View Full Version : Sabre 10 year old Hungarian Vizsla (Sabre has passed away)
Sabre's Mum
04-17-2009, 11:38 PM
Hi everyone
I have just typed an essay, minimised to screen to type in results and poooof the magician made it disappear!!!!! So I am now typing this is Word first!!!
Sabre went for an ACTH on Thursday and we are now restarting Lysodren after a 4 ˝ month Lysodren Holiday! We are restarting on 41.6 mg/kg – 1000mg split into four doses.
ACTH results were
Pre 2.35
Post 3.73
Sabre has had a roller coaster ride on Lysodren and we are hoping that this dose is going to be OK. I have a gut feeling that it may be slightly high but Sabre has a “body” of his own and time will only tell. Since we have no archive this has been his results in the past –
7 April 2008 Pre 1.27 Post 1.41 after loading at 50mg/kg
Changed dose to 25mg/kg
9 May 2008 Pre 1.56 Post 3.22
Dose the same but changed to 30mg/kg (due to weight loss)
26 May 2008 Pre 2.14 Post 4.57
Dose changed to 50mg/kg
26 June Pre 2.97 Post 4.35
Remained on 50mg/kg
17 Sept Pre 0.72 Post 0.8
Took one week off Lysodren and commenced at 40mg/kg
3 Nov Pre 0.6 Post 0.8
Reduced the dose to 35mg/kg (dosing every second day ˝ tab)
2 Dec Pre 0.47 Post 0.43
10 Dec Pre 0.47 Post 0.65
29 Jan Pre 1.34 Post 1.48
16 Apr Pre 2.35 Post 3.73
We also had CBC and Thyroid done and the liver values were absolutely fantastic . I didn’t write one value down ... with working the night shift I was SOOOO incredibly tired and I haven’t had a chance to get into the vet to get a copy of the results.
ALT - all I can remember is that she said normal
ALT 179
ALP 297
This compares with the last results on 2 December of
AST 248
ALT 699
ALP 406
The thyroid (T4) wasn’t so great – it came back 5 and I recall the vet saying 25 was normal. So the next step is TSH (I think she said it was this one) but the lab on does this every fortnight so we have to wait 1-2 weeks for results.
Sabre has also had a developing lump just below the elbow of his front leg which has now grown to a size that the vet and we believe needs to be removed but she wants to get the thyroid results back before we proceed. Thank goodness I have a job for the kiwifruit season!!! It happened by chance ... I won a ski season pass in a raffle on a site that you watch ads and accumulate what was called “mint” dollars which could be redeem for products. There was no way that we could all afford to go skiing so the kiwifruit season had just started and I thought ... blow it ... why not just do the season - I applied for a job and started the next night! It’s about 10 weeks and I work 60 hours a week on night shift.
Enough about me!!! It is so fantastic that Natalie has found space for us.
So ... thyroid tests back, surgery then retest ACTH in a months time.
Angela and Sabre
Harley PoMMom
04-18-2009, 12:34 PM
Hi Angela and Sabre,
Although I can't offer you any advice for your dog, I might be able to help with when you type in, before you sign in, check the "remember me" check box, that way when you write essay's (like me too), the program doesn't forget you. Hope this helps!
Harley and Lori
04-20-2009, 05:21 PM
Hi Angela, I am just seeing this, very glad you found the k9 site.
The fact that Sabre's cortisol numbers are so sensitive to Lysodren make me think that he may have other hormones out of range.
I think if this was my dog I would ask the Dr. about washing out and then trying a maint only dose of Lysodren. You might also consider the Atypical treatment of melatonin and lignans.
Glad you are here, the cortisol numbers are way too low in my judgment.
I love kiwi!
And sorry, since we have no history, I do remember that this treatment was not undertaken lightly but for the time being I cannot refer back.
Sabre's Mum
04-20-2009, 08:31 PM
Hi Scott
Thanks for persevering with my very long post.
So... am I getting you right? You believe that the numbers are still too low even with a post of 3.73? Sabre was diagnosed with cushings with an ACTH post of 39.39 – with major clinical signs – major calcinosis cutis (which to this day is still on the skin – just under a furry of hair), major hair loss, pu/pd, lethargy, rear leg weakness ..... Due to his major clinical signs we did not differentiate between PDH and ADH due to financial constraints at the time and also due to the fact that if he did have ADH we would still be treating with Lysodren.
Two months ago I started including in Sabre's diet ground flaxseed and have been giving him 1 tsp per day. I had been doing further research on the BARF diet and saw that it was actually recommended to be included in the diet. I remember reading somewhere recently ( I really must form a system of my research .. not just recollection which may or may not be factual) that if there are hair loss issues it is most likely that there other hormones out of range. At the time of initial diagnosis Sabre lost LOTS of hair along with the major calcinosis cutis. Two months ago the vet shaved a small portion for the ACTH around in neck ... it still hasn’t grown back! So if my recollection is correct is likely there are other hormones elevated.
I have put him back on Lysodren with some hesitancy with his changing sensitivity but will be watching him VERY carefully, as I always do. We are off to surgery tomorrow to remove the lump. On a positive note the TSH came back normal!
I have just under four weeks of Lysodren supply left so it was my intention to get him tested at this stage ... or sooner if needed.
Angela and Sabre
04-20-2009, 09:01 PM
Hi Angela,
Re the coat issue - not regrowing after shaving - what is Sabre's post-Cushing's coat like? Is it normal sparse, smooth Vizsla coat or is a bit more shag-pile?
Mia's "normal" coat was of the smooth, sparse sort (like a smooth-hair Doxy or a Beagle) but after shedding all her old "sick" hair (and skin) her new coat was thick and fuzzy and coarse and the color was different too. She never shed that coat - she just added to it, it seemed and she needed shaving each of the two succeeding summers.
Previous to this she, typical of dogs with that sort of fine, sparse coat, shed slightly almost all the time without ever obviously blowing her coat like our Cattle Dog does. Once she had that post-Cushing's coat she never left hairs on you when you picked her up - she seemed to want to hold onto each and everyone of them forever!
Mia was treated with Lysodren - so all hormones (with the possible exception of estradiol had it been elevated) would have been controlled as a "side effect" of controlling the cortisol. Apart from the coat weirdness, there was never any evidence either clinically or on her blood tests to suggest she had any steroid hormones of any kind elevated once her Cushing's was successfully treated.
What I don't know is whether her ongoing "crappy coat" was caused by the big physiological upheaval of developing Cushing's and then having it treated or if it was somehow caused by the pituitary tumor. I gather it is believed that shaggy coat that horses with Cushing's get is as a result of pituitary dysfunction affecting the annual cycle of hormones regulating coat shedding in relation to the change of season rather than the cortisol elevation itself. I don't know if that (with horses) is a proven fact or just someone's supposition or what though - I will look into it. This is me thinking out loud here: When an animal has an ACTH-secreting pit tumor they do lose the normal 24 hour cycle of cortisol production so maybe this can interfere with their bodies capacity to measure day-night length and thus to regulate coat shedding???
I guess what I'm saying is that long-term coat "strangeness" in a treated Cushing's dog (particularly a Lysodren dog) may not necessarily be a result of steroid-hormone excess - although of course it could be too as estradiol can be produced elsewhere in the body apart from the adrenals.
Sabre's Mum
04-20-2009, 09:15 PM
Hi Alison
I do miss your wisdom on the cushings site and it is WONDERFUL to hear from you again. You have such amazing knowledge!
Sabre was once the beautiful short haired Vizsla, then became the hairless Vizsla. After Lysodren treatment ... his hair grew back just like Mia's .... a rather fluffy, fuzzy coat. He has not shed it and I would have to confer that he indeed is just adding to the furriness. In fact the other day someone asked my husband ... what else has he got in him ... I can see the Vizsla but what is he crossed with! On his underside between his rear legs he is the hairiest beast I have ever seen. This just used to be bare skin!
Thanks for the info.
Angela and Sabre
04-20-2009, 09:23 PM
I would also be cautious with giving lysodren before your dog goes for surgery. It can be stressful and the dog may use up the reserved cortisol pretty quickly so it is possible that your dog may need pred or another steroid to be sure the level does not get to low with all the stress. I know when Nike s levels were within normal cushings dog range my IMS still had me give her pred even when she went to get her hair cut or any time I felt she may be stressed.
You may want to talk to your vet/surgeon about it, would hate to see Sabre going to low because of the stress.
Good luck with the surg and the resuming lysodren. I am getting Nike tested again in a month to see where she is as well.
04-20-2009, 09:28 PM
That sounds just like Mia's hair-growth pattern - right down to the hair between the back legs - is Sabre's hair "down there" rather long, wiry and coarse?
Every time Mia was shaved for a stim test or because I got her shaved for comfort every shaved area stayed visible for the rest of her life although some more fur would grow through it. It looked like the original hair (which had been shaved) had not been shed but rather it had all just been added too.
I think it is possible that she may have shed and renewed some of her fur down on her lower legs but I was never sure - it was just a feeling as the fur there seemed to look "newer" than the nasty old shag-pile fright-wig that covered the rest of her.
I had people ask what sort of dog she was too. (At least they didn't ask what sort of animal she was!) I always said that she'd Cushing's and explained it as simply as I could and said that her weird coat was something like the strange hair people who've lost their hair to chemo can get when it regrows. That seemed to satisfy people. Isn't it a great thing that self-image ain't an issue with dogs? - that is as long as they smell right, of course! She looked very smart just after she'd been clipped and was a lot more comfortable for it too although I left her "long" for the winter.
The acid test as to whether this is related to the pituitary function or just the biochemical upheaval would be dogs with iatrogenic and/or adrenal Cushing's. Do they go on having long-term abnormal coat issues, I wonder?
Sabre's Mum
04-20-2009, 09:42 PM
Thanks Sharon for posting.
My husband and I even discussed the whole issue of low cortisol levels vs a "normal" dog and the fact we should have just got the lump cut off months ago when Sabre was off Lysodren and it wasn't so big. Sabre's vet didn't want to have to do surgery at all as she was hoping that it would just stabilise and stop growing at a comfortable size for him.
I had a discussion with the Practice Manager at the vet this morning as to the best plan of approach ... more for timing of dropping him off and picking him up. He has always been a "barker" at the vet when awaiting any surgical procedure so I have arranged to drop him off just before his surgery and to pick him up when he is ready to come home. ie. not when the usual dog comes home but when sabre is OK and starting to bark! He has never liked being placed in the cages at the vets!
The pred sounds a great idea and I will definitely discuss this with the vet. I will also discuss the next day of dosing with Lysodren as he has had Sat, Mon so far and was due for Wed, Fri, Sun.
Thanks for your advice
Sabre's Mum
04-20-2009, 09:48 PM
I do believe that Sabre will have long term coat issues. Any new hair that is growing back is definitely of the fluffy variety. Yes, his hair "down there" is coarse and wiry. We have a laugh about it all the time as Vizslas do not have any visible hair "down there" (well very fine and barely there). We just call him the hairest Vizsla in the world.
On the matter of self-image issues ... I would have to disagree with you there. I believe Vizslas are VERY vain. Sabre was NEVER happy when he had no hair on him as he picked up on all the vibes from people staring at him. Hence we made the decision to make sure that he wore a coat out in public!
Angela and Sabre
Squirt's Mom
04-21-2009, 12:19 PM
This is an interesting topic ya'll got going here. How about this to factor in:
Squirt is not on anything but melatonin and purified lignans for Cushing's treatment, and I have noticed that the hair on her belly is much longer, there is more of it, and it is softer than her usual coat which is more like a Cairn's. It extends down the inside of her back legs on the thigh area, too. I could always seen her belly skin quite easily before, now I almost have to part the hair to see it. She has been losing the Cairn long hairs, but I believe that is expected at her age (11), but no other shedding or hair loss. The other two coats, show no changes other than softer, shinier since her new diet, then there is the belly hair which is different from the other three.
Is this the melatonin at work? That has been my thought on it.
Leslie and the girls
Sabre's Mum
04-21-2009, 02:44 PM
Hi Leslie
Yes I suppose in Squirt's case it probably is the melatonin or lignans. Sabre is not atypical and I haven't done any research on the effects of the treatment and the "hair" issue. Nor, for that matter have I looked into it for Sabre's case. But, yes it is interesting.
Angela and Sabre
Sabre's Mum
04-21-2009, 10:49 PM
I have just picked up Sabre from surgery. It is a little uncomfortable for him so for his sake I hope the pain killers stay around in his system for a little while. We are going to keep him off Lysodren for the week and he is taking pred for the next few days along with Clavulox. Let's hope another lump doesn't reappear!!!!
Angela and Sabre
Squirt's Mom
04-22-2009, 10:35 AM
Hi Angela,
Glad Sabre is back home with you and that he has no problems in recovery.
Leslie and the girls
04-22-2009, 05:12 PM
Glad to hear Sabre is in his own home and that the vet is holding the lysodren and is giving some pred, sounds like a great plan to me, especially with the Sabres levels getting low before and taking so long to come back up.
Hugs to you and yours from me and mine
S,N and K ( AKA DS):p
Sabre's Mum
05-27-2009, 05:49 PM
What a wonderful new home.
Well ..... Sabre went for his ACTH yesterday. Results are pre - 38 post 46. This converts to pre 1.38 post 1.67. (Last test 6 weeks ago - pre 2.35 post 3.73 - restarted Lysodren 1/2 tab three doses, off for a week recovering from surgery then restarted 4 x 1/2 tab per week - 40mg/kg).
So ... we are reducing his dose to 3 x 1/2 tabs per week ie 750mg per week. His surgery went absolutely fantastically and (perhaps also due to no exercise allowed) he has put on weight and is now 26kg! Wahooo!!!!!
We are retesting in 4 weeks to see how he goes on the new dose but once again I will still be watching him closely as always. This new dose makes him on 28.7mg/kg and I am really hoping that this is where he needs to be.
On the other news front .... if all goes wells we are going to have another little four legged red dog (yes ... another Vizsla) mid August ... a little brother for Sabre.
Angela and Sabre
Wylie's Mom
05-27-2009, 06:09 PM
Hi Angela,
I'm glad Sabre is doing well... that stim seems low to me, but if I recall correctly, he's been lower ?right? I definitely don't recall what the surgery was for, but happy it went well:D:D:D.
I know what you mean about hoping the maintenance dose is right. I just want 2 stims in a row that are within range!
Sabre is beautiful...he looks so majestic in your avatar. Can't wait to see pics of the new fella;).
Sabre's Mum
05-27-2009, 06:27 PM
Hi Susy
Thanks for the reply. The surgery was to remove a lump from below his right elbow which had just got too big. Yes ... it is on the low side and double yes ..... he has been lower ... lots lower. Once the old thread is merged over from the K9 diabetes site all his test results were posted there. It is a rather long line of tests so I don't want to repost them if the other thread is going to be merged. He was post 0.8 at one stage and went as low as 0.46 then had four and a half months off Lysodren and recommenced after the results above.
I do believe (results do show this) that Sabre has become quite sensitive to Lysodren. (Fine at the start of Lysodren dosing but suddenly had an eroding effect on a dose that he maintained at after 4 weeks). I was a little hesitant to restart Sabre at 40mg/kg after being so long off Lysodren but knew I would retest him at 4 weeks after surgery or sooner if need be. I knew that it was having an eroding effect as he has been scratching the last week and I had a gut feeling it wasn't going to below 1 judging by his demeanour. I am just hoping that 28mg/kg is going to be OK and not have an eroding effect as I really do not want him to go low again. After the Lysodren holiday his blood pressure has gone low along with his heart beat being slow. I have this gut feeling that there is possibly some calcification going on internally as with his break with Lysodren his calcinosis cutis did erupt a little more in the existing spots. And therefore I really do not want him low again and have to take him off Lysodren for a break!
Thanks again Susy
Angela and Sabre
05-27-2009, 06:33 PM
I am so happy it is going well for Sabre, and a new pup, a brother?
Post pictures as soon as you can, and hoping the reduction keeps Sabre stable.
Sorry I was not of much use on the diabetes forum, I was busy trying to help put this one together.
Wylie's Mom
05-27-2009, 06:36 PM
Yes, I see now since Alison merged your threads. You sound like Sharon to me... very in tune with your pup;).
05-27-2009, 06:43 PM
S,N and K ( AKA DS):p
DS=Demon Spawn, (in case you where wondering):eek:
Sabre's Mum
05-27-2009, 06:50 PM
Thanks Scott and Susy
Scott you have done a fantastic job on the new site. The mum of the pup is the same lines as Sabre - same mum and dad but she was from another litter. The Dad is handsome - and his father is Hungargunn Bear it in Mind (Yogi) - he won Best in Gundog Group at Crufts (UK) this year (and last year if I remember correctly) he is an absolute stunner and a bit of a sook. He was an import from Australia. Aura - the mum - is in pup and is due June 22 so we won't know until then just how many and whether we will definitely have a pup. We have known the breeders and have kept intouch ever since Sabre was a pup.
Thanks Susy .. I try hard to judge his demeanour and where his cortisol is ... sometimes too much ... and sometimes I just get it wrong but ... I do believe I am getting there!
Angela and Sabre
05-27-2009, 06:54 PM
Scott you have done a fantastic job on the new site.
Angela, please allow me to accept your appreciation on behalf of the entire team which is now
The previous site was owned and controlled by one. This one is owned and controlled by many, and you know them all.
I am but one of the group.
Sabre's Mum
05-27-2009, 06:59 PM
Scott and the team you are more than welcome.
I had gathered from the K9 diabetes site that there was a "team" working hard in the background putting this site together in the background.
You all truly are guardian angels.
Angela and Sabre
Sabre's Mum
07-01-2009, 06:03 PM
Sabre went for his ACTH yesterday and I have just received the results: Pre 34 Post 32 which translates to pre 1.23 post 1.15 ....
ARRGGHHH!!! He has gone down slightly from 1.67 and was on 30mg/kg AND it is non-stimulatory.
We have three options ... normally I would be totally for one of the options and in fact would be posting to others that they should go off Lysodren, retest and restart when ok. BUT we have other issues with Sabre ... since he had his Lysodren holiday of 4 months and restarted Lysodren the whole "beginning Lysodren" scenario has played out again with his calcinosis cutis ie. it has started erupting more and other areas have formed and he has been rather itchy! So for this reason I am wary of completely going off Lysodren.
So.... the vet has suggested (1) going to 1/2 tab per week (2) going to 1/2 tab every fortnight or (3) going off Lysodren. He was on 3 x 1/2 tab per week (750mg and he weighs 25kg). She can see my concern with the latter but we both agree that he is better higher but are concerned with the "beginning Lysodren" complications that Sabre has. So I am off the bed for a short sleep - 5 hours (that's all I get with the school girl) to rest after night shift. Then ... I am going to have to decide what scenario I will take - mind you I have five days to make a decision. Please someone right a special textbook for "Sabre" to make my life easier!
Angela and Sabre
07-01-2009, 07:16 PM
Hey Angela, I'll write that textbook for you right after I finish the ones I am going to write for Jojo and Lulu. :D:p:D Isn't cushing's hellish at times? I've had to up my own meds since they were diagnosed. Hmmm? I wonder if I could do a loading dose of Prozac? If I was bipolar before, I am tripolar now. :D
I wish I had some words of wisdom but I don't. For a change, I am staying neutral because I honestly feel that as Sabre's mom, you are the most knowledgable person to make this particular decision. You know your boy like the back of your hand so whatever decision you make, it'll be the right one.
Sabre's Mum
08-16-2009, 09:26 PM
Sabre went to the vet for his ACTH on Friday . After much thought .... I decided to dose him 1/2 tab every fortnight so it was 6 weeks after his last test and only 750gm Lysodren over this time!
His results were Pre 2.31 Post 2.86. This is WAY better for him. He is still a little itchy ... pollen season has just started here, still sleepy but ... seems to be better.
I have just spoken to the vet and we are going to try 1/2 tab 2 x per week which will bring him to 20mg/kg. His adrenals were eroding at 30mg/kg. At first she suggested 10mg/kg but my concern was that this might not be quite enough to maintain and she agreed that it may be better at twice per week. So.... back to the vet in 3 1/2 weeks to retest! Let's hope we can get the numbers right!!!!!!
On the "other news" front ...... we get our new Vizsla puppy this week ... most likely Saturday (flight details still to be confirmed) ... name to be confirmed as well - as I found out this weekend that my husband was going to extend our chosen name for a nickname from Flynn to Flynnie .... AARGH!!! I like Flynn BUT NOT Flynnie. So back to the drawing board!
I do read regularly BUT with the night shift it has been hard to find time to post. I have finished now and the youngest has just started school today so I now have more time on my hand ....mmmmmmm .... didn't I say I have a puppy arriving!!!!
Angela and Sabre
08-16-2009, 11:27 PM
Hi Angela,
Just want to wish you good luck and success on getting Sabre's numbers right where they need to be and that the newest dosing regimen will be the right one!
Hmmmmm, I'm thinking right along with you that your new puppy may not agree with letting you have that newfound extra time. :D What fun though, and congratulations!!!! Will be looking forward to seeing some new pictures in the gallery.
Wylie's Mom
08-17-2009, 09:41 AM
Hi Angela,
Those are great numbers... Congratulations:D!
Getting the new puppy... Congratulations:D:p:D:p! I want to the see pics too!
08-17-2009, 01:23 PM
Hi Angela,
Yes, you have been missed and I hope youe schedule permits us to hear more of you in the future.
Sound's like you have found the sweet spot in Sabre's treatment and I know we are all looking forward to pictures of the new little one.
Best wishes. Scott
Sabre's Mum
08-17-2009, 06:02 PM
Thanks everyone for the replies. Yes I do hope that we can eventually get his numbers stablised. Which will lead to less testing .... YAH .... he has had five ACTH tests this year!! I have definitively become more creative with the budget!
I thought I had better put a note for any newbies ... or others searching for Lysodren users that ...... Sabre has changed his sensitivity to Lysodren. We have found that he is quite sensitive to lysodren ...hence the vets initial suggestion to dose at 10mg/kg per week. As all the literature states ... this is not the usual maintenance dosing recommendation.
Yes, I will post pics of the pup. He arrives on Saturday ... all confirmed now so at this point in time his name will be Luka .... but that might change!!!!!
Angela and Sabre
Sabre's Mum
08-25-2009, 10:12 PM
A quick update ... we have our new addition. I have posted a pic of Flynn (yes he is a Flynn) and a few others of Sabre in the gallery. I have posted one of Sabre about the time of diagnosis with lots of hair loss and one which was taken in March of this year. I know we used to have one of Percy on the old site but it might give those down at heart and going through the diagnosis stage and their poor pup may be loosing hair like crazy and see that it does grow back with treatment for cushings!
Angela, Sabre and now also Flynn
08-26-2009, 02:00 AM
Oh, Angela.....I just finished looking at the pictures in the gallery. Flynn is absolutely adorable and Sabre looks so majestic. Is he having a "second childhood" with the puppy around?
Those before and after Lysodren treatment pictures of Sabre are great. Would definitely give new members hope for their babies. Thanks for posting them.
Sabre's Mum
08-26-2009, 04:06 AM
Louise ... mmmmm.... not sure whether Sabre has achieved his second puppyhood just yet. We are at the .... what is he doing in MY house BUT it is getting better and they do have playful moments together.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
Sabre's Mum
09-17-2009, 06:55 PM
Sabre went for his ACTH stim on Wednesday and I think we have finally been able to get the numbers right!!!!
Pre 1.63 Post 2.71
He was post 2.86 a month ago ... so I haven't spoken to the vet yet (just got phoned with the results) but I would say that we will stay at 500mg per week (20mg/kg) for Sabre. . Phewwww ...... at the least the bank balance will look a bit more healthier ... this was Sabre's 14th stim since loading in the last 17 months!!!!!
Let's hope that his body doesn't change things again and we can have some consistency for a little while and be able to restest in three months.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
Wylie's Mom
09-17-2009, 08:09 PM
Yippe on the stim results!!!
Sabre's got Wylie beat on the number of stim tests...for now... his last one was the 12th since loading, but it's only:confused: been 12 months:rolleyes:.
Wishing you consistency,
Sabre's Mum
11-11-2009, 02:36 PM
Hi everyone
Sabre is not himself! He hasn't wanted to go on a walk since Tuesday evening (we have been walking twice a day with Flynn - Flynn needs it!). It could be one of two things (and possible more variations as well) - he got a venison bone stuck in one of his molars on Tuesday afternoon and I had to pull it out when I finally noticed it was stuck. This could have been at least 30 minutes of him trying to break it! It is the first time ever that he has had this happen ... thank goodness I didn't leave him for a few hours with a bone! So maybe his tooth hurts???
The other option is that the Lysodren is now having an eroding effect and he has now gone on the low side. He is still eating really well, poos are fine BUT he was rather lethargic after his dose of Lysodren on Monday. He was due for Lysodren today but not going there and after a phone call to the vet the relayed message was to bring him in for a test today.
So we will just have to see where he is and rule out all scenarios (well as many as we can).
Will keep you updated when we get to the bottom of this!
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
11-11-2009, 03:51 PM
It could be so many issues with an elder.
But you are the perfect, attentive mom and we trust you as much as he does.
I have no advice, just sincere concern and care.
Please let us know.
11-11-2009, 06:42 PM
Hi Angela,
Sorry to hear that Sabre is not feeling himself and hope he's feeling better soon. Taking him to the vet for testing and exam to rule out other possibilities was a wise choice by a wise Mom!
Will be looking for your update. Give Sabre some get well pets and hugs from me.
P.S. Sounds like Flynn is keeping you busy. :D
Sabre's Mum
11-11-2009, 06:52 PM
Thanks for the replies Scott and Louise.
Sabre's vet gave him a full work over and did not think the bone jamming is an issue. His heart is a little slower than it should be but his blood pressure is ok and temperature is ok. So we hope to get the results from the lab tonight and go from there.
If his cortisol levels are ok we had another vial of blood drawn to do further tests.
Louise ... yes Flynn is keeping us VERY busy. Unfortunately he is most busiest when I am busy! We have to take him for twice daily walks to get some energy out of him and tire him out. The breed loves to mouth but in Flynn's case it can be a little vigourous! Everything always happens when I am trying get the girls ready for school or when I am cooking dinner! Here's hoping he grows out of it soon! It can really be a mad house at our place sometimes!
I will post the results once we get them.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
11-11-2009, 07:12 PM
Just wanted to send some healing thoughts and prayers Sabre's way.
Louise ... yes Flynn is keeping us VERY busy. Unfortunately he is most busiest when I am busy!
Of course! A puppy's surefire way to create the mad house. :D Hmmmm, not sure how long they're actually considered a puppy but think you have a bit more puppy time to go before he grows out of it. :D :D :D
Sabre's Mum
11-12-2009, 10:26 PM
Sabre seems a little better today. He went for a walk! We think that perhaps... (the ole worry wart I am) ... that the prickles on the reserve may have been too much for him and he just didn't want to go any further. He also does appear to really get knocked around for a couple of days after the Lysodren (which means he really only gets a break about three days a week!).
His results came through last night and he was pre 1.95 and post 2.53. Which I am absolutely happy with. We ran a Sick Animal Profile today and the only things that were abnormal were:
ALP 1160 high
ALT 358 high
AST 65 high
Cholesterol 12.2 high
Lymphocytes low
Liver is to be expected as we have seen his liver values high when on Lysodren and lower when we have had a break. His cholesterol hasn't been quite that high but we did a thyroid test in April/May and the vet said we could run it again but apart from his lethargy there are no other symptoms.
So there really isn't any explanation as to why is was the way he was the past couple of days. Which means that we just watch him as per usual and retest ACTH in 3 months time.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
11-12-2009, 11:52 PM
Glad that Sabre is feeling a little better today. Maybe (like with us humans) he was just having some off-days. His stim test results are great. Congratulations. Hope Sabre feels 100% like himself real soon!
11-13-2009, 08:16 AM
I too am sending healing thoughts your way. Kim
Squirt's Mom
11-13-2009, 09:30 AM
Hi Angela,
What great stim numbers! Beautiful! :D
Like Louise, I hope he just had an off day or so and is back to his old self in no time. You're such a good mom!
Leslie and the girls
Sabre's Mum
11-13-2009, 01:14 PM
Thanks Louise, Kim and Leslie
I am really happy to have Sabre's numbers stable ... it has taken such a long time .... about 17 months!
My husband tried to sneak Flynn out for a walk last night as it was Lysodren day for Sabre BUT Sabre was not having a bar of it and quickly followed outside. So here's hoping he was just having a couple of OFF days.
Thanks for all your kind words.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
Sabre's Mum
02-10-2010, 02:04 AM
Sabre is SO happy and so is Mum with his results today.
Sabre went for his 3 monthly ACTH stim today .... RESULTS-
Pre 48 (1.74)
Post 69 (2.5)
So after nearly two years he is the "stable" man! Wahoooo ..... And in just over a month Sabre will be 11 years old ... two years ago we thought it was all over rover and today he is such a joy and is so happy.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
02-10-2010, 05:49 AM
Yay, what great news. It does sometimes seem like we are never going to get those "magic numbers" but guess did.:D
02-10-2010, 07:12 AM
Perfect! Congrats. Whew huh? ;) Kim
02-10-2010, 10:28 AM
Tremendous good news Angela,
Give him a big hug from me:D
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2010, 10:30 AM
Hi Angela,
Wonderful news! :D I know you were ecstatic to see those numbers!
Leslie and the girls - always
02-10-2010, 11:24 AM
Congratulation Angela!
Terrific News. :)
02-10-2010, 09:59 PM
Hi Angela,
Sabre's happy, his Mum is happy and I'm happy too after reading that he has finally stabilized. Great ACTH numbers. Congratulaltions and hip-hip-hooray for Sabre!!!
Sabre's Mum
02-10-2010, 10:23 PM
Thanks everyone for your kind words. It is really nice having one of the "ill" dogs well - if that makes sense???!!!
Flynn is holding up at the moment ... let's hope he can overcome his illnesses then we will really be a happy household.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
02-10-2010, 10:52 PM
Congratulations, Angela, that is quite an achievement and you've been so patient in getting those great numbers. Hope Flynn is feeling better soon,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
02-11-2010, 07:40 PM
Flynn is holding up at the moment ... let's hope he can overcome his illnesses then we will really be a happy household.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
I had forgotten totally about Flynn.
I know he is not a Cushpup, so maybe you should start another thread, because we are all interested and want to know and help if we can.
02-11-2010, 07:42 PM
Scott, you must have forgotten about the following:
You have even posted on Flynn's thread.
02-11-2010, 07:49 PM
Scott, you must have forgotten about the following:
You have even posted on Flynn's thread.
Well, Duh!
Sorry all.:eek:
02-12-2010, 10:59 AM
That's great news, congratulations, woo hoo!!
Jane and Franklin xx
Sabre's Mum
03-10-2010, 10:38 PM
Sabre has taken a turn for the worse today. He had been doing so well ... I had started "BomaZeal Mobilise" as he has been a little stiff particularly after walks and had started a loading dose just over a week ago. Today he refused all food ... it was a Lysodren day so that definately did not get given.
He was super stiff when he walks and when he lay down in my bedroom this morning he was lying down (not on side) but wobbling to and fro and looking rather dazed. Unfortunately I had a training day for job I start in the next couple of days so had to take him into the vet after I finished and furthermore saw a vet who knows nothing about him. So ...... she checked his PCV out of fear of what was going on with Flynn ... all OK.
To me he looks like he is going "low" but we only tested a month a go and he was a perfect 2.5. He has been eating a little more slowly ... almost like he doesn't want to chew ... but the vet said there didn't appear to be an infection in this area. His temp was slightly on the low side. Gums paler than usual perhaps. So either his bod has dramatically changed how he processes the Lyso again or something totally different is going on or possibly a macro rearing it's ugly head?
So the vet gave a dex shot after conferring with the lab re the ACTH stim and we will get him stimmed tomorrow morning and do a Sick Animal Profile if this is OK. I will keep you informed as always.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
03-10-2010, 11:51 PM
Angela, I am so sorry to hear that Sabre isn't feeling well. Sounds like you have it under control. It could be that his cortisol is low. I will send warm thoughts your way and do keep us posted!! Kim
Squirt's Mom
03-11-2010, 09:28 AM
Hi Angela,
So sorry Sabre is feeling poorly. :( Hopefully he is just having a few off days and will be back on his feet soon.
Please let us know how things are going!
Leslie and the girls - always
03-11-2010, 05:52 PM
Hi Angela,
Sorry to hear that Sabre is having problems. Hope the dex shot yesterday helped him to feel better and the testing this morning will get to the bottom of what's going on. Will be watching for your next update and the results.
Take care and give Sabre a big hug from me.
Sabre's Mum
03-14-2010, 07:34 PM
I have been busy with my 7 year old's birthday this past weekend so haven't had a chance to post.
We did an ACTH, Sick Animal Profile, CBC and XRay on Friday. ACTH was fine ... slightly up from the last results but probably due to everything that was going on with him. Sick Animal Profile not too bad but URE 21.6 (2.6-10.2) CRE 279 (43-117). Liver values up but they always are with the Lysodren with Sabre. CBC not too great ..
HCT 0.31 L (0.37-.55)
HB 101 L (120-180)
RBC 4.25 L (5.5-8.5)
WBC 21.6 H (6-17)
RETIC 317 H (0-80)
NRC 2 H (0-0.001)
SEGN 19.2 H (3-11.5)
LYMP 0.9 L (1-4.8)
BAND 0.6 (0-0.3)
Mild anemia with marked regeneration.
Mild azotemia.
The xrays were clear.
The vet is not 100% sure what is wrong ... said the elevations in URE and CRE may be just due to dehydration and there is definately and infection with probable bleeding. But today she said that even though the xray was clear she believes it is in his chest. He has been on antibiotics and we are doing weekly PCVs .... along with Flynn!!!
His PCV was up today to 33 ...... Flynn is catching him up and his now 27.
Sabre still is not 100 percent but he has made a huge improvement to what we had on Friday so we will just plod along and hope for the best. He is 11 years old on 21 March.
Angela, Sabre and Flynn
03-15-2010, 12:52 AM
I'm glad that Sabre has shown some improvement and hope your vet is able to determine what is wrong. Never a dull moment, huh! Hoping for the best for both your Vizsla boys along with you! Give Sabre and Flynn some neck scritchies from me.
Sabre's Mum
03-17-2010, 03:45 AM
It is with great sadness and lots of tears I have to post and say that our handsome and lovely Sabre passed away last night.
He had been fighting something ... either a chest infection or more likely a heart valve infection and unfortunately couldn't fight it. He started antibiotics on Friday and picked up wonderfully. Unfortuntately he went downhill probably on Monday night ... I had to hand feed him his dinner. Tuesday he refused food and we took him to the vet and they started him on another antibiotic. During the early hours of the Wednesday 17 March he slipped away.
He enjoyed an amazing life ... his breeder comments about his life to prospective puppy owners. He enjoyed stunning walks in the Queenstown area in his younger years (equivalent to your National Parks in the US) and played hide and seek in the bush... sometimes greeting skiers in the ski rental business my husband worked in. He loved the snow and would run down with my husband skiing beside him ... an absolute joy to see him leaping like a rabbit down the mountain. He was our "hotel dog" when I managed a resort hotel in Methven enjoying the swimming pool (25m!) and the hot pools when he liked ... sleeping in hotel rooms (when no other dog was allowed in the hotel). He has flown in small passenger planes , as a passenger although I know he would have preferred to be in the drivers seat.... and he absolutely loved the water.
Unfortuntately he missed his 11th birthday by 4 days and his 2nd Lysodren birthday by a couple of weeks.
So with great sadness we say adieu to our gorgeous old man ... our first "child" with such a caring and willing to please manner. He was a wonderful dog and will always be in our memories ... lots of amazing happy ones.
Angela and Flynn .... and our handsome loving Sabre RIP
03-17-2010, 04:11 AM
Angela and Flynn,
I am so sorry to hear Sabre has gone. With the losses the last few days I though my heart had broken as much as it could but hearing that Sabre's battle was lost I find that isn't true. I can only imagine the loss you must feel and I will keep you in my thoughts. Sabre is now free and you will always have those great memories.
03-17-2010, 04:40 AM
Angela, my deepest sympathy on the loss of your beautiful boy!
03-17-2010, 05:20 AM
So sorry to hear about Sabre. My thoughts are with you.
Linda and Spicey
03-17-2010, 05:42 AM
Hi Angela,
I'm so sorry about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
03-17-2010, 07:05 AM
Oh Angela,
I am so incredibly sorry. My deepest condolences.
We will always remember your handsome boy.
healing ((((((hugs))))))
03-17-2010, 07:55 AM
Angela, What an incredible life Sabre led! Thanks for sharing the stories. I am so sorry for your loss and hope all those memories give you strength as you adjust. RIP dear sweet angel Sabre. You will be missed. Hugs, Kim
03-17-2010, 08:10 AM
Dear Angela,
I am so so sorry to hear about Sabre. My thoughts are with you.
03-17-2010, 08:42 AM
He enjoyed an amazing life ... his breeder comments about his life to prospective puppy owners. He enjoyed stunning walks in the Queenstown area in his younger years (equivalent to your National Parks in the US) and played hide and seek in the bush... sometimes greeting skiers in the ski rental business my husband worked in. He loved the snow and would run down with my husband skiing beside him ... an absolute joy to see him leaping like a rabbit down the mountain. He was our "hotel dog" when I managed a resort hotel in Methven enjoying the swimming pool (25m!) and the hot pools when he liked ... sleeping in hotel rooms (when no other dog was allowed in the hotel). He has flown in small passenger planes , as a passenger although I know he would have preferred to be in the drivers seat.... and he absolutely loved the water.
Angela, although I have not written in Sabre's thread before (I was leaving that to those who are far more knowledgeable about Lysodren than I am...:o), I have still read every reply and thought about you both with such high regard. Today, there is no way in which I cannot write to you. I have tears in my eyes upon reading about Sabre's joyful and totally dog-worthy life. No wonder his breeder shall always remember him! And of course, we shall always remember and honor him here, as well.
You and your husband have been such wonderful and caring parents. No dog could possibly hope for a more loving home or a more fulfilling life. I am so sorry for your loss. A dog with a heart as huge as Sabre's will leave an enormous hole in your own heart. I know you are struggling with Flynn's health, as well. So I will keep all fingers crossed for the three of you, and I will trust that Sabre will be watching over his brother.
I choose to believe that the spirits of our loved ones, upon release, are forever free to return to those places that they loved best. If I am right, then Sabre will be a very busy boy!! So many special spots to revisit, and so many precious memories.
Sending you my warmest thoughts, in loving memory of your beautiful boy ~
03-17-2010, 09:00 AM
My deepest condolences on you loss. You have some wonderful memories of Sabre. Cherish them and him.
Roxee's Dad
03-17-2010, 09:25 AM
Angela, I am so sorry for your loss. Sabre had a very wonderful and fun life with all those adventures. What wonderful memories to able to keep with you.
Rest in Peace Sweet boy.
03-17-2010, 09:28 AM
Angela, I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. What a beautiful memory you have to keep forever of the handsome Sabre running down snowy mountains alongside your husband. An awesome picture in my mind.
You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Shelba and Suni
Casey's Mom
03-17-2010, 11:29 AM
Angela, so very sorry to hear about Sabre. What a great life he led - sleeping in hotel rooms and flying in planes, a true jet setter!
He is a beautiful boy - I always loved his avatar. Sabre is now running down the ski slopes again. Love and many hugs to you and your family.
Squirt's Mom
03-17-2010, 12:32 PM
Dear Angela,
How sad to read that our handsome boy has gone to The Bridge. I know your heart is breaking with the loss of such a wonderful presence in your life. I am so, so sorry.
What a delightful life he had with you and your husband! So many good memories to hold in your heart even as the tears fall. Grieve for now as you need but know that Sabre is well again, watching over you with all the love and gratitude he has for all you did for him and for the life you gave him.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Goldie, Crystal and our Angel, Ruby
03-17-2010, 07:36 PM
Angela - to think that I almost missed your post about Sabre, because every time I come on here, my eyes blur up over Zoe. I am so sorry. Sabre and Zoe obviously both loved life to the fullest. Your avatar of him was one of my favorites. He looks so proud in that picture. My heart goes out to you, knowing how hard those first few days without them can be. But just imagine the ruckus the two of them must be creating now, together, as all the other cush babies show them around. Sue
03-17-2010, 08:12 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Sabre, I too know to well what you are going through and my heart goes out to you. Sabre was a beautiful dog, I also love your avatar, he looks so regal. Sabre will never be far from you in spirit and in your heart.
Hugs to you
Sharon, Kenai and forever HRH Nike
Harley PoMMom
03-17-2010, 08:17 PM
Oh Angela,
I am so sorry about the loss of your sweet boy Sabre. I know words right now do nothing to comfort the pain you are feeling inside. But please know we are here for you...always.
Godspeed sweet Sabre.
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
03-17-2010, 09:57 PM
I am so sorry to hear of Sabre's passing. I know there is nothing to ease the suffering of your heart or soul at this sad time, but please know we are here with you.
Sabre really did have an amazing life, and was loved and is loved wholeheartedly. My deepest condolences to you, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Godspeed, Sweet Sabre
Jane, Franklin and Bailey
Body Science (
03-17-2010, 09:59 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss of your sweet Sabre. He truly lived life to the fullest.
Blessings to you and Flynn. Godspeed Sabre.
Heidi and the Bichons
Carol G
03-18-2010, 11:39 AM
Angela, I am so sorry for your loss.
03-18-2010, 02:49 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathy to you and your husband.
03-18-2010, 06:16 PM
I wanted to extend my deepest sympathies on the loss of Sabre. He was always so majestic, such a beautiful boy and I know such a special one. I wish you much peace during this time...
Hugs, Beth
Wylie's Mom
03-18-2010, 06:38 PM
I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear boy Sabre. "Majestic" comes to my mind too, when I think of him and his avatar. My condolences to you and your family.
Godspeed Sabre.
03-19-2010, 08:41 AM
I am so sorry to be so late on this.... I just saw that Sabre had passed. I am so sorry for your loss. From what I can tell, you did an amazing job with him. May your wonderful memories never fade.
My deepest condolences....
Bettina & Angel Niko
03-20-2010, 11:00 PM
Dearest Angela,
I am so saddened to learn of the loss of your precious pup. I am sure the wonderful and happy moments shared with him will carry you through the terrible moments. God bless him, you and your family. Tightest hugs, Luv ya, Jeanette
03-21-2010, 02:00 AM
I am so sorry to learn of Sabre's passing. What an incredibly handsome boy he was. I know you will miss him terribly.
I don't know much about Viszlas but the only one I ever met played hide and seek with her person at the park. She would run across the play area and hide behind a tree and peek out around the edge to make sure her mom was looking for her.
It sounds like Sabre was a wonderful friend and companion.
03-21-2010, 05:51 PM
I am only reading this evening about Sabre.
He was indeed a handsome pup and will be so forever in your memory until the day he finds you again.
Best wishes to you, Flynn, and the rest of his family.
03-21-2010, 06:51 PM
I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. Tears came to my eyes when reading your post. Although I'm new to this forum, you were so welcoming with great advice and personal experience when I first posted. I quickly got very used to seeing Sabre's beautiful picture (Avatar) and it was a real shock to learn of his passing. What a fantastic job you did caring for him though. It's clear that he led a full and happy life. My thoughts are with you during this hard time.
03-23-2010, 08:36 AM
Angela, I'm so sorry to read of Sabre's seemed as if he was doing so well there for awhile. Majestic is such a fitting description for such a beautiful boy. I've always loved that picture of him looking, with the grass blowing around him....and wondering what does he see? My Lady could get that look and I couldn't see what she saw.
Rest in peace beautiful boy,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel
03-23-2010, 09:22 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Sabre's Mum
03-23-2010, 07:11 PM
Thank you to everyone for your kind words. I have started my new job ... nightshift so I have had little time to post.
My husband, who has never been part of this forum, read the posts and commented what an amazing forum this is and how caring and wonderful you all are.
I will try and pop in every once in a while but with the new job (only seasonal) and Flynn's issues I may not have the time to post.
Thank you to my amazing "cushings" family.
Angela and Flynn and our regal Sabre
Sabre's Mum
04-04-2010, 07:11 PM
I have posted a tribute to Sabre on YouTube. The link is
It is my first attempt at this sort of thing ... most photos are scanned of years gone by.
Angela and Flynn
04-04-2010, 07:20 PM
Oh, Angela....I just watched your tribue to Sabre. It was absolutely wonderful (very professional looking too, if I might say). Sabre was very regal looking and very photogenic. I blubbered like a baby!
Harley PoMMom
04-04-2010, 07:43 PM
Oh Angela,
I too, just watched your tribute to Sabre, and what a beautiful tribute it is to your majestic boy. One can sure see that he had personality, he was a very sweet and beautiful pup.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Love and (((hugs)))
04-04-2010, 07:43 PM
Thanks so much. It is beautiful. You are a gifted photog, and your love for Sabre is expressed so plainly in the variety of emotions you have created with these images of him.
I hope you will remain forever a member of our family here.
Love to you, Sabre, Flynn and all, Scott
marie adams
04-04-2010, 09:59 PM
Dear Angela,
Your tribute was beautiful--it brought tears to my eyes. I hope I can do the same for Maddie when her time comes. The cushings is still pretty new for us, but all of you have been the biggest help in understanding it!!
There really are no words to express in helping with your loss, but know you had the best life together and memories last forever!!
Casey's Mom
04-04-2010, 10:05 PM
Love it Angela, thank you for the beautiful tribute to your pup.
Love and hugs,
04-04-2010, 10:07 PM
Angela, your tribute to your boy is phenomenal....tears welled up the entire time. You are a remarkable photographer and how wonderful that you have captured so much of Sabre's life on film. I always loved the picture of him running across field licking his upper lip. :) Every time I looked at the picture I was amazed by his muscular definition. He truly was regal.
Squirt's Mom
04-05-2010, 10:10 AM
Dear Angela,
What a beautiful, touching tribute to Sabre. My tears are flowing - in sorrow for your loss, in grief for the loss of such a majestic animal, and in concert with many others here who were blessed to know him and now feel his absence.
Sabre was my introduction to the Vizsla breed and I will forever think of him and you any time I am privileged to meet another Vizsla.
Thank you so much for sharing your video; you are very talented!
Leslie and the girls - always
PS. Congrats on the job....but don't plan on are still family here and we want to hear from you as often as you can find the time. :)
04-06-2010, 12:41 AM
Dear Angela,
I just watched your lovely tribute and I can't stop crying. The pictures are absolutely beautiful. It's very clear that Sabre had a full and happy life. Thank you so much for sharing.
Sabre's Mum
04-06-2010, 05:39 PM
Thanks everyone on your kind words. Sabre was truly a majestic dog ... with a heart of gold ... and a total willingness to please. He did not think of himself as a dog ... more like a human! It was quite difficult doing the slide show ... OK at the start but towards the end extremely difficult. Imagine trying to edit with tears streaming down your face!!!!
Flynn is doing wonderfully ... PVC is 35 .... only 2 more to get to normal!!!!
Angela and Flynn
04-06-2010, 06:33 PM
Amazing....simply amazing and beautiful and made me blessed Sabre was and how blessed you were to have had did such a wonderful job caring for him, as you do with Flynn, and this video is so completely moving and such a fitting tribute to such a wonderful pup.
Sending all my best and much peace, with huge hugs of course,
Roxee's Dad
04-06-2010, 08:07 PM
Dear Angela,
That was wonderful. The pictures did tell a story of a wonderful dog and his wonderful life with you and your family. What a great tribute to Sabre! Rest in peace sweet boy.
04-21-2010, 12:20 PM
Angela - I just saw the tribute you posted on YouTube. It was a lovely journey through Sabre's life. I am so sorry for your loss.
04-22-2010, 08:12 PM
Angela -
I am so, so very sorry. My heart aches for you. Hugs.
Lynne, Clyde & Bailey
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