View Full Version : will be testing hopefully soon (Update: Left adrenal tumor)
oh my love!!!! ((((((((((((((hugging you))))))))))) my dear friend, between our two threads alone............please dont feel sorry at all....i was worried i had missed something, if anything at are correct i should not let my guard down, and be aware. you have been WONDERFUL to me, forever friends. forever.
sobbing and smiling tears just streaming, omg, janis, your post.......i just saw your post..........Angels, she is not kidding, at least 100 emails, and goodness the things that did happen.........we both knew something more was at work here, and both wondered what our journey would bring us. But we knew we had been brought together for a very specific reasons, we met at cross road, one she had already been at before me, her beautiful heart so broken, both of us being adopted in by the amazing cush angels. janis, your heart holds beauty and powerful love, your gift is i believe to help many others as they approach the cross road of Dear God which way do I go..........every single person here has cried, sobbed, felt pain sear through them flooding despair, and have rejoyced, danced, stood up from computer screen put arms in the air and yelled YES!!!! stood and turned our face up and praised God. you say you think i helped you.......ahhhhh my beautiful not under estimate the power of love and care your soul holds............and that beautiful cush angels.....goes to each of you too!!!!!!
11-30-2011, 12:39 AM
Oh my. See what I mean? (smile) that was actually 115 emails as of yesterday. and still rising.
Hey Leslie! Oh well, you know me well!
Cush Angels.....turn up the volume...........sit back......enjoy....warning...tissue might be needed. Love you all.
Squirt's Mom
11-30-2011, 09:21 AM
Hi Skye,
What GREAT news!!! :):):):):cool::cool::cool::cool: Shysie is coming HOME!!! :):):):):) Oh I am so excited for you both! What a great day!
I grabbed my new box of Kleenex ready to watch the video but it says it is blocked and I cannot watch it. :( But my imagination went to work and I cried anyway. :rolleyes::p I can just see two faces lighting up with joy and love at being reunited. I am so, so happy for you, sweetie.
Now prayers are rising for a swift and uneventful recovery, and a long happy life together.
Leslie and the gang
PS. I always knew there were wings on Janis' shoulders. ;)
11-30-2011, 11:45 AM
Skye - cant wait till you are back with mom and dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waiting for you!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo
Skye who is the video by so I can google it - it wont let us play it xo
okay sorry about that, try this link please!!!¬if_t=video_processed
Brilliant beautiful Skye, first light at dawn, blue, pink, yellow Skye, healing light,
your beloved is coming home to you.
I could not be happier. My prayers will continue.
we are together!!!!!! side by side.............i got my jammies on, whew,
and we shall rest.
thank you God. As we rest side by side, may your healing blessings shower down on us. Amen.
love to from BOTH our hearts.
her tiny little body........her incision must be nearly foot long......will post pics when we awake.....(smiling...when WE, i like that. smiling)
Harley PoMMom
11-30-2011, 04:52 PM
So happy that Shysie is home and surrounded by your love! Sending huge hugs, love, and healing thoughts...Lori
11-30-2011, 06:23 PM
we are together!!!!!! side by side.............i got my jammies on, whew,
and we shall rest.
thank you God. As we rest side by side, may your healing blessings shower down on us. Amen.
love to from BOTH our hearts.
her tiny little body........her incision must be nearly foot long......will post pics when we awake.....(smiling...when WE, i like that. smiling)
Oh my what a beautiful picture that would be. Stromee sleeping at long last with her cherished Shy-C. Zack bless you for being there, she needed you so much.
okay ya'll try this link and pictures will be coming soon.
This is for all you angels............tissue might be needed.
11-30-2011, 10:04 PM
The most cherished of all!
Here I am mommy!
So glad to hear you are with Shysie again and that she is doing so well. I sure do hope that continues! I'll keep sending positive vibes.
Keep us posted!
Julie & Hannah
11-30-2011, 11:07 PM
Skye - so sorry I am checking in late -- Yeah Shysie is with you - I saw the pics - Yup nasty incision - just glad you are together and snuggling!!!!!!! Update and let us know how the afternoon and night went ------- praying for a healthy recovery - love and hugsssssssss xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Just wanted to check in to see how things are going with Shysie...
Julie & Hannah
hello!!!! thank you for checking in on us. I had spent most of day off of computer so i am sorry for delay in replying. It means so very very much to know your checking. She is doing pretty good for the most part. Her pooh is a bit to soft...nurse and doctor know and if it continues to be soft or softer we go in. It is not diarrhea, but very soft. Could be from stress, surgery, meds or might be her pancreaitis becoming irritated, which that would need to be addressed immediately. So we will see how this goes yet this evening and tomorrow. Other wise it think she is doing good. Alert, eats, drinks, rests, has a wicked incision, omg that is unbelievable. Hope things are good are your end. (((hugs)))), and goodness, is it ever so awesome to be with my baby!!!!
12-01-2011, 11:40 PM
Skye cute picture!!!! So glad she is doing well - the poop is probably from all the stress and the meds etc --- so glad you all are resting and are all together!!!!!!! I know Shysie will make a healthy recovery!!!!! Still saying my prayers for her and will continue to each nite!!!!!!! hugsssssssssssssss xo
thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!! How is Penny doing?
I need to say know how everyone has a "scent"....even our furbabies have their own "scent". Since i have gotten Shysie back.....her scent is like nothing i have ever smelled before. Its not bad....its just not "her" scent. I dont know what it is, or even how to describe it. Not really a perfume scent it from all the prayers and angels surrounding her? I even told my husband that....I said i wonder if this isnt from heaven....its like nothing I have ever smelled before....and get this....he goes "I noticed that yesterday.......i dont know how to describe it" anyone else ever have this happen? is it from angel wings fluttering madly about her keeping her safe? Keep fluttering!!!!
12-02-2011, 04:36 AM
That is interesting. And for a guy to notice it makes it all the more intersting. No I have never experienced that. Not in the way you are suggesting anyway. If I smell anything, it's obviously rubbing alcohol from shots and stuff. Oh I guess maybe a couple times they smelled a little like perfume but it didn't last long. Could it be Angel dust maybe? Ha ha. What about the meds she's taking or that patch? Kira had a lot of that yellow surgical stuff on her when I brought her home. I guess I wouldn't let them keep her long enough for them to clean her up. (sheepish smile) but it didn't have a smell to it really. Shysie looks all cleaned up, maybe they used something to get that yellow stuff off because it doesn't come off easy. I don't know, I think I like the angel wings/dust theory best!
The last time Kira had one of those patches it left a horrible sticky stuff on her. No way could I get it off. I asked them about it and they said to bring her in and they could get it off. Course I didn't do that. She was close to 70 pounds then and not much help. I had to just let the sticky stuff wear off. Dirt keep sticking to it too.
12-02-2011, 04:56 AM
Hope I don't get in trouble for posting this one here..
But we must acknowledge another hero don't you think? Thanks Zack for taking such good care of our girl.
And that little dog too who spent a long time in that hotel room all alone.
12-02-2011, 05:16 AM
Stormee... I sent the below to my mom two days after Kira's surgery.
"She has diarrhea pretty bad. She is getting white rice and ground up boiled chicken now and diarrhea meds. More pills then Mira was. I'm concerned about loss of bowel control but Sebestyen is not. Other then that she is doing as good as to be expected. Some pain getting up and down. That often gets a small yip. She whines a little but not bad. I think we will both be happier when the potty problem gets better. It upsets her too. She's a sleep right now. I see her twitching."
Squirt's Mom
12-02-2011, 09:06 AM
Mornin' Skye,
How is our Shysie doing? I just love the pics and am so glad she is back in your arms where she belongs.
Let us know how the poop patrol is going...:p
Leslie and the gang
Squirt's Mom
12-02-2011, 05:15 PM
Skye, what's wrong, honey? You're angels are with you still!
Leslie and the gang
Hi Skye-
Still thinking of you and Shysie and saying prayers for you...hoping she is doing okay.
Julie & Hannah
thank you all i appreciate your immediate fluttering!!! seriously omg i do.
Shysie went to full out liquid diarrhea, been in contact with doctors since this morning. Finally we decided, lets go in. They do not feel it is her pancreas Thank thus far were not heading into an attack of that. they do feel its a combo of stress, meds, and getting all balanced out.
BUT now she is not eating. I have rice, broth, pumkin, and her food. I have not cooked lean meat yet.....but they called just moment ago and said it was okay if she skipped meals today.....she is suspisious of her food now since i put that sour tart med in it for her pooh.
incision looks good, tummy not tender, she got her morphine patch removed.
sooooooo were okay for matter of speaking of not being a 911 right now. whew. omg, seriously, any pebble as you all know flys you into life watch alert as this was a pretty serious event. AND they got biospy results....possibly slightly functional tumor and another reason were having pooh issue, but she IS BLESSED and is in the VERY low % for it to NONCANCEROUS!!!!!!!! yes!!!!! stand up put hands up in victory rally and everyone yell YES!!!!!! i was told 98% chance your angel dance for the victory of power of prayer.
12-02-2011, 10:01 PM
Skye - sorry about the poop issue - hope it resolves soon!!!! Throwing the hands and the air for Skysie and saying the prayers for a very healthy recovery!!!!!!!:)
I just posted that Penny is doing good - Yup that did not last long - groaning and groaning - and cant get comfy -- dont get it -- its getting colder - maybe the arthritis - had to give in to the Rimadyl - and I cut back on it - maybe thats it so increasing it to see if that is the cause ----
Love the pic of hubby and the pup!!!!!:)
Keep in touch - will check back hugsssssssssss and prayers xo
have you checked into the adaquinn injections? I have heard AMAZING things about them. and dont have the side effects of rimadyl
ugh, seriously water for pooh. gonna be long nite angels.....poor little bum.
anyone have experience with Metronidazole? she is getting 1/2 tablet twice a day 250mg
not so sure about it.....already got dialated pupils.....researched it and found it is not FDA approved....
she is also taking Prednisone 5mg 1/2 tablet once daily
Famotidine 10mg 1/2 tablet twice daily
Bio Sponge 2 cc 3 times daily and i am not having success at getting her to take this. This is the one that would really help her diarreha
My dogs have taken it many, many, many times, as have my parents four dogs. My non-Cush dog, Izzy, has a very sensitive stomach and gets roughly a once a year diarrhea episode. The metronidazole is a God-send. The diarrhea typically stops within 24 hours. Then it takes a while to get the next poop out. Hannah has taken it too. Unless there is some specific medical reason for Shysie not to take it (which I'm sure there isn't because your vet gave it to you), it should be fine. It will make her little bum and tummy feel soooo much better.
Hang in there! Sending my prayers!
Julie & Hannah
anyone have experience with Metronidazole? i researched it and its not FDA approved???
here is list of meds she is on.
Metronidazole 250mg 1/2 tablet 2 times a day
Bio Sponge 2 cc 3 times a day not having much luck at giving this. i wonder if put in peanut butter if that would help
Famotidine 10mg1/2 tablet 2 times a day
Prednisone 5mg 1/2 tablet once a day for 7 days then 1/2 tablet every other day
ugh...i cant do peanut butter....way to much fat. she has issues with to much fat in blood already.
so i sat there with one about 1 cc on finger tip...waited for her to yawn and wiped finger on roof of mouth, made her salivate alot.
that subsided and offered her "wellness" cookie, then put tiny tiny tiny tiny daps of yogurt on finger tip.......not sure about that yogurt, lots of controversy on it. but they suggested it in very tiny amount to see if it will help.
she doesnt look right out of her eyes at all. and from what i can see it is side effects of the one med metronidazole. will continue to monitor. baby....worried.
omg so glad to hear from you, been checking puter so often i reposted my questions thinking i messed up and it didnt post, then after that i saw your post.
you are talking about the Metronidazole right?
so it does help stop the loose pooh? feel so sad for her as i watch her try and go and then when she does get some out it is not good. she is so tiny, and trying to be so brave and strong.
well....we ate. HORRAY, then i waited to take her out watching for any signs that she was ready...she rested very well, made me smile, then about 2am decided she should have that potty break....and this is how it went...will share my post from her face book and album. Yall ready to smile???? (OH and pooh was still very soft...but not liquid, angels....thank you again for sending up all those prayers)
2am potty break was interesting...stop to drop trash in outdoor trash directly by lobby entrance...Shysie doesnt want to leave little trash can...i am thinking what?? WTH its 2am were in Houston Galleria area come my pocket find gum wrapper go to toss it in trash as i am getting her...when i see a very long snout, pink nose, and a large long tooth, after screaming profanities gathering my baby running as fast as i could in my bunny slippers and fleece pants into parking lot i realize...possum. Ok, Imma country gal and love them little things, but was the last thing i thought i would see Galleria Houston hotel trash by lobby. LMAO, omg, WIDE awake now! and shysie, bless her...just wanting to make friends. Huge beautiful possum.
12-03-2011, 04:09 AM
Not to worry about the metronidazole. I agree it's wonderful stuff.
12-04-2011, 12:25 AM
just wanted to say HI - just got in and wanted to check in - hope all is going good:) hugssssss xoxo
horray forum is, did i ever feel insecure not being in touch. lol
were still on pooh patrol, not straight liquid but still very soft.
good eating today
she seemed to be feeling pretty good until i gave her the Metronidazole. Then she acted drowsey, withdrawn, smacky lips, made me feel bad for her. got her to eat later again later this evening and was so glad. and gave her cookie and she ate that. Were holding ground. Thanks for checking in.
Were heading home tomorrow late morning. we should be out of the critical hours of recovery. then she goes back to doctors Friday to be checked, and she will also see nutritionist. How you doing Cindy? Penny?
Squirt's Mom
12-04-2011, 08:52 AM
Mornin' Skye,
It IS good to be back, huh? ;)
I hope the trip home goes well and that Shysie continues to improve. Once home, I bet she will start to feel even better.
Let us know how it goes!
Leslie and the gang
12-04-2011, 01:11 PM
Skye so glad she ate and took her treat - always a good sign:) Safe trip home - you all will be so happy to be back in your own home!!!!!
Penny is doing ok - eating good - drinking was so so much now its almost normal - just that back leg with the hock injury has not use and it just shakes - but she gets around - took her off the Rimadyl and she was so so bad the other night groaning - smacking her lips - kicking out her legs - but back on it and she is ok not great but at least ok ----- we will see -
Let us know when you are all home safely!! Hugsssssssss and prayers xoxo
12-04-2011, 03:30 PM
Me too. Wishing you safe trip home. I hope the traffic wasn't too bad. Give me a holler when you're all settled in. So glad Shysie did so well thru this. She had wonderful doctors and a wonderful mom looking out for her. I'm sure the angels are fluttering over head following you, not to worry.
12-04-2011, 06:51 PM
Awwwww, " Home SWEET Home" and we all sure do know " there's no place like home" indeed. So very glad you will all be heading back with your sweet girl. You both done good, keep up the good work. Feel better real soon Shysie.
We love you soo much....
Tight hugs. Xo Jeanette and Princess
Trip home went really well, much less traffic on early weekend afternoon, she did really well. We got into some rain part of the way...which that can be like a sheet of ice here in texas but it all went okay...had angels with me ya know, :)
Got home, husband went to get us a bite to eat, ate, me and babies laid down and we slept for nearly EIGHT HOURS. Had to force myself out of bed. But trying to slowly get around getting things unpacked, laundery, etc. Shysie is eating good, still on pooh patrol, but holding ground, she hasnt poohed since we have been home, but we were sleeping most of time. she wants to chase the cats who keep tempting her...she is resting peacefully with toys by her side. (since she was baby she selects one toy usually and brings it to bed with her). Feels good to be back in our tiny home, and away from city sounds and smells. We live basically in National forest, (1/2 mile from it so were on edge of it) and then we were staying Houston Galleria area...their mall has full size ice skating rink in it. Day and nite difference of lifestyles there. LOL
One thing made us feel just right at home and that was the possum in trash right outside lobby door though he was very unexpected, lol!
Trip home went really well, much less traffic on early weekend afternoon, she did really well. We got into some rain part of the way...which that can be like a sheet of ice here in texas but it all went okay...had angels with me ya know, :)
Got home, husband went to get us a bite to eat, ate, me and babies laid down and we slept for nearly EIGHT HOURS. Had to force myself out of bed. But trying to slowly get around getting things unpacked, laundery, etc. Shysie is eating good, still on pooh patrol, but holding ground, she hasnt poohed since we have been home, but we were sleeping most of time. she wants to chase the cats who keep tempting her...she is resting peacefully with toys by her side. (since she was baby she selects one toy usually and brings it to bed with her). Feels good to be back in our tiny home, and away from city sounds and smells. We live basically in National forest, (1/2 mile from it so were on edge of it) and then we were staying Houston Galleria area...their mall has full size ice skating rink in it. Day and nite difference of lifestyles there. LOL
One thing made us feel just right at home and that was the possum in trash right outside lobby door though he was very unexpected, lol!
this made me smile.....lived in Kansas for several years........(wizard of oz...dorothy and her red slippers, clicking her heels, theres no place like home...)
Trip home went really well, much less traffic on early weekend afternoon, she did really well. We got into some rain part of the way...which that can be like a sheet of ice here in texas but it all went okay...had angels with me ya know, :)
Got home, husband went to get us a bite to eat, ate, me and babies laid down and we slept for nearly EIGHT HOURS. Had to force myself out of bed. But trying to slowly get around getting things unpacked, laundery, etc. Shysie is eating good, still on pooh patrol, but holding ground, she hasnt poohed since we have been home, but we were sleeping most of time. she wants to chase the cats who keep tempting her...she is resting peacefully with toys by her side. (since she was baby she selects one toy usually and brings it to bed with her). Feels good to be back in our tiny home, and away from city sounds and smells. We live basically in National forest, (1/2 mile from it so were on edge of it) and then we were staying Houston Galleria area...their mall has full size ice skating rink in it. Day and nite difference of lifestyles there. LOL
One thing made us feel just right at home and that was the possum in trash right outside lobby door though he was very unexpected, lol!
Awwwww, " Home SWEET Home" and we all sure do know " there's no place like home" indeed. So very glad you will all be heading back with your sweet girl. You both done good, keep up the good work. Feel better real soon Shysie.
We love you soo much....
Tight hugs. Xo Jeanette and Princess
This made me smile as i lived in kansas several years...Dorothy and wizard of oz
12-04-2011, 10:38 PM
Glad you guys made it home. Nothing like sleeping in your own bed. Continued prayers sent. Kim
12-05-2011, 12:22 AM
So glad you are all home safe and sound - and able to get some good sleep in your own home - yup no place like home!!!!!! glad to recovery is going good - prayers will continue for Shysie!!!!!!
Penny is on the Adequan shots - hard to tell if they are helping but then again if she wasnt on them things might be worse?? Now she is on Dasaquin 2xs a day - pepcid - 1x a day - Adequan Shot every 4 days - tramadol at bedtime when needed - which is often - and the Rimadyl in low doses but does better on a higher dose but thats where I hit the brick wall - hold off shes in pain - give it she is better but long term not good - going to add fish oil - thanks:)
Love - hugsssss - and prayers xoxoxoxoxo
Thank you Cindy!
what about glucosemine? (spelling?) I have heard great things about this product too Phy-Cox soft chews
12-05-2011, 06:18 AM
LOL....well then "we're not in Kansas anymore". kissies to Toto, oops I mean Shysie...Haaaaaaa..:D
12-05-2011, 10:49 AM
Good morning - hope the night went well --- I hope its nice there today!! Its so nice her for New England - Its 58 now and suppose to go up to 65 - yeah - Penny is loving it!! Hope you all got that well needed sleep!!! Check back later!!! hugsssss and kissessssss xi
the dasaquin is the glucosomine
Hi Skye-
Just stopping by to see how Shysie is doing...still thinking of you guys.
Julie & Hannah
Hello! we are doing good....think I can hang up my cap on pooh patrol although she has only poohed once today, but some of that might be the meds since the one is to help with the bad potty feelings. i went and myself paranoid since she only poohed one time. My mind never stops whirling. lol
we slept on and off all day......rainy and cold here and overcast. Husband is glad i am sleeping....he said all those months of not sleeping are now catching up and that is probably why I am sleeping so much and she is resting well in my arms. Her incision looks great, healing very nicely. We go back (ugh dread the trip) Friday to have her surgeon check her and then we will meet with a nutritionist to see what they have to say since i know she shouldnt stay on I/D long term. dont know if i will cook for her or see about a high quality product.
she starts to take her prednisone every other day Wednesday. Nervous about knowing if she is getting to much or to little.
Love to all from us
12-06-2011, 03:54 AM
Hello! we are doing good....think I can hang up my cap on pooh patrol although she has only poohed once today, but some of that might be the meds since the one is to help with the bad potty feelings. i went and myself paranoid since she only poohed one time. My mind never stops whirling. lol
I do the same thing. I spend months trying to teach the dogs to stop pulling. Then when they do I think, oh God what's wrong! Kira doesn't pull anymore!
I feel like such a misfit sometimes! Becareful what you ask for I guess.
Sorry just another of my useless posts...
Squirt's Mom
12-06-2011, 10:32 AM
Sorry just another of my useless posts...
NEVER, Janis, never!!!!!! No such thing! ;):D:)
12-07-2011, 12:11 PM
Skye awww her pics are so cute cuddled up in the blanket -- glad she is doing good and you are getting the much needed rest you need!! Nice to cuddle when the weather is awful and cold!!!! Rainy here today and Penny is just sleeping but I know the rain is bothering her - she is groaning on and off - enjoy your r and r and will check back - give Shysie a kiss for me!!! love hugs and prayers xo
WOW she is having a good day today!!!!! woke up to thousands of min pin kisses, while being pinned down by her little paws, and her warm little tummy incision and all pressed against my skin, i was so happy, sweet baby. then she did a pogo jump at door...she is NOT suppose to nor has she attempted to, it starlted me, lol, quickly stopped that, but couldnt quit the smiling at her for doing it. Sun is out, birds singing, beautiful day....though the beauty of the day is coming from Shysie, the rest is extras. :) Today was her last daily tablet of Pred. and Pep. She starts the every other day now for Pred.
12-07-2011, 08:44 PM
Wonderful news... she knows you saved her life. Good job mom. :p
That is wonderful to hear! I am so very happy for you!
Julie & Hannah
loved today....i pushed maybe bit to far and stepped right outside back door while she was eating.....only to sweep our tiny concrete slab porch....10ft by 10ft square didnt discover till hour or ago....rug by back door was wet............:(
feel bad.
really didnt expect that because she has been let out every 2-3 hours and she was eating. Feel like i let her down or i stressed her. I am assuming it was her.....(eyes darting around suspicious now of others......)
none the less, her personality was amazing happy for her. For all she does for me........i dont want to let her down.
Update!!!! Shysie got rave reviews from Dr Hottinger today, and we will continue route with prednisone 1/2 tablet every other day till gone with 1/2 tablet saved for emergency use should she need it so it can be admin. immediately as i place sos call to her. She also spoke to Dr. Lennex, Gulf Coast nutritionist, at this time we are planning to have her on combo of kebble and can of Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal Low Fat, Dasuquin and FortiFlora probotics.
I also learned that Pituary cushings has no lesser chance of happening than before.
so grateful for so much positive news today. Links below will show Shysie being Santas helper as i was packaging some home made Christmas gifts and another link shows Dr. Hottinger holding Shysie.
12-09-2011, 10:08 PM
Wrap her up... she is your Xmas present you know? :) Adorable and what a wonderful vet. You can tell by just looking at her she is a loving, caring one. Great news on the progress. Way.To.Go. !!! Kim
12-09-2011, 11:18 PM
- so happy she had a great check up!!!! Happy :DHappy:D Happy:D Good girl Shysie!!!!! I told you she is small but she is a tropper!!!!!! You have a wonderful vet - yup you can tell she is beautiful inside and out just like you!!!!!!!! Hugssssssssss xoxoxo
aweeeeeeeeeee........smiling at you.............
now lets see how she does and hope all stays clear of cushings.........i was very surprised to learn that there is no lesser chance for pituitary cushings, sooooooo, lets hope that what was seen is not seen anymore and only perfect beautiful health shines on and on.
12-10-2011, 01:05 AM
Oh our darling little min pin... Bless her heart. Did she get the stitches out? Big hugs and mini pin hugs to you both.
yes!!! they did take them out, i was surprised as i thought they would be self absorbing. felt bad she had to have removed. I still cringe at her incision. she was a brave little girl today.
12-10-2011, 07:11 AM
Awe sweet little Shysie...
Squirt's Mom
12-10-2011, 09:17 AM
Hi Skye,
What great pics! Kim is absolutely right - wrap that baby up in bright red paper with gold ribbons...she is the perfect Christmas gift to you and your hubby! She is so obviously happy and feeling good helping you wrap gifts and that just made my day to see it!
Leslie and the gang
This is just the perfect present!!!! Dr. Heidi is an angel indeed. I love her smile.
I am so glad for you, so very happy. Keep up the good work and just enjoy:):):):):):):) I hope our min pin gets to help wrap many presents!!!!!!
12-10-2011, 10:32 PM
What great pics and an adorable pup. Glad you got some great news..
you all make me smile, shysie just dances as i read these posts to her....her little nubnub button for tail just wiggles. LOL
Hi Skye-
I'm so glad to hear Shysie continues to do so well! I'm sure that will make the holiday season wonderful for you!
Julie & Hannah
12-15-2011, 05:27 PM
How is the sweet little girl doing?? Is she ready for santa?? lol I know you got your gift early this year --- All you wanted was your little girls health - you got your gift!!:):) hugsssssss xoxoxo
She is doing pretty good. Were still on Prednisone 1/2 tablet every other day, we have couple weeks of that left, and I have one tablet saved aside as directed for emergencies if need be.
So since she is still on Prednisone we are of course seeing lots of water intake, smacky lips, BIG pees, makes me sorta can hear her going and going and going and going.......and i know she is thinking.......omgaaaaaahhhhhhh. (LOL like if you drink lots of coffee, LOL)
She went 24 hours without poohing....and again she has only poohed that once. So not sure what is up. But she is poohing, not plugged and its not rock hard.
She has had one accident on carpet since we have been home, but any other time she feels she cant hold it she has been using her piddle pads which is a HUGE change from pre surgery. Yep I am going to def. need to pull up all the carpet (house is SUPER SUPER TINY so ALOT of pee has gone into small area) (BUT that is okay...i seriously dont mind AT ALL, anything for her, dont know when i can do that money wise, so heads up to any one that enters lol) I think her back is bothering her more which i expected to see. Her back issue is spinal issues are L1 L2 fused L2 and L3 nearly fused 213 showing lots of stress and L7-S1 i believe is area where nerve is leaning more into spine area causing a bit of stenosis, (arthritis related they said...) So she started Desaquin shortly after surgery. Will take bit for that to build up in system to see results and will go forward after that. Can take up to 10 weeks. I think the above back issue is also related to how she sometimes picks up and puts down back left foot. Last nite she was bit more was changing and knew her back was probably bother her.
She is playing with toys on floor, wants to catch a squirrel so badly she cant hardly stand it.....and her fighting me on the leash i beleive is what cause the back leg trembles today. Muscles over stressed and started to shake. BUT i did mention it just in case. i do believe her and i have rounded up all the stubborness in the world and shared it between us. lol
she is pinning me down, tiny little paws on either side of face and gives me zillions of eye ball kisses. and if i try to get away, LOL she has positioned her self as to not let that happen and get the other eye. LOL aweeeee them eye ball kisses are the best and where the elbow bends kisses. gritting my teeth....she is just soooooo cute......i love her so much!!!!!!!!
12-16-2011, 07:29 PM
Hi Skye,
I just saw all your facebook pictures, and they brought me such great joy and put a big :) on my face. I am amazed by your deep faith, great devotion toward your Shysie and your cause, and patience with all you and your precious girl have endured. You are both incredible, and am so glad you have each other.
Continued healing thoughts and prayers for your baby and much love and tight hugs.
Xo Jeanette and Princess
EYE BALL KISSES!!!!!!! (so when i say she will pin me down...and give me eye ball kisses....NOW you can see what i mean.)
look at her playing!!!!!!!! LOL omg she is my crazy girl!!!!!
12-20-2011, 05:14 PM
Tell us Stormee... What is the first day that our sweetie min pin (Shysie) stops taking prednisone? After my experance with Kira I'm very interested in this, others maybe too. About five days after stopping we saw changes.
The 29th of December is her last tablet. What changes did you see?
she has a dark red area at bottom of incision now and there is a tiny hard pebble like feeling thing there. Spoke to Gulf Coast and they asked i take pictures and send them (via email) so i will do that this evening.
she is not allowed to run and play outside yet, but we do have our cushions back on furniture at least. bed is still on floor. and she will be able to play outside after the 23rd, until then its floor play time and potty breaks on leash. she is handling it all pretty good. so proud of her.
i hope everyone got to see the eyeball kisses pictures and little video of her playing...if not scroll up you will see couple of links.
12-20-2011, 11:34 PM
Well first we must consider that my Kira is much older (11yrs), a lot bigger (54lb), had symptoms of Cushings for years, and had major surgery on both knees (which could have gone bad due to Cushings).
Before surgery she took Trillostine for about a month. During that time a lameness turned up. Muscle wasting and arthritis. After surgery she seemed much better until taking her off prednisone. Five days later the lameness came back. Therapy seemed to help some. At least for us this point in time was a big deal. Cortisal and prednisone have the same effect.
Kira also had that little hard pebble your discribing at the bottom of her incision. Sort of worried me a bit too. It never turned into anything and as of now (1yr later) it is completely gone. :-)
here are photos...some of what i am talking about...though the pebble feeling thing is not the pimple thing.
Doctors started her on Dasuquin with MSM
i know that takes time to build up in her hopefully we got some what of a head start as to help her.
she takes 1/2 tablet of the prednisone every other day....fairly low dose from my i soooooooo hope she does okay.
12-21-2011, 03:40 AM
That looks very similar to Kira's. Our surgeons must have used the same method to sew them up. Not to worry. I wouldn't worry to much about Shysies status after prednisone either. She has a lot more in her favor then my Kira had. I know you like to be prepared for what could happen. As do I.
12-24-2011, 02:40 PM
Merry Christmas to you hubby Shysie and all the babies!!!
Love and hugs!!! xoxo
Shysie vomited this evening. which of course brought back all sorts of flashbacks to Middle October.
I offered her this evening some kibble of the same food she had been eating as a treat.......she probably had 20 nuggets all together. She ate her normal canned food. about 1 1/4 can, however feed times were off today...and she got pretty excited couple different times to day close hour apart maybe. Then puke. so i offered her cerenia tablet 16 mg. she has kept that down for an hour.....but if she vomits again we suppose to head to er.
12-28-2011, 08:29 AM
Crossing fingers and praying this is nothing! Shysie you no be pukie! No scare mommy! (Kiss on snoot...)
Squirt's Mom
12-28-2011, 09:19 AM
Hi Skye,
How is Shysie this morning? I hope the vomiting stopped and no ER visit was required!
Leslie and the gang
12-29-2011, 04:51 AM
I'm taking the liberty to say that we are still very concerned. Stormee is back to work these days and very busy and not feeling overly well herself. Hopefully she'll be able to post soon. I don't want to miscommunicate her thoughts.
12-29-2011, 07:32 AM
If you two ladies are concerned, that makes us ALL concerned...:( :(
Fingers crossed in hopes we'll hear some better news soon!
12-29-2011, 09:54 AM
Per he facebook she is still not feeling well but has not thrown up. She was going to call Gulf Coast this morning. No update since, but I'll let you know if I see anything.
12-29-2011, 07:52 PM
I'm going out on a giant limb here... but here is some peices of what Stormee has been saying to me concering Shysie...
Dec 28 after midnight
"i am not as freaked out as i was.....but still concerned about this with shysie. think were going to go lay down for bit...hopefully we can stay down and both rest. and start tomorrow off on track.
i love her so much
smacking her lips
that is sign of nauesa"
Dec 28 the next morning
"she started feeling bad again this evening.....course the medinice i gave her is one every 24 it must have been wearing off. i gave her another one.
She still isnt feeling so great, but not as horrid as last evening
i am going to call and talk to the nutrtionsit at Gulf Coast tomorrow
i am concerned about one...her she trying to have an attack from kibble and the med. is keeping from going full force
two....pork by products listed as top ingredigent in her food...maybe she doesnt tolerate pork well.....and ewwww BY products at that.
three...corn grits is also listed as main ingredient which, with all the pet food recalls, another one today.....from aflatoxin makes me concerned.
my friend who is also an amazing tech at vet office said we could run another liaspe test in morning if they want. I was hoping to wait 2-3 months before redoing blood work to see how much improvement or any we have.
also worried though that the prednesione is irrating her pancreaes"
In between all this she is telling me about all the other things she has to do. I don't think she hardly has a moment to sit down. But her concern for Shyie is very obvious.
12-29-2011, 10:13 PM
Thanks for the update Janis.. Here is another from her facebook 3 hours ago..
well....she has not vomited, she is not feeling well, temperature is borderline to low, squnity eyes a bit, lips smaky, frequent yawns, breathing goes from short labored to normal, occasional panting, not often. The med. is probably helping her NOT vomit, but she is only to get chicken and rice for 24-48 hours, if anything happens tonite we are going in to er, and we may go get blood work tomorrow. I am fairly certain the other nite flared up her pancreas, so she may be trying to have an attack which as we all know can turn fatal. Prayers lifting her up would be great and if you have time include me as well. Thank you to each and every one of you who is so vitally important. The love, warmth and support is so hold us up.
Harley PoMMom
12-30-2011, 12:18 AM
Prednisone will increase the liapse levels but according to this study: Prednisone treatment alters the serum amylase and lipase activities in normal dogs without causing pancreatitis. ( prednisone did not cause pancreatitis.
The spec PL test will give a more accurate reading for the liapse from the pancreas.
Keeping them both in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
hey angels!!!! first off.............tears streaking my face.......i love you all. I love you all so much and just want to wrap my arms around each of you and hug you with my soul. So this is how I am able to keep is all of you fluttering away carrying me. I hope you all can feel how dear i hold each of you....
with Shysie.....
i think her pancreas got bothered by some kibble given to her. It is the exact same food she gets normally BUT she normally eats can food not dry so the kibble was given as treats and mom trying to spoil her and such. I do not crate her...our bedroom is her "crate" she has piddle pad down in case she would have to go, she has music, and sound of fan blowing plus it keeps air moving and feeling nice, she has a cal king tempur pedic bed and tempur pedic pillows and of course one of her several blankets, she does not have food placed down till meal times and besides she perfers to be hand fed, (do you think i love this little girl?) but she does have fresh water several times through out day. she is a rough tough little gal, loves mud, rain, dirt, playing tug and chasing after her toys and when she sees something outside and she has a toy she will shake her toy with fury as she looks at whatever she sees. LOL mommas little monster....ooohhhhh so scary. LOL So anyways.....i gave her to much kibble....not a serving by any means but i bet 20 pieces. I had to place her in room that evening couple of different times as front door was opening and such and she was pretty wound up about that. inbetween i would calm her down and course offer treat. so between the kibble and getting excited i think it triggered pancreas. Up came the kibble....nothing but fluid and kibble. okay had cerniea (spelling off) for nauesa, gave her one and she kept it down and has not vomited since, though as the 24 hour mark gets closer each day it seems to be returning so she has total of 3 tablets....last 3 days. Poohs are good, interest in play is off and on. mostly resting. still signs of upset tummy from her actions. Then today getting ready to leave for pet sitting and i hear her yelp....i am in my first two or three steps of a dead run and i see her coming to me the same way, i kneel down and she is in my arms and she had even expressed her little anal glands. bless her sweet little heart. i look at my husband who Thank God was home and knows the family as well where i was going to pet sit, and says, i will go if you get ok. He covered for me. This family is soooooo beautiful in every way possible, i love and care for them deeply and their pet child. been with their pet child since it was 8 weeks old and it is now 9 months. I help with light house work too. Nothing i wouldnt do for this family or pet child and they know that. i am on phone immediately with gulf coast. so i didnt give prednisone today....she only had day or two left on it anyways...1/2 tablet every other day, i have 2 halfs saved for emergency so now i guess i have 4 halfes saved. she has a powdered probiotic, though not given today as i know sometimes they can irrate tummy, but did have her desaquinn with meal. Her food has been changed 1/2 dozen times in 7 months. here is the thing...each issue hurts the other issue with foods. I gave her white rice and chicken breast with very little broth added (low sodium) and she ate better than i have seen her eat in months. she has eaten at total of 1 cup cooked rice and 1 cup steam sorta boiled chicken breast. I think i am going to speak to nutritionist next week about me cooking for her using rice and lean meats such as bison, turkey and chicken fillers can be green beans and pumkin and sweet potatoe no skin. I can not even imgaine how horrid it is to go through all she has gone through, and this is ripping me apart to know she is hurting. I dont mind cooking for her at all. makes me feel good actually. IF i can provide for her what she needs. Those of you who have seen her Facebook can tell i am positive, and omg Janis knows full heartedly this little girl is my world, my every heart beat, my breath in my lungs. Spoiled little stinker she is, and I know good and well she dont listen worth a squat. lol, not even sit. but we got the love part down pat! and its been me and her facing life at some pretty dark moments when i swear she shone brighter than all the stars in heaven and the sun combined. Once i swore i couldnt get out of bed, life was smothering me, and she brought me toy after toy after toy after toy, and would push each one on me and then dance and dance and dance around being all silly and tossing toys, and do some adorable things and would get me laughing and playing with her then before i knew it, i was making it. she would send me off on my day with her famous eye ball kisses, knowing momma might only be able to pop in out through out day and nite...i worked 2-3 jobs to just barely make ends meet. but she never ever gave up on me, nor i her. and we made the most of every moment we did get. I could be with her 24-7 365 days, and i would want more. So since those days have always been very protective of my time with her. make sense? So anyways, i am going to continue to feed her chicken and rice, and i hope not have to add broth, but if i do least it is low sodium. Tomorrow she wont have a tablet for nauesa unless vet will give me more. i may have her lipase test done tomorrow...not sure. hate to stress her in car....will see how she does. I am friends with the drs assist and she is great to me at making sure i get seen especially if she knows is er. LOL like there would be any stopping me....i would race through those doors and beg waiting pet parent for their time slot with dr. if i had to. lol
so i am hoping she does okay off prednisone.....will be watching that....and i am hoping her tummy calms down, and she doesnt exhibit signs of distress.
just in didnt know........i love you, you are all so beautiful.
12-30-2011, 02:30 AM
Oh my gosh. Bitter sweet falls in there some where!
Note from Shysie: Get that test done mommie... We need to know... I'll make the trip just fine, I'll be good I promise..
She's right. There's a big chemical change going on right now with the prednisone. Why is she not well? I might also add that at least for me, things may seem a lot worse when your scared. Let's hope it's that.
12-30-2011, 04:18 AM
"Corticosteroids were long considered to be a risk factor for pancreatitis but have recently been removed from the list of drugs that may induce pancreatitis in humans. Similarly, there is no credible evidence that corticosteroids are a risk factor for pancreatitis in dogs or cats."
Just something I read....
Thank you! i havent read that, i did read where it could irritate it, and i knew dr. said it could, but you know....i think each animal is different to circumstance. where some may not be troubled at all and maybe they are finding that more. however.....that ace in my hand were not getting to play this round. i ran the sweeper.....smiled so big nearly had tears.....she tried to get it for just a brief moment. heart swelling.....such a tough little girl. now she is nestled back next to me, getting ready to take her to bed, hold her close and probably listen to her "breathe" my favorite video ever of her and me.
Squirt's Mom
12-30-2011, 09:38 AM
Mornin' Skye,
Glad to hear that Shysie seems to be feeling a bit better and certainly hope she continues to improve. Oh, I know how scary it is to see them not being "right" after such a major surgery. For months and months after Squirt had her tumor removed, I fluttered around her like a moth around a flame. She got sick and tired of me, in fact! :p
Three years later and I no longer flutter and only panic 3-4 times a year...well, major panic any way. :D
Leslie and the gang
Hi Skye,
I am usually in the background following along but I did want to stop in and tell you I hope Shysie is feeling a bit better and improves. I can't imagine how worried you must be.
Hugs and prayers coming from our house to yours.
Hi Skye-
I also just wanted to tell you I am following along whenever I have a chance, and I sure hope Shysie is feeling better! Sending good vibes your way!
Julie & Hannah
12-30-2011, 08:18 PM
sorry i am behind - penny had a few bad days but better today - i am here for you - saying my prayers for shysie and hoping she feels better very very soon!!!! You are the best!!!!! Your shysie is so lucky to have you and you so lucky to have such a sweet furbaby!!!!
Feel better little girl!!!!
Sending lots of love and hugssssssss
Today was beautiful out. first beautiful day in quite a few days! i took her outside often and know the sunshine did her good.
she has been eating rice and chicken, and eating better than i have ever seen her eat, and not as much gas in the evening either, and this morning....she came round corner to me and i of course cooed away, and she wiggled closer to me and she even put a little booty action in her wag with her knub tail, it was precious and so long since i have seen that!!!!!! oh i dropped to my knees and just kissed and kissed kissed her!!!!!
tomorrow she will get lean ground turkey and rice.
now we seem to back on the right path again...whew. Angels thank you again!
Now i need to get caught up on some threads!!!!! love you all so much!!!!
Cindy....give sweet penny kiss on side of head between the eye and ear....sweet little spot to kiss and nuzzle and give her hug, those from me and shysie......and while your at it dear friend, wrap them arms around yourself and squeeze!!!!!!!!! thats from us to. I will pray for you both and keep your faith strong.....Penny's soul is a you both.
we go in the morning to have shysies pancreatic levels checked....last week she vomited, and felt ill, then stressed induced diarrhea, then a day with no pooh, then today...sigh, loose stool and vomit. so were gonna do pancreatic levels, cbc and cysto.
Nutritionist also had me start adding corn oil to her diet due to keeping the fat down, and be able to achieve higher omega fatty acids.....i did that for first time this morning which makes me wonder if i didnt stir it in well enough she got 1/8 teaspoon and will get second 1/8 teaspoon tonite, working my way up to 1 1/8 i believe (over course of 5 days then will add supplements after oil part complete, those will be added gradually as well over 5 days, Balance It is who she had me order from)
(i couldnt find my old thread:()
Moderator's Note: I have merged your update into Shysie's originial thread. We normally like to keep all posts on a pup in single thread as it makes it easier for other members to refer back to the pup's history, if needed.
01-05-2012, 09:06 PM
Will be right there with you tomorrow - I know how it is going to the vets then waiting for results!! - Will be saying my prayers for you Shysie - sending all my love support strenght and tons of hugsssssssss xoxo
thank you for merging threads together for me! i searched and searched for my thread and couldnt find,
01-06-2012, 01:36 AM
Skye, does your nutritionist know that your vet suspects pancreatitis? I ask because giving any fat may not be a good idea as it can exacerbate the problem. I'm not sure but giving corn oil may also skew bloodwork. If your nutritionist is not communicating with your vet, you should mention the corn oil to your vet. Lori is very knowledgable of pancreatitis so I'm hoping she will chime in.
yes she knows the full history of Shysie....I asked why not salmon and she said the omega fatty acids from the corn oil was better and if we used kanola i think the fat in diet would have to be increased which would also be bad.
using the corn oil is keeping fat down with higher omega fatty acids (i forget which ones) its difficult because she is trying to keep fat down with moderate protein because of the pancreatitis. She has back injury, pancreatitis, and recent adrenal surgery, history of calcium oxlate crystals. Her pancreas has scarring they saw that when doing her adrenalectomy. I am worried that the pred will still be in system and effect tests. I do know that the diet she has her on is very low fat, moderate protein and regrettably highest in carbs. It consists of chicken green beans white long grain rice corn oil i think is 1 and 1/8 teaspoon "Shysie is an 8 year-old female spayed miniature pinscher who presented for nutrition
evaluation. She recently had an adrenal tumor removed at GCVS. She has a history of
pancreatitis. She also has some back issues and is slightly ataxic. Bloodwork has shown
liver enzyme elevations, but she does not have evidence of behavior changes after she eats
(hepatic encephalopathy). She also has a history of calcium oxalate crystalluria.
Shysie needs a moderate protein, low-fat diet that is highly digestible and high moisture. In
terms of preventing further issues with her pancreas, feeding low-fat treats and food will be
our best option. You have indicated that Shysie seems to be doing better on a diet of chicken
and white rice with some added green beans. The diet below is complete and balanced for
Shysie and is low fat, low sodium, moderate protein, and high moisture. It is comparable to
Royal Canin low fat in fat levels, but free of preservatives and other additives."
hope that helps explain, and any feedback from any of you would be greatly GREATLY appreciated. thank you ever so much!!!!!
01-06-2012, 02:22 AM
Thanks for the response, Skye. I'm pretty ignorant about pancreatitis but it sounded odd to me to be giving corn oil at a time when Shysie is vomiting and has loose stool. I think I need to do some learning.
lol oh noooooooo your great.....i was on the phone trust me asking about it, nutrition is a HUGE BEAST and extremely controversial. Its very very confusing.
i was like wait....CORN??? and i too was thinking....hmmm is this influencing things? BUT she only started the corn oil this morning.....this evening she ate great, played and had her treats all great! stools are still a bit loose, have form....but loose.....not solid firm ones. LOL pooh is golden huh. lol. sorry not to be tooooo graphic. I am all up in her business when she pottys. LOL, she is like MOM let me pooh!!!! lol, and i catch urine often just cause i like to check its color. LOL!!! omg the neighbors have got to think I am loony loone!!!!
I am the one who has tons and tons and tons of learning to get help me continue to be the best advocate i can be.
you completely ROCK
Squirt's Mom
01-06-2012, 09:54 AM
Hi Skye,
Could you post the diet Shysie has been given in detail. What I mean by "detail" is exactly how much chicken, exactly how much rice, exactly how much of everything she gets each day. If the nutritionist gave you a detailed menu, that is what I am asking for. For example, Squirt's menu calls for 780 grams of well cooked brown rice, 191 grams of lentils, 245 grams of butternut or acorn squash, plus other things; then I add 3/4 tsp of kelp, 50 mgs of zinc, plus other supplements. Her menu makes 14 meals - one weeks worth of feed. Along with the detailed ingredients, I was given directions on how to prepare each ingredient, where to get the best, purist supplements, and a detailed nutrient analysis so that I know exactly how much protein, fat, carbs, vitamins, minerals she is getting each day. If you were given something like this, I would like to see it if you don't mind.
I hope she is getting better. I really question the use of corn oil for several reasons - first is that many pups are allergic to corn, second there are much better ways of giving Omegas. You were on the mark with salmon oil. Adding fish like sardines to the diet can add Omegas. But seeing the details of the diet she had been given will help determine the nutrients she is getting.
I have to be honest here; the first time I tried a home cooked diet, Squirt got sick. Her thyroid function went whacky all due to the diet she was given. This was a Holistic veterinary Nutritionist who gave us that diet...and it was awful. It was a generic diet, not designed FOR Squirt and it made her ill. When I stopped that diet, her thyroid returned to normal so I have no doubt it was the foods she was eating. So I am always skeptical about diets. :rolleyes: Which is a real conundrum for me as canine nutrition is something I study. I'm a goofy old gal. :rolleyes:
Leslie and the gang
Harley PoMMom
01-06-2012, 12:06 PM
I just reread some of your Thread and found a post when you mentioned that Shysie's spec PL test was 136 which is not indicative for pancreatitis. Has the spec PL test been performed since this last time?
Giving a fat oil supplement, whether it be from fish or corn, is usually given in moderation to a dog with pancreatitis.
Corn oil is an omega 6 while fish oils are omega 3. From what I have read there should be a ratio between the two. Most of your commercial dog foods have plenty of omega 6 but not near enough omega 3.
Omega 3 is known for its anti-inflammatory effects and helping to lower cholesterol/triglycerides plus many other issues. Elevated cholesterol/triglycerides can make a dog more prone to pancreatitis, among other health issues.
Here is a link I found interesting about the omega's: Omega Fatty Acids: Sources, Effects, and Therapeutic Uses in Dogs (
Hope this helps.
Love and hugs,
she had labs done today and they did her pancreas test in house and it tested normal, since they tested in house...levels were not given, just if normal or abnormal. so her ranges are not off all the time....only when it is flared up and she is sick from it. Like in October when they had her in ICU. I know surgeon said her pancreas did have perhaps they are wanting to keep it from acting up again. Keeping it "quiet"
and yes Dr. Lenox did say she chose corn oil for the omega 6 and to keep fat content down and that if she chose another oil that fat would need to be added.
I think areas where its still elevated at is ALK 886 10-150
lipase 802 100-750
GROSS Lipemia
MCH 26.2 19.5-26.0
so i am anxious to see how these look now.
any feed back???? diet posted below.
Lesile....yes i will post!
Estimated ideal body weight = 17 pounds
Previous intake (without treats and Dasuquin) = 431 kcal/day
Goal intake (without treats and Dasuquin) = 496 kcal/day
Shysie is an 8 year-old female spayed miniature pinscher who presented for nutrition
evaluation. She recently had an adrenal tumor removed at GCVS. She has a history of
pancreatitis. She also has some back issues and is slightly ataxic. Bloodwork has shown
liver enzyme elevations, but she does not have evidence of behavior changes after she eats
(hepatic encephalopathy). She also has a history of calcium oxalate crystalluria.
Shysie needs a moderate protein, low-fat diet that is highly digestible and high moisture. In
terms of preventing further issues with her pancreas, feeding low-fat treats and food will be
our best option. You have indicated that Shysie seems to be doing better on a diet of chicken
and white rice with some added green beans. The diet below is complete and balanced for
Shysie and is low fat, low sodium, moderate protein, and high moisture. It is comparable to
Royal Canin low fat in fat levels, but free of preservatives and other additives.
Diet Recommendations
Complete and balanced homemade diet for Shysie (all amounts are per day):
1. White rice, long-grain, cooked – 1 ½ cups
2. Chicken breast, boneless/skinless, roasted – 80 grams
3. Green beans, canned, no sodium, drained solids – ½ cup
4. Corn oil – 1 1/8 teaspoon
5. Balance IT Canine – 1 black scoop, 9 white scoops
Diet Profile
The diet contains: 500 kcal/day, 6.4 grams protein/100 kcal, 1.8 grams fat/100 kcal, 14 grams
carbohydrate/100 kcal, 217 mg calcium/100 kcal, 196 mg phosphorus/100 kcal, 245 mg
potassium/100 kcal, 30 mg sodium/100 kcal, 70% moisture, and energy density of 4.1
kcal/gram dry matter.
Treat Options (choose one of the following options per day)
Canned pumpkin, no salt – 2 tbsp per day
Sweet potato, canned, drained solids – 1 tbsp per day
Apples, raw, slices – ¼ cup per day
hmmm, you know.....the recent vomits (only 2) day time issue with holding longer than 3 1/2 hours, all through nite (7-9 hours) she does fine.
loose poohs
each evening she does get growly....but only at night time.
you dont think those are signs of hyperlipdemia do you? her last blood (pre surgery) her lipdemia was off the charts.........
01-07-2012, 07:30 AM
Thinking of you Sky and your little precious girl. You have been through so much. I pray for the gift of time to speed up in order to bring your baby girl back to full recovery.
Love and Faith and tight hugs.
xo Jeanette and my Princess
Squirt's Mom
01-07-2012, 10:33 AM
Hi Skye,
While this looks to be alright, I have some major issues with this diet and some minor ones. The major ones are the canned products and the Balance It.
It is always, always best to use fresh or frozen veggies when cooking for our babies. The processing canned foods go through remove a lot of the nutrients AND there is no telling what else is in the can beside what has to be listed on the label. With fresh or frozen, all you get is the veggie. ;)
I am never comfortable with a premix of vitamins and minerals in a home cooked or raw diet. This indicates laziness on the part of the nutritionist to me. It is best to see what the food is supplying then add only those minerals and vitamins that are deficient - not to bombard them with extra they may not need....which presents the possibility of toxicity.
I am still not sure what the nutritionist is trying to accomplish with the corn oil. It is high in Omega 6 but I don't see that she/he is trying to maintain a proper ratio between the Omega 6 and Omega 3 - which is critical. Here are some links about EFAs (essential fatty acids), including the Omegas which may help. I am not saying Shysie doesn't need the extra 6, I am just not sure what the objective is that would outweigh the problems that could result with a ratio way out of balance. Again, I had much rather see her getting extra Omega 6, if she needs it, via fresh food not commercially produced oils. ;) Of course, if it was up to me, we would all be cooking for our babies and using meats and veggies and grains we had grown ourselves! :p And we would do all this growing and cooking while fighting off the Injuns circling our wagon train! :p:D:p:o In all seriousness, tho, I always prefer fresh foods to canned anything and individually added supplements as required by the ingredients used in the menu VS a premix. The fresher and more organic the ingredients, and the purer the supplements, the better the feed and the better for the body.
A tip on the riced - cook it until it is almost like wallpaper paste. This makes it more digestible and available to the pup. "Available" meaning they get more nutrients from it VS passing through the digestive system virtually unchanged. It will also lower the possibility of diarrhea from undigested grains. ;)
Not a bad diet, but it could use some improvement IMHO.
Hope this helps!
Leslie and the gang
the links -
In addition to drastic improvements to skin and coat, high levels of Omega-3s improve cardiovascular health, fight inflammatory diseases, retard development of certain cancer cells, inhibit progression of kidney disease, enhance the immune system, reduce the symptoms of allergic dermatitis and reduce joint stiffness, which is especially beneficial for older dogs.
The ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is very important because omega-6 fatty acids can be converted in the body to substances that promote skin inflammation! This is not the case for omega-3 fatty acids.
Nutritional analysis for 1 tsp corn oil
compare with -
Nutritional analysis for 1 tsp salmon/fish oil
Too much omega 6 and not enough omega 3, and bad things happen. These bad things are not minor, folks. Excessive intake of omega 6 fatty acids suppress cells that are key in the body’s natural cancer fighting ability (Natural Killer cells and cytotoxic T cells). The omega 6 group promotes inflammation, which is critical in cancer development. They also stimulate cancer cells directly by turning on a path in the cancer cells called PI Kinase, one of the central signaling events in cancer cells which make them behave like…cancer cells.
Leslie you ROCK so here are my questions for her.
*Wouldnt frozen be BETTER over canned for green beans?
*Using Balance IT isnt there a risk of giving to much of one and not enough of another since it is a premixed supplement?
*I understand the use of the corn oil is good for the omega question is what is providing her Omega 3?
*what can be done to ensure this diet is giving her the Ratio between the two that is safe and productive?
*what ratio goal should be achieved?
How do those questions sound?
Squirt's Mom
01-07-2012, 01:04 PM
Doing good! I would also want to know what she is treating with the corn oil...what positive(s) she hopes the increase in Omega 6 is going to have for Shysie.
questions sent.......and now the wait........
Squirt's Mom
01-07-2012, 01:15 PM
Always the fun part! :p
I got Shysies Labs all typed and ready to post.
I asked about the Omega Ratio testing....General practice Vet said there was no test for Omegas. I had also sent my email to Gulf Coast Nutritionist....I am guessing she doesnt like to email, we got disconnected on phone due to weather....we got 6 inches today...this summer had record drought...then today we get slammed. Woke up to tornado warning. nice way to start day. lol. Makes me miss Kansas, the basements and sirens.
here are her labs there are few areas....they are in bold, otherwise i do believe you will standing and cheering angels.
on the wings of angels she is carried.....thank you.
i typed out the entire thing.
Collection Method Cystocentesis
Color yellow
clarity cloudy
specific Gravity 1.025
Glucose negative
Bilirubin Negative
Ketones negative
BLOOD TRACE Reference Range NEGATIVE FLAG H (NOTE: they said they think the blood is from needle contamination doing Cysto, okay....SO dont we do Cystos so there is NO CONTAMINATION???)
PH 6.0
Protein: Negaitve: range negative-Trace
WBC Result 0-2 Range 0-5 HPF
RBC Result 15-20 Range 0-5 HPF Flag H
Bacteria Result None Seen
Epi cell 1+ (1-2) Range ???
Mucus None Seen
Casts None Seen
Crystals None Seen (horray)
Other Amorphous Debris Present (what is that???)
Urobilinogen Normal
TH Plus With FT4 Chem 27
TEST Result Range Flag
Alk Phosphatase 499 10-150 H
ALT 64 5-107
AST 26 5-55
CK 240 10-200 H
GGT 5 0-14
Amylase 653 450-1240 HORRAY
Lipase 737 100-750 HORRAY
Albumin 3.5 2.5-4.0
Total Protein 6.6 5.1-7.8
Globulin 3.1 2.1-4.5
Total Bilirubin 0.1 0.0-0.4
Direct Bilirubin 0.1 0.0-0.2
BUN 24 7-27
Creatinine 0.9 0.4-1.8
Cholesterol 203 112-328
Glucose 94 60-125
Calcium 10.1 8.2-12.4
Phosphorus 4.0 2.1-6.3
TC02 (Bicarbonate) 17 17-24
Chloride 113 105-115
Potassium 4.7 4.0-5.6
Sodium 148 141-156
A/G 1.1 0.6-1.6
B/C Ratio 26.7
Indirect Bilirubin 0.0 0-0.3
NA/K Ratio 31 27-40
Hemolysis Index N (exhibits no significant effect on chemistry values)
Lipemia Index N (exhibits no significant effect on chemistry values)
Anion Gap 23 12-24
TH Plus With FT4 CBC Standard
Test Result Reference Range Flag
WBC 11.4 5.7-16.3
RBC 7.37 5.5-8.5
HGB 18.0 12-18
HCT 55.3 37-55% H
MCV 75 60-77
MCH 24.4 19.5-26.0
MCHC 32.5 32-36
Neutrophil Seg 75 60-77%
Lymphocytes 16 12-30
Monocytes 5 3-10
Eosinophil 4 2-10
Basophil 0 0-1
Auto Platelet 355 164-510
Remarks Normocytic/normochiromic Based on RBC Indices
Absolute Neutrophil Seg 8550 3000-11500
Absolute lymphocyte 1824 1000-4800
Absolute Monocyte 570 150-1350
Absolute Eosinophil 456 100-1250
Absolute Basophil 0 0-100
TH Plus With FT4 Free T4
Test Result Reference Range
Free T4 (ng/dl) 1.5 0.6-3.7
Free T4 (pmol/L) 19.3 7.7-47.6
TH Plus With FT4
Test Result Reference Range
T4 2.2 1.0-4.0
01-10-2012, 01:27 AM
Skye I have been reading my blood results for 23 years now and shysies results look very good ----- yeah!!!!!!!!! but the expert cush angels will be better at reviewing them for sure!! Always praying for a full recovery and sending lots and lots of love and hugs also!!! xoxoxoxoxo
01-10-2012, 02:56 AM
I'm no good at reading them at all but... I thought the CBC looked pretty good too.
It's only been 5 1/2 weeks for Shysie and she's not been off of pred long at all. That's got to make a differance. Still some adjusting going on.
Kira's first blood test was at 8 weeks. Kira also improved more as time went on.
I'm glad she did it earily. I know she didn't want too. But it seems like her HOORAY'S are right on!
Squirt's Mom
01-10-2012, 09:12 AM
Hi Skye,
As far as I know, there is no test to measure the Omegas in the body. This is done via mathematical calculations based on the nutrient values in the feed. It takes a bit of work with a calculator or a program designed to evaluate nutrients. ;) The nutritionist would look at each ingredient, determine how much if any Omegas are present in each one, and once those amounts are gathered, the ratio is calculated like any other ratio. The same approach is taken for minerals and vitamins.
These results look fairly good to me - but I am no expert in reading them. I know the elevated CK means possible muscle damage but that is to be expected, I would think, with all she has been through recently. The organs, like pancreas, are muscles after all, and hers have been through quite an assault the last few months. Hopefully, our resident lab experts will be along to give their input soon.
Leslie and the gang
taking pee in to doctors in morning........ever since her cysto she has been peeing on floor.
she wasnt able to hold her bladder very long before her lab work being done, BUT was using her pad. Now she is not using pad. ONLY time she doesnt use her pad is when something is wrong. and its really fair amount of pee. not little pee spots
please take look at labs again if anyone has time.
also spoke to nutrionist, she said the ratio of the omegas are not so good....because she needs such low fat, but needs essentials fatty acids, so priority is the issue and meeting the need of the pancreas, corn oil offers more omegas and essentials fatty acids, with less oil.
frustrated, worried, what am i it irration from cysto? UTI? liver? kidney? sigh.........and remember UTI that kept occuring is what landed me where i am today. i feel down. :( yesterday was so much fun playing, and today she wanted to play as well. She is eating good and not excessively drinking....idk........i hope this urine test says. not doing cysto just bringing sample from home. should i have her cortisal checked?
Squirt's Mom
01-12-2012, 09:29 AM
Hi Skye,
This could easily be another UTI so let us know what the test says today. Bless your heart....things get really good then change quickly presenting another worry. Hang in are doing a great job and I know you will get to the bottom of this.
Leslie and the gang
01-12-2012, 09:57 AM
Thinking of you guys today, I hope you can get to the bottom of this.
got the urine collected, lol, you know neighbors must think WHAT is THAT LADY doing now???? fleece jammies and sleepers crouching and walking with dog with container
shysie is like MOM privacy please. lol will let you all know what is said.
thank you all.
just concerned because if UTI.....well.....this is what got the ball rolling....sigh. maybe this is just uti like anyone of us randomly can get. love and hugs to all
01-12-2012, 12:26 PM
I get it with trying to get the urine - for years Penny would not let me go near her to get the urine - she would just stop peeing!!! finally last week we got it and the vet said noooo i want to take it from her so its sterile ---- hope your vet is ok with yours ---- hope you find out soon whats going on - not knowing is the hard part - but glad Shysie is eating and play:) Keep updating hugsssssssss xoxo:):)
Squirt's Mom
01-12-2012, 12:52 PM the urine collected, lol, you know neighbors must think WHAT is THAT LADY doing now???? fleece jammies and sleepers crouching and walking with dog with container
This reminded me of a story - I was out in the back yard of our home in TN inspecting some poop very carefully with a stick when I heard a male voice say, "You lose a diamond, lady?"
Startled, I looked around but didn't see a soul in the yard and Jim was at work - no one else home but me and the babies. I kept looking and finally saw a man on a ladder next door working on the roof of a new shed they were building. He had been watching me inspect poop and just knew the ONLY reason a sane person would do such a thing was for a diamond or some such! :p
When our Ruby started getting UTIs, I would follow her around outside with white paper towels. When she peed, I would squat and sniff then blot with the paper towel. I was checking the odor and color. ;):D By this time the neighbors had long ago given up wondering what I was doing, why, or what I would be doing next. :p Most had also stopped talking to me! LOL
I sure hope it is not a UTI but that and allergies seem to be going around for us all lately:(:(
I also wanted to thank you for the video. We are doing our iodine foot baths every day. LOL I dropped a corner of the towel in the foot bath. The yellow towel turned GREEN:eek::eek: but it washed right out, so I like the no staining with this organic iodine. Walgreens charged me $20 for 8 ounce bottle :eek::eek::eek: The one video said you can keep the iodine water for a day or two.
I hope you find out what is wrong.
Hugs and prayers,
urine test came back fine, it did not reveal what is happening, spoke to gulf coast as well, and they are asking we see IMS (internal medicine specialist) they said we have all been worried long enough on this issue, here is my guess, adrenals produce many hormones, when her left one was removed because of tumor, now right one has become over active in production.....thats my guess. Adrenal issues are rare, dianosing even more difficult.....but ask anyone at Gulf Coast or West Davis, lol, and they will say Shysie and I are some determined stubborn gals. lol. This is one wild and crazy experience. So if we can get this resolved and nothing else negative pop up, were good to go.
and....OMG thank you for sharing that story with me, LOL, omg can soooooooo relate to that story.....i too very carefully inspect pooh. LOL!!! i can just see this happening.........and you were probably thinking......God???? is that you???? LOL
oh my goodness i have not laughed that hard in so long......LOL!!!! me, giving you a cyper high five....big smile, and saying to you YES EXACTLY!
01-12-2012, 11:47 PM
Skye - glad the test came back fine:)
heres to a healthy full recovery soon!!!!!!
hugsssss xoxo
01-13-2012, 09:08 AM
Stormee, I'm so sorry that you've still got another issue to deal with! But it does sound as though consulting with the IMS is probably the route to go. I'll keep my fingers crossed that this is just minor little bump in the road that they can easily figure out.
Also, on the nutritional front, I wanted to share some information that I just read in a very informative article about low-fat diets for dogs prone to pancreatitis. The article is by Mary Straus and is on her website (she also writes for the Whole Dog Journal). My non-Cushpup, Peg had an acute attack of pancreatitis in June, so I've also been working hard to figure out a healthy dietary regimen for her. I frequently refer to this article for related info.
Anyway, this relates to the "Balance It" supplement that your nutritionist has recommended. In the case of a dog like Shysie who is currently on a homemade high-carb, limited ingredient, low-fat diet -- Mary also suggests that this particular supplement can be helpful:
...Two supplements are designed to balance out high-carb diets: Balance IT Canine and Furoshnikov's Formulas Vitamins & Minerals for Home-Cooked Dog Food.
When using Balance IT, calculate the amount of calcium your dog should have based on the formulas above, then figure how many scoops of the supplement are needed to supply that amount of calcium.
Here's where you can find the whole article:
So in Shysie's particular case (and perhaps on a short-term basis while you are feeding such a limited diet), it sounds like this specific supplement can be helpful. Like Leslie, I was also scratching my head about the corn oil, especially because you'll see that Mary recommends coconut oil or MCT as a fat additive for dogs prone to pancreatitis. But I think the difference is that coconut/MCT oil is a saturated fat without any omegas. So if the concern is getting some omegas into Shysie, then the coconut oil isn't going to accomplish that.
I've got my girl on a very limited ingredient, high-carb, low-fat commercial kibble (with rice and chicken as the primary ingredients), so I'm adding a couple of broad supplements, too. I've just now gotten the OK to add in some fish oil because her skin and coat are so dry. But (knock on wood!), she's not had any digestive issues since the summer and I've been really cautious about making any changes along th way so as not to rock the boat.
Hugs to Shysie, and good luck with your cosultation, OK?
caught her have accident on tile....completely clear...completely clear oderless urine. my heart is breaking
01-13-2012, 11:09 PM
Skye so sorry she is still having accidents
I pray you can get an answer to this soon
How is she acting this evening??
she ate, played, poohed great. Pees often, i take her out in evenings every 2 hours. day time today she held it 3 hours each time i had to leave the house (i am a pet nanny to a 9 month old english bull dog, been his nanny since he was 8 weeks old, and i do light house work for them so no worries to home when they get home) then nite time.....we go about 6-7 hours okay.
she is sleeping beside me now nestled in her blanket i made her.
i am attempting to take all lab work and put on spread sheet, and make a x/y axle, numbers, range, date, and what she was at then graph that so it can been seen more clearly.
Squirt's Mom
01-14-2012, 09:17 AM
Hi Skye,
If there is a real problem, I have no doubt you will get to the bottom of it. My hope and prayer is that what you are seeing with the urination are just some left over remnants of the adrenal assault and excess cortisol affecting some of the other organs that will bounce back as time passes. Remember, all those organs in her little body have been awash in excess hormones for a while and it may take a little bit for them to recoup.
Are you seeing any other signs that are persistent like the peeing? Is her water intake still increased? has it decreased? How about appetite? It sounds like her energy level is good on most days so that is positive.
Let us know what you learn on your chart. You're so smart! That would take me weeks just to figure out how it might work. And then the execution? results would probably defy interpretation. :p
Keep up the good work, Mom!
Leslie and the gang
Lesile.....that is exactly what doctor said..........we have 3 action plans in place for the what ifs. LOL he wasnt playing around this time, he was like alright, here is what were gonna do. LOL. We were like in a huddle and then clap and take line offense or defense depending. LOL
feel much better, and will see what next few weeks bring.
i am to monitor water intake to just be positive since i have 4 4 legged babies. lol though he said, i know you will come back and say told you water in take was ok. lol
then low dose dex might be option and the cortisal/creatinine ratio test.
so..........last pred was 12-27 so he and you are correct not to long. Mom may be jumping the line. This morning i go in with paper towels tagged and bagged showing they were urine soaked, cleaned up acciedent from last nite, completely clear and no oder, took syringe of pee in of hers and syringe of pee in from other baby, and took bag of pooh in figured why not. lol did usg and it was good.
been working on putting all her labs on excel but i cant attach to post. suggestions from anyone? i guess if anyone would like to see?
01-21-2012, 01:27 PM
Hi Skye
just checking in - I see you have your hands full --
praying all smooths out soon - for now lots and lots of love and hugs are being sent your way:) xoxo
Hello dear friend thank you for checking in on us. before i forget......EVERYONE go post pictures of your babies on shysie's facebook page!!!! picture of your little furbaby and something about them.....its like a mini valentine meet and greet lol! shaddix and shysie are seeking out their valentine! lol
things here at home have not changed. she still can only make it 2-3 hours then pees ALOT of clear of oderless urine but can make through nite of 6-8 hours no issues. she does not drink excessive at all but i do add about 4 ounces of water to each meal for her. she plays, eats, poohs fine, just can not hold her bladder. bless her heart. they say the results of prednisone can stay with her up to 60 we are at almost 30 half way mark and hope to see huge improvement for her over the next couple of weeks. I am hoping her little back end muscles tone back up and strengthen for her. she feels so soft, and she has always been soild rock strong and with incredible muscle defination.
01-21-2012, 11:45 PM
Wow Skysie sounds like Penny - Penny goes out all day to pee - she is now eating better - poops - has her treats again - except she still goes out at least once during the night - and she is so boney and mushy :( When penny sent off the pred she did pee excessively for a long time - hopefully that has something to do with it ---- give that little sweetie a kiss and hug for me:)
love and hugs to you my friend xoxoxo
i most certainly will! and please do the same for Penny from us here. We will get through all this Cindy.....we are rockin' pet mommas, and we will see our babies through all this as they always stand by us through it all.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear Shysie is holding steady, and I have heard the effects from the prednisone can stay around for quite a while, so I am hopeful you will see some good improvement soon.
Take care,
Julie & Hannah
we are still plugging along.
i wanted to share some pictures and videos so you can see how she is doing
in the photos her eyes look horrid. in real person they do not look that awful, the doctor did check them and said what it was and now i am drawing a blank. He said it was not glucoma or caterats. i will find out what he said and post. but here are pictures of shaddix and shysie and a video of her playing. (hippty hop hop hippity hop practicing up for Easter Bunny! lol)
be sure to post your furbabies pictures to her wall!!!! have had some really adorable little friends on there!
Hi Skye-
Such cute pictures! Thanks for sharing. Is the issue with Shysie's eyes called hyperpigmentation? It looks sort of like Hannah's (which also can look worse in pictures than in person) and I believe that's what they call it. My vet said that to her it looks like she is looking through a dirty windshield. Anyway, glad to her you guys are still plugging along!
Julie & Hannah:)
01-29-2012, 11:10 AM
The Pictures are great of both babies!!! I have to say Shysie always has a big a smile on:D so cute - Pennys eyes look exactly like hers especially when she is in the light -- She looks like she is having a blast playing hippty hop hop hop - to cute! thanks for sharing :)
love and hugs to all of you ! xoxo
about her eyes, i think its called nuclear sclerosis. the lense is made of fiber tissues, and as dog age the lens cannot change its size and grow larger; instead, it becomes more compact with fibers. The older the lens,the more dense,hence the more it appears cloudy
01-29-2012, 03:12 PM
Sounds like that is what Penny has - vet said her eyesight is not to bad - old age sight loss - no glucoma etc -
Really cute pictures of the pups. They look so happy and so loved.
Zoe too has to have more frequent potty breaks during the day, holds it all night and is never in a hurry to go out when she first gets up.
Keep up the good work, your pups sure are happy campers.:D:D
01-31-2012, 11:00 PM
Zack is taking Stormee (skye) to the hospital! Not sure what is wrong. Blood in urine...
Harley PoMMom
02-01-2012, 12:33 AM
Definitely sending tons of healing thoughts, prayers, hugs, love, and positive energy...Lori
02-01-2012, 02:14 AM
Hope everything is ok!!
Sending you lot of prayers thoughts support love and hugssss
02-01-2012, 03:19 AM
They are on the way home from hospital. She has a very bad UTI. She's ok for the moment. I'll let her chime in when she's up to it.
THANK YOU ANGELS... ((((((hugs))))))
Squirt's Mom
02-01-2012, 09:11 AM
Sending prayers and healing white light flying your way, Skye! Please take care of yourself as well as you do your sweet girl.
Hope you are feeling better real soon, Sweetie!
Leslie and the gang
02-01-2012, 10:18 AM
Feel better soon Skye! Remember you to take care of yourself also.
02-01-2012, 12:16 PM
Hope all is well I am thinking of you and sending positive energy to get better soon.
I sure hope you feel better soon. Uti's can really mess a person up.
Love you and sending hugs
02-01-2012, 03:40 PM
Stormee is WORSE today! Zack has gone after her! Taking her to doctor.
Stick with us Angels.
02-01-2012, 03:55 PM
Oh no. I am sorry to hear that you are back at the doctor's office today. I pray that it is nothing more than a nasty UTI. I'm sending healing thoughts your way.
(((Huge Healing Cyber Hugs)))
Just stopping by to say I'm thinking of you. I really hope you are okay and that you will be feeling better soon.
Take care of yourself!
Julie & Hannah
02-01-2012, 04:39 PM
Checking on you. So sorry u are not feeling better:(. Will check back. All the angels are praying for you!
Love and hugssssss xoxo
Squirt's Mom
02-01-2012, 05:10 PM
Please let us know how you are doing, sweetie! Either via Janis or hubby, 'k?
Leslie and the gang
02-01-2012, 05:40 PM
They are doing Cat Scan for kidney stones. Zack is talking to me bless his heart.
I will tell him you all are wishing her well. Thank you
He took her to the hospital. They had a doctors apointment but went to ER instead. She's in the hospital now.
02-01-2012, 07:16 PM
Poor Stormee she has IV. She hates IV's. They are still waiting on results.
7mm kidney stone and infected they are keeping her overnight
02-01-2012, 08:57 PM
Please tell Stormee I am thinking of her and praying she will be better soon. I had 4.5mm stone and the pain was worse than having a baby! I cant imagine 7mm:eek: Went to ER. Gave me this amazing drug thru the IV and the pain subsided. I was suppose to have the stone zapped but I ended up passing it. Hope she does the same soon! Sending her tons of love, prayers and hugs!!!! FEEL BETTER SOON GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo
Hang in there Zack!!:)
02-01-2012, 11:24 PM
Maybe she'll have Internet access in a while. I'm no sure. Maybe morphine cheered her up some.
02-02-2012, 12:37 AM
Hope she can get some sleep. She must be exhausted!
Sleep well Stormee xo
02-02-2012, 03:02 AM
Well hopefully she is sleeping now. The doctors may discuss surgery with her tomorrow. Poor sweet Stormee Skye.
Squirt's Mom
02-02-2012, 09:49 AM
Dear Skye,
Know your cush Angles are gathered all around you. Stones can be so very painful. I saw my little 5'5" Daddy twist the ball of off a solid pine post when he was trying to pass one once. He underwent the laser bombardment and that took care of them. I am praying yours can be taken care of with the least invasion and that it is the last one you ever have.
I can just imagine that you are worrying about your sweet girl at home but I just bet Zach is making sure she is well cared for. He knows he would face your all consuming wrath if he didn't! :eek:;):p
Concentrate on getting well, sweetie, and know that hospital room is crowded with Angels wrapping you in our strength and love.
Hugs, healing white light and prayers,
Leslie and the gang
02-02-2012, 05:36 PM
I believe she is on her way home and is set to go back to hospital tomorrow. Hopefully she'll feel well enough to post soon.
02-02-2012, 07:36 PM
Add me to the list that is sending love and string to Skye. Will be sending good thoughts your way hope all is well soon.
02-02-2012, 09:26 PM
Thinking of you girlfriend!
Hugs love prayers strength support are being sent to you!
02-03-2012, 01:06 AM
Cush Angels!! Stormee is in pain again! She's going back tomorrow to have the stone broken up!! She needs some prayers to get through this night!
We need to flutter our wings !!
02-03-2012, 06:16 AM
Oh, I'm here and sending tons of healing hugs to Stormee!!!!
My husband had a smaller stone, he said it was the most terrible pain.I am so sorry you have to go through this.
Beautiful Skye, I know you have the strnegth to get through this so you can get back home to you pups.
Love and prayers are being sent two fold.
Squirt's Mom
02-03-2012, 09:07 AM
Oh, bless your heart, honey. :( I hope this ordeal is over and behind you today so you can get back to the things makes you happy.
Sending many prayers and hugs, much healing white light and positive thoughts your way.
Leslie and the gang
Harley PoMMom
02-03-2012, 11:17 AM
Sending healing thoughts and hugs your way.
02-03-2012, 03:44 PM
Zack says the stone broke up just fine. She's headed to recovery. Poor sweet Stormee. And it's not over yet! No fair!
@->-->---- ((((((hugs))))))
02-04-2012, 02:22 AM
Zack is beside himself. She is really sick. Even called the doctor in the middle of the night out there. If any of you medical angels are out there please let me know.
02-04-2012, 07:22 AM
Janis, do you mean they had discharged her and she got worse again at home? Poor Stormee!!!!
Squirt's Mom
02-04-2012, 08:32 AM
Continuing to hold you in my thoughts and prayers, Skye. I hope you are where you can get some relief and help this morning, and not suffering like you were last nite.
Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang
I'm just stopping by to say that I am still here, too. I also had a friend with a much smaller stone and she was in tremendous pain. You're in my prayers and I hope you can feel some relief soon.
Julie & Hannah
02-04-2012, 11:52 AM
I am still here too. Praying for you Skye get better soon.
Ohhhhh God bless her! I hope she feels better soon! Loads of love'n' hugs from me and Maya
02-04-2012, 06:44 PM
Thank you angels. She has been through hell. Here is the lastest from zack
"she doesn't like to drink water, it's near impossible to get her to lol, she is drinking crystal light and is drinking a good amount and some seems to be coming out a little bit"
I haven't talk to Stormee in days. Just zack, bless his heart. He's taking great care of her. On top of everything else she has a dreadful cold and a fever. But it sounds like its going ok now. I just hope she's not in pain.
02-04-2012, 06:55 PM
Janis, do you mean they had discharged her and she got worse again at home? Poor Stormee!!!!
You are right Marianne, and it was more then once too!
She went to the doctor. He offered to give her mood altering drugs. (oh brother big help he was). She was worse the next day so zack took her to the ER. They said she had a UTI. And sent her home. The next day she's at work. She tells me she's on the floor in pain!!! THAT WAS SCARY! Zack collects her and takes her back to the hospital. This time someone gets it right. She went home that night in horrible pain and went back at noon the next day and had that thing done to break it up. She is terrified thru this whole thing like any of us would be. I know I won't be happy until she talks to me again.
hello everyone!!!!! OMG you are all so amazing, and Janis, thank you for keeping everyone with me. What an experience.
i went into the doctors to have these knots checked on the back of my neck and cause of this horrid head and chest cold, he never checked the knots the on my neck, but wrote out perscription for mood enhancer pill...cause of the all the stresses in life lately, and some sleeping pills. I have not taken any of the scripts by the way as i feel that was not what i was needing. Tuesday morning my urine was a horrid brown red, and wasnt feeling good....went to er that evening, doctor said urine was YUCKY but had bad UTI i said i do not feel like i have a UTI, wrote out script for antibotics, never got to take one because by the time they had those filled, i was already back at er. was going to be seen at doctors office but zack called and said something horrible is wrong, she is screaming, you want me to go straight to er, and they said yes. Get to er, i had to get an iv which i am horribly frightened of, so that was a scene in itself, begging, snotting sobbing, rattling the bed, but nurse got it in and meds adminstered, which oh goodness was have the edge taken away. then cat scan, the attending doctor looked at previous reports and says he is not convinced of uti at all, and asked if they did any blood work, or x-ray. i said no. he got the results of cat scan, and goes you have a infected great big 7mm stone. would like to admit you over nite. so i stay over nite. they let me go after lunch next day, i am back by late morning. was suppose to have surgery that afternoon. So they give me shot, take me over to where surgery is, and get me ready. I have my surgery, and come home, have been in and out of sleep since. its all a blur. had a fever, still comes back at times, but least it broke, wasnt even breaking. so maybe tomorrow will be feeling even better. it has been insane and crazy, and pain that makes you scream litterally scream out and beg for it to stop. Was told surgery did get stone broken up, so i hope and pray that is true. i am fearful of ever experiencing that again.
love to each and everyone of you. if you have time, please stay with me bit longer through all this. you all have helped so much. (((((hugs)))))
02-05-2012, 12:18 AM
Oh Stormee dear freind what a horrible thing to happen. Of course everyone will stay and watch over you as you struggle to get past this. I asked zack a couple times to tell you the angels were here wishing you well. I hope he told you.
02-05-2012, 01:02 AM
Oh you poor thing! I feel for you. I understand ....... I hate IVs also but oh it worked so good. When those meds got in me it was like omg thank you!!! The pain eased right up. I will be right here for you ..... I pray it's gets better each day. Rest my friend-hubby is doing a great job! Hope the babies are doing good!:)
Love hugs and prayers xoxo
Squirt's Mom
02-05-2012, 08:53 AM
Hi Skye! :)
Gosh! Soooo good to hear from you again. Bless your heart! You have been through the wringer, sweetie, and I hope it is over!
I wondered about diet and human stones - if different types required different diet changes like they do in dogs, and it would seem they do. So it is important to learn which type of stone you had so you can make changes to help prevent this from happening again. I'm sure your doc has given you some info but here is some more. ;)
What can I do to avoid more stones?
Drink more water. Try to drink 12 full glasses of water a day. Drinking lots of water helps to flush away the substances that form stones in the kidneys.
You can also drink ginger ale, lemon-lime sodas, and fruit juices. But water is best. Limit your coffee, tea, and cola to 1 or 2 cups a day because the caffeine may cause you to lose fluid too quickly.
Your doctor may ask you to eat more of some foods and to cut back on other foods. For example, if you have a uric acid stone, your doctor may ask you to eat less meat, because meat breaks down to make uric acid.
If you are prone to forming calcium oxalate stones, you may need to limit foods that are high in oxalate. These foods include rhubarb, beets, spinach, and chocolate.
The doctor may give you medicines to prevent calcium and uric acid stones.
It always blows my mind to hear about folks who hate water. I love water; it is the life-giving fluid of all biological systems. Since I have only one kidney, I am very protective of it. ;) I have a dear friend who will not drink water in any form because she "knows what fish do in it"! :eek::p She will drink sodas until she ends up in the hospital with stones or a severe UTI, then she will drink bottled tea for a short while. She used to go to fruit punch but her docs have forbidden her to drink or eat anything with red dye in it as they feel it is playing a role in the development of her stones. She is in her early 30's and has the kidneys and bladder of a 60 yr old due to all the damage sustained because she will not drink water. ;)
So you put some sugar, honey, something in water and drink it! Check out some herbal teas. Make sure there is nothing in the Crystal Light that could cause you additional problems. I never want you to go through this again, honey.
Prayers, healing white light and hugs continue to fly your way,
Leslie and the gang
Hi Skye-
I am glad to hear you are finally doing a little better, and that you made it through the IV and surgery. I used to be fearful of IVs or needles in my forearm in general, but after having to have my thyroid checked a few years back and then needed several blood tests to monitor it, I am totally over it. I still don't like to look at them doing it, but it doesn't scare me at all. Hopefully after feeling so much better with the IV meds in, it will help you with that fear. (I'm trying to find something positive. ;))
I hope today you are feeling better, and that you know what to do to prevent another stone. I know my friend who had one was told she could get another. They did tell her to drink more water and she has done pretty well. She used to drink Diet Coke all day.
At any rate, I'm glad you seem to be on the mend. We're definitely still here for you!
Julie & Hannah
02-05-2012, 11:24 AM
Hi Skye,
I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better. My mother had kidney stones when I was 12 years old and oh my gosh I was scared to death. My mom has always been as strong as an ox, never complained and if she ever was sick, she suffered in silence. I had never seen her cry, much less be slumped against the wall, screaming in pain. All four of us kids were sure we were losing our mom that night and we bawled for hours. Your story brought those very old memories flooding back and my heart broke for you because I get it. Please take care of yourself and know that we are all with you in spirit.
((((Huge Healing Hugs))))
i have remained awake most of today, husband said i had been mostly sleeping since 4ish on friday. so i guess this is a sign i am going to make it!!! whootwhoot! was truly frightened couple times there. (wiping sweat from brow) Husband took this picture today....he said the girls have been with me non stop, shaddix has even refused to eat or go out for potty breaks. 320406_n.jpg is having me "filter" my urine each and every time to gather the pieces of stone as they pass....and i have pretty much loss any "sex appeal" that a middle age woman can have to her much younger husband....between urinating in a filter and passing wind like we were in the flat plains of Kansas, while be bloated from iv fluids (still holding onto 14 pounds of puffy) having no idea when i last brushed my teeth, what day it is, or time of, so lined up along the basin are all these little filters that he or I have held carefully in place. I asked him today if it was like sifting for gold....he took my temperature again. LOL!
I guess I am to gather these treasures and they will be sent off and then they will tell me what is causing them. I have never screamed out in pain, I am quite certain kidney stones are a reminder that life is good and could be worse. They will make you scream doubts about it, no matter how stubborn you are. Some places i really like the water.....but here....yuke. we have gross water i think. when things stop happening.....we can finanically afford to, we will get bottled water dispenser and use that. for us and the animals. love to all of you....thank you so much, you will never ever know the place you hold in my heart.
02-05-2012, 05:57 PM
I will keep it short
I am so happy you are starting to feel better!! Rest girlfriend and hope you pass all the pieces of stones soon and put this behind you - not something you want to remember - everytime I get a pain I am like oh no a stone!!!! Been lucky it hasnt happened again -- I just dont like water but I try to push the cup of green tea - its decaf and its water!! lol ttys
love and hugs xoxoxo:)
02-05-2012, 09:32 PM
Shaddix the wise looks exhausted! Lol. You look as beautiful as ever. I bet that young husband doesn't mind holding that filter in place in the slightest. (giggle)
02-05-2012, 10:23 PM
lol you are to funny Janis
02-09-2012, 12:36 AM
Glad you are home Skye take care get better. So sorry you had to go though that. I think you were very brave given all the false information and diagnosis you went through. Glad to have you back.
Squirt's Mom
02-09-2012, 09:17 AM
Hi Skye,
Hope you are feeling much, much better today! How is our Shysie girl doing?
Leslie and the gang
02-11-2012, 11:18 PM
Just wanted to see how you are doing. Hope you are much much better!!:)
Love ya
Hugs xo
02-13-2012, 08:16 PM
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Stormee!
Happy birthday to you....... (giggle)
With Shysie and Shaddix and Zack all at your side! How cool is that?
Hey - when you going to give us all an update on you and Shysie? Come on inquiring minds want to know! :-)
Harley PoMMom
02-13-2012, 09:02 PM
Happy Birthday, Stormee!!
02-13-2012, 09:36 PM
Happy Birthday Stormee!!!
Hope it is a good one and a healthy one!!
Love and Hugs xo
hello everyone!!!!!
wow i tell yall what, we exited 2011 with intensity, and entered into 2012 with intensity.
First off I want to thank you all for the birthday wishes, that was real surprise!!!! i was like OMG LOOK!!!! aweeeeeeeeeeee, wow, yall know what........i sure love you guys. made my day, really did. thank you.
i go next friday i think for my follow up from my surgery. and to take some granuals in to have them sent into lab. Ugh, sure hope the stones are not caused from coffee. or sweets. ugh. can they be caused from stress?
i had also caught that horrid chest cold. then that moved to chest, still have that a bit. i can not believe how long that has hung on. finally got some of that crud broke up, then it turned to dry continuous that wears you out.
so hopefully will rest up and get that kicked.
my girls take good care of me ")
Shysie is doing very well. will have more blood work done march/april will probably redo cbc and urine and she will be do for some vacs.
she is eating great, pooh is healthy, pee is still lots and clear and oderless, she plays and rests well. BUT you know....they say 1 ounce of water per she is about 16 pounds and i add about a cup of water to each food. SO that is alot of fluid for her for her tiny little min pin bladder to hold on to. i would not be able to hold it for long either. lol
but i did mix her food thin, as it seemed for a while if it was to thick she started to not feel well. i started to not mix it so thin just other day. see how she how she adjusts with that. though i want to make sure she stays hydrated.
each girl got their Valentine today....giggle, not sure who was more excited me or them. lol
and of course i am always worried about her back. sometimes she seems to slip a little but not always, and the wasting look she had gotten i THINK is better, not sure but i think. lol
thank you for the well wishes the birthday wishes and checking on me.
love and hugs to you all topic has any one here tried that diet product sensa??? spring is round the corner!!!! time to dont do well on those.
02-15-2012, 12:17 PM
Glad u had a nice birthday! :) Happy to hear Shysie is doing good! Great to hear that kind of news!! Hope all goes well at your doctors appointment. When I had my stone my doctor said it was from the calcium I was taking and I was nothing drinking enough. I am still quilty for that. He said you don't want stones drink! So I try to do like crystal light, tea, broth.....anything decaf....cause yup I have problems just drinking plain water!
Hugs and love my friend xoxo
Happy belated birthday to you!
Glad to hear Shysie is doing well and that it sounds like you're finally doing better.
Julie & Hannah
02-21-2012, 06:36 AM
Shysie.... :mad: stop scaring your mom...
03-02-2012, 11:22 PM
So how is the little girl doing?? And mom is feeling well??
Hope all is well with both of you:)
Hugs xoxo
hey! shysie is doing okay.....still can not hold bladder very long, and omg pees a lake. Has me some concerned of course. We have an appointment schedule in April for urine and cbc, and i am certain i will have pancreatic levels tested, i am trying to think what i may add to that blood and urine. Wanting to make sure those kidneys are good, so i need to do some research on that. Any suggestions would be AWESOME
I am suppose to go back to the doctor next friday but may have to reschedule that. they sent part of the stone out to see if they could tell what could cause it, if anything in my diet. And to discuss having the other one removed from kidney it self. The one that is imbedded in meat of kidney i think they are not going to mess with. BUT, I am next to certain i will have to reschedule that appointment because i would rather give my co pay to what follows. For three years i have tried to rescue this little min pin that lives next door to me. (i dont live in a very good division) Just over a year ago i found two of their pit mix puppies dead, they were only 3 months old. I tried to always leave food and water out for them. I called for help several times but many many times where i am, that is bottom of concern. And if you trespass here...right to bear you just dont go and do that. Gotta love Texas. Not long ago woman called and called for help because of animal chained to fence no one came, it past away, and the ppl left it, then others critizied her for not just taking it. Well....same was happening here. Long story short, finally after years, they said we could have her. I got her and crumbled. She was sooooo sick and skinny i knew i could not afford her medical. I called one of the all breed no kill rescues that i had donated to during a charity drive i was in for animals, I sent pictures, made husband get cash fast, and they took her right in next morning to doctors with our small donation, they had to keep her 5 days. I didnt sleep much all week. My gawd, the journey that dear sweet girl has had. i held her, feeling like just my breath on her could break her. i kissed her, sang to her, told her how brave and strong she is, and that her journey was about to change. The worst was over. From here on out its toys, full tummies, love, kisses. This rescue was personally important to was right next door. i know no one wants to see pictures like that, but i had to see it every day for years. I nearly thought i would leave. Just take my girls and leave. I could not take it. i dont understand how ppl do that to animals. They are my every reason to breathe each day. you can see picture of her if you want, she never ever gave up hope on humans, i dont know how. I love her dearly and wish her the most amazing forever home ever! And i will be forever grateful for the rescue that helped me save her.
03-05-2012, 05:39 AM
Happy Birthday Sweetie Shysie Moon!
Here I am mommie... I'm okay!
Oh, I can't miss a birthday.:D:D:D:D:D
I am just pleased as punch to wish Shysie a
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you have the most wonderful of days:):)
Harley PoMMom
03-05-2012, 03:38 PM
Happy Birthday, Shysie!!
Squirt's Mom
03-05-2012, 03:42 PM
Happy Birthday, Shysie!!
03-05-2012, 05:07 PM
Happy Birthday, Shysie!
Happy birthday, Shysie!!!
aweeeeeee i just showed shysie her birthday wishes........her little peanut butt tail is just knobbing about!!!! her little ears are all to side and back like "thats me! thats me mom! thats me! i am shysie moon!!!!!!!!!" Each and every one of you made my day............thank you for wishing my darling happy birthday. She just finished eating her warmed pumkin, squished together to look like a little cake. lol i made a big production out of it....she of course appreciated and adored it. My every breath, my heart is hers.
03-06-2012, 12:28 AM
She's a very special min pin for sure. So glad she made it here safe and sound. Hugs for Shaddix too.
03-06-2012, 11:10 AM
Happy Belated Birthday Shysie
since its belated you get extra extra kisses and hugs!!!
Luv ya
Cindy & Penny
we are suppose to have more labs and check over done in April. Urine, full blood profile and CBC
tell me your thoughts.
should cortisal be checked with her urine?
hormone panal (never been checked, her cortisal has been checking out okay)
T6 (read something very interesting about many dogs are actually borderline hypothyroid but it is missed 62% of time can post that if needed)
and i would like to know most informative test for kidney
and since she has pancreaitis having PLI (pancreatic lipase immunreactivity)
Feedback would be appreciated!
03-29-2012, 07:39 PM
How is our little Shysie doing? I know you have been so busy trying to catch up. Working almost around the clock!
I was just thinking about you and how we haven't heard from you for awhile. I hope Shysie is doing okay, and that you are too, of course! Please let us know how things are going!
Julie & Hannah
04-10-2012, 08:47 AM
Stormee (Skye) is hard to catch these days. I'm pretty certain Shysie and Shaddix are doing well. She posted some pictures of them on her Facebook page recently. Pretty cute. Take a look.
Sorry this is not a direct link to those pictures but it will get you there.
i will give full clinical report i typed out and gave to doctor and then i will give what labs i have so far that were just taken. will list elevations only.
3 doctors at GCVS are teaming up making sure everyone is on same page, what thought of action should be, I love that place for how they care
okay here we go. here is clinical.
Possible Testing for:
Hypercalemia: Elevated calcium in blood (HCT,CA)
Microalbuminuria: some observations and or elevations would warrant another look at kidney function?
Hormone Panel (baseline or for indications of elevations
Other possible tests
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Insipidus
Estrogen Responsive Urinary Incontence????
(could issue be related to predisone from adrenalectomy end of November)
UC/CR: protein in urine has occurred previously would like to confirm consistency of 0
Looking at Elevations (continuing, consistent, inconsistent)
CK (kidney, liver)
Bilirubin (liver)
Alkaline phosphatase (still greater than 3 times normal range)
Creatinine has not remained an even consistent
BUN is at 24
Serum Albumin ranges have been 3.9 3.6 3.5 range is 2.5-4.0 close…..
USG1.025 (urine is not exceeding 2 but indirect 0 and total .1 direct .1 with USG low….)
Continued weight loss, Increase diet mid-late April
Sept 17.5
Oct 16.8
Nov 15.4
Protein in Urine changes
Sept 1+
Oct Negative
Nov 1+
Jan Negative
EPI Cell in Urine
Sept rare (0-1)
Oct rare (0-1)
Nov 1+
Calicum Oxalate (1-2) OCT 1+ (has not been present since Oct)
BUN inconsistent
Sept 38
Oct 7
Oct 5
Nov 18
Jan 24
Continued borderline area of elevations
HCT Jan Remaining close to over range
MCH Jan Remaining close to over range
Not been Rechecked since Surgery late November
Urinalysis Add on
*urine cortisol last checked OCT 9.2
UC/UC ratio last checked OCT 29
Urine Creatinine Last checked NOV 127.7 (increased from October)
Urine Protein last checked NOV 61 (increased from October)
Checked since surgery but not within ranges
Total Health Plus and Free T4 Chem 27
ALK Phosphatase Last checked JAN 499 (still greater than 3 times normal range)
Creatine Kinase last checked JAN 240 (continued elevation from Sept
NEU last checked OCT Elevated 12.71
Urine can hold through nite (6 hours or more)
(evening meal by 7, snack 9-10)
can not hold urine daytime/evenings prior to snack if away
she sometimes can hold 2-3 ½ hours daytime
1st meal by 10 am
Frequent inappropriate urinating on floor in obvious places
she does have ½ to 1 cup water added to each meal
so possible her bladder is active for couple hours after which would explain why she could make it through nite time with no accidents as active time for bladder would have passed.
Hears children, cars, dogs, and possible shaddix barking which excites her causing her to need to urinate.
Concern: Pituary Cushings though no physical changes to body indicate, Kidney disease
Urine is:
Large amounts
Urine can hold through nite (6 hours or more)
(evening meal by 7, snack 9-10)
can not hold urine daytime/evenings prior to snack if away
she sometimes can hold 2-3 ½ hours daytime
1st meal by 10 am
Frequent inappropriate urinating on floor in obvious places
she does have ½ to 1 cup water added to each meal
so possible her bladder is active for couple hours after which would explain why she could make it through nite time with no accidents as active time for bladder would have passed.
Hears children, cars, dogs, and possible shaddix barking which excites her causing her to need to urinate.
Concern: Pituary Cushings though no physical changes to body indicate, Kidney disease
Urine is:
Large amounts
AND as of lately has been licking that area often
Concern is: Hyperthyroidism though labs indicate normal early detection formuala (?)
WHY: Behavior that is shown
Cranky to other animals in home
Looking over labs
Cushings, tumors, infection, renal/kidney disease, Bilirubinaemia and bilirubinuria, because her USG teeters low end
Hepatocellular disease
WHY: frequent accidents, frequent urinating, large amounts, clear, odorless,
Looking over labs
Back Injury X-Rays taken last May you explained this to me:
Sometimes..back leg right side lifts up and down
Kicks leg out before laying down
While playing if she stands her back legs might tremble or spasm?
Off balance, staggers left with back right side
Playing/running when coming to halt will “buck” back legs..kick outward
And stop more with front
Back Injury X-Rays taken last May you explained this to me:
Sometimes..back leg right side lifts up and down
Kicks leg out before laying down
While playing if she stands her back legs might tremble or spasm?
Off balance, staggers left with back right side
Playing/running when coming to halt will “buck” back legs..kick outward
And stop more with front
Questions Pertaining to Back With the x-rays previously taken, what can be expected for her down the road with this type of injury?
Loss of ability to walk?
Medications could risk flaring pancreas?
What should I be doing now?
What should I not be doing now?
Most times okay
Decemember had issue with loose
April issue with loose
Each time treated 1 day with ½ tablet morning, night with Metronidazole
Most times okay
Decmember prior to loose stools had 1 day vomit
April prior to lose stools had 1 day vomit
Each time treated 2 days with 1 Cerenia tablet each day
okay now labs only what i have so far and elevations or low only
USG 1.01
UP/CR .6 and though within normal it can still be considered "therapeutic"
ALK Phos 960 (higher than it has ever EVER been)
CK 251
Lipase 848 heading back up was in the 700 in up it goes again
B/C 17
Cortisol low....1.7
looks like u/s is in near future, last one was in November. And might be some bile testing.....not sure as all labs are back. feedback angels??????? sniff........
Moderator's Note: I have merged your update Shysie into Shysie's original thread. Normally, we like to keep all posts on a pup to a single thread as it makes it easier for other members to refer back to the pup's history, if needed.
thank you ladies for checking on me. and Janis my beautiful amazing friend...thank you for helping to keep all angels updated with pictures and any news. please know how very very much that means to us!!!
so above you can see we may have some issues. Any feed back would be soooo appreciated. i need to get my notes questions etc all together because i am sure gulf coast is wanting us there.
05-06-2012, 10:52 AM
Hi Skye,
Wow, that was a lot of information you posted but unfortunately, I'm having a tough time figuring out which abnormalities are the most current on bloodwork and urine. It looks like the most current was done in January but I'm not sure so would appreciate your confirming the date. I hate to ask you to do this but post (can and paste) only the most recent results, including the normal reference ranges? Can you also confirm that current symptoms are excessive drinking and peeing, weight loss and back leg issues? Any other symptoms?
Just a few mention hypercalcemia yet I don't recall seeing any values in the bloodwork you posted. If Shysie's urine is dilute, the kidneys have lost the ability to concentrate so accidents at any time during the day or night are to be expected. I'm not sure why she can hold her urine better at night but I don't believe it has anything to do with the activity of the bladder as it does the volume of urine in the bladder. Is Shysie still on prednisone? If so, this could be the reason for the incontinence and most of the blood and urine abnormalities you posted.
You have listed a number of things with comments like, possible testing for hypercalcemia, microalbumineria and observations and elevations could warrant checking kidney function. Based on the abnormalities you posted, I can't make the connection. Were these your vet's comments when discussing Shysie's most current blood and urine tests? When was the last time cortisol levels were checked?
Looking forward to your next post.
thank you glynda, and after this huge post, which likely be my last lengthy one, please see post after this for lab results that are from this month only, that are elevations only, not all labs are in this is all i have so far on next post of this one.
probably not a good time for me to be making posts as it has been one frustrating day. so please dont read tone into this post. I am only trying to explain myself
okay so my last post.............most of what is there is notes taken in as a guide based on what i see "clinical" and what past labs have been showing. She has had alot of labs done. And when it is all laid show elevations.......continued elevations of something, or ups and downs, or continued may or may not help to see pattern of what may be going on to help get to early detection. Just as when i first started on forum, labs showed slight hint, and i think at one point it may have been mentioned that likely nothing serious is probably wrong based on what i was trying to say or show. Clinical notes were clearly indicating changes were happening before labs could show many abnormalities and few months later she is in ICU with pancreaitsis and then month later is having adrenalectomy surgery. There are three parts to blend together as one. Labs, medical exam, and what is happening in her normal environment.
Note changes in lab, note changes if any for what medical exam shows, and what is normal or abnormal for home then i also note okay so maybe i am seeing this at home but here is maybe why i am seeing this "debunking" so it could be nothing. Maybe I just stink at this.
so first part of post above is just that. previous noted labs where just like notes say....consistent, inconsistent, etc. and so forth. Shows where some areas have been continuing to increase where others are continuing to decrease etc. Its ALOT to keep track of. IF kidney and liver cancers are so difficult to catch before its nearly to late.......i am trying to ensure that early detection is here for whatever IF anything is going on with her. If everything is laid out to see complete picture i thought it might help. If I could attached something i made i would show you how i have had to try and keep all this straight.
some testing is not complete. this is all i have for out of ranges
USG 1.01
UP/CR .6 and though within normal it can still be considered "therapeutic"
ALK Phos 960 (higher than it has ever EVER been)
CK 251
Lipase 848 heading back up was in the 700 in up it goes again
B/C 17
Cortisol low....1.7
dipstick urine test in clinic at time of exam 2++ protein
05-06-2012, 05:35 PM
Skye, what medication is Shysie on? Prednisone?
she is not on any meds.
if heartguard, front line count then those
pepcid if she smacks alot
and if she has a day with vomit she would be given cerena
if she has a day with dirreaha she would get metronzide or something like that.
she is on home cooked meals with supplement
and she takes cosesquin with meal that is one capsule half sprinkle into food each meal.
she has not taken pred. since being weaned off because she was on that after adrenalectomy like all of them are. So she has not had one of those since december.
if you have email address for your in box here..........i will email you spread sheet i put together
05-08-2012, 05:59 PM
Hi Skye,
I've taken a look at Shysie's latest blood and urine test results and congratulations, Shysie, on acing the CBC...not one abnormality. Please see my layperson's opinions in blue below. I have also included the a few reference ranges for the abnormalities you posted earlier.
some testing is not complete. this is all i have for out of ranges
USG 1.014 Shysie's USG in January was 1.025 so it has dropped in five months, however, her urine ph was 6 in January but was 8 on May 4th. Anything over 7 is considered alkaline and you can get a low USG reading with high alkaline urine.
UP/CR .6 and though within normal it can still be considered "therapeutic" One of my favorite sites,, has a good amount of information on protein in the urine. According to that site, any ratio <1.0 in a stable animal with normal kidney function tests (normal blood creatinine) can simply be periodically monitored. I believe this would apply to Shysie.
ALK Phos 960 (10 - 150) Yes, this is higher than previous tests and since ALT is normal, one would automatically think cushing's. There have been more than a few dogs who have undergone unilateral adrenalectomies and were subsequently diagnosed with pituitary dependent cushing's. This is a possibility for Shysie but right now, she has few, if any, symptoms associated with cushing's. If I were in your shoes, I would not be pursuing and cushing's diagnosis. If these elevations concern you, I would suggest you talk to your vet about liver support, like milk thistle and/or SAMe.
CK 251 (10 - 200) This is a muscle enzyme. Elevations can be due to heart issues, muscle wasting/damage or a good workout/exercise just prior to having blood drawn. To answer your question about whether Shysie's back could be causing this mild elevation, the answer yes if she has spinal muscular atrophy. I would be surprised if your vet was concerned with this elevation but will let you confirm that for us.
Lipase 848 (100 - 750) This enzyme can be effected by pancreatitis or IBD or kidney disease dysfunction. Not sure this increase amounts to a hill of beans as amylase is normal and increases seen with kidney disease are much, much higher.
B/C 17 This is bun:creatinine ratio. Normal reference range I've seen is 4 - 27, in which case 17 is within normal range. BUN and creatinine are both within normal range. Shysie's BUN has gone down over time while her creatinine has had an ever so slight increase but still within range. This doesn't raise my eyebrows but your vet is better qualified to interpret these results in combination with dilute urine and low specific gravity.
Cortisol low....1.7 This isn't extremely low and I've seen the low end of reference range less than 2 so I'm not sure 1.7 ug/dl indicates a problem. Shysie's last resting cortisol in Nov 2011 was 4.1 but I still wouldn't see red flags as resting cortisol can fluctuate depending on a number of factors.
dipstick urine test in clinic at time of exam 2++ protein. This value must be interpreted in combination with other factors like urine PH, USG, urine volume, creatinine, bun. I also seem to recall that protein may not be accurate with dipstick method and that urine should be sent to a lab for confirmation. The 5/4/12 urine results show protein as negative. I am assuming that is either a typo or the urine was sent to an outside lab. If an outside lab says negative for protein, I'd rely on that over dipstick results.
All in all, Shysie's bloodwork and urine tests look pretty darn good to me. Ya know, we can drive ourselves crazy if we try to reconcile every abnormality on blood and urine tests. We'll never figure all of it out and must rely on our vets to determine if there is a problem by looking at the big picture, including a dog's physical presentation and symptoms. You asked me if I thought an abdominal ultrasound would be a good idea. I think that in your shoes, I'd explain my concerns to the new internal medicine specialist at Gulf Coast and let him do whatever testing he feels appropriate. I hope this has helped in some way.
Hi there,
I only have a second, but I have been following along with your thread and wanted to tell you that Hannah has been on Denamarin for a few months due to her elevated ALKP (it was 1770 at its highest) and it has dropped into the normal range! I never thought it would happen, but it did. I definitely think it is worth trying a liver supplement and I love that I don't have to worry about any risks. Hannah just thinks she gets a yummy treat at about 5:00 a.m. but it has done wonders for her liver. I highly recommend you try it!
Julie & Hannah
how precious are you! goodness, thank you for all that. Will definately be taking some notes down from what you have given me.
this seems strange...but this is what happened when i first joined here. And was also given opinions that blood work didnt seem to real signs of anything. But everyone remained patient as i just felt i needed to and all of you angels helped guide me along the way and oh my goodness was i ever so grateful. all the knowledge and experience here, helped me know what to say, how to say, what tests and etc. Just a HUGE amount of knowledge here.
shockingly to all a tumor was found on her adrenal gland. And oh the wind picked up ten folds! angel wings fluttering like crazy!!! everyone held her and me near and dear, and prayers were constant. Then she landed in ICU for few days with her first and horrible severe pancreatic attack. almost lost her....i had a melt down and angels were there. Oddly....i had gotten several inches of my hair cut off right before that started, and bought new tube of mascara.
I just had all these labs done, posted on here, feed back is kind and supportive but thankfully nothing seems to alarming, but knowing i feel something needs checked.....the help and knowledge to be best advocate i can be is given. I just got my hair trimmed again, and got another tube of mascara.....and here we go back to gulf coast.....see how this feels weird???
We go friday to see Dr. Chris Jones Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialist. If anyone has any feedback on this IMS please let me know.
any other things to say or ask, please please let me know. thanks ever so much.
julie...........thank you for that info............means ALOT!!!!!!
05-12-2012, 04:35 AM
I know there isn't much sence in me posting here ... Beings we email each other practically twenty times a day some days. LOL... Hang in there friend. All will be well. :)
LOL Janis..........we keep each other side by side with our girls as we journey through life even though we are thousands of miles apart. Every day for over 7 months now I think. :)
we were expecting bad weather, we had to reschedule for june 8th. Letting all the angels know its okay to go ahead and eat their brown paper bag lunches, and will pack fresh ones as the date nears. :)
05-12-2012, 07:11 PM
Good humor. That's always a welcome sight!
Hello dear ones.
we have not gone back to Gulf Coast yet.....but we are on our way. Her last labs were in May. So nothing new to add to that. She will be seeing the Nutritionist, and a IMS. They plan on doing u/s, bile test, acth, urinalysis, and cbc with Chem pan and T4. She has lost nearly two pounds and that is with her food being increased. She is so tiny. So WAY back in this thread.....Omega Fatty Acids of 3 and 6 were discussed and ratios........I spoke with the doctor about this long ago thanks to all the angels who help provide me knowledge on the matter....well NOW they seem overtly concerned about the weight loss as i am as well. We will be going there within the next couple of upcoming Mondays. Probably head up on Sunday nite, less traffic to stress her with. and see doctors on Monday. Not sure if this Monday or Next. Been working like a crazy woman cleaning houses and pet sitting, have missed you all so much. I would be lost with Janis........we at least tag each other daily. So if you all could.....pull your wings back out for us and prepare for flight. Hugs to all.
Squirt's Mom
07-12-2012, 08:27 AM
Hi Skye,
Good to hear from you again but wish it was with brighter news. I hope they can find the cause of Shysie's weight loss. Has she been checked for Diabetes just in case? Weight loss is one of the signs for that.
Your Angels are right by your side as always.
Keep in touch and let us know what you learn!
Leslie and the gang
07-12-2012, 09:42 AM
Kira lost weight steadily after her surgery. For almost a year. She went from 71 to 55 pounds. It's scary.
molly muffin
07-12-2012, 07:11 PM
Best wishes for a safe trip and some positive news.
Thank you, and you know.....i am wondering if it isnt needing the ratio of the omega 3 and 6 adjusted. I had asked back in December? soooooo.....I hope I am not to late. I have purchased the products they were going to sell me, exact same ones fraction of cost. and have started her on the omega 3. Starting it fairly easily as dont want to upset her pancreas. She was suppose to call me back to day i had some questions to ask (who me ask questions? no way lol) so when she does call i am going to ask if the 6's can be decreased some. Shysie is so adorable.....she has heard me speak the angels....and I still say to her........remember when the angels said to us.....or remember when the angels flew along side us............and she will alway wiggle that little knub tail of hers and turn her head. lol. luvs it.
07-13-2012, 09:22 AM
Prayers for our Shysie Moon for sure! She's going to be ok... We need to see more of those ballerina moves!
appointments set up for Monday the 23rd. be ready for flight!
i called and spoke to nutritionist today. I asked her thoughts if corn oil caused tumors. She answers with omega 3 prevents. I said but does corn oil CAUSE tumors. She said she didnt think so. She said for essential fatty acids to be met, and considering her pancreas that corn oil is best. My trust keeps faltering with her.......then she says the dosage i am giving in the omega 3 pet oil is for a 75 pound dog. i said no and read it to her......she said it was to big i explained the dropper........25 ml 50ml etc. finally she is understanding. I asked about avacoda oil in it she said it didnt have it, i said but its first ingredient........she said it wasnt. Then i guess she saw it was and said it was fine. this is product they carry and sell, i found it for fraction of cost.....but seems like she knows so little of what she is actually doing with all this. anyways guess just venting concern.
I just finished printing my entire thread out. lol! The care love and support for Shysie expressed is so meaningful, that way if I feel over whelmed, stressed, worried, i am going to read the words you all have all mean that much and have helped me be the best advocate I can be for her through all this, and kept me strong for her. If at any point any one ever comes to this forum, needing support for adrenalectomy, I hope you contact me so I may offer my help to them. Off to work, will check in soon as I can.
molly muffin
07-19-2012, 03:24 PM
Oh my gosh! The frustration must be driving you crazy. What you have to remember, is that you Are on top of this and asking all the right questions. Just stick to it what you know you want to find out about. You are doing an excellent job and I am so impressed by how you can even remember all this information and ingredients.
HUGS and good luck!
Sharlene (and molly muffin)
could someone please refresh me on these tests....side effects, stress, what exactly it is, is it good etc. they plan on doing ACTH, Bile, and then these i am more familiar with of cbc chem pan urine and ultra sound
we go in monday morning
Dear God.............i just suddenly became very overwhelmed........its a "what if" there is another tumor on an adrenal gland..............
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