03:39 AM
Hi Skye

I see you about the boards spreading your own special sweetness and light around to everyone!! How is Flynny's gorgeous little Valentine Shysie doing? So nice to see you and hear from you!! xxxx

05-11-2013, 04:00 AM
Hello! thank you for checking in on us, sorry been mia for bit. Actually Shysie did go to regular vet today, she was due for her distemper combo and bordatella, fecal screen. I am always bit hesitant when it comes to vacs. She gets Rabies every 3 years and the others 1 time a year i believe. I would see about not getting them however she is still active outdoors in play (which i am THRILLED about) and considering our environment and how many care or lack of care for animals is around this "hood" feel likely it is better to proceed and get the vacs. One day I hope to live in a nice clean simple friendly neighborhood. One day. However as long as I am with my Shysie i am content as I can be. That is what is most important to me and really nothing else matters or seems that important. Have found nothing else nowhere else is nearly as important and meaningful as having her healthy and happy. That is an awesome feeling. Puts perspective on good and bad days for certain. Anyways, her weight is little lower, though hoping that is due to the warmer weather and increased play, her eating is good and strong, water intake within reason, normal use of potty pads, sleeps well, fecal was good, heart worm test negative, so HORRAY!!!! We go back to IMS next month, she will have full blood and urine panels and i think lower u/s to check enlarged adrenal gland as that is what the IMS doctor thinks is seen with adrenal though the person who reads u/s said growth....guess the shape of the adrenal makes it difficult to be concrete solid on which, though considering she only has one gland and its working for two it is likely enlarged and as i ramble on about this yes it does make me very very nervous at even the mere suggestion of anything growth related.
and her cortisal level when last tested was high though that was tested in office and they feel that is why.....and of course they will also take blood pressure it was at 160 is what they called it, they take it like 3 times and then take average or see if it is lowering......not sure specifically
I am bit nervous to see how next appointment goes, I am so hoping and praying we are stable and not worse in any direction at all. If anything improvements in all areas would be such a blessing. aweeee how sweet is this at this very moment....right now...right beside me (of course, lol) she is dreaming....almost look like she was dreaming that she was eating an ice cream cone......no doubt it would have been MY ice cream cone that she likely snitched from me in dream land and raced off to her secrete hiding place or under her cape that makes her invisible as she enjoyed the savory flavor of an ice cream and then expecting me to thank her for saving me from gaining weight. lol
so anyways....lets all keep positive energy and thoughts and prayers flowing for this sweet girl that were stable if not super hero awesome improved...okay...even an itty bitty improvement is like super hero awesome. :)

05-11-2013, 05:43 AM
Yep, those vets should get those words like growth or mass out the vocabulary!! Flynn coming up due for his scan in 10 days and I can feel the nerves building already too. It will be interesting to see what his other adrenal is doing too, whether it has got bigger to compensate. I will be sure to ask and let you know what the IMS says about that!

That is funny about Shysie dreaming like that! I am sure it was an icecream cone she knicked! Flynn actually did do that once, a little girl was walking along up at the beach on our walkway with her icecream, he could not help himself but he jumped up and had a lick of it, I was horrified but her parents cracked up laughing.. phew! Another time (up the beach,where else!) there were a busful of kids having lunch, they must have been on a trip out from the nearby home for people with mild intellectual disabilities. One of the young women was sitting on a fence eating chicken, she saw Flynny walking along and was all excited.. saying "Woggy, Woggy" and she leapt up with the chicken leg in her hand to say hello to him and Flynn very politely took that too...:eek::eek: he sat there crunched it up while she looked on with a little shock on her face till he went over to her and licked her hand to say thankyou for that tasty treat and then she was happy as anything... OMG could not catch him fast enough and get out of there. He was such a naughty little terrier in his youth, there have been none of those shenanigans for quite some time!

molly muffin
05-11-2013, 11:21 PM
Sounds like Shysie is doing wonderful, eating and playing and being a happy girl. I think when someone doesn't know the full history of what they are looking at it they sometimes just use what they expect to see and the terminology associated with it. That doesn't make it correct though. So We know that the other adrenal will be enlarged and probably not a normal shape as it does the work for two. That is how it is Suppose to be after all.
I hope you have a wonderful Mothers day

sharlene and molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
05-12-2013, 07:40 AM
I can tell you that when the body is given two organs that do the same job and one of them is destroyed, etc., the remaining one becomes quite large as it builds its muscles doing the work of the two original organs. One of my kidneys burned up as a child and when I had a sonogram as an adult, the tech was extremely confused and worried. She could find no kidneys but did find what she thought was a large tumor. After several folks came by to take a look at the woman's weird belly pictures, one of the docs finally said the "tumor" was my remaining functioning kidney. It was/is much larger than normal and because of its growth, it isn't where kidneys are normally found. So don't panic just because the remaining adrenal gland enlarges - expect that to happen since it is working for two adrenals. ;) They are muscles and when muscles are worked hard they get big! I have HUGE elbows because I LOVE to eat! :p

05-15-2013, 01:25 AM
Thanks for your kind words.I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.I was in NY so a bit late catching up with everyone but hope you and Shysie are doing well and that she continues to have wonderful days dreaming of ice cream!:).Gracie loves to steal food-she is a hound and would eat anything!:).Hugs to you and Shysie!

05-17-2013, 02:27 AM
Yikes, I was just watching the news and it had horrible video of tornadoes in Texas, immediately thought of you so I sped here hoping your OK and out of harms way!! Hugs for you and Shysie xxx

molly muffin
05-17-2013, 03:53 PM
Yikes hope you guys are all okay

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
05-17-2013, 04:02 PM
I talked to Skye on FB and they are fine, thankfully the storm was north of them.

05-17-2013, 04:28 PM
Phew, very pleased to hear that! Thanks Leslie :)

05-21-2013, 04:43 PM
Hi Skye
Just read your post on Fella's memory page-thanks for thinking of us,it really means alot to me.I hope Shysie is doing well and give us an update when you get a moment.I just your last post about "shopping" and cracked up.My golden "shops" and then "consumes" everyday!:D.I learned a long time ago to never ever leave turn my back on my newly made sandwich to get a drink!:D:D.Thanks again for your sweet note.

05-21-2013, 10:13 PM
Yeah, I know that! Daisy suddenly climbs very well when her target is someone's food or drink.

So happy that everyone is safe!

06-08-2013, 05:36 PM
Hi Skye

When is Shysie's appointment for her checkup, I think it must be coming up due soon. It would be nice to have a little notice so Sharlene can cook us up some of her tasty treats for the road trips, she makes a mean biscuit I hear!!!

Hope all is going well with Shysie, tell her Flynny has been missing his updates on his Valentine!!

Hope all good with you guys :D:D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-21-2013, 05:34 AM
Hi Skye, when is the road trip... we need a bit of notice to get the snacks ready you know :) Flynn sends Shysie a kiss :D

06-29-2013, 06:22 AM
Hi Skye, hope all OK with Shysie, you haven't been on in ages!! So just bumping this up in case you cannot find your thread (hint hint) :D:D:D xx

06-30-2013, 05:05 PM
Hello there

Hope all is ok with you and that your busy looking after all the pups...???

Thinking of you both

Big hug, kisses to your sweet girlie


07-03-2013, 01:49 AM
Hello all!!!!
we are hanging right in there! We will be heading back for our check up late July or first part of august. it was going to be June. BUT we had to do some diet changes because her supplement BALANCE IT changed their formula, and it did NOT make happy tummy here. SO! Nutritionist changed supplements to all Human grade. So now we are using Choline, Bone meal, multi vitiam, zinc, and course the cosequinn, forti flora, and omega oil and her corn oil (part of corn actually has benefit, not all, but part, though i still feel weird about it, lol)
okay so we can start planning on who rides shotgun, who brings drinks and who brings treats and who gets to pick music. lol
would be lost with you angels. my mind reflects to here each day even if i am unable to be here........the one stable strong part of my life.....each of you.

07-03-2013, 08:40 AM
I'm bringing treats, lots of sweets for Mel and some salty ones too. Sweet and salty are a good thing. :):):) I think we can try those Ritz crackers with peanut butter inside too.:D:D:D:D

Zoe's goes for all her tests about the same time. I am hoping for Aug 1 appointment, waiting to hear back on confirmation that date works. We may have to clone me so I can be in two places at once;)

molly muffin
07-03-2013, 11:02 AM
Road Trip!!!! Yay!!! I'm in! Trish, lots of girly drinks, and even tiny umbrellas!!

We'll do nonalcoholic ones since we're driving precious cargo. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

07-30-2013, 11:07 PM
drinks for everyone!!! we will hire a driver. LOL
we will head there Sunday August 18th and see her doctor Monday morning August 19th at 9am. Who is going to be the early bird Monday morning that goes and gets the coffee?
have missed you all so much......you have no idea. yes lots of clients traveling so have been having good summer with so many furbabies! and husband has had some testing done so we know how to get him help. Hook me up to IV of moscota please. lol
each and every day i more and more grateful for every singel precious second I get to embrace such an amazing gift of my girl. Most amazing precious blessing to me on earth, she is beauty in all that she does and is. I am just so taken back at how much i love her.

07-31-2013, 07:50 AM
Me me me!! You forgot me last time :( Don't pick me for the early bird bit though... as an early bird I am most definitely NOT!! Plus I hate coffee :D

Is IV Moscoto.. alcohol or some sort?? Sounds dangerous :D:D So nice to see you pop in with your happiness, its contagious!! Hope nothing to bad wrong with the hubby and the treatment works.

Did you see we have a new adrenalectomy doggy Kaibo, he had his surgery a few days back and so far so good!!! YAY!

Flynny is sending a big KISS to his valentine Shysie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Squirt's Mom
07-31-2013, 09:34 AM
Sounds like me and Trish will be the cranky ones for a bit; "early bird" my foot - ya'll just behave and there will be no trouble, 'k? :p I will require a caffeine infusion, tho. :D

It is so good to hear the joy and hope in your voice again. I am so happy for you and your hubby and that sweet girl. But if he's gonna go this time, tell him to bring extra meds - he may need to either share or double up on his dose! :p

Leslie and the gang

08-01-2013, 08:25 PM
I thought you were going the same time we were, we went for testing today. If Mel brings the sweet stuff, I'll bring chips n dip;)
I'm hoping and praying you get good news. All I know right now is Zoe's UPC in April was 1.542 - UPC today 0.802 which I hope means we are at Stage One now, I'm hoping I am not reading an old ISIS report:eek::eek:

So crossing fingers, paws and praying for you too.:):):):):)

08-18-2013, 11:45 PM
we are almost there! we headed out late this evening, shhhh dont wake the angels, we loaded everyone up after sandman visited, when they wake it will be junk food caffineloaded awesomeness!

08-19-2013, 01:14 AM
I have come to the Conclusion that I'm way to serious a person. I don't have a clue what is happening here. Lol. I guess it is Appropriate to say.. .. Good luck Shysie?

08-19-2013, 01:47 AM
lol yes my beautiful friend, always be sending her the best of the best of luck! She is getting her recheck tomorrow of her labs and such with her IMS. Your up to speed with hubby via our emails. So last couple months have really been chasing my tail between pet sits and home and stuff. It has been so hot and going from the heat to the a/c back and forth wears me out. sigh...getting old.
GUESS WHAT ANGELS!!!!!!! WE GOT A UPGRADE TO A SUITE ON TOP FLOOR!!!!! whoot whoot!!!!! breakfast bar opens at 7am and we see doctor at 9am
so this wasnt funny right at first, however....everything is okay...so now it is sort of humorous. Shysie and i were standing in the first entrance of the doors before the locked doors leading into hotel lobby, we were waiting for zack to finish checking in, and then to come let us in. The glass in there is REALLY REALLY clean. You seriously can not see the glass. Evidently i am not the only one who didnt see the glass as I hear this THUD, Shysie was very busy sniffing everything and walked right into it. She didnt thump her nose but top of her head. She looked at me like WTH mom! I said OMG are you okay??? are you okay???? omg are you okay???? rubbing her little smooth head and smothering her in kisses, her little knub tail was just wiggling wiggling.....she just knew she was getting all sorts of loves and attentions and was good. lol WHEW..........but security got a chuckle out of that though. Goodness they need to put stickers on there so we know theres glass. lol, i hope that doesnt end up on youtube. lol
we are such goobers! lol

08-19-2013, 06:01 AM
Awww I am here for the trip!! Good luck to Flynny's cute wee adrenal twinny and a big PAWS UP for most excellent results tomorrow!! :D:D xxx

08-19-2013, 11:50 AM
she did GREAT! blood pressure was amazing even after blood draw and cysto. It was 130!!! Doctor was thrilled he saw it and even confirmed it was done being properly, that is how taken back he was. i nearly leaped in the air i was so happy. he was pleased with physical appearence of her(of course, she is th. most beautiful amazing little girl ever) so hopefully we hear from doctor tomorrow with all lab results. All aboard for road trip home!

Squirt's Mom
08-19-2013, 12:10 PM
WOOHOO!! Well worth the early morning ride! :p

molly muffin
08-19-2013, 02:43 PM
Wow, what a trip! Sounds exciting even. Hoping all those labs come back just peachy keen!

Sharlene and Molly muffin

08-19-2013, 03:32 PM
Awwww so pleased to read this, what a great BP!! Good girl Shysie, I know your Mom will have treats for you being such a great little doggie so I hope she gives you an extra one from me and Flynn! Safe travel home you guys xx

08-19-2013, 07:06 PM
I am smiling at the visual :)
Great news that she's doing so well! That's wonderful!

08-19-2013, 07:48 PM
Wow, great BP after all the stress, go Shysie.

Keeping everything crossed for labs

08-19-2013, 09:48 PM
aweeee, thank you for all the notes!!!!!! know what........i read each and every one to her........lol............she slanted her eyes a tiny itty bit when i told her yes i did mention her bumping into the glass. lol, wow that was really something. lol, i can smile cause i know she is okay, lol, of course there was my initial reaction of panic lol. Of course she had her new toy given to her last evening making this positive experience. Purple squeak ball. lol
she is all tuckered out this evening, and has been napping. I will wake her in a hour for her snack and potty then we will tuck in for evening.
my love to each of you, the strength that pours out from your hearts is incredible, and you will forever be carried in our hearts. Will post her labs as soon as i get reports.

Simba's Mom
08-19-2013, 10:00 PM
Yay Skye, so happy for good results and happy furbabies!!! And Mom's and Dad's too of course!!!!

08-21-2013, 01:07 AM
well.........not what we were hoping for....
March Protein 221 April Protein 221 August 244.9
March Creatinine 170 April Creatinine 170 August Creatinine 157.6 so at least that decreased tiny bit.
March UPC 1.5 April UPC 1.3 August UPC 1.6

And looks like her ALK Phosphatase is rising quite a bit, January it was 508 and now 722
Her Lipase was 780 in January and now 959
makes me concerned about her pancreas, or what else is happening inside there!
feel sad. :(
Doctor said he would call tomorrow and discuss starting a medication. My stomach hurts. Things have seemed so good, we breathed. I didnt want to disturb any of the perfectness we were experiencing. Laughing, playing, snuggling, napping, bonding, listening, relaxing, living.........trying to protect these last couple of months....however the results of the labs stopped me abruptly, I felt again the fear, despair, had a ugly girl cry, you know the sobbing snot tears one........now, will wait and speak to the doctor and hope to understand this all better.

08-21-2013, 08:40 AM
Oh Skye, I know that feeling only to well and I was dreading the wait for Zoe's UPC.

For Zoe- they wanted to start her on Enalapril because they said she had high blood reassure but I refused as her blood pressure was borderline, increased from stress and i did not want to start down that road with her Vetoryl. I decided to see first if my hunch was right and that her skin, diet and IBD was contributing to her throwing protein. I cut ALOT of protein out of her diet- she was on a high protein diet, treated her skin and got better control of her IBD which meant increasing the metronidazole- not happy about that but had to be- she started growing hair, her skin improved, her IBD improved and her UPC improved. Whether or not it will stay that way, I dont know. Her alk improved a bit.

Did you read the new paper Trish gave us a link to? What medication do they want you to start? I know how hard this is- according to the paper the author feels an ace inhibitor should be used on any consistent UPC over .5. At least that is what I surmised after a brief read, I need time to sit down and have a more thorough read.

Tina changed foods, added an ace inhibitor and fish oil for Jasper when his UPC went to 3 and had good results in lowering his UPC.

Hang in there we are here to help.

Squirt's Mom
08-21-2013, 09:05 AM
That article is what I thought of, too, Addy. Skye, here is the link -


I wish I knew more about kidneys to offer but I don't have experience with this...yet. :rolleyes: We do have several members here who do deal with kidney issues, tho, and I hope they will be along to share soon.

Keep your chin up, honey. The fact that she is acting good is a positive so hold on to that. I know you will handle whatever you must with grace and strength - after we get over the snotty-panic crys. ;) We are all here with you, all the way.

Leslie and the gang

08-21-2013, 11:30 AM
Puffy eyes this morning, however.....doctor called first thing. He is so reassuring. He has no idea how grateful I am for the time he gives to us. He feels that right now....its either way to start or not start medication, a very low dose ace inhibitor. Together, we have decided to NOT start at this time, and recheck in 3 months. Reasons....viewing her records she is drifting up and down, we have lab work of blood and urine consistently from 2011 to current date, and her plasma creantine level is rock solid which a a positive thing indicating good kidney function. Side effects from medication could involve GI upset, blood pressure drop and hers is already good last check was 130, and a tickle cough....that doesnt sound pleasant on top of reverse sneezing that she does at times. side effects are not common though they can happen. Her blood count is good, not showing inflammation. Yes, of course I want to be proactive, but which decision would really be proactive? What are you thoughts???
mine were wait 3 months and recheck again. It should not fly out of control to regret decision, or has anyone heard something else?
I had read that article or tried to, it is written well above my head and will take a long time to break down and understand. I thought it said not treating till over UPC 2 so other articles say no medication till over 1.5 She is at 1.6 last check 1.3 time before that 1.5
On her Alk Phos that is a complex one, it doesnt say where in the body it comes from, 2 basic reasons slowing of bile flow or cortison to high, but it could also be bone, liver, something that helps narrow the cause for increase to the kidneys to look at the GGT that goes up with alk phos can suggest bile duct flow. It is common for older dogs to have raised Alk Phos, whether it develops to anything is the question and from what. Lipase and Amalayse work together and is not a real reliable source for pancreas though i am still concerned. So, do you think 3 months recheck we all do road trip again and have this recheck? share you thoughts with me angels. Thank you for the wings wrapped around me and Shysie last evening........the security and peace was a comfort.

08-21-2013, 11:38 AM
sorry i wanted to add this information incase it could be helpful to go with my post above.
Her BUN 21 previously checked was 28, plasma creatinine is 1.0, b/c ration 21, Glucose in plasma 105, protein in her urine 244.9, creatinine in Urine 157.6 giving UPC 1.6, protein reading in urine 1+, negative on glucose.

08-21-2013, 07:38 PM
Okay, been thinking about this- have you changed diet at all? Both Tina and I saw a reduction in protein help our pup's UPC and Tina swears by fish oil, I'm have not tried it with Zoe. You can continue to monitor per IRIS but change diet. Our IMS said even a 10% reduction in protein could possibly bring the UPC down under 1.5. I thought generally speaking vets were suggesting treat if over 1.5 but it really can be all over the place depending which article we read or the date of it. The ace inhibitor can cause tummy upset but not always - BP at 130, you would not want that to fall below 120 is what I thought IRIS said so that could be a concern.

The thing is, they can throw protein from anywhere, look at Zoe.

I guess I am on board with wait 3 months for recheck and look at lowering protein in diet by 10% if you can or more without it going too low and think about the fish oil if you are not already using it.


08-21-2013, 08:34 PM
Hey, thank you for the input and advice. That was my thought to about her blood pressure since it was 130 this last time that is not giving alot of room to drop IF medication would happen to lower it.
She is on home cooked diet and human grade supplements.
We did change supplements....she was using Balance It. They changed the formula and it was upsetting her tummy and causing heavy mucus potty.
Her meat content for a day is chicken that has been slowed cooked in a crock pot, boneless, skinless white chicken breast total grams per day is 95 grams
she is on a omega 3 oil she gets a total per day 1.50 ml a day
for her omega 6 oils she gets corn oil total per day 1 1/4 teaspoon. I think the corn oil is a protein as well, but i am not certain. Most parts of the corn is bad for our animals but in certain forms it is good. I will speak to her Nutritionist for sure. She has likely been made aware of the labs as she is at the same specialty hospital.
but i think i will email her all the same. lol
I know we have to keep the omegas balanced best we can however be cautious because of her pancreas.
thank you again for your input. will let you know if i hear anything back from her.

08-22-2013, 08:33 AM
Skye, I got caught up on Shysie and have some input but I have to go to work now. I will check in tonight when I get home. It might be later because I have something going on after work. I just wanted to tell you that I read the latest and I will post later!

Hugs from me and Jasper

molly muffin
08-22-2013, 08:15 PM
Drat on the test results, it really felt like things would have just gotten better everywhere including kidneys.

Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you both.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-23-2013, 04:56 AM
Hi Skye,
I have been thinking about Shysie's results and wanted to give my two cents. The article that Trish posted recommends treating for UPC > 2. This is also what my vet recommended when Jasper started having protein in his urine. His first UPC in Oct 2012 was 1.27. The recommendation then was to monitor and recheck in 3 months. In January the UPC had jumped up to 3.57. :eek: :mad: :eek: This indicated significant protein loss in his urine, so treatment was started immediately. We had to switch him to a prescription renal diet with moderate protein restriction, restart fish oil (he had been on this in the past to help control high cholesterol and triglycerides), and start an ace inhibitor. My vet prescribed Enalapril for Jasper. She said all of these interventions were necessary to try to stop the progression of the disease.

I remember being in a complete state of panic and crying my eyes out many times. Lori, Marianne, Trish, Leslie, Addy (and others, I'm sure) came to the rescue with input, feedback and support, and providing resources for me to find information. This latest article that Trish posted has some really good information, all in one place, which is great. Thanks Trish!

With Shysie's results, I think it is encouraging that her UPC has stayed very close to the same since March. To me that indicates that the protein loss is not progressing at this point, which is a wonderful thing. Just for some context Skye, Jasper's UPC recheck after about 3 months or so of full on treatment decreased to 1.49 when checked at the beginning of May, which is pretty close to where Shysie's is now with no treatment. I am thrilled with this result and of course hope it will decrease even further when we check it again in the next month or so. So like I said, I feel it is very encouraging that Shysie's is staying close to the same, and I agree with rechecking it again in 3 months. I am certain that is what my vet would recommend based on how she has managed Jasper. In fact I have been asking about rechecking his UPC again and she said we need to wait another month or two. As it turns out, Jasper has had a nasty UTI that we have been treating since last week, so for sure we will need to wait till that is completely cleared up. :(

As far as the fish oil, it is a big component of treatment for proteinuria. It sounds like you are giving Shysie fish oil with her diet, but I am not sure if it is the right dose to be therapeutic for protein loss in the kidneys. I'm sorry, but I know nothing about home cooked diet so I can't comment on how you would go about trying to decrease a bit of the protein there. You mentioned you have a nutritionist, I'm sure he/she would be able to help with that, and maybe along with your vet, can give recommendations about what dose of fish oil to give Shysie to specifically help with the protein loss.

As far as her bloodwork, it sounds like her serum creatinine and BUN were WNL, correct? How were her serum protein and albumin levels? And what about her cortisol level? I can't remember if her cortisol has been in the normal range.

As far as the Enalapril, I was worried too about it lowering Jasper's BP too much (I think his usually runs around 140). My vet said that was not a concern, and I can't for the life of me remember her explanation right now. But she was firm that I didn't need to worry about that. Since he is not on Vetoryl, I don't have to be concerned with that like Addy would with Zoe. However, with his Addison's now, I do have to worry about aldosterone, as Enalapril can also lower aldosterone. So far this has been ok, but he was getting Percorten injections until about a month ago to help with that. So I now have to worry about the aldosterone going too low and affecting his electrolytes, so have to constantly monitor that. :rolleyes:

Skye, you are a fantastic Mom and you are always on top of everything with your sweet girl. Hang in there. Well, I guess I gave more like my five dollars rather than my two cents. I am sure no one is surprised. :o I hope there is something here that can be of help to you. I am looking forward to your next update.

Big Hugs from me and Jasper xo

08-23-2013, 07:32 AM
Tina, I wonder why your vet was not concerned about the blood pressure. Ours commented "since we know Zoe's is borderline she should be able to handle enalapril", so to me that meant she expected it to lower the blood pressure and according to the IRIS papers we give it to lower blood pressure. Very confusing to me:o Also, both IMS vets Zoe saw said the new guidlines recommended initiating treatment with consistent UPC over 1.5 but that treatment could consist of diet change, for example not perhaps adding an ace inhibitor. I reread the article instead of my quick scan and it does say treat over when UPC is over 2, so I guess it depends on the specialist.

08-25-2013, 12:51 AM
Hi Addy,
I think what my vet meant about Enalapril and Jasper's BP was that she was not concerned that it would lower his BP too much, i.e. to a dangerous level. Sorry, I probably didn't communicate that very clearly. :o I asked the question directly since she had ruled out hypertension as a contributor or cause of his proteinuria. I was concerned that giving him medication that is used to lower BP would cause problems for him. I just can't remember what her justification for not being concerned about it was. Maybe because his BP was 140 so maybe that left some room for it to lower a bit and still be ok? I don't know. Or maybe since his UPC was so high there wasn't much choice but to start an ace inhibitor. I am going to have to remember to ask her about it the next time we talk.

And as far as treating when the UPC is over 1.5 rather than 2, I don't know. My vet has always said 2, but that could be regarding pharmacologic intervention like you mentioned. My vet is not a specialist Addy (I sure wish she was!), however she has consulted with the only IMS that we have in the state on at least 2 occasions about Jasper because he has been so complex.


08-25-2013, 07:19 AM
Ok, makes sense, thanks Tina, sorry if I hijacked the thread, Skye. Since Zoe is part of the protein pup band, I am always interested in what the other band member vets say as well.:):):):)

08-27-2013, 06:50 AM
Hi Stormee, Tina and Addy! Protein pup convention here I see :D:D I am the same as you Addy, my ears prick up if I here any conversations on BP/proteinuria, I learn so much here... all our protein pups are doing well it seems and I am very thankful for that, they need to learn a new song for the band!! :D:D:D xxx

08-27-2013, 10:36 PM
i can not even begin to express how much all of your posts mean,. Seriously can not even begin to tell you. I didnt even know a human body could produce such mass quantities of tears and snot though over the last couple years have learned it can repeatedly. lol Thank you angels
At first they did decrease protein a tiny bit, and increased the omega 3's. This time they are not. IMS and Nutritionist have discussed labs and they both feel they will wait till next 3 month check. Nutritionist doesnt want to decrease protein at this time because she does not want any muscle wasting from to low of protein. So, I so pray and hope this next round of labs shows improvement. Very stressful. Having each of you supporting us is so incredibly vital and important. Love from us to each of you!

09-06-2013, 10:03 PM
I wanted to share this with everyone in case anyone was interested in having something like this made for themselves, family or friend. The impact of this present flooded my heart. Just had to share. Hope is okay. and of course any and all are welcomed to "like" shysies page. Hope you can view and i know many of you will understand the depth of emotion I felt. Love to all you beautiful beautiful angels. By the way, my dear friend, Janis, we write each other near daily, and have for the last couple of years.....we were brought together through this forum, and our love for our furbabies. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.515972531824521.1073741830.174750042613440&type=1

09-06-2013, 11:17 PM
Yeah. My Kira just had an Adrinalectomy and my seven year old Mira just died of Cancer. And Stormee so frightened and upset over Shysie. We really needed each other. We shared about three hundred emails in the first two weeks. This forum is much more then just a place for information. I'm sure anyone who has posted here has experienced the angels.

09-07-2013, 04:36 PM
That is so gorgeous!!! What a special gift and it clearly shows the love you two have. What a lovely friend you have there!! xxxx

09-07-2013, 07:34 PM
Amazing, just beautiful. What talent the artist has.

This forum is pretty darn special because of special people like both of you.

Hey Janis, always good to hear your voice:):)

molly muffin
09-08-2013, 03:18 PM
That is wonderful!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

09-12-2013, 02:15 AM
Hello everyone!!!!
i know some of you have reached out and spoken with individuals who have the ability to communicate with our animals. This person has a face book page and i saw this on her thread. Its FREE and sounds pretty interesting. She does not have the link to register yet, but will be sending it soon and I can post it if interested. and i think you just have to email her to get a spot saved in the webinar here is a youtube link to watch that tells about this webinar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIRcP4NXzWI&feature=youtu.be

09-15-2013, 01:54 AM
helpful links on Nutrition given to me from shysies Nutritionist. Hope they are helpful! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.519890808099360.1073741832.174750042613440&type=3

09-15-2013, 01:46 PM
Thanks for the link, I am sure it will be helpful to many. Blessings

09-22-2013, 01:53 AM

From Flynn to Shysie!! xxxxx

09-23-2013, 08:39 AM
Just checking in to see how things are going. Hope you are doing well, and thanks again for the links. Blessings

10-13-2013, 06:46 AM
Just a note to everybody -- Janis has now started a new thread about her breast cancer diagnosis on "Everything Else." So we have moved the replies that had already been posted here, and now we will be able to continue replying to her directly there:


See you all there. And thank you so much, Stormee, for letting us all talk here in the meantime!!!


10-14-2013, 07:22 PM
my beautiful love!!!! you rant away, you just get all that out of your system. were here to listen to hold and love and embrace you through it all!!!!! I was getting ready to post your schedule.......and you beat me!!!
okay so here is one you havent posted yet.......lol!!!!! So this is my family showing our support for janis!!!! Be sure to read captions..........LOL!!!!! This is Shysie Moons and Shaddix Moons face book page and all are of course welcomed to click "like" to their page its a good pet parent sharing page we have. :)
Janis...........i sent you this photos without the captions.....LOL.........so be sure to read them too!!!! SAVE THE TA TA'S!!! SAVE THE TA TA'S SAVE THE TA TA'S!!! WE LOVE YOU JANIS!!!!!!! SQUEEZING YOU TIGHTER THAN A BAND AIDE!!!!

10-19-2013, 06:36 PM
Hi Stormee

I wish I had your "save the ta-ta's" tshirt for my breast cancer charity walk last week, your a good friend to Janis ... love the pics!! Flynn wants to send Shysie a snuggle and hope she is doing well xxxx

11-03-2013, 06:37 PM
Okay havent said to much about this..........as many of you know so much seems to be happening.....
We go to IMS tomorrow......recheck.........feeling stressed and hoping it has at least stabilized and trying to assure myself decisions have been made with best interest for her. Her IMS surprisingly retired....so we are meeting a new IMS. sigh. Angels I know your wings have been fluttering madly.....so if hopping on the party bus isnt possible, I understand, however keep us close to heart and prayer.

11-03-2013, 06:42 PM
Hey girlfriend, we are on the party bus no matter what, okay?:):):)

Sharlene is bringing left over Halloween candy for Mel!!!!!

molly muffin
11-03-2013, 06:52 PM
I am indeed!!! Have a whole bag of it left over. Hersheys of all sorts, butterfingers, oh henry, baby ruth, reeses cups and pieces. :) I did have to leave a few for hubs, but you know the girls come first!

We're on that party bus. :) someone grab the drinks okay!

Bummer about a new IMS, but if they do a good review of the file and you have a nice chat, then hopefully it will all be just fine and numbers will be good. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-03-2013, 07:29 PM
Consider me there too fluttering right behind you. Tossing pixy dust over you both and the new IM. With that shot gun over my shoulder just in case god isn't paying attention. All will be well. :-)

11-04-2013, 12:41 AM
Were not off to very good start, normal day she has 2-3 poohs, today has been 5 poohs and getting less firm each time. She has had total of 1 pepcid tablet today. And she won't eat her pumpkin. Husband has a cold, need.
i elborate about that? Lol
Sure hope the doctor has reviewed her folder...really getting weary of doctors leettin things slip through the cracks and dropping the ball.
On the up side, we got a free upgrade angels! Thats right were in a king suite!!Truly grateful for you all

11-04-2013, 03:07 AM
I'm coming!! Oh I love those butterfingers Sharlene, we do not have them here and I brought some back for my nephew as he told me to as they are apparently Bart Simpson's favourite candy! They were sure a hit here :)

Tomorrow will be good Stormee, sometimes a new set of eyes and new ideas are just what is needed. Hopefully her tummy settles down before we leave otherwise Sharlene and Addy can have her in the back seat with them and Mel and me and Janis can ride up front with you :D:D:D:D

11-04-2013, 06:45 AM
I LOVE our upgrades:D:D:D:D:D

I agree with Trish, sometimes a new set of eyes is a good thing.

We will cross each bridge, one at a time together, okay?

Lets not worry about the poo thing yet. Could it be stress from the trip?

11-04-2013, 07:22 AM
I know exactly what you mean about Dr.'s letting things slip, I have had my share, and don't tolerate them any more. There is no excuse for some of the shoddy vet work I have seen in the last year. It amazes me these people made it thru vet school. I am hoping everything goes well at your visit. maybe today was just one of those poopy days. Tipper has one every once and a while. Good Luck and Blessings

Squirt's Mom
11-04-2013, 09:42 AM
I'm coming, too, just running behind 'cause I couldn't find my new fuzzy hat! I finally found it, dropped it, Sophie grabbed it and the chase was on! :p But I'm here at last, fuzzy hat, slobber, and all. :D

molly muffin
11-04-2013, 05:50 PM
ROFL! I do love our road trips. Such fun we all have together. :) Stormee was just great on the drive up too, Addy and I got to snuggle with her while you guys sat in the front munching on the butterfingers!! LOL

As addy said, one day at a time and we'll deal with whatever comes our way.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-04-2013, 05:55 PM
yup. Sharlene, we are not crossing bridges unless we have too:):)

Dibbs on the king size bed tonight

11-04-2013, 08:08 PM
Thank you all for making the party! lol
after the long trip there, and my sweet little girl stomping back and forth across my bladder the entire way, we enjoyed the extra space in the free upgraded room. Then settled in, had wake up call set for 1:45am so she could have last potty break by 2am, giving her bladder 7 hours prior to her cysto.
After that 2am potty break, it was a restless pacing evening for her, course husband having cold, got scooted out to couch area because of snoring that sure to wake all residents staying in hotel, unreal, and i think that was causing some excitement for her being in hotel and hearing the snoring from other area of room.
We managed to keep her from relieving herself for a successful cysto. We met her new IMS and we LOVE HER!!!!! She asked several questions, many questions that I had reported previously on other visits, and she was VERY observant of her over all health and even noticed she carried herself differently on one back leg......and it was the same leg I wondered about but had not mentioned yet. I was so impressed! she carefully inspected her tiny body, had reviewed her file and seemed to know her history really well. So impressed. THEN GET THIS......this has NEVER happened. My sweet little darling is on the little exam table on the soft rug they place on them so they dont slide around. She turns to face the doctor, takes couple little step torwards doctor.....sticks her little nose up in air and KISSES the doctor on cheek!!!!!!! I melted and got goose bumps. I expressed my sweet girl is my world and i would rearrange the planets for her, do anything and everything, cover all bases, no holding back, do every test and everything possible to give her the very very very best of everything. I have been concerned for quite some time about the excessive neck chub, and she said it could be related to endoctrine issues OR could be area of where she is carrying chub, so i was pleased to know she was hearing me and my concern in that, as I had read that could be indication of issue. She addressed the issue of remaining adrenal gland and it be slightly enlarged and felt yearly u/s would be warranted and I agreed. So likely next visit it will be done. (Feb/March)
Should get results tomorrow so i will anxiously be waiting to see lab results and hoping so very much for good results. Her blood pressure again was great.
And the doctor also took at least one full page of her own notes during our visit. I certainly have one sleepy snuggly clingy little girl this evening.....cant say much different for myself. lol.
or perhaps were just coming off our sugar rushes, lol
love you angels. embracing you all, and I dont know which one of you was chewing the bubble gum but lets try to remember that it does not go under the seats okay? lol muah. now the wait for the lab results.

11-04-2013, 08:24 PM
waiting with you as always:):):)

I have a good feeling :):):):):)

11-04-2013, 08:32 PM
Awwww, kisses for the doc.
What a weight lifted when you find a doctor that you like and trust! I wish this could happen for everyone.

molly muffin
11-04-2013, 09:24 PM
Wow! What a great IMS experience. Those are rare and worthy of being treasured. Finding someone special who thinks that your baby is special too, just means the world.
Crossing fingers for a good lab day. I think that whatever comes, this IMS will do right by you and your baby. That counts for a lot.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-04-2013, 10:55 PM
here is cute story i would like to share......lol........all the coffee consumed has me needing to visit ladies room....me and darling sweet dancing all about girl, head that way....stalls are sooooo small!!! we enter one, twisting, untangling from leash, trying to hang handbag, bumping into the toilet paper rolls, trying to get seat protector, mind you still hanging on to leash, and then trying to get snaps, zippers and myself placed, I should mention now, I am not graceful, still trying to untangle yet again from leash, i nearly topple down, loudly, to my "seat" almost flush when not needing to, okay i am balanced and then notice all i see is a cute little peanut butt knub just a wiggling....thats it....just a little wiggling peanut knub, and I hear a lady giggle, SOMEONE was peeking into next stall. LOL truly a very precious adorable still has me smiling at entire ladies room experience memory. lol. here are some pictures while hanging out in one of the lobbies at Gulf Coast. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.546296832125424.1073741835.174750042613440&type=3

11-05-2013, 01:11 AM
That's adorable.

Both cats feel the need to supervise when I'm in the bathroom.
Gracie swishes her paws and much of her leg IN my bath water.
What characters :)

11-05-2013, 03:17 AM
Awww that loo story is so funny, was there anyone next door? Imagine sitting doing your business and you spot a little furry face looking up at you :D:D

I am so glad you got a good one Stormee!! So reassuring when you can feel the trust between doggie and vet! So sweet Shysie gave her a kiss too :)

Great BP news, so hopefully the UPC and other tests will come back good too! Fingers and everything crossed!

Your vets waiting room is flash! Leather seats for you all, including Shysie to sit on haha... definitely a step up from the plastic chairs and lino in our Pet Hospital!! So glad it went well xxxx

11-05-2013, 08:14 AM
too funny about the bathroom. when my Kate was young, she would always follow me into the bathroom, I could never go to the bathroom without her:rolleyes::rolleyes:

now she if off to college and I have two dogs that wont let me go to the bathroom without them:D:D

what is up with that?:D:D:D:D

everything crossed for good news day

11-05-2013, 08:32 PM
Hello Angels........
well sad to report that the UPC has increased....it is now 2. We are in discussion of ace inhibitor, were not rushing to this however for couple reasons......it 1. reduces blood flow to kidneys, that is a huge downfall. The kidneys need good blood flow. 2. the IMS would like to a urine pool of about 4 urine samples from same day, to see if the UPC would still have same reading. Meaning, is the UPC a true reading of what is happening or is it from the one urine of the day reading. Study has been done to show effectiveness of this reading and it is proven effective and accurate so will take several free catch urine samples of day in to have UPC test 3. She is doing so well and plugging right along in all areas with exception of a UPC reading IMS is hesitant at using the Ace Inhibitor as mentioned above because it would decrease blood flow to kidneys, when according to other blood and urine values of kidneys, and ultra sounds, the kidneys do not seem to be damaged. 4. Past history, prior to adrenalectomy surgery, she had recurrent UTI. because of that she would like to see urine culture performed annually. And to confirm that the protein detected isnt subclinical.
We dont have culture back yet obviously, so i am hoping and praying perhaps this is all subclinical and not kidney disease at all.
I adore this doctor and all the details, and how she is digging in and leaving no rock unturned. AND she appreciates i like learning everything I can from our visits......she says she likes teaching and helping like that. Angels.....I have found the IMS i think EVERYONE should go to. lol
AND about the ladies room experience........oh yes, there was a person in the stall next to us....lol.........so her little dancing brown eyes and button nose was staring right at someone, lol! like saying HI!!!! I am sneaking over here to say hi!!! i am not suppose to be peeking over here, but wanted to say Hi!!!
I still giggle thinking about that whole experience. She is so stinking cute.
And on the photos where we waiting.....yes leather couch and love seat! in that section, other waiting rooms have the wide seats or chairs, cloth and maybe vinyl or a plether. not sure. However, if one waiting room for a specialist area gets lots of animals or dismissals, it can get my little one quite vocal. lol........she is not real social, so sometimes she seats and behaves very nicely and other times it is very opposite. so when that happens we just wander around the corner to the next waiting room area. They have 15 or more specialist in this hospital, so its fairly nice to be able to find an area to go to. Matter of fact, one instance, for whatever reason, a lady walks by with her shepherd, we were seating quietly and well mannered. then all of a sudden for whatever reason she decides she does not care to have them walking by, and I guess we were un noticed by them, Shysie lets a howl tear you apart growl bark combination.....best a small dog can do....lol.......and i am not kidding this poor sweet lady jumped out of her skin and nearly toppled over AND her poor dog had this deer in head light expression and nearly crouched all the way to floor. I dont think they knew we were there at all until the small dog combo sound exploded from my sweet darling girl. so we politely excused ourselves over to the next lobby. lol
Feed back or thoughts or other learnings on this UPC and results greatly appreciated.

11-06-2013, 08:15 AM
I am praying for you and your baby that this can get turned around. I know the feeling when you get test results that are not what you wanted to hear. God Bless You Both

11-06-2013, 01:20 PM
I'm pretty sure Trish and Flynn had the urine pooled for a reading early on, or maybe it was Tina. One of them did. I understand the ace inhibitor. I worry about that with Zoe because she is on Vetoryl.

Maybe the pooling will yield better result. I am praying it does for you and sweet little miss. When can they do that?

11-06-2013, 05:32 PM
what i dont understand........nearly every time i would take syringes full of free catch urine and have the dates written on them, and they would just toss them all away........I would bring up urine pool testing for this or that........aggravates me. I have to remember that is past, this is now, and it seems this young doctor is really digging in and covering all her bases.
I flat out was honest with her immediately and said, I will rearrange the planets for shysie, I will gladly walk to Egypt with no shoes if it means she will be okay, there is no exception as to what I am willing to do for her, and I most certainly do have trust issues with doctors, and I am sorry if i come across the wrong way, please be patient with me, and I ask zillion of questions not to challenge you, but to learn from you, and to understand. this is not a journey Shysie is on alone, this is a journey we are taking together. and I want to know everything about what is happening, whats needs done and why so i completely can try to understand what is taking place inside her tiny body. This is our journey together, and i will not miss one beat of it. So as you care for her, understand you are also caring for me.
i feel scared and insecure today. sigh. why am i emotional today. sniff

11-06-2013, 05:49 PM
some info- not related to this test but things that could possibly explain others:)

Urine collection
a. Collection technique influences how the sample results are interpreted.
b. Which collection technique to use is determined you and what disease
process you needs information about.
c. If a free-catch sample is needed, often times, a first morning, mid-stream,
sample is preferred, as it tends to be the most concentrated and precedes
the morning meal. Random samples may be used for evaluation too.
d. A cystocentesis collection is often done for routine visits because of
convenience. It is also preferred for sick patients. In general, it is easier to
interpret results of a cystocentesis sample collection except in some cases
of hematuria.
e. A cystocentesis collection is preferred for urine culture/sensitivity.
f. Disadvantages to cystocentesis collections: hitting blood vessel which
contaminates sample with RBCs; hitting colon which contaminates sample
with bacteria.
g. If owner’s complaint is hematuria, a free catch sample may be preferred.
But sometimes in cases of hematuria, we want to look at both a
cystocentesis and a free catch sample.
h. Use a sterile, opaque, airtight, labeled container; ideally 6 ml minimum. If
culture/sensitivity is anticipated, put some aside in a sterile container
before you start analysis (to avoid contamination).
i. IF looking for crystals, confirm type on a freshly collected,
unrefrigerated sample within 60 minutes of collection
j. If sample isn’t analyzed within 60 minutes of collection, refrigerate it and
try to get it analyzed in next 12 hours.
k. Warm all refrigerated urine samples to room temperature prior to analysis
to minimize artifacts caused by cooling of the sample
l. Potential artifacts associated with refrigeration:
i. In vitro crystal formation (especially, calcium oxalate dihydrate)
increases with the duration of storage.
ii. A cold urine sample may inhibit enzymatic reactions in the
dipstick (e.g., glucose), leading to falsely decreased results
iii. Specific gravity of cold urine may be falsely increased because
cold urine is denser than room temperature urine
m. Potential artifacts associated with prolonged storage at room temperature
and their effects:
i. Bacterial overgrowth: increased urine turbidity, altered pH
(increased pH if urease-producing bacteria are present or decreased
pH if bacteria use glucose to form acidic metabolites), decreased
concentration of chemicals that may be metabolized by bacteria
(e.g., glucose, ketones), increased number of bacteria in urine
sediment and therefore altered urine culture results
ii. Increased urine pH: may occur due to loss of carbon dioxide or
bacterial overgrowth; can cause false positive dipstick protein
reaction, degeneration of cells and casts, and alteration of the typeand amount of crystals present.

11-06-2013, 05:50 PM
I am with you all the way on this. I have real trust issues with Dr.'s also. My heart just ached when I read this posting. I truly hope this Dr. has your babies best interests in mind. So many are corrupted by money it is pathetic. God Bless You Both

11-08-2013, 09:27 AM
Just thinking of you and your baby. Hoping all is well. Blessings

11-10-2013, 02:27 AM
thank you so much...........it truly truly means so very much. I have not heard back on the urine culture...the reason the doctor is doing culture is to make sure this protein were seeing is not sub clinical due to her history in past of recurrent uti's. Would be good news if it was sub clinical.
and urine pool when it is done.......perhaps will show if this is a normal or accurate upc reading. Wouldnt this all prove amazing if this is what is happening.
every day she gives me kisses......every day, every time, i melt. and today....the warmth of her kisses, sigh....i cradle her little face, and kissed her sweet little snout, and said, momma loves you so very very much. Her little knub just wiggled, and she kisses me again. She is so very amazing.

11-10-2013, 04:50 AM
Hope you hear back soon, fingers crossed for sub clinical

Imagining big kisses made me smile, it's the little things that can mean so much

Will be looking out for the results next week

Hug for you and some big kisses for Shysie


11-10-2013, 08:06 AM
Yes it is true a kiss from your dog can make the whole world seem better. I am hoping for good news for you both on the urine culture. Blessings

11-14-2013, 11:29 PM
sadly it was not sub clinical.......however.....WHO IS READY FOR SOME GREAT NEWS!!!! got the results of the urine pool taken in for the UPC today......remember when in for her recheck they did cysto and UPC came back at 2, Dr. Davenport spent a good deal of her valuable time consoling me, explaining things, pros, cons, suggestions, explaining things internally, patiently, kindly, and very caring.....and not leaving one stone, not one pebble unturned.....she requested this urine pool prior to making final decision on what our options would be, drum roll please.......1.5!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FATHER IN HEAVEN FOR THIS BLESSING!!!!!! shower her sweet little body with more beautiful blessings and in Your name I ask, with all that she faces, she will continue to improve snout to tail inside and out! We have THE BEST Internal Medicine Doctor ever!!!!!!! so grateful she checked all things out prior to placing on medication that has negative side effects.

I do have her lab reports and have quite a few questions in regards to many elevations all over the place, doctor did not call anything out other than her pancreas testing was elevated some from previous however contributed that to chronic pancreatitis, (i know too she had not felt so good the even prior either, FIVE poohs normal is 2-3) and the previous elevations are still there as well. I will post those soon, but at this moment am celebrating the 1.5 news. THANK YOU ANGELS FOR ALL THE PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!

11-14-2013, 11:58 PM
YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! Great news!

molly muffin
11-15-2013, 12:13 AM
Wonderful news!!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-15-2013, 02:07 AM
Great news for Shysie and you Stormee. So pleased it came back similar! I have never heard of the pooling for UPC, will ask my new specialist when he has his appointment next week. Big hugs for you and your baby girl from Mr Flynn and me xxxxx

11-15-2013, 08:32 AM
Oh that Shysie, she pulled it off for you.:D:D:D

Way to go little pup:D:D:D:D:D

This is such great news , Happy Dancing:D:D:D:D

11-15-2013, 08:43 AM
Wonderful news to hear. I hope you get some peace of mind from this, it just wears on you all the worrying. Blessings

12-13-2013, 02:53 AM
Hello all
Trish did you ask your specialist about the urine pooling for UPC?
wanted to mention Shysie went to general vet, and they said she had a tiny tiny yeast infection in her ears and gave me medinice to put in it. I have not and likely will not use it either......its the one that seems to have that rare side effect of causing deafness, though it seems to happen a little to often as I had asked about once before for a family whose dog had an ear issue. You know, i wish they would explain medication, pros cons and options.....keeping pet parents informed and educated. Maybe I am just cranky this evening. have had injured tendon in elbow and am really exhausted of it aching.
Anyways....was once again so thankful for the information made readily available to me from this forum all the experiences. this is the greatest family ever.

12-13-2013, 03:19 AM
Hi Stormee

Events rather overtook us in recent weeks so that went on the back burner. Flynn had to have another liver resection three weeks ago for a fist sized mass. He is recovering pretty well, poor little fellow but has been through a rough time. It is all in his thread, they did a kidney biopsy though and that showed mild glomerulopathy and interstitial nephritis. He is going on Prednisone next week for his IBD and the IMS is hoping that will help his kidneys.

Oh no, you will have to join Addy in sick bay, she has injured her shoulder. I hope that yeast is sorted out quick, I did not think the medicine for yeast would cause the deafness... that is usually the "...mycin" type of drugs which is not used for yeast as far as I know xxxx

12-13-2013, 03:58 AM
had been reading over flynnies thread. man oh man. he is IRONMAN (hear the theme song playing? lol)
Shysie had horrific mucus potty for a bit, but knock on wood has been much better, we home cook and use human grade supplements. So I am hoping she is doing okay. I just realized i had not posted her labs. thought i should share them.
ALK PHOS 617 range 10-150
CK 312 10-200
Lipase 982 100-750

Urine Creatinine 226.2
Urine Protein 447.9
UPC 2.0

Then we did urine pool of one days urine of morning, noon, evening, nite
and UPC was 1.5

SPEC cPL 634 Range 0.0-200.0 so they feel she was having some flare up which i suspected since she had poohed 5 or so times previous day and normal is 1-2 poohs. with a rare 3 times. lol

her weight is being consistent however she has started intermittent lameness non weight bearing front left. has me little concerned and since General vet does not have high resolution x-ray machine but an old timer one, i declined to have it x-ray there, and will ask if when we see specialist if they can IF it can wait till then if not........well.......we will go sooner OR perhaps start seeing what clinic offers excellent general care and efficient equipment

She has been on Denmarin for along time now for liver support. Hour before meal she gets one tablet a day, very strict diet as well.

the medinice for ears that i am hestiant to use is Easotic and it has Gentamycin in it.

12-13-2013, 04:28 AM
He is due UPC next week along with his BP and bloods so I will ask then.

I know Ro's dog Chey who passed a few weeks ago had drops with gentamicin in them and she noticed deafness after using them.

I just found a new human grade probiotic specifically for IBD, so started using that this week. Flynny also had bowel biopsies which has confirmed he has two types of IBD, nothing simple with him and that is why he has to have the Prednisone which is scaring me and I worry about side effects. But it will be good to get that sorted out and it has the added benefit of helping his kidneys hopefully.

Shysies spec Cpl shows a bit of pancreatitis? Did they go over that with you? That is a much better test than the lipase.

When do you go back to specialist? I think I would be tempted to get the xray done with them if your other vet does not have up to date equipment. Poor girl with a sore leg, hope its nothing serious

12-13-2013, 08:43 AM
There is a line of products from Zymox -you can look through their products and I have used them for Zoe and Mary Beth did for Alivia as well.:):)

I cleaned Zoe's ears weekly for a few months to make sure they were clean and her minor yeast all resolved. I used the plain Zymox ear cleaner. Ordered it on Amazon.

Yup- we are both in sick bay. My brother figured out how I can get a free assessment of my shoulder injury- so I am going to hubby's physical therapy place Saturday (unless we have that major snow storm):):) I am exhausted as well from working and fighting the pain.

12-20-2013, 01:34 AM
Trish, yes have been trying to follow Flyns thread...very stressful, and he is so strong. I have heard the liver and kidney biospys are pretty invasive, and sounds like he has done real well with recovery. Then to have mass removed too. With all the ultra sounds and x rays dont you ever wonder how they appear so quickly. I think...THINK shysie has u/s done 1-2 a year.
yes they noticed her pancreatic levels....however she tends to have chronic pancreas issues since her one near fatal attack couple years ago. You had mentioned omega 3 and omega 6 one of the omega oils i use for her omega 3 is Nordic Naturals. Her nutritionist recommends it. By the way....her nutritionist does distant consulting......we needed to have her customize Shysies diet as kibble kept flaring either angry pooh or upset tummy. knock on wood since the nutritionist she has done great. She is on a very strict diet. No cheating....ever. for a probiotic we use FortiFlora. Stay in touch with me okay?
Was thankful for the feed back on the labs.......so you all think things look okay? (aside from pancreas lab)
we will be going back February for rechecks and ultrasounds and x rays

12-20-2013, 06:32 AM
Well he had the kidney and bowel biopsies during his surgery to remove the liver mass, they just thought as they were in there it was a good opportunity to get definitive diagnosis on his other problems, it is not as risky doing other abdominal procedures when its not an adrenalectomy.

Funny you mention Nordic Naturals as that is the exact same brand I am using. Just he omega-3 mixture. He gets enough of the omega-6 in his bone and joint supplement. But my vet wants me to send him the ingredients of the both to make sure we have the 3/6 ratio right.

Are the other values like ALP etc stable, while being a little high they are not too bad if they fit in with what has been done previously?

I think our protein pups band - Jasper, Shysie, Zoe and Flynn are on the upswing right now and they can jolly well start practising a new song and head out and earn their Momma's some money to pay for these vet bills!!

12-25-2013, 05:11 AM
Merry Christmas Stormee and Shysie.... hope your having a good day and I cannot wait to see the pics of Shysie opening her Christmas pressies!! x

molly muffin
12-25-2013, 05:15 PM
Merry Christmas!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-08-2014, 12:46 AM
Hello all dear ones!
been so long since I have been here....I think so much has been happening in so many areas of life, and when there are concerns about your babies health as you all know....everything is so much more difficult...then I would get paranoid reading what some of us are going through and what seems so similar I actually almost started thinking I was focusing on it happening and not focusing positively...ugh...hard to explain, so I made myself stay away, feel silly even trying to explain what i mean, lol
Well, much seems to have changed in the last 3 months....having limb lameness, stiff, struggles getting up, could be the because the weather has been VERY cold this season. Eating posture has changed....went from standing and eating great, to taking lots of encouragement and laying down, and sometimes hand feeding, I dont mind at all of course, I love "our" time as she eats, anything she needs or wants is what is beautiful to me and I always want to give that. She has started drinking LOTS of water...exceeding 3 cups a day. And just today very angry potty. (started her meds right away for that) and of course with additional water intake is LOTS more urinating, and weight loss. I wonder if her teeth are troubling her...I know that can cause eating to slow, water intake to increase, and increase many blood levels and affect the kidneys....which as you know she has CKD. W or is it something else... are scheduled to see her Internal Med doctor on the 17th and prepared to stay an extra day incase we need to see dentist, or doctor that does acupuncture. I just worry about her.....have many concerns.

02-08-2014, 01:00 AM
Hi Skye,
it never seems to end does it? We'll always worry and yes, I've been paranoid too. It's normal.

Daisy needs a good teeth cleaning too. I've heard that some places can do it without anesthesia and I wonder how they do that?

I'm sorry that Stormee is having problems.

02-08-2014, 08:49 AM
Hi Skye,

I know exactly what you mean so taking breaks from the forum is sometimes very healthy, dont feel badly about that.

With the cold weather, it could be arthritis bothering her, are you sure she has not hurt herself?

Does she sound stuffy at all? Drooling at all? Panting? I know when my grandpup had really bad teeth problems he ended up with a sinus infection and just kept drooling.

We hold on to each day so tell Shysie the protein pup band has a new gig soon and I hope our trip to Houston sheds some light on things.

hugs and more hugs

02-08-2014, 03:07 PM
Hi Stormee

So lovely to hear from you, but sorry they are to report a few worries. I hope the vet trip (are we coming for the trip?!?!) throws some light on your concerns about Flynny's valentine! Ohhhh it's nearly Valentines Day again already! He is having his ultrasound 2 days after Shysie on the 19th, so I am telling them they both better come up with good ones :rolleyes: Be good to check her teeth out and hopefully the warmer weather helps her aches and pains. xxx

02-16-2014, 12:51 AM
okay angels.....i am packed and ready to head out tomorrow afternoon. Appointment is at 9 Monday morning. We are prepared to stay 2 nights
I have bottle of wine....not near enough i know. lol dont forget swim suits we will go to pool spa and relax if we can. I got an entire luggage packed full of snack food. Seriously. lol. When i get nervous i MUST GRAZE. lol. I got chips, coke, cheese dip, bean dip, salsa, spinich dip and 1 bag of plain chips, 1 corn chips and cheese puffs of course. I got lots of candy, and even cheese and summer sausage. Thats right angels, i am not playing around here. lol. AND i a packing large coffee cup, no messing around with the little tiny dixie hotel coffee cups. lol. so ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ABOARD FOR TEAM SHYSIE!!!!! no gum chewing....last time angels had it in their wings and hair and halos. wings of course can flutter but please lets be mindful so we can all squeeze in and not flutter anyone out on floor which causes mass fluttering. lol. although for us angels suffering from hot flashes will be seated in the mass fluttering section of party bus. All doctors and nurses have been alerted we will be arriving and know to premedicate themselves with Valium and to spike the coffee for us. lol
sooooooooo lets hope and pray we get issues resolve, things look good, and over all complete physical and mental health and all labs as well as any and all radiographs ultrasounds etc show excellence health. Can i get an AMEN!!!!

02-16-2014, 12:55 AM
Oh those munchies are making me hungry!
Good luck with the appointments!!!!

molly muffin
02-16-2014, 12:58 PM
Road Trip!!! I'm ready!

Sharlene and Molly muffin

02-16-2014, 02:34 PM
Good luck with everything Sky you made me hungry! Blessings

02-16-2014, 09:56 PM
we have arrived, took advantage of the 5:30 kickback they serve. Chicken tender strips, mac and cheese, hot dogs, baked potatoe and glass wine. lol
have been steadily grazing upon my favorite candy mix which is candy corn, cashews, red hots, peanuts, m&m's all mixed together. YUM.
nervous I admit to see what the test results reveal. Obviously something is happening. She has gotten so tiny that her tiny little knub tail looks pointy. She had gained weight....all the way back up to where she was before this all began 3 years ago i believe its been now. now she is back down to her lowest when she got gravely ill. Few pounds is alot for our furbabies. For her limping and joint tenderness.....her nutritionist does acupuncture so hoping she can help with that. What ever it takes....just need her to be okay. I will take what ever it is that negative from her gladly. GLADLY. Anything for her. She is my girl. Angels....so glad you are with me...sniff.......feel teary.

02-17-2014, 12:03 AM
Jesus she doesn't look so well in that picture you just sent. What the hell is going on? What happened to our Canis Ballerinis?

02-17-2014, 01:03 AM
We're always with you <3

If I ever win the lotto, I'd have a Cush-reunion so that we could meet each other in person.

02-17-2014, 04:31 AM
Hi Stormee ... I am here!!! Gum-free as requested :) Willing a good report for our Shysie tomorrow. Now move on over as I am pretty partial to lollies myself :D:D It is going to be a quick turnaround, straight after Shysie gets her good report we will all have to be off to Auckland as Flynn has his scan and appointment on Wednesday, (Tuesday for you guys) so just forward on that snack bag and we will polish it off there!!! Go Shysie!!! Dazzle those Dr's like you always do darling! xx

02-17-2014, 08:04 AM
Hope everything goes ok today. You are too much with the munchies you are getting me really hungry. Blessings

02-17-2014, 08:47 AM
I'm here too, never miss a Houston trip. Positive thoughts being sent your way, paws up Shysie so Mama cant stop worrying.

Has anyone had a cheesburger pizza delivered? What the heck is it anyway? Well, a long wait in the waiting room, I guess. Good thing I brought my Iphone.:):):)

02-17-2014, 10:13 AM
I am here too, willing you both on. Fingers crossed and lots of love and positive vibes


Squirt's Mom
02-17-2014, 10:34 AM
Can't make this trip but my thoughts and prayers go with you!

molly muffin
02-17-2014, 06:26 PM
I'm here, just was taking a bit of a nap over in the corner. :) ;)
Gosh I hope whatever it is, they can figure it out and fix it up. We can't have our little girl not doing well and losing weight now.
Cheeseburger pizza?! hmm..haven't tried, but I'm willing! LOL Do you put mustard and ketchup on it?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-17-2014, 06:39 PM
near fatal pancreatic attack, adrenalectomy surgery, lip mass removal, lymph node removal, 2 Indolent eye surgeries, Chronic Kidney Disease, slight start of catarats both eyes and now Diabetes. Tell me I dont have a little bad ass fur daughter, lol. So tough, so strong, such courage. She is happy, content, resting, delighted with her new little toy she got today. She teaches me every day so much...if only I could be as amazing to her, to each of you, as she is to me constantly. Thank you Father, I know you heard me last night, I felt you near us. You are truly the Master Physician.
We come back again Sunday night for a long day on the 24th for 12 hour glucose testing.

02-17-2014, 06:41 PM
will post further results as they come in.
Okay Flynny your up!!!! Right there with ya Trish and Flynn. You know our kids that have been constant Valentines stay sweet on each other and need to be okay!!!

02-17-2014, 06:46 PM
OMG, well you march right over to K9 Diabetes and sign up at our sister site.

At least you have answers, Skye, you know what you are dealing with. When they have pancreatic issues they can be more prone to diabetes.


molly muffin
02-17-2014, 08:24 PM
Yep, go over to the k9diabetes sight, they are wonderful people and will help a lot.
Diabetes, good grief, she is going down the list or what!!

Sharlene and molly muffin

02-17-2014, 10:36 PM
Wow! That is one long list!
Now that you have answers, you can make informed decisions that will actually help Stormie.

Squirt's Mom
02-18-2014, 08:18 AM
Fer cryin' out loud! That is a surprise! We got some tough little ladies on our hands, Skye! ;)

Yep, you run on over to the sister site and they will guide you expertly on this journey.
Leslie and the gang

02-19-2014, 02:26 AM
i will go there tomorrow...or rather later today....lol. Why am I so clingy and needy to this very site though. lol. I tried to branch out on over there there this evening and I just ran and stayed right here. lol. my fingers just hovering about the key board...lol
I know through our entire journey each of you angels are with us, and I am so grateful through all of this, seriously through all of this, your wings have carried us and when we have fainted lol, fluttered all about to help us get our bearings again.
we love you.

02-19-2014, 02:30 AM
here is link of some photos with the doctors and nurses.
they are so awesome. [URL="https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.599442473477526.1073741842.174750042613440&type=3

02-19-2014, 07:28 AM
You can visit both sites :-)
No reason to leave us_LOL.

02-19-2014, 08:22 AM
Valerie is so right, you use both sites, we dont want you to leave us

02-19-2014, 06:00 PM
Blinking heck, Diabetes??? Ahh well, you will handle that just like you have handled everything else thrown Shysie's way. I bet those K9 diabetes people are just as nice as us :D:D so get your bootie over there and seek there advice on this news!! Love the photos and it looks like everyone LOVES Shysie! xx

02-22-2014, 03:06 AM
I felt the same way about going over there when Kaibo was diagnosed with diabetes. I'm actually quite terrible at keeping up with posting on both sites and tend to come back here more often even though Kaibo's adrenal tumour was removed in July. Good luck with the diabetes. If you have questions I can try to help!

02-22-2014, 04:05 AM
This reminded me of Shysie when I saw it tonight!


02-22-2014, 07:24 PM
i posted this on her thread tonight on the other forum
okay.....today it all hit me for some reason. I mean the last 3 years have been so difficult, my darling has done amazing, through each struggle she has been happy, strong, astonishing in every way....I have been trying to keep up with her strength. lol
Today, I decided it was a good afternoon to cry. And cry I did. You know....the ugly girl cry with mascara running, snot and tears pouring. Gathered my senses about me after a bit, and went and gathered my vibrant incredible girl in my arms and smothered her in kisses and hugs repeatedly saying how much i love her.
She was diagnosed likely with in 4-5 weeks of the onset, so now I am concerned about the Honeymoon period. Her specialist is a 2 hour drive in hectic crazy traffic, forked hi ways and mergers. I have never driven it....I can not handle the crazy traffic, and so many wrecks.
I have Karo syrup on supply for emergency, I am keeping daily journal on her behavior for stellar clinical report, we do glucose curve test Monday.
She is giving a breif yelp at injections. She moves about so much. I put mat on table and put her on table grab scruff with one hand make a tent and inject at the best horizontal angle i can, by then she has moved which of course likely moves the needle, i know its less than one second.....but ugh!!!!!!! then give her a rinsed 1/2 greenbean for positive re enforcement. with tons of praise!!! Wish i almost had little poles and coupler her harness on either side between the two poles so she cant move but suppose that wouldnt hold head neck area in place.
how long does this part of adjusting to giving you own baby injections alone last? will welcome the no biggy feeling any day now.

02-23-2014, 04:22 AM
Hi Stormee

I am sure the diabetes crew will be able to give you tips on administering the insulin. I have given Flynn quite a lot of various shots, I think it is good to get a good hold and do it quick so she does not get time to get nervous. If she twitches then keep a firm hold on the syringe and go with her, don't dig it in to hard though. Put it in quick and as long as the needle so it is sitting snugly on the skin (I presume it is fairly short). When I do it I don't make much of a fuss of him before or during, fairly businesslike so they do not sense your stress, then a nice treat like your green bean straight after. Flynn barely notices it and has never cried with them. Crikey you do not want to inject yourself with insulin accidentally!! So be careful! You will get the hang of it in no time :) x

02-23-2014, 11:31 PM
okay Angels we have arrived at hotel stay the night so we can arrive at Hospital bright and early 7am so we should try and not be loud and crazy all night running up and down the halls and seeking into the hot tub and swimming pool. We got a free upgraded suite!!! and Pizza is being delivered!
Glucose curve all day tomorrow!

02-23-2014, 11:35 PM
Good luck tomorrow Skye and Stormee!
I had to laugh at your ugly girl cry description. I've been doing that these past few days while reading sad news here.

How is it that I know it happens but still never expected it? Eternal optimist I guess.

02-24-2014, 02:27 AM
Good luck with the curve. Soon you will be so confident and comfortable you will be able to do home testing and therefore the curves yourself! It's much cheaper! Post the results here and on the diabetes forum. I'll track your thread down over there. Mine is the same title on both forums.

02-24-2014, 03:31 AM
Yum, I could go a pizza right about now!!! I am sneaking into the spa Stormee and taking Shysie with me, we could do with some peace and quiet and a soak in bubbles, I have a special floaty pad to perchy Shysie on and I will do her nails while we are there!! Good look for the curve tomorrow, we gotta get this girl back on the straight and narrow asap!!! x

Squirt's Mom
02-24-2014, 07:13 AM
Of course, you already know how much I love you and Shysie and how much I admire all you have done for her all these years. Now, I have to bow in admiration at the strength you are showing with this new development. I am drawn to special needs and hospice babies and nothing they have presented me with has scared me - caused me to research like mad perhaps, but they have never come with too much to handle. However, I freely admit that diabetes scares the crap outta me. :o Every pup that comes here I tell them - you can have any disease, disorder, handicap you wish EXCEPT diabetes. :o But I know the odds are that if I keep doing this one day a pup is going to come thru my door either already with or who will develop diabetes. At that point, I will look to you and others who have faced this with such grace and courage.
