View Full Version : Pixel has Cushings

09-19-2011, 11:28 AM
My sweet little maltese Pixel was recently diagnosed with Cushings by the local vet. He was always looking for a cool place to lay (hearth and tiled floors), had a voracious appetite, drinking a lot of water, peeing and pooping all over the place even though he was pee pad trained. Our rugs are being ruined and the tiled floors are hard to clean up from the mess. The testing that has to be done and the medication is very expensive. My husband doesn't have a job and I am living on Social Security. Our medical insurance is sooo expensive and we really can't afford to pay for all the testing and meds for the dog. My husband used to have a high paying job and money was not an issue when we got Pixel. We are upset that we can't really take proper care of his issues. He should really see an Internal Medicine Specialist, but no way can we afford all of that.

Does anyone know of an organization or other option where we can get some help for him? We would really appreciate the information.

Squirt's Mom
09-19-2011, 03:51 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Pixel! :)

Here are some links for financial aid that may be of benefit to you. Several of us here us CareCredit.


Hope this helps!
Leslie and the gang

09-19-2011, 05:13 PM
Hi and welcome from me too.

Leslie has provided a great link to the resources we have come across to date. There is another one http://www.care-evanston.org/financial.htm. I am not sure where you are located but there could be something like this in your area.

I know the expense and the stress when our pups get sick and it is not easy when funds are just not there. Please do stay with us.
