View Full Version : will be testing hopefully soon (Update: Left adrenal tumor)

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07-21-2012, 02:03 AM
with her decreasing cortisal.......worried it could be addisons....????? lol can you tell nerves are kicking in, have been doing sooooo good since have been planning on going in since May! now.......Monday is so close.....

Squirt's Mom
07-21-2012, 07:26 AM
Mornin' Skye,

Gettin' the willies, huh? :D The odds are in favor of Shysie NOT having another adrenal tumor. ;) It is very rare that a pup will have more than one tumor related to Cushing's - it does happen, but very, very rarely. :)

The stim agent in the ACTH can make some pups a bit off after but most do just fine. It is considered a good idea that the pup not be overly stressed when the ACTH is done as nervousness can cause the cortisol to rise naturally, skewing the results. The bile acid I can't say but the other tests shouldn't present any problems at all. She may have to be sedated for the ultrasound but that is no big deal usually.

Try to relax and enjoy today and tomorrow as much as possible. That will help Shysie, too. And remember we are with you all the way.

Leslie and the gang

07-21-2012, 11:15 AM
thank you Leslie.
so from the acth test, and the slight possiblity of her being off from agent, what does that mean? her pancreas is extremely sensitive, just preparing, dont like surprises that arent happy, lol. Her cortisol is so low already, went from 4 something to 1.7 i think, in 6 months. Things in question are the Alk phos., USG, CK, and cortisol. Her recent labs from May are posted on here.
Thank you Leslie, and so glad and grateful you are prepared for flight!

07-22-2012, 11:15 PM
were at hotel.....settling in for evening. Due at doctors 9:30. I dont know how the heck to keep her from stressing....she will be all excited when we get in car again, then getting into hospital seeing all the animals. Its always wild. she just dances and dances and acts all tough, lol. I love her so.

07-22-2012, 11:23 PM
Know we are with you guys in spirit and doing our fluttering thing. :D Keep us posted ok? Sending best wishes and strength. Kim

07-22-2012, 11:36 PM
oh i hear all the little wings fluttering, and the gentle breeze from them. Car was packed full of angels in and outside of car, dont think i used any gas getting here. LOL, we flew on the wings of angels. lol!!! :)
seriously, it is so comforting to know your all there.....it is stressful.....my mind floats and wanders, i toss and turn...let this be something simple, diet adjustment, then it ponders and ponders and thinks oh no what if its addisons, pituary cushings, adrenal issue, sigh. Then remember to stop.....breathe............let this be something simple....................

07-22-2012, 11:54 PM
Thinking of you and hoping for the best!
Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
07-23-2012, 07:27 AM
Just popping in! Please give Shysie a gentle belly rub for me and here are some great big hugs for you. We are with you all the way, Skye. Let us hear from you when you can, sweetie!

Leslie and the gang

07-23-2012, 07:54 AM
checking in as well, Skye, hoping it is something simple.
sending love and hugs and positive thoughts

07-23-2012, 06:51 PM
hello angels!!!!
we are home. just finished getting settled at home. They did ACTH, Bile duct, Senior blood panel which i am hoping includes Chem panel as i know they wanted that done and i called to make sure that is done, lol, and USG, and abdominal u/s.
i LOVED the internal medinice doctor, was very kind, gentle and didnt rush through things at all. I was VERY impressed with him. Also had her looked at by her nutrionist, which she said her weight was okay....but did not want her to lose ANY more whatsoever. i agreed.
The internal Medinice doctor seemed impressed with my color coated spread sheet of ALL her labs. and how i tracked inclines/declines showing it on spread sheet to help see the whole picture. he said actually there is a doctor who has done this as a study with his dog, to help detect kidney issues early. We discussed kidneys, liver and Addisons. Amongst other things....intestinal, bone etc. but main discussions around the Alk Phos, Lipase and Ck, he did not express as much concern around the CK as the others. Should have test results tomorrow. Shysie got her little tummy shaved, but they said she did great for them. And they drew blood from her little arm instead of neck area which from May....had to be less stressful for her. Each time they took her and brought her back she was not overly stressed so momma was happy bout that. We of course got to visit with the nurse who helped her through the adrenalectomy, i tell you what....that girl is simply amazing. i am very blessed as her surgeon, Dr Hottinger, has amazing nurse and Dr. Heald has a amazing one as well. Top notch gals and doctors and that makes for all around better experience for pet parents and furbaby. I understand why folks come from all over the nation to this place. It is simply amazing. Every specialty you could think of is there, the doctors and nurses are out of this world. and the hotel less than 5 minutes away gives special rates for their patients, and it is VERY affordable, awesome rooms, hot tub, pool, free soda all nite, free movie theater popcorn all nite, free hot food and drinks for two hours each evening, amazing breakfast with everything, so........for stressful situations, I am glad and so thankful for all the positive things to help get through the stress. AND they remembered Shysie from november!! lol! they asked how she was doing. LOL, how adorable is that???!!! SO keep pouring the prayers out.....tests in tomorrow. and....thank you all so much.....i feel the strength each of you send our way.

molly muffin
07-23-2012, 07:50 PM
Wow, what a wonderful experience. It always seems so nerve wrecking when we go off to the big lab and doctors. LOL So glad to hear that you are happy with the whole group and Shysie did wonderfully!

07-23-2012, 08:39 PM
Thanks! yes Gulf coast Veterinary Specialist is amazing place. goodness the passion and compassion is truly given. best of the best there. I highly recommend them and grateful for the positive experiences. i hope that all the tests come back and this is something we can easily adjust and fix. As I have studied her clinical reports i have taken, and studied her labs from about a year ago to current, i am a bit concerned it will be something like addisions. so will see. Hope I am wrong and it will only be diet adjustment. OMG I would scream joyously and dance dance dance dance drop it like its hot wiggle wiggle wiggle if it is. lol

Squirt's Mom
07-24-2012, 08:52 AM
Oh, Skye,

I am so glad things went well and that ya'll were treated so wonderfully by the staff there. That always helps so very much as us moms and dads can get really stressed ourselves with all that testing on our babies. ;) And that hotel sound mahvelous! :D

We will be anxiously awaiting those test results with you and praying all is good. There are these things called Satin Balls that you can give pups to help them gain weight. There are several different recipes available and it seems we have a thread on them? I know we have discussed them somewhere. I will search and find the thread and post it here just in case you're interested.

Leslie and the gang

Edited to add -

The recipes are on about the 3rd post....

molly muffin
07-24-2012, 08:06 PM
Crossing fingers for good test results!

07-24-2012, 09:16 PM
WOW! That sounds like an amazing experience. How wonderful! Glad things went well and you all left happy! Keep us posted.

Julie & Hannah

07-24-2012, 11:10 PM
yes it is an amazing place. Seriously....amazing....i dont like that we have had to seek out such a place....but am so grateful for the expertise there. We met some pet parents there who had sought help from their general vet, who finally sent a biospy to A&M (another place in Texas that is to be of high standards) and no answers could be found to what was wrong...they came to gulf coast veterinary specialist and within an hour they had answer...sadly it was cancer so advanced nothing could be done. I saw the pet parents in parking lot making way into lobby where immediately you are assisted by a warm compassionate greeter receptionist...who immediately got their furbaby (incredible beautiful rottweiler) a gurney. My eyes locked with the pet parents whose eyes held despair from the deepest part of the heart, my eyes fell upon their loved one who i cant even begin to describe what i knew was once strong and vibrant strength broken and unable to even hold his head up, it was like life watch with medics and urgency to do all they could, with passion leading hearts of compassion to do any and all possible. Sadly the parents were given the news, and they released their darling from the pain so new life would be given with perfect health. I was in waiting room with Shysie when she returned with the news and decision. Shysie had been making her smile with attitude, she loved seeing that in such a tiny little bundle...lol and called it "tude" I embraced her....shysie fell silent and gazed upon the lady...tilting her head and watching....lady said for her to not stop and give her that "tude" and in a snap shysie stood with little knub tail wiggley and gave it. Get teary just sharing all this. Not many dry eyes anywhere in those moments even from nurses. I have seen alot....but i had not seen a spirit as broken as this furbaby from illness. It came about all very quickly said the parents. The equipment they have is so update and high tech, they have so many specialist, and even in every surgery, there is teams. I believe doctors assist doctors, there are surgery nurses, recovery nurses, icu nurses, each person is extremely focused on specifics so everything is given more than 100% focus and detail. Hedghogs, birds, lizards, cats, dogs, ferrets, you name it, they care for it. amazing. In hospitals in waiting rooms....how families sort of support and care for each other....that is how waiting rooms are there, couches, love seats, tvs phones, etc. to add in comfort of those waiting...even snacks and beverages. If anyone wants any information first hand about this amazing place please get in contact with me. Shysie personally has seen 3 doctors there and OMG her Internal Medinice doctor is wonderful and for me to feel that way about doctors is quite a lot. they have 4 IMS doctors there alone. I believe that is right. might be 5.

07-24-2012, 11:23 PM
i heard back from them this evening and got some information and will get more tomorrow (not all results were in yet)
her remaining adrenal gland is slightly enlarged but it is asked to do work of two glands.
i dont have actual test results but only my quickly jotted notes
acth started was 6.6 after stim was 16.3
said gland was functioning but not overly functioning.
Bile test showed liver working great start of test was 1.0 and after meal waiting 2 hours it was 7 and lower the number the better. although because of increased Alk Phos (i think) the liver will be watched for changes at a biochemical level to make sure it and intestinal are healthy
USG 1.025 which is up and is a acceptable number. Her Cortisal level was improved though i cant find the number it was....but it had come back up to acceptable level.
kidneys show signs of age (she is 9)
there was protein in urine that we need to be careful of
bladder wall forward surface thickened not smooth. Urine test showed no signs of infection or inflammation.
so in 3 months we go back for another u/s to monitor these things and compare to this u/s
i will post more specifics and detailed when i get the actual reports.
and i will ask the question if studies have shown to treat cushings when sypmtoms are not severe as some have looked at this in canada.
any thoughts feed back on what i have is more than welcomed.

Squirt's Mom
07-25-2012, 06:57 AM
Oh, Skye!

That sounds absolutely WONDERFUL! :) What a great report! Looks like the ACTH is perfect! Nothing glaringly wrong that I can see at all especially considering what Shysie went through such a short time ago. Can't wait to hear the rest of it as this is a GREAT start! :)

Leslie and the gang

07-25-2012, 12:19 PM
I agree however i am bit concerned about the bladder wall......do not want any bladder cancer!!!!!

molly muffin
07-25-2012, 07:46 PM
This is so great to hear!
Did they say anything about when they might want to see her again to check on the bladder issue?
It doesn't sound immediate, just something to keep an eye on.
So happy things are going well!


07-25-2012, 09:38 PM
yes we go back in three months so have labs and ultra sounds repeated. so far so good!!! i did get copy of some labs will print and get any out of ranges posted :)
AND get this.........so caring the doctors........do you know that i had THREE doctors call and talk to me about her labs. :)
and i will hopefully get info on cushings questions about treating before symptoms are bad

molly muffin
07-25-2012, 10:38 PM
WOW! I can't tell you how impressed I am. Lucky you to have such excellent and concerned doctors.


07-26-2012, 07:40 AM
Canis Ballerinais (Shysie) we love you sweet pie. Hugs to your mommy too. And Zack and Shaddix too.

07-28-2012, 12:02 AM
:) thank you all so much. LOL Janis yes canis ballerinais!!!!! lol! (we need to share these photos with you all, and Janis named them according to how she is acting.......LOL!!!!! i love you janis your so awesome) i will try and post her lab results for you all this weekend, and hope to get answer to that one question pending next week!

07-28-2012, 12:38 AM
Photos by: Stormee
Arrangement and Title by: Janis
Canis = Dog
Dog Ballerina

Squirt's Mom
07-28-2012, 07:15 AM
That's funny! :p

07-29-2012, 09:59 PM
what Result Reference Range
Alk Phosphatase 650 10-150
HGB (hemoglobin) 18.5 12-18
TCO2 26 17-24
Neutrophil 86 60-77
Lymphocytes 8 12-30
Eosinophil 1 2-10
Absolute Neutrophil 11610 3000-11500

Protein 2++
USG 1.025
PH 6

Serum Spec cPL 173 less than or equal to 200 is normal

Bile Acids 1.0 ref range 0.0-6.9
Bile Acids Post Prandial 7.0 ref range 0.0-14.9
(keep in mind normal bile acids does NOT rule out hepatopathy)

Pre acth cortisol 6.6
Post acth cortisol 16.3

Squirt's Mom
07-30-2012, 07:30 AM
Hi Skye,

The parts I understand on the labs you reported look good. The ACTH indicates her adrenal is working just fine - if the normal ranges are what we usually see, those results are considered normal so that is good! Someone with more understanding of the labs will have to help with the rest of it, tho. :o Hopefully, one of our resident experts will be along to provide their input. Did the docs have anything to say about them? Anything they saw that concerned them or merited further investigation?

Leslie and the gang

07-30-2012, 11:57 AM
we go back end of October.
They will redo urine, blood work up, ultrasound.
urine because of protein, blood due to elevations, and ultrasound due to shadowing of pancreas, bladder showing thickening of forward wall, and right adrenal slightly enlarged. They will then have 3 ultrasounds to compare Novemeber, July, October. they could compare all 4 if they wanted, October, November, July and then new in October. Likely they only compare recent to new.
here is my list of questions or confirmations for doctors
*can her cortisal crashes cause addisons risks (i am unclear on this)
*pancreas shadow from October pancreatic attack (from what i understood yes)
*bladder thickening from previous bladder infections, crystals (from what i understood yes)
*adrenal gland enlargement normal when one is removed and certain that is what enlargement is from (from what I understood, yes)

*******ultrasounds could all be compared from just prior her pancreas attack....I have that CD to track changes in right adrenal, pancreas, bladder and kidneys (to see if aging look has progressed rapidly or been seen from start)
Ultrasounds dates: October, November, July and then new again this October

*do any of her her elevations indicate her heart should be looked at? or anything else?
Lymphocytes (low)
Eosinophil (low)
Absolute Neutrophil

08-03-2012, 12:35 AM
In regards to a discussion on another thread......treating cushings
it may be beneficial to start dogs who are asymptomatic on low dose Vetoryl.
I asked IMS and reply was would NOT treat asymptomatic though tested positive for cushings, would treat symptoms as they increased.
and Vetryoyl was once thought to be very safe........and now time has proven it is not as safe as they once thought.
not sure if that advice or opinion will help any one. but least may warrant further investigation on differs of opinions on professionals treatment options. :)

10-29-2012, 08:58 PM
Shysie had all her labs redone today. And her ultra sound. She was pretty stressed for them today....so they gave her tiny bit of sedation...courage juice...to help her with ultra sound, and since she has back injury she would not risk squirming and straining and hurt that. I have been asking for courage juice in the pet parents lobbies from day one. lol Hopefully have results tomorrow evening. :)

Bo's Mom
10-29-2012, 09:18 PM
Praying for some good news...please keep us posted.

11-01-2012, 09:44 PM
heard from Dr. Heald today
Shysies bladder looks good, her pancreas calm, her kidneys have mineral deposits and show her age but that is not something to treat
her urine specific gravity is still little low (1.019) and 1+ protein and it has showed fluctuation, so he knows it has been higher, and the urine sample i took in was only in her bladder 3-4 hours so not a full nite. and she had drank fair amount of water that evening as well which dilutes it.
so he is not overtly concerned about this.
her lab was really great except for really one elevation. and that was her Alk Phos. (540) which is produced through out body so to know what if anything is causing it is very difficult and it could just be the way she is.
so all in all great news!!!!!
her eye is not healing so likely will have to have surgery ugh. but all in all things look good. He would like to recheck in 6 months.

molly muffin
11-05-2012, 06:19 PM
Hi, how is Shysies eye doing? The results all sound good. I don't think it it is only her ALP and that is just at 540, that I'd even worry about it as long as everything else is good.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

11-05-2012, 09:41 PM
thanks for asking about her eye, well..........i dont think its healing up, and depending on what would be best post op care for her if i schedule before, during or after Thanksgiving. Not sure how many clients I will have week of Thanksgiving....but seems more are traveling before that week. Although........i did just add another client that week. Still applying her ointment 3 times a day and she HATES that. I give her, her little treasure afterwards so she is comforted...(its a pink and white sock) :) she takes to certain items. LOL so very very cute. other week it was a little foot off one of her plush toys. She guards it, cleans it, nestles it, sleeps with it, lol. and wont hardly leave it to go potty. lol. course she only gets those things when she can be supervised dont need her trying to ingest anything that would be bad. Maybe it will heal up by then. I can keep hoping and praying huh. :)

11-06-2012, 08:30 AM
It took Zoe almost three months to heal her eye ulcer. She also had secondary glaucoma which we were able to control early on. We had at one time 12 different eye drops for Zoe. The dog serum we were given really helped alot. She was on 2-3 different antibiotics, OMG, the list of meds went on and on. Our opthalmologist said agressive treatment was needed so I followed his directions with no arguments (which is unusual for me;) )

It might take some time. I hope it heals up so you dont need Shysie to go through surgery.

11-06-2012, 10:04 AM
Thanks Addy.......i wonder if i should wait till December....or after first of year. and keep treating with ointment prescribed. I wonder if there are some drops or additional medicines we can try to help it. All I can understand of it is, its a eye ulcer that is not healing there fore called indolent. Its been about 1 month i think....maybe not quite. Thoughts??? though i dont want to risk further damage by waiting. sigh...........yes isnt it always between a rock and hard spot? lol

11-06-2012, 01:16 PM
Is it too deep to heal? Did they tell you why they thought it cannot heal? What eye drops have you tried? Have they gone in and done any scraping of the ulcer?

I have most of my vet reports, let me go back through them and write what the eye vet says about Zoe's ulcer and give you the meds we used.

Our vet kept telling us too that if Zoe's did not heal it would require surgery which he did not want to do. We were terrified for months about it, I hardly left her except to go to work and I even changed my hours to be home with her. We had constant rechecks. She goes for a 3 month recheck this Saturday.

It was important we kept her eyes moist. She also has dry eye disease. We use Tacrilomus BID, Cyclosproine 2% (the strongest dose) three x day as well as over the counter Genteal Gel 4 x a day.
I just cut back her fluriprofen to once a day, it used to be 3 times a day and we use EDTA 3 x a day.

This was after her ulcer finally healed.

I'll look for my list for when her eye was the worst and we were trying to keep the other eye from getting a spontanious ulcer as well.:eek:

11-06-2012, 09:24 PM
hello!!! no scrapping and no drops, only thing we have been given is the oxtetracyline/polymixin and that is 3x a day.
here is the procedure i think they would do "The recommended treatment for indolent ulcers is a surgical procedure called a keratotomy; either a linear grid or punctuate pattern can be used. The purpose of this procedure is to first remove all of the loose epithelial cells that are not able to remain attached to the stroma. A very fine needle is then used to make a series of microgrooves, or grids, into the superficial corneal stroma. This will help to disrupt the abnormal portion of the cornea and allow new epithelial cells to anchor down to healthy cornea below this unhealthy zone."

11-07-2012, 04:00 AM
Hi Stormee... lol
Glad you are discussing this here! ;)

Squirt's Mom
11-07-2012, 08:13 AM
Hi Skye, (can't get used to Stormee! :D:o)

Eye problems and diabetes give me the willies. :o And I can't offer any help for Shysie's situation but Addy and others have dealt with some pretty tough times with eyes in their babies and I know they will lead you in the right direction. I can offer prayers and energies for a good outcome and those are flying your way!

Keep in touch and let us know how she is doing. I am very glad about the rest of her report. Sounds great!

Leslie and the gang

11-08-2012, 08:18 AM
Hi Skye,
I have been reading through Zoe's numerous eye reports and came up with the following questions:

1-has tear production been tested? If so what are the results?
2- are there any other issues with the eyes? Zoe has crsytaline opacity most likely from her Cushings and follicular conjunctivitis due to allergies or Cushings.
3-Zoe's ulcer was superficial but started getting deeper and would not heal(anterior stromal)- is the ulcer superficial? besides not healing, has it gotten deeper?
4- Is there evidence of inflammatory cells?
5- Are there yellow ribbons indictaing infection?

6- would more agressive antbiotic therapy be warranted?
7- would adding an anticollagense to help prevent deepening of the ulcer be warranted?
8- would an anti inflammatory be warranted?

We'll start with this:):):):) Which is a lot of questions;)

11-16-2012, 12:21 AM
I have been waiting for the doctor to return my call.........
then the receptionist explained to me today that they do surgery every day and either doctor might do the surgery....i expressed that i would prefer the doctor who does her surgery be the doctor i met.....just feel odd about all this but i know they are top notch there. Those are excellent questions by the way....and i have them wrote down to ask. I cant express enough how much i appreciate you.
you know it seemed there for few days she was near all well!!!! i was really getting my hopes up. Then....as soon as i breathed.....back to squinting like day one. Went from almost all better to worse as first happened.
And of course its in Houston where i need to go. I only have one friend that i know in person here. and she isnt able to help me travel there. So.....looks like i need to get a very detailed lane assist gps to help me travel the journey of highways there. it will be nerve blowing i am certain. but....if i gotta go alone (so to speak i know all the angels will be with us) i gotta suck it up and do this. and keep her calm best i can as well. hopefully will hear from doctor tomorrow....
thank you again

molly muffin
11-16-2012, 10:45 PM
Well hopefully you won't Have to go alone. You can do a print out too using mapquest for directions. How far are you from Houston? I've had to drive down there from near Austin before and if you aren't that comfortable on the highway, take the back roads, although be prepared for it be a longer drive and you might not want that.
I'm so sorry the eye problem came back, just when you thought it was going to heal. :(
Let us know what the doctor says and if you hear from them tomorrow or not.

Hug, Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-17-2012, 02:36 AM
i did hear from one of the doctors there...not the one we consulted with or has seen her though. I called again and left another message, and then the other doctor called and spoke to me. He said they wanted to see her again before a surgery is done. So One day next week we will go in. Then we might do surgery Monday the 26th since i am requesting anesthesiologist be present they have to schedule one in, and there will be one there that day. Lets just hope and pray she heals up between and now and then so she can just feel great! Love her so much. Feel bad stressing her on car trips. I understand that though.......its crazy insane heading to Houston. State of Texas averages nearly 9 fatalities each week in auto wrecks alone. The county I live in averages 2 a week. Never seen anything like this and makes you chose your trips carefully. Will keep you posted. Thank you for all your care and support.

11-19-2012, 10:40 PM
we went to her appointment today, and met with the other doctor at the clinic....he was so kind and gentle. So was his assistant. AND Leslie...i saw your post on Shysie face book....I felt the angel wings fluttering! All you angels are so awesome. If Shysie and I could only find the words to express how much we treasure all of you for ALL you have done for us. (knot in throat...tear....but lovingly one)
Okay so for the update.....Okay! So Shysie is scheduled for her surgery Monday the 26th. They will be checking to see if foreign object is under 3rd eye lid causing this issue and will clean it out if it is, otherwise it will be a combnation procedure of Corneal debridgement and Keratotomy which is also known as grid or punctate. Thank You Dr. Nicholas Millichamp, BVetMed, PhD, DVOphthal, DECVO, MRCVS, DACVO at Eye Care for Animals in Houston for being kind and gentle to my darling little girl!!!!! :)

Squirt's Mom
11-20-2012, 08:03 AM
Hey, Skye,

I hope the least traumatic surgery is what Shysie ends up having done and that it works perfectly to clear up this situation. It's so nice that her "grandma" is close by and so willing to help you with the traveling - that has got to be a huge relief. I still have nightmares about my one and only attempt to drive through Dallas! :eek:

Keep in touch and know we are with you!
Leslie and the gang

11-20-2012, 01:33 PM
ohhhhhh so you can relate to what i am talking about.....lol, yes, Dallas is horrible, Houston just as awful if not more so, but i havent attempted to go to Dallas in years....i tried couple of times, last time i was shaking and crying so hard i swore never ever again. Even with a GPS, if it cant update in blink of eye, forget it. There is no time. Her "grandma" actually lives in TN, but visits Tx often. She has let me know she will help me get her to the Doctors Monday, and oh i cant even say how much i do appreciate this. I am ready to move from this state and go to a smaller state for many many many reasons. But i know husband will never make any changes. I think from what i understand this is a fairly non aggressive procedure, in and out same day, with good success. Would love for it to heal up and not have to be done, but least this is not adrenalectomy (shiver shudder) or black dome midline mass (hiding under blankets). Or horrific exits of substance out of one end or other (panicpanicpanic) you angels have carried us through alot, wish you could feel my embrace to each of you, and know how much i whisper to you when offline in my times of worry and gratefulness

molly muffin
11-20-2012, 06:54 PM
You are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Shysie is going to be okay and all will be well. That is my Thanksgiving wish for you and all our furbabies. :)
(and no crazy city driving, Houston and Dallas both make me feel to sick to my stomach sometimes when I've had to drive in them) ugh!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
11-26-2012, 08:50 AM
Hi Skye,

Just popping in to let you know we are with you both all the way today. I hope they are able to help her and you are both back home safe and sound in no time.

Let us know what you learn.
Hugs, prayers, and healing white light,
Leslie and the gang

11-26-2012, 11:55 AM
Have a good trip you guys, we can travel together! Thanks for your support and advice on Flynn, I am so hoping both our doggies have good news by the end of the day xx

molly muffin
11-26-2012, 05:33 PM
Okay, home from work. How are things going? Everything good? Waiting...waiting ...patience is So grossly over rated!! Trip okay, car running good? didn't get lost?! *sigh* Okay I'll behave.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-26-2012, 06:04 PM
I am trying to catch up here. Geez, poor Shysie. As if she hasn't been through enough with the adrenal surgery. I am thinking about you guys.


Ro and Chey

11-26-2012, 07:11 PM
we are all in the car with ya, fighting for a window seat.

Bo's Mom
11-26-2012, 07:13 PM
Thinking of you guys.

11-26-2012, 07:34 PM
Home from work here also, and checking in. Thinking about you both and hoping all is going well for Shysie.


Tina and Jasper

Squirt's Mom
11-27-2012, 08:49 AM
How did things go yesterday, Skye?

11-28-2012, 01:23 AM
Hello everyone
once again i was blessed to have mother in law in state to help me get there and back home. WHEW!!!!!!!!!! omg you have NO IDEA how grateful i was. Still have the next week appointment to go to and back, and she wont be here. UGH
Shysie had Keratotomy Linear Grid surgery. She has to wear cone 24/7 till next Wednesday....she is NOT happy camper. She is uncomfortable, restless, yet sleepy (from tramadoil) she has to have her eye ointment 3x daily and claavomox 2x a day with her food. She still has NOT poohed since her surgery. So tomorrow she MUST pooh or will have to help that along. And with her pancreas issues hate to induce that to much. I have mineral oil that i might dip my finger in (light thin coat) that she can lick off and maybe that will be all she needs. She has never had difficult time poohing after surgery before. Oh she is gonna feel so much better when she finally does. I thought i heard her perkalating....lol and possibly heard a little boomer so maybe things are starting to stir in the lower region for her.
Okay so back to how she is feeling.....uncomfortable, restless, sleepy, frustrated, pissy, clingy, all rolled into one.
she has difficult time finding comfy position to rest in, she cant hear very well since cone folds her ears, she runs into things alot, cant eat, or drink real good.
I try everything i can to make sure she has options for resting position, try to help her with direction and widths of corners etc, feed on flat plate, elevated water dishes, and of course love to have her near me.
Her eye is sewn half shut, and has protective lense over the inside of eye to help it heal.
They say its uncommon for min pins to have this happen and sometimes for unknown reasons once it happens to one eye sometimes in 6 months to year it seems to happen to the other eye.
not sure how successful i am at getting the ointment in her eye, have been cleaning the expected discharge with warm cloth so it doesnt get matted and today i can tell she is opening the part of her eye that isnt sewn. Was worried that it wasnt opening. Hoping each day brings her speedy perfect healing.
appreciate all your support it means so much to us. here are some photos i took while there. I have this album posted on her face book page but wanted to share here as well https://www.facebook.com/ShysieMoon/photos_stream

11-28-2012, 01:50 AM
Oh poor Shysie, hope she heals up real quick and starts pooping too! Maybe it hurts her eye when she strains so she is putting it off. Tramadol can be constipating in humans, so imagine it could do the same for our wee ones. Will the pumpkin help?? She looks so sad with her cone on, but it will all be worth it when her eye is all better :eek:
Hugs to you both
Trish and Flynn xx

11-28-2012, 06:10 AM
Skye, Zoe gets constipated from Tramadol. Maybe a bit of pumpkin?

You'll be fine with cleaning the eye, you take the BEST care of Shysie:)

Keeping our fingers and paws crossed for a speedy recovery.

Bo's Mom
11-28-2012, 07:03 AM
Awwww, poor little Shysie. Wishing for a speedy recovery.

molly muffin
11-28-2012, 12:35 PM
Shysie is a trooper! Everyone really dotes on her there! That is awesome!
Poor little thing though with no poops and her tummy rumbling, running into things with her cone. Poor baby.

So glad you had company for the trip too! Maybe the next one won't be so bad.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-29-2012, 10:55 PM
Here's to wishing Shysie a quick recovery!!! She sure is a trooper.

11-30-2012, 01:21 AM
Wishing Shysie a happy day! She's is Flynn's role model on getting through adrenalectomy!!! Hope she is feeling better today xx

molly muffin
11-30-2012, 06:37 PM
How is Shysie's eye doing? Does it look better yet?

Hope you guys have a good weekend.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-30-2012, 09:38 PM
i cant really tell if its looking better yet.......it is still sewn half closed, and has the lense over the inside. She still has her little cone...........omg i miss her kisses........the elbow crease kisses, the eye ball kisses, cleaning my nose lol!! kisses, the belly across my face every morning stretches. my poor sweet darling girl. i keep putting my head in her cone to kiss her. I just cant take it. I have received a couple of kisses that way. She had started poohing...oh i was so excited. Neighbors must think i am looney tune....i am either in jammies racing around the yard with a ladle to catch pee, picking through and inspecting pooh, or all kinds of excited that someone did pooh. She goes back Wednesday to have stitches out and lense removed to see how things are. I cant wait. and i am sure she will be glad once its over to!!!!

molly muffin
11-30-2012, 09:53 PM
ROFLMAO! I'm sure she will be very excited to have this all over. I'm rather imagining that your neighbors would miss the excitement though if you ever put that ladle down or didn't jump up and down yelping, pooh pooh pooh. I'm rather thinking this better than anything on TV.
I know what you mean. Molly is not a kisser, so when she does do a hand lick or a wrist lick, its definitely worthy of praise. I should give treats for kisses and see if I could get more of them. :)

have a great weekend! I bet Wed can't get here soon enough.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

11-30-2012, 10:19 PM
Yay for Wednesday!!!!

12-06-2012, 12:01 AM
HORRAY great news......she went and got her stitches out today, doctor was very impressed with healing. IT IS SO INCREDIBLY AWESOME AND BEAUTIFUL TO KISS HER AND HOLD HER CLOSE AND GET KISSES!!!!! OHHHHHHH!!!! have missed that so much. when her coat started to become wet i realized i should probably at least change sides on the kisses. LOL. I am attaching some links so you can view photos if you would like. I cant get them to post on profile. But will keep trying to post there as well. I just wanted to hug this doctor. So incredibly sweet. Everyone there is. Then there are pictures of her in her little booster seat riding home, and pictures of her and her little dragon being the dragon slayer.....this is what she would do to her evil mean little cone. lol Hope you find smiles in viewing. :)https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.385318531556589.96487.174750042613440&type=3

12-06-2012, 01:25 AM
Hi Skye and Shysie
That is such great news! Awww bet she way more comfortable now, you too... not having to stick your face in the cone :D:D So pleased it is healing well :D:D

Boriss McCall
12-06-2012, 10:13 AM
yay! she is a cute girl!

molly muffin
12-06-2012, 07:03 PM
Oh our Shysie is a character. Dragon slayer indeed. LOL I had just remember that I'd made a note to myself to go and look at the photos since I couldn't when you first posted them.
What a cutie she is indeed.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-08-2012, 11:12 PM
Hi and welcome to this amazing forum. My beautiful boy Cooper was just diagnosed 11/26/12. He has been on Vetoryl 30mg. For 10 days and his symptoms are starting to improve. Two pieces of info that I got from this wonderful group of Cushings parents is to 1. Keep a journal, diary any and all changes good or bad. 2. Get a copy of all test results. Both are imperative to your treatment of your baby. Also, ask questions! Be a pain in the ass! The only way you can help your baby is to be their voice. I decided from the beginning of all of this that I wasn't going to let any stone go unturned. I came to this site completely by accident and thank God I did. My tears gave me strength as they will for you too. Always available and hear to listen, Lauren

12-10-2012, 10:21 PM
Hi Lauren!!!! Yep i agree with ya!!! I came to this site I believe Sept 2011, could have never seen Shysie through all this without all the angels here. They are blessings.

12-11-2012, 09:37 AM
So glad to hear the evil cone is gone and all is healing well. She looks so cute in her booster seat:D

12-11-2012, 09:43 PM
Santa has a little helper............(more like a snoopy nose helper....LOL!)

Boriss McCall
12-12-2012, 11:32 AM
love it! cute

12-22-2012, 02:15 AM
what have i missed with anyone? trying to get caught up on threads and see how everyone is doing........havent been able to get back on here for a few.

12-22-2012, 05:55 AM
What have you missed? Well they left a swab in poor Flynn, which he had removed 3 nights ago :eek::eek: finally on the road to recovery, poor boy two surgeries in 2 1/2 weeks! Nice to see you!
Trish xx

molly muffin
12-24-2012, 11:49 PM
Merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday to you and Shysie.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-25-2012, 02:14 PM
Lots of Christmas kisses for Shysie and a big hug for you! Hope you have a fantastic day with those you love
Trish and Flynn xx

12-31-2012, 05:19 PM
Happy New Year to you and Shysie, loving the photos on facebook! Looks like such a happy holidays for you all! xx

molly muffin
01-01-2013, 09:45 AM
Happy New Year Shysie and Stormee (Skye)

I too Love the Facebook page photos. What fun they had on Christmas Morning.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-12-2013, 03:17 PM
Thank you all for your support on her page!!! its so awesome to share our lives with you that way!!!!
well.........Monday (tomorrow) were off to Houston again......surgery. Indolent ulcer on her left eye now. nervous........always am when I know she is going to have surgery, tummy ache!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh. Angels available?????
and the trip to and from Houston....ugh.
its just all fun and games isnt it...until someone ends up in a cone.

01-12-2013, 04:39 PM
Arghh that cone sucks... least she has some fun new toys to look forward to, as I would put money down that her Mommy is going to spoil her rotten! Will be waiting to hear how it goes tomorrow for you both... lots of kissess xxxxxxxxx

Squirt's Mom
01-12-2013, 05:26 PM
With you all the way, sweetie!

molly muffin
01-12-2013, 05:50 PM
Are you sure she didn't miss all her friends at the vet hospital? I'm pretty sure that is an extreme way to get back to see them though.
That would be our Shysie though, always going the extra mile!!
You'll do just fine on that drive! Get some rest thought and have an enjoyable weekend. It will be okay!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-12-2013, 06:50 PM
i have no idea why....lol........but i am sitting here all teary eyes and smiling at the posts........how i truly love and care for each of you and your babies and all the strength and encouragement you offer to shysie and me. you will never be able to know the extent of my appreciation. :)
you know been scanning over some of the threads.....maybe just anxiety for mondays surgery.....but Shysie has been snoring....like a really deep restful type snore, not english bull dog snore. and sometimes she might seem slightly off balance on a foot for second or two, when playing for instance front foot might tuck or roll under and she immediately puts it back up right.. Nothing more though than second or two. I didnt know if weather season type related, i found it at first like what is that sound.......then ohhhhhh listen......she is sleeping....now evil fear is creeping in and that is not my friend.
alk phos 540 (10-150)
b/c ratio 23.3
a/g ratio 1.0
na/k ratio 29 (27-40)

USG 1.019
PH 6
Protein 1+

jitters??? think were good?

molly muffin
01-12-2013, 07:12 PM
I do think you are good. :) So there. Now no more scary thoughts. After I had posted on Tippers thread, I had another thought, which is that we have these small dogs, and while, yea, she knows because of the xray, but in general, Molly has Always snored. They have short snouts. Not pushed in really but shortish, and snoring is a part of their lives I think. So, while I am going to ask the vet about it, (molly did just have an xray and nothing about that was mentioned to me) I am Not going to panic and neither are you. :)
This is a panic free zone this weekend!
Sometimes, they just snore.
I feel the same way you know. This forum is such a comfort to so many, myself included!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-12-2013, 08:33 PM
She had chest x-ray in october checking her lungs prior to her lip mass and lymph node removal and she just had lower u/s in october as well..... as i sit here staring at her....as she sleeps......listening. I sound like a stalker.
then i get on my hands and knees and creep to the front of her nose and stare at her nostrils to see if something is plugging up her nose........watch her little silver cheeks puff with air at times then she twitches and it startles me and i nearly fall back wards. sigh........i have learned to be very very observant of her in all ways.....picking through pooh, catching pee with ladles and lids, snoring, every little dot and freckle, list goes on. lol. She licked....did not eat....but licked a leaf in the yard yesterday, goodness you would have thought i had choppers in the sky and swat on the way as i yell NOOOOOOOOOO, startled her enough she stopped licking it, but it did stick to her nose. lol. Well.......everyone in the neighborhood leaves me alone at least.

Harley PoMMom
01-12-2013, 08:42 PM
I'm here too! :D

01-12-2013, 08:55 PM
loving it. Welcome All and room for all. ;)

01-12-2013, 10:05 PM
I'm in, I miss Houston. Dont worry about the snoring, I think Sharlene is right.;););)

01-13-2013, 12:31 AM
you miss Houston???? how could you miss Houston??? I know you have been aboard every trip we have made there, lol!!!! and that has been ALOT. lol
welcome aboard!!! Shysies little bucket seat, safety travel harness and purple dragon are already loaded. lol (and her dragon even has wings too!!!!!)

01-13-2013, 06:37 AM
"All fun and games...." That one is so funny.

Glad to hear you are doing the other eye. When Kira had her second knee done it was so much less stressful for both of us because we both knew what to expect. I knew what would happen and when and Kira knew what was going to be expected of her. I was far more relaxed and she cooperated just fine. I hope you have the same experience. (Miss you!)

01-14-2013, 06:53 AM
Is everything ok?

01-14-2013, 06:57 AM
Are we in Houston? I think I fell asleep in the car.:o:o:o

Squirt's Mom
01-14-2013, 08:59 AM
Wrapping you both in my strength and hope today. Let us hear from you as you can and know you are surrounded by your family here at all times.

Leslie and the gang

Squirt's Mom
01-14-2013, 03:18 PM
Still hangin'! :)

01-14-2013, 03:28 PM
Checking in :)

molly muffin
01-14-2013, 05:50 PM
Home from work and checking in. Hope all went well!! We're all right here with you!!
Checked your Facebook page too. LOL Just covering all the bases.
I bet Shysie was a stunner in her new necklace!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-14-2013, 08:29 PM
yes addy you did fall asleep!!!! LOL!!!!!!! made me laugh!!!!!
HELLO!!!!!!!!!! we got home mid afternoon, got her all settled and nested in with one of her blankets. I have them all prepared for her, some on bed and some on couch. i already blocked off the underneath sides of the beds with broken down boxes so sneaking under bed then becoming stuck under there because of the evil cone. Got the water dishes evaluated, husband sat right beside her as i dashed out to complete a client, returned home, warm cloth to eye, dry cloth, then ointment applied, then offered her some food, with tramidol and pepcid. (being safe) gave brief potty break....and now beside mom resting. They told me for meals, potty break and snuggle time i could remove cone. (whootwhoot) but at any moment not strictly doing that....it is cone time. Deal. go back in ten days to remove lense and stitches. doctor said it was fairly large ulcer but all top surface, mainly third eye lid effect he also said. I mentioned how totally completely wiped out and swaying she was after last surgery.........i mean she didn't move for hours. I would stare at her to make sure i was seeing the rise and fall of breathing....and then hover above her listening to make sure lol. so anesthesiologist tweaked the anesthetic a bit from last time. lol. HUGE difference even in recovery for her, doctor, anathesologist, nurses all noticed. And while there and since they were doing surgery lab....lol.......i requested full senior panel to be sent off.....lol.....i know, just had labs 3 months ago.....but you know....while there and it was being drawn anyways.....
Doctor said surgery went good, and she did good through it. (whootwhoot)
she is some what clingy and whimpering type and was worried it was pain....but knew surgery experience can have them react in such a way as well.....so i confirmed before i left that is certain what she was experiencing and they felt it was and then i of course triple checked...lol on itemized things to make certain she had meds adminstered and she had. (surly you have all heard this one....."you may think i am shy, quiet and reserved, but mess with my furbabies and i will break out a level of crazy that will make your nightmares seem warm, cozy and friendly")
i can not even begin to express how much all your support given to us meant today and always. I really do feel the strength being sent our way. Then logging on and seeing all your messages..........love you all so much. Beautiful beautiful angels.

Harley PoMMom
01-14-2013, 08:51 PM
So relieved, as you are I am sure, that everything went well. Praying for an uneventful and quick recovery. Sending healing white light, and huge loving hugs.

01-14-2013, 09:28 PM
you may think i am shy, quiet and reserved, but mess with my furbabies and i will break out a level of crazy that will make your nightmares seem warm, cozy and friendly")

yup,sort of like Sally Fields in Steel Magnolias when she starts screaming "Just give my daughter the shot" Ive re-enacted that sceen myself more than once, I admit.;);)

I am so glad everything went well and hope recovery is speedy fast.:)

molly muffin
01-14-2013, 09:43 PM
Yay. Glad everything went okay with the surgery. Love the ferocious mommy image. Sally fields! I haven't thought of that image in a long time but I really like it!
Sharlene molly muffin

01-14-2013, 10:33 PM
Janis had sent me an email with that saying on it.......saying it reminded her of us. LOL she had that right no doubt. LOL
attaching couple of links hope that is okay...i cant get photos to post in albums here
but these are photos of on way there and then after. Notice the difference in expressions she is has....LOL bless her heart. She is so NOT thrilled with this cone. aweeeeeee my love.


01-15-2013, 03:21 AM
So pleased every thing went well for Shysie and her eye op! She is such a good girl and I love the photos of you both :D Hope your having a peaceful night both sound asleep! Hoping it is not painful for her and the worst she has is the cone bothering her. xxxxxx

Squirt's Mom
01-15-2013, 09:02 AM
WOOHOO!! Glad this is over and that she did well with it...even tho it's obvious she didn't really appreciate this type of attention. ;):D I'm praying the recovery is smooth and swift, the procedure a 100% success....and that the dreaded, dratted cone is soon gone.

I saw a pic the other day of a dog with the most innocent face in a HUGE cone with one side chewed almost down to the collar. The caption said, "While you were out, my buddy tried to help me escape." :p

Keep in touch and let us know how things are going, 'k?
Hugs to both,
Leslie and the gang

01-16-2013, 12:10 AM
LOL Leslie that is hysterical!!!!! i could totally see that happening.
last nite, considering all factors she did fairly well. Of course moved around quite a bit, and she is always by my side so i wake when she wakes....and she stumbles about, and blankets and pillows and me. I got coned several times. coned bumped, cone scrap, cone push. LOL but the sweetest tiny little face looking at me with the glow of the nite lite like moooooooommmmm!!!! help me please.
I will call doctors office tomorrow to see if any labs came in. Wont feel to good till i know what they say, always feel nervous about them. Need to update my spread sheet then. (as most of you know I did spread sheet of all her labs for over a year now, color coded them and dated, labeled, etc. tracking any changes or patterns and easy way to reflect what is elevated) i will post as soon as i get them that day or evening.
I got wiggles today when i got home.......lol so cute to see her do that with cone and her HUGE ears in cone and her little peanut butt just wiggles wiggles wiggles.
everyone thank you for allowing me share my darling with you, for your continued strength and support. I read her her face book messages from everyone....and i also read the notes from here to her. I tell you, its like she knows these pages when they are up on puter. I need to video that to show you.

01-16-2013, 02:03 AM
Hello Shysie, sweet little girlie

No chomping on your cone, you hear.... your Mom probably too kind to tell you that haha but it would give her a big fright to come home and see half it missing!

It won't be long till the nasty thing is gone, so you eat all your dinner, drink all your water and do your business outside! Then spend the rest of your day curled up with your Mom recovering OR playing with your new toys... whatever you like best. But get better soon missy!!

Love from Trish and Flynnikin xxxx

Boriss McCall
01-16-2013, 09:41 AM
ha! cone wiggles.. so cute!! Glad she is happy & feeling good.

01-16-2013, 10:25 AM
Amy, LOL yes cone wiggles are pretty darn cute. LOL bless her....such strength and endurance. She teaches me alot. amazes me each and every day. I could only hope to one day be as incredible as she is. and i tried to post on your thread last evening after updating Shysies and the server was down??? not sure.....

Trish, what a precious message........i read that to her......couple of times......times a couple. lol!!!!! have been so happy to hear Flynn doing so good!

molly muffin
01-16-2013, 06:42 PM
Wiggle butt!! I love it! Molly does the wiggle butt too, it is just too adorable. Of course you have the wiggle butt and the cone head bunt going on, both ends! LOL
She is too adorable. Glad she did well over night. Hope those labs look nice today!
Keep up the healing Shysie!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-16-2013, 11:50 PM
Today.....well, remember i had mentioned i had the underneath of the bed all blocked off? SOMEHOW she got UNDER BED CONE AND ALL!!!! i walk in room and froze. she wasnt there. i am throwing blankets everywhere and calling her name and i hear her...and i CANT FIND HER!!! i fall to the floor and start pulling the broken down boxes off. There she is crying panting and very very warm. OMG I was like OKAY, God...give me strength to flip this bed up thankfully God helped her listen and scoot to me and come out. She was a toasty little minpin. That just could not have been good for her.
labs are in. Listing only what is elevated. Not boderline

ALK PHOS October was 540 range for given lab 10-150 and now 508 range is 5-131 labs vary slightly. she is down some which is great but were still high.

Lipase October was 692 range 100-750 for that lab and now its high at 780 with range 77-695

considering her history that does concern me.
furthermore her BUN 20 creatinine 0.9 b/c 22 thought that would make you all smile!
and she is unstuck from under the bed and that makes me smile like you wouldnt believe. You should have seen that belly crawl with cone in action...oh goodness could not get her in my arms fast enough.

Squirt's Mom
01-17-2013, 08:38 AM
Oh Skye,

I can just imagine how scary that was! :eek: I'm so glad she came out and was ok!

Tasha scared me several times hiding in her blankets. I'm running all over the house calling for her getting more and more panicked when suddenly I would see her tiny face peeking out from under a pile of blankets or her pillows, grinning as she watched. :p

Hopefully there will be many more wiggle-butts today and no more scooting under beds and scaring Mommy!

Leslie and the gang

01-22-2013, 04:32 AM
What a little minx she is doing underneath bed exploring with a cone on!! She is very adventurous! Can't be long until it is off now so hoping she has been a good wee girl and kept out of teeny tiny spaces! Hope all goes well for the big unveiling and she is feeling much better soon

Hugs to Shysie
Trish and Flynn xx

Boriss McCall
01-22-2013, 04:14 PM
Oh my goodness.. I can't believe she decided to venture under the bed with her cone on. Silly girl..

I had a very determined min-pin girl. She ruled the roost. When she passed away my other 2 dogs didn't know what to do without her bossing them around. They are just the sweetest & funniest little dogs...

01-26-2013, 11:54 PM
meant to have this posted and then husband came down ill with the chest and throat stuff oh goodness it looks and sounds horribly painful. He finally went to minor care clinic and got a zpac. he is still feeling lousy, and i want to spray him head to toe with Lysol, fresh lovely scent i think and kills germs. (lol!!!!)
Shysie got her stitches out, lens out, and cone removed and oh to hold her completely close...her warm little body and oh those min pin kisses!!!! warm belly stretches every morning, and play play play play play time!!!!! here are the newest little pictures of all of our's Shysie Moon girl. She thanks each of you for the prayers love and support you send our way. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.407608775994231.101096.174750042613440&type=3

Squirt's Mom
01-27-2013, 08:55 AM
LOL I got a clear image of an obviously ill man, snot-nosed and flush-faced, shambling into whine at his wife who whirls to greet him with a fogging of Lysol! Like a watercolor cartoon - him in a shabby, loose bathrobe and slippers, hair all stuck out in all directions, you in colorful finery and high-heels, pearls at your throat and on your ears, smiling tenderly with the all-powerful Lysol in hand, while Shysie is barking at him to go back to bed and stop spreading his germs! :p:p:p

What great news that Shysie is no longer a cone head! :D Now she can slide under that bed all she wants and snuggle real close with her mom. So good to hear!

Leslie and the gang

02-16-2013, 01:21 AM
Its interesting to me.....that several of us have mentioned in our threads some similar things after we have been down such familiar roads...like the snoring, sleeping really hard, twitching, stinky fragrance (though of course is cute because it is from our darlings, lol) slight stumbling with front paws, not nestling as much under covers...kicks them off and nestles nests sometimes. I think of you...knowing we cant help but to worry and hope were not missing anything.
I got the girls tagg pet trackers for Valentines......not sure of my opinion of them as they are having issues getting them to work properly....but the concept of the item is amazing. What i find interesting is this chart that actually tracks their resting, and activity levels from low to high and how many minutes or hours. Has a pie chart, and graphs etc. Very interesting. Let me know if anyone wants to see a chart i will try and copy and paste. :) i could see how this could be helpful tool

02-18-2013, 05:19 AM
I have been reading of the trouble with those trackers on your facebook, would love to see a chart to see how it all works, sounds interesting and would be great for those days that stay home alone during the day so you can keep track of what they get up to!!

Hope all good in your neck of the woods and Shysie is behaving herself, who was the lucky valentine?


02-21-2013, 10:42 PM
I rejoiced too soon.......you got time to pray pray pray? So as you know took urine in for in and out of house testing. House testing did not cause alarms....out of house testing........alarms alerts. Her protein in her urine was 3+ her total protein (urine protein creatine UPC) is 125 shouldnt there be a decimal in there??? WAY elevated. In October Protein was 1+ a UPC was not done. She has had more blood and urine tests you could possibly imagine. She has had countless ultra sounds and couple x-rays. she has had 4 surgeries in just over a year, plus one ICU stay, She has 4 specialist and a general doctor as well. She has seen doctors every couple of months, there is no way something should have been overlooked. There has got to be a simple one off reason for this, and Monday when I take another sample in, things will all be good.

molly muffin
02-22-2013, 10:09 AM
Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.
Flynn has a 3+ protein and Jasper's went up and they put him on med.
You can read Jasper and Tina's thread here.
Jasper starting on page 32

Poor Skye as been through so much already. Doesn't need another problem now.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-22-2013, 10:19 AM
Last month, Zoe had a strange urinalysis, first time we did a free catch and she still had that vulva tumor. I was actualy on the Dogaware.com site this morning reading about protein in urine, some good links there to read, here is one:

http://web.archive.org/web/20020225161502/http://www.vetcentric.com/magazine/magazineArticle.cfm?ARTICLE=Proteinuria:+An+Import ant+Clue+to+Kidney+Disease

I think we have to look at other urine values as well. Did she have any other abnormal readings?

02-22-2013, 10:28 AM
I am wondering if maybe she wasnt dehydrated.....we played alot that evening and she didnt drink much water that evening.
the concentration of the urine can be a variable to how much concern the protein value is. her blood labs have not indicated any kidney issues, neither her ultrasounds. Also bladder infection of course crosses my mind.....early stages no bacteria or wbc present, although you know how we pet moms are....just that feeling and ever so slight tale tell signs. Sigh....she is amazing tough little girl. To have the courage and strength she does would be amazing. Though...lol......i love how she plays the little bad a@% role till she is scared and then races to me. LOL. Love her so much. Thank you for the threads and links to read on. I will be doing that.

02-22-2013, 10:38 AM
Did you take the urine in for routine testing or did you suspect a problem? Did she have any signs of a problem?
My Scoop has "foamy pee". That's what got my attention. His first test was positive for protein. Must do 2 more tests.

Squirt's Mom
02-22-2013, 10:40 AM
Hi Skye,

It's going to be nothing major, that is my prayer. You are such a good mom and watch her so carefully. Shysie is one lucky little girl for sure. Please let us know what you learn from the next sample....and I am going to believe it will come back just fine.

Leslie and the gang

02-22-2013, 10:52 AM
You know animals communicate to us sooooo much. And it is so quiet even when they yell at yes to speak. lol
i cant really explain why i felt i needed to take urine in. Just felt that is what she was wanting me to do. During the day when i am gone if she has to potty she uses her pad....though couple of times she barely went on pad and more on tile and would kick her pad into little crumple.....on one pad i thought i saw a tiny tiny TINY spec of something dark that my husband swore i was seeing things....lol....but i am sure something was different. I dont know how exactly to explain it but somehow i generally pick up on if something is off with animals. I dont know what to often.....lol.....or why or how....just sense something may be off little bit. I was rattled last evening for certain. And spent alot of the afternoon visiting with God about this entire thing and the blessing of her in my life. Today I feel calmer, and somewhat peaceful.....I have some variables to add to the possible reasons of tests results....He is after all her Master Physician, and through Him her doctors will receive His works to heal her and keep her safe, strong, and healthy and with me for long long long time, all according to His Will, which I have faith that it is His will.
So very very very grateful for all you angels. I feel little wings fluttering about. makes me smile. :)

02-22-2013, 11:05 AM
Thank you. Hope eveything works out for your precious little girl.

02-24-2013, 02:29 AM
okay............i am personally not doing so well this evening......fear, panic, anxiety over floweth.
what if this is another adrenal tumor........her u/s 4 months ago showed right adrenal enlarged......what if it is a tumor not enlargement Her creatinine has not been steadily consistent, her liver enzymes are high.......
i am trying to focus. and i am struggling a great deal this evening. Her protein is 3+ her urine protein is 125 her upc is 1 and there is few drops of lipid in urine.
her upc has steadily gone up .4 in 10-06-2011 then .5 in November 2011 then .6 in May 2012 and now its 1 Feb 2013

02-24-2013, 02:39 AM
i need to focus.........maybe this is just a uti or dehydration from playing so much nite before. focus.....i need to focus and have faith and lean inward to God....blanket me Father in peace you are Shysies Master Physician.....my faith and trust in You is lifting my precious one up to You, yes i know i am trembling....thankful you understand I am human.....surround us in Your perfectness Father....surrounded in Your care and love, healing ways....inside and out that our hearts beat together for many many many many years to come. In Your name Father according to Your will...Amen.

02-24-2013, 03:03 AM
I just wanted you to know I am here with you. I am sure it will be ok it seems like you are very on top of the results

Big hug

Mel and Tia xx

02-24-2013, 03:07 AM
thank you so much.........was just clicking through some videos and photos on her fb page. she is amazing....my girl. so strong and beautiful shysie moon.

02-24-2013, 03:23 AM
Their resilience and courage amaze me. They put us to shame sometimes

Stay strong xx

02-24-2013, 06:59 AM
Aww Shysie, Flynny's little adrenalectomy Valentine. We are having protein issues too :mad: BUT I in no way think that is another adrenal tumour NO NO NO!! Neither of them are going to have that problem, so get that right out your mind :D:D:D Let's wait for the further testing, it is most likely just something else we have to monitor

Lots of hugs for you and Shysie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Squirt's Mom
02-24-2013, 09:17 AM
Hi Skye,

When the body loses one of a pair of organs, it isn't uncommon to see the remaining organ enlarge simply from the amount of work it is doing - sort of like a body builder's muscles getting larger with exercise. I lost a kidney as a child and the remaining one is quite large and out of place as a result since it needed more room than it was originally allotted. So at this point, an enlargement in Shysie's remaining adrenal gland isn't alarming to me - I would have expected to see that. ;)

Hopefully the labs abnormalities are just her body still adjusting to all she has been through over the last year and will balance out soon. Let us know what you learn next visit.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
02-24-2013, 09:20 AM
There are always so many things to worry about, so many could it be and what if's. You'll drive yourself crazy if you go down that road. Just deal with it once you know and don't even think about could it be.
What is your plan? Once there is a plan then it just makes you feel so much better. So what is the plan from the vet to figure this out and keep on top of it.
Hugs, Skye! Shysie is a little angel, just so full of life and Everyone loves her.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-24-2013, 06:04 PM
i got notes, questions, my spread sheet up to date (if anyone wants copy let me know will email it to you it wont let me load it on here or fb) (AND i have an activity pie and graph from the gps collar she has been wearing showing how active she is from resting to slight to moderate to intense activity) so maybe dehydration uti combined. okay so here are my notes so far.....
*I have 3 urine samples to take in just in case a UCCR test is needed they can right on it. (3rd one tomorrow morning) I am even noting last potty break from nite before and time of collection. (yes the neighbors are seeing ALOT of me in jammies with ladle chasing about a tiny dog chattering GO POTTY!!!! GO POTTY!!!! OOHHHHHH GOOOOOOOD GIRL!!!!!!! as i slip ladle under her to catch pee then whip out syringe to fill it, look at it, squirt air of it, and package it. They must think I am nuts...lol....but like i said...they leave me alone at least. lol
what have i seen clinically.
*reverse sneezing has increased (could be allergy too....we have 40 trees in yard)
*she has been wearing a gps tracker (would not think that would cause harm to them but gonna mention it)
*Infrequent stumble of front feet
*evening gas
*maybe day or two noticed dander on her coat
*same areas as day 1 where her hair on body is gone...under arms and breasts
*ever so slight discoloration on potty pad barley visible
*morning once sleeping head pointing downward...quick jump turns and sniffs t shirt i am wearing that her hind part was facing...i look and tiny dark spot...did not smell like anal gland (couple things make me think UTI) and i saved potty pad and t shirt. lol
Good things
*eats great
*plays plays plays
*rests good
*is a ERD test warranted? (early renal disease microalbuminuria)
*looking at spread sheet her Creatinine indicate they have not been constant would this indicate abnormal renal function?
*Last tested her ACTH was satisfactory.....is another warranted?
*Cortisal last tested was ?? i think? satisfactory is another test warranted?
Even with her left adrenal tumor she tested okay.....i understand just little more than half will test high.....
*if suspicious would doing acth and low dose dex simultaneous with measurement during acth be warranted?
*Sediment exam?
last CBC january 2013 warrant to run again?
*Same with Chem pan. run again?
upc is very sensitive test...running again will help transient or proteinuria correct? help lead to narrow if blood pressure, stress, fever, exercise.....
it is also my understanding that the upc can be used as a prognostic indicator can you explain that to me?
and could you also explain more to me what and the out come of glomerulare disease is? (if warranted at this time to understand)
*last ultrasound was end of october....is another one warranted?
*chest x-ray first of october is another warranted?

i need to clean it up a little bit but that is the jest of it. i may have more questions but that is a start. :)

02-25-2013, 07:56 PM
How are you both doing today?

02-25-2013, 09:21 PM
were doing okay........very frustrated with clinic and the one doctor there....never have clicked very well with her and have decided after today, i will have ZERO interaction with her ever again. My first encounter with her when i knew we were not compatible is when shysie was having near fatal pancreas attack. Thank goodness the nurse was the one who has been with Shysie all along and took immediate control and saved her. Today urine dropped off with additional days of morning urine just in case a pooling was needed. Notes were left for this doctor from doctor also at clinic as what to do. I wrote out what i understood was to be done, also asked if any other tests (i listed) were warranted at this point, and to please not to discard any remaining urine just in case her specialist would request an additional test to be performed which most likely he would not. I had expected to hear from him today to call and find out he was gone till next week. So not knowing if this is something that they wanted to wait, and if additional tests would be perfumed, the nurse checked with another doctor who was good with urine test and the upc just as initially thought. The general doctor then said to me that the doctor at gulf coast was confused and she was too as to what is needed to be done, she was confused why all they and gulf coast doctors were involved. (Which is odd since they knew her doctors had even called and requested that they receive the labs that there was some flags.) I needed to either to speak to one or the other. I explained that shysie has been through ALOT of challenges in the last year alone and that at anytime her labs show a flag all doctors are informed, all doctors are kept up to date on all labs and get copies. She said that the gulf coast doctor had understood i wanted shysie hospitalized and on fluids...WHERE DID THAT COME FROM????? I never said that, and she said she would communicate that back to gc....think i trust her...no i do not. and when i asked about that at GC they didnt know why she had understood the doctor to imply that is what i am wanting. They also said they would gladly speak to me at anytime, we are clients of theirs. and they will work with her general vet as well. Basically this general vet wants to be the only one interacting with gulf coast. I dont think so. she has likely made my name mudd with a doctor or two at a place i find amazing and I can make my own name mudd just fine i certainly dont need any help doing that. lol So after this lab comes in, i am not interacting with her at all anymore. I find her manipulating and passive aggressive in her behavior and i do not want a person of that character involved with the most precious thing in my life. Not sure how I feel until i know the results tomorrow which i will pick up copy and not even speak to the doctor there. Very frustrating.

02-26-2013, 12:31 AM
I wanted to welcome you to the group...you're in wonderful hands with a wealth of knowledge from so many...I am a newbie as well.
Wishing you and Skye the best with the Vet and her treatment.

Peace and Love,

Norman, Millie and me

02-26-2013, 12:37 AM
thank you for the welcome, i am actually an old timer to the forum. lol....found the amazing angels and have never left. Been here over year. Have made some incredible amazing friends, that truly truly truly care about the well being of your furbaby and pet parent. amazing knowledge and experience dwell on this forum. Many a cheers and tears.....all of us glued to the puters clicking refresh getting the updates fast as we can to the threads were keeping up on. I can not say enough on how amazing and beautiful this forum is.

02-26-2013, 04:25 AM
Ignore that woman's attitude at the clinic, you pay for them for your animal, if you want to know something you should persist and ask them

I think a lot of these vets take umbridge with us because we want the details we want to understand and I think they see that as a challenge to their knowledge and experience and in some instances it is. No one likes their knowledge questioned so I guess it is human nature This is all wrapped up with fear and anxiety for our precious animal and it gets to much.

Good luck with the results today I will be keeping an eye

Mel and Tia

02-26-2013, 05:44 AM
Fire her ass! She does not deserve you twIi

molly muffin
02-26-2013, 07:13 AM
We'll be watching today. I'll check in after work and hope for a good report.
Arggghhh, those kind of vets drive me bonkers!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-26-2013, 08:12 AM
Well, I am not fond of passive aggressive either so don't blame you for being worked up. Avoid her if you can. Some of them don't like us asking so many questions, they think we are challenging their authority and knowledge, I lost my fear of white coats a long time ago and have no problem grilling anyone in the medical community and I have found many good reasons to question after many, many misdiagnoses from "the best experts in town":rolleyes::rolleyes:

Rooting you on, Skye, hope things work out. Much love and prayers.

Squirt's Mom
02-26-2013, 08:44 AM
Boy, it sure makes us more protective and proactive after a vet has made mistakes, huh? The IMS in TN who nearly killed Squirt by deciding the tumor on her spleen didn't merit mentioning taught me VERY well. I hadn't cared for her bedside manner at all to start with and Squirt didn't like her, which is a pretty good sign as to the character of folks in my book. I still say she is lucky she had already left the state by the time I was told about that tumor. ;) I do feel real sorry for wherever she landed, tho. When we moved here, I talked to many vets in the area and the arrogance, narrow-mindedness, and inability to listen was astounding. Several told me that everything about her treatment would have to be changed since they didn't work all that well. Really? And you have seen my dog and her test results how many times over the last few years? :mad:

You're a good mom, Skye. Don't let the bad seeds get to you.
Leslie and the gang

02-26-2013, 12:19 PM
you all simply have no idea how much i appreciated these posts. Will give me strength as i encounter them today. thank you so much for the much needed courage and confidence. will hopefully be posting again this evening.

02-26-2013, 01:35 PM
We share a common bond

We will be all willing you on in spirit.

Mel and Tia xxx

02-26-2013, 10:14 PM
of course i was not given any lab reports today. This is the only doctor who never gets them like every other doctor we have received labs with. And when i spoke to gulf coast....i never got past the receptionist as she read the file and proceeded to tell me how things work. I tried to explain but it was of no use. I am so frustrated and so hurt. I had to battle like crazy to have testing over a year ago when i just knew something wasnt right. I just sensed it. they were so frustrated and annoyed with me! then there it was....adrenal tumor. i am going to write a letter to gulf coast explaining what why i did. and previous experience with corresponding vet was also not favorable and i am ceasing to go there and ask that they forgive this hetic confusing drama event. (my Gawd these are specialist top of the line doctors like they have time for this highshcool behavior!!!!!) or do i just give up and not even clear my name. i have no clue.

02-27-2013, 03:46 AM

Sorry I was sleeping when you posted

I am not sure what to say to help make you feel better. I don't understand why if they have given you the information before that they no longer would now

Is there a professional regulator of vets over there that you could speak to to see what the rules are regarding this and if they could get involved to help get you the information. We pay a lot of money to do these tests so I really can't see why they are like this

I have to go up town today so I won't be around but will check back tonight

Hope you feel better

Mel and Tia xxx

02-27-2013, 04:14 AM
I have just been through similar with my vets. I was getting incredibly frustrated with lack of communication. It took a lot of persistence and finally out of frustration I said that I knew he was busy but I was going to have to find a new vet who had time to communicate with me.

That seemed to do the trick, we had a heart to heart and agreed on a plan of action for Flynn in consultation with the specialists but also how we are going to communicate so that expectations are met by each of us. He is now good at calling, texting and emailing and we seem to have turned the corner regarding communication. He realises my need to be involved and replied to, I have to appreciate I am not his only client and discuss things with him before I contact the specialists myself. He emails me the results when they come in so I have a copy. I must say he is good at contacting the specialists and asking for their feedback and advice.

So following my little meltdown the last two weeks have been much better apart from the problems we are having with Flynn namely the proteinuria and BP which though worrying we are treating quickly and will hopefully get on top of asap. So even though I have had a little gentle teasing on my insistence on having a written down plan I think it has already paid dividends. Someone also posted these comments on my thread when I was going through this... that the vets love clients like us, we go when we see any little changes, will pay for tests and followups for our precious babies and they usually really want to keep us on. So after all this blathering from me I would suggest you go make an appointment with the vet, even the head vet and discuss how you are feeling and what you and they need to do so they can keep your business. Keep it professional but be clear about what your and Shysies needs are. Get it written down so everyone so there is no confusion. I bet you can work it out. Speak to them if you can rather than email as sometimes the written words can be taken out of context as I found out to my detriment. But you keep being Shysie's Mum as you are outstanding at being her advocate with these professionals and nothing should stop you doing that. You are her best voice and she needs that, so do not be put off. I was quite prepared to change vets, but Flynn is so darn complex it would have been a challenge so in the long run I am pleased we have been able to work it out.

Hope this helps and sending so much good luck to Shysie for good results tomorrow the skies between NZ and USA are glowing!! (and it is not just the full moon out there!!)

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

molly muffin
02-27-2013, 08:45 AM
Was this not your normal vet that you saw this time? Seems that this one is giving you a lot of grief. How is the IMS doing with you? Maybe they can recommend a different vet for you to work with that they can work with too?
Just some thoughts. You can try to clear your name, but I would speak with your IMS people first and see what they say, if they can get you a different vet. Then I would go have all your lab work transferred to the new vet. Clear up any misunderstandings with the IMS and the people who have done the surgeries first. That is unless you want to stay at your current vet, in which you still should speak with your IMS first. They are the most important, I think. You do though know best as you are the one dealing with them.
What exactly to you to have happen?

hugs, hang in there, You are doing great!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-27-2013, 03:05 PM
heard from vet. Her UPC is now 1.1
she said cysto, blood pressure check, and ultra sound. asked if we wanted to do it there or at the specialists.
chosing the specialists.
feel like my name is mud where ever i go so why not be mud first class.
I trusted my gut, i took urine in, fought my battle, with no hard proof just felt like she was trying to tell me something was wrong. Trying to prepare to make sure everyone had everything they needed cause i knew we were on are way.....after this entire 1 1/2 years why would any one think I would go to all the out reach, attempts to schedule etc just to be meddling.
Momma knows her baby best. I have proved myself over and over on that. scared outta my mind, cried so hard nearly vomited. (away from my girl of course) and then with her its tug ball toss and snuggle and kisses. each one more precious than one before.

02-27-2013, 11:20 PM
How you doing?

At least you persisted with them, you do know your animal best and this just proves that :)

Mel and Tia xx

molly muffin
02-27-2013, 11:29 PM
Maybe you'll find that your name isn't quite as much mud as you think. Crossing my fingers. When do you get the tests done?

Hang in there, you're really doing great!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-27-2013, 11:29 PM
i am desperately hoping this is nothing but a fluke. Thats its from intense play, or because a lab tech errored.....they did switch labs, and this one is really far away....surprises me they use one well over 600 miles away. IDEXX was much closer for them.
I am sorry for babbling and snotting and crying, about. I know each one of us on here have been through so much. I do not mean to be over reacting. there are so many factors and reasons. Each lead into deep special passages of the heart. thank you all for being here for me. i appreciate you so much.

molly muffin
02-27-2013, 11:32 PM
Don't you worry one bit about any babbling, snotting or crying. (really snotting???!!) This is why you have us. If you can't do it with your friends and compadres that are going through the same thing and I might add, crying and snotting right along with you, then who can you do it with??!! See that is what I thought. Carry on my friend. All is well.
Whatever this is, you will as always come through for your baby and handle it with all the grace you always have.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

02-27-2013, 11:41 PM
I think we all have days like that, I know I have, snot and all ;);)

Hope you both have a great day. It's 5am here so going to try for a little more sleep, will check in later

Mel and Tia

molly muffin
02-27-2013, 11:44 PM
G'night Mel.

I agree, we All have days like that. Now get some sleep!!

02-28-2013, 01:48 AM
What's with all this proteinuria lately!! It's a plague I tell ya!! Shysie's is still pretty low, so here's hoping as you got onto it so soon it will be treated easy peasy! A few of us are in this one together so will all our united forces we will find the answers for our babies. Hang tough you great Mumma!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-28-2013, 09:40 AM
seems there is about 3 or so of us doing this.....all fairly similar up to this point. I find that interesting. Adrenalectomys, high liver enzymes, digestive issues with loose pooh or and vomit, snoring, gas, and increase levels with UPC and protein in urine, slight stumbles of front feet. makes me wonder if all placed together if this is leading us all up to something besides a nervous break down. shysie also had two eye surgeries and lip mass removal and prior to all this month before adrenalectomy she had near fatal pancreatic attack.

02-28-2013, 11:56 AM

You are so strong. I am not sure I would be as strong as you faced with all you both have been through

Mel and Tia xxxx

02-28-2013, 12:09 PM
compared to what some have faced here............i feel like they are the super heros. but thank you. ohhhhhhhhhhhh trust me......i crumble. I have small dog attitude. have a great bark and thats about it. LOL

02-28-2013, 07:13 PM
i got her labs in. anyone understand how to read the time stamps on them? let me know....i have a question about that.
Total Protein UP from 125 now is 153
Urine Creatintine UP 119.9 now 145.2
UPC UP 1. now 1.1
Ordered 8:19am
Approval Date/Time 11:10am
Final Reported Previously Approved 9:44am
Collected 8:17am

02-28-2013, 08:22 PM
sorry, cant help with that but wanted to give you a hug so stopped by. I hope someone else can chime in with an answer for you. I'm knee deep in an abstract on proteinuria. :(


02-28-2013, 09:50 PM
That is what the concern is here.....proteinuria.....not sure about the abstract part. will know more next week.
I have been reading along yours and trishes threads.....have been thinking of you both so much. how are things going for you and babies this evening

Harley PoMMom
02-28-2013, 11:39 PM
There are a host of other illnesses, besides kidney disease, that can cause proteinuria in an animal. Tick borne diseases, acute pancreatitis, hypertension, and any severe inflammatory disease; (IBD, skin, dental), neoplasia, infectious or immune-mediated disease, are some contributors that may cause protein-loss in a dog.

Since Shysie did have a pancreatitis attack this could be the reason for the proteinuria. Has she had a spec cPL test recently?

Love and hugs,

03-01-2013, 03:58 AM
I think the time stamps are just administrative from when they process the test. Here are Flynn's recent results, hopefully next weeks will be lower with his new meds, I freaked out that the last one has nearly doubled in less than a month! Must be a different reference range for the total protein and Creatinine but the last one, the ratio I think is the same. I think the abstract part Addy mentioned is an article she has been reading on proteinuria.

2012 2013
6-Apr 2-Nov 26-Jan 22-Feb
U.TPCAL g/L 1.84 3.1 6
U.CRE umol/l 13521 18566 18194
PRCR 1.21 1.48 1.5 2.92

We have had a fairly good day, out to friends tonight for dinner. They are so kind and a dog friendly house, every time we go there they bring out a new toy for Flynn to chomp which he does quite happily! The only worrying thing was we went out to get takeout, she had got a new car yesterday and wanted to take us for a spin, it is full of black leather and carpeting :eek::eek: she insisted Flynn come with us. I made him sit on my knee the whole way so we did not get white fur all through the pristine car :rolleyes::rolleyes: took a while and he was breathing quite heavily. Maybe it was just being somewhere different and forced to sit still a while! He was back to normal when we got back home but I think he does pant more than he used to. Something else to worry about. It never ends does it :rolleyes:

03-01-2013, 04:00 AM
Hmmm don't know how to straighten my table up! It looks fine in the preview... hope you can work it out!

03-01-2013, 05:53 AM
I meant article, yes sorry, and as Lori said, even something as benign as a skin problem can possibly cause protein in the urine according to the article. We have to first find the cause of it.

03-01-2013, 06:19 AM
Hey Skye

How you both doing today?

Mel and Tia xxx

03-01-2013, 11:26 AM
i just want to stay home and be with my darling so badly and i have clients all weekend which i am glad since i know i need the money so i can provide for her the best care. but ugh....just want every minute to be with her.
she doesnt have skin condition thankfully, she does need teeth cleaning but last thing i want to do is introduce all that bacteria through out her body.
doesnt seem to have fever i need to take it to confirm but i know they will of course do that monday.
i feel so sleepy. but way to much to do to sleep. trying to get everything here at home good cant fall behind no time to catch up, got clients to tend to, but I do love each and every one sooooooo dearly. its so awesome. i get spoiled rotten with attention all day. lol LUVS it!!!!
thanks for checking on us. many hugs to all.
i guess this goes without saying...........angels........got your wings ready??? we depart sunday evening and see the doctor monday morning. all available for flight come on aboard!!!!!!

03-01-2013, 11:49 AM
Skye, in this article I am trying to understand and read, it say protein in the urine can come from many issues, even gingivitis.

I hope you get answers Monday. Are we going to Houston again?

03-01-2013, 04:17 PM
What time are we setting off? Do I need to bring snacks ;)

Squirt's Mom
03-01-2013, 04:33 PM
I'll have the Chocovine! :D

03-01-2013, 04:39 PM
Me too, me too.... I will be there with bells on!! Yes, Mel snacks are essential!! :D I will bring the pom poms to cheer Shysie on!! Hang on, there's no snow in Texas is there???????????? I been caught out on one of these trips before :D:D:D:D:D

03-01-2013, 04:40 PM
Leslie, what exactly is chocovine? Wine flavoured chocolate? :D

molly muffin
03-01-2013, 06:11 PM
Choco flavored wine? ohh, have you had the Godiva Liquer? great for chocolate martini's. I'll bring that!!! and music! What kind of music do we want for the road???

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-01-2013, 11:58 PM
lol i get this visual of all these tipsy angels singing karaoke on the way, lol then once there in front of the specialist all swaying just a bit and maybe lose balance here and there, little halos slightly crooked...lol i needed that smile today.
you know....with how this started way back...all the uti's and then the u/s showing thickening of bladder wall....etc. i wonder why a urine wasnt checked then. Would you have thought they would screen for bladder cancer......kicking myself for just now thinking more into this. i remember the next u/s didnt show any change. idk just stressed i guess.
then at my last clients house one of the 4 dogs has a swollen leg and i think a hot spot. i was like OMG as those can go like wild fire. i text her and she knows of this. doesnt want me to use ecollar, treat or take to doctor. thats crazy. well....hope this doesnt get worse. i am glad i dont have to treat it, huge dog and it snapped at me fairly good across top of my hand. I had used a simple make it yourself muzzle....oh am i glad i did. she didnt mind the muzzle at all. it was when taking better look....yikes. hope tomorrow morning when i go its not worse.
thank you again for the smile angels, been tough day. Shysies birthday (she will be 10) is tuesday. I stopped at pet store and got her new harness and collar that match. and of course she has new toys. (saving the toys for trip there) lol she got all her birthday presents early. lol
March 5th what a day of the year. very impactfull things happened on that day of the year......I was back up labor coach for a friend of mine and witness her give birth, couple years later same day....1997 my mom, my best friend, past away as we held her....and then several years later.....the most meaningful thing to me arrived.....Shysie. Interesting to see how this fits together....baby, my mom who meant more to me than anything on earth, and then shysie. birth into this world....and then birth into heavens.
I will take my martini raspberry flavor please. keep'em coming.

03-02-2013, 08:21 AM
Thanks for sharing...very touching...about March 5th and Happy early birthday to your Shysie! :D

:confused::confused: About the rest of the posts...virtual travel ?? :cool:
I haven't been able to travel since the assault/injury in 2007 - I am afraid of the pain the vibrations, that most people don't feel, will cause.:(

Love and Blessings abound!

Sharon, Norman and Millie

03-02-2013, 08:41 AM
LOL, Skye at your description of the trip, especially wth the crooked halos:D:D:D:D:D

I think Shysie should have a birthday week:D:D:D:D Party the whole week for wee girl Shysie.:):):)

Sure glad the dog did not bite you. I hope the dog is okay with the hot spot. I wish I could bring someone in for a weekend but with Zoe's behavior and eye drops, etc, you just sometimes never see the bite coming. I cant picture someone else taking care of her even for 8 hours. LOL if I could talk hubby into feeding them but he thinks it is too complicated and claims he is fearful of making a mistake.:rolleyes:

Try to enjoy your weekend!

Squirt's Mom
03-02-2013, 09:08 AM
Chocovine = red wine mixed with Dutch chocolate = DIVINE! :p:D:p

Sharon, we will give you a couple of glasses of wine or martinis then gently wrap you in foam rubber and lash you onto the roof on top of an air mattress. We'll leave a window open so we can pass fresh glasses up to you from time to time and you can holler in to us and us to you. Once we get there, we will get you down then all the K9C angels can link arms and stagger into the clinic, cockeyed halos and all, singing a rousing rendition of The Battle Hymn of the Republic at the top of our voices. Think anyone will notice? :p

03-02-2013, 01:25 PM
The best part, Leslie, is I can so picture all of us doing that for real

03-02-2013, 01:35 PM
i am sure to be smiling as i will be embracing this visual as I travel there sunday nite and head in to the hospital/clinic Monday. Clients house this morning, her leg did not look much different so i was glad to see that.
What happened Sharon? i must have missed something? and i somehow i think the K9C angels would see to it you were well cared for. lol,
i think we should play games along the way....like thread the needle, word search, lol cant you just see all trying to focus sooooooo hard. lol

03-03-2013, 08:36 AM
Okay, I am packed and ready to leave tonight. We are all meeting at your thread before we pack into the car.

Are we staying at the same motel? I think I'll haul a sleeping bag along, last time I fell asleep in the car;);)


03-03-2013, 08:49 AM
I'm getting ready, toooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


molly muffin
03-03-2013, 09:08 AM
Where are my shoes!!!!???!!!!!! Be right there! I think Molly thought I was running off and hid them under the bed again! Don't leave without me!!


03-03-2013, 02:21 PM
Hey you guys, count me in on the trip, if there's still room!! :) Skye, my Mom's in San Antonio, she could head down and meet us all there for some extra support. :D :D :D :D :D

Hugs from me and Jasper

03-03-2013, 02:21 PM
Am here and ready to go xx

Squirt's Mom
03-03-2013, 02:39 PM
Foam rubber and bubble wrap in hand! OH! and the Chocovine! Who's got the snacks? Did anyone bring duct tape for Sharon's roof bed?

03-03-2013, 02:45 PM
Sweeties crisps chocolate fizzy pop and some water just in case anyone feels sick from that lot ;)

Squirt's Mom
03-03-2013, 02:55 PM
All phones on vibrate! And the first one to giggle is the designated driver on the trip home! :p

03-03-2013, 03:00 PM
corn chips, bean dip, cheese dip, pillow, hair tye back. got it all. benadryl....check....notes.
who picked out music????
ugh....getting so nervous..........this has just got to be nothing right? darn upc, total protein, and protein in urine. ugh.
just haunting even though last u/s didnt show any changes on bladder wall. that thickening of forward wall makes me very uncomfortable. Not to mention the deposits in her kidneys, combined with this upc, and total protein stuff.
okay bring double sweets and double...wait....triple that chocovine stuff.

03-03-2013, 03:00 PM
okay so when does the giggle rule go into effect???

03-03-2013, 03:16 PM
Am here with you. Try to take some deep breaths and not stress too much about the what if's

What time are we leaving


03-03-2013, 04:08 PM
before 8pm tonite

03-03-2013, 05:18 PM
Not long now, are you doing ok?


03-03-2013, 06:10 PM
time for a group breathing session:D:D:D:D

we can probably make enough wind power to light up all of NYC:p

everybody ready?

BREATHE IN-----------:D:D

BREATHE OUT----------;);)

BREATHE IN-----------:D:D

BREATHE OUT----------;);)

we are doing really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hey, who's driving the rig? I think I can do it with my eyes closed:p:p

molly muffin
03-03-2013, 09:29 PM
I'm breathing!! We should be on the road now right?! I'm so glad I finally found my shoes.

Pass the chips someone and pour some chocovino!!

~ On the road again
Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway
We're the best of friends
Insisting that the world keep turning our way and our way

:) Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-03-2013, 11:51 PM
lol we have arrived (sorry for late notice of arrival....we got in around 10pm) then ordered pizza. Good news at hotel we got upgraded to a sweet! that is sweet. lol
Shysie pee and poohed already. Peed like 25 times all excited. lol. and her pooh was tiny bit soft but that could be from trip and peeing so much....she wanted to push more out to mark that she had arrived. lol.
Gave her the birthday toys, sounds like new years now. lol. ppl staying here have to know we have arrived. lol. oh time to got potty again. love to each and every one of you......please remove the corn chip off the angels lip that has fallen asleep and the angel with the chip stuck in her hair. and another with one on her cheek......lol. Hey....your shoes!!! their on the wrong feet. Get you all tucked in and will start again bright and early. love to all.

03-04-2013, 12:54 AM
Phew glad your all tucked in!! What a trip :) Ohhhh they gave you a suite to fit us all in, sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! :D:D:D Very kind of them!!

Flynn is going in the morning for his BP and UPC checkup to keep Shysie company, so hopefully we will both have good results tomorrow for our adrenalectomy babies.... fingers and paws crossed :cool:

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-04-2013, 02:40 AM
Thinking of you


03-04-2013, 06:08 AM
Wow cool digs, we must have done something right, I didint have to sleep in the car:D:D:D:D:D

There is quite a crowd in the waiting room, updates when you can.


molly muffin
03-04-2013, 07:10 AM
Omg, they are on the wrong feet! I don't know How that happened.

Snazzy suite. Checking out the jacuzzi tub!!! Did you see this bathroom? We can all get dressed at the same time, it's huge!!!!

I'm going to snooze till they call us. Poke me if someone needs the chair.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
03-04-2013, 08:16 AM
Hey! I was saving that chip for an early morning snack! :p

Glad all arrived safe and sound and hope the day goes so very well.

Leslie and the gang

03-04-2013, 08:21 AM
Thinking of you guys Skye, and hoping all goes well today. I will be checking in for updates.

Tina and Jasper

03-04-2013, 11:59 AM
Hello angels on husbands snazzy phone so i am not sure how good this post read, lol. They are doing ultasound and cysto vaginal swab And kidney value blood work. They took blood pressure they had her wear muzzle since she is nof social she reminded me of hannibal lector in silence of the lambs. I had to really try to not speak its puts the lotion on the skin or it gets the hose again line trying to smile past the fear of unknown. Her blood pressure was 168ls that good? Have drank so much pepto i am surprized my eyes are not pink. Brought previous t three days of urine in case urine pooling would be needed. Have offered that three times each time its tossed. Wish they wld test what dr. Burndytte suggests to with that just to see variances as opposed to one urine. Likely wont know anything today and it will be tomorrow so go on and the party Snacks and music going and shysie and i will catch up as soon as were able. Angels.....couldnt do this without u....thank u for the strength anx encouragement to help what is the most truly beUticul blessing and gift in my life. My darling shysie

Boriss McCall
03-04-2013, 12:26 PM
Good luck today! Glad you made it safely.

03-04-2013, 01:12 PM
Well, we'll just all head to the cafeteria and wait:):):)

We aren't going anywhere until you and Shysie are heading out the door:):):):);)

Did they take her blood pressure 3 times? They should take it more than one time. Zoe got really stressed the first time, so they had to calm her down and recheck it two more times.

03-04-2013, 01:40 PM
Good point Addy, my vet takes Flynns a few times then does average and then repeats a few times through the day. I just got his urine to take and about to leave to take him to vet now, but with stress taken into account that not too bad for Shysie! off we go but wanted to hear any Shysie news first! Will check in later xxxxx

03-04-2013, 03:28 PM
Popping my head in to check you are both doing ok?

Hope it's all going well


molly muffin
03-04-2013, 04:52 PM
I'm going to do a starbuck run, this cafeteria coffee is icky. Place orders! I'll be back in a jiff.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-04-2013, 05:13 PM
Double expresso no milk no sugar. All this waiting makes me sleepy :)

03-04-2013, 05:25 PM
hello we are home. thank you to each and every one of you. my husband was so grateful for each of you being with us..........he said he could tell how much you each help me and shysie.....(ohhhh he is ever grateful for that!)
who drove us home? lol
i am not sure how many times they took her blood pressure.....it may have been 3 times.Doctor said it was slightly high but considering stress and adrenaline it was pretty good. i think they needed to sedate her a little.....i am glad they did that instead of having her suffer through the stress. That stress is not good for them, and courage juice...well........wish they would hook me up sometimes too. lol
i think its nap time...........were wore plum out. oh wait....shysie has something she wants to say......Miss K9Angels......momma said she was calling all angels to help me and her...........i felt your wings holding me when they took me from my mommas to go to the back to do all the testing.....i could hear and feel your wings fluttering about making sure all the nurses and techs were doing things right.......thank you Miss K9Angels.......my snout kisses your nose.....and my paws hug you. heres mom.....Okay.....sorry bout that but she was very insistent at giving you her message. love to each and all. we should know more tomorrow afternoon.

03-04-2013, 05:45 PM
Addy drove, she laid off the chocovine since lunch ;)

Glad your both home safe and that courage juice was given (that term makes me smile) defo think they should share to help the "pet mama's" nerves

Big kisses and a big cuddle to Shysie for being a brave girl.

Sleep well, look forward to good news tomorrow


molly muffin
03-04-2013, 07:19 PM
Well that starbucks sure kept me energized for the ride home. Did it work for you too Mel?

Now I'm ready for a nap too.

So glad you are home safe and sound. Hoping for a good report from all the tests.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-04-2013, 07:46 PM
Too well Sharlene, nearly 1am here and I am wide awake :eek:

03-04-2013, 10:45 PM
photos of today on way home. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.429952613759847.1073741825.174750042613440&type=1

03-04-2013, 10:53 PM
Awww those pics are too precious, she is beautiful. Love the one of Shaddix as co-pilot in the front :D:D:D

Hanging out to hear tomorrows results for our girl!! Have a good sleep you guys!! I think they should bottle that 'courage juice' and make it compulsory for every time we go to the vet :D

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-04-2013, 11:42 PM
:) thank you! and yes Shaddix is a sweetheart.
Doctor gave us some papers he had printed out with good and interesting information on them. I could scan and email to you if you want or whom ever would like or maybe the link will be helpful enough. And Trish, I tried to copy and paste the activity charts from the GPS device, i am going to ask husband to help me to see if he can get them where you can view. Any ways here is some info from IMS at GC on proteinuria and renal issues. its from IRIS (International Renal Interest Society) http://www.iris-kidney.com/education/en/education03.shtml hope that works i took it from bottom of papers he gave me.

03-05-2013, 03:08 AM
Hi Skye,
So glad to hear you all made it home safe, and I will be waiting for the good results for Shysie tomorrow also! Thank you for posting the link to the information from your IMS. If you get any more information like that, will you please let me know, or post the link?

My baby Jasper is going through this right now also, he has had protein in his urine, his UPC was quite high :( and he is now on a special prescription kidney diet and Enalapril to help with the protein loss. Fish oil is also in the treatment plan, but is on hold for now because he is just getting over colitis.

We are at the beginning stages of treatment, so I don't know if any of it has helped at this point, but I am praying like crazy that it works. I have done lots of research on the internet, but it is nice to read information that comes directly from veterinary sites or resources, like what you posted.

Looking forward to Shysie's results tomorrow. And yes, please send some of that courage juice up north, I could use it!!

Tina and Jasper

03-05-2013, 01:21 PM
I think you forgot me in the cafeteria;)

Glad we are all home safe and sound and waiting for the news. will check back when I can

03-05-2013, 02:18 PM
doctor called and IF i followed correctly this is what i understood. i am going to send email to him and see if i followed correctly.
Her urine is not showing signs of casts, bacteria, sediment is normal, USG satisfactory, her blood work is not reflecting issues with kidney function.
she is losing protein in the urine not blood
So if I followed correctly, she is showing early signs of renal proteinuria, good news is that her UPC is less than 3 at this point.
Is this indicating and or suggesting glomerular disease? or possibly to early to know at this point?
In May 2012 her UPC was .6
February 2013 UPC 1.
1 week later UPC 1.1
March 2013 1.5
ten months UPC in increased from .6 to 1.5
he said one of her kidneys in the meat part of it, showed dilatation. however has not received the radiologist report on that yet.
will post more as i receive information.
i hope he doesnt get frustrated with me. just wanting to make sure i am understanding.

03-05-2013, 03:10 PM
Hey you

I don't know how to read the medical bits but just wanted you to know I am here wondering like you are

How are you both doing today?


Boriss McCall
03-05-2013, 03:43 PM
Those pictures in the car are so cute. What a sweet baby.
Hope today is going good.

03-05-2013, 06:22 PM
got copy of lab work
here are elevations.
Renal Panel blood work (as you can see....proteinuria is not from blood)
BUN 28 reference range 7-27
TCO2 25 reference range 17-24
HGB 18.3 reference range 12-18
MCHC 36.5 reference range 32-36

Issues are here....in the urine. she has concentrated urine, protein loss, no casts, wbc or blood, normal sediment. So if i am understanding this is stage one Chronic Kidney Disease.
There are three options for treating, and that is increasing her omega fatty acids, ace inhibitor, and some results have shown with aspirin. Of course start with omega fatty acid increase, then go from there. I am guessing.
Urine Labs
Protein 3+
UPC 1.5 (in May 2012 it was .6 February 2013 1. later feburary 1.1 to beginning of march 1.5 total range of 10 months .6 to 1.5)
Urine Protein 236.2
Creatinine 159.3
so substaging for CKD risk of end organ damage from hypertension stages go as follow minimal, low, moderate, high 4 stages total
she is low stage.
moderate stage is the largest span, followed by minimal stage, low risk is smallest, then lastly is high.
still waiting to hear more on ultra sound

03-05-2013, 07:16 PM
Skye, I am learning this right along with you but I believe you are understanding correctly. Low dose aspirin therapy is usually started for more advanced cases, UPC is 1.5 so under 3, may be too early for low dose aspirin therapy, hopefully diet change and omega three may bring it down now?

What was her blood pressure?

molly muffin
03-05-2013, 08:30 PM
Well I don't know anything about kidney disease either. I'm learning right along with the rest of you. I kind of don't like it that we all Have to learn this though. I'd much rather that they all just be well and fine with nothing kidney to worry about.

hang in there. I think you're doing great!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-06-2013, 02:59 AM
Hi there

Will be good to get that ultrasound report, if there is dilatation in one part of kidney then it could be something treatable like a stone or blockage there that could be cleared and fix the problem. If the blockage was real bad her BUN and blood creatinine would be up, although if it a one sided problem the other kidney can take over the work of both of them.

The BUN is really only high normal so that is ok. Good to hear she is concentrating her urine, if the kidneys get real bad with renal failure they drink a lot more and have dilute urine, so good news there YAY... so at this stage we have an early kidney problem and my vet said they do not need to treat medically until UPC >2, her BP is a little high but that can be due to stress too so they may want to just keep watching Shysie closely and get ready to dive in with treatment when needed. I am going to look into the fish oil for Flynn too, he has a fish dinner once a week but probably not enough.

Will be looking out for Shysie's scan report tomorrow. Don't you worry about frustrating the vets, they take a lot of your money and that is not just to treat Shysie but to give you her Mom all the information you need to understand things.

Tonight, I have been trying to work out how they do the UPC conversions, I compared Flynn's result with an earlier one, yesterdays had both lower protein and creatinine BUT a higher ratio compared with 3 months ago. It did not compute in my pea brain how that could be and I thought maybe the lab had made a mistake somewhere lol. Emailed our vet to ask about this, he wrote back saying I made his head hurt :eek::eek: (but in a nice way with a smiley face :)) and he would work it out and get back to me. But me being me had to google it some more and I did work it out so it finally made sense to me, so I just wrote back to him with my calculations and apologised for going straight to email without doing my homework first! I am sure he will be pleased he does not have to go and do a maths degree to answer my questions tonight!!

He seems happy with communicating like this, maybe you need to clarify with your vet the boundaries so you do not worry so much and can feel comfortable asking questions. We all know here on the forum there are no stupid questions, I feel that way with my vet now after a bit of a rocky start... so hope soon you will too!

Keep cool Mom xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kisses for Shysie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-06-2013, 06:50 AM
Just checking to see how you are both doing?


03-06-2013, 08:17 AM
me too, I'm standing here with Mel, checking in:D:D we want to make sure its okay to unpack.:);)

03-06-2013, 04:04 PM
Me again, just wondering if you are both alright?

Hope to hear from you soon


molly muffin
03-06-2013, 08:47 PM
Did you get the scan results today?
scoot over mel and abby, make room for one more!!!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-06-2013, 10:34 PM
i love you angels! thank you for the smile.
i have not heard anything more of the scan. was hoping to hear something my self. when i spoke to the doctor on the phone about the lab work, and finding the protein loss is happening in the urine, just not clear if this is glomerur or tubluar (spelling is off i know), and i want to make sure i am clear on what to expect, how to stop it from progressing, etc. i have questions wrote out already. lol
anyways what was mentioned at that time was that he thought he saw in the meat of the kidney a dilation. I have no idea what that means and its making me crazy. Doctor is waiting to hear radiologist report.
here are my questions
what to watch for clinically at home?
increase potty breaks?
Diet..keeping protein same? increasing omega fatty acids? (i am sure he will have me ask this of the nutritionist)
Should i reduce intensity of play time
What is considered stressors for her? like at home....husband and i agruing?
is this painful for her?
was spot on my sleep shirt from this?
my understanding is this...is this correct.....normal sediment in urine, good concentration and USG, is this glomerular or tubular disease? Renal proteinuria correct?
quantitate proteinuria is that what was done with urine collected from cysto?
What prognosis is expected? how will this effect her longevity?
what did radiologist report say?
how often do we need to have urine (free catch or cysto) done?
how often blood pressure checked?
when should we do next ultra sound?

you can unpack...lol...........HOWEVER i do think we will be heading back in week or two to speak to nutritionist. And since she is only there on Thursdays and her IMS is only there on Monday and Tuesdays might always have a little bag packed and kept by door. lol

03-07-2013, 04:18 AM
Glad you posted was starting to get a bit worried...

Overnight bag is by the door

Looks like you are prepared when they do call, hope that is today so you can get your answers

Will be peaking in throughout the day to see what the report says


03-07-2013, 04:24 AM
here are my questions
what to watch for clinically at home?
increase potty breaks? more dilute urine, drinking more
Diet..keeping protein same? increasing omega fatty acids? (i am sure he will have me ask this of the nutritionist)
Should i reduce intensity of play time
What is considered stressors for her? like at home....husband and i agruing?
is this painful for her?
was spot on my sleep shirt from this?
my understanding is this...is this correct.....normal sediment in urine, good concentration and USG the USG is how they measure concentration, is this glomerular or tubular disease? Renal proteinuria correct? Yes you want to know what is causing the proteinuria, something in kidneys or some other reson like high BP, does she need to be on anything for tighter BP control?
quantitate proteinuria is that what was done with urine collected from cysto? I am not sure what you mean here, the proteinuria was picked up with cysto
What prognosis is expected? how will this effect her longevity?
what did radiologist report say? find out exactly what is causing the dilatation in the kidney, get report so we can all read and help with interpretation, is the kidney affected on same side as Shysie's adrenalectomy? I cannot remember what her histology was on adrenal tumour, I know you do not want to hear this and it's probably NOT and I don't want to scare you, but if it was me I would ask about that and possibility of tumour invasion into kidney as adrenal gland pretty much sits on top of kidney (if it had to come out you only need one kidney!), if this kidney problem is on opposite side from her adrenalectomy I would not think it was spread from her old adrenal tumour (this is presuming her tumour was a cancer, if not I am probably barking up the wrong tree and putting you wrong!) Or the kidney dilatation could just be from a stone or some other simpler form of blockage, we usually see bilateral kidney dilation if it is due to renal failure type of picture or a major obstruction in bladder or some external problem to renal system but causing pressure and blockage and it does not sound like Shysie has those problems, dilation in one kidney usually due to a problem in that actual kidney, ureter or bladder near where there ureter enters, it could be caused by many different reasons eg stone or infection or cyst or tumour (many benign!) so it will be good to see report
how often do we need to have urine (free catch or cysto) done? and bloods to monitor renal function
how often blood pressure checked?
when should we do next ultra sound?

Hope this makes sense Skye, and is helpful. You are on to it though and I think your questions rock, don't let them rush you and talk through it all until you have good and clear understanding of the way forward... and take notes! Ask them to email you copies of all reports. Finally, take a big swig of that courage juice before you talk to them and let us all know asap!! Good Luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-07-2013, 10:13 AM
Any news or am I too early, time difference sucks, my day is nearly over and yours is just starting...

03-07-2013, 11:57 AM
nothing yet. i am going to type out all my notes hopefully by tonight and email them so they have them in morning. Right now they are hand wrote. hoping that way they get back to me. this waiting is horrid

03-07-2013, 12:22 PM
Waiting is not a particular strong point of mine (as you may have noticed;);)

Hopefully won't be too much longer


03-07-2013, 10:47 PM
i called again today. twice. a different nurse called me back, and i rattled off each and every one of my questions and added a few (thanks trish!)
i couldnt help myself.....i started to just sob on the phone......i said....she has had 5 ultra sounds in the last 16 months. HOW could this have just appeared. FIVE ultra sounds in last 16 months. I said...it makes me feel like I failed her...that we all let her down.......how could this have gone not seen??? Countless labs and even on last urine test i had highlighted concern (each doctor gets new spread sheet up date with all labs to help track things and see if there is a pattern even....i didnt follow up on my question and guess it got over looked.) The nurse sounded very sincere. I hope I know more, what the outlook is, what treatment is, and what action plan is on course. not knowing just leaves me on edge and full of emotion and its hard to have intelligent active conversation when your brimming with tears. hate that. First time i have allowed that to happen with doctors over this.
Precious sweet gifts of life to us, i treasure every moment in time shared with them.
So hopefully phone or email will come in tomorrow. doubtful, but you never know.

molly muffin
03-08-2013, 12:10 AM
Hang in there! I know this is rough after everything you and shysie have been through, but this is just going to be another bump on a long road. You have to have faith and hold it close to your heart. You are doing everything that you can and you always have. Don't let this one get you down okay. Shysie is going to be fine. You'll figure out what needs to be done for her to get her back on the right path and that will be that.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin (I'd just give you a great big Texas size hug if I was there)

03-08-2013, 12:25 AM
well i tell you what (texas talk right there, lol) you just get right on down here! and i will take that hug!
actually "i tell you what" is a complete sentence here. that is all that is said. when i first moved here years ago....someone would say that and i would be standing there waiting to hear what......nope, thats all that was said, i tell you what. its like saying hello or saying your doing pretty good. lol
I live a tiny tiny house. I shampoo my carpet almost every week (i dont move things just areas that are clear). i use bissell pet stain and odor 2x. I think that is what it is called. Both my dogs are on carpet before it drys all the way, walking, laying........you dont think that has caused illness do you? i have search and searched online and havent find anything.....my little cleaner sucks up the water and stuff too........so its not soaking wet, and of course most time carpet is drying they are beside me on couch waiting for it to dry. lol. but the thought did cross my mind and now it stuck.

03-08-2013, 05:26 AM
NO... I do not think your cleaning has given Shysie proteinuria!! A clean house does nothing but GOOD!! It is not your fault Missy!! Lets wait till we hear the official word from the specialists, I am putting my money on early kidney problem that will be easily manageable and your TLC will be the best medicine for her!!

I know the frustration and how poor communication just wears you down, I also know how when I get emotional it makes it harder to for me to ask all my questions and get the answers clear in my head. So put your professional hat on, take your time and get ready for that call, you are armed with your list so you are all ready!!

I was so annoyed with myself for forgetting my phone on my trip today and I couldn't check up on you all. I did not even stop on the drive home to pick up anything more substantial to eat than peanut m & m's and twisties! So far we have two great news reports with Julie and Addy and one MIA from Vicki, who I have convinced myself cannot connect because of her snow storm! Tomorrow we are adding Shysie to the great news brigade~! :):)

I hope a good sleep will have you feeling more ready to deal with the vets today, otherwise we will all get back in the car, drive down there and picket them till they speak to you!!!


03-08-2013, 08:40 AM
The strain takes its toll when you have dealt with so much, Skye, no wonder you are having a total melt down. I think total meltdowns can be therauptic. We get it all out and then we can focus when we need to. You dont have all the information you need and that is making it hard for you.

I f we have to pack our bags up and do another road trip to get your questions answered, speak to a vet and develop a plan, well, then off we will go. Doing it on the phone can be hard, sometimes.


sweetie, it is not your fault, OMG, you have been super mom, sometimes stuff just develops.

more hugs

Squirt's Mom
03-08-2013, 08:57 AM
Oh, sweetheart,

You have done nothing but love that precious girl with all your heart. You have done NOTHING to cause anything that has happened with Shysie...nothing. The fact of the matter is there are probably millions of pups who have the same issues Shysie has and is facing but the parents of those pups have no clue anything is wrong...they aren't in tune with their babies the way you are with Shysie. It is your love and devotion to her that gives her the best chance in any situation that may come up. Shysie has The BOMB for a mom! So you just put those thoughts in the trash and forget about them, 'k? 'Cause I tell you what!

Leslie and the gang

03-08-2013, 04:27 PM
Just checking in to see how you are both doing?

Sending you a extra big hug and a big kiss for Shysie


03-08-2013, 11:35 PM
I have no update to offer.........not one word. :(
Angels........there is no way possible to express to each of you how very much strength and encouragement you give to me and Shysie.

03-09-2013, 12:31 AM
i read all the supportive little things everyone writes to Shysie....so when I was reading about how there might be a road trip ahead back to gulf coast to see the doctor and see whats the matter....
then we were playing.....and she took something that was not her's...lol.....hope this makes each of you smile.....precious little stinker. lol

03-09-2013, 02:14 AM
Shysie is beautiful what a sweet face, love how she went and hid under the bed

Hope you are alright xxx